I have stumbled upon this page by accident specially that Im preparing a presentation and report about Hashimoto thyroiditis surprisingly I found a lot of the symptoms listed here relates to me specially that I have witnessed an alarming weight gain from 52 kilos to 70 kg in the past year. I thought it was because of the depo provera shot that I took which also caused me recurring pain in the arm where I received the shot. I took the depo provera because I had unexplained excessive menstrual bleeding that cause me to have an very low Iron level. now I switched to IUD
I have noticed that I have those symptoms: Excessive tiredness, Less stamina than others, Less energy than others, Long recovery period after any activity, Inability to stand on feet for long periods ( maybe because I have a flat foot), Inability to concentrate or read long periods of time, Feel weak, Sluggish, Sleep apnea, Dizziness, Lightheaded, Wake feeling tired, Frequently oversleep, Weight gain, Inability to lose weight, Heightened appetite, Cold extremities, Cold sweats, Internal shivering, Slow movements, Slow speech, Low immune system, Recurrent sinus infections, Recurrent ear infections, Recurrent throat infections, Sore throats, Choking fits, Salt cravings, Sweet cravings, Dry mouth, Propensity for cavities, Bleeding gums, Persistent teeth clenching, Noises in ears (hissing, ringing), Internal itching of ears, Excess earwax,Vertigo, Poor focusing, Dry eyes, Frequent tics in the eyes, Spasms of the eyelids, Red inflamed eyes, Dark rings under eyes, Puffiness around the eyes,Hair: Body hair loss, Head hair loss, Dry hair, Brittle hair, Coarse hair, Nails: Brittleness, Yellowish, Ridged, Skin: Dry skin, Pale skin, Pale lips, Easy bruising, Bleeding problems, Acne on face, Breakout on chest and back, Chronic itching, Moles and warty growths, Hives, Numbness and Tingling:Legs, Feet, Arms, Hands, Migraines, Chronic back, Muscles and joint pain, Joint stiffness, Tendonitis, Painful soles of feet, Muscle cramps, Aching bones, Aching muscles, Joint pain, Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), Colitis, Abdominal distention, Weight gain in abdominal area, Flatulence, Nausea, GERD (Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease), Heavy periods (menorrhagia), Irregular periods, Excruciating pain during period, Constant bleeding, Premenstrual syndrome (PMS), Extreme bloating and water retention, Loss of libido, Vaginal dryness, Painful sex, Easily upset, Irritable, Wanting to be solitary, Mood swings, Anxiety, Personality changes, Feelings of resentment, Jumpy , Lack of confidence, Nervousness, Stress, Anemia, Lack of coordination, Clumsiness, Tendency to fall, Restless Leg Syndrome, Flat feet, Depression, Panic attacks, Memory loss, Confusion, Brain fog, Mental sluggishness, Poor concentration, Noises and/or voices in head, Delusions, Phobias, Loss of drive, Nightmares, Suicidal thoughts, Frequent need to urinate, Decreased output of urine, Elevated liver enzymes, Breathlessness, Difficulty drawing a full breath, Shortness of breath, Tightness in chest, Slow/weak pulse (under 60 bpm) , Fast pulse (over 90 bpm at rest),Skipped beats, Heart palpitations, Chest pain
I was talking to my sister about it and she said it might be just a Vit. D deficiency but after reading this article I think I should go check my thyroid hormones !
See the article here:
300+ Hypothyroidism SymptomsYes REALLY