Love Island champ Amber Davies says she’s only bought one thing with her 50k prize – Metro

Kem and Amber (Picture: Getty Images)

Love Island champ Amber Davies has revealed that she has only bought herself one treat with her 25,000-winning prize money a Chanel handbag.

I bought myself a Chanel bag, the reality star has admitted.

I thought to myself well I did win the show so I treated myself to a celebratory Chanel bag. Just one handbag isnt going to hurt is it?

Amber and Kem Cetinay won this years series thanks to their romance which began early on in the series and lasted despite many ups and downs, and they shared the 50,000 prize money.

Speaking to The Sun at V Festival, Amber added that Kem however has been spending his money, on hundreds of trainers, trainers and trainers and trainers as well as Amber: He has spoilt me rotten too though.

Although the pair are co-habiting just yet, Amber previously admitted that could change when her flat contract runs out next summer and wedding rumours are already swirling after Amber was spotted wearing a sparkly ring on her ring finger following Kems admission that Amber is the woman he wants to marry.

MORE: Love Islands Olivia Atwood has been receiving vile death threats

MORE: Olivia Attwood made Chris Hughes unfollow me, claims Love Island star Tyne-Lexy Clarson

Original post:

Love Island champ Amber Davies says she's only bought one thing with her 50k prize - Metro

16000 Indonesian islands registered at UN – Jakarta Post

The United Nations Group of Expert on Geographical Names (UNGEGN) verified 2,590 islands registered by Indonesia during the 11th United Nations Conference on Standardization of Geographical Names (UNCSGN) in New York from Aug. 7-18, an official has stated.

With the additions, the names and locations of 16,056 islands in the archipelago are registered with the UN.

Indonesia has listed 17,504 islands under its sovereignty, saidArif Havas Oegroseno, the assistant for maritime sovereignty at the Office of the Coordinating Maritime Affairs Minister.

"There are 1,448 islands left that need to be validated and verified," he said in a statement on Saturday.

Read also: Indonesia calls for Archipelagic & Island States Forum

He said the verification of islands in Indonesia needed to be conducted regularly because climate change and natural anomalies, such as abrasions, had led to the emergence and disappearance of islands.

Registering islands with the UN was also important to prevent duplicate names, Arif added.

Led by Geospatial Information Agency (BIG) head Zaenal Abidin, the Indonesian delegation at the 11th UNCSGN consisted of officials from the BIG, the Office of the Coordinating Maritime Affairs Minister, the Office of the Coordinating Political, Legal and Security Affairs Minister, the Home Ministry, the Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Ministry and the University of Indonesia. (yon/bbs)

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16000 Indonesian islands registered at UN - Jakarta Post

Join the search for surf deep in the Canaries – Red Bull

Red Bull
Join the search for surf deep in the Canaries
Red Bull
Photographer Sergio Villalba hails from the Canary Islands, the Spanish island chain that sits not far off the southern coast of Morocco. His work has been shaped by the rugged landscape of the islands and the perpetual sense of raw adventure they ...

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Join the search for surf deep in the Canaries - Red Bull

The Islands of Ireland: Knight to remember on Clare Island – Irish Examiner

Dan MacCarthydiscusses dragons and knights found on Clare Island, Co Mayo

Rainbow over Clare Island

Biblical dramas adorn our churches and enrich our understanding of art, paintings of a benevolent or agonised Christ, of Madonna and child, of apostolic anguish, beatific cherubs, and many others form a rich tapestry. However, there is another narrative, less religious and more secular, that also forms part of the artistic and literary discourse. Less god-fearing, more nature-worshipping. Less ethereal, more earthy. And on Clare Island, Co Mayo it can be seen in all its glory in the islands medieval church.

For here in St Brigids Abbey you finddepictions of dragons and griffons, stags stalked by wolves, a cockerel, a cattle raid, and a knight on horseback poised to go into battle. The paintings represent ideas current and historic and create a vivd picture of imagined life in 16th century Ireland.

These are scenes and motifs which infuse medieval literature and which repeatedly crop up in The Canterbury Tales and Le Morte dArthur and other great works of the period. Historians and archaeologists consider the Abbeys ceiling paintings unique in the country. The frescoes are in a delicate condition but an extensive preservation project in the 1990s has ensured their survival.

The works were likely commissioned by OMalley chieftains, whose matriarch, Grace or Granuaile, she of the piratical reputation, is believed to be interred in the abbeys tomb. The 16th century pirate queen of Connacht established a formidable reputation of plunder and conquest from her base on Clare Island and other fortresses in Clew Bay.

Medieval knight fresco depicted on the ceiling of St Brigids Abbey on the island

Prosperity was usually measured in head of cattle and with over 1,000, she was very wealthy indeed. Having inherited her fathers international trade business she also established a fleet of ships with 200 men under her command. Granuaile has inspired many songs and plays as a result of her exploits not least the episode where she sailed into the heart of enemy territory at Greenwich, London, to negotiate in Latin with Queen Elizabeth I for the release of her sons. Now all that remains of the pirate queen is her tomb, her reputation and a crumbling tower house on the islands pier. Not a bad legacy.

Clare Island is one of the largest in the country, ranking fourth when islands such as Valentia, Co Kerry, connected by bridge, are discounted. And it has a vibrant population of around 160 people. In 1841, it was home to 1,615.

Famine. Emigration. Survival.

The island has some superb walks which can take in the Napoleonic watchtower, the not insignificant 461m hill of Knockmore, in fact the highest island peak in ireland, and some imposing cliffs on the northside. When the Irish Examiner visited, a pair of wild ponies galloped freely along the cliff edge. Painters, writers, birdwatchers and lighthouse watchers have long been coming to the island. The lighthouse was decommisioned in 1965 as it was often obscured by mist and replaced by the one on Achill Beg to the north. Nowadays, it is a boutique B&B where visitors can even sleep in the old tower house.

Clare Island was the subject of a botanical experiment ifrom 1909 to 1911, when renowned botanist Robert Lloyd Praeger chose it to quantify and qualify the numbers and range of flora and fauna species on an island. Praeger and his team foraging all over the island but especially among the alpine cliffs and bird colonies of the northern cliffs, recorded 1,253 previously unrecorded animal species in Ireland - with 109 species new to science. They analysed everything from mammals to microscopic rhizopods. Of 3,219 plant species identified, 585 were new to Ireland and 11 new to science. The results of this monumental study were published by the Royal Irsh Academy in three volumes.

Describing a setting sun under a brooding bank of clouds on a visit in 1909 Praeger wrote: If a flight of demons or of angels had passed across in that strange atmosphere it would have seemed quite appropriate, and no cause for wonder.

Near the lighthouse road, the remnants of a once-mighty oak forest are visible.

The imagination teems with the former exotica of the now largely denuded island.

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Irish Examiner Ltd. All rights reserved

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The Islands of Ireland: Knight to remember on Clare Island - Irish Examiner

Four new faces at OISD – Islands’ Sounder

Barb Nigretto District office general support

We have a new person in the Orcas Island School District business office Barb Nigretto; yes, of course, she is related by marriage to the island family of the same name! Barb is responsible for our accounts payable and receivables and provides general support for the business office. Barb and husband Ron have returned to the PNW after many years in Nashville Tennessee. Barb recently retired from a 30-year career with the Ford Motor Co., having worked in various financial management positions while there. Barb and Ron have two children daughter Natalie in Atlanta and newlywed son Anthony still resides in Tennessee. Barb and Ron love their new life on Orcas with their dog, Lucy. They are also enjoying time on their boat and spending time with their large extended family! Were happy to have her here!

John Pacasum Maintenance

OISD welcomes John Pacasum! John was hired just before the end of the school year to work in OISD Maintenance, and just in time to help ready our campus for our largest event of the year OHS graduation. John migrated to the US (West Los Angeles) from The Philippines when he was a teenager. After attending college at UC Santa Cruz he managed to live in Hawaii for a while until finally landing in the Northwest where he met his wife, Lisa Jenkins. John and Lisa moved to Orcas from Tacoma just last year when Lisa was hired as one of our elementary school teachers. John has years of working in the construction trade. Prior to moving to Orcas, he was a roofing contractor. John and Lisa have three children all students at OISD David (16), Joseph (12) and Khloe (9). John describes his marriage to Lisa as still blissful after 12 years.

Ryan Kennedy High school math

Meet our new Orcas Island High School math teacher, Ryan Kennedy. Ryan has always wanted to teach, however, life and careers took him in other directions first. This latest career choice has been a great transition for him and his young family. He is 27 years young and credits his love of math to an amazing high school teacher of his back in Atlanta GA, where he is originally from. In addition to teaching here, Ryan is also working on obtaining his masters in Education (Instruction design and technology) from Western Governors University. He also has 9 years of experience cooking in restaurants from a farm/restaurant in France (where he learned to cook), to Corsica, Spain and California. Ryan moved to Orcas in 2012 where he went to work at Doe Bay Caf and then onto work as Sous Chef at Hogstones Wood Oven. He did his student teaching for his certification here at OIHS with Vicki Clancy. He and his wife, Stephanie have two children 3-year-old daughter, Charlie, and a 1-year-old boy, Teddy (pictured here with his dad while on vacation this summer). They are proud owners of an OPAL home and love living on Orcas Island. Ryan is thrilled to be starting his teaching career here!

Kristee Rajczi Special education

Orcas Island School District welcomes another new teacher to our Special Education staff this year Kristee Rajczi she has 10 years overall teaching experience in Friday Harbor and Las Vegas, Nevada. For the last five years, Special Education has held a special place in her heart. In addition to her teaching duties, Kristee is also pursuing a National Board Certificate. This school year she will be working with our teachers and families in grades pre-kindergarten through second. She and her family, including her husband and daughter, Janna, will continue to live on San Juan Island where they maintain a small business. They love living and working in an island community!

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Four new faces at OISD - Islands' Sounder

Chinese data buoy found in Andaman and Nicobar Islands – The New Indian Express

CHENNAI: A data buoy believed to be of Chinese-origin has been located by the Indian Coast Guard and Para Military Force (PMF) on the shores of Kamrota island in Nicobar district of Andaman and Nicobar Islands.

Indian National Centre for Oceanic Information (INCOIS), Hyderabad, director Dr Satheesh C Shenoi told The New Indian Express that Chinese officials informed INCOIS about the buoy drifting towards Indian waters.

The data buoy was deployed at the International waters and has drifted towards Andaman and Nicobar Islands after breaking free from its moorings, Satheesh Shenoi said.

The Coast Guard said that a search party off Dring Harbour on the Northwestern side of Kamrota Island was tasked with locating the yellow buoy after receiving information from INCOIS.

It was discovered that the buoy landed on the beach, and the top antenna was broken and separated, the Coast Guard said.

The approach to the buoys location is only from the sea as the surrounding area is thickly wooded and has a dense forest, it added.

"The Coast Guard is coordinating with the National Institute of Ocean Technology, Chennai to ascertain further details of the buoy," a statement said.

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Chinese data buoy found in Andaman and Nicobar Islands - The New Indian Express

Last day for lake trout: Season closes in Apostle Islands area as … – WDAZ

Fishing will be permitted in WI-2 through 11:59 p.m. Saturday, Aug. 20. That zone stretches from Bark Point to the Michigan border and includes the Apostle Islands.

Lake trout fishing in WI-1, from Superior to Bark Point, will continue through Sept. 30.

The closure is taking effect because the harvest of lake trout since last December through late July had reached a predetermined threshold of 7,350 fish out of an overall total allowable catch of 9,800, said Terry Margenau, DNR Lake Superior fisheries supervisor at Bayfield.

Under an emergency regulation adopted last December, the lake trout harvest was to be shut down in WI-2 if harvest reached 7,350 75 percent of the total allowable catch. Harvest figures are determined by creel surveys angler interviews done at boat landings throughout the year, and from monthly harvest reports filed by charter anglers.

If the quota had not been reached, the lake trout season in WI-2 would have continued through Sept. 30.

After seeking feedback last fall in public meetings and through an online survey, DNR officials established new emergency lake trout regulations for WI-2. The regulations were put in place in an effort to help the lake trout population recover, Margenau said.

The new WI-2 regulations, established in December, allowed anglers to keep two lake trout with a minimum size of 15 inches, with only one over 25 inches long.

The reason for the 7,350 trigger threshold is that harvest estimates based on creel surveys and charter fishing reports lag behind actual harvest, Margenau said. Now 20 days into August, the harvest is likely much higher than 7,350.

The lake trout harvest had been relatively low from last December through June, Margenau said.

"Starting in December, we were doing well as far as numbers," Margenau said. "There was very poor ice in the islands, and that limited the deep-water bobbing. Then we had a miserable spring with lots of rain."

Turbid waters slowed fishing as well. Through June, the lake trout harvest in WI-2 was just 3,865 fish, Margenau said.

"July was a different story," he said. "Weather was good, fish were biting and guys were getting out."

By the end of July, the harvest had reached 7,335 fish, Margenau said, near the 7,350 harvest quota that called for the season to close.

Al House, president of the Apostle Islands Sport Fishermen's Association, said anglers supported the emergency regulation chosen last fall, although they knew a pre-emptive season closure was theoretically possible.

"I think no one really realized it could happen this year," House said. "But this has been a banner year for lake trout in the Apostles. I don't blame the DNR. The DNR is between a rock and a hard place. They don't have a whole lot of choice in the matter."

Allocation of lake trout

According to the DNR, in a total allowable catch of 54,000 lake trout annually in WI-2, the Red Cliff and Bad River bands of Lake Superior Chippewa are allowed 73 percent (39,300 lake trout) of the catch for commercial or home use. Of the 27 percent allocation to the state (14,700 lake trout), sport anglers are allowed 9,800 fish and state-licensed commercial fishers are allowed 4,900 fish.

The closure will have broad implications on businesses in the Apostle Islands area, House said.

"It will affect charter fishing, retail shops, motels, gas stations everything sport fishermen utilize when they come up here to go lake trout fishing," House said. "I think, going forward, something has to be worked out different so this doesn't happen again."

Sixteen charter captains operate in the Apostle Islands, House said. They can continue to fish for coho salmon and brown trout.

"But the coho won't show up until the second week of September, and the brown trout are spread out now and not ready for staging," House said. "Basically, for the next three weeks, the charter captains are out of luck."

"It's a very big deal, businesswise," said Carolyn Swartz of Anglers All in Ashland. "It means a loss of a certain amount of business and, obviously, to charter captains, a big loss of business. Hopefully, customers will understand they can still fish for brown trout and cohos and splake."


Last day for lake trout: Season closes in Apostle Islands area as ... - WDAZ

HIGH SCHOOL ROUNDUP: Islands softball team shuts out Claxton 15-0 – Savannah Morning News


Islands softball team

shuts out Claxton 15-0

Rebecca Davis went 2 for 4 with three RBI and Hailey Wingrove was 2 for 4 with four RBI to lead the Islands softball team to a 15-0 shutout of Claxton on Saturday.

WAnna Grace Duncan (2-1). Leading hitters-Islands, Rebecca Davis 2-4, 3 RBI; Hailey Wingrove 2-4, 4 RBI; Stevie Norris 2-3, 2 RBI.


Rebecca Davis earned the win and also hit her fourth homer of the year to lead Islands over Claxton. Mia Stainton went 2 for 2 with a triple and four RBI for the Sharks.

WRebecca Davis (2-1). Leading hitters-Islands, Mia Stainton 2-2, 3B, 4 RBI; Rebecca Davis 1-3, HR, 3 RBI; Anna Grace Duncan 2-3, 3B; Madisyn Lancaster 1-2, 2 RBI. Record-Islands 4-2, 2-0 in region.


Top 10 Playdate at Holy Innocents in Atlanta

Athens Academy def. Savannah Christian 23-25, 25-18, 15-11

Savannah Christian def. Fellowship 25-21, 25-23

SCPS def. Mount Pisgah 25-9, 18-25, 15-4

Hebron def. Savannah Christian 25-23, 25-23

Top players (combined statistics)SCPS, McKenzie Riner 25 kills; Sarah White 15 kills, 21 digs; Sydney Burks 21 kills, 24 digs; Adrianna Simon 29 kills, 43 digs; Sam Zittrauer 81 assists, 25 digs. Record-SCPS 5-2.

Hebron def. Savannah Country Day 25-15, 25-16

Top playersSCD, Madeline Wynn 7 kills; Ana Schretter 4 kills; Abigail Kahn 15 assists; Ana Schretter 17 digs; Anna Bolch 10 digs.

Mount de Sales def. SCD 25-23, 25-16

Top playersSCD, Wynn 9 kills, 2 blocks; Kahn 12 assists; Lily Glass 8 assists; Bolch 21 digs; Schretter 9 digs; Brittany Hodges 4 aces.

SCD def. Wesleyan 25-18, 25-13

Top playersSCD, Schretter 7 kills, 9 digs; Wynn 4 kills; Ivy Beaver 4 kills; Hodges 4; Kahn 11 assists; Glass 9; Bolch 14 digs and Ana Schretter added 9.

Holy Innocents def. SCD 25-12, 25-27, 16-14

Top playersSCD, Wynn 9 kills; Hodges 9 kills; Schretter 5 kills, 24 digs; Evelyn Khan 4 kills; Glass 16 assists; Kahn 11 assists, 3 kills; Bolch added 17 digs.

RecordSCD 6-4.

St. Vincents def. Eagles Landing 25-21 and 25-16

Top playersSVA, Lizzie Horn 6 kills, 6 aces, 3 digs; Jessica Schwarz 6 kills, 2 aces, 4 digs; Dylan Herb 7 assists, 1 kill, 3 aces; Meagan Voyles 4 assists, 1 kill, 8 digs.

Athens Academy def. SVA 25-22, 25-19

Top playersSVA, Horn 11 kills, 2 assists, 2 aces, 9 digs; Schwarz 5 digs, 3 kills, 1 assists; Herb 14 assists, 1 kill, 6 digs.

SVA def. Mount Pisgah 25-21, 20-25, 15-13

Top playersSVA, Horn 6 kills, 1 assist, 3 aces, 14 digs; Schwarz 9 digs, 9 kills, 1 assist; Voyles 9 digs, 2 kills; Herb 26 assists, 2 kills, 3 digs; Emma Wyman 5 blocks, 5 kills.

SVA def. Wesleyan 25-17, 19-25,15-13

Top playersHerb 16 assits, 7 digs; Horn 8 digs, 9 kills, 2 assists, 3 aces; Schwarz 7 kills, 2 aces, 5 digs; Voyles 3 kills, 2 aces, 2 assists, 12 digs.

Calvary Day def. Fellowship Christian 19-25, 25-13, 15-8

CDS def. Athens Academy 25-13, 25-13

CDS def. Holy Innocents 25-10, 25-19

CDS def. Mount de Sales 25-14, 25-22

Record: CDS 7-0

Late Friday




C.J. Hales threw for three touchdowns, Jaden Jenkins passed for two and Jefferson County outscored host Savannah Christian 24-0 in the second and third quarters in the season-opening victory late Friday.

Jefferson County totaled 431 yards on offense 361 through the air as Hales went 10 of 19 for 189 yards and Jenkins was 5 of 6 for 172 yards. Ty King caught three TDs, and Nikel Stone had two.

Raiders quarterback Jordan Grant rushed for a 9-yard touchdown and was 0 for 6 passing. Eric Davidson had 19 carries for 91 yards.



First Quarter

JCTy King 10 pass from C.J. Hales (Evan Hodges kick)

SCJordan Grant 9 run (Noah Chumley kick)

Second Quarter

JCKing 5 pass from Hales (Hodges kick)

JCNikel Stone 27 pass from Hales (Hodges kick)

JCHodges 34 FG

Third Quarter

JCKing 4 pass from Jaden Jenkins (Hodges kick)

Fourth Quarter

JCStone 64 pass from Jenkins (kick failed)

SCDawson Benton 20 run (conversion run failed)


Jags waiting see how this thing goes at QBs

JACKSONVILLE, Fla. Jacksonville Jaguars coach Doug Marrone isnt quite ready to name Chad Henne his starting quarterback.

Or Blake Bortles, for that matter.

Marrone said Saturday he wants to see how this thing goes over the next few days before deciding who will start against Carolina in a preseason game Thursday night.

Marrone opened up the teams quarterback competition after another inconsistent performance from Bortles, the third overall pick in the 2014 NFL Draft.

Bortles was 8 of 13 for 65 yards in a loss to Tampa Bay. All four of Bortles drives ended with punts. He has led the offense to three points in six possessions in the preseason.

Henne is 11 of 16 passing for 183 yards, with a touchdown. The 10th-year pro should have had another score, but rookie Keelan Cole dropped a would-be touchdown pass in the second quarter against the Buccaneers.

Marrone said Bortles and Henne split starter repetitions Saturday.

The biggest question now is whether the Jaguars can even stick with Bortles. Marrone and Coughlin clearly have concerns about his ability, and benching him could be another blow to his confidence.

Plus, the team picked up the fifth-year option in his rookie contract and could be on the hook to pay him $19 million in 2018 if he sustains a significant injury this season.

Regardless, the Jaguars are hoping demoting Bortles prompts him to play better.

You dont make it this far if youre not a competitor, veteran tight end Marcedes Lewis said. If youre a competitor, youre going to respond to it like you should and make it very, very hard for the people up there making the decisions.

Marrone said he has not been part of any conversations about bringing in another quarterback. The Jaguars also have second-year pro Brandon Allen on the roster.

For now, the competition is between Henne and Bortles.

Thats the situation in which coach felt like he needed to do something, receiver Marqise Lee said. Thats the situation that the quarterbacks got to handle. As far as making decisions like that, its not my job. Im going to sit back and wait. At the end of the day, I believe in all three quarterbacks and having a possibility to come out and doing the things that we need to do in order to get the Jaguars going.


With K Jason Myers struggling in the preseason, the Jaguars brought in veteran Dan Carpenter and Patrick Murray for workouts Saturday. Carpenter spent nine years with Buffalo (2013-16) and Miami (2008-12). Murray has played with Tampa Bay (2014) and Cleveland (2016). Rookie WR Dede Westbrook, who caught six passes for 131 yards against Tampa Bay, sat out practice with lower-body soreness.

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HIGH SCHOOL ROUNDUP: Islands softball team shuts out Claxton 15-0 - Savannah Morning News

Calvary shuts out Islands in Stroud’s return – Savannah Morning News

Mark Stroud coached Calvary Day to many memorable wins in his first stint at the school.

The 2013 Class A Private state semifinals game, for instance.

The Cavaliers 20-0 victory Friday over Islands in Strouds return wont rank among the unforgettable. Yet for the coach, who spent last season leading his alma mater Swainsboro High only to come back to Savannah this summer, the win will stick with him a while.

Its just great to be back and to jump back in, said Stroud, who went 67-25 in eight previous seasons at Calvary. As for the game, we have to get better. The team. The coaches. Me. All of us.

Errors on both sides marred the season opener. The two teams combined for more than two dozen negative yardage plays and 14 penalties, while Islands committed two turnovers and lost a muffed punt.

The play was particularly uneven early. Calvary netted just six yards in the first quarter and 56 yards in the half, with just one drive of more than 20 yards. The Cavaliers lone first half score came on Alan Gibbs 32-yard field goal as the halftime horn sounded.

As for Islands (0-1), a solid game-opening drive ended in a lost fumble on Calvarys 20-yard line, and the offense never recovered. Heat and thunderstorms have limited the Sharks practice opportunities this month, and against an established team with a veteran defense Calvary returns seven starters from last years 10-1 team an out-of-synch offense sunk Islands chances.

Given the circumstances, its quite a challenge to get an offense to click, third-year coach Robert Zoller said. The strength of their defense is on the defensive line, and we thought we could do some things on the perimeter. We just couldnt do it consistently.

Calvarys halfback tandem of Jalen Leary and Jaydon Grant did their running damage between the tackles and kept the M.C. Anderson Field crowds attention. Leary ran for 112 yards, including 97 in the first half, while Grant added 70 yards and a touchdown.

Islands was led by sophomore quarterback James Shellman, who completed 8 of 15 passes for 66 yards.



CDAlan Gibbs 32 FG

CDJaydon Grant 11 run (Gibbs kick)

CDVince Grassi 1 run (Gibbs kick)

CDGibbs 36 FG

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Calvary shuts out Islands in Stroud's return - Savannah Morning News

Tropical Storm Harvey slams Caribbean islands, heads for Central America – USA TODAY


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Authorities in the eastern Caribbean warned residents to stay indoors Friday.

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Tropical Storm Harvey is forecast to cross the Caribbean Sea over the next several days.(Photo: National Hurricane Center)

Tropical Storm Harvey brought drenching rain and strong winds to several islands in the eastern Caribbean on Friday, the National Hurricane Center said.

Authorities in the eastern Caribbean warned residents to stay indoors Friday, the Associated Press reported.

The heavy rain "could cause life-threatening flash floods and mudslides," the hurricane center warned.

Harvey should continue to move west across the Caribbean Sea and hitCentral America next week. It's forecast to strengthen to near hurricane-force by Monday as it approaches Nicaragua, Honduras and Belize.

In addition to rain and wind, the storm will also threaten storm surge and coastal flooding as it approaches and makes landfall.

As of 5 p.m. ET, the hurricane center said Harvey had winds of up to 40 mph and was moving west at 21 mph. The stormwas centered about 130 miles west-southwestof St. Lucia.

Two other areas are being watched in the central Atlantic for possible development, the hurricane center said.

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Tropical Storm Harvey slams Caribbean islands, heads for Central America - USA TODAY

Anambas Islands to finish airport expansion in September – Jakarta Post

The Anambas Islandsin Riau Islands province is set to finish the expansion of its only commercial airport, Letung Airport on Jemaja Island, in September.

The airport's runway will be extendedto 1,430 meters from 1,200 metersas part of an effort to boosttourism.

Letung air transportation head Ariadi Widiawan said on Friday that with the completion of the overhaul, the airport would be able to welcome more small-sized aircraft, such as the ATR 72, a twin-engine turboprop airliner.

"We plan to open flights from Letung to Batam and from Letung to Ranai [in Natuna Islands]," he said.

Read also: Things to do while holidaying on the Anambas Islands

At present, private carrier Susi Air is the only airline that flies from Letung to Tanjung Pinang, the capital ofRiau Islands, once a week, carrying a maximum of 15 passengers.

Other flights are run by chartered airliners that typically serve tourists from overseas.

In addition to Letung Airport, the Anambas Islandsalso has a special airport,Matak Airport on Palmatak Island. It isoperated by oil and gas firm PT Medco E&P. The airport supports operational activities of Medco, local firm Star Energy Group Holdings and British oil firm Premier Oil.

With additional flights, the local government hopes to drawmoretourists to the region, Ariadi said.

Itwas also seekingto improve ferry services connecting Jemaja withother islands, he added.

Poor infrastructure has affected tourism in the Anambas Islands, which comprise 255 islands that arefamous for its beautiful lagoons and pristine coral reefs.

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Anambas Islands to finish airport expansion in September - Jakarta Post

Love Island’s Georgia Harrison announces she’s SPLIT from Sam Gowland as she says one girl wasn’t enough for him –

Georgia Harrison has announced she's split from her Love Island boyfriend Sam Gowland - and said that one girl wasn't enough for him.

The pair met on the ITV2 dating show and stayed together after being dumped from the island.

However, they've since taken to Twitter to announce that they're no longer together.

Georgia told her followers: "Would like to confirm that myself and sam are no longer together. Unfortunately for some men one girl isn't always enough."

She completed the post with a string of girl emojis surrounding a boy emoji.

Georgia's fans drew the conclusion that he had cheated on her and rushed to offer her support.

One said: "More fool him! He was punching above his weight anyway!"

Another wrote: "Hope that you're okay girl, you are beautiful and deserve so much better"

But Georgia later clarified that Sam hadn't been unfaithful to her.

She added: "I'm not saying @SamGowland123 cheated ... that's not the case our relationship pretty much broke down a couple of weeks ago now

"But following on from his social media posts last night I felt it's best to announce we are both single."

He took to his own account to spread the news.

He wrote: "I can confirm that me and georgia aren't together anymore, we haven't been for a while now! Wish her all the best in the future x"

He later added: "Just to clarify ! Still mates now, wish her all the best x"

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Love Island's Georgia Harrison announces she's SPLIT from Sam Gowland as she says one girl wasn't enough for him -

DNR Ending Lake Trout Season Early In Apostle Islands Region – Wisconsin Public Radio News

Wisconsin Public Radio News
DNR Ending Lake Trout Season Early In Apostle Islands Region
Wisconsin Public Radio News
Some sports fishermen on Lake Superior won't be able to hook another lake trout after this weekend. The season is ending early around the Apostle Islands region because anglers have already reached their quota of 9,800 fish. The Wisconsin Department of ...

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DNR Ending Lake Trout Season Early In Apostle Islands Region - Wisconsin Public Radio News

Solomon Islands undersea cable red-flagged by Australia’s spy agencies dogged by donation allegations – The Sydney Morning Herald

The undersea cable project was supposed to bring reliable internet to the Solomon Islands, the small Pacific nation where Australian military and police forces have been helping keep political stability since 2004.

The project, which was to connect the Solomons to Sydney via a 4500-kilometre fibre optic cable, had the backing of the Asian Development Bank and a favoured contractor in a British-American company. It even had the nod from the Australian government to land the cable in Sydney.

But then last year, abruptly and allegedly without proper processes, the Solomons government switched to a subsidiary of the Chinese firm Huawei, which was banned from involvement in Australia's national broadband network on security grounds on the advice of ASIO.

Since then, allegations have surfaced of a $6.5 million political donation paid by Huawei to the ruling party in Honiara. Solomons Prime Minister Manasseh Sogavare visited Canberra this week and discussed the matter with his Australian counterpart Malcolm Turnbull.

Mr Sogavare said afterwards that "the security issue was expressed to us" but added "we continue to have discussions with the Australian government to see how we can solve that" and expressed confidence there was a way through the issue.

In a separate statement, Mr Sogavare said he was "considering all available options" which could point either to ditching Huawei as a contractor or connecting to another hub such as Fiji or Papua New Guinea.

Officially, Australia will assess any landing permit for the cable under the new arrangement with Huawei Marine a joint venture between Huawei and British firm Global Marine Systems.

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But multiple sources have indicated to Fairfax Media that Huawei plugging into Australia's telecommunications infrastructure backbone presents a fundamental security issue. And experts have said beyond the fear that Beijing is trying to find a new way into Australia's infrastructure is the broader concern around growing Chinese influence in the Pacific region, including through telecommunications projects that don't follow recognised rules of transparency.

Nick Warner, the head of the intelligence agency ASIS, warned Mr Sogavare of Australia's concern during a visit to capital Honiara in June.

Huawei is a commercial company but has remained under a cloud because of its possible links to the Chinese government. The US Congress found five years ago that Huawei "cannot be trusted to be free of foreign state influence and thus pose a security threat to the United States and to our systems".

Huawei Australia's director of corporate affairs Jeremy Mitchell said in response to detailed questions sent by Fairfax Media that "Huawei won an open tender with the best product and the best team to deliver the project".

He added that the firm was a leading telecom provider in the world and "has and will always comply with local laws and regulations".

But a spokeswoman for the Asian Development Bank said it was forced to withdraw approval for a $23 million loan nearly a third of the total cost of the project because "the Huawei contract was developed outside of ADB procurements processes". She said the bank received no information about who the other bidders were and "on that basis, ADB could no longer be involved and therefore cancelled the project in May 2016".

The Solomons Parliament's public accounts committee meanwhile has produced a report provided to Fairfax Media noting allegations that "Huawei Technologies ... had promised the Prime Minister a political donation of $40 million [$A6.5 million] for the award of the contract".

"If true, this is a corrupt and criminal offence and the committee calls on the [Royal Solomon Islands Police] to conduct an urgent investigation into this," the report said.

"The committee is of the view that this is the main reason for the government to bypass procurement requirements in favour of the company Huawei."

The head of that cross-party committee, Rick Houenipwela, is a respected MP and opposition finance spokesman who has previously been the country's central bank governor and a senior official at the World Bank.

"It's a very frustrating situation," he said. "We've raised those concerns and we still have those concerns ... Why did the government take the stand to just select Huawei and not do a normal tender?"

Allegations of the political donation have been circulating for some months in Honiara and have appeared in local news reports. Mr Sogavare has made the counter-claim that the political donation was actually paid to Sir Thomas Chan, the ethnic Chinese businessman who is chairman of Mr Sogavare's United Democratic Party.

Mr Chan has described those claims as "an absolute lie". He did not return repeated phone calls last week.

Fairfax Media sent written questions to Mr Sogavare's office more than a week ago but as of Saturday had not received answers.

Fairfax Media asked the Royal Solomon Islands Police Force a week ago whether they were investigating the claims. On Friday a spokesman replied to Fairfax Media asking for a copy of Mr Houenipwela's committee's report.

A spokesman for the Attorney-General's Department said the Solomon Islands Submarine Cable Company had not applied for a submarine cable installation permit.

Any application would be "considered on its merits" and the department would consider "matters of international law, native title and national security", he said.

Experts said Australia was right to have security concerns around critical infrastructure

Huawei is involved in Australian communications in various ways, but involvement in backbone infrastructure is regarded as a more significant security risk.

Peter Jennings, executive director of the Australian Strategic Policy Institute, said plugging it would be a "high priority" for China, allowing bulk collection of data on the cable itself but also potentially allowing "one more vector" for sabotage in a security crisis.

"They'd be looking at a way of getting any backdoor into Australia's infrastructure and systems," he said.

He added that China was more broadly aiming to weaken Australian and American relationships in the Pacific region and increase its own influence there including through infrastructure development.

Chinese telco firms have substantial involvement elsewhere in the region. Huawei Marine is also laying a 5500-kilometre undersea cable network to service Papua New Guinea and connect it internationally via Indonesia.

The Australian Financial Review reported in 2012 that the federal government was investigating Huawei Marine over its involvement in a planned undersea cable between Perth and Singapore. That project did not go ahead.

Rory Medcalf, head of the Australian National University's National Security College, said China's growing activity in the Pacific should concern Australia though Canberra should maintain a balanced view of it.

He said China's willingness to offer help but "with strings attached" could create political dependence on Beijing that could "dilute our ability to exert constructive influence on South Pacific countries".

Jonathan Pryke from the Lowy Institute said it was "absolutely right" to raise concerns about the project, especially given the way Huawei had won the contract.

"It's completely legitimate for us to be raising concerns with the leadership of the Solomon Islands especially given the strong partnership and the strong commitment we have to see them develop," he said.

View original post here:

Solomon Islands undersea cable red-flagged by Australia's spy agencies dogged by donation allegations - The Sydney Morning Herald

Pacu Jalur Festival to enliven Riau Islands – Jakarta Post

Riau Islands is set to host a rowing competition called Pacu Jalur Festival from Aug. 23 to 26 at Tepian Narosa Teluk Kuantan, Kuantan regency.

Pacu Jalur Festival isnt just a competition, its also a cultural pride of the people of Riau Islands province, especially those who live in Kuantan Singingi. Its a rowing competition on a river using long wooden boats; a combination of sports and art, said Kuantan Singigi Regent H. Mursini.

Prior to the festival, smaller rowing events were held in four districts from July 6 to 29, followed by a traditional mini route held at Tepian Narosa Teluk Kuantan from Aug. 19 to 21.

One boat can accommodate between 50 to 60 rowers who are aged between 15 to 40 years old. Each of them has a role to play in the team, one acts as the commander and another acts as the helmsman. Theres also member of the team who is in charge of synchronizing the others movement.

This competition adopts the knockout system, meaning that losing teams are not allowed to compete again.

The race begins after the sound of a cannon explosion is heard. Such is used because it creates a louder sound than a whistle. (kes)

Read the original:

Pacu Jalur Festival to enliven Riau Islands - Jakarta Post

Weymouth neighbors transform traffic islands into memorials – The Patriot Ledger

Century Road has three traffic islands, all maintained by the neighbors that live there.

WEYMOUTH Century Road, a quiet dead-end street, is distinguished by three traffic islands, each 40 feet long and 10 feet wide that were originally maintained by the town.

That was until Joe Saccardo, a retired State Police trooper living in the neighborhood, and his wife, Mary Ann, began to look after the one directly in front of their home 15 years ago.

He transformed the island, then mostly just grass, into a memorial for his son, Mark Saccardo. Mark Saccardo, a Boston College graduate, died in a car accident in 1997 at 23.

I wanted to do something in memory of my son, said Saccardo, who has lived in the neighborhood for 43 years.

Mark Saccardos island bears a plaque reading This island is maintained in memory of Mark Duke Saccardo. He earned the nickname Duke because of his love for the show Dukes of Hazzard. The island is dotted with small trees, surrounded with purple flowers. Under the shade of the tree is a small stone bench.

Before long, Saccardo said, other neighbors joined in. The second island is maintained by the Proud Century Road neighbors and friends and not in memory of anyone specific.

The third island is maintained by Century Road resident Ginny Flynn. The island is dedicated in memory of her husband, Frank. Frank Flynn, of Weymouth, was a 28-year veteran of the Boston Fire Department. Flynn died in 2014 after a battle with lung cancer.

Joe Saccardo was surprised other residents began to maintain the islands with him.

I think its great that people responded after I did, said Joe Saccardo. It brings together the neighborhood. We may be the only street with islands maintained by residents in Weymouth.

Zane Razzaq may be reached at

Go here to see the original:

Weymouth neighbors transform traffic islands into memorials - The Patriot Ledger

Tropical Storm Harvey Begins to Drench the Windward Islands; Tropical Storm Conditions Expected to Arrive Early Friday – The Weather Channel

Story Highlights

Harvey will bring rain and gusty winds to the Windward Islands.

Then, it will track across the Caribbean Sea into next week.

Harvey is not a threat to the United States.

Two other areas of disturbed weather are being monitored for development in the Atlantic Basin.

Tropical Storm Harvey is beginning to bring rain to theWindward Islands, and may posea threat early next week in parts of Central America's Caribbean coast.

Tropical storm warnings have been issued for parts of the Windward Islands, including Martinique, St. Lucia, Barbadosand St. Vincent and the Grenadines. Warnings are issued when tropical storm conditions are expected within 36 hours. A tropical storm watch is in effect for Dominica, where those conditions are possible within that timeframe.

(MORE: Hurricane Central)

Tropical storm conditions, with winds of 39 mph or greater, are expected to first reach the Lesser Antilles within the warning areaearly Friday, making outside preparations difficult or dangerous. Tropical storm conditions are possible in the watch area on Friday.

Thunderstorm activity over the storm has not changed much since a Thursday afternoon hurricane hunter flight found winds of 40 mph. Another mission is scheduled into Harvey on Friday morning to see if anything has changed in the storm.

Harvey will bring2 to 4 inches of rain across the Windward Islands from Martinique southward to Grenada, which could trigger life-threatening flash flooding and mudslides in mountainous terrain.

After that, the system will then track westward through the rest of the Caribbean Sea, and will likelypose a threat to parts of Central America and/or Mexico's Yucatan Peninsula early next week.

It's not clear how strong thistropical storm will become through its Caribbean trek, due to potential interaction with dry conditions and sinking air. Interests throughout the Caribbean should monitor the progress of Harvey through early next week.

At this time, Tropical Storm Harvey is not a threat to the United States.

Invest 92L continues tofesterafew hundred miles to the east of Harvey.

This invest has shown signs of strengthening through late day Thursday, and could become a tropical depression on Friday or over the weekend.

A fresh surge of such dry air, known as theSaharan Air Layer (SAL),is pushing toward 92L right now.This dry air may mix in with the disturbance, preventing thunderstorms from persisting and clustering.

Furthermore, if 92L tracks farther north, as expected, wind shear the change in wind direction with height is strongerto the north of the Leeward Islands, according to an analysis from the University of Wisconsin.

This hostile wind shearthat typically rips apart tropical disturbances and weaker tropical cyclones may inhibit 92L from developing significantly, if it gains enough latitude north of the Leeward Islands this weekend.

A hurricane hunter mission has beententatively scheduled for Saturday afternoonto determine if Invest 92L has organized and strengthened enough to be classified as atropical depression or tropical storm.

It's worth noting that even if 92L doesn't develop into a tropical cyclone the next few days, this disturbance will likely continue migrating through the Bahamas, then into the Gulf of Mexico next week and will be monitored for any potential later development.

Finally,a tropical wave emerged off the west African coast Wednesday, well east of Harvey and 92L, kicking offits journey across the eastern Atlantic Ocean.

This latest wave may develop by the weekendbut won't near the longitude of the Lesser Antilles until early next week.

(MORE: Tropical Cyclone During the Eclipse?)

What form that system takes tropical wave, depression, storm or hurricane and where it exactly tracks remain unknown at this time, though the majority of forecast guidance suggests this system will track north of the Leeward Islands.

(MORE: Why Tropical Waves are Important During Hurricane Season)

We are in the climatological peak of the hurricane season, so each tropical wave or area of low pressure in the Atlantic Basin must be watched closely for development. As the image to the right shows, named storms can form in about every part of the Atlantic Basin this time of year.

As an example, thedisturbance that formed into Gertto thenortheast of the Bahamas lastweekend was tracked for nearly 10 days before it finally developed. That tropical wave also originated over Africa.

That said, not all tropical waves orlow-pressure systems that emerge from Africa become tropical depressions or tropical storms, but they are all monitored closely, particularly when atmospheric conditions are ripe for them to spin up.

(MORE: Where Every U.S. Landfalling Hurricane Began Its Journey)

Now is a good time to make sure you have a plan in case of a hurricane strike. The Federal Alliance for Safe Homes has an excellent website to help you make your plan.

Check back with for updates in the days ahead on these latest systems and the rest of hurricane season.

(MORE: NOAA Predicts Active Rest of the Hurricane Season)

Original post:

Tropical Storm Harvey Begins to Drench the Windward Islands; Tropical Storm Conditions Expected to Arrive Early Friday - The Weather Channel

Bids for low-number Cape and Islands license plates reach almost $13000 – The Boston Globe

How much would you pay for the license plate of your dreams?

For low-number Cape and Islands plates, people are bidding as high as $12,760, as of Thursday afternoon.


The plates up for auction, numbered one through 999, are part of the IC series and have never before been issued.

If you want a number thats special to you, or if you think having a single digit on your license plate will make your beat-up car look classier, act fast, because bidding for the plates ends Friday at 5 p.m.

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Bids on single and double-digit numbers are in the thousands, but if your lucky number happens to be in the triple digits, you could be sporting it on your license plate for less than $200.

The auction is in celebration of the 20th anniversary of the release of the specialty Cape and Islands license plates, said Wendy Northcross, chief executive of the Cape Cod Chamber of Commerce.

Northcross said the Cape and Islands plate is especially popular because of its design, which features Easthams Nauset Lighthouse.


Although seemingly simple, its the states most popular specialty plate, with more than 42,000 on the road since they were introduced in 1996.

Some people tell us, Oh, we just love the lighthouse, Northcross said.

Jay Coburn, the executive director of the Cape Cod Community Development Partnership, attributed the popularity of the plates to vacationers affinity for the Cape.

Half of the second homes in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts are on Cape Cod, so we have a huge population of part-timers here ... and its a really important part of their lives, he said.

Whether you want the plate to show your love for the Cape or to spruce up your ride, the money you bid will be used for good.

All the proceeds go to economic development or tourist promotion on the Cape and Islands, Northcross said.

Proceeds will fund upkeep of visitor centers, business counseling services, loans to small businesses, and affordable housing projects.

The winner of each plate will be notified automatically as soon as bidding closes Friday.

Read more:

Bids for low-number Cape and Islands license plates reach almost $13000 - The Boston Globe

Dutch engineers test floating islands with hopes to house communities threatened by rising seas – Fox News

As sea levels around the world continue to rise, countries continue to explore new and innovative techniques to protect infrastructure and coastal communities.

In the Netherlands, a team of engineers is currently exploring the possibility of what life might be like if people lived and worked at sea.

Researchers from Maritime Research Institute Netherlands (Marin) recently tested out a floating mega island which is made of 87 large floating triangles and can reach as large as 5 km (3 miles). The island was put through a simulation where it withstood waves with a height of 50 feet (15 meters).


The floating islands could be a future housing solution in locations such as the Netherlands and parts of the southeastern United States coast, which are at risk from rising seas.

As sea level rises, cities become overcrowded and more activities are carried out at sea, raising the dikes and reclaiming land from the seas are perhaps no longer an effective solution," said Olaf Waals, project manager and the concept developer for Marin. An innovative alternative that fits with the Dutch maritime tradition is floating ports and cities.

A recent study from University of Florida researchers said that sea-level rise is accelerating in parts of the southeastern U.S.

The study, published in Geophysical Research Letters, said sea levels rose dramatically between Cape Hatteras, North Carolina, and Miami from 2011 to 2015, and during that time, the rise was six times more than the global average sea rise attributed to climate change.

The reason for the accelerated rise, or "hot spot," is being attributed to a "one-two punch from naturally occurring climate variations," specifically El Nio and the North Atlantic Oscillation.

In a statement, Arnoldo Valle-Levinson, lead author of the study and professor of civil and coastal engineering sciences, described the future for some southeastern U.S. cities as Venice-like.

We need to understand that the ocean is coming, Valle-Levinson said.

In a recent interview with, Waals said cities such as New Orleans may need space where they could develop or put homes as sea levels rise.

Waals said their first test was to see how the 26-foot-wide model behaves in wind, waves and currents, and it "did well because the island flexes with the waves."

"The first row of triangles bend with the waves but also reflect the energy of the waves," Waals said. "It would be feasible to actually absorb a lot of the wave energy."

Testing was conducted in Marin's offshore model basin, a large pool where ocean waves, winds and currents can be simulated.

The project has been underway for about a year, and in that time, the research team developed the triangular shaped islands and planned how they wanted to connect them, Erik-Jan De Ridder a senior project manager for Marin told AccuWeather in an email.

Possible uses include providing working space for cultivating food, such as fish; loading and transporting cargo in areas where there is little infrastructure; and storing, generating and maintaining sustainable energy, like solar power.


Some of the benefits of the islands include the ability to be easily extended by connecting additional islands, as well as easily remove islands.

Drawbacks include potential ecological problems like how the islands could block sunlight from reaching aquatic plants. There will also be considerable economical and technical challenges as well as government regulations to overcome before these islands could become a reality, according to De Ridder.

Many questions remain including how strong the islands need to be to withstand winds and currents, how traffic and transportation would be organized and what effect the motion of the island could have on the people who would live and work there.

Marin will next look to conduct testing in intermediate-sized bodies of water where there is some type of shelter, like a bay. Eventually, the group will aim to move large structures offshore.

De Ridder said it's difficult to say how soon it will be before housing is possible since they are in the early stages of development, but in 10 years it might be possible to have several houses in a sheltered area.

People will have to get used to the idea that you can live on a floating island, De Ridder said.

Read more from the original source:

Dutch engineers test floating islands with hopes to house communities threatened by rising seas - Fox News

The Untimely Death Of A Marshall Islands Visionary – Honolulu Civil Beat

After a short, sudden illness that ended with cardiac arrest in a Taipei Hospital, the Republic of the Marshall Islands second highest ranking official, Minister in Assistance Mattlan Zackhras, died on Aug. 8 at the age of 47.

In a statement, Marshall Islands President Hilda Heine praised Minister Matt (as he was known) for work(ing) tirelessly, at home and abroad, on behalf of the Marshallese people and the Islands that he deeply loved.

Foreign Minister John Silk would assume Zackhras duties, Heine said.

Zackhras, a native of Namdrik Atoll, served in RMIs parliament, called the Nitijela, from 2004 until his death and, as Minister in Assistance, the Marshall Islands equivalent of vice president. Pre-dating his career in politics and continuing throughout it, Zackhras was well-known as a leader in promoting sustainable development projects like copra and coconut oil production and pearl farming on Namdrik.

In 2015, Zackhras helped secure more than $375,000 from the U.S. to support black lip pearl oyster farming as a way to bolster economic opportunity in the face of climate change according to Tom Armbruster, U.S. ambassador to the Marshall Islands (2012-2016). Armbruster said the project demonstrated the resilience of the Marshallese people as well as Zackhras own initiative and positive outlook.

He was always a welcoming and warm public servant who put the Marshall Islands and its people first, Armbruster wrote in an email, describing Zackhras death as a real loss.

Marshall Islands Minister in Assistance Zackhras Mattian, center, died earlier this month. Colleagues call his unexpected passing a great loss.

Hilary Hosia

Although Marshall Islands culture, language and legendary seafaring navigational prowess are millennia-old, the Republic of the Marshall Islands wasnt established as a self-governing nation until 1979 after centuries of colonization by Spain, Germany, Japan, and finally the United States.

Between 1946 and 1958, the U.S. conducted 67 nuclear weapons tests in the northern Marshall Islands resulting in radiation contamination, widespread deaths and illness, forced displacement and a severe disruption of culture and society.

In recent years, this relatively young United Nations member (RMI joined the U.N. in 1991) has become a prominent example of how low-lying island nations are being impacted by coastal inundation, coral bleaching, prolonged drought and other climate change-related threats.

In the face of these challenges, Zackhras proved himself to be an effective local and national leader and a tireless advocate for his country and other large ocean states on the international stage.

Andrew Jacobs, the European Unions ambassador for the Pacific, described Zackhras as a true warrior for climate action, saying that his advocacy carried influence around the world in the mould of former (RMI) Minister Tony deBrum. Jacobs called Zackhras death a great loss.

Writing from the RMI capital of Majuro, Jack Niedenthal, general secretary of the Marshall Islands Red Cross Society, called Zackhras a go to senator who always made time to help people and someone who enjoyed celebrating great ideas without seeking to take credit.

Mattlan was simply a genuinely nice person, Niedenthal said.

Mark Stege, outgoing director of the Marshall Islands Conservation Society, explained that as a leader in Parliament, Zackhras elevated his colleagues consciousness about the importance in conservation in the Pacific. Stege said Zackhras was instrumental in building a model of community-driven coastal resources management.

His continued hard work and quiet leadership championing conservation during these times will bear fruit for the Marshallese people for many decades to come, said Stege.

Tamara Greenstone Alefaio of the Micronesia Conservation Trust worked with Zackhras on many initiatives for more than a dozen years praised him as a humble leader who listened with intent and spoke with clarity to advance climate action and advocate for his country. Continuing his work, she said, is the best way to honor his legacy.

In an age of political strongmen, when loud voices, bullies and sabre rattlers get the most headlines, Minister Mattlan Zackhras was the polar opposite. Soft-spoken, down-to-earth, genuinely warm and forthcoming, I had the chance to interview him while on a reporting trip to Majuro in May 2016.

While President Heine was overseas and Minister Matt was acting-president, he still made time to meet with me in his office for nearly an hour. Now, as then, his thoughts on climate change, migration, the nuclear legacy and working for his nations first female president are worth revisiting.

Below are are excerpts from our interview. Comments have been edited for clarity and length.

Jon Letman: I want to ask you about migration. As I understand it, the number of Marshallese living outside of the Marshall Islands is now maybe between 30 percent to 40 percent of the overall population. How does your administration see migration? Is it something you want to stop or slow or does it have benefits?

Minister Matt: I think any government in any country would like to see their people remain where they are. In the second set of (Compact of Free Association) negotiations, I would say that we really fought hard to convince the U.S. side that without the proper support to build the right type of medical facilities and education system that we needed and support along the way that would require, you would always see whether it will increase or decrease people utilizing this so-called safety valve within the Compact agreements.

The provision that allows us to travel (without a visa to the U.S.) its a privilege. I think thats what we try to tell our people: be constructive or be part of the communities constructively and not become a burden. Unfortunately you have some people that just fall through the crack and go out without even proper training. We want to focus on these trade area trainings, when some of our people go out they can be helpful and be part of the community rather than be a so-called burden that we hear a lot.

Is your administration doing something to create conditions so that people are less likely to want to migrate or less likely to feel the need to and what are the focus areas?

This administration wants to create more jobs. Thats why people just leave looking for work. Others may view it differently but right now were facing a brain drain in our country because the most capable and smart people are going out. I dont blame them but at the same time we try to instill a sense of responsibility and (patriotism) towards their country because no matter where they are they will always come back and have to pay their share to the country. Again, you dont want all your capable people going out and a way to stop it is to raise the standard of living. Its becoming harder and harder to find jobs here in the Marshall Islands. Thats why they go out.

Minister Matt, as he was known, worked with Namdrik technician Apii McLeod in 2012 on a project to develop oyster cultivation and harvesting. Theyre holding bags of black lip oyster pearls.

Giff Johnson

We also talked about Kwajalein Atoll, home to the U.S. Armys Ronald Reagan Ballistic Missile Defense Test Site, and how it affects Marshallese living near the base.

Weve always viewed ourselves as a major contributor to world peace. Not only because of Kwajalein military base and the ongoing missile testing there but starting back from the nuclear legacy when the strongest atomic bomb was dropped here as a test site. So I think while the U.S. may find Kwajalein of strategic importance, I think it should be a two-way street. The benefit that we get out of (it) is the assistance that comes through the rental of the facility the lease(through 2066) towards our landowners and rightly so.

In terms of the work force and the small economy there, I see some contribution where most of the workers in terms of the labor force, the majority of it is Marshallese and we have very capable people in the park plants and doing basic stuff. But I would just like to see more training to become more responsible to key areas. We see the value in Kwajalein and the military base but it should be both ways.

You know, theyre benefiting just by testing billion and million dollars worth of military equipment on a daily basis or whenever they do their testing. I know the amount of money spent on this and how important it is for the U.S. but I dont think it should be at the expense of the local people.

We discussed the right of strategic denial which gives the U.S. exclusive military control over more than half a million square miles of land, air and water in the Pacific, including the RMI. I asked Minister Matt if he thought the Marshall Islands would be under threat without the U.S. base at Kwajalein.

The concern now is that there is just so much influence of China in the region. So much so that theyre just next door in FSM (the Federated States of Micronesia) because FSM recognizes China the Marshall Islands dont. Diplomatically, we recognize Taiwan. But threat I dont really see it, but again its these big brothers trying to dominate the region. When you combine all three Micronesian nations Palau, FSM and Marshalls, thats a big body of water and its one of the most lucrative bodies when it comes to fishing. Today theyre not really looking at land its the ocean, because were ocean states.

I know this is a complicated question, but are nuclear issues resolved?

To us it will never be resolved until the U.S. discloses everything because most of what we dont know is still classified. And just recently they were declassified because we worked with the Clinton administration when he was in office and he allowed some of it to be declassified and we found some information like Project 4.1 where we werent aware of it when we negotiated the first Compact. You cannot just wash your hands off of an issue that is still impacting the Marshallese people until today. You have a big dome on Enewetak (atoll) thats leaking and youre just not doing anything about it.

Runit dome? Is it leaking?

Runit dome yeah.

Has there been an adequate response by the U.S.?

Well, theyre saying its not contaminated. After the testing they just brought in all of the materials and shielded it with a large cement dome over it and just say, okay, problem solved.

What do you think Americans today should understand about these nuclear issues?

I think thats the very unfortunate part of our story, is that we dont have access to the major networks like CNN. We can be captured a little here and there whenever theres an article about climate and we link up the nuclear issue with that just to raise the profile again and remind people. But if it was the U.S. and it was the sheer thought of the extent and strength of a nuclear device being tested in their soil that would have been a major issue.

Take Nevada, for example, and try to compare. I think the only difference is that it was done in a different country. And for those who probably dont really understand, I think its on us today, a lot of the youngsters today need to keep the momentum going because most of our leaders that were living back then are dying or theyve already gone, but they were brave. I live until the day that we will see the full disclosure of all the documents.

Is that central to disclosure?

Theres no closure until theres full disclosure to this nuclear (issue). Im glad that its being discussed now at the World Humanitarian Summit, the issue of loss and damage. Well, it has to do with the climate change but again, looking at it from humanitys side. Thats something that we really need to revisit and keep telling the story to anyone and everyone that wants to open their ears and understand.

Last question, real quick President Heine, I believe shes your boss.


She is the first female president of an independent Pacific Island nation, the first female president of the Marshall Islands. What is the significance of this?

Shes also the first female president in the Pacific region. I think were just proud of her accomplishments. Theres no question that a woman would have been president, it was just a matter of when. Its a very timely appointment because, were seeing others coming into play. And I dont know about the U.S. but I know for sure about Taiwan. (President Heine) is in Taiwan now for the inauguration of (Taiwans first female president Tsai Ing-wen), she took three of our lady mayors with her so its mostly a womans delegation led by the president.Others were very excited when I attended recent meetings in Guam. They were saying, Oh, it would have been us! Palau, they were also saying it should be us.

While some may say that we are not there yet, I think shes proven so many people wrong and I think she will keep on surprising people. Shes a tough lady and very consistent, no doubt about her education background and how smart she is because shes probably the smartest person in the parliament today but I think she made history and its a positive one for the Marshall Islands.

End note: Three months after interviewing Minister Matt in Majuro, I met him for a second time by chance at the East-West Center in Honolulu at a meeting of Pacific Island nation leaders. When I saw Minister Matt, I called him over and reminded him of our previous meeting. He quickly smiled and took my hand and, as before, was approachable, genuine, and full of warmth.

The rest is here:

The Untimely Death Of A Marshall Islands Visionary - Honolulu Civil Beat