7 Symptoms of Low Testosterone in Women – Low T Treatment …

The Symptoms of Low Testosterone in Women Include More Than You Might Think

The symptoms of low testosterone in women are often passed off as just part of getting older, but they shouldnt be.

Testosterone is a hormone generally considered important for men, but did you know it is also a vital hormone for women to maintain a high quality of life?

Women often worry more about having high testosterone than low testosterone, but its possible your high testosterone is actually low testosterone thats been misdiagnosed.

That being said, if youve already been diagnosed with low testosterone, youre in the right place.

If youre experiencing any of these common symptoms, it may be time to consult with a medical professional who can check your hormone levels and help you determine the best course of action.

If you want to learn more about our testosterone therapy services for women, click here.

Here are 7 of the more common symptoms of low testosterone in women:

If youre constantly tired, even when youre able to obtain a full nights sleep, you could be experiencing one of the symptoms of low testosterone in women. Decreased testosterone levels may contribute to you feeling exhausted and drained.

You may even find it difficult to sleep through the night. Disrupted sleep is another common symptom for women with low testosterone. A healthy hormonal balance is key to achieving consistent, restful sleep.

Many women with low testosterone experience loss of muscle and progressive weight gain.

Midlife weight gain is so common that women often assume its just part of getting older, but if you are appreciate the inability to control your weight or have changes in muscle tone and bone density, you may be exhibiting symptoms of low testosterone.

Just like in men, testosterone affects sexual arousal in women. Low testosterone can affect womens sex lives in the following ways:

Because all of these symptoms are often associated with other types of illnesses, make sure you talk to your doctor before you begin testosterone treatments.

If you are experiencing sudden bouts of depression, unexplained mood swings, or a generally low mood, then you may be suffering from low testosterone.

Testosterone plays an important role in mood regulation in the body, and low levels of testosterone can play havoc with the bodys ability to regulate itself. If you are considering taking antidepressants to deal with your depression, then you may want to talk to your doctor about the possibility that your testosterone is low.

Even if you are not experiencing severe depression, you may still be having unpredictable mood swings, or even just a general low feeling, or low mood. If you are experiencing these symptoms, talk to your doctor about the possibility of low testosterone.

Another possible symptom of decreased testosterone levels is anxiety. Although anxiety caused by low testosterone is usually mild, it can possibly cause panic attacks.

If you suddenly experience bouts of anxiety, especially if you have never had anxiety issues in the past, then you may want to talk to your doctor about low testosterone.

According to this article, These mood-related symptoms, like anxiety and depression, occur because testosterone plays an important role in mood and neuropsychiatric regulation, and hormonal fluctuations can cause changes in brain chemistry that trigger symptoms.

If you find that you are having difficulty concentrating on normal tasks, especially when you have always been able to concentrate easily on the task at hand, then you may be suffering from low testosterone.

One of the difficulties in detecting low testosterone in women, and in men, is that the symptoms, like difficulty concentrating, often mimic the classic signs of aging.

Always check with your doctor before starting a testosterone replacement program to make sure you are not suffering from normal aging symptoms.

Hair loss is one of the more obvious symptoms of low testosterone, so keep an eye out for any hair loss, on your head or otherwise.

Although hair loss from low testosterone will be most obvious on the head, hair loss on other areas of the body may also occur.

If you notice that you have to shave your legs and armpits fewer times per month than normal, or if you notice that your hair is getting patchy, you may be suffering from low testosterone.

According to this article, Hair loss is one of the more visual symptoms of low testosterone as the hormone supports healthy hair production and maintenance. This symptom most often manifests as patchy hair cover on the head, or even baldness in women.

Body hair is also affected, though these symptoms are typically less noticeable, particularly in women who regularly shave their legs and armpits.

If youre experiencing any of these symptoms, the next best step is to consult with your doctor or book a free consultation at one of our DFW locations. Well discuss your symptoms, check your levels and determine if testosterone replacement therapy is right for you.

Or,if you just want to learn more about our testosterone therapy services for women, click here.

See the original post here:
7 Symptoms of Low Testosterone in Women - Low T Treatment ...

Low T | Low testosterone | Entourage Medical

During puberty, testosterone helps build a mans muscles, deepens his voice, and boosts the size of his penis and testes. In adulthood, it keeps a mans muscles and bones strong and maintains his interest in sex. In short, its what makes a man a man (at least physically).

After age 30, most men begin to experience a gradual decline in testosterone. A decrease in sex drive sometimes accompanies the drop in testosterone, leading many men to mistakenly believe that their loss of interest in sex is simply due to aging.

Low testosterone can cause an obvious lack of male characteristics, or it can cause vague symptoms such as fatigue and diminished sex drive.

The symptoms of low testosterone (or low T) in males can vary depending on the cause of the low level and the age at which it occurs.

In male hypogonadism, a condition in which the body is unable to produce normal amounts of the hormone testosterone, symptoms may include underdeveloped genitalia, delayed puberty, and a lack of secondary sexual characteristics such as a deeper voice and facial hair.

In middle-aged or older men experiencing age-related decreases in testosterone, symptoms may include low energy, depressed mood, low sex drive, and erectile dysfunction (ED or impotence).

No matter what the cause, symptoms alone are not enough for a diagnosis of low testosterone: A blood test is needed to confirm that a mans testosterone level is, indeed, low.

Testosterone can be delivered to the body in a variety of ways:

*Patient must meet criteria for any form of Testosterone Replacement Therapy, a face to face physical examination with a licensed healthcare provider and sufficient blood work must be recorded and deemed medical necessary in order for treatment. A medical questionnaire alone is not sufficient enough for medical necessity. An in depth history should also be perform to evaluate for any type of comorbidities.

* IMPORTANT!- We are not an online pharmacy, every patient must undergo comprehensive exams and physical before a prescription is issued!

*Please note: Our providers are licensed in all states. Florida and West Virginiaremain no service states.

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Low T | Low testosterone | Entourage Medical

The Truth About Low Testosterone Levels, According to Experts – menshealth.com

Feeling tapped out. Foggy. Just not all that into sex. Gotta be your testosterone, ads would have you believe. And were believing it, too, with the number of T-supplement users tripling from the early 2000s through 2016.

Dont get us wrong: Testosterone is one critical hormone. Babies first encounter it in utero, when it triggers the differentiation of boys from girls. In puberty, it contributes to your bone growth and muscle mass, and continues to affect functions including your red-blood-cell production and mood stability.

But the message those ads are sending plays right into the economic and social anxieties men are facing. Its like when anti-anxiety meds such as Valium first came onto the scene, says urologist and MH advisor Elizabeth Kavaler, M.D. All these middle-aged women were addicted to Valium, because that was the solution to everything. Testosterone has become the new answer for a life of quiet desperation. More and more of us are feeling the exhaustion of uneasiness. We are being asked to do more with less. Were just trying to get through the day alive. Men think, Well, if I just get a little testosterone, Im going to feel great! Dr. Kavaler says. And thats not the case.

Theres so much information out there about Tmuch of it speculation and lorethat leads us to jump to conclusions about it. Men put all kinds of psychological weight on their testosterone numbera low one makes you think youre somehow less manly; a high one means youre basically LeBron Jamesand thats where we get things wrong. Theres little evidence for those stereotypes. Low doesnt automatically imply youre weak or retiring; high doesnt guarantee you muscles, aggressiveness, or MVP athletic performance.

A low number might not even be a low number for very long. It might just indicate that you havent been treating yourself very well. As long as your T is in the normal range, theres nothing about a high number thats better than a low one, or vice versa.

In the name of science and good journalism, I got my testosterone tested twice while writing this story. It put my assumptions up against a pretty big test, too (more on that later).

What do you really know about this famous hormone? Here, we break down the best and latest information to give you the clearest picture yet of what T means for you. And whether, maybe, you should be taking testosterone after all.

As many as 5 million men in the U.S. (generally older men) do actually have low levels of the hormone. To know if your testosterone is low, first see if you have any symptoms, which include: erectile problems, lack of energy (never feeling rested, no matter what you do; having a paunch; an AWOL libido (not just not wanting to have sex on a Thursday night after a crushing week, but lack of the kind of base-level sex drive wherein you get turned on by the sexy person you spot on the street, explains Tobias Kohler, M.D., of the Mayo Clinic).

With testosterone, as with life, normal is nuanced. And fraught (but shouldnt be). To get an accurate reading, you should have at least two tests, since testosterone is constantly in flux. It peaks in the morning, so if youre young and on a typical sleeping schedule, aim to be tested by 10:00 a.m. If youre over 50, it doesnt matter as much.

Be aware that your level can be affected by certain social factors and health habits. In the new book Testosterone: An Unauthorized Biography, scientists Rebecca M. Jordan-Young and Katrina Karkazis point out that T levels even respond to social factors like feedback. For instance, rugby players who watched video of good game plays and got positive feedback had up to a 50 percent increase in T compared with guys who were shown their mistakes and received critical assessments.

Resistance training can also give you a short-term boost in testosterone. Cardio doesnt elevate T levels as much in normal-weight men, says Jesse Mills, M.D., the director of the Mens Clinic at UCLA. But heres the thing: Jordan-Young and Karkazis dug through the research to find that T levels alone dont deserve the credit when it comes to an athletes performance. And cutting sleep short and taking multivitamins with biotin can push testosterone levels down (skip the vitamins for three days before testing).

So get your tests on days that are typical for you. And when you get your number, dont read too much into it. A T level of 264 to 916 nanograms per deciliter of blood is generally considered normal. If you are close to 264 and you feel fine, then youre no less healthy than a guy whose level is 700 and also feels fine. (Theres an exception to that, though: If your T level is below 300 and you have low-T symptoms, then docs would consider you in a low-T category)

Not reading into it is harder than it sounds. I got my first test at the tail end of a busy week. Id slept less than five hours the night before, then scrambled to the phlebotomist in a daze. My number: 287. Thats in the normal range, but just barely. I have no symptoms of low T, but it was hard to shake the feeling that there was something wrong with me, even though I know that normal is normal, no matter where it is in that range. Eleven days later, I was tested again. My number was 429. Why such a dramatic change? It might be because Id slept better and cut out my multivitamins.

Irrational or not, I felt like more of a man. The whole experience was a microcosm of our relationship with T. We act like its destiny, but its just biologyeasily misunderstood and more varied than we think.

The single best thing you can do to improve your level is be healthier. Avoid stress, get more sleep, and lose weightan enzyme in fat tissue converts testosterone to estrogen. Thats one reason flab can lower your T. Its also why overweight guys can develop man boobs, and why bodybuilders who juice can also develop man boobsthey dont have much fat, but theyve jacked their T levels so high that theres a lot of it available to be turned into estrogen. Thinking of T strictly as the male sex hormone oversimplifies the complex hormonal interactions that make our bodies work. Which is also why, if you can avoid it, you dont want to go with the needle-in-the-butt routine to raise your T.

But that might not work. If your level is low enough to warrant more aggressive treatment, your doctor can prescribe a drug that causes your pituitary to tell your gonads to make more testosterone. The typical choice is clomiphene citrate (Clomid), a common fertility drug for women. Using it doesnt exempt you from needing to get healthy, though, as it doesnt diminish the risk of losing T to bad sleep and a beer belly.

Then theres always testosterone-replacement therapy, which should be your last resort. (When you give your body T, it stops making its own, and theres no guarantee it can start again.) If, though, you and your doctor decide its the way to go, youve got options. You can try a testosterone replacement gel, a topical thats easy to use but can rub off on your partner or kids. There are pills, which are even easier to use than the gel and can deliver higher levels. Theres subcutaneous pellets, or rice-sized inserts that live directly under your skin. And then theres that needle in the butt, which can provide a major boost but is generally only used by docs who specialize in testosterone therapies.

Whatever you choose, be glad that weve moved past the early days of replacement therapies, like one in the 1920s that involved transplanting goat testicles into patients. Believe it or not, it didnt work, and it also didnt make anyone feel like more of a man.

See the original post:
The Truth About Low Testosterone Levels, According to Experts - menshealth.com

Homeless with HIV: A place to heal becomes a matter of life or death – OregonLive

This is the second part of a two-part series about the rise in HIV among homeless people. The first part examines how the public and private health systems must adapt after being caught unprepared to deal with the challenges of this outbreak.

James Macht sat in emergency rooms five or six times over the summer, wasting away. Lanky on his best day, the 6-feet-2 man continued to drop weight until he hit 115 pounds, suffering from poor nutrition and uncontrollable diarrhea caused by his HIV.

Then on Aug. 14, OHSU Hospital finally admitted him with a fungal infection on his arm, bronchitis and norovirus, which he suspects he picked up sleeping in Portlands crowded homeless shelters.

Machts T-cell count, an indicator of how strong the immune system is, was in the single digits. A healthy count is 400 or higher.

Macht is among the thousands of homeless people nationwide who make up a recent spike of HIV cases. The Portland area is one of the hardest hit by this new front of HIV transmissions, surging among intravenous drug users and their sexual partners. In Multnomah County, 71 people were diagnosed with HIV this year, nearly doubling the number reported in that population in 2016 and 2017 combined.

The outbreak is increasingly difficult to contain because of people like Macht, who languish while trying to find the stable housing they need to help them effectively treat their HIV.

In the Portland area, social workers and health care providers are rushing to adapt to the challenges of finding homeless people and helping them get on medication. Its a race against time to prevent the virus from spreading -- and to keep those infected alive.

But they find, for homeless patients like Macht, it can be impossible to take a daily pill when each day is a trial to survive.

Thats what haunted Macht during his three months at OHSU, as he slowly gained weight until he reached 150 pounds. He knew decades of untreated HIV had ravaged his immune system to the point that a lack of good food and proper hygiene, and exposure to the Pacific Northwests wet winter would likely lead back to the ER or worse.

But his options looked grim: he could enter a nursing home at the age of 41, hold out hope for a permanent home to come through, or be discharged back to the street.

I know I cant stay here forever, he said as he tried to balance his fifth cup of coffee for the day with shaky hands. I dont know what to do when I walk out of the hospital, man. Im not going to make it through another winter out there.

HIV led to the street

Macht contracted HIV from an ex-girlfriend who used intravenous drugs.

At the time, he didnt know she had HIV hes not even sure she did. By the time hed tracked her down after his diagnosis, she was already dead.

Macht, who says he has never done intravenous drugs, was confused when he started to feel tired all the time. Hed sleep 10 hours straight only to wake up exhausted again. He constantly came down with respiratory and other infections. Thinking it was something minor, he kept his job as a traveling salesman and was in Texas by the time of his fourth hospital visit for mysterious symptoms, which he later learned was a rare type of pneumonia.

His virus had torn into his body for so long that the white blood cells the virus targets T-cells -- had dropped hundreds of points below a healthy average. Macht asked his doctor what this pneumonia meant for him, but he said the doctor clapped him on the shoulder and said, Dont worry about it. You have AIDS. Then walked out.

At first, he just lay in bed for hours paralyzed with despair. He was told he had seven years left. At most. Still, he resumed his job, hoping he could at least keep busy. He was knocking on doors in Portland selling cleaning solutions when he again became too sick to work.

Macht checked into the hospital and by the time he was released a month later, hed lost his job because he couldnt keep up with the schedule. He returned to a motel until his money ran out and then ended up on Portlands streets.

There, Macht became one of a growing number of homeless people on the West Coast who then find that HIV becomes yet another barrier to access stable housing and in turn, whose lack of stable housing tends to make them sicker.

Portland, like most places, doesnt provide a special path to homeless services for people with HIV. Federal studies have found that the number of homeless people with HIV rose from more than 7% to 9% between 2015 and 2017, the first three years of a five-year plan for health agencies across the country sought to reduce it to 5%. The percentage continues to grow. Thats alarming because data also shows that people who dont have homes are less likely to see a doctor regularly and even less likely to achieve good health if they are in treatment.

But no matter how sick and immobile Macht and people in his position become, they have to produce the same paperwork, show up to the same offices and stand in the same lines as everyone else who needs a place to live.

James Macht meets with Mary Tegger, a physician's assistant at the Multnomah County HIV Clinic in downtown Portland. November 12, 2019 Beth Nakamura/Staff

Hard to stay healthy

AIDS used to be a death sentence. But as the decades have passed, medication has become so effective that the line between HIV and AIDS is largely a measure of temporary severity. Someone with a T-cell count below 200 is considered to have AIDS.

People who are on regular medication, though, dont stay that low for long. And if they do, they can still be healthier with a low T-cell count than someone with a higher T-cell count who is untreated.

HIV medication today is also simpler than ever. The standard is similar to birth control one pill a day at a similar time. And it can deliver such a high efficacy rate that someone can render their virus undetectable because there is so little virus in their bloodstream.

Thats a huge improvement in quality of life for people who feel that their HIV status isolates them from friendships or romantic relationships.

Like many people living on the street, however, Macht will never be able to manage his HIV like that.

Hopelessness or defiance has led him to resist treatment at times, which gave the virus an opportunity to take hold. Even when he has tried to take his medication consistently, it was been stolen while he stayed in shelters by people who thought the bottles held opiates or other pills that could produce a high.

Before landing in the hospital most recently, Macht said his medication had been stolen four times in a few months. That can make it impossible to stay on track, as most insurance plans will only pay to replace stolen medications about three times.

James Macht woke up feeling alone in the world, he said. The Portland resident, who has AIDS, says he's had an on again, off again relationship with his most recent girlfriend. November 5, 2019 Beth Nakamura/Staff

Treatment hard without housing

Macht is treated at the publicly funded Multnomah County HIV Clinic in Northwest Portland. The clinic is one of several that receives federal dollars to be innovative and meet more than just patients medical needs.

About 20% of the clinics 1,400 patients are homeless or, like Macht, are in and out of housing, said social worker and grant manager Emily Borke.

When an insurance company threatens to cut off Macht for losing his medications too many times, the county pharmacy will still refill the prescription perhaps in one or two-week doses instead of a full month so that if it is stolen again, there is less to lose. They can also put medications in bubble packs, which help some people better keep track of their pills, rather than rummaging through a backpack with their lifes belongings searching for the amber pill bottle.

But those solutions havent worked for Macht.

Those breaks in his prescription routine are dangerous, giving his virus an opening to beef up its defenses to the medication. Once the one-pill-a-day regimen stops working, treatment becomes more complicated. Multiple pills must be taken simultaneously, which means more pill bottles to be lost or stolen. Or, in the frantic cycle of packing and unpacking your stuff to shuttle between lines for the clinic, shelter and meals, two of the same pill could be taken at once instead of the required two different pills.

The more complicated the medication regimen, the more side effects. One of the most dire for people living on the street or in shelters is nausea and diarrhea. Without access to close and clean toilets and showers, the side effects can be embarrassing and inconvenient.

Thats where Macht has found himself. Lingering gastrointestinal problems make it almost impossible to put on enough weight to deal with his other impediments that make navigating a social service system even harder than the paperwork: Legs impaired by neuropathy, five teeth left to eat with, eyesight so poor its hard for him to read.

The countys HIV Clinic provides some relief. He has a case manager who picks him up in a taxi and rides with him to buy new pants or other errands. The clinic also hired a full-time housing specialist two years ago to help patients find shelter and then, permanent housing as soon as possible. She also tries to relieve the burden of a housing system that requires Macht to leave the hospital once a week to visit an office so he doesnt lose his spot on housing waitlists.

The clinics medical staff also spend a lot of time talking about patients priorities, which sometimes are not medical. They trouble shoot mental health issues, which also can get in the way of taking medication.

Still, for Macht, the lifestyle is so brutal on his immune system that when his health inevitably takes a turn for the worst, the clinic refers him to the emergency room.

On his way from his appointment at Multnomah County's HIV Clinic, James, left, ran into a friend. James, right, was too weak to climb the stairs to find a seat after hopping on the MAX train a few stops to his apartment.

Macht said he often feels stereotyped by ER staff who find out he doesnt have an address or know that a Bud Clark Commons address means he is homeless. He said he was turned away after brief exams several times in the last few months even as he dropped weight and infections took hold.

His primary care provider, Mary Tegger at the HIV Clinic, said hes probably right. Its endlessly frustrating for her to send her clients to hospitals to be admitted only to have them come back to her office the next week no better.

Some of Teggers patients are capable of keeping their HIV under control. But for those who are too scattered or sick, or too deep into addiction or depression to take medication, she said, they end up in a private health care system that stigmatizes homelessness and drug use or lacks resources to admit HIV patients.

Tegger said that Macht is a textbook case of why the HIV Clinic prioritizes housing and other social services for its clients. His T-cell count was in the double digits when he entered OHSU Hospital and would likely plummet back once he was discharged if he returned to a mat on the floor of a shelter.

His nutritional status is so poor, his immune system is so poor, so something like that could be the end for him because his body has so little to fight with, Tegger said.

Get housed or die

Macht left the hospital in mid-October. He spent four nights in a mens shelter and then moved into The Biltmore Hotel, a building managed by the homeless services nonprofit Central City Concern.

Normally a little grumpy, Macht was buoyant the day he moved in. A permanent home made him optimistic about the future. First, hed get glasses. Then new dentures. And then maybe, he said, hed sign up for college classes. He was looking forward to the future for once.

But just a week later, he began losing weight again. He left the hospital at nearly 150 pounds, but the constant shuffle to find three healthy meals a day had worn him down. He was back to 127 and dropping.

He told his doctor he was taking his multiple medications each day, but she knows that he has not always done so in the past.

Mostly, Macht is lonely. He tells people he meets that his HIV status makes him feel like a red jelly bean in a bag of blue ones. And as long as he is still able to infect other people, he feels too much guilt and shame to form new romantic relationships.

That stress didnt go away just because he found housing. He turned 42 last week, and knows going back to the street would make staying healthy impossible.

I dont care how good your diet is, how much you work out, Macht said, sitting on his bed in an otherwise empty apartment after the first night he slept there. Its going to get you. You got to take your medicine. Its like turning that hourglass with the sand. How big do you want yours to be? Small one, you run out of time fast.

You either get housed and take your medications, or you die.

James Macht leaves his apartment in downtown Portland to head to Sisters of the Road for a bite to eat. His building's elevator was not working that morning, making the three flights a challenge given his mobility issues. November 5, 2019 Beth Nakamura/Staff

-- Molly Harbarger

mharbarger@oregonian.com | 503-294-5923 | @MollyHarbarger

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See the original post here:
Homeless with HIV: A place to heal becomes a matter of life or death - OregonLive

Is That Rash a Sign Your Treatment Isn’t Working? – HivPlusMag.com

There are a wide variety of skin conditions that can occur in people living with HIV. It could be something as simple as a reaction to one of your meds, but it could also be a sign of a weakened or nonfunctioning immune system also known as immunosuppression. You should talk to your doctor right away about any significant skin changes or skin issues, as it could be a sign your medication isnt working properly. Here are the seven most common skin issues associated with HIV:

Molluscum contagiosum: A highly contagious viral skin infection that causes pink or flesh-colored bumps on the skin.

Herpes viruses: An outbreak of sores around the genital area or the mouth.

Kaposi sarcoma: A type of cancer that causes dark brown, purple, or red lesions on the skin, which often occurs in people with very low T cell counts.

Oral hairy leukoplakia: A viral infection that affects the mouth and can cause thick white lesions on the tongue that appear hairy.

Thrush: Also called oral candidiasis, thrush is a fungal infection that causes a thick white layer to form on the tongue or inner cheeks.

Photodermatitis: A condition in which the skin reacts to sun exposure by turning darker (much more so than a normal tan) and is most common in people of color. (Note: This is a common medication side effect and is not typically a sign of immunosuppression.)

Prurigo nodularis: Outbreaks of itchy, crusted lumps on the skin most common in those with extremely weakened immune systems as well as people of color living with HIV.

Read the original here:
Is That Rash a Sign Your Treatment Isn't Working? - HivPlusMag.com

The Lowdown on Low-T – Discover Health – Rush University …

If you bring up the topic of low testosterone (commonly known as low T), you'll likely hear a wide range of theories and opinions.

Some believe low T is just a natural part of aging for men and, therefore, does not require medical treatment. Others tout testosterone replacement therapy as a proverbial fountain of youth for men hoping to recapture the strength and stamina of their younger selves.

Like most controversial health issues, the truth about low T lies somewhere in the middle. While testosterone replacement therapy can make a dramatic difference in some men's lives, it's not for everyone.

"Almost every organ and tissue in a man's body has testosterone receptors," says Laurence Levine, MD, a urologist at Rush. "Testosterone plays a vital role in the proper functioning of your bones, muscles, brain, liver and everything in between."

In fact, testosterone is responsible for all of the following:

Due to the importance of testosterone in men's overall health, health care providers are increasingly recognizing low T (with varying degrees of severity) as more than just a fad. In fact, a recent study found that almost 40 percent of men over 45 years old had low testosterone.

Peaks and valleys are the norm when it comes to testosterone. Levels change several times a day; it's highest in the morning and lowest in the evening.

Throughout life, testosterone peaks in the early 30s and steadily declines with age. However, age is not the only culprit behind decreasing testosterone.

Other medical conditions that can cause low T include the following:

When low T occurs with or as the result of an existing medical condition, it can exacerbate symptoms of that condition and even accelerate disease progression.

Long-term, untreated low T can also increase the risk of age-related complications. "A man in his 50s with a long history of low T may have more rapid loss of muscle and bone. He also has a higher risk of developing dementia later in life," says Levine.

Men who have existing conditions that cause low T have been using testosterone therapy for years. Today, however, many men who do not have other medical problems are also using testosterone therapy in an attempt to feel younger, stronger and more vital.

As a result, much of the controversy surrounding low T and testosterone replacement therapy stems from determining who needs it and who doesn't.

"If you have some of the signs of low T, it does not necessarily mean your testosterone is low; and if your testosterone is low, it doesn't necessarily mean you'll have symptoms," Levine says. "To be a good candidate for treatment, you must have both low testosterone and symptoms."

Which symptoms should you watch for? According to Levine, these are the most common:

Some of these symptoms could mimic other conditions, such as depression or low thyroid function. Speak to your primary care physician or urologist to determine the cause of your symptoms, so you can make sure you get the right treatment.

Testosterone is tested with a simple blood test between 8 a.m. and 11 a.m. (when testosterone levels are highest). Normal levels fall between 300 and 1,000 ng/dL (nanograms per deciliter).

Here's what to do with your results:

"However, if I see a man who has no symptoms and his testosterone is at 150, I may recommend treatment because he could start to experience problems with cognition and frailty as he gets older," Levine says.

"The decision about whether to treat or watch and wait depends on each man's specific situation" he adds. "There's no one-size-fits-all. I always tailor the approach to the patient."

If you have low T and persistent symptoms, your doctor may recommend one of the following treatments:

"You may notice an improvement in energy and libido as quickly as a month into treatment. But typically it takes about three months of treatment to notice an obvious improvement in your symptoms," says Levine.

There are a number of concerns about the safety of testosterone replacement therapy. And most health care professionals agree more research is needed on the long-term effects of testosterone therapy.

But in the meantime, there have been some interesting findings in recent years:

However, Levine warns that testosterone can stimulate tumor growth in men who already have prostate cancer. Thus, men with existing prostate cancer will need regular monitoring with a prostate-specific antigen (PSA) test and a complete blood count every six months.

"Testosterone seems to actually have a beneficial effect on cardiovascular health," says Levine. "Studies show men with low T and heart disease who received testosterone replacement therapy had lower death rates than those who did not receive testosterone therapy."

If you have a heart condition, it is best to discuss your options with your cardiologist and men's health clinician.

"It is not a treatment for diabetes, but it can certainly help regulate glucose and metabolism," Levine says.

There are, however, some risks associated with long-term testosterone use, including the following:

Bottom line: Testosterone therapy may not be appropriate if you're just feeling a little more run down than usual. "Working closely with a trusted medical professional is the best way to determine if it is right for you," Levine says.

Go here to read the rest:
The Lowdown on Low-T - Discover Health - Rush University ...

5 Best Testosterone Supplements For Men Over 50

Testosterone supplements are far and away the most popular type of supplement in the industry as of late. Many of them are clinically tested and proven to be effective.

The problem is that there are hundreds of testosterone boosters out there, and most guys have a hard time weeding through the duds to get to that miracle supplement. If you don't choose the right one, you could end up wasting your money and experiencing unwanted side effects.

In addition, there are several testosterone boosters out there that are designed for younger men who are looking to use testosterone boosting as a bodybuilding aid.

Men over the age of 50 should avoid supplements that are directed towards younger bodybuilders because they often do not contain the ingredients that are most beneficial to aging men.

We have done the research and weeded out the duds and the supplements that are strictly designed for bodybuilders, and discovered the 5 best testosterone supplements for men over 50.

The biggest reason testosterone supplements are so widely used today is because almost all men end up suffering from low testosterone levels at some point in their lives.

Generally, testosterone levels tend to gradually decrease when men reach their thirties. This decline in testosterone tends to get progressively worse over time, causing some serious problems.

Symptoms of Low Testosterone (Low T) include

If you suffer from one or more of these symptoms, you more than likely have Low Testosterone to some extent and could benefit significantly from an effective testosterone supplement.

Men over 50 are the most likely to suffer from these issues. The main reason men seek natural testosterone supplements, is because they want to avoid testosterone replacement therapy.

Hormone replacement therapy generally costs several hundreds of dollars per month and can actually pose some detriments to ones health. It is an unnatural way to go about correcting the problem.

Testosterone supplementation is an all-natural, risk-free, inexpensive, and usually effective way to correct the symptoms of Low T.

TestoTEK is in our opinion, the best testosterone boosting supplement on the market. And while it is very close to the other well-respected products in the top 5, it beats them out for a number of reasons.

Every test0-booster supplement is a little unique but there are a handful of ingredients that should be in every booster. And they should be represented in high potencies so that they have a genuine impact on the body. Some companies merely want the ingredient listed on the label and include them in such low potencies that they have minimal results.

TestoTEK has all the core ingredients and they are in big-time potencies. D aspartic acid, vitamin D3 and zinc are probably the most important testosterone ingredients in existence. Much clinical research has shown these to be unquestionably the most important. TestoTEK has as much or more of these three ingredients than any other supplement we have reviewed.

Furthermore, TestoTEKis tied with Prime Malewith the most ingredients in their formula, twelve, and these cover a broad spectrum of mens health. And lastly, TestoTEKcosts less than both Prime Male and TestoFuel and with their coupon code, is also less expensive than Testogen.

The product has no real weakness it is more potent, has more ingredients and is less money than the other top 5.

Testogen is anastoundingly effective testosterone booster that strives to make improvements in multiple areas in which men with low testosterone struggle. The manufacturer refers to the product as a testosterone triple action formula, and it truly is.

Strengthen, stimulate, sharpen. Those are the goals as stated on the bottle, referring to increased muscle production, stimulation of boosted testosterone levels, and improved performance both in the gym and in bed.

The ingredients back the claims of the manufacturer with clinical studies, significant potencies and the absence of the dreaded proprietary blend so you know how much of each ingredient you are ingesting.

The nutrition label tells you everything you need to know. It was a difficult decision to rank this product #1 because it is so close to Prime Male and TestoFuel, andis a huge accomplishment considering how competitive the testosterone supplement industry is.

The primary reason this product is so popular is because of the whopping 2,000 milligrams of D-aspartic acid. D-aspartic acid is perhaps the most popular testosterone-boosting ingredient (or at least in the top 3) and can be found in the vast majority of effective testosterone supplements.

However, it is usually found in much smaller amounts. A standard amount is about 1,000 milligrams, but you will see that the top 5 all contain about 1,500 milligrams or more. (Monster T contains 3,500 milligrams per serving but is missing other ingredients.)Testogen contains the highest amount of D-aspartic acid that we have seen except for Monster T.

A huge amount of D-aspartic acid isnt the only thing keeping this supplement ranked elite. Testogen has much more to offer, including proven ingredients such as tribulus terrestris, ginseng extract, zinc, and more. To learn more about what each individual ingredient does and how they work to boost your testosterone levels, be sure to check out the full review.

Click Here to Read the Full Testogen Review

Prime Male is a highly effective testosterone supplement that is designed specifically for aging men. It is a carefully formulated supplement youve been looking for that can catapult your libido into overdrive, improve bedroom performance, spike energy levels to where they were in your 20s, harden your body with quality muscle mass, melt unnecessary body fat, and more. The high quality scientifically backed ingredients are the secret to this powerful testosterone booster.

Before you buy a testosterone booster, or any supplement, you want to make sure the ingredients are clinically proven. When you do, you reduce the risk of purchasing a worthless, ineffective product.

The clinical studies often include any side effects reported. The key is to find the ingredients that are backed by science and have no major side effects reported.

Prime Male is one of our bestchoices for men over 50 because it contains exactly this type of ingredients. Each ingredient is linked to several clinical studies for their ability to naturally, effectively and safely boost the bodys testosterone production.

You also want to make sure that theres enough of the ingredient in the product. Though difficult, try and avoid proprietary blends whenever you can. A proprietary blend is essentially a blend of ingredients of which the amounts are undisclosed.

You are able to see what ingredients the blend contains but not the amount of each ingredient. Manufacturers claim that they use a proprietary blend in order to protect their formulas, but really they use it so they can include small amounts of key ingredients in order to save money.

Prime Male uses no proprietary blend format on their label. In fact, it contains just less than 3,000 milligrams of overall nutrition per serving. That is an astounding amount of nutrients for one supplement to contain, and the individual amounts of each ingredient are disclosed on the label.

When choosing a testosterone booster supplement, last but not least, determine if the ingredients are synergistic with each other? In order for a product to do its job, the ingredients must be able to work well together. (And if you dont want to do this type of research, thats what were here for.)

The ingredients of this supplement were carefully chosen based on their synergistic properties.

All of these facts are part of what makes this the #2testosterone supplement on the market, but one final piece is what ranks this supplement among the best testosterone supplements for men over 50 specifically.

The finishing touch is the inclusion of 300 milligrams of mucana pruriens. This ingredient is vitally important to men over 50 because of its ability to boost libido.

Mucana pruriens is an ingredient that you wont find in many supplements designed for younger bodybuilders because its not necessarily beneficial to them, but it plays a very special role for aging men with Low T.

Learn More:

American Testosterone Clinics of the United States: https://www.testosterone.me

Low T Center – Men’s Health Clinic – Testosterone Replacement

Men's Clinic - What's Offered?

With little to no energy, you just cant function at times, and you certainly dont want to eat right or exercise. The lethargy could be caused by any number of health conditions such as obstructive sleep apnea, low testosterone levels, severe allergies, or even low thyroid.When men suffer from any of these conditions, poor lifestyle choices are made, especially when it comes to diet and exercise which can lead to more serious health problems down the road such as hypertension, high cholesterol, and diabetes. Lets gain control of your health issues before the conditions worsen.

The good news is you dont have to feel sluggish. Our mens health clinic staff at the Low T Center nearest you can quickly and easily determine what type of help is needed. We listen and learn about you, your symptoms, and your health goals. The combination of that knowledge along with a thorough analysis of your lab results will be used to prescribe a healthcare plan tailored to you.

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Low T Center - Men's Health Clinic - Testosterone Replacement

Low Testosterone (Low T) | Evaluation and Treatment Plan …

Low Testosterone Evaluation

At Armor Mens Health, we see patients with low testosterone levels at all ages and for a number of different reasons. In addition to conducting blood tests for absolute testosterone levels, we will also measure a more sensitive form of testosterone called the free-testosterone level. There is no known normal range that applies to all men and some men benefit from treatment even after being told that their levels were normal.

Your initial evaluation will also include looking for other problems whose symptoms can mimic those of low testosterone. In addition, a physical exam will look for evidence of testicular or prostate disease that could impact treatment.

Treatment for low testosterone can take several forms that all require close follow-up and should begin with a thorough understanding of possible risks and side effects.

No oral FDA approved testosterone replacement pill is available in the United States.

Topical gels are a common and popular choice for testosterone replacement. Injection therapy can be a minimally invasive way for testosterone supplementation and can be administered in our office or by self-injection.

In fact, weekly self-injection of testosterone can relieve patients of widely varying peak and through levels of testosterone and will be allowed when appropriate for properly qualified patients.

Some patients may be eligible for implantation of subcutaneous testosterone pellets that only need to be replaced every 6 months, making supplementation nearly worry free.

See the original post here:
Low Testosterone (Low T) | Evaluation and Treatment Plan ...

The Low T Scam? – Testosterone Centers of Texas – Low T …

With all of the press about the treatment of low testosterone and the role it plays in mens health, many are beginning to wonder, Is Low T a scam? The answer is, No, Low T is not a scam. Low testosterone levels can wreak havoc on a mans physical and emotional well-being. It can affect his relationships and can play a role in infertility if it is not properly treated by an experienced medical professional.

Once men with Low T are on the appropriatetestosterone replacement therapy, they can experience significant and sustainable results.

Low T refers to low testosterone levels, the medical condition is otherwise known ashypogonadism. Even a moderate dip in testosterone can have noticeable side effects. Some of the symptoms caused by low testosterone levels include:

The good news is that these symptoms can be improved once Low T is diagnosed and treated. Over time, low testosterone levels can lead to moreserious physical health problemssuch as heart disease, osteoporosis, and cognitive disorders.

So, is Low T a scam? No. It is a very real condition, experienced by millions of men across the country.

If you suffer fromone or more of the symptoms listed above, and suspect that Low T is the culprit,take our Low T Quiz. This will help to identify whether or not your symptoms indicate lower testosterone levels. If so, you can schedule an appointment to have your hormone levels tested. If it is determined that you do have Low T, we will discuss your options and help you to make the decision that is best for you.

Testosterone replacement therapyshould be specifically tailored to your specific response and your levels should becontinuously monitored to ensure you are getting the right dose. Never participate in testosterone replacement therapy without having your levels checked first. Once your therapy has begun, your hormone levels, as well as indicators of common side effects, should be monitored on a regular basis.

Decreasing levels of testosterone is a very normal biological process. In fact, most mens testosterone levels begin to decrease at a rate of about 1 percent each year after the age of 30. The problem is that environmental factors can also contribute to low testosterone, which is causing some mens testosterone levels to fall faster than normal, earlier than normal.

Pesticides. There are studies that have shown pesticides using the chemicalGlyphosate, one of the most common being Roundup, work as endocrine disrupters. Exposure to these pesticides and herbicides via ingestion or physical exposure can affect male testosterone levels as well as sperm counts.

Parabens. Take a look at your body washes, shampoos, and skin products and you may see some derivative of the word paraben. Parabens are also endocrine disrupters. They elevate estrogen levels while simultaneously decreasing testosterone levels. Look for products that are paraben-free before taking them off the shelf.

Stress and depression. In an era where people are always on the go, stress has become a state of being. Unfortunately, studies are showing that continued stress takes its toll on testosterone levels. The same is true for depression. If you are chronically stressed or prone to depression, you are more likely to suffer from Low T.

Be careful, there are plenty of companies out there that will take a real problem and exploit it to make a buck but does that mean that Low T a Scam? Definitely not! Do your homework, ask questions, and make sure you get the right answers!

See the article here:
The Low T Scam? - Testosterone Centers of Texas - Low T ...

Low T – Regional Urology

Hypogonadism is commonly referred to as low testosterone, or low-T. Low-T can cause a range of symptoms including lack of libido (loss of sex drive), fatigue, low energy, sleep disturbances, difficulty losing weight and depression. Long term effects can include night sweats and osteoporosis (soft bones).

Primary hypogonadism, or testicular failure, is a condition where the testicles do not make enough testosterone. Secondary hypogonadism occurs when the brain (pituitary and/or hypothalamus) do not send appropriate signals (luteinizing hormone, LH) to the testicles telling them to make testosterone. Acquired hypogonadism refers to low testosterone related to aging.

As in all medical conditions, evaluation begins with an appointment where your urologist can take your medical history, perform a physical exam, and order appropriate blood tests.

In a male with symptoms of low-T, a testosterone level can easily be measured with a simple blood test. Testosterone levels naturally fluctuate during the day and peak in the morning between 7 and 9am. For this reason, it is best to measure a testosterone level in the early morning. A normal testosterone level is between 300 and 800 ng/dl. Other lab tests that may get ordered include a prolactin, LH (luteinizing hormone), FSH (follicle-stimulating hormone), complete blood count, and PSA (prostate specific antigen).

There are many options for the management of Low-T:

After initiation of replacement therapy, most men see their symptoms markedly improve within one to two weeks.

There are side effects of testosterone replacement to be aware of.

If you are interested in learning more about testosterone replacement, make an appointment with one of our Urologists today.

More here:
Low T - Regional Urology

Low T Center in San Diego CA – Kingsberg Medical

If you have been living in the San Diego CA area for a while, then you know that growth in the region has been happening at a fast and furious pace over the past twenty years or so. However, if you now want to locate a Low T Center in San Diego CA, then you probably feel as though it is getting harder and harder to keep up with your active Southern California lifestyle due to your troubling low t symptoms. No longer just a nice little Navy town with a terrific year-round climate, San Diego has grown into Californias second-largest city offering world-class cultural attractions and recreation. Yet even when you have all these superb amenities close at hand, your frustrating and unhealthy weight gain, joint pain, low energy, fatigue and low sex drive can prevent you from being able to truly enjoy your lifestyle. It makes perfect sense to want to find treatment that will eliminate these often debilitating symptoms from a local Low T Center in San Diego CA. That is why we have made it more convenient than ever before to find safe and effective treatment for testosterone deficiency right in your own local area. Our low t doctors in San Diego CA know that it takes energy, virility and stamina to experience everything that the exciting and dynamic growth has produced the great dining, live sports, renowned attractions, excellent museums, and endless year-round recreational opportunities that both residents and visitors can enjoy. We also know that replenishing your bodys low t levels is the only way to reclaim the man you once were and eliminate the troublesome and frustrating symptoms that are stealing the passion and confidence from your life. To get the facts about finding treatment from a Low T Center in San Diego CA, just call us at our toll-free number. One of our experienced clinicians will be happy to personally assist you.

With the presence of the University of California San Diego and its affiliated UCSD Medical Center, the La Jolla neighborhood of San Diego has become a center of research for biotechnology. Yet you may be wondering how to find a Low Testosterone Center in San Diego CA where you can get treatment for your progressively declining male hormone supply. Even if you have been living a wellness-based lifestyle for years, the often debilitating symptoms associated with low t levels, such as stubborn belly fat, loss of muscle mass and erectile dysfunction, can take you by surprise. Fortunately, testosterone deficiency is a relatively common medical condition that responds extremely well to our locally available doctor prescribed treatment. Our innovative process for testing and treatment is like having your own personal Low T Center in San Diego CA, because you can now find the help you need to eliminate your symptoms without ever leaving your own local area. Once you have replenished your bodys steadily decreasing testosterone levels, you will be delighted to experience:

With the help of our experienced and highly regarded local doctors who specialize in low t therapy in San Diego California, you can leave your unhealthy and limiting symptoms far behind you and get on with living the Southern California lifestyle you have always wanted to live. To learn more about finding a Low Testosterone Center in San Diego CA, start by calling us at our toll-free number. We will be happy to provide helpful and informative to any of your questions about how to locally test testosterone levels and begin treatment.

How long has it been since you enjoyed dinner out in beautiful La Jolla at a waterfront restaurant or joined the parade along the Pacific Beach boardwalk? Maybe you want to learn more about Local Low Testosterone Centers in San Diego CA because you cant remember the last time you had the energy and desire for a night out with the people you love the most. Our doctors who prescribe testosterone cypionate in San Diego CA know that struggling with male hormone deficiency can negatively affect just about every aspect of your life, from having less energy and stamina at work, to having a much less satisfying sex life at home with your partner. We also know that if you are looking for a Low T Center in San Diego CA, then you are ready to do something meaningful about eliminating your discouraging symptoms related to testosterone deficiency. Good for you! There is no reason to continue to let chronic low energy, fatigue and low sex drive prevent you from living an active, rewarding and passionate lifestyle. Scores of men from all over Southern California who were struggling with symptoms just like yours have already successfully eliminated them with the help our local low t clinics in San Diego CA. Whether you are busy with the demands of your career and family life in National City CA or trying to enjoy an active and rewarding retirement in Torrey Hills CA, the benefits of injectable testosterone can make a dramatic improvement in the way you feel and look. Best of all, it is now easy and convenient to get the treatment your need from our Local Low Testosterone Centers in San Diego CA. If it has been too long since you have been able to live your life with passion and confidence in your complete masculinity, maybe now is the right time to do something about it.

Paul, you are definitely not alone in wanting to learn more about the condition referred to as male hormone deficiency. Many men contact us and ask What is Low T and what can be done about it and we are always proud to be able to say that our proven therapy for testosterone deficiency can make a significant and lasting improvement in your low t levels. To get all the facts about our safe and highly effective treatment for men over the age of thirty who are struggling with verified low t, simply call us at our toll-free number aand we will be happy to help you.

The most important diagnostic tool used by our doctors who specialize in low t therapy in San Diego California is, in fact, the comprehensive blood test that will measure your current levels of free and total testosterone, Delfino. These results, along with your medical history and current physical condition, provide our local doctors with the vital information needed to prescribe the ideal course of treatment for successfully replenishing your low t levels and provide you with the long-lasting results you want and deserve. Getting tested and treated locally is easy and convenient, Delfino just call us at our toll-free number and we will be explain precisely What is Low T Treatment and help you get started right away.

Are you ready to stop feeling like half the man you used to be, now that you know how easy it is to find local treatment for your frustrating and unhealthy low t symptoms? Reclaim the lifestyle you want to be living right now and for years to come! With the help of our low t clinics in San Diego CA, youll find the source of your energy, vitality and virility again.

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Low T Center in San Diego CA - Kingsberg Medical

Men, Low T, and the Facts | Lifespan

What is testosterone?

Testosterone is a hormone. For men, it is primarily produced in the testicles. It is most often associated with sex drive, but also plays a role in bone and muscle mass and can affect how the body stores fat. Even a mans mood can be impacted by testosterone levels.

It seems as if recently we have heard a lot about Low T. That is the more popular name for a condition known as testosterone deficiency, or hypogonadism. This deficiency can be seen through laboratory findings as well as through physical symptoms, which may include:

In addition to the typical symptoms of Low T, men who have below normal levels of this hormone may experience a sense of ill-being, foreboding, or feeling as if something is terribly wrong, but not knowing what. Men may also report fatigue, inadequate sleep, increased irritability, and poor mood.

If a man exhibits symptoms of testosterone deficiency, the best way to confirm is with morning blood tests, drawn on two separate days, to measure the levels of testosterone. If both tests show levels below 300 ng/dl (nanograms per deciliter), the diagnosis may be confirmed.

Causes include:

There are two types of low testosterone. The first is due to reduced production of testosterone from the testes, known as classical, or primary hypogonadism. This often appears in younger men, from conditions such as testicular cancer, testicular trauma or torsion (strangulation), or a congenital condition.

The second is decreased stimulation of the testes from the pituitary gland within the brain. This is known as secondary hypogonadism and it occurs more often in middle-aged and older men. This is the kind of Low T that is usually associated with obesity and other medical conditions described above.

The basis of Low T may be inflammation due to the other diseases present with Low T, or some men may have a genetic predisposition to low testosterone levels. Not all men with low levels will show the signs and symptoms of testosterone deficiency.

Like with so many other conditions, weight loss, adequate regular physical activity, and a healthy diet are the best ways a man can prevent Low T. Weight loss can also help men to improve other medical problems that are associated with Low T, including high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, and elevated lipids or blood fats.

Fortunately, there are several options for treatment of Low T. To be most effective, a healthy diet and exercise is recommended with any form of testosterone treatment.

It is important for a man to be checked when he is showing signs of testosterone deficiency. If Low T is left untreated, men often experience a sense of impending doom, poor health, and fear. Men may also experience increased weight gain in the mid-section, have difficulties with focus and concentration, poor motivation, reduced memory, and perhaps difficulty engaging with others.

Men should seek medical attention when clinical signs and symptoms are present and before illness progresses too far. Men notoriously wait until the last moment to seek medical care. It is recommended that men see a physician once every three years until age 40, every two years after age 40, and every year or two after age 50, or more often as needed for managing other medical conditions.

It is important to remember that help is available. If you are experiencing signs of Low T, our Mens Health Center, now celebrating its 10th anniversary, can help. Learn more about our center here.

Go here to see the original:
Men, Low T, and the Facts | Lifespan

You’ve Heard About "Low T" But What About "Low E"?

Estrogen: An Unlikely Player

As most men approach middle age, the seemingly inevitable starts to occur: we gain weight around the waistline, sexual desire starts to wane, were unable to lift as much weight at the gym, and we seem to simply have a harder time keeping up with the younger guys.

And most of us doctors included think that loss of testosterone is the main culprit. Not totally true. Were learning that another hormone plays a key role in the development of some of these symptoms of aging in men. And its an unlikely player. That hormone is estrogen.

When most of us think of estrogen, we think of women. Thats because estrogen is a key hormone in womens health. And the loss of estrogen in women at menopause causes big physiological changes. Weight gain, skin dryness, wrinkles, heart attacks, bone loss and osteoporosis, loss of sexual sensation and dementia are just some of the effects of loss of estrogen in women.

Yet estrogen is proving to play a serious role in the aging of men, too. A study published in the New England Journal of Medicinedemonstrated that in men, while low testosterone is the main culprit in loss of muscle strength, loss of estrogen is a big cause of that mid-section weight gain, the infamous pot-belly. And it seems that loss of both testosterone and estrogen together contributes to diminished sex drive and sexual function in men.

But Wait.Isnt Estrogen Harmful to Men?

The answer to this question seems to be related to where the estrogen comes from. So lets talk about that for a moment.

In healthy men, estrogen, specifically estradiol (a form of estrogen), comes from testosterone. There is an enzyme, aromatase, that converts a certain amount of a mans testosterone to estradiol. So as a healthy mans testosterone levels rise or fall, estradiol levels tend to rise and fall as well. The average estradiol level of an adult male is about 75 pg/mL. But men can make estrogen another way as well. In obese men, there is an increased concentration of a different form of estrogen, estrone. This estrone gets converted to estradiol (as opposed to conversion of testosterone to estradiol). So high estrogen in obese men is due to another reason than high estrogen in healthy men. It is important to not confuse two, because they play out very differently with regard to our health.

The Protective Effect of Estrogen in Men

High endogenous estrogen levels in normal men is protective against coronary artery disease, Type 2 Diabetes, and prostate cancer. (This is not true, however, in obese men with high estrogen levels because the estrogen produced in visceral fat is estrone, which then converts to estradiol versus the aromatization of testosterone to estradiol.)

As men age, testosterone levels fall, and so do estrogen levels. This contributes to the accumulation of excess fat in men and their lack of sex drive and sexual function. They also begin to lose the protection against heart disease, Type 2 Diabetes, and prostate cancer that estrogen provides.

Estrogen deficiency has also been implicated in the pathogenesis of osteoporosis in men. A study published in Osteoporosis Int.demonstrated that 38% of men with osteoporosis had undetectable serum estradiol levels. This as well as more recent studies show that estrogen deficiency, not androgen (e.g. testosterone) deficiency is much more prevalent in male osteoporosis.

Additionally, estradiol levels in men are inversely correlated with sperm DNA damage, suggesting that estradiol may have a protective effect on sperm DNA.

So How Do Men Maintain Optimal Estrogen Levels as They Age?

One of the goals of hormone replacement therapy (HRT) is to restore hormone levels back to the optimal levels of a young adult. For estrogen in men, this means restoring levels to about 75 pg/mL. The best way to achieve this in men is by optimizing testosterone levels. Some of the testosterone will be converted to estrogen, therefore maintaining adequate levels.

To get started, you should have your testosterone and estrogen levels checked by a physician who specializes in hormone optimization. Its a simple blood test. Once you know if youre deficient, you can discuss options to optimize your levels so you can look and feel as good as possible while at the same time significantly decreasing your risk for chronic degenerative diseases.

To schedule an evaluationwith Dr. Mike Carragher, call1-323-874-9355.

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You've Heard About "Low T" But What About "Low E"?

Low T-Helper (CD4) Cell Level – Symptoms and Diagnosis

T-cells are white-blood-cells or lymphocytes which mature in the thymus. They protect us against invading cells, or antigens. These antigens cause T-cells to become active and produce antibodies. These antibodies stay attached to the cell that created them and the whole antibody-bearing cell attacks the antigens.

Diagnose your symptoms now!

T-cells are among the most important cells in the immune system. They originate in the bone marrow and then migrate to the thymus gland (hence the 'T'), where they are trained to respond to a particular target. One T-cell may be subtly altered so that it responds to the polio virus, another to hepatitis-B, a third to the AIDS virus, and so on. Each T-cell has a unique target. When a T-cell leaves the thymus, it goes on the prowl for its enemy. Normally we each have billions of T-cells in our bodies, on the lookout for their individual targets. Once a T-cell spots its enemy, a complex process is set in motion that results in the production of millions of clones. Thus your body can go from having a single scout to well equipped army in a matter of days.

Our bodies produce two main types of T-cells: T-killer cells, which are part of the attack team, and T-helper cells, which direct the whole operation. T-helper cells coordinate other cells in the immune system by producing a family of intercellular signaling substances called 'cytokines'. Each cytokine regulates a different set of cells, suppressing the growth of some and stimulating the growth of others. (Cytokines include the interleukins, interferons, colony-stimulating factors, and tumor necrosis factors.) Without the T-helper cells coordinating the immune system, the battle would be lost. It would be as if you were trying to fight a war when your entire communication network has broken down.

The number of circulating T-cells can give us a clue to the level of an infection. More antigens mean more T-cells.

Low CD4+ T-cell counts (CD4 counts) are associated with a variety of conditions, including many viral infections, bacterial infections, parasitic infections, sepsis, tuberculosis, coccidioidomycosis, burns, trauma, intravenous injections of foreign proteins, malnutrition, over-exercising, pregnancy, normal daily variation, psychological stress, and social isolation.

The low CD4 counts caused by some of these conditions often fall below 200 per cubic millimeter, which is the level needed to diagnose acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) in someone who was previously positive for antibodies to the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV-positive).

In addition to the diagnosis of AIDS, CD4 counts are regularly used to make treatment decisions, such as when to start antiretroviral medications and when to begin preventative antibiotics. Because many of the conditions that cause low CD4 counts are common in people diagnosed HIV-positive, caution is advised regarding the use of CD4 counts to make treatment and diagnostic decisions. This is made more urgent since some of the conditions, like psychological stress, are greatly increased when people are told that their CD4 counts are low, which may compound the problem and cause the CD4 count to fall even further. Psychological stress and social isolation are also created by the diagnosis, HIV-positive, and by the diagnosis of AIDS, which may also affect the CD4 count.

See original here:
Low T-Helper (CD4) Cell Level - Symptoms and Diagnosis

Low T 99 – 10 Photos – Health & Medical – 1239 120th Ave NE …


LowT 99 was established to bridge the gap between the absolute best Low T Treatment and the affordability of smaller monthly plans to aid in the treatment of low testosterone in men. Many studies have shown that testosterone levels begin to decline by about 1% per year after the age of 30. Low Testosterone levels can lead to a lack of energy, decrease in muscle, fatigue, bad mood, irritability, an increase in body fat, weak erections, low libido, poor sleep, decreased urge to exercise, and more. We can help you start treating these symptoms as soon as possible. Contact us today for more information!

Established in 2015.

"Bring Effective, Safe and Affordable Testosterone Therapy to All in Need".

Through the efficient structure of the therapy options offered by Low T 99, it is now possible for all those in need to receive effective testosterone therapy at a fraction of the price. Low T 99 not only offers the best testosterone therapy available, but at the least expensive price. $99 to $159 total cost per month is less than most co-pays would charge for significantly inferior therapies. Our model is one of transparency and full disclosure. Truly unique in the testosterone therapy market. All prices and services are published clearly on the LowT99.com web site so prospective patients can feel confident before spending penny one.

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Low T 99 - 10 Photos - Health & Medical - 1239 120th Ave NE ...

Low-Testosterone (Low-T) – Controversy Over … – AARP

But is low T from aging really a disease in need of medication? Critics of the campaign say many men have been convinced to take a potentially risky drug for a condition they don't have. Steven Woloshin, a professor of medicine at the Dartmouth Institute for Health Policy and Clinical Practice, dubs low T "the mother of all disease mongering."

On the other hand, proponents say testosterone replacement can help older men improve their quality of life. "The true outrage is that social forces and hysteria have combined to deprive men of a useful treatment without regard for medical science," Abraham Morgentaler, a Harvard urologist, wrote recently in the Journal of Sexual Medicine.

Experts agree on at least one thing: After age 30, every man's testosterone drops about 1 percent a year, according to Ranjith Ramasamy, a urologist at Baylor College of Medicine in Houston. Being overweight or obese, as well as having type 2 diabetes, may drag your levels down even lower.

But what is a healthy T level for an older man? Doctors can't agree. Many laboratories use wildly varying reference numbers based on the average testosterone levels of young men, anywhere from 300 to 900 nanograms per deciliter.

Meanwhile, some symptom lists virtually guarantee that any middle-aged man will self-diagnose low T. Several websites that promote testosterone replacement feature a 10-question self-quiz. Answer yes to just three you're grumpy now and then, you don't have the strength you used to have, and you sometimes fall asleep after dinner and you could have low T. "These complaints may have nothing to do with testosterone," says Woloshin.

T therapy was originally developed for men whose bodies can't produce enough testosterone, often because of injury to the testicles, cancer or genetic defects. But now, critics say, aggressive marketing has convinced many men to take the hormone in hopes of feeling and looking younger. That exposes otherwise healthy bodies to serious side effects.

"When you take testosterone, your body shuts down its own production," says John La Puma, M.D., director of a clinic in Santa Barbara, Calif., that focuses on men's health. As a result, the testicles may shrink and you could require supplementation indefinitely. That means long-term considerations like expense, inconvenience and, worst of all, possible catastrophic health issues.

A study published last year in the Journal of the American Medical Association reported a 30 percent jump in the risk of stroke, heart attack and death among men undergoing testosterone therapy. The FDA is investigating whether warnings should be issued.

There is one piece of useful information that no advertiser will offer: "A lot of men don't need testosterone replacement to feel and look better," says La Puma. "All they need to do is eat a healthier diet and be a little more active." When obese men shed an average of 17 pounds, a recent study found, their testosterone levels climbed 15 percent. Indeed, a healthy diet, quality sleep and regular exercise can help any man build muscle, improve libido and raise energy levels. No prescription required.

Peter Jaret writes on health and medical issues for national publications.

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Low-Testosterone (Low-T) - Controversy Over ... - AARP

ED Clinic Nashville TN, Erectile Dysfunction Treatment, Low T

We have your solution! Its well known in the medical community that mass-market drugs like dont work for as many as 50% of men. Thats not surprising to anyone in medicine with experience treating sexual health: a mans sexual function is complex and engages many systemsincluding the brain, heart, hormones, and vascular and nervous systems. But unfortunately for most men, the standard erectile dysfunction treatment is a little blue pill that gets results as infrequently as half of the time in some cases. That means disappointment for everyone involved.

Mens sexual issues can be symptoms of other, more serious conditions. Diabetes, strokes, heart attacks, high blood pressure, prostate issues, stress, obesity, and a variety of other issues can lead to problems in bed. So-called herbal or home-grown solutions and ED treatments not only under-deliver when its time to perform; they can also lead to complications when other conditions are involved.

Our staff of esteemed, experienced Nashville ED doctors approach your sexual health from a total mens health perspective. From Low Testosterone (Low T) treatments to safe, customized medications that wont counteract other medications or treatments, we have the experience and professional knowledge to improve your life, today!

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ED Clinic Nashville TN, Erectile Dysfunction Treatment, Low T

Low Testosterone Therapy (TRT) and Treatment from Low T Center

Testosterone is a natural hormone responsible for the normal growth and development of the male sex organs and for maintenance of other sexual characteristics. In men, testosterone is produced in the testes (the reproductive glands that also produce sperm) and regulated by the hypothalamus and pituitary gland. With low levels of testosterone, men can experience a decrease in energy and libido, increase in body fat, and emotional changes.

A decrease in testosterone levels is to be expected as men age. Other factors can also contribute to low T, including chronic health issues such as diabetes or obesity, medications such as corticosteroids or trauma. Our comprehensive health assessment tests for low testosteronelevels as well as a multitude of other related issues and can be treated with customized, testosterone replacement therapy healthcare plans.

Its hard to pin down an exact number for exactly how common testosterone deficiency is among men. The condition becomes drastically more common as men age, and its estimated that as many as 40% of older men have low testosterone.

Many men, especially younger men, are nervous to seek treatment for low testosterone. While symptoms differ from person to person, men with low testosterone also experience a decrease in sex drive,erectile dysfunction, and heart disease. Waiting to seek help can lead to the late detection and worsening of these progressive conditions.

Low testosterone can result in a lack of energy. If you find that youre feeling sleepy for much of the day, even after youve had a good night of rest, theres a high chance that a hormonal imbalance is to blame. Many patients find that their energy levels soar after they begin testosterone therapy.

Testosterone encourages muscle growth. When men do not have enough testosterone, it can inhibit muscle growth. Muscle tissue burns calories at a higher rate than fat tissue. When men have low testosterone, it can result in fat gain, and for mostmen, that gain happens around the belly and hips. Sometimes, the imbalance of testosterone and estrogen can cause men to hold onto more body fat than they would otherwise.

Studies have shown that men who take testosterone tend to experience an increase in memory. Testosterone affects many physical processes in the body, and focus, clarity, and memory are no exception. Life issues caused by low testosterone- such as sexual and relationship issues- can also play a role in the struggle to focus.

While most men experience a decrease in sex drive as they age, low testosterone causes a steeper drop-off than what is normal for most men. Low testosterone can cause a variety of health issues (such as hair loss and erectile dysfunction) that may also inhibit sexual desire.

Low testosterone can result in a number of mood changes. Hormonal imbalances are often to blame for depression, anxiety, and other mood issues. Fatigue caused by low testosterone can also add to these issues.

Since testosterone is key for building muscle in the body, low testosterone can cause loss of muscle mass. This loss of mass can also add to fat gain, as previously mentioned.

Some men begin to lose hair as they age, andlow testosterone can also play a role, especially if the balding occurs suddenly.

See All Symptoms

By knowing your testosterone numbers, our medical professionals can provide quality treatment for low T and other underlying conditions. Your path to vitality happens with four steps:

By treating the symptoms of low testosterone, patients feel energized, stronger, and less irritable; enjoy more productive sleep and a renewed sense of self; find it easier to concentrate and remember; and experience an increase in libido.

Because Low T Center takes a holistic approach to mens healthcare, our medical professionals can proactively address other conditions youre currently experiencing or could experience later on, includingsleep apneaorallergies.These conditions may also affect testosterone levels.

Our providers get to know you on a personal level and gather important health data often to assess progress with greater efficiency.

At Low T Center, we focus on treating your symptoms of low testosterone levels, so you can rediscover the best version of yourself.

See the article here:
Low Testosterone Therapy (TRT) and Treatment from Low T Center

Low testosterone symptoms | Effects of low testosterone

Effects of Low Testosterone

Low testosterone symptoms and their side effects can occur when the body does not produce enough testosterone. Levels lower than what is considered normal by the medical community, are referred to as low testosterone. Normal levels of testosterone range from about 300 to 900 nanograms per deciliter. Many Low Testosterone Symptoms are often the result of a health or sexual issue, and can also be caused by other medical problems or conditions. Men tend to have naturally high levels of Testosterone that control the functions of sexual activity and also assists with muscle and bone density. This is why a low level of Testosterone can cause many sexual complications and impact a mans overall health. Low testosterone symptoms can be mild or severe, but they will usually not get better if left untreated. Make an appointment to see one of our doctors today!

Even men who fall under the normal T level deal with erectile dysfunction. Men with any of the following symptoms can benefit from an expert evaluation.

While there are many different low testosterone symptoms. The symptoms of low testosteronegenerally follow certain things. The following list contains many of the more common side effects of low testosterone.

What Causes Low Testosterone?

It is natural to produce lower levels of testosterone as the age of a man increases. The body produces less testosterone as it ages. At times, low testosterone symptoms are not severe enough to cause menproblems, but at other times the issues caused by lower testosterone levels impact the daily sexual functioning of a man severely.

How are the symptoms of low testosterone in men diagnosed?

A simple blood test can identify and diagnose Low Testosterone levels that often cause a mans low t symptoms.

Low testosterone treatment options

Treatment options include low testosterone therapy or other hormone therapies and/or replacement. Physicians at American Male Medical work with each individual patient to identify and treat Low Testosterone when it is affecting your sexual health and overall vitality.

Testosterone Replacement Therapy

Testosterone replacement therapy can vary and can be in the form of tablets that dissolve under your lip, gels, patches, or injections. Each option has its own benefits, drawbacks, and side effects.

Injections: Some testosterone injections are given in the form of Depo-Testosterone and Delatestryl. The benefits of injectable testosterone are that it can be taken every other week or every two weeks. However, with injectable, the testosterone level may be hard to maintain equilibrium in the body as it may be too high when first injected and too low prior to the next injection.

Gels: AndroGel and Testim are two testosterone gels that allow a smooth therapy process and have shown to be effective in controlling testosterone levels. The testosterone gels are applied on the arms or shoulders at the same time every day. On the other hand, gels seem to be more costly and may irritate the skin or eyes.

Replacement Patch: Androderm is a transdermal patch applied every night and left on for 24 hours. The best places to apply the patch are areas of the skin with the least hair. Make sure you choose a different spot every night. Skin irritation is the only disadvantage to the Androderm patch.

Tablet: The tablet is placed under the upper lip against the gum and must be replaced every 12 hours. Eating and drinking are possible while the tablet is under the lip. Some drawbacks include bitter taste, gum irritation, and toothache.

Each testosterone replacement option has its own advantages and disadvantage, but long-term side-effects are likely with all testosterone replacement treatments:

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Low testosterone symptoms | Effects of low testosterone