Man dies after Liberty shooting, charges against suspects upgraded to murder – Youngstown Vindicator

Published: Tue, February 7, 2017 @ 3:23 p.m.

LIBERTY Charges against two suspects have been amended from attempted murder to murder after the death of a shooting victim.

Matthew E. Dalton, 40, of South Webster, a small village in Scioto County, died Saturday at Hospice of the Valley in Poland.

A Mahoning County pathologist determined Dalton died from a single gunshot wound to the leg.

Liberty police officers found Dalton bleeding from the wound while lying on the ground at Catherine Street in the township about 5 a.m. Jan. 27.

Emergency personnel transported Dalton to St. Elizabeth Youngstown Hospital. Liberty Police Chief Rich Tisone said Dalton may have been involved in illegal activity at the time of the incident.

Police have charged William Shakoor, 20, of Austintown, and Michael Curry, 20, in connection with the shooting. The initial charges were attempted murder, aggravated robbery and being a felon in illegal possession of a weapon.

U.S. Marshals arrested Shakoor on Feb. 2. Curry remains at large.

Shakoor will appear Thursday in Girard Municipal Court for a preliminary hearing.

Originally posted here:

Man dies after Liberty shooting, charges against suspects upgraded to murder - Youngstown Vindicator

The Trump Administration’s Dangerous Attempt to Redefine Religious Liberty – Center For American Progress

Religious liberty is a fundamental American value. Protected by the First Amendment of the Constitution, free exercise of religion and freedom from government-endorsed religion are cherished rights that belong to all people. The importance of religious liberty in American history and as a core tenant of American democracy is precisely why it must be safeguarded from those who seek to manipulate it for their own political ends.

Although the Trump administration has only been in power for a few weeks, its message on religious freedom is clear: It wants to redefine religious liberty to only protect people who share its vision of faith. This comes at a steep cost to the fundamental American value of religious freedom for all. It also dangerously marginalizes people of faith who do not share the Trump administrations views, many of whom are already vulnerable to rising incidents of anti-Semitism and anti-Muslim bigotry. In recent days, the administration has taken a number of actions that threaten to undermine true religious freedom.

President Donald Trumps January 27 executive action on refugees prohibits travel to the United States for nationals of seven Muslim-majority nations. The order suspends entirely refugee admissions for a 120-day period, with a narrow exception for certain persecuted religious minorities, and fundamentally reshapes the refugee admissions program after that day to prioritize the claims of Christians. The impact of this is undeniable: Trump has ordered a Muslim ban in violation of the core value of religious freedom for all.

Democrats have rebuked President Trumps calls for a Muslim registry, politicians across the aisle have warned that the travel ban hurts national security, and people of faith are taking action to demand the Muslim ban be rescinded. In addition to large demonstrations at international airports throughout the country calling for the release of immigrants and refugees stuck in the limbo of the postorder chaos, hundreds of people of faith stood in solidarity with immigrants and refugees outside the National Prayer Breakfast in Washington, D.C., on February 2.

Also on January 27, which is International Holocaust Remembrance Day, the White House released a statement that did not mention Jews. When pressed about this break with previous presidential statements that centered on Jewish victims, three administration officials defended the decision, saying the statement was meant to be inclusive of all Holocaust victims. In fact, the White House stopped the State Department from releasing its own statement, which did include mention of Jews suffering.

Sen. Tim Kaine (D-VA) called the statement Holocaust denial. Jewish organizations across the political spectrum denounced the erasure of Jews. And many were incredulous that the Muslim ban could be issued on a day marking remembrance of the Holocaust, noting that the United States turned back Jewish refugees trying to escape Nazi rule, many of whom ultimately perished.

On February 1, a leaked draft executive order titled Establishing a Government-Wide Initiative to Respect Religious Freedom sparked further concern about the administrations narrow view of religious liberty. If enacted, the executive order would provide sweeping exemptions from a large number of federal laws covering virtually all areas of life for those people and organizations with a particular set of moral or religious convictions. Namely, if enacted, the order would exempt from federal laws people and organizations, including for-profit businesses, who act on the belief that marriage is the union of one man and one woman, sex is properly reserved for such a marriage, gender is immutable from birth, and/or life begins at conception.

The impact of such an order would be devastating. Millions of workers would be vulnerable to being discriminated against or fired if they did not share these definitions of marriage, gender, and/or family. The government would have no recourse against individuals or organizations using federal dollars and discriminating against lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender, or LGBT, people; women who have had abortions; people of faith with differing views; and/or their families, whether in government services, housing, health care, homeless shelters, or virtually all other areas of life. The undeniable impact of such language is why a recent Mississippi law with very similar language was fought by many, including faith leaders, and was struck down before it could go into effect.

On the same day the draft executive order leaked, hundreds of faith leaders from across the country and a variety of faiths signed a letter imploring the president not to insert religious exemptions into the executive order and other federal policies, asserting that doing so betrays the values we stand for as people of faith and conscience. In fact, majorities of every major religious group support nondiscrimination protection for LGBT people.

Further, the White Houses recent statement that the president plans to keep former President Barack Obamas executive order protecting LGBT workers from discrimination by federal contractors does not ensure that LGBT people will continue to be protected. If the Trump administration were to insert a sweeping exemption into that order, it would undermine the governments ability to enforce those protections. And it would elevate the underlying concern that such language preferences certain faith perspectives over others: People of faith have a variety of views on marriage, family, gender identity, sexuality, and abortion, and the government should not promote one set of views over others.

Also in the leaked draft executive order described above is direction to the IRS not to enforce a tax code provision known as the Johnson Amendment. The Johnson Amendment prevents charitable organizations such as houses of worship from endorsing or opposing political campaigns while they enjoy tax-exempt status. At the National Prayer Breakfast, Trump reiterated a campaign promise to get rid of and totally destroy the Johnson Amendment.

Not only would revoking or failing to enforce the Johnson Amendment expose houses of worship to immense political pressure and potential manipulation by political parties, but it would also create a dark money loophole for political donations. And should the administrations move to end enforcement of the Johnson Amendment come with language similar to the draft executive order, it could mean that only houses of worship that oppose marriage equality and abortion access would be free to engage in politics, while congregations that support LGBT equality and womens health, rights, and justice could still lose their tax-exempt status.

So narrowly tailoring religious liberty and only recognizing one segment of the faith community devastates the security of true religious freedom for all. While it might suit the current administration to enshrine conservative Christian beliefs into law, pretend there is not a variety of faith perspectives on marriage and family, and erase Muslims and Jews from the narrative of what makes America great, all people of faith and those who support true religious liberty should be on high alert. Otherwise, religious liberty stands to become simply another name for protecting the religion of those in power.

Claire Markham is the Associate Director for the Faith and Progressive Policy Initiative at the Center for American Progress.

Read more:

The Trump Administration's Dangerous Attempt to Redefine Religious Liberty - Center For American Progress

Attacks on American liberty must be countered – Washington Times

What does it mean for a country to have a presidential adviser say, as Steve Bannon is reported to have said last summer, that he aims to blow everything up and destroy the existing social and political order? It means uncertainty.

Uncertainty is the enemy of liberty. When people are uncertain and surrounded with chaos when citizens feel they cannot predict what will happen next they become anxious.

And a great deal follows from that. Heres what psychology has found:

When sufficiently threatened with uncertainty, the fight, flight, freeze response kicks into body and mind, with predictable defensive and aggressive consequences. Liberty is left far behind.

Uncertainty first affects people with strong beliefs who have a need for closure. When challenged, those beliefs can become hardened into dogma, protected with increasing prejudice against outsiders or threatening groups. This is a human phenomenon. It happens equally to liberals and conservatives, to religious fundamentalists and atheists.

Emotional reactions are exaggerated by uncertainty. Uncertainty heightens the experience of negative feelings. Unpleasant events feel dreadful, unnerving events feel catastrophic extreme reactions become increasingly commonplace. We see them every day now in street demonstrations, hate-filled online rants, and even in the raised decibel levels of stressful dinner-table conversation among friends. Polarization increases.

Todays attacks on liberty come from both the left and the right. They can be insidious, and subtle, or brash and confrontational. On the political left, enemies of liberty hide behind slogans favoring rights for some and demonization of others. On the political right the enemies of liberty sow distrust throughout the culture, by undermining the pillars of liberty the media, the independent judiciary, the national security establishment, and other politicians. President Trump is an enemy of liberty when he tweets so-called judge as he is when he names the media the opposition party. There is an unspoken authoritarian message, Trust no one but me.

The University of California is an enemy of liberty when it allows left-wing demonstrators professors, students or outsiders to shut down speakers whose message they do not like. Universities, once a bastion of liberty, have become its enemies by tolerating intolerance on campus. Students of diverse identities and beliefs are feeling increasingly threatened. On the University of California campuses, as on too many others, one groups freedom of expression has been used to denigrate, harass, intimidate and shut down the expression of another group. Debate is careening into hate.

Liberty thrives in a society that trusts and has confidence in the integrity of its institutions. Whatever erodes public trust in our institutions diminishes our liberty.

Weve been willingly exchanging freedom for security ever since 9/11. Fearful of terror, we extended governments reach into privacy and liberty for our own protection. We have become accustomed to metal detectors, Jersey barriers and other security measures that restrict freedom of movement. Commercial airline travel is an exercise in social control. Although it doesnt make us any safer, civilian airline passengers obediently remove shoes and belts and submit to physical pat-downs with the docility of prison inmates.

Nevertheless, we revere liberty. Regardless of our political differences, that is one of the values Americans share in common. And liberty needs stability in order to survive.

That is why the attacks on American liberty whether from California campuses, Washington chaos-manufacturers, or defenders of alternative facts must be countered with strength and firm reason.


Attacks on American liberty must be countered - Washington Times

Liberty Mobility Now employs NW Ohio area manager – Van Wert independent

Kim Bruns is the new area manager for Liberty Mobility Nows transportation services. (photo submitted)

VW independent/submitted information

Liberty Mobility Now announces Kim Bruns as the area manager of the Northwest Region of Ohio. Bruns will work to advance Libertys mission in becoming the premier transportation platform in rural America by building relationships and improving mobility for many, and supporting agencies such as:

Everyone shares excitement and energy for this amazing program, and I am honored that Kim has decided to join us, said Valerie Lefler, Liberty president and CEO. She is a leader in her community, and we here at Liberty know that she will use her expertise to do amazing things for those who are in need of transportation.

Bruns joins Liberty with more than two decades worth of experience in the healthcare field, and has been dedicated to helping underserved populations, including the elderly, and those with special needs improve their quality of life; and maintain their independence.

I am very excited to join the Liberty Team, Bruns noted. The lack of transportation options for people is a huge problem in many small communities.

I am honored to be a part of a company that is dedicated to improving mobility for the whole community, Bruns added.

In addition to her impressive professional background, Bruns received her bachelors degree in sociology, with a minor in psychology, from Bowling Green State University. She is a current member of the Executive Board of Trustees for United Way of Van Wert County and was also a finalist for the Van Wert County Foundations R.K. Thompson Self Reliance Award.

Liberty sees a bright future with Bruns directing this region; I know that she will go above and beyond to serve our customers. Lefler said.

About Liberty Mobility Now:

Liberty is a comprehensive approach to solving transportation challenges in rural communities. Liberty provides complimentary transportation for gap coverage in existing public and human service transportation providers, using technology, independent contractors, mobility managers, and advanced marketing tactics.

Continued here:

Liberty Mobility Now employs NW Ohio area manager - Van Wert independent

New York Assembly passes DREAM Act, anti-Trump Liberty Act – WSYR

Albany Capitol building (Photo by Daniel Barry/Getty Images)

Albany Capitol building (Photo by Daniel Barry/Getty Images)

ALBANY, N.Y. (WSYR-TV/WROC-TV) - On Monday, the New York State Assembly passed the DREAM Act, which treats undocumented foreign-born students as New York Citizens, even if they were brought here as infants.

The Assembly also passed a new Liberty Act, which would provide immigrants with a number of sanctuary style protections.

The Albany Times-Union described the Liberty Act as an anti-Trump measure.

The protections include a prohibition against police questioning people about their immigration status, and a ban on the use of State and local facilities for detaining people.

"For decades, New York's harbor welcomed millions of immigrants that helped shape our nation into the strong, diverse country it is today," said Assembly Speaker Carl Heastie. "The Assembly Majority believes that the continued success of our state depends on ensuring that immigrants have access to the resources they need to make meaningful contributions to their communities without the fear of inappropriate deportation and other serious consequences."

Both bills face major opposition in the State Senate.

Additional details are available on the New York State Assemblys website.

See more here:

New York Assembly passes DREAM Act, anti-Trump Liberty Act - WSYR

Ed Gillespie at Liberty University: My setbacks were part of God’s plan – Washington Post

LYNCHBURG, Va. Ed Gillespie grew up in a traditional Irish Catholic family, where faith was central to his life but not something he was comfortable wearing on his sleeve.

Hes over that now.

The Republican candidate for governor of Virginia stood before 15,000 Liberty University students Monday to share how his faith has helped him understand that painful disappointments from his failure to gain admission to his top choice for college to his squeaker loss to U.S. Sen. Mark R. Warner (D) in 2014 were part of Gods plan and ultimately for the good.

The truth is, I was not raised to talk about my personal relationship with our savior, Jesus Christ, Gillespie said at a convocation at the school. Happily, over time thats become more comfortable to me. Today Im glad to be able to share with you how that relationship sustains me, and how my faith helps me through difficult times in hopes that it might somehow be helpful to you.

While the soul-baring was new to Gillespie, the pilgrimage to Liberty has become routine for politicians courting evangelical voters.

[Liberty U transforms into evangelical mega-university]

The tiny Baptist college that the Rev. Jerry Falwell founded in the foothills of the Blue Ridge Mountains in 1971 has ballooned into the worlds largest Christian university, now led by the late TV preachers son. Along the way, Liberty has become an essential campaign stop for conservative office-seekers. Its thrice-weekly convocations, mandatory gatherings for students, guarantee a polite and receptive crowd.

The last presidential cycle alone drew four Republican candidates: now-President Trump, former Florida governor Jeb Bush, Ben Carson and Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Tex.), with Cruz choosing the campus to formally announce his candidacy. Sen. Bernie Sanders (V-I), who was then seeking the Democratic nomination, and Libertarian Gary Johnson also addressed students.

Now Virginias aspiring governors are beating a similar path to Liberty; Gillespie was the first 2017 statewide candidate to speak at a convocation, but others are coming.

Denver Riggleman, one of his rivals for the GOP nomination, also was at Liberty Monday, giving an interview to the student newspaper, the Champion; making his own plans to speak at a convocation; and holding a meet-and-greet with students at a restaurant nearby.

As a distillery owner, Riggleman is not the most obvious favorite for a dry campus. But Trump, who has owned casinos and been married three times, managed to win robust support from Liberty President Jerry Falwell Jr.

Riggleman bills himself more as a libertarian than a religious conservative but said that his message has appeal at Liberty. He said several students he spoke with agreed with his notion that marijuana legalization is a matter that should be left up to the states.

Im a live-and-let-live person, Riggleman said. What Ive noticed about Liberty students is theyre so liberty-minded in freedoms across the spectrum. Theyre very open-minded, almost in a libertarian-minded way.

In response to Gillespies appearance, the other two Republicans running for governor touted their own Liberty ties. State Sen. Frank W. Wagner (R-Virginia Beach) said he had worshipped just the day before at Thomas Road Baptist Church in Lynchburg, where the Rev. Jonathan Falwell, another son of Libertys founder, is pastor.

Corey A. Stewart, chairman of the Prince William Board of County Supervisors and former chairman of Trumps Virginia campaign, said that he attended a campus campaign event on Trumps behalf in the fall and that he, too, planned to speak at a convocation.

Its a training ground for future conservative leaders, not just in Virginia, but around the country, Stewart said.

State Sen. Bryce E. Reeves (R-Spotsylvania), who is running for lieutenant governor, and John Adams, a former federal prosecutor who is running for attorney general, are scheduled to appear at a convocation March 27.

Gillespie had addressed Liberty students before; he and Warner were convocation speakers in 2014. But Gillespies speech then was more policy-oriented and less personal.

This time, Gillespie spoke only for about five minutes, ahead of the main convocation speaker: John Borek, a former Liberty president.

Gillepsie, a former Republican National Committee chairman and onetime counselor to President George W. Bush, described a string of personal defeats and the silver linings that only later became apparent.

My parents never went to college, but they insisted that I do, he said. So when I was a senior in high school, Id set my sights and my heart on a very elite liberal arts college in New England. In retrospect, given my grades and SAT scores, it was beyond my reach. But Id convinced myself I could get in. I didnt, and I was devastated.

Gillespie did not name the college, but campaign spokesman Matt Moran later said it was Williams College.

Gillespie wound up attending Catholic University which led him to his wife of 30 years and a career in politics. It provided a populist talking point to boot.

I didnt belong at an elitist, secular college in Massachusetts, he said. I belonged at a blue-collar, religious college in Washington, D.C.

He touched only broadly on his goals as governor, saying he knows that I can make a difference to laid-off coal miners, heroin addicts in recovery, parents of children trapped in failing schools, young people like you struggling with student loan debt. He also noted that he would stand for the protection of innocent human life and religious liberty.

Democrats saw an opening there.

During his address, Gillespie proved that hes dedicated to limiting access to womens health care and imposing anti-LGBT measures upon Virginians in the name of religious liberty, state party spokeswoman Emily Bolton said.

Students gave Gillespie a polite response, although several said afterward that they had not yet tuned into the governors race.

[Gillespie announces hes running for Va. governor]

Falwell himself appeared to be in that camp. He introduced Gillespie but said he could not stay to hear his remarks because he had to give a campus tour to an unnamed special guest.

As Falwell began, he started to describe Gillespie as a candidate for governor. Then he paused and looked over his shoulder at him.

I dont know if hes announced yet, Falwell said.

Gillespie, who threw his hat into the ring in October 2015, gave him a nod.

He has, Falwell said. Hes running for governor of Virginia.

Read the rest here:

Ed Gillespie at Liberty University: My setbacks were part of God's plan - Washington Post

Liberty Media’s $8 Billion F1 Buyout Called Into Question – Forbes

Liberty Media's $8 Billion F1 Buyout Called Into Question
A British politician has written to lawmakers demanding an investigation into Formula One after claiming it is extremely likely that Liberty Media's $8 billion takeover of the auto racing series broke European law. The concern surrounds a 1% stake in ...
Former FIA President Says Liberty Media Too Quick To Oust Bernie EcclestoneSportsBusiness Daily (subscription)

all 8 news articles »


Liberty Media's $8 Billion F1 Buyout Called Into Question - Forbes

The Statue of Liberty was originally going to be a Muslim woman – The indy100

Standing tall on Liberty Island, the Statue of Liberty is the manifestation of Americas deep-rooted dedication to freedom and enlightenment.

It was one of the first structures that migrants saw when they were processed on Ellis Island between 1892 and 1954.

The structure was designed by French sculptor Frdric Auguste Bartholdi, and iswidely attributed to the artists interpretation of the Roman goddess for liberty, Libertas.

However, the statues inception wasn't in the western world: Its roots are found in the east.

According to CNBC, the Statue of Liberty, one of the most potent symbols of American freedom began life as a Muslim woman and it was originally intended to represent an Egyptian peasant.

In 1855, Bartholdi visited Egypt to study its colossal statues. After a numberof years, it was his intention tocreatea statue to stand at Port Said at the northern entrance to the Suez Canal.

Encyclopaediacalled the sketch an African-style female figure and the National Park Service, a bureau of the Department of the Interior confirmed on their website that he originally designed a colossal statue of a robed woman holding a torch, which he called Egypt Bring Light to Asia.

According to Edward Berenson, author of Statue of Liberty: A Transatlantic Story, the conceptwas a gigantic female fellah, or Arab peasant which changed into a colossal goddess after Ismail Pasha, the khedive (leader at the time) refused the idea because it was too expensive.

George Adam Smith, writing in Syria and the Holy Land, said that fellahin (the plural of fellah) can denote a Muslim, Druze, Christian or Jewish peasant.

However, given that Egypt in the nineteenth century was predominately Muslim, one hypothesis is that the woman depicted in the original sketch of the statue, referred to as Egypt herself, was Muslim.

In 1865, political thinker Edouard de Laboulaye wanted to gift the US with a monument that would commemorate their mutual dedication to freedom, as well as to celebrate Abraham Lincoln.

Bartholdi was picked to design the sculpture. He altered his original sketch to reflect Libertas, the Roman goddess of liberty.

More: The brilliant answer to what the world would look like without Muslims

More: 35 breathtaking cartoons in response to Trump's 'Muslim ban'

Read more here:

The Statue of Liberty was originally going to be a Muslim woman - The indy100

America, Prosperity & Liberty — Not a Nation in Crisis | National … – National Review

How old are you, usually, when it all hits you? Tom Wolfe, The Frisbee Ion

One of the great pageants in American life, the Super Bowl, is happening in my new hometown of Houston today. House Williamson has decided to treat this occurrence as a natural disaster, and our strategy for dealing with natural disasters is always the same: Be elsewhere. When Superstorm Sandy hit New York City, I watched it on the news in Palm Springs. Whatever transpires in the city today, Ill be keeping a wary eye on it from a good bit farther on down the Gulf Coast.

Houston can be horrifying much of the year. Summers here are unbearable, and I write that as a man who lived for a time in India without air conditioning. Sometimes it rains for days, the traffic is positively Third World, and the citys great landmarks are an empty sports arena and a shopping mall. But this time of year, Houston is glorious, warm and mellow winter sunshine on palm trees, cloudless skies. This is neither Americas prettiest city nor its most exciting nor its most refined refined here mainly refers to petroleum products. But it certainly seems to be a place that works. It has stupid municipal government, like practically every major American city, and it counts Sheila Jackson Lee as among its great political assets. But damn it all if it doesnt seem to work, from the guys out in Baytown refining oil and churning out petrochemicals to the manufacturing businesses that build the tools they use to the downtown financiers and lawyers who keep everything moving. Lots of new pickups, lots of full restaurants, lots of guys making a good living installing swimming pools for the guys who are making an even better one. Youve never seen a median household income of $61,485 look so rich.

We Texans like to sneer at Californians, but they arent doing too badly out there, either. I am a big fan of the unwritten sumptuary laws of Silicon Valley: Nobody wears a suit, but everybody wears an oh-so-casual cashmere sweater that costs about three grand, and nobody drives a Lamborghini but nobodys Tesla is more than about 18 months old, either. California has its problems, to be sure, though we Texans shouldnt laugh at them too hard: The green-eyeshades guys tell me that theres a good chance well see the public pensions in Houston and Dallas go toes-up before the ones in Los Angeles and San Francisco do. (Weirdly, New York has been relatively responsible on this front who could have seen that coming?) Everybody who reads knows the idiots in Sacramento are screwing things up like its their job, but there isnt much in California that feels like a crisis. The Bay Area is rich and slick and happy, and sprawling Los Angeles seems to be doing quite well, too, and even the drought-stricken farm country still for the most part is looking pretty prosperous.

And so it goes: Washington, D.C., is not only thriving but maybe even doing a little better than your thinking small-r republican would like to see in principle. For all the talk of carnage and the very real problem of violent crime plaguing a handful of its neighborhoods, most of Chicago is doing just fine and some of it is spectacular. South Floridas low-rent good-fun vibe has figured out a way to coexist with serious business, thanks in no small part to excellent state-level political leadership and a very forward-looking business community. New York is still New York, and Boston is still Boston, which is great if you like that sort of thing. And outside of the big cities, American farmers are prospering beyond the imagining of their forebears only a generation ago, with high-tech 21st-century agriculture having grown into something thats influenced a lot more by what theyre doing in Palo Alto than by what they used to do in Muleshoe. If you havent visited an American cotton, wheat, corn, or soybean operation, you really should the sheer vastness of the enterprise is eye-opening.

Part of my job is writing about social problems such as poverty, crime, and drug addiction, which means I drive around the country looking for the worst parts of everywhere, which are pretty easy to find if you know how to do it. Ive spent the last couple of years interviewing hookers in Charleston and heroin addicts in Birmingham and welfare cheats in Tennessee. Ive been in jails and Alcoholics Anonymous meeting rooms and halfway houses, talked to dealers on drug corners in New Orleans, and heard the story of a family living in a gas station in Kentucky. Generally speaking, when I show up in your town, it isnt good news. And we need to talk about those things, but those situations in this land of unbelievable peace and plenty are the man who bites the dog, not the other way around. The news is the news because it is not the norm.

Perhaps it is because there is not much in the way of genuinely bad American expletive-deleted with which I am not at least passingly familiar that the hysteria and negativity of our political discourse strikes me as so very expletive deleted insane.

Youd think the United States is poor, desperate, backward, and on the verge of either civil war or building concentration camps or both.

It isnt.

The idiot children in Berkeley who risibly style themselves antifascists say that they are going to war, that the United States is descending into some sort of Nazi-style nightmare state, and that allowing a daffy Anglo-Greek homosexual writer to speak about current affairs on a University of California campus is only one step away from their words genocide. Surely, if there were to be some sort of neo-Nazi regime in the United States, its poet laureate would not be Milo Yiannopoulos, who is: gay, Jewish by birth, Catholic by profession, and something of an enthusiastic race-mixer to boot. Hes the guy whod be put into a camp, if there were camps.

There arent.

Senator Bernie Sanders and Senator Elizabeth Warren want you to believe that the economy and the political system are rigged against you, that you have no real hope of prospering, rising, and thriving in what Senator Sanders insists is an oligarchy. (He pronounces it Allah-garchy, and, sharia hysteria notwithstanding, we arent getting one of those, either.) The guys on talk radio want to sell you gold coins and freeze-dried ice cream, and so they need you to believe that we are on the verge of total anarchy, that somebody the Islamic State, Black Lives Matter, Chicago gangsters, somebody is coming to get you. Politicos and angst-peddlers left and right want you terrified and anxious, and they want you to believe that these United States comprise a vast impoverished anarchic Eliotic wasteland, a kind of gigantic continental Haiti with lots of shopping malls and a surprisingly large number of Range Rovers.

But if you drive around the country, it doesnt look like that at all. It looks, for all its very real problems, amazing.

Tom Wolfe, the peerless chronicler of American life, tells a wonderful story of the 1960s, about a group of philosophers and social critics flying in through OHare to descend on an American college campus. The assembled scolds and beard-strokers and Chicken Littles describe the myriad of problems facing the United States horrifying, existential, insoluble. And then one young man stood up:

Im a senior, and for four years weve been told by people like yourself and the other gentlemen that everythings in terrible shape, and its all going to hell, and Im willing to take your word for it, because youre all experts in your fields. But around here, at this school, for the past four years, the biggest problem, as far as I can see, has been finding a parking place near the campus.

Dead silence. The panelists looked at this poor turkey to try to size him up. Was he trying to be funny? Or was this the native bray of the heartland? The ecologist struck a note of forbearance as he said:

Im sure thats true, and that illustrates one of the biggest difficulties we have in making realistic assessments. A university like this, after all, is a middle-class institution, and middle-class life is calculated precisely to create a screen

I understand all that, said the boy. What I want to know is how old are you, usually, when it all hits you?

And suddenly the situation became clear. This kid was no wiseacre! He was genuinely perplexed!...For four years he had been squinting at the horizon...looking for the grim horrors he knew on faith to be all around him....War! Fascism! Repression! Corruption!...

The Jocks & Buds & Freaks of the heartland have their all-knowing savants of OHare, who keep warning them that this is the worst of all possible worlds, and they know it must be true and yet life keeps getting easier, sunnier, happier...Frisbee!

Yes, bread and circuses and all that, but the least expensive ticket to this weekends big game is going for about $4,500, which suggests to me a society with a great deal of disposable income and leisure time on its hands. And if thats too rich for your means, theres always Frisbee, or Starbucks, or starting a business, or MIT OpenCourseware, or the Appalachian Trail, or reading Mark Twain at the New York Public Library.

How old are you, usually, when it hits you? Im 44, and it hasnt hit me yet.

Kevin D. Williamson is the roving correspondent for National Review.

Read the original post:

America, Prosperity & Liberty -- Not a Nation in Crisis | National ... - National Review

International Religious Liberty Is Vital, And Trump Needs To Advocate For It – Daily Caller


For the longest time, the world has watched in horror as thousands across the world have suffered at the hands of despotic governments due to oppressed peoples merely exercising their naturally endowed right to freedom of conscience.

We open our scene on the Peoples Republic of China (PRC) where thousands of people from of all faiths are unjustly imprisoned for their beliefs and forcibly submitted to horrendous live organ harvesting and torture so that the Communist-controlled government can assert their dominance over thought and culture.

Last year, a colleague and I wrote, ina column forThe Blaze, on the importance of ensuring international religious freedom utilizing the faith of Falun Gong and the pain this group continuously suffers as an example, to illustrate need for Americans (especially) to lead the fight in promoting an international environment where religious freedom can flourish absent of despotic intervention.

We indicated that while many groups in China and around the world are attacked for holding strange beliefs, Falun Gong members have been claiming for more than a decade the persecution against them has taken an especially dark turn. This dark turn, obviously, is the egregious acts of the sitting Chinese government to forcibly extract organs for donation purposes from living prisoners of conscience which includes groups like Chinese Christians and the Uyghurs, of whom are a Muslim majority.

The United Nations hasinvestigated this overt violationof life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness for these prisoners of conscience; but the Chinese government continues to provide organ donation services at relatively low prices and retrieval times, ergo citing some crooked practices in part of the public health officials. Thus, this only lends credibility to the already confirmed fact that the Chinese government is killing its citizens of whom disagree with the majority ideology of Maoist Communism. Simply put, the Chinese government remains unchecked.

American President Donald J. Trump is now presented with a new paradigm in conducting foreign affairs on behalf of the free world. With this, the Trump Administration needs to recognize the importance of protecting religious liberty and freedom of conscience, not just domestically but, abroad. Nevermore, the question remains: What is the proper way for Trump to help support and affirm international religious liberty?

For starters, Trump needs to put despotic governments, like the PRC, on blast for oppressing freedom of conscience amongst its citizens. One way of doing this is for the newly confirmed United States Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley to challenge the very representatives of communist and fascist dictatorships, like that of Xi Jinpings PRC, on the matters of human rights. Trump via Haley needs to leverage the UNs Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) in favor of victims of despotic regime rule.

Article 18 of the UDHRdirectly states that, everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience, and religion; this right includes freedom to change his religion or belief, and freedom, either alone or in community with others and in public or private, to manifest his religion or belief in teaching, practice, worship and observance.

With Americas influence over the UN, President Trump must use such influence to rout out the dissidence of oppressive governmental intervention, no matter the country, on a humans promulgated right to think and believe freely.

Trump also has the intuitive insight of the United State Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF), a federal commission committed to advocating for freedom of conscience and faith across the world, at his disposal. USCIRF and its commissioners provide a level of expertise from the private and the public sector on how foreign governments should recognize and protect religious freedom for their populace that is unmatched.

In the current case on religious liberty in China, USCIRF,in their 2016 annual reportconcluded that in this past year, Chinas severe religious freedom violations continued. The report recounted for the Chinese government repressing on several precarious incidences including cases where Uyghur Muslims being prohibited from practicing Ramadan to Christians within the country facing regulations prohibiting sympathetic religious symbols in the public square. Moving away from the atrocities that people of all faiths face in countries like Communist-controlled China, USCIRF serves as the only credulous source on religious freedom across the world in place at the federal level.

Last year, though, the Republican-held House of Representatives even passed a resolution acknowledging the importance of addressing the forced organ harvesting horror for the Falun Gong and all faiths subject to such degradation.

The final argument, in the end, is simple: President Trump has the leverage and the tools to effect positive change for the international faith community. It should be in his Administrations best interest to ensure that this happens. It is well overdue.

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International Religious Liberty Is Vital, And Trump Needs To Advocate For It - Daily Caller

Lady Liberty has her say about The Wall: Mitch Albom – USA Today – USA TODAY

USA Today Network Mitch Albom, Detroit Free Press Published 6:03 a.m. ET Feb. 5, 2017 | Updated 7:20 p.m. ET Feb. 5, 2017

Sergeant Louie Tartaglia is a police officer in Arizona's Cochise County -- a US district that shares 85 miles of border with Mexico. Tartaglia, whose team of local officers work conjunctively with US Border Patrol, welcomes President Trump's promises to increase border security but is unsure what "building a wall" will actually entail. Video provided by AFP Newslook

The Statue of Liberty(Photo: Spencer Platt, Getty Images)

I went to visit the Statue of Liberty. I missed the last boat back. As I gazed at the American shoreline, I heard a voice.

So, what do you think?

I turned. Lady Liberty was talking to me.

I think Im hallucinating, I said.

Dont be shy. I dont often get to speak. Its hard to talk with people crawling up your robe.

Well ... I said. Whats on your mind?

What do you think? About the symbol?

You? I think youre amazing. Inspiring. Incred--

Not me. Thenewsymbol. The Wall.


Lady Liberty sighed. You know, for more than a century, Ive been the image of our nations borders. You thought of coming here? You thought of me.

But now? Now when people around the world think of America, theyre going to picture a wall a really long, ugly wall.

She shook her crown. It wont even be green.

No, no, I insisted. Were much more than that. Were a huge nation. Rich. Diverse.


Muslim-Mexican scapegoats in Trumps America: Voices


Messing with Mexico is a dangerous idea: David Andelman

So is China, she said. But whats the first structure you think of with that country?

She had me there.

Whats the purpose of this wall? she asked.

To keep people out.

Hmm. She pointed her torch down to her base.

See those?

Your really big feet?

No. The broken chains Im stepping out of. They stand for freedom from oppression. Arent people coming here seeking freedom from oppression?

Some, I said. Some just want jobs.

So theyre poor?

Many of them, yes.

See that? She pointed down with her tablet.

Your toenails?

Lower. On the base. The sonnet. Read it.

Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free.The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tostto me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!


Will Trump's America be a nation of ugly self-interest and ignorance? Column


Trump's refugee order delivers on Obama's broken promise: James Robbins

Pretty good, huh? she said.

Pretty good, I replied.

Ill bet The Wall doesnt have a golden door.

She had me there.

Its complicated, I tried to explain. Back when you were built, people came to follow their dreams.

Arent todays immigrants doing that?

But theyre not going through proper channels.

How long do proper channels take?

Depends on the country. In some cases, 20 years.

Hmm. She looked off to Ellis Island. Did your family come through there?

Yes. Early last century.

Did they have to wait 20 years?


Maybe the laws need more fixing than the borders.

She stared at me. I think she raised an eyebrow.

Some illegal immigrants commit crimes, I said.

More than citizens commit crimes?

Actually, I mumbled, most data showits less.

Hmm, she said. She had a way of saying that.

POLICING THE USA:Alook at race, justice, media


Well love America, even if it doesnt love us back: #tellusatoday

And when these illegals come, do they work?

Yes. They work so cheap. They take our jobs.

Whos hiring them?

Factories. Small business. Households.

Are you punishing the employers? Are you building a wall around the factories?

Dont be silly, I said.

Hmm, she said.

She adjusted her crown, with its seven spikes to symbolize seven seas and continents. Do you know my original name? It was Liberty Enlightening the World. "

She looked south. Will they say that about a wall?

The big fight now is whos gonna pay for it.

I was paid for by foreigners.

Hey. Thats exactly what our president wants!

I was a gift.

Oh, yeah.

The sun began to rise. Well, bon voyage, Lady Liberty said, lifting her arm. I must get back to work.

Work? I said. But youre a statue.

No, she said, sternly, Im a symbol. I stand for something. And you know what? Standing for something, every day and night, is really hard work.

Hmm, I said. And I thought I saw her smile.

Mitch Albom is a columnist for theDetroit Free Press, where this column first appeared. Follow him on Twitter@MitchAlbom.

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Lady Liberty has her say about The Wall: Mitch Albom - USA Today - USA TODAY

Liberty man killed in Preble County accident – Palladium-Item

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OSHP officers are trying to determine who was driving the vehicle when it left the roadway Friday night.

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Auto accident(Photo: File)

A Liberty, Ind., man died Friday night after a one-car accident in Preble County, Ohio.

Nathan P. Smith, 34, was pronounced dead at the accident scene on Oxford-Gettysburg Road in Jackson Township, said Sgt. Chris Colbert of the Ohio State Highway Patrol's Dayton Post. Another Liberty man, Timothy S. Keller, 41, was transported by CareFlight medical helicopter to Miami Valley Hospital with serious injuries.

According to Colbert, the men were in a 2004 Chevrolet Cavalier at 10:27 p.m. Friday traveling on Oxford-Gettysburg Road when the Cavalier ran across railroad tracks. It veered out of control off the left side of the road, striking a ditch and culvert before rolling several times. Both men were ejected, Colbert said, and neither was wearing a seat belt.

Troopers from the Dayton Post continue to investigate, Colbert said. They are attempting to determine which man was driving as well as whether speed, drugs or alcohol might have factored into the accident.

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Liberty man killed in Preble County accident - Palladium-Item

Liberty X fans gutted as group only perform two songs at New Zealand reunion gig – Digital Spy

Twitter Jessica Taylor

Liberty X are back! But some fans in New Zealand who have waited so long for the reunion were left wanting more, after the group could only play two songs.

Original members Michelle Heaton, Jessica Taylor, and Kelli Young got together to belt out 'Just a Little' and 'Being Nobody' on their reunion tour alongside the likes of B*Witched, Atomic Kitten, and S Club.

Brian Rasic/Getty Images

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Despite the tour poster clearly stating that Liberty X only had two songs lined up, a few aggrieved attendees had hoped for something more substantial.

"Why not give us 'just a little' more than two songs before you leave again?" wrote one person on Twitter, who showed up at Auckland's ASB Theatre. "You came all this way. And seemed super excited to be here.

"And we've waited 15 years for this."

Another fan said: "Liberty X only played two songs, which was a bit disappointing."

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Related: Whatever happened to Liberty X? Take a look at what the Popstars runners-up did next

It's okay, though, because there were plenty of fans out there who LOVED them.

"Thank you LIBERTY X for coming to New Zealand," one fan said. "You were all amazing. Come back soon xx"

"We used to dance around the lounge to 'Just a Little' as kids," another excited person wrote. "Never did I think I'd see you live!

"I loved it!"

Here are some more positive reactions:

Seems like Liberty X slayed to us, even if they only played two songs!

If you're wondering where Kevin Simm and Tony Lundon were, they're currently busy with their own solo projects.

Kevin won The Voice UK last year, of course, while Tony has his own production company.

Want up-to-the-minute entertainment and tech news? Just hit 'Like' on our Digital Spy Facebook page and 'Follow' on our @digitalspy Twitter account and you're all set.

Originally posted here:

Liberty X fans gutted as group only perform two songs at New Zealand reunion gig - Digital Spy

Jeep Liberty –

To find cars in your area, Choose a City National Search Alabama, Birmingham Alabama, Montgomery Alabama, Prattville Alaska, Anchorage Arizona, Phoenix Arizona, Tucson Arkansas, Little Rock Arkansas, Mountain Home California, Bakersfield California, Contra Costa Co. California, Fairfield California, Fresno California, Los Angeles California, Marin California, Modesto California, Palm Springs California, Riverside California, Sacramento California, Salinas California, San Diego California, San Francisco California, San Jose California, San Luis Obispo California, Santa Rosa California, Walnut Creek Colorado, Denver Colorado, Ft. Collins Connecticut, Hartford Connecticut, Norwich D.C., Washington Delaware, Wilmington Fla., Ft. Lauderdale/Palm Beach Florida, Brandenton Florida, Ft. Myers Florida, Jacksonville Florida, Melbourne Florida, Miami Florida, Orlando Florida, Pensacola Florida, Sarasota Florida, South Florida Florida, Tallahassee Florida, Tampa Georgia, Atlanta Georgia, Augusta Georgia, Columbus Georgia, Gainesville Georgia, Macon Georgia, Savannah Hawaii, Honolulu Idaho, Boise Illinois, Belleville Illinois, Champaign Illinois, Chicago Illinois, Rockford Indiana, Evansville Indiana, Ft. Wayne Indiana, Indianapolis Indiana, Lafayette Indiana, Marion Indiana, Muncie Indiana, Richmond Indiana, South Bend Indiana, Terre Haute Iowa, Des Moines Iowa, Iowa City Kansas, Wichita Kentucky, Lexington Kentucky, Louisville Kentucky, Paducah Louisiana, Baton Rogue Louisiana, Jackson Louisiana, Lafayette Louisiana, Monroe Louisiana, New Orleans Louisiana, Shreveport MA, Hyannis (Cape Cod) Maryland, Baltimore Maryland, Salisbury Massachusetts, Boston Massachusetts, Worcester Michigan, Battle Creek Michigan, Detroit Michigan, Flint Michigan, Grand Rapids Michigan, Kalamazoo Michigan, Lansing Michigan, Muskegon Michigan, Port Huron Minnesota, Duluth Minnesota, Minneapolis Minnesota, St. Cloud Minnesota, St. Paul Mississippi, Biloxi Mississippi, Hattiesburg Mississippi, Jackson Missouri, Kansas City Missouri, Springfield Missouri, St. Louis Montana, Great Falls N.C., Raleigh/Durham/Chapel Hill Nebraska, Omaha Nevada, Las Vegas Nevada, Reno New Jersey, Southern New Jersey New Jersey, Toms River New Mexico, Alamogordo New Mexico, Albuquerque New Mexico, Carlsbad New Mexico, Deming New Mexico, Farmington New Mexico, Las Cruces New Mexico, Silver City New York, Albany New York, Binghamton New York, Buffalo New York, Elmira New York, Ithaca New York, New York City New York, Poughkeepsie New York, Rochester New York, Syracuse New York, Utica North Carolina, Asheville North Carolina, Charlotte North Carolina, Greensboro North Dakota, Grand Forks Ohio, Akron Ohio, Bucyrus Ohio, Canton Ohio, Chillicothe Ohio, Cincinnati Ohio, Cleveland Ohio, Columbus Ohio, Coshocton Ohio, Dayton Ohio, Fremont Ohio, Lancaster Ohio, Mansfield Ohio, Marieta Ohio, Marion Ohio, Newark Ohio, Toledo Ohio, Zanesville Oklahoma, Oklahoma City Oklahoma, Tulsa Oregon, Portland Oregon, Salem Pennsylvania, Allentown Pennsylvania, Chambersburg Pennsylvania, Harrisburg Pennsylvania, Philadelphia Pennsylvania, Pittsburgh Pennsylvania, Wilkes Barre Rhode Island, Providence South Carolina, Beaufort South Carolina, Charleston South Carolina, Columbia South Carolina, Greenville South Carolina, Hilton Head South Carolina, Myrtle Beach South Carolina, Rock Hill South Dakota, Aberdeen South Dakota, Sioux Falls Tennessee, Chattanooga Tennessee, Clarksville Tennessee, Knoxville Tennessee, Memphis Tennessee, Nashville Texas, Austin Texas, Corpus Christi Texas, Dallas Texas, El Paso Texas, Ft. Worth Texas, Houston Texas, San Antonio Texas, Waco Utah, Salt Lake City Utah, St. George Vermont, Burlington Virginia, Hampton Roads Virginia, Petersburg Virginia, Richmond Virginia, Roanoke Virginia, Staunton Washington, Bellingham Washington, Olympia Washington, Seattle Washington, Seattle-Tacoma Washington, Spokane West Virginia, Huntington Wisconsin, Appleton Wisconsin, Fond du Lac Wisconsin, Green Bay Wisconsin, Madison Wisconsin, Manitowoc Wisconsin, Marshfield Wisconsin, Milwaukee Wisconsin, Oshkosh Wisconsin, Sheboygan Wisconsin, Stevens Point Wisconsin, Wausau Wisconsin, Wisconsin Rapids or enter your ZIP code now.

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Jeep Liberty -

Liberty Hound –

Ladies and gentlemen, kids of all ages - Slow Roll season is almost upon us!

With gratitude for such widespread support, we're planning to grow in so many ways... this year, from the ride itself to our reach in the community - this free event enjoyed by thousands from ages 5-93 presents endless opportunities to make Buffalo better by bicycle.

Amidst all this effort and excitement, we're still awaiting word from the city on new costs to be imposed this year; while Mayor Byron W. Brown has pledged to both keep these fees reasonable and even lead a ride, we can promise this much - Slow Roll Buffalo will roll on, and it will remain free for all!

Here's the first half of our 2016 schedule - set your schedules and spread the word!

SEASON OPENER - SUNDAY, May 8th, 1pm - Marcy Casino Buffalo

MONDAYS, meet at 5:30pm - roll at 6:30pm

May 16th - The Oakk Room May 23rd - The Buffalo News May 30th - Buffalo and Erie County Naval and Military Park June 6th - Larkin Square & Hydraulic Hearth June 13th - Heart of Hertel Avenue June 20th - The Groove Lounge June 27th - Resurgence Brewing Company July 4th - Buffalo River Fest Park July 11th - Martin Luther King, Jr. Park July 18th - Artisan Kitchens and Baths July 25th - Lackawanna Fire Station 3

Much more to come...

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Liberty Hound -

Liberty Public Schools

Look Who Made The Accelerated Reading Party! 9:30 a.m./Brown - PreK

Tobie Barzellone, William Benson, Ava Gray, Emma Thrasher and Marki Wakefield

Chrissy Conley, Connelly Mitchell, Fisher Head, Kylan Mathis, Madison Brown, Natalee Henson, Presley Howe, and Shawna Crowell

Alivia Barzellone, Mallory Bryant, Emmett Coffeltt, Braxton Floyd, Shelby Geen, Bryce Guthrie, Lane Lewis, Jayda Malone, caleb Taylor, Fallon Testa, Graham Vivion, and Broc Wilson

Jordan Barzellone, Mayce Bell, Alexander Corn, Leo Endicott, Yatzil Flores, Bryce Floyd, Amare Hamilton, Cash Perner, Rynnick Rider, and Tanner Thompson

Gracie Barzellone, Zanna Gordon, Chloe Harris, Trey Lee, Larry Morris, Trinity Matney, Brayden Rogers, Tripp Sanders, Emma Sligar, and Haly Todd

Braylen Bear, Taya Jo Beesley, Grant Clay, Gabby Dare, Joshua Pierce, and Maci Skelton

The whole class!!

Katelyn Benson, Jaxon Brown, McKenzie Hoskin, Gabby Miller, Katie Outhier, and Ireland Thomas

Lilly Beams, Camron Bear, Carmela Paz, Amelia Testa, Wyatt Toney, and Jayce Wheeler

Elizabeth Clifford, Dallyn Dooley, Charlie Hill, Tori Summers and Alicia Paz


Liberty Public Schools

City of Liberty, TX 77575 USA

***********************************************************Press Release

LIBERTY, TEXAS (MARCH 24, 2016) Beginning April 1, 2016 Trees, Inc. and Dig Tech, Inc. Contractors hired by the City of Liberty - will be working on projects in the Regency Place and Travis Park Subdivisions.

How will this affect the public?

Trees, Inc. will be trimming trees around the Electrical Transformers and Right of Ways and will have vehicles and equipment in the area. Dig Tech, Inc. will be working on the underground electrical lines in the area and will have vehicles and equipment in the area. No road closures are expected and temporary traffic control devices may be used to maintain roadway safety. Be aware that contractor personnel will be in back yards and/or alleyways while work is in progress, but will not be inside of homes.

If you should have any questions or concerns, please contact the City of Liberty at 936-336-3684






Public Service Announcement: Fair Housing, It's the Law

To promote fair housing practices, the City of Libertyencourages potential homeowners and renters to be aware of their rights under the National Fair Housing Law.Title VIII of the Civil Rights Act of 1968, as amended, prohibits discrimination against any person on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, disability, familial status or national origin in the sale or rental of units in the housing market. For more information on fair housing or to report possible fair housing discrimination, call the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development's toll-free hotline at 1-800-669-9777.

***********************************************************Take Pride in Your City... Be a Responsible Property Owner





Are you looking for a list of the Citys fees? Perhaps you would like to know the charge for utilities or the cost of various permits?

To help ease the search process, aMaster Fee Schedule has been created to encompass all of the fees within the City. This information can be used to assist with the planning of projects or activities.

*********************************************************** BILL FORMAT!!

Please click thelink belowto see what your City of Libertybill will look like.

Bill Format


Original post:

City of Liberty, TX 77575 USA

Liberty Flames College Basketball –

Liberty 6-11 sophomore transfer Evan Maxwell told ESPN he has narrowed list to Baylor, Virginia Tech and BC. Plans to visit VT and Baylor.


Ahmad Thomas made 12 of 15 shots and scored 27 points and North Carolina Ashville rolled to an 80-49 win over Liberty in the quarterfinals of the Big South tournament on Friday.


Caleb Homesley hit five 3s and scored 22 points and Liberty snapped a three-game losing streak with an 86-81 win over Gardner Webb on Saturday.


Sam Hughes scored 17, and Ahmad Thomas had 15 points with 10 rebounds to help UNC Asheville beat Liberty 73-56 Thursday night.


DeSean Murray matched a career-high with 28 points and grabbed 12 rebounds to lead Presbyterian to a 79-73 victory over Liberty on Saturday night to snap an eight-game skid.


Rashun Davis drove on his defender at the top of the key, and then pulled up to launch the game-winning basket with five seconds remaining as Radford edged Liberty 69-67 Thursday night, denying t


A.C. Reid hit a career-high six 3-pointers and finished with 20 points as Liberty hit a season-high 16 from behind the arc and held on for a 69-68 win over Longwood on Saturday.


Ryan Kemrite scored the go-ahead basket after grabbing an offensive rebound, and Lovell Cabbil knocked down six straight free throws as Liberty held off High Point 80-76 Saturday night.


A.C. Reid scored all of his 17 points in the first half as Liberty built a big lead early and cruised to an 88-77 victory over Winthrop on Tuesday night for its fifth straight win.


John Dawson scored 19 points and Liberty hung on down the stretch to beat Presbyterian 65-61 on Saturday night.


John Dawson had 17 points on 8-of-13 shooting, Ryan Kemrite added 14 points and 10 rebounds and Liberty beat Gardner-Webb 69-55 on Wednesday night.


A.C Reid scored 15 points, John Dawson added 11 and the winning basket at the buzzer, and Liberty upset High Point 69-67 on Saturday to end a four-game skid at home against the Panthers dating to


John Dawson had 14 points, nine rebounds and five assists, and Lovell Cabbil hit 5 of 6 free throws in the final 34 seconds to help Liberty hold off Longwood for a 55-53 win Tuesday night.


Xavier Cooks had 22 points with six rebounds and Winthrop cruised to a 74-58 win over Liberty on Saturday.


Aaron Wheeler scored 14 points and Armel Potter sank the winning free throws to lift Charleston Southern to a 64-63 win over Liberty on Thursday night.


John Dawson scored 14 points and grabbed 10 rebounds as Liberty held off a late run to beat Campbell 55-52 on Saturday.


John Dawson scored 18 points including a 3-pointer in the final seconds for the win as Liberty snapped a 12-game slide by edging Coastal Carolina 62-61 on Wednesday night.


Ahmad Thomas scored 27 points and had seven steals -- both career-highs -- along with nine rebounds, and Dwayne Sutton had 16 points and 13 rebounds to lead UNC Asheville over Liberty 76-69 on Sa


Steve Vasturia scored 17 points and Notre Dame rallied in the second half Tuesday to cruise to a 73-56 win over Liberty.


Melvin Johnson scored 15 points, JeQuan Lewis added 14, and VCU rolled to an 85-57 victory over Liberty on Sunday.


Tyreek Jewell scored 17 points with 11 rebounds, Antonio Jenifer added 15 points and seven boards, and St. Francis Brooklyn beat Liberty 64-55 on Sunday.

See more here:

Liberty Flames College Basketball -

Buy Kids, Women, Mens Shoes, Sandal Online – Liberty Shoes

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Buy Kids, Women, Mens Shoes, Sandal Online - Liberty Shoes

Moto Liberty // #1 gear Store In Texas

We didn't get to be the #1 motorcycle gear and accessories store in Texas for no reason. We're not a mail order house and truly want you to get gear that fits. We are proud to say we don't sell every item from every company out there. We choose the best values in gear. Our knowledgeable sales staff would be happy to help you, so if you have any questions, let us help you get it right the first time. No restocking fees.

Next up...... HUGE Saturday, April 16th.

In conjunction with our fine neighbors, Josey Records. The Mountian Dew truck will be here. Food. Adult beverages next door (free!).

Dedicated BIKE PARKING, so RIDE on over!! 🙂

Dainese D Air suits now in stock. Sizes 52 to 58. Call for sizes and colors.

2821 LBJ Freeway, #110, Farmers Branch, TX 75234

NORTH side of LBJ (I-635) just West of Josey Lane.

Best to pull into Cavender's parking lot! GPS may put you on the wrong side of LBJ... We are on the North side!

click on this link for pics of the GRAND OPENING!

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Moto Liberty // #1 gear Store In Texas