Philippe Starck Is Living the Future – Mansion Global

Its difficult to describe Philippe Starck in a few wordsor even a few sentences. The French designer, whos known globally for his work in interior, exterior, product, furniture, industrial, and architectural design, has designed everything from low-energy wooden prefabricated houses (known as P.A.T.H., or Prefabricated Accessible Technological Homes), to yachts and hotels, to the residences of the French president.

Hes also responsible for one of the worlds most iconic pieces of furniturethe ghost chair.

Mr. Starck, 71, has coined the phrase democratic design, describing it as something that provides quality pieces at accessible prices.

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And early this year, he announced his newest furniture collection, Oh, It Rains!, in collaboration with B&B Italia Outdoor, a company that focuses on functional furniture. The sofas and armchairs in the collection include a mechanical joint that allows the backrest to recline, as well as to fold over the cushions in order to protect the furniture in case of rain. The pieces are made of water-repellant proprietary textiles.

Outside of furniture and home design, Mr. Starck also had a brief stint as art director for the Virgin Galactic spaceport, is a winemaker (with his own Champagne with Maison Louis Roederer), makes perfume under the label STARCK Paris (interestingly, his mother operated a parfumerie when he was a child), and creates ultraflexible eyeglasses in collaboration with Luxottica, a project that combines design with biomechanics.

We caught up with Mr. Starck to discuss his passions, his inspirations, and what he felt was missing from outdoor furniture.

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Mansion Global: Who are some of your inspirations in the design world?

Philippe Starck: I have no admiration for designers, architects, or artists. I love scientists. My heroes are Ptolemy, Einstein, Archimedes, et cetera. They are among the ones who change the world.

What does democratic design mean to you now? Has that changed throughout the years?

Im not really proud of what I do because design is useless. It can help improve lives, but it does not save lives. However, Im proud of my battle to democratize design: increasing quality, yet lowering prices in order to make design affordable for the wider public. Now that this battle is won, I can continue with democratic ecology and democratic architecture. I started with P.A.T.H., highly technological and high-quality prefabricated houses, to save energy, time, money, and guarantee longevity at the right price. Recently, I worked on the next commercial International Space Station in collaboration with Axiom to develop commercial space tourism. Im very happy to take part in this project because companies like Axiom are focusing on space research and are searching for solutions in order to democratize space.

How did the project with B&B Italia come about? What was your design inspiration for that collaboration?

I always say that to make beautiful children, parents have to be in love. Its the same with projects; to make beautiful projects, you have to share the same values with your partner. I always thought there was something wrong with outdoor furniture collections. When you are in a beautiful hotel, enjoying the swimming pool, and suddenly someone says: Oh, it rains! and hundreds of waiters start panicking, picking up all the pillows and cushions, there is something not quite right. So I wanted to create a solution. I worked on a whole range of options that allow you to intervene in a few simple steps when it starts to rain. For example, by simply folding the backrest forward, you can cover the upholstery like a protective flap, and as soon as the sun comes back, simply unfold and youre ready. This is the most elegant design made with high technology, high quality, and high intelligence.

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What will the furniture of the future look like?

Design is a simple tool that has been created to improve the ugly obligations of our daily life. There is no future for design, as we are now entering the era of bionism [the art of taking inspiration from the body to create technologies better suited to the human being, according to Mr. Starck] and dematerialization. In the coming years, all the useless things around us will disappear, they will become integrated directly into the walls, to the body. The next designer will be our coach, our dietician.

Youve also launched perfume. How do you get inspired to come up with scents? And what interests you about being in that business?

STARCK Paris is not a design project. It is a personal project, coming from my brain, from my heart. ...With my wife, Jasmine, we spent years discovering the works of almost all existing master perfumers,

carrying out blind tests. And eventually we recognized Daphn Bugey, Annick Mnardo, and Dominique Ropion as part of my sentimental tribe. People who share a vision and creative intelligence. We invented a new diagonal language in order to translate my vision, my mental space, actually turning my words into chemicals and perfumes. I am passionate about perfume because it is so powerful, abstractlike a vehicle, a weapon. With a nanodrop of scent, that is less than a milligram of liquid, you can create your own universe, your own territory.

Whats next for you?

To continue to direct my creation and my production toward immateriality, toward the minimum while giving the maximum. My Starck Biotech Paris glasses are a good example. We continue to explore biotechnology, while working on dematerialization and bionism by proposing new, innovative solutions. ... stay tuned.

This story first appearedin Mansion Global magazine, published on March 14th, 2020.

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Philippe Starck Is Living the Future - Mansion Global

Baby It’s Cold Outside! How the Arctic Fox Survives Frigid Temps – HowStuffWorks


Also known as the white or polar fox, the arctic fox (Vulpes lagopus) is an exceptionally cute yet immensely tough member of the Canidae family of dog-like carnivorans which means it's related to other foxes, wolves and dogs. Prevalent throughout the Arctic regions of the Northern Hemisphere, usually on tundra or mountains near the sea (two of the coldest places on the planet), they range in size from about as big as a small Chihuahua to as large as a Jack Russell terrier, and are said to be second only to polar bears as the most popular animals that travelers want to see and photograph when visiting the Arctic.

Among the arctic fox's most outstanding characteristics? Being able to survive in temperatures as low as -58 degrees F (-50 degrees C) largely due to their small stature. Their compact body, short muzzle and legs, and small rounded ears minimize the amount of surface area that is exposed to the cold air. Additional reasons they can thrive in a frozen habitat include a thick, layered fur coat (the warmest pelt of any animal living in the Arctic) that traps a layer of air and preserves body heat, and fluffy tails that cover their heads like a built-in blanket for added insulation when they curl up to sleep.

They are the only canid that grows fur over their foot pads, which helps them walk easily on snow. An added bonus: They have something called "counter-current blood circulation," which reduces blood flow to their feet to ensure they don't get frostbitten. When conditions become too cold, their metabolism increases to provide warmth, with their winter basal metabolic rate around 25 percent slower than it is during the summer. Not only does this cool trick allow them to withstand frigid temperatures, but it also enables them to survive longer without food a key tool when food is scarce in the dead of winter.

They come in just two colors: white or blue. In the winter, white foxes are almost entirely white (which comes in handy when camouflaging in the ice and snow), and blue foxes are pale-bluish gray. Their fur changes to brown or gray during the summer to help them blend in with their surroundings.

"This color change helps camouflage them for hunting," says Brint Spencer, director of Brandywine Zoo in Wilmington, Delaware, in an email interview. "The white fox is more common, and one theory is that the blue phase tends to be more coastal where the ocean waters do not freeze."

Like the arctic fox, many other animals have developed multiple defenses that enable them to adapt to extremely cold conditions. "They typically have a higher metabolism, reduced body surface area and thick fur or a layer of fat (blubber) to insulate themselves," says Spencer. "Often, they will feed heavily in the fall to have enough stored body fat to get through the winter."

Among these animals is the snow leopard (found in the Alpine and semi-Alpine regions of Central Asia); arctic hare (residing mostly in the northern regions of the Arctic Circle, predominantly in Northern America, Europe, Greenland and the North Pole); leopard seal (found commonly in the Antarctic); and musk oxen (located in Arctic Canada and Greenland).

Yet others include the walrus (commonly found around the North Pole in the Arctic seas); a medium-sized whale known as the narwhal (residing in the Arctic); caribou (which live in Arctic, Subarctic, mountainous, as well as the tundra regions of North America, Europe, Asia and Greenland); and beluga whale (found in the Arctic and Subarctic seas).

Probably the most popular cold-weather creature is the polar bear, which is fully equipped for Arctic life with his thick coat of long, heavy white fur that helps him to blend into the surroundings and keeps him warm by trapping a layer of insulating air. In addition, the polar bear's oily fur keeps moisture at bay and protects him from frigid waters, while a layer of blubber directly below the skin provides insulation from the biting cold. Polar bears have large paws with furry soles to help them walk easily on snow and ice, though these massive creatures prefer to spend most of their lives in the sea.

Arctic foxes usually aren't dangerous or aggressive to humans. In fact, they would prefer to flee from a human rather than fight. Foxes have sometimes been known to attack livestock, such as poultry or rabbits, but seeing as the arctic fox is really only found in the Arctic tundra, it doesn't often have the chance to interact with humans and livestock.

"Almost all mammals can potentially carry rabies, and arctic fox are the primary hosts for a strain of rabies named for them," adds Spencer. "There have been human fatalities from Arctic rabies."

The arctic fox will eat just about anything he can get his paws on. Generally preferring to eat meat, they've also been known to enjoy the occasional seaweed and berries, so they can be considered omnivores. Some of the typical prey includes many rodents, such as voles and lemmings, as well as birds and eggs.

The fact that their coats change color year-round means they are always camouflaged and able to sneak up on prey. With their wide (but short) ears, an arctic fox can hear its prey moving under the snow. Once it has located its next meal, the fox will pounce straight up then down right on top of its victim. In the fall, the arctic fox will work hard to store up body fat, increasing its weight by up to 50 percent. During winter, when food becomes much scarcer, the arctic fox often will follow polar bears around and then scavenge what it can off a kill once the bear has had its fill.

"They are circumpolar, and found in Alaska, Canada, Greenland, Iceland, Northern Europe and Russia," says Spencer. Their habitat includes dens, which might be in a mound on the open tundra, under a pile of rocks or in the side of a cliff. A fox den has many tunnels with several entrances.

An adult male is called a dog and an adult female is called a vixen. Babies are called kits, and a group of babies born at the same time is called a litter. Older brothers and sisters sometimes help raise the youngest kits. The arctic fox usually breeds once a year, producing a litter of up to 20 dark-furred pups that are born between April and June; gestation is about 52 days.

Pups are weaned about 45 days after birth, and then leave the den to live on their own beginning in September or October of the same year. Young become sexually mature at 9 to 10 months of age.

"Similar to small domestic dogs, they will live 10 to 12 years in human care," says Spencer. "Life span in the wild tends to be much shorter. The record longevity is a little over 16 years."

Although it might be tempting to rush out and get a cute little pet fox as soon as possible, it's important to think about all of the various factors that go into owning this exotic animal.

While you can legally own an arctic fox if you live in the Arctic tundra habitats of Northern Europe, Northern Asia and North America, perhaps the biggest problem of having one is its smell. They have odorous urine similar to the spray that a skunk would emit, and they also secrete odor from glands beneath the fur.

Stubborn and temperamental, they are difficult to train and extremely disobedient as well. But you can train them; you just need to put more effort and time into the process than you would for dogs. If they don't get enough exercise, they also can get bored easily and start chewing furniture and other things. Finally, they need plenty of attention compared with other pet foxes, which means plenty of human interaction.

"There are many local ordinances prohibiting private ownership of wild animals," says Spencer. "You should check with your local government before obtaining any exotic pet."

See more here:
Baby It's Cold Outside! How the Arctic Fox Survives Frigid Temps - HowStuffWorks

The Disinformation Campaign Being Launched Against Biden – Washington Monthly

During a town hall on Fox News Thursday night, Trump once again alluded to the idea that Biden is unfit for office. While the lies about the Bidens and Burisma will likely continue, the Daily Caller reports that this new line of attack will be a focus for Republicans and the Trump campaign.

This issue, however, is not simply being raised by Trump and his enablers. Steve Friess reports that a memo about Bidens cognitive decline is circulating among Sanders supporters.

The Bernie Sanders presidential campaign is disavowing a list of post-Super Tuesday talking points distributed to supporters and surrogates on Wednesday morning that suggest Sanders partisans attack a resurgent Joe Biden on his record and obvious cognitive decline.

The material, seen by Newsweek, was posted on various social media sites and on internal WhatsApp groups for supporters of the independent Vermont senator as an official campaign communique, but Sanders communications director Mike Caspa said hed never seen it before.

Thats not a real document, he told Newsweek. Its not ours.

This is now a 2-person race, and there will be heightened scrutiny on Bidens record and obvious cognitive decline, the document reads.

The message is obviously getting out there.

All of this feels very familiar. During the 2016 election, both Trump and the Sanders camp attempted to paint Hillary Clinton as corrupt. Now, both sides have teamed up on an attack against Biden.

Weve all watched Biden stumble with words during debates and extemporaneous speeches. So as people committed to examining facts and evidence, it is important to gather what we know about this particular attack and not simply dismiss it because of the sources from which it is emanating.

The first thing that is important to do is to define the terms. Here is how the Mayo Clinic defines cognitive impairment.

Mild cognitive impairment (MCI) is the stage between the expected cognitive decline of normal aging and the more serious decline of dementia. It can involve problems with memory, language, thinking and judgment that are greater than normal age-related changes.

If you have mild cognitive impairment, you may be aware that your memory or mental function has slipped. Your family and close friends also may notice a change. But these changes arent severe enough to significantly interfere with your daily life and usual activities.

Mild cognitive impairment may increase your risk of later developing dementia caused by Alzheimers disease or other neurological conditions. But some people with mild cognitive impairment never get worse, and a few eventually get better.

The second piece of evidence to consider is that in December, Biden released a three-page summary of his medical history in which his doctor declared he is a healthy, vigorous 77-year-old fully capable of taking on the role of president. Here is what Stuart Jay Olshansky, a professor of public health at the University of Illinois at Chicago who analyzes the longevity of presidents, said about cognitive abilities after reviewing the report.

The only test that hasnt been done is the cognitive functioning test, Olshansky added. But the fact that hes on the campaign trail and meeting a rigorous travel and meeting schedule probably would suffice as a replacement for the formal test for cognitive functioning.

He said that cognitive tests are typically not required unless problems are detected.

In the January/February issue of The Atlantic, John Hendrickson writes that [Bidens]verbal stumbles have voters worried about his mental fitness. Maybe theyd be more understanding if they knew hes still fighting a stutter.

A stutter does not get worse as a person ages, but trying to keep it at bay can take immense physical and mental energy. Biden talks all day to audiences both small and large. In addition to periodically stuttering or blocking on certain sounds, he appears to intentionally not stutter by switching to an alternative worda technique called circumlocutionwhich can yield mangled syntax. Ive been following practically everything hes said for months now, and sometimes what is quickly characterized as a memory lapse is indeed a stutter. As Eric Jackson, the speech pathologist, pointed out to me, during a town hall in August Biden briefly blocked on Obama, before quickly subbing in my boss. The headlines after the event? Biden Forgets Obamas Name. Other times when Biden fudges a detail or loses his train of thought, it seems unrelated to stuttering, like hes just making a mistake. The kind of mistake other candidates make too, though less frequently than he does.

As a stutterer himself, Hendrickson critiques Biden for suggesting that he overcame his stutter.

Emma Alpern is a 32-year-old copy editor who co-leads the Brooklyn chapter of the National Stuttering Association and co-founded NYC Stutters, which puts on a day-long conference for stuttering destigmatization. Alpern told me that shes on a group text with other stutterers who regularly discuss Biden, and that its been frustrating to watch the media portray Bidens speech impediment as a sign of mental decline or dishonesty. Biden allows that to happen by not naming it for what it is, she said, though shes not sure that his presidential candidacy would benefit if he were more forthcoming. I think hes dug himself into a hole of not saying that he still stutters for so long that it would strike people as a little weird.

Biden has presented the same life story for decades. Hes that familiar faceUncle JoeHes the dependable guy, the tenacious guy, the aviators-and-crossed-arms guy. That guy doesnt stutter; that guy used to stutter.

That is the data we have available about Joe Bidens cognitive capabilities. What it all comes down to is that there is an alternative explanation for his verbal stumbles and his medical records did not indicate a cognitive impairment.

Brandy X. Lee, one of the mental health professionals who has been very vocal about Trumps unfitness for office, explained why a declination to diagnose Biden is in keeping with professional standards.

I do not diagnose without examination and do not speak about public figures in general, unless there is evidence of such profound danger to public health and well-being because of serious signs of mental instability in a public servant, that it would be a public disservice not to share the knowledge and training that I have. Biden has not risen to this threshold

I never spoke up about a president or a presidential candidate either before or after Donald Trump, and neither have thousands of mental health professionals who have come forth with similar concerns in ways that are unprecedented in U.S. history, for any president of any party. I only speak up when there is a medical need of such great magnitude as to risk the survival of the human species. This is definitively Donald Trump, not Biden. Nor is it Bernie Sanders, Hillary Clinton, or any other false equivalences people wish to create for political purposes.

Here is how another mental health professional described the comparison to David Knowles.

Biden digresses and gets tangential, thats not cognitive decline, Lynne Meyer, a California psychologist told Yahoo News. Trumps cognitive decline or problems are that he doesnt even seem to have comprehension of reality. Thats what it looks like.

We are about to be subjected to a massive disinformation campaign against Joe Biden, and this one will be particularly pernicious. But for those of us who are fact-based, it is important to keep in mind that there is no data to support the allegations that are being made.

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See original here:
The Disinformation Campaign Being Launched Against Biden - Washington Monthly

From Film to Fiction: Creating the Alien Franchises Literary Canon – Book Riot

I love the Alien franchise. Some people are Star Wars people, some are Star Trek people, me Im an Alien girl. Something about that perfect mix of science fiction and screaming bloody terrorit just works for me. But with only so many hours of film to watch, like any good fan Im always hungry for new content. And thankfully the Alien franchise has developed a significant literary canon to expand upon the film universe, so this Alien-hungry bookworm can keep on reading.

It make sense, really, that a franchise with such deep literary roots would make inroads into book publishing. Lovecraft, Conrad, Frankenstein, and of course the Prometheus mythos from which Frankenstein derives its own inspiration, have all informed the development of the series, from the original 1979 film to the most recent of Ridley Scotts prequels. Lovecraft is in the foundations of the original film, in its scope and its vast, apathetic universe that does not care if we live, or die screaming in the depths of space. And it wasnt until I had the chance to watch a recent documentary Memory, about the making of Alien, that I was introduced to the Conrad connection, and the influences of imperialism and colonization on the development of the films plot.

One of the reasons that the series has such longevity, one of the reasons it sticks with you, is that is has the same resonance as the works that have informed its creation. Alien has a mythic quality to it, built upon a framework of eternal themes and base human fears. Of course then, when it came time to expand the universe past the boundaries of the films, the franchise would make its way onto the printed page.

It started with novelization of the original film, Alien, at the hands of Alan Dean Foster, who has written every Alien film novelization since except for Alien: Resurrection (A.C. Crispin). He also wrote the prequel novel to Alien: Covenant,Alien: Covenant Origins, which came out late 2017 following the films May release. Novelizations are always worth reading because they are known for expanding upon the film being adapted, introducing new details and nuances that the demands of modern film runtimes have left on the cutting room floor. Foster in particular is known for his ability to take a film and spin it into a book that makes you feel like youre experiencing the story for the first time.

Since Fosters early contributions, the Alien canon has jumped the rails of film novelization and gone original. New stories, new characters and a few old favorites, new worlds, same old xenomorphs. In late 1992, after the release of Alien 3, Bantam books teamed up with author Steve Perry and started releasing new Alien novels, set in the same universe as the films but only tangentially related to them and referred to by the name of the second film, Aliens. This would eventual evolve into the first of three novel series, and involve several other talented authors, but it began with Perrys Aliens: Hive Earth. The first in a trilogy of novels, Aliens: Hive Earth introduced readers to Wilks and Billie, a battered, disenchanted ex-Colonial Marine and a young girl, the last survivor of a colony devastated by xenomorphs. Perry wrote the first two novels, Aliens: Hive Earth and Aliens: Nightmare Asylum solo, and co-authored the third book, Aliens: The Female War with daughter S.D. Perry.

These three books kicked off what ended up being a nine book run of novels from 1992 to 1998, five of which, excitingly enough, were written or co-authored by women, for whom a franchise with such a legendary female lead must have held a particular appeal. The second series of novels from 2005 to 2008 contained six books, and both novel series, most now out of print in their original format, have been combined into seven omnibusesThe Complete Alien Omnibuses 17by Titan Books in the last few years, giving new readers a chance to revisit these older Aliens adventures and nightmares.

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My introduction to the Alien franchises literary canon started with the third and most recent series of Alien novels. Specifically, Tim Lebbons excellent Alien: Out of the Shadows. I listened to the dramatized audiobook version before picking up a hard copy to read, and trust me the first time you hear a xeno hiss in your ear you will walk faster. Alien: Out of the Shadows is heart pounding. It also reunited me with my first love, Ripley, as Out of the Shadows and the two subsequent books, Alien: Sea of Sorrows (James A. Moore) and Alien: River of Pain (Christopher Golden), are interquels. All three books take place in the 53 year window between Ripleys sign off at the end of Alien, and her awakening and return to LV-426 in Aliens. Ripley makes appearances in books one and three, and book two features a slew of vengeful xenomorphs and one of Ripleys own descendants.

And thats just the beginning! Because the ongoing third series of novels is already eight books long. With more planned for the futurecourtesy of Titan Bookss loving cultivation of the Alien franchisethis series is set to overtake the first, ushering in a new wave of talented authors and new innovations on the canon. The later novels in the third series take place after Aliens, offering a secondary world view to that of the film canon and reintroducing readers to, among other things, the evil machinations of the omnipresent Weyland-Yutani Corporation.

Alex Whites Alien: The Cold Forgeand Tim Waggoners Alien: Prototype both deal with corporate espionage as Weyland-Yutani and its rivals vie for control of their most dangerous asset. Waggoners novel also introduces readers to former Colonial Marine (and general badass) Zula Hendricks, tying the novel canon into Brian Wood and Robert Careys gorgeous Aliens comic run with Dark Horse (Aliens: Defiance). As does Keith R.A. DeCandidos Alien: Isolation, which novelizes popular video game and the harrowing ordeal of Ripleys daughter Amanda on the crumbling Sevastopol Station. Amanda Ripley meets up with Zula Hendricks in Wood/Careys Aliens: Resistance, following the events of Alien: Isolation.

Titan Bookss most recent release (which they were kind enough to send me before it came out on February 25, thus not leaving me to languish in a desert of fandom deprivationand no theyre not paying me, I just really like their work and that they feed my obsession), Scott Siglers Aliens: Phalanx, is something entirely new: a spears and shields novel set in the Alien universe. A planet with a lost past and a people on the verge of extinction, besieged by vicious demons from the belly of a dormant volcano. In a lot of ways Aliens: Phalanx gave the impression a crossover novel between the usual hard sci-fi of Alien and something from a fantasy novel, and the epic battles between the spear wielding natives and the demons gives a the familiar conflict between humans and xenomorphs the feeling of something eternal. Something mythic.

Recently I had the opportunity to do something really cool: I was able to create questions about what it was like to write for the Alien franchise and send them to three of the authors who have recently contributed to Titan Bookss newest series of Alien novels. Tim Lebbon (Alien: Out of the Shadows), Scott Sigler (Aliens: Phalanx), and Keith R.A. Decandido (Alien: Isolation) were kind enough to send me some answers!

I was particularly interested in what the experience of creating within an extant canon was like, given that the Alien Universe is literally as vast as space itself. What is more, within this vast universe have already seen a number of innovative approaches to this overarching story of man vs. xenomorph, from the monster in the house narrative of the original to the military based adventures of the colonial marines or the invasion stories of distant colonies over run by the alien menace. So how do you create in a space that is simultaneously so limitless and limited?

Tim Lebbon had two different experiences as an Alien author. His first alien novel, Out of the Shadows,involved getting to work within the main story line of the franchise, and even to write a story Ripley herself, and involved timeline problems to overcome, and people and characters [he] could or couldnt kill. But he also describes there being quite a bit of freedom with the details of the story and the opportunity to create new, original characters as well. In his second alien novel (trilogy of novels, actually, the Rage War trilogy), however, Lebbon describes a much greater degree of freedom and the opportunity to imagine a whole area of the galaxy that had been explored and populated by humanity. [Its] scope was huge, and whilst featuring these two iconic creatures, it was also a space where [he] was allowed to develop their mythologies, and try to create an expanded world and story of [his] own. In probably one of my favorite anecdotes from this series of interviews, he wrote about how the cast of the Rage Wars trilogy was so huge that he had to ask his Facebook followers if they wanted to be horribly killed by xenos or predators in vast space battles. Naturally, they did.

Scott Sigler had some experience with the challenges of writing for the franchise before he startedPhalanx,because his story Dangerous Prey had been part of Jonathan Maberrys anthology Aliens: Bug Hunt. He describes the biggest challenges of writing Phalanx (which is an absolute brick of a book by the way, but you wont even notice the length once you get going!) as being the ones he created for himself, for instance by keeping the xenomorphs but removing the other great villain for the Alien franchise: the omnipresent Weyland-Yutani: Without the persistent Big Bad of WY (who is the true villain in almost all Alien stories) to drive the lying/manipulating/betraying plot angles, I forced myself to develop a structure that felt realistic yet still delivered some of the key elements that are inherent in a xenomorph tale. He also mentioned the difficulty of injecting new terror into a monster that people have seen many times now on the big screen and that has become something of a cultural icon. As he points out, even fans of mine that have never seen an Alien franchise movie know what a xenomorph looks like.

So if you get the chance to navigate the joys and sorrows of writing for a canon, how do you decide what story to tell? Who will your cast and lead characters be? Marines or Biologists? Colonists or Corporate Spies? Where will they be? Is it a clunking old ship on its last legs, a mining colony, or some lush distant planet full of exotic flora and fauna?

For Sigler, finding his story was a process. He worked with Titan Books editor Steve Saffel on a number of different potential plots and story ideas, ranging from cool heist stories to mercenary capers to tales of xenomorph evolution that strictly obey known biological practices. They finally settled on what would become Phalanx because the formula of spears and shields in space, and the innovative design of his setting, the far off Ataegina with its ancient-esque society, really stood out as something unique in the Alien universe.

For DeCandido, on the other hand, there was no selection processhis story was chosen for him. Fox wanted a novelization of the Alien: Isolation video game and he was approached by Titan Books for the project. Its an interesting counterpoint to Siglers selection process because it highlights how, when creating for an existing canon, there are stories that can be told, and stories that need to be told, and a balance that has to be struck between creators and parent companies. But while plot design was out of DeCandidos hands, he points out that the appeal of taking on the Alien: Isolation novelization was in part due to getting to write Amanda Ripley, who he describes as a fascinating and complex character who is as much her own person as she is the daughter of the legendary Ellen Ripley: Ive always been interested in consequences to actions, and what the ripple effects are of the big events that we tend to see, and what happens to those left behind or abandoned or whatever. We know what the consequences were to Ripley for not being found for decades between the first two movies, but in Isolation I got to focus on what the consequences were for those people she left behind, which was very appealing to me as a writer.

Aside from the joys and challenges of writing within an existing canon, and how to find the story you want to tell, I also wanted to know, with so many stories already being told, were there prior works in the franchise that particularly inspired you? And because your work cannot exist in a vacuum, separate from the rest of the canon, how do your works then come to be in conversations with all the novels that have come before you? Obviously Lebbon, Sigler, and DeCandido are all Alien fans from way back, influenced by the films that made such strong first impressions. All three agreed thatAlien, Aliens, or both were their favorite films of the franchise (not surprising given how many fans feel about the later films, she says sliding her beloved copies of Alien 3,Alien: Resurrection, and the prequels under the couch), acknowledging the influence of Alienss action-adventure storyline, and what Keith DeCandido referred to as Aliens portrayal of Space Longshoremen on a battered, broken-down old ship, which provided the template for this rather dank future, which set the stage for everything that followed.

For Lebbon, his novel Out of the Shadows is influenced most by Alien, with its claustrophobic atmosphere, establishment of a strong set of characters (some of whom we know from the off wont survive that next shadowy corner or stairwell) but he describes the Rage War trilogy as being as much a trilogy about the Colonial Marines as it is about the xenomorphs and predators and more of a tribute to Aliens militaristic action-adventure future. And Sigler considers his new novel Phalanx to be a logical extension of Alien and Aliens with a particular admiration for the the well-defined and highly plausible biological life cycle of the film Xenomorphs: While Phalanx doesnt run counter to the information presented in Alien III, Resurrection, Prometheus and Covenant, if fans of the first two films disagreed with the biology and storylines of the last four then those fans will likely groove on [Siglers] novel.

The last thing I wanted to know, with all the serious questions out of the way, was what hadnt I covered? What was the fun, or strange, or fascinating aspect of writing for the Alien Canon that we hadnt covered?

For Lebbon it was the research. He mentioned specifically all the research he put into space travel when writing the Rage War trilogy, and his quest for realism in futuristic transportation: I wanted to come up with something that was at least vaguely realistic. So theres no skipping to the other side of the galaxy in just a few minutes. Space travel takes time, and I came up with a neat network of transport hubs that enable the characters to jump between different points within the expanding sphere of the explored portion of the galaxy. Of course, any story like this set in deep spaceStar Wars, Trek, etcis going to play games with science, and thats pretty essential to serve the story. But it was a fun bit of research to do.

Siglers favorite part of his research was working with his many consultants to bring in real-world concepts that help ground the story and make it believable. For him, author Myke Coles nonfiction Legion vs. Phalanx was an integral text in bringing an original yet believable culture that emulates Summerian, Greek, Swiss and Scottish military strategies. He worked with Dr. Joseph Albietz III, MD, on human/xenomorph biological interaction, with fellow Alien Franchise author Alex White on a logical scientific build-out of the xenomorph form, and with Alien franchise experts Scott Middlebrook and Clara Fei-Fei arija to ensure that Phalanx was integrated into the existing Alien canon.

DeCandido was grateful for the chance to explore the character of Ellen Ripley through her daughter, Through flashbacks to Amandas childhood, as well as Amandas own reading of some old reports from one of Ellens pre-Nostromo gigs which enabled him to dig deeper into the back story of one of science fictions most compelling characters [] getting to write her and flesh her out was a great honor and tremendous fun.

I could not be more excited about where the Alien franchise is going (and, of course, about the possibility of new content). In fact, my only disappointment thus far with this new series of Alien novels is that weve gone from five in nine books authored or at least co-authored by women, to zero in eight.

We have had one Alien book written by a women in 2019, and I adored Mira Grants Alien: Echo. Im not downplaying its contribution at all! But as a YA novel produced by a Macmillan imprint rather than by Titan Books, the Echo exists outside of the exciting, ongoing canon that Titan Books is building with each new novel. So heres hoping well see not only a sequel to Grants novel (please, Macmillan, I need it), but also a number of new, talented women writers joining the Titan Books Alien ranks in the years to come!

Yes, the future of Alien franchise novels looks as bright as a set of silver teeth in a dark corridor. If you need me Ill be making space on my bookshelves.

See original here:
From Film to Fiction: Creating the Alien Franchises Literary Canon - Book Riot

Wherever The Human Heart Beats @ Alma Tavern – Epigram

By Imogen Howse, Deputy Arts Editor

Wherever The Human Heart Beats is a whirlwind of melancholy, nostalgia and passion. Surprisingly poignant in its final scenes, its an impressive production that will touch anyone who has experienced, or is experiencing, a transitional phase of life.

The play follows protagonists Nina, Kate and Ben through their uncertain transition into adulthood and the choices which define both the trajectories of their lives and the longevity of their friendship. Through a series of flashbacks, memories and alternate realities, we follow this tight-knit trio through first crushes, university choices, coming-out, dead-ends jobs and more, gaining an in-depth insight into their complex but loving dynamic. The subsequent dissolution of their relationship is as a result all the more painful, since we as an audience are so acutely aware of what could have been.

It is a production undoubtedly made with a lot of love

The nuance of Emma Rogersons writing shines through in her lyrical verse, giving the production a musicality of sorts. This is furthered both by the fitting choice of contemporary music as well as the dance-like movements of the cast. Although at times a little distracting it perhaps could have been utilised more sparingly the choreography still cleverly and effectively adds to the impact of the plays most pivotal moments.

|Lit Live @ Alma Tavern

Alma Taverns intimate setting is used beautifully by the set design team. A sense of familiarity is created through the use of fairy lights, posters, and most significantly, the gradual unveiling of the map of the trios hometown: the involvement from the cast in both the creation and dismantling of the set contributes to the immersive nature of the production.

The chemistry between the three leads played by Holly Cattle, Alice Buchanan and Charlie Wright is palpable throughout the performance. Charlie Wright successfully conveys the angst and frustration of cynical Ben, while Alice Buchanan captures the audiences hearts with her charming and endearing portrayal of Kate. Holly Cattle shines as Nina in the plays final moments, when the inevitability of the trios separation becomes all too clear and the story culminates in a deeply affecting way.

At times, the play does feel a little rushed. A more gradual beginning may have lent itself to an even more climactic ending, while some variations in the productions pacing may have placed greater emphasis on the storys most crucial moments. However, on opening night, a more rushed performance can often be expected and so this may well be something that settles across the next few showings.

Nevertheless, what becomes abundantly clear throughout the production is that it is one undoubtedly made with a lot of love: from the handwritten programme on entry to the offerings of jammy dodgers on exit, its a unique, homely and moving viewing experience.

Ultimately, Wherever The Human Heart Beats is a play of immense emotional depth which hits home powerfully and bitter-sweetly. Its an impressive feat and a wonderful testament to the talent and dedication of both cast and crew.

Featured image credit: Wherever The Human Heart Beats production team

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Wherever The Human Heart Beats @ Alma Tavern - Epigram

Fermenting the future of healthy aging – SynBioBeta

The golden years: when you can sit back and enjoy endless relaxation and leisure. Many look forward to this time as the best years of their life. But for countless others, aging is a bit more gray than gold. With our modern healthcare systems, people are living longer than ever before but as too many find out, length of life and quality of life are two very different things.

Our modern lifestyles have contributed to an increase in the litany of diseases relegating old age as a painful, unhealthy state of being. Diabetes, cancer, heart disease, Alzheimers these are just some of the laundry list of age-related diseases. As science gets a better handle on the physiological changes associated with aging, were getting closer to unlocking the secret to remaining as healthy as possible for as long as possible. And one of the keys to healthy aging could very well be what we put in our mouths.

In 2018, Bruce Ames the famous American biochemist, author, and inventor of the Ames test introduced the scientific community to what he calls longevity proteins. In an opinion piece for the journal PNAS, Ames expounded upon the triage theory: if the body experiences a moderate deficiency in a specific nutrient, it will use the small amounts of that nutrient that are available to make proteins needed for immediate survival, neglecting to make those that can protect the body against future damage.

Ames calls the nutrients needed by longevity proteins longevity vitamins. Without them, the body remains ill-equipped to suppress the factors that contribute to disease. And so it follows that supplementing the diet with such vitamins could help stave off illness.

One of the longevity vitamins Ames identifies is called ergothioneine (Ergo) an amino acid derived from histidine. Ergo is an especially potent amino acid because it is so good at scavenging toxic reactive oxygen species (ROS) that cause critical damage to cells. ROS are particularly damaging to mitochondria, the energy powerhouses of the cell, and ROS-induced mitochondrial dysfunction is associated with several diseases including cancer, cardiovascular disease, and neurodegeneration.

Interestingly, Ergo is one of only a few antioxidants specifically concentrated in the mitochondria, suggesting that it could be a key player in protecting cells against age-related damage. Indeed, ergothioneine levels are lower in the elderly, a phenomenon that correlates with mild cognitive impairment. A recent effort to characterize metabolites associated with aging additionally showed that Ergo increases as both mortality rate and incidence of cardiovascular disease decrease. It even plays a role in wound healing and has other protective properties for the skin. Some studies have also shown it is even more potent than CoQ-10 at reducing fine lines and wrinkles. Its no surprise that Ames narrowed in on Ergo as a potentially powerful aid for healthy aging.

We get Ergo from our diets, mainly from mushrooms, although lower levels can be found in beef, pork, and King crab. Earlier this year, researchers in Singapore found that older adults consuming mushrooms regularly experienced higher cognitive function and were at a lower risk for mild cognitive impairment. And a Japanese study made quite a splash reporting that among nearly 37,000 middle-aged to older men, those who ate mushrooms once or twice a week had an 8% lower risk of developing prostate cancer. Eating mushrooms three times a week or more was associated with an impressive 17% reduction in cancer risk. In both cases, the researchers suggest the protective effects of mushrooms could be due, at least in part, to the Ergo they produce.

Photo by Timothy Dykes on Unsplash

But the researchers were also careful to point out that these studies are correlative they dont definitively demonstrate that mushrooms or Ergo supplementation will decrease the incidence of disease or mortality rates. For that, clinical trials are needed. Nevertheless, the studies were tantalizing enough to draw serious attention to Ergo. One company keeping a particularly close eye on emerging research on the health benefits of ergothioneine is Conagen, located in the greater Boston biotech corridor.

Co-founded by molecular plant biology expert Oliver Yu, Conagen leverages synthetic biology and fermentation science to produce molecules closest to what you can find in nature. Many high-value molecules today come from endangered plants, or the process to extract them from their plant sources is highly damaging to the environment and local ecosystems. By discovering metabolic pathways in nature, and then optimizing and leveraging those pathways in fermentation tanks, Conagen makes natural, high-value molecules available to customers without further harming our already injured environment.

Theyve also cracked the code on rapidly bringing products from design to industrial scale fermentation without outsourcing any part of the process. Their microbial platform currently churns out 35 different products for customers in the food and beverage, pharmaceuticals, flavors and fragrances, and renewable materials industries. Through a project driven by Lead Scientist Dr. Jixiang Han, one of those products is L-ergothioneine the biologically active form of Ergo.

Ergothioneine has powerful antioxidant properties and mitigates against oxidative cell stress perhaps L-ergothioneine could be the next powerful ingredient in food, beverages, cosmetics and nutraceuticals, posits Ana Arakelian, head of public relations and communications at Conagen. Currently, she says, Conagen is the only biotech company in the market that can develop and scale-up natural ergothioneine.

That the L-ergothioneine Conagen produces is the natural and not synthetic form is significant, says Casey Lippmeier, Vice President of R&D at Conagen not only because it can be costly to produce the exact, correct structure at high purity by chemical synthesis, but also because it matters to consumers.

The way you make certain food ingredients is something thats coming under more and more scrutiny by many consumers, he says, adding that for food ingredients companies it could be critical to be able to claim no artificial ingredients. He also points out that synthetic forms of ergothioneine are mixtures of the inactive R form of the amino acid and the active L form so you may be paying for more than your body can use if you buy a synthetic form of Ergo.

But what Conagen is particularly interested in are the potential applications of L-ergothioneine to promote healthy aging. They have several customers and partners already using Conagens L-ergothioneine in products ranging from supplements to cosmetics (Conagen secured GRAS status for their L-ergothioneine early in the production process). Conagens sister marketing company, Blue California, is selling Conagens L-ergothioneine as ErgoActive, a product that is being used by companies in the functional foods, dietary, and cosmetics spaces.

Its important to address aging both physically but also internally on the cellular level as well its like a one-two punch, says Katie Ferren, VP of Sales and Marketing at Blue California. One of the companies currently offering ErgoActive in a dietary supplement formula came back a couple of weeks ago and said, I had people tell me my skin looks better, and I wasnt expecting that. We get these personal testimonials, and it is all connected to healthy aging.

But such personal testimonials are anecdotal, much like the correlative studies from Singapore and Japan. Conagen wants to change that, so they are actively engaging in and pursuing partnerships with other companies and organizations that want to put Ergo on the map as a critical nutrient for healthy aging. Ferren imagines a future where Ergo could be in every single multivitamin product, making it as normal to take as Vitamin C, for example.

The goal is to be interventional, agrees Lippmeier. But most of the work that has been done is correlative. We need to make it stronger.

Imagine human clinical trials supporting the correlative studies, says Arakelian.

I can see why shes so enthusiastic. Perhaps with the work Conagen and their partners are doing with L-ergothioneine, the tides will begin to turn. Perhaps we will be able to live longer and healthier, merging quality and quantity of life. Thinking about such a future, I am reminded of the Biblical patriarch Moses: when he died, the Bible records, he was as strong at 120 as he was at 40.

Now wouldnt that be golden?

Visit link:

Fermenting the future of healthy aging - SynBioBeta

12 Powerful Ayurvedic Herbs and Spices with Health Benefits – Healthline

Ayurveda is a traditional Indian system of medicine. It aims to preserve health and wellness by keeping the mind, body, and spirit in balance and preventing disease rather than treating it.

To do so, it employs a holistic approach that combines diet, exercise, and lifestyle changes (1).

Ayurvedic herbs and spices are also an important component of this approach. Theyre thought to protect your body from disease and offer a variety of health benefits, including improved digestion and mental health.

Here are 12 Ayurvedic herbs and spices with science-backed health benefits.

Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera) is a small woody plant native to India and North Africa. Its root and berries are used to produce a very popular Ayurvedic remedy (2).

Its considered an adaptogen, which means that its believed to help your body manage stress more effectively. Research has shown that it reduces levels of cortisol, a hormone that your adrenal glands produce in response to stress (3, 4).

Theres also evidence linking ashwagandha to lower levels of anxiety and improved sleep in people with stress and anxiety disorders (3, 5, 6).

Moreover, research shows that ashwagandha may enhance muscle growth, memory, and male fertility, as well as lower blood sugar levels. However, larger studies are needed to confirm these benefits (4, 7, 8, 9, 10).

Finally, theres evidence that it may help reduce inflammation and boost your immune system, though more studies are needed (11, 12).

Ashwagandha is an Ayurvedic spice that may help your body manage stress more effectively. It may also lower your blood sugar levels and improve sleep, memory, muscle growth, and male fertility.

Boswellia, also known as Indian frankincense or olibanum, is made from the resin of the Boswellia serrata tree. Its known for its easily recognizable spicy, woody aroma.

Research suggests that it may be particularly effective at reducing inflammation by preventing the release of inflammation-causing compounds known as leukotrienes (13, 14).

In test-tube and animal studies, boswellia appears to be as effective as non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), yet with fewer side effects (15).

Human studies link boswellia to reduced pain, improved mobility, and a greater range of movement in people with osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. It may also help prevent oral infections and fight gingivitis (16, 17, 18, 19, 20).

Moreover, it may improve digestion in people with ulcerative colitis and Crohns disease, as well as breathing in people with chronic asthma (21, 22, 23, 24, 25).

Boswellia is an Ayurvedic spice with anti-inflammatory properties. It may reduce joint pain, enhance oral health, and improve digestion, as well as increase breathing capacity in people with chronic asthma.

Triphala is an Ayurvedic remedy consisting of the following three small medicinal fruits (26):

Test-tube and animal studies show that triphala may reduce inflammation caused by arthritis, as well as prevent or limit the growth of certain types of cancer (27, 28, 29, 30, 31).

It may also function as a natural laxative, reducing constipation, abdominal pain, and flatulence while improving the frequency and consistency of bowel movements in people with gut disorders (32, 33).

In addition, a limited number of studies suggest that a mouthwash containing triphala may reduce plaque buildup, decrease gum inflammation, and prevent the growth of bacteria in the mouth (34, 35).

Triphala is an Ayurvedic remedy consisting of three Ayurvedic spices amla, bibhitaki, and haritaki. It may help reduce joint inflammation, improve digestion, and promote oral health.

Brahmi (Bacopa monieri) is a staple herb in Ayurvedic medicine.

According to test-tube and animal studies, brahmi appears to have strong anti-inflammatory properties that are as effective as common NSAIDs (36, 37, 38, 39).

Studies also link it to improvements in learning rates, attention, memory, and information processing, as well as reduced symptoms of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), such as inattention, impulsivity, poor self-control, and restlessness (40, 41, 42, 43).

Some studies further suggest that brahmi may have adaptogenic properties, which means that it may help improve your bodys ability to deal with stress and anxiety. However, more research is needed before strong conclusions can be made (44, 45, 46, 47, 48).

Brahmi is an Ayurvedic herb believed to lower inflammation, improve brain function, and reduce symptoms of ADHD. It may also increase your bodys ability to deal with stress, though more research is needed.

Cumin is a spice native to the Mediterranean and Southwest Asia. Its made from the seeds of the Cuminum cyminum plant, which are known for their distinctive earthy, nutty, and spicy flavor.

Research shows that cumin may boost the activity of digestive enzymes and facilitate the release of bile from the liver, speeding digestion and easing the digestion of fats (49, 50).

Studies have also linked this Ayurvedic spice to reduced symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), such as abdominal pain and bloating (51).

Plus, cumin may protect against type 2 diabetes by lowering blood sugar levels and improving insulin sensitivity. It may also protect against heart disease by increasing HDL (good) cholesterol while reducing triglycerides and LDL (bad) cholesterol (52, 53, 54, 55, 56).

Cumin likewise appears to possess antimicrobial properties that may reduce the risk of certain foodborne infections. Still, more studies are needed to confirm this (57).

Cumin is an Ayurvedic spice commonly used to add flavor to meals. It may decrease symptoms of IBS, improve risk factors for type 2 diabetes and heart disease, and perhaps even offer some protection against foodborne infection.

Turmeric, the spice that gives curry its characteristic yellow color, is another popular Ayurvedic remedy.

Curcumin, its main active compound, has powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. Test-tube research shows that it may be equally or even more effective than some anti-inflammatory drugs without all of their side effects (58, 59, 60, 61).

Also, turmeric may help protect against heart disease, in part by improving blood flow as effectively as exercise or certain pharmaceutical drugs. One study further suggests that it may be as effective as Prozac, a drug commonly used to treat depression (62, 63, 64, 65).

Moreover, compounds in turmeric may help preserve brain function by increasing brain levels of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF). Low levels of BDNF have been linked to disorders like Alzheimers and depression (66, 67, 68, 69).

That said, most studies have used very large amounts of curcumin, whereas turmeric comprises only around 3% of this compound. Thus, amounts larger than those found in turmeric are likely needed to attain these health benefits, and such large doses may cause stomach upset (70).

Turmeric is the Ayurvedic spice that gives curry its yellow color. Curcumin, its main compound, may help reduce inflammation and improve heart and brain health. However, large amounts are likely needed to attain these benefits.

Licorice root, which is native to Europe and Asia, comes from the Glycyrrhiza glabra plant and holds a central place in Ayurvedic medicine.

Test-tube and human studies suggest that licorice root may help reduce inflammation and fight viruses and bacteria. It also appears to offer relief from a sore throat and promote oral health by protecting against dental cavities and Candida (71, 72, 73, 74, 75).

This Ayurvedic spice may likewise help prevent or manage heartburn, bloating, nausea, belching, and stomach ulcers. When applied to the skin, it may reduce symptoms of skin rash, including redness, itching, and swelling (76, 77, 78, 79).

However, the only studies on this root are generally small, and more research is needed to confirm these benefits.

Licorice root is an Ayurvedic spice that may help reduce inflammation and protect against various infections. It may also treat digestive problems and relieve skin irritations.

Gotu kola (Centella asiatica), or the herb of longevity, is another popular Ayurvedic remedy. Its made from a tasteless, odorless plant with fan-shaped green leaves that grows in and around water.

One small study suggests that gotu kola supplements may improve peoples memory after they have had a stroke (80).

Moreover, in one study, people with generalized anxiety disorder reported less stress, anxiety, and depression after replacing their antidepressants with gotu kola for 60 days (81).

There is also some evidence that the herb may help prevent stretch marks, reduce varicose veins, help wounds heal faster, and diminish symptoms of eczema and psoriasis. However, more research is needed (82, 83, 84).

Animal studies further suggest that this Ayurvedic herb may relieve joint pain, but more studies are needed to confirm this effect (85).

Gotu kola is an Ayurvedic herb that may help boost memory and reduce stress, anxiety, and depression, as well as improve a variety of skin conditions.

Bitter melon (Momordica charantia) is a tropical vine closely related to zucchini, squash, cucumber, and pumpkin. Its considered a staple in Asian cuisine and packed with nutrients and powerful antioxidants.

Research suggests that bitter melon may help lower blood sugar levels and promote the secretion of insulin, the hormone responsible for keeping blood sugar levels stable (86, 87, 88, 89).

If you use insulin to manage your blood sugar levels, consult your healthcare before adding bitter melon to your daily routine to prevent your blood sugar levels from becoming dangerously low.

Animal studies further suggest that it may lower triglyceride and LDL (bad) cholesterol levels, though human studies are needed to confirm this (90, 91).

Bitter melon is an Ayurvedic spice that may help lower blood sugar levels and boost insulin secretion. It may also reduce LDL (bad) cholesterol levels, though more research is needed before strong conclusions can be made.

Cardamom (Elettaria cardamomum), which is sometimes referred to as the queen of spices, has been part of Ayurvedic medicine since ancient times.

Research suggests that cardamom powder may help reduce blood pressure in people with elevated levels. Theres also evidence that inhaling cardamom essential oil may increase the uptake of oxygen into the lungs during exercise (92, 93).

Moreover, test-tube and animal research suggests that cardamom may help protect against Helicobacter pylori bacteria, which is a common cause of stomach ulcers, and may reduce the size of gastric ulcers by at least 50% or even eradicate them (94, 95).

Still, research in humans is needed before strong conclusions can be made.

Cardamom is an Ayurvedic spice that may lower blood pressure, improve breathing, and potentially help stomach ulcers heal. However, more research is necessary.

Ayurvedic herbs and spices are generally considered safe when consumed in amounts typically used to prepare or flavor foods. Yet, most of the studies supporting their benefits typically used supplements offering doses far exceeding that.

Supplementing with such large doses may not be suitable for children, women who are pregnant or breastfeeding, people with known medical conditions, or those taking medication.

Therefore, its necessary to consult your healthcare provider before adding any Ayurvedic supplements to your regimen.

Its also worth noting that the content and quality of Ayurvedic products are not regulated. Some Ayurvedic preparations may mix Ayurvedic herbs and spices with minerals, metals, or gems, rendering them potentially harmful (96).

For instance, a recent study found that 65% of Ayurvedic products studied contained lead, while 3238% also included mercury and arsenic, some of which had concentrations that were up to several thousand times higher than the safe daily limit (97).

Another study reported that up to 40% of people who use Ayurvedic preparations had elevated levels of lead or mercury in their blood (98).

Therefore, those interested in Ayurvedic preparations should only purchase them from reputable companies that ideally have their products tested by a third party.

Ayurvedic herbs and spices are generally safe in small amounts. Supplements containing large doses of these herbs and spices, as well as Ayurvedic preparations that have mixed them with other minerals, metals, or gems may be harmful.

Ayurvedic herbs and spices have been an integral part of traditional Indian medicine for centuries

An increasing amount of scientific evidence supports their many proposed health benefits, including protection against type 2 diabetes and heart disease.

Thus, adding small amounts of these herbs and spices may help both flavor your meals and boost your health.

That said, large doses may not be suitable for everyone, so make sure to seek advice from your healthcare provider before adding Ayurvedic supplements to your healthcare regimen.

And remember, Ayurveda employs a holistic approach to health that also includes physical activity, adequate sleep, stress management, and eating a variety of fruits and vegetables daily.

Read the original here:

12 Powerful Ayurvedic Herbs and Spices with Health Benefits - Healthline

Employee Engagement: Everything You Need to Know – HR Exchange Network

Engage employees and carry on a message every HR professional needs to hear as the transformation of work continues. As a strategy, employee engagement has always been a chief concern for human resources and leaders within any given company, but no one could have predicted when the concept was first introduced nearly 30 years ago, that it would have the impact on the business strategy that it does now.

Having said that, engagement isnt just about getting better results for the business, its about ensuring the companys longevity. And given recent statistical data, its become a financial imperative.

Thats an astonishing number, one that should spur every HR professional to place more focus on their organizations engagement strategy. Low engagement from employees can and will have a negative impact every part of the business from recruitment to retention.

In the guide below, the HR Exchange Network explores the topic of engagement in more detail. It takes a look an in depth look at what engagement is, the current state of affairs, effective strategies and a prediction of what is to come.

If one were to ask HR professionals from different companies to define engagement, there is a high likelihood different responses would be received. Some might take a numbers approach while others would take a psychological approach or a different approach altogether. As is often the case with other HR concepts, the definition really lies in the eyes of the beholder.

The term was first coined by psychologist William Kahn in a 1990 study titled Psychological Conditions of Personal Engagement and Disengagement at Work. In the piece, Khan studied two different workplaces: a very structured and formal architecture firm and a casual summer camp. From his observations, he defined engagement as the harnessing of organization members selves to their work roles; in engagement, people employ and express themselves physically, cognitively, and emotionally during role performances.

Additionally, Kahn outlined three psychological conditions that allow engagement to exist:

Kahn further stated those individuals who are fully engaged with the organization will take ownership of their work and will be loyal to the organization. Additionally, he says engagement isnt a constant. Any number of experiences can cause engagement to change.

Of course, Kahns original definition has changed somewhat over the three decades since it was first coined. Instead of engagement being focused solely on the person bringing their full-selves to work, its more about the employees willingness to go above and beyond to benefit the organization.

What weve learned about engagement since its inception has colored the approach HR professionals and leaders have taken. An increase in engagement marks a positive impact of the business and a decrease marks a negative impact.

To understand more about employee engagement, here are a few quotes from HR professionals on the topic and associated issues.

High engagement through amazing culture and opportunities for your teammates is one of, if not the main drivers, in increasing teammate retention. Atrium Healths SVP of Workforce Engagement Sebastien Girard said. High retention and high engagement results creates less pressure on the organization and HR. It also means higher expertise, higher tenure, accelerated growth, and stronger productivity.

There is a direct correlation between the level of engagement an employee demonstrates and the amount of discretionary effort they are offer, World Travel Holdings senior vice president of Human Resources Debbie Fiorino said. An engaged employee is one who is fully involved in, and enthusiastic about their work, and thus will act in a way that furthers their organizations interests. This translates to a greater experience for our customers, which generates a loyal following. Loyal customers translate to revenue and profits.

I would say that engagement is harder to achieve today than it was 20 years ago, or in the past, because we are less engaging places to work. We used to have an ethos where employees would come to an organization; they would commit to an organization, build a career there and want to stay for life. The company would equally make a commitment that it would develop a career for life, ICON plc executive vice president of strategic initiates Don Kraft said. Companies would look out for people, protect them and invest in them. Over a period of time, we have invested less and signaled a reduced commitment to people. As a result there are many people, including a generation of young people, in their 30s and under, who have watched their parents, and perhaps themselves, impacted by these things. They are saying, "I cant, and therefore I wont, count on my employer."

HR practioners globally are looking for the right engagement recipe. As is often the case, the recipe is different for every company in every industry. As a result, it is often difficult for HR to know where to start. There is something to be said for looking at other companies, especially those that are similar, for inspiration, but the best place to start is internally. Here are five different strategies and theories as to how to increase employee engagement across the workforce.

1. Flexibility

Offering employees an opportunity to set and design their own schedule feels counterintuitive at first glance. Most HR leaders are conditioned to believe giving an employee the ability to set their own work hours will cause a decrease in productivity. A fair amount of research suggests the opposite is true. Employees given the freedom to set their own schedules are often more productive and happier employees. They are also more engaged in the workplace.

RELATED:12 Work-Life Balance Tips

2. Required Tools

When an employee starts working for a new company, he or she will expect to have the needed tools to complete their job responsibilities effectively. If the employee has access to those items and can work as expected, employee engagement will flourish. Deloitte calls this enabling infrastructure. Without the necessary tools, employees will disengage.

3. Employee Surveys

Employee feedback is important. Even more important is the need for leaders to listen to the feedback and act on that information. This isnt to say every leader has to do or put into practice every employee suggestion, but they do need to consider the feedback. Additionally, the leader must be transparent about the feedback and whether it will be put into action. According to an engagement report from Aon, this approach to feedback helps an organization quickly address problems, but more importantly it makes the employee feel valued. Thus, it increases engagement.

4. Manager selection

Its been said before: employees dont leave companies. They leave bad managers.Managers and leaders are critical to engagement success according to Gallup. The right leader knows their success and the organizations success is linked to the engagement of the employee. Hiring the right external candidate or internal candidate for a manager role; one whom possesses the ability to manage people effectively can have a positive impact on engagement rates.

5. Training and Development Opportunities

Investing in employees byoffering training and development opportunitiesprovides the atmosphere for workers to become more engaged. A lack of these opportunities typically translates to the employee not feeling valued by the company and will thus negatively impact the chance for engagement. Employees who are not invested will not support the company in any way other than making sure they can protect their job. At least until they can secure other employment.

When it comes to measuring engagement, there are several schools of thought on the issue. Some suggest an organic approach. Gathering data through conversations such as one-on-one meetings or team meetings. Others suggest a formal approach like engagement surveys that happen once or twice a year. These surveys can provide a wealth of data that helps indicate what engagement initiatives are working and how engaged employees actually are with the organization.

Engagement surveys differ from other types of surveys. According to SHRM, engagement surveys measure employees commitment, motivation, sense of purpose and passion for their work and the organization while other surveys, satisfaction surveys for instance, measure workers views, attitudes and perceptions of their organization.

The most important piece of measuring engagement isnt the measurement itself, however. Its all about how the results are shared and how the findings are put into action. If leaders have access to this information, share it and then dont capitalize on it, they can expect engagement scores to suffer in the future.

Engagement will continue to be a main focus moving forward. As eluded to earlier, this is directly related to the fact the workforce is transforming. Todays newest workers and their successors care more about personal growth and purpose than just getting a paycheck from employers. They want to make a difference while growing and building relationships with the organization and co-workers.

But changes in the workforce arent the only catalyst for the increased importance of engagement. It shares the spotlight with technology. Technology has revolutionized the way people work and engage with that work and one another. And technology, like engagement, is constantly in flux.

All of this points to the reality engagement continues to play, as it will in the future, a large role. Engaging these workers will be critical to future success, not only of the organization, but so too for the employee. Now more than ever before, the organizations and their futures hang on the success of their respective employees.

NEXT: Talent Acquisition: HRs Guide for Finding the Best Talent

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Employee Engagement: Everything You Need to Know - HR Exchange Network

The pain of a failed investment can be the best teacher of all – Financial Post

During Ronald Reagans second U.S. presidential debate with Walter Mondale in October 1984, the former movie star was asked about his age he was 73 and whether he would be able to handle the rigours of the toughest job in the world.

The oldest president in U.S. history responded: I want you to know that also I will not make age an issue of this campaign. I am not going to exploit, for political purposes, my opponents youth and inexperience.

Brilliant. Even Mondale had to laugh.

Top tennis players typically reach their highest levels of performance at age 24, (although Roger Federer and Rafael Nadal are making a strong argument that it can be past 30).

For baseball, the peak age is 28, the same for long distance runners. Its three years older for golf. For table tennis its 17 years. Its all downhill after that.

So, whats the peak performance age for investors? Well, there are a number of great investors who are still going strong in their golden years. Warren Buffett, the CEO of Berkshire Hathaway and one of the richest men in the world, is 89. His right-hand man, Charlie Munger, is 95.

There are others who were even older. Phil Carret, one of Buffetts role models and the founder of one of the first mutual funds in the U.S., was still investing when he died at 101. Irving Kahn, an early disciple to Benjamin Graham, a.k.a. the father of value investing, was the worlds oldest active investor when he passed away in 2015 at the age of 109. Interestingly, all of the them are (or were) value investors.

There seems to be no age limit, barring cognitive impairment or other ailments, that hampers ones ability to be a great investor.

Great investing has nothing to do with getting older. In fact, its quite the opposite. I asked Carret at a Berkshire Hathaway meeting many years ago to what he owed his longevity. He thought for a moment and said, Well, I never smoked, I drink in moderation and I dont worry about anything.

I believe its the latter element that was the most important. All of these aforementioned investors had the ability to block out short-term market gyrations and not be upset by them. In fact, they saw big drops or even collapses in stock prices as something to celebrate and they saw them many times during their careers.

Age gives you something that the young simply cant have experience and mistakes. Consider the thoughts of Thomas Edison, inventor of the light bulb.

I have not failed 10,000 times. I have not failed once. I have succeeded in proving that those 10,000 ways will not work. When I have eliminated the ways that will not work, I will find the way that will work, he said.

Those who have never experienced large market declines are at a distinct disadvantage to those who have. Many investors today dont even remember the near-collapse in 2008, the bear market of 2000 to 2002 or the white-knuckle abyss of 1987.

Investors who have been around a few years possess the huge advantage of having lived through both bull and bear markets. They have witnessed the wild elation of investors throwing rational thought to the wind and paying ridiculously high prices for businesses. They have also seen their despair at the opposite end of the investing spectrum when selling their holdings for rock-bottom values. Reading the history of such events is one thing. Living through the real-world behaviour of Mr. Market, the imaginary investor in Grahams 1949 book, The Intelligent Investor, is something else altogether.

Experience is invaluable in investing. Yes, having the right education is essential. Studying economics, accounting and mathematics helps to build an important foundation. But the classroom is light years away from the ultra-competitive and cut-throat real world of investing.

In that arena, my mistakes have taught me way more than my successes. The pains of losses are incredibly great teachers.

What do you learn from mistakes? Well, you do not want to do them ever again. For example, buying into a value trap or owning a company run by a bunch of crooks can feel like getting hit in the head by a brick. Paying far too much for a business, even a good one, can be another path to pain and learning the hard way.

So, what are the young investors who have never experienced these long-term events to do?

One suggestion: Read the history of markets. There are many great books that have been written about market manias, the subsequent panics and human behaviour.

This Time is Different: Eight Centuries of Financial Folly by Carmen Reinhart and Kenneth Rogoff and A Short History of Financial Euphoria by John Kenneth Galbraith are two of the best. The latter is a delightfully, entertaining short history of market madness through the ages. For a deeper understanding of the 1920s, Galbraiths brilliant book, The Great Crash 1929, is also essential reading.

Otherwise, you will live the horror of what Galbraith reportedly said many years ago the old generation has to die off so a new set of idiots can make the same mistakes all over again.

Larry Sarbit is a Portfolio Manager at Value Partners Investments in Winnipeg.

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The pain of a failed investment can be the best teacher of all - Financial Post

Were all going to die: Alarmists in our midst – Daily Maverick

We are all going to die. The raspy scream of headlines, op-eds, demonstrators, wonks, activists, dinner guests and friends. Or worse, our kids are all going to die (a dash of guilt to spice up the fear). The public sphere is so awash with alarms so loud that our ears ring.

Not so fast.

We read it every day. Climate, Trump, fundamentalists, Putin, antibiotic resistance, asteroids, AI weapons, Brexit. Misery is certain to come, thousands will die. No, wait, millions. Maybe billions.

Well, perhaps. But more likely perhaps not.

An interesting report came out recently from the Brookings Institution in the US. It presented findings from a Stanford academic, Michael Webb. Webb was apparently dissatisfied with the gloomy predictions of imminent mass global unemployment under the boot of artificial intelligence and robotics and other Fourth Industrial Revolution magic.

His very clever trick was to analyse applications lodged at the US patent office across many industries and professions to see who would lose jobs in the future, and by what means (he used AI to do the analysis, a lovely irony). It turns out that we are not all going to lose our jobs. Some will, and surprisingly, a goodly percentage of those will be university-degreed experts, where AI really earns its stripes doing the smart things that smart humans think are untouchable. The rest of the middle class need not worry too much, Truck drivers, of course. Repetitive labour, yes. But for the majority of jobholders dont worry too much.

And then there is the climate crisis. The science behind climate change is pretty robust, even largely settled at this point, with arguments and contestation mainly happening at the arcane edges of the science. But a careful look at the reports of the IPCC (where the science has been grinding away for a long time in one of the largest multi-country science investigations in history), you will find none of the horrors described by Greta Thunberg or Extinction Rebellion or many smart writers and journalists. To those horrors they may be out there, but you will find no scientific consensus, just opinion and less-than-disciplined extrapolation.

What you will find in the IPPC studies is a careful description of a clear problem. You will find little about specific extreme weather events (like the fires in Australia or California), or cities being swamped in the next 15 years, or mass eco-migrations, or the dessication of food supply or sixth extinctions and so on.

You will find inside and outside boundaries of temperature rises and ice studies and sea level rises and parts-per-million carbon graphs. No one is unconcerned and some are more concerned than others, but there are not many within the deep-number-wrangling labs who will extrapolate to the point of the human extinction or even mass immiseration.

The prediction-caution shown by scientists is at least partially a result of previous embarrassments. Like The Club of Rome in the early 1970s and its population projections (and how the world would certainly see mass starvation and social upheaval on a spectacular scale). What happened? It failed to foresee success in contraception and family planning and massive-scale increases in food production. The same happened with AIDS (whatever happened to the blaring headlines about the depopulation of Africa?). It was nonsense, imagined by well-intended people. Extrapolation of graphs into the future is a terrible idea in the face of human ingenuity and technological and societal change.

Of course, democracy is over with Trump. Or perhaps democracy has been forever debased by the Democrat-led impeachment hearings (as some otherwise very smart friends of mine proclaim). The US, of course, is on its way to becoming a has-been power, and soon we will all be under surveillance by the Chinese. Capitalism is not even worth a debate. Its over. Right? Right?

The intellectual polymath Stephen Pinker has written a book titled Enlightenment Now, in which he takes on the very foundations of these alarm bells, their psychological drivers, their underlying statistical laziness, even their willful deceit. He covers the history of (and evidence for) human violence, climate, health, democracy, longevity and more.

He presents the peer-reviewed data, the sources, the conclusions (and in most cases does not try to look into the future). He has angered just about every activist who has read the book, and more who havent. He has been accused of cherry-picking, of Pollyanna Syndrome, of right-wing bolsterism.

But a careful reading of this book (and some of his later online defences against the charges) show him to be on much more solid scientific ground than his detractors, sometimes embarrassingly so. (Quick how many people died in 2018 from natural disasters? 11,000. How many in the opening decades of the 20th century when the population was one quarter that of todays? An average of 400,000 a year. The difference? Technology, communications, medicine, governance and process. Who would have predicted that?)

So, back to climate. There are many paths humanity can take to mitigate and even arrest the slope that we are on. The most immediately scalable one is nuclear energy (with multiple new designs that mitigate most, if not all the historical objections and technology weaknesses). And by manipulating fundamental economic imperatives with a tightly controlled carbon tax, with UN oversight. And many other technologies, all bubbling with the fuel of urgency, such as renewables.

I must admit to having rung some alarms myself, and been exercised by others. But our planet and its inhabitants have improved over millennia, in almost every way we can measure thats what the data shows, pretty incontrovertibly.

Of course, the alarms will not quiet soon, because we seem to need them, even love them. But they do not solve the problems.

People do, often the quiet ones. DM

Award-winning and multi-shortlisted novelist Steven Boykey Sidley has meandered through careers as an animator, chief technology officer for a Fortune 500 company, jazz musician, software developer, video game designer, private equity investor and high technology entrepreneur. He currently lives in Johannesburg with his wife and two children. Free Association is his fourth and latest novel.

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Were all going to die: Alarmists in our midst - Daily Maverick

Startup of the Week: A Subscription for Anti-Aging Pills… for Mice – VICE

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The pitch

In 2154, the Earth is an uninhabitable shitworld, and ultra-rich people live on a utopian space colony. This is the movie Elysium.

In 2020, you can mail in a spit sample and in return see how fast your cells are aging, then get prompted to buy some pills in the hopes of slowing down the process. This is the pitch for the company Elysium Health, which offers its co-called Index test for $500.

The Index test purports to provide customers with a cumulative rate of aging and biological agethe age at which their body is expected to perform. The report also includes general recommendations for healthy living and lifestyle factors that have been shown in clinical research to impact the clock, although theres no guarantee that these changes will impact your biological age, a company spokesperson said to Motherboard.

If you do take the $500 test regularly, the spokesperson said, you can determine how your rate of aging changes over time and to see if lifestyle and other changes made can impact how you age in the future.

Terrific! And what do you do with that information? As the bottom of Elysium Healths website disclaims, Index should not be used to determine or alter any age-related health or medical treatments based on your chronological age, unless directed otherwise by a doctor.

Elysium Healths main business is selling Basis, a nicotinamide riboside (NR) supplement that increases nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD+), which is involved in many of the bodys day-to-day cellular processes. Basis costs $60 for a months supply, or $50 per month as a subscription.

What problem does it solve?

Elysium Health seeks to address the age-old problem of old age. Elysium Health claims that clinical trials in humans, including our own trial, demonstrate that supplementing NR can increase the body's supply of NAD+.

Whether this actually slows aging in humans is not yet proven. NAD+ has shown to be an effective anti-aging component in mice and yeast. But as New York comedian Sheng Wang noted, we don't really care about rat news. Especially if it's positive. We don't want to hear about how their population can thrive further. I'd rather read about rat plight." Elysium Healths short human trial shows the NAD+ increase, but not the metabolic or overall health improvements. Another human study from Elysium Healths main competitor, ChromaDex, indicated NRs ability to raise NAD+, but doesnt mention any anti-aging effects.

In short, though NAD+ has anti-aging effects for mice, mouse studies are often overhyped. Just because something works in a mouse does not mean itll work in humans. In fact, cancer researchers are interested in NAD+ as a possible suspect for fueling cancer growth in humans, as a May 2019 article from Scientific American notes.

Despite the lack of evidence or FDA approval, Elysium Health has millions in funding and genuinely impressive resumes in its orbit.

The leadership team at Elysium Health has five PhDs, and touts a Scientific Advisory Board with more than 25 world-renowned researchers and clinicians, including eight Nobel Prize-winning scientists, who are tasked with guiding the scientific direction of the company.

Are you confused, and thinking, these people clearly know more than I do, given their academic credentials, Nobel Prizes, and lab coats?

That might be part of the plan. They are part of a marketing scheme where their names and reputations are being used, former Harvard Medical School dean Jeffrey Flier told the MIT Technology Review in 2017.

Several of Elysiums scientific advisory board members said their involvement should not be seen as an endorsement of the company or its pills, the Review story goes on to say.

In the same way companies sometimes greenwash their image to appear more environmentally-friendly, perhaps a company attaching itself to as many PhDs and Nobel Laureates as possible could be trying to brainwash its image.

Who is giving them money?

Elysium Health has raised $31.2 million since its founding in 2015. Investors include Silicon Valley Bank, which led its last $5 million round of debt financing in 2017, and Cambridge, Mass-based VC fund General Catalyst, which led its $20 million Series B round in 2016. Robert Nelsen, who Forbes once described as Biotechs Top Venture Capitalist, has also personally invested in Elysium Health.

What are The Experts saying?

The companys first product is Basis, a supplement that combines compounds designed to increase NAD levels and activate sirtuins, boosting cellular health and longevity." -TechCrunch

Researchers are still working to prove that NR can actually improve human healtha sticking point for critics and an issue acknowledged by the companies themselves. -Scientific American

A Fountain Of Youth Pill? Sure, If Youre A Mouse. -Kaiser Health News

If I had paid $500, I would likely be disappointed -FastCompany

Theres no guarantee that Elysiums first product, a blue pill called Basis that is going on sale this week, will actually keep you young. -MIT Technology Review

I take that Elysium stuff...I take that stuff every day. I like it. Um, but-I guess. I dont really know. I take a lot of things. I dont really know. -Joe Rogan

Should you buy it?

If you have $500 laying around that you might end up spending on things that will hyper-age you, like tanning sessions or a cigarette and cocaine smoothie, this is a foolproof way of ridding yourself of that harmful money.

If regular $500 saliva tests and $50 per month pills for a chance at longevity seem appealing, then this is your chance to make it to 2154. If you join their affiliate program, you can also make 12 percent commission on sales.

Should we even want to live longer, if we dont address the biological age of our planet first? If you flush a bunch of these pills down the toilet, will they help heal the Earth? Like Basiss efficacy with humans, the results here are currently inconclusive.

If youre simply interested in your chronological age, there are some very exciting and affordable products on the market. Elysium Health links to one cloud-based chronological age calculator, no spit required.

This article originally appeared on VICE US.

The rest is here:

Startup of the Week: A Subscription for Anti-Aging Pills... for Mice - VICE

Phishing Trends Position ISPs to Protect Subscribers – Security Boulevard

Akamai just released the 2019 State of the Internet (SOTI) security report: Phishing Baiting the Hook featuring findings from the enterprise and carrier research teams. Theyve been collaborating for two years to develop better methods for evaluating massive volumes of anonymized, live-streamed DNS query data to uncover more phishing, bots and other threats.

This new SOTI report has great background on phishing, and the research focuses on phishing kits used to enable landing pages where usernames and passwords or other valuable information are gathered and subsequently monetized to fund phishers exploits. Akamais enterprise team developed a zero-day phishing detection engine to identify different phishing kits, and tracked their life cycles to understand how attacks change to avoid detection. They also analyzed brands being targeted and segmented them by industry. The top industries targeted were high tech (companies like Microsoft, Dropbox, and LinkedIn), followed by media and then financial companies.

These findings are supplemented with research from the carrier team which shows longevity statistics for domain names used for phishing (and other exploits) ranked by Top Level Domain. The work showed short life times for malicious domains 89% had a lifespan of less than 24 hours, and 94% had a lifespan of less than three days.

Since it relies on human factors instead of software flaws, the basic approach for phishing has endured for decades. But that doesnt mean phishers havent innovated. A section covering phishing in the European Union Agency for Cybersecurity (ENISA) Threat Landscape Report 2018 states: From the available evidence, it is clear that the scale and sophistication of attacks are increasing, with evermore avenues being exploited to reach users (including email, instant messaging, and social networking sites). This suggests organizations can not necessarily depend on phishing protections built into email to cover all of their exposure since phishing urls are being presented in other places.

A paper presented at Usenix Security 2019 adds another dimension. In addition to copying logos and web pages and mimicking legitimate email addresses, sophisticated phishers have become masters of persuasion. The authors of the paper presented examples of phishing messages segmented based on the different ways human emotions can be manipulated to obtain a desired result. Its a little unnerving reading these messages because it becomes clear even trained or experienced viewers could be susceptible if they dont pause for a moment.

Attackers are innovating in other ways. Some attackers cleverly substitute lookalike characters in domain names so a destination appears to users to be familiar but is actually completely different than what is perceived. Its a big enough problem that most of the major browservendors have taken steps to make the substitutions more obvious to (attentive) users by displaying the actual domain names, which appear as somewhat cryptic character strings (called punycode) in the address bar. The carrier research team has also started seeing domain names that render as emojis imagine the ambiguities that introduces for hackers to take advantage of! The team has added protections for them and well offer more details about these tactics in upcoming blog posts.

Phishing impacts everyone who uses the internet, although some are more targeted than others. Findings presented at BlackHat 2019 from researchers at the University of Florida and Google showed that business users are 4.8 times more likely to receive phishing emails than consumers. Nonprofits are 3.8 times more likely to be targeted than consumers, followed by government (2.8X) and education (2.1X). Todays hackers want to maximize their return on investment and, accordingly, bias their efforts toward organizations with more monetizable assets.

In the same BlackHat presentation, the researchers presented survey results that showed 45% of users dont understand what phishing is. This is in contrast to generally high awareness about internet security exposure and may indicate many people simply dont have the time or desire to educate themselves about the details of internet exploits.

Phishing isnt going away anytime soon because the barriers to entry are low. Technical skills arent necessarily required anymore since phishing kits are readily available from many sources on the dark web and there are services available to distribute malicious links. Even amateur phishers can refine their messaging based on observing what works and the professionals can invest in more advanced forms of social engineering. As revealed in the paragraph above gaps in awareness suggest internet users could use help.

ISPs are well-positioned to protect their consumer and small/midsize business subscribers. They already have a trusted contractual relationship, scale and reach, and security and operational expertise. Theres an opportunity to move beyond speed and reliability and differentiate internet access services based on security. Akamai Security and Personalization Services play to provider strengths, while meeting subscriber requirements for ease of use, broad coverage of devices, and price points compatible with modest budgets.

Bruce Van Nice is a Senior Product Marketing Manager at Akamai.





*** This is a Security Bloggers Network syndicated blog from The Akamai Blog authored by Bruce Van Nice. Read the original post at:

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Phishing Trends Position ISPs to Protect Subscribers - Security Boulevard

Longevity And Anti-Senescence Therapy Market: Market Development, Overview and Forecast up to 2023 – Statsflash

The global longevity and anti-senescence therapies market should grow from $329.8 million in 2018 to $644.4 million by 2023 with a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 14.3% during 2018-2023.

Report Scope:

The scope of this report is broad and covers various therapies currently under trials in the global longevity and anti-senescence therapy market. The market estimation has been performed with consideration for revenue generation in the forecast years 2018-2023 after the expected availability of products in the market by 2023. The global longevity and anti-senescence therapy market has been segmented by the following therapies: Senolytic drug therapy, Gene therapy, Immunotherapy and Other therapies which includes stem cell-based therapies, etc.

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Revenue forecasts from 2028 to 2023 are given for each therapy and application, with estimated values derived from the expected revenue generation in the first year of launch.

The report also includes a discussion of the major players performing research or the potential players across each regional longevity and anti-senescence therapy market. Further, it explains the major drivers and regional dynamics of the global longevity and anti-senescence therapy market and current trends within the industry.

The report concludes with a special focus on the vendor landscape and includes detailed profiles of the major vendors and potential entrants in the global longevity and anti-senescence therapy market.

Report Includes:

71 data tables and 40 additional tables An overview of the global longevity and anti-senescence therapy market Analyses of global market trends, with data from 2017 and 2018, and projections of compound annual growth rates (CAGRs) through 2023 Country specific data and analysis for the United States, Canada, Japan, China, India, U.K., France, Germany, Spain, Australia, Middle East and Africa Detailed description of various anti-senescence therapies, such as senolytic drug therapy, gene therapy, immunotherapy and other stem cell therapies, and their influence in slowing down aging or reverse aging process Coverage of various therapeutic drugs, devices and technologies and information on compounds used for the development of anti-ageing therapeutics A look at the clinical trials and expected launch of anti-senescence products Detailed profiles of the market leading companies and potential entrants in the global longevity and anti-senescence therapy market, including AgeX Therapeutics, CohBar Inc., PowerVision Inc., T.A. Sciences and Unity Biotechnology

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Global longevity and anti-senescence therapy market deals in the adoption of different therapies and treatment options used to extend human longevity and lifespan. Human longevity is typically used to describe the length of an individuals lifetime and is sometimes used as a synonym for life expectancy in the demography. Anti-senescence is the process by which cells stop dividing irreversibly and enter a stage of permanent growth arrest, eliminating cell death. Anti-senescence therapy is used in the treatment of senescence induced through unrepaired DNA damage or other cellular stresses.

Global longevity and anti-senescence market will witness rapid growth over the forecast period (2018-2023) owing to an increasing emphasis on Stem Cell Research and an increasing demand for cell-based assays in research and development.

An increasing geriatric population across the globe and a rising awareness of antiaging products among generation Y and later generations are the major factors expected to promote the growth of global longevity and anti-senescence market. Factors such as a surging level of disposable income and increasing advancements in anti-senescence technologies are also providing traction to the global longevity and anti-senescence market growth over the forecast period (2018-2023).

According to the National Institutes of Health (NIH), the total geriatric population across the globe in 2016 was over REDACTED. By 2022, the global geriatric population (65 years and above) is anticipated to reach over REDACTED. An increasing geriatric population across the globe will generate huge growth prospectus to the market.

Senolytics, placenta stem cells and blood transfusions are some of the hot technologies picking up pace in the longevity and anti-anti-senescence market. Companies and start-ups across the globe such as Unity Biotechnology, Human Longevity Inc., Calico Life Sciences, Acorda Therapeutics, etc. are working extensively in this field for the extension of human longevity by focusing on study of genomics, microbiome, bioinformatics and stem cell therapies, etc. These factors are poised to drive market growth over the forecast period.

Global longevity and anti-senescence market is projected to rise at a CAGR of REDACTED during the forecast period of 2018 through 2023. In 2023, total revenues are expected to reach REDACTED, registering REDACTED in growth from REDACTED in 2018.

The report provides analysis based on each market segment including therapies and application. The therapies segment is further sub-segmented into Senolytic drug therapy, Gene therapy, Immunotherapy and Others. Senolytic drug therapy held the largest market revenue share of REDACTED in 2017. By 2023, total revenue from senolytic drug therapy is expected to reach REDACTED. Gene therapy segment is estimated to rise at the highest CAGR of REDACTED till 2023. The fastest growth of the gene therapy segment is due to the Large investments in genomics. For Instance; The National Human Genome Research Institute (U.S.) had a budget grant of REDACTED for REDACTED research projects in 2015, thus increasing funding to REDACTED for approximately REDACTED projects in 2016.

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Longevity And Anti-Senescence Therapy Market: Market Development, Overview and Forecast up to 2023 - Statsflash

The biological defects that come with age and how to prevent them – Ladders

I mightve died fearing the ageing process about as much as everyone else. Unfortunately, about two drags into my fourth cigarette a friend of mine relayed an anecdote about his dying grandfatherunprompted.

So its his ninety-eighth birthday and were watching him try to blow out candles on a cake he probably cant eat anywayfor like an hour.Eventually, I get bored and blow it out for him before asking what he wished for. To which he says: I accidentally peeped the expiration date on the carton of milk in the fridge and it dawned on me that I didnt know which one of us had more time left.

In an instant, I quit smoking and took up gerascophobia. In defense of the soon-to-be-dead-party-pooper, the older we get the louder minute hands become. We try to dull the racket by route of cosmetics, pop culture, copulation and fairy-tales; all to distract ourselves from the inevitable frog march into nothingness. If were honest, every year after 50 extends a catalog of things we cant do anymore. The list begins innocuously enough with things like fit into my favorite pair of whatevers or comprehend the cultural significance of this or that, but then the whole thing ends tragically nuanced.

Were all familiar with the odd way time seems to speed up every year after 21? It makes sense that time adopts the illusion of expedience as we run out of milestones but the reasoning behind this phenomenon is actually even less abstract than that. According to a new paper published in the scientific journalEuropean Review, as wrinkles begin to appear, and our postures sag, our neurons grow larger, increasing the amount of time it takes us to process an image.

People are often amazed at how much they remember from days that seemed to last forever in their youth, explained the new studys author Adrian Bejan, the J.A. Jones Professor of Mechanical Engineering at Duke University in a pressrelease.Its not that their experiences were much deeper or more meaningful, its just that they were being processed in rapid-fire.

Interestingly enough, almost all of the psychological conditions that narrate our morph into maggot food are effected by well-documented physiological precursors.

Little mutations join forces to pen an aggressive eviction notice apostrophized by medical abnormalities that condemn life on planet earth to be less and less pleasant.This is especially relevant right now because Americas global age is increasing at an exponential rate.

When a society attains economic and agricultural excellence the death rate decreases alongside birthrate, which leads to a larger and older population.James Fries, professor of medicine at Stanford University, indexed the sociological fine-print that punctures this developmental achievement back in 1998. What Fries calls the compression of morbidity dictates that denizens of a thriving nation enjoy healthy lives for most of it until a series of health setbacks plague them all at once toward the final stretch. This is often in the form of chronic illness that appears in tandem with natural biological regressions. As far as the perversion of our mind clocks are concerned, organic changes in saccades frequency, body size, and pathway degradation have been studied to be the primary culprits. This is what physics more discreetly refers to asthe constructional law of low architecture. Elderly people simply receive fewer images in the same amount of time as younger people, drastically decelerating their integration of information. The mechanisms that animate this process are fairly identical to a cameras shutter speed.

The human mind senses time changing when the perceived images change, Bejan adds. The present is different from the past because the mental viewing has changed, not because somebodys clock rings. Daysseemed to last longerin your youth because the young mind receives more images during one day than the same mind in old age.

Overall somatic decline is ensured by similar physiological defects. New data published by researchers at Yale University revealed that our ability to obtain energy by burning belly fat also reduces as we grow older. This impairment is a direct cost of medical and agricultural preferments that have allowed us to defy our intended life expectancy.

Several mechanisms in the body are not selected for longevity,explained the papers lead researcher, Vishwa Deep Dixit. Normally the B cells produce antibodies and defend against infection. But with aging, the increased adipose B cells become dysfunctional, contributing to metabolic disease. This predisposes an animal to diabetes and metabolic dysfunction like inability toburn fat.

Thankfully, successful aging is no longer a consideration beholden to science fiction. Genetics may draft the treatment, but our lifestyle choices govern how gracefully we interpret the consequential beats. Presbycusis for instance (gradual degeneration of the cochlea consequenced by bilateral symmetrical aging) is by all accounts unavoidable. It is the leading cause of hearing loss and affects just about one and two individuals over the age of 75. However, there are cumulative environmental predictors that can worsen the condition and even accelerate its development. Prolonged exposure to headphone frequencies causes the hair cells in the cochlea to bend beyond the point of repair. Uniformly, we all have a reserve capacity of cells, each of which dies without fanfare throughout a given day.

Of course, as we age, this process, which is calledapoptosis, picks up momentum. What you might not know though is our state of mind mandates how quickly and violently this program transpires.

Having a good attitude is very important. We know that stress plays a key role in how we will age. We have these hormones, these stress hormones, that actually play a role in how our cells will die. When we become under stress we have an accelerated loss of cells. So this over a lifetime plays a major role in how functional we will be, explainedSteven Gambert, MD.

Even more consistently than this is the role our diet plays at the pace of our weathering. Diets like the Mediterranean, a regimen rich in vegetables and olive oil, low in meat ingestion, and moderate in alcohol consumption, slackens the agents of aging by checking their pawns, namely chronic maladies associated with old age. A recent study conducted on 23,349 men and women confirmed what previous literature had intimated in the years prior. Medical journalist, Caroline Wilbert reports:

During the study period, there were 652 deaths among 12,694 participants who had lower Mediterranean diet scores of 0-4 and 423 deaths among the 10,655 participants who had higher scores of at least 5. In general, those with higher scores were more likely to still be alive at the end of the study.

Similarly, earlier this year a team of European researchers disclosed that routine coffee consumption contributes to DNA integrity and overall longevity. This is earned by the antioxidants residing in dark roasted beans, a compound that helps cells repair themselves more effectively in the wake of the damage done by free radicals. Free radicals, birthed by sunlight, oxygen, and pollution, deteriorate the collagen fibers in the skin. The microbial properties in coffee help staff off these very same germs. Its caffeine acid boosts collagen levels which in turn brakes the aging process.

When it comes to confronting the aspects of aging that we cannot outwit, its important to distinguish a superficial fear of growing old, alternatively phrased as literal molecule deterioration, from a philosophical fear of death; the metaphysical cessation of being. Though Im not deaf to the terror of either, the attenuating of the former cant really refute the latter in and of itself. In other words, extending life for its own sake wont do you any good without some kind of moral equipment to boot. However you go about securing this is valid enough so long as it doesnt infringe on the fundamental rights of others. Rabelais lived for ambiguity, Plath was vitalized by the unreal and dangerous, Van Gogh was energized by lifes series of small things, Hitchens lived for irony (and died for it too), and Camus made a point not to think about any of it too intensely.

Chronological age is the most literal translation of our time here, our biological age is the most honest projection of how much of it weve got left, and our reservoir of purpose judges how successfully we spent it. Ultimately, appealing to your temple and the candles that emblazon it, is a good way to neuter the urge to cry over expired milk, whether the curtain falls when youre 25 or 98.

Go here to read the rest:

The biological defects that come with age and how to prevent them - Ladders

Global Stem Cells Market Growth Driver 2016 2024: By Companies Osiris Therapeutics Inc., STEMCELL Technologies Inc., BIOTIMEInc., Celgene Corporation…

A leading research firm, Zion Market Research added a latest industry report on "Global Stem Cells Market" consisting of 110+ pages during the forecast period and Stem Cells Market report offers a comprehensive research updates and information related to market growth, demand, opportunities in the global Stem Cells Market.

According to the report the Global Stem Cells Market Growth Driver 2016 2024: By Osiris Therapeutics Inc., STEMCELL Technologies Inc., BIOTIMEInc., Celgene Corporation, Human Longevity Inc., Cynata, Cytori Therapeutics, Promethera Biosciences, and Advanced Cell Technology Inc.,. Osiris Therapeutics Inc., STEMCELL Technologies Inc., BIOTIMEInc., Celgene Corporation

The Stem Cells Market report provides in-depth analysis and insights into developments impacting businesses and enterprises on global and regional level. The report covers the global Stem Cells Market performance in terms of revenue contribution from various segments and includes a detailed analysis of key trends, drivers, restraints, and opportunities influencing revenue growth of the global consumer electronics market.This report studies the global Stem Cells Market size, industry status and forecast, competition landscape and growth opportunity. This research report categorizes the global Stem Cells Market by companies, region, type and end-use industry.

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The Stem Cells Market report mainly includes the major company profiles with their annual sales & revenue, business strategies, company major products, profits, industry growth parameters, industry contribution on global and regional level.This report covers the global Stem Cells Market performance in terms of value and volume contribution. This section also includes major company analysis of key trends, drivers, restraints, challenges, and opportunities, which are influencing the global Stem Cells Market. Impact analysis of key growth drivers and restraints, based on the weighted average model, is included in this report to better equip clients with crystal clear decision-making insights.

The Stem Cells Market research report mainly segmented into types, applications and regions.The market overview section highlights the Stem Cells Market definition, taxonomy, and an overview of the parent market across the globe and region wise.To provide better understanding of the global Stem Cells Market, the report includes in-depth analysis of drivers, restraints, and trends in all major regions namely, Asia Pacific, North America, Europe, Latin America and the Middle East & Africa, which influence the current market scenario and future status of the global Stem Cells Market over the forecast period.

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The Stem Cells Market report provides company market size, share analysis in order to give a broader overview of the key players in the market. Additionally, the report also includes key strategic developments of the market including acquisitions & mergers, new product launch, agreements, partnerships, collaborations & joint ventures, research & development, product and regional expansion of major participants involved in the market on the global and regional basis.

Major Company Profiles Covered in This Report:

Osiris Therapeutics Inc., STEMCELL Technologies Inc., BIOTIMEInc., Celgene Corporation, Human Longevity Inc., Cynata, Cytori Therapeutics, Promethera Biosciences, and Advanced Cell Technology Inc.,.

Some of the major objectives of this report:

1) To provide detailed analysis of the market structure along with forecast of the various segments and sub-segments of the global Stem Cells Market.

2. To provide insights about factors affecting the market growth. To analyze the Stem Cells Market based on various factors- price analysis, supply chain analysis, porter five force analysis etc.

3. To provide historical and forecast revenue of the Stem Cells Market segments and sub-segments with respect to four main geographies and their countries- North America, Europe, Asia, and Rest of the World.

4. Country level analysis of the market with respect to the current market size and future prospective.

5. To provide country level analysis of the market for segment by application, product type and sub-segments.

6. To provide strategic profiling of key players in the market, comprehensively analyzing their core competencies, and drawing a competitive landscape for the market.

7. Track and analyze competitive developments such as joint ventures, strategic alliances, mergers and acquisitions, new product developments, and research and developments in the global Stem Cells Market.

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Global Stem Cells Market Growth Driver 2016 2024: By Companies Osiris Therapeutics Inc., STEMCELL Technologies Inc., BIOTIMEInc., Celgene Corporation...

The Future Of Style: Slow Fashion Plus … Merch Tees? – KPBS

Trista Roland, founder of San Diego pattern company Sugardale, discusses fashions post-pandemicfuture

Credit: Michael Armstrong

Above: Sugardale's founder Trista Roland works on a pattern in her studio in an undated photo.

I was still in the same leggings Id slept in the night before when I called Trista Roland, founder of Sugardale and part of San Diegos hand-sewn clothing movement. I tried to remember six weeks ago, deciding what nice but pinchy thing to wear to work, but it felt like something that had happened to another person.

I asked Roland who identifies more as a pattern designer than a dressmaker, though she makes and designs many of her own clothes what she's been wearing during the pandemic. She said she's been keeping it super comfortable, but it's hard to believe because her Instagram feed brims with flawlessly made outfits and a general, enviable put-together-ness. "I have gotten dressed up for shooting photos for Instagram and I'll just stay in those clothes all day," she admitted.

Sugardale's patterns are stylish but practical pants or skirts, with the option of overalls-, coveralls- or dress-style tops, each one a balance of playful and tailored, and each amendable and customizable. (And always with pockets. "It's a security thing," she said.)

Unlike much of the world adjusting to carefully displaying (or hiding) our work-from-home attire over video conferencing, the sewing and fashion communities have been sharing their outfits digitally on Instagram for years, and not all that much has changed for them. Opportunities for dressing up still exist, if you know where to look. Roland described "frocktails," an IRL meet-up where the local sewing community could get together and wear their own handmades, just to show them off. She added that frocktails have pivoted to Zoom. "It has been fun to just play dress up for no other reason, just to do it," she said.

When it comes to the pandemics longer-term impact on style, particularly womens fashion, Roland isn't really thinking about what people will wear to work; she looks at an even bigger picture.

The coronavirus pandemic has only just begun to spotlight systemic problems with working conditions and the global supply chain for all industries, Roland said, who studied in the fashion program at San Diego Mesa College about a decade ago and launched Sugardale several years later. We have a new societal understanding of the conditions and risks low wage earners go through to provide products and services, she said, and we're aware of the impact on the economy of the loss of these jobs. She thinks this will apply to fashion, too.

The "fast fashion" industry's impact on human rights and the environment is bleak. The standard set of seasons has morphed into some 52 "microseasons," for the fast fashion climate getting trends into stores as quickly as possible. Consumers are encouraged to constantly buy new items, as quickly made and cheaply made as possible, and discard their old things sending tons of synthetic fabrics and microplastics to the landfills. Global manufacturing waste and pollution present another problem.

For Roland, "slow fashion" embraces the opposite approach. "It's not even just the quality of the garment itself, but thinking all the way down the line: how it was made, where it was made. Was it ethical? Are the people working and making your clothes being treated ethically? Do they have good working hours? What is their working life like?" she said. "How does that garment get onto your body?"

In the slow fashion movement (and in the hand-made movement, which is an extension of slow fashion) care is taken in source, quality, process and longevity. There's a focus on capsule wardrobes, where slow fashionistas build multiple outfits out of a small collection of staples. It's not about constantly having the newest styles, but is about finding pieces that will work well for a long time.

Roland hopes that more people will turn towards making their own clothes, and thinks this may be a natural progression after so many individuals dusted off their sewing machines to try mask making. "You might have a bunch of people with a new hobby," she said.

As Sugardale grows, Roland is also hoping to help guide her customers to "hack" their own designs from her pieces. She's posting more tutorials online and will launch a Patreon-style subscription service in the coming months.

Roland pointed out that theres one unique way people are still buying clothes right now, despite not having anywhere to wear them. With coffee shops, restaurants, bars, bands and more all shut down or doing limited work, many are offering merch for sale online to stay afloat. She said that with an increasingly grassroots approach to where their money goes, people are doing what they can to support their favorite businesses. Unlike slow fashion, merch shirts are not always about the quality of the product, but they mark a greater focus on the people and work the consumers want to support, Roland noted, which is still a form of using fashion to support workers.

"Maybe that's what'll happen," Roland said. "We'll all be in jeans and logo'd shirts at the end."

KPBS' daily news podcast covering local politics, education, health, environment, the border and more. New episodes are ready weekday mornings so you can listen on your morning commute.

Julia Dixon Evans Arts Calendar Editor and Producer

I write the weekly KPBS Arts newsletter and edit and produce the KPBS Arts calendar. I am interested in getting San Diegans engaged with the diversity of art and culture made by the creative people who live here.

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The Future Of Style: Slow Fashion Plus ... Merch Tees? - KPBS

Bats’ Ability to Combat Viruses and Control Inflammation Provides Insights in Fighting COVID-19 – Nature World News

Jul 17, 2020 09:10 AM EDT

The longevity of bats and their ability to combat viruses help them control inflammation, giving scientists insights on possible tools for combating COVID-19.

Bats have been implicated in many new and even older pathogens that afflict humanity. These include rabies, Ebola, and SARS-nCoV-2, which causes COVID-19. Bats have been observed to have remarkable resistance to these viruses. In addition, they have longer lifespans compared to similarly-sized mammals.

Researchers published an article in Cell Metabolism outlining bats' unique abilities and mechanisms and how they can help develop treatments for human diseases. The authors are biology professors Andrei Seluanov and Vera Gorbunova from the University of Rochester and the National University of Singapore Centre for Healthy Aging director Brian Kennedy.

The COVID-19 causative agent, SARS-nCoV-2, along with a host of other viruses, are thought to have come from bats, who serve as carriers; the bats themselves do not seem to develop disease from it. In addition, a lot of bat species have 30- to 40-year lifespans, which is unusual for their small size, since smaller animals tend to live shorter lives. Gorbunova says that the resistance of bats to infections may be connected to their long life. This could give clues on formulating human treatment.

The researchers' studies also showed inflammation's role in age-related illnesses and aging. Such diseases include Alzheimer's, cardiovascular disease, and cancer. Viruses such as COVID-19 can also cause inflammation. Gorbunova says that the inflammation may be the factor that kills COVID-19 patients.

Gorbunova says that the immune system uses inflammation and fever to fight viral and bacterial infections, but these responses can also overreact and pose a danger to the body itself.

Unlike us, bats have mechanisms that inhibit viral replication and dampen immune responses to viral infections. This causes an optimal bodily reaction, wherein the viruses are controlled with little inflammatory response.

The study authors say that various factors could be contributing to the evolution of bat disease resistance and longevity. The flight could be one factor since it lets bats adapt to rapid body temperature rise, molecular damage, and sudden metabolic surges. Such adaptations are useful in fighting disease.

The environment could be another factor. Dense and large bat colonies are the perfect venue for disease transmission. This constant exposure to viruses triggers bats' immune systems into always being active in a perpetual war with pathogens. Their immune system is always busy evolving mechanisms to combat new pathogens that regularly come in contact with them and their colonies. Gorbunova says that the strongest adaptive or evolutionary driver of disease resistance is a constant war against pathogenic organisms. Dealing with so many viruses, she says, could be developing better immunity and longer lifespans.

Such evolution develops over thousands to millions of years, and will not work for human adaptation to COVID-19. Only recently have humans congregated in congested cities or developed frequent world travel. Humans simply haven't evolved the complex mechanisms of bats. Gorbunova says our bodies may respond to such pathogens with more inflammation.

The study authors also think that aging may exacerbate the harmful effects of COVID-19 in humans. Gorbunova says the pathogenesis of the disease is different in the elderly.

The study authors think that the study of the bat's immune system will provide new therapies against humans aging and diseases. One possible research focus is the inhibition in humans of genes that cause inflammation; these genes have been eliminated in bats.

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Bats' Ability to Combat Viruses and Control Inflammation Provides Insights in Fighting COVID-19 - Nature World News

Worst-case scenarios arent the only ones – Keizertimes

In February, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention held a conference call on COVID-19 and warned, as The New York Times reported, that 160 million to 214 million Americans could become infected and 200,000 to 1.7 million might die.

On March 3, the World Health Organization noted that globally 3.4 percent of those infected with the virus died.

These numbers have become frequent talking pointseven though they presented an inflated picture based on cases confirmed because patients had symptoms in countries with dubious health care systems. We are living in a news climate where the scarier the factoid, the more credibility it can claim.

The problem is the experts dont know this number either, Stanford University Medical Professor Jayanta Bhattacharya told me after he became alarmed at some of the high estimates floating around including numbers that, for example, didnt factor in the effects of social distancing.

And it bothers Bhattacharya that risk assessments see risk only in not following guidelines when there can be risk in following them. Theres mortality on both sides of this, he explained.

I am not an expertso Ill go along with what doctors recommend. But I can still voice skepticism about dire predictions that the nation has to hunker down for many months, and I can wonder if a multimonth shutdown, which some officials are suggesting, will produce economic outcomes that are bad for human health and longevity.

And Im open to news that doesnt offer the worst possible information.

As of last week,the mortality rate in the United States was about 1.5 percentwith a patient pool that largely was symptomatic. Dr. Anthony Fauci told Congress he believes the coronavirus mortality rate is 1 percent10 times larger than the 0.1 percenet rate for the common flu.

Bhattacharya sifted through studies, corrected for certain factors and came up with morality rate closer to one-half of 1 percentbut he wont trust that estimate until there is a study to back it up.

Thats not great news, as it portends once-healthy adults hooked up to ventilators and vulnerable people in caskets. Wed all like the magic number to be zero.

The death rate stays on the low side only if health care workers have protective gear and hospitals have beds and ventilators and that is not a universal situation.

I am struck at one area of agreement between Trump and New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo.

Trump told Fox News that his goal was to ease the guidelines and open things up to very large sections of our country as we near the end of our historic battle with the invisible enemy. Trump threw out Easter, April 12, which he later called a beautiful timeline. Figure, its a goal.

University of Ottawa professor of Law and Medicine Amir Attaran told The Times, Nobody voted in Donald Trump thinking he would become a one-man death panel empowered to dispense with American lives like cannon fodder.

For his part, Fauci told reporters that no one wants to tone things down in New York City but there could be a more flexible approach in parts of the country.

Cuomo, the governor of the state with the countrys worst infection rate, has spoken to the same effect. He told reporters, You cant stop the economy forever. Cuomo has flirted with sending young people or those who have had the virus and are now immune back to work earlier than others.

Presumptive Democratic nominee Joe Bidens reaction to Trumps Easter talking point?

The former vice president told CBS News: The only thing we can do worse than telling the American people the truth is in fact raise false hopes. And then when it doesnt occur, they say, oh my God, something really must be worse than I thought it was.

Thats the conventional wisdom from inside the Beltwaythat there is a duty to shut down everything because there is no downside to an abundance of caution. And somehow leaders instill trust by not wanting to open some of the doors sooner.

Theres no caution on either side, said Bhattacharya. If the end of the quarantine is tomorrow, that could be a disaster. If we continue the quarantine for a couple of months, that could be a disaster also.

(Creators Syndicate)

See the rest here:
Worst-case scenarios arent the only ones - Keizertimes

Successful Aging: Focusing on the wide-ranging contributions of older Americans – LA Daily News

Dear readers,

Its time for a celebration. May is Older Americans Month, a time to celebrate older Americans for their past and current contributions to society.

The formal recognition of older Americans began with President Kennedy in 1963 when he designated May as Senior Citizens Month during a meeting with the National Council of Senior Citizens. That was when only 17 million Americans reached their 65th birthday in comparison to almost 50 million today. About one-third of those 17 million lived in poverty with few programs to meet their needs. Two years later, in 1965, President Lyndon B. Johnson passed the Older Americans Act and formally declared May as Older Americans Month.

Each year there is a theme. This years theme is Make your Mark, selected to encourage and celebrate the countless contributions older adults make to our communities. Here are some highlights of those contributions.

Older adults as volunteers: Older adults are volunteers. Almost one out of four older adults volunteer in some capacity, which translates to 1.9 billion hours of services worth $45.5 billion of contributed services. The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics listed the median annual volunteer service hours for all ages as 52 hours per person; for those 65 and older, the median was 96 hours. Older adults volunteer as a way to give back, making a difference in their churches, organizations, communities and wherever there is a need.

Older adults with encore careers: An encore career typically occurs after ones primary career and before what we consider traditional retirement. It is a career that embraces purpose, passion, sometimes a paycheck and giving back to make a difference. Giving back is a distinguished aspect. A study from several years ago found that 5.3 to 8.4 million people between the ages of 44 and 70 had an encore career, working in education, health care, government and nonprofit organizations. Of those within that age group not already in an encore career, half said they were interested in one.

Older adults as caregivers:Manycaregiversofolder peoplearethemselves older adults. According to the National Alliance for Caregiving, 70 percent of adult children are caring for a parent ages 50 to 64 years. Some caregivers are even older. A typical much older caregiver is almost 79 years old, white, female and typically cares for a close relative who is 77 years old. This older caregiver provides 34 hours of care per week for five years. She is the sole unpaid care provider for her loved one.

Older adults as age advocates: Older adults also advocate for themselves and causes for social justice. Betty Friedan not only advocated for the advancement of womens rights but also for older women when she wrote The Fountain of Age published when she was 72 years old. Author and activist Ashton Applewhite at age 68 leads a movement to abolish age discrimination. Her book, This Chair Rocks: A Manifesto Against Ageism is written to do just that.

Older adults as movement builders: At the age of 77, John Sorenson, a former CEO, created the Elders Action Network, a movement of elders to address the social and environmental crises of our time. The foundation of his work is the belief that we are wasting an invaluable human resource that could be applied to problems facing our nation. The Network focuses on climate action, sustainable living and social justice. A subgroup of the network is the Elders Climate Action with 3300 members, a non-partisan movement of elders committed to making their voices heard to change national policies to void catastrophic changes in the earths climate.

Older adults as contributors to our economy: In 2018, those 50 years and older contributed $8.3 trillion dollars to our economy. In terms of gross domestic product, that places older adults contribution as the worlds third-largest economy just behind the U.S. and China. We earn and spend money; we generate tax revenue, give to social causes and create demand for products and services that stimulates growth. We have created the longevity economy.

In this trying time, lets celebrate us. We collectively made our mark yesterday and today. I am certain, we will continue to make our mark for our many tomorrows.

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Successful Aging: Focusing on the wide-ranging contributions of older Americans - LA Daily News

The New Thermaltake CyberChair E500 – Hardware – Press Release – HEXUS

Taipei, Taiwan April 1st, 2020Thermaltake,a leading brand in PC DIY for cooling, gaming gear, and enthusiast memory solutions, proudly presents thefirst ergonomic chair CyberChair E500.An ergonomic chair is always the best choice when it comes to users who are required to sit for long hours, and the Cyber Chair E500 could be the new best choice. The CyberChair E500 is made of permeable mesh cushioning that is highly breathable, and the back structure is built with robust aluminum to extend its longevity while providing sturdy support to the human backbone. The CyberChair E500 offers high adjustability ranging from the headrest, seat depth, height adjustment, and wire-control mechanism with multi lockable positions to reach maximum comfort. Furthermore, users can relax and immerse the body with up to 117 degrees of back angle inclination. Aside from the extensive sitting positions focusing on the neck and back, the CyberChair E500 also provides multidirectional armrests that are adjustable in height and width to relieve wrist pressure and muscle strain of the forearms. Finally, the CyberChair E500 is constructed with a 5-star aluminum base, its sturdy framework is designed to support a max load of 330 lb (150 kg), with 3 wide large caster wheels that further enhances the stability whilst providing quieter operation and more significant movement.

Features of the ThermaltakeCyberChair E500:

Durable high tensile mesh

CyberChair E500has a highly breathable mesh surface with a soft touch that is easy to clean. Thermaltakes mesh surface had passed the SGS 100,000 impact fatigue tests and the California Technical Bulletin 117 flame resistance test to ensure users safety.

Headrest Adjustment

The adjustable headrest allows users to modify the height of the headrest to match the users head posture. Moreover, the front side rotation mechanism can hold the users heads from different angles.

Elastic Ergonomic Backrest

Constructed by two compartments, the upper part of the backrest aligns with the headrest providing promising head to back alignment, along with the lower part of the backrest, which is an elastic compartment that fits perfectly with the lumbar spine and all types of body shapes.

Height Adjustment

Seat height ranges from 500 mm to 600 mm (19.6 to 23.6 inches); class- 4 gas lift provides steady and secure seat height adjustments.

Elastic Control

On the right side of the Cyber Chair E500, users can twist the elastic handle to adjust the resistance feedback from the backrest, ensuring users with different weights can smoothly and safely adjust the seating angle.

Seat Depth Adjustment

The adjustable sliding seat base can travel 30 mm when the sliding mode is turned on. It can be adjusted synchronously with the tilt angle of the backrest to provide a greater rest angle for the body and create the most comfortable reclining angle in a limited amount of space.

Adjustable Backrest

The Cyber Chair E500 provides an excellent back angle tilt from 90 degrees to 117 degrees, which allows the users to adjust the backrest as needed.

Stiff Aluminum Alloy Back and Base

Using the aluminum alloy integral molding method, the CyberChair E500 brings durability, sturdiness, and elegancy to the users, and the heavy-duty 5-star aluminum base measures 700mm (27.5in) in diameter and weight support up to 150kg (331lb).

Availability, Warranty, and Pricing

Thermaltake CyberChair E500 ergonomic chair will be available for purchase in April 2020 via the Thermaltake worldwide network of authorized retailers and distributors. It is backed by a two-year warranty and supported by the Thermaltake worldwide customer service and technical support network. For up-to-date pricing of the chassis, please refer to the Thermaltake website or contact your local Thermaltake sales or PR representative.

For more details on ThermaltakeCyberChair E500 Ergonomic Chair, please visit:

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CyberChair E500 ergonomic chair on TT Premium

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About Thermaltake

Thermaltake Technology was established in 1999, and has been marketed to the world under the Thermaltake brand name ever since. Thermaltake first specialized in air cooling, successfully launching the worlds first turbine cooler, the Golden Orb. With the mission to Deliver the perfect user experience,Thermaltake has since then become the leading brand in computer hardware & peripherals in thePC DIY marketand the number one choice forPC DIY enthusiastsworldwide.

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About TT Premium

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The New Thermaltake CyberChair E500 - Hardware - Press Release - HEXUS