When it comes to longevity, here’s why any exercise is good exercise – AZ Big Media

We all know that exercise benefits us physically, but ripped abs and a healthy heart arent the only advantages to hitting the gym. The sense of camaraderie, structure and accomplishment we get from physical activity all speak to its myriad social benefits.

But with everyone at more than arms-length these days, the social aspect of exercise is what many of us have been missing most its also whatConnor Sheehanis most interested in.

An assistant professor at ASUsT. Denny Sanford School of Social and Family Dynamics, Sheehan was curious to know which, if any, of the more socially oriented exercises, such as team sports, contribute to longevity.

In a paper co-authored with family and human development graduate student Longfeng Li and recently published in the journal Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, the researchers found that any exercise is beneficial, but stretching, volleyball and fitness exercises (i.e., walking, aerobics, cycling, etc.) in particular were associated with lower rates of mortality.

Its one of the most replicated scientific facts that exercise is good for humans and helps us live longer, Sheehan said. And a lot of research has been focused on the physiological benefits. But Im a sociologist, so I think that exercise also benefits us sociologically by giving us other things that humans need, like social contact. And of course, America is a really diverse society where people do a bunch of different exercises. So we wanted to see how those exercises stacked up against each other and which exercises led to longer life spans.

In their study, which was funded by a grant from ASUsGlobal Sport Institute, Sheehan and Li used data collected by the National Health Interview Survey of 26,727 American adults ages 18 to 84 to examine the effect of 15 different exercises on mortality rates. The survey participants were asked once in 1998 what type of exercise they engaged in, then followed for all-cause mortality through the end of 2015.

During 17 years of follow-up, 4,955 deaths occurred. After adjusting for such factors as demographics, socioeconomic status and health behaviors, researchers found that walking, aerobics, stretching, weight lifting and stair climbing were related to lower risks of mortality. When adjusting for engagement in all exercise types, stretching and volleyball were found to be uniquely associated with lower risks of mortality.

Their findings suggest that some types of exercise have unique benefits for longevity, but most are indistinguishable in relation to longevity.

What that means, Sheehan said, is that if youre doing any exercise, thats better than if youre doing nothing. So I think whats best is to just keep doing what you can consistently do, what you consistently enjoy doing. I wouldnt go out of your way to adjust your lifestyle to the results of this study, because it might be harder for you to stretch than to play volleyball, for instance.

One exercise they found to have a negative effect on longevity was baseball, which they presume is due to the culture of chewing tobacco associated with the sport. And surprisingly, in spite of its association with the neurodegenerative disease chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE), they did not find that football was associated with increased mortality.

In addition, Sheehan and Li found that the benefits of exercise did not vary across different types of social groups, meaning any type of exercise is good for everyone.

You can promote any type of exercise and everyone gets equal benefit, Sheehan said. So exercise and engagement in sports should be foundational in promoting population health.

However, he was hesitant to state whether the studys findings support an argument for a return to in-person, community and professional sports.

You have to balance the physical risk of getting a disease that can permanently alter the health of young people with the social benefits they would be getting from team sports, he said. Its tricky.

One exercise Sheehan and Li were unable to measure that was less popular in 1998 but has quickly become a virtual favorite during quarantine is yoga.

Yoga is so good for times like these because you dont need much space, you dont need much equipment and its good for mental health, he said.

And while it might be hard to play volleyball or basketball on Zoom, Sheehan said that whatever helps you do any exercise so that youre getting physiological and social benefits is best.

If what was driving you to go to yoga was that you were doing it with your friend, and you can now do YouTube yoga over Zoom, thats going to help bring back the social benefits with the physiological benefits, he said.

Sheehan, who has conductedresearch on sleepin the past, is interested in expanding on these most recent findings to see how different types of exercise affect sleep quality.

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When it comes to longevity, here's why any exercise is good exercise - AZ Big Media

Beyond the Mask | Free – Emporia Gazette

Ill start by saying this: masks are important right now. For the immediate future we need to get people on board about taking our actions seriously in a different manner. Our way of living has changed and working with each other is for the betterment of humanity. That is to say, if we all love life then we need to work together.

Ill continue by saying this: humans were not meant to live in masks for the rest of our existence. We must live IN the world, not hide from it behind band-aids. Masks do not cure, prevent, or keep us safe from any future (or present) diseases that the world throws at us. They are a temporary measure that have fast become a sticky subject within our culture.

This is the ideal time in history to look at our personal health more thoughtfully. Americans have gorged themselves on cheap, fried, nitrate-ridden, gluttonous diets for decades now. Many of us think mowing the yard is a good days exercise or that drinking a glass of water for every soda is a healthy ratio. Our way of life, as it might be tolerable, does not allow us to thrive. It barely allows us to survive.

The environment we live in is much more toxic than it was even 50 years ago. The quality of what we ingest, be it air, food, drink, visually or even socially is degrading by the year. Our bodies are continually working harder to keep us from growing old. Diseases such as diabetes, cancer or even a heart condition may be attributed to how we live our lives.

We must continue to evolve how we exist on our planet and the thing that each of us can do going forward is to take our health into our own hands.

Things such as hormone balance, foods that boost our immunity, correct exercise for longevity, and meaningful mental health practices are all things that are much more productive in preventing sickness. In addition, they add years or even decades to the quality of life for humans. Ive studied these benefits over the past 12 years and was sold on the win-win of longevity and health when I started to see the benefits in my own life.

There is not a magic bullet, but there is a lot of pertinent information out there. With the level of unknown at this point in 2020 it is only prudent to do what we can personally to help ourselves.

Consider going to drjboss.com to start your information gathering and to begin to think differently about our current situation in 2020. There are also great places here in Emporia such as Natures Paradise Health Food Store that have great personal advice on rebooting the body towards longevity. Biohacking is the next trend and newest weapon for the human race to combat our anxieties in the world.

Fighting, ridicule and fear are not going to help us get back on track, but certainly health measures are a step in the right direction.

Wouldnt it be great to not wear masks? When coronavirus has subsided, who is to say that tequila virus wont be next? Or trench foot? The world is full of vaccines that are less than 50 percent effective. Personal health is under your control and gives you a better place in the world for a brighter life and a safer future.

To mask or not to mask? That is one of the main questions in society right now. But the answer is not in the mask; the solution is within us.

Cory Bosiljevac

Marketing Executive

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Beyond the Mask | Free - Emporia Gazette

Life, Creative & On The Edge – The Free Weekly

The coming weeks and months will be very challenging for humanity. The present, continuing and upcoming transits, phenomenal in their power, force, strength and multiplicity (with more to come), have long- range, enduring effects on humanity and all of our endeavors. This is the year of multiple retrogrades. Retrogrades turn us inward in order to assess the quality of our lives and things we need to change. During July and August, eight lights in the sky are retrograde. For now, Mercury retrograde ends Sunday(at 6 Cancer). And Mars (retrograding in September) is in Aries (fire, red, war, inflammations, reactions). Thus, we can understand the state of our world.

Mars in Aries is partially why we are seeing such out of control behaviors. Mars, on the personality-building level, is desire, action, anger, assertion, aggression and war it is how the personality stumbles towards learning Right Human Relations and peace (Libra). Mars and Aries work together. They initiate things with fiery will. Mars in Aries (spiritually) calls humanity to learn about itself, to cultivate, through observation, its true self identity.

Mars, the color red, inflames emotion and events; interactions are reactionary, intense and fiery. Its life on the edge. We experience flare ups, anger, frustration, impatience, criticism, judgments. Temperatures rise and people are in reactive and destructive states. We find many people reactive, under illusions, and unaware of consequences.

How do we neutralize these things? Each day, prepare for the unexpected. Creating the good, resisting that which is not good.Understanding the difference. Discerning the two.

When creating the Good, the unexpected appears to help us. Disciples understand these words. Creation is freedom. From Buckminster Fuller. We dont change things by fighting the existing reality. Build a new model that makes the old model obsolete.

ARIES: An unusual time begins for you with new views of yourself in relationship to others and a new way of working in the world (with others). Careful with communication, create a time for regular exercise, review supplements and vitamins. Sometimes fire signs cant maintain a regular constant regimen. However, its vital to your present future tasks, upcoming demands and essential to health and longevity.

TAURUS: In many ways youre becoming more like Pisces. This is not disheartening. Its rather special having Pisces compassionate characteristics. Yes, its difficult to perceive earth realities, difficult to walk a straight line and keep balance. Sometimes you stumble along, knowing only the present moment is real. Even with all these physical obstructions, seeing differently as you do, you still save the world. Your protector is the elephant god Ganesh. Pray to him to remove all hindrances and obstacles.

GEMINI: The message each week seems the same the community and groups you will participate in, the duality you present, the love and synthesis gifts for Gemini from Sirius. Soon you must begin to discern which groups are part of the New Group of World Servers, the people of Goodwill. It is important to discriminate between the real and the false light. What groups are you magnetized toward? What calls to you each day? What voices are you listening to?

CANCER: So many things are ending, culminating. Long held hopes and wishes are falling away. What new opportunities do you now seek? As you study new information, especially about herbs, flowers, roots, foods and gardening, you will understand more how to safeguard and sustain yourself and family. Know the devas in the gardens have a deep love for you. They offer a high vibrational yet subtle healing.

LEO: In the next year, as your horizons expand, you will enter new groups and endeavors. And find new friends that love you. You continue to wonder about lands far away. The unusual and culturally different places and people are of interest to you. Youre ready soon for a new reality. See the next year as a philosophical adventure containing new rhythms. You still have relationship wounds hidden away. Water and forgiveness help.

VIRGO: Summon and act upon values that make you feel empowered. In the next months your values may change. Be aware of this. You like to be practical and down to earth. Use your money to empower yourself and to empower and assist others. The past is over. New messages need to be sent. Be aware of impatience and impulsiveness with spending. Use resources with deep respect and with gratitude. And to serve.

LIBRA: Good yet unusual events unexpectedly occur in the next months. As realities shift and change in the world, create deeper roots where you live and with those you care for and love. Use resources wisely. Grow a vegetable garden. Get a green house. Prepare for a different future. Ask ones partner and/or friends about goals, dreams, wishes, hopes, fears. Come from the heart, always. You are fierce and independent sometimes. Slow down and rest a bit.

SCORPIO: In all things, especially food, diet, health, exercise there must be a constancy and regularity. A daily rhythm. This will be a challenge. The chaos in our world can create tension and fear, unevenness and chaos. Anything in excess over time creates a health situation. Observe your health with care. Ask if your daily work serves you. Over time, your spiritual courage will change either the work you do or your perceptions about work. When you speak (write) people listen.

SAGITTARIUS: You will have days of transformation and days of harmony, days of sadness and days of ease and beauty. This tension creates attention to creating a new life, new essential artistic things (artistic) as you express yourself differently. Each day, plan on enhancing and improving everything around you. You are the steward of your life. In between, you need a new sense of play, of fun and pleasure, and new towns and cities to explore.

CAPRICORN: At times we all want to flee our world and run away from home. Running is good (for exercise, to run a race), but always you come home again. Mars is keeping you home, close to the land and perhaps in a garden. You are remembering your early life, the events and situations and people of long ago. Youre attempting to understand the psychological structures of your upbringing. It gives you a new sense of self identity. Mother played a big part in this. Write.

AQUARIUS: Are you learning new information, in a new environment. Is it offering you a new philosophy, a new sense of understanding the world? Is your neighborhood one that inspires you, offers a greater view of life? It is good to be in contact with brothers and sisters, relatives, family. Everyones changing. You are, too. Share your life with them, ask about their lives. Careful with money and resources. Write in your journal every day about your everyday life. Youre learning life is magical.

PISCES: Youre in deep waters, on the edge of new archetypes, waiting for new realities, developing new values, learning about resources and money, Right Stewardship and Right Timing. You want to begin something. You seek a refuge and safe haven for self and other. In Permaculture, which observes living systems and how they relate, the most diversity exists at the edges. It is here that change happens naturally. Remain always at the edge. Life, creative and on the edge, happens there.

~Risa writer, teacher, counselor, mentor, astrologer, esotericist

Founder & Director

The Esoteric & Astrological Studies & Research Institute

-a contemporary Wisdom School for the Ageless Wisdom teachings.

The foundations of the Teachings are the study & application of Astrology

& the Seven Rays.

~Email: risagoodwill@gmail.com

~Web journal: http://www.nightlightnews.org/

~Facebook: Risa DAngeles & Risas Esoteric Astrology (2 FB pages)

All FB messages are posted on NLN (website) under Daily Messages

-Astrological, esoteric, day to day news art, literature, psychology, history, geography, religious, economic & cultural journalism.

Originally posted here:
Life, Creative & On The Edge - The Free Weekly

Northampton approves new budget – The Roanoke-Chowan News-Herald – Roanoke Chowan News Herald

JACKSON We just want to do all we can for the citizens in our county.

Thats one of the things Northampton Board of Commissioners Chair Charles Tyner said at their special meeting here June 29 after the Board unanimously adopted the budget for the new fiscal year.

Thanking both the Finance Department and County Manager Charles Jackson for their hard work on developing the FY21 budget, Tyner said he was glad to see several different things included such as funds for nonprofit support and economic development.

This budget will decrease our tax by half a cent. Some of you say its not much, but its more than it was in the past, he also noted.

As presented by Jackson in his budget proposal earlier in June, the FY21 budget includes a half cent reduction in ad valorem taxes, bringing the tax rate to $0.91 per $100 of property value. This follows a half cent reduction from the previous year as well.

The county will operate on a total budget of $34,138,435 which is an increase of over $1.4 million from FY20. A total of $27.9 million of that money will be in the General Fund budget.

As in previous years, the majority of the countys revenue is expected to come from ad valorem taxes, totaling $17,804,408. Thats down $1.07 million from the previous year. Other major sources of revenue include Sales Tax ($3.2 million), Sales & Services ($2.1 million), and Health Revenue ($940,505). Compared to FY20, both Sales Tax and Sales & Services are both expected to bring in more money than before, while Health Revenues are expected to drop.

For expenditures, the departments receiving the largest allocations include Public Safety, General Government, Education, Human Services (Health), Human Services (Other), and Economic/Physical Development.

With an increase of $510,000 from the previous year, Public Safety will receive the most funding at $10,927,455. The largest portions of these funds will go towards ambulance service ($3.9 million), sheriff ($3.2 million), jail ($1.8 million), and emergency communications ($1.8 million).

Public Safety allocations also include items such as contributions to local rescue squads and funding for the regional airports and CPTA. Jackson reported in his budget proposal presentation in early June that these things fall under the category of citizen quality of life which is one of four key funding priorities for this fiscal year.

General Government received a slight increase in funding this year, bring their total allocation to $4,555,883. The areas which will gain the biggest portion of these funds include buildings and grounds ($1.04 million), finance ($673,449), and tax ($568,015). Each of these allocations are slightly lower than they received in FY20.

Funding for Education was almost exactly the same amount as the previous year, totaling $4,037,000. The bulk of that allocation ($3.5 million) will go to Current Expense for Northampton County Schools, the same amount as FY20 despite the districts request of $4 million for current expense. The school district will also receive $350,000 for Capital Outlay.

Halifax Community College and Roanoke-Chowan Community College, which both serve students in Northampton County, had no change in funding amounts from the previous year. HCC was allocated $97,000 and RCCC received $30,000.

Approximately $492,000 was cut from the Human Services (Health) funding for FY21, bringing the total allocation to $3,422,178. Home health ($1 million), health ($943,308), environmental health ($247,707), family planning ($219,590), and school nursing funding ($150,000) are the areas which will receive the most funding.

Human Services (Other) was allocated $1,681,756 for this fiscal year, a drop from the $2.2 million in FY20. The bulk of that allocation went to the countys Department of Social Services (DSS).

One major change in the Human Services (Other) category from the previous year is the absence of funding for the Office of Aging. According to Jacksons proposal, the county is planning to restructure the Office on Aging, and all of its services were transferred to DSS for FY21. It also noted that the county will receive $305,000 in Home and Community Care Block Grant funds to provide services such as nutrition, transportation, adult day care, and more.

Economic/Physical Development received an increase in funding this fiscal year, bringing its total to $1,053,392.

One new thing included in the budget this year is money allocated for main street improvements in each of the countys municipalities. Theyll receive $1,000 each to invest in ways to fix up what is often the busiest part of their towns.

A difference in the budget from the previous year, however, is that theres no cost of living raise for county employees due to budget constraints stemming from the COVID crisis. Merit and longevity pay will still be funded, and Jackson did recommend funding for a compensation studythe first in almost 20 yearsto determine competitive pay policies for employees going forward.

No citizens chose to submit comments on the budget at the public hearing which was held on June 15.

At the June 29 meeting, there was no discussion on the budget amongst the Board after Tyners praise for the hard work which went into getting everything together. Commissioner Joyce Buffaloe provided the motion to approve, Commissioner Kelvin Edwards seconded, and the vote passed unanimously.

The new budget went into effect on July 1.

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Northampton approves new budget - The Roanoke-Chowan News-Herald - Roanoke Chowan News Herald

Every Dog Year Isnt Equal To 7 Human Years, Researchers Now Say – CBS Baltimore

(CNN) How do you compare a dogs age to that of a person? A popular method says you should multiply the dogs age by 7 to compute how old Fido is in human years.

But new research published Thursday in the Cell Systems journal debunks that method. And thats because the scientists behind a new study say dogs and humans dont age at the same rate.

Researchers at the University of California San Diego School of Medicine have developed a new formula that takes into account that variance.

Tracking molecular changes in the DNA of Labrador retrievers, and in particular the changing patterns of methyl groups in their genome, according to a release, the study shows how dogs age at a much faster rate than humans early in their lives, then slow down after reaching maturity.

This makes sense when you think about it after all, a nine-month-old dog can have puppies, so we already knew that the 1:7 ratio wasnt an accurate measure of age, lead author Trey Ideker is quoted as saying.

Based on the study, a one-year-old dog compares to a 30-year-old human, a four-year-old dog to a 52-year-old human. The rate of aging decreases after dogs turn 7.

The new formula is the first that is transferable across species, and scientists plan to test their findings on other dog breeds to study the impact of longevity on their findings, according to a release.

Researchers also believe that observing changes in the methylation patterns before and after the use of anti-aging products could help veterinarians make more informed decisions in terms of diagnostics and treatment.

A graphic in the study makes the age comparisons intuitive and provides some helpful context for dog owners, including the scientists themselves.

I have a six-year-old dog she still runs with me, but Im now realizing that shes not as young as I thought she was, Ideker is quoted as saying.

The-CNN-Wire & 2020 Cable News Network, Inc., a WarnerMedia Company. All rights reserved.

Read the original post:
Every Dog Year Isnt Equal To 7 Human Years, Researchers Now Say - CBS Baltimore

How the dimensions of human inequality affect who and what we are – The Conversation CA

What does it mean to be human today? It is an excellent starting point for thinking about human inequality.

To be human, in an elementary sense, means three things.

First, you are a sexed living organism, capable of feeling pain and pleasure and of reproduction, with a delimited lifespan of development and decay, subject to vicissitudes of health and illness.

Secondly, you are a person, with a self and a reflexive capacity, flourishing or suffering in social environments.

Thirdly, you are a creative, goal-oriented actor, collective as well as individual, endowed with resources of varying size and kind.

The possibilities of flourishing as a human are shaped by processes of (in)equality. Differences are either given by God or by Nature or chosen as lifestyles.

Unlike difference, inequality is a historical social construction.

The three-dimensionality of humanity gives us three kinds of human inequality. These are vital, existential and resource.

Vital inequality refers to socially determined distributions of health and ill health and of your lifespan. It can be measured in life expectancy and in health expectancy or your years without serious illness. Where demographic life tables are missing, infant and child mortality are more accessible indicators.

Existential inequality sums up the unequal social treatment of persons. On one end of the spectrum resides denial of recognition, autonomy, existential security, dignity and respect. These can be achieved through acts of neglect, bullying, degradation and humiliation. The ultimate result is a denial of their humanness. At the opposite end are selective attention, freedom, emotional security, encouragement, respect and admiration.

Existential inequality is structured and processed by categories and lenses of othering such as sex, race, ethnicity, caste or religion. It is arguably the most hurtful and wounding of inequalities. It has given rise to a range of egalitarian movements feminist, anti-racist, nationalist, anti-caste, anti-bigotry. It has been an important driver of workers movements, in which the demand for recognition of workers human dignity has been central.

So far, however, existential inequality has received little systematic analysis and study.

It is hardly quantifiable and is difficult to compare. Legal practices and public norms, recurrent demographic and health surveys, opinion surveys, anthropological studies, autobiographies and media reporting provide qualitative evidence.

Resource inequality expresses the unequal allocation of resources to act among human actors. It is most frequently gauged through distributions of income and wealth and of so-called human capital. Less studied in this context, although highly relevant, are distributions of power and rights.

The three dimensions of inequality are interconnected and interact or intersect, but each has its own dynamic and trajectory, globally and nationally.

Othering means seeing and treating a set of people as being of a different kind than you and your type of people, as strange, peculiar and (usually) inferior.Viewing race as a category of existential othering means highlighting its character as a socio-cultural construction that is subject to change. This occurs alongside many other constructs such as gender, ethnicity, caste and religion.

In early 20th century Europe, race was often synonymous with ethnicity. For example, the British race or references to geo-ethnic groups, such as the Alpine or Mediterranean race. In continental Europe today, race is hardly used at all.

This does not mean that discriminatory and hateful othering has disappeared. It means it is now operating with other labels like Arabs, Muslims, immigrants, Africans

The existential perspective leads us to human self-formation and its connection with capability formation. The very meaning of racism and of patriarchy is to deny self-esteem and self-confidence indeed any self at all especially to black (or any other racial target) and girl children. It installs shame, self-contempt and fear instead.

Read more: Why does racism prevail? Leading scholars apply their minds

Such punitive processes are, of course, not always successful. But they often inflict lasting wounds. Prejudice and stigma act as stressors on the victims and have both somatic (bodily) and psychological effects. They also, by themselves, cause under-performance by the targets. Psychology experiments have shown that when marginalised groups are told they are inferior, they perform badly on given tasks. Conversely, when told they are expected to be superior, their performance improves.

Children of poor, oppressed and/or discriminated populations are loaded with two sets of heavy burdens. These cause many or most of them to under perform. One is the burden of social determinants, of ill-health and stunted development, which goes along with not enough emotional security and positive social stimulation. In other words, vital inequality, which bears upon capability formation. The other operates through the negative impacts on self-development of esteem, confidence and ambition by existential processes of stigmatisation, humiliation and fear.

Both these childhood experiences tend to have lifelong effects, beginning life-curves of cumulated disadvantages. Furthermore, they provide reinforcing and reproducing confirmatory evidence of inferiority of the race, gender or caste.

And when some individuals of the put-down race, gender or caste manage to break through their discrimination and oppression, this is often used as further evidence of the inferiority of the category in question. The losers are regarded as deficient persons, of low-life existence. To hardcore racists, this is inherent and inherited. But after the liberation of Auschwitz, existential inequality is more effective when leaving its genetic background unnamed.

Unequal personal selves are produced by existential inequality. And they are fortified by early cognitive and social capability formation. This can explain much of the enduring longevity of racism, patriarchy, caste and religious disadvantage, even after their formative institutions are abolished.

Such institutions of inferiority-cum-superiority have no internal dialectic of change. Change comes exogenously, from the outside, from contingent cracks of the pillars sustaining the institutions.

Sub-institutional change, of everyday existential inequality, will require broader social and cultural transformations. It will require equalising processes of self and capability formation. The current hardening of nationalism in power the existing nation-states nationalism and fundamentalist religious revival tend rather in the opposite direction.

This article is part of a series of six. Other authors include Nina Jablonski, Barney Pityana, George Chaplin, Kira Erwin, Kathryn Pillay and Njabulo Ndebele.

The three edited volumes of essays published by African Sun Media in 2018 (The Effects of Race, edited by Nina G. Jablonski and Gerhard Mar), 2019 (Race in Education, edited by Gerhard Mar), and 2020 (Persistence of Race, edited by Nina G. Jablonski) contain the complete representation of the projects scholarship.

Continued here:
How the dimensions of human inequality affect who and what we are - The Conversation CA

Understanding the Population Problem | Earth 911 – Earth911.com

When the global population reached 5 billion in 1987, that number seemed almost inconceivable. But today, there are almost 8 billion people on the planet and by 2056, we could reach 10 billion humans. Without technical innovation and changes in human behavior, Earths ecosystems may not be able to support that population.

Many people think that overpopulation is a problem that belongs to developing nations, where the population is increasing most rapidly. But the question of population is not so simple. The sustainability of society is intricately linked with issues of consumption, sustainable development, and human rights.

Even those of us in countries with low or negative population growth can make a difference.

Anyone who has taken an introductory biology or economics course can recognize the steeply rising curve in the global population graph. It represents an unsustainable growth pattern.

The question is, at what point will we reach the planets carrying capacity? At what population will we outstrip the resources available to support us? And can we expand the carrying capacity of the planet with technology and changes to our lifestyles? That, in large part, depends on how efficiently we use our resources.

The annual ability of Earths natural systems to replace used resources is decreasing as a result of desertification, climate change, and other human land use impacts. At the same time, we are using those resources faster than ever.

At U.S. consumption rates, based on a per capita footprint of 9.8 global hectares per person (gha), the current global population would overshoot each years worth of natures bounty by March 15. That means that the planet could not sustain its current population or even a third of it if everyone on Earth consumed resources like we do in the U.S.

Chinese consumers use resources at less than half the rate of Americans (3.6 gha) and much of their resource extraction is used to make products for American consumption. But with a population of 1.4 billion, their total consumption is much greater overall.

The same over-consuming pattern is evident in greenhouse gas emissions on a national basis a few countries account for the overwhelming majority of annual CO2 emissions. These emissions contribute to climate change, which further degrades the Earths ability to support life.

The number of people and their per capita consumption and greenhouse gas emissions matter equally in achieving a sustainable population.

The impacts of land use, resource consumption, greenhouse gas emissions, and population are connected in complex ways that can form self-reinforcing feedback loops. In 1989, the United Nations established July 11 as World Population Day in an effort to focus attention on the urgency and importance of population issues.

International migration can have significant impacts on the populations of individual nations. The two factors that determine the global population are fertility rates and longevity. The management of each of these factors is rife with thorny ethical issues. Historically, high mortality kept population growth in check. Moving forward, we must turn our attention to fertility rates to slow population growth.

The United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) was established in 1969 to promote U.N. and national population programs. These programs are based on the human right of individuals and couples to freely determine the size of their families. The gender and human rights dimensions of population issues are recognized in the three key areas of the UNFPA mandate: reproductive health, gender equality, and population and development.

Reproductive rates are much smaller in the most developed nations, but the reproductive choices made in these countries have an outsized impact. One person born in America has the same environmental impact as two in China, and nearly seven in India. Choosing to have a small family is one of the most impactful things an American can do to protect the environment.

However, it is far from the only thing. Americans and residents of other developed nations must learn to consume fewer resources and reduce their carbon footprint. They can welcome and support refugees and immigrants, whose arrival can rebalance host countries potential support ratio (PSR). The PSR is the ratio of the working-age population to the elderly population. In developed nations, the PSR has declined to record lows from about eight in 1950 to slightly more than three today, leaving many economists as deeply concerned about population decline as environmentalists are about overpopulation.

Developed nations can support the U.N.s nine standards to uphold the human right to family planning including nondiscrimination, privacy, and access to information and contraception in both domestic policy and in foreign aid programs.

Finally, the ongoing pandemic has highlighted the importance of gender equality in achieving all of the United Nations goals. Protecting the health and rights of women everywhere leads to better outcomes. Thats as true for land use, resource consumption, and greenhouse gas emissions as it is for population control.

Visit link:
Understanding the Population Problem | Earth 911 - Earth911.com

How To Self-Massage To Relieve Muscle Tension And Stress – Longevity LIVE

Self-massage is a wonderful tool to use if you need to release a bunch of muscle tension. Were living in a very stressed and tense world right now and its important to learn how to self-soothe. If you cant get to a massage therapist at the moment due to financial problems or Coronavirus. Then, learning to knead those tight knots out on your own, or with your partner will help you big time. We could all use a helping hand right now and we thought we could help you relax those tense muscles with these tips.

It might seem like human toughness is a luxury at the moment. With social distancing rules strictly in place, were not allowed to do much touching at all. This can take its toll on us all, in more ways than you might think. Self-massage is a really powerful tool to help get you through even the most stressful of times. Of course, self-massage is not as nice as having a professional do it for you, but you might enjoy the connection and time you spend taking care of yourself. These are tough times and we need to nurture ourselves and practice self-care more than ever before.

Interestingly, the human touch is not just something we enjoy sometimes. Its a biological necessity and we need it to survive. Touch is the very first sense we develop as babies. If an infant is starved of touch it will fail to meet growth standards. Therefore, we are trying to tell you just HOW powerful a tool it is.

According to massage experts, touch builds cooperative relationships and improves immunity. So any form of touch can help increase pleasure hormones and reduce stress hormones. However, self-massage is an especially effective tool particularly during times when you have to be alone or cautious about touching one another. But knowing exactly how to self-massage will be most effective. Moreover, it can relieve muscle tension created by physical and emotional stress, which will improve the health of our bodies and minds.

Finding ways to progressively relieve muscle tension is a life-changer you cant miss out on. We cannot emphasize enough how important it is for your health to manage your stress and anxiety. If youve been experiencing intense backaches, neck pain, or shoulder tightness, youre most probably suffering from anxiety or stress. You see, when youre really anxious or stressed in your life, it can manifest physically as a direct symptom. The body automatically responds to this with muscle tension. However, self-massage can be done in a variety of different ways, youve just got to learn what works best for you.

Experts also recommend progressive muscle relaxation as a method that helps relieve intense muscle pain. They explain that progressive muscle relaxation is where you tense a group of muscles as you breathe in, and you relax them as you breathe out. You work on your muscle groups in a certain order. The trick is to relax your body fully because it will then no longer feel anxious. But you need to practice this regularly for a few weeks to get better at this skill. With some time, you should be able to self-massage and relieve some stress and tension on your own.

In the beginning, you might find it easier to follow some self-massage tutorial videos on YouTube or an audio recording. You need to learn all the major muscle groups. When searching, have a look for progressive muscle relaxation audio recordings. Self-massage is also a good way to help you remedy poor sleeping patterns at night.

There are usually many reasons why we have giant knots in our backs or necks. However, for many people it is often a combination between too much stress and poor posture. Very few of us have perfect posture. Whether you sit or stand during the day. In fact, those of you who work on your feet often stand swaybacked.

This is why self-massage and knowledge are really going to make a big difference. Then those of us who work at desks push our heads forward and hunch our shoulders. We then sit so long that our hips become tight. And over time, our muscles get stuck in the memory of those positions.

However, as we mentioned its not only your posture creating these knots. Your muscles remember emotions almost too well. It is a natural reaction for our muscles to contract when we stress to protect us from harm. But then when the threat disappears, our muscles let go. Chronic stress is when the muscles can never relax. And without self-massage, prolonged chronic stress leads beyond discomfort to physical and mental disorders.

Experts explain that a muscle knot is a trigger point. Moreover, its a contraction within a muscle that refuses to release. Sometimes the pain is localized to one area or it can radiate to other parts of the body. For example, a trigger point in a neck muscle you dont feel may be responsible for the pain in your jaw you do feel. The good news is that, through self-massage, we can release trigger points before our bodies start compensating elsewhere.

Often we think we cant get a massage in when nobody is willing to do it for us. Or many, your partner isnt near or maybe you dont have one right now. Thats okay because self-massage will take care of it for you. You can press on or roll your trigger points with your fingers, knuckles, or a tennis or massage ball. Its a little bit of work for yourself, but trust us when we say, its totally worth the effort.

Just try not to spend more than five seconds on one spot, because this cuts off blood flow and prevents healing.

Lets define one muscle at a time.

Most of us experience some kind of neck pain on our journeys. Self-massage is a fantastic way to help relieve this tension whenever you need it.

Do you experience chronic headaches? Experts recommend examining your sternocleidomastoids, the ropy neck muscles that extend from just behind the ear to the collarbone. Apparently, looking down at a keyboard or screen creates trigger points on the muscle which then refers pain into the forehead, ears, or cheeks.

To self-massage, gently pinch the muscle between your thumb and forefinger and roll it like a piece of taffy. Work your way up the entire rope.

This part of you can get completely locked up, tense and painful. After a while, it results in a that travels from the neck into your shoulders. These are called your levator scapulae, or shoulder-shrugger muscles.

If you need to self-massage these, then wrap an arm around yourself to touch the top inside corner of your opposite shoulder blade. Press on the knots and roll back and forth with your fingers. Or place a ball between your shoulder and a wall to dig deep into these trigger points.

A lot of emotions are held within our chest region, as this is where the heart chakra lies. Therefore, its very important to love and not neglect this part of our bodies.

In fact, when your body is seated with rounded shoulders for long periods of time, the pectoralis major muscles collapse and grow tight. This can potentially cause shortness of breath or pain in the front of the shoulder and down the inside of the arm.

To self-massage these muscles, run your fingers or knuckles just below your collarbone from the center outward. Try to move away from the space where you feel a pulse. Or, while standing, pin a ball between your chest and the wall with your arm outstretched to roll out this area.

Now we know this part of our bodies can get really sore. You need to self-massage this area gently.

If youre standing at a counter or at a desk without your core engaged, you may feel pain in your lower back or buttocks. The source could be a trigger point in your quadratus lumborum, two muscles that sit on either side of your spine between your pelvis and your lowest rib.

Try to self-massage by lying on the floor with your knees bent. Secure the ball on your lower back and gently roll over tender spots.

We hold a significant amount of muscle tension and soreness in our buttocks.

Often the pain in your lower back is emanating from trigger points in your buttocks. To get into the meaty gluteus maximus muscles, sit on a ball and roll in all directions.

Try to self-massage by leaning back to roll just below the hip bone. For more pressure, prop the foot to the side you are rolling out on the opposite knee (figure four position).

If you allow your body to stress and hold too much tension in the calves, then you will cause the muscles in your feet to knot up. Its important you take time to self-massage by pressing your fingersinto the arch of your foot.

You can also self-massage by rolling on a golf ball youve chilled in the freezer. If left untreated, these knots can lead to a type of tendinitis in the foot called plantar fasciitis.

We store a lot of emotional stress in our feet too, which is why going barefoot on some grass or in your garden really helps us ground and relax. Give it a try.

And if youre fortunate enough to have a partner then communicate with them. Learn to give each other massages, because its not always ideal to self-massage. Besides, its good to help relax one another. Giving a massage isnt just a nice thing to do; it can also decrease anxiety for the giver.

If you are going to give each other a massage then make sure you get feedback from your partner or housemate. You dont want to be too aggressive or too gentle. Start by asking, Do you want more pressure or less? Massage experts recommend using broad strokes with the palm of your hand and moving in one direction. But ideally, you want to move toward the heart. Its also a plus to add a drop of lotion or oil to your hands to improve glide.

Gritty strength is probably the one most important character traits we need to develop right now. 2020 has by far been one of the most trying and challenging years of them all. Find out how to focus on developing grit.

Knead those knots away. Washington Post. https://www.washingtonpost.com/graphics/2020/lifestyle/wellness/how-to-give-a-massage/

Stress Management: Doing Progressive Muscle Relaxation. Michigan Medicine. https://www.uofmhealth.org/health-library/uz2225

See original here:
How To Self-Massage To Relieve Muscle Tension And Stress - Longevity LIVE

How AI is uncovering the ‘dark matter of nutrition’ – World Economic Forum

The COVID-19 pandemic didnt just transform how we work and communicate. It also accelerated the need for more proactive health measures for chronic health problems tied to diet. Such problems have emerged as a top risk factor for coronavirus and people with poor metabolic health accounted for half of COVID-19 hospitalizations in some regions around the world. The resulting high numbers led the authors of a report in The Lancet to issue a call for more resources to tackle metabolic health to avoid needless deaths.

Thankfully, new tools have been developed to offer comprehensive understanding of nutrition. This expertise and technology wont just help us tackle metabolic health it could help us finally fully realize the power of plants to improve health and wellness outcomes.

The first global pandemic in more than 100 years, COVID-19 has spread throughout the world at an unprecedented speed. At the time of writing, 4.5 million cases have been confirmed and more than 300,000 people have died due to the virus.

As countries seek to recover, some of the more long-term economic, business, environmental, societal and technological challenges and opportunities are just beginning to become visible.

To help all stakeholders communities, governments, businesses and individuals understand the emerging risks and follow-on effects generated by the impact of the coronavirus pandemic, the World Economic Forum, in collaboration with Marsh and McLennan and Zurich Insurance Group, has launched its COVID-19 Risks Outlook: A Preliminary Mapping and its Implications - a companion for decision-makers, building on the Forums annual Global Risks Report.

The report reveals that the economic impact of COVID-19 is dominating companies risks perceptions.

Companies are invited to join the Forums work to help manage the identified emerging risks of COVID-19 across industries to shape a better future. Read the full COVID-19 Risks Outlook: A Preliminary Mapping and its Implications report here, and our impact story with further information.

We know that plants are critical for health, but do not fully understand why. Humans have not mapped the breadth of what plants offer, nor have we pinpointed the specific biological mechanisms of action triggered in our bodies when we eat them. This knowledge gap exists at the molecular level, with a need to understand how phytonutrients tiny plant molecules with anti-inflammatory, cardioprotective and neuroprotective properties work in our bodies. In fact, the scientific community refers to the vast world of phytonutrients as the dark matter of nutrition because less than 1% of these molecules have been catalogued to date. The opportunity to learn more about phytonutrients and further tangibly connect their impact to health is massive.

Technologies, such as Artificial Intelligence, are helping researchers learn more about the biological connections between plants and humans. For instance, Brightseed has created a powerful artificial intelligence called Forager, which coupled with advanced metabolomics instrumentation, systematically identifies unknown plant compounds and predicts their likely roles in human health. Thus far, the technology has predicted beneficial phytonutrients for many important health conditions.

Recently, in collaboration with leading biomedical researchers, Brightseed discovered a powerful phytonutrient with the potential to improve metabolic health. This phytonutrient helps restore proper function of a central metabolic regulator, including maintaining healthy lipid and sugar levels in the bloodstream and key organs such as the liver, whose function is impaired by a poor diet. Brightseed will start clinical studies on this phytonutrient before the end of this year.

The impact of this discovery could be wide reaching and have profound implications for more than two billion people worldwide at elevated risk of chronic metabolic diseases. Elevated levels of fat in the liver (which are directly caused by chronic overeating) afflict between 25% and 30% of the global population. These individuals with fatty liver disease are 57% more likely to die prematurely and much more like to develop other debilitating metabolic diseases, including diabetes. The discovery of this phytonutrient is a glimpse into the positive change deeper nutritional understanding could bring.

Just as 1918 pandemic led to creation of the modern medicine industry, we now are at a similar tipping point with nutrition, on the precipice of developing a much more complete understanding of how plants are connected to human health.

The first step is improving our foundational knowledge. In the U.S., there is a broad-based effort among leading academic, non-profit and industry stakeholders to create a National Institute of Nutrition (NIN) to accelerate nutrition science and uncover the role of human nutrition in improving public health and reducing disease. The NIN, similar to institutes that exist in other countries, can support and incentivize higher-quality, more rigorous nutrition research at the molecular level. This research will provide a stronger foundation for nutrition recommendations and guidelines, which is essential to developing consensus in both the scientific and consumer communities.

The second step is a mindset shift. Modern food and agricultural systems have largely focused on - and solved - the problem of food insufficiency. However, preventable diet-driven chronic diseases have emerged instead. We need to pivot from merely increasing the supply of food to leveraging technologies that can help improve the nutritional quality of what we consume.

"We need to pivot from merely increasing the supply of food to leveraging technologies that can help improve the nutritional quality of what we consume."

Healthier food options can be the center of a new proactive health industry and provide the food industry the opportunity to make important contributions to health and longevity, while benefiting economically from the capture of existing healthcare investment that currently is directed to treating chronic disease. Our current treatment-focused healthcare system is increasingly unaffordable and poorly suited to addressing the needs of individuals at heightened risk of developing chronic diseases that are largely preventable through lifestyle modifications, especially those related to diet.

No changes will be possible without forging new collaborations between public and private entities. Through cooperation we can develop more nutritious options and greatly influence policy change. Partnerships are also how well create a more nourished world and maximize our impact.

For the first time, we have the tools to explore the plant kingdom at the molecular level and answer questions such as How does what we eat really affect us? or How can food become medicine?

Technology is exponentially improving our understanding of how plants are connected to health. Together, we can goal shift the healthcare model from one squarely focused on treatment of disease to one that promotes health and natural resilience.

Read the original:
How AI is uncovering the 'dark matter of nutrition' - World Economic Forum

White sneakers that won’t get ruined on their first use – CNN

Without fail, my wardrobe gets one major criticism from friends, family, loved ones and nosy house guests: Why do you need so many pairs of white sneakers?

Ive counted 15 pairs of white sneakers in my closet. And if you think thats a lot, heres a tidbit: I owned even more a few months ago, prior to moving out of the country and being forced to wisely pick and choose footwear.

The simple answer to the question is: You dont need that many white sneakers, but theyre a difficult product to vet before buying. Options may seem well and good online or even in the store, but after a month of wearing them, they get dirty beyond recognition or you realize that theyre too uncomfortable to wear on a daily basis. As someone whose main sartorial statement is white sneakers, I tend to go through a lot of pairs, only to settle for a few that actually stand the test of time.

Allbirds Wool Runners PHOTO: Allbirds

See, for the uninitiated in the sneaker world, every white sneaker may seem the same. But the truth is, there are huge discrepancies across brands, styles, materials and construction that make some pairs more attractive than others. Breathability, longevity, comfort and overall style have to be considered before you buy just any plain old white sneaker.

Its why all three factors were in the selection of the six pairs below. Each have been worn for at least a year, with many being worn well beyond that time frame. Additionally, all of the footwear on our list has gone through some sort of cleaning cycle, whether through a machine wash or through hand cleaning, depending on the materials. (Pro tip: Baking soda and water usually do the trick, but if you want to be buttoned up, Jason Markk makes a handy shoe cleaning kit thats worth checking out).

The result? All six of these footwear options surpassed expectations when it came to durability (both in terms of construction and overall color), ease of cleaning and aesthetic.

Adidas Stan Smith Shoes ($80 for women; adidas.com and $80 for men; adidas.com)

There are reasons why Stan Smiths have been in the fashion zeitgeist the past few decades: Theyre equal parts fashion-forward, comfortable and long-lasting. Its no surprise they ended up being our absolute favorites.

Where the Stan Smiths truly impress is their level of durability. After 18-plus months of wearing, Im continuously amazed by their ability to hold up. While the toes and the soles have scuff marks here and there, to the naked eye, it only looks like a few months worth of wear and tear instead of a few years worth. More noteworthy is the fact that unlike other leather sneakers that Ive owned, theres no noticeable cracking on the surface.

Adidas Stan Smiths Shoes PHOTO: Adidas

No sneaker is without its flaws, however. As someone with particularly high arches and therefore subject to an excruciating break-in period on most shoes I found that these dont have as much support as some of the other options on this list. Youll want to break the shoes in before you start clocking serious miles with them.

However, the biggest issue Ive noticed over the past months is that this design lacks ventilation holes, especially compared with the other options on our list. As a result, my feet can feel overheated, especially during the warmer seasons. While these two issues are ones Im willing to accept for the benefit of the shoes longevity, if youre looking for a more summer-friendly shoe, Id suggest you scope out the breathable options below.

Cole Haan Generation Zerogrand Stitchlite ($120; colehaan.com, zappos.com, nordstrom.com)

Cole Haan Generation Zerogrand Stitchlite

After selling nearly 3 million pairs of its Zerogrand sneakers, its safe to say that Cole Haan has design down when it comes to footwear.

The Generation Stitchlite comes with the brands signature sole support and comfort, something that proves to be a real godsend when you break in your shoes. The Stitchlite, in particular, ups the ante by providing a springy arched outsole, as with as comfortable insoles that help mimic the motions of the human foot.

This hasnt gone unnoticed during my time wearing them. Among the biggest benefits of these shoes is how quickly they have conformed to my feets natural curvature and shape. While Id by no means place them in the performance category, its worth noting that their shock absorption wont take a toll on your feet during long walks or a hectic day of errands.

Cole Haan Generation Zerogrand Stitchlite PHOTO: Cole Haan

In many ways, I treat them as slip-on sneakers (thanks to their innovative lacing system and stretchy material, which makes them easy to pop on and run out of the door). They also happen to be among the brands lightest sneakers to date, with a perforated, stitched design that makes them completely breathable. Plus, I find the perforated detailing an on-trend addition to my athleisure outfits, and it gives more texture to an otherwise boring sweatshirt and leggings combo.

Rothys The Sneaker ($125; rothys.com)

For those who want a real slip-on sneaker (as opposed to the aforementioned Cole Haan pair that acts like one), its hard to beat the comfort, look and feel of Rothys The Sneaker. Its the comfiest slip-on shoe Ive ever owned, period. Scratch that, its the comfiest shoe Ive ever owned.

This is due in large part to its soft-to-the touch, moisture-wicking fabric. Unlike its canvas counterparts, Rothys The Sneaker isnt made with tough materials that lead to blisters and scratches. Theres no need for band aids or insoles when you break in these shoes. Heck, theres no need for socks, either. I find theyre completely comfortable straight from the box. Plus, it gets bonus points for the fact that its insoles are crafted from recycled water bottles.

These also happen to be among the rare group of white sneakers I own that can stand up to a wash cycle, so long as you pop out the insoles and wash them both on a cold cycle (and air dry after). The color stays relatively vibrant.

Even more impressive is the fact that after a year and a half of constant use, both the soles and the insoles are perfectly intact. If I retire these shoes before the two-year mark, Id be shocked. Thats saying something.

Allbirds Wool Runners ($95; allbirds.com)

Many of us are making conscious strides to be eco-friendlier. We take reusable bags to the grocery store, carpool as often as we can and invest in brands that are doing social and environmental good in the world. Allbirds is no exception.

The company utilizes materials from a variety of ethically sound and environmentally friendly sources, including Merino wool from sheep farmers who are held to high standards of land practices and animal welfare.

Among its most popular sustainably sourced designs are its Wool Runners. These machine-washable sneakers are crafted from renewable materials, as well as moisture- and odor-wicking fabrics that make it possible to wear them without the constant need for socks (although I still suggest opting for no-show socks with these shoes).

Allbirds Wool Runners PHOTO: Allbirds

Theres no denying the comfort and cool factor that come with these shoes. And since all white sneakers get dirty (its an unfortunate fact of life), its amazing to have the ability to throw them in a wash cycle instead of scrubbing them with a toothbrush.

However, while I love the look and feel of my Allbirds, Id say proceed with caution: Ive noticed the wool loses its luster after multiple wash cycles. So, to prevent that, Id advise against wearing these where you could get them particularly dirty and need to throw them in the wash over and over again (festivals, trail walks, you name it).

Superga Cotu Sneaker ($48.75, originally $65; zappos.com or $64.92; amazon.com or $65; anthropologie.com)

The overall quality of the materials of the Superga Cotu Sneakers is immediately noticeable. This design features a cotton unlined canvas upper, a rubber sole for added traction and a very-on trend platform thats about an inch high. The canvas, in particular, strikes the ideal balance between durable and comfortable, and the sole is by far the grippiest of the designs on this list. And thanks to the elevated platform, most of the scuffs and marks are concentrated at the sole of the shoe, rather than becoming noticeable blemishes on its most visible areas, like the toe.

Superga Cotu Sneaker PHOTO: Anthropologie

The biggest selling points include its roomy design thats ideal for those with wider feet (aka, me) as well as a refined, simple aesthetic that Ive found elevates my classic jeans-and-tee errands outfits.

And while these are relatively easy to spot clean and then throw into the wash, shoppers should keep in mind that canvas tends to show its age. While still durable, these sneakers may not stand the test of time in the same ways that the Stan Smith do.

Greats Royale Knit ($119; greats.com)

Im a big proponent of knit sneakers. This is all thanks to their flexibility and pliability that makes them a more comfortable alternative (especially for those with wider feet) to leather options.

During warmer months, I swap my Stan Smiths with the Greats Royale Knit, which are much more breathable. You wont feel overheated or uncomfortable running or walking miles in them. Plus, styling them with practically any outfit is a breeze.

They can take a beating and come out of the wash looking brand new. Its everything youd want in a pair of shoes youre wearing seven days a week.

Like Rothys, the Greats Royale Knits are also made responsibly, and are crafted from 100% vegan, recycled plastic (one pair helps eliminate seven plastic bottles from the ocean). And like many of the knit options here, theyre incredibly comfortable to wear, although youll definitely need to wear socks with them. While they could benefit from extra support, I find its enough to help me get through an entire day on my feet.

The biggest benefit is the fact that these shoes are machine washable and that the fabric doesnt hold onto stains as much as others on our list. If you get caught in a shower or accidentally step into a muddy puddle, as I have done on multiple occasions, theres not much to worry about.

Best of all, $15 from every sale is being donated to the NAACP.

Note: The prices above reflect the retailers listed price at the time of publication.

View original post here:
White sneakers that won't get ruined on their first use - CNN

Ingredient Spotlight: Reishi Mushroom, a Superfood that Helps Everything from Your Heart and Blood Pressure to Immunity – One Green Planet

Reishi mushroom is all over the health world. Most likely, youve seen it stamped across a tin of mysterious superfood powder in the health aisle or listed as an ingredient in your new tincture or elixir. So, whats up with reishi mushroom and why is it so friggin popular?

Well, obviously, reishi mushroom is well a mushroom, but it happens to be one thats got quite a long lineage. In fact, reishi mushroom has been noted in ancient and alternative medicines thousands of years old. This fungi has some powerful health benefits and also happens to be high in those body-loving antioxidants.

Lets take a deep dive into this wonderful ingredient!


Alright, reishi mushroom is a mushroom, but where does it come from and how are you supposed to consume it?

Reishi mushrooms referred to asGanoderma lucidum are most commonly used in Eastern medicines and have been used in traditional medicine practices for more than 2,000 years. As popular as these mushrooms have become in the western world, theyre actually quite rare, growing at the base of deciduous trees, preferring various hot and humid locations in Asia.

As is similar to most plant-based foods, reishi mushrooms contain dietary fiber and various minerals, vitamins, and amino acids, yet what makes these little fungi so special is there high content of polysaccharides, peptides, and triterpenoids, which may be linked to their positive health effects. The most common way of consuming reishi mushroom is in powder form, a dried mushroom that is ground into a powder as well as in supplements, but you can also find reishi mushroom in teas, herbal tonics, elixirs, and tinctures. Of course, if you can get your hand on safely foraged, cleansed, and packagedreishi mushroom, then you can actually consume the mushroom itself.

Theres a reason our forebearers relied on reishi mushroom for many of their alternative medicines. Theres also a good reason why its had a resurgence in the western world. This mushroom is used in superfood mixes and health-boosting tinctures and elixirs due to its powerful health benefits. From giving your immune system and energy supply a boost to increasing heart health and leveling blood sugar levels, reishi mushroom pretty much does it all.

While human studies are limited, there are a few to note that illuminate the positive health powers of this mushroom!

When it comes to boosting your immune system, there are a few studies that have shown how reishi mushroom effects white blood cells, which are critical parts of your immune system.

A study performed in the School of Basic Medical Sciences at Peking University Health Science Center entitledCellular and molecular mechanisms of immuno-modulation by Ganoderma lucidum the scientific name for reishi mushroom found that the immuno-modulating effects of G. lucidum polysaccharides were extensive, including promoting the function of antigen-presenting cells, mononuclear phygocyte system, humoral immunity, and cellular immunity.

On top of that, another study performed at Clemson University here in the U.S. entitled The effects of two different ganoderma species (Lingzhi) on gene expression in human monocytic THP-1 cells found that some forms of reishi may alter inflammation pathways in white blood cells.

With that said, its important to note that both of these studies were performed on those that were already ill. While more research is necessary to substantiate the claim that reishi mushroom boosts the immune system of healthy people, its obvious that the natural agents in the mushroom have a positive effect on those immune system-crucial white blood cells.

The anti-cancer properties of reishi mushroom was slightly touched upon in the studies performed on the immune system, yet theres definitely more to the story.In fact, there are several non-human, test-tube studiesthat have shown that [reishi mushroom consumption] can lead to the death of cancer cells.

The most aggressive evidence for reishis cancer-fighting properties was done in a study at the Hiroshima University Hospital in the Department of Endoscopy entitledA water-soluble extract from culture medium of Ganoderma lucidum mycelia suppresses the development of colorectal adenomas.The study looked at reishis role in preventing or fighting colorectal cancer and found that one year of treatment with reishi decreased the number and size of tumors in the large intestine.

Studies have also found that reishi mushroom may have overall positive benefits for cancer patients including increasing the activity of the bodys white blood cells, which help fight cancer, and improving quality of life in cancer patients.

While reishi mushroom isnt necessarily proven toboost energyit has been well documented to have fatigue-fighting effects.There are two studies in particular that show the fatigue-fighting effects of this mushroom.

The first study performed at the New Zealand Institute of Natural Medicine Research entitled A randomized, double-blind and placebo-controlled study of a Ganoderma lucidum polysaccharide extract in neurasthenia, examined [reishi mushrooms] effects in 132 people with neurasthenia, a poorly defined condition associated with aches, pains, dizziness, headaches and irritability and found that fatigue was reduced and well-being was improved after [eight] weeks of taking the supplements.

The second study performed at theThird Affiliated Hospital of Harbin Medical University entitledSpore Powder of Ganoderma lucidum Improves Cancer-Related Fatigue in Breast Cancer Patients Undergoing Endocrine Therapy: A Pilot Clinical Trial found that fatigue was reduced and quality of life was improved after [four] weeks of taking reishi powder in a group of 48 breast cancer survivors.

Cardiovascular health is one of those burgeoning issues that were finding is linked to a variety of other health concerns. Therefore, its more important than ever to make sure youre keeping your heart as healthy as possible!

A small 26-person, a 12-week study performed by the Department of Medicine and Therapeutics at the Chinese University of Hong Kong entitled Study of potential cardioprotective effects of Ganoderma lucidum found that reishi mushroom may increase good HDL cholesterol and decrease triglycerides a type of fat (lipid) found in your blood that are used as energy both of which are indicators of overall heart disease risk.

Blood sugar is linked to a variety of health issues and is also a large indicator of diabetes risk. Much like heart health, its incredibly important to keep blood sugar levels balanced, level, and healthy.

A few studies have shown that reishi mushroom may contain molecules that decrease blood sugar. The human-based studies are preliminary, yet one study published in theInternational Journal of Medicinal Mushroomsdid find some effects of blood sugar regulation in humans.

While a few studies are promising, far more research is necessary to really unravel the mysterious connection between reishi mushroom and blood sugar control.


While reishi mushroom is known for its health benefits, its also a mushroom meaning its got a toxic component to it, and its known for some unwanted side effects including a few non-urgent such as an upset stomach, skin rashes, and nausea and some very urgent such as liver damage and liver toxicity, chronic diarrhea, blood stool, and nose bleeds.

The issue arises that most of the human-based evidence for reishi mushroom centers around traditional medicine records that are thousands of years old. This makes dosage a bit of a difficult hurdle.

For instance, the Susan G. Komen Foundation notes that reishi mushroom extract is possibly safe for up to [one] year when a person takes it orally. On the other hand, taking powdered reishi mushroom for longer than [one] month may be toxic to the liver. When it comes to dosage, it all depends on the specific product and, of course, your individual bodily needs. Yet, with the risk of liver toxicity, its incredibly important to make sure youre taking this mushroom correctly.

The best way to moderate your reishi mushroom intake is to team up with a health professional of your choosing, whether thats an herbalist, naturopath, dietitian or nutritionist, or your medical doctor. Not only will these professionals be able to moderate how the substance is affecting your body, but they can also be a guide to help you with any challenges your face with reishi mushroom.

Alright, youve spoken with your medical professional and gotten the go-ahead to give reishi mushroom a try, so no what? When looking for a product, first decide how you want to consume the mushroom. Are you a protein shake junkie? Is a simple supplement the easiest? Do you want to give a tincture or elixir a whirl? Once you figure out the method, make sure to look for products that have been certified with care such as certified USDA organic, non-GMO project verified, and, of course, vegan!

Four Sigmatic Reishi Mushroom Elixir/Amazon.com

Four Sigmatic happens to be one of the leading health food supplements when it comes to getting those mysterious and powerful mushrooms into your body safely! This Four Sigmatic Reishi Mushroom Elixir provides a 1,500-milligram dose of organic reishi mushroom to support sleep and promote stress relief. This unique blend incorporates the adaptogen tulsi for stress relief and rose hips and mint for a bit of delightful flavor. This product is vegan, keto, and Whole30-friendly, certified USDA organic, sources its ingredients from natural farms or wild harvesting and is free of carriers, fillers, artificial flavors. One 20-count box costs $21.80.

Micro Ingredients Sustainably US Grown Organic Reishi Mushroom Powder/Amazon.com

If you absolutely love those east-to-make and on-the-go shakes packed with nutrients and energy, then powder reishi is definitely the way to go! This Micro Ingredients Sustainably US Grown Organic Reishi Mushroom Powder offers a 100:1 extract to support a strong cardiovascular system, boost energy endurance, and aid in stress relief. This product is sustainably grown here in the U.S., is certified USDA organic, non-GMO, and contains no additives, preservatives, fillers, or artificial colors. Along with being vegan, this product is also gluten-free! An 8-ounce package costs $23.95.

New Chapter Reishi Mushroom Supplement/Amazon.com

Supplements are probably the easiest way to go when youre trying to get all the nutrients necessary for a healthy body! You can pop them in your purse, hide them in a medicine cabinet, and travel easy. This New Chapter Reishi Mushroom Supplement is not only organic but also 100 percent certified vegan, non-GMO project verified, certified kosher, and gluten-free. This reishi blend aims to support healthy aging by maintaining vitality, longevity, and wellness. A 60-count bottle costs $17.09.

Herb Pharm Reishi Mushroom Liquid Extract Immune System Builder/Amazon.com

Tinctures are a great way to receive a potent dose of those hard to get ingredients that you cant quite cook with. With that said, its always a good idea to be on the lookout for unsafe tinctures, as theyre not highly regulated by the government. This Herb Pharm Reishi Mushroom Liquid Extract Immune System Builder is created by highly-trusted, Oregon-based Herb Pharm, known for their high-quality products. This product is vegan-friendly, certified USDA organic, gluten-free, and non-GMO. The liquid tincture allows for rapid absorption into the body and focuses specifically on building the strength of your immune system. A 1-ounce bottle costs $14.05.

Traditional Medicinals Organic Reishi Mushroom with Rooibos & Orange Peel Herbal Tea/Amazon.com

One of the most popular ways to consume reishi mushroom is via a beverage. Tea is a comforting ritual that you can integrate into your daily routine as a moment of reflection, peace, or simple relaxation. This Traditional Medicinals Organic Reishi Mushroom with Rooibos & Orange Peel Herbal Tea supports the immune system through a blend of sun-kissed citrus earthy notes. This product is non-GMO verified, certified organic, kosher, and caffeine-free. Go bulk with this one! A 6-box pack (16 tea bags apiece) costs only $25.81.

We also highly recommend downloading ourFood Monster App, which is available foriPhone, and can also be found onInstagramandFacebook. The app has more than 15,000 plant-based, allergy-friendly recipes, and subscribers gain access to new recipes every day. Check it out! For more Vegan Food, Health, Recipe, Animal, and Life content published daily, dont forget to subscribe to theOne Green Planet Newsletter! Being publicly-funded gives us a greater chance to continue providing you with high-quality content. Pleasesupport us!

Read more:
Ingredient Spotlight: Reishi Mushroom, a Superfood that Helps Everything from Your Heart and Blood Pressure to Immunity - One Green Planet

NeoGenomics Reports Revenue of $87 Million in the Second Quarter amid COVID-19 Pandemic – Stockhouse

Second-Quarter 2020 Results and Highlights:

FORT MYERS, FL / ACCESSWIRE / July 28, 2020 / NeoGenomics, Inc. (NASDAQ:NEO) (the "Company"), a leading provider of cancer-focused genetics testing services, today announced its second-quarter results for the period ended June 30, 2020.

"As expected, second quarter financial results were challenging due to the global COVID-19 crisis, which reduced both revenue and earnings," said Douglas M. VanOort, Chairman and CEO of NeoGenomics.

"Even in the midst of this pandemic, we made several strategic moves and invested in our business. We fortified our balance sheet with a successful offering of both common stock and convertible securities, we strategically invested in Inivata for access to liquid biopsy and minimal residual disease testing capabilities, we launched a suite of liquid biopsy tests, we moved forward with investments to further globalize our Pharma Services business, and we built and operationalized a high-capacity COVID-19 testing laboratory. We believe these investments will deliver both near-term and long-term growth, and that we exited the second quarter in a stronger competitive position for the future."

Second-Quarter Results

Consolidated revenue for the second quarter of 2020 was $87 million, a decrease of 14% over the same period in 2019. Clinical Services revenue decreased year-over-year by 17% to $74 million driven by a clinical test volume(1) decrease of 18%. Average revenue per clinical test ("revenue per test") remained stable at $351. Pharma Services revenue grew by 3% to $13 million compared to the second quarter of 2019, primarily due to the January 10, 2020 acquisition of the Oncology Division assets of Human Longevity, Inc. ("HLI - Oncology"). While disruptions in volume stemming from the COVID-19 pandemic reduced growth in both Divisions, there was steady improvement throughout the quarter.

Gross profit was $28.0 million, a decline of 42.8%, compared to the second quarter of 2019. This reduction was the result of the combined effect of lower test volume due to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and our decision to retain employees.

Operating expenses increased by $2 million, or 5%, compared to the second quarter of 2019, reflecting investments in informatics, growth initiatives and costs associated with the integration of HLI - Oncology.

Net loss for the quarter was $7 million compared to net income of $2 million for the second quarter of 2019.

Adjusted EBITDA(2) was negative $7 million for the quarter compared to positive $15 million in the second quarter of 2019. Adjusted Net (Loss) Income(2) was a loss of $4 million compared to income of $7 million in the second quarter of 2019.

Cash and cash equivalents, including restricted cash, was $331 million and days sales outstanding ("DSO") was 92 days at the end of the second quarter of 2020 due to the impact of COVID-19 and the distribution of revenue.

(1) Clinical tests exclude requisitions, tests, revenue and costs for Pharma Services and COVID-19 Polymerase Chain Reaction ("PCR") tests.

(2) The Company has provided adjusted financial information that has not been prepared in accordance with GAAP, including Adjusted EBITDA, Adjusted Net (Loss) Income, and Adjusted Diluted EPS. Each of these measures is defined in the section of this report entitled "Use of Non-GAAP Financial Measures." See also the tables reconciling such measures to their closest GAAP equivalent.

Conference Call

The Company has scheduled a webcast and conference call to discuss their first quarter results on Tuesday, July 28, 2020 at 8:30 AM EDT. Interested investors should dial (844) 602-0380 (domestic) and (862) 298-0970 (international) at least five minutes prior to the call. A replay of the conference call will be available until 8:30 AM EDT on August 11, 2020, and can be accessed by dialing (877) 481-4010 (domestic) and (919) 882-2331 (international). The playback conference ID Number is 35578. The webcast may be accessed under the Investor Relations section of our website at http://www.neogenomics.com. An archive of the webcast will be available until 08:30 AM EDT on October 28, 2020.

About NeoGenomics, Inc.

NeoGenomics, Inc. specializes in cancer genetics testing and information services. The Company provides one of the most comprehensive oncology-focused testing menus in the world for physicians to help them diagnose and treat cancer. The Company's Pharma Services Division serves pharmaceutical clients in clinical trials and drug development.

Headquartered in Fort Myers, FL, NeoGenomics operates CAP accredited and CLIA certified laboratories in Fort Myers and Tampa, Florida; Aliso Viejo, Carlsbad, Fresno and San Diego, California; Houston, Texas; Atlanta, Georgia; Nashville, Tennessee; and CAP accredited laboratories in Rolle, Switzerland, and Singapore. NeoGenomics serves the needs of pathologists, oncologists, academic centers, hospital systems, pharmaceutical firms, integrated service delivery networks, and managed care organizations throughout the United States, and pharmaceutical firms in Europe and Asia. For additional information about NeoGenomics, visit http://www.neogenomics.com/

Forward Looking Statements

Certain information contained in this press release constitutes forward-looking statements for purposes of the safe harbor provisions of The Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. These forward looking statements involve a number of risks and uncertainties that could cause actual future results to differ materially from those anticipated in the forward-looking statements as the result of the Company's ability to continue gaining new customers, respond to the effects of the COVID-19 outbreak, offer new types of tests, integrate its acquisitions and otherwise implement its business plan, as well as additional factors discussed under the heading "Risk Factors" and elsewhere in the Company's Annual Report on Form 10-K filed with the SEC on February 28, 2020. As a result, this press release should be read in conjunction with the Company's periodic filings with the SEC. In addition, it is the Company's practice to make information about the Company available by posting copies of its Company Overview Presentation from time to time on the Investor Relations section of its website at http://ir.neogenomics.com/.

Forward-looking statements represent the Company's estimates only as of the date such statements are made (unless another date is indicated) and should not be relied upon as representing the Company's estimates as of any subsequent date. While the Company may elect to update forward-looking statements at some point in the future, it specifically disclaims any obligation to do so, even if its estimates change.

For further information, please contact:

NeoGenomics, Inc.

William Bonello Director, Investor Relations (239) 690-4238 (w) (239) 284-4314 (m) bill.bonello@neogenomics.com



Cash and cash equivalents

Accounts receivable, net


Other current assets

Total current assets

Property and equipment (net of accumulated depreciation of $80,143 and $68,809 respectively)

Operating lease right-of-use assets

Intangible assets, net


Restricted cash, non-current

Prepaid lease asset

Investment in non-consolidated affiliate

Other assets



Accounts payable and other current liabilities

Short-term portion of financing obligations

Short-term portion of operating leases

Total current liabilities

Long-term portion of financing obligations

Long-term portion of operating leases

Convertible senior notes, net

Deferred income tax liability, net

Other long-term liabilities

Total long-term liabilities




NeoGenomics, Inc. CONDENSED CONSOLIDATED STATEMENTS OF OPERATIONS (Unaudited) (In thousands, except per share amounts)


Clinical Services

Pharma Services

Total revenue



Operating expenses:

General and administrative

Research and development

Sales and marketing

Total operating expenses


Interest expense, net

Other (income) expense, net

Loss on extinguishment of debt

Loss on termination of cash flow hedge

(Loss) income before taxes

Income tax (benefit) expense










Net loss

Adjustments to reconcile net income to net cash provided by operating activities:


Loss on disposal of assets

Loss on debt extinguishment

Loss on termination of cash flow hedge

Amortization of intangibles

Amortization of debt issue costs

Amortization of convertible debt discount

Non-cash stock-based compensation

Non-cash operating lease expense

Changes in assets and liabilities, net

Net cash (used in) provided by operating activities


Purchases of property and equipment

Business acquisition

Acquisition working capital adjustment

Investment in non-consolidated affiliate

Excerpt from:
NeoGenomics Reports Revenue of $87 Million in the Second Quarter amid COVID-19 Pandemic - Stockhouse

Patience to Pay Off in Japan for a Loyal Aide – Bloomberg

Yoshihide Suga is patient. The longest-serving chief cabinet secretary in Japanese history, hes been a loyal aide in Prime Minister Shinzo Abes government, managing his public messaging and smoothing over internal quarrels.

Eight years on, hes widely expectedto take over from Abe, who is stepping down for health reasons, with the ruling party picking a new leader on Monday.

Abes time in office provided a period of stability after years of leadership turnover, including his own previous, and brief, premiership in 2006-2007.

The son of farmers, Suga worked his way up through the party machinery, honing his negotiating tactics. Hes played an instrumental role in Abenomics, the premiers marquee economic policy.

As such, Suga is unlikely to substantially change direction. Hes being touted as a continuity candidate who will hew to Abes policies.

On some issues he may push less hard. Abe comes from a family of politicians, including his paternal grandfather and father. His maternal grandfather was prime minister. His hopes of rewriting Japans pacifist constitution were deeply personal. For Suga less so.

But he would still have to manage relationships with the U.S., China, Russia and South Korea. On foreign policy hes largely untested. There are tensions with Beijing and Seoul, especially over Japans wartime past. Suga would need to engage with whoever wins the U.S. election, including on trade.

And its unclear if, at 71, hes seen as a bridging premier, or someone with longevity. With the economy struggling under the pandemic, and structural problems with an aging society and dwindling labor force, Japan can ill-afford a return to leadership uncertainty.

Abegestures atSuga during a news conference in Tokyo on May 4.

Photographer: Eugene Hoshiko/AP

Click herefor Bloombergs most compelling political images from the past week. Tell us how were doing or what were missing atbalancepower@bloomberg.net.

China pitch, 2.0 | President Donald Trump is reviving his 2016 campaign playbook on attacking China, but running as the incumbent means defending a record of limited success in rewriting the economic relationship with Beijing. As Jenny Leonard reports, much of what the Trump team has laid out sounds like campaign promises made four years ago.

Campaign 2020

There are 53 days until the election. Heres the latest on the race for control of the White House and Congress.

Trump and his Democratic rival, Joe Biden, will signal today that their paths to the White House run through Pennsylvania, as both commemorate the anniversary of the Sept. 11 attacks near the town of Shanksville, where one of the hijacked planes crashed in 2001.

Other developments:

Sign up to receive daily election updates as a direct mobile notification on Twitter. Simply click on this link and like the tweet.

Talks fray | The British government rebuffed a European Union request to scrap a plan to re-write their divorce accord after the bloc gave a three-week ultimatum to do so and threatened legal action. The dispute risks jeopardizing efforts to secure a trade deal by Dec. 31 if theres no agreement by then it will trigger tariffs and snarl commerce with extra paperwork at the border.

High stakes | India and China pledged to de-escalate tensions along their disputed Himalayan border after their foreign ministers met yesterdayfor the first time since May, when the stand-off began. The nations have been increasing troop strength along the 3,488-kilometer Line of Actual Control for months and this week the first shots were fired since 1975 an indication multiple rounds of talks have done little to lower the temperature.

Election strategy | With opposition leader Alexey Navalny hit by a near-fatal poisoning, President Vladimir Putin faces a key test of support in Russian regional elections starting today. The three-day ballot, a prelude to 2021 parliamentary elections, is also a showcase for a smart voting campaign promoted by Navalny before he fell ill. It encourages voters in individual areas to back the politician most likely to defeat the ruling United Russia partys candidate.

Corruption probe | Lawmakers in Peru will vote today on whether to start impeachment proceedings against President Martin Vizcarra after the release of tapes of him discussing a minor graft case. Prosecutors are investigating allegations that a singer used contacts in the presidential palace to obtain contracts worth about $50,000, despite lacking experience.

Less than a week after Serbia agreed to move its embassy in Israel to Jerusalem by July as part of a deal with Kosovo brokered by Trump, the Balkan nations president has cast doubts on the plan.

French President Emmanuel Macron is meeting his government today to plan how to curb a surge in coronavirus infections almost 10,000 new cases yesterday without harming a fragile economic rebound.

Pop quiz, readers (no cheating!). Which Disney live-action remake is under pressure for filming in a sensitive region? Send your answer to balancepower@bloomberg.net.

And finally ... The newest Covid-19 vaccine candidate to start human testing is the first where volunteers wont get a painful injection. Instead, theyll receive a spray through the nose. The Chinese-made vaccine joins about 35 other candidates currently in human testing, as the global race to be first with an effective weapon against the deadly pathogen intensifies. Some scientists hope a vaccine that gets sprayed through the nose may have a better chance of stopping the spread of the virus through respiratory tracts.

A woman receives an H1N1 flu nasal spray vaccination in December 2009 in San Francisco.

Photographer: Justin Sullivan/Getty Images North America

With assistance by Karl Maier, Kathleen Hunter, Anthony Halpin, and Isabel Reynolds

Original post:
Patience to Pay Off in Japan for a Loyal Aide - Bloomberg

Dr. Keith Whitfield appointed new president of UNLV – KTNV Las Vegas

The Nevada System of Higher Education (NSHE) Board of Regents voted to appoint Dr. Keith Whitfield as UNLVs new president. He becomes UNLVs 11th permanent president and the first Black president in the universitys 63-year history.

Dr. Whitfield, currently the provost and senior vice president of academic affairs and a professor of psychology at Wayne State University in Detroit, will begin Aug. 24 and serve a 4-year contract.

Prior to his time at Wayne State University, Whitfield was vice provost for academic affairs at Duke University and held appointments as professor in the Department of Psychology and Neuroscience, research professor in the Department of Geriatric Medicine at Duke University Medical Center, and senior fellow at the Center for the Study of Aging and Human Development. He also was the co-director of the Center on Biobehavioral Health Disparities Research.

As provost of Wayne State University, Whitfield is responsible for faculty hiring, promotion and tenure, and budget and policies for faculty and staff. He is also responsible for student affairs, including student success, curriculum, housing and other student-related auxiliaries. Under his leadership, the university achieved remarkable gains in its graduation rate, increased overall enrollment, launched an innovation and entrepreneurship hub, and strengthened multiple business and philanthropic relationships.

An active administrator and researcher, Whitfield has authored or co-authored over 200 publications and has earned funding from the National Institutes of Health, National Institute on Aging (NIA), and the National Science Foundation. His current research focuses on the relationship between stress and longevity in African American families. Hes a member of the NIAs National Advisory Council on Aging.

Dr. Whitfield was one of four finalists who interviewed with UNLV students, faculty, employees, and community members since Monday. The ad hoc UNLV President Search Committee, made up of 29 members, including members of the Board of Regents, UNLV faculty, classified staff, students, and community stakeholders, recommended Dr. Whitfield for the job on Wednesday.

The search committee used in-person interviews and live-stream technology to ensure an inclusive and transparent search process, while conducting the search in consideration for the health and well-being of all those involved.

The son of a U.S. Air Force Lt. Colonel, Whitfield received a bachelors in psychology from the College of Santa Fe and masters and Ph.D. degrees in life span Developmental Psychology from Texas Tech University and did post-doctoral work in quantitative genetics at the University of Colorado, Boulder.

Read more:
Dr. Keith Whitfield appointed new president of UNLV - KTNV Las Vegas

Bats Can Survive Carrying Deadly Viruses, And We’re Starting to Figure Out How – ScienceAlert

Our collective pandemic experience has made us keenly aware that bats have an uncanny ability to carry around deadly viruses, but somehow still survive.

There is a lot we don't yet know about this enviable virus resistance - along with other bat abilities, such as extreme longevity - but new highly-detailed genome sequences may provide some clues.

"Thanks to a series of sophisticated statistical analyses we have started to uncover the genetics behind bats' 'superpowers,' including their strong apparent abilities to tolerate and overcome RNA viruses," said Stony Brook University evolutionary and conservation biologist Liliana Dvalos.

By comparing the genomes of six bat species with other mammal genomes, the researchers have found evidence that the immune systems of bats functions in a unique way to other mammals. And better understanding exactly how they fight off viruses could help us do the same.

These virus resisting superpowers have allowed bats to thrive in many environments around the world. They now make up 20 percent of all living mammal species, with over 1,400 identified bat species.

And despite their ability to carry germs, they play vital roles in our ecosystems.At least 500 plant species depend on bat pollination (like bananas, mangos, and agave), other plants depend on their poop, and some species keep insects in check (including pesky mosquitoes) by devouring them.

Understanding their resistance and its unfortunate virus-incubating side effect, could help us co-exist more safely.

Dvalos and colleagues sequenced and compared the genomes of six very different bat species: insectivorousRhinolophus ferrumequinum,Molossus molossus,Pipistrellus kuhliiandMyotis myotis, frugivorousRousettus aegyptiacusand omnivorousPhyllostomus discolor.

They then compared these with 42 other mammal genomes, allowing them to find the parts that differ in bats, and therefore identify the genetic instructions that code for unique bat traits.

As well as a strong evolution on hearing-related genes - likely connected to their incredible echolocation abilities - the team found bats have lost a family of mammalian genes involved in our immune system. These include some immune-stimulating inflammation genes associated with autoimmune diseases in humans.

Changes in another group of immunity genes called APOBEC were also seen. These genes have been lost, expanded or duplicated across different bat species. They create enzymes involved in blocking a virus's ability to insert its genes into their host genome - a critical part of the virus's ability to replicate.

"More and more, we find gene duplications and losses as important processes in the evolution of new features and functions across the Tree of Life," explained Dvalos.

Within the bat genome the team also found what we might think of as fossilsed viruses - old bits of virus genes that were inserted into the bat genome and then passed on through generations.

Humans have these fossil viruses too and they provide a record of viral infections through our evolutionary history, like a genetic memory.

The bat genome had a higher diversity of these virus fossils, and they revealed bats have survived viruses that were previously thought to only infect birds.

Taken together, these findings support growing evidence that bats can tolerate and survive viral infections better than most mammals, because their immune system works differently.

"Our reference-quality bat genomes provide the resources required to uncover andvalidate the genomic basis of adaptations of bats, and stimulate new avenues ofresearch that are directly relevant to human health and disease," the researchers wrote in their paper.

Maybe bats can one day share their antivirus superpowers with us as well as their germs.

This research was published in Nature.

Here is the original post:
Bats Can Survive Carrying Deadly Viruses, And We're Starting to Figure Out How - ScienceAlert

Longevity And Anti-Senescence Therapy Market Analysis, Trends, and Forecasts size- COVID-19 2023 – Cole of Duty

Theglobal longevity and anti-senescence therapies marketshould grow from $329.8 million in 2018 to $644.4 million by 2023 with a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 14.3% during 2018-2023.

Report Scope:

The scope of this report is broad and covers various therapies currently under trials in the global longevity and anti-senescence therapy market. The market estimation has been performed with consideration for revenue generation in the forecast years 2018-2023 after the expected availability of products in the market by 2023. The global longevity and anti-senescence therapy market has been segmented by the following therapies: Senolytic drug therapy, Gene therapy, Immunotherapy and Other therapies which includes stem cell-based therapies, etc.

Revenue forecasts from 2028 to 2023 are given for each therapy and application, with estimated values derived from the expected revenue generation in the first year of launch.

Request for Report Sample:https://www.trendsmarketresearch.com/report/sample/11698

The report also includes a discussion of the major players performing research or the potential players across each regional longevity and anti-senescence therapy market. Further, it explains the major drivers and regional dynamics of the global longevity and anti-senescence therapy market and current trends within the industry.

The report concludes with a special focus on the vendor landscape and includes detailed profiles of the major vendors and potential entrants in the global longevity and anti-senescence therapy market.

Report Includes:

71 data tables and 40 additional tables An overview of the global longevity and anti-senescence therapy market Analyses of global market trends, with data from 2017 and 2018, and projections of compound annual growth rates (CAGRs) through 2023 Country specific data and analysis for the United States, Canada, Japan, China, India, U.K., France, Germany, Spain, Australia, Middle East and Africa Detailed description of various anti-senescence therapies, such as senolytic drug therapy, gene therapy, immunotherapy and other stem cell therapies, and their influence in slowing down aging or reverse aging process

Coverage of various therapeutic drugs, devices and technologies and information on compounds used for the development of anti-ageing therapeutics A look at the clinical trials and expected launch of anti-senescence products Detailed profiles of the market leading companies and potential entrants in the global longevity and anti-senescence therapy market, including AgeX Therapeutics, CohBar Inc., PowerVision Inc., T.A. Sciences and Unity Biotechnology


Global longevity and anti-senescence therapy market deals in the adoption of different therapies and treatment options used to extend human longevity and lifespan. Human longevity is typically used to describe the length of an individuals lifetime and is sometimes used as a synonym for life expectancy in the demography. Anti-senescence is the process by which cells stop dividing irreversibly and enter a stage of permanent growth arrest, eliminating cell death. Anti-senescence therapy is used in the treatment of senescence induced through unrepaired DNA damage or other cellular stresses.

Global longevity and anti-senescence market will witness rapid growth over the forecast period (2018-2023) owing to an increasing emphasis on Stem Cell Research and an increasing demand for cell-based assays in research and development.

An increasing geriatric population across the globe and a rising awareness of antiaging products among generation Y and later generations are the major factors expected to promote the growth of global longevity and anti-senescence market. Factors such as a surging level of disposable income and increasing advancements in anti-senescence technologies are also providing traction to the global longevity and anti-senescence market growth over the forecast period (2018-2023).

According to the National Institutes of Health (NIH), the total geriatric population across the globe in 2016 was over REDACTED. By 2022, the global geriatric population (65 years and above) is anticipated to reach over REDACTED. An increasing geriatric population across the globe will generate huge growth prospectus to the market.

Senolytics, placenta stem cells and blood transfusions are some of the hot technologies picking up pace in the longevity and anti-anti-senescence market. Companies and start-ups across the globe such as Unity Biotechnology, Human Longevity Inc., Calico Life Sciences, Acorda Therapeutics, etc. are working extensively in this field for the extension of human longevity by focusing on study of genomics, microbiome, bioinformatics and stem cell therapies, etc. These factors are poised to drive market growth over the forecast period.

Global longevity and anti-senescence market is projected to rise at a CAGR of REDACTED during the forecast period of 2018 through 2023. In 2023, total revenues are expected to reach REDACTED, registering REDACTED in growth from REDACTED in 2018.

The report provides analysis based on each market segment including therapies and application. The therapies segment is further sub-segmented into Senolytic drug therapy, Gene therapy, Immunotherapy and Others. Senolytic drug therapy held the largest market revenue share of REDACTED in 2017. By 2023, total revenue from senolytic drug therapy is expected to reach REDACTED. Gene therapy segment is estimated to rise at the highest CAGR of REDACTED till 2023. The fastest growth of the gene therapy segment is due to the Large investments in genomics. For Instance; The National Human Genome Research Institute (U.S.) had a budget grant of REDACTED for REDACTED research projects in 2015, thus increasing funding to REDACTED for approximately REDACTED projects in 2016.

More Info of Impact [emailprotected]https://www.trendsmarketresearch.com/report/covid-19-analysis/11698

Original post:
Longevity And Anti-Senescence Therapy Market Analysis, Trends, and Forecasts size- COVID-19 2023 - Cole of Duty

Precision Medicine Software Market Is Slated To Grow Rapidly In The Forthcoming Years With Top Leading Players Syapse, Allscripts, Qiagen, Roper…

The Precision Medicine SoftwareMarketreport is one of the most comprehensive and important data about business strategies, qualitative and quantitative analysis of Global Market. It offers detailed research and analysis of key aspects of the Precision Medicine Software market. The market analysts authoring this report have provided in-depth information on leading growth drivers, restraints, challenges, trends, and opportunities to offer a complete analysis of the Precision Medicine Software market.

Global Precision Medicine Software Market is presented to the readers as a holistic snapshot of the competitive landscape within the given forecast period. It presents a comparative detailed analysis of the all regional and player segments, offering readers a better knowledge of where areas in which they can place their existing resources and gauging the priority of a particular region in order to boost their standing in the global market.

Request a sample of this premium research @:https://www.bigmarketresearch.com/request-sample/3619316?utm_source=Geeta-COD

Top Key Players Present in Global Precision Medicine Software Market Are:Syapse, Allscripts, Qiagen, Roper Technologies, Fabric Genomics, Foundation Medicine, Sophia Genetics, PierianDx, Human Longevity, Translational Software, Gene42, Inc, Lifeomic Health

Different leading key players have been profiled in this research report to get a clear idea of successful strategies carried out by top-level companies. On the basis of geographical segmentation, the global Precision Medicine Software Market has been fragmented across several regions such asNorth America, Latin America, Asia-Pacific, Africa, and Europe.This Market research report highlights those leading players who are planning to expand opportunities in the global market.

The Precision Medicine Software Market research report presents a comprehensive assessment of the market and contains thoughtful insights, facts, historical data and statistically-supported and industry-validated market data and projections with a suitable set of assumptions and methodology. It provides analysis and information by categories such as market segments, regions, and product type and distribution channels.

The Global Precision Medicine Software Market is gaining pace and businesses have started understanding the benefits of analytics in the present day highly dynamic business environment. The market has witnessed several important developments over the past few years, with mounting volumes of business data and the shift from traditional data analysis platforms to self-service business analytics being some of the most prominent ones.

By ApplicationApplication A, Application B, Application C

By Products:Cloud-based, On-premise

For the future period, sound forecasts on market value and volume are offered for each type and application. In the same period, the report also provides a detailed analysis of market value and consumption for each region. These insights are helpful in devising strategies for the future and take necessary steps. New project investment feasibility analysis and SWOT analysis are offered along with insights on industry barriers. Research findings and conclusions are mentioned at the end.

Reasons for Buying This Report:

Request a Discount on standard prices of this premium research @:https://www.bigmarketresearch.com/request-for-discount/3619316?utm_source=Geeta-COD

Table of Content

Chapter 1Industry Overview

Chapter 2Major Segmentation (Classification, Application and etc.) Analysis

Chapter 3Production Market Analysis

Chapter 4Sales Market Analysis

Chapter 5Consumption Market Analysis

Chapter 6Production, Sales and Consumption Market Comparison Analysis

Chapter 7Major Manufacturers Production and Sales Market Comparison Analysis

Chapter 8Marketing Channel Analysis

Chapter 9Industry Chain Analysis

Chapter 10Global and Regional Market Forecast

Chapter 11Major Manufacturers Analysis

Chapter 12New Project Investment Feasibility Analysis

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Precision Medicine Software Market Is Slated To Grow Rapidly In The Forthcoming Years With Top Leading Players Syapse, Allscripts, Qiagen, Roper...

Empathy Is the Intersection Between User, Customer and Employee Experience – CMSWire

PHOTO:Denys Nevozhai on Unsplash.

What do design thinking, user experience, customer experience and employee experience have in common? They are all focused on empathy, learning how a person's experience with a business, product, service or employer can be improved.

Empathy is used in design thinking, UX, CX and EX to provide a better journey that is, to improve and personalize the touch points that a person has with a business, product, service or employee. Empathy can be a potent tool in the business toolbox, and can enhance products, services and businesses.

A 2019 report from BusinessSolver showed that 82% of employees would consider quitting their job for a more empathetic employer. More than three-quarters (78%) also said they would be willing to work longer hours for a more empathetic organization. In a report from Ipsos on behalf of PepsiCo Beverages North America, results showed that nine out of 10 consumers in the United States feel it is critical that brands show empathy and take measurable action if they want continued loyalty and support. Clearly, empathy is a core business value in 2020 and should be part of the corporate social responsibilities of socially responsible and successful businesses.

Design thinking is about understanding the needs, emotions, motivations and drivers of behaviors of customers and employees. Since design thinking is about empathy for another persons experience, its applicable for both employee experience and customer experience strategies, as well as user experience programs.

According toBrian Spain, consultant for InTouch Solutions, design thinking is a way to introduce people to thinking, concepts, or products and services through a lens that respects the perspective of the audience and works to incorporate audience feedback. Spain starts by gathering facts and observations and looking at a problem, or opportunity from a contextual perspective, before drilling down into details. He then begins the process of interviewing your audience (individuals, or small groups) to clarify assumptions and present them with very rough conceptual approaches, offerings or ways you would interact with them in order to gain their feedback in a back-and-forth way. At that point, Spain said its time to refine concepts or proposed interactions before more time is spent developing a complete finished product, service or experience. Design thinking is an iterative process that never really ends as it leads to further refinements, adjustments and changes as additional feedback is gathered and analyzed.

User experience (UX) design is the process in which a product or service comes together everything from acquiring and integrating the product or service, including branding, the design itself, usability and functionality. It revolves around the experience of the end user, what their expectations are, how they will use the product or service, how it feels to them when they actually get their hands on the product or service every aspect of their journey.

Husam Machlovi, CEO of With Pulp, a user experience design and development studio, said UX design is an ongoing process that aims at making better solutions for people. It starts with good listening skills. The users journey is the key to the design process and its important to understand what the stakeholder is trying to get done, what their frustrations are with the current method of doing things and what's working well. This is the case for any stakeholder, whether its an employee, customer or user. As with design thinking, the process never ends because it can always be improved. Once a solution is shared with stakeholders, design managers should observe and go through the listening process again," Machlovi said. "And then form a new hypothesis. And so on and so forth.

Customer experience (CX) is the king of the buzzwords right now because we live in a customer-centric world. CX starts when a prospective customer realizes they have a need that must be filled, continues through the period where they are searching for a solution, on through the decision to use a specific business, the purchasing process and on to the phase after which they have purchased and used the product, service or solution. They will either end their journey or hopefully continuing being a loyal customer. CX strategies may include the use of a customer data platform (CDP), a voice of the customer (VoC) campaign, as well as the use of extraneous data from email, reviews, feedback and word of mouth.

Alyssa Jarrett, director of brand and content marketing at Iterable, said her company learned that we must strive to learn what our customers want from us what can we provide them that they cannot get on their own at this very moment? Asking this question helps better empathize with your customers experiences and distill the message that serves them best.

Jarrett said its important to let customers know that the business understands and aligns with their values. Each of our customers is set upon their own unique journey," she said. "Its the marketers role to support them from touchpoint to touchpoint as if were doing it together. This comes from communicating in supportive ways that demonstrate we get it." She points to Penzeys Spices as an example. The company infuses marketing messages with viewpoints on social and political issues, calling out political leaders or inviting customers to buy and donate spice kits to those in need.

Employee experience (EX) is the journey employees undertake during their time with a business. It begins with the pre-screening process then the hiring and onboarding process, continues through training, the daily experience at work, on through promotions, and on to their last days with the business. Happy employees equate to happy customers so businesses that focus on EX tend to do better with CX as well. Employee feedback is crucial as are voice of the employee (VoE) campaigns, both of which provide insights to improve the employee journey.

Coonoor Behal, design thinking expert, founder and CEO of Mindhatch, said businesses should think of their employees as they do their clients. There's always a kind of primary and secondary customer," she said. "You have to serve your primary customer, like the people buying your service. You also need to design for your secondary customer, which is your employees. Much like design thinking, EX is about learning to empathize with the drivers of the behaviors, needs and emotions of employees. Behal suggested companies take a human-centered approach to actually understanding your employees and their needs and their wants and their challenges.

Related Article: What Design Thinking Can Bring to Employee Experience Programs

Empathy involves seeing another persons situation from that persons perspective and sharing that persons emotions and distress. This involves, literally imagining oneself as that person in the exact situation the person is currently going through. From a business perspective, being able to feel empathy for your customers and employees provides leaders with actionable insights that enhance products, services or solutions as well as the lives of customers and employees.

Sympathy, on the other hand, is used to convey compassion, pity, concern, care, commiseration or feelings of sorrow for someone experiencing something bad. In other words, while you might feel bad for the person, you dont know what it is like to be in their shoes.

Saleema Vellani, innovation strategist for World Bank Group andadjunct professor of design thinkingat Johns Hopkins University, said not understanding the difference between sympathy and empathy can cause serious problems for CX and EX teams. Sometimes when we're trying to practice empathy, we're actually mistakenly practicing sympathy," she said. "And even though these words have different meanings, a lot of teams are actually incorrectly using sympathy and empathy." Teams often make the mistake of thinking they are synonymous and "that confusion actually leads to a huge gap in addressing real human needs.

With design thinking, UX, CX and EX, it is not enough to have sympathy. To be able to improve the customer and employee journey, a leader must be able to put themselves in the mind of each person, whether they are a customer, end-user or employee. For example, they must be able to imagine how it feels for a new employee to start a job but not be able to fulfill their new tasks because of a week-long delay between when HR hired them and IT set them up with access to the required software or tools. Or a customer who has filled out a form on a business website and completed the credit card information, only to be directed back to the shopping cart because one of the items in their cart was out of stock and they have to re-enter their information all over again.

These are the types of intersection points or pain points in the employee and customer journey that require empathy. Each time a leader can place themselves in the shoes of a customer, user or employee, especially during one of the pain points in the journey, they can take action to improve that journey.

Vellani teaches her clients that design thinking is about increasing the connection between leaders and the people they serve through connection. The goal is to move to compassion. So empathy is a step up from sympathy. You're just stating, hey, I feel for you or I hear you, which is a step up from pity, which is like, I'm sorry for you. Sympathy is more like I feel for you. You're acknowledging the suffering of others, but you're not actually trying to feel what the other person is feeling. Empathy is more like 'I feel with you.'"

More than anything, it's about relationships and being able to develop authentic human connections between our business and our customers in our community, she said.

Vellani said design thinking cant happen without empathy and that empathy begins with self-awareness. This is where design thinking and innovation can be very much about output and empathy is part of the process. It's somewhere between input and output because you're trying to understand your user and you're trying to know your audience. But it's not just about trying to understand your audience it really starts with knowing who you are ... its about developing the capacity to have empathy.

Related Article: Can We Create Empathy in Others?

The definition of an empathy map, as defined by the Nielsen Norman Group, a UX research group, is a collaborative visualization used to articulate what we know about a particular type of user.

Understanding people and their motivations is key to any customer experience," said Adeline Heymann, associate VP of loyalty experience strategy atKobie. "You need to uncover motivations and unmet needs to inform a human-centered design that grows loyalty. Empathy mapping is a key design thinking tool to that end, allowing you to visualize and understand the end-user. It can be foundational to leveraging UX, CX and EX to better serve your customers.

To create a better journey for users, customers and employees, it is vital to empathize with them through each touchpoint. Heymann said UX, CX and EX all aim to create frictionless, integrated journeys for the end-user which will ultimately build loyalty over time. Theyre all based on holistic interactions and experiences with not only the company or product but also external forces like people and environment, which is particularly important as the goal is to determine which parts of the experience you can optimize to drive loyalty.

The empathy map is broken down into four areas which are largely based on the two types of empathy cognitive empathy and emotional empathy. Cognitive empathy is derived from acknowledging that a person is acting or feeling the way they do for reasons that are logical to them, while emotional empathy is more about feeling what a person feels for the reasons they feel that way. The four areas covered by an empathy map are:

What a user says is collected from user feedback, sales calls, interviews and usability studies. It might go something like this: I continue to use Amazon.com because they always direct me quickly to the product I am looking for.

What a user thinks requires empathy with the user, customer or employee and seeks to determine what a person may be thinking when they encounter a problem, stumbling block or bottleneck. It would look something like this: I have tried to add this item to my shopping cart three times but it is not appearing there when I check. Am I missing something?

What a user does is easier to figure out because data that is collected during their experience shows what they have done. It might be something like this: searches multiple times while trying to find a specific product or adds several items to the shopping cart, then abandons the cart before checking out.

What a user feels is more of an emotional breakdown of their experience and also requires empathy and imagination. It may go something like this: irritated: could not find what they were looking for or satisfied: they were directed immediately to the category of products they were looking for.

An empathy map cannot be created without first knowing what the user, customer, or employee feels strongly about and identifying the user, customer or employee touchpoints or pain points. But once created, it can be a valuable tool to understanding the needs, requirements and areas that can be improved in the user, customer or employee journey.

Related Article: Use Design Thinking to Put Yourself in Your Customers' Shoes

Bernard May, CEO of National Positions, an internet marketing firm, said "empathy really comes down to doing the right thing for everyone involved our customers, prospects, and our team. It is the difference between what works and what matters. There may be a million ways to create something that works, but it takes far more diligence and perspective to develop and implement something that truly matters when it comes to the brand experience.

There is a natural order among the practices, May said, and when it comes to the relationship between CX, EX and UX, the overall experience comes from the order in which they are considered and implemented."

Part of the EX is going to stem from the CX one is going to contribute to the other. May said to begin with the experience a business wants the customer to have.

"If this is e-commerce, you may want a streamlined experience so customers can easily find and purchase your product. For SaaS brands, you may want customers to realize the value your service offers, so your solution can be implemented in record time," May said.

The experience you want customers to have is going to fuel the user experience you create within your processes. From there, turn to the employee experience. "Employees want to feel connected and invested in your brand message, offering, goals, and overall values, which need to be considered in the content you create to breathe life into your user experience, May said.

By creating a positive experience for users and customers, employees will have a hands-down more positive experience themselves. Your employees are going to feel the effect of the user experience you create, positive or negative," he said. "So even the longevity and sustainability of your employees are going to be a factor when building and improving the customer and user experience. They are interconnected, but at the end of the day, the CX (strategy) needs to come first so that everything else can be built to support and bring this experience to fruition.

The bottom line is learning how people feel about the products they use, the experiences they have with a business, and the experiences they have as employees allows leaders to gain actionable insights to improve the journeys of the human beings that interact with their businesses. Empathy can improve customer and employee loyalty, create a greater level of personal satisfaction and contribute positively to ROI.

Business has always been and will always be based on relationships between humans," Vellani said. "And no matter how advanced we get with technology, skills like empathy are only going to increase in value.

Read more:
Empathy Is the Intersection Between User, Customer and Employee Experience - CMSWire

Anti-Ageing Drugs Market Latest Innovations, Analysis by Key Players Commercial Sector, Overview, Component, Industry Revenue and Forecast to 2025 -…

Anti-Ageing Drugs Market was valued at USD XX Million in 2018 and expected to reach USD XX Million by 2025 with a CAGR of XX% during the forecast period. The growing influence of lifestyle industry coupled with high levels of disposable income are some of the key factors expected to spur the growth of Global Anti-Ageing Drugs Market.

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The global anti-ageing drugs market is set to witness huge growth potential in the coming years owing to rising awareness among the aging population regarding the use of anti-aging products. The industry however is in its infancy stage due to lot of skepticism regarding the cellular understanding of ageing process. On the other hand, the industry is also witnessing a large amount of research and development activities with drug manufacturers showing an increased focus towards significantly decreasing the impact of ageing and ultimately increasing the lifespan.

Various recent discoveries indicating the use of pharmacology to delay and possibly improve the aging process has spurred the interest of many manufacturers. Aging is a natural process in a human life. However, such discoveries should contribute in increasing the life span of older people as well as maintain their quality of life. The introduction of such anti ageing drugs will lead to the reduction of socio-economic burden in developed countries particularly. Citing this, research and development of anti ageing drugs is on forefront in the developed countries of North America and Europe.

The global Anti-ageing Drugs Market is witnessing a huge surge in research activities of biotechnology companies towards development of drugs to extend normal human lifespan. For instance, Elevian, Inc. is actively conducting research focused on a protein called growth differentiating factor 11 (GDF11). This protein is found to improve brain function, exercise capacity and fasten muscle repair process when introduced in old mice.

Moreover, Elysium Health, one of the prominent players in the anti-aging market space has introduced an over the counter nutritional supplement that intends to boost ones NAD+ levels leading to enhance longevity genes. However, clinical benefit of this supplement is not yet proven.

Increasing target population and growing influence of lifestyle industry are some of the pivotal factors boosting the market growth. The rising ageing population acts as target market for anti-ageing drugs driving the growth of this market. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), the proportion of global population over age of 60 years is predicted to double and reach 22% by 2050 from 12% in 2015. Moreover, the growing influence of lifestyle and fashion industry has led to an increased desire among the old to stay young and healthy. Apart from this, the elevating level of beauty standards has led to boost in demand for anti-ageing drugs among all age groups. Rising investments in research and development activities leading to incessant launch of new products is anticipated to be another pivotal

Geographically, this report split global into several key Regions, revenue (Million USD) The geography (North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, Latin America and Middle East & Africa) focusing on key countries in each region. It also covers market drivers, restraints, opportunities, challenges, and key issues in Global Anti-Ageing Drugs Market.

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North America accounted for the largest share in Anti-Ageing Drugs Market Developed economies of U.S. and Canada are the largest revenue contributors to the global anti-ageing drugs market. This should be well justified by the high living standards, huge paying capacity and growing influence of fashion and lifestyle industry among the population. Moreover, the region houses developed infrastructure for carrying out progressive research activities aimed towards development of new anti-ageing products. These factors have collectively led to the expansion of anti-ageing drugs market in the region. Europe is set to witness similar trends as that of North America and grab the second position in the global anti-ageing drugs market. While the growing personal care industry coupled with increasing awareness regarding use of anti-ageing products in the emerging economies of China and India is expected to propel the Asia Pacific anti-ageing drugs market growth in the years to come.

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Anti-Ageing Drugs Market Latest Innovations, Analysis by Key Players Commercial Sector, Overview, Component, Industry Revenue and Forecast to 2025 -...

NT Treaty Commission eyes 2022 submission of final report with consultations to commence – ABC News

A process of "truth telling" allowing Aboriginal people to recount personal stories is "urgent" and must begin before treaties are negotiated in the Northern Territory, the NT's Treaty Commission says.

In a discussion paper on the framework for establishing treaties in the NT, the commission, led by former Australian of the Year Mick Dodson, says treaties have taken decades to negotiate in other parts of the world and the truth-telling process cannot wait.

"Some of our Elders are very old the process of truth-telling must begin as soon as possible. It is urgent," the paper says.

"The central learning from overseas is that treaties are a long game and take many years to negotiate. The Tla'amin Final Agreement in British Columbia, Canada took 22 years to negotiate and finalise."

The paper also says truth-telling is needed to "reset the relationship" between all Territorians, and to "facilitate healing" and must take place in an empathetic setting rather than during negotiations over a treaty.

"There remain Elders, parents or grandparents in Northern Territory society today who remember first contact," the commission says.

"Truth-telling is at the core of any treaty negotiations and is also at the heart of documenting the unfinished business."

NT Chief Minister Michael Gunner committed to establishing treaties between the NT Government and Aboriginal groups after he won office in 2016; his Government later set up the Treaty Commission.

The commission's discussion paper is being released by the NT Government today, just over a month out from the next NT election.

The paper defines a treaty as an agreement between two or more parties reached via a fair negotiation that must recognise Indigenous peoples "as a polity distinct" from other citizens due to their status as formerly self-governing communities.

The paper says treaties must recognise self-determination that includes decision-making amounting to "a form of self-government".

"Critical to any treaty will be the exercise of self-determination in its full form, as never known since 1788."

According to the paper, an example of a self-government arrangement would include allowing a First Nation to set its own educational curriculum or work with the Education Department to deliver one.

The paper also says treaties should include substantive reparations for material loss and human damage and a formal, comprehensive apology for past wrongs.

But the paper also warns that because the NT is not a state, any treaties negotiated by the NT Government could be overruled by the Federal Government and could limit a treaty's ability to deal with financial compensation, ownership, access to and management of land, water, and natural resources.

"The best way to ensure the longevity and enforceability of any treaty rests in good faith and in convincing all parties that a treaty or treaties in the Northern Territory is positive and beneficial to the future of all Territorians," the paper states.

There may also be challenges for Indigenous groups whose traditional lands stretch over state borders.

It says although the traditional estates of many First Nations in the NT cross state boundaries, it might be "impractical" to try to extend treaties into other jurisdictions because adding other parties to the negotiation process would reduce the chance of success.

The paper says the 2018 Barunga Agreement, which kickstarted the treaty process, "clearly" intended for the NT Government and members of a First Nation to qualify as parties.

The Commission raised concerns that Aboriginal people who are not recognised as members of a First Nation may be left out of the process.

Australia is the only Commonwealth country that does not have a treaty with its Indigenous peoples, but states are leading the charge for change.

"Members of the Stolen Generation in the Territory who have not been able to trace their origins or have not been accepted as members of a First Nation would appear to be disenfranchised in the Northern Territory treaty process," the paper said.

But it does say the Treaty Commissioner can consult widely about whether Aboriginal people who are not members of First Nations can enter a treaty.

"When the position of Stolen Generations who have not found their people is considered by members of First Nations, we are confident they will respond with understanding and empathy."

The commission said the paper drew on more than 50 meetings and forums with Indigenous organisations.

It said an 18-month consultation period was now needed before the Treaty Commissioner could hand his final report to the chief minister in 2022 and then treaty negotiations could begin.

The Treaty Commission also recommended establishing three separate bodies for managing treaties and negotiations, including an oversight body, a body to develop legislation and frameworks for negotiations and a treaty tribunal for managing disputes.

The discussion paper also outlines several other responsibilities the bodies can have, and funding arrangements for them, although it does not estimate a total cost for running them.

Read the original post:
NT Treaty Commission eyes 2022 submission of final report with consultations to commence - ABC News