Beetroot Juice May Boost Stamina

(HealthDay News) -- Beetroot juice can boost physical stamina and increase exercise endurance by up to 16 percent, a new British study shows.

The researchers found that nitrate in beetroot juice reduces oxygen uptake to a degree that can't be achieved by any other means. The findings could benefit endurance athletes, elderly people and those with cardiovascular, respiratory or metabolic diseases, the study authors suggest.

The study included eight men, aged 19 to 38, who drank 500 milliliters a day of organic beetroot juice for six consecutive days. They then completed a series of tests on an exercise bike. The same tests were repeated after the men drank the same amount of a placebo (blackcurrant cordial) for six days.

After drinking the beetroot juice, the men were able to cycle for an average of 11.25 minutes -- 92 seconds longer than after consuming the placebo drink. The men also had a lower resting blood pressure after they drank the beetroot juice, the researchers found.

The study was published Aug. 6 in the Journal of Applied Physiology. Read more...

Joint Mender for Joint Care

Urinary Track Infection (UTI) Risk Reduced With Vegetarian Diet – Everyday Health

Its known that drinking more water can help lower the likelihood of urinary tract infections (UTIs) by flushing out bacteria present in the urinary tract. But what about the food we consume? Can what we eat (or avoid) help reduce the risk of a UTI?

The answer is yes, according to new research, published January 30 in Scientific Reports, which found that the overall risk of developing a UTI was lower in vegetarians compared with meat eaters.

RELATED: Is There a UTI-Causing Superbug Lurking in Your Gut?

The study took place in Taiwan, where investigators recruited participants from among volunteers of Tzu Chi, an organization of Buddhists who participate in a variety of charity and disaster-relief efforts. About one-third of the members are vegetarians, and all volunteers must agree to swear off alcohol and smoking to join the group.

Participants completed a food frequency questionnaire, which included whether they identified as a vegetarian. Individuals who said they were vegetarian but reported eating meat or fish as part of their diet were classified as non-vegetarians. After researchers excluded people under 20, those with incomplete questionnaires, and those with a history of UTI, 9,724 subjects remained: 3,257 vegetarians and 6,467 non-vegetarians.

Investigators followed participants from 2005 to 2014 through the National Health Insurance Program, which covers nearly 100 percent of the population, to identify any diagnosis of a UTI. At the end of the study period, 217 people in the vegetarian group had been diagnosed with a UTI compared with 444 people in the non-vegetarian group.

RELATED: What Is a Flexitarian Diet? What to Eat and How to Follow the Plan

That difference translated into a 16 percent lower overall risk of UTI for vegetarians compared with non-vegetarians. In a further subgroup analysis, a vegetarian diet was significantly associated with a reduced risk of UTI mainly in females, according to the authors.

After adjusting for various chronic conditions like hypertension, diabetes, and high cholesterol, the vegetarian diet seemed to have a protective effect against UTIs for women, but no distinct difference was found in males, the authors write. The risk reduction was also present in nonsmokers for uncomplicated UTIs which are those that crop up in otherwise healthy people.

Women are more likely than men to get a UTI; 60 percent of women will have at least one UTI in their lifetime compared with only 12 percent of men. This is because women have shorter urethras than men, meaning that bacteria has a shorter distance to travel to get to the bladder, according to the Urology Care Foundation.

Because vegetarian diets are associated with different bacteria flora in the gastrointestinal system, it isnt surprising that the risk of UTI was lower in this group, says Chin-Lon Lin, MD, the lead author and a professor at Tzu Chi University in Taiwan.

Dr. Lin suspects that the risk reduction is due to the combination of more vegetables and the elimination of meat. But we do think meat plays a more important role because it changes the intestinal flora, says Lin.

The strains of E. coli that cause the majority of UTIs are known as extraintestinal pathogenic Escherichia coli (ExPEC), and they can colonize and infect normally sterile body sites. Researchers theorize that by eliminating meat, particularly pork and poultry, which are known to contain these strains of E. coli bacteria, people are less likely to introduce the bacteria into their bowel and therefore lower the risk that the bacteria will travel to the urethra.

Another potential contributor could be the high fiber content in vegetarian diets. Because of the way fiber is metabolized, it decreases the pH in the gut, which in turn may inhibit the growth of E. coli, the authors write.

RELATED: 9 Things You Should Know Before You Go Vegetarian

Although these findings are intriguing, there are a number of other factors in the Buddhist lifestyle beyond dietary ones, says Yufang Lin, MD, an integrative internal medicine doctor at Cleveland Clinic in Ohio, who was not involved in this research. This makes it difficult to attribute the reductions in urinary tract infections to the effects of diet alone, she says. While I dont think this study provides conclusive evidence that a vegetarian diet reduces UTI risk, there are a number of things about the vegetarian diet that can support the reduction of UTI, says Dr. Lin.

The study authors acknowledge their findings have a few key limitations. They based the presence (or absence) of a UTI on the coding of the healthcare provider (ICD-9) rather than the gold standard, which would have been clinical symptoms and lab tests, including a urine culture. Factors that are known to influence UTIs, such as water intake and sexual activity, were not measured or accounted for in the findings.

According to Dr. Chin-Lon Lin, further research should include more analysis of the strains of bacteria that are responsible for UTI, which will shed light on the mechanism of the apparent protective effect of vegetarian diets.

In addition to reducing exposure to E. coli by eliminating meat, there are ways that eating more vegetables can reduce the risk of UTI, according to Dr. Yufang Lin. Many plant-based foods, particularly herbs or bitter foods, have antimicrobial properties and are also antioxidants, she says.

A vegetarian diet is often rich in components that are antimicrobial, says Lin. Antimicrobial means it has the ability to fight the presence of microbes, including bacteria. These work to suppress bacterial growth in the food that we eat as well as suppress bacterial growth in the gut, she says.

This is combination reduces the amount of bacteria in our intestinal environment, which in turn reduces the possibility of bacteria going to our bladder, she explains. This is how a vegetarian diet that has a lot of antimicrobials can be very beneficial, says Lin.

As part of the vegetarian diet youre also going to get a lot of foods that are antioxidants, says Lin. They are also supportive of our own immune system and as a result can also promote our ability to fight off infection, she says.

Finally, fruits and vegetables are rich in nutrients, which help support the bodys functions in general, says Lin. There are a lot of factors that support having a plant-based diet. You dont necessarily have to be a vegan for better health, she adds.

I absolutely think when you eat lots of whole foods, vegetables, fresh fruits, things of that nature, youre going to get multiple benefits and the potential to reduce UTIs, Lin says. For someone whose immune system is a little bit weaker, she recommends cooking with lots of spices such as garlic, onion, rosemary, thyme, oregano, ginger, all of which are antimicrobials and antioxidants, she says.

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Urinary Track Infection (UTI) Risk Reduced With Vegetarian Diet - Everyday Health

Holistic Medicine Secaucus NJ –

Holistic Medicine Secaucus NJ

Your Secaucus holistic medicine resource for anyone who wants to explore alternative medicine. Find the local information and resources you need in Secaucus, NJ. Whether youre looking for Secaucus acupuncture, aromatherapy, or light therapy, this page will help you get the information you are searching for.

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Welcome to the Local Pages. Here you can find local information about Vitamin Supplements in Secaucus, NJ. We have compiled a list of businesses and services around Secaucus, including Vitamin / Nutritional Supplements Store that should help you with your search. Should you wish to find help online, the ads on this page have also been targeted to Health Diet Herb & Vitamin in order to better help you find what you are looking for. We hope this page helps satisfy your local needs.

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Integrative Medicine – Healing Arts Center

Dr. Rosenzweig offers natural therapies and supportive care for patients with cancer or other life-challenging illnesses.

Please see Dr. Rosenzweigs website for more information:

Steven Rosenzweig, MD graduated the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine in 1986 and completed his residency training in Emergency Medicine at Jefferson University Hospital in 1989. He was a full-time, Jefferson physician until 2007; during that time he served as Founding Medical and Academic Director of the Thomas Jefferson University Center of Integrative Medicine, which opened its doors in 1998. In 2007 he established his independent, private practice in Integrative Medicine and also joined the teaching faculty of Drexel University College of Medicine.

Dr. Rosenzweig is Board Certified in Emergency Medicine and in Palliative Medicine. He extended his medical training through the study of Anthroposophical Medicine, a European-based system of Integrative Medicine. He participated in professional training under the direction of Jon Kabat-Zinn, PhD, founder of the Stress Reduction Clinic at the University of Massachusetts Medical Center (UMMC), and has completed the Teacher Development Intensive in Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction offered at the Stress Reduction Clinic at UMMC. He also completed Professional Certification Training in Interactive Guided Imagerysm through the Academy for Guided Imagery.

Dr. Rosenzweig is Clinical Associate Professor at Drexel University College of Medicine where he is Director of the Progam in Medical Humanism and Professional Values in the Office of Educational Affairs. He directs courses in Bioethics, Community Service Learning, and Professionalism. He teaches mindfulness and Integrative Medicine, and has been developing mind-body projects as part of the community service curriculum. He is also an Adjunct Associate Professor at Jefferson Medical College where he currently lectures on botanical medicine and racial disparities in healthcare. Dr Rosenzweig is a member of the medical staff of Hahnemann University Hospital and Abington Memorial Hospital.

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Integrative Medicine - Healing Arts Center

About Integrative Medicine – Cleveland Clinic

Integrative Medicine techniques support the body's natural ability to heal, reducing stress and promoting a state of relaxation that leads to better health. It can help you achieve optimal health when you engage in your own healing and feel empowered to make lifestyle changes. Incorporating one or more Integrative Medicine services into your healthcare regimen will help you regain control of your well-being.

Integrative Medicine uses modalities such as acupuncture, chiropractic manipulation and relaxation techniques to reduce pain; dietary and herbal approaches to manage diseases such as diabetes and fibromyalgia; and group support to change habits associated with obesity, diabetes and heart disease.

Lifestyle Medicine is an evidence-based practice of assisting individuals and families adopt and sustain lifestyle behaviors that can improve your health and quality of life, such as eliminating tobacco use, improving diet, practicing stress relief techniques, and increasing physical activity. Poor lifestyle choices are the root cause of modern chronic diseases. Scientific evidence is clear - adults with common chronic conditions who adhere to a healthy lifestyle experience rapid, significant, clinically meaningful and sustainable improvements in their health.

The practices, techniques and services offered that most patients find helpful include:

Integrative & Lifestyle Medicine services have become very popular in the United States, with more than 70 percent of Americans using them in some form.

You may benefit from Integrative & Lifestyle Medicine if you suffer from a chronic illness and wish to reduce the severity or frequency of disease episodes, decrease stress related to chronic disease, and enjoy a better quality of life.

Integrative & Lifestyle Medicine can help patients relieve symptoms of a wide range of conditions, including:

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About Integrative Medicine - Cleveland Clinic

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The Institute for Health & Healing is an integrative medicine practice within Sutter Pacific Medical Foundation that offers a personalized approach to your care. Our physicians and allied health practitioners provide evidence-based medicine that combines conventional and complementary medical care, such as Homeopathic medicine, Chinese medicine, and acupuncture. Our holistic philosophy goes beyond symptom treatment, serving the whole person to facilitate the bodys innate healing response. Whether you want physician oversight to manage a serious illness or are seeking a therapeutic massage, our goal is to work with you to optimize your overall health and well-being.

We can bill Medicare, PPO, POS and SutterSelect plans for most physician and nurse practitioner services. Your insurance plan may not cover all of our services, and it may limit the number of acupuncture, chiropractic and psychotherapy visits. Contact your insurance provider to determine your benefits. All nutrition, massage, bodywork, and skin care services are self-pay.

San Francisco County 2300 California Street, San Francisco 415-600-3503

Marin County 1350 South Eliseo Drive, Greenbrae 415-461-9000

Sonoma County 2449 Summerfield Road, Santa Rosa 707-523-7185

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The Center For Natural And Integrative Medicine – May 21st, Promotional – Video

The Center For Natural And Integrative Medicine - May 21st, Promotional
The Center For Natural And Integrative Medicine - Seminar May 21st, Speaker: Dr. Amar Kalidas Topic: Hypertension, The Silent Killer. Call space is limited: 407.355.9246 The address for...

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The Center For Natural And Integrative Medicine - May 21st, Promotional - Video

New Heart Valve Repair System Tested for Safety

(HealthDay News) --
A new method of repairing leaking mitral heart valves appears safe, a small
study shows.

In the new study, researchers tested a reversible implant called the
Percutaneous Transvenous Mitral Annuloplasty (PTMA) system, which is installed
via a catheter.

In the heart, the mitral valve controls the flow of blood from the left atrium
into the left ventricle (from the upper left chamber into the lower left
chamber). A leaking mitral valve causes blood to flow back into the left
atrium. This condition can worsen existing heart failure or cause congestive
heart failure, according to a news release from the American Heart Association.

Currently, mitral valve repair requires opening the chest and putting the patient
on a heart-lung machine. This method increases the risk of heart attack and
stroke during surgery, as well as post-surgery risks such as lung problems,
irregular heartbeat and infection, the news release noted. Read more…


Osher Center for Integrative Medicine at Northwestern …


Integrative Medicine has been called the "new medicine" but in many ways, it is a return to the original practice and philosophy of medicine. It emphasizes the relationship between the doctor and patient, the innate healing ability of the body and the importance of addressing all aspects of an individual's life to attain optimal health and healing.

Our physicians and complementary medicine practitioners consciously blend the very best of conventional medicine, cutting-edge diagnosis and treatment with appropriate therapies. We strive to include therapies backed by scientific evidence to improve health and promote healing, while minimizing any side-effects or harm. All factors that affect health, wellness and disease are considered to promote optimal healing of the mind, body and spirit in all their complexity.

Established in 1997.

In 1997 Northwestern Memorial Hospital created an integrative medicine program (the NMPG Center for Integrative Medicine) in response to both patient demand and a clear need in the Chicagoland community for safe and effective integrative and complementary medicine approaches.

In 2008 we moved to our current location, a larger and more convenient space for patients to receive a broad array of services. In addition to growing our staff and clinical offerings, our program expanded to provide services to other areas of Northwestern, such as the cancer center.

We also grew our education initiatives. We have a wide array of public classes/symposiums throughout the year. We educate Northwestern Feinberg School of Medicine students and physicians, with the goal of helping the next generation of doctors be knowledgable in integrative therapies. In 2011 our name changed to Northwestern Integrative Medicine to reflect our commitment to the 3 pillars: clinical care, education and research.

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