Protecting Native Wildlife of the Hauraki Gulf Islands – Island Conservation News

Islands account for only 5% of landmass on Earth, but their protection is vital for preserving biodiversity and preventing extinctions. On many small islands around the world, invasive rats threaten ecological healthby eating eggs and hatchlings of native species. Once introduced to one island, invasive rats can travel to the nearest land mass and quickly spread. In New Zealands Hauraki Gulf, a series of small, rocky islands has become a potential stepping stone pathway for the spread of invasive rats.

Sprinkled throughout the Hauraki Gulf are small rock stacks that host a broad range of species, but because rats can swim, these islands are often faced with a serious problem. James Russell of University of Auckland recently visited these small rocks to see if any unwanted predators made their way to these small rocks.

The tiny Frenchmans Cap islet in the Hauraki Gulf, New Zealand. Credit: James Russell

On many of the smaller islands, rats do not have enough resources to establish a robust population, but they can still do significant damage to native species as they pass through. Endemic species such as the Stack H. Stag Beetle, native reptiles, and seabirds are often of highest concern when rats are introduced in the Hauraki Gulf.

Maria Island in the Hauraki Gulf was one of these small islands where rats caused substantial damage, but this invasion also marked New Zealands first rat eradication project and is now predator free. Now conservationists are concerned about Rororoa Island where rats swam to, but efforts are underway to remove them before they cause substantial damage.

A spotted shag colony on a tiny rock stack in the Hauraki Gulf, New Zealand. Credit: James Russell

Biosecurity is New Zealands first line of defense in protecting these small islands. Further out in the Gulf, the tiny islands are home to seabirds such as Gannets and Spotted Shags, which would be at risk if invasive predators came ashore. Protecting these hotbeds of biodiversity requires frequent evaluations. Conservationists and scientist much regularly check to see if rats have made their way from one island to another. Luckily, Russells latest trip did not turn up any such surprises, but the monitoring will continue.

Featured photo: Spotted Shag. Credit: Bernard Spragg. NZ Source: National Geographic

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WA Government abandons national park plan for Abrolhos Islands – ABC Local

Updated June 09, 2017 12:00:46

The West Australian Government has abandoned plans to develop the state's newest national park within a coral archipelago, drawing ire from local tourism bodies.

The Houtman Abrolhos is a group of more than 120 windswept coral cays scattered off the coast of Geraldton, 400 kilometres north of Perth.

At a Liberal Party state conference in August, former premier Colin Barnett unveiled a plan to create a national park that would stretch across 90 per cent of the islands.

Twenty-one islands which house fishers' shacks, private jetties and Department of Fisheries infrastructure would have been excluded.

Camping would also have been offered for the first time under the project, in the hope of expanding tourism to the region.

At the time, Mr Barnett said the port city of Geraldton would reap significant economic rewards, as it was the ideal base for visitors to the Abrolhos.

But in a statement, new Environment Minister Stephen Dawson said the project would not be pursued by the McGowan Government.

"Plans to create the Abrolhos Islands National Park were announced by the former premier Colin Barnett before the 2017 state election as an election commitment," he said.

"While the McGowan Government is committed to the protection of world-class natural assets and the creation of national parks, our priorities for this term of government are the delivery of the commitments we brought to the election."

Since its inception as a commercial fishing zone, lobster and fishing permit holders have been the only people permitted to stay on the islands.

Jay Cox has owned and operated a cruise and charter business at the islands for 14 years and has long been pushing to boost tourism in the area.

He said the Government had made the wrong decision.

"All it's going to hurt is Geraldton and the Mid West," he said.

"There are a lot of businesses in Geraldton that are struggling.

"Tourism would go a long way to helping those businesses get more people into town.

"As it is now everyone just drives past Geraldton.

"We're not known as a tourism town and unless something happens in the tourism industry that gets people to stay for a while, everyone's going to keep passing it by.

"The Abrolhos would be a major attraction."

The Opposition has accused the Government of not offering an adequate justification for pulling the pin on the project.

Shadow minister for tourism Libby Mettam said the proposal had progressed through Cabinet, with fishing and tourism boundaries established prior to the March state election.

"The commitment wasn't made during the election campaign," she said.

"It was well and truly outside the election cycle.

"What has happened here is we've seen a new Government come in and withdraw the support for something that was clearly progressing."

The area is the site of several shipwrecks, including the infamous Batavia, which was carrying gold, silver and 180 people when it went off course in 1629, and the Zeewijk which was wrecked in 1727.

Topics: government-and-politics, environment, environmental-management, houtman-abrolhos-6530-6530, wa, geraldton-6530

First posted June 09, 2017 08:36:23

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WA Government abandons national park plan for Abrolhos Islands - ABC Local

Love Island’s Jessica Shears sex tape leaked on porn site after naked pictures flood internet –

A sex tape starring one of this year's Love Island stars has emerged online.

Contestant Jessica Shears can be seen performing a sex act on a man in the video that was leaked on website PornHub yesterday.

It has, however, since been removed from the site.

It is believed that the video was leaked by the Devon glamour model's ex-boyfriend.

The 23-year-old has already caused a stir on the ITV2 dating show.

After going into the villa as a late arrival, Jessica upset Islander Montana Brown after stealing Dominc Lever from her and leaving her single.

Montana and Dom were coupled up during the first night at the villa until Jessica arrived and was given the power to split up one pairing.

Despite that, Montana and Dom later shared some steamy kisses in private and Dom assured Montana he wasnt interested in Jess.

Montana had thought they were a strong couple.

But that all changed after he was sent on a romantic date with Jess and realised how much he likes her, which meant having to break the news to Montana that things were over .

And viewers weren't happy, branding him a "snake".

Dom admitted to Jessica on Wednesday night he was feeling really torn about things, explaining: "I didnt get myself into this. You got me into this. I never thought Id be in this position.

"Do I play it safe and go with Montana or do I take a risk and enjoy myself with you?

"In the 24 hours Ive spent with either one of you, Ive had more fun with you. You surprised me, massively surprised me. Theres more to you than meets the eye."

ITV refused to comment when contacted by Mirror Online.

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Love Island's Jessica Shears sex tape leaked on porn site after naked pictures flood internet -

Bank of the Philippine Islands Suspends ATM Withdrawals After IT Glitch – The Merkle

Banks and other financial institutions all over the world have seen their fair share of computer glitches and errors. Bank of the Philippine Islands suffered from a recent glitch which could have had severe repercussions if not solved quickly. It turns out some users were complaining about how their bank accounts were suddenly missing a fair amount of money. This is never a positive development for any bank whatsoever.

Having customers complain about money in their bank accounts gone missing is a PR nightmare for any financial institution. News like this immediately creates a lot of speculation, which only makes the situation worse. For the Bank of the Philippine Islands, this nightmare scenario became very real two days ago. With multiple customers missing funds in their accounts, it quickly became evident an investigation had to be conducted to rectify this situation as quickly as possible.

Things only got worse when the bank was forced to suspend ATM withdrawals and online transactions a few hours later. Some people started spreading rumors about the bank being hacked, although it does not appear that was ever the case. However, not allowing customers to withdraw their own money from bank ATMs or complete online transactions only fuels these rumors even further, rather than address the problem at hand.

It didnt take long until a lot of bank customers publicly voiced their concern on social media. More complaints started coming in about missing money, and the rest of the customers were unable to access their funds. It turns out the bank was hit by a major software glitch, which caused user balances to display an incorrect amount. While such situations are still problematic, it is much better than having to deal with a potential hack.

More specifically, the Bank of Philippine Islands acknowledged their IT system caused a few issues. Some transactions were double-posted between April 27 and May 2. As a result, some users saw their account balances adjusted to make sure there were no discrepancies. This is a rather troublesome development for any banks IT infrastructure, but it looks like the institution is addressing the situation as we speak. The IT system has been kept offline for the remainder of last night and this morning, as engineers are working hard on manually restoring affected user accounts.

It is expected online transactions and bank ATM withdrawals will be resumed later this day, which is good news. For now, it remains unclear what caused the transition double-posting in the first place. It is evident the engineers have to go through the entire IT system to see what caused the problem and ensure it can never happen again. Not allowing customers to access their own funds is never the right course of action by any means.

Situations like these are a bank managers nightmare scenario come true. Technical glitches can affect any company at any given time, that much is evident. However, when things like these occur, all hell breaks loose pretty quickly. It will take some time until Bank of the Philippine Islands will regain customer trust after this PR nightmare. Thankfully, the bank was not hacked, which will put a lot of peoples minds at ease.

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Bank of the Philippine Islands Suspends ATM Withdrawals After IT Glitch - The Merkle

‘10,000-year-old’ Native American site found on California island – The Mercury News

VENTURA A project to rehabilitate a 19th century ranch house on one of the Channel Islands off Southern California has led to the discovery of another ancient Native American site in the archipelago, the National Park Service said Tuesday.

Archaeologists discovered stone tools representative of early North American Paleoindians when the main house at the historic Vail & Vicker Ranch on Santa Rosa Island was lifted for construction of a new foundation.

The tools, described as barbed points and crescents, were used for hunting and fishing in the islands, five of which comprise Channel Islands National Park.

The northern Channel Islands have one of the largest and most significant clusters of early coastal sites in the Americas with more than 100 sites over 7,500 years old, Jon Erlandson, a University of Oregon expert on ancient coastal archaeology, said in a statement. We suspect the site is at least 10,000 years old, with evidence of some of the earliest people on the West Coast, the first Americans.

Scientists believe the ancient sites may be evidence of a coastal migration around the North Pacific Rim from northeast Asia to the Americas, the park service said.

Santa Rosa Island is also the site of the 1959 discovery of the so-called Arlington Man, human remains that were subsequently dated to 13,000 years ago and may be the oldest found in North America.

The house where the newly discovered tools were found was constructed sometime after 1869 on a sheep and cattle ranch that operated for more than 150 years.

The rehabilitation, which will turn it into island visitor lodging, has been suspended for the archaeological investigation in conjunction with the Chumash people, Native Americans who historically lived along the central and southern coast of California and on several of the Channel Islands.

Test excavations are being made near the ranch house to determine the extent of ancient deposits.

Channel Islands National Park is headquartered on the mainland in Ventura, about 65 miles (105 kilometers) northwest of downtown Los Angeles. Santa Rosa is the second-largest of the islands, stretching nearly 15 miles (24 kilometers) long and 10 miles (16 kilometers) wide.


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'10,000-year-old' Native American site found on California island - The Mercury News

Pentagon: China Militarizing Disputed Islands in Bid to Control Asian Seas – Washington Free Beacon

A Chinese carrier group in the South China Sea / Getty Images

BY: Bill Gertz June 7, 2017 5:00 am

China is militarizing disputed islands in the South China Sea and is using non-military coercion in a bid to control strategic waters in Asia, the Pentagon said in its latest annual report on the Chinese military.

"China continues to exercise low-intensity coercion to advance its claims in the East and South China Seas," the report to Congress says, adding that Beijing's tactic involves the use of "timed progression of incremental but intensifying steps to attempt to increase effective control over disputed areas and avoid escalation to military conflict."

Throughout the South China Sea, China is moving ahead with building military facilities on some of the 3,200 acres of islands dredged from the sea floor and appears headed for a major force of jet fighters.

The island buildup has included major construction on larger islands with runways of 8,800 feet or longer, enough to handle troop transports and other warplanes. Other features include new port facilities,and water and fuel storage in the Spratlys, a string of islands claimed by Philippines and several other regional states.

The new militarization has focused on three reclaimed islandsFiery Cross, Subi, and Mischief Reefswhere small facilities were built last year.

"As of late 2016, China was constructing 24 fighter-sized hangars, fixed-weapons positions, barracks, administration buildings, and communication facilities at each of the three outposts," the report said.

"Once all these facilities are complete, China will have the capacity to house up to three regiments of fighters in the Spratly Islands," the study says

Other facilities have been built on four small islets, Johnson, Gaven, Hughes, and Cuarteron Reefs.

Beginning in early 2016, China's People's Liberation Army (PLA) installed fixed, land-based naval guns on each outpost and bolstered communications infrastructure on the reefs.

The report challenged Beijing's claim that the buildup is defensive and designed to improve working conditions on the outpost.

Instead, the goal of the PLA appears to be "attempting to bolster its de facto control by improving its military and civilian infrastructure in the South China Sea."

"The airfields, berthing areas, and resupply facilities on its Spratly outposts will allow China to maintain a more flexible and persistent coast guard and military presence in the area," the report says.

Satellite photographs of the islands showed deployments of fixed-weapon positions and communications facilities.

A defense official said the weapons emplacements are a concern. The positions are currently equipped with short-range naval guns, but intelligence analysis indicates the same positions can be upgraded easily to handle longer-range anti-ship missiles.

The facilities when fully militarized will give China sufficient powermainly through PLA navy, maritime militia, and coast guard forcesto detect and counter activities by rival claimants and reduce the time needed to respond to rival naval and air activities.

A Navy destroyer conducted a freedom of navigation operation near one of the reefs last month and more are expected. China protested the exercise near Mischief Reef.

China's maritime claims in the South China Sea were rejected last year by the United Nations Permanent Court of Arbitration. However, Beijing rejected the court ruling and continues to assert sovereignty over some 90 percent of the sea.

On the use of coercion, the report noted that China engages in punitive trade policies and other measures to deter opposition to its actions.

After the court ruling in July, China surged the numbers of coast guard, maritime militia, and fishing vessels around various disputed islands.

Chinese leaders are employing information warfare tactics short of armed conflict to advance strategic interests. "This approach seeks to enhance Chinas influence through activities calculated to fall below the threshold of provoking the United States, its allies and partners, or others in the Asia-Pacific region into open conflict," the report said. "This is particularly evident in Chinas pursuit of its territorial and maritime sovereignty claims in the South and East China Seas."

The programs seeking maritime hegemony have prompted regional concerns over China's long-term intentions, the report said.

In the East China Sea, China is claiming Japan's Senkaku Islands that are also claimed by Taiwan.

The United States recognizes Japan's administration of the Senkakus and has invoked Article 5 of the U.S.-Japan defense treaty, meaning the U.S. military would defend the islands from any Chinese attempt to take them over, the report said.

China last year continued to conduct maritime militia ship and aircraft in patrols near those islands.

China's military regards information operationslegal, political, and psychological warfareas "essential" to countering enemies from intervening by controlling the information spectrum in the battlespace, the report said.

The PLA plans to use information blockades and information dominance to advance its military objective in war.

"Chinas information blockade' concept likely envisions the employment of military and non-military instruments of state power across the battlespace, including in cyberspace and space," the report said.

Similarly, China plans to use cyber attacks in a future conflict in order to achieve "cyberspace superiority" using offensive cyber attacks against forces that would degrade enemy military operations against China.

This year's annual Pentagon report, based on Defense Intelligence Agency reporting, is about 50 pages shorter than the 2016 report.

Rick Fisher, a China military affairs analyst, said the latest report provides new details on PLA doctrinal and organizational reforms.

"Today there is palpable anxiety in Washington and among U.S. allies that the Trump administration's China policy may fail to truly defend American interests in the same manner of the failures of the Obama administration," said Fisher, with the International Assessment and Strategy Center.

The Trump administration "needs to tell the real truth about China's global military ambitions and tell the truth about China's longstanding support for nuclear terrorism in North Korea, Iran, and by possible Islamist crisis in Pakistan," he added.

"In order to defend against current and future Chinese threats, what the world needs the most are real facts about the state and projection of that threat," he said.

The latest report provides new details of China's missile defense development, systems similar to the U.S. missile defenses deployed in South Korea that Beijing is opposing.

In addition to Chinese regional military encroachment, Beijing also is expanding its power projection capabilities through setting up overseas bases far from China's coasts. For example, in February 2016, the Chinese began construction of a military base at Djibouti, on the Horn of Africa.

Other Chinese "far seas" bases are expected to be built in what the Pentagon said was an indication China's military leaders plan to conduct operations in Indian Ocean, Mediterranean Sea, and Atlantic Ocean.

"A more robust overseas logistics and basing infrastructure would also be essential to enable China to project and sustain military power at greater distances from China," the report said.

The report also warned about China's growing space warfare capabilities.

"Chinas space program continues to mature rapidly," it states. "China also continues to develop a variety of counterspace capabilities designed to degrade and deny the use of space-based assets by adversaries during a crisis or conflict."

Most of China's space warfare programs remain secret since the 2007 anti-satellite blast in space created thousands of pieces of space debris floating in orbit.

On other issues, the report highlighted China's growing military capabilities that include deployment of new intermediate-range missiles, the DF-26, which is capable of hitting Guam, a key U.S. military hub in the Pacific.

The PLA is the largest military in the world with 850,000 active duty troops that is undergoing a major restructuring and high-technology weapons modernization.

The Pentagon for the first time provided new details of a new PLA component called the Strategic Support Force that consolidated intelligence, cyber, space, and electronic warfare forces. The unit is part of China's effort to prepare for future high-tech warfare against the United States.

Data on the strategic force is limited but its military space and cyber forces are part of plans to conduct attacks in space and cyber space in a future conflict.

Cyber warfare also remains a Chinese military priority. The new support force "may represent the first step in developing a cyber force that creates efficiencies by combining cyber reconnaissance, attack, and defense capabilities into one organization," the report said.

Chinese nuclear forces also are expanding with the addition of nuclear powered missile and attack submarines, several new missiles, including systems with multiple warheads, and a new strategic bomber.

Missile forces are increasing in number, lethality, and survivability with road-mobile systems. Current nuclear missiles include between 75 and 100 intercontinental-range ballistic missiles.

Beijing's unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) forces also are expanding, with five new drones shown in public for the first time last year, the Wing Loong I, Wing Loong II, WJ-600A/D, Yunying Cloud Shadow, and the CH-5 (Rainbow 5).

"The CH-5 is Chinas most heavily armed UAV to date, with the capacity to carry 16 air-to-surface munitions," the report said. "In the last two years, the PLA has also unveiled an armed intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance UAV, Gongji 1, and has deployed UAVs to the South China Sea."

The Dong Feng-31A has a range of more than 7,000 miles and "can reach most locations within the continental United States," the report said.

Most of China's military modernization has been supported by theft of foreign military technology. Targeted technology includes aircraft engines, tanks, and naval vessels; solid-state electronics and microprocessors; and guidance and control systems. The technology is used by China for reverse engineering for its weapons and other systems.

The latest report said the military balance across the Taiwan Strait has grown more unbalanced in favor of China's military.

"Chinas multi-decade military modernization effort has eroded or negated many of Taiwans historical advantages in deterring PLA aggression, such as the PLAs inability to project sufficient power across the Taiwan Strait, the Taiwan militarys technological superiority, and the inherent geographic advantages of island defense," the report said.

Recent Taiwanese military improvements only marginally addressed the imbalance.

The Trump administration has put off a $1 billion arms sale to Taiwan over concerns the transfer would upset relations with China that has promised to try and rein in North Korea's nuclear and missile programs.

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Pentagon: China Militarizing Disputed Islands in Bid to Control Asian Seas - Washington Free Beacon

Islands in the sun at Jerusalem Design Week – ISRAEL21c

The sixth annual Jerusalem Design Weekwill take place June 8 to 15, 2017, across multiple venues in Jerusalems Talbiyeh neighborhood.

More than 150 Israeli and international designers will participate in 40 exhibitions and projects set up in Hansen House Center for Design, Media and Technology; the Natural History Museum; the Museum of Islamic Art; and the Bezeq telephone companys large industrial complex. Popup coffee shops and picnic areas will be opened at all the venues.

Public exhibitions, street performances, music and live shows will kick off Jerusalem Design Week on the evening of June 8, between 7:30 and 11. On Saturday, a childrens island will open on the lawn of Hansen House, where Hakaron Theater will lead workshops and family activities.

Hansen House photo via Facebook

The main exhibition at Bezeq, Islands, explores Jerusalems social, cultural and political role in light of the Western worlds isolationist trend that conflicts with the utopian concept of the global village.

The 40 works in the Islands exhibit were created by five Israeli designers teamed up with five designers from Europe.

For example, Jonathan Hope and Peter Orntoft made a 3D model of a glacier in Antarctica that is separating from the mainland and transforming into an island. Erez Nabi Pena and Marlne Huissoud created a string wall that is dipped in wax and lights up momentarily, meant to evoke walls around the world.

A Fashion Design Island will include a huge wardrobe installation with about 100 different versions of a jacket, some of which will be worn by participants in Design Week, and some for visitors to try on.

Itai Ohalys Product Design Island will function as a dynamic interactive display space where new objects will be created for visitors to Jerusalem Design Week. Photo: courtesy

Hadassah College Jerusalem will present Cultural Islands: Local Interpretation of the Tree Cultures of Japan, Africa and the United States, focusing on woodworking techniques common in those areas.

Every evening at Hansen Cinema, international design films will be screened alongside local films. In the attic of Hansen House, a popup store will offer event-themed merchandise and a selection of products from the participating designers.

This crayon carpet made by the Dutch Mu Gallery in Eindhoven with the Jerusalem Grotesca Studio, is on display at Jerusalem Design Week. Photo by Boudewijn Bollmann

The Jerusalem Design Cooperative encompassing eight local designers from the disciplines of illustration, industrial design, ceramics, glass, textiles and fashion will change and redesign the appearance of local storefronts along Aza Street during the week of the show.

In conjunction with Jerusalem Design Week, special design tours are planned at the Israel Museum and Museum of Islamic Art.

Jerusalem Design Week is the flagship project of the Hansen House and is made possible by the Jerusalem Development Authority in cooperation with the Jerusalem Ministry of Affairs & Heritage and Jerusalem Municipality.

An information and visitor center will be set up at Hansen House, 14 Gedalyah Alon Street.

For more information, click here.

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Islands in the sun at Jerusalem Design Week - ISRAEL21c

Indonesia is Counting All of Its Islands to Make Sure It Hasn’t … – Newsweek

Indonesia can boast that it is the worlds largest archipelago, but when it gets down to the numbers, details are a little vague.Its estimated to have 17,508 islands, of which around 8,000 are inhabited but no-one knows for sure, so this year the Southeast Asian nation that stretches to 300 miles off the coast of northern Australia has set out to count them all.

The goal is to register Indonesias islands with the U.N., which will guarantee protection for inhabitants living on the smaller islands. Indonesias aim is to secure territory and resources to support a rapidly-growing population. But as the worlds seventh largest country by sea and land mass, Jakarta, Indonesias capital, has its work cut out.

As competition for territory across the region ratchets up, Indonesia has decided its high time to figure out just how many islands fall under its sovereignty.

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Its not so easy. It can take up to six days to get to some of these faraway islands and then many people disagree on the name. Traditionally, it might have been called X but the people who live there call it Y and the nearby fishermen call it Z. Brahmantya Satyamurti Poerwadi, head of the spatial management department at the Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries, told the FT.

If an island is named by two locals then its name can be recognized officially, according to the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea (Unclos).

Indonesia is a nation of more than 300 languages and tribes, providing a challenge for a cohesive, centralized government to manage. Some islands in the archipelago have sunk or disappeared over time, while others have been gifted to neighbors: During a territorial dispute in 2002 Indonesia gave Malaysia two islands.

Cataloging islands would help prevent future conflicts over land in an increasingly tense maritime region. The survey will be carried out for the remainder of 2017.

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Indonesia is Counting All of Its Islands to Make Sure It Hasn't ... - Newsweek

Researchers develop new EcoCity model for mitigating urban heat islands – Phys.Org

June 7, 2017 The structure of the EcoCity model. Credit: Dr. KUANG Wenhui

Urban land-use/cover changes and their effects on the eco-environment have long been an active research topic in the urbanization field. Prof. KUANG Wenhui's group at the Chinese Academy of Sciences has developed the EcoCity model for regulating urban land cover structures and thermal environments, and has established eco-regulation thresholds for urban surface thermal environments.

This research has shown that the difference in thermal environments among urban functional areas is closely related to the proportion of land-cover components. This work was published in Science China Earth Sciences.

The EcoCity model is based on the multidisciplinary integration of urban geography, urban climatology and urban ecology. The model is closely linked to "spatial location theory" in urban geography, "radiation and energy balance" in urban climatology, and provided the parameterization program for regulating land-cover components and thermal environment in urban planning and management application.

The EcoCity model can simulate the future urban expansion under different scenarios and predict the proportions of urban impervious surface areas and greenness, and the induced urban heat island effect. The core function of this model is spatially explicated information acquisition, including the proportion of impervious surface areas in different functional zones, the intensity of the urban heat island, and the indexes of human comfort.

The results provide fundamental data for regulating the impervious surface ratios in different functional zones and supporting urban heat island mitigation in future urban expansion.

Using Beijing as a study area, the researchers found significantly different surface temperatures in different functional zones, especially between urban impervious surfaces and green space. What's more, the temperatures in various surface covers were different.

"The difference in thermal environments among various urban functional zones is closely related to the composition of major land covers," said Prof. KUANG.

"The analysis of ecological thresholds of impervious surfaces and green space within various functional zones shows their different roles in thermal regulation effects. The urban-rural frontier and urban interior structure are characterized by high dynamics, structural complexity, and land-cover mosaics, resulting in challenges in obtaining accurate results for urban land cover components."

The EcoCity model and associated high-precision data and map products have been applied in different fields such as environmental protection, urban planning, and earthquake recovery.

Explore further: New Hampshire leads nation in percent tree cover

More information: WenHui Kuang et al, An EcoCity model for regulating urban land cover structure and thermal environment: Taking Beijing as an example, Science China Earth Sciences (2017). DOI: 10.1007/s11430-016-9032-9

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Researchers develop new EcoCity model for mitigating urban heat islands - Phys.Org

On Wisconsin Islands, a Warm Welcome and Brisk Waters – New York Times

New York Times
On Wisconsin Islands, a Warm Welcome and Brisk Waters
New York Times
This week's U.S. Islands special package celebrates the charming, often dreamy life to be found off American coasts and within its lakes. Below, Robert Lillegard writes about Wisconsin's Apostle Islands, in Lake Superior, which offer stunning sea caves ...

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On Wisconsin Islands, a Warm Welcome and Brisk Waters - New York Times

On a Georgia Island, a Lot of Good Food and Plenty of Nothing – New York Times

New York Times
On a Georgia Island, a Lot of Good Food and Plenty of Nothing
New York Times
This week's U.S. Islands special package celebrates the charming, often dreamy life to be found off American coasts and within its lakes. Below, Kim Severson writes about Cumberland Island, Ga., full of charm but not easy to get to. Padre Island, in ...

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On a Georgia Island, a Lot of Good Food and Plenty of Nothing - New York Times

Rosario Resort and Spa in the San Juan Islands combines luxury with Seattle history –

Anne Erickson, KING 8:00 PM. PDT June 05, 2017

ORCAS ISLAND, WASH. - Rosario Resort and Spa on Orcas Island in the San Juan Islands won for Best Oceanside Resort and Best Renewed Hotel in Evening's Best Northwest Escapes viewer's poll. Technically, this resort is on the Salish Sea, but were not complaining.

The property used to be a retirement home for Seattle shipping magnate and mayor, Robert Moran - the man who helped the city rebuild after the Great Seattle Fire. Now its a getaway with modern, luxury suites and a full service marina.

The home that Moran built the Moran Mansion now houses a historical museum, a spa with a saltwater soaking pool, a lounge and a restaurant. The Mansion Restaurants executive chef, Raymond Southern, prepares San Juan Island foraged, farmed and grown cuisine that is as perfect as the view from the dining room.

The Moran Mansion also makes its own music a 1913 Aeolian pipe organ with more than 1,900 pipes wraps around a mezzanine music room. And Rosarios GM, Christopher Peacock, plays it like a virtuoso.

Robert Moran built this island getaway under doctors orders. He was told he only had months to live, and needed to slow down. Moran built this unique retirement home between 1906 and 1909, then retired to the San Juan Islands. Moran proved his doctor wrong, enjoying island life until passing away in 1943.

2017 KING-TV

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Rosario Resort and Spa in the San Juan Islands combines luxury with Seattle history -

UNHCR Aegean Islands Factsheet – April 2017 – ReliefWeb


30,824 Number of arrivals on islands since the 2016 EU-Turkey Statement

1,156 Number of arrivals on the islands in April 2017

948 Number of people hosted in improved accommodation on the islands

530 Asylum-seekers transferred from the islands to state-run sites or UNHCR accommodation on the mainland


The Aegean islands have been at the forefront of the 2015/2016 European Refugee Emergency with over 1 million people arriving in total, the vast majority from refugee producing countries. Before 20 March 2016, the population was transient, with arrivals remaining on the islands for a limited time, sometimes hours or a few days, before continuing their journey. The situation changed after the closure of the so-called Balkans route and the implementation of the Joint EU-Turkey Statement of 18 March 2016. Arrivals decreased significantly, the length of stay on the island increased, and the needs of the refugee and migrant populations on the islands changed, especially for people and families with specific needs.

Currently, according to the authorities, over 13,800 people are hosted on the Aegean islands; UNHCR estimates that this number could be lower. Some 964 are accommodated in urban facilities run by UNHCR and funded by the European Commission (EC). The Greek Government, supported by UNHCR and the broader humanitarian community, has made positive steps in improving conditions and services at the Reception and Identification Centres (RICs) on Lesvos, Chios, Samos, Kos, and Leros.

The situation on the islands has generally improved, but challenges with overcrowding and insecurity remain, and sub-standard conditions must still be improved in some locations. Protection risks for people staying on the islands continue, particularly the risk of sexual and gender-based violence. Children, including unaccompanied children, remain in inadequate shelter with insufficient access to formal or non-formal education, which also severely impacts their psychosocial well-being. Some sites lack regular access to essential services, such as psychosocial counselling, healthcare, and interpretation.

Months after their arrival on the Greek islands many asylum-seekers are still waiting for the full registration and processing of their asylum claims, especially for Iraqis and Afghans. Authorities have accelerated the pace of registration in recent months, but gaps remain. A comprehensive plan is still needed for the strengthening of the institutions allowing for the rapid full registration and processing of asylum claims in accordance with the requirements of the Asylum Procedures Directive (APD) and Greek law. As a protest against the lengthy asylum procedures and uncertainty over their future, twelve Kurdish Syrian men all residents of the Moria RIC on Lesvos went on a hunger and water strike. The strike was suspended after seven days following UNHCR-led facilitation with the RIC authorities.

Coordination gaps also remain and the Greek Government, the Ministry of Migration Policy (MoMP) in particular, should establish clear coordination structures with all humanitarian stakeholders to ensure a coherent and efficient response where gaps are addressed, overlap avoided, and resources optimised.

UNHCRs role in Greece focuses on working with the Government, non-governmental and other organizations, volunteer networks and communities to ensure the protection of refugees and asylum-seekers arriving in Greece. UNHCR advocates for the improvement of policies and services that affect the lives of refugees. UNHCR supports the Government to improve the process through which people can apply for asylum and access rights.

Where necessary, UNHCR helps the Government to fulfil the basic needs of asylum-seekers and refugees. In some cases, UNHCR provides support when there are gaps related to shelter, water, sanitation, food, basic household items, health, education, information provision, coordination and site management. UNHCR does this either directly or by working with partners. UNHCRs role varies from location to location, depending on the identified needs and partnerships.

UNHCR assists asylum-seekers by connecting them with partners who can provide social and legal advice and representation.

UNHCR also provides support to government officials, the staff of non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and others to enhance their capacity to understand and respond to the needs of refugees.

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UNHCR Aegean Islands Factsheet - April 2017 - ReliefWeb

Did Nazis use remote Canary Islands’ villa as secret U-boat base during WWII? – Fox News

The current occupant of a secluded home on one of Spains Canary Islands is determined to find out whether it was once used by the Nazis as a secret U-boat base.

Pedro Fumero, who moved into the so-called Villa Winter in 2012 after finding his two uncles and an aunt living there in squalor, believes that the homes impressive views of Janda National Park and interesting architecture were all part of a secret Nazi plan to monitor the waters off North Africa during World War II.

While Fumero, whose grandfather helped build Villa Winter, has no evidence to back up the claim, there are numerous architectural and historical quirks that have led the 48-year-old retired taxi driver to believe it was a Nazi hideaway.

First and foremost: The original owner of the house was Gustav Winter.

Born in the Black Forest region of Germany in 1893, Winter moved to the Canary Islands in 1925. The engineer was one of 104 German residents living in Spain who were accused of being Nazi agents. At the end of the war, Allied forces requested they be repatriated.

In 1947, the Madrid bureau chief of the United States Office of Strategic Services the forbearer to the CIA described Winter as a German agent in the Canary Island in charge of observation posts equipped with [wireless telegraphy] and responsible for supply German U-boats.

The Spanish government, then under the control of fascist leader Francisco Franco, did not hand over Winter to the Allies and he died in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria in 1971.

"I am sure Gustav Winter was provisioning German submarines,"Fumero told the BBC.

(Villa Winter has a turret-like tower that looms over the entire structure and the bunker design of the mansion.)

Besides the shadowy background of the homes former owner, Fumero notes a number of architectural oddities that seem strange for a beach house in the Canary Islands, such as the turret-like tower that looms over the entire structure and the bunker design of the mansion.

Then there is the basement, which has walls that are more than six-feet thick, and the multiple windowless rooms in the house, including atunnel-like spacethat runs the length of the house with just a small window at one end.

A letter from a German official toLuftwaffe chief Hermann Goering, a leader of the Nazi party,does complain that it was rumored in the Canaries that one Gustav Winter was supplying fuel to German submarines, and that this was attracting the attention of enemy spies.

Winter also built an airstrip between his home and the nearby beach, but historians believe it served a less nefarious reason than as a landing spot for Nazi warplanes.

"I was told by one of his sons that it was because Winter's wife had a difficult birth experience, so he decided that planes should get access," said Juan Jos Daz Benitez, a history lecturer at the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria.

While local documents say the home was built in 1946, Fumero asserts that the bunker was built when Winter acquired the entire Janda peninsula shortly after Franco took power at the end of the Spanish Civil War in 1939. During World War II, Spain officially remained neutral, but owed the Nazis a debt for the weaponry and financial support Franco received from them during the civil war. It is well known that Spanish ports were major refueling and provisioning sites for German U-boats between 1940 and 1942.

Fumero may be convinced that Villa Winter was a Nazi base, but others say there is a need for more hard evidence before a final decision is made.

What is known for certain is that Winter did have a connection with the Nazis and used that relationship to secure the construction of the harbor at Morro Jable.

"The only thing proven by German documents, Diaz Benitez said, is the subsidies he got for economic plans for island of Fuerteventura."


Did Nazis use remote Canary Islands' villa as secret U-boat base during WWII? - Fox News

Crew uncovers ancient site under Channel Islands home – Ventura County Star

As the National Park Service prepared to rehabilitate an historic ranch house on Santa Rosa Island, archaeologists discovered tool artifacts dating between 8,000 and 16,000 years old beneath the structure. ANTHONY PLASCENCIA/THE STAR

Laura Stelson, of the National Park Service, removes sediment as she searches for evidence of an early Chumash settlement Sunday on Santa Rosa Island.(Photo: ANTHONY PLASCENCIA/THE STAR)Buy Photo

A crew tunneling under a historic ranch house on Santa Rosa Island has uncovered a site that could help experts piece togetherwhat life was like there more than 8,000 years ago.

On the island 40 miles off Ventura, archaeologists discovered stone tools characteristic of sites occupied 8,000 to 13,000 years ago.

The 150-year-old home, part of the historic Vail and Vickers ranch, turned out to be sitting on top of the significant archaeological site.

At this point, weve determined that there are intact paleocoastal deposits from the south end of the house to the opposite end on the north, said Gary Brown, National Park Service archaeologist.

He and a team of scientists worked over the past week, methodically digging in small test areas and sifting through each bucketful of dirt and stone at the site, part of the Channel Islands National Park.

Two significant discoveries came just days apart as a team got to work around and under the house.

First, they foundadistinctive stone called a Channel Islands barbed point;then later, they discovered a crescent. Both likely would have been used to hunt and fish, and are signatures of a sophisticated technology of early toolmaking on the islands.

Usually, when we find the two of them together, the site is at least 10,000 years old and could be 12,000 years old or older, said Jon Erlandson, University of Oregon archaeologist and an expert in the field.

This became a very exciting and very important discovery, he said.


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The Chumash people and their ancestors have been on the islands for thousands of years, Erlandson said.

Arlington Man, the earliest known human remainsin North America,date back 13,000 years and were foundon Santa Rosa Island.

"That suggests that these were some of the very earliest peoples along the Pacific Coast, he said. We know now that they were on the islands as early as they were practically anywhere in the new world.

The Channel Islands, especially the northern islands, are emerging as one of the central places in understanding thepeopling of the new world, he said.

On Sunday, scientists worked, slowly excavating three holes on different sides of the house.

Nicole Kulaga, of the National Park Service, had perhaps the most cramped quarters, as she worked underneath the home, now proppedup about a foot off the ground.

They each prodded the dirt with small trowels or straw brushes working in one small section at a time.

Nearby, other members of the team poured the buckets of dirt into screens first a quarter-inch screen to try to find pieces of stone tools.

Then, water was sprayed on the rest of the material in screens with even smaller holes to try to find bits of shell, bone or other pieces.

With the initial dry screening, the team hopes to find tools and projectile points that might still have clues about the prey being hunted back then.

Even after thousands of years, Brown said, scientists can find microscopic traces of protein and identify specific species of animal.

Any organic material found also can be dated, which could help confirm when people were there.

Read more: Wall demolition uncovers Ventura mission history

For more than 150 years, families operated a sheep and cattle ranch on the property just off Bechers Bay. The wood-frame house was built sometime around 1869.

Plans called for rehabbing the house, which could then be used for visitor lodging.

That means trying to keep as much of the original building intact as possible, while bringing it up to current standards, said Laura Kirn, chief of cultural resources for Channel Islands National Park.

One challenge: The house didnt have a foundation.

So the crew lifted it up on beams to add one.

The park service had surveyed the area before the work and didnt find any archaeological resources but decided to keep someone on site to monitor the work.

Chumash elder Julie Tumamait-Stenslie watches as National Park Service archaeology technician Aaron Davissifts for artifacts in sediment taken from beneath the Vail and Vickers ranch house Sunday on Santa Rosa Island.(Photo: ANTHONY PLASCENCIA/THE STAR)

Within a few days of tunneling around the house, the archaeological monitor had found stone flakes, the kind used to make tools thousands of years ago.

Work stopped, and park officials came up with a new plan to investigate the archaeology.

This is part of our cultural heritage here, said Chumash elder and island descendant Julie Tumamait-Stenslie.

Tumamait-Stenslie, who gave a blessing at the site, was one of a fewChumash representatives there Sunday.

Most of the dirt and even some of the less significant artifacts will be reburied on the island that's called Wima in the Chumash language. But some of the more significant pieces could be studied, she said.

Those, she said, could let our childrens childrens children see, appreciate and admire and know how brilliant our people are, she said.

The team likely will finish excavating the site midweek, said park Superintendent Russell Galipeau.

After that work wraps up, park officials will analyze the data working with experts and consulting with the Chumash representatives to decide how to move forward.

Read more: Rare mammoth fossil found in national park

Plans might include changing the design for the foundation to come up with something that would be less disruptive to the site, he said.

At the same time, experts will continue to study the findings, trying to fill in more of the story of the islands and the people who lived there more than 10,000 years ago.

I think until just a few years ago, it would have been unusual to find a 10,000-year-old site out here. There were a handful of them at best, Erlandson said.

But after a concerted effort to learn more about the paleocoastal sites, they have started to fill in more of the story.

He hopes this site will further that work.

Weve learned a lot in the last 10 or 20 years, he said. We still have a tremendous amount to learn.

Officialsencouragedvisitorsto see and experience archaeological resources found in national parks but they also must leave everything in place and undisturbed.

Collecting, possessing,destroying, injuring, defacing, or disturbing the resources is prohibited by federal law and agency regulations.

June 6, 2017: This story has been updated to add information about penalties for removing archaeological resources from a national park,and the Chumash name for the island.

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Crew uncovers ancient site under Channel Islands home - Ventura County Star

Casco Bay islands could crack down on golf carts | WGME – WGME

During the summer weekends, the population on Peaks Island swells from 860 people to more than 4,000. (WGME)

PORTLAND (WGME) There could be a crackdown on golf carts on Portlands Casco Bay islands.

During the summer weekends, the population on Peaks Island swells from 860 people to more than 4,000. Many of those visitors choose to rent a golf cart for transportation.

With so many people renting golf carts, safety issues have come to the forefront. Residents of Peaks Island say people are often driving them while intoxicated after weddings or riding with children on their lap.

Now, the Portland City Council is looking to increase safety.

An ordinance was introduced that requires a drivers license; right now a person just has to be 21 to drive a cart.

It would also require carts to have head lights and rear red reflectors.

They prohibit a passenger from riding on another persons lap on a moving golf cart.

The speed limit would actually increase from 10 to 20 miles per hour.

CBS 13 spoke with a manager from one of the golf cart businesses, and he says he's all for safety but he doesn't think these are the right safety rules.

The safety council says the new rules are in line with reality.

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Casco Bay islands could crack down on golf carts | WGME - WGME

VAST CEO calls for an end to ‘Islands of Wi-Fi’ in South Africa – Wi-Fi NOW News (press release) (registration) (blog)

by Stephanie Kinch, Staff Writer, Wi-Fi NOW

An open-access Wi-Fi network infrastructure provider VAST is able to cover 10 million square meters of usable Wi-Fi space with their network. Internet access should be available to everyone and a country-wide Wi-Fi network can make it happen.

Thats the goal of VAST Networks, an open-access Wi-Fi infrastructure provider in South Africa. With more than 10 million square meters of usable Wi-Fi space in their network, VAST is able to provide quality Wi-Fi access to areas that were previously unreachable in the country.

VAST CEO Grant Marais says that before his company came along, South Africas Wi-Fi presence consisted of random collections of hotspots.

When youre operating a collection of disparate internet hotspots, youre not able to offer differentiated services, he says. Youre only able to offer a linear internet service over those.

Marais spoke about so-called Islands of Wi-Fi, and what can be done to create more cohesion among them, at Wi-Fi NOW Africa in Cape Town last month. He said that the issue in South Africa and many other countries is that multiple operators create islands of Wi-Fi hotspots that consumers are unable to co-survive on. If a person subscribes to one Wi-Fi access service, it likely not available everywhere he goes. This location-dominated philosophy is expensive the consumer.

You kind of got left high and dry on your island by not being able to reuse it on someone elses island, says Marais.

Thats why VAST Networks was formed: To create a ubiquitous service layer that any service provider or organization can use to offer a Wi-Fi product that consumers can access on the same basis everywhere they go. Operators like AlwaysOn have become VASTs customers. With VAST, Wi-Fi in South Africa is now more like open-access fiber, where customers can choose and select a Wi-Fi service based on the providers offering, rather than location.

Wi-Fi for the masses

Marais says that to get consumers hooked on Wi-Fi, its important to put access in terms that they will understand. How many Instagram posts equal a gig? How many megs does one minute on Facebook eat up?

To help with this, VAST puts all the intelligence at the center of its network and has created a second layer network that faces inwards to, for example, pair with educational services or VoIP/minutes services. This allows consumers to use the Wi-Fi as an on-net or LAN-type service. For poorer areas, a digital content area with news, sports, lifestyle, and employment services is available for free to show the value of the internet to people with little online experience.

If we think about people who really need access to data that have never had it, its people who have an affordability issue, says Marais.

With 2,200 access spots in South Africa, VAST Networks works to offer internet access from any place, any time, and anywhere. Read more at

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VAST CEO calls for an end to 'Islands of Wi-Fi' in South Africa - Wi-Fi NOW News (press release) (registration) (blog)