Experimental Treatment Could Fight Muscular Dystrophy

(HealthDay News) -- Injecting a therapeutic molecule into muscle appears to jump-start the production of a crucial protein that's missing in patients with Duchenne muscular dystrophy, British researchers report.

The treatment so far is only applicable to about 13 percent of people with the debilitating and ultimately fatal disease, but scientists are hopeful that similar molecules might expand the treatment to a wider range of patients.

Duchenne muscular dystrophy affects about one in 3,500 males, and involves a progressive wasting of muscle due to a genetic inability to produce the protein dystrophin, a key component of muscle structure. No treatments are available for the illness, and most of those affected die by age 30.

Recently, molecules called antisense oligonucleotides have shown some promise. These molecules work by "skipping over" portions of the defective gene that would otherwise block dystrophin production. Read more...

Heart health

Acupuncture Secaucus NJ – acupuncture, Secaucus NJ …

Chinese use the term "jing luo" which means, channels, conduit, meridian etc. According to acupuncture, these are the invisible channels through which qi circulates throughout the body. The acupuncture points (or holes as the Chinese term xue is more aptly translated means) are the locations where the qi of the channels rises close to the surface of the body. There are 12 main meridians, six of which are yin and six are yang and numerous minor ones, which form a network of energy channels throughout the body.

In acupuncture, each meridian is related to, and named after, an organ or function, the main ones are: the lung, kidney, gallbladder, stomach, spleen, heart, small intestine, large intestine, gall bladder, urinary bladder, san jiao (three heater) and pericardium (heart protector/ or circulation sex meridian).

There are also 8 extraordinary channels in acupuncture that are considered to be reservoirs supplying qi and blood to the twelve regular channels. These are believed to have a strong connection to the kidney. The meridians are shown in the figures.

Dotted along these meridians are more than 400 acupuncture points, classified by WHO. (There may be as many as 2000 points in use for different treatments.) These are listed by name, number and the meridian to which they belong.

When Chi flows freely through the meridians, the body is balanced and healthy, but if the energy becomes blocked, stagnated or weakened, it can result in physical, mental or emotional ill health. An imbalance in a person's body can result from inappropriate emotional responses such as: excess anger, over-excitement, self-pity, deep grief and fear. Environmental factors such as cold, damp/hu...

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Acupuncture Secaucus NJ - acupuncture, Secaucus NJ ...

Neurological and Immune Reactive Conditions Affecting Kids

Neurological and Immune Reactive Conditions Affecting Kids: The mercury connection to neurological pervasive developmental disorders(autism, schizophrenia, dyslexia, ADD,childhood depression, learning disabilities, OCD, etc.)and developmental immune conditions (eczema, asthma, and allergies)Bernard Windham- Chemical Engineer


The incidence of neurotoxic, allergic, and immune reactive conditions such as autism, schizophrenia, ADD, dyslexia, allergies, asthma, eczema, psoriasis, childhood diabetes, etc. have been increasing rapidly in recent years. A recent report by the National Research Council found that 50% of all pregnancies in the U.S. are now resulting in prenatal or postnatal mortality, significant birth defects, developmental disabilities or otherwise chronically unhealthy babies(3). Read more...

Immunice for Immune Support

Sanare Center for Integrative Medicine – NJ Integrative …


Integrative Medicine enhances traditional medical care by incorporating medical nutrition, mind body practices, herbal medicine and other complementary treatments. The focus is on health promotion and addressing the root cause of disease.

Non Surgical Orthopedics and Sports Medicine (Physiatry /Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation) focuses on the assessment and treatment of musculoskeletal and neurologic conditions.

Interventional Pain Management utilizes a variety of the most up to date and advanced image-guided non-surgical treatment options for a diverse range of conditions.

Myofascial Release Therapy treats the whole person intellectually, emotionally and structurally having a profound effect on the bodys own ability to eliminate pain, restore motion and enhance personal growth and awareness.

Acupuncture is a holistic medical system that activates the bodys Qi energy and promotes natural healing by enhancing recuperative power, immunity and physical and emotional health.

Mindfulness is a conscious decision to pay attention to what is going on in the present moment. This means a moment-to-moment awareness of thoughts, emotions, physical sensations, and the surroundings.

Sanre Center for Integrative Medicine offers a unique blend of Eastern and Western principles and practices in a welcoming, peaceful, and personalized environment. Sanare the Latin word to heal is our singular focus and the common thread that binds all of our practitioners. We emphasize respect for the human capacity for healing, the importance of our relationship with each patient and a collaborative approach to patient care among our practitioners.

At Sanre, our practitioners understand that healing is an integrative process that may require attention to the mind and spirit as well as the body.Our services includeintegrative medicine physician consultations, non-surgical orthopedics, sports medicine, interventional pain management, acupuncture, therapeutic massage andmindfulness mentoring.

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The Center For Natural & Integrative Medicine, Orlando …


Integrative medicine combines the use of conventional medicine with naturopathic (alternative) medicine. It is an overall approach to health and healing that is sometimes referred to as a whole medical system or alternative medical system. It enables healing through the restoration of natural balance and holds a strong belief that mind and body are strongly connected. Integrative medicine believes in the healing power of nature and its methods are natural, non-invasive, and minimally toxic. There is a strong focus on treating the whole person with an individualized treatment plan.

Integrative medicine is the practice of medicine that reaffirms the importance of the relationship between practitioner and patient, focuses on the whole person, is informed by evidence and makes use of all appropriate therapeutic approaches, health care professionals and disciplines to achieve optimal health and healing.

Both doctors and patients alike are bonding with the philosophy of integrative medicine and its whole-person approach -- designed to treat the person, not just the disease. IM, as it's often called, depends on a partnership between the patient and the doctor, where the goal is to treat the mind, body, and spirit, all at the same time. While some of the therapies used may be nonconventional, a guiding principle within integrative medicine is to use therapies that have some high-quality evidence to support them.

The Center for Natural and Integrative Medicine is a classic model of integrative care. It combines conventional Western medicine with alternative or complementary treatments, such as bio-identical hormone replacement, oral and I.V. nutrition, Chelation, herbal medicine, oxidative and hyperbaric treatments, detoxification, acupuncture, massage, biofeedback, -- all in the effort to treat the whole person. Proponents prefer the term "complementary" to emphasize that such treatments are used with mainstream medicine, not as replacements or alternatives. Integrative medicine got a boost of greater public awareness -- and funding -- after a landmark 1993 study. That study showed that one in three Americans had used an alternative therapy, often under the medical radar.

What makes integrative medicine appealing? Advocates point to deep dissatisfaction with a health care system that often leaves doctors feeling rushed and overwhelmed and patients feeling as if they are nothing more than diseased livers or damaged joints. Integrative medicine promises more time, more attention, and a broader approach to healing -- one that is not based solely on the Western biomedical model, but also draws from other cultures. "Patients want to be considered whole human beings in the context of their world," saysEsther Sternberg, MD, a National Institutes of Health senior scientist and author ofThe Balance Within: The Science Connecting Health and Emotions.

Sternberg, a researcher who has done groundbreaking work on interactions between the brain and the immune system, says technological breakthroughs in science during the past decade have convinced even skeptics that the mind-body connection is real. "Physicians and academic researchers finally have the science to understand the connection between the brain and the immune system, emotions and disease," she says. "All of that we can now finally understand in terms of sophisticated biology." That newfound knowledge may help doctors to see why an integrative approach is important, she says. "It's no longer considered fringe," Sternberg says. "Medical students are being taught to think in an integrated way about the patient, and ultimately, that will improve the management of illness at all levels." Integrative medicine seeks to incorporate treatment options from conventional and alternative approaches, taking into account not only physical symptoms, but also psychological, social and spiritual aspects of health and illness.

Even medical schools have added courses on nontraditional therapies, although doing so can sometimes be a point of contention among faculty. At the University of California, San Francisco, medical students can augment their coursework in infectious disease and immunology with electives, such as "Herbs and Dietary Supplements" or "Massage and Meditation." They can even opt to study as exchange students at the American College of Traditional Chinese Medicine. In the world of integrative medicine, it's not unusual to see a Western-trained MD who also has credentials in acupuncture or hypnosis, or a registered nurse who is also a yoga teacher and massage therapist.

To assure the highest standards of practice, the Center for Natural and Integrative Medicine employs highly-trained practitioners who are licensed, certified and credentialed in their specialty according to law.

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The Center For Natural & Integrative Medicine, Orlando ...

Care Practice | Integrative Medicine – San Francisco, Bay Area

Integrative medicine combines modern medical technologies with traditional natural approaches. Medical and Naturopathic doctors at Care Practice work together to teach our patients to use diet, exercise, lifestyle changes and cutting edge natural and pharmaceutical therapies to enhance their bodies ability to heal. Our integrative doctors view the patient as a complex, interrelated system, with unique lifestyle and environmental influences. We build comprehensive treatment plans that blend modern medical science with traditional natural medical approaches to treat disease and restore optimal health.

Integrative medicine combine the wisdom of nature with the rigors of modern science. Integrative medicine focuses on holistic, proactive prevention and comprehensive diagnosis and treatment. By using protocols that minimize the risk of harm, our integrative doctors help facilitate the bodys inherent ability to restore and maintain optimal health. It is the physicians role to identify and remove barriers to good health by helping to create a healing internal and external environment.

We treat all medical conditions and provide both individual and family healthcare. Among the most common ailments we treat are allergies, chronic pain, digestive issues, hormonal imbalances, obesity, respiratory conditions, heart disease, fertility problems, menopause, adrenal fatigue, cancer, lyme disease, fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome. We have extensive experience in the treatment of acute and chronic illness with vitamin and mineral supplements, herbal remedies, nutritional counseling, meditation, intravenous (IV) nutrients, and physical medicines such as hydrotherapy, craniosacral therapy and spinal manipulation.

Our Integrative doctors will take time with you. During your first appointment, your doctor will take your health history, find out about your diet, stress levels, and discuss why youre here. We will perform an examination and may order comprehensive diagnostic tests. Our physicians stay up-to-date on the latest scientific research and incorporate this evidence into your treatments. Our integrative doctors will work with you to set up a customized health management strategy.

Your first visit may last one hour and follow-up visits range from 15 to 60 minutes, depending on the severity of your condition. Our physicians take sufficient time to ask questions and understand the your health goals. We also take time to gather information, do appropriate examination and teach you about managing your condition and improving your health. Our integrative medicine approach to health care uses the least invasive therapies necessary to treat the root cause of illness, removes obstacles to recovery, and facilitates your bodys innate ability to heal through a variety of health promoting options.

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Care Practice | Integrative Medicine - San Francisco, Bay Area

Myrna Brind Center of Integrative Medicine at Jefferson …

Many people are searching for something more they can do for their health in addition to standard medical treatment. At the Myrna Brind Center of Integrative Medicine at Jefferson in Philadelphia, we take personalized medicine to a new level. We care about your health and wellness goals, and it is our primary mission to help you achieve them.

Our physicians are guided by the science of medicine and are experts in the art of incorporating complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) therapies into the healing approach. This combined or "integrative" way of practicing is what makes the Myrna Brind Center so unique and effective.

We welcome you to our Center, and we think you'll agree that our new state-of-the-art facilities create an environment that allows the healing process to start the moment you walk through the door. The space is architecturally magnificent and bathed in light from high windows, as well as ceiling and glass panels. We also have a tranquil outdoor healing garden accessible from our suite.

Brind-Marcus Center now open

Our professional staff includes board-certified physicians with expertise in using diet and nutritional supplements and herbal and homeopathic medicines. Our physicians treat adults and children and are able to address either common health problems or complex medical conditions. They are available to work with you directly or in close consultation with your primary care provider or specialist.

The Center staff also includes acupuncturists, nurses and psychologists. And we have practitioners who can teach you to access the healing potential of your mind and spirit. We all work closely together in order to collaborate on treatment strategies and coordinate your care.

Based at Thomas Jefferson University's main campus, our academic program promotes research and educational activities related to integrative medicine. Researchers study health outcomes of all patients treated through our programs. Collaborative study protocols are developed with Jefferson clinical investigators and basic scientists. Our academic program has been providing professional education programs in integrative medicine for physicians, medical students, nurses and other health providers since 1995.

The Center is located at: 925 Chestnut Street Suite 120 Philadelphia, PA 19107 215-955-2221

Please enter the building by the 10th Street entrance between Chestnut and Market Streets on the east side of Chestnut (to avoid the steps at the 925 Chestnut Street entrance).

Academic Title: Professor

Executive and Medical Director of the Jefferson-Myrna Brind Center of Integrative Medicine

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Myrna Brind Center of Integrative Medicine at Jefferson ...

Discover What Integrative Medicine Is | MD Anderson Cancer …

The Integrative Medicine Program engages patients and their families to become active participants in improving their physical, psycho-spiritual and social health. The ultimate goals are to optimize health, quality of life and clinical outcomes through personalized evidence-based clinical care, exceptional research and education.

We provide access to multiple data bases of authoritative, up to date reviews on the evidence and safety for the use of herbs, supplements, vitamins, and minerals, as well as other complementary medicine modalities.

To support our efforts in clinical care, research, education and training please consider a donation.

If you are interested in our clinical services and free group classes please visit our Integrative Medicine Center.

The Integrative Medicine Program has open position for licensed Music Therapist to work in the hospital setting.

Our research focuses on reducing the negative consequences of cancer diagnosis and treatment through studying the use of modalities such as acupuncture, meditation and yoga to treat side effects and improve quality of life. We study the use of plants and other natural compounds to treat cancer and cancer-related symptoms. We also examine the benefits of physical activity, nutrition, stress management and social support on health outcomes.

The goal of the education is to provide authoritative, evidence-based information for health care professionals, caregivers and patients who would like to safely incorporate complementary medicine therapies with conventional cancer care. Our Integrative Medicine Program offers educational activities and trainings, such as a monthly Lecture Series , Research Club, Journal Club, Integrative Oncology Education Series, conferences and workshops.

The Integrative Medicine Center offers professional guidance to assist patients regarding their personalized, comprehensive treatments. The Center provides services and programs that work together with conventional cancer care and focus on physical, mind-spirit, and social health.

Please visit our "Audio & Video" library online.

Group classes calendar is featured in the Newsletter.

Last updated on 1/20/2016

Thursday, February 11 6:30 p.m. - 8 p.m.

at the Museum of Fine Arts, Houston Audrey Jones Beck Building

Friends of Integrative Medicine exists to raise awareness within MD Anderson and the larger Houston community of the important role of integrative medicine in cancer prevention and in helping those with cancer live better and longer.

Become a member today for access to lectures and exclusive, member-only events.

Contact Kira Taniguchi for more information.

The MD Anderson Integrative Medicine Program is a current member of:


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Discover What Integrative Medicine Is | MD Anderson Cancer ...

An interview with Dr. Helene, Langevin, Director, Osher Center for Integrative Medicine – Video

An interview with Dr. Helene, Langevin, Director, Osher Center for Integrative Medicine
Global Advances in Health and Medicine (GAHM) sat down with Dr. Langevin as she reflects on on the recent Inaugural Integrative Medicine that the Osher Cente...


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An interview with Dr. Helene, Langevin, Director, Osher Center for Integrative Medicine - Video

Dr Deborah Gordon, MD – Lifestyle, Integrative Medicine & Hormone Health – Video

Dr Deborah Gordon, MD - Lifestyle, Integrative Medicine Hormone Health
Dan O #39;Beirne, interviews Dr Deborah Gordon, MD whose focus is to help people via disease prevention, health promotion, or drug-free therapies. To quote from her info-packed web http://www.drdebor.

By: Dan O #39;Beirne

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Dr Deborah Gordon, MD - Lifestyle, Integrative Medicine & Hormone Health - Video

Vitamin D deficiency unquestionably linked to bone fractures

Recent research from Scotland reinforces the longstanding medical opinion that vitamin D deficiency leads to a significantly increased risk of bone fractures.

Among people with hip fractures referred to the Scottish fracture liaison service, 98 percent test positive for serious deficiencies in vitamin D. Supplementation with the vitamin, on the other hand, significantly reduces the risk of repeat fractures.

"Taking a supplement can make a difference quite quickly," said Stephen Gallacher, head of the liaison service. "Bone density can increase by 20 percent in a few months with enough vitamin D."

"We have found we can reduce fractures by something like 30 to 50 percent. It is our belief that we can significantly reduce the risk of fractures in the population by giving people anti-osteoporosis therapy and vitamin D supplements."Read more...

Cardiofy Heart Care Supplement


Gorillas need greens, not processed food

Joel Fuhrman, M.D.

The leading cause of death for male gorillas in zoos is heart disease. Sadly, animals that live in close contact with (and fed by) humans end up with human chronic diseases.
Gorillas are the largest of the primates, and they are one of the four species of great apes (great apes make up the Hominidae superfamily, which includes chimpanzees, bonobos, orangutans, and gorillas). Following chimpanzees, gorillas are the closest living relatives to humans, differing in only about 3% of our genetic makeup.
Gorillas are herbivores that live in the forests of central Africa, where they can eat up to 50 pounds of vegetation each day, mostly leaves and fruit. Although most gorillas have a preference for fruit, they also eat large amounts of leaves, plus herbs and bamboo, and occasionally insects. In the wild, gorillas spend most of their day foraging and eating.1
In the wild, gorillas eat an extremely high fiber diet, and derive a significant proportion of caloric energy from the fermentation of fiber by bacteria in the colon, producing short-chain fatty acids. The approximate proportions of macronutrients in a wild gorilla’s diet is 2.5% of calories from fat, 24.3% from protein, 15.8% (non-fiber) carbohydrate, and up to 57.3% from short chain fatty acids derived from bacterial fermentation of fiber.2
In contrast, the standard diet for gorillas in captivity is usually not made up of natural leaves, herbs, and fruits – it is a diet of nutrient-fortified, high-sugar, high-starch processed food. Read more...

Immunice for Immune Support