Marshall County Legislative Delegation makes donation to the Liberty Learning Foundation – Sand Mountain Reporter

The Marshall County Legislative Delegation recently contributed funding for the Liberty Learning Foundation to continue efforts in all the school systems in Marshall County.

Liberty Learning helps schools teach crucial lessons in civics, character, financial literacy and social studies despite school budget cuts. By reaching students at an early reinforcement and retention touch point, the goal is to prepare students to become more engaged citizens. Approximately 3,500 students will benefit from this program in Albertville, Arab, Boaz, Guntersville and Marshall County School Systems.

Students learning the role that they as citizens play in the history and future of the United States is vitally important to our democracy, Sen. Clay Scofield said.

The Liberty Learning Foundation, a 5013 non-profit, was founded in October 2010 to bring strong lessons of civic character and civic responsibility to students throughout Alabama school systems. The civic education programs and live experiences improve child, community and country by providing groundbreaking resources, training teachers, mobilizing volunteers and orchestrating emotionally charged events to teach, inspire and empower our Next Great Americans.

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Marshall County Legislative Delegation makes donation to the Liberty Learning Foundation - Sand Mountain Reporter

Short-lived jail break in Liberty ends with arrests of three inmates – Bluebonnet News

In the early morning hours of Thursday at approximately 3 a.m., three inmates from the Liberty County Jail managed to get out of their cells and into the enclosed perimeter yard before they were apprehended by jail personnel.

According to Criminal Investigation Division Commander Capt. Billy Knox, there may have been a fourth inmate involved in the attempted escape but so far that has not been confirmed.

At this early stage of the investigation, little is known of the details as to how they managed to get out of their cells but it appears the three inmates took a mattress from their cell and intended to use it to help them scale the yard fence, according to a statement from the sheriffs office.

However, they were apprehended before either of them could breach the fence and make their escape.

Interviews are presently being taken by CID Investigators to determine the exact circumstances of this attempted escape as the investigation continues.

This is a developing story. The names of the suspects will be released later today. Please check back.

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Short-lived jail break in Liberty ends with arrests of three inmates - Bluebonnet News

Black Athletes Are Abandoning Liberty University Because of the School’s Racism – Friendly Atheist – Patheos

Over the past few months, whenever Jerry Falwell, Jr. and Liberty University havent been busy suing reporters for doing their jobs, theyve been tearing apart their athletic department. But not on purpose.

One of the best ways to advertise a school and create an exciting atmosphere for potential students is through athletics. A successful football program alas, not so much quality teaching or research opportunities will do wonders for donations and recruiting.

Its no wonder, then, that Liberty has spent more than $150 million on sports facilities since 2016. Their Division I football team won a bowl game last year, and their basketball team won a March Madness game as well. Theyve been recruiting athletes who may, in the past, have been considered too good for a school like theirs.

But all of that collapsed in recent months as players (and professors) began leaving the school in response to Falwells overt racism as well as the racist culture on campus.

In a piece for Slate, Joel Anderson writes about how some of the schools most prized recruits have left the school due in large part to the bigotry they experienced there.

Heres just the opening story:

One Thursday morning, class was partway through when the instructor told one of [football player Tayvion Tank] Lands teammates that he needed a tutor. Sensing some reticence, Land said, the instructor followed up with an attempt at a joke. Dont be scared, he allegedly told the player. Im not going to pull out my whip and hit you with it.

One question often comes up whenever we hear stories like these: Why did these athletes go to Liberty in the first place?

Its because Liberty was recruiting them (and giving them a scholarship) when other schools were not.

Its because their top choices eventually passed on them and they had to settle.

Its because they wanted to go to a Christian school, but they didnt realize Liberty was a batshit crazy Christian school.

Several of the students in the piece mention how they just didnt know much about the schools culture and place in right-wing politics but when they visited campus and saw the facilities, they were sold. Many of them even said they had no problem with the teams or coaches; it was the rest of the school that became a problem.

For basketball star Asia Todd, one key moment was having to listen to conservative commentator Candace Owens repeat right-wing theories about Black people.

Todd and her friends most of them Blacklooked around the arena that morning, taking in the scene of the overwhelmingly white audience applauding and nodding along with Owens.

I can say that my parents did warn me about some of their ideology and that it didnt align with things that they raised me and stuff they stood for, Todd said. I definitely shouldve listened. I feel like if I did know more about [Falwell] and what he stands for, I dont know if I wouldve gone there.

Good for them for making the transfer. Its hard to leave a program and join a new one even when youre not thinking about eligibility rules. But given the pandemic, with everything sports-related in chaos anyway. this may be the year to do it.

If the top athletes at Liberty are warning students to stay the hell away, and leading by example, it would arguably do more damage to Libertys reputation than Falwell ever could.

Thats a sad reflection of our culture, but if it works, more power to them.

(Image via Shutterstock)

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Black Athletes Are Abandoning Liberty University Because of the School's Racism - Friendly Atheist - Patheos

Liberty Utility nixes Granite Bridge pipeline, gets increased capacity from another pipeline – The Union Leader

Liberty Utilities has abandoned its proposed Granite Bridge project and plans to seek an alternative to the pipeline, which would have followed Route 101 to bring natural gas from Exeter to Manchester.

The utility now hopes the Public Utilities Commission approves a filing for a 20-year contract for capacity on an existing pipeline known as Concord Lateral. That proposal would eliminate more than one million tons of greenhouse gas emissions while enabling more customers to receive gas service, according to the company.

Liberty Utility proposed the Granite Bridge project in 2017 during a natural gas capacity shortfall in New Hampshire. It would have linked to existing gas pipelines and included a storage tank in Epping. The project was opposed by several environmental groups and politicians.

When we originally filed Granite Bridge, the capacity was not available, said Emily Burnett, a spokeswoman for Liberty Utilities. At the end of 2019, another company did not renew a contract to use a portion of the Concord Lateral pipeline.

Were always looking for the cheapest option available for our customers. This was flagged for us, Burnett said.

Liberty Utilities provides natural gas service to a growing customer base of more than 96,000 homes and businesses in 35 New Hampshire communities, including the cities of Manchester, Nashua, Concord, Laconia, Franklin and surrounding towns. The company struggled to meet the demand with more than about 1,000 customers a year signing up for gas service.

Making sure natural gas is available for customers who want it is critical not only for New Hampshires economy and for families pocketbooks, but also to enable the deepest, fastest, and most achievable pathway for decarbonizing our economy and taking action on climate change, said Sue Fleck, president of Liberty-New Hampshire, in a statement.

One group, 350NH, has fought the project for the past three years.

I personally am really happy that Liberty Utilities pulled the plug on the project because now I am not going to have a fracked methane gas pipeline running through my town of Raymond, said Jennifer Dube, pipeline resistance organizer for 350NH. There is not going to be a giant LNG storage tank in Epping.

She got word via text and phone calls Friday afternoon while at work. The key to the new proposal is that it doesnt expand fossil fuel infrastructure, she said.

Read the original here:

Liberty Utility nixes Granite Bridge pipeline, gets increased capacity from another pipeline - The Union Leader

It’s all relative with the Statue of Liberty – The Spectator USA

She stands in the smoky morning air, her copper lamp held elegantly aloft across the waters from Manhattan. Oh, say can you see Americas most instantly recognizable monument and, perhaps more to the immediate point, for how much longer?

The Statue of Liberty has been in front of the world now for nearly 134 years, the rousingly famous sonnet engraved on the bronze plaque on her pedestal for almost the same length of time. Long may both continue. We have in recent weeks lost God knows how many statues, and I really wouldnt want to see this one go the way of the recently toppled.

The future prospects for Americas grand symbol arent simply an academic question for me although when I say symbol here Im thinking as much of the words as the statue. I would naturally be sorry to see the Mother of Exiles ever depart the scene. But if the poetry that gave her that name also gets dumped into the harbor, it would be like I had lost a member of my own family.

Give me your tired, your poor,Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.

So stirring are the 14 lines of the ever-so-slightly mysterious Emma Lazaruss poem that its sometimes forgotten the statue with which they are associated originally celebrated the end of slavery, rather than being a global lamp flickering for all comers by the golden American door.

According to Yasmin Sabina Khan, author of Enlightening the World: The Creation of the Statue of Liberty, the neoclassical works French creator, douard de Laboulaye, was searching for an idealistic representation of what the new republic could yet promise for its freshly emancipated citizens.

Almost 120 years ago, in 1903, Lazaruss The New Colossus pasted a much broader meaning over the original one: newly bestowed liberty for all, to be sure, but also the idea-implicit that were all somehow bound up in this thing together, at least if we know where to look.

Lazaruss verse was a shoo-in for the pedestal having already scooped an earlier fundraising poetry competition for the planned statue. The author herself had died 16 years earlier, probably from cancer, at the still-tender age of 38, so she never actually saw her works final resting place; today, on any normal year, 4.5 million tourists each year make that pilgrimage in her stead.

What would she have made of all this subsequent love and attention? For a long time it was hard to say, because it was hard to say much about Lazarus, period. Aside from a flurry of rather lightly detailed writings in 1949 marking the centenary of her birth, not a great deal has been published over the subsequent 70 or so years, either.

Quite a bit of what we have known (the stuff about the chronically withdrawn spinster who lived as a true woman, too distinctly feminine to wish to be exceptional or to stand alone and apart, even by virtue of superiority) has never felt terribly specific.

As the Princeton scholar Ester Schor suggests in one of a relatively few of the in-depth studies, which was published in 2006, Lazarus comes more into sync when thought about in terms of what she emphatically wasnt. She wasnt a woman who was into scandalous affairs. She never got arrested at protest marches. She never punched anyone out. As one of Manhattans decidedly un-huddled masses, she never had any experience of going without.

We do know she was Jewish, of Sephardic stock, and belatedly Orthodox in her beliefs as the fate of Russian Jewry came to fire her up during the final years of her life. A collection of her works, Songs of a Semite(1882), has been described as the first serious volume of distinctly Jewish-American poetry.

People often assume as a non-American outsider, I know I did back in the 1990s when I first went to New York City looking for her ghost that somewhere in her immediate family background Lazarus must have been French because the statue itself came from France. But Lazarus wasnt French at all. She was a fifth-generation American. Her parents, Moses and Esther Lazarus, who did rather well in the sugar-refining business, traced their family roots from Portugal. Most of their original forebears were indeed from that part of the world. But not all of them.

Among the lesser-known branches in the family tree was one stretching back to Germany, Moses Levy, who was born there in 1665, went on to England before heading over to the New World. Thanks to the troves of new material now available on websites such as, its now possible to learn more specifics about people like him: the fact that he wore a slightly ridiculous wig, for instance, or that a brother back in London, Joseph, got done for fraud and was sentenced to an hour in pillory as well as two years in the slammer.

Moses arrived in New York by boat in 1695. Rather a bit too early in the piece to encounter any statue in the harbor, but in sufficient time to meet and marry a poet, Grace Mears. They had seven children. A daughter, Rachel, became the great-great grandmother of Emma Lazarus.

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Meanwhile on the other side of the Atlantic, Joseph went forth and multiplied, too. This is where the story gets interesting for me, because that side of the family mainly stayed on in the British capital. Most of them were successful, or at any rate avoided the pillory, with one descendent marrying into another establishment family with German roots, the Karamellis. These Karamellis seem to have been a lively bunch. One of them, Leo, translated Yiddish (in his words, the lowest of the low German dialects) into English at the inquest for the victims of the Jack the Ripper.

Leos sister, Rachel, named her daughter Rachel, who in turn named her own daughter (presumably for variety of spelling) Rachael. The last of these Rachels, who was born in 1901, married an East End restaurateur called Samuel Levy. Thirty years on, she had her own child whom she did not name Rachel because it was a boy. So she called him Lionel instead. He was my late father.

Thus the idealistic words about the family of man, as issued from my blood relative Emma Lazarus a fifth cousin four times removed remain vouchsafed even today. And tomorrow, or next year, when the crazy cultural smoke over the American harbor hopefully disappears, I look forward to getting back to New York and beholding them once again.


It's all relative with the Statue of Liberty - The Spectator USA

100 years ago in Spokane: Wildfires threaten summer cottages at Liberty Lake – The Spokesman-Review

Wildfires broke out all over the region, including one that threatened the long row of summer cottages at Dreamwood Bay at Liberty Lake.

At about midnight, the cottagers sounded the alarm and secured the cooperation of all able-bodied men in the bay to fight the fire including the men dancing at the lake pavilion.

They were successful in keeping the flames away from the cottages, although the fire continued to burn in the hills above.

Meanwhile, fires continued to burn in the forests in the St. Joe, Priest River and Coeur dAlene forests.

One forest manager warned that three or four more hot days like this will mean the largest forest fires the Northwest has seen for years.

From the dam beat: The Washington Water Power Co. announced plans to raise the Long Lake Dam by four feet, in order to generate more electricity.

Of course, this would also mean raising the lake level, which would flood the railroad tracks running along the shore. This railroad also belonged to Washington Water Power, so they already had plans to rebuild it.

(From the Associated Press)

1807: Former Vice President Aaron Burr went on trial before a federal court in Richmond, Virginia, charged with treason. (He was acquitted less than a month later.)

1921: Baseball commissioner Kenesaw Mountain Landis refused to reinstate the former Chicago White Sox players implicated in the Black Sox scandal, despite their acquittals in a jury trial.

See more here:

100 years ago in Spokane: Wildfires threaten summer cottages at Liberty Lake - The Spokesman-Review

Lions Club’s and Liberty United Methodist Church holds food giveaway in Macon –

The food giveaway was from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturday.

MACON, Ga. The Lions Club's and Liberty United Methodist Church gave out free boxes of fresh produce to the public on Saturday.

It's all part of the USDA's Farmers to Families Food Box program.

The giveaway was held in the Liberty United Methodist Church parking lot at 6511 Houston Road next to Heard Elementary School.

The food giveaway was from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.

Macon-Rutland, Byron, Centerville, Perry Lions Clubs and Liberty United Methodist Church members, with friends and family volunteers, all worked to distribute a truck load filled with 1,680 boxes of fresh produce.

Boxes were packed with assorted carrots, Idaho potatoes, sweet potatoes, onions, green cabbage, lettuce, lemons, yellow squash, apples and oranges. There were no dairy or meat products at this time.

Volunteers will used masks, gloves, hand sanitizer and practiced social distancing.

This hunger relief effort was in partnership with Collins Brothers Produce and the USDA.


Lions Club's and Liberty United Methodist Church holds food giveaway in Macon -

Liberty University receives preliminary guidance from Bedford County to pursue New London Airport expansion – Lynchburg News and Advance

Dan Deter, vice president of major construction for Liberty University, asked Mitchell if Liberty could break down the project into smaller jobs to comply with the 50% expansion parameters, postponing any immediate rezoning and special use permit needs.

Mitchell said that might be a possibility, should Liberty create a new proposal.

If you want to pare back one, and do a combination of both, I think thats probably doable, Mitchell said.

Liberty may work with Mitchell and the county to calculate how much could be done at New London Airport while remaining in the 50% expansion limit.

Deter said Liberty is still actively pursuing expansion of the airport, and through Tuesdays meeting he received some guidelines to get the ball rolling. Runway expansion, he said, is a priority, primarily for safety reasons.

Several residents who live near the New London Airport voiced concerns over lack of transparency and communication between Liberty University, county officials, and residents who may be affected by the airport expansion throughout the process.

People dont know [whats going on]. People need to be informed, said Ellissa Bowen, of Forest, during a public comment period at the Bedford County Board of Supervisors meeting Monday night. Bowen said she wants her community to have representation through this process.

See more here:

Liberty University receives preliminary guidance from Bedford County to pursue New London Airport expansion - Lynchburg News and Advance

The Exact Trigger that Indicates Volatility in Liberty Broadband Corp – – CML News

DisclaimerThe results here are provided for general informational purposes from the CMLviz Trade Machine Stock Option Backtester as a convenience to the readers. The materials are not a substitute for obtaining professional advice from a qualified person, firm or corporation.

Simply owning puts and calls together, like a straddle or a strangle, can be a huge winner, as it was at the end of 2018. But, equally, it has been a huge losing strategy outside of that time frame. So, the need has arisen -- an empirical and structured trigger that indicates when a large stock move is coming so owning a strangle has a higher probability of succeeding.

There is such a technical condition, and we will review it, right now.

Here is a quick 3 minute video that demonstrates the back-test:

We will examine the outcome of going long a short-term out-of-the-money (40 delta) strangle (buying an out of the money call and buying an out of the money put), in options that are the closest to 14-days from expiration. But we follow three rules:

* Never Trade Earnings

Let's not worry about stock direction or earnings, let's try to find a back-test that benefits from volatility. Here it is, first, we enter the long strangle.

* Use a technical trigger to start the trade, specifically:Wait until the day that the stock price crosses below the 200-day moving average and the stock price is below the 10-day moving average. Here is a nice simple image of the technical requirement:

* Finally, we set a very specific type of limit:

* Use a 20% limit

* Close the trade after 10 days, if the limit has not been hit.

At the end of each day, the back-tester checks to see if the long strangle is up 20%. If it is, it closes the position. If after 10-days the limit has not been hit, the strangle is closed so not to suffer total time decay.

We can also see that this strategy hasn't been a winner all the time, rather it has won 9 times and lost 2 times, for a 82% win-rate and again, that 658.3% return in less than six-full months of trading.

Original post:

The Exact Trigger that Indicates Volatility in Liberty Broadband Corp - - CML News

How Sixers need to utilize Ben Simmons at the elbows – Liberty Ballers

One of the main ways Ben Simmons role has adjusted in the Philadelphia 76ers new starting lineup is that hes spending more time attacking from the elbows. Even though he didnt have a good offensive game in the Sixers third scrimmage, tallying just 2 assists and 4 points on 2-of-10 shooting in 19 minutes, the first two scrimmages in particular helped demonstrate how he can be used and find success in his new role.

Brett Brown wants Simmons receiving the ball off every defensive rebound, giving him opportunities to push the pace in transition. When that isnt the case, Shake Milton will typically be bringing the ball up the floor. And while Milton will still be initiating some offense, there will be plenty of times hell hit Simmons at the elbow and let the latter go to work.

Before even considering anything else, this immediately makes it much harder for defenders to sag off Simmons. If hes above the arc, you can sit back to cut down driving lanes. If hes at the elbow with a live dribble, sagging off gives him a runway to accelerate and get to the rim in just a couple of strides.

The Sixers have another playmaker to work with him now in Milton, which creates more chances to utilize Simmons verticality, from pick-and-rolls to lobs like those below (obviously this didnt go so well in the Sixers first real game against the Indiana Pacers simply put, Milton had a terrible night). On the following play Simmons takes advantage of Danilo Gallinari guarding him closely at the elbow by using a back cut and soaring to the rim. Milton delivers a spot-on lob over the defense to create the dunk:

Another way to create scoring opportunities is by Simmons serving as a screener from the elbow, with the option for him to either flow into a quick pick-and-roll or a hand-off.

Here, Simmons uses his body to shield the ball as Milton appears to be cutting inside. This prompts Jaren Jackson Jr. to go under Simmons, which gives Milton plenty of space to pop out to the arc for three:

This play against the Pacers is another good example of Simmons working as a screener. He wisely turns and uses his body to take Aaron Holiday out of the play as Raul Neto cuts, then finds Neto for the easy layup:

The following play stresses the importance of the Sixers shooters being more willing to fire right away. Simmons takes the ball after OKCs miss, and heads straight into a post-up at the elbow after Josh Richardson slips out of a screen to the top of the arc. As Simmons eyes up the lane and the Thunder have to worry about helping on a possible drive, Dennis Schroder sags off Richardson to the free throw line. At this point, its easy for Simmons to set up Richardson for a wide-open three. If Richardson hesitates, though, Schroder can recover and the Sixers have to start searching for a good shot again.

(On the subject of shooters being aggressive, Brett Brown was asked about Tobias Harris play at last Thursdays practice, and how Harris has said he thinks he needs to slow his game down a little. One thing Brown mentioned is that hed like Harris to keep firing from deep and hunt for threes. To beat defenses that send too much pressure at Simmons on drives or at the elbows, shooters firing as soon as they get space is essential to the Sixers maximizing their offense.)

Having plenty of activity on the wings is also key to maximizing the passing reads Simmons can make. Hammer screens to send shooters into space in the corners or pin-down screens to free up guys on the wings can both work well. The Sixers running multiple screening actions at the same times helps spread the defense out around Simmons, and creates more passing windows. Similarly to a Joel Embiid post-up, you dont just want guys standing around while hes set up inside.

Simmons sees lots of off-ball activity as one of the ways he and the offense as a whole can benefit with him at the elbow, and one of the differences between operating as a point guard bringing the ball up the floor.

As a point guard you have to kind of find guys and get guys situated into whatever sets you want to call or whatever coach is calling, Simmons said at Fridays practice when discussing his role. So, for me to be able to run down the floor and get to where I want to be on the elbow and have somebody guarding me one-on-one, and then know my guys are there doing a lot of stuff on the backside, it helps a lot. There are so many different possibilities offensively for us to go towards.

Tobias Harris has described Simmons as more of an isolation player now that hes spending more time at the elbows, and Simmons agrees this is a fair assessment of how his game has changed. Simmons performance against the Pacers wasnt great (primarily due to surprisingly bad defense, some messy turnovers and a lack of aggression at times), but he still racked up 19 points on 8-of-14 shooting and 13 rebounds, including 4 offensive boards. Simmons displayed good physicality on some of his face-up drives, using his speed and strength to power towards the rim.

Again, its easier for Simmons to put his speed and first step to use from the elbow than in the post. As long as his teammates arent having a ton of trouble completing entry passes just to get him the ball, as they did against Indiana.

I think in general Ben has been incredible being excited about accepting the role, Brown said at Thursdays practice when I asked about Simmons play at the elbows and how it can help the offense.

And Im just seeing this tremendous partnership with Joel grow when those two are next to each other. Im learning some stuff as it relates to, you know, Ben as a primary ball carrier vs. Ben as sort of, like, a buddy ball brother to another interior player, and those two playing off each other. And theres growth there, and theres a spirit. Theres a feeling I have that I would have underestimated.

And I think to your point, about him playing out of elbows and screening and rolling, I think hes been great. I think hes been great. I think he, too, has found maybe a new toy, another way to just put his thumbprint all over the game. I still will put him in some pick-and-rolls for sure, but in general I think Ben Simmons has been really, just mature and excited how he has embraced trying to look at this new type of role.

Even though Simmons wasnt used in many pick-and-rolls in the Sixers scrimmages, we still saw flashes of how easily he can make an impact and fly down the lane as a roll man with plays like those below.

In the next play against the Pacers, Simmons uses his short-roll passing to beat their zone. He makes a quick read to find Alec Burks on the wing after the zone shifts, and from here its easy for Burks to hit Matisse Thybulle for an open corner three. As Ive written about many times before, the Sixers need to go to Simmons as a roll man more often.

Simmons agrees with Brown that his adjusted role and play from the elbows is like a new toy for him in the Sixers offense.

Im just continuing to add different things to my game, Simmons added at Fridays practice. So, you know, over time its all gonna come. Ive just got to stay in the gym, stay working and things will happen. But Ive enjoyed playing this new role.

While the starting lineup change and Simmons new role can help the offense, these adjustments cant totally make up for some of their biggest weaknesses: a lack of quick-trigger shooting, playmaking, and perimeter creation.

The Sixers issues against the Pacers, such as their 21 turnovers, poor entry passes to Simmons at the elbow, a mere 25 three-point attempts, spells of stagnant off-ball movement, and rough offensive play from Milton and Richardson as ball handlers were reminders of these limitations.

Phillys guards and wings need to get Simmons the ball with care, move around him, and provide more confident shooting to keep the offense moving as smoothly as possible. The latter is easier said than done for the Sixers, but its the result of the flawed roster theyve built.

Even still, there are plenty of positives that can come from Simmons operating at the elbows. Using him in the ways discussed above mixes up the offense and taps into other areas of his skillset, and thats what this team needs to do.

Well soon see if the new-look Sixers can bounce back and establish more fluidity as their seeding games continue.

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How Sixers need to utilize Ben Simmons at the elbows - Liberty Ballers

Sixers look to bounce back tonight against the Spurs – Liberty Ballers

Remember how excited we were for the return of Sixers basketball? Oh, how young and naive we were. While the worst case scenario of a major injury didnt transpire, its safe to say the heart of every optimistic Sixers fan was injured in Saturday nights excruciating loss to the Indiana Pacers. But you cant pronounce the word fanatic without the word addict, and were back for another hit of potential heartbreak tonight when Philadelphia takes on the San Antonio Spurs.

People had essentially written off the Spurs as an afterthought within the bubble. San Antonio is in the midst of a record-tying 22-year playoff streak, but the Spurs had the second-worst record among Western Conference teams invited to the bubble. With seven-time All-Star LaMarcus Aldridge sidelined after undergoing shoulder surgery in June, people basically assumed that streak was coming to an end. Even Gregg Popovich said two weeks ago that his main goal was elsewhere (courtesy of NBC Sports):

Each team has a goal here. Some teams are confident theyre a step away from winning an NBA championship. Other teams just want to be in the playoffs. Some teams are concerned mainly with development. If we play well enough to get into the playoffs, that would be great. But my goal is development right now.

However, the Spurs have opened the restart period with wins over Sacramento and Memphis. Suddenly, they find themselves in sole possession of ninth place in the West, just two games back of the Grizzlies. While veteran DeMar DeRozan remains a consistent contributor, San Antonio is succeeding in large part due to expanded roles for their young backcourt. Third-year guard Derrick White went off for 26 points, eight rebounds, and five assists against the Kings, and then fellow third-year guard Dejounte Murray led the team in scoring with 21 points and 10 rebounds against Memphis. Popovich has also inserted second-year player Lonnie Walker into the starting lineup, basically starting four guards in order to serve the youth movement.

One of the few positive takeaways for the Sixers on Saturday was the play of Joel Embiid, who exploded for 41 points and 21 rebounds. He should find similar success against San Antonio, who is depleted in the frontcourt with Aldridge out in addition to fellow starter Trey Lyles. Jakob Poeltl has been starting at center for the Spurs, and he can be very foul-prone; Poeltl fouled out in just 20 minutes yesterday against Memphis.

So thats one positive for the Sixers, as is the fact that theyre catching San Antonio on the tail end of a back-to-back a rarity in bubble play. You would also expect the various Sixers ball handlers to remember how to throw a simple pass, something that eluded them to a great extent two nights ago. Throw in the possibility of more than four combined points from Philadelphias starting backcourt and one fewer expletive-laden flare-up between starters on the sideline and you have to feel better about the Sixers chances this evening.

The real reason Sixers fans should feel confident about a victory tonight, though: its nominally a Sixers home game.

Injuries:Philadelphia: Mike Scott - out (knee); Zhaire Smith - out (knee); Glenn Robinson III - doubtful (hip pointer)San Antonio: LaMarcus Aldridge - out (shoulder surgery); Trey Lyles - out (appendicitis); Bryn Forbes - questionable (quad tightness); Marco Belinelli - questionable (ankle)

Who: Philadelphia 76ers vs. San Antonio SpursWhere: ESPN Wide World of Sports Complex, Orlando, FL (The Bubble)When: 8:00pm ETWatch: NBC Sports PhiladelphiaListen: 97.5 The Fanatic

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Sixers look to bounce back tonight against the Spurs - Liberty Ballers

Have You Seen This? Dramatic lightning bolt lights up Statue of Liberty –

THE END TIMES There are five months left in the year 2020 and, at this point, if fire and brimstone rain down from the heavens, I wont be surprised. Is it really a month of 2020 if existential crises dont pop up like a game of whack-a-mole on expert mode? I think not.

There's been the plagues, earthquakes and even a scare with giant locusts. The curse in the proverb may you live in interesting times has become woefully clear. This dramatic video of a lightning bolt menacing the Statue of Liberty feels symbolic of the whole year. Take a look.

As severe storms thundered through New York City last week, Americas patron green-stained statue of freedom and acceptance is a constant target. The lightning in this video only seems to strike Lady Liberty (it's in the distance behind her, according to ABC News), but apparently, the copper statue is hit by lightning an estimated 600 times a year, so this onslaught is nothing new. That doesn't make it feel less legendary.

The lightning in this video lingers and re-ignites like a deity angry at its people; and if you told me this video came from the opening montage of an apocalyptic movie, Id believe you and say the filmmakers were heavy-handed on their symbolism. Lay off, Jeff from the SFX department, the real world is not so poetic! I mightve rolled my eyes. Except, you know, Jeff was right and a 10th grader with a flair for edgy symbolic cheap shots is now apparently writing reality.

So sit back, grab your popcorn and watch this video on repeat like the overly-ominous and wickedly cool sign of the times it feels like.

Correction: This story initially said the video shows the Statue of Liberty being repeatedly struck by lightning; it has been corrected to say that the lightning strikes in the distance behind the statue.

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Have You Seen This? Dramatic lightning bolt lights up Statue of Liberty -

OPINION: Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness – Standard-Times

Cathy Norris, Opinion contributor Published 12:01 p.m. CT Aug. 1, 2020 | Updated 1:24 p.m. CT Aug. 1, 2020

An expert explains the need to wear face masks to prevent the spread of the coronavirus. Wochit

I was born between the Great Depression and WWII, part of the Silent Generation, when children were to be seen and not heard. I want to thank the San Angelo Standard-Times for the opportunity to be heard.

Our Declaration of Independence states, We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness.

The Bill of Rights originally did not apply to all Americans and wouldnt for 130 years. When ratified, those with said Rights were land-owning white men.It was only in 1868 when blacks became equal but only on paper. When women got the right to vote in 1920, they were more equal than they had been. When the Native Americans achieved full citizenship in 1924, they were somewhat more equal. Almost 230 years later there are those who still believe we are not all created equal.

War-time President Trump could learn something about the Covid-19 pandemic from Americas war history.

Completely unaware (as todays COVID-19 has been to us) of what they we're about to witness, Washingtonians dressed for a picnic with picnic baskets and opera glasses, gathered to observe the first battle of the Civil War. It was First Battle of Bull Run in the North and Battle of First Manassas in the South. The picnickers could hear the guns and cannons firing but did not need the opera glasses to see the blood, death and carnage. In horror the picnickers quickly retreated to the safety of their homes.

We visited this battleground and went through a field hospital. The operating tables were put near the windows so that when arms and legs were cut off, they could be tossed out the windows. If the soldiers survived the amputations, they often died from an infection. And today when I see a gurney with a sealed body bag being rushed to a sealed cold storage van, I am reminded of that field hospital where others died alone and the families didnt get to say goodbye or I love you.

After fighting the Battle of Battan in the Philippines for three months, US Forces surrendered. On April 9, 1942the arduous Battan Death March began. The US soldiers were exhausted, malnourished and yet, when a comrade fell, a fellow soldier picked him up, carried him and if he died, he did not die alone. For a soldier to hear Ive got your back could very well mean his survival. The estimated death of Filipinos was 5,000 to 18,000 and 500 to 650 Americans.

By wearing a mask and social distancing, you are saying Ive got your back. By not wearing a mask you could deny others the Right to Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness.

Seventy-five years ago on July 30, 1945, the Japanese torpedoed the USS Indianapolis. For the 316 of the 1,196 crew who survived, it was a torturous four days in the water surrounded by sharks. They saw their shipmates drown with water soaked life jackets pulling them down, others became delirious and drifted away, but the most traumatizing death to witness was sailors being eaten alive by sharks and living with the dread they could be next. By best count there were 150 such deaths. It was called the worst shark attack during WWII.

Like the sharks, you dont know where COVID-19 will come from. Do you think it cant find you?

By not wearing a mask you are saying you signed up for it do your duty to the men and women who have served and died to protect your right to be uncaring and disrespectful to your fellow citizens. And worst of all to the doctors and nurses your actions show no respect, concern or compassion for their wellbeing.

To wear a mask or not is not about you or me, it is about us and the U.S. During a TV interview a doctor pleaded emotionally for everyone to Wear the damn mask.

Being part of the Silent Generation and as life went on, I learned I am my brothers keeper.

Cathy Norris is a San Angelo resident.

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OPINION: Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness - Standard-Times

Liberty Utilities nixes Granite Bridge pipeline, gets increased capacity from another pipeline – The Union Leader

Liberty Utilities will not proceed with its Granite Bridge natural gas pipeline proposal and will instead seek an alternative solution.

The pipeline which would have followed Route 101, bringing natural gas from Exeter to Manchester, with a storage tank in Epping was opposed by several environmental groups and politicians.

The utility now hopes the Public Utilities Commission (PUC) approves a filing for a 20-year contract for capacity on an existing pipeline known as Concord Lateral. The new proposal will eliminate more than 1 million tons of greenhouse gas emissions while enabling more customers to receive gas service, according to the company.

Liberty Utilities proposed the project in 2017 with a natural gas capacity shortfall in New Hampshire. It would have linked to existing gas pipelines.

When we originally filed Granite Bridge, the capacity was not available, said Emily Burnett, a spokeswoman for Liberty Utilities. At the end of 2019, another company did not renew a contract to use a portion of the Concord Lateral pipeline.

Were always looking for the cheapest option available for our customers. This was flagged for us, Burnett said.

Liberty Utilities provides natural gas service to a growing customer base of more than 96,000 homes and businesses in 35 New Hampshire communities, including the cities of Manchester, Nashua, Concord, Laconia, Franklin and surrounding towns. The company struggled to meet the demand with more than about 1,000 customers a year signing up for gas service.

Making sure natural gas is available for customers who want it is critical not only for New Hampshires economy and for families pocketbooks, but also to enable the deepest, fastest, and most achievable pathway for decarbonizing our economy and taking action on climate change, said Sue Fleck, president of Liberty-NH, in a statement


Liberty Utilities nixes Granite Bridge pipeline, gets increased capacity from another pipeline - The Union Leader

Letter to the Editor: Universal health care is essential to liberty – Press Herald

The Declaration of Independence tells us: We hold these truths to be self evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness. And governments are responsible to secure these rights.

Health care is fundamental to the pursuit of these rights. Indeed, without health care, none of these rights are attainable. The great conservative Chancellor Otto von Bismarck recognized this 150 years ago and established universal health care for all of Germany. He understood this was a conservative issue, and a strong health care system would make his country stronger and greater. Today Germany has one of the best health care systems in the world. Indeed, most European countries and developed countries have universal health care. Therefore, most of Europe is surviving the pandemic better than other countries.

The United States has one of the worst health care systems in the world, being 38th. We are paying for it in sickness and in lives. We have the worst pandemic record in the world, and it is accelerating. Because our government utterly failed to protect us, all pandemic health issues must be paid by our government.

Next, we must establish universal health care. Some will say we cannot afford this. But we cannot afford not to. Our lack of preparation and our poor health care system has already cost us trillions of dollars, four million cases, and over 140, 000 lives.

Douglas PrideCumberland

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Letter to the Editor: Universal health care is essential to liberty - Press Herald

UPDATE: Package Recovered – Lady In Light Blue Jeep Liberty Sought In Connection With Brazen Daylight Sheldon Theft –

Sheldon, Iowa On Tuesday we told you about a package being taken from the mailbox at a Sheldon residence. As it turns out, there was no theft, just a series of coincidences.

Greg Kavanaugh, of Sheldon was expecting to have a package delivered via the U.S. Mail on Tuesday. When he checked his mailbox there was other mail but no package. It was then that he spotted a woman carrying a package bearing the logo of the company from which Kavanaugh was expecting his package. The woman climbed into a light blue Jeep Liberty and drove away, causing Kavanaugh to believe the package she was carrying was his.

Unbeknownst to Kavanaugh, his package had been delivered to the wrong address. The residents of that address were not home, so a relative was picking up their mail for them. Thats when Kavanaugh spotted the woman with the package getting into the Jeep and driving away.

Once the mystery was unraveled, Kavanaugh got his package which, ironically, contained a video security camera.


Original Post 2:19 pm, July 28, 2020

Sheldon, Iowa A Sheldon man came within seconds of catching someone in the act of pilfering a package from his homes mailbox Tuesday.

It all happened around midday Tuesday. Sheldon resident Greg Kavanaugh was expecting a package containing merchandise that he had ordered, and had received notice that the package would be delivered via U.S. Mail today. Kavanaugh tells KIWA that his mail is normally delivered between 11:45 am and 12:15 pm. He was home today, and about noon decided to see if the mail had arrived.

Kavanaugh says when he went to check the mail there was no package, but other mail was in his mailbox. It was then that he spotted a lady carrying a box with the logo of the company from which he had ordered the merchandise. Kavanaugh says the lady promptly jumped into a light blue Jeep Liberty and sped off.

He says he thought stealing the package from his porch was a pretty gutsy move, since it was in the middle of the day, both his vehicles were in the driveway and while his homes front storm door was closed, the inside entry door was wide open.

Kavanaugh reported the theft to Sheldon Police, so if you know or see a lady who drives a light blue Jeep Liberty, please call the Sheldon Police Department at 712-324-2525, because cops want to have a little chat with her.

There is some irony to this story. The package taken from Kavanaughs mailbox contained a video security camera.

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UPDATE: Package Recovered - Lady In Light Blue Jeep Liberty Sought In Connection With Brazen Daylight Sheldon Theft -

Has Liberty Oilfield Services Inc.’s (NYSE:LBRT) Impressive Stock Performance Got Anything to Do With Its Fundamentals? – Yahoo Finance

Liberty Oilfield Services (NYSE:LBRT) has had a great run on the share market with its stock up by a significant 35% over the last three months. Given that stock prices are usually aligned with a company's financial performance in the long-term, we decided to study its financial indicators more closely to see if they had a hand to play in the recent price move. In this article, we decided to focus on Liberty Oilfield Services' ROE.

Return on Equity or ROE is a test of how effectively a company is growing its value and managing investors money. Put another way, it reveals the company's success at turning shareholder investments into profits.

View our latest analysis for Liberty Oilfield Services

Return on equity can be calculated by using the formula:

Return on Equity = Net Profit (from continuing operations) Shareholders' Equity

So, based on the above formula, the ROE for Liberty Oilfield Services is:

5.6% = US$43m US$781m (Based on the trailing twelve months to March 2020).

The 'return' is the amount earned after tax over the last twelve months. So, this means that for every $1 of its shareholder's investments, the company generates a profit of $0.06.

So far, we've learned that ROE is a measure of a company's profitability. We now need to evaluate how much profit the company reinvests or "retains" for future growth which then gives us an idea about the growth potential of the company. Assuming everything else remains unchanged, the higher the ROE and profit retention, the higher the growth rate of a company compared to companies that don't necessarily bear these characteristics.

On the face of it, Liberty Oilfield Services' ROE is not much to talk about. A quick further study shows that the company's ROE doesn't compare favorably to the industry average of 7.2% either. In spite of this, Liberty Oilfield Services was able to grow its net income considerably, at a rate of 32% in the last five years. We reckon that there could be other factors at play here. For example, it is possible that the company's management has made some good strategic decisions, or that the company has a low payout ratio.

Next, on comparing Liberty Oilfield Services' net income growth with the industry, we found that the company's reported growth is similar to the industry average growth rate of 39% in the same period.

Story continues

Earnings growth is a huge factor in stock valuation. The investor should try to establish if the expected growth or decline in earnings, whichever the case may be, is priced in. This then helps them determine if the stock is placed for a bright or bleak future. Is LBRT fairly valued? This infographic on the company's intrinsic value has everything you need to know.

Liberty Oilfield Services has a really low three-year median payout ratio of 15%, meaning that it has the remaining 85% left over to reinvest into its business. So it seems like the management is reinvesting profits heavily to grow its business and this reflects in its earnings growth number.

In total, it does look like Liberty Oilfield Services has some positive aspects to its business. With a high rate of reinvestment, albeit at a low ROE, the company has managed to see a considerable growth in its earnings. That being so, the latest analyst forecasts show that the company will continue to see an expansion in its earnings. To know more about the latest analysts predictions for the company, check out this visualization of analyst forecasts for the company.

This article by Simply Wall St is general in nature. It does not constitute a recommendation to buy or sell any stock, and does not take account of your objectives, or your financial situation. We aim to bring you long-term focused analysis driven by fundamental data. Note that our analysis may not factor in the latest price-sensitive company announcements or qualitative material. Simply Wall St has no position in any stocks mentioned.

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See the original post here:

Has Liberty Oilfield Services Inc.'s (NYSE:LBRT) Impressive Stock Performance Got Anything to Do With Its Fundamentals? - Yahoo Finance

What Kind Of Investors Own Most Of Liberty Broadband Corporation (NASDAQ:LBRD.K)? – Yahoo Finance

A look at the shareholders of Liberty Broadband Corporation (NASDAQ:LBRD.K) can tell us which group is most powerful. Generally speaking, as a company grows, institutions will increase their ownership. Conversely, insiders often decrease their ownership over time. I generally like to see some degree of insider ownership, even if only a little. As Nassim Nicholas Taleb said, 'Dont tell me what you think, tell me what you have in your portfolio.

With a market capitalization of US$24b, Liberty Broadband is rather large. We'd expect to see institutional investors on the register. Companies of this size are usually well known to retail investors, too. Taking a look at our data on the ownership groups (below), it's seems that institutions own shares in the company. We can zoom in on the different ownership groups, to learn more about Liberty Broadband.

View our latest analysis for Liberty Broadband

Many institutions measure their performance against an index that approximates the local market. So they usually pay more attention to companies that are included in major indices.

As you can see, institutional investors have a fair amount of stake in Liberty Broadband. This suggests some credibility amongst professional investors. But we can't rely on that fact alone, since institutions make bad investments sometimes, just like everyone does. It is not uncommon to see a big share price drop if two large institutional investors try to sell out of a stock at the same time. So it is worth checking the past earnings trajectory of Liberty Broadband, (below). Of course, keep in mind that there are other factors to consider, too.


Institutional investors own over 50% of the company, so together than can probably strongly influence board decisions. We note that hedge funds don't have a meaningful investment in Liberty Broadband. Our data shows that The Vanguard Group, Inc. is the largest shareholder with 8.9% of shares outstanding. In comparison, the second and third largest shareholders hold about 4.1% and 3.9% of the stock. Additionally, the company's CEO Gregory Maffei directly holds 0.007892900000000001 of the total shares outstanding.

Our studies suggest that the top 25 shareholders collectively control less than half of the company's shares, meaning that the company's shares are widely disseminated and there is no dominant shareholder.

Story continues

While it makes sense to study institutional ownership data for a company, it also makes sense to study analyst sentiments to know which way the wind is blowing. Quite a few analysts cover the stock, so you could look into forecast growth quite easily.

While the precise definition of an insider can be subjective, almost everyone considers board members to be insiders. Company management run the business, but the CEO will answer to the board, even if he or she is a member of it.

Most consider insider ownership a positive because it can indicate the board is well aligned with other shareholders. However, on some occasions too much power is concentrated within this group.

Shareholders would probably be interested to learn that insiders own shares in Liberty Broadband Corporation. It is a very large company, and board members collectively own US$1.2b worth of shares (at current prices). It is good to see this level of investment. You can check here to see if those insiders have been buying recently.

The general public holds a 27% stake in LBRD.K. While this size of ownership may not be enough to sway a policy decision in their favour, they can still make a collective impact on company policies.

It's always worth thinking about the different groups who own shares in a company. But to understand Liberty Broadband better, we need to consider many other factors. Consider risks, for instance. Every company has them, and we've spotted 2 warning signs for Liberty Broadband you should know about.

If you are like me, you may want to think about whether this company will grow or shrink. Luckily, you can check this free report showing analyst forecasts for its future.

NB: Figures in this article are calculated using data from the last twelve months, which refer to the 12-month period ending on the last date of the month the financial statement is dated. This may not be consistent with full year annual report figures.

This article by Simply Wall St is general in nature. It does not constitute a recommendation to buy or sell any stock, and does not take account of your objectives, or your financial situation. We aim to bring you long-term focused analysis driven by fundamental data. Note that our analysis may not factor in the latest price-sensitive company announcements or qualitative material. Simply Wall St has no position in any stocks mentioned.

Have feedback on this article? Concerned about the content? Get in touch with us directly. Alternatively, email


What Kind Of Investors Own Most Of Liberty Broadband Corporation (NASDAQ:LBRD.K)? - Yahoo Finance

North Liberty urges residents to wear face masks, calls on businesses to adopt mask policies – The Gazette

NORTH LIBERTY The City of North Liberty is calling on its residents to mask up when in public.

During its meeting Tuesday night, the North Liberty City Council unanimously adopted a face mask resolution asking those in the city to wear face coverings while in public and to social distance. North Liberty businesses are also called upon to adopt mask policies.

Reducing the transmission of SARS-CoV-2, the coronavirus that causes COVID-19, is critical to our schools reopenings, our businesses recoveries and our communitys health, the city said in a news release announcing the measure. Face coverings keep transmission low, prevent our hospitals from being overwhelmed and protect our community members who are vulnerable.

Iowa City, Coralville and Johnson County have also called on citizens to wear masks in public. To date, only Iowa Citys mask mandate comes with a potential fine for non-compliance. However, Johnson County whose Board of Supervisors does not have the same authority as mayors is taking the steps to also enact a measure that would be punishable with fines.

North Liberty Communications Director Nick Bergus said the city was not interested in gaining compliance through punitive measures.

The goal is to encourage masks in our community to save lives, help businesses recover, help schools reopen and keep our community healthy, not to fine or arrest folks, Bergus said. This is about education, not enforcement.

The measure is effective immediately and asks that citizens wear a cloth mask or face shield in indoor public settings, when social distancing is not possible indoors or outdoors and when using public or shared transportation.


On Monday, coalitions representing thousands of Iowas health care providers sent a letter to Gov. Kim Reynolds asking her to issue a statewide face mask mandate for all Iowans.

Comments: (319) 339-3155;

If you believe local news is essential, especially during this crisis, please donate. Your contribution will support news resources to cover the impact of the pandemic on our local communities.

All donations are tax-deductible.

See the article here:

North Liberty urges residents to wear face masks, calls on businesses to adopt mask policies - The Gazette

Serene Two-Bed Condo with Sunny Terrace is Entertainer’s Dream, Liberty Terrace, DTJC – Jersey Digs

This listing is brought to you by Irene Barnaby and Daniel Pelosi of Weichert Realtors. Want a listing featured? Email us, [emailprotected].

Its easy to forget you live in the city tucked away in this two-bedroom, two-bath condo near the waters edge in Downtown Jersey City. Located in the prestigious boutique building Liberty Terrace, Unit 205 is a rarely available residence overlooking a waterfront walking path, Morris Canal Park, and the Hudson River. Enjoy spectacular sunsets year-round from the south-facing covered terrace and a sparkling view of Lower Manhattan and the Colgate Clock just to the east.

Floor-to-ceiling windows flood the open layout with natural light and rich hardwood floors run throughout. The spacious living/dining area offers endless options and the covered outdoor terrace can be accessed both from the living area and the master bedroom.

The open kitchen is a modern sleek space with light wood cabinetry, black granite countertops, and a subway tile backsplash, as well as a full suite of top-of-the-line stainless steel appliances. Next to the kitchen and unique to this special unit is a separate pantry with a built-in wet bar and pure magic for an entertainer.

Each generous bedroom overlooks the sunny south-facing terrace, the lush green spaces of Morris Canal Park and Liberty State Park, and the glimmering water of the Hudson River, offering a sublime scene of peace and quiet.

The master suite has a five-star hotel feel with three large closets, including a spacious walk-in, and a marble master bath complete with a deep soaking tub, large glass-enclosed shower, and a dual vanity.

In-unit laundry, additional on-site storage, and parking round out the perks.

Liberty Terrace is located at 25 Hudson Street and offers residents a sophisticated marble lobby attended 24/7 and an exercise room. And even though the boutique condominium feels removed from the hustle and bustle, the New York Waterway ferry to Manhattan from Paulus Hook is less than a five-minute walk away and Downtown Jersey City dining, shopping, and entertainment is just a short stroll.

Unit 205 is asking $1,249,000.

Dont miss this weekends open house on Sunday, August 2, from 1:00-4:00 p.m.

For more information, please contact Irene Barnaby at [emailprotected] or Daniel Pelosi at [emailprotected].

Listing: Liberty Terrace, 25 Hudson Street, Unit 205, Jersey CityAsking: $1,249,000Agent/Brokerage: Irene Barnaby and Daniel Pelosi/Weichert Realtors

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Serene Two-Bed Condo with Sunny Terrace is Entertainer's Dream, Liberty Terrace, DTJC - Jersey Digs