Hypothyroidism Symptoms – Endocrine Diseases: thyroid …

The most common thyroid disorder is hypothyroidism. Hypo- means deficient or under(active), so hypothyroidism is an underactive thyroid gland. Recognizing the symptoms of hypothyroidism is extremely important. The sooner you detect the symptoms, the sooner you can receive proper treatment to manage the disorder.

Common Symptoms of Hypothyroidism Below are major symptoms associated with hypothyroidism.

You don't have to encounter every one of these symptoms to be diagnosed with hypothyroidism. Every patient's experience with the disorder is different. While you may notice that your skin and hair have become dry and rough, another patient may be plagued more by fatigue and depression.

The thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) level reflects the severity of the hypothyroidism. For example, if you have a mild form of hypothyroidism and a relatively lower TSH level, you may not noticeor even havesymptoms. That's because your hormone levels haven't decreased to the point where they have a major impact on your metabolism. The more hypothyroid you become, the more symptomatic you'll be.

The symptoms of hypothyroidism aren't always noticeable, but it's important that you understand what to look out for. Recognizing hypothyroidism early on will allow you to manage the disorder and prevent it from interfering with your life.

Updated on: 06/02/14

Causes of Hypothyroidism

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Hypothyroidism Symptoms - Endocrine Diseases: thyroid ...

Hypothyroidism-Symptoms – WebMD

Symptoms of hypothyroidism usually appear slowly over months or years. Symptoms and signs may include:

Some less common symptoms may include:

In general, how bad your symptoms are depends on your age, how long you have had hypothyroidism, and the seriousness of the condition. The symptoms may be so mild and happen so slowly that they go unnoticed for years.

Mild (subclinical) hypothyroidism often causes no symptoms or vague symptoms that may be attributed to aging, such as memory problems, dry skin, and fatigue.

Symptoms of hypothyroidism during and after pregnancy include fatigue, weight loss, dizziness, depression, and memory and concentration problems.

Because of the range of symptoms, hypothyroidism can be mistaken for depression, especially during and after pregnancy. In older people, it may be confused with Alzheimer's disease, dementia, and other conditions that cause memory problems.

Although rare, hypothyroidism can occur in infants, children, and teens. In infants, symptoms of a goiter include a poor appetite and choking on food. Symptoms of hypothyroidism may include dry, scaly skin. In children and teens, symptoms include behavior problems and changes in school performance. Children and teens may gain weight and yet have a slowed growth rate. Teens may have delayed puberty and look much younger than their age.

WebMD Medical Reference from Healthwise

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Hypothyroidism-Symptoms - WebMD

Hypothyroidism | American Thyroid Association

There can be many reasons why the cells in the thyroid gland cant make enough thyroid hormone. Here are the major causes, from the most to the least common:

Autoimmune disease. In some peoples bodies, the immune system that protects the body from invading infections can mistake thyroid gland cells and their enzymes for invaders and can attack them. Then there arent enough thyroid cells and enzymes left to make enough thyroid hormone. This is more common in women than men. Autoimmune thyroiditis can begin suddenly or it can develop slowly over years. The most common forms are Hashimotos thyroiditis and atrophic thyroiditis.

Surgical removal of part or all of the thyroid gland. Some people with thyroid nodules, thyroid cancer, or Graves disease need to have part or all of their thyroid removed. If the whole thyroid is removed, people will definitely become hypothyroid. If part of the gland is left, it may be able to make enough thyroid hormone to keep blood levels normal.

Radiation treatment. Some people with Graves disease, nodular goiter, or thyroid cancer are treated with radioactive iodine (I-131) for the purpose of destroying their thyroid gland. Patients with Hodgkins disease, lymphoma, or cancers of the head or neck are treated with radiation. All these patients can lose part or all of their thyroid function.

Congenital hypothyroidism (hypothyroidism that a baby is born with). A few babies are born without a thyroid or with only a partly formed one. A few have part or all of their thyroid in the wrong place (ectopic thyroid). In some babies, the thyroid cells or their enzymes dont work right.

Thyroiditis. Thyroiditis is an inflammation of the thyroid gland, usually caused by an autoimmune attack or by a viral infection. Thyroiditis can make the thyroid dump its whole supply of stored thyroid hormone into the blood at once, causing brief hyperthyroidism (too much thyroid activity); then the thyroid becomes underactive.

Medicines. Medicines such as amiodarone, lithium, interferon alpha, and interleukin-2 can prevent the thyroid gland from being able to make hormone normally. These drugs are most likely to trigger hypothyroidism in patients who have a genetic tendency to autoimmune thyroid disease.

Too much or too little iodine. The thyroid gland must have iodine to make thyroid hormone. Iodine comes into the body in food and travels through the blood to the thyroid. Keeping thyroid hormone production in balance requires the right amount of iodine. Taking in too much iodine can cause or worsen hypothyroidism.

Damage to the pituitary gland. The pituitary, the master gland, tells the thyroid how much hormone to make. When the pituitary is damaged by a tumor, radiation, or surgery, it may no longer be able to give the thyroid instructions and the thyroid may stop making enough hormone.

Rare disorders that infiltrate the thyroid. In a few people, diseases deposit abnormal substances in the thyroid and impair its ability to function. For example, amyloidosis can deposit amyloid protein, sarcoidosis can deposit granulomas, and hemochromatosis can deposit iron.

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Hypothyroidism | American Thyroid Association

Hypothyroidism Symptoms – Mayo Clinic

The signs and symptoms of hypothyroidism vary, depending on the severity of the hormone deficiency. But in general, any problems you have tend to develop slowly, often over a number of years.

At first, you may barely notice the symptoms of hypothyroidism, such as fatigue and weight gain, or you may simply attribute them to getting older. But as your metabolism continues to slow, you may develop more obvious signs and symptoms. Hypothyroidism signs and symptom may include:

When hypothyroidism isn't treated, signs and symptoms can gradually become more severe. Constant stimulation of your thyroid gland to release more hormones may lead to an enlarged thyroid (goiter). In addition, you may become more forgetful, your thought processes may slow, or you may feel depressed.

Advanced hypothyroidism, known as myxedema, is rare, but when it occurs it can be life-threatening. Signs and symptoms include low blood pressure, decreased breathing, decreased body temperature, unresponsiveness and even coma. In extreme cases, myxedema can be fatal.

Although hypothyroidism most often affects middle-aged and older women, anyone can develop the condition, including infants. Initially, babies born without a thyroid gland or with a gland that doesn't work properly may have few signs and symptoms. When newborns do have problems with hypothyroidism, they may include:

As the disease progresses, infants are likely to have trouble feeding and may fail to grow and develop normally. They may also have:

When hypothyroidism in infants isn't treated, even mild cases can lead to severe physical and mental retardation.

In general, children and teens who develop hypothyroidism have the same signs and symptoms as adults do, but they may also experience:

See your doctor if you're feeling tired for no reason or have any of the other signs or symptoms of hypothyroidism, such as dry skin, a pale, puffy face, constipation or a hoarse voice.

You'll also need to see your doctor for periodic testing of your thyroid function if you've had previous thyroid surgery; treatment with radioactive iodine or anti-thyroid medications; or radiation therapy to your head, neck or upper chest. However, it may take years or even decades before any of these therapies or procedures result in hypothyroidism.

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Hypothyroidism Symptoms - Mayo Clinic

Hypothyroidism: Causes, Symptoms, & Treatment

What is Hypothyroidism?

The thyroid gland is an important endocrine gland that controls the bodys metabolism. It is a small butterfly-shaped gland located in the front of the neck just below the Adams apple. The thyroid gland produces the hormones tetraiodothyronine (T4) and triiodothyronine (T3).

Together these hormones regulate how your cells use energy. The pathways by which cells use energy is called metabolism. Your bodys general metabolism determines blood pressure, heart rate, and weight.

Hypothyroidism is a condition where your thyroid gland does not make enough thyroid hormone. Low levels of thyroid hormone interfere with the bodys ability to perform normal metabolic functions such as efficient use of energy from food products, regulation of many chemical reactions in the body, and maintenance of healthy cells, bones and muscles, to name a few.

There is no known prevention for hypothyroidism, nor is there a cure. Once you have it, you have it for life.

The most common causes are surgical removal of your thyroid, autoimmune diseases, and radiation treatment.

This may be necessary to treat hyperthyroidism, or tumors of the thyroid gland. Hypothyroidism will occur when the entire gland is removed.

These diseases cause the production of antibodies that attack your thyroid gland. Autoimmune thyroiditis, which can appear suddenly or develop over several years, is more common in women. Hashimotos thyroiditis and atrophic thyroiditis are the most common types.

Radiation treatment for Hodgkin lymphoma and cancers of the head and neck can injure the thyroid gland. If this occurs, the gland cannot produce enough thyroid hormone to keep your metabolism running smoothly. Radioactive iodine (I-131) destroys the thyroid gland and can be used to treat people with Graves disease and thyroid cancer. Graves disease is an autoimmune disease that causes hyperthyroidism.

Some children are born without a thyroid gland or they may have one that doesnt function properly.

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Hypothyroidism: Causes, Symptoms, & Treatment

Hypothyroidism Type 2: The Epidemic: 9780975262405 …


Dr. Starr has written clear and understandable explanation of why so many people today are suffering from hypothyroidism, despite normal blood test that throw their doctors off the track. Having successfully treated several thousand type 2 hypothyroid patients myself over 23 years practice and watching them return to normal health, I applaud Dr. Starr s work which will hopefully reach many of those who are suffering so they can get help. His in-depth research and discussion of how environmental toxins can interfere with thyroid hormones is groundbreaking and enlightening for us all. Bravo Mark! --Robban Sica, M.D.

I believe everyone needs to review Mark Starr s book. He has a vital message to share about the many people who do not realize they have low thyroid, because standard thyroid tests do not show it. Mark Starr s dedication to research, and his devoted study with the old masters, have made him an international expert on thyroid and iodine. ---- Garry Gordon, M.D., D.O., M.D.(H)

I believe everyone needs to review Mark Starr s book. He has a vital message to share about the many people who do not realize they have low thyroid, because standard thyroid tests do not show it. Mark Starr s dedication to research, and his devoted study with the old masters, have made him an international expert on thyroid and iodine. --Garry Gordon, M.D., D.O., M.D.(H)

I believe everyone needs to review Mark Starr s book. He has a vital message to share about the many people who do not realize they have low thyroid, because standard thyroid tests do not show it. Mark Starr s dedication to research, and his devoted study with the old masters, have made him an international expert on thyroid and iodine. --Garry Gordon, M.D., D.O., M.D.(H)

I believe everyone needs to review Mark Starr s book. He has a vital message to share about the many people who do not realize they have low thyroid, because standard thyroid tests do not show it. Mark Starr s dedication to research, and his devoted study with the old masters, have made him an international expert on thyroid and iodine. --Garry Gordon, M.D., D.O., M.D.(H)

As a Diplomat of the American Board of Pain Medicine and Fellow of the American Board of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Dr. Starr delivered lectures at International Courses on Musculoskeletal Pain and Fibromyalgia. The courses were held at Mt. Sinai Hospital and University of British Columbia, Vancouver, British Columbia. He is a life member of the national registry of Who's Who published in the 1999 edition. Dr. Mark Starr finished his residency in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation at the University of Missouri, Rusk Rehabilitation Center in 1994. The following two years, he studied in New York City with several of the world's premier pain specialists: Hans Kraus, MD, Norman Marcus, MD. Lawrence Sonkin, MD, PhD, and Andrew A Fischer, MD, PhD. Initially, Dr. Starr worked eighteen months at the Bronx Veteran's Hospital with Dr. Fischer, the renowned musculoskeletal pain specialist, author, lecturer, and former student of Hans Kraus. Following his work with Dr. Fischer, Dr. Starr studied at the New York Pain Treatment Program at Lenox Hill Hospital, with Drs. Kraus and Marcus. Dr. Starr was treated by and studied under Dr. Sonkin, the New York Cornell Endocrinologist, who worked closely with Dr. Kraus for thirty years. Dr. Kraus' books included Therapeutic Exercise, Backache, Stress, and Tension, The Sports Injury Handbook, and Diagnosis and Treatment of Muscle Pain. Dr. Starr has been in private practice since 1996. He has attended American Academy of Anti-aging Meetings & American Academy of Environmental Medicine meetings. Dr. Starr is involved in clinical studies on the relationship and treatment of hormone imbalances, heavy metal toxicity, Candidiasis, chemical sensitivities, chronic fatigue, and pain. He is adept at maximizing health through natural hormone therapies.

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Hypothyroidism-Topic Overview – WebMD

This topic provides information about hypothyroidism. Hypothyroidism means your thyroid is not making enough thyroid hormone. If you are looking for information about when the thyroid makes too much thyroid hormone, see the topic Hyperthyroidism.

Hypothyroidism means your thyroid is not making enough thyroid hormone. The thyroid is a butterfly-shaped gland in the front of your neck. It makes hormones that control the way your body uses energy.

Having a low level of thyroid hormone affects your whole body. It can make you feel tired and weak. If hypothyroidism is not treated, it can raise your cholesterol levels. During pregnancy, untreated hypothyroidism can harm your baby. But hypothyroidism can be treated with medicine that can help you feel like yourself again.

People of any age can get hypothyroidism, but older adults are more likely to get it. Women age 60 and older have the highest risk. You are more likely to get the disease if it runs in your family.

In the United States, the most common cause is Hashimoto's thyroiditis. It causes the body's immune system to attack thyroid tissue. As a result, the gland can't make enough thyroid hormone.

Other things that can lead to low levels of thyroid hormone include surgery to remove the thyroid gland and radiation therapy for cancer. Less common causes include viral infections and some drugs, such as amiodarone and lithium.

Hypothyroidism can cause many different symptoms, such as:

Symptoms occur slowly over time. At first you might not notice them, or you might mistake them for normal aging. See your doctor if you have symptoms like these that get worse or won't go away.

Your doctor will ask questions about your symptoms. You will also have a physical exam. If your doctor thinks you have hypothyroidism, a simple blood test can show if your thyroid hormone level is too low.

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Hypothyroidism-Topic Overview - WebMD

Hypothyroid Symptoms, Causes, and Treatments – WebMD

Hypothyroidism, also called underactive thyroid disease, is a common disorder. With hypothyroidism, your thyroid gland does not make enough thyroid hormone.

The thyroid gland is located in the front lower part of your neck. Hormones released by the gland travel through your bloodstream and affect nearly every part of your body, from your heart and brain, to your muscles and skin.

The thyroid controls how your body's cells use energy from food, a process called metabolism. Among other things, your metabolism affects your bodys temperature, your heartbeat, and how well you burn calories. If you don't have enough thyroid hormone, your body processes slow down. That means your body makes less energy, and your metabolism becomes sluggish.

The most common cause of hypothyroidism is Hashimoto's thyroiditis. "Thyroiditis" is an inflammation of the thyroid gland. Hashimoto's thyroiditis is an autoimmune disorder. With Hashimotos, your body produces antibodies that attack and destroy the thyroid gland. Thyroiditis may also be caused by a viral infection.

Other causes of hypothyroidism include:

Radiation therapy to the neck area. Treating certain cancers, such as lymphoma, requires radiation to the neck. Radiation damages the cells in the thyroid. This makes it more difficult for the gland to produce hormone.

Radioactive iodine treatment. This treatment is commonly prescribed to people who have an overactive thyroid gland, a condition known as hyperthyroidism. However, radiation destroys the cells in the thyroid gland. This usually leads to hypothyroidism.

Use of certain medications. Certain medicines to treat heart problems, psychiatric conditions, and cancer can sometimes affect the production of thyroid hormone. These include amiodarone (Cordarone), lithium, interferon alpha, and interleukin-2.

Thyroid surgery . Surgery to remove the thyroid will lead to hypothyroidism. If only part of the thyroid is removed, the remaining gland may still be able to produce enough hormone for the body's needs.

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Hypothyroid Symptoms, Causes, and Treatments - WebMD

Symptoms of Hypothyroidism and Hyperthyroidism

Fatigue, depression, anxiety, and changes in weight are just a few common thyroid symptoms. istockphoto.com

Updated February 02, 2015.

Written or reviewed by a board-certified physician. See About.com's Medical Review Board.

It sometimes seems that the symptoms of a thyroid problem -- whether underactive (hypothyroidism) or overactive (hyperthyroidism) -- can be as hard to pin down as the diagnosis itself. Open any medical reference or check out any web site, and you might see very different lists of the symptoms supposedly pointing to thyroid conditions.

In my case, after I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism, I started developing a variety of symptoms they didn't mention in the doctor's office.

The doctor initially described hypothyroidism as something can make you tired and gain weight. While problematic, these were understandable symptoms. Then my hair fell out. And my periods started coming more frequently, and more heavily. And my skin started flaking. The doctors and articles didn't mention many of these less common symptoms of hypothyroidism I started to experience. So I read more, and I surfed the web. And I talked to other thyroid patients. And I found out that things like hair falling out, and weird menstrual periods, trouble catching my breath, and feeling depressed were all common symptoms of hypothyroidism.

For me, despite the fact that these were caused by my thyroid, I felt that knowing was better than not knowing! I'd rather realize that my thyroid problem still needs some further treatment than worry in the middle of the night that something awful is happening to my body!

Among reputable medical sources, it seems that there is some medical agreement that the following are the basic symptoms of hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism.


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Symptoms of Hypothyroidism and Hyperthyroidism

The Thyroid Book | Hashimotos Hypothyroidism Fatigue

Check out my latest podcast interview about the connection between gluten and Hashimotos hypothyroidism on glutenfreeschool.com. I also touch on some new research were doing on foods that cross-react with thyroid tissue and are implicated in autoimmune thyroid conditions.

The brain is always a piece of the Hashimotos puzzle One thing I have learned from my readers is they are largely on their own. Rarely do conventional or alternative practitioners understand the depth of Hashimotos, a complex web that involves the neurological, hormone, and immune systems (we call it the neuroendocrine-immune axis). If you []

Also in this article: Hair loss in Hashimotos patients What you need to know Recent published study Hashimotos reduces brain function Top 10 reasons Hashimotos patients dont get better There is not one easy fix to successfully managing Hashimotos hypothyroidism, an autoimmune thyroid disease. As many people have learned the hard way, []

A new study shows Hashimotos patients with symptomless celiac disease (i.e., no digestive complaints) require 49 percent more T4 to achieve the same TSH levels as non-celiac Hashimotos patients. After the patients followed a gluten-free diet for 11 months their TSH levels came down with the same T4 requirement as the non-celiac Hashimotos patients. Gluten []

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The Thyroid Book | Hashimotos Hypothyroidism Fatigue

Hypothyroidism | University of Maryland Medical Center


An in-depth report on the causes, diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of hypothyroidism.

Autoimmune thyroiditis; Hashimoto's thyroiditis

What is Hypothyroidism?

Hypothyroidism, also called underactive thyroid, is a condition in which the thyroid gland does not produce enough hormones. Hypothyroidism can be caused by the autoimmune disorder Hashimotos thyroiditis, irradiation or surgical removal of the thyroid gland, and medications that reduce thyroid hormone levels. Anyone can develop hypothyroidism, but people who are most at risk include those who are over age 50 and female. However, only a small percentage of people have full-blown (overt) hypothyroidism. Many more have mildly underactive thyroid glands (subclinical hypothyroidism).


Symptoms of hypothyroidism include:

Diagnosis and Treatment

Hypothyroidism can cause serious complications if left untreated. Fortunately, it can be easily diagnosed with blood tests that measure levels of the thyroid hormone thyroxine (T4) and thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH). Your doctor may also want to test for antithyroid antibodies and check your cholesterol levels. Based on these test results, the doctor will decide whether to prescribe medication or simply have you get lab tests every 6 - 12 months.


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Hypothyroidism | University of Maryland Medical Center

Adult Hypothyroidism – Thyroid Disease Manager

The full-blown expression of hypothyroidism is known as myxedema. Adult myxedema escaped serious attention until Gull described it in 1874 1 . That it was a state resembling the familiar endemic cretinism, but coming on in adult life, was what chiefly impressed Gull. Ord 2 invented the term myxedema in 1873. The disorder arising from surgical removal of the thyroid gland (cachexia strumipriva) was described in 1882 by Reverdin 3 of Geneva and in 1883 by Kocher of Berne 4 . After Gulls description, myxedma aroused enormous interest, and in 1883 the Clinical Society of London appointed a committee to study the disease and report its findings 5 . The committees report, published in 1888, contains a significant portion of what is known today about the clinical and pathologic aspects of myxedema. It is referred to in the following discussion as the Report on Myxedema. The final conclusions of the 200-page volume are penetrating. They are as follows:

1. That myxedema is a well-defined disease.

2. That the disease affects women much more frequently than men, and that the subjects are for the most part of middle age.

3. That clinical and pathological observations, respectively, indicate in a decisive way that the one condition common to all cases is destructive change of the thyroid gland.

4. That the most common form of destructive change of the thyroid gland consists in the substitution of a delicate fibrous tissue for the proper glandular structure.

5. That the interstitial development of fibrous tissue is also observed very frequently in the skin, and, with much less frequency, in the viscera, the appearances presented by this tissue being suggestive of an irritative or inflammatory process.

6. That pathological observation, while showing cause for the changes in the skin observed during life, for the falling off the hair, and the loss of the teeth, for the increased bulk of body, as due to the excess of subcutaneous fat, affords no explanation of the affections of speech, movement, sensation, consciousness, and intellect, which form a large part of the symptoms of the disease.

7. That chemical examination of the comparatively few available cases fails to show the general existence of an excess of mucin in the tissues adequately corresponding to the amount recorded in the first observation, but that this discrepancy may be, in part, attributed to the fact that tumefaction of the integuments, although generally characteristic of myxedema, varies considerably throughout the course of the disease, and often disappears shortly before death.

8. That in experiments made upon animals, particularly on monkeys, symptoms resembling in a very close and remarkable way those of myxedema have followed complete removal of the thyroid gland, performed under antiseptic precautions, and with, as far as could be ascertained, no injury to the adjacent nerves or to the trachea.

9. That in such experimental cases a large excess of mucin has been found to be present in the skin, fibrous tissues, blood, and salivary glands; in particular the parotid gland, normally containing no mucin, has presented that substance in quantities corresponding to what would be ordinarily found in the submaxillary gland.

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Adult Hypothyroidism - Thyroid Disease Manager

Hypothyroidism – In-Depth Report – NY Times Health

In-Depth From A.D.A.M. Background

The thyroid is a small, butterfly-shaped gland located in the front of the neck that produces hormones, notably thyroxine (T4) and triiodothyronine (T3), which stimulate vital processes in every part of the body. These thyroid hormones have a major impact on the following functions:

These hormones can also alter the actions of other hormones and drugs.

The thyroid gland, a part of the endocrine (hormone) system, plays a major role in regulating the body's metabolism.

Regulating thyroid function is a complex and important process that involves several factors, including iodide and four thyroid hormones. Any abnormality in this intricate system of hormone synthesis and production can have far-reaching consequences on health.

Iodide. An understanding of the multi-step thyroid hormone process begins with iodide, a salt that is extracted from the blood and trapped by the thyroid gland. Iodide is converted to iodine in the thyroid gland. (Eighty percent of the body's iodine supply is stored here.) Iodine is the material used to make the hormone thyroxine (T4).

Thyroid Hormones. Four hormones are critical in the regulation of thyroid function:

Hypothyroidism occurs when thyroxine (T4) levels drop so low that body processes begin to slow down. Hypothyroidism was first diagnosed in the late nineteenth century when doctors observed that surgical removal of the thyroid resulted in the swelling of the hands, face, feet, and tissues around the eyes. They named this syndrome myxedema and correctly concluded that it was the outcome of the absence of substances, thyroid hormones, normally produced by the thyroid gland. Hypothyroidism is usually progressive and irreversible. Treatment, however, is nearly always completely successful and allows a patient to live a fully normal life.

Hypothyroidism is separated into either overt or subclinical disease. That diagnosis is determined on the basis of the TSH laboratory blood tests. The normal range of TSH concentration falls between 0.45 - 4.5 mU/L.

Subclinical, or mild, hypothyroidism (mildly underactive thyroid), also called early-stage hypothyroidism, is a condition in which thyrotropin (TSH) levels have started to increase in response to an early decline in T4 levels in the thyroid. However, blood tests for T4 are still normal. The patient may have mild symptoms (usually slight fatigue) or none at all. Mildly underactive thyroid is very common (affecting about 10 million Americans) and is a topic of considerable debate among professionals because it is not clear how to manage this condition.

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Hypothyroidism - In-Depth Report - NY Times Health

Hypothyroidism and Adrenal Fatigue – Sushma Hirani, MD …

Hypothyroidism and Adrenal Fatigue Have you heard of the endocrine system? It is an important system of eight organs in your body that produce a variety of hormones that influence every other organ. When the endocrine system under or over produce hormones, your natural body system becomes imbalanced, which can lead to multiple conditions that are annoying in their mildest form, and incapacitating when severe. Two important organs in the endocrine system are the adrenal gland and the thyroid gland. The thyroid gland releases hormones that control the body's metabolism, and it regulates heart rate, blood pressure, body temperature and growth. An underactive thyroid gland does not produce enough hormones, and the resulting condition is called hypothyroidism. More than 10 million Americans have been diagnosed with hypothyroidism, with another 13 million postulated to have undiagnosed thyroid problems. Symptoms of Hypothyroidism? Some common symptoms of hypothyroidism include cold hands and feet, fatigue, sluggish metabolism, weight gain, slow pulse, depression, dry skin, dry, brittle, and/or thinning hair, feeling groggy in the morning but more alert at night, constipation, slow speech, PMS and/or painful menstrual cramps, and puffiness in face or ankles. Hypothyroidism may have several causes which can be difficult to elucidate and usually require blood tests to sort out. Optimal treatment of hypothyroidism may often require an integrative approach combining nutrition, medication, and supplements. The Adrenal Gland The other major organ in the endocrine system, the adrenal gland, is sometimes known as the "fight or flight" organ. It controls the body's response to stress. When a threat is perceived, the adrenal gland releases cortisol (in response to adrenaline) in the bloodstream, instantly increasing our heart rate and blood pressure, slowing digestion and other secondary functions and sharpening our senses. Cortisol, the main stress hormone is wonderfully effective in the face of stress. However, so many of us lead chronically stressful lives that exceed the adrenal gland's ability to adjust appropriately to the demands, the adrenal glands can become fatigued and unable to carry out their normal function, and can result in a condition called adrenal fatigue. Some stressors that can lead to adrenal fatigue include depression, anxiety, sleep deprivation, anger and a diet high in sugar. One commonly overlooked cause is chronic infection: parasitic and bacterial infections (such as intestinal infections with Giardia or Helicobacter) or an infected tooth root are often prime culprits in adrenal fatigue. What is Adrenal Fatigue? Adrenal fatigue is difficult to diagnose: it has many broad symptoms and the onset is often slow and insidious. Some of the symptoms of adrenal fatigue include weight gain, low libido, lightheadedness when rising from a laying down position, brain fog, lack of energy in the afternoon, needing coffee to get the day started , a higher susceptibility to cold and flu illness are just a few of the vague complaints from patients who suffer from adrenal fatigue. None of these signs by itself can diagnose adrenal fatigue, but taken together, can form a picture of someone under stress. In addition to the symptoms listed above, adrenal fatigue can affect most organ systems in your body. The stomach and intestines may become less efficient in absorbing nutrients, as the imbalance exacerbates food sensitivities and irritable bowel syndrome, and liver function is reduced. Good nutrients, if not processed properly by the intestines and liver, become toxic, and toxic nutrients circulating in your body can also cause brain fog, skin rashes, and joint pain. What is also interesting is that the adrenal gland and the thyroid gland produce hormones that work together. Imbalanced adrenal function compounds hypothyroidism. Adrenal Support Formulas can help in this regard. Magnesium, Vitamin B, antioxidants and Omega-3 fish oils have been shown to be effective in treatment of adrenal fatigue, but what is most important
is that you work closely with your healthcare professional to identify and balance your hormone levels. Whether you choose conventional or holistic care, there is no way to safely "fix" your hormones without professional guidance, so speak with your doctor.

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Hypothyroidism and Adrenal Fatigue - Sushma Hirani, MD ...

Underactive thyroid (hypothyroidism) – NHS Choices

An underactive thyroid gland (hypothyroidism) is where your thyroid gland doesn't produce enough hormones.

Common signs of an underactive thyroid are tiredness, weight gain and feeling depressed.

An underactive thyroid can often be successfullytreated by taking daily hormone tablets to replace the hormonesyour thyroid isn't making.

There's no way of preventing an underactive thyroid. Most cases are caused either by the immune system attacking the thyroid gland and damaging it,orby damage to the thyroid that occurs during some treatments for an overactive thyroidorthyroid cancer.

Read more about the causesof an underactive thyroid.

Symptoms of an underactive thyroidare often similar to those of other conditions,and theyusually develop slowly, so you may not notice them for years.

You should see your GP and ask to be tested for an underactive thyroid if you havesymptoms including:

The only accurate way of finding out whether you have a thyroid problem is to haveathyroid function test, where a sample of blood is tested to measure yourhormone levels.

Readmore about testing for an underactive thyroid.

Both men and women can have an underactive thyroid, althoughit's more commonin women. In the UK, it affects 15 in every 1,000 women and1 in 1,000 men. Children can also develop an underactive thyroid.

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Underactive thyroid (hypothyroidism) - NHS Choices

Hypothyroidism: Symptoms and Treatments of Hypothyroid …

Hypothyroidism is a condition in which the body lacks sufficient thyroid hormone. Since the main purpose of thyroid hormone is to "run the body's metabolism," it is understandable that people with this condition will have symptoms associated with a slow metabolism. The estimates vary, but approximately 10 million Americans have this common medical condition. In fact, as many as 10% of women may have some degree of thyroid hormone deficiency. Hypothyroidism is more common than you would believe, and millions of people are currently hypothyroid and don't know it. For an overview of how thyroid hormone is produced and how its production is regulated, check out our thyroid hormone production page.

There are two fairly common causes of hypothyroidism. The first is a result of previous (or currently ongoing) inflammation of the thyroid gland, which leaves a large percentage of the cells of the thyroid damaged (or dead) and incapable of producing sufficient hormone. The most common cause of thyroid gland failure is called autoimmune thyroiditis (also called Hashimoto's thyroiditis), a form of thyroid inflammation caused by the patient's own immune system.

The second major cause is the broad category of "medical treatments." The treatment of many thyroid conditions warrants surgical removal of a portion or all of the thyroid gland. If the total mass of thyroid producing cells left within the body are not enough to meet the needs of the body, the patient will develop hypothyroidism. Remember, this is often the goal of the surgery for thyroid cancer.

But at other times, the surgery will be to remove a worrisome nodule, leaving half of the thyroid in the neck undisturbed. Sometimes, this remaining thyroid lobe and isthmus will produce enough hormone to meet the demands of the body. For other patients, however, it may become apparent years later that the remaining thyroid just can't quite keep up with demand.

Similarly, goiters and some other thyroid conditions can be treated with radioactive iodine therapy. The aim of the radioactive iodine therapy (for benign conditions) is to kill a portion of the thyroid to prevent goiters from growing larger or producing too much hormone (hyperthyroidism).

Occasionally, the result of radioactive iodine treatment will be that too many cells are damaged so the patient often becomes hypothyroid within a year or two. However, this is usually greatly preferred over the original problem.

There are several other rare causes of hypothyroidism, one of them being a completely "normal" thyroid gland that is not making enough hormone because of a problem in the pituitary gland. If the pituitary does not produce enough thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) then the thyroid simply does not have the "signal" to make hormone. So it doesn't.

Each individual patient may have any number of these symptoms, and they will vary with the severity of the thyroid hormone deficiency and the length of time the body has been deprived of the proper amount of hormone.

You may have one of these symptoms as your main complaint, while another will not have that problem at all and will be suffering from an entirely different symptom. Most people will have a combination of these symptoms. Occasionally, some patients with hypothyroidism have no symptoms at all, or they are just so subtle that they go unnoticed.

If you have these symptoms, you need to discuss them with your doctor. Additionally, you may need to seek the skills of an endocrinologist. If you have already been diagnosed and treated for hypothyroidism and continue to have any or all of these symptoms, you need to discuss it with your physician.

See original here:
Hypothyroidism: Symptoms and Treatments of Hypothyroid ...

Top 5 Natural Homeopathic Remedies for Hypothyroidism …

Dear Dr. Sharma. I would like to have your advice in homeopathic tratment. I know how to advise something without full history of the patient. That because I took questionary online. May be it can help Thank you.

1. Your age & sex 61 y.o., male

2. Describe your appearance i.e. weight, height, body type (thin, medium, chubby, fat etc) 175 cm., 91 kg., little overweight, oval face, white, pale

3. Your profession Engineer

4. Describe your personality in at least 20 words (stubborn, easy going, always in a hurry etc.) calm, accommodating, moderately sociable, sometimes irritable, but quickly calmed down, not jealous. I do not like very noisy events, thundering music. I love to be alone sometimes, like melodious music, go to a swimming pool and fitness

5. What is your main health problem & its symptoms Actually I have two main problems. 1. Hypothyroidism, but this problem is under medical control. 2-3 times a year blood tests checking my TSH level. 2. Adenoma BPH. Currently it worried me very much. PSA level is OK The symptoms are: frequent urination, have to wait to start, especially in public places, incomplete emptying feeling of the bladder, frequent need to urinate , interruption of the flow

6. When did this main problem begin Hypothyroidism about 16 years ago, Prostate about 10-11 years ago

8. What makes the main problem better (pressure, warmth, cold, lying down, sitting etc.) warm shower make feel prostate better 9. What makes it worse (pressure, warmth, cold, lying down, sitting etc.) when I drink too much water 10. How do you feel mentally & emotionally during this problem (weepy, irritable, restless, sad, hopeless, fear of death etc.) Prostate problems prevent me feel comfortable, always have to search for a toilet when you go out for a long time or on vocations

11. What other health problems do you have A) About 8 years I am suffering from Urticaria. Little spots or strips can appear on hand, armpit, other side of elbow, butt or other side of knee (some years this urticaria was even on scrotum). In several days they become bigger and bigger, the color is more red and itchy. Usually it last 3-6 weeks and then disappear by itself. Most of the times it appears in summer time or on vocations (for example in Caribbean) even in the winter. Many times I went to dermatology doctors they even took biopsy of skin , but say this is some kind of dermatitis, looks like Urticaria. They advise take Allegra every day and use different creams, but it does not help me. B) Back pain

12. What makes these other health problems better or worse (explain each problem) Urticaria: I feel better after shower , in cool room and worse when is stuffy and high humidity .

Here is the original post:
Top 5 Natural Homeopathic Remedies for Hypothyroidism ...

300+ Hypothyroidism SymptomsYes REALLY

I have stumbled upon this page by accident specially that Im preparing a presentation and report about Hashimoto thyroiditis surprisingly I found a lot of the symptoms listed here relates to me specially that I have witnessed an alarming weight gain from 52 kilos to 70 kg in the past year. I thought it was because of the depo provera shot that I took which also caused me recurring pain in the arm where I received the shot. I took the depo provera because I had unexplained excessive menstrual bleeding that cause me to have an very low Iron level. now I switched to IUD

I have noticed that I have those symptoms: Excessive tiredness, Less stamina than others, Less energy than others, Long recovery period after any activity, Inability to stand on feet for long periods ( maybe because I have a flat foot), Inability to concentrate or read long periods of time, Feel weak, Sluggish, Sleep apnea, Dizziness, Lightheaded, Wake feeling tired, Frequently oversleep, Weight gain, Inability to lose weight, Heightened appetite, Cold extremities, Cold sweats, Internal shivering, Slow movements, Slow speech, Low immune system, Recurrent sinus infections, Recurrent ear infections, Recurrent throat infections, Sore throats, Choking fits, Salt cravings, Sweet cravings, Dry mouth, Propensity for cavities, Bleeding gums, Persistent teeth clenching, Noises in ears (hissing, ringing), Internal itching of ears, Excess earwax,Vertigo, Poor focusing, Dry eyes, Frequent tics in the eyes, Spasms of the eyelids, Red inflamed eyes, Dark rings under eyes, Puffiness around the eyes,Hair: Body hair loss, Head hair loss, Dry hair, Brittle hair, Coarse hair, Nails: Brittleness, Yellowish, Ridged, Skin: Dry skin, Pale skin, Pale lips, Easy bruising, Bleeding problems, Acne on face, Breakout on chest and back, Chronic itching, Moles and warty growths, Hives, Numbness and Tingling:Legs, Feet, Arms, Hands, Migraines, Chronic back, Muscles and joint pain, Joint stiffness, Tendonitis, Painful soles of feet, Muscle cramps, Aching bones, Aching muscles, Joint pain, Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), Colitis, Abdominal distention, Weight gain in abdominal area, Flatulence, Nausea, GERD (Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease), Heavy periods (menorrhagia), Irregular periods, Excruciating pain during period, Constant bleeding, Premenstrual syndrome (PMS), Extreme bloating and water retention, Loss of libido, Vaginal dryness, Painful sex, Easily upset, Irritable, Wanting to be solitary, Mood swings, Anxiety, Personality changes, Feelings of resentment, Jumpy , Lack of confidence, Nervousness, Stress, Anemia, Lack of coordination, Clumsiness, Tendency to fall, Restless Leg Syndrome, Flat feet, Depression, Panic attacks, Memory loss, Confusion, Brain fog, Mental sluggishness, Poor concentration, Noises and/or voices in head, Delusions, Phobias, Loss of drive, Nightmares, Suicidal thoughts, Frequent need to urinate, Decreased output of urine, Elevated liver enzymes, Breathlessness, Difficulty drawing a full breath, Shortness of breath, Tightness in chest, Slow/weak pulse (under 60 bpm) , Fast pulse (over 90 bpm at rest),Skipped beats, Heart palpitations, Chest pain

I was talking to my sister about it and she said it might be just a Vit. D deficiency but after reading this article I think I should go check my thyroid hormones !

See the article here:
300+ Hypothyroidism SymptomsYes REALLY

What is Hypothyroidism – American Thyroid Association | ATA

What is the thyroid gland?

The thyroid gland is a butterfly-shaped endocrine gland that is normally located in the lower front of the neck. The thyroids job is to make thyroid hormones, which are secreted into the blood and then carried to every tissue in the body. Thyroid hormone helps the body use energy, stay warm and keep the brain, heart, muscles, and other organs working as they should.

Hypothyroidism is an underactive thyroid gland. Hypothyroidism means that the thyroid gland cant make enough thyroid hormone to keep the body running normally. People are hypothyroid if they have too little thyroid hormone in the blood. Common causes are autoimmune disease, surgical removal of the thyroid, and radiation treatment.

When thyroid hormone levels are too low, the bodys cells cant get enough thyroid hormone and the bodys processes start slowing down. As the body slows, you may notice that you feel colder, you tire more easily, your skin is getting drier, youre becoming forgetful and depressed, and youve started getting constipated. Because the symptoms are so variable and non-specific, the only way to know for sure whether you have hypothyroidism is with a simple blood test for TSH.


Tell your family members. Because thyroid disease runs in families, you should explain your hypothyroidism to your relatives and encourage them to get regular TSH tests. Tell your other doctors and your pharmacist about your hypothyroidism and the drug and dose with which it is being treated. If you start seeing a new doctor, tell the doctor that you have hypothyroidism and you need your TSH tested every year. If you are seeing an endocrinologist, ask that copies of your reports be sent to your primary care doctor.


There is no cure for hypothyroidism, and most patients have it for life. There are exceptions: many patients with viral thyroiditis have their thyroid function return to normal, as do some patients with thyroiditis after pregnancy.

Hypothyroidism may become more or less severe, and your dose of thyroxine may need to change over time. You have to make a lifetime commitment to treatment. But if you take your pills every day and work with your doctor to get and keep your thyroxine dose right, you should be able to keep your hypothyroidism completely controlled throughout your life. Your symptoms should disappear and the serious effects of low thyroid hormone should stop getting worse and should actually improve. If you keep your hypothyroidism well-controlled, it will not shorten your life span.

There can be many reasons why the cells in the thyroid gland cant make enough thyroid hormone. Here are the major causes, from the most to the least common.

More here:
What is Hypothyroidism - American Thyroid Association | ATA