For more information about the city's reopening plans, please visit
Gov. Sisolak announces mandatory face covering policy in public
Bars, pubs, taverns, distilleries, breweries and wineries that dont serve food in Nevada counties listed below must close effective July 10 at 11:59 p.m.These counties are considered to be Elevated Disease Transmission counties. Bar tops & bar areas within restaurants and food establishments in these counties must also close to customers. They will be evaluated again in two weeks on Friday, July 24.
Elevated Disease Transmission Counties:Clark County, NevadaElko CountyHumboldt CountyLander CountyLyon CountyNye County, NevadaWashoe County, Nevada
Additionally, statewide, all restaurants and food establishments - pubs, breweries, distilleries, wineries - which are licensed to serve food, must not seat parties larger than 6 people, indoors and outdoors. Food establishments should encourage outdoor dining.
There are currently not travel restrictions in place but we recommend staying tuned to the latest news from our governor's office here:
Getting Tested
Here is a list of testing locations:
If you are positive for COVID-19, you will receive a text message from 844-990-0029 with additional information. The Health District asks that you answer the call so we can prevent more infections in our community.
The city has made adjustments to its services in response to the coronavirus outbreak.The public can call 702-229-CARE (2273) from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. Monday through Friday. The line will give callers automated options on weekends.
The below list will be regularly updated.
Municipal Court
The city of Las Vegas and the Las Vegas Municipal Court's top priority ishealth and safety of our staff and visitors.We are taking precautions due to COVID-19, including extending continuance to those who are not comfortable visiting the Regional Justice Center, who may be exhibiting potential signs of illnessor who are in a high-risk category.To avoid high-risk crowding, the traffic windowsare closed until further notice.If you need to make apayment, or reschedule your court date and cannot do so on our website, please call 702-229-5257.
Effective March 16, 2020, Municipal Court will accept court filings and continue to operate managing cases bytheparameters set forthin this order.
Sewer Services
The citywill waive sewer bill late fees and property liens normally filed on delinquent sewer bills until 30 days after the current city emergency declaration ends. Those who are employed or not suffering financial hardship are encouraged to keep current on their sewer bills.
City of Las Vegas sewer bills may be paid online at Those with questions regarding sewer bills may email sewerservices@lasvegasnevada.govor call 702-229-1289.
Small Business Grants
A new Business Preparedness Grant created by the city of Las Vegas using $2 million in CARES Act fundsthrough July 31, or until sufficient applications have been received. Since we had many businesses apply during the first grant program, we will be giving priority and reviewing those applications for eligibility.There is no need to re-apply. Business owners will be required to sign an affidavit. Submissions will not be considered without it. For more information visit
Housing Assistance
Clark County has launchedits Cares Housing Assistance Program . The program is available to all residents of Clark County (which includes city of Las Vegas residents). The program serves residents who have suffered substantial financial hardship and now lack sufficient income or resources available to pay their housing costs because of the COVID-19 emergency or the response to that emergency. For more information visit
The state of Nevada is also providing rental assistance:
Moratorium On Evictions Through Duration OfState Of Emergency
Governor Steve Sisolak signed an emergency directive putting a moratorium on all residential and commercial evictions in the State of Nevada through the duration of the State of Emergency. This directive does not constitute free rent or mortgage. For more information, visit
On June 25, Governor Sisolak signed Emergency Directive 025 will gradually lift the moratorium on evictions.He alsostronglyurged landlords and tenants to work togetherand collaborateon repayment plans.
Directive 025lifts the moratorium on evictions and foreclosures imposed by Directive 008 in phases by allowing residential evictions and foreclosures to resume in full on September 1fornon-payment of rents and no cause evictions.Late fees or penalties for non-payment of rent or mortgage payments may not be charged retroactively.
The directivereinstates residential summary evictionsand unlawful detainer actionsprior to September 1forcertain causes other than non-payment of rent.These caused based actions do not include non-payment of rent, but include holdover tenants, tenants at will, waste, unlawful business, nuisance, violations of controlled substance laws, and violations of lease conditions other than non-payment of rent.
For commercial tenancies and mortgages, landlords and lenders can again charge late fees, initiate lockouts, or start eviction actions for non-payment of rent or foreclosure proceedings beginning July 1.
The Governorstrongly encouragesthat all landlords and tenantsworktogether on repayment plans.The Nevada Attorney Generals Officehascreateda template Lease AddendumandPromissory Note toassist andencourage landlords to work with tenants on a repayment planto keep people in their residencesand to avoid overwhelming the courts.
This voluntary document is intended to help landlords receive delinquent rental amounts while helping keep tenants in their homes or places of businessunder a payment plan for back due rents that they can afford.
Additionally, the Nevada State Treasurers Office is workingon coordinatingastatewiderentalassistanceprogram to help residential and commercialtenants, withthegoal of having theresidentialprogram up and running by mid-Julyand the commercial program shortly thereafter.
Other Help
NV Energy, Southwest Gasand the Las Vegas Valley Water District are willing to work with customers right now.
Republic Services remains fully operational in Southern Nevada with no changes to residential collection service at this time. Bulk pickups are continuing as scheduled. For more information, visit
Three Square Food Bank has emergency food centers at 15 schools and 43 other locations for anyone who needs help.Three Square is offering grocery delivery for those in need that are 60+. Visit call 702-765-4030 to see if you qualify.
Lost Pet ReunificationFees Waived
To help families who might be struggling, fees will bewaived for when the owner picks up their lost petas long asownership can be verified and required documentation provided.This applies to animals that arepicked up by city of Las Vegas Animal Control officers and taken to the Animal Foundation. Call the shelter at 702-955-5932 for more information.
Have You Been Exposed?
COVID-19 is a respiratory disease caused by a new virus called SARS-CoV-2. The most common symptoms of the disease are fever, persistent coughand shortness of breath. Most people with COVID-19 will have a mild disease but some people will get sicker and may need to be hospitalized.Please click here if you think you have been exposed to or are developing potential symptoms.
Governor Steve Sisolak instructed the Nevada Department of Employment, Training and Rehabilitation (DETR), Employment Security Division to waive the work search requirement and the 7-day wait period for approved unemployment insurance benefits.
To file for unemployment in the State of Nevada, please use the online application available 24/7 at People unable to file online may file via telephone by calling a UI Claims Call Center between 8 a.m. and 8 p.m., Monday through Friday. Northern UI Call Center: (775) 684-0350; Southern UI Call Center: (702) 486-0350; Rural areas & Out-of-State: (888) 890-8211.
Online users can refer to the resources listed onui.nv.govand the updatedNV Unemployment Insurance (UI) Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) document at
ThePUA program is one provision under the federal CARES Act and is designed to offer unemployment benefits to independent contractors and others historically unable to qualify for traditional unemployment insurance new filing system is independent of the traditional Unemployment Insurance (UI) system and will facilitate a streamlined method for the public to file for PUA benefits. Claimants will have a dedicated call center for all PUA related questions with a new phone number: 1-800-603-9681.
The following individuals may be eligible for PUA:
Claimants must also be able and available for work as defined in state law, must have prior earnings in Nevada or a job offer to work in Nevada and must not be eligible for any UI benefits, including regular UI, Pandemic Emergency Unemployment Compensation, and State Extended Benefits.
We want your stories about how the Las Vegas community is coming together to help each other. Fill out this form:,Big or small, if it makes you smile, we'd like to know about it!
Donate blood. There is a dire need in our community right now.Visit http://RedCrossBlood.orgorhttps://www.vitalant.orgtomake an appointment.
Nextdoor, the private social network for neighborhoods, has a help map where you can ask for help or offer help to your neighbors.
The city of Las Vegas is coordinating with Clark County andthe Southern Nevada Health Districtto address health risks posed by the pandemic. Standard precautions already in place at the Courtyard Homeless Resource Centerincludefrequent cleaning and disinfecting of surfaces, making hand-washing stations availableand providing alcohol-based hand sanitizers.Anyone who needs help can visit
Isolation-Quarantine Complex
The joint Clark County-City of Las VegasISO-Q(Isolation and Quarantine) Complex at Cashman Center began taking patients April 13, and is scheduled to close June 30.The complex served as a safe place that 234 individuals experiencing homelessness used to quarantine, ensure that others were not infected and in some cases recover from COVID-19.
Complex staff also oversaw the administering of 846 COVID-19 tests, and helped a total of 20 COVID-19 positive individuals recover. In addition, more than 17,000 health screenings have occurred at the Courtyard Homeless Resource Center since April 13.
Clark County and the city of Las Vegasjointly fundedthe facility. In addition, The Mayor's Fund for Las Vegas LIFE assistedwith processing donations for the complex.
Is Our Water Safe?
COVID-19 is a respiratory illness, like the flu, which is spread person to personthere is no indication that transmission can occur via drinking water supplies.
Southern Nevadas drinking water is treated using a combination of ozonation, filtration and chlorination, which are on the leading edge of water treatment processes and effective at removing contaminants from water. To ensure your water meets or surpasses drinking water standards, we also monitor water quality around the valley 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
The Southern Nevada Water Authority & Las Vegas Valley Water District do not anticipate any current scenario that would interrupt water availability to our community.
We are committed to ensuring your water quality, reliability and security because we know you depend upon it every day.
Rumor Control
For a full list from FEMA, visit
Is 5G Cell Phone Technology Linked To The Cause Of Coronavirus?
A worldwide online conspiracy theory has attempted to link 5G cell phone technology as being one of the causes of the coronavirus. Many cell towers outside of the U.S. have been set on fire as a result;5G technology does NOT cause coronavirus.
I Got A Call, Text, Or Email Saying I Could Get Financial Help. Is It Legitimate?
There have been reports that scammers are pretending to be the government, contacting people by robocall, text message, email and other outreach. These scammers say they can get people financial help during the COVID-19 pandemic, and then ask for money or personal information, like your Social Security, bank account or credit card number. This is aSCAM.
Dont trust anyone who offers financial help and then asks for money or personal information. Federal and local disaster workers do not solicit or accept money. The Department of Homeland Security, FEMA, U.S. Health and Human Services and the Centers for Disease Control staff never charge for disaster assistance.
The Federal Trade Commissionscams pagehas tips to help youavoid scamsonline, on thephone, by text andthrough email. If you see a scam, please report it to the Federal Trade
Listen to the city coronavirus podcast update
Watch the KCLV coronavirus video update.
Follow the Health District on Twitter.Subscribe to their tweets by clicking on the bell on their profile here.
Follow the Health District on Facebook.
Official information about travel and major events via theLVCVA
Official updates from CCSD
Official info from the CDC
Or subscribe to the weekly CDC newsletter.
If you have been victimized by any crime related to the COVID-19 pandemic, please report your experience to the Attorney Generals Office ( and the National Center for Disaster Fraud (NCDF) hotline at 1-866-720-5721 or by e-mailing the NCDF In your email, please provide the following information:
Excerpt from:
Coronavirus Update From City of Las Vegas