Welcome to Brooklyn Integrative Medicine Brooklyn, NY

Dr. Ilana Zablozki-Amir is a physician that uses Functional Medicine principles to help people identify the best, most natural ways of optimizing their health.

If you are someone who:

... has been struggling to make sense of the plethora of health information (often contradictory) that youve been told or read about ... is frustrated that your symptoms are being dismissed as in your head or due to aging... doesn't want to be dependent on medications and want to explore other more natural, effective and safer options that address the root of the problem ... wants to do more to protect your health rather than just watch and wait until things get worse ...

Then youve come to the right place.

Dr. Zablozki will spend a lot of time, gather lots of information, and help make sense of things. Her out of the box and 'big picture thinking, along with utilizing state of the art laboratory testing and diagnostic tools, help her to often find answers that havent come before, and to create very personalized, proactive health protection and rehabilitation plans.

Because Dr. Zablozki is committed to helping people accomplish things that help them thrive, her patients end up feeling healthier, more informed, and empowered! Contact her today to see how she can help you or someone you care about.

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Welcome to Brooklyn Integrative Medicine Brooklyn, NY

Integrative Medicine – IM Health

Integrative Medicine The Best of Both Worlds IM Health strives to bring patients the best of both worlds, utilizing both Western medicine, andComplementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM) modalitieswith evidence-based effectiveness to optimize patient outcomes.

Harvard trained physician, Dr. Andrew Weil MD, presents the benefits of integrating conventional Western medicine and CAMmodalities.

Integrative medicine seeks to refocus treatment of disease on health and healing, and away from disease symptom management. IM Health programs successfully achieve the goals of this intelligent combination of conventional and alternative medicine.

This approachemphasizes whole person medicine where we are about more than just the physical body instead we are minds, spirits, and community members. Emphasis is placed on all aspects of lifestyle, as well as the importance of the practitioner-patient relationship to the healing practice. A conscious effort is made to incorporate all effective methods of treatment from all traditions that is the alternative piece.

The 6 principles of every integrative medicine strategy are:

1. A use of natural and less-invasive treatment whenever possible first do no harm

2. An effective working partnership between patient and practioner

3. A blend of conventional and holistic treatments

4. A thorough consideration of all factors that influence health, wellness and disease (mind, spirit, body and community) throughout treatment

5. A recognition that good medicine should be open to new (or ancient) paradigms of healing

6. A proactive promotion of health and wellness, in conjunction with treatment of disease

Learn About the Evidence & Research

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Integrative Medicine - IM Health

Integrative Medicine | Department of Medicine

Leading the transformation of health care by creating, educating, and actively supporting a community that embodies the philosophy and practice of healing-oriented medicine, addressing mind, body and spirit.

Dr. Andrew Weil, Director of the Center for Integrative Medicine presents to a group outside the Center.

The Arizona Center for Integrative Medicine was founded in 1994 at the University of Arizona by Dr. Andrew Weil. Since then, the Center has grown from a visionary concept to the recognized world leader in Integrative Medical education. The first Residential Fellowship class began their studies in 1997, with four fellows. Today, our Fellowship has grown to accommodate 120 fellows per year.

We built the Center on the premise that the best way to change a field is to educate the most gifted professionals and place them in settings where they can, in turn, teach others. Our approach has clearly made an impact on the field of integrative medicine, and more importantly, on medicine as a whole. In addition to educational leadership, we are committed to providing the finest clinical care in integrative medicine and engaging in cutting edge research.

The Center defines integrative medicine as healing-oriented medicine that takesaccount of the whole person (mind, body, and spirit), including all aspects of lifestyle.It emphasizes the therapeutic relationship between practitioner and patient and makes use of all appropriate therapies, both conventional and alternative.

The Arizona Center for Integrative Medicine is committed to developing and delivering world-class continuing education in IM for students, professionals and public. Our programs include:

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Integrative Medicine | Department of Medicine

Holistic Medicine – Newtown Veterinary Hospital, LLC

Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM)

For thousands of years, TCM has been practiced in China. TCM includes dietary recommendations and manipulation, Qigong, a form of meditation and exercise, Tuina, a form of massage, herbal medicine and acupuncture.

Traditional Chinese Medicine uses terms that may sound strange to our modern ears, but it is a highly logical and effective system of medicine. Our Western system and the TCM system both have the same goal - to maintain health and treat patients who experience illness or injury. These two methods have different views of the body. The TCM view is a more holistic view and the Western is more mechanistic and linear. These two systems can often be combined for the benefit of the patient, thus the term 'Integrative Medicine' as opposed to 'complementary' or 'alternative'.

A melding of Western medicine with complementary, alternative and holistic modalities, integrative medicine offers many healing options. It is a gentle, comprehensive approach to achieving wellness and maintaining health, while honoring an animal's innate healing power.

One of our great joys as veterinarians is developing personal relationships with patients and their caregivers. We provide a welcoming atmosphere (lower lighting, calming music, blankets for comfort, ample time for an unhurried visit), and yummy treats (if appropriate and allowed) in an effort to create a relaxed and enjoyable experience. You will be present during the exam and treatment and engaged in discussion about nutrition, exercise, and Tuina, a gentle, easy-to-learn method of body work. Time and intention (or attention) are key components to forming a partnership in caring for your pet and promoting his or her health and healing.

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Holistic Medicine - Newtown Veterinary Hospital, LLC

Osher Center for Integrative Medicine – Northwestern Medical …

Northwestern Medicine Osher Center for Integrative Medicineoffers a full range of complementary and integrative therapies.

Integrative Medicine has been called the new medicine but in many ways, it is a return to the original practice and philosophy of medicine. It emphasizes the relationship between the doctor and patient, the innate healing ability of the body and the importance of addressing all aspects of an individuals life to attain optimal health and healing.

Our complementary physicians and practitioners consciously blend the very best of conventional medicine, cutting-edge diagnosis and treatment with appropriate therapies. We strive to include therapies backed by scientific evidence to improve health and promote healing, while minimizing any side-effects or harm. All factors that affect health, wellness and disease are considered to promote optimal healing of the mind, body and spirit in all their complexity.

At theNorthwestern Medicine Osher Center for Integrative Medicine, we provide a unique healthcare experience. As soon as you walk through the entrance, you arewelcomed into a gentle healing environment. Your visit may begin with a board-certified internist who performs a thorough evaluation of medical conditions and suggests an array of integrative treatment options.

Specially trained complementary medicine practitioners also are available to provide a full range of therapies from diverse healing traditions. Physicians and practitioners work as colleagues and work in partnership to benefit your health.

Our physicians have training in both conventional and integrative medicine and are devoted to fostering integration of care between these diverse fields. We work with you to create your individualized treatment and lifestyle plan. Our other practitioners include trained specialists in acupuncture, massage, naturopathic medicine and health psychology.

Excerpt from:
Osher Center for Integrative Medicine - Northwestern Medical ...

Ashwin Mehta MD MPH talks about Integrative Medicine at the CPR meeting in Miami, March 8, 2015. – Video

Ashwin Mehta MD MPH talks about Integrative Medicine at the CPR meeting in Miami, March 8, 2015.
Dr. Mehta, Medical Director of Integrative Medicine at Sylvester Comprehensive Cancer Center at the University of Miami explains what is Integrative Medicine. He explains how sleep, nutrition,...

By: Andres Orjuela

View original post here:
Ashwin Mehta MD MPH talks about Integrative Medicine at the CPR meeting in Miami, March 8, 2015. - Video

The Blind Men and the Elephant: Survey Perspectives of Complementary Health Approaches – Video

The Blind Men and the Elephant: Survey Perspectives of Complementary Health Approaches
In this lecture, Dr. Richard Nahin discusses the use of complementary health approaches. Trying to get a complete picture of the use of complementary health approaches is analogous to the story...


See the rest here:
The Blind Men and the Elephant: Survey Perspectives of Complementary Health Approaches - Video

Chiropractic Care for Necks Austin – Austin Preferred Integrative Medicine – Video

Chiropractic Care for Necks Austin - Austin Preferred Integrative Medicine
http://austinpreferred.com/ Chiropractic Care for Necks Austin - Austin Preferred Integrative Medicine Austin Preferred Integrative Medicine Dr. Jeff W. Fluitt, D.C. 4316 James Casey Street...

By: Austin Preferred Integrative Medicine

The rest is here:
Chiropractic Care for Necks Austin - Austin Preferred Integrative Medicine - Video

Heart Disease, Diabetes, Depression a Deadly Mix

(HealthDay News) --
Heart disease, diabetes and depression can be a lethal triple-play -- boosting
a patient's death risk by 20 percent to 30 percent, new research shows.

"We do not know what this increased risk is due to, but it could either be
that depression influences crucial aspects of self-care behaviors needed to
manage diabetes or that a more severe disease process is reflected in more
depressive symptoms," said lead researcher Anastasia Georgiades, a
research associate in the department of psychiatry and behavioral science at Duke
University in Durham, N.C.

Georgiades was expected to present the findings Friday at the American
Psychosomatic Society annual meeting in Budapest, Hungary.

In their study, the Duke team followed 933 heart patients for more than four
years. During that time, there were 135 deaths among patients with type 2
diabetes and/or depression, the researchers found.

Among patients with moderate-to-severe symptoms of depression who were also
diabetics, the researchers observed a significant 30 percent greater risk of
dying over the four-year period compared with patients with either depression
alone or diabetes alone. Read more…


Pomegranate juice components block cancer cell migration

One of the most dreaded consequences of cancer is when the disease metastasizes -- meaning it spreads from the primary site where it started to other parts of the body. But University of California, Riverside (UCR) scientists have announced what could be a major breakthrough in halting metastasis. They've discovered components in pomegranate juice that inhibit the movement of cancer cells and weaken the attraction of malignant cells to a chemical signal that has been shown to promote metastasis.

The UCR findings were just presented at the American Society for Cell Biology's 50th Annual Meeting, which is being held in Philadelphia. Specifically, the research team from the UCR laboratory of Manuela Martins-Green, Ph.D., found that pomegranate juice seems to block the spread of prostate cancer cells to the bone. The group is planning additional tests to determine the effects of various doses of the natural pomegranate compounds and whether there are any side effects. Read more...

Cardiofy Heart Care Supplement

Chinese mushroom found to have powerful anti-aging benefits

The cordyceps mushroom is back in the spotlight again, except this time for its anti-aging properties. Researchers from Nu Skin Enterprises, Inc., and LifeGen Technologies have found that Cordyceps sinensis (Cs-4), a traditional Chinese mushroom, is a powerful anti-aging food with the ability to improve energy metabolism, decrease fatigue, bolster endurance levels and lengthen lifespan.

Back in March, we covered breakthrough research on the power of cordyceps to treat cancer (http://www.dreddyclinic.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=19&t=22848,http://www.dreddyclinic.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=13&t=22276), but the new research has found even more beneficial uses for this emerging superfood. By encouraging human genes to express in ways that promote longevity, cordyceps has incredible potential in helping to reverse the negative effects of aging.

"We're making great breakthroughs in gene expression science that have application in the fields of health and longevity," explained Joe Chang, Ph.D., chief scientific officer and executive vice president of development at Nu Skin. "These studies ... help validate the critical role gene expression modulation plays in the aging process. We believe that the future of anti-aging is in developing consumer solutions that support youthful gene expression." Read more...

Youtharia for Anti-Aging & Longevity