Diane Francis: The future is faster and better than ever as tech reinvents the world – Financial Post

LOS ANGELES Peter Diamandis is a friend who happens to also be a serial entrepreneur, medical doctor and aeronautical engineer who founded the XPRIZE Foundation, Singularity University, Human Longevity, Planetary Resources, Space Adventures, and biotech Celularity, among others.

We live in the most extraordinary time in history, he said recently at his Abundance360 annual conference for high-net-worth entrepreneurs. The next 10 years will see more changes than occurred in the past 100 years.

His latest book was released this week, The Future is Faster than You Think, and is a survey of how the world will be reinvented, industry by industry. He draws historical comparisons to make the case for optimism: In 1920, we could only find four innovations: the first commercial radio station, the hand-held hairdryer; the Band Aid; and traffic lights. By contrast, last year saw tens of thousands of technological and scientific breakthroughs.

He believes the world is entering a new roaring twenties which will result in transformative goods, devices, services, business models and human behaviour. In a chapter called the Acceleration of Acceleration, he lists some principal accelerants that have been, and will be, behind ongoing and rapid change.

For example, huge savings for people in developed countries, in terms of time and money, occurred with the invention of Google search, iPhones and massive data storage capability. This time and money has been reinvested to execute more of the same types of time and money saving innovations. For instance, the cost of sequencing the genome in 2001 was US$100 million and now it can be done for only US$100. And the value, in 2012 dollars, of all equipment contained in todays iPhone in 2012 dollars is US$1 million the cameras for photos and video, storage, facial recognition, telephones, laptops, search and artificial intelligence capability.

Crowdfunding, underpinned by blockchain technology, is enabling the raising of billions for more research and development. And brain enhancement techniques to boost memory and concentration will also improve research outcomes.

Augmented reality will go mainstream and allow consumers to play, learn and shop via headsets, glasses or implants. Robots and toys or appliances will remember our faces and voices and preferences. Drones will babysit and take videos. Voice commands will replace typing and predictive algorithms will anticipate our needs.

By 2029, co-founder of Singularity University Ray Kurzweil says artificial intelligence will be smarter than humans. This will provide smart collaborative tools for workers, professionals, analysts and leaders to enable them to find smarter solutions to their challenges. Put another way, this decade will offer Alexa and Siri on steroids that will act as personal executive assistants to anyone at an affordable price.

Advancements in renewable energy, batteries and local power grids will accelerate leading to lower costs and higher performance, democratizing power globally.

Besides flying cars and the Hyperloop, space travel will become a tourism and commercial option. The future of food, finance, education, shopping and real estate will profoundly change. As more people have access to technology, more problems can be solved and the more capital is available to find those solutions, he said.

Diamandis is an inveterate optimist but realizes that technology in the wrong hands has and can create new problems. To be clear, there will still be terrorism, war, and murder. Dictatorship and disease wont go away. But the world will quietly continue to get better, he concludes in his book.

He also cites one of his favourite books, The Better Angels of Our Nature by Harvards Steven Pinker, whose figures demonstrate progress and that war, strife, disease and poverty are at historical lows.

To him, technology is part of a continuous march toward abundance to meet the needs of all humanity.

Financial Post

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Diane Francis: The future is faster and better than ever as tech reinvents the world - Financial Post

A baby nut is not cool at all – The Snapper – The Snapper

Shaun Lucas

Associate Opinion Editor

Creating a resonating character is hard, as they must appeal to vast audiences while also being unique. In addition, the iconic characters will likely utilize a memorable catchphrase, especially when associated with the marketing of a product. In fact, I bet many of you have more experience saying Theyre Great akin to Tony the Tiger than actually consuming frosted flakes.

Yet as of late, rather than companies creating unique and creative mascots for their product, they take a much more vapid approach: the baby archetype. Admittedly, this isnt exactly a new trend, such as turning classic cartoons into baby characters in the late 1900s. With this, however, these characters have experienced newfound popularity, mainly starting with the internet phenomena, Baby Yoda.

I initially overlooked the hype behind the reimagining of the classic Star Wars character, believing I simply didnt understand whatever made him popular. What I will not ignore, however, is the most recent baby-fixation on of a staple character: the change from Mr. Nut to the bizarre Baby Nut.

The Baby Nut situation becomes even more perplexing when reviewing some of Planters, the nut and snack company, recent marketing. For those with infrequent social media use, Planters recently announced the legitimate death of their staple mascot, Mr. Peanut. While this is confusing enough, the 2020 Super Bowl aired a commercial where Mr. Peanut was reborn into an infantile state. In other words, after two weeks of divided reactions of the public, Planters then paid approximately five and a half million to conclude with an even stranger twist.

First off, what demographic loves babies enough for this trend to be popular? Im aware, as humans, we appreciate our own children due to biological releases of dopamine. Yet, this mainly occurs in parents, such as with mothers believing their considered ugly child to be beautiful. But non-human children, let alone non-nuclear offspring? As an individual without children, these baby characters are rather off-putting.

Infant characters are often bland in personality, especially compared to potential adult counterparts. In fairness, real babies are undeveloped because of their lack of experience, along with the inability to communicate or move dynamically. This, unfortunately, carries over into imaginary worlds, as even the Baby Yoda is a blank slate compared to the intricate and wise Yoda of the Star Wars franchise. In addition, in many stories, the baby character turns into a plot device, usually only there for the protagonist to rescue.

The worst aspect of this archetype, besides formulaic creation, is these characters often uphold the stereotypical crying and messes of themselves. While I, of course, understand why parents cant always hire a sitter, the last thing I want is for a screaming child to ruin my experiences out in public. Why would I then wish to experience virtual versions of this torment, such as a TV show with a baby as a stagnant character?

All in all, it always seems the usage of baby characters acts as a marketing or reaction-pulling method, rather than coming from creative intents. With how storytelling media is constantly evolving, I admire those who take risks by creating original characters and stories. However, despite the baby tropes current popularity, I see no longevity for any of these recent creations after the fad burns out. But who knows? Maybe Baby Nut will increase peanut sales in the near future.


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A baby nut is not cool at all - The Snapper - The Snapper

Global Warming Is Escalating The El Nio Weather – Science Times

(Photo : Twitter)

Events of El Nio do not happen because of climate change; these are a natural phenomenon that has been happening for thousands of years. Scientists have a theory that it may be becoming worse as a result to climate change, but it is not yet 100% clear looking at how El Nio communicates with the change of climate. In terms of intense events of weather, climate change is most likely to affect the El Nio and La Nia impact.

Unfortunately, we cannot prevent El Nio and La Nia from happening. Since they are a natural phenomenon that occurs from climate patterns, humans would not be able to do anything as they cannot influence its duration or longevity.

Natural cycles of weather

As human beings contribute more and more gases, which traps the heat onto the atmosphere, the Earth gets warm. And this warming is going to cause something bigger, which might surprise us. Not only is the weather becoming more changeable, but warming is also causing intense heat, high sea level, loss of ice, and many more. Alternatively, it is making natural cycles of weather more compelling.

As the case may be, the most important natural change in the climate of the Earth is the process of El Nio. It is defined as the warm ocean surface temperatures in the Pacific for a short period of time. If La Nia happens, that region is colder than usual, while if El Nio occurs, the region will be warmer than usual. At times, if El Nio or La Nia is present and its waters are at a normal temperature-this is called a "neutral" stage.

Pattern of oscillation

Between El Nio and La Nia, the waters of the ocean start to switch back and forth every few years. It is like a pendulum, it does not happen often, but a pattern of oscillation is seen. And whether the cycle of El Nio and La Nia is present, there will be consequences around the world for this weather. For example, during the cycle of El Nio, we usually witness hotter and drier weather in South America and Australia while it is cooler and wetter in the south of the United States.

It is very important to be able to distinguish ahead of time the cycles of El Nio and La Nia. It is also important to comprehend how these cycles will change on the planet Earth. Cycles of El Nio have been known for a long time now. Its influence has also been known for almost 100 years around the globe. In 1920, the El Nio impact was discovered in places like the Indian Ocean, which is very far away. Scientists were known to have an aspect that something might start changing while observing the effects of El Nio for a century now.

ALSO READ:Here's how climate change is making El Nios more extreme


Global Warming Is Escalating The El Nio Weather - Science Times

Turkey is a leading NATO member. Its time this commitment was recognised, not criticised View – Euronews

This week is the 70th anniversary of NATO, and it will be marked by a gathering of the Alliances leaders in London. The anniversary follows both President Emmanuel Macrons recent comments about the Alliance suffering from a brain death and the legacy of last years summit, during which tensions were high and questions swirled about NATOs longevity and utility.

This time around, Turkey is a topic of discussion in the lead-up, with some pointing to actions weve taken to protect our national security like our recent operation in northern Syria as evidence of our rejection of the Alliance. This analysis, however, is wrong-headed and a misinterpretation of the facts of our situation.

Turkey continues to exhibit its commitment to NATO in the most meaningful ways a country can. As one of its earliest members, we have the second largest armed forces in the Alliance, and with roughly 1.9% of our GDP going to NATO, we are one of its top contributors and have committed to raising this to the target 2% by 2024. Our troops have participated in NATO missions, operations and exercises around the world from the Korean War to the Balkans to Afghanistan - and play pivotal roles in humanitarian missions.

We observe a world around us with new challenges and shared security threats, and in that world, Turkey firmly believes that NATO is tremendously relevant and should be bolstered, ensuring it can function effectively and in a spirit of genuine alliance.

Our particular geography surrounded by Syria, Iraq, Iran, and Russia has for decades placed us at the forefront of the Alliance, first during the Cold War and now as the only wall stopping terror groups along our borders from traveling to Europe. This geography and all the realities it portends has made us acutely aware of the risks that exist in our world. There always will be threats state and non-state and while the form and tactics will change over years and decades, we will never be done with the job of securing ourselves. We can choose to be vulnerable, or we can choose to be well-protected. The fact is that we have been and will be safer when like-minded nations are allied, that NATO has made us all safer.

Crucially, we believe NATO will be decisive in the worlds ability to destroy terrorism in all its manifestations; united militaries and security apparatuses with a collective commitment to its defeat. This commitment, however, must be thorough or risks the entire project being thrown into question. And while our NATO allies have fought terrorists with determination in many parts of the globe, in one case, they have shirked their duty.

For years, Turkey called on its allies to help clear a corridor run by a terrorist group along our border that posed a serious threat to our national security and regional stability. The activities of this group, the YPG - the Syrian wing of the PKK, an internationally-designated terror group that has killed 40,000 of our citizens - included ushering ISIS prisoners toward Turkey and digging tunnels into Turkish soil to smuggle explosives to commit their heinous acts of terror. We repeatedly proposed establishing a safe zone with our NATO partners and we agreed on plans together with the US that werent followed through on. Action was needed and although we sought a collective approach, ultimately, we were left going it alone.

Most of our allies refused to help us identify and pursue a solution to the very real security crisis we faced with the YPG, leaving us on our own to put up a defense and then condemned us for doing just that.

This reaction is all the more galling because it follows Turkeys track record of approaching security and counter terrorism with the utmost seriousness and professionalism and a high level of coordination with our NATO allies. For years now in Syria, Turkey has led the Coalition military effort against ISIS by air and ground, with our army as the only NATO military to have fought hand-to-hand combat with ISIS in northern Syria.

We also provide resources, including Incirlik Air Base, a critical staging ground for Coalition counter terrorism operations in the region. Our NATO community knows us; theyve planned with us, been on-the-ground with us on combat missions the world over, and we share intelligence and coordinate counter terrorism efforts every day. This alliance, in its best form, would be working with us, finding ways to solve Turkeys serious security concerns together, and standing with us.

On our own, Turkey has taken every precaution to prevent civilian casualties and damage to infrastructure, including historic and cultural sites. We are avoiding impacting on the fragile humanitarian situation in Syria. Turkey, after all, has shouldered more burden than any other outside nation for the ongoing war and human suffering in Syria. We have hosted 4 million Syrian refugees equal to the population of Los Angeles hundreds of thousands of whom, incidentally, are Kurds who fled the tyranny of YGP terror group. Turkey has spent $40 billion (36 billion) on refugees education, healthcare and housing. We more than most understand the consequences of more destruction and have cause to pursue a peaceful, stable future for our neighbour.

Since launching the operation, we have twice reached agreements to pause hostilities, only to see them quickly violated by YPG terrorists. Meanwhile, we are working in northern Syria to restore basic services for the local population; repairing and equipping hospitals, water networks and the power grid. Turkeys fight is not against the Kurds, our previous actions have exhibited this without equivocation.

Anyone paying attention knows that our fight is against terrorists on our borders and in our region, and that we seek a secure, democratic Syria on our doorstep. This is well in line with NATOs priorities and international law.

Alas, Turkey will not throw the baby out with bathwater, so to speak. So, we continue our full-throated commitment to NATO, and we continue to back up that commitment financially and with the efforts of our brave troops. We also expect in the years ahead that the Alliance will adapt into an even stronger, healthier union one that serves true to its mission and principles, ensuring the safety and security of each ally.

NATO is a resilient and agile organisation that has shown it can evolve to changing times and the demands they bring. In the meantime, we are here, we are allied.


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Turkey is a leading NATO member. Its time this commitment was recognised, not criticised View - Euronews

This Marketing Agency Wants To Put The Pleasure Back Into The Sex Tech Business – Forbes

Its easy to get excited about the financial opportunities of the sex tech industry. But marketing agency Healthy Pleasure Collective wants to put the pleasure back into the sex tech business. By acknowledging individual sexuality and prioritising customers sexual fulfillment, the agency believes brands can not only advance faster, but have a positive social impact too.

The sexual wellness market accounted for $39 billion in 2017 and has been estimated to be growing at a 30% annual rate. With the industry predicted to be worth $122 billion by 2026 investing in sex tech looks like a good move.

At Healthy Pleasure Collective, fundraising and development are about more than making money. Founded by business and brand architect Dominnique Karetsos and Dr. Maria Fernana Peraza Godoy, a urologist, andrologist and sexual medicine expert, HCP is a full service agency dedicated to sex tech. The team offers consulting, fundraising, branding, product development, digital marketing, communications, press and business development for entrepreneurs in the field of sexual health and wellness technology. HCP seeks to innovate, advance and build sexual health and technology brands while holding onto the key factor motivating all our interactions with them: pleasure.

Dominnique Karetsos is the co-founder of Healthy Pleasure Collective, a full-service agency ... [+] dedicated to sex tech startups

The pursuit of pleasure is inherently human, say the founders. When we leave it out, we not only ignore a crucial part of the user experience, we neglect to recognise a vital part of our humanity. By tapping back into this, they say, products and solutions can thrive in the market while also having a positive impact on sexual health and wellness.

I caught up with Dominnique Karetsos to find out how brands can go about mixing pleasure with business.

Franki Cookney: What prompted you to set up an agency dedicated to sextech startups?

Dominnique Karetsos: I have been an entrepreneur and consumer brand architect for almost 20 years, but eight years ago I was a co-host on BBC Radio London, and it was that experience, combined with becoming a mum of a daughter, that led me to personally and socially understand the intrinsic value of sexuality in living a healthy, fulfilling life.

Dr. Mafe Godoy (we call her Mafe) supported me while I architected sex toy brands, repositioning them as healthy, even after people slammed phones on me and others threw me out of meeting rooms. We joined forces and curated a collective of experts in a space dedicated to this industry.

Dr. Maria Fernana Peraza Godoy, a urologist, andrologist and sexual medicine expert, who co-founded ... [+] the Healthy Pleasure Collective

Cookney: What specific needs does the sex tech industry have when it comes to marketing and brand development?

Karetsos: The one that screams help is language. We need digital marketing channels and platforms, namely Google, Facebook, Apple, and Instagram, to educate, engage with and enhance experiences with our marketing messages. But they chip away at our strategies with ignorant and inflexible algorithms, shadow-banning us and shutting us off. Brands entering in this space who invest in an app run a high risk of being shut down. So the strategy for digital marketing has to be a well thought-out process. It has to be tested, tested and tested again, and the language has to be adapted but not diluted. Brand tones must be authentic but still steer clear of being stereotyped by an algorithm.

Cookney: What specific challenges does the sex tech industry face?

Karetsos: Our industry may be robust in value but we are finite in people. Attracting skills is a tough feat. There is no sex tech chapter at university or college or at school level economics, and there is certainly no 101: How to Market Sex Toys in advertising class. We are seeing a slow but positive upturn but not fast enough to meet the growth at which sex tech start-ups are scaling.

Cookney: What has changed in the way sexual wellness products get marketed?

Karetsos: Before sex tech, we started with adultthe sex toys and movies we bought down a dark alley in a brown paper bag. And anything sexual in daylight was and still is largely polarised as either porn or family planning.

It is fair to say we have migrated from adult to sexual health awareness. We have dating apps for all sexual identities, fertility apps, long-distance vibrating toys, AI dolls being used in mental health treatment. But it is still very apparent that our industry is like an uncomfortable teenager struggling with what to call ourselves, and not knowing if its more socially digestible to say sex tech or sexual wellness.

Cookney: Why is it so important to you to integrate sex tech and sexual wellness with health?

Karetsos: Sex is a health issue. Through sex tech we make room for the importance of sexuality and its inherent value in our lives. The World Health Organization defines sexual health as a state of physical, mental and social well-being in relation to sexuality. It says that it requires a positive and respectful approach to sexuality and sexual relationships, as well as the possibility of having pleasurable and safe sexual experiences, free of coercion, discrimination and violence. But to date we have not incorporated sexuality as part of our social understanding of global health.

Cookney: How does this message impact a companys marketing strategy?

Karetsos: In the traditional sense of marketing, knowing who your target audience is to curate your message is vital to your communication strategy. But in sex tech, every human who is of age to associate with a sexual identity is potentially your audience. But they will not all become your customer. Emily Nagoski said it best when she said: There are as many sexualites as there are humans. No one sexuality is the same, so a marketing strategy that throws paint at the wall and hope it sticks will not bring sustainable longevity in brand share.

We must care enough to educate and nurture sexualities, developing the tools that enable people to explore in safe spaces, judgement free. Be it a fertility tracking software or an educational video on how to masturbate, brands should consider who and how to market, and not just provide labels that society insists upon.

Cookney: What have you learnt about the sex tech sector since founding HCP?

Karetsos: The sector is still largely polarised. On one side you type vulva or illustrate a nipple and social channels can close an account in an instant. While in other mediums we trivialise sexwe use it sell everything. But within this polarised market lie pockets of radical innovation. For example, we have an all-out warfare on porn (rightly or wrongly). But most of us watch it at some point so instead let us change the scripts to illustrate consensual, ethical, real life experiences. Cue the rise of female audio porn start-ups.

Sex techs potential to change the biomedical industry, and enhance research in a field as overlooked as female sexual health, is another learning we have had. Its not just about developing devices, but also the development of knowledge from big data that many apps are already collecting. This data will lead to the development of new treatments in female sexual functioning, including diagnostic and therapeutic devices.

Cookney: What challenges do you think the sector faces in the future and how can these be met successfully?

Karetsos: A megawatt spotlight needs to be shone on regulation. We are not a regulated industry so brands have the freedom to promise anything and not be held accountable. Only now ISO regulations are coming into action ensuring that medical grade silicone, used for menstrual cups and toys, are of healthy compliance.

However, despite the challenges, we honestly only see positive change and impact. Maybe it is not as fast or forward moving as we would like but six months ago, sexual wellness was not listed as an independent category in Boots pharmacy or even included in trend emersion beauty reports.

The sex tech industry is responsible for amplifying our beliefs and habits that consensual pleasure is healthy, good and invaluable to our lives as individuals and couples.

The conversation has been edited and condensed for clarity.

Originally posted here:

This Marketing Agency Wants To Put The Pleasure Back Into The Sex Tech Business - Forbes

The 1975 Played a Greta Thunberg Speech During Their Grand Prairie Concert – Dallas Observer

Tom Waits once said: "This whole division between genres has more to do with marketing than anything else. It's terrible for the culture of music. Like anything that is purely economic, it ignores the most important component."

Progress. The important component the venerable Waits was referring to in the above quote is progress.

Sly and the Family Stone was a funk outfit, but they also infused elements of psychedelic and acid rock, and this had a profound influence on soul, R&B and hip-hop. Black Flag was a hardcore punk band, but the Black Sabbath influence on My War made way for this sludgy, low-tempo punk sound that gave a blueprint to bands like Nirvana.

Musical styles are much more fluid and malleable, and seldom do artists that consciously try to meet all earmarks of a genre actually leave behind any semblance of a legacy. Having longevity as a musician means putting your own spin on something and opening up a new world of possibilities for other artists.

And this brings us to The 1975.

The English rock outfit played The Theatre at Grand Prairie on Wednesday night for an event titled ALT 103.7 Presents: ALTerium, so anyone unfamiliar with the band can readily deduce that they get frequently bestowed the label alternative rock. They also get labeled indie pop, synthpop and electropop.

These are valid labels for the bands musical style, but The 1975 are far too versatile to just be pigeonholed. The band took the stage at around 9:15 p.m. and kicked off with People, a rather polarizing single that found the band channeling the post-hardcore sensibilities of Refused. They immediately followed this abrasive number with the far more pristine Give Yourself a Try, which sounded just like your run-of-the-mill guitar-driven pop.

The contrast was stark, but it was a testament to just how frequently the band reinvents itself. There were times throughout the set when it felt like they experimented with a new genre as a means of seeing what could stick, but for the most part, they took on a wide palette of styles from the80s. Many of the backing instrumentals used throughout the set recalled the electronic-disco style of Giorgio Moroder, and the song Its Not Living (If Its Not With You) took on a new-wave influence, with an intro sounding a bit like The Cars. Tracks like fallingforyou and Me had an apparent post-punk influence, and even at these dark, bass-driven points did the occasional sax solo come out of nowhere.

The stylistic variation was, for the most part, satisfying, and The 1975 clearly make this style their own. Still, there were moments when the band sounded a bit too saccharine. Toward the end of the set, they played the song I Always Wanna Die (Sometimes), an acoustic ballad that, from a purely instrumental perspective, sounded like something a churchs praise and worship band would play as a pastor in a backward baseball cap talks about feeling the embrace of the Holy Spirit. If you replaced rhythm guitarist Matthew Healys vocals with those of some Eddie Vedder impersonator, it would have sounded like any00s post-grunge band.

This track couldnt have ended soon enough, but once it finally did, Healy urged the crowd to be silent as a Greta Thunberg monologue was played. As anyone would expect, Thunberg was talking about the imminent doom all organized human life faces if the issue of climate change isnt curtailed.

It is time for civil disobedience. It is time to rebel, beseeched Thunberg.

It was a chilling moment, and it was as depressing as it was inspiring. A considerable portion of the crowd cheered, but a handful of audience members crossed their arms and looked uncomfortable over the duration of this speech. Even if they werent swayed by the message, its at least of some comfort that the band wasnt just preaching to the choir.

Before we were soberingly reminded of mankinds imminent demise, Healy engaged in intermittent stage banter about how much they love touring the United States and how this was the last show in support of the bands latest LP A Brief Inquiry Into Online Relationships. As he conversed with the crowd, Healy took swigs from a glass of wine and took a few drags from a cigarette. He seemed relaxed and nonchalant as the crowd rapturously applauded through the night.

The crowds love for The 1975 was unwavering, and the volatile stylistic changes clearly did nothing to change that. Even then, the handful of fans they lost following singles like People are largely outnumbered by the number of newly converted fans. And judging by the quality of the promotional singles for the upcoming album Notes on a Conditional Form, it seems like that number is only going to continue coasting upward.

The 1975 are one of those bands whose best work will always be ahead of them. Over the years, they have shown a progressing, artistic maturity and have constantly reinvented themselves. They have been unafraid to take left turns, and given just how enamored the sold-out crowd in Grand Prairie was, they shouldnt have any reason to be.

And no genre label can adequately capture that.

Read the rest here:

The 1975 Played a Greta Thunberg Speech During Their Grand Prairie Concert - Dallas Observer

Ruth Wishart on Kenneth Roy’s diary of living and dying – HeraldScotland

ICS Books, 14.99

Intimations of mortality arrive in different ways, and at different speeds.

Some are a normal function of the ageing process; physical impairment being an irritating sign that whatever the mind is saying, the body is making its own judgements as to likely longevity.

But perhaps the most devastating indication that life is finite comes to those whose illness and swiftly following demise arrives with little prior warning, giving the unexpected patient little time for mental or emotional preparation.

That was the shocking fate which befell the Scottish writer, broadcaster and publisher Kenneth Roy. His diagnosis of a terminal cancer was delivered in October of last year. He was dead little more than a month later. And his last very few weeks were spent in a hospital room, attended by a cast list of NHS personnel with whom he seems to have established a relationship of mutual respect and affection far exceeding the normal staff patient variety.

It was they, and in particular his consultant, who by turns encouraged and chivvied him in his last defiant rage against the dying of the light. It began as a diary; a written account of his daily treatments and failing health, interspersed with memories of his troubled childhood, and myriad subsequent ventures and friendships.

For Roy words were ever the stuff of life, and he wielded them one final time to challenge onrushing death by crafting an astonishing 49,000 words which became posthumously a book, latterly composed with one fingered typing. In Case of Any News: A Diary of Living and Dying was a title he seized upon when one of his two sons indicated it was why he left his phone always on and handy when he heard of his fathers plight.

The book gives no little insight into the life and character of this complex man; a clever child who became a serial truant at his secondary school. He left without much in the way of qualifications when, doubtless to fulfil his fathers injunction to be something, he had always envisaged university as the primary punctuation point to his education.

He writes unsparingly of teachers whom he accuses of sadistic use of the belt due to psychological flaws. Yet he is sufficiently curious and self aware to ponder why his peers were able to survive and prosper in the same environment.

His life became one full of both achievement and contradictions. He wrote widely for a number of publications, always with a trademark iconoclasm. Nevertheless, although a kenspeckle TV face for a period, he seemed happier operating from rural Ayrshire than a high octane newsroom. All of a piece with his unwavering support for a defiantly unfashionable football team, rather than those in more glamorous leagues.

Amid many ventures, some more successful than others, were two which offer a considerable legacy: his Young Programme, which encouraged interaction and debate among younger people UK-wide and The Scottish Review, which he edited until his death and in which, typically, he broke the news about his impending death. A much followed-up scoop, but not one he would have wished to acquire.

But this book is more than just an autobiographical memoir. Rather it is an account all too vivid at times of the many indignities visited upon a person when he or she can no longer exercise proper control of their own bodily functions. (Not the least of the dark humour he intrudes regularly is pondering the prospect of having to die facing two signs marked Toilet.)

There is throughout a strong thread of philosophical inquiry; interrogating his own agnosticism, musing on the random nature of death and disease, examining unfulfilled ambitions. And it is in these passages that Roy's sometimes perplexed reflections will strike the most resonant chords with readers.

For we are all familiar with death in its many guises, and all have personal experience of dealing with it in relation to those close to us. Reading this account of his final weeks reminded me forcibly of my own husbands diagnosis and death, again within a month. Yet he was spared the traumatic events of final weeks spent in an unfamiliar bed, tended to by strangers, or awareness of the end game. A death following a failed surgical process is shattering but not to the patient, mercifully granted no sense of impending doom.

Most people, when they consider their time on this earth, have similar views as to how they would wish to leave it. Very few harbour a wish to die in hospital yet most of us do. What most of us fear is not death per se, but decrepitude and dependency.

A couple of years ago, at a book festival, I was interviewing an eminent Irish doctor. His very firm view was that the process of dying had been wrenched from familial control and subjected to unwarranted medicalisation. He thought striving officiously to keep alive was far from the optimum response when the life in question had been well-run and reached a natural conclusion.

Yet handing back control to the nearest and dearest of the about to depart is not without its own attendant risks. Many relatives actively connive in demanding procedures when they can inevitably only prolong agony whether physical or mental. Many choose to ignore the very specific wish of their loved one that their organs be deployed to alleviate other human distress.

In recent years we have seen heart-wrenching examples of parents who demanded their infant be kept alive, or dispatched to foreign parts for experimental treatment, when the medical team most intimately involved have counselled that further intervention would be both pointless and not in the best interests of the child.

The whose life is it anyway? conundrum is most acutely relevant in the other high-profile cases of recent times when people suffering from desperately debilitating conditions conclude that their life is not worth living, but whose cries of impotent distress are thwarted by politicians or those with a theological axe to grind. I can see no scenario where we should feel proud of forcing people to travel abroad in order to extinguish an impoverished facsimile of life, a mortal coil being shuffled off only to avoid a living death.

Life expectancy has improved for most people, and broadly that is to be welcomed. Yet the bald statistics do not factor in quality of life. There are 80-somethings rejoicing in their ability to still run half marathons. There are others locked in the torment of advancing dementia.

Kenneth Roy bemoaned the fact that he left our world aged 73. Ive never thought of 73 as an age to die, he wrote. Its a score in an Open Championship, respectable enough but on the fringes of contention at best. But arguably its not the time you are allotted so much as what you do with it. Roy may have felt cheated of another decade or so. But he packed an impressive amount into his three score years and three.

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Ruth Wishart on Kenneth Roy's diary of living and dying - HeraldScotland

Lewis Hamilton is not only a peerless champion, he is the face of F1 – The Guardian

With a sixth world championship this season, Lewis Hamiltons place in motor racings pantheon is assured. Debate will rage over who may be the greatest of all but Hamilton, the black kid from a Stevenage council estate, surely occupies a position no other has managed. He has transcended the role of driver to perhaps a unique place in the sports history. To a broad global audience, Formula One is Lewis Hamilton.

With five titles from the past six seasons, this is the Hamilton era. He is the pre-eminent driver of his generation and the focal point of F1. A personality that is impossible to ignore and who stands astride the sport like no other.

Hamilton is that rarest of breeds, a sportsman who, it could be argued, is genuinely peerless. He has faced down and beaten the outstanding talents of Fernando Alonso and Sebastian Vettel. He has unashamedly relished the fight, and neither the longevity of his 13-year career, nor the success, nor the new threat from the young guns of Max Verstappen and Charles Leclerc, has diminished his enthusiasm.

The core of what I do is that I love racing, he said. I love the challenge. I love arriving knowing I have got these incredibly talented youngsters who are trying to beat me and outperform me, outsmart me, and I love that battle I get into every single year.

His performance in securing the title again for Mercedes this season, which draws to a close in Abu Dhabi on Sunday, was as good as any of his previous five. Indeed as of any of his 13 seasons since he entered F1 in 2007. Hamilton has been in a class alone, a driver at the top of his game with an iron-willed resilience, debilitating to his rivals.

David Richards, the chairman of Motorsport UK, first watched an eight-year-old Hamilton race in karts. Richards recognises how far he has come and his place in the bigger picture of F1.

Hamilton is in a class alone, a driver at the top of his game with an iron-willed resilience, debilitating to his rivals

What strikes me now about him now is his maturity, he said. How he recognises he is a role model and the influence he has and the responsibilities that come with it. He is far broader than purely a driver in F1. He has opinions about the environment, young people, fashion and music. That is part of the greater appeal of Lewis today.

Intriguingly during Hamiltons debut season for McLaren in 2007, Jackie Stewart saw exactly this potential. I think Lewis is going to rewrite the book, Stewart said. I believe Lewis will create the benchmark for a whole generation of drivers. Niki Lauda and James Hunt changed the culture of racing drivers, but they werent role models. They said nothing, didnt give a damn. Lewis Hamilton can become a role model.

Hamilton is that benchmark now. In recent years, record after record has fallen to him and only two remain. He is one championship behind Michael Schumachers seven and eight GP wins behind the Germans 91. Both are well within the 34-year-olds reach.

Close, then, to becoming the most successful of all time, last week Hamilton appeared on the Graham Norton show, sharing a sofa with Kylie Minogue, Ricky Gervais and Elizabeth Banks. It was an indication of the position he occupies. There is no other current driver that one might even imagine would be asked to take part.

That such fame has accompanied his achievements is not surprising. Yet his rise to this position has not been simple cause and effect. At its heart has been relentless dominance on track, born of a commitment for which he is not given enough credit, but also there is the way he has gone about his racing and the honesty of a man who wears his heart on his sleeve.

His recent post on Instagram expressing a sense of helplessness in the face of the climate emergency received huge traction and not a little criticism given his chosen sport, which he had to take on board.

There is a lot of push-back on a lot of things I do, and a lot of questioning of everything I do and say, he said. You live your life under a magnifying glass. Were only human, so at some stage youre going to buckle a little bit.

In a sport where technology is king this is the very relatable humanity of the man behind the wheel. Nonetheless it is on the track where he has made his most striking statements.

This season Hamilton won eight of the opening 12 races. Ferraris challenge failed to materialise and his Mercedes teammate, Valtteri Bottas, was beaten back after a spirited opening. Bottas remains his closest rival with four wins but numbers are cold, blunt objects with which to frame Hamiltons artistry.

From a superlative season, outstanding moments come to the fore. Making the bold gamble of taking hard tyres for a one-stop at Silverstone work; coming back to beat Verstappen in Hungary after driver and team errors in Germany. His touch in nursing spent rubber to the flag in Monaco, and the complete control of taking a race he should never have won with a damaged car in Mexico.

Mercedes have largely enjoyed the better car this season but it is not an advantage Hamilton has always enjoyed. Certainly for three championships, that of his first title in 2008 for McLaren and in 2017 and 2018, he was not in the quickest car. Perhaps of more import has been how he has gone about the task. Even between 2008 and his second next title in 2014 he remained compelling. Always striving for more than his machinery could offer and often delivering. He won at least one race in every one of those seasons and is the only F1 driver to have won every year in which he has competed.

In that time there has been no sense Hamilton has been anything but an honourable competitor. The former driver Johnny Herbert astutely identified this as another reason Hamilton has such broad appeal. He is the toughest man and the fairest man on track, Herbert said. He wants to do it in a way where he doesnt get an advantage, he wants a good battle.

For F1 and its owner, Liberty Media, these attributes are a fearsome combination. Hamilton takes the sport to an audience beyond any other driver. His presence on Instagram is unmatched by anyone in F1, with 13.7m followers. In the US, where Liberty is determined to build the sport, he is the star who reaches a mainstream audience.

From this perspective then, Hamilton is intrinsic to F1 as no other. The talent of youngsters such as Verstappen and Leclerc is hugely exciting and promises that on the track the sport is in rude health. But they will take time to even approach matching Hamiltons global reach.

He has one further year on his contract with Mercedes and F1 needs him to stick around. Fortunately as things stand Hamilton appears to have no intention of stepping down but rather, continuing at the top with the same belief that proved remarkably prescient in 2007.

The race is the most exciting part, he said in his debut season. The first corner, the first pit stop. I am just going to get stronger and stronger. Im not yet at my best.

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Lewis Hamilton is not only a peerless champion, he is the face of F1 - The Guardian

Recent deaths at Dallas Zoo have seemed notable but aren’t out of the ordinary – The Dallas Morning News

Hope, a 23-year-old gorilla, was well short of the 39 years female gorillas in captivity typically live to when she died earlier this month at the Dallas Zoo.

The zoo has yet to announce the cause of death for the mother of Saambili the zoos first baby gorilla in 20 years but says her death and those of a few other notable animals in recent months are isolated incidents and nothing out of the ordinary.

Its accrediting institution echoes the parks statement, saying there is no cause for concern.

Three animals have died this year in unrelated incidents that werent associated with old age a giraffe and an African painted dog, in addition to Hope. The zoo has been upfront about the deaths, posting about each on social media along with a reflection on the animals personality and time at the zoo.

Visitors have noted the recent losses in replies on Facebook and others commended the zoo on its candidness in sharing the information.

In a written statement, the zoo said its openness in the stories it tells has helped the public connect with all aspects of the animals' lives.

"That includes births, key milestones, birthdays, health challenges, and even deaths," the zoo said. "Given that we work with a living collection, life and death is a part of our everyday."

Hope died suddenly Nov. 3 after she and other gorillas in the zoos family troop had experienced mild gastrointestinal symptoms. Tests for parasites and other pathogens were negative, but a necropsy found that her colon was severely inflamed, the zoo said.

The zoo has said the final tests to determine her cause of death are still pending. Other gorillas, including Megan and her son, Mbani Saambilis half-brother are continuing to recover but seem to be past the worst of the illness, the zoo said.

Saambili, who was born in June 2018, was understandably shaken by the loss of her mother, the zoo said. In the days that followed, her father, Subira, stayed near her side and other members of the family troop took turns holding her.

She has also been strengthening her bond with her aunt Shanta, who often carries Saambili around on her back a bright spot in the midst of sadness," according to the zoo.

Gorilla family bonds are strong, and the other family members have stepped in to support and comfort her, the zoo said in a prepared statement.

On the Fourth of July, just weeks after an introduction that zoologists said had gone better than expected, African painted dog Ola was killed by her two packmates.

The zoo described the attack as a "short bout of aggressive behavior" from the two brothers who were behaving naturally and did nothing wrong.

There had been no aggression between the animals who met in a high-stakes introduction a month earlier, the zoo said, adding that it believed the staff could not have prevented the incident.

Her death was another blow for the staff and for zoo guests who had recently learned that the giraffe Witten, named after the Dallas Cowboy, had died June 17 during an exam.

The zoo initially thought the giraffe had stopped breathing at the beginning of a procedure in reaction to a sedative. He was being examined for health issues ahead of a transfer to a Canadian zoo.

A necropsy showed that he thrashed around before the sedative took effect and broke a bone in his neck, which killed him almost instantly, the zoo said.

The zoos internal review of the incident revealed no issues with policies that were in place or veterinary procedures. A recommendation was made to make minor modifications to the device that is used to manage giraffes during veterinary procedures.

The change would not have altered the outcome but could make future procedures more efficient, the zoo said.

Rob Vernon, a spokesman for the Association of Zoos and Aquariums, the zoos accrediting agency, said this summer that sometimes deaths occur around the same time but that they are not connected or reflected on the care provided at the zoo.

"I can tell you that there's nothing out of the ordinary in any of the deaths that have occurred at the Dallas Zoo," Vernon said. "Death is a reality for any of us caring for living things and it's something that we deal with on a normal basis."

The U.S. Department of Agriculture, which licenses zoos and other similar exhibitors, identified no "non-compliant items" during its annual inspections of the Dallas Zoo in 2017, 2018 and 2019. The most recent inspection took place June 24, days after the giraffe's death.

No non-compliances were found related to the death of the African painted dog, Ola, either, according to the USDA.

The AZA does not track deaths in U.S. zoos, but Dallas keeps a record of its own.

For the last 10 years worth of data, the zoo said it averages 3.1 deaths a month. Through October, the number of deaths in 2019 has been about 5 percent below that average.

While weve experienced the deaths of several well-known animals among high-profile species, there is nothing out of the ordinary about the number of animal deaths that have occurred at the Dallas Zoo in the previous year, the zoo said in a statement.

AZA zoos are required to contact the association in the event of an accident with an animal or a keeper, which Dallas has done especially in the case of a notable animal death, Vernon said.

If the AZA learns of unusual circumstances at a zoo, he said, it can send in a team to investigate, but whether a zoo loses its accreditation is a case-by-case basis.

In March 2018, the Baton Rouge Zoo lost its 40-year accreditation after inspectors noted three animal escapes in 16 months, outdated facilities and a 2016 incident in which dogs broke into the zoo and killed three monkeys, The Advocate reported.

The incident followed the unexpected deaths of two giraffes and a tiger for which the zoo was cleared of any wrongdoing, according to The Advocate.

The Dallas Zoo's accreditation runs through March 2022. The zoo, which has been an AZA institution since 1985, has been a "stellar member," Vernon said.

Animal-rights groups often object to the keeping of animals in zoos, citing claims of behavioral issues, threats of disease, added stressors and poor facilities.

Both the AZA and Dallas Zoo argue that animals in zoos get a level of care and safety from predators, the weather and other factors that they would not get in the wild. The zoo has also stressed its efforts to provide animals with enrichment.

A 2016 analysis published in the journal Scientific Reports found, based on a variety of factors, that mammals in zoos generally live longer than those in the wild.

There are some exceptions. Species that have a slower pace of life, which is linked to low mortality, and those that have high longevity in the wild may not see their life expectancy lengthened in zoos.

The study also added that carnivores may need husbandry techniques to reduce the behavioral abnormalities that they are more susceptible to in zoos.

But animals with a short life span, high reproductive rate and high mortality in the wild may see the benefits.

The zoo has experienced several notable deaths in recent years: Adhama, a 7-year-old hippo who died suddenly of heart-related complications from a viral infection in October 2018; Kipenzi, the 3-month-old giraffe who died instantly when she broke three vertebrae in her neck in July 2015; Kamau, a popular 6-month-old cheetah cub who died of a respiratory illness in January 2014; and 5-year-old lioness Johari, who was killed by one of the zoos male lions in November 2013.

Those deaths grab more attention than others, perhaps in part because of the non-natural causes or because the animals have been visible for their species at the zoo.

The zoo has also shared a number of age-related deaths on its social-media accounts.

The zoo lost Doyle, a 49-year-old chimp the third-oldest male in the AZA to age-related health issues in June. Male chimps typically live to be 31.4 years old in human care, according to AZAs survival statistics table.

In April, a 29-year-old okapi named Kwanini died, having far outlived the 16.4-year median life expectancy for the species, according to AZA statistics.

Other deaths included Honeydew, the oldest tapir in the AZA, who died of age-related issues in January shortly before turning 38.

Staff writer Tom Steele contributed to this report.

See the original post here:

Recent deaths at Dallas Zoo have seemed notable but aren't out of the ordinary - The Dallas Morning News

Venture-backed Celularity receives FDA approval for early trials of a new cell therapy for COVID-19 – TechCrunch

Celularity, the venture-backed developer of novel cell therapies for cancer treatments, has received an initial clearance from the Food and Drug Administration to begin early-stage clinical trials on a potential treatment for COVID-19.

The company, which has raised at least $290 million to date (according to Crunchbase), uses Natural Killer (NK) cell therapies to boost the immune systems disease-fighting response.

For Celularity, those NK cells are derived from stem cells cultivated from placental tissue, which hospitals typically treat as medical waste.

Backed by the venture investment firm Section 32, and strategic investors including Celgene, now a division of Bristol Myers; United Therapeutics, a biomedical technology developer; Human Longevity, the troubled venture-backed startup founded by J. Craig Venter; and Sorrento Therapeutics, a publicly traded biomedical company, Celularity was pursuing a number of applications of the novel cell therapy, but its initial focus was on cancer treatments.

The real breakthrough for the company, and one of the reasons it has attracted so much capital, is that its cell therapies dont need to be cultivated from a patient donor a lengthy and expensive process. Celularity is able to produce NK cells and store them, so that they can be ready for transfusion when theyre needed.

With the the FDAs clearance, Celularity is going to begin a small, 86-person trial to test the efficacy of its CYNK-001 immunotherapy to treat COVID-19 infected adults, the company said.

There are at least two studies underway in China that are also testing whether Natural Killer cells can be used to treat COVID-19.

NK cells are a type of white blood cell that are part of the bodys immune system. Unlike t-cells, which target particular pathogens, NK cells typically work to support the immune system by identifying and destroying cells in the body that appear to be stressed, either from an infection or a mutation.

The therapy seems to be successful in treating certain types of cancer, and the companys researchers speculate that it can provide similar results in stopping the ability of the novel coronavirus, which causes COVID-19 to spread throughout the body.

However, there are some potential roadblocks and risks to pursuing the NK therapy. Chiefly, COVID-19 is deadly in part because it can push the immune system into overdrive. The cytokine storm that results from the infection means that the body starts attacking healthy cells in the lungs, which leads to organ failure and death. If thats the case, then boosting the immune response to COVID-19 might be dangerous for patients.

Theres also the possibility that NK cells might not be able to detect which cells are infected with the coronavirus which causes COVID-19, rendering the therapy ineffective.

Studies have established that there is robust activation of NK cells during viral infection regardless of the virus class, said Celularitys chief scientific officer, Xiaokui Zhang, in a statement. These functions suggest that CYNK-001 could provide a benefit to COVID-19 patients in terms of limiting SARS-CoV-2 replication and disease progression by eliminating the infected cells.

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Venture-backed Celularity receives FDA approval for early trials of a new cell therapy for COVID-19 - TechCrunch

BioAge Signs Exclusive License Agreement with Taisho to Develop and Commercialize Taisho’s Phase 1 HIF-PH Inhibitor to Treat Aging – BioSpace

BioAges proprietary platform of human aging data demonstrates that the Hypoxia-inducible factor (HIF) pathway is linked to healthspan and lifespan

RICHMOND, Calif., April 29, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- BioAge Labs, Inc., a biotechnology company developing medicines to treat aging and age-related diseases, today announced that it has entered into an exclusive worldwide license agreement with Taisho Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. [Head Office: Toshima-ku, Tokyo, President: Shigeru Uehara] (Taisho) to develop and commercialize Taisho's clinical-stage Hypoxia-inducible factor-prolyl hydroxylase (HIF-PH) inhibitor, BGE-117 (named TS-143 by Taisho), to ameliorate multiple diseases of aging.

This is a significant milestone for BioAge that enables us to initiate our first clinical trial of BGE-117 to evaluate the impact of HIF activation on several measures of aging in elderly patients. Our proprietary human data platform shows that HIF signaling is a key longevity pathway that drives regeneration, healing and resilience, said Kristen Fortney, PhD, BioAges Chief Executive Officer. BioAges AI-driven platform is built on longitudinal human aging samples with multi-omics phenotyping and has revealed multiple pathways and mechanisms where we can intervene to positively impact human healthspan and lifespan. BGE-117 is the first of several promising therapies that we plan to bring forward to treat diseases of aging.

Under the terms of the agreement, BioAge will make an upfront payment to Taisho, who is entitled to receive development and commercial milestone payments plus royalties based on annual net sales. BioAge will be responsible for all development, manufacturing and commercialization of BGE-117 worldwide while Taisho has an option right for co-commercialization in Japan and several countries in Southeast Asia.

The Hypoxia-inducible factor (HIF) pathway is linked to healthspan and lifespan in BioAges proprietary human aging data. Pathway activation levels are significantly associated with longevity and multiple functional measures. The Company believes that BGE-117 can potentially treat multiple diseases of aging through the activation of HIF-1 target genes that are involved in numerous biological processes including tissue regeneration, erythropoiesis, glycolysis, glucose uptake, vascular remodeling and angiogenesis. Inhibition of HIF-PH increases HIF pathway activation and has the potential to increase resilience, repair and regeneration across multiple body systems.

BGE-117 is a potent, orally administered small molecule inhibitor of HIF-PH demonstrating early clinical activity and safety in a Phase 1 study in healthy volunteers and a Phase 1 study in non-dialysis and hemodialysis patients with chronic kidney disease.1 HIF-PH inhibitors are an emerging class of compounds that have been demonstrated to be safe and well-tolerated in over 20,000 subjects in clinical trials.

About the BioAge Platform The BioAge platform identifies key drug targets that impact aging. The Companys proprietary human aging cohorts have blood samples collected up to 45 years ago, with participant -omics data that is tied to extensive medical follow-up records including detailed future healthspan, lifespan and disease outcomes. BioAge has built a systems biology and AI platform that leverages these rich datasets to identify the molecular drivers of age-related pathology. BioAges pipeline of development candidates targeting these key pathways has the potential to address the significant unmet medical needs of an aging population.

About BioAgeBioAge is a biotechnology company developing proprietary drugs to treat aging and aging-related diseases. Since its founding in 2015, the Company has raised $37 million in venture capital funding from Andreessen Horowitz, Khosla Ventures, Felicis Ventures and others to back its AI-driven approach to map the molecular pathways that impact human longevity. BioAges mission is to develop a pipeline of therapeutic assets that increase healthspan and lifespan.

Reference1 Am J Nephrol. 2018;48(3):157-164

Source: BioAge Labs, Inc.

Contact Information:

BioAge | peng@bioagelabs.com

Media | denise@redhousecomms.com

Originally posted here:
BioAge Signs Exclusive License Agreement with Taisho to Develop and Commercialize Taisho's Phase 1 HIF-PH Inhibitor to Treat Aging - BioSpace

Extend Your Business Life with These Seven Assets – THISDAY Newspapers

The desire of every successful business owner is to extend the life of their business beyond the first generation. Although this desire is a common desire. It fails 90 per cent of the time. According to global research, only 10 per cent of family businesses will celebrate their 100th year anniversary. This massive death of businesses is due to the loss of certain critical assets you will discover before the end of this article. But before I show you these assets, let me first show you how these assets are formed.

The process of building a successful business from scratch does something to the founders of businesses that transforms them from ordinary men to extraordinary men. These extraordinary men develop certain abilities on their journey to wealth. That makes them reservoirs of critical assets that must be transferred to the next generation. The loss of these assets is the reason why successive generations fail. When the founders of businesses die without transferring these assets a death sentence is cast on the business.Businesses that stand the test of time reproduce these seven assets in the next generation. It is the timely transfer and development of these assets. That transforms successive generation from consumers of wealth to producers of wealth.

So, what then are these seven assets?The seven assets are as follows. First is a wealthy mindset. Second, is unshakable values. The third is a good reputation. Fourth is a personal philosophy. The fifth is a personal longevity health habit. Sixth is wealthy relationships and the seventh is a profitable business asset. To understand how each of these assets affects business longevity, lets look at them in more detail.

First, a wealthy mindset. Founders of businesses have a certain way of thinking that is uncommon among ordinary men. This unique way of thinking is what supports the creation and preservation of wealth. Some of the critical elements of a business owners wealthy mindsets include-an undying belief in possibilities and confidence in their abilities, a never quenching hunger to solve problems, a selfless act of service and so on. While ordinary men see impossibilities, barriers, and limitations, successful business men turn impossibilities to possibilities. For successive generation to preserve the family business, they must develop a wealthy mindset.

Next is a set of values. Successful business owners commit to a certain set of values that guides their business decision and their interactions with other men. These values are self-imposed and direct how they do business. Although these values are sometimes challenged by the business environment, they are prepared to defend it and pay the price. They pay the price because they know that paying the price is easier than violating their own values. A good example of value that is common to successful business owners is integrity. Integrity is not perfection, but the ability to integrate ones words, deeds and actions. Extraordinary business men stand for something and successive generations must develop their own values.

Next is reputation. Reputation is the public perception consumers have about a business and the respect they have for the business leader. A good reputation is built over years of sacrifice, sweat and tears and must be guarded with care. To ensure the long-term profitability of a business, successive generations must know how to lift a good reputation and what not to do to a good reputation. Reputation is the consumers own reality and it must be guarded with care.

Next is a personal philosophy. A personal philosophy is a series of conclusions a person makes from their own life experience and their understanding of the world. Business owners have a well of experience they can draw conclusions from to benefit the next generation. These conclusions can serve as guiding philosophies for the next generation. Examples of great philosophies that will benefit the next generation include: A difficult decision-making philosophy; a crises management philosophy; a business partnership philosophy; a family unity philosophy, a lasting marriage philosophy and so on. Leaving the next generation with a pocket of philosophies will cut-down the repetition of wealth dissipating mistakes.

Next is a personal longevity health habit. The greatest asset in life is health. Losing a family or critical business member to preventable sicknesses and disease due to unhealthy lifestyle choices is the greatest tragedy in life. It is unhealthy for a family and unprofitable for a business. Although life is limited in years. Its length can be negotiable. Life can be extended through deliberate good health habits. Business leaders must thus create a culture that promotes the longevity of life. This is the only way to preserve the human capital that drives a business.

Next is a wealthy relationship. To get to a certain level in business. Business leaders sought the help of other people. This means that every successful business leader has valuable networks that is beneficial for the next generation. But these relationships will not just pass on to the next generation. They have to be deliberately cultivated and nurtured. Successive generation must know how initiate new relationships nurture existing ones and extract value from them without the continuous nurturing of valuable relationships. It is hard for the next generation to lift the business beyond the laurels of its founders.

And last but not least is a profitable business asset. Not all businesses are assets. Certain businesses if critically analysed by an independent investor are liabilities. Dumping a liability on the next generation is cruel. To pass on businesses that will last, business owner must analyse their businesses through the eyes of an investor and they must also see successors as investors who can accept or reject a business.

Building a business that will last for many generations is not an easy feat. While it takes one extraordinary business man to build a successful business, it takes the collaboration of many extraordinary business men across multiple generations to keep a business breathing.

BioGrace Agada is the First indigenous Family Business Longevity and Legacy Expert. With unique expertise in helping Self Made Business Men Transition from Vanishing Mortals. To Men with Indestructible Name, Wealth and Legacy. Graces philosophy is simple. Successful Business Men do a lot of good in the world.

This good should Expand. Receive great recognition and extend beyond their lifetime. Her goal is to help Family business Men Eliminate factors that disrupt and murder Businesses. Discover, Own and Dominate New Emerging Market Opportunities. And reinvent their Businesses to last for up to 100 years. To learn more about how Grace can help you send an email to info@createsolidwealth.com.

Read the original here:
Extend Your Business Life with These Seven Assets - THISDAY Newspapers

Making it work: Clackamas Service Center adapts, remains a lifeline to those in need – Street Roots News

During the COVID-19 pandemic, the center continues to provide essential services, such as groceries and meals, to low-income and homeless people

Its a marathon, not a sprint, is the way Debra Mason of the Clackamas Service Center describes its response to COVID-19.

Mason is the executive director of CSC, a resource for low-income and homeless folks in Clackamas and Multnomah counties. CSC is an island of support in the middle of the busy, commercial corridor of Southeast 82nd Avenue, providing essential services, including a clothing room, shower facilities, mail services and a food market, to its members.

CSCs food market is one of its most heavily utilized resources. Members can come in once a week to the market, which is housed in the centers basement, and take as many groceries as they need. On any given market day, CSC can serve 80 to 90 households. The market is a lifeline to many unhoused or low-income community members. But the space is small. Shoppers and volunteers are all in close quarters, and maintaining 6 feet of buffer space is nearly impossible.

We realized we needed to change things drastically if we were going to keep serving the community, Mason said.

Like many organizations, CSC is in the process of trouble-shooting new procedures and making substantial adjustments in order to continue serving the community. In the short amount of time it has had to adapt to the new normal, it has already found small successes.

To limit human-to-human contact, CSCs food market has gone 100% mobile. It now have a fleet of vans making deliveries across Clackamas and Multnomah counties, bringing food boxes to about 40 families a day. It takes orders via email or phone and has pulled together a team of translators to field incoming calls for boxes in Spanish, Mandarin, Vietnamese, Russian, Ukrainian and Cantonese. And these boxes include not only food but also personal hygiene items that are on short supply, such as diapers and toilet paper.

While many of its services are in limbo for the moment, it has managed to keep a number of important programs in place.

Were still doing our food service, but everything is to go, Mason said.

CSC typically offers community lunches and dinners throughout the week, and it has kept this service running to ensure its members still have access to a fresh meal during the pandemic. In fact, it is able to serve about 60 people a day keeping at a 6-foot distance of one another which is not far from its normal capacity.

Plus, every member who comes for a meal also walks away with a couple of bottles of water and a bag of groceries.

This way, we know were at least getting food into the hands of people who need it, Mason said.

COVID-19: Blanchet Houses meal program for homeless running short on supplies

Additionally, CSC continues to work with Outside In, which provides a mobile medical unit and needle exchange facility at CSCs location, a secluded lot anchored by an old wooden building, formerly a church.

We cant have everyone on our property at the moment because were so scaled back and dont have the workforce to manage everyone safely, Mason said. So Outside In is stationed just outside its property.

In true CSC style, were making it work! she said.

CSC is not new to making such adjustments. In 2017, the organization was devastated by a fire that gutted its building. CSC was forced to vacate its main building for 14 months, but it continued to serve the community. The staff rebounded quickly and set up temporary trailers, tents and food trucks with which to keep services going.

PREVIOUSLY: From the ashes, a revitalized Clackamas Service Center (from 2018)

But that doesnt mean that life is proceeding as normal for its members.

Mason said the fears shes hearing about from members are the same as those of everyone else. Mainly, people are worried about their health and safety and are concerned about what the future will look like. But the many closures throughout the city have also taken a toll.

Everyone's been affected, said Daniel Hoffman, 55, who has used the services at CSC for the past six years. People dont care about each other.

Nicole Siri, who visited CSC to pick up her mail and grab a boxed lunch and bag of groceries, explained the impact the pandemic has had on her life: I tried to get clothes for my son, but all thrift stores are closed. I cant afford to go to Walmart. Even the libraries and WorkSource (centers) are closed.

COVID-19: Hygiene needs increase as homeless resources shrink

With most public and private services on hiatus, CSC has proved to be a lifeline for many community members who otherwise would not have access to necessities.

Yet even in continuing its food services, CSC is still not able to provide the wrap-around support that its members need. Many folks who visited CSC for lunch were also hoping to pick up some clothes from the clothing closet, only to find that that service has been suspended for the time being. The weathers turned cold in the past week, and members hoped to find socks and pants. But in order to keep staff, volunteers, and members safe and compliant with social distancing protocols, CSC had no choice but to cut back on certain services.

While scaling back has been necessary, CSC has worked to mitigate the impact of suspended services. It has been partnering with grassroots organizations in the community to make sure people experiencing homelessness can still access basic necessities.

We know that not everyone who lives near us comes for meals, Mason said. So the organization is supplying meals to more remote populations in the 31 camps of unhoused people it has mapped across the community. To do this, CSC partnered with PDX Saints, a street ministry service that makes regular food drops at different camps. CSC hopes to provide the food so that PDX Saints can make the drops.

While CSC has plenty of food to distribute, it has encountered a problem: a lack of masks.

I have to keep my staff and volunteers safe, Mason said.

So a local leather company is providing the solution. CSC recently received a donation of 20 masks from Langlitz Leathers.

I decided to make these masks last week after hearing about the shortages throughout the community, said Bennie Goodson of Langlitz Leathers.

While the masks are not N95, the type of masks worn by health care professionals that filter airborne particles, they still provide a level of security against contagion and prevent the wearer from touching their face.

Were donating our time and money to this because we want to decrease the demand and make sure that N95 masks go into the right hands, Goodson said.

Other local retailers are also offering their support in the form of mask production, including Last US Bag Co., Ship John, Wesco and Good Art HLYWD.

Mason shared one of the positive outcomes of the social-distancing protocols: Chatting with people over the phone has been really good.

Since theyre now taking orders for food boxes over the phone, CSC staff and volunteers have had the opportunity to connect with people in a new and intimate way. Theyve even introduced a mental health crisis line they share with members who call in to place orders. Additionally, they are working with volunteers who are now stuck at home to create a support group service, where volunteers call just to have a chat with members who may be feeling lonely.

Just a call to say hello and check in, Mason said. That could go a long way in helping people with isolation.

Overall, Mason is focusing on longevity; as she said, this pandemic is a marathon and not a sprint. She is worried about staff and volunteer burnout, so she is shortening hours and emphasizing time off as needed. Much of her volunteer base is over 60 and have been instructed to stay home.

But for now, Mason said, theyre managing. The center is receiving financial support from the county, and many individual donors have also stepped up.

I want people to know that were here and continuing to serve, she said, but added that things are changing quickly these days, so check back in a couple of weeks. Well need all the help we can get.

The rest is here:
Making it work: Clackamas Service Center adapts, remains a lifeline to those in need - Street Roots News

COVID-19: Lockdown envelopes film and entertainment sphere – United News of Bangladesh

The ongoing COVID-19, recently announced by WHO as a global pandemic around the whole world, has been causing a global shutdown in several sectors including media and entertainment even the most famous event on the annual film festival calendar, at Cannes, has been postponed. The entertainment and film industry of Bangladesh is no different.

All activities of Bangladesh Film Development Corporation (FDC) have been paused due to the virus fear, although a rally was held from FDC on Saturday by the Bangladesh Film Artistes Association and attended by its president Misha Saudagar, General Secretary Zayed Khan, actor Dipjol, Ilias Kanchan and more. They distributed masks and requested fans to be aware and avoid panicking about the Coronavirus.

Amid the fear of the COVID-19, the government in Bangladesh has recently shut down many institutional activities after the confirmation of local transmission and death cases of coronavirus cases to prevent the virus from spreading, and cinema halls all over the country are currently going into lockdown mode from March 18 to April 2 due to the pandemic, according to Bangladesh Film Producers-Distributors Association President Khorshed Alam Khosru.

While asked about the ongoing crisis and possibilities of a nationwide shutting down of the cinema halls, Khosru told UNB that the association has decided to close all the halls until April 2.

As the virus passes from human to human in close proximity, people inside crowded arena such as cinema halls are at a higher risk to be contaminated with the virus - so we decided not to continue the shows in any of the halls including the cineplexes from March 18 to April 2, Khosru told UNB.

If the crisis continues, the longevity of the decision can get extended until the situation gets normal he further added.

However, countrys top cinema multiplexes including Blockbuster Cinemas at Jamuna Future Park and all branches of Star Cineplex (Bashundhara City, Shimanto Shambhar and SKS Tower) have postponed their activities since March 20; two days after the declaration came out from the association and health authorities.

Regarding the movies being showcased prior to the ban, Shakib Khans movie Shahenshah was the only one significant release that came out on March 6, and was running at over hundred halls before the closing.

As of now, movie lovers and hall owners are counting days for Shakibs upcoming movie Bidrohi and Nabab LLB, Arifin Shuvoo starring action extravaganza Mission Extreme, Siam Ahmed starring action film SHAAN, Ananta Jalils Bangladesh-Iran joint venture Deen - The Day, Tollywood star Dev starring Bangladeshi spy thriller film Commando, to name a few for the Eid-Ul-Fitr releases which they expect to make up for the loss in the meantime, due to the Coronavirus only if the uncertain situation get normal within the time.

Actors and actresses at home and abroad had already taken necessary steps to warn their admirers about the virus, either with the news about their own isolation or promoting safety measures via social media. Dhallywood stars including Shakib Khan, Siam Ahmed, Arifin Shuvoo, Riaz Ahamed and Bollywoods megastars including Salman Khan, Shahrukh Khan, Hrithik Roshan and more have either posted video messages or status posts, requesting fans to be aware and safe from COVID-19.

At the same time several production houses, actors, directors and producers in Bangladesh and India have opened joint fundraising platforms online, for the production crews who might suffer devastating financial loss due to the lockdown.

Coming back to the theatre sphere of Bangladesh, all activities including shows, rehearsals and others have been suspended by the Bangladesh Group Theatre Federation from March 17 to 31 to prevent the spread of coronavirus. Besides, Bangladesh Shilpakala Academy (BSA) has also suspended activities on all of their theatres and auditoriums till March 31.

On last Thursday, representatives of Actors Equity, Directors Guild, Television Programme Producers Association of Bangladesh and others met information minister Hasan Mahmud, discussed the circumstances and decided to postponed shootings of small screen productions including Television commercials (TVC), drama serials and others from March 22 to 31.

Every one involved in the entertainment and media sphere at home and abroad are eagerly waiting to see the damage of COVID-19 minimised and for the world to come out of the grip of the pandemic.

Go here to see the original:
COVID-19: Lockdown envelopes film and entertainment sphere - United News of Bangladesh

Journaling during the pandemic, for yourself and the historians – The Boston Globe

As people across the country are told to work from home and practice social distancing, historians recommend a simple practice to fend off boredom and contribute to the history books: daily journaling.

Written accounts of events, especially during times of turmoil, have proven crucial to historians as they seek to grasp a full picture of a time period. And during the current pandemic, physical documentation from ordinary people is as important as ever.

As historians, we rely on those daily reports to figure out what actually happened on the ground, said Victoria Cain, an associate professor of history at Northeastern University. It really offers us insight into how society and culture worked at a time of tragedy, or crisis, or just chaos.

Personal journals helped capture the struggles and horrors of history. The Great Plague of London was documented by Daniel Defoe, drawing on his own childhood memories, his uncles journal, and extensive research. And generations have learned of the horrors of World War ll through the experiences of Anne Frank.

However, in the age of social media, virtual writing has taken precedence over pen and paper. Photographs, e-mails, and text messages may document the essence of an era, but their longevity could be limited.

Digital media and technology is amazing in many ways, but it also has a lot of problems, said Dan Cohen, the dean of libraries at Northeastern University, whose extensive documentation of firsthand accounts following the Sept. 11 attacks is in the Library of Congress. A physical diary, if you stick it in your attic, youll likely be able to read that in a century or two. That really doesnt happen with digital media.

In some instances, the physical documentation can tell a story itself. While Cain was completing her doctoral dissertation years ago, she recalls analyzing the diary of a naturalist who was sent to France during World War l. As she was reading, she began to cry.

You can see his handwriting, and hes scared hes going to die, she said. Theres teardrops on the page, and the ink is running. I remember being in the archives I started crying, and Ill never forget that experience.

Cain and Cohen stressed the benefits that not only for historians but also for the writers; the act of putting pen to paper has been found to bring certain therapeutic benefits.

It helps to contextualize [the event] and put it into a longer time horizon, Cohen said. That can kind of help to lower the blood pressure a little bit.

I think it just helps us slow down and reflect a little bit about what extraordinary times these are, Cain said.

Caeli Chesin, a junior at the University of Massachusetts Amherst, described her experience with journaling during the pandemic as cathartic.

As much as we are locked in and nervous, I think there is a lot of potential to use the time to connect with loved ones, slow down, reflect, and create, she said. The most effective way to keep me on that track and not get too slumped down is by journaling.

If people decide to take up the hobby, families can read their relatives accounts of what life was like for generations to come, which can be a profoundly moving experience, Cain said. By keeping it physical rather than virtual, the authors can rest easy knowing their memories wont be lost because of a forgotten password, and, in Cohens experience, an obsolete floppy disk.

[Journals] remind us of our common humanity across time and space, and that's something that we will always need as human beings, Cain said. As historians and scholars certainly, but as citizens and people, it's really important to have a glimpse of the human mind and the human heart. Diaries give us this.

Matt Berg can be reached at matthew.berg@globe.com. Follow him on Twitter @mattberg33.

See the article here:
Journaling during the pandemic, for yourself and the historians - The Boston Globe

COLUMN: Living history, and pondering books to be written – Baker City Herald

As we live through historic events that arrive not every day but every hour, Im thinking of the future as well as the present.

It is ever fascinating to me to wonder what I might remember, years and decades from now, about changes which in their immediacy and sheer volume seem so monumental that their vibrancy cant be tarnished by time.

Sept. 11, 2001, for instance, was a milestone one of a handful of epochal days in American history and probably the most notable in my lifetime (I was born in 1970).

Yet my recollections of that sunny September day lack the clarity I would have predicted, even at the span of nearly two decades.

I think the coronavirus might well be different dramatically so.

Indeed I think its plausible to believe that for Americans old enough to form lasting memories of these days in the winter and spring of 2020, the coronavirus crisis will attain a prominence not so dissimilar to that of World War II among the generations that lived through that conflict.

I dont mean to suggest the two events are comparable on certain levels, to be sure.

America was directly involved in the Second World War for close to four years, and nearly half a million service members died.

There is good reason to believe that coronavirus in our country will not approach the wars longevity or death toll.

But no single event since that war has caused such upheaval to our society, at the most fundamental levels, as coronavirus has done.

The repercussions arrived so rapidly that Ive felt a trifle overwhelmed, as though I were caught in one of those terrible dreams in which the tasks accumulate but I seem helpless to deal with even one.

(And like as not, while clad only in my underwear.)

In the span of a few days, all manner of traditions that seemed as reliable as the passage of the seasons became casualties.

Sports all but ended.

March Madness, a symbol of spring as certain as the chilly north wind buffeting Baker Valley (but much less annoying), was canceled.

Schools closed.

Sit-down meals at restaurants are banned, and theaters dark and silent.

Terms such as social distancing have entered the vernacular, and I suspect they will be more difficult to dislodge than the slogans of past crises gas lines, for instance.

It is natural, and reasonable, to compare these precautions, some of them unprecedented in our lifetimes, with the level of the threat and decide for ourselves whether we think the scales are balanced.

I understand why some people say they are not indeed, that the response is grossly exaggerated.

Doctors agree that the coronavirus, though quite infectious, has a relatively low fatality rate of roughly 2% and much lower yet for young, otherwise healthy people.

I suspect many people, including those who dismiss the more dramatic precautions as hysteria, assumed if they ever thought about the subject that only a disease that was both easily spread and widely fatal would prompt this level of response.

There is, Ill concede, a certain comfort in the statistics. The same is true for our individual risks of, say, dying in a car crash. Most of us, after all, probably will not contract coronavirus. And most of those who do will survive, quite likely without even knowing the virus breached our defenses.

Yet despite this relatively remote risk of any one of us suffering severe illness, much less dying, I dont believe Americas response to coronavirus is unreasonable.

This is partly because of the uncertainty.

We know much more about how dangerous coronavirus is now than we did even a few weeks ago. But I am not comfortable making broad assumptions about a virus that, until around the turn of the year, few people who dont work in virology likely had heard of.

Moreover, the restrictions we have either taken voluntarily, or that have been imposed by the government, are indisputably effective at reducing the spread of the disease.

And although the short-term effects can be serious most notably the economic harm absent these precautions the coronavirus would infect far more people, and the blow to business likely would be even more persistent and dire.

None of this, obviously, can be proved now.

Which returns me to my original point about pondering the future.

It seems to me that budding sociologists and other observers of human society will have plenty of topics to keep them academically occupied for years, if not decades.

By 2040 bookshelves will sag, I suspect, with the work of historians who have examined every aspect of the great coronavirus crisis of 2020 (ideally, of course, it will be confined to a single year).

I like to think Ill pass enjoyable hours in my dotage reading some of these.

But I wonder how much Ill remember of what it was really like. How vividly will I be able to recall when the closures were arriving in my inbox with stunning rapidity, when toilet paper jokes were the epitome of humor, and when the issue of airborne droplets was suddenly, shockingly, more important than the Final Four.

Jayson Jacoby is editor of the Baker City Herald.

Read the original here:
COLUMN: Living history, and pondering books to be written - Baker City Herald

Coronavirus: 14-hour Janta curfew will not break the cycle of infection – Deccan Herald

On March 19, Prime Minister Narendra Modi gave a29-minute addressto take precautionary measures including observing a Janta Curfew on March 22 from 7 AM to 9 PM to prevent the spread of the coronavirus in India.

Since then, several social media users have posted a text claiming that the coronavirus has a life cycle of 12 hours and a 14-hour curfew will help to break the chain and curb the further spread of the virus. This text is viral inEnglish,Hindi,andTelugualong with the hashtag #JantaCurfew.

The viral message has been shared onTwitter,Facebookand WhatsApp.


Also Read:What can you do to kill time during 'Janta Curfew'?


A viral infection can be transmitted from one individual to another in multiple ways.

1) Direct: From one individual to another individual either via means of touch, or if the infected individual coughs or sneezes in close vicinity of another person.2) Indirect: When an infected individual touches a surface, and another individual touches the same surface.

In the course of this article, we will demonstrate that a 14-hour self-imposed curfew will not break the cycle of infection as the coronavirus persists 2-3 days later on surfaces. However, social lockdown is an effective strategy for reducing new infections that flattens the curve.

Also Read:Janta Curfew: Stay at home call may deepen slowdown in Indian economy

Infected individual can pass the infection for upto two weeks

The novel CoV infection has a high incubation rate. The scientists at Imperial College, UKestimatethat each coronavirus patient infects on average 2.6 others, making it almost as infectious as yearly influenza outbreaks. While the common influenza virus has a short incubation period and is self-resolving, the 2019-nCoV can be incubated for up to two weeks, hence increasing its chances to infect other people. So, someone who is infected with CoV would be able to pass it on to someone else till upto two weeks, even if the former isnt yet displaying any symptoms.

Coronavirus can be detected on surface for upto 3 days

Alt News Science recently published anelaborate fact-checkregarding how long can coronavirus live on various surfaces. Research(Doremalen et al 2020)published in the New England Journal of Medicine conducted by American scientists (preprint here) suggests that the new coronavirus (COVID-19) can live in the air for several hours and on some surfaces for as long as 2-3 days. They tested the virus by spraying into the air by a nebuliser mimicking the coughing action of an infected person. They found that it could be detected up to a minimum of 3 hours later in the air, up to 4 hours on copper surfaces, up to 24 hours on cardboard and up to 2-3 days on plastic and stainless steel surfaces.

The longevity of the virus was determined by studying the decay time or half-life of the virus, which is the time it takes for it to reduce in 50% tissue-culture infectious dose (TCID50) per litre of air. It was determined that the virus stayed on cardboard, stainless steel and plastic for the longest period, in comparison to copper and aerosol droplets.

On average, the half-life of the virus on plastic surface was the highest, with an average of 15.9 hours (high 19.2 hours), copper was lower 3.4 hours (high 5.11 hours), and stainless steel was 13.1 hours (high 16.1 hours). No research was conducted on fabric at all.

For latest updates on coronavirus outbreak, click here

The study also suggests that the virus can spread through the air, from touching things that were contaminated by those who are infected, and through direct human contact. The virus was formerly known as HCoV-19, but is referred to as SARS-CoV2 in this study as the comparison of longevity was in comparison with the virus found in the previous coronavirus outbreaks, known as SARS-CoV or SARS-CoV1 in the study quoted above.

Thus, an individual infected with coronavirus can pass on the infection to another person for upto 14 days. Also, the coronavirus could be detected up to 2-3 days on plastic and stainless steel surfaces. The results from this study indicate that the coronavirus can be transmitted through aerosols (clusters of the virus in the air) aerosol and fomites (objects such as plastic, steel, other metals contaminated with the virus) are plausible, as the virus can remain viable in aerosols for multiple hours and on surfaces up to days. Hence, a 14 hour self-imposed curfew cannot break the cycle of infection as it is being claimed on social media. Despite the fact that the curfew will not break the cycle of infection as the Coronavirus still persists 2-3 days later on surfaces, the social lockdown is an effective strategy for reducing new infections that flattens the curve

See more here:
Coronavirus: 14-hour Janta curfew will not break the cycle of infection - Deccan Herald

16 Style Essentials You Should Have at Home – gearpatrol.com

Style starts at the home before you go to bed when you moisturize your face, in the shower after you wake up and when you go to your closet to choose your outfit. It happens outside of work hours when your shoes need some TLC or a button needs sewing. Little upgrades here and there can set you up for the day and the right tools can keep your style going for much longer. For that, weve put together this list of style essentials for the home, from head to toe.

First things first: be gentle on your clothes. Use a detergent thats mild and easy on your clothes. While we like our fragrances and cant deny that the smell of laundry is objectively good, save the perfumes for your person and not your clothes.

This goes for the drying cycle, too. It may take more time to air dry your clothes, but that time you put in pays dividends on your clothes longevity (not to mention the Earth).

Once your garments are clean and dry, make sure to hang them up with a good hanger. Avoid the flimsy, thin plastic ones if you can. Clothes are made to hang on a human body (which is three-dimensional). When theyre not on you, they should be hung on a hanger with wider shoulders, lest you want your clothes to slowly deform and lose shape over time. Hangers made from cedar wood help to defend your clothes from moths, so opt for these if you can.

Nobody wants to see a wrinkled shirt. Invest in an iron, especially if the occasion is meeting with investors or your future in-laws.

For the love of Ralph Lauren, do not try to iron your clothes on your bed or coffee table. Invest in an ironing board, preferably one that has a rack to hold your iron.

Steaming your clothes in the shower does not work. Its good for wasting water and developing black mold in your bathroom. Instead, get an actual steamer that will quickly and effectively get those wrinkles out.

Your clothes will eventually need some tune-ups. Plus, learning to sew and mend clothes is a skill you should know since home ec isnt really a thing anymore.

After a good bath soak replete with bubbles, surrounded by candles and meditative tunes, maintaining your leather shoes is the next most-relaxing thing. For that, start with some leather soap like this one.

Once youve cleaned your shoes, make sure to condition them with some leather lotion or oil. Its just like the shower.

Oh, and before you go to town on your shoe care regimen, make sure youre using the proper tools.

Lint happens. Rather than using lint rollers that you constantly have to refill, try a reusable lint brush.

Now lets shift the focus to you. Unless youre going for a world record, keep your nails trimmed and neat.

Taming a mane, trimming the hedges or having a Britney Spears moment, an electric trimmer is there for you.

For those who are deft with scissors to do some mane maintenance, a solid pair of grooming scissors stretches your dollar more than trips to the barber.

Like treating and caring for your clothes, you want to be gentle on your skin, too. Try a soap for sensitive skin thats free of scents and harsh ingredients.

Even the most gentle soap can wash away some of your skins natural oils. Follow up the wash with a good lotion to prevent dry skin and keep your natural moisture barrier intact.

See the original post here:
16 Style Essentials You Should Have at Home - gearpatrol.com

The Beckwith Blog: In the Eye of the Storm! – National Mortgage Professional Magazine

Here I am, sitting at a rented lake house in central New Hampshire, in my hometown from my childhood. Its a Friday morning and I am in the rare place to have my folks and siblings be able to drop by for a visit. I am home for a birthday party weekend for yours truly, my a-hem (insert cough) 50th, I mean 39th Birthday. I am feeling nostalgic now so writing my Blog for this month feels a little melancholy, but with that said, I want to provide value at a time I know you will be reading this over the holidays. This time of year breeds a long-awaited pause or slowing for everyone in our field, a welcomed one for a year that gifted us with lower rates and lots of volume for those who dialed in and worked hard.

Over the prior six months, I have traveled across the nation, truly, to incredible conventions, to speaking gigs and events, too many to mention, and along the way, I found myself amid others doing the same. Professionals who, by and large, were trying to grab market share, sling their product and of course, connect with new opportunities. That said, in the midst of this storm, I began to watch and absorb the true magnitude of the chaos and rapid-fire environment that would represent the greatest year and closest thing to a return to our prior great market years that had been experienced in over a decade.

So, what did I learn? Living in the Eye of the Storm is quite incredible. I learned that at the core of our human spirit lives a desire for people to join forces, to come together, to laugh, to help one another and to truly support each others businesses. I learned that you can consistently travel for a dozen straight weeks at a time, run a business, pack and unpack, show up in stellar mode, perform and check the box until the next stop. A rock star life ensued for me this year, while trying to maintain some form of normalcy at the home front, stopping home for four days in-between to do kids activities, home activities, personal accounting, family time, sports and God willing, a little rest. As the weeks would wear on this year though the faade and glamour of the mortgage industry convention circuit, I would have some of the most incredible and tender moments that you can only recognize as powerful in hindsight.

1. Networking is still in our new age of technology, is the greatest way to form relationships that lead to long-term business: There was no greater ROI on any other marketing avenue than this for me this year. It is and has been the tried and true way to cultivate, vet and grab market share.

Personal lesson: There are the most beautiful souls out there in our business who are filled with the entrepreneurial spirit people who I know will change the landscape of our tomorrows in this industry. I also fell in love with those OG mortgage professionals who are still evolving and re-defining themselves in a new era and there are many!2. Technology is at the top of everyone lists: The mortgage industry wants to evolve into a more mobile and automated world. I heard, in many conventions, the quotes of ancient systems and dinosaur ages when describing our technical world here and how its truly time for evolution. People seemed to be listening. I certainly was and I am excited for once to see where this goes.Personal lesson: Instead of cringing about the need for technology I did not welcome, I could see even my own sentiment on this topic had changed. Listening to so many rooms on this topic, I can see people are embracing this era and time. We will see evolution in this area in the years ahead finally.3. PC is so yesterdays news: No matter what surrounds the mortgage industry and all of its many minute details, at the core of our existence remains the human experience and what seemed to jump off the pages of social media this year was the more personal stories of homeownership successes, businesses successes and authentic story-telling from human-minded messages from the B2B entrepreneurs are now filling our space. Those companies that continue an aesthetic-minded approach to their social media might as well throw their money out the window of their moving car.Personal lesson: I say Thank God! I dont know how else to be but real, raw and authentic, I am grateful it is in style this year.4. No more fake news: Its now time for everyone to listen to the entrepreneurs. Our salesfolks, the loan originators, brokers and front-line men and women are where the real news lies. These folks are taking to their social media outlets, videos in hand, and are letting us know what is real or not real. Its beautiful and it trumps (pun intended) the contrived news stories paid for by commercialized news-telling. I write for this magazine and many others that I know do diligence to their news-telling and this is not intended to be a slam to that format, I think those news companies who are employing a story-telling philosophy and bringing the voices of those people to their pages, podcasts and stories, its the smartest thing they could have done.Personal lesson: Me and my organization are the real deal, and I run with a real deal crew. Get real its the best advice I can give you.5. Life is short, in business and for real: To live a long life in the mortgage profession, which I have somehow accomplished, staying put is not an easy task. I wrote an article in early 2018 about staying in a Safe Seat of musical chairs and gave advice. That advice was never more poignant than this year when the grass is greener philosophy and the waving of company flags were being shaken harder than ever before. Volume would be the glue that kept loan officers in their seats and many business development managers found themselves in the hot seats trying to explain slow recruiting because nobody who wasnt suffering truly where they were was moving. For many mortgage professionals, their homes seem short-lived. The life of the mortgage originators job or longevity with a firm, has been truly shortened this past year and movement has been an acceptable thing that hiring firms have learned to accept on resumes that show lots of past employers. That is changing. Everyone is getting into their Happily Ever After Seats for the next decade and living their lives in their best way.Personal lesson: After watching three of my family members weather terminal illnesses, I truly have accepted the shortness of our lives and careers. In the past two years, I have left a firm I worked at for 12 years and started my own company. I turned 50 as I said at the start of this article and I am realizing time is a precious commodity. So, my advice here is simply that we must live our best life and our absolute most genuine life.Time is of the essence and I think everyone should be operating with the ideology of that every single day. There is no greater piece of advice I can offer to people. I hope you heed this advice.In ending this short Blog, I offer that living in the Eye of the Storm this year was beautiful, meaningful, rich in relationship and experience, rewarding and quite frankly far more compelling than sitting on the sidelines. I would highly recommend that you all get out there, out of your seats and out of your comfort zones and get into the mix. There is beauty in the buzz. Be part of the buzz. I feel like this year, I became part of the buzz. I like it. Long live the storm!

This article originally appeared in the November 2019 print edition of National Mortgage Professional Magazine.

Go here to read the rest:
The Beckwith Blog: In the Eye of the Storm! - National Mortgage Professional Magazine

State House Dome: Early 2020 bellwether to come in Hooksett special election – The Union Leader

New Hampshire voters will soon pass judgment on the first special election of 2020 in the town of Hooksett.

The race on Tuesday, March 10, is to replace the late Republican State Rep. Dick Marple, and features a young GOP contender against a local Democratic activist and educator.

Party registration clearly favors the GOP as Hooksett is one of those unusual communities where there are more Republicans registered to vote (3,820) than there are independent voters (3,781). Democrats lag considerably behind (2,749).

The election is also on Town Meeting Day which tends to boost voter turnout which, all things being equal, should favor the Republican contender, Elliot Axelman.

In the GOP primary, Axelman soundly defeated two rivals with more longevity in town than he.

Axelman only moved to New Hampshire in 2017 as a follower of the Libertarian-driven Free State Project.

After it initially slipped my mind, I was reminded about the Free State Project while finishing up my research for the freest state and preparing to move to Wyoming. Once my memory was refreshed, I spent some time on the Free State Projects website, and I re-watched the video I had seen years ago, 101 Reasons Liberty Lives in NH. This tipped the scale from Wyoming to New Hampshire, Axelman posted in 2017.

If elected, hes vowed to support the agenda of Gov. Chris Sununu but has some other controversial ideas all his own such as getting rid of Medicare and the Department of Homeland Security, and calling Global Warming the biggest hoax in human history.

Axelman has proven himself to be a pretty capable fundraiser having attracted nearly $5,200 in donations for the job that pays $100 a year.

Among his supporters include former GOP State Chairman and Concord developer Steve Duprey ($500); current Republican National Committeeman Chris Ager ($100); State Reps. Jesse Edwards ($200) of Auburn, Mark Warden ($100) of Manchester and Carol McGuire ($100) of Epsom; along with the NH Liberty Alliance ($200).

The Democratic rival, Kathleen Martins, has been outgunned financially having raised $1,517 to this point. As a union member and educator, its little surprise that organized labor makes up the bulk of her donations, from the State Employees Association ($500), National Education Association ($100) and Merrimack County Democrats ($500).

She ran for the same seat in 2018 and was the top vote-getting Democrat finishing in fifth just 87 votes behind Marple.

Checklist totals are revealing

There were both good and troubling signs for both political parties as Secretary of State Bill Gardners office published at the end of last week the final numbers on registered voters in the wake of the first-in-the-nation primary.

Democratic Chairman Raymond Buckley should be pleased that the new totals mean his party is the biggest (324,593) in history. Prior to Feb. 11, Republicans had a slight edge in party registration but thats been wiped out now, though Republicans for the first time broke 300,000 as well (306,542).

For Republican Chairman Stephen Stepanek, what was real promising for President Trumps reelection efforts was that even without a real challenge there were still nearly 40,000 (39,685) independent voters who bothered to show up to cast a GOP ballot.

Democrats had many more independents taking part (130,758).

Then there are the new registered voters in the college towns where Democratic campaigns have often gone to harvest voter advantages every four years.

In the four biggest college towns (Durham, Hanover, Keene and Henniker), the number of new voters this time (3,169) was quite a drop down from those (4,731) that turned out in 2016.

Four years ago there was competition in both parties so one would think the new voter total would be higher but this kind of decline will surely spark questions about whether the new laws linking voter registration to residency did have a chilling effect.

Pro-abortion rights group endorse state senators

Emilys List, the largest political action committee supporting female Democratic candidates who support abortion rights, endorsed four incumbent state senators at the end of last week.

They are Senate President Donna Soucy, D-Manchester, along with Sens. Cindy Rosenwald, D-Nashua, Melanie Levesque, D-Brookline, and Shannon Chandley, D-Amherst.

Soucy is the only seasoned senator on that list; the other three are serving their first terms.

Democratic race for governor getting chippy

It appears the two declared Democratic candidates for governor, Senate Majority Leader Dan Feltes and Executive Councilor Andru Volinsky, both of Concord, are looking forward to getting after it.

After Volinsky first raised the idea of having debates prior to the dog days of summer, Feltes quickly responded hes all for it and proposed having 10 debates, one in each county.

The two campaigns also got into it over Feltes decision to return corporate PAC money and checks from limited liability companies (LLCs) that had exceeded the individual contribution limit. Feltes has sponsored legislation in past years to get rid of the so-called LLC loophole.

Feltes initial campaign fundraising reports had shown, and there were published reports that, he had taken corporate PAC money.

New Hampshire Public Radio reported last week Feltes had been airing Facebook ads about his opposition to taking corporate PAC money.

In response to the latest report, Feltes said he was returning $11,000 in donations.

People are increasingly concerned about corporate money in politics which is why in this campaign we are not accepting corporate contributions; weve returned any and all such contributions received to date, Feltes said in a statement.

Earlier last week, Feltes Campaign Manager Nick Taylor took to Twitter to accuse the Volinsky campaign of sending out a misleading email of his own to raise money.

However, its so disappointing to see the Volinsky campaign send a fundraising email tonight that they know is false. We had private conversations with their campaign this weekend to clarify our position, any timeline or narrative that was unclear in the NHPR story, Taylor posted.

Volinsky has declined to comment publicly on the controversy.

Conservative senator heading to NH

Sen. Tom Cotton, R-Ark., will come to New Hampshire to help raise money for the state GOP and also for U.S. Senate candidate Don Bolduc.

Cotton will be the keynote speaker at the Lincoln-Reagan Dinner for the Hillsborough County GOP Committee on May 1 at the Sky Meadow Country Club in Nashua.

DNC adding more staff to NH

The Democratic National Committee announced it is expanding its Battleground Build-Up 2020 program to include six states including New Hampshire.

These states will end up with additional field offices and double the number of organizers and operations staff.

Meanwhile, the top spokesman for NH Democrats, Holly Shulman, was dispatched to South Carolina last week to assist the media staffers of that state in the run-up to its primary.

Its fun to be able to use my skills accumulated over the last few weeks to help out people who have no idea the barrage of questions theyre about to get from reporters all around the world, Shulman said.

Lawmakers back in action

Fresh off school vacation week, the New Hampshire State Senate and House of Representatives resume business sessions this Thursday.

The House will take up the three dozen or so bills that were not completed prior to the break due to the long debate over issuing reprimands against House GOP members who did not attend a training session to prevent sexual harassment.

The House is expected to kill bills to impose a tax on the sale of electronic equipment and to subject ski lift tickets to the Room and Meals Tax.

The Senate will debate mandatory seat belts and is likely to kill a controversial measure aimed to impose restrictions on shooting ranges.

See the original post here:
State House Dome: Early 2020 bellwether to come in Hooksett special election - The Union Leader