Is the great stagnation over? – The Week

Shortly after the 1918 "Spanish Flu" departed, the Roaring Twenties arrived. History may not rhyme, but even an echo of that powerful economic boom would be most welcome.

Here's one reason why I'm cautiously hopeful that a kind of Roaring Twenties Redux might follow the coronavirus pandemic: Artificial intelligence researchers at Google's DeepMind unit announced Monday that an AI program had cracked the long-term problem of predicting how proteins in the human body fold into 3D shapes. "This long-sought breakthrough could accelerate the ability to understand diseases, develop new medicines and unlock mysteries of the human body," The New York Times reports.

Well, not just that as important as solving this 50-year riddle could turn out to be for human health and longevity. The possibly game-changing advance also suggests some legit reason for optimism that the apparent long-term slowdown in technological progress more broadly the "I was promised flying cars but got Twitter instead" syndrome might be ready to reverse. If that happens, get ready for faster economic growth and all the good things that go with it, such as higher wages. Or how about greater capacity to solve big problems that might not automatically show up in GDP numbers such as climate change and the threat of future pandemics?

To be sure, a long boom is not the current expectation from economists. Even the most bullish forecasts expect only a growth blip over the next couple of years as the economy rebounds from last spring's pandemic-induced shutdown. Maybe a boomy 2021 and 2022 before a deceleration back to the uninspiring 2 percent-ish pace we've been experiencing since the Global Financial Crisis of 2007-2009. The Congressional Budget Office recently predicted the economy's growth potential going forward will be almost a third slower than it has been over the past 50 years.

But AI could help change the gloomy forecast. Typically, the use case for AI is presented as automating operations such as customer service or improving decision-making through data analysis. And that stuff is important. Companies clearly think so, or they wouldn't be spending nearly $50 billion on AI systems this year. And the pandemic may be accelerating the trend. Moody's Analytics economist Mark Zandi said in a client note this week that many businesses "have taken advantage of the pandemic to more fully deploy technologies and process changes that they were investing in but reluctant to take full advantage of during the good times."

Maybe more important, however, is the role of AI as a super-researcher. In the paper "Are Ideas Getting Harder to Find?," economists Nicholas Bloom, Charles Jones, and John Van Reenen show how it's been getting harder to discover the big advances and breakthroughs that drive technological progress and economic growth. The low-hanging fruit have been picked. Their conclusion: "Just to sustain constant growth in GDP per person, the United States must double the amount of research effort every 13 years to offset the increased difficulty of finding new ideas."

But AI might go a long way toward solving this problem. Instead of thinking of AI as a general-purpose invention, some economists think of it as a general-purpose method of invention that can supercharge the research process. This protein-folding breakthrough is only the latest example. Back in February, MIT researchers announced they had discovered a new antibiotic using an AI approach similar to the one employed by DeepMind. "The computer model, which can screen more than a hundred million chemical compounds in a matter of days, is designed to pick out potential antibiotics that kill bacteria using different mechanisms than those of existing drugs," MIT's Anne Trafton reported. And in October, Wired magazine reported on InoBat, a Slovakia-based company using a U.S.-developed AI platform to analyze different lithium battery chemistries some 10 times faster than what was previously possible. This is only the beginning of the age of AI as the best-ever research assistant.

The 1918 influenza burned itself out. This time around, we are going to end a global pandemic ourselves through the application of technology specifically the light-speed development of vaccines. It probably won't be the last stunning innovation to transform our lives for the better this decade.

See the rest here:
Is the great stagnation over? - The Week

Stop the rain on human rights – EURACTIV

The current pandemic crisis serves as a magnifying glass of all existing inequalities in Europe racism, gender and sexual discrimination, treatment of migrants: there is still a long way to go to ensure full and real equality in Europe, write Helena Dalli and Dunja Mijatovi on the occasion of the Human Rights Day on 10 December.

Helena Dalli is the European Union Commissioner for Equality. Dunja Mijatovi is the Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights.

All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. This very principle of equality enshrined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights has inspired and transformed the lives of millions of Europeans and continues to give hope to countless more.

Regrettably, for all the progress of the past seven decades, there is still a long way to go to ensure full and real equality in Europe.

Our societies breed divisive levels of inequality, fear and polarisation. Structural discrimination keeps millions of Europeans on the margins of our societies, especially in employment, health, education, housing, and the criminal justice system.

The current pandemic crisis serves as a magnifying glass of all existing inequalities in Europe and exacerbates them. Those who were poor before it became poorer; those who were disadvantaged faced even greater disadvantages.

Inequalities affecting women, LGBTIQ people and ethnic minorities illustrate this problem well.

Although the situation varies from country to country, discriminatory treatment of women is ubiquitous. This is evident in the workplace, where deep-rooted societal attitudes contribute to maintaining the gender gap.

Violence against women and the obstacles faced by women in access to their sexual and reproductive health and rights also derive from ingrained patterns of inequalities between women and men.

Progress on ensuring equality for LGBTIQ people has been remarkable in some countries. However, in others the trend is worrying.

Restrictions to freedom of assembly and association, obstacles to legal gender recognition and lack of adequate protection at public events are evident failures of state authorities to uphold their commitments and legal human rights obligations to ensure equality for LGBTIQ people.

The situation is not much better for people from ethnic minority and immigrant backgrounds. If you are of African descent you are more likely than white people to face discrimination in the job market, in education and housing, and to be stopped by the police without reasonable suspicion.

Hate incidents also continue to scar the lives of Jews, Muslims and Roma, who are among the preferred scapegoats of those who still stigmatise some groups of people on the grounds of their ethnic origin or religion.

The unkept promise of equality betrays a long political, philosophical and judicial tradition which places equality at the centre of European democracies. Both the European Court of Justice and the European Court of Human Rights have upheld the principle of equality and non-discrimination since the 1970s.

Yet, more and more governments and parliaments seem to pay little attention to their legal obligations, and to the destabilising consequences that keeping millions of Europeans as second-class citizens is having on our societies.

Hard won progress longevity is not a given. We must protect and reinforce it every day.

The many challenges that our societies will have to face require that Europe strengthens the place equality occupies in our societies, starting by giving a more central focus to the principle of equality and non-discrimination in relations to all human rights, be they civil, political, economic social or cultural.

We must do better for the rights of the single mother living in poverty and for the disabled child prevented from attending a mainstream school. We must protect the rights of women and girls who have been sexually harassed, of young graduates who face discrimination in the labour market because of how their name sounds.

We also must remain vigilant in the face of worrying attempts to roll back progress towards equality for women and LGBTIQ people.

There is no easy fix, but already taking the decision to address these long-standing problems together is a good start. We firmly believe that the founding principles and values of the Universal Declaration are as relevant today as they were when they emerged from bloodshed, tyranny and war. They require that governments become stronger defenders of human rights.

We are helping them do so by addressing effectively the pervasive discriminations against women in Europe. Ratifying and implementing the Council of Europe Convention on preventing and combating violence against women and domestic violence is key to advance gender equality. This Convention has been ratified by 34 European countries, and signed by the EU.

However, the EU is not yet in a position to ratify because unanimity between member states has not been reached. We will join forces to make clear that the Convention protects from violence and nothing else; contrary to the misconceptions, fallacious and uninformed claims that have circulated and sown doubts.

Likewise, we are committed to fight racism and bring about an anti-racist culture. To this end, we believe that one of the priorities is to help member states stamp out ethnic profiling and end impunity for police misconduct.

We will also strengthen our work to counter discrimination against LGBTIQ people. We will continue to raise the visibility of LGBTIQ people in our dialogue with member states, support activists and use all means at our disposal to defend the right of LGBTIQ people to equality.

For this to happen, however, our voices alone will not suffice. There is the need for a renewed commitment by national authorities to uphold the founding values and legal obligations set out by the European Union and the Council of Europe. And here we get to the heart of the problem.

At best, many politicians in our member states remain indifferent about discrimination. At worst, they instigate violence and hostility. Politicians must be champions of equality, not obstacles to it. International organisations and the human rights community too have their bit to do.

We must become more inclusive in the way we defend human rights. We deliver a public service in the interest of society, but we do not own that service. We talk about, for and sometimes with people who have suffered human rights violations.

But we rarely empower them to speak for themselves. They should take part in decision-making processes as much as possible. We should learn to listen more and they must have the space to tell their stories and shape the policies and laws that concern them.

When states adopted the Universal Declaration on Human Rights on 10 December 1948, they pledged themselves to achieve equality. Giving practical effect to that vision is still possible but only if we choose to strengthen freedoms, promote participation and empower all people.

Originally posted here:
Stop the rain on human rights - EURACTIV

What is the secret to aging well? – MarketWatch

Heres the million, or lets say, billion-dollarquestion: What is aging well and how do you do it? Whats the secret elixir?

There are expert presentations on a TedTalk playlist: How toMake You Feel Good About Getting Older.And there are droves of self-help books, exercise regimes, healthy diet gurusand lines of cosmetics that this query has spawned.

Thats where Marc Freedman, founder and chief executive and the author of How to Live Forever: The Enduring Power of Connecting the Generations, comes in.

Freedman is one of those experts on thelongevity revolution who makes you stop and listen. Really listen. Trust me onthis. In his latest book, out in paperback this week, he explores longevity,youth, purpose and happiness, and the role older people can play in giving backto the next generation.

Hes not a disciple of retirement. As he told me in an interview: All too often, individuals are left to their own devices when it comes to finding a new sense of purpose in a postretirement period that could be as long as the middle years in duration. Many feel like they are all alone in navigating the new terrain, practically and emotionally.

Learning to age well requires anemotional shift. More yesterdays than tomorrows has a way of adding an urgencyto this stage of life. Time is more precious. Freedman says. Questions ofpurpose and legacy are more prominent. That can sound depressing, but for manypeople it is a powerful source of motivation for making the most of thisperiod.

I spoke with Freedman about hisbook, How to Live Forever, and his views of aging well. The highlights of ourconversation are below and have been edited and condensed.

We now have more people over 60 in this country than under18. How can we make an aging society work?

America is becoming a much more multigenerational society,with five generations alive at the same time. This is no temporary blip; its apermanent shift. Some see this transformation producing a zero-sum battlebetween old and young over scarce resources, but this dystopian scenario runscounter to much of human history.

Actually, theres good reason for optimism. Anthropologists now believe it was the role of grandmothers caring for young children (and allowing mothers to gather more food) that served as the turning point in our becoming human beings in the first place. And developmental psychologists studying both ends of the age spectrum today are discovering that the needs and assets of younger and older people fit together like pieces of a jigsaw puzzle. Just ask any grandparent.

Nows the time to build on these inherent and complementaryassets. Lets find new ways to bring the generations together to forge bonds,find joint purpose, and bridge divides. Intergenerational connection could be adefining feature of American resilience in the 21st century.

How has the pandemic affected the generational divide?

Lets face it, a powerful message to our generation I saythis as a 62-year-old has been stay home, stay safe and stay out of theway. That message has reinforced ageism and the age segregation that has grownso rampant in American society. Its driven a wedge between generations, withinfamilies and in communities.

At the same time, by separating us, the pandemic hasawakened a deeper appreciation for our essential interdependence across age andled to calls for the creativity that will be needed to bring young and oldtogether again when its over.

You call for dramatic innovation in the ways we bringgenerations together. What are you seeing in the past few years that excitesyou?

Were going to need to be as creative in bringing people together across age as weve been in splitting them apart, an imperative all the more urgent in the context of COVIDs toll. The good news is that innovation is already under way.

I recounted many examples of innovative practices in Howto Live Forever, but Im even more heartened by the wave of innovation Ivewitnessed since the book was first published two years ago. One of my favoriteexamples is Nuns and Nones,originated by a group of young changemakers, spiritually-inclined butreligiously unaffiliated (the nones), who sought out older Women Religiousall over the country (the nuns) for guidance about living a good life andleaving the world better than we found it.

Nuns and Nones also underscores how much of the push towardgenerational connection and collaboration is coming from young people. Youngsocial entrepreneurs are behind Nesterly, a homesharingplatform that brings homeowners with room to spare together with collegestudents who need affordable rents; Big & Mini, acommunity thats reducing isolation by helping to create intergenerationalfriendships; and Mon Ami, an app thats beingused by governments and nonprofits to mobilize large-scale volunteer efforts.

And there are so many more. I encourage folks to take a lookat our 15 new Gen2Gen Innovation Fellows.The work theyre doing gives me confidence about our future.

How can individuals age-integrate their own lives, even inthe pandemic?

It all comes down to a pair of priorities: proximity andpurpose. Hows that for alliteration!

By proximity, I mean finding ways to encounter individuals of different ages and generations, whether in the course of daily life or even via Zoom. To resist the scourge of age segregation.And by purpose, Im talking about the need to make these intergenerational connections in ways that reinforce common, shared interests that animate our lives.

We could go a long way to finding proximity and purpose inthis country, for example, by creating intergenerational service programs aimedat connecting youngers and olders to use their complementary skills to solvelocal problems like contact tracing, feeding the hungry, educating children,and rebuilding after disasters.

But theres one more way to age-integrate that anyone can doright now, no infrastructure needed. In a word, listen. One of my mentors, inhis 80s at the time, once told me its a lot more important to be interestedthan to be interesting. Its certainly one of the keys to bridgingdifference, across age as well as many other divides.

Does it matter that we now have the oldest president in thenations history?

Its a striking paradox: Just as were pushing more and moreolder people to the sidelines during this time of pandemic increasing notonly loneliness but its close cousin, purposelessness weve also witnessedthe leadership of so many older men and women.

The nearly 80-year-old Dr. Anthony Fauci has served as a voice of calm reason and deep knowledge throughout the battle with COVID. Elder icons like the late Congressman John Lewis and Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg continued their lifes work to build an equitable society with deep passion to the very end. And now we have the oldest president-elect in American history.

Some express legitimate concerns about a gerontocracy holding on to power at the expense of younger people. All the more reason that our elder leaders, starting with the new president, should take this moment to call the generations to common purpose, to ask old and young alike to roll up their sleeves to create a stronger, more cohesive society together, and to make the most of the multigenerational moment already washing over us.

Thanks for your time, Marc. My personal favorite takeaway. Its a lot more important to be interested than to be interesting.

Kerry Hannonisa leading expert and strategist on work and jobs, entrepreneurship, personalfinance and retirement. Kerry is the author of more than a dozen books,includingGreat Pajama Jobs: Your Complete Guide to Working From Home,Never Too Old To Get Rich: The Entrepreneurs Guide To Startinga Business Mid-Life,Great Jobs for Everyone 50+,andMoney Confidence.Her on Twitter@kerryhannon

Original post:
What is the secret to aging well? - MarketWatch

Asymmetrex Publishes the First Report of Immortal DNA Strands in Human Stem Cells – PR Web

Example of a tissue stem cell (left) holding on to its immortal DNA strands after dividing to produce a maturing tissue cell (right).

BOSTON (PRWEB) November 18, 2020

What does it mean for multiplying cells in the body to be immortal? The cell DNA is being replicated over and over again while being divided equally between new cells produced by cell divisions. All the new cell components produced by the DNA code are mixing with the old cell components and being divided between the new cells. So, every cell is a new cell. There is nothing really immortal about any of them. Right?

Not quite. Stem cells responsible for renewing other mature body cells are different. For a long time, tissue cell scientists had a somewhat nebulous idea that stem cells had a special longevity in organs and tissues that they were immortal cells, lasting for as long as the human lifespan. However, no one had a molecular concept for this idea of stem cell immortality until John Cairns, a pioneer of DNA replication, started thinking about DNA mutations and cancer in the 1970s.

Cairns predicted that stem cells did something unique with their DNA code. He said they held on to one strand of every one of their many chromosomes and never shared those DNA strands with the tissue cells they renewed. Cairns called these immortal DNA strands. Cairns argued that immortal DNA strands must exist to explain how immortal stem cells avoid higher cancer rates.

Asymmetrex director James Sherley calls the immortal strand hypothesis the Carpenters Rule for stem cells. Good carpenters avoid creeping measurement errors by using a ruler or the same piece of wood to measure duplicates. Too many DNA duplication errors in cells make them cancerous. Cairns proposed that stem cells were smart carpenters, keeping and using the same DNA strands for making their many replicate copies over the human lifespan.

Prior to Asymmetrexs new report, published in a special issue of the peer-reviewed journal Symmetry, there were many publications on the presence of immortal DNA strands in stem cells of other species, including molds, plants, insects, and mice. Low levels of immortal DNA strands were also reported for human cancer cells.

The new report from Asymmetrex describes the presence of immortal DNA strands in human liver stem cells. The SACK-Xs 12(3) stem cells used in the study were developed more than a decade earlier using Asymmetrexs patented SACK tissue stem cell expansion technology. SACK-Xs 12(3) human liver stem cells are distributed for research by Kerafast. They are the first and only commercial human tissue stem cell product supplied with their stem cell-specific dosage, certified by Asymmetrex.

The new report brings an important closure for an ingenious scientific deduction by a remarkable scientist, John Cairns, recently deceased. Now that normal human tissue stem cells are confirmed to have immortal DNA strands, scientists can get on with the business of leveraging this knowledge to a better understanding of tissue stem cells for improving human health.

About Asymmetrex

Asymmetrex, LLC is a Massachusetts life sciences company with a focus on developing technologies to advance stem cell medicine. The companys U.S. and U.K. patent portfolio contains biotechnologies that solve the two main technical problems production and quantification that have stood in the way of effective use of human adult tissue stem cells for regenerative medicine and drug development. Asymmetrex markets the first technology for determination of the dose and quality of tissue stem cell preparations for use in stem cell transplantation therapies and pre-clinical drug evaluations. Asymmetrex is a member company of the Advanced Regenerative Manufacturing Institute BioFabUSA and the Massachusetts Biotechnology Council.

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Asymmetrex Publishes the First Report of Immortal DNA Strands in Human Stem Cells - PR Web

Lifetime perspective on alcohol and brain health – The BMJ

Harm prevention policies must take the long view

The maintenance of brain health is central to health and wellbeing across the lifespan.1 Evidence suggests three periods of dynamic brain changes that may be particularly sensitive to the neurotoxic effects of alcohol: gestation (from conception to birth), later adolescence (15-19 years), and older adulthood (over 65 years). Highly prevalent patterns of alcohol use may cause harm during these sensitive periods, including low level prenatal alcohol exposure, adolescent binge drinking, and low-to-moderate alcohol use in older adulthood.2 Although these patterns of alcohol exposure may be associated with less harm to individuals than sustained heavy drinking, the overall burden of harm in populations is likely to be large.

From fetal development to later life, the human brain goes through several periods of dynamic change. The prenatal period is characterised by extensive production, migration, and differentiation of neurons, accompanied by substantial apoptosis.3 Adolescence is characterised by synaptic pruning and increased axonal myelination.4 Older adulthood is associated with brain atrophy, which accelerates after the age of 65 years, largely driven by decreases in neuron size and reductions in the number of dendritic spines and synapses.5 Each of these changes in neurocircuitry could increase sensitivity to the effects of environmental exposures such as alcohol.6

Globally, around 10% of pregnant women consume alcohol, with the rates considerably higher in European countries than the global average.7 Heavy alcohol use during pregnancy can cause fetal alcohol spectrum disorder, associated with widespread reductions in brain volume and cognitive impairment. But recent evidence indicates that even low or moderate alcohol consumption during pregnancy is significantly associated with poorer psychological and behavioural outcomes in offspring, partially mediated by aberrant brain structure.8

More than 20% of 15-19 year olds in European and other high income countries report at least occasional binge drinking (defined as 60 g of ethanol in a single drinking occasion).9 Longitudinal studies indicate that the transition to binge drinking in adolescence is associated with reduced neocortical volume and functional connectivity, attenuated white matter development, and small to moderate deficits in a wide range of cognitive functions.410 In older people, alcohol use disorders were recently shown to be one of the strongest modifiable risk factors for all types of dementia (particularly early onset) compared with other established risk factors such as hypertension and smoking.11

Although alcohol use disorders are relatively rare in older adults, many older people frequently consume low to moderate amounts of alcohol.12 Recently, even moderate drinking was shown to be associated with small but significant loss of brain volume in midlife,13 supporting previous research indicating an association between low risk drinking and brain damage in older adults.2 However, it is currently unclear whether these structural changes translate into functional cognitive impairment.

The evidence for the adverse effects of alcohol on brain health is compelling, but it is limited by the observational nature of the analyses. These findings require further replication, with a focus on more rigorous causal modelling.

Demographic trends may compound the effect of alcohol use on brain health. Women are now just as likely as men to drink alcohol and experience alcohol related harms.14 In higher income countries, consumption has increased among older people15 while in low and middle income countries, consumption and related harms have increased across the population. Global consumption is forecast to rise further in the next decade.16 The effects of the covid-19 pandemic on alcohol use and related harms are unclear, but alcohol use increased in the long term after other major public health crises.16

A lifecourse perspective on brain health supports the formulation of policy and public health interventions to reduce alcohol use and misuse at all ages. This could increase longevity and quality of life by reducing the prevalence of fetal alcohol spectrum disorders, aberrant neurocognitive development in adolescence, and dementia in later life. An integrated approach to harm reduction across the lifespan is required in public health, mental health, primary care, social care, and voluntary sectors.17

Population based interventions such as guidelines on low risk drinking, alcohol pricing policies, and lower drink driving limits need to be accompanied by the development of training and care pathways that consider the human brain at risk throughout life. The effect of harm reduction strategies on maintaining brain health in both individuals and populations can then be more fully evaluated.

Competing interests: We have read and understood BMJ policy on declaration of interests and have no interests to declare.

Provenance and peer review: Not commissioned; externally peer reviewed.

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Lifetime perspective on alcohol and brain health - The BMJ

Re-Inventing the Wheel: How CEOs Are Driving the Sustainable Tire of the Future – Triple Pundit

When the internal combustion engine is phased out and zero-emission electric vehicles rule the road, well still have tires. Lots of tires. After all, there is no substitute for the tire as we know it today and these everyday objects are more complex than you might think. Of course were all familiar with the outer tread made from synthetic and natural rubber, but tires also include other components made with a variety of materials, including steel, nylon, polyester and rayon.

The component-rich nature of tires serves to improve their longevity and performance. But their complexity makes it all the more important to understand the potential human health and environmental impacts associated with their lifecycle particularly as the number of vehicles on the road increases, topping the 1 billion mark for the first time in 2009. According to some estimates, this figure could hit 2 billion within 15 years.

With the potential for rising demand and corresponding impacts in mind, back in 2005 a group of leading tire company CEOs set out to study a range of tire lifecycle issues on an organized basis.

The idea gave birth to the Tire Industry Project. Organized as a voluntary collaboration under the umbrella of the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD), the groups membership is currently comprised of 11 major tire companies and co-led by Bridgestone, Goodyear and Michelin.

With the assistance and work of independent consultants and advisors, TIP conducts original research and deploys analytic tools of its own invention. In addition to disseminating results to members, TIP shares information with government agencies, other research institutions and the general public.

TIP member companies account for more than 60 percent of the global tire industry. Through scheduled biennial meetings, participating CEOs select research topics based on potential human health and environmental impacts within the tire lifecycle. They also consider how TIP can fill existing knowledge gaps with original, scientific research.

The main role of TIP is to generate knowledge and science related to human health and environmental impacts, Director Anne Ccile Rmont told TriplePundit. TIP came from CEOs who realized that if they mutualized their efforts, it would be more efficient, and they would achieve a much greater impact.

TIP research bears that out. One of the initial projects involved identifying the most commonly used chemicals in tire manufacturing and assessing their current and potential regulatory status. The work resulted in a short list of chemicals that needed additional analysis.

In another early project, TIP discovered a void of science-based knowledge around the topic of particles generated by tires on the road. When TIP started its research, there was not even a science-based consensus on what the particles look like, how to collect samples, and how to evaluate them. The dearth of information on what are now known as tire and road wear particles (TRWP) led TIP to multiple research projects that continue to have significant impact on the research community, as attention turns to microplastics in the ocean and other emerging issues.

TIP started looking into understanding TRWP, how they are formed, what they look like, and what they are made of, in order to be able to recognize them and understand any potential impacts on human health and the environment, Rmont explained.

So far, the groups research indicates that TRWP are unlikely to negatively impact human health and the environment, and that few TRWP are likely to reach the ocean. But the project created a greater understanding of where the particles do settle before degradation namely, along roadsides and, to a lesser extent, in freshwater sediment, which could lead to a holistic approach to prevent TRWP from entering the environment.

From the initial focus on topics including the chemicals used in tire manufacturing, and tire wear, TIP has recently widened its scope to engage in broader sustainability issues tied to the tire industrys increasing use of natural rubber.

Natural rubber is, of course, biodegradable and renewable, but it comes with its own set of challenges. Natural rubber mainly comes from Southeast Asia, and 85 percent comes from smallholder farmers. Its production has been associated with a range of issues, including deforestation and [poor] working conditions, Rmont told TriplePundit.

In 2017, the CEOs of TIP agreed to support the formation of the Global Platform for Sustainable Natural Rubber (GPSNR), a multi-stakeholder organization focused on socioeconomic and environmental factors across the natural rubber value chain. We have been proactive in terms of looking for solutions, establishing an organization, creating benchmarks and performing a full lifecycle assessment, Rmont said.

In an update earlier this year, GPSNR outlined the scope of its mission, noting that the organization recognizes the need to work toward economic sustainability within the natural rubber industry, ensuring that the earnings of millions of smallholders and farmworkers are enough for them to enjoy a decent standard of living.

Further research into tire manufacturing chemicals and TRWP will continue this year and next. The coalition will also move stakeholder engagement around end-of-life tire management forward, having recently published an updated global state of knowledge report on the management of tires at end-of-life. And it will develop a World Business Council for Sustainable Development SDG Sector Roadmap, with the aim of articulating how the tire industry can work to support the U.N. Sustainable Development Goals.

In the coming months, in partnership with TIP, well take a closer look at each of these stages of the tire lifecycle, what the industry is doing to understand potential impacts, and how the sustainable tires of the future are taking shape. You can follow the series here.

This article series is sponsored by the Tire Industry Projectand produced by the TriplePundit editorial team.Members of the Tire Industry Project (in alphabetical order) are Bridgestone, Continental, Cooper Tire, Goodyear, Hankook, Kumho Tire, Michelin, Pirelli, Sumitomo Rubber, Toyo Tires, and Yokohama Rubber.

Image:Manuel Mena/Unsplash

View original post here:
Re-Inventing the Wheel: How CEOs Are Driving the Sustainable Tire of the Future - Triple Pundit

US listing set to support and accelerate ongoing development of 4D Pharma’s live biotherapeutics –

The move follows the merger it announced late last month with the NASDAQ listed, Longevity, a special purpose acquisition company (SPAC). 4D Pharma will become dual-listed and ordinary shares will continue to be traded on AIM.

Live biotherapeutics, a novel class of drug derived from the microbiome,are defined by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) as being biological products that contain a live organism, such as a bacterium, that is applicable to the prevention, treatment or cure of a disease.

The merger is set to be completed and effective in early 2021, said the UK firm. But it is subject to approval by 4D Pharma and Longevity shareholders and it is also bound by the SEC review process.

The US listing is set to support and accelerate ongoing development of its live biotherapeutics, said the CEO, Duncan Peyton.

It is a big step for 4D Pharma, it is a big step for any European biotech business to step across the Atlantic and become a US listed business. It is something we have worked on for a while, he told BioPharma-Reporter.

The benefits are evident, he said. We get access to strong healthcare funds that understand innovative technologies like live biotherapeutics, we get access to more capital."

4D Pharma, which was officially founded in 2014, is at a pivotal time in its growth and development, said the CEO.

4D Pharma's live biotherapeutic products (LBPs) are orally delivered single strains of bacteria that are naturally found in the healthy human gut, and it has developed a proprietary platform, MicroRx (R), that identifies live biotherapeutics based on a deep understanding of function and mechanism.

Its clinical programs target cancer, including a clinical collaboration with Merck, respiratory diseases such as COVID-19 and asthma, gastrointestinal diseases, and pre-clinical programs targeting neurological diseases like Parkinsons disease and auto-immune diseases. It is also engaging in a vaccine research collaborative alliance with Merck.

Peyton said that despite the operational and economic challenges in 2020 created by the global pandemic, the biotech has made significant strides on several fronts.

This includes 4D Pharma presenting clinical data for live biotherapeutics for the treatment of cancer in combination with Mercks Keytruda, as well as positive Phase II results for the first drug candidate able to treat both IBS-C and IBS-D. In addition, earlier in 2020, 4D Pharma was able to quickly instigate a Phase II clinical trial in COVID-19 based on our detailed understanding of our asthma program.

What are the big next steps, and what is the regulatory approval timeline looking like for 4D Pharmas live biotherapeutics?

That really depends on the pathway we take, in the coming weeks and months, in relation to our oncology program, in particular.

We want to expand on the data we have seen recently in relation to oncology and IBS and take that through to approval trials.

The IBS trial will probably take longer, as there is need to address a large patient population. The oncology space is slightly different, and there is [an option] to get an accelerated approval.

Product registration is within reach then. I would say we are just a couple of years, not a decade, away from approval.

4D Pharma is a leader in the field, he said. From a research point of view, we are streets ahead.

The company understands the mechanisms of action of its strains and can demonstrate that preclinically and in patients, he said.

Those capabilities are supported by nearly 1,000 granted patents. I think we have a similar number of patents in development, and all of our IP is generated in-house, our team is pushing forward mechanistic understanding.

And Mercks engagement is a validation of 4Ds clinical pipeline and research capabilities, he added.

The companys platform, he said, goes beyond just addressing diseases of the gut, to explore oncology and immune system related areas. We are also starting to understand and unpick how our bacteria actually act on the gut-brain axis, continued Peyton.

Such insights could potentially lead to innovation in the neurodegenerative disease field, he said.

And the CEO sees Big Pharma's attitudes to the live biotherapeutics field changing.

We have been working with Merck, who I believe to be one of the most innovative of Big Pharma companies, for the past two and half years. We have been working with them on Keytruda, which is probably the biggest selling drug in the world right now, we are looking at how we can expand the patient groups into which Keytruda is active or regenerate a response for the drug, as it does not work in all patients. That is a signal of Mercks belief in the microbiome.

On top of that, Merck asked us to explore what we could do for it in relation to its vaccine business. We have that vaccine program [set up] now, we are doing all the research, and Merck will take it on from the preclinical stage.

As we publish more data on oncology and IBS, we are getting more incoming calls.

The landscape continues to change, some Big Pharma companies want to wait and see, others want to get involved and Merck is one of those.

4D Pharma has six clinical programs, namely a Phase I/II study of MRx0518 in combination with Keytruda (pembrolizumab) in solid tumors, a Phase I study of MRx0518 in a neoadjuvant setting for patients with solid tumors, a Phase I study of MRx0518 in patients with pancreatic cancer, a Phase I/II study of MRx-4DP0004 in asthma, a Phase II study of MRx-4DP0004 in patients hospitalized with COVID-19, and Blautix (R) in Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) which has completed a successful Phase II trial.

Preclinical stage program include candidates for CNS disease such as Parkinson's disease and other neurodegenerative conditions.

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US listing set to support and accelerate ongoing development of 4D Pharma's live biotherapeutics -

How to pay for long-term care like nursing homes, home health aides – CNBC

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Chances are, you aren't seriously thinking about how to pay for long-term care when you are older.

Most people only think about it at two points in their lives: when their parents need it or when they start to get much older and realize they need to have a plan, said Carolyn McClanahan, a physician and certified financial planner at Life Planning Partners in Jacksonville, Florida.

Yet someone turning 65 years old today has almost a 70% chance of needing some type of long-term care services in their remaining years, according to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Women need 3.7 years of care, while men need 2.2 years.

The average lifetime cost of formal long-term care is $172,000, according to PWC.

"The big thing that you at least need to think about is your aging, periodically, and how you are going to plan for it," said McClanahan, a member of the CNBC Financial Advisor Council.

"Not just the cost, but the whole logistics for how you're doing to thrive as you get older."

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That means before you go down the road of how to pay for it, think about the optimal situation for your older years. Will you want to stay at home no matter what or are you willing to move into a facility that will care for you? Do you have family members willing to help out to keep costs down? Do you live in an area where it is cost-effective or do you need to move? What is your health like?

"If you have significant health issues you are not going to have longevity," McClanahan said. That means you have to have a conversation with your family about what your desires are about medical intervention or moving into hospice care.

You have to spend down to a very low level of assets in order to qualify for Medicaid.

Then, think about how to pay for your plan. You can save for it yourself, known as self-insuring, or buying some type of long-term care insurance policy. Government benefits, such as Medicaid and Medicare, have specific qualifications.

Medicare will only pay for long-term care if you need skilled services or rehabilitative care for up to 100 days in a nursing home or a short period of time with skilled home health or other skilled in-home services.

Medicaid is reserved for those who qualify under their state's program. Financial eligibility is based on your modified adjusted gross income and is tied to the federal poverty level.

"You, in effect, have to be impoverished," said Aaron Ball, head of insurance solutions, service and marketing at insurance company New York Life.

"You have to spend down to a very low level of assets in order to qualify for Medicaid."

The government looks back five years into your finances and would determine if any assets transferred during that time make you ineligible to receive benefits.

Check your state's Medicaid website to see if you qualify, which you can access through You can also go to to check eligibility.

The big issue with putting aside money for the possibility of long-term care is that you need to have enough money to be able to do it.

Elder care isn't cheap. The annual national median cost for a private room in a nursing home was $102,200 in 2019, according to Genworth Financial.

For an assisted living facility, it costs a median yearly $48,612. The median national annual cost of a home health aide was $52,624, the insurance provider found. The cost varies by state, so research the state you plan live in during retirement

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You should have at least two years worth of care covered, McClanahan advised. If you are really healthy, though, it means you may live longer and have a higher risk of dementia, she said. In that case, plan on having enough money saved to cover five years of care.

"The problem is now you have segregated this money you are not using for your life, so you have to understand the risk and benefit of that," she said.

Also, if you are going to need care, make sure to actually use the money.

"Some people, when they actually get there, they are so afraid of spending the money, they don't get the care they need, or the family doesn't want you to spend the money because of their inheritance," McClanahan said.

When calculating how much to put aside, don't forget about other streams of income you'll be receiving, like Social Security, pension or an annuity.

About 7.5 million Americans have some form of long-term care insurance, according to the American Association for Long-Term Care Insurance.

The average annual premium for a 55-year old couple is $3,050, according to the association's 2020 price index. For a single man, age 55, the average cost is $1,700, while a 55-year-old single female is looking at an average annual premium of $2,650. The initial pool of benefits is $164,000 each and reaches $386,500 by age 85.

However, costs vary depending on your age, health and the policy, among other factors.

Typically, people start to think about buying insurance between the ages of 45 and 55, New York Life's Ball said.

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It's especially a good option if you haven't started putting money aside in your younger years, said Tom Henske, CFP and partner at New York-based Lenox Advisors. It will be hard to accumulate the money you need if you only start saving at age 60, he said.

"A long-term care event would devastate your financial plan," Henske warned.

There are different types of long-term care insurance products available.

Traditional long-term care insurance is strictly for paying for long-term care. Costs have risen over the years, in part as insurers realized they initially underpriced their products.

"The problem is it is expensive and you don't know whether you are going to end up needing it," McClanahan said.

Hybrid plans include both life insurance and long-term care insurance. If you die without using it, at least the family receives a death benefit. The downside is it doesn't pay as nice of a benefit as traditional insurance does, McClanahan said. She suggests buying the policy in a lump sum. The younger you are, the less you'll have to pay.

A new product is also making its way into the marketplace, aimed at those who don't have enough saved for long-term care but don't want to lay out large premiums, said New York Life's Ball.

It has coinsurance and deductibles more akin to health insurance, which helps reduce the premiums, he said. In the case of New York Life's product, the average premium is $1,600 a year.

How to pay for long-term care like nursing homes, home health aides - CNBC

4D Pharma to host virtual KOL event reviewing new data presented at the Society for Immunotherapy of Cancer annual meeting 2020 from Live Biotherapeut…

4D Pharma to host virtual KOL event reviewing new data presented at the Society for Immunotherapy of Cancer annual meeting 2020 from Live Biotherapeutic MRx0518 clinical programs

Leeds, UK, November 5, 2020, 4D pharma plc(AIM: DDDD), a pharmaceutical company leading the development of Live Biotherapeutic products (LBPs) - a novel class of drug derived from the microbiome, today announces that it will host a virtual Key Opinion Leader (KOL) event to review data presented from two ongoing clinical trials of MRx0518, the Companys lead immuno-oncology single strain Live Biotherapeutic, as both a neoadjuvant monotherapy and combination therapy in patients refractory to checkpoint inhibitors at the Society for Immunotherapy of Cancer (SITC) Annual Meeting 2020. The event will take place on Wednesday, November 11, 2020 at 1:00pm GMT (8:00am ET).

The event will feature presentations from 4D pharma management and KOLs, Dr Mark P Lythgoe, Academic Clinical Fellow in Medical Oncology and Pharmacist at Imperial College London, and Dr Shubham Pant, Associate Professor Department of Investigational Cancer Therapeutics and Department of Gastrointestinal Medical Oncology at the University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center.

A live webcast of the event will be available on the Reports and Presentations section of the 4D Pharma website To access the call, please dial 1-877-270-2148 (United States) or 1-412-902-6510 (international) and reference the 4D pharma conference call to join. A replay of the webcast and accompanying slides will be available on the 4D pharma website following the event.

About 4D pharma

Founded in February 2014, 4D pharma is a world leader in the development of Live Biotherapeutics, a novel and emerging class of drugs, defined by the FDA as biological products that contain a live organism, such as a bacterium, that is applicable to the prevention, treatment or cure of a disease. 4D has developed a proprietary platform, MicroRx(R), that rationally identifies Live Biotherapeutics based on a deep understanding of function and mechanism.

4D pharma's Live Biotherapeutic products (LBPs) are orally delivered single strains of bacteria that are naturally found in the healthy human gut.The Company has six clinical programmes, namely a Phase I/II study of MRx0518 in combination with KEYTRUDA (pembrolizumab) in solid tumours, a Phase I study of MRx0518 in a neoadjuvant setting for patients with solid tumours, a Phase I study of MRx0518 in patients with pancreatic cancer, a Phase I/II study of MRx-4DP0004 in asthma, a Phase II study of MRx-4DP0004 in patients hospitalised with COVID-19, and Blautix(R) in Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) which has completed a successful Phase II trial. Preclinical-stage programmes include candidates for CNS disease such as Parkinson's disease and other neurodegenerative conditions. The Company has a research collaboration with MSD, a tradename of Merck & Co., Inc., Kenilworth, NJ, USA, to discover and develop Live Biotherapeutics for vaccines.

In October 2020 4D pharma announced its intention to merge with Longevity Acquisition Corporation (NASDAQ: LOAC), a special purpose acquisition company (SPAC), and seek a NASDAQ listing.The merger is expected to be completed and the NASDAQ listing of 4D pharma American Depositary Shares (ADSs) under the ticker symbol LBPS is currently expected to become effective in early 2021, subject to approval of 4D Shareholders and Longevity Shareholders, and the SEC review process.

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4D Pharma to host virtual KOL event reviewing new data presented at the Society for Immunotherapy of Cancer annual meeting 2020 from Live Biotherapeut...

The Adrenomyeloneuropathy Treatment Market to grow on an emphatic note from 2019 to 2029 –

Adrenomyeloneuropathy is a rare genetic neuro-degenerative disease. Adrenomyeloneuropathy is the adult onset of adrenoleukodystrophy caused by the mutation in ABCD1 gene occurs usually in young boys. Adrenomyeloneuropathy disease affect the nerve cells in the spine and brain and the adrenal glands. Adrenomyeloneuropathy symptoms includes stiffness, weakness and pain in the legs. Adrenomyeloneuropathy is also known as progressive spastic paraparesis. Damage to the nerves of the legs which causes unsteadiness and fall, also the bladder, bowel and sexual organs are affected by the adrenomyeloneuropathy. Rare diseases affect vast numbers of people, with current data representing 30 million sufferers in the EU alone and 30 million affected in the US. There is no cure to Adrenomyeloneuropathy. However some treatment might stop the progression of Adrenomyeloneuropathy such as stem cell transplants. Blood testing, MRI test, vision screening and Skin biopsy and fibroblast cell culture are done for the diagnosis for the adrenomyeloneuropathy. Continued advances in the treatment of adrenomyeloneuropathy will further propel the adrenomyeloneuropathy treatment market.

Growing cases of rare disease and development of new and advanced treatment for rare disease is expected to boost the adrenomyeloneuropathy treatment market. Growing preference for healthy lifestyle and favorable government regulation spur the Adrenomyeloneuropathy treatment market in the forecast period. Development of new technology and devices for the diagnosis of genetic disorders will propel the adrenomyeloneuropathy treatment market. Rising focus on the research and development of new therapeutic and drug treatment and growing government funding for the orphan drug is expected to drive the adrenomyeloneuropathy treatment market.

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However, stringent regulations for the drug development and high cost of associated with the treatment is expected to hinder the adrenomyeloneuropathy treatment market.

The global adrenomyeloneuropathy treatment market is segmented on basis of disease type, drug type and end user and geography.

Development of novel drugs and undergoing clinical trial for the rare disease is expected to boost adrenomyeloneuropathy treatment market. More than 3,000 drugs are in active development for one of the rare disease. Progress in genomics and biomedical science for the development of rare disease drug is expected to spur the adrenomyeloneuropathy treatment market. Various pharmaceutical companies are focusing on developing drug for the low prevalence disease types and rising funding and collaboration among the key players and government is expected to spur the adrenomyeloneuropathy treatment market.

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The North America market for adrenomyeloneuropathy treatment is expected to retain its dominance, owing to increasing patient pool for rare disease, increasing government funding to accelerate the research and development for rare disease. According to Genetic and Rare Diseases Information Center, more than 25 million Americans are suffering from rare disease in United States.Europe is expected to account for the second largest share in the global adrenomyeloneuropathy treatment market owing to growing clinical trial funding programs for orphan drug development and high prevalence of adrenomyeloneuropathy and high treatment seeking rate. Asia Pacific is expected to show significant growth, owing to increasing diagnosis rate and improvement in healthcare infrastructure. China is expected to show significant growth in the adrenomyeloneuropathy treatment market, due to rising population improving R&D capability, increasing per capita heath spending. Latin America and Middle East & Africa is expected to show growth owing to lack of diagnosis and inadequate healthcare facilities and lack of skilled physicians for Adrenomyeloneuropathy Treatment market.

Examples of some of the key manufacturer present in the global adrenomyeloneuropathy treatment market are Ascend Biopharmaceuticals, Novadip Biosciences, Eureka Therapeutics, Human Longevity, Regeneus, Allogene Therapeutics, BioRestorative Therapies, Immatics Biotechnologies, NewLink Genetics, Cytori Therapeutics, Talaris Therapeutics among others.

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The Adrenomyeloneuropathy Treatment Market to grow on an emphatic note from 2019 to 2029 -

Global Precision Medicine Software Market 2020 Recovering From Covid-19 Outbreak|Know More About Brand Players – The Think Curiouser

The research report entitled GlobalPrecision Medicine SoftwareMarket 2020 added by Syndicate Market Researchprovides professional information to evaluate the most recent Precision Medicine Software market measurements and industry situation. The report offers the research methodology and approaches followed to clear up the Precision Medicine Software industry conditions. This report studies the all-important aspects of the Precision Medicine Software market based on current market conditions and focuses on future possibilities of Precision Medicine Software market during 2020-2026.

This report research enormously examines each and every specific deciding factor of the Precision Medicine Software industry on the basis of present financial condition, Demand, Trends, Limit, Capacity, procedures encapsulated by Precision Medicine Software market competitor and their advancement framework.

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The research highly targets on the current industry size of the Global Precision Medicine Software market and its improvement capacity on the basis of the last 5 years data with company profile of leading players and manufacturers. The major key regions which add to the progression of Precision Medicine Software market mostly cover such as Precision Medicine Software market in North America, South America, Europe, Africa, the Middle East, and the Asian countries.

Top Players and Manufacturers Analysis in Precision Medicine Software Market:Syapse, Allscripts, Qiagen, Roper Technologies, Fabric Genomics, Foundation Medicine, Sophia Genetics, PierianDx, Human Longevity, Translational Software, Gene42 Inc, Lifeomic Health

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Global Precision Medicine Software Market 2020 Recovering From Covid-19 Outbreak|Know More About Brand Players - The Think Curiouser

What must we teach The Next Generation? – The Business Times

Fri, Nov 20, 2020 - 5:50 AM

HOW can we prepare the next generation to handle the mind-bending changes that are taking place every day and every hour? Indeed, when is the next generation?

Much faster than you think. Best to view it as "now". So much technology involved in the way we live and work from today onwards. Bill Gates's magic all-electric house will be looking old already, I expect.

There is a lesson in that. Be thoughtful for your techie advances. Today's new connection wizard will often be tomorrow's has-been. You cannot judge all of the stayers and goers correctly, but you can be prudent about your investment in every new toy.

My advice is to shun the processes that make what is already being done adequately well simply faster with what appear to be more bells and whistles.

There are a thousand ways to have a diary. I find most of them excessively interrupting and admonishing. I prefer a simple word document to which I can add whatever I want whenever I want. I've been using one for years and it works very well.

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Of course, it doesn't send irritating messages to all those involved with me to remind them to jump to my commands. I think they quite like that. But each to his or her own.

Back to the basics

We obviously don't need to drill the next generation in the techie things they are already enthusiastically learning. It will be second nature to them to adopt a technologically advanced lifestyle. Chances are, however, that they will need some more fundamental disciplines. I rate the first of these the understanding that fundamental is itself important.

Certain basic rules of life get lost in the rush to adopt the next gizmo or philosophy that comes along. As an example of this I quote digitisation, which Wikipedia defines as "the process of converting information into a digital format, in which the information is organised into bits. The result is the representation of an object, image, sound, document or signal by generating a series of numbers that describe a discrete set of points or samples."

The use to which digitisation is put is another helpful way of looking at it. Digitisation is how we turn everything into numbers. Okay, but why do we want to do that? So that it is much easier to handle than words. What do we do once we have turned the imprecise words, senses, feelings into numbers? We then produce a process for handling them. And that process is fast and final, by which I mean definitive.

Absolutely fine for the hard data of life - how many bottles on the wall. But try to apply that numeracy to love, to pain, to a sunset, to beautiful music, to an unspoken relationship between two people. Of course, it can be done, we do it all the time. "Measure your degree of satisfaction with our service - one star or five stars or something in between."

I may have loved the person who dealt with me, hated the answer I got and longed for a wider range of prices from which to choose. The weary five stars don't give me much scope, so we resort to words - but only for those willing to take the trouble. Now we have biased any feedback in favour of the literate.

Measuring the unmeasurable

The quality of life is not easily digitised so we must be careful that we don't ruin top class music, for example, by digitising it, at least until we can do so with the fineness of the human ear and the feelings of the human heart.

How would you measure the characteristics of a potentially top leader? A lot of hard facts go into doing so. But so does a lot of judgment. Maybe one day we will be able to do it with a measure of success. For now, don't be fooled by the very arbitrary attributes we can specify. Teaching people to "read" others is one of the most difficult coaching jobs we are called on to do.

Understanding personality

I have spent some time on digitisation because measurement is one of the great achievements of the human species. But to allow it to overtake our sensitivities would be a major mistake. I have examples of where this has been done in our own business.

Measurement of personality needs to be carefully handled if it is not to have the opposite effect for which doing it is intended. When it is achieved exclusively by numbers it has the effect of putting people into strict, and very limiting, definitions.

This is not what we want personality measurement for. Our objective is not to "imprison" people but to "free" them. You don't do that by putting them into a box.

There are other fundamentals of life that are equally important and difficult to measure. Personal discipline is a good example. We can measure exercise, diet, sleep and time devoted to several useful life-supporting-and-lengthening activities.

It is much more difficult to measure a well-balanced person - and yet, that is the sort of person we want determining the basic rules of how we live our lives.

And when it comes to sustainability, in the interests of revitalising the planet, our measurements will likely suggest short-term solutions to our problems rather than long-term solutions, which are generally the only way to undo the damage we have done.

Sustainability - the long-term solution

Sustainability becomes particularly difficult in times of economic disaster like the current pandemic. Desperate to get the planet's economy back on line we will inevitably be searching for quick fixes.

This will apply especially to SMEs who don't have the cash reserves to sustain them through prolonged absence of business.

It is vital therefore that their mentors and coaches - probably the parents and family - teach them a company's responsibility towards the planet and their fellow human beings. Longevity of a business today means adaptability to the changing scene.

It also means sensitivity to the market and to all the changes taking place in an overcrowded and vulnerable living space. The next generation is already with us. It needs to be.

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What must we teach The Next Generation? - The Business Times

How curing loneliness can increase longevity and health J. – The Jewish News of Northern California

Zara Jaffe, president of the Senior Friendship Club of Peninsula Temple Beth El (which meets at the Peninsula JCC), does not mince words: Loneliness is lethal. Zara should know. She is 95 years old, and boasts that two of the 20 to 25 members of her group are centenarians. She is proud that her friendship club fights loneliness head-on.

Dr. Vivek Murthy, former U.S. surgeon general in the Obama administration, discusses the impact of loneliness on mental and physical health in his book Together: The Healing Power of Human Connection in a Sometimes Lonely World. Those who battle loneliness are affected mentally and physically, resulting in increased risk of depression, anxiety, addiction, self-harm, weakened immune system, diabetes, dementia, heart disease, sleep disturbance and premature death. He explains that the reduction of lifespan due to loneliness is similar to smoking 15 cigarettes per day.

Loneliness is not about being alone. Its an internal feeling of isolation, the sense that if you disappeared tomorrow, no one would notice. In 2018, Cigna surveyed over 20,000 adults and found that 46 percent of respondents felt lonely or left out. Contrary to what we might predict about loneliness affecting mainly an older population, it was young adults in Generation Z (ages 18 to 23) who were the loneliest, followed by millennials (ages 24 to 39). After the pandemic hit, a survey by the company SocialPro revealed that 31 percent of Americans feel lonelier because of the coronavirus situation.

Being around people does not mean one cannot feel lonely. As a freshman in college I lived in a 1,000-person dormitory, played violin in my college symphony and went to classes with hundreds of others. I dared not admit to myself that I was lonely, probably because of the stigma associated with it. The following year I joined a Jewish fraternity, and I closely observed others to learn how to be more social. As a result, my feeling of loneliness decreased.

Dr. Carla Perissinotto, a geriatrician at UCSF, remarks that even before the pandemic, loneliness has been a serious public health problem. In her research, those who are more likely to be lonely include women, those of lower socioeconomic status, and minority populations. In contrast to the Cigna poll, she has found that there is a greater risk of loneliness with aging due to a combination of life transitions, such as retirement or losing a spouse, and having hearing and visual impairments.

If this pandemic teaches us anything it is that, in addition to our physical health, social health matters, too. However, once this pandemic ends (and I am optimistic it will), we may not immediately bounce back from our isolation. New York Times journalist Kate Murphy recently wrote about this, asserting that deprivation has sent our brains into survival mode and that we have become hypervigilant and oversensitive: People start to withdraw, rationalizing they are too tired, didnt like the person much to begin with, or theres something theyd rather watch on Netflix. She warns, As we all gradually re-emerge from our confinement and widen our social circles, dont expect anyone or anything to be the same.

So what can we do to improve our social health? Dr. Murthy advises service as a powerful antidote to loneliness. Call a friend, do small acts of kindness or volunteer. How often do you hear volunteers state, I get more out of this than I give?

Post-pandemic you might pursue connections and service through your synagogue, your local Jewish community center, Bay Area Jewish Healing Center, or Jewish Family and Childrens Services, or by volunteering with your favorite symphony, art museum, library, or community theater. We should do the things that we find most meaningful. As a result, we will become less isolated and more resilient against loneliness.

At the end of my phone call with Zara Jaffe, she demonstrated what she preached. She invited me to join her Senior Friendship Club. This is what the club is about creating friendships and community, celebrating birthdays and holidays, and simply being together. Whether in person or on Zoom, the Friendship Club has been meeting weekly for 40 years, and there is no excuse even a pandemic to stop them now. Loneliness is too big a threat.

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How curing loneliness can increase longevity and health J. - The Jewish News of Northern California

The Divine Light of Healing and Understanding The Crystal Age of Abundance and Longevity – News

[Editors Note: This article is reprinted from Volume 33, No. 9; and The Final Call will continue to reprint articles written by our late and dear Mother Tynnetta Muhammad.]

Allah is the light of the heavens and the earth. A likeness of His light is as a pillar on which is a lampthe lamp is in a glass, the glass is as it were a brightly shining starlit from a blessed olive-tree, neither eastern nor western, the oil whereof gives light, though fire touch it notlight upon light. Allah guides to His light whom He pleases. And Allah sets forth parables for men, and Allah is Knower of all things Holy Quran, Surah 24, verse 35

All the cells of our body resonate with the intelligent communication of sounds and color and overall in perfect harmony and alignment with the forces of nature. This electrochemistry of the human body is capable of self-healing as a part of the element of our eco-system working within and without. In understanding this subject we, like the Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad, have to be exposed to erratic conditions that shape our environment and which oft times rob us of our natural state of being, causing changes in our genetic makeup and DNA. According to this resonant field of evolution that we have entered, collective consciousness is not easy to attain. Our bodies and minds are exposed to varying degrees of stressful components in our environment which can shut down our bodys natural defenses against the intrusion of illness and disease.

The original Black mans history in the Americas for more than 400 years has nearly destroyed 100 percent of our natural genetic material which defends us from this assault, leaving us open to disease and premature death. How do we reverse this condition and return back to the days of our ancestors who lived for hundreds of years at a time in the past? First of all, we must ask the question, what is the frequency of our thoughts? How do we think about ourselves and others? How can we be separated from the miserable condition that has been produced through ignorance and the lack of knowledge of self and kind now being exposed to a contaminant environment? The very air we breathe is toxic as well as many of the thoughts that we think. Our healing and restoration depends greatly upon the quality of our thinking and our determination to overcome the obstacles that lie in our path.

One might ask what does thought have to do with our miserable state of condition? If we can change the way we think about ourselves and others, we are in the process of eliminating the waste material that has accumulated over the years as a result of our disrespect to ourselves and a righteous way of life. When we, as a people, were found by our Saviour, Fard Muhammad, he described our condition as that of a dead man or a person who has been totally robbed of the knowledge of self and the knowledge of God and were living a savage lifestyle. Along with our thinking, we must breathe pure and clean oxygen in the air and take in vital foods to fight stress and disease.

Through centuries of exploitation and fear during the period of slavery, we turned into ourselves and are continuing to commit mass murder and suicide as a people doomed to failure. This struggle and war against ourselves has produced a sick people, nation and society. We have practiced living the life of our former slave masters which has brought a complete fall to the fulfillment of our divine destiny.

We must stop attempting to live the lifestyle of our open enemy rather than following the essence of our own natural being and way of life.

According to our sacred writings of lessons (The Supreme Wisdom) given to us to study, the Problem Book teaches in a mathematical way that the Lost-Found Nation of Islam lacks a thorough knowledge of themselves and is living in a miserable state when we were found by our Saviour, W. D. Fard. Following this opening statement, we are given a series of six problems which describe our mental and physical condition, and we are identified as the uncle and the wife of Mr. W. D. Fard in the wilderness of North America, living a life other than their own and weighing other than themselves.

This miserable condition leads to our poor health condition which includes: rheumatism, headaches, and pain in all joints, high blood pressure and heart failure. This miserable condition continues until the second and third Uncle are totally deprived of oxygen to breathe in such a toxic atmosphere. They must depend upon the doctors with their drugs and pills to keep them alive on life support systems until we are pronounced dead. Master Fard Muhammad described our condition in this same Problem Book as being the factors of death added to the eating of the wrong food, especially the hogs diseased carcass and using other meal helpers at least three times a day, until we have created such a toxic environment in our bodies and minds that destroys our beauty appearance nearly 100 percent.

Following the discussion of the sick uncle and his wife who are related to Master Fard Muhammad, a great explosion in the very atom of the atmosphere takes place. This explosion in the atmosphere may represent an explosion of Divine Knowledge regenerating oxygen into our lifeless bodies, relieving us of the symptoms of death escaping the over 400 years of servitude slavery. In some of the research of the food and drink that was fed to our fore-parents on the TransAtlantic Slave crossing, sea water was given to our fore-parents to drink along with other undesirable food items.

The present world order of the exploitation of the Black and Indigenous people of the planet is now coming to an end and we are now being taught a higher science of divine that will restore us and lead us into a new world of thought, gradually eliminating the poisons we have carried in our bodies and our minds for over four centuries. We are now extending the life force to revive the dead and return back to a healthier condition through the Divine Teachings of the Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad.

Finally, I remember how the Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad upon his move to Mexico stated that he had always been looking for the right atmosphere and believed he had found it. While he was seeking to extend our life, others were plotting to take his life and to continue to pollute the environment with wicked and negative thoughts against his Divine Moves to bring our nation back to life again.

As we continue our journey with the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan throughout the world on his World Friendship Tour III, we are seeing and experiencing his efforts to find a way to unite both East and West as one under the call of Divine Unity so that we who sat in darkness now see a Great Light. We, who are counted as lost, are now found and are beginning to breathe a new life of Freedom, Justice and Equality by changing the very atmosphere of our thoughts.

(It is) in houses which Allah has permitted to be exalted and His name to be remembered therein. Therein do glorify Him, in the mornings and the evenings, Men whom neither merchandise nor selling diverts from the remembrance of Allah and the keeping up of prayer and the paying of the poor-ratethey fear a day in which the hearts and the eyes will turn about.Holy Quran, Surah 24, verses 36-37

To be continued.

Read the original post:
The Divine Light of Healing and Understanding The Crystal Age of Abundance and Longevity - News

Leaders who wanted to achieve something more – Inman

Our highest award at EXIT Realty is symbolized by a man chiseling himself from a block of stone; a self-made man creating his own reality. We chose this symbol because everyone is a work in progress. Even our top achievers can achieve more. They are limitless.

Everyone wants to be a part of something better, even people at the height of their career. They want the opportunity to learn, grow, make a difference, and leave a legacy. These are the people were attracting to EXIT Realty even during a global pandemic. Or, perhaps, especially during a global pandemic. For many, 2020 has been a year of reflection; a time when theyve taken a long, hard look at what they want out of life, aligned their values with their actions and made a change for the better.

Rick DeLuca, award-winning real estate professional and renowned international trainer and speaker is one of several new regional owners attracted to EXITs holistic, people-first business philosophy. EXIT Realtys unique business model focused on helping you grow aligns with my core values. I truly believe the experience Ive gained all these years has prepared me for the most exciting journey of my career, he said. When I was finalizing the negotiations with Rick for the sale of EXITs subfranchisor rights to California, Oregon, Washington, Nevada, and Hawaii, he turned to me and said, Tam, I want this to be my legacy.

Also this year, hospitality industry veteran, Mike Wohl, assumed the reins in Massachusetts, commenting, I am thrilled to be joining the EXIT team of Regional Owners from across North America in providing opportunities for people to control their own destiny and reach their full potential.

Most recently, Melissa Shea became EXITs newest regional owner in Connecticut and Rhode Island. Melissas number one goal is to teach people how to achieve financial freedom through owning real estate.

Starting from scratch, she built a personal investment portfolio of more than 120 properties and speaks nationally on real estate investing. She is the mother of eight children, three of whom have special needs. Leaving a legacy for her children is paramount and she realized that although they may not be able to manage her portfolio, with her work at EXIT Realty, she could create an opportunity for them to benefit from residual income. Joining EXIT was a choice to make sure her own family was taken care of and to realize her dream of teaching others how to achieve true family wealth.

EXIT Realty Virginia recently changed hands among EXIT veterans. Tom and Nancy Shaver retired after building the region to include some of the top brokerages in the company, passing the baton to a team of some of EXITs leading Broker/Owners. During a transition meeting with their franchisees, Nancy told them she loved them and believed that she and Tom were leaving them in the right hands with Bernadette Cole, Koy Banks and Randy Barrows to take the region to the next level. Tom and Nancy continue to enhance their retirement residuals with EXIT.

At EXIT Realty Corp. International, our executive team has been with the company on average for more than 16 years with a combined 480 years of real estate experience. Our head office staff has served the company on average for more than 14 years. We are a company founded and built on human potential working hard to humanize the real estate industry. Our culture combined with the longevity of our leadership gives our people the freedom to take risks and grow into something that they didnt know they could be or do before.

I love my job as CEO, selling regions, and building the brand. But my favorite part is seeing something in someone they didnt see in themselves and being able to turn their head, maybe even just three degrees, to show them who they can become. All of a sudden they experience an AHA! moment of, Wow! This is exactly what I should be doing! This is my mission!

I love being tied to EXITs mission to show people that its better for them to have residual income. Its better for them to have mentors. Its better for them to have skin in the game so they actually feel like theyre adding value to their work. Truth be told, we could use all those things in any line of work, not just real estate. The opportunity to become all you could be involves picking up the chisel and creating your own reality.

Leaders who wanted to achieve something more - Inman

In Pursuit of Whole Person Health: Leveraging Medicaid Managed Care & 1115 Waivers to Address SDOH – JD Supra

Editors Note: In a new report, Manatt explores how states are using two key toolsMedicaid managed care contracts and 1115 waiversto address the unmet social needs of people with Medicaid coverage. The findings have important implications for Medicaid managed care organizations (MCOs), providers, patients, community-based organizations (CBOs) and other healthcare stakeholders. Key highlights are summarized below. Click here to download our free infographicdrawn from the reports findingsto learn about common, emerging and leading-edge practices to advance whole person health across the country.

The ability to live a healthy life is influenced by a multitude of factors that extend beyond medical care. Access to stable housing, healthy foods, safe neighborhoods, reliable transportation, educational resources and other nonmedical drivers of healthoften called social determinants of health (SDOH)has a profound impact on health and longevity, driving as much as 80 percent of health outcomes.1 The current COVID-19 crisis has shone a bright light on the extent to which addressing SDOH is integral to ensuring the health of vulnerable individuals and communities. Those hardest hit by the pandemic are low-income communities as well as communities of colorwho not only have experienced higher rates of infection, hospitalization and death, but also have been disproportionately impacted by downstream job loss and socioeconomic instability.2,3 The crisis has underscored just how critical the linkages between economic and social services and healthcare are to the well-being of both individuals and their communities.

Medicaid, which currently provides health coverage for 1 in 7 adults and 2 in 5 children across the country,4 is the largest payer for healthcare for low-income populations. Because Medicaid by definition serves those most affected by social and economic challenges, states have a particularly strong imperative to address SDOH. As states seek to improve overall health for Medicaid beneficiaries and derive more value for their healthcare dollars, they are increasingly seeking to integrate strategies to address health-related social needs into their care delivery models.

States ability to pay for nonmedical servicessuch as food or housingwith Medicaid dollars is limited by federal statute. However, states have a variety of tools to support the health-related social needs of their Medicaid beneficiaries, including Medicaid managed care contracts and 1115 waivers.

Manatt reviewed the contracts of each state and territory with Medicaid managed care, as well as their 1115 waivers, to identify SDOH-related provisions in six areas of focus: Care Management: Workforce; Data Development, Collection and Evaluation; Quality Metrics and Strategy; Financing; and Community Initiatives.

These trends have important implications for people enrolled in Medicaid, CBOs, MCOs, state Medicaid programs and other stakeholders. The full report discusses these implications and provides insights into anticipated developments in the pursuit of whole person care for people with Medicaid, over the next months and years.

NOTE: The full report, which includes detailed state profiles, is available for purchase as a stand-alone PDF or through a subscription to Insights@ManattHealth, which also gives you access to an interactive SDOH map and database, filterable by area of focus, intervention, domain and target population, as well as ongoing access to Manatt Healths premium content information service. Insights@ManattHealth leverages Manatt Healths knowledge in the Medicaid, Medicare, Marketplace, life sciences, litigation, digital health and privacy arenas to bring you a roundup of each weeks federal and state policy changes; detailed regulatory and subregulatory guidance summaries; and 50-state surveys across a range of topics, including 1115 waivers, 340B policies and telehealth.

1 Moodys Analytics. Understanding Health Conditions Across the U.S. BlueCross BlueShield Association. December 2017. Available:

2 US: Address Impact on COVID-19 on Poor: Virus Outbreak Highlights Structural Inequities. Human Rights Watch. March 19, 2020. Available:

3 COVID-19 Hospitalization and Death by Race/Ethnicity. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Cases, Data & Surveillance. Available:

4 Medicaid in the United States. Kaiser Family Foundation. October 2019. Available:

5 North Dakotas contract did not have any provisions that fit within the scope of this survey, whether required, encouraged or optional.

6 The requirements to refer to social services and coordinate social services would imply that MCOs have to screen for SDOH. In select states, Manatt found requirements for coordination and/or referral without screening.

Originally posted here:
In Pursuit of Whole Person Health: Leveraging Medicaid Managed Care & 1115 Waivers to Address SDOH - JD Supra

Hints from Heloise: Shelf life of cleaners | Human Interest – The Union Leader

Dear Readers: Because of the coronavirus, we have become more aware of the importance of disinfecting and sanitizing. This may prompt us to hoard cleaning supplies, soaps, detergents, hand sanitizers, wipes, bleach, etc.

But hold the phone! Cleaning products have a shelf life; they can lose their efficacy over time. Heres the scoop on longevity:

Disinfecting wipes, disinfecting spray and hand sanitizer are less effective after two years.

Liquid laundry detergent is good for six months to a year.

Chlorine bleach, discard after six months.

Of course, these dates assume the cleaning items are stored properly covered, in a cool, dry place out of direct sunlight.

Socks on the double

DEAR HELOISE: I always buy two or more pairs of the same color sock. This way, if one gets lost or gets a toe hole, I can rotate them and theyll still wear evenly.

Save that vinegar

Dear Readers: To avoid wasting vinegar that has been used to remove hard water buildup in the coffeemaker, save the filtered vinegar in an empty jar. The vinegar can be used again for cleaning the coffeemaker for a couple more times. Vinegar should be a staple in every home. Its safe, cheap and great for cleaning and freshening a ton of items around the house. Youll find a list of cleaning formulas in my six-page vinegar pamphlet that you can have by visiting or by sending $5 and a long, self-addressed, stamped (70 cents) envelope to: Heloise/Vinegar, P.O. Box 5001, San Antonio, TX 78279-5001. You can also use the filtered vinegar to freshen the kitchen sink drain.

Mirror repair

DEAR HELOISE: I found a beautiful mirror framed in a dark bronzed metal at a resale shop, but it had seen better days. It had several nicks and scrapes in the finish. To repair it, instead of buying a whole can of paint, I found small jars of enamel paint used for painting models at the local craft and hobby shop.

Theyre only $2 a jar, and come in a multitude of colors and finishes. It was a perfect match and easy to use with a small brush. The remainder can be used to repair other items the same color around the house handles, doorknobs, towel racks, light fixtures, lamps, patio furniture, etc.

Becca, Colorado Springs, Colo.

Nana camp

DEAR HELOISE: Since we live far away from our grandchildren, I feel the need to bring nana camp to them when we visit. One whole suitcase is devoted to them. It is filled with crayons, paper, scissors, tape, watercolors, puzzles, dress-up, fabric, felt, glue, you name it! We have fun! The suitcase provides hours of fun and creativity. I hope someone will try this, too.

Corrinne, what a fun Nana you are!

Send hints to Heloise, P.O. Box 795001, San Antonio, TX 78279-5001 or email

Hints from Heloise: Shelf life of cleaners | Human Interest - The Union Leader

Morning Coffee: Lloyd Blankfein to become an EDM DJ? This is what a New York banker looks like – eFinancialCareers

Goldman Sachs is coming for the net worth of its current and its ex-CEOs. After agreeing to pay a total of $5bn in penalties relating to its role in the 1MDB Malaysian investment fund scandal, the firmhas decided to punish thepeople who were supposed to prevent this sort of thing happening.

The Wall Street Journal reports that 'executives' at Goldman are having $174m deducted from their pay. Bonuses are being cut for current CEODavid Solomon and three 'top lieutenants' (presumably including COO John Waldron and maybe chief risk officer, Brian Lee and another). Moneyis also being clawed back from Lloyd Blankfein and 'other departed' senior people.

Blankfein and the ex-Goldmanites would seem most culpable: the infractions took place on their watch. Goldman's own general counsel said yesterday that between2009 and 2014 the bank, "knowingly and willfully agreed to violate the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act by corruptly promising, and paying bribes to foreign officials in order to obtain and retain business for Goldman Sachs.In 2012 and 2013 specifically, Goldman helped 1MDB raise $6.5bn by selling bonds to investors. That money was mostly stolen, apparentlywith the assistanceof two Goldman bankers -Timothy Leissner and Roger Ng (who still says he's innocent).

The UK's Financial Conduct Authority, which yesterday levied its own fine of97m ($126m), madethe affair sound like a failure of Goldman's much vaunted culture."When confronted with allegations of bribery and staff misconduct, the firms mishandling allowed severe misconduct to go unaddressed," saidMark Steward, FCA executive director of enforcement.

It's not clear how much of his~$1bn net worth is now at risk, but Lloyd Blankfein - who is currently on a 'gap year' wasn't saying anything about it onTwitter. The likelihood is that Goldman will now make deductions from Blankfein's 'at risk' stock, which was withheld for five years after he left at the end of 2018. Goldman's 2019 proxy statement suggests easily exceeds $50m.

Blankfein, whose life now includeshanging out with celebrities on yachts,might yetencouraged to take up a side-gig. We'd suggest he couldbecome an electronic dance music (EDM) DJ alongside David Solomon. The novelty value of two Goldman CEOswould surely be a draw. It would alsomake an alternative to leaving Goldman and going into government....

The real question, though, is what happens to Gary Cohn, Goldman's Blankfein-era COO. Cohn did go into government when he left in 2017 and all his stock therefore vested immediately. Can Goldman claw this back too? Cohn may have made the wisest move.

Separately, the Office of the New York State Comptroller yesterday issued a report on the State of the Securities Industry in New York for bankers/traders in the city to benchmark themselves against.

Two thirds of the people in New York's securities industry are men (a proportion that's remained surprisingly stable over time). 60% are white. 35% are immigrants from Asia and Europe. 9% are Hispanic. 7% are African American. 59% of people working in securities live in the city, 41% commute-in (mostly from New Jersey). 37% have a higher degree (a proportion that's rising). And a surprisingly small 12% work in technology functions in the securities sector....

Also interesting were the figures for pay. The average total compensation for securities employees in NYC is $406,700, comprised of a bonus of$164,100 and a salary of $242,600. In Manhattan, average securities compensation was even higher, at $411k. In Suffolk County, where hedge funds are based, it was higher still, at$621,368.

If these pay figuresare making you feel inadequate, it's worth considering that the median is likely to be far lower.- The comptroller's report also said that30% of people working in New York's securities industry earn less than $100k.


Hedge fund Elliott Investment Management is moving itsbase from midtown Manhattan to West Palm Beach, Florida andopening facilities in Greenwich, Connecticut, and Florida to help employees work from home. (Financial Times)

Junior lawyers in London earn of to142k ($186k)a year at highest paying law firm Kirkland & Ellis. Junior accountants take home 40k. High legal salaries are causing a headache. (Financial Times)

The European Union appears to be using rules related to thedelegation of fund management to push hedge fund jobs into Europe. (Financial Times)

Boaz Weinstein's warning:I find today the risk-reward profile of credit to be basically among the worst, relative to other things, Ive seen in my career. A VIX at 20 used to be quite a feat. Here we are at 30, and the credit market hasnt blinked. (Bloomberg)

Jefferies has got an equities trading chatbot. (Walters Technology)

A commodities trader committed to research into human longevity died. "I regard healthy human life as a wonderful but tragically brief experience." (WSJ)

Ex-British Prime Minister Theresa May is earninga lot of money from speaking engagementsat JPMorgan. (Twitter)

Have a confidential story, tip, or comment youd like to share? Contact:sbutcher@efinancialcareers.comin the first instance. Whatsapp/Signal/Telegram also available. Bear with us if you leave a comment at the bottom of this article: all our comments are moderated by human beings. Sometimes these humans might be asleep, or away from their desks, so it may take a while for your comment to appear. Eventually it will unless its offensive or libelous (in which case it wont.)

Go here to see the original:
Morning Coffee: Lloyd Blankfein to become an EDM DJ? This is what a New York banker looks like - eFinancialCareers

Global Precision Medicine Software Market (COVID-19 Analysis) Industry Share, Growth, Trends Analysis Report 2020-26 – The Think Curiouser

In the latest Research Report onGlobalPrecision Medicine Software Market offers an Exclusive Research analysis of the present scenario of the global market.This report contains market revenue, sales, Precision Medicine Software production and manufacturing cost that could help you to get a better view on the market. The Report Focuses on the key global Precision Medicine Software industry manufacturers to describe and analyze the sales volume, value, market share, market competition landscape withSWOTanalysis and development plans in next few years.Major parameters covered under these company profiles include revenues, gross profits, operating income,COGS, EBITDA, sales volume, product offerings, company landscape analysis, key strategic moves, key recent developments, and technological roadmap.Syndicatemarketresearch providesa complete understanding of general market scenarios and future market situations to prepare for rising above the challenges and ensuring strong growth,the complete analysis of Precision Medicine Software Market Size, Data and development forecast from 2020-2026.

Download FREE Sample Report here:-

(We Provide Free Sample copy as per your Research Requirement, also including COVID 19 impact analysis)

The Major Manufactures covered in this Report:-Syapse, Allscripts, Qiagen, Roper Technologies, Fabric Genomics, Foundation Medicine, Sophia Genetics, PierianDx, Human Longevity, Translational Software, Gene42 Inc, Lifeomic Health

Global Precision Medicine Software Market Product and Application Are:-

Product:Cloud-based, On-premises

Application:Healthcare Providers, Pharmaceutical and Biotechnology Companies, Research Centers and Government Institutes, Other

Syndicatemarketresearch analysts covers all key parameters required for COVID-19 effect on business industry, economic implications their trends, factors, consumer behavior on shopping, effect on spending lot of money on advertising and also on useful industries like medical, transportation, food and Beverage.The globally rising of Bio crisis COVID-19 has many businesses are struggling and confused on what steps to take to minimize or maximize the economic impact.

The Global Precision Medicine Software Market Research Report Forecast2020-2026is a valuable source of insightful data for business strategists. It provides the Precision Medicine Software industry overview with growth analysis, historical & futuristic cost, revenue, demand and supply data. The research analysts provide an elaborate description of the value chain and its distributor analysis. This Precision Medicine Software market study provides comprehensive data which enhances the understanding scope and application of this report.

Geographically, Global Precision Medicine Software Market covers:-United States, Europe, China, Japan, India and Southeast Asia and rest of the world

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Global Precision Medicine Software Market (COVID-19 Analysis) Industry Share, Growth, Trends Analysis Report 2020-26 - The Think Curiouser

How will the future of work evolve? – Fortune India

Social and emotional skills like leadership, service orientation, social influence, managing others, kindness, compassion, empathy, and emotional intelligence will also rise to the top. A recent The Wall Street Journal article, "Wanted: Employees Who Can Shake Hands, Make Small Talk," captures the nuanced importance of social and emotional skills beautifully in the title itself. With technology leading to a gradual reduction of repetitive tasks, rule-based operations and processes, and administrative reportage, humans will perhaps have more time for innovation, collaboration, and productivity. For once, John Maynard Keynes' argument in Essays in Persuasion about mankind ending up with 15-hour work-week owing to people getting more productive, thanks to machines, technology and new ideas, may come true.

Technology as hardware has historically assisted humans by being outside of us. Technology getting embedded into a man may give rise to a new workforce of cyborgs and newer work standards. Threats and challenges to the established concepts of capitalism, globalisation, and the rise of sharing economy and platform businesses will be some of the other factors affecting and determining the future of work. Even as one could interpret in all this as Schumpeters 'creative destruction' working in disguise, especially with regard to the future of work, it is far more complex than meets the eye. As an example, will the emerging future of work deliver on its promise of diversity and inclusion?

The future of work will be determined by the changing nature of workthe processes, environments, contexts, and relationships for work. Add to this a few developmentscloud collaborative tech, IoT and big data; social media-influenced new behaviors; mobility defined by anytime, anywhere working; and globalisation as defined by no boundaries. And top it with pandemic-attack driven compulsions! If the future of work is wide and epoch-making, so are the attributes of tech-driven labour marketsindefinite, erratic, and extreme.

Moreover, if work becomes different, so will the act of learning. Technological angst is integral to the evolution of human civilisation. The success of Learning how to learn as one of the top 20 most sought-out courses out of 3900+ courses on Coursera perhaps drives home the point.

Individuals, companies, institutions, and governments will all have to play their part as the existing models will not be tenable. Exercising the power of options will help make longevity a gift which will require concerted action by all.

More twists and turns. More fluid than fixed. More sprints than a marathon. That will be the future of work.

Views are personal. The author is Executive-in-Residence at UCLA, a Stanford Seed Consultant, a global CEO coach, and a C-Suite + Start-up advisor.

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How will the future of work evolve? - Fortune India