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Wednesday, January 24, 2024 Broadband Mapping and BEAD Challenges

Nearly four years have passed since the Broadband DATA Act mandated the FCC create improved broadband maps to guide the allocation of billions in infrastructure grants. But the agency still has wrinkles to iron out, even as states submit corrections through their ongoing challenge processes. With Louisiana, Virginia and Kansas ahead of the pack, others are still finalizing their blueprints for verifying coverage data. What are the sticking points? What lies ahead as states prepare to run their processes?


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Las Vegas Hotels, Shows, Things to Do, Restaurants & Maps

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Las Vegas Hotels, Shows, Things to Do, Restaurants & Maps

2 pedestrians killed in downtown Las Vegas hit-and-run crash | Las …

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2 pedestrians killed in downtown Las Vegas hit-and-run crash | Las ...

UFO over the Las Vegas Strip? More likely a rare weather phenomenon

Twas two nights before Christmas and up and down the Las Vegas Strip, people looked up and thought they saw a spaceship.

Spoiler alert: It was probably just a weather phenomenon, though a rare one for the Las Vegas Valley.

Workers at the Sapphire Gentlemans Club on Sammy Davis Jr. Drive posted the first videos of the phenomenon early on the morning of Friday, Dec. 23. From the parking lot, they filmed what appeared to be groups of red and white lights shining in the clouds.

Honestly, this is really strange, a voice can be heard remarking of the lights. I mean, were here every night. Ive never seen anything like this.

The people recording the event speculated that it was a UFO hovering above the club, and they werent alone. KTLA sister station KLAS heard from a worker at a nearby marijuana-growing business who also saw the lights, claiming they stayed in place for more than an hour.

But the night was relatively cool with low clouds in the sky, leading to speculation it was just reflections from the lights along the Las Vegas Strip. This is probably correct, experts suggest, though it only happens during very specific weather events.

A meteorologist at the National Weather Service in Las Vegas told KLAS that since the lights in clouds did not appear to move, and the temperature in the clouds was cold enough, theres a good chance what people saw this night was a phenomenon known as light pillars.

According to one National Weather Service, light pillars are described as the following:

Long pillars of multicolored light streaking the sky seem like the perfect backdrop for impending alien invasion, but in reality, light pillars are a common effect that can be found all over the world.

They do come from above not extraterrestrials, but tiny crystals of ice hanging in the atmosphere. Ice is very thin, shaped like plates with hexagonal faces. When ice drifts down through the air, it falls close to horizontally. At the top and bottom are the faces with more area. Ice is very reflective, so when light hits those wider faces, it bounces around and reflects off more ice crystals.

That means we get these vertically stacked mirrors floating in the atmosphere. The light hitting it gets reflected up and up (or down and down, depending on the source), and becomes a radiant column in the sky.

Light can come from the sun, moon, cities, street lights any strong light source.

Other people online have even matched up the lights to some of the large hotel casinos along the strip. The red lights could be from Resorts world, and the other white lights from the Wynn, Encore, Strat and Palace Station.

See original here:

UFO over the Las Vegas Strip? More likely a rare weather phenomenon – Las Vegas Hotels, Shows, Tours, Clubs & More

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Read more: - Las Vegas Hotels, Shows, Tours, Clubs & More

Las Vegas driver accused of his 2nd fatal DUI crash was able to rent car because his license was not revoked for months after his 4th DUI – KLAS – 8…

Las Vegas driver accused of his 2nd fatal DUI crash was able to rent car because his license was not revoked for months after his 4th DUI  KLAS - 8 News Now

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Las Vegas driver accused of his 2nd fatal DUI crash was able to rent car because his license was not revoked for months after his 4th DUI - KLAS - 8...

Las Vegas health experts recommend the use of face coverings in crowded …

LAS VEGAS (KTNV) With the tripledemic of COVID, Flu, and RSV hitting the valley hard during this holiday season, Southern Nevada Health District is recommending the use of face coverings in crowded and indoor public spaces.

For Maggie Slomka before going into any grocery store, she makes it a top priority to wear a face covering.

"It makes me feel much safer when I wear the mask and I would like to see more people wearing a mask too, Slomka said.

With a surge in cases of COVID, the Flu, and respiratory syncytial virus across the valley she says her health is at stake. When she found out the CDC and Southern Nevada Health District are now recommending the use of face coverings in crowded spaces, she was relieved, but many like Steve Brase are not on the same page.

"I don't really care for it that much," said Brase.

He says if it is mandated, he will wear it, but hed rather not if he doesn't have to.

"I wore the mask for quite some time, got used to it, and now Im used to not wearing it, I rather not, that is just personal preference," said Brase.

He says they arent necessary and basic hygiene practices are enough. Dr. Domenic Martinello is the Chief Medical officer at MountainView Hospital, and he disagrees. He says face coverings can help prevent the spread of these tripledemic illnesses.

"Masks work by decreasing the amount of virus, both that come out of your mouth, and it spread to others and to an extent that which comes into your mouth and nose, said Dr. Martinello.

The CDC shows Clark County's community risk level has risen to medium, after being at a low for several weeks. Looking at other large metropolitan areas close to us, like Los Angeles, California, and the state of Oregon, the community risk level there is now highand local health officials are urging the use of masks. Dr. Martinello says with the relaxation of pandemic safety measures that once protected us from influenza and RSV, the surge was predicted.

"As we return to a more normal way of life, we have lots of people's immune systems that have not seen influenza or RSV in several years now and that makes us especially vulnerable," Martinello said.

Dr. Martinello says MountainView Hospital is still urging its staff to wear masks and will continue to do so, making Maggies trip to the store less nerve-wracking.

"I would definitely feel better if more people wore masks, especially in crowded places," said Slomka.

Click here for more information about SNHDs new COVID-19 test kit vending machines.

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Las Vegas health experts recommend the use of face coverings in crowded ...

Las Vegas Strip Casino May Not Close, Famed Attraction Still Doomed

When Hard Rock International agreed to pay $1 billion for Mirage back in December, rumors began to fly about what might happen to the property. An early artist rendering that showed a Guitar Hotel -- like the one the acquiring company owns in Florida -- on the property where the Mirage Volcano currently sits.

That hardly official or to-scale image got people talking about the fate of the iconic free attraction. Many assumed that its days are numbered, and Hard Rock later confirmed that the beloved erupting volcano which sits on the Las Vegas Strip would eventually be relegated to Las Vegas history, according to comments made by Hard Rock CEO James Allen at a licensing hearing.

Certainly the volcano is legendary, but as you saw in the renderings, the guitar-shaped hotel replaces the volcano, he said during the meeting which is a precursor to the deal with MGM closing.

In those same media stories, which TheStreet covered as well, it was widely reported that at some point, the main Mirage tower would be closed and "gutted." Now, Hard Rock is pushing back on those stories, saying that its plans for Mirage remain in flux.

Image source: Shutterstock

"Hard Rock International plans to close the Mirage, gut the entire three-wing hotel and casino, and spend billions to expand and upgrade the property beginning in late 2023 or 2024," the Las Vegas Review-Journal reported on Dec. 7.

That's almost certainly what will happen, but Hard Rock may have realized that putting an end date on the property, rather than saying it may remain open during construction, might stop guests from booking the property. Now, Allen has tried to walk back the idea that there is a clear plan to close Mirage.

"We do not have definitive plans to close the property at this time, but for full transparency, that could be an option a year and a half down the road," News 3 Las Vegas reported Allen saying.

Instead, Hard Rock's official take is that more plans will be revealed when the company takes ownership from MGM. That could happen as soon as this week and is expected to happen no later than the end of the year.

It would not be unprecedented for a resort casino to not close during a major renovation, In theory, Hard Rock could do the work in stages as Caesars Entertainment (CZR) - Get Free Reporthas been doing at its Bally's property. That's not actually likely here given the scale of the remodel planned, but it's not impossible.

Hard Rock did close one popular attraction at Mirage, Siegfried and Roy's Secret Garden and Dolphin Habitat has already been shut down permanently. The about-to-be-new owner has, however, given another popular offering "Beatles Love," Cirque du Soleil show a stay of execution.

The cast for that show currently has contracts through the end of 2023. Hard Rock, however, has said it has reached a deal with Cirque du Soleil to keep the long-running show at the resort for the long term, though terms of the deal have no been disclosed.

MGM will continue to run gaming operations at the property through its BetMGM brand.

See more here:

Las Vegas Strip Casino May Not Close, Famed Attraction Still Doomed

Las Vegas liquor store CEO was drunk before fatal crash, troopers say

Kenny Lee killed in crash police say he caused in November 2021

LAS VEGAS (KLAS) The CEO of Lees Discount Liquor, who died in a fatal crash last year, was driving with a blood-alcohol level nearly three times the legal limit, documents the 8 News Now Investigators obtained said.

Kenny Lee was killed in the crash on Nov. 19, 2021, on U.S. 93 between Ely and West Wendover, near the Nevada-Utah border. Lee, who was not wearing a seat belt, was ejected from his vehicle and died at the crash site, police said.

Toxicology results showed Lees blood-alcohol concentration was 0.218%, records showed. The legal limit is 0.08%.

Lee was driving a Dodge Caravan, which was carrying cases of alcohol, police said. The van crossed the centerline, hitting a Ford F-250, documents from Nevada State Police said.

Dispatchers received their first report about the crash at 10:25 a.m., records showed. The first trooper arrived at 11:18 a.m. Police said that section of U.S. 93 is relatively flat and straight and that the speed limit is 70 mph.

The driver of the second vehicle and his passenger were not impaired and were able to exit the truck after the crash, police said.

Police noted Lee drove from Las Vegas to West Wendover on Nov. 18. During the trip, Lee experienced a tire issue on the drive. On the morning of the crash, the issue had been resolved, police said.

A person who police interviewed said she spoke with Lee the morning of the crash and noted nothing out of the ordinary, documents said.

Lee was the CEO of Lees Discount Liquor, Nevadas largest liquor retailer, with 23 stores in Las Vegas, Reno, Mesquite, and West Wendover.

It is with very heavy hearts that we regretfully announce that Kenny Lee passed away in a vehicle accident yesterday, November 19, 2021, a spokesperson for the company said in a statement after the crash.

Lees death came less than three months after his father and founder of Las Vegas Lees Discount Liquor stores, Hae Un Lee, died at 79 after a battle with pancreatic cancer.

See the article here:

Las Vegas liquor store CEO was drunk before fatal crash, troopers say

Las Vegas Strip Icons Set for Demolition, Implosion – TheStreet

In Las Vegas, everything becomes part of the show. That might be a person playing plastic bucket drums for tips to full-fledged spectacles like the soon-to-be-removed Volcano at the Mirage or the fountains at Bellagio.

On the 4.2-mile stretch that makes up the Las Vegas Strip you literally have every kind of show possible -- from massive stars to drunk people who don't even know they've become performers. You can get your picture taken with a lot-rent Elmo, an endless array of showgirls and topless policemen/firefighters, or meet someone dressed as Spider-man, Batman, or even Optimus Prime.

The spectacle never ends and that has been an important part of how major players including Caesars Entertainment (CZR) and MGM Resorts International (MGM) build their massive Las Vegas Strip resort/casinos. Everything is oversized and designed for maximum visual impact.

Whether you're swimming under a replica of the Eiffel Tower at Caesars Paris Las Vegas or posing near a faux Statue of Liberty at MGM's New York New York, the whole Strip has been built to get your attention. That can be in gig ways -- like the statues dotting Caesars Palace -- or a more subtle piece of art/visual curiosity someplace else.

And, Las Vegas does not let its buildings go quietly. When a casino's life comes to an end, it generally gets one last spectacle -- an implosion -- where the building is brought down in front of a cheering crowd. Now, a number of sites on the Las Vegas Strip appear headed for that glorious end.

Image source: Shutterstock

Las Vegas has a long history of implosions that saw some famous names not only disappear from the Strip, but do so in grand fashion. An implosion, of course, is the opposite of an explosion where a building is brought down on itself. shared a list of some of the city's most famous implosions including:

Many of these sites went on to host even more-famous properties. Aladdin, for example, is now the site of Caesars Planet Hollywood property while Desert Inn's location now hosts Wynn Resorts (WYNN) two Las Vegas Strip properties.

In most cases, an implosion isn't the end. It's a step toward something new rising at that location. That's what's about to happen in two key spots on the Las Vegas Strip.

Billionaire NBA owner Tillman Fertitta, who owns the Golden Nugget on Fremont Street bought a parcel of land on the Las Vegas Strip earlier this year. He recently filed plans to build a 43-story resort casino on the property at Las Vegas Boulevard and Harmon Avenue. He also pulled demolition permits for the buildings that currently sit on the lot, the Las Vegas Review-Journal reported.

The site currently hosts a recently-closed motel and some shuttered souvenir shops.

Earlier this year, "New York investment firm Gindi Capital also landed county approvals for a three-story retail complex on 9.5 acres just south of Fertittas spread. It would span more than 300,000 square feet and replace a cluster of existing properties, including the now-shuttered Hawaiian Marketplace," the paper reported.

Those properties, including the well-loved Hawaiian Marketplace, appear set for demolition as well although no timetable has been set.

In addition, Reno real estate firm Tolles Development plans to build a nearly-2 million-square-foot industrial park about 25 miles south of the Strip. That would involve getting rid if the legendary Terrible's casino, which sits on the property.

If we do implode it, well do it up Vegas style, Tolles partner Cory Hunt told the Review-Journal

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Las Vegas Strip Icons Set for Demolition, Implosion - TheStreet

Las Vegas Strip to see lane closures Thursday-Sunday for free F1 fan event – Fox 5 Las Vegas

  1. Las Vegas Strip to see lane closures Thursday-Sunday for free F1 fan event  Fox 5 Las Vegas
  2. Formula One fan fest Strip road impacts underway  Las Vegas Review-Journal
  3. Local economists expect Formula 1 race to bring billions to Las Vegas  KTNV 13 Action News Las Vegas
  4. Formula One Las Vegas Grand Prix tickets going for as much as $10K  Washington Examiner
  5. Las Vegas Grand Prix hotel rates raised more than 300%  KTLA Los Angeles
  6. View Full Coverage on Google News

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Las Vegas Strip to see lane closures Thursday-Sunday for free F1 fan event - Fox 5 Las Vegas

The Las Vegas Raiders have hired the first Black female team president in the NFL – NPR

Sandra Douglass Morgan speaks during a news conference announcing her as the new president of the Las Vegas Raiders NFL football team Thursday, July 7, 2022, in Las Vegas. John Locher/AP hide caption

Sandra Douglass Morgan speaks during a news conference announcing her as the new president of the Las Vegas Raiders NFL football team Thursday, July 7, 2022, in Las Vegas.

The NFL's Las Vegas Raiders have hired the first Black female team president in the league's history.

Sandra Douglass Morgan, a Las Vegas native, is not new to firsts. She was the first Black city attorney in Nevada, when she served for the City of North Las Vegas, and she was the first person of color named chair of the Nevada Gaming Control Board, the team said Thursday.

She is also an independent director at Allegiant Airlines, Caesars Entertainment and Fidelity National Financial Inc.

"It is the honor of a lifetime to join the Raiders at one of the most defining times in the team's history," Morgan said. "This team's arrival in Las Vegas has created a new energy and opportunities we never dreamed possible. I look forward to taking this team's integrity, spirit and commitment to excellence on the field into every facet of this organization."

Morgan is a graduate of Eldorado High School; the University of Nevada, Reno; and the University of Nevada, Las Vegas.

"The Las Vegas connection was not a criteria, but it was something that was on the positive side of the ledger," team owner Mark Davis said. "Obviously, somebody that knows this community, knows the people in it I think is very important for us to continue to build out foundation in Las Vegas."

The hire of Morgan comes less than a year after Jon Gruden was dismissed as head coach of the team. In October 2021, a league investigation into the Washington Football Team examining workplace misconduct uncovered emails Gruden had sent years earlier that showed he used racist, misogynistic, and homophobic slurs.

Davis said the search for a new president took 10 months.

Morgan said while she has experienced many firsts throughout her career, she never wants to be the last person breaking barriers.

"I want to get to a point, obviously, where there is no more firsts," she said. "If I could be an inspiration, or help, or open doors for any other woman and girl out there, then that's an incredible accomplishment for me."

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The Las Vegas Raiders have hired the first Black female team president in the NFL - NPR

‘Tournament of Kings’ brings all ages together in Las Vegas – Lasvegasmagazine

Deep within the recesses of the battlement-crowned resort named for King Arthurs sacred sword there is a realm where medieval behavior rules the day, mortal combat is commonplace and eating with ones hands is not merely tolerated, but mandatory. Excalibur Hotel & Casinos Tournament of Kings is a favored place of brave knights representing thousand-year-old thrones to gather and share company, swap stories, clash swords and display expert horsemanship to shouts of Huzzah! from onlooking crowds.

Those thrones are generally stable, but not every kingdom gets a permanent place in the arena. Austria, France, Hungary, Ireland, Sweden and Spain are now joined by Romania, whose hardened armies arrive after preventing hordes from the east from sweeping across Europe. Romanias rulers included members of the Order of the Dragon from Transylvania and Wallachia such as Vlad Dracul, whose son Vlad Dracula would inspire legends of merciless cruelty towards his enemies.

Tournament of Kings has a section devoted to its own dragon on par with the bleachers reserved for fans of the continental kingdoms. Hearty Cornish hen dinners (dietary accommodations may be available upon request) are served to guests, making flatware unnecessary and conserving precious metals for swordsmiths. Monarchs and aristocracy make merry, dancers twirl and pounding on tables is a time-honored tradition of showing enthusiasm.

The evening is hosted by the wizard, whose pyrotechnical prowess is impressive but has not yet been lethal to the leagues of Las Vegas visitors in Tournament of Kings more than two decades of history. The skills of the warriors who cross swords, on the other hand, improve with every show. Sounds of metal striking metal resound through the arena as armor-plated knights thrust and parry. One lapse of split-second timing can make the difference between victory or defeat.

Timing is even more important when knights ride towards each other on horseback at top speeds. Jousting is the deadliest of games, having brought a sudden end to many a monarchs reign. The chances of being unseated, trampled on, impaled or blinded is intimidating, but the tradition lives on at Excalibur. Nearly a dozen horses from the Tournament of Kings stables take part.

Ultimately, the eternal forces of good and evil square off in a special effects climax filled with smoke and fire. The sounds are as intense as the sights, with the proceedings having the magical effect of maintaining the attention of younger audience members. There was no social media during the medieval era. There was chivalry, honor, and spectacle. There were dukes and damsels, dining halls and dark forces.

And these elements are all present at Excalibur daily. Time marches on, but the Middle Ages never end at Tournament of Kings.

Excalibur, 702.597.7600

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'Tournament of Kings' brings all ages together in Las Vegas - Lasvegasmagazine

Caesars Makes a Bold Move on the Las Vegas Strip – TheStreet

The Las Vegas Strip has become the most valuable 4.2-mile stretch of land in the world as casino operators seek to find new ways to lure in tourists while Sin City experiences a post-pandemic boom.

And while covid hasn't actually gone anywhere, Las Vegas has bounced back spectacularly and that has led to huge changes on that famous stretch of road.

MGM Resorts International (MGM) - Get MGM Resorts International Report made perhaps the biggest move when it effectively (but not literally) traded the Mirage for the Cosmopolitan. That deal not only gave the casino operator ownership of a hip new property, it put Mirage into the hands of Hard Rock International, which plans to tear down the site's famous volcano and put up a guitar hotel.

That project will change the Las Vegas skyline -- but it's not the only major move on the Strip. Caesars Entertainment (CZR) - Get Caesars Entertainment Inc. Report has two big moves underway. First, it has put its Flamingo Resort Casino up for sale (though it could end up still operating the property), and it has begun to rebrand its Bally's Resort Casino under the Horseshoe name.

The Horseshoe name has a long and gambler-friendly history. That makes the company's latest move curious.

Image source:Daniel Kline/TheStreet

Caesars has removed the sportsbook at Bally's as part of the transformation into Horseshoe. The space that was once occupied by sports betting will now be filled with an all-ages arcade, the Las Vegas Review-Journal reported.

The new space will have the decidedly direct name "Arcade."

"Arcade will have more than 80 games, ranging from classics to new releases, in a 7,000-square-foot space on the first level of the property near the food court,"the newspaper reported.

"The venue will feature colorful artwork and bright neon lights, as well as an enhanced bar that was already in the space."

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Sports bettors will still be able to place bets through the Caesars app while on the property, and a "sports betting counter" will be installed later.

And while Horseshoe will be built around gamblers -- that's the legacy of the brand, which traces its lineage to Las Vegas legend Jack Binion -- the arcade is part of an effort to give the property broad appeal.

The Arcade will welcome all ages and open the door for a broader audience, Bally's General Manager Jason Gregorec said in a statement.

This move follows Caesars turning another one of its Strip properties into the Las Vegas Strip's only hotel/casino that's open only to guests ages 21-and-up.

Cromwell was the last Caesars-owned property to open after Las Vegas's covid-related shutdown. When it returned, Caesars made the change to 21-and-over -- a move that the new upscale Strip-like downtown casino Circa made when it opened.

"The first stand-alone boutique hotel on the Strip, the Cromwell brings an exclusive, elevated lifestyle experience to the destination, focusing on hospitality, amenities and personalized service," Cromwell General Manager Ken Janssen said in a news release.

"In line with the boutique hotel experience, we are pleased to announce that we will reopen on Oct. 29 as the first adults-only property on Las Vegas Boulevard, with a continued emphasis on our enhanced health and safety protocols."

And while most of the property will be open only to guests 21-and-over, Giada, a restaurant from celebrity chef Giada De Laurentiis, will remain open to guests of all ages.

Caesars adding an all-ages arcade to a resort casino that caters to gamblers may be a surprising decision, but these moves taken together show the value of owning so many properties on the Strip. Caesars and MGM can use each casino strategically to capture a different segment of the audience.

An arcade makes sense for gamblers traveling with teenage children or for people who want an occasional break from the action. A 21-and-over property enables the company to cater to customers who don't want to see children while they play the tables or take their chances at the slots.

Originally posted here:

Caesars Makes a Bold Move on the Las Vegas Strip - TheStreet

Park West Gallery makes art accessible in Las Vegas – Lasvegasmagazine

If you love art, then a trip to Park West Fine Art Museum & Gallery is in order. The gallery plays host to a number of changing displays of contemporary and classic artists, and everything here is for sale! That means you could acquire a piece from a master like Salvador Dali or Pablo Picassoor start your collection with an up-and-coming artist like photorealist Alexa Jacobs. And there are now two locations in the shopping complex, both close to the famous spiral escalator, which means its more accessible than ever.

The Forum Shops at Caesars, 702.630.1037

Click here for your free subscription to the weekly digital edition of Las Vegas Magazine, your guide to everything to do, hear, see and experience in Southern Nevada. In addition to the latest edition emailed to every week, youll find plenty of great, money-saving offers from some of the most exciting attractions, restaurants, properties and more! And Las Vegas Magazine is full of informative content such as restaurants to visit, cocktails to sip and attractions to enjoy.

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Park West Gallery makes art accessible in Las Vegas - Lasvegasmagazine

I dont believe we would have survived, Las Vegas couple gets free air conditioning unit through assistance program – KLAS – 8 News Now

LAS VEGAS (KLAS) As temperatures heat up across Southern Nevada one couple was able to get the gift of a new air conditioning unit after going without for weeks, thanks to the help of Rebuilding Together Southern Nevada.

Annielsa Frame and her husband Mufid Khoury told 8 News Now their home was built in the 70s and their air conditioning unit was barely hanging on until it completely stopped working in June.

The couple said at times the temperature outside their home would reach up to 104 degrees, and inside the temperatures ranged in the mid-90s.

The couple added that the price for a new air conditioning system was going to cost more than $11,000, which was money they did not have.

We were sweltering just sitting down, not doing anything, Khoury said.

The couple was then referred to the organization called Rebuilding Together Southern Nevada, which helps low-income families get home essentials.

This week, they helped install the new air conditioning system and the couple could not have been more grateful.

We feel that it was gods gift to us, Khoury said. I dont even know how we would have survived this summer I dont believe we would have survived.

Bob Cleveland the executive director of Rebuilding Together Southern Nevada was personally there to oversee the installation.

I dont get to see as many clients as I used to, but you walk into a house that is 95 degrees, its like how do you live like this? he said. This is part of our county funding and we are just very blessed to be able to help.

Those in need of similar help can contact Rebuilding Together Southern Nevada, but applicants must qualify as low-income seniors, veterans, and individuals with disabilities who have owned their homes for at least one year.

Nationally, the organization rehabilitates nearly 10,000 homes each year with the support of corporate sponsors, community businesses, and volunteers.

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I dont believe we would have survived, Las Vegas couple gets free air conditioning unit through assistance program - KLAS - 8 News Now

Las Vegas is getting hotter and hotter. Here’s how to survive its brutal summers – KNPR

Las Vegas is getting hotter. Its felt 117 degree heat three times in the last ten years.

Most of us survive by jumping from home to car to work; then reversing it at the end of the day. All of it air conditioned.

But there has got to be a way to do more during the summermaybe outside; maybe insidebut something more than simply waiting out these three or four months until the temperature gets into the low-90s again.

How do you do it? Do we have to convince ourselves, maybe through hypnosis, that summer isnt that bad? Or are there ways to really enjoy it?

And when we say surviving the summer heat, we arent using those words lightly. In the last two years, more than 300 people have died in the heat of Las Vegas during the summer. People also get severely burned.

Whether youre a native of the desert or new to Southern Nevada, we want to hear from you.

Youre a big part of our conversation: Call us at 702-258-3552. You can email your questions to can send a question onTwitter, @knprnews. And you can leave a question on our Facebook, Nevada Public Radio.

The rest is here:

Las Vegas is getting hotter and hotter. Here's how to survive its brutal summers - KNPR

I-Team: Im a woman of God Las Vegas pastors accused of stealing over $1 million from healthcare system – KLAS – 8 News Now

LAS VEGAS (KLAS) In 2018 they were Las Vegas pastors, but now in 2022, Joe and Regina Brice are accused of stealing from the healthcare system.

In 2020, the Brices agreed to an interview with the 8 News Nows I-Team reporter Vanessa Murphy while they were being investigated for fraud before they were charged.

We didnt do what were accused of doing at all, said Regina.

Vanessa Murphy: How concerned are you Joe and Regina that the case against you could move forward and you could end up going to prison?

Regina Brice: Its not gonna happen. Were not concerned at all. We serve a righteous god

Regina has been indicted for healthcare fraud while she and her husband Joe also face charges that they profited from the alleged scheme.

According to the indictment, Regina set up Above and Beyond Behavioral Health Services in 2016 and submitted fake claims to Nevada Medicaid totaling $1.1 million. Her husband started and owned Chances Behavioral Health in 2017 where fraudulent claims were also submitted to Medicaid.

Prosecutors point to four wire transfers from the business account totaling more than $392,000.

Murphy: Were patients definitely being seen at both of those?

Regina: Yes. Everyday. Yes.

Murphy: So then what do you think was the red flag for the investigators?

Regina: I cant tell you. We have no idea.We still dont to this day.

Prosecutors say services that were billed for crisis intervention never happened. Those services include psychotherapy, and alcohol and drug screenings.

Prosecutors also say that the Brices used the tax dollars they received from Medicaid to live large. The couple owned multiple properties, ran a restaurant, and also held services at their Narrow Path Ministries.

However, at the time of the interview, their homes and businesses were raided by the IRS and other agencies. Their place of worship and businesses were closed and they filed for bankruptcy.

Murphy: You had an $800,000 house in Las Vegas, $500,000 house in Henderson, $255,000 house in North Las Vegas. Was that money earned after the businesses were set up in Las Vegas?

Regina: Yes.

Regina did admit that even with no formal healthcare background, it was easy to set up the healthcare business. She told the I-Team, that for less than $500, she obtained a healthcare provider I.D., which is needed to bill for Medicaid.

However, according to the documents obtained by the I-Team, Joe and Regina had criminal histories that they did not disclose on their applications, which is illegal.

For Regina, the letter refers to convictions for child abuse or neglect charge, assault or battery, and an offense involving a deadly weapon.

The letter for Joe refers to a drug conviction and a weapons charge.

Were not crooks. Ive never been in trouble to steal, I never even stole a penny candy in my life.I dont have a criminal record of stealing.Im not a thief.Im a woman of god, said Regina.

Since the indictment against the Brices, the I-Team requested a new interview, but the law firm representing them declined our request.

The Brices pleaded not guilty and they are currently not in custody. The defense attorneys and prosecutors have until October to file documents in federal court.

The I-Team has learned that there is a there was a third unnamed defendant, however, the case is sealed.

Read more from the original source:

I-Team: Im a woman of God Las Vegas pastors accused of stealing over $1 million from healthcare system - KLAS - 8 News Now