Integrative Medicine: Trends and Beliefs – Decoded Science

Ayurvedic Medicine has been practiced in India for thousands of years. Image by GaborfromHungary

How does Western medical philosophy combine with less-traditional medical beliefs? Thanks to multiculturalism, Integrative Medicine is becoming more mainstream among practitioners.

During the second half of the twentieth century, the concept of multiculturalism (i.e.- the coexistence of cultural and religious diversity) as a positive influence on society became widespread.

Westerners, in particular, began exploring many aspects of other cultures, and many developed an open-minded approach to adopting such cultural artifacts and practices as styles of music and fashion, yoga, meditation, and non-Western traditional medical systems.

With the expansion of globalization in the late twentieth century, non-Western medical practices such as Traditional Chinese Medicine started to enter the mainstream. Thus, in the late 1990s, the field of Integrative Medicine (also called Integrated Medicine)became established in the USA.

Integrative Medicineis based on the principle that no single medical system is perfect, and that combining elements of various medical systems in an intelligent and informed manner achieves and maintains better health.

CAM is the acronym for Complementary and Alternative Medicine. It is the most frequently used term in the USA to denote the combined use of Western (conventional) medicine with different medical systems.

The terms CAM and Integrative Medicine (or Integrated Medicine) express the most basic principle of this approach to health: that of using or integrating several medical systems in a complementary manner. Conventional Western medicine is not rejected, nor are alternative medical systems used uncritically.

The basic principles of Integrative Medicine include the beliefthat health and well-being are the most natural conditions, and that the human body has an inborn ability to heal itself. Practitioners believe that medical intervention should support and facilitate that ability. The most effective treatments, they say, are therefore those that are most natural and least invasive.

Doctors who practice various alternative medicine techniquesbelieve that medical caregiversshould individualize and personalize all treatment. There is a strong belief that no one-size-fits-all treatment exists for any medical condition or illness. Medical treatment should treat the person, rather than the disease, and therefore the doctor should base treatmenton the unique individual traits and needs of the patient.

Furthermore, both doctors of Western Medicine (MDs) and doctors of Oriental Medicine (OMDs) agree thata healthy diet and lifestyle maintains and supports good health, so the individual needs to take an active role in the prevention of illness.

Integrative Medicine holds that, since the mind andthe body are not separate entities, emotional and social factors influence ones health.

Whereas, in the past, people viewed the doctor as the only genuine medical authority, Integrative Medicine holdsthat the patient seeking help is the authentic expert on his/her own health, having lived inside his/her own body for a whole lifetime.

Supporters of Integrative Mediconetherefore consider thepatient and the medical professional as partners in the healing process. The role of the medical professional is to diagnose and recommend possible treatments, rather than to maintain that only one treatment is available or desirable. The patient thus has the ultimate control in deciding which treatment would be most appropriate and beneficial. This is known as patient empowerment.

Traditional Chinese Medicine takes the various meridians of the human body into account for health and massage. Image by KVDP

Throughout the 1990s, experts conducted research on the use of CAM/Integrative Medicine in the USA. One survey, published in theJournal of the American Medical Association, indicated that visits to alternative medicine practitioners increased from 427 million in 1990 to 629 million in 1997. This was greater than the number of visits to all US primary care physicians.

The Osher Center for Integrative Medicine at the University of California, San Francisco, provides the following information on the development of integrative medicine in the USA from 1992 to 2004:

In 1992, the Office of Alternative Medicine (OAM) was founded as part of the National Institutes of Health (NIH). Its annual budget was $2 million. In 1998, the OAM was renamed the National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health(NCCIH). NCCIHs budget for research in 2005 was $121 million, reflecting the growing popularity and acceptance of CAM/Integrative Medicine.

In 2002, a survey of 31,000 American adults revealed that 38% 62% used CAM during the preceding year (depending on the types of treatmentsincluded in the definition of CAM).

Not only has the popularity of Integrative Medicine grown among patients, but the acceptance of various integrated medical practices has become widespreadamong Western medical professionals in recent years, as well. For example, in 2005, the Institute of Medicine of the National Academies recommended that health profession schools should incorporate information about CAM into the standard curriculum, so that licensed professionals would be able to advise their patients about it.

Integrative Medicine acknowledges that medicinemustbe based on scientific inquiry. Many non-Western medical systems have developed outside of a rigorous scientific context.

Nowadays, the National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health(NCCIH) requires the testing of non-Western medical practices by Western research standards. This is meant to guarantee that non-Western medical treatments are both safe and effective.

The backbone of Western medicine is research thatprofessionalscan replicate and validate over and over again by objective standards.

Nowadays, the various medical traditions that comprise the field of Integrative Medicine are all being subjected to this kind of objective analysis. The results of current research will pave the way to greater integration of the various medical traditions in the future. In this way, doctors will tailor health practicesto meet the very specific needs of each individual patient.

Dr. Andrew Weill is a medical doctor, teacher, and writer of many books and articles on holistic health. He is the founder and director of the Arizona Center for Integrative Medicine at the University of Arizona, where he teaches. Weill defines Integrative Medicine as the intelligent combination of Western and alternative medicine He views it as the best of both worlds.

Brad Lemley sums up the philosophy of Integrative Medicinewhen he saysthat this approach to medicine cherry picks the best scientifically validated therapies that conventional Western and alternative medical systems have to offer.

When it comes to your health, shouldnt every person should have to right to choose and enjoy the best resourcesgathered and perfected throughout human history?

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Integrative Medicine: Trends and Beliefs - Decoded Science

Integrative Medicine Associates

Please be aware that as of August 1, 2010, all female patients that elect to have their Hormone Replacement Therapy prescribed through our office will be required to maintain their annual exams (pelvic/pap, breast exam, etc.) and mammograms directly through our office.

Here at IMA, we strive to blend the best of conventional western medicine with well-researched natural medicine. Our primary focus is on the prevention of illness, versus simply reacting to disease. We empower our patients with the tools and knowledge necessary to make real and lasting change in their lives.

Our belief is that this is only possible by having our patients play a primary role in their healthcare.

Our physicians and practitoners are primary care family practice providers. We treat simple as well as complex medical problems including everything from the common cold and allergies to CFIDS (Chronic Fatigue Immune Deficiency Syndrome).

For more specific details on each practitioner's specialty, go to Our Staff and click on the practitioner's name.

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Integrative Medicine Associates

Integrative Family Medicine | Tallahassee Primary Care …

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Integrative Family Medicine combines the practice of conventional medicine with alternative methods that focus on treating a patients mind, body and spirit. This type of medicine puts a heavy emphasis on prevention, as it is much easier to work towards preventing health issues than it is to cure them after they have occurred.

Integrative Family Medicine is most effective for patients who are motivated in self care through lifestyle changes and are therefore looking for insight on ways to do so.Our TPCA board-certifiedphysician prefers the approach of educating and coaching patients to be involved in their own treatment often using natural remedies as much as possible.

Our Integrative Family Medicine physician is ready to discuss your lifestyle and get you on the path to holistic health today. Integrative Family Medicine is available for all age groups!

2016 Tallahassee Primary Care Associates. Notice of Privacy Practices. All rights reserved.

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Integrative Family Medicine | Tallahassee Primary Care ...

Sweet and Natural?

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Tagatose is a natural sweetener that is 92 percent as sweet as sugar, but has only one-third of the calories. The FDA approved its use in foods and beverages in 2001. You'll see it in packaged cereals and diet sodas, and it is also used in mouthwash, toothpaste, lipstick and in various drugs, both prescription and over-the-counter. Read more...

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Integrative Family Medicine Fellowship – MMC

Meet Our Fellows

In July 2001, the MMC Family Medicine Residency program received a training grant awarded by the

Our curriculum in Complementary and Integrative Medicine describes the principles, safe use, and appropriate referral for selected CAM therapies as well as effective communication with patients about their personal choices in complementary and alternative health care. It is designed to weave these ideas and experiences throughout residents' three-year program. Our goal is to develop physicians who will model a healthy lifestyle and be more collaborative and relationship-centered in their approach to medical care.

In 2008 along with our colleagues at the Arizona Center for Integrative Medicine (AZCIM) at the University of Arizona, MMC was one of eight family medicine residencies nationwide to pilot the Integrative Medicine in Residency (IMR) program. Our IMR track offers selected residents in-depth competency-based curriculum in integrative medicine, designed to be incorporated into the typical three-year residency program. Central to IMR is a common web-based curriculum, program-specific experiential exercises, and group process-oriented activities.

Having evaluated the evidence, experienced the therapies, and built collaborative relationships with community practitioners of CAM, residents will understand and be in a better position to evaluate and incorporate approaches to healing that are often considered to be outside the conventional medical paradigm.

The Integrative Family Medicine (IFM) Program is a four-year combined family medicine residency program and integrative medicine fellowship. The program was designed jointly in 2003 by the Arizona Center for Integrative Medicine (AZCIM) at the University of Arizona and family medicine residency programs at Maine Medical Center, Beth Israel/Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Middlesex Hospital, Oregon Health & Science University, and the Universities of Arizona and Wisconsin.

Graduates of this program will manifest the philosophy and practice of integrative medicine which is the practice of medicine that reaffirms the importance of the relationship between practitioner and patient, focuses on the whole person, is informed by evidence, and makes use of all appropriate therapeutic approaches, health care professionals and disciplines to achieve optimal health and healing. (Consortium of Academic Health Centers for Integrative Medicine) Graduates receive a certificate in integrative family medicine from the Arizona Center for Integrative Medicine at the University of Arizona and Maine Medical Center.

MMC participants complete their family medicine residency at MMCFMRP in three years, enroll in the distributed learning fellowship at AZCIM during post-graduate years two through four (1000 hours and three residential weeks with PIM in Tucson) and are mentored by MMC faculty fellowship-trained in integrative medicine throughout their four years.

The distance learning program requires about 6 hours each week and three, 1 week sessions in Tucson during PGY-2, PGY-3 and PGY-4. The PGY-4 year provides supervised, structured opportunities for the fellow to provide integrative medicine consultation, discuss cases in a multi-disciplinary conference, develop skills in Osteopathic manual medicine, medical acupuncture and other areas of complementary and alternative medicine, and continue to provide family medicine care to a panel of patients.

See the rest here:
Integrative Family Medicine Fellowship - MMC

The Future of Medicine with Nick Jacobs, FACHE, ABIHM Treasurer YouTube 720p – Video

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Visit link:
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Southwest Symposium – Integrative Medicine Continuing Education Conference – Video

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Coffee, Sex, Smog Can All Trigger Heart Attack, Study Finds

(HealthDay News) -- A major analysis of data on potential triggers for heart attacks finds that many of the substances and activities Americans indulge in every day -- coffee, alcohol, sex, even breathing -- can all help spur an attack.

Because so many people are exposed to dirty air, air pollution while stuck in traffic topped the list of potential heart attack triggers, with the researchers pegging 7.4 percent of heart attacks to roadway smog.

But coffee was also linked to 5 percent of attacks, booze to another 5 percent, and pot smoking to just under 1 percent, the European researchers found.

Among everyday activities, exerting yourself physically was linked to 6.2 percent of heart attacks, indulging in a heavy meal was estimated to trigger 2.7 percent, and sex was linked to 2.2 percent.

The researchers stressed that the risk for heart attack from any one of these factors to a particular person at any given time is extremely small. But spread out over the population, they can add up.

For example, air pollution is a minor trigger for heart attacks, but since so many people are exposed to smog, it triggers many more heart attacks than other more potent triggers, such as alcohol and cocaine. Read more...

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Reverse Heart Disease without Meds

Each day the media presents horrific news of death and destruction caused by war, terrorism, and other violence. It virtually ignores a silent but much more deadly enemy . . . heart disease.

More than 1.5 million people will have a heart attack this year, with 1 million deaths resulting from heart attacks (or a death every 30 seconds). When it comes to combating heart disease, most information sources promote drugs and surgery as the only viable defenses. We need to keep in mind that angioplasty and bypass surgery have some significant adverse outcomes, including heart attacks, stroke and death. Most people treated with such interventions continue to suffer from, and eventually die from, heart disease. The average person is not aware that there are safer, more effective options available. Read more...

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by Doc Holliday
from the Laissez Faire City Times

Ever read one of those Internet articles on biowarfare? Have you seen the TV tabloid terror shows about government incompetence/malfeasance with the handling of biological agents of horrifyingly destructive power? Did you read the Hot Zone by Richard Preston or see his article in the New Yorker this week called "The Bioengineers"?

I have seen all of the above, and I'm shocked. I am shocked at the insanity of blindly believing "national interests" are at stake and governments should "do something" to protect "the people." I am repulsed by the stupidity of immediately turning to government for solutions to problems that are in fact a consequence of the world-wide growth in nation-state power over the individual during the last three centuries. Read more...

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