Weak Kidneys Cause Weak Bones

by Jean-Claude Alix, Naturopath

No single area of the body stands alone, everything is linked up. This is why medical specialisation is one of the greatest mistakes that was ever


Viewed from this angle, hardly any two areas are so closely and deeply intertwined as the renal metabolism and the bone metabolism. Thus, it is understandable that weakness in the kidneys must necessarily result in weakness in the bones. The discussion of these interrelations is the

theme of this treatise.

Significance of the kidney as the centre of bone formation:

- The kidney as regulator of the


- The kidney as regulator of the

acid-alkaline balance

- The kidney as the base of anxiety

Joint Mender for Joint Care

FAQ | Integrative Medicine Of New Jersey

New Patient FAQs Is the doctor a primary care physician?

Dr. Rimma Sherman is trained as a primary care physician and would be happy to provide acute care services. She will work with you closely as a consultant and coach in preventive, nutritional and integrative medicine to help you address the roots of chronic health problems.

MOST OF THE TESTING can be performed at the Integrative Medicine of New Jersey. Some testing can be done through conventional laboratories and others are only available through specialty laboratories. During your medical consultation, Dr. Sherman will determine which tests are needed and then our nurses will review testing recommendations, instructions (for instance, fasting or non-fasting, etc.) and costs.

Your financial resources, and how much testing you want to do, are taken into account and the plan for testing is reviewed with you. Testing is frequently done to assess nutritional status including amino acids, fatty acids, oxidative stress, vitamin levels, mitochondrial function, food allergies, and heavy metals. Many other tests are available, including genetic testing for a variety of conditions, hormone evaluations, bone health, gastrointestinal health, adrenal function, neurotransmitters and many others.

Some testing can be performed at home with test kits to collect urine, saliva or stool. Others may require you to go to a local laboratory to draw the blood. We also have an on-site phlebotomist for your convenience. In all cases, we will assist you in coordinating initial and follow-up testing.

While the testing gives a more complete picture of your status, effective care can be implemented without it, or testing can be done over time. You should not let this prevent you from seeing Dr. Rimma Sherman.

YES, DR. RIMMA SHERMANS MEDICAL license requires that she meet with a patient in order to provide an initial medical consultation, and there is no substitute for that initial doctor-patient connection. Follow-up appointments can be arranged by phone or in the office.

Dr. Rimma Sherman can, and does, prescribe medications whenever necessary. She is fully licensed and Board-certified.

Integrative Medicine of New Jersey works exclusively as an out-of-network provider for commercial plans. We charge a pre-paid amount based on the type of service, and will submit a claim on your behalf to your insurance company. We cannot assure you that services (office visits, phone consultations or lab tests) will be reimbursed. If insurance reimburses us, we will forward that on to you within 30 days. Some insurance carriers may cover medical services and laboratory tests performed by Dr. Sherman. Payment in full by check, cash or credit card is due at the time services are provided.

In an effort to help patients obtain and maintain life-long health and wellness, Dr. Rimma Sherman addresses the root cause of symptoms and corrects health ailments naturally rather than merely masking symptoms with drugs.

Dr. Sherman uses an innovative systems approach to assessing and treating your health care concerns. Perhaps you have experienced being examined by your doctor, having blood tests done, x-rays or other diagnostic tests taken, only for your doctor to report back that all your tests are normal. Yet, both you and your doctor know that you are sick. Unfortunately, this experience is all too common.

Most physicians were trained to look only in specific places for the answers, using the same familiar labs or diagnostic tests. Yet, many causes of illness cannot be found in these places. The usual tests do not look for food allergies, hidden infections, environmental toxins, mold exposures, nutritional deficiencies and metabolic imbalances. New gene testing can uncover underlying genetic predispositions that can be modified through diet, lifestyle, supplements or medications.

Dr. Rimma Sherman uses such testing to help her patients prevent illness and recover from many chronic and difficult to treat conditions. She is highly skilled in evaluating, assessing and treating chronic problems such as fibromyalgia, fatigue syndromes, autoimmune diseases, inflammatory disorders, mood and behavior disorders, memory problems, Parkinsons disease and other chronic, complex conditions. She also focus on the prevention and treatment of heart disease, diabetes, dementia, hormonal imbalances and digestive disorders.

THE INITIAL VISIT will include a 60-minute medical consultation with Dr. Rimma Sherman. Initial 60-minute MD consultation: $400.00 MD Office Visit or Phone Follow-up 60-Minutes: $400 MD Office Visit or Phone Follow-up 30-Minutes: $250 Nutritionist Office Visit or Phone Follow-up 60-Minutes: $180 Nutritionist Office Visit or Phone Follow-up 30-Minutes: $100 For more information about our fees, see our Practice Policies.

YES, WE DO RECOMMEND that all our patients see our nutritionist. It is very important to review the food allergies with our nutritionist once they become available, because the situation can be very complicated and hard to manage without assistance. Nutritionists have different points of view reflecting different standards. The Nutritionist at Integrative Medicine of New Jersey works in collaboration with Dr. Sherman and makes recommendations based on Dr. Shermans opinions.

WE ACCEPT THE following credit cards:

MasterCard Visa It is important to maintain an active credit card on file with our office for billing of follow-up consultations, laboratory testing, and other services. Payment is expected at time of service.

YOU SHOULD BRING all your vitamins and medicines in their original containers if possible. Old medical records are also very helpful, but if possible, these should be sent prior to the appointment.

Integrative Medicine of New Jersey is located in Livingston, New Jersey, across from Saint Barnabas Medical Center. Newark Liberty International Airport (Newark, NJ) is approximately 25 minutes and John F. Kennedy International Airport (New York, NY) is approximately 60 minutes from our office. For your convenience, we have selected various local hotels and inns. They are all included in the New Patient Packet, along with directions to our office that you will be receiving.

OUR PHONE NUMBER at Integrative Medicine of New Jersey is: (973) 736-5300. Our email address for general inquiries is Inquiries@IntegrativeMedicineofNJ.com. All questions and concerns can be communicated via email to: Inquiries: (Inquiries@IntegrativeMedicineofNJ.com) Supplements: (Supplements@IntegrativeMedicineofNJ.com) Nutritionist: (Nutritionist@IntegrativeMedicineofNJ.com)

Nutritional therapy is a vital component of your treatment plan. Following your initial medical consultation, you will meet with our nutritionist. She will provide recommendations based on your health concerns and tailor your diet based on medical evaluation and test results. You will follow-up with a nutritionist in person, by phone or email consultations.

You only need to come to the office for the first visit. After that you can do your follow up appointments by phone.

Chance favors the prepared mind. ~Louis Pasteur

Here is the original post:
FAQ | Integrative Medicine Of New Jersey

University of Michigan Integrative Medicine Program

University of Michigan Integrative Medicine, an interdisciplinary program, is committed to the thoughtful and compassionate integration of complementary therapies and conventional medicine through the activities of research, education, clinical services and community partnerships. As a healing-oriented approach to medical care, integrative medicine takes into account the whole person (body, mind, spirit and emotion), including all aspects of lifestyle.

The vision, mission and values of the University of Michigan Integrative Medicine (UMIM) program reflect our belief that patients and our community are best served when all available therapies are considered in concert with an approach that recognizes the intrinsic wholeness of each individual. It also reflects our belief that the best medicine is practiced in collaboration with a wide variety of healthcare professionals and with our patients.

Our vision: To facilitate healing and wellness of mind, body, heart and spirit through clinical services, research and education.

Our mission: To provide responsible leadership in the integration of complementary, alternative and conventional medicine.

Our values: To live and work in balance with the community, the environment and each other. To touch beyond our reach and see beyond our vision.

Integrative medicine is the practice of medicine that reaffirms the importance of the relationship between practitioner and patient, focuses on the whole person, is informed by evidence and makes use of all appropriate therapeutic approaches, health care professionals and disciplines to achieve optimal health and healing.

Developed and Adopted by The Consortium of Academic Health Centers for Integrative Medicine, May 2004 Edited May 2005.

University of Michigan Integrative Medicine Program

Welcome to the Program on Integrative Medicine pim

Integrative Medicine combines conventional medicine with complementary and alternative medicine (CAM), including mind-body-spirit approaches to health and healing, so that patients receive a more comprehensive and holistic approach to their health care.

The mission of the Program on Integrative Medicine (PIM) is to enhance the publics health and to improve effectiveness and safety of health care through the appropriate integration of complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) with mainstream health-care. Areas of emphasis include research, education, clinical practice, and community collaboration. PIM serves UNC faculty, staff, students, and health professionals and the public throughout the State.

Integrative Health Care brings together complementary, alternative, and mainstream medical research, knowledge, and practice to provide the safest, most effective options for patients and consumers. Your gift will help us to achieve our mission of raising the standard of integrative medicine education, research, and clinical care throughout North Carolina.

The overall goal of this program is to recruit talented postdoctoral health professionals and allied scientists for training in research designed to examine the efficacy, effectiveness, safety, mechanisms of action and cost-benefits of complementary and alternative medical therapies (CAM), and integrative medicine. Click here for more information.

Help support Integrative Medicine at UNC: Click here for more information about funding needs at PIM. Click here to donate to the Program on Integrative Medicine.

Basic/Foundation (8-week) and Graduate (4-week) courses offered throughout the year. Information on the Mindfulness Program, including dates for classes:

The Spring 2015 Mind-Body Medicine Skills Courses begin in March- for healthcare professionals and also for the general public.Register now!Click here for more information.

Visit link:
Welcome to the Program on Integrative Medicine pim

Lucy Madariaga – Doctorate and PhD in Integrative Medicine – 2014 – Quantum University Graduate – Video

Lucy Madariaga - Doctorate and PhD in Integrative Medicine - 2014 - Quantum University Graduate
Learn more about Quantum University at http://www.QuantumUniversity.com.

By: Quantum University

Read more from the original source:
Lucy Madariaga - Doctorate and PhD in Integrative Medicine - 2014 - Quantum University Graduate - Video

Electrolysed Reduced Water in Disease Prevention Presentation at the AIMA Medical conference Auckl – Video

Electrolysed Reduced Water in Disease Prevention Presentation at the AIMA Medical conference Auckl
Joseph Blessing from Ionza was invited by AIMA - Australasian Integrative Medicine Association to present at their yearly conference in Auckland on Ionized alkaline water. The presentation...


The rest is here:
Electrolysed Reduced Water in Disease Prevention Presentation at the AIMA Medical conference Auckl - Video

Couri Center TLC Testimonial 1: Achieving Optimal Health – Video

Couri Center TLC Testimonial 1: Achieving Optimal Health
Total Lifestyle by Couri - also knowns as TLC- is a comprehensive lifestyle plan that combines the best of traditional Western medicine with the most effective, scientifically-based Integrative...

By: Couri Center for Gynecology and Integrative Health

View original post here:
Couri Center TLC Testimonial 1: Achieving Optimal Health - Video

Complex cancer industry trial literature is too confusing for patients to understand

By J. D. Heyes

Have you ever read something so complex and confusing that it frustrated you to
the point of distraction? Well, a new study has found that cancer trial
literature causes that kind of frustration - and may be misleading to patients
as well.

According to Prof. Mary Dixon-Woods, professor of Medical Sociology at the
University of Leicester Department of Health Sciences in Great Britain, a
number of cancer patients found information leaflets describing cancer trials
too long, too incomprehensible and too intimidating.

"These information sheets are poorly aligned with patients' information
needs and how they really make decisions about whether to join a cancer
trial," said Dixon-Woods, lead author of the research http://www.eurekalert.org/pub_releases/2012-03/uol-cti032612.php,
which was published in the international journal Sociology of Health and

"Some patients did find them very useful, but many others paid them little
attention. They preferred to rely on discussions they had with their doctor to
make up their minds," she said. Read more…


Study Reports Progress Against Fatal Brain Cancer

(HealthDay News) -- A new method to prevent recurrence of deadly glioblastoma brain cancer shows promise, say U.S. scientists.

Radiation can temporarily shrink a glioblastoma tumor, but the cancer nearly always recurs within weeks or months. Few people with this type of brain cancer survive more than two years after diagnosis.

In a study on mice, Stanford University School of Medicine researchers found that blocking access to oxygen and nutrients prevents tumor recurrence.

The first step, they said, was discovering that tumors blasted with radiation use a secondary pathway to generate blood vessels needed for regrowth.

"Under normal circumstances, this pathway is not important for growth of most tumors," senior author Martin Brown, a professor of radiology, said in a Stanford news release. "What we hadn't realized until recently is that radiation meant to kill the cancer cells also destroys the existing blood vessels that nourish the tumor. As a result, it has to rely on a backup blood delivery pathway."

The Stanford team used a molecule called AMD3100 to block the secondary glioblastoma tumor growth process in mice.

The study was published online Feb. 22 in the Journal of Clinical Investigation. Read more...

Immunice for Immune Support


Aretha Franklin dying from advanced pancreatic cancer, say reports

The "Queen of Soul" Aretha Franklin has reportedly been given less than a year to live by her doctors. She is reportedly suffering from "incurable advanced pancreatic cancer" according to The National Inquirer, a source that should perhaps be taken with a grain of salt. But CBS News is also running the story, along with other mainstream media outlets.

The reason her cancer is "advanced," of course, is because her doctors never told her the truth about pancreatic cancer, which is that through significant changes in diet and lifestyle, even pancreatic cancer can be reversed. I've seen numerous pancreatic cancer patients who reversed their condition by turning to natural cancer therapies such as Gerson Therapy, which is based on daily juicing of fresh vegetables and fruit, cleansing detoxificatiohttp://www.blogger.com/img/blank.gifn of the body's organs, and improving the nutritional density of foods. (http://www.Gerson.org)

The cancer industry is terrified that people might discover these "natural cures" to cancer because this would wipe out the highly lucrative chemotherapy, radiation and surgical treatments that remain the profit centers for mainstream cancer treatment centers. There is a reason, after all, why U.S. authorities ran all the alternative cancer clinics out of the country and arrested the alternative doctors who were curing the most patients. Such cures simply cannot be allowed in America because they threaten the profits of the cancer industry! Read more...

Ayurtox for Body Detoxification

Alcohol more dangerous than cocaine or heroin

Tue, Nov 02, 2010

A new study found alcohol was the most dangerous of 20 legal and illegal drugs when the two criteria of harm to the user and harm to others were combined ALCOHOL IS more dangerous than crack cocaine and heroin when damage to users themselves and to wider society are combined, a study has found. The research, published yesterday in theLanc et medical journal, rated alcohol almost three times as harmful as cocaine or tobacco and some eight times as harmful as ecstasy. Alcohol was found to be the most harmful of 20 legal and illegal drugs examined when the two criteria of harm to the user and harm to others were combined. The study was conducted by a group of scientists including Britain’s Independent Scientific Committee on Drugs and an expert adviser to the European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction. Read more...

Cardiofy Heart Care Supplement

Toxic chemical carcinogen found in water supplies nationwide

A recently-released report by the Environmental Working Group (EWG) has found that the water supplies of many major cities are contaminated with hexavalent chromium, an industrial chemical toxin that does not get filtered out by most consumer water filtration devices. Thirty-one of the 35 water supplies tested contained hexavalent chromium, and 25 of them contained levels higher than a California-proposed maximum upper threshold for safety.

Topping the list of contaminated water supplies was Norman, Okla., with 12.9 parts per billion (ppb) of hexavalent chromium, followed by Honolulu, Hawaii, at 2.0 ppb and Riverside, Calif., at 1.69 ppb. Other highly-tainted cities include Madison, Wisc., San Jose, Calif., Tallahassee, Fla., and Albuquerque, N.M.

According to the National Toxicology Program, hexavalent chromium, also known as chromium-6, is linked to causing gastrointestinal tumors and other forms of cancer. International governing bodies have stated that it is toxic when inhaled. And the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has declared hexavalant chromium "likely to be carcinogenic to humans." Read more...

Cardiofy Heart Care Supplement

Baking soda can clean your teeth, clear your complexion

(NaturalNews) Many components of the modern western diet – meats, fish, dairy products, most grains, sugars, alcohol and caffeinated drinks (in fact, almost everything except vegetables, millet, most fruits and, as we have just seen, apple cider vinegar) – contribute to one's body becoming too acidic. This in turn can open the door to a variety of problems, some of them (including arthritic complaints) potentially serious if this acidic condition persists for many years.

This is because your body will attempt to compensate by retaining alkaline salts in the bloodstream to offset the increase of tissue acidity. Since your body can only tolerate a small imbalance in blood pH (the acid-alkali balance), it will rob alkaline components from other places – including your body's precious alkaline reserves – in an effort to restore proper pH equilibrium. This can result in heartburn, digestive distress, stomach upset, fatigue and a multitude of other symptoms. Simple, inexpensive kitchen baking soda can fix this. Read more...

Joint Mender for Joint Care