Natural Standard has provided just what the doctor ordered - an evidence-based review to tell us what is known, and what is not. Given the clear imperative to talk with our patients about CAM, here's the evidence summary you need.
Harley Goldberg, DO Medical Director, CAM Kaiser Permanente
Natural Standard provides a critical and transparent review of the evidence regarding herbs and supplements. As such, it is an extremely valuable resource for both clinicians and investigators.
David Eisenberg, MD Director, Osher Institute Division for Research and Education in Complementary & Integrative Medicine Harvard Medical School
The best and most authoritative web site available on herbal medicines.
The World Health Organization (WHO)
At last! An authoritative reference on the many nuances of Alternative Medicine. How to separate the good from the bad and the unknown. An extraordinary piece of work that will become the standard text in this area.
Vincent T. DeVita Jr., MD The Amy and Joseph Perella Professor of Medicine Yale School of Medicine Former Director, National Cancer Institute
Thank you for a great interview; and thanks so much for access to the Natural Standard website. I'm in research heaven!
Angela Hynes Author, Freelance Writer & Editor specializing in health and fitness
Natural Standard is an AAFP recommended resource for development of EB CME content.
American Academy of Family Physicians
"Natural Standard is like having access to the best library in the world so you don't have to look things up in ten locations!"
Jonny Bowden, PhD, CNS Author, The 150 Healthiest Foods on Earth
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