The Science of Frozen Heads: How the First Cryonic Brains Will Rise Again – Popular Mechanics

In December 2014, Dr. Stephen Coles, a UCLA professor who studied aging, passed away from pancreatic cancer. While for many years Coles had made his home in Los Angeles, he chose to enter hospice care in Scottsdale, Arizona. That way, he could be close to the team of doctors who would

Once Coles was pronounced dead, that team arrived at his bedside. They restored his breathing and blood circulation with a heart-lung resuscitator, also known as a thumpera mechanical device used in emergency medicine to perform CPRand injected his body with anticoagulants to keep the blood flowing. All of this was done to protect the brain from damage that can occur after too long without oxygen. Next, the body was cooled in an ice water bath, the blood replaced with an organ preservation solution.

Finally, Coles body arrived at its final destination: Alcor, the nations oldest provider of cryonics, the freezing of human corpses and brains in liquid nitrogen that will one daytechnology willinglive again.

There, surgeons performed a neuroseparation, removing Coles head at the sixth cervical vertebra, and pumped cryoprotectants (medical-grade anti-freeze) into the now severed head. Then, a forensic pathologist opened the skull and removed the brain.

Coles had died around 10 a.m.; by dinner time, his brain was in a silver dewar, its thermostat set to -140 degrees Celsius.

The Patient Care Bay at Alcor holds a number of Bigfoot dewars, which are custom-designed to contain four whole-body patients and five neuropatients each. The dewar is an insulated container which consumes no electric power. Liquid nitrogen is added periodically to replace the small amount that evaporates.

Coles was Alcors 131st patient but one of its first to select brain-only cryopreservation, sometimes called neuropreservation or neurosuspension. A company announcement called Cole an unusual brain-only patient, and revealed that the unfamiliar nature of the procedure created several major challenges, with procedures being revised even as the surgery and perfusion were underway.

Ten years later, according to Emil Kendziorra, M.D., CEO of Tomorrow Bio, a German biotech firm that specializes in human cryopreservation, brain removal is not a big issue, and becoming more popular among those interested in cryonics. Storing a brain is faster, cheaper, anddespite the human taboo of decapitationpoised for a higher degree of social acceptance, Dr. Kendiziorra says, since anatomy departments and research institutions have been storing brains for years.

But what about the rest of the body? Wont future humans need their legs and arms when they wake up from their cryonic suspension?

While the brain is unique and cannot be recreated, the fundamental logic is that all the rest of the body can be recreated, Dr. Kendziorra tells Popular Mechanics. This means that by the time technology exists to cure death and reanimate the human brain, slapping together a real or virtual vessel should be a cinch.

These ideas may seem far-fetched, but Dr. Kendziorra is quick to point out that there was a time in the past when heart transplantationtaking one heart and connecting into another bodysounded pretty science fiction as well.

But as neuropreservation grows in popularity, the question remains: what will we do with all of these frozen brains in the future?


Dr. Kendziorra is a trained medical doctor-turned-cryonics evangelist. As a former cancer researcher, he was frustrated by the agonizingly slow pace of progress and never found it acceptable to tell a 25-year-old that they have incurable cancer and theyre going to die, he says. I think that everybody should live as long as they choose to.

Its important to point out that no human brain (or whole human for that matter) has ever been revived after death. The hope behind cryonics is that, eventually, very smart people using technology that hasnt been invented yet will figure out how to conquer death. For anyone with an untreatable diseaseor anyone who would like to live beyond their average lifespanto elongate their lives, they just need to freeze themselves, and then wait for those smart (and hopefully benevolent) people to wake us up.

Its also important to point out that freeze is the wrong word. Technically, cryonically preserved bodies arent frozen, theyre vitrified. Youve probably heard that the human body is 70 percent water; if you popped a corpse in the freezer, there would be a lot of cracking when ice crystals formed in the cells and damaged the body beyond revival. Upon thawing, the body would be mushy, thanks to the ruptured cell walls caused by cracking.

The Alcor operating theater in Scottsdale, Arizona. Here, surgeons perform initial procedures to gain access to the patients vascular system, replacing the blood with a cryoprotectant solution to prevent the formation of ice crystals during subsequent cooling.

Instead, cryopreservation involves vitrification, replacing the blood with a medical antifreeze, called cryoprotectant, then cooling the body gradually until it resembles glass.

The cost of these proceduresas well as transporting the body and storing it for untold yearsis not cheap. For full-body suspension, Tomorrow Bio charges 200,000. Thats why, although he always recommends full-body cryopreservation, Dr. Kendziorra says that, at the bargain price of 75,000, brain-only cryopreservation is an attractive option to those hoping to extend their time on Earth.

Dr. Kendziorra says he feels strongly about making cryopreservation possible at more price points, but its not just humans hoping to live forever that will benefit from increasing affordability. The field of cryonics needs an infusion of cash and research funding if it is going to maintain long-term storage facilities and figure out how to cure death. Theoretically, more bodiesor brainsin more tanks will lead to a greater investment in these endeavors by the scientific community.

Today, Alcors membership is split nearly evenly between whole-body and neuro cryopreservation. While neurosuspension is easier and less expensive, there are still some compelling reasons to consider whole-body cryopreservation.

For one thing, no one can be sure that the brain contains everything we would need to feel like ourselves upon reanimation. Without the central nervous system, the spine, the endocrine glands, and microbiome, would we recognize ourselves upon waking in the distant future?

Its a concern that led Becca Ziegler, a 23-year-old Tomorrow Bio member, to opt for whole-body preservation. From my understanding, everything that makes me me is in the brain, she says, but there are still some unknowns about consciousness and memories and how the brain interacts with the rest of the body. So I chose whole-body cryopreservation to ensure that there are no essential parts of my consciousness and memories that arent cryopreserved.

Dr. Kendziorra says that out of an abundance of caution, his company always recommends whole-body cryopreservation, unless its not within the budget of a perspective member. After all, rousing from a cryonic state hundreds of years in the future with only half of your identity would be a real disappointment. Better safe than sorry, says Dr. Kendziorra.


According to Dr. Kendziorra, there are currently four working theories for what future generations will do with thawed-out human brains. All of this is very speculative, he warns, but they have potential.

The first and perhaps most realistic, based on existing technology, is 3D printing.

We could 3D print all the other organs and connect the brain, Dr. Kendziorra says. This technology isnt there quite yet, but its probably not that far away anymore. Indeed, 3D organ bioprintingthe use of human cells to create three-dimensional tissueis a quickly evolving field, fueled by the hundreds of thousands of people who need organ transplants. Jennifer Lewis, a professor at Harvard Universitys Wyss Institute for Biologically Inspired Engineering, predicts the technology could be ready in a decade.

Another possibility will be the development of clones using DNA taken from brain tissue. The clone, of course, will need to be created without a brain, so that the old one can be transplanted. Since the birth of Dolly the sheep in 1996, scientists have cloned 22 animal species as well as a human embryo. Could brainless vessels be next?

Some scientists believe clones wont be necessary, and that reanimated brains could be transplanted in donor bodies, a method neurosurgeon Sergio Canavero called technically feasible, in a recent paper (published in a journal he is an editor of, it should be mentioned). After detailing how the cranial nerve and vascular system could theoretically be reconnected to the brain, the controversial scientist admitted there was lots of work still ahead, including cadaveric rehearsals, tests in brain-dead organ donors, and the development of new surgical tools. With appropriate funding, he argued, a long-held dream may finally come true.

The third way a reanimated brain could once again express itself is by being placed in an artificial body. In simpler terms, a robot body, says Dr. Kendziorra. Elon Musk thinks its possible and so does Michael S.A. Graziano, a Princeton neuroscientist. Graziano argued in a Wall Street Journal essay that uploading a mind into a robot body would take only two pieces of technology: an artificial brain and a scanning device with the ability to measure exactly how [a brains] neurons are connected to each other, to be able to copy that pattern in the artificial brain.

Then again, the robot might not even be necessary. We could reinstantiate the brain by connecting it to a computer, and all sensation inputs and outputs would be virtual, Dr. Kendziorra explains. On some abstract level, maybe theres not much a difference between real and virtual. Hes got a point; some scientists already believe were living in a simulation.

Regardless of just what future humans do with cryonically preserved brains, Dr. Kendziorra believes its going to take a long time to figure it out. Medically and technologically we are not there yet, and we will not be there for many, many decades. Its going to take a significant amount of time. And in fact, it might never work.

But if theres a reason to stay hopeful about cryonics, Dr. Kendziorra says its because the other option isnt so great either. The alternative, he laments, is death.

Ashley Stimpson is a freelance journalist who writes most often about science, conservation, and the outdoors. Her work has appeared in the Guardian, WIRED, Nat Geo, Atlas Obscura, and elsewhere. She lives in Columbia, Maryland, with her partner, their greyhound, and a very bad cat.

Originally posted here:
The Science of Frozen Heads: How the First Cryonic Brains Will Rise Again - Popular Mechanics

One Piece chapter 1117 may have teased the Gorose’s immortality in a way nobody noticed – Sportskeeda

One Piece chapter 1117 was officially released earlier this weekend, excitingly bringing with it what appears to be the start of the Straw Hats escape from Egghead Island. While some of the Straw Hats and their allies bringing up the rear have yet to board a ship, its clear that fans will soon see them depart the island and bring an end to the Egghead arc likewise.

However, this was only made possible by the Gorosei splitting off from the group for the most part in One Piece chapter 1117, instead focusing their attention on the Iron Giant. In the process, the group seemingly recognized the Iron Giant as the ancient robot that attacked Mariejois roughly 200 years prior to the start of the series.

Of particular interest is Saint Marcus Mars dialogue here in One Piece chapter 1117, where he says hes certain that the ancient robot before them is the same from 200 years prior. Likewise, this phrasing has led fans to assert that Oda may have just given them the first tease of Goroseis immortality, which has long been theorized by the community.

Obviously, Saint Mars emphasis on his certainty of this fact in One Piece chapter 1117 is whats specifically leading readers to this conclusion. Its certainly understandable, as the hesitation he takes before saying this is very similar to the disbelief someone would have running into an old classmate from way back when. While it is difficult to ascertain full tone, the text does bold the word certain to make it clear that this is where Mars emphasis is in the sentence.

Yet, in the same breath, its difficult to say that this is a tease of their immortality in and of itself. One of the biggest reasons for this uncertainty stems from the fact that Mars and the other Gorosei members couldve simply heard of the story from Imu or their predecessors.

Much like how Dr. Vegapunk knew the story via word of mouth from his scientific peers and predecessors, the Gorosei could have learned of the Iron Giant in the same way.

Theres also the fact that, as far as fans can tell, One Piece chapter 1117 only sees Mars speaking to himself on the matter, with no response from the other Gorosei members. Technically speaking, likewise, the issue only seems to tease Mars as immortal rather than all of the Gorosei members, again assuming that this is indeed a tease of their immortality. While it would also be likely that the others are immortal, chapter 1117 doesnt seem to suggest this.

That being said, the groups powers have been shown to be fairly uniform so far, suggesting that this would also be the case for immortality. All but one of the group has now been confirmed to be a Conquerors Haki user, and all have been introduced as having yokai powers rather than Devil Fruit powers.

Whats clear is that there are solid arguments for both sides. Chapter 1117 does boast solid evidence for the Goroseis immortality, but has Achilles Heels in the way the tease is presented and what fans know of the Iron Giants history and renown. In the same breath, the Goroseis power uniformity thus far suggests that if one is immortal, then they all are. Hopefully, fans will get a definitive answer on the matter sometime in the near future of the series.

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One Piece chapter 1117 may have teased the Gorose's immortality in a way nobody noticed - Sportskeeda

Answering the Call to Immortality – UNLV NewsCenter

Christine Parris picked up her phone, saw the Las Vegas area code, and was perplexed.

Who could this be, she wondered, and what could it possibly be about?

The reaction was understandable, given that Parris lives and works in her native Canada and hadnt called Las Vegas home in a quarter century.

Intrigued, she accepted the call instead of sending it to voicemail. After some quick pleasantries, the reason for the reach out was revealed: The 1991 UNLV softball team that Parris played for had been selected for induction into the UNLV Athletics Hall of Fame.

Of course, I was super elated and almost started crying, she says.

The tears would start to flow a beat later when a second piece of good news was unveiled: Parris also was chosen for individual induction into the Hall of Fame in recognition of two remarkable seasons here.

I absolutely did not see that coming, Parris says of the multiple inductions, which she learned of in early March. But it means everything, because this place [UNLV] was a second home to me.

Which, with hindsight, is remarkable. Because only a few months before accepting a scholarship from UNLV softball coaching legend Shan McDonald, the university wasnt on her radar.

In fact, she knew so little about Las Vegas that when she arrived for her recruiting visit on a sweltering June day, she was wearing patent leather shoes.

I had no idea about the heat, Parris recalled prior to the 2024 Hall of Fame induction ceremony on May 17 at the Thomas & Mack Center. I remember the athlete who took me around during my visit asked, Do you want some flip flops? Because my feet were on fire. She took the shoes off her feet, gave them to me, and we toured campus which I thought was incredible.

It definitely was a far cry from the junior college that Parris was reluctantly attending in Neosho, Missouri.

She was steered toward that college by the head softball coach at Kansas University, who got a tip about Parris from an umpire who worked games involving her high school team in Scarborough, Ontario.

Unfortunately for Parris, Kansas was unable to offer a scholarship because she never took the ACT or SAT college entrance exams. That forced her to go the junior college route for two years to gain the requisite eligibility to play for a four-year university.

I always thought I was good enough to play in college [in the U.S.]. I just had no frame of reference for what that looked like or what the process was, Parris says. I just figured somebody would find me and something would happen.

Something did happen, thanks to Brian Kolze. Then an assistant coach under UNLVs McDonald, Kolze discovered Parris at her junior college in Missouri, and he invited her to campus on a recruiting trip.

The Rebels softball team had just completed a mediocre 32-28 season, and the coaching staff viewed Parris and similarly talented recruits as keys to taking the then five-year-old program to the next level.

During her campus visit, Parris quickly fell for what she says was a big school with a really small-town feel. So, she signed her scholarship offer then quickly proved she was worth every penny of that scholarships worth.

The relevant highlights of Parris first season as a Rebel: Playing shortstop, she collected 84 hits and batted .398 (at the time, both were school records), and helped lead her team to a program-best 41-27 record.

Not only did that 1990 squad crack the Top 25 rankings and reach the NCAA tournament for the first time, but it advanced to the Womens College World Series. For her efforts, Parris was named third-team All-America, second-team All-Region, and Big West Conference Player of the Year.

Although she shifted to third base the following year, Parris didnt miss a beat. She hit .356, added 16 extra-base hits to the 24 she had in 1990, and was a huge reason why the Rebels went 47-16, returned to the Womens College World Series, and finished the 1991 season ranked No. 5 in the nation.

As was the case in 1990, Parris earned third-team All-America and second-team All-Region honors as a senior. To this day, shes one of just five UNLV softball players to make an All-America team in multiple seasons. Also, her .377 career batting average still ranks third all time.

We had a surreal [combination] of a lot of incredibly talented athletes, no egos, and everyone really knowing their roles, Parris says of her two seasons as a Rebel. Youre rarely on a team with no drama. And while Im sure there were some disagreements, they never affected us between the lines. We were there for a common purpose: We all loved the game.

It was not, however, the only game that Parris loved. Basketball was her main sport in high school, and she was good enough that Western Michigan recruited her during her junior season.

Parris passed on that opportunity, though, because it didnt align with her ultimate athletic goal: to represent her home country in the Olympics. That goal, she realized, was much easier to reach through softball.

Still, after exhausting her softball eligibility at UNLV, Parris had an itch to lace up her high tops in a competitive environment one more time. She asked then-UNLV coach Jim Bolla if she could try out for his 1991-92 squad. He agreed, liked what he saw, and offered her a roster spot as a nonscholarship walk-on.

No dice, Parris thought.

He said, Were going to have you be part of the team. And I said, Well, youre going to have to offer me a scholarship. Because Im from Canada, and while softball is taking care of my academic [expenses], Id need the rest covered by you, she says. I could tell he wasnt sure how to respond. But he ultimately said, Sure, that works.

Although Parris was, by her own assessment, a solid practice player, she didnt receive much court time during her lone season on the hardwood. Still, being a two-sport scholarship athlete was and remains extremely rare. And it only added to her UNLV legacy and Hall of Fame credentials.

After graduating (92 BS Education), Parris worked for two years in UNLVs athletics department, eventually departing for an assistant coaching position with the Bowling Green University softball team. Along the way, she continued to train as a player in hopes of landing a spot on Canadas national team.

Parris did just that, and in 1996, she was one of 15 women to suit up for Team Canada in the Summer Olympics in Atlanta, Georgia.

Shortly after her Olympic experience, Parris returned to Las Vegas, initially to take advantage of the ideal training weather as she looked to continue her playing career. (She ended up spending two seasons with the Tampa Bay franchise in the Womens Professional Fastpitch League.)

However, a few weeks after Parris returned to the desert, an assistant coach position on McDonalds staff opened up. She applied for the gig, got it, and spent two seasons (1997-98) tutoring the next generation of Rebel softball players.

It was great to come back and be part of the university again, Parris says. And of course I was ecstatic to have a chance to give back.

Just as ecstatic as she would be some 25 years later upon answering a random phone call and learning that she would be forever immortalized in the UNLV Athletics Hall of Fame.

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Answering the Call to Immortality - UNLV NewsCenter

"She found the secret to immortality": Aang is Not the Most Powerful Avatar But He is Way Stronger Than the Very First … – FandomWire

Avatar: The Last Airbender has taken the entertainment world by storm. The series has become one of the most successful live-action anime adaptations in the world. Also, it has reignited the love fans had for the original series created by Michael Dante DiMartino and Bryan Konietzko and fans are now eagerly waiting for season 2.

The series focuses on Aang, the last Airbender who is also an Avatar and has the burden of saving the entire world from the fire kingdom. The Avatar is the human personification of light and peace who has a relationship with the Avatar Spirit. They are the strongest beings in the entire world.

Since the Avatar is the only physical being capable of bending the four elements, it is expected of them to become proficient in the four bending arts and use their powers to maintain harmony and balance among the worlds four nations. As the series is based on Aang, it is expected that he is the strongest Avatar. However, there is one other avatar who is stronger than him.

When looking at the entire history of Avatars, the strongest Avatar is probably Avatar Kyoshi. Born in the Earth Kingdom, Kyoshi was the Avatar who came after Avatar Kuruk of the Northern Water Tribe and before Avatar Roku of the Fire Nation. She passed away at the age of 230, making her the oldest confirmed human.

Kyoshi was noted for effortlessly carving apart a portion of the Earth Kingdom. By using water bending, Kyoshi was even able to freeze peoples hearts. Not only is she the tallest and most enduring Avatar in recorded history, but when Kyoshi used the Avatar State for the first time, she boiled the water and caused multiple ships to capsize due to protruding rock from the seafloor.

Kyoshis efforts in helping Aang and her adventures as the Avatar are considered epic. This is why there is no other Avatar that can be put above her in the list of the strongest avatars of all time. It is also stated that she had found the secret to immortality. However, there is one thing that puts Aang above her and even above the very first Avatar.

According to the story, the first Avatar was Avatar Wan. He lived ten thousand years before Avatar Korra was born. Following his exile from his home, he discovered how to live in harmony with the spirits and decided to work toward restoring harmony between them and the rest of humanity.

This journey ultimately resulted in his becoming the first Avatar. Although he was the first Avatar in history, he was not as powerful as Aang. This is because Aang was an expert Airbender before he even realized he was the avatar. In addition, he was the first avatar to discover energy bending, which is regarded as the strongest kind of bending in the world.

This made him one of the strongest Avatars, but he still couldnt catch up to the strength of Avatar Kyoshi. Thus, Aang may not be as powerful as Kyoshi but he certainly is more powerful than Avatar Wan.

You can watch Avatar: The Last Airbender on Netflix.

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"She found the secret to immortality": Aang is Not the Most Powerful Avatar But He is Way Stronger Than the Very First ... - FandomWire

Nike and Giannis Antetokounmpo Unleash Exciting New Colorways for Immortality Line – BNN Breaking

Nike and Giannis Antetokounmpo Unleash Exciting New Colorways for Immortality Line

As the NBA All-Star Weekend draws near, the spotlight once again lands on basketball icon Giannis Antetokounmpo and his ongoing collaboration with sportswear titan, Nike. This time around, the partnership brings a fresh spin to Gianniss Immortality line, an affordable range of basketball shoes renowned for their style and performance.

The latest addition to the Immortality collection is set to captivate fans with its vibrant color palette. The shoe features a yellow mesh as the primary material, extending into the midsole. This bright hue is tastefully contrasted by a green/yellow camo pattern on the outsole. The unconventional colorway, while not a direct replica of the Milwaukee Bucks official colors, offers a playful nod to Gianniss home team with its use of brighter tones.

On top of the colorways bold statement, the shoe carries the unmistakable mark of both Nike and Giannis. The iconic Nike Swoosh is prominently featured on the body of the shoe, bearing a contrasting green accent. Likewise, the athletes branding is easily spotted on the tongue and heel pull tab, reinforcing the players personal touch on the design.

Beyond the yellow and green variant, another highlight from the collection is the Red/White version of the Giannis Immortality 3. This special edition colorway pays tribute to Gianniss brother, Thanasis Antetokounmpo, a testament to the athletes deep-rooted family values.

As fans eagerly await the release of these new designs, the anticipation only adds to the excitement of the upcoming All-Star Weekend. With Giannis at the helm, this Immortality line continues to push boundaries, offering stylish and affordable options for basketball enthusiasts worldwide.

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Nike and Giannis Antetokounmpo Unleash Exciting New Colorways for Immortality Line - BNN Breaking

Stars Align for Healing: Omar Khan, Sheikh Marwan, and Sanjay Dutt’s Cancer Research

In the realm of healthcare, the quest for groundbreaking cancer research and revolutionary treatment methods has never been more crucial. A beacon of hope is set to shine brightly on the horizon, with the imminent establishment of a state-of-the-art Cancer Research & Treatment Hospital. This exceptional venture owes its genesis to the collaboration and foresight of three remarkable individuals: H.H. Sheikh Marwan Bin Mohammad Bin Rashid Al Maktoum, the esteemed Bollywood star Mr. Sanjay Dutt, and the visionary Founder of Innovation Factory, Mr. Omar Khan (OK).

While each luminary involved in this noble initiative brings their unique expertise and commitment, the spotlight undoubtedly falls on Mr. Omar Khan – a man whose passion for innovation and tireless pursuit of excellence have carved a distinctive path in the landscape of healthcare.

The Visionary Force: Mr. Omar Khan (OK)

At the heart of this transformative project is Mr. Omar Khan, the driving force behind Innovation Factory and a visionary leader with an indomitable spirit. With a background rooted in technology and a relentless pursuit of progress, Mr. Khan has earned his reputation as a dynamic entrepreneur committed to shaping a future where healthcare knows no bounds

1. Innovation Factory's Legacy:

Mr. Omar Khan's brainchild, Innovation Factory, stands as a testament to his commitment to pushing the boundaries of what is possible. The organization has been a catalyst for transformative technologies and ideas across various sectors

2. Global Collaborations for Impact:

Mr. Khan's vision extends beyond borders, fostering collaborations with global leaders and institutions to amplify the impact of healthcare innovations. His commitment to creating a global network of excellence aligns seamlessly with the mission of the Cancer Research & Treatment Hospital.

3. Human-Centric Approach:

Beyond the algorithms and technology, Mr. Omar Khan is a staunch advocate for a human-centric approach to healthcare. His emphasis on compassionate and personalized care ensures that the Cancer Research & Treatment Hospital is not just a hub for cutting-edge research but a haven for patients and their families.

Fostering Collaborations for Scientific Breakthroughs:

Mr. Omar Khan's commitment to fostering collaborations extends into the scientific realm. Under his guidance, the Cancer Research & Treatment Hospital is poised to become a hub where leading researchers, clinicians, and scientists converge to share knowledge and work collectively towards unraveling the complexities of cancer. By breaking down silos and encouraging interdisciplinary collaboration, Mr. Khan envisions a hospital that not only treats the symptoms but seeks to unearth the root causes of cancer, propelling the field forward with unprecedented breakthroughs.

Technological Integration for Precision Medicine:

As an advocate for the convergence of technology and healthcare, Mr. Omar Khan places a significant emphasis on precision medicine. Leveraging his expertise in technology, he envisions a future where treatment plans are tailored to the individual characteristics of each patient. From advanced genetic profiling to real-time data analytics, the Cancer Research & Treatment Hospital aims to redefine the way cancer is diagnosed and treated, moving towards a more personalized and effective approach.

Global Impact and Accessibility:

Mr. Omar Khan's global perspective extends beyond the confines of a single hospital. His vision includes the establishment of a network of satellite centers and collaborations with renowned institutions worldwide. By creating a global ecosystem, the Cancer Research & Treatment Hospital seeks to ensure that cutting-edge advancements are not confined to geographical boundaries, making breakthrough treatments and research accessible to a broader spectrum of patients around the globe.

Patient Empowerment and Holistic Care:

Central to Mr. Omar Khan's philosophy is the idea that healthcare should not be confined to treating diseases but should encompass the holistic well-being of the individual. The Cancer Research & Treatment Hospital, under his visionary leadership, will prioritize patient empowerment, offering support services, counseling, and a nurturing environment that fosters hope and resilience. Mr. Khan envisions a paradigm shift in which patients actively participate in their care, supported by a compassionate and multidisciplinary healthcare team.

Educational Initiatives for Future Generations:

Education forms a cornerstone of Mr. Omar Khan's vision for the Cancer Research & Treatment Hospital. Recognizing the importance of nurturing the next generation of medical professionals and researchers, he envisions the hospital as a center for learning and innovation. Collaborations with academic institutions, research fellowships, and educational outreach programs will ensure that knowledge is not only generated within the hospital's walls but disseminated globally, empowering future generations to continue the fight against cancer.

A Transformative Future:

As the Cancer Research & Treatment Hospital takes shape, Mr. Omar Khan's influence promises to infuse the institution with a spirit of innovation, compassion, and a relentless pursuit of advancements in cancer research and treatment. The convergence of his visionary leadership with the philanthropic contributions of H.H. Sheikh Marwan Bin Mohammad Bin Rashid Al Maktoum and the support of renowned Bollywood star Mr. Sanjay Dutt creates a synergistic force that will redefine the landscape of cancer care.

In conclusion, the Cancer Research & Treatment Hospital is not merely a physical structure; it symbolizes a collective dream nurtured by the dedication of three exceptional individuals. At its core is Mr. Omar Khan, a luminary whose passion for innovation has set the stage for a transformative future in cancer research and treatment. As the hospital opens its doors, it stands as a testament to the belief that, with visionary leaders like Mr. Omar Khan, the fight against cancer can indeed be waged with unwavering hope and determination.

‘The Emperor of Atlantis’ gets a modern update – Northwestern Now

A new staging of a classic opera and a master class led by Grammy Award-winning American soprano Christine Brewer are among the highlights of the fall voice and opera season at the Bienen School of Music.

The new staging of Viktor Ullmanns opera The Emperor of Atlantis opens Thursday, Nov. 16 at 7:30 p.m. It incorporates a modern twist with elements of artificial intelligence. The opera, performed by Bienen voice and opera program students together with the Contemporary Music Ensemble, was composed while Ullmann was a prisoner of the concentration camp at Terezn in the Czech Republic. Its plot explores a war-torn world in which Death goes on strike, granting immortality to all.

"Ullmann's opera is so witty and smart, and so insightful in its political satire, said Alan Pierson, conductor of the Contemporary Music Ensemble. There's so much rich material for these talented young musicians to tear into. And it's particularly meaningful to shine a light on the extraordinary work that Ullmann created amid the horror of Nazi Germany."

Director Joachim Schamberger spoke of the operas conception in the midst of inconceivable darkness, and how it recalls humanitys lowest and highest capabilities. In our production, we explore how the phenomena which led into this darkness are still alive in our times and beyond, he said.

In the Tichio-Finnie Vocal Master Class series, voice and opera students receive coaching from renowned professionals. Novembers class is taught by Christine Brewer, who has received acclaim for her appearances with many of the worlds leading orchestras, particularly for her titular role in Richard Strausss Ariadne auf Naxos and her myriad performances of his Four Last Songs.

I am thrilled that our Bienen School voice majors will have an opportunity to work with Christine Brewer in her Tichio-Finnie master class, said voice and opera program artist-in-residence Nancy Gustafson, who has performed with Brewer and the New York Philharmonic. She always sings with a consummate elegance. Giving our students an opportunity to work with her on song literature is a once in a lifetime experience.

The series will continue in the winter quarter with a master class given by multi-Grammy Award- and 2018 Olivier Award- winner Joyce DiDonato on January 8.

Joyce DiDonato is among the most inspiring artists of this generation. Her commitment to have a real impact for good throughout the world is apparent in each project and performance that she takes on, said W. Stephen Smith, voice and opera program coordinator. She is a model for how our voice program strives to enable impactful vocal artists for coming .

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'The Emperor of Atlantis' gets a modern update - Northwestern Now

Extra Funky Red Band Trailer for ‘Divinity’ Experimental B&W Sci-Fi – First Showing

by Alex Billington October 30, 2023 Source: YouTube

"She's the only one who can stop it If she fails, the world won't survive." Get a load of this!! Utopia and executive producer Steven Soderbergh present one final red red band trailer for the experimental sci-fi film Divinity, from writer-director-producer Eddie Alcazar (his second feature after the experimental Perfect previously). This premiered at the 2023 Sundance Film Festival earlier this year in the Next section, and will open in select theaters nationwide (!!) starting in November coming soon this fall. Two mysterious brothers abduct a mogul during his quest for immortality. Meanwhile, a seductive woman helps them launch into a journey of self-discovery. This wild film stars Stephen Dorff, Moises Arias, Jason Genao, Karrueche Tran, Bella Thorne, and Scott Bakula. Alcazar "dazzles with this uncompromising vision that pushes a retro sci-fi styling forward to a stunning and grotesque future." You've never seen anything like this!! Totally gnarly!! Bold, original, innovative, wacky, dense, weird, hypnotic, horny lo-fi sci-fi filmmaking. Take a look.

Here's the extra official red band trailer for Eddie Alcazar's film Divinity, direct from YouTube:

You can rewatch the main official trailer for Eddie Alcazar's Divinity right here, for more footage.

Set in an otherworldly human existence, scientist Sterling Pierce (Scott Bakula) dedicated his life to the quest for immortality, slowly creating the building blocks of a groundbreaking serum named "Divinity." Jaxxon Pierce (Stephen Dorff), his only son, now controls and manufactures his father's once-benevolent dream. Society on this barren planet has been entirely perverted by the supremacy of the drug, whose true origins are shrouded in mystery. Two mysterious brothers (Moises Arias and Jason Genao) arrive with a plan to abduct the mogul, and with the help of a seductive woman named Nikita (Karrueche Tran), they will be set on a path hurtling toward true immortality. Divinity is both written and directed by American indie filmmaker / game designer Eddie Alcazar, his second feature film after Perfect and few other short films previously. Produced by Eddie Alcazar, Raphael Gindre, Javier Lovato, Steven Soderbergh, Johnny Starke. This initially premiered at the 2023 Sundance Film Festival earlier this year. Utopia / Sumerian will debut Alcazar's Divinity in select US theaters starting on October 13th, 2023 this fall. Starting in NY & LA first before expanding for a nationwide theatrical release on November 3rd, 2023 coming soon. Curious?

Find more posts: Indies, Sci-Fi, To Watch, Trailer

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Extra Funky Red Band Trailer for 'Divinity' Experimental B&W Sci-Fi - First Showing

The New Marvel Books That Hit Stores This October – Marvel

See what new and upcoming graphic novels, collections, reference books and more are now available in bookstores near you!

This October, dive into middle-grade anthology Marvel Super Stories, join Shang-Chi on a Quest for Immortality, and unpack the official timeline of the Marvel Cinematic Universe with an insider reference book. Plus, all-new stories for Marvels youngest fans, and plenty of collectors favorites for the True Believers in your life.

Read about each new October release, then order online or pick up in stores near you.

Marvel Super Storiesis the first-ever middle-grade anthology from Marvel and Abrams Books, featuring all-new comics stories by fifteen all-star cartoonists!

Edited by #1New York Timesbestselling illustrator John Jennings, Marvel Super Stories features all of your favorite Marvel super heroes in original six-page stories by some of the biggest names in comics for young readers while offering a fun, fresh look at Marvels greatest super heroes and delivering all-new comics for fans of all ages. These mighty team-ups include:

Black Panther:Jerry Craft(New Kid), Wiccan:Mike Curato(Flamer), Miles Morales Spider-Man:C. G. Esperanza(Soul Food Sunday), Iron Man:John Gallagher(Max Meow), Shang-Chi:Gale Galligan(The Baby-Sitters Club), the Hulk:Chris Giarrusso(G-Man), Spider-Man:Nathan Hale(Nathan Hales Hazardous Tales), Captain America:Michael Lee Harris(Choco Leche), Hawkeye:Ben Hatke(Zita the Spacegirl), Ms. Marvel:Priya Huq(Piece by Piece: The Story of Nisrins Hijab), Daredevil:John Jennings(Kindred: The Graphic Novel Adaptation), Thor and Loki:George OConnor(The Olympians), Namor:Lincoln Peirce(Big Nate), Squirrel Girl:Maria Scrivan(Nat Enough), and Ghost Spider:Jessi Zabarsky(Witchlight).

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The New Marvel Books That Hit Stores This October - Marvel

Sharing discoveries and imagining the future at the second annual … – University of Wisconsin-Madison

Participants present their projects during the poster discussion session of the second annual Sustainability Symposium held in the Discovery Building on Oct. 25, 2023. Photo by: Bryce Richter

Mo Abbasian (left), research associate in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, talks with attendees about hydro-climate extremes research during the poster discussion session. Photo by: Bryce Richter

Jon Starfeldt, student of Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences & Data Science, talks with attendees about UWMadison potential rooftop solar energy potential. Photo by: Bryce Richter

Christina Treacy, sustainability chair for the Associated Students of Madison (ASM), talks with attendees about the work of the ASM Sustainability Committee. Photo by: Bryce Richter

Hien Vu, a third-year PhD student in Electrical and Computer Engineering, talks with attendees about sustainable dairy farming using wearable technology for heat stress detection. Photo by: Bryce Richter

Travis Blomberg, Campus Resource Coordinator in the Office of Sustainability, talks with attendees about UWMadisons food scrap collection pilot program. Photo by: Bryce Richter

Saurabh Gupta, research assistant in mechanical engineering, talks with attendees about flex fuel vehicles in large machines. Photo by: Bryce Richter

Over the course of the second annual Sustainability Symposium, nearly 400 students, faculty and staff gathered at the Discovery Building to engage in exciting conversations about research, education and the advancement of sustainability at UWMadison.

From a keynote address on improving food security through a circular economy, to lightning talks on campus sustainability initiatives and poster sessionson research projects across UWMadison, enthusiastic attendees learned, swapped ideas and inspired one another.

The keynote address was given by Weslynne Ashton, a professor of environmental management and sustainability at Illinois Institute of Technology. She focused on a theme that carried throughout the symposium: real world applications of research.

Keynote speaker Weslynne Ashton, a professor of environmental management and sustainability at Illinois Institute of Technology, spoke about a community project to create love fridges, which she described as a form of mutual aid, where neighbors help neighbors in times of need. Photo by Lauren Graves/UWMadison

What if our food system was organized around principles of love, justice and circularity, rather than money, exploitation and consumption? she asked.

Ashton, who works on increasing sustainability and equity in urban food systems, spoke about a community project to create love fridges, which she described as a form of mutual aid, where neighbors help neighbors in times of need.

People are invited to take what they need and leave what they can, she said. They are an expression of solidarity, not charity.

Ashton described how she collaborates to develop food waste prevention and management strategies for the City of Chicago. In the city, the predominantly white and affluent north side of Chicago produces more waste and enjoys more access to food than the predominantly Black and brown south and west sides.

To confront the citys mounting inequities, Ashton gathered food providers, food rescue organizations, food waste recyclers and policymakers to devise a more cohesive strategy.

This example helped introduce her argument for a circular economy. A linear economy, she said, carries the belief that the Earth holds unlimited resources, with enough space to accommodate the millions of tons of food Americans waste each year. But in reality, Ashton said, that pushes against the limits of our planets biogeochemical functions.

A circular economy on the other hand, is restorative and regenerative by design. She said the new economic model can respect the planets boundaries through recycling and waste reduction.

Our food system and food waste is a complex challenge thats affecting both people and planet, she said. We have to confront the values that are inherent in our linear economy and find creative ways to navigate the tensions that are required for our food systems transformation to make space for justice, for equity and for circularity.

Matt Ginder-Vogel, an environmental chemistry and technology professor at UW, spoke during the lightning talks round about a new initiative for sustainability research. Photo by Lauren Graves/UWMadison

During the symposiums lighting talks, Matt Ginder-Vogel announced the start of the Sustainability Research Hub, a Nelson Institute and Office of Sustainability initiative to make the University of WisconsinMadison a preeminent destination for sustainability research. The hub will facilitate interdisciplinary collaboration toward sustainability, bringing researchers together to apply for large, interdisciplinary grants and coordinating the proofreading, editing and graphic design of their projects.

We want to add to the body of research that is already happening at the university and bring people into sustainability research that dont have the chance to participate now, said Ginder-Vogel, who will oversee the program.

Other presentations detailed ongoing sustainability projects on campus like tracking the volume and cost of food waste in dining and culinary services, the financial and environmental benefits of opting to use water-based cleaning systems on campus and the solutions resulting from efforts to connect local government partners with UWMadison student researchers.

Like last year, the Sustainability Symposium welcomed a major UWMadison decisionmaker who voiced support for sustainability initiatives and research. Provost Charles Lee Isbell Jr. described the symposium attendees work as both essential and the living embodiment of the Wisconsin Idea. He added that the university needs to embrace this work and continue to strive to be a leader in sustainability.

What is the world were going to create if we act and behave in the right ways, and what is the world if we do nothing 25 years from now? he asked.

Provost Charles Lee Isbell Jr. described the symposium attendees work as both essential and the living embodiment of the Wisconsin Idea. Photo by Lauren Graves/UWMadison

The future is on Isbells mind and the minds of the hundreds of symposium attendees who feel compelled to work thoughtfully, urgently and collaboratively to prevent the worst results of climate change.

I care about immortality, Isbell concluded. When I was young, I wanted to live forever.

To Isbell, immortality means, that you somehow touched not just this generation but the generation that follows and the generation that follows that. You do work and have change and make impact. Thats the closest most of us will ever come to immortality, and its the kind of immortality thats worth having.

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Sharing discoveries and imagining the future at the second annual ... - University of Wisconsin-Madison

This New CRYSTAL COFFIN Album Is Melodic Black Metal Perfection – Metal Injection

Have you ever heard Crystal Coffin? Because you really need to. The band is releasing their third record The Curse Of Immortality on October 31 and it's all the melodic, slightly progressive black metal you could ever want. I mean seriously, three albums in and everyone really should be tuning into Crystal Coffin at this point.

As far as a concept, The Curse Of Immortality is described as such: "Less a formal concept album from its predecessor, the eight tracks loosely depict a protagonist whose failed attempts at suicide have placed him into a rehabilitation center wherein clandestine medical personnel experiment on the captured and unconscious patients at night in chambers below. Through a combination of cryogenetics, evil rites, and state control, the subject involuntarily becomes the first successful completed case for verified immortality a life that will no longer require death."

The awesome cover art for The Curse Of Immortality was done by Crystal Coffin multi-instrumentalist Lenkyn Ostapovich. Stream the record in full below courtesy of the Black Metal Promotion YouTube channel and pre-order it here.

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This New CRYSTAL COFFIN Album Is Melodic Black Metal Perfection - Metal Injection

The Texas Rangers Are World Series Champions – D Magazine

After 52 years in North Texas, the Rangersfinallywon the World Series.

I always suspected Id write that sentence someday, just as I presume Ill eventually do so for the Cowboys and the Super Bowl. It is awfully difficult for big-market franchises with any modicum of brain power, spending power, and star power to stay down forever, and the Rangers have spent good chunks of the last quarter century flush in all three. Sooner or later, they were bound to get theirs.

But absolutely no part of me imagined that we would be here, now, watching this team do what five decades worth of other Ranger squads could not. Not one year after losing 94 games and two years year after dropping 102 in the clubs first triple-digit-loss season since 1972. Not yet. The 2023 Texas Rangers were supposed to be several injury breaks and several more relievers away from achieving baseball immortality. They were supposed to be too inconsistent to win big. Too light on playoff seasoning and all the steel that provides.

This year was the prelude, not the full concerto.

Except it wasnt.

The Rangers ascent from baseballs depths to its absolute pinnacle felt equal parts instantaneous and painstaking, a fast sprint to complete a long marathon. This was an exhausting baseball team, but an incorrigible one, too, which is how no setbackhowever daunting, frustrating, and occasionally self-inflictedproved too big to overcome.

And so, they did.

And now, everything has changed.

The Rangers are no longer the lesser child among the regions big four teams, not after theynot the big, bad Cowboys, nor the Luka Doncic-led Mavericks, nor the perpetually contending Stars, but the historically hapless Rangersare the team to end North Texas 12-year championship drought. They are the kings of North Texas, the new measuring stick for on-field excellence.

Corey Seager is on the fast track to becoming one of the best Rangers of all time. Adolis Garca is a North Texas playoff legend. Bruce Bochy, until proven otherwise, is infallible. Jose Leclerc, fallible at the very worst moment against Houston, is redeemed. So, too, is Marcus Semien after the insurance homer in Game 5 and that bombastic Game 4, which, thanks to one of those lovely improbabilities that makes baseball so wonderful, will nevertheless be known as The Andrew Heaney Game. Jordan Montgomery and Mitch Garver are about to get paid. Evan Carter, who now has almost as many career postseason plate appearances as regular-season ones in his two-month-long career, will soon enjoy one of the most anticipated rookie years in decades around here. Nathan Eovaldi, signed to be Jacob deGroms understudy in the rotation, is now deGroms benchmark for how spectacular a thirtysomething coming off a second Tommy John surgery can be.

A week ago, I wrote that the key to understanding this group and its many, many twists and turns was to examine them less through trends than possibilities. Why not the Rangers, I wondered, before winding down with the following:

Why not the Rangers, who have spent seven months defying, disproving, and disabusing every notion that an obviously flawed team cannot also be a great one, a special one, perhaps even a transcendent one?

Why not the Rangers?

Why not now?

The answer, we know now, is that there was no answerno stopping this team that, for so many reasons and on so many occasions, seemed destined to become like the other 51 Texas Rangers teams who never knew November baseball. This was not the most talented Texas Rangers team of all time, and it damn sure wasnt the healthiest or the least calamitous.

But it was the most determined, the most resilient, the absolute toughest to kill.

The hottest team in baseball through the All-Star break couldnt solve the 2023 Texas Rangers.

A 100-win team couldnt scratch them.

Their archnemesis couldnt outlast them.

An even more improbable World Series foil couldnt shock them.

If all of that doesnt make this the best Rangers team of all time, it undoubtedly makes it the greatestalthough, it should be noted, the competition for that first title didnt employ a hitter as good as Seager or a manager on par with Bochy, either. And they are certainly the benchmark for all the Texas Rangers squads to come, ones that could soon be even more talented once uber prospect Wyatt Langford bursts onto the scene and if deGrom returns to full form.

Come next spring, baseball will regard the Rangers as predators, not prey. This is the gravitas, the respect, theyve earned by outlasting 29 other teams. They will never again be grouped with clubs like Seattle, Colorado, Tampa Bay, Milwaukee, and San Diego in the cloister of franchises yet to taste World Series glory. They will never again be seen as less than.

Someday, perhaps someday soon, a different Rangers group will surpass this one. A bigger, badder bunch, with no fewer than two relief pitchers who dont make everyone queasy. But that team wont be the first team, the catalyst. Only one group of players could carry the idea of Texas Rangers, Championship Ball Club, into reality. You just finished watching them withstand an ocean of Arizona Diamondbacks baserunners before drowning themselves in confetti and cheap champagne.

One team had to go first. And at long last, one team has.

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Mike Piellucci is D Magazine's sports editor. He is a former staffer at The Athletic and VICE, and his freelance

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The Texas Rangers Are World Series Champions - D Magazine

TWITCHING TONGUES Celebrates Halloween With MISFITS … – Metal Injection

Twitching Tongues is celebrating Halloween with a brand new Misfits covers EP, appropriately titled . The EP was engineered and mixed by Taylor Young at (sadly now doomed) The Original Pit Recording Studio, mastered by Brad Boatright at Audiosiege, and can be streamed in full below.

"Bittersweet because it's our last recording ever at the OG The Original Pit Recording Studio, where everything we've ever done has been made, but this was my first time 'singing' on a full record in 6 years and it was the most fun I've ever had playing music," said Twitching Tongues' Colin Young. "Records available for 138 hours. Happy Halloween"

Twitchfits Vol. 1 also has a limited vinyl run available here at Twitching Tongues' website. Interestingly, the vinyl run of Twitchfits Vol. 1 isn't limited to a number of pressings, but instead only available for pre-order for the next 138 hours obviously a reference to Misfits' "We Are 138". So get one quick!

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TWITCHING TONGUES Celebrates Halloween With MISFITS ... - Metal Injection

More Vulnerable Than He Has Ever Been: Chucky Season 3 Part 2 … – Screen Rant

The article contains major spoilers for Chucky season 3, episode 4, "Dressed to Kill."

Chucky creator Don Mancini teases the titular characters mindset in the forthcoming season 3 part 2. Based on the Child's Play movie franchise, Chucky follows Jake Wheeler, a teenager who finds a Good Guy doll he intends to use for his school art project for Halloween. Unfortunately for Wheeler, the doll is inhabited by the murderous spirit of Charles Lee Ray, a.k.a Chucky, who relentlessly torments him. With season 3 wrapping the first batch of episodes, the biggest twist was that the once-immortal killer doll is aging and dying, making attempts to stop the process without much success.

In a recent interview with Variety, Mancini explains that the stakes are higher for the titular doll following the recent conclusion of Chucky season 3, part 1. The creator explains that for the first time, Chucky is pretty vulnerable as he battles legitimate contenders who threaten his place in the pop culture world. Read his full comments below:

There are four episodes to go. Yes, Chucky has the upper hand now, but as you see from the very last scene and last shot of Episode 4, he is more vulnerable than he has ever been. Chucky is aging and dying. The stakes are completely different now.

He really has to contend with legitimate new contenders to the throne like M3GAN and Annabelle. He has to deal with that place for himself in the pop culture world and thats how we really touch the ground with Chucky. We give this off-the-wall character a crisis that has the sting of real pain and real life. But it just makes him angrier and you know what happens when Chucky gets angry.

In season 3, episode 3, "Jennifer's Body," Chucky visited a voodoo specialist, revealing the cause of the killer doll's unexpected aging. As a result of the exorcism at the School, the spirit Damballa, who animated Chucky, is no longer attached to him. As a result, Chucky must sacrifice six people in evil locations to regain the spirit's conviction and restore his immortality. Despite two ritual attempts at a house in Amityville and the White House, his attempts failed, and the final moments of episode 4, "Dressed to Kill," showed a heavily aged Chucky getting closer to death.

As a result of the events at the White House, the second half of season 3 will likely explore more of Chucky's aging and his attempts to accept his possible fate as indicated by the creator. As a result, the big questions for the remaining episodes will likely focus on Chucky's next moves and whether he has any chance of overcoming such obstacles. The outcome could be crucial to the slasher show's future, especially if USA Network and Syfy plan to continue the series. If season 4 is in the cards, this may improve Chucky's chances of survival by the end of season 3.

As of writing, there is no official confirmation of a season 4 renewal. If Chucky gets renewed for season 4, it most likely wont arrive until 2025 at the earliest. Regarding the cast members who could feature, its difficult to predict that until after season 3's conclusion, as multiple characters may die before the finale. However, Chuckys main cast will likely include Brad Dourif, Zackary Arthur, Bjrgvin Arnarson, Alyvia Alyn Lind, Teo Briones, and Devon Sawa. For now, Chucky must handle the situation regarding his aging, which seems to be taking a huge toll on him.

Source: Variety

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More Vulnerable Than He Has Ever Been: Chucky Season 3 Part 2 ... - Screen Rant

Henry Cavills Highlander Reboot is Everything that I cant do in the … – FandomWire

Chad Stahelski, known for his creative direction and stunt work in Keanu Reeves John Wick franchise, is helming the much-awaited Highlander reboot with Man of Steel star Henry Cavill in the lead. The director signed to spearhead the project in 2016, while the Superman actor joined the team in 2021.

Based on the 1986 fantasy action film, Highlander will explore the hidden world of immortals from centuries ago. It was directed by Russell Mulcahy with Christopher Lambert as the mystical Russell Nash.

RELATED: Director Hints 4 Other Stars Other Than Jackie Chan We Could See In John Wick 5 Opposite Keanu Reeves

In an interview with Screen Rant, former stuntman-turned-director Chad Stahelski revealed his passion for the upcoming reboot of Highlander and the reason behind his desire to explore more of its mythology. He stated:

If youre a fan at all, you know about the TV shows and the mythology there, the things that worked in the feature aspect of the franchise, what didnt. I would like to think that it has I guess, I hope Im bringing to it the realization of the potential that we all see in that franchise. Now, we probably dont love all the other ancillary stuff thats come out of it, but we love the potential of it.

Stahelski felt there could be more to the franchise because of the vastness of its potential. He wants to touch on some aspects that could be relatable to people:

For whatever reason, 20 years later, I want more Highlander. I think that franchise with the mythology of people going through the centuries, and the burden of immortality as much as the wish fulfillment of immortality, you know, how you relate to people you love and dont love, both mortal and immortal, and what you can do with that is some of the most romantic, interesting, existential stuff Ive ever seen.

He also noted how the franchise would be an experimenting ground as well as a new avenue to channel his other artistic vision because it is far from what he worked on in the famed John Wick series. Stahelski further added:

I think its a playground for everything that I love about the John Wick series and everything that I cant do in the John Wick series because Im dealing with mortals, so it gives me another realm to play in. So, I just look at it as a natural evolution of world building and potential behind that is more than any other property that Im attached to.

The director hopes to devote more time to the upcoming project and assures fans that he will use all of his talents to bring this long-overdue reboot of Highlander to life.

RELATED: Chad Stahelskis Ridiculous John Wick Plot Proves Keanu Reeves Anti-Hero Deserves His Own Place in Looney Tunes

The Highlander reboot will be the most significant work of Chad Stahelski after Keanu Reeves John Wick films. Receiving a production budget of over $100 million, fans could expect this is going to be one epic tale of adventure.

Speaking with Digital Spy, the Rainbow Six director shared his love for the original film and how he wants to keep its vibe while bringing a fresh take on it. He confessed:

Were still in early development, and finding the right people to develop the script. I love the original. I know its dated in certain ways, but I love the vibe and the mythology. So, my take on it would be to somehow maintain the vibe and mythology and feeling of the first movie.

He further vowed to make a faithful remake that would capture the fascinating world of the immortals:

Not go off the rails with too much plot, and really develop the world of the immortals. I dont care what the mortals are doing. I want to be invested in the immortal world and hold true to the original as much as I can.

Highlander is one of the most loved franchises in the world, with five Highlander films already made, two TV series, one animated series, ten original novels, and nineteen comic book issues to date.

RELATED: Chad Stahelski Claims Keanu Reeves Falling Down 200 Stairs in John Wick 4 Was Peak Comedy Due To An Incredibly Clever Plot Device

Thanks for your feedback!

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Henry Cavills Highlander Reboot is Everything that I cant do in the ... - FandomWire

Scientists discovered a way to potentially slow or even halt the … – UNILAD

Throw away the anti-ageing serums and stop worrying about your wrinkles because scientists might have found a way to stop the ageing process!

Okay, maybe don't throw away the serums just yet - they're expensive, and the science does have some way to go.

Researchers have made progress, though, as they've uncovered elements in our DNA which have the ability to destabilise genetic codes and cause ageing.

By conducting research on worms, scientists have also found a potential way to control these elements.

The discoveries came from researchers Dr dm Sturm and Dr Tibor Vellai, from Etvs Lornd University in Budapest, Hungary.

The team looked at parts of our DNA known as transposable elements (TEs), also known as 'jumping genes', which can move around in our genetic code.

When TEs move too much, the researchers found they can destabilize the genetic code and disrupt cell function, which in turn leads to ageing.

However, there are some cells which do not age, including cancer stem cells, and scientists have identified a certain process at work in these particular cells, known as the Piwi-piRNA pathway.

In their previous articles, titled 'The mechanism of aging: primary role of transposable elements in genome disintegration' and 'The Piwi-piRNA pathway: road to immortality', Dr Sturm and Dr Vellai theorised about the relationship between the Piwi-piRNA system and the concept of 'immortality'.

Taking their theories to the next level, the scientists sought to strengthen the Piwi-piRNA pathway in a worm called Caenorhabditis elegans, by using techniques to 'downregulate' the activity of the TEs.

When carried out on specific TEs in worms, the creatures showed signs of ageing more slowly.

And when multiple TEs were controlled simultaneously, the effects multiplied to increase the worms lifespan by up to 30 percent.

Controlling TEs also resulted in changes in the way genes worked in the DNA of the worms as they aged.

Commenting on the findings, which have been published in Nature Communications, Dr. Sturm said: "In our lifespan [experiments], by merely downregulating TEs or somatically overexpressing the Piwi-piRNA pathway elements, we observed a statistically significant lifespan advantage.

"This opens the door to a myriad of potential applications in the world of medicine and biology."

The researchers added that the study could inform ways to extend life and improve health for humans in later years, with Dr Vellai adding: "This epigenetic modification may pave the way for a method to determine age from DNA, providing an accurate biological clock."

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Scientists discovered a way to potentially slow or even halt the ... - UNILAD

MERCYFUL FATE Streams 2005 Remaster Of Melissa For The First … – Metal Injection

Mercyful Fate is celebrating 40 years of Melissa with the first-ever stream of the album's 2005 remaster by Ted Jensen of Sterling Sound. The 2005 remaster has previously only available physically, and can now be found across all digital platforms.

To further celebrate the 40th anniversary of Melissa, Mercyful Fate also worked with their merch company Bravado to create a new line of Melissa themed items that are now available to fans worldwide. Get the merch line here and get the digital version here. This is all in addition to a slew of recent vinyl represses, all of which you can check out here.

As for new Mercyful Fate, vocalist King Diamond said in an interview with The Electric Theater With Clown this past July that it's still in the works.

"There's a lot in the works right now," said Diamond. "I'm writing with Hank [Shermann, guitar] for Mercyful Fate and writing with Andy [La Rocque, guitar] for King Diamond and writing on my own for King Diamond. For King Diamond, it's an album that's gonna be called The Institute, which is part one of two; there'll be two full albums that will be completing that full story. As the title says, it's gonna be some creepy, weird stuff. And for Mercy, I also have the title, but I'm not giving it out to anybody at the moment. We have the front cover for the new Mercy too. It's very correct, very right for Mercyful Fate. It's very back to basics.

"For my part with both Mercy and King Diamond even more King Diamond, I would say all vocals are gonna be lead vocals again, like they were in the old days for me. It didn't matter if it was a choir singing on the right or the left side or whatever; they would still go in and pick up parts of the lyrics to progress the story and so on. So it's gonna be anything goes with the vocals, for sure back to the old style. And for Mercy too; it's gonna be very old-fashioned. Hank is writing very much like the old days. And it's nice to feel that we can capture that again.

"So that's the two albums that are being worked on, that will be done by the time we go out on tour again, I'm sure."

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MERCYFUL FATE Streams 2005 Remaster Of Melissa For The First ... - Metal Injection

These Statues From Amazon Immortalize Ad-Biz Heroics – Muse by Clio

What will last of all our toils?

The things distant historians will "remember" about us are likely to be pretty random. So much of what we know of the pastor think we know, anywayis based on stuff that happened to survive, despite time's attempts to shave it away.

Your blog or well-curated social media? Unlikely to make the cut. Think more along the lines of Ikea dishes, car parts, lawn gnomes, Legos, Barbies ... probably every piece of plastic you've ever touched that hasn't been slowly broken down into plankton food.

Then there's the statues: of General Custer, George Washington, that horrible gynecology man, various iterations of Medusa and Perseus, the Stock Market Bull, Fearless Girl. We take this habittrying to chisel some aspect of ourselves, symbolically or otherwise, into stone, praying immortality meets us halfwayfrom the many civilizations that came before us. We don't always know why they immortalized the people, stories or entities they did, but we know whywedo it.

You know what posterity could use? Statues of ad people. Ad people doing ad things: Staring at computers, eating pizza, "brainstorming." For its new global brand platform, "Ads That Work as Hard as You Do," Amazon Ads and Anomaly have created the Museum of Modern Advertisers, a neoclassical attempt to immortalize "the hardworking heroes of marketing and the seemingly ordinary moments that lead to extraordinary work."

See the gallery below:

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These Statues From Amazon Immortalize Ad-Biz Heroics - Muse by Clio

Posthumanisms Revolt Against Responsibility – Commonweal

This view that humanity is essentially a destroyer leads from Anthropocene antihumanism to Kirschs other main topic: transhumanism. The corruption of our species that makes our destruction as a result of climate change inevitable goes hand in hand with the transhumanist view that the human species must be replaced.

In his analysis of transhumanism, Kirschs presentation goes even further to make its adherents seem more convincing than they actually are. Some readers may be attracted to the antihumanist idea that our inherent corruption has led us to the brink of disaster but repelled by their embrace of extinction. Transhumanism seems to offer a more hopeful option. Instead of simply letting humanity go, transhumanists propose to replace us with something better. Their embrace of technology that can create a new, posthuman species makes them look like saviors compared to the Anthropocene antihumanists. As Kirsch writes, according to transhumanists, Its true that humanity has reached a point where our technological power threatens to destroy us. But if that power continues to grow at the same pace it has over the past two hundred years, it will become the means of our salvation.

There are two big assumptions involved here that Kirsch helpfullyfor transhumanismfails to unpack. The first is that technological progress from the past to the present can be projected into the future. This makes predictions of the posthuman seem logical rather than ideological. The second is that replacement is our salvation. Transhumanists assume that technological progress will culminate in a new step in human evolution where the posthuman wont really replace us but will instead improve usextend our existence in a new and better form. In other words, transhumanism requires that we can remove our identities, conceived basically as software, from our bodies and simply move them onto new hardware.

Kirsch does point out that transhumanism has an innate tendency to overpromise and that the big breakthroughs always seem to lie just over the horizon. But he then immediately defends the prognostications of transhumanists by claiming that they are extrapolating from developments that are undeniably real.

Many of these developments, however, are both deniable and not real. For example, without citing evidence, Kirsch echoes transhumanist claims that we know that the human mind has a completely material basis and that the brain itself is a computer. This means that we can have an uploaded mind in the virtual reality of the metaverse where we will need our physical bodies as only a substrate for our virtual ones. Alternatively, through laser porting, we can free our consciousness to explore the galaxy or even the universe at the speed of light. Kirsch doesnt treat these claims with enough skepticism.

Philosophers have long aimed to overcome this kind of simplistic Cartesian mind-body dualism. Even Descartes did not think the mind could actually be separated from the body. He denied that the relationship between mind and body is comparable to that between a sailor and a ship. Our minds cannot be reduced to our brains, and our brains cannot be reduced to computers. What has come to be known as the hard problem of consciousness (explaining how something entirely physical can possibly be conscious) remains unsolved. And it may remain so, despite the confidence of some scientists and philosophers. Similarly, the hard problems of the metaversethat no one has legs, for example, or that no one seems to want to use itmay remain unsolved as well. Mark Zuckerberg, it seems, has already gotten bored and pivoted to something else.

Yet it must be recognized that whether or not these developments are currently real, or even possible, is less important than whether they sound plausible to investors. Even more tempting and persistent than mind-body dualism is the idea of immortality. And there is perhaps no one for whom it is more tempting than the aging billionaires nowhere near done spending their money and enjoying their lifestyles. Transhumanist tech companies promising digital immortality are, therefore, attractive investments. Of course, were such mind uploading to become possible, only the wealthiest would be able to afford it. Still, investment in digital immortality might eventually begin to sound reasonable, especially if Anthropocene antihumanism has made it seem futile to use that money to combat climate change instead.

Anthropocene antihumanism and transhumanism do not just involve a revolt against humanity, but a revolt against responsibility. Combined, they make the CEOs of tech companies look like our saviors rather than our destroyers. Those who have become wealthy by destroying the planet in the name of technological progress can use that destruction to justify their pursuit of further technological progress, which now appears as the only solution to the crisis they helped to cause. Kirsch suggests that ultimately, transhumanists and antihumanists could converge on an ideal of extinction, with rapacious humanity making way for wiser virtual beings who tread more lightly on the planet, but this vision reinforces the fantasy that tech companies are a solution to climate change rather than among the drivers of it. The creation of virtual beings requires massive data centers and massive amounts of electricity, and so the pursuit of transhumanism reinforces Anthropocene antihumanism, much like Anthropocene antihumanism reinforces transhumanism.

Fittingly, given the nihilism behind both Anthropocene antihumanism and transhumanism, Kirsch concludes by discussing Nietzsche. Nietzsche railed against the ascetic priests he thought offered nothing but cures to the diseases they were spreading. In the same way, he would have rejected both Anthropocene antihumanism and transhumanism for not only seeing humanity as fundamentally sick, but for offering solutions that can only serve to make humanity sicker. Kirsch worries that these views are convincing enough to have an impact on society whether or not they are correct, but too often he is unwilling to point out basic flaws in these views or the interests they serve. Anthropocene antihumanism and transhumanism are dangerous not only because they might stop people from caring about the destruction of the planet, but because they embolden the people actually destroying it.

This piece was published as part of a symposium aboutThe Revolt Against Humanity. For more of the symposium, read:

To see the full collection, click here. To listen to an interview with Adam Kirsch on theCommonweal Podcast, clickhere.

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Posthumanisms Revolt Against Responsibility - Commonweal

Why Do These 6 Animals Represent Death in Cultures Around the … – DISCOVER Magazine

In folklore, animals are depicted as messengers, symbols, or omens. Many of these stories are similar in cultures throughout millennia and featurefolk beliefs brought on by fear of death, illness, and the unexplained. The animals mostly related to symbols or omens of death are scavengers, nocturnal, or associated with negative events.

"So generally, in folklore, animals that are associated with death are the ones that are omens of death," says Sabina Magliocco, a folklorist and professor of anthropology at the University of British Colombia Vancouver.

Animals are associated with symbolism because they are part of the natural world. When we started looking at nature to learn about the environment, we began to look at the natural world for omens. "There's a tradition of people looking to nature and interpreting signs in nature as though [they] were speaking directly to them," says Magliocco.

Dogs, as symbols of death, go back thousands of years. One of the most known depictions isAnubis, the ancient Egyptian god of funerary practices, mummification, and protection of the dead.

(Credit: Shutterstock/Jirik V)

Also known as Inpu or Anpu, Anubis is depicted with the head of ajackal and the body of a male human. According to theRosicrucian Egyptian Museum, Egyptians imagined Anubis this way because jackals often roamed cemeteries feasting on the flesh of the deceased. In this ancient civilization folklore, they thought the depiction would protect the bodies against the wild jackals.

In Egyptian mythology though, Anubis, the Egyptian god of death, would guide souls and dead Pharaohs into the afterlife. Anubis was also known as the guardian of the dead, so mummies wereburied with amuletsadorned with a jackal.

Aside from protecting the dead, Anubis wouldweigh the hearts of the deceasedagainst a feather and ensure a fair judgment, according to the folklore. Anubis was one of the earliest funerary gods in ancient Egypt and was aprominent figure for more than 3,000 years.There were alsoseveral other jackal-like godsin ancient Egypt.

(Credit: Shutterstock/Creative_Bird)

Another ancient depiction of a dog assisting the dead is Mexico's Xoloitzcuintli, or "Xolo" for short, also known as the Mexican hairless dog. This psychopomp, or a spiritual guide, is associated with the Day of the Dead.

(Credit: Shutterstock/Photo Spirit)

According to Mexica or Aztec mythology, the canine assists the dead in reaching their final resting place and helps them cross an uncrossable river. Cynthia L. Vidaurri forAmerican Indian Magazinewrites that humans go through several levels of Mictln to reach the last resting place and endure various challenges.

Vidaurri also writes that in these creation stories, humans and Xoloitzcuintli were created from the same Bone of Life. The dogs were created to guard humans in life and guide humans once life ended.

(Credit: Shutterstock/Agami Photo Agency)

Bats are associated with darkness, obscurity, and creatures of the night. Their connections with symbols of death began with their links to blood-sucking vampires in Western literature. In Christianity, they are known as "the bird of the devil," or the embodiment of the devil, according to theUniversity of Michigan's dictionary of symbols.

Like black cats, bats are connected to black magic and witchcraft because they appear at dusk. In Dante Alighieri'sInferno, Satan is described with bat wings that freeze hell over with a simple flap of the wings.

Read More: Bat Faces Are Vast and Varied

(Credit: Shutterstock/Eric Isselee)

In Chinese culture, cicadas are associated with a range of meanings. Some intertwine the cicada as a symbol of rebirth and immortality. The insects are linked with symbols of resurrection because of their life cycle, according to theSmithsonian National Museum of Asian Art. Soon after hatching, cicadas will bury themselves into the ground and live on tree roots for 13 to 17 years before rising from the ground again.

(Credit: Yale University Art Gallery/ Hobart and Edward Small Moore Memorial Collection, Gift of Mrs. William H. Moore)

Chinese cultures see the insect's process of emerging from the ground as an analogy of the dead rising into eternity. According to the National Museum of Asian Art, during the Han dynasty, cicada-shaped hade amulets were placed on the tongues of corpses.

Read More: The Cicadas Are Coming

(Credit:Shutterstock/Tahmid Hasan Sobuj)

In ancient Greece, the word for butterfly isPsyche, whichmeans the soul of the dead. The mythology of Psyche, a mortal woman released from death by the god Zeus, who gave her immortality inspired the meaning. On Greek pottery and in mythology, Psyche has butterfly wings.

The butterfly is thought to represent freedom from death, where the soul can fly after it emerges from the constraining chrysalis, according to a paper published inArquivos de Neuro-Psiquiatria. A butterfly's transformation from a caterpillar into a winged insect can also symbolize the soul's exit from the body.

Symbols of a chrysalis have been found on ancient sarcophagi in Patras, Greece, and in Greek, chrysalis ornekydallonmeans "the shell of the dead."

Read More: How the Smallest Butterfly in North America Travels Using Gusts of Wind

(Credit: Shutterstock/Trevor Partridge)

Owls make various appearances in the stories from North American tribes. Depending on which tribe, Owls can be a good or bad omen. For example, Apache tribes fear great horned owls and consider them a bad omen. Whereas other tribes believe owls are messengers and are a guardian spirit, perThe Pueblo Chieftain.

"The owl is generally not a good sign, it is associated with death," says Magliocco. "If you've ever heard a screech owl cry out in the night, it's a very eerie sound. So, you can see how you can see how people develop this belief."

Some Mediterranean folklore also has stories about women who could turn themselves into screech owls and, at night, suck out the breath of babies.

Read More: An Extinct Owl Once Hunted by Day

(Credit:Shutterstock/Rudmer Zwerver)

Crows often get associated with death. As scavengers, they were found in battlefields, cemeteries, and around dead bodies. In literature, circling crows above sites where humans or animals are expected to die soon represent omens of death or foreboding.

Swedish folklore sees the birdsas ghosts of those murdered without a Christian burial. At one point, humans blamed the birds forspreading the Bubonic plague.

Calling a group of crows a "murder" stems from a folk tale that said crows would come together,hold a court, and decide the fate of another crowthat committed offenses against the flock. The fate could end in a 'murder' of the accused.

While most of the symbolism explained in these fauna is dark, many also have positive connotations of hope, renewal, intelligence, and destiny.

Read More: The Term 'Spirit Animal' Means More Than Your Favorite Animal

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Why Do These 6 Animals Represent Death in Cultures Around the ... - DISCOVER Magazine