How tuatara live so long and can withstand cool weather – Science News

A tuatara may look like your average lizard, but its not. The reptiles are the last survivors of an ancient group of reptiles that flourished when dinosaurs roamed the world. Native to New Zealand, tuatara possess a range of remarkable abilities, including a century-long life span, relative imperviousness to many infectious diseases and peak physical activity at shockingly low temperatures for a reptile. Now, scientists are figuring out how, thanks to the first-ever deciphering, or sequencing, of the tuataras genetic instruction book.

The research reveals insights into not only the creatures evolutionary relationship with other living reptiles but also into tuatara longevity and their ability to withstand cool weather, researchers report August 5 in Nature.

Technically, the tuatara (Sphenodon punctatus) are rhynchocephalians, an order of reptiles that were once widespread during the Mesozoic Era, 66 million to 252 million years ago. But their diversity waned over millions of years, leaving the tuatara as the last of their line (SN: 10/13/03). The reptiles have long been of scientific interest because of their unclear evolutionary relationship with other reptiles, as they share traits with lizards and turtles as well as birds.

Tuatara were once found throughout New Zealand, but now survive in the wild mainly on offshore islands and are considered a vulnerable species. The reptiles have suffered from habitat loss and invasive species such as rats, and are especially imperiled by a warming climate (SN: 7/3/08).

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This peril combined with the tuataras cherished status as a taonga, or special treasure, to the Indigenous Maori people led researchers to prioritize compiling the reptiles genome, or genetic instruction book.

In 2012, Neil Gemmell, an evolutionary biologist at the University of Otago in Dunedin, New Zealand, and an international team of researchers began to assemble the tuatara genome, in close partnership with the Indigenous Ngtiwai people. The Ngtiwai are considered kaitiaki, or guardians, of the tuatara and were intimately involved in decisions regarding the use of genetic data from the project.

The tuataras genome is huge, about 5 gigabases, or some 5 billion DNA base pairs in length, the researchers found. Thats about two-thirds bigger than humans and is unusually large for a reptile, says Giulia Pasquesi, an evolutionary biologist at the University of Colorado Boulder who was not involved with the research. Lizard and snake genomes are usually around 2 gigabases, she says. Bird genomes may be half that size.

Based on the genetic analyses, the researchers confirmed that the tuatara is more closely related to snakes and lizards than to crocodilians, birds or turtles. The researchers estimate that the tuatara and their ancestors diverged from snakes and lizards about 250 million years ago, meaning the group predates even the oldest dinosaurs.

The team identified genes possibly involved in the tuataras biological quirks including their long lives, which are the longest of any other reptiles besides tortoises. Tuatara have many genes involved in producing selenoproteins, which help protect against aging and cellular deterioration, and have more of these genes than humans do. Such insights may eventually have useful applications for human biology, says coauthor Matthieu Muffato, a comparative genomicist at the European Bioinformatics Institute in Hinxton, England.

Tuatara also appear to have an unusually high number of TRP genes, which are involved in making proteins tied to temperature sensitivity and regulation of body temperature. Those genes may be behind the reptiles tolerance of cool temperatures, the researchers say. Tuatara have the lowest known optimal body temperature of any reptile, from 16 to 21 Celsius.

Although the new research goes a long way to dispelling some of the mystery surrounding the tuatara, there is much to learn about these scaly enigmas.Publishing the tuatara genome is like uncovering an ancient book, Muffato says. We have started analyzing it, and started decoding some of the genetic information, but we are still a long way off from understanding the complete genome.

How tuatara live so long and can withstand cool weather - Science News

Your health and happiness go hand-in-hand: Dr. Nina Radcliff – Press of Atlantic City

Your health and happiness are linked. Your level of happiness really can impact the level of your health.

Increased psychological research on mental health has enriched our understanding of the human experience of flourishing in health and happiness. Studies on topics of happiness and health are very telling. What we now know for certain about these life-affirming topics can help everyone live healthier, happier lives while reducing negative, stressful emotions at the same time.

Your happiness and your health

Key factors contributing to human flourishing the link between happiness and health are vital. Positive daily experiences can buffer the effect of negative daily experiences, all while positively impacting your physical, mental and emotional health and well-being.

Three foundational conditions that enable you to flourish and break through in a healthy manner are:

Positive individual traits (compassion, optimism, resilience)

Positive relationships (families, social relationships, communities)

By recognizing the powerful impact of these, you will have greater understanding and insight on how to better manage your overall happiness and well-being.

Understanding positive emotions and happiness

While positive can be a feeling where theres a lack of negativity, the most popular positive emotions are joy, gratitude, peace, interest, hope, pride, amusement, inspiration, awe and love. They can be triggered by your thoughts, people, things and places, along with events you experience. These micro-moments of positivity accumulate over time, putting people on a trajectory of growth by broadening awareness and building a sense of flourishing in happiness.

Happiness is a broad term describing the experience of positive emotions, such as joy, contentment, and satisfaction. Emerging research shows that being happier doesnt just make you feel better, it brings a host of potential health benefits.

Research underscores that positive emotions are more than just feeling good, theyre accompanied by great benefits that make you not only happier but healthier:

Improved physical health from your heart and immune system, and decreased pain

Buffers against depressive symptoms while helping dissipate stress (cortisol) levels

Shown to help prevent and speed up recovery from illness, including the common cold

Helps undo undesirable effects of negative emotions while developing resilience and resourcefulness

Fosters healthy social connectedness

Drives healthier lifestyle habits with more physical activity (increasing energy, strong bones, lower blood pressure); healthier choices of diet choices (helps decrease heart disease, stroke, diabetes risks); and better sleep habits (improves mood, focus, concentration, productivity, good decision-making)

Overall combating negative states, further increasing the likelihood of health

Improves the quality of life and also longevity (living longer)

Fostering positive emotions

There are great opportunities from taking a walk, meditating, mindfulness to listening to your favorite music, as well as outlining good, supportive steps in managing people/projects/time or taking time to relax.

Engaging with those you love to getting quality sleep, eating healthy and being active all contributes. Your dear relationships can be a wellspring in helping you to experience positive emotions.

Exercising positive emotions can take practice, but the good news is that you can help yourself (and others) become more positive by consciously challenging negative, self-limiting thinking and replacing the thoughts with more optimistic thought patterns.

Love is a significant positive emotion ingredient and a driving force behind the health benefits of positive emotions. Your love can be expressed for people, places, hobbies, animals, great outdoors, baking, gardening, decorating, holidays, the arts and so much more. Take time to enjoy your favorite life passions.

Gratitude is vital. Experts remind folks to ask, Which aspects of my current situation might I consider a gift to be cherished? Allow yourself to appreciate that understanding.

Optimism is distinct, and involves hopefulness and confidence about the future or the successful outcome of something. In other words, that positive events are to come.

Research shows that the difference between people who are flourishing and those who are not lies in the magnitude of positive emotions they are able to self-generate from everyday pleasant activities.

What is foundational for a healthy, happy life is not occasional grandiose gifts of fate. Rather, the ability to use your strengths, gifts and virtues for a purpose and a steady diet of those micro-moments of positivity. Good news is that occasions for such moments are much more prevalent than it may sometimes seem. Stay mindful of your emotions, track how you are feeling and what you are thinking. Take stock, re-focusing or reframing when needed.

Your day-to-day positive emotions function as nutrients for your overall well-being. And todays positive emotions do not simply exemplify todays well-being, they also help to create and serve as the foundation for your well-being tomorrow and the day, week, month, and years after. Nourish your mind, body and soul with positivity.

Dr. Nina Radcliff, of Galloway Township, is a physician anesthesiologist, television medical contributor and textbook author.

This article is for general information only and should not be used for the diagnosis or treatment of medical conditions and cannot substitute for the advice from your medical professional.

Dr. Nina Radcliff, of Galloway Township, is a physician anesthesiologist, television medical contributor and textbook author.

Email questions for Dr. Nina to with Dr. Nina in the subject line.

This article is for general information only and should not be used for the diagnosis or treatment of medical conditions and cannot substitute for the advice from your medical professional.

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Your health and happiness go hand-in-hand: Dr. Nina Radcliff - Press of Atlantic City

How to live longer: Diet shown to burn fat, improve heart health and to boost longevity – Express

In ones quest to find solutions to help live a long and disease-free life, numerous theories and suggestions have been declared. Intermittent fasting has gained much notoriety over the pastyear,and according to leading healthexperts, this type of eatingcould be the answer to helping you boost your life longevity. How?

A review of past animal and human studies in The New England Journal of Medicine recommend adopting a way of eating known as intermittent fasting which can help reduce blood pressure, aid in weight loss and improve longevity.

Alternating between fasting and eating can help to improve cellular health.

Professor Mark Mattson from John Hopkins University said the way of eating can help to trigger a metabolic switch.

In metabolic switching, cells use up their fuel stores and convert fat to energy this in turns helps fat to switch from fat-storing to fat-saving and has many health benefits.

The way of eating involves daily-time restricted feeding.

This narrows the time of eating to six to eight hours per day which is also known as 5:2 intermittent fasting, in which people limit themselves to one moderate-sized meal two days each week.

Findings on intermittent fasting range in the diets effectiveness, but some studies in animals and humans have linked the practice to longer lives, healthier hearts and improved cognition.

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When finding benefits of the diet, looking at different countries who adopt this way of eating as a norm often helps.

Residents of Okinawa are known for their extreme longevity and low-calorie, nutrient-rich diet.

Their way of eating has been suggested to help contribute to their long-life spans, low number of obesity and reduced risk of diseases.

Professor Mattson says studies have shown that this switch improves blood sugar regulation, increases resistance to stress and suppresses inflammation.

The professor notes that four studies in both animals and people found intermittent fasting also helped to decrease blood pressure, blood lipid levels and resting heart rates.

Preliminary studies suggest that intermittent fasting could benefit brain health too.

A clinical trial at the University of Toronto found that 220 healthy adults who maintained a calorie restricted diet for two years showed signs of improved memory in a battery of cognitive tests.

Professor Mattson added: Patients should be advised that feeling hungry and irritable is common initially and usually passes after two weeks to a month as the body and brain become accustomed to the new habit.

Mattson suggests a gradual acclimation to fasting rather than going cold turkey will help with this.

Mattsonalsohopes this study will give better insight to physicians, who can pass that guidance on to their patients.

For an added benefit, eating a Mediterranean diet during the eating phasecouldnot only boost longevity but improve heart health too.

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How to live longer: Diet shown to burn fat, improve heart health and to boost longevity - Express

Insights on the X-Ray Devices Global Market to 2025 – Drivers, Restraints and Opportunities – GlobeNewswire

Dublin, Aug. 10, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The "X-Ray Devices Market - Forecasts from 2020 to 2025" report has been added to's offering.

The global X-ray devices market is estimated to grow at a CAGR of 5.14% from a market size of USDX10.793 billion in 2019 to a market size of USD14.580 billion by 2025. An X-ray device is used for creating 2D X-ray images of the 3D internal body organs or bones. The growing number of chronic diseases is providing an impetus in fueling market growth in the forecast period. The growing trend of early diagnosis and detection of a disease is further providing an opportunity for the market to proliferate in the forecast period.

The X-ray system emits small amounts of X-rays in the human body and captures an image of the area of interest onto a device. The growing number of non-fatal road accidents are propagating the market demand, as X-ray provides an immediate snapshot of the injury. Also, with innovations, the X-ray devices market has been bifurcated into portable and stationary systems, further propelling the market demand. The growing digitization has segregated the market on the basis of analog and digital technologies, fueling the market share of the digital X-ray systems with a rapid rise in adoptions due to the ongoing improvements in providing better healthcare facilities on the global level. The growing global elderly population is driving the market growth in the forecast period with the emergence and prevalence of age-associated diseases like osteoporosis and the detection of bone degeneration due to the aging process.

The global geriatric population (above 65 years or older) rose from 551,217,090 in 2012 to 673,618,927 in 2018 (source: The World Bank). The growing elderly population requires better healthcare facilities which include preventative measures as many people under this category are either suffering from age-associated chronic diseases or are suffering from diseases due to the adoption of an unhealthy lifestyle when younger. Thus, this population is in the requirement of better healthcare facilities where better diagnostic and treatment measures need to be taken in order to prevent further spreading of the age-associated or degenerative diseases. Furthermore, with the declining fertility rates and increasing life expectancy at birth, global aging is poised to accelerate due to an overall improvement in the survival leading to longevity, further burgeoning the market growth during the forecast period.

On the basis of geography, North America followed by the European region is estimated to hold a significant market share in the forecast period. The Asia Pacific region is predicted to be the fastest-growing with a significant CAGR over the next five years.

There has been a loss of lives of more than one million people due to road crash or accidents. Around 20 to 50 million people suffer due to non-fatal road injuries which lead to disability due to the accident every year. Causes of non-fatal road injuries include speeding, drink-driving, and drug-driving, not using safety restraints like helmets, car seat belts, and child restraints, distraction while driving because of mobile phones, poor and unsafe road infrastructure, and not following traffic laws. This has given rise to huge economic losses to the individual, his/her family, and the nation as a whole.

However, sophisticated equipment like an X-ray provides assistance in the treatment processes following the diagnosis and further helps in the monitoring of the treatment as well. The rising number of road accident cases is creating a market demand owing to the improvement of the lives of the patients and helping them to cope up with their disabilities, mentally and physically.

There is a presence of other medical imaging modalities apart from X-ray systems which include magnetic resonance imaging systems (MRI), CT, and ultrasound among others. These are also widely available, are quite efficient with state-of-the-art technologies, and are used for various diagnostic and therapeutic purposes. Additionally, ultrasound is considered the safest form of imaging as this does not make use of any ionizing radiation and makes use of sound waves instead. It is the first choice among people for pregnancy, emergency diagnosis, cardiac, spine, and imaging of other internal organs. Also, a CT scan is widely used during an emergency in emergency rooms, this is because it takes less than five minutes in scanning. While the MRI scans take a longer time, a minimum of 30 minutes but provide an in-depth analysis of a particular diagnosis, which is considered better than an X-ray system. Hence, the presence of these imaging systems will impose a threat in hampering the market growth in the forecast period.

Key Topics Covered:

1. Introduction1.1. Market Definition1.2. Market Segmentation

2. Research Methodology2.1. Research Data2.2. Assumptions

3. Executive Summary3.1. Research Highlights

4. Market Dynamics4.1. Market Drivers4.2. Market Restraints4.3. Market Opportunities4.4. Porters Five Forces Analysis4.4.1. Bargaining Power of Suppliers4.4.2. Bargaining Power of Buyers4.4.3. Threat of New Entrants4.4.4. Threat of Substitutes4.4.5. Competitive Rivalry in the Industry4.5. Industry Value Chain Analysis

5. X-Ray Devices Market Analysis, by Type5.1. Introduction5.2. Portable5.3. Stationary

6. X-Ray Devices Market Analysis, by Application6.1. Introduction6.2. Diagnostic6.3. Treatment

7. X-Ray Devices Market Analysis, by Medical Condition7.1. Introduction7.2. Cancer7.3. Digestive Problems7.4. Fractures7.5. Others

8. X-Ray Devices Market Analysis, by Medical Application8.1. Introduction8.2. Human8.3. Veterinary

9. X-Ray Devices Market Analysis, by Technology9.1. Introduction9.2. Analog9.3. Digital

10. X-Ray Devices Market Analysis, by Geography10.1. Introduction10.2. North America10.2.1. North America X-Ray Devices Market, By Type, 2019 to 202510.2.2. North America X-Ray Devices Market, By Application, 2019 to 202510.2.3. North America X-Ray Devices Market, By Medical Condition, 2019 to 202510.2.4. North America X-Ray Devices Market, By Medical Application, 2019 to 202510.2.5. North America X-Ray Devices Market, By Technology, 2019 to 202510.2.6. By Country10.2.6.1. United States10.2.6.2. Canada10.2.6.3. Mexico10.3. South America10.3.1. South America X-Ray Devices Market, By Type, 2019 to 202510.3.2. South America X-Ray Devices Market, By Application, 2019 to 202510.3.3. South America X-Ray Devices Market, By Medical Condition, 2019 to 202510.3.4. South America X-Ray Devices Market, By Medical Application, 2019 to 202510.3.5. South America X-Ray Devices Market, By Technology, 2019 to 202510.3.6. By Country10.3.6.1. Brazil10.3.6.2. Argentina10.3.6.3. Others10.4. Europe10.4.1. Europe X-Ray Devices Market, By Type, 2019 to 202510.4.2. Europe X-Ray Devices Market, By Application, 2019 to 202510.4.3. Europe X-Ray Devices Market, By Medical Condition, 2019 to 202510.4.4. Europe X-Ray Devices Market, By Medical Application, 2019 to 202510.4.5. Europe X-Ray Devices Market, By Technology, 2019 to 202510.4.6. By Country10.4.6.1. UK10.4.6.2. Germany10.4.6.3. France10.4.6.4. Others10.5. Middle East and Africa10.5.1. Middle East and Africa X-Ray Devices Market, By Type, 2019 to 202510.5.2. Middle East and Africa X-Ray Devices Market, By Application, 2019 to 202510.5.3. Middle East and Africa X-Ray Devices Market, By Medical Condition, 2019 to 202510.5.4. Middle East and Africa X-Ray Devices Market, By Medical Application, 2019 to 202510.5.5. Middle East and Africa X-Ray Devices Market, By Technology, 2019 to 202510.5.6. By Country10.5.6.1. United Arab Emirates10.5.6.2. Israel10.5.6.3. Saudi Arabia10.5.6.4. Others10.6. Asia Pacific10.6.1. Asia Pacific X-Ray Devices Market, By Type, 2019 to 202510.6.2. Asia Pacific X-Ray Devices Market, By Application, 2019 to 202510.6.3. Asia Pacific X-Ray Devices Market, By Medical Condition, 2019 to 202510.6.4. Asia Pacific X-Ray Devices Market, By Medical Application, 2019 to 202510.6.5. Asia Pacific X-Ray Devices Market, By Technology, 2019 to 202510.6.6. By Country10.6.6.1. Japan10.6.6.2. China10.6.6.3. India10.6.6.4. Australia10.6.6.5. Others

11. Competitive Environment and Analysis11.1. Major Players and Strategy Analysis11.2. Emerging Players and Market Lucrativeness11.3. Mergers, Acquisitions, Agreements, and Collaborations11.4. Vendor Competitiveness Matrix

12. Company Profiles 12.1. Fujifilm Holdings Corporation12.2. General Electric Company12.3. Siemens Healthcare Private Limited12.4. Koninklijke Philips N.V.12.5. Shimadzu Corporation12.6. Canon Medical Systems Corporation12.7. Carestream Health12.8. Hitachi, Ltd.12.9. Vision Medicaid Equipments Pvt. Ltd.12.10. IBIS S.R.L.

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Insights on the X-Ray Devices Global Market to 2025 - Drivers, Restraints and Opportunities - GlobeNewswire

Six Thoughts to Deal with Your COVID-19 Anxiety – Longevity LIVE

It is a frightening time for everyone. Countries, cities, schools, and businesses are shutting down due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Some of us live in areas that have been greatly affected by this dangerous disease. Others are preparing for the worst. All of us are watching the news so that we can figure out what to do next.

For most people, the uncertainty surrounding this disease is the most difficult thing to handle. We dont know how worse it will get in the future and what that means to our loved ones and careers. This makes us vulnerable to anxiety and depression. As we face this unique crisis, there are certain things you can do to manage your fears and anxiety.

It is important to stay informed of whats happening around. This allows you to follow safety precautions as reported by health experts. However, other people are taking advantage of the opportunity to spread the wrong information. Its important to choose what you watch and listen to carefully.

Remember, your mind will always project what you feed it regularly. Here are a few tips:

At the moment, there are so many things that are not in your control. They include the length of the pandemic, how people behave, and what will happen to our loved ones. Although its difficult to accept, most of us react by searching for answers on the web and thinking of the different scenarios that might play out.

Focusing on things that are not in your control will not get you anywhere. Theyll leave you feeling anxious, drained, and overwhelmed. Whenever you catch yourself getting caught up in fear and anxiety, shift your focus immediately to the things you can control. There are a lot of things you can do to minimize the risk of catching the virus or spreading it to your loved ones. They include:

Apart from these guidelines, you can also:

Research studies have shown that the majority of people with coronavirus, especially young healthy people dont show any symptoms but can spread the virus. Thats why it is important to follow the guidelines by practicing social distancing.

But human beings are social creatures. We all crave to connectwith others. Isolation can make us feel anxious. And this affects our physical health negatively. This is why its important to stay connected with our loved ones as much as possible. You can:

You need to eat healthy foods, meditate, read books, and get plenty of sleep. If you have a backyard, consider getting some sun and exercising regularly.

You need to be kind to yourself. Dont be too hard on yourself. Take some time off from work to relax and communicate or play with your loved ones.

Find new ways of exercising. Staying indoors all day can make you anxious and stressed. Come up with new ways to stay active in and out of the house. You should consider cycling, walking, or hiking. You can also look for exercise classes online if you dont want to go outside.

Avoid self-medicating when you are dealing with anxiety and depression. Now is not the time to abuse drugs.

Right now, its easy to get caught up in our struggles and fears. However, you should keep in mind that other people are facing harder times than you. You can focus on helping and supporting communities in need. Doing kind acts for others will not only help you regain control over your life but also add a sense of meaning and purpose to life.

More than 80 percent of people in the US consider themselves religious or spiritual. Spiritualityhas been linked to happiness and wellbeing because it gives us a sense of meaning and purpose. One of the best ways to protect yourself against anxiety is to have this sense of meaning and purpose.

Whenever you are feeling anxious, say a short prayer or meditate for a few minutes. You can also come up with a list of fun activities that you can do whenever you start feeling anxious.

Fear about the coronavirus disease can take a toll on you, especially if you have underlying mental issues. We shall persevere. You are not alone. By using these tips, youll have the power to smile and help others calm down.

Leon Collier is a blogger at essay writing service UKfrom Edinburgh, who loves to write about everything: pop-culture, history, travel, self-development, education, marketing. When not writing, you can find him behind a book or playing tabletop games with his friends. Follow him on Twitter @LeonCollier12.

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Six Thoughts to Deal with Your COVID-19 Anxiety - Longevity LIVE

Covid-19 Impact On Cellular Reprogramming Tools Market 2020: Global Industry Overview By Top Key Players Analysis And Growth Factors Up To 2026 |…

Global Cellular Reprogramming Tools Market report offers in-depth insights, revenue details, and other vital information regarding the global Cellular Reprogramming Tools market, and the various trends, drivers, restraints, opportunities, and threats in the target market till 2026. The report offers insightful and detailed information regarding the various key players operating in the market, their financials, supply chain trends, technological innovations, key developments, apart from future strategies, acquisitions & mergers, and market footprint. Global Cellular Reprogramming Tools market report has been segmented on the basis of type, application, and region.

SDMR has recently published a report, on Global Cellular Reprogramming Tools Market Insights, Forecast to 2025. The market research report is a brilliant, complete, and much-needed resource for Cellular Reprogramming Tools . The research report speak about the potential development openings that exist in the worldwide market. The report is broken down on the basis of research procedures procured from historical and forecast information. The global Cellular Reprogramming Tools market is relied upon to develop generously and flourish as far as volume and incentive during the gauge time frame. The report will give a knowledge about the development openings and controls that will build the market. Pursuers can increase important perception about the eventual fate of the market.

Final Cellular Reprogramming Tools Report will add the analysis of the impact of COVID-19 on this Market.

Get Free PDF Sample Copy of this Report to understand the structure of the complete report: (Including Full TOC, List of Tables & Figures, Chart) @

Top Key Keyplayers Covered In This Report: Celgene, Cynata, Advanced Cell Technology, BIOTIME, Osiris Therapeutics, Human Longevity, FUJIFILM Holdings, STEMCELL Technologies, Mesoblast, Astellas Pharma, EVOTEC, Japan Tissue Engineering

The prime objective of this report is to help the user understand the market in terms of its definition, segmentation, market potential, influential trends, and the challenges that the market is facing with 10 major regions and 30 major countries. Deep researches and analysis were done during the preparation of the report. The readers will find this report very helpful in understanding the market in depth. The data and the information regarding the market are taken from reliable sources such as websites, annual reports of the companies, journals, and others and were checked and validated by the industry experts. The facts and data are represented in the report using diagrams, graphs, pie charts, and other pictorial representations. This enhances the visual representation and also helps in understanding the facts much better.

The Global Cellular Reprogramming Tools Market is estimated to reach xxx million USD in 2020 and projected to grow at the CAGR of xx% during the 2021-2026. The report analyses the global Cellular Reprogramming Tools market, the market size and growth, as well as the major market participants.

Segmentation by Product:

Adult Stem CellsHuman Embryonic Stem CellsInduced Pluripotent Stem CellsOther

Segmentation by Application:

Drug DevelopmentRegenerative MedicineToxicity TestAcademic ResearchOther

Global Cellular Reprogramming Tools Market: Competitive RivalryThe segmentation is used to decide the target market into smaller sections or segments like product type, application, and geographical regions to optimize marketing strategies, advertising techniques, and global as well as regional sales efforts of Global Cellular Reprogramming Tools Market. Common characteristics are being considered for segmentation such as global market share, common interests, global demand and access control unit supply. Moreover, the report compares the production value and growth rate of the Global Cellular Reprogramming Tools market across different geographies.While segmentation has been provided to list down various facets of the Cellular Reprogramming Tools market, analysis methods such as S.T.E.E.P.L.E., S.W.O.T., Regression analysis, etc. have been utilized to study the underlying factors of the market. Summarization of various aspects consisted of the report has also been encompassed.

Scope of the Report: The all-encompassing research weighs up on various aspects including but not limited to important industry definition, product applications, and product types. The pro-active approach towards analysis of investment feasibility, significant return on investment, supply chain management, import and export status, consumption volume and end-use offers more value to the overall statistics on the Cellular Reprogramming Tools Market. All factors that help business owners identify the next leg for growth are presented through self-explanatory resources such as charts, tables, and graphic images.

Key Questions Answered: What is the size and CAGR of the global Cellular Reprogramming Tools Market? Which are the leading segments of the global Cellular Reprogramming Tools Market? What are the key driving factors of the most profitable regional market? What is the nature of competition in the global Cellular Reprogramming Tools Market? How will the global Home Appliance market advance in the coming years? What are the main strategies adopted in the global Cellular Reprogramming Tools Market?

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Table of ContentsReport Overview: It includes major players of the global Cellular Reprogramming Tools Market covered in the research study, research scope, and Market segments by type, market segments by application, years considered for the research study, and objectives of the report.

Global Growth Trends: This section focuses on industry trends where market drivers and top market trends are shed light upon. It also provides growth rates of key producers operating in the global Cellular Reprogramming Tools Market. Furthermore, it offers production and capacity analysis where marketing pricing trends, capacity, production, and production value of the global Cellular Reprogramming Tools Market are discussed.

Market Share by Manufacturers: Here, the report provides details about revenue by manufacturers, production and capacity by manufacturers, price by manufacturers, expansion plans, mergers and acquisitions, and products, market entry dates, distribution, and market areas of key manufacturers.

Market Size by Type: This section concentrates on product type segments where production value market share, price, and production market share by product type are discussed.

Market Size by Application: Besides an overview of the global Cellular Reprogramming Tools Market by application, it gives a study on the consumption in the global Cellular Reprogramming Tools Market by application.

Production by Region: Here, the production value growth rate, production growth rate, import and export, and key players of each regional market are provided.

Consumption by Region: This section provides information on the consumption in each regional market studied in the report. The consumption is discussed on the basis of country, application, and product type.

Company Profiles: Almost all leading players of the global Cellular Reprogramming Tools Market are profiled in this section. The analysts have provided information about their recent developments in the global Cellular Reprogramming Tools Market, products, revenue, production, business, and company.

Market Forecast by Production: The production and production value forecasts included in this section are for the global Cellular Reprogramming Tools Market as well as for key regional markets.

Market Forecast by Consumption: The consumption and consumption value forecasts included in this section are for the global Cellular Reprogramming Tools Market as well as for key regional markets.

Value Chain and Sales Analysis: It deeply analyzes customers, distributors, sales channels, and value chain of the global Cellular Reprogramming Tools Market.

Key Findings: This section gives a quick look at important findings of the research study.

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Covid-19 Impact On Cellular Reprogramming Tools Market 2020: Global Industry Overview By Top Key Players Analysis And Growth Factors Up To 2026 |...

What are ACE scores and why do they matter? – Record Searchlight

Shasta County health officials revealed a 5-year public health plan that focuses on prevention and fighting Adverse Childhood Experiences.

When Kaiser Permanente and the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention launched the study to measure Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACE) levels in Shasta County in 2012, the results they found were striking.

The ACE study examined categories of childhood physical and emotional abuse and neglect. It measured household dysfunction includingdomestic violence, mental illnessand substance abusethat create toxic stress leading to neuro-system changes during child development.

The higher the ACE score a child has, the higher the risk of developing chronic illnesses like heart disease, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), depression and cancer.

More: Hotline launches to support Shasta County parents and caregivers through COVID-19

Shasta Countys ACE score was found to be double the state average. Forty percent of the adults surveyed in Shasta County reported a score of 4 or higher.

Since the study published, schools, youth centersand even law enforcement officials have adopted trauma-sensitive methods to support youth trying to develop healthy coping mechanisms to overcome trauma.

Almost all Shasta County school districts have attended a trauma-informed training or received ACEs training with the Shasta County Office of Education.

The Happy Valley Primary School was able to overwhelmingly decrease bad behavior offenses in the last three years, Principal Shelly Craig said. The Shasta County Probation Department began tracking juvenile behavior patterns in order to reverse them as well, Chief Probation Officer Tracie Nealsaid viaemail.

Peer Court jury training by the Anderson Police in 2019.(Photo: Youth Options Shasta)

Susan Wilson, executive director of Youth Options Shasta and steering committee member of the Strengthening Families Collaborative, said the study was the confirmation of a problem that youth groups and health agency administrators knew had beenprevalent for a long time.

We have struggled in the northern part of California. We have struggled for a long time. We have struggled because we have low education levels. We have struggled because we have high poverty. We have high poor results in physical health. Statistics show that our kids are not learning at the same level as the kids typical in California, Wilson said.

Before the study published, Wilson and other community organizers were already putting together the Strengthening Families Collaborative curriculum, and introducing Protective Factors for Mental, Emotional, and Behavioral Disorders variables that promote developmental competencies in youth.

All these things happened together, not as a result of the ACEs study. The ACEs study was almost a confirmation of the problem that we knew we had. In other words, we knew kids were not doing well, Wilson said. But we didnt have the background of ACEs, the study, the data, to inform us. When we did the study and got the results we sat back like wow.

After the ACEs study, organizations like Youth Options Shasta, which connects youth to peer court and restorative justice practices, began to incorporate some additional screening when evaluating teenagers, an at-risk population with high ACE scores that the group works with.

Peer court youth jury deliberations in the jury room.(Photo: Youth Options Shasta)

ACEs are predictable and as a result, preventable, said Kelly Rizzi, director of School and District Support at Shasta County Office of Education. Rizzi joined the Shasta County Office of Education seven years ago to address the literacy issue in Shasta County, but learned the bleak literacy levels were related to trauma.

Many of the students who were struggling with literacy were living in toxic stress conditions and persistent fear, Rizzi said, damaging their amygdala the part of the brain that plays an importantrolesin the expression of emotion and behavior. That unrelenting stress can also shutoff the learning and growth that takes place in the prefrontal cortex of the brain, which is linked to decision making andreasoning.

What we really have is a regulation gap, not an education gap, Rizzi said. What we learned is we can teach kids to self-regulate. Your ACE score doesnt define you; it informs you and empowers you to make different decisions for yourself, your family and community.

More: Coronavirus live updates: Twelve more Shasta County residents test positive

In the last ten years a whole generation has come into adulthood but the population is changing slowly. To measure the effectiveness of the community's response to address high ACE scores in real time, it starts with the children, said Donnell Ewert, Director of the Shasta County Health and Human Services Agency.

Some experts question whether its wise to ask children about traumatic life events to generate a trend, out of concern that itll have an adverse effect on young people. Organizations and schools have begun efforts to respond to ACEs, but the challenge is measuring the effectiveness of the initiatives, Ewert said.

He said that the agency has frameworks in place to measure behavior shifts in people involved with the probation department, as well as the homeless populationand other high-risk populations.

But, Ewert said, the high ACE scores will not change dramatically in a short period of time.It will take years to see a difference.

Almost all Shasta County school districts have adopted a "social-emotional learning" program in the last fiveyears and noticed a reduction in bad behavior, Rizzi said. That is one way of tracking the effectiveness of ACEs reduction efforts.

Peer Court trial held in Shasta Lake City Council Chambers in 2016.(Photo: Youth Options Shasta)

The reality is, if youre not talking about it on a regular basis, it goes by the wayside, Rizzi said. Before COVID-19, schools began holding ACEs training for parents but now we cant hold gatherings. Our best bet is to teach the teachers and kids in classes.

At Happy Valley Primary School, Craig, the principal, began assessing the response to students basic needs by measuring daily and weekly data ranking bad behavior at a low level, medium level or high level.

Happy Valley has a total of about 490 students, with 240 primary students inpre-K through third grade. The trauma-informed practices, behavior dataand systems Craig adopted when she began working at the district three years ago have benefited the student body and decreased incidents of bad behavior significantly, she said.Students are taught to self-regulate by relating to issues and identifying coping methods so they can return to learning.

More: What will the new school year look like in Shasta County school districts?

The longevity data is going to be crucial moving forward, but in the first year as principal, I was spending 80% of my time focused on student discipline, and as Im transitioning out of this year (third year), I would say 7% of my time is spent on student discipline, Craig said. Its a significant culture change. It just looks different.

Reversing the risky effects of high ACE scores in the community is difficult but not impossible, Wilson said.

Youth advisory members attend the annual California Youth Court Summit trip in 2014.(Photo: Youth Options Shasta)

Another method of measuring the effectiveness of the community response can be tracking the number of toxicology screenings at birth whichcould indicate that mothers are paying attention to risks caused by ACEs, such as substance abuse.

People who successfully complete probation demonstrate an ability to overcome the high level of ACE scores and transform negative behavior patterns, she added.

At the Shasta County Probation Department, Neal collects data to include short, moderateand long term goals and analyzes the data every sixmonths. Staff is trained to develop cognitive skills and work with traumatized youth, she said.

Some key observation points include school graduation rates, employment, truancy, parental involvement and the level of conflict within the home. Success with mental health and substance abuse treatments are also considered.

"There is an emphasis on gender-specific trauma groups and exploring what trauma impacts people, developing awareness to triggers and healthy coping skills," Neal said in an email. "Being involved in the juvenile criminal justice system creates an enormous amount of stress and trauma in itself."

Nada Atieh is a Report For America corps member and education reporter focusing on childhood trauma and the achievement gap for the Redding Record Searchlight. Follow her on Twitter at @nada_atieh. Help local journalism thrive by subscribing today!

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What are ACE scores and why do they matter? - Record Searchlight

Scientists Found a Way to Tweak Proteins That Prolongs Life of Roundworms, Will It Work on Humans Too? – Science Times

Scientists from the Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST) have found a way to tweak proteins that control cellular activity levels. That means they were able to turn up and down levels in roundworm that prolongs its lifespan.

In that sense, drugs could be designed to combat age-related problems and increase the lifespan of humans.

The enzyme in roundworms that the scientists tweaked is responsible for converting the sugar into energy when the cellular level is low, in which they found that it can be controlled. Like roundworms, humans also have these proteins, which means that there is a possibility of developing longevity-promoting drugs.

(Photo: Pixabay)Scientists Found A Way To Tweak Proteins That Prolongs Life of Roundworms, Will It Work on Humans Too?

Read: Long Life: Here's How to Extend Your Lifespan According to Science

One of the most commonly used in lab testing, the Korean scientists used the roundworm Caenorhabditis elegans(C. elegans) for their study, published in Science Advances.

C. elegans experienced a boost in its lifespan when the scientists altered a couple of proteins responsible for monitoring the cellular energy levels.

These proteins are the VRK-1 and AMPK, and both work in tandem in roundworm cells. VRK-1's job is to tell AMPK to stick a phosphate molecule on it. AMPK's role then is to monitor the energy levels in cells when it is running low.

In short, VRK-1controls AMPK, and AMPK controls the cellular energy levels. The researchers were able to turn up and down the cellular activity that tells it to produce VRK-1 protein through various biological research tools, such as introducing foreign genes into the roundworm.

Pretty much, this gene remained unchanged over the course of evolution, which is why most complex organisms, including humans, have it.

According to lead author Sang-soon Park, he and his colleagues successfully increased the production of VRK-1 protein that boosts the lifespan of roundworms. They found that its activity increased when the worm has low cellular energy levels.

Simply saying, there is reduced mitochondrial respiration, and a decline in its function are associated with age-related illness. Mitochondriais the powerhouse of a cell.

However, the mild inhibition of mitochondrial respiration has shown to promote a longer lifespan for other species like flies and mammals.

Read Also:Scientists to Improve "Longevity Gene" Efficiency in Battling the Aging Process

When Park and his colleagues tried tweaking the same protein in humans, they found that they could also replicate the same process that occurs in roundworms.

Moreover, Professor Seung-Jae V. Lee, one of the researchers, explained that their research raises a very intriguing possibility that VRK-1 can also increase human lifespan. Perhaps drugs that promote longevity can be developed to alter the activity of VRK-1.

In that way, humans will be able to combat age-related illnesses that involve the disruption of chemical reactions in the body and diseases of the mitochondria.

But the researchers advise conducting more research to better understanding the workings of VRK-1 before developing longevity drugs. They added that they still need to figure out the exact mechanics of how AMPK controls energy levels in cells.

Read More: Are Scientists Close to Discovering a Way to Delay Aging?

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Scientists Found a Way to Tweak Proteins That Prolongs Life of Roundworms, Will It Work on Humans Too? - Science Times

The latest book in the ‘Avatar: The Last Airbender’ universe gives us one of its most compelling relationships – Business Insider Australia

Its the summer of Avatar: The Last Airbender. With the beloved series available on Netflix and its sequel series,The Legend of Korra, on its way there in August, the franchise is more readily available to fans than its been in years. Now, the franchises revitalized fandom has a new book, too.

F.C. Yees The Shadow of Kyoshi is the second instalment of a prequel series about one of the most fabled Avatars of all time. Building off of 2019s The Rise of Kyoshi, the series follows Kyoshi, an Avatar known in the main series for her strength, longevity, and uncompromising judgment, during the nascent stages of her Avatarhood. In turn, it serves to humanize one of the Avatar franchises most legendary characters.

Kyoshis beginnings werent particularly auspicious. The Avatar is an individual tasked with mastering all four elements and their bending disciplines, learning how to mainpulate and fight using water, earth, fire, and air. In turn, theyre tasked with bringing balance to the world, mitigating both human and spiritual conflict in the four nations: The Earth Kingdom, the Fire Nation, the Water Tribes, and the Air Nomads. Each Avatar faces a unique set of challenges in carrying out this mission.

In The Rise of Kyoshi, everyone (including Kyoshi) believes that another Earth Kingdom boy, Yun, is the next Avatar. Living, working, and training at the estate of Jianzhu, a powerful Earth Kingdom politician, Kyoshi and Yun are friends. A violent encounter reveals their mistaken identities, cementing Kyoshi as the next Avatar and setting her on a path towards revenge.

The Shadow of Kyoshi is haunted by the specter of that encounter, while still maintaining the first novels wry sense of humour and adventure. After accepting a summons from the Fire Lord himself (with, of course, the promise of reuniting with her lover and Firebending master Rangi), Kyoshi finds herself trapped in a foreign political snare while simultaneously grappling with a new threat from the spirit world. Given that shes spent the better part of her Avatarhood hunting down corrupt bandits and detaching herself from the politics of her own nation, the situation leaves Kyoshi out of her depth.

The weighty, political conflict is just as thrilling as the action sequences peppered throughout the novel. Garden parties are just as fraught with tension as intense battles; strained clan relations have the potential to cause more trouble than physical threats. It also leaves ample room for granular worldbuilding, including new details about previous Avatars, like the oft-maligned Kuruk and the venerated Yangchen, as well as tidbits of information about geography, political history, and language that wasnt touched upon in the animated series.

Yees prose is also just as visceral as Avatars renowned animation sequences. Regarding The Rise of Kyoshi, the author told Polygon in 2019 that he looks for moments that were more easy to capture in a novel format, in particular where the action suddenly turns on a dime rather than attempting to capture every beat of a single action scene. Those intense, pivotal moments are what make The Shadow of Kyoshi a harrowing read, bringing an emotional resonance and vibrancy that cuts through the page.

A new cast of auxiliary companions and antagonists keep things lively, each imbued with their own complexities and mystery that prevent them from becoming just side characters to the larger conflict. Kyoshis Airbender companion, Jinpa, and his sky bison Yingyong, are particularly fun additions to the story, in addition to a cast of Fire Nation nobles that drive the political arc of the novel.

Rangi and Kyoshis relationship is the most compelling. With the realisation of feelings and getting together out of the way in the first novel, The Shadow of Kyoshi gives the two women plenty of space to be tender, bicker, fight, and reconcile over the course of the book. Thats part of what makes their relationship feel so different from other romantic entanglements in the Avatar universe: the franchise has never shied away from love stories, but both The Last Airbender and The Legend of Korra end with romantic resolution rather than grapple with the relationships after the fact (although their central romances are continued in spin-off comics).

The fact that Kyoshi and Rangi have the most fully fleshed-out queer love story in the Avatar canon shouldnt go unmarked either. A Legend of Korra spin-off comic revealed in 2017 that Kyoshi was bisexual, and its a promise that Yee made good on in The Rise of Kyoshi, telling Polygon at the time that it felt important to not strip away Kyoshis queerness and do her relationships justice. In The Shadow of Kyoshi, Yee explores the complexities of Kyoshi and Rangis relationship and the ways that it affects their judgment, particularly in times of crisis with nuance and empathy. Their relationship is foundational to Kyoshis ascendance, and legacy, as the Avatar. In many ways, Rangi serves as her emotional and moral centre.

The Shadow of Kyoshi is a rewarding read for both dedicated Avatar fans and newcomers alike. Ultimately, it exceeds the task of fleshing out Kyoshis origin story, delivering a compelling character-driven narrative that bears just as much emotional heft as any other entry into the franchise.

The Shadow of Kyoshi is now available for purchase and debuted at number two on the New York Times Young Adult Hardcover Bestseller List.

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The latest book in the 'Avatar: The Last Airbender' universe gives us one of its most compelling relationships - Business Insider Australia

What is the Importance of Robots in the Maritime Industry? – CIOReview

From the green and eco-friendly benefits provided by regular hull cleanings to the safer waters gained via anti-piracy measures, advanced robotics are already influencing maritime operations.

FREMONT, CA: It is not just manufacturing experiencing the increase of advanced machinery; modern robotics are sweeping throughout nearly every sector, inclusive of the maritime world. Robots are used for several maritime industry things, from cleanup and maintenance to full-on driverless craft.

The most beneficial use of robots is during hazardous or potentially dangerous situations. Replacing the human laborers with robotics, the operations immediately becomes safer and usually more streamlined. For instance, the U.S. Maritime Administration has partnered with SEA-KIT to develop a robotic oil-clean-up vessel. The job is highly dangerous for human workers who witness regular exposure to hazardous chemicals, toxic fumes, and a high risk for fire or explosions. Robotics would be a much safer option.

Here are a few of the other maritime robot applications.

Hull Cleaning and Maintenance

The hull or underside of sea vessels become remarkably dirty. Almost every ship requires regular cleaning to preserve its longevity from barnacles and similar organisms to scratches and corrosion. Its also a task that can be dangerous, challenging, and tirying. Typically, divers will do the work when a vessel is docked or in port. However, new robotics may be able to do the job instead.

Ship Inspections

Huge ships like cargo or shipping vessels are difficult to inspect due to the boats surface area and its materials and colors. It can be daunting to detect cracks, corrosion, and other serious complications, particularly under the water, where its dark and murky. It means that human inspectors have to invest considerable time pouring over every inch of a vessel. Therefore Robots can carry out the inspection allowing humans to focus on other important work.

Anti-Piracy Measures

The Coast Guard and the Navy both have a lot to contend with when it comes to piracy. This is something that happens globally, not just near the United States' borders. Not every country can protect against significant piracy, either. Robots could change that and help to secure ships and cargo.

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What is the Importance of Robots in the Maritime Industry? - CIOReview

July: bat1k-study | News and features – University of Bristol

For the first time, the raw genetic material that codes for bats unique adaptations and superpowers such as the ability to fly, to use sound to move effortlessly in complete darkness, to survive and tolerate deadly diseases, to resist ageing and cancer - has been fully revealed by an international research team including scientists at Bristol. The findings are published in Nature.

In order to uncover bats unique traits,theBat1Kconsortium led by researchers at University College Dublin, the Max Planck Institutes of Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics (Dresden), and the Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics (Nijmegen),generated and analysed six highly accurate bat genomes that are ten times more complete than any bat genome published to date.

To generate these exquisite bat genomes, the team used the newest technologies to sequence the bats DNA, and generated new methods to assemble these pieces into the correct order and to identify the genes present.

Emma Teeling, University College Dublin, Co-Founding Director of Bat1K and Senior Author, said: Given these exquisite bat genomes, we can now better understand how bats tolerate viruses, slow down ageing, and have evolved flight and echolocation. These genomes are the tools needed to identify the genetic solutions evolved in bats that ultimately could be harnessed to alleviate human ageing and disease."

Eugene Myers, Director of Max Planck Institute of Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics, and the Center for Systems Biology, Dresden, Germany, and the studys Senior Author, added: Using the latest DNA sequencing technologies and new computing methods for such data, we have 96-99 per cent of each bat genome in chromosome level reconstructions - an unprecedented quality akin to for example the current human genome reference which is the result of over a decade of intensive "finishing" efforts. As such, these bat genomes provide a superb foundation for experimentation and evolutionary studies of bats fascinating abilities and physiological properties.

The team compared these bat genomes against 42 other mammals to address the unresolved question of where bats are located within the mammalian tree of life. Using novel phylogenetic methods and comprehensive molecular data sets, the team found the strongest support for bats being most closely related to a group called Ferreuungulata that consists of carnivores (which includes dogs, cats and seals, among other species), pangolins, whales and ungulates (hooved mammals).

To uncover genomic changes that contribute to the unique adaptations found in bats, the team systematically searched for gene differences between bats and other mammals, identifying regions of the genome that have evolved differently in bats and the loss and gain of genes that may drive bats unique traits.

Michael Hiller, Max Planck Research Group Leader, Max Planck Institute of Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics in Dresden, Max Planck Institute for the Physics of Complex Systems, and the Center for Systems Biology, Dresden, Senior Author, added: Our genome scans revealed changes in hearing genes that may contribute to echolocation, which bats use to hunt and navigate in complete darkness. Furthermore, we found expansions of anti-viral genes, unique selection on immune genes, and loss of genes involved in inflammation in bats. These changes may contribute to bats exceptional immunity and points to their tolerance of coronaviruses.

The team also found evidence that bats ability to tolerate viruses is reflected in their genomes. The exquisite genomes revealed fossilised viruses, evidence of surviving past viral infections, and showed that bat genomes contained a higher diversity than other species providing a genomic record of historical tolerance to viral infection.

Professor Gareth Jones from Bristols School of Biological Sciences, who contributed to the study,said: It has been 20 years since the first human genome was sequenced, and today we can obtain almost complete gene annotations for the genomes of wild mammals to better understand their adaptations and evolution. Analysis of the genomes helped resolve the phylogenetic position of bats in the mammal tree (basal in a lineage that includes carnivores, pangolins, hoofed mammals, pangolins and cetaceans), and supported the hypothesis that laryngeal echolocation is an ancestral trait in all bats. Moreover, the bat genomes revealed the incorporation of diverse fossilised viral genomes and selection on immunity-related genes that may contribute to bats exceptional immunity.

"One of the genomes we have been studying, to help us understand ageing in bats is from the greater horseshoe bat, which have exceptional longevity for their body size. For example, a six gram Brandtsbat can live for around 41 years. We plan to now use the genome to investigate epigenetic changes during ageing, and how these changes cause some animals to age biologically faster than expected for their chronological ages."

Given the quality of the bat genomes the team uniquely identified and experimentally validated several non-coding regulatory regions that may govern bats key evolutionary innovations.

Sonja Vernes, Co-Founding Director Bat 1K, Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics, Nijmegen, Senior Author, said: Having such complete genomes allowed us to identify regulatory regions that control gene expression that are unique to bats. Importantly we were able to validate unique bat microRNAs in the lab to show their consequences for gene regulation. In the future we can use these genomes to understand how regulatory regions and epigenomics contributed to the extraordinary adaptations we see in bats.

This is just a beginning. The remaining ~1,400 living bat species exhibit an incredible diversity in ecology, longevity, sensory perception and immunology, and numerous questions still remain regarding the genomic basis of these spectacular features. Bat1K will answer these questions as more and more exquisite bat genomes are sequenced, further uncovering the genetic basis of bats rare and wonderful superpowers.

The study was funded in part by the Max Planck Society, the European Research Council, the Irish Research Council, the Human Frontier Science Program, and the United States National Science Foundation.


'Six reference-quality genomes reveal evolution of bat adaptations' by Jebb et al. is published in Nature.

July: bat1k-study | News and features - University of Bristol

Apoplectic Eagles Announcer Merrill Reese Reacts to Back-Breaking Overtime Penalty – Sports Illustrated

You cant make this up. The way this team has shot itself in both feet.

The NFC East is shaping up to be quite the pillow fight. After three weeks, Dallas and Washington are tied at the top of the standings at 12, while the Giants and Eagles are winless.

The Eagles havent lost all their games, though. Sundays game against the Bengals ended in a tie, but only after Philadelphia threw away a chance to win the game.

Philly needed a game-tying drive from Carson Wentz in the final minutes to force overtime,and then neither team could get anything going in the extra period, as they just kept trading punts. Playing the field position game was eventually enough to give the Eagles a shot at a long, long field goal to win the game. With 19 seconds left, Jake Elliott lined up for a 59-yard attempt.

And then Eagles guard Matt Pryor committed a false start.

The penalty pushed the Eagles back five yards and head coach Doug Pederson decided he didnt want to take his chances on a 64-yard attempt (which would have tied the NFL record). Pederson punted and settled for the tie.

It was a maddening sequence of events and nobody was more enraged than longtime Eagles radio play-by-play man Merrill Reese. Reese was in sheer disbelief as he relayed the disaster to his listeners.

Thats inexplicable, how they cant line up for a field goalwith the game on the line, Reese said. Inexplicable. They cant line up for a field goal, ladies and gentlemen, with the game on the line. All they have to do is snap the ball to the holder.

You cant make this up, the way this team has shot itself in both feet, he added later.

Reese has called every single Eagles game since 1977. Hes a born-and-raised Philadelphian, and that absolutely comes through when hes calling a game. Theres never any doubt about who he wants to win the game.

There are those who will say Im a homer because I love this football team, Reese told Sports Illustrated in 2001.However, that doesnt affect my evaluation. That just puts me in tune with my audience.

His reaction to Sundays debacle, after the Eagles had already blown a big lead against Washington and gotten blown out at home against the Rams, was surely the reaction of every Eagles fanjust with less profanity.

By reaching his 10th NBA Finals, LeBron is setting a new standard for longevity of greatness. ... How much longer is Dan Quinn going to be the coach of the Falcons after another unfathomable collapse? ... Bam Adebayo came up huge for the Heat as they closed out the Celtics to advance to the NBA Finals.

Joe Montana reportedly fought off an intruder who tried to kidnap his nine-month-old granddaughter. ... A stranded motorist in Cleveland was shocked to discover that the guy who pulled over to help him out was Browns safety Ronnie Harrison. ... The Yankees D.J. LeMahieu won the batting title, becoming the first player in modern history to be crowned batting champ of both leagues. ... A Staten Island legislator told James Dolan to sell the Knicks, so Dolan responded by donating to his opponents campaign. ... Raiders defensive back Johnathan Abrams injuries from his collision with a TV cart on Monday Night Footballwere more severe than it initially appeared.

(He couldnt catch it because its six runs if he hits the ground with the ball outside the boundary.)

M. Night Shyamalans new movie is just called Old.... Human footprints discovered in Saudi Arabia could be 120,000 years old, the earliest evidence of human inhabitants in that part of the world. ... Workers in a gold mine in Colombia discovered 10,000-year-old fossils from a mastodon.

Email with any feedback or follow me on Twitter for approximately one half-decent baseball joke per week. Bookmark this page to see previous editions of Hot Clicks and find the newest edition every day. By popular request Ive made a Spotify playlist of the music featured here. Visit our Extra Mustard page throughout each day for more offbeat sports stories.

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Apoplectic Eagles Announcer Merrill Reese Reacts to Back-Breaking Overtime Penalty - Sports Illustrated

Why Making Amends Is an Important Part of Addiction Recovery – Longevity LIVE

Before moving forward, youll need to accept responsibility for any collateral damage you caused in the past. It might have been in the form of people you harmed or laws that you broke, all actions driven by your addictive behaviors. No matter what collateral damage you left in your path, youll need to confront these damages head-on.


Guilt is a powerful beast. If left undisturbed, it can completely consume a recovering substance use sufferer whos already dealing with an influx of complex emotions. Though a seemingly normal and productive human emotion, for substance use sufferers, guilt can trigger devastating relapses.

With these life-altering consequences in mind, youll have to eliminate the guilt. To do so, youll need to forgive yourself for past transgressions so that you can move forward with a clear conscience. While challenging, this step is non-negotiable.

In most cases, the path to clearing guilt is making amends. As mentioned previously, apologizing and making amends arent synonymous. Apologizing in the act of recognizing and admitting you did something wrong. Making amends is about righting the wrongs whenever possible. Consider these distinctions when initiating your sobriety journey.

Making amends isnt always a comfortable or easy thing to do. However, its a great alternative to dealing with thesigns of alcoholismor drug addiction that you exhibited while using.

Making amends can take many forms. You might be able to make some amends by paying back the money you borrowed in the past. Making amends might involve simple gestures like making yourself available to help someone you hurt in the past. If you dedicate enough time and energy, you can almost always brainstorm new ways to make amends with your loved ones.

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Why Making Amends Is an Important Part of Addiction Recovery - Longevity LIVE

Award-winning Austrian supplement containing "spermidine" is now available to consumers in the US – PRNewswire

Until recently, fasting has been considered the most efficient method to trigger the critical cellular renewal process, called "autophagy;" however, European aging scientists have discovered that autophagy is also triggered through a substance found in the human body, called spermidine. As the body ages, spermidine levels decrease, along with the self-renewing power of its cells. In search of a way to offset the effects of decreasing spermidine levels, Longevity Labs developed a method to isolate spermidine from plants (wheat germ) and to make it available to humans as a dietary supplement - spermidineLIFE.

TLL The Longevity Labs GmbH ("TLL") launched its first flagship product, spermidineLIFE in the EU 2019, bringing the first commercially available, safety-tested, lab-verified, spermidine-rich supplement to the global market. Quickly becoming a phenomenon in Austria and Germany, in September 2020, TLL has begun distribution of spermidineLIFE in the United States, through its subsidiary, Longevity Labs Inc., via its US website at

"We began with a common vision to support healthy aging. Spermidine was completely unknown in Austria but the scientific research, quality of our product and its effectiveness convinced the public.spermidineLIFE was voted one of the top 3 OTC product innovations in Austria in 2019 and interest has only continued to grow worldwide," says Vedran Bijelac, CEO of Longevity Labs Inc and Director of Sales and Marketing of TLL.

"We are proud to be the first scientifically tested and naturally-extracted spermidine supplement," says Daniel Dietz, COO of Longevity Labs Inc. "Not only do we want to present the health benefits of spermidine to the American population, we also want to find additional research partners. We are already working with more than 10 research institutions in Europe but the opportunity to work with top US scientists is very exciting."

spermidineLIFE is naturally extracted from European non-GMO wheat germ using TLL's proprietary extraction process in its state-of-the-art manufacturing facility in Graz, Austria. spermidineLIFE is lab-tested to ensure consistently rich spermidine content and has been tested for safety and tolerability in humans.

spermidineLIFE is available to consumers via its website via a monthly subscription model starting at $99. The supplement will also be available for one or more monthly package orders starting at $109. Wholesale pricing is available for practitioners.

For additional information or questions, please contact [emailprotected].

For more information about spermidineLIFE or to place an order, please visit

About TLL The Longevity Labs, GmbHTLL The Longevity Labs, GmbH is based in Graz, Austria. With the goal of translating scientific findings into natural solutions for a longer and healthier life, TLL worked with european university research partners to develop its novel product spermidineLIFE, with EU sales launching in 2019 and expanding worldwide. TLL continues to perform best-in-class research on life-extending products and services to bring to the global marketplace. For more information, visit or States).

No governmental agency has reviewed, approved or disapproved the content of this news release.

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

SOURCE Longevity Labs Inc.

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Award-winning Austrian supplement containing "spermidine" is now available to consumers in the US - PRNewswire

Longevity app calculates your life expectancy but will it make us healthier? – The Conversation UK

Would knowing the date of your death influence your actions? It did for Tiberius Caesar. Convinced by the court astrologer Thrasyllus that he had many years of life ahead of him, the paranoid old emperor chose to postpone the murder of his heir Caligula.

But by believing Thrasylluss prediction and letting his guard down, Tiberius inadvertently gave Caligula enough time to poison him first. The rest, as they say, is history which Thrasyllus had altered by deliberately overestimating his employers life expectancy.

While many of us are unlikely to find ourselves in Caesars position, knowing how many years we have left may influence many aspects of our life including when to retire, whether to take a long-awaited vacation, and even whether to opt for certain medical treatments.

My Longevity, a newly developed app from researchers at the University of East Anglia, now allows each of us to be our own life expectancy astrologer. But how much trust should we place in these predictions?

Simply put, life expectancy is how long, on average, members of any given population can expect to life. This is different from lifespan, which is the maximum length of time any member of the species can survive.

Although lifespan has changed very little if at all global life expectancy has soared by more than 40 years since the beginning of the 20th century. This was achieved through a combination of scientific discoveries and public health measures that drove down infant mortality. In the UK, life expectancy at birth is now over 80 years.

Life expectancy depends a lot on where you grow up or live. So the more a disparate population can be broken down into sub-populations who have traits in common but which are still large enough to be statistically significant the more accurate predictions become. Doing this might involve subdividing the population by sex (on average females live longer than males) or smoking status (for obvious reasons) or both.

The team of researchers used a sophisticated version of this approach when developing their app, informed by its previous research. This allows its app to factor in the life expectancy effects of controlled and uncontrolled high blood pressure, the presence of related illnesses such as cardiovascular disease or rheumatoid arthritis, ongoing treatment with statins, and serious risk factors, such as high cholesterol.

Developing the app has involved dealing with some problems along the way in estimating potential health benefits for the overall population based on those seen in clinical trials. This is because discrepancies exist between trial subjects and populations for a number of reasons but usually they are cases of what is known as tight segmentation working against you.

For example, a clinical trial of the effects of orange juice in sailors with scurvy will show profound benefits because they are a tight segment with vitamin C deficiency. But anyone expecting to see the same beneficial effects on health from prescribing orange juice to everyone taking a boat trip today is going to be deeply disappointed.

How seriously you should treat the predictions from an app of this type is basically a function of how accurately it reflects the sub-population into which you best fit. I compared my life expectancy prediction from My Longevity with calculators provided by the UK Office for National Statistics and those of two insurance companies. The predictions varied from 84-90 years. As Im 54, this may not have been a completely fair test of My Longevity because the data the team has used makes the app most accurate for the over 60s.

The major reason life expectancy calculators spit out such different figures is because there are a wide range of factors influencing the results. Being married increases your life expectancy compared to being single, as does being happy. In addition to smoking, levels of fruit and vegetable intake influence life expectancy. Perhaps unsurprisingly, levels of alcohol consumption and exercise make a profound difference to life expectancy. These are concrete lifestyle changes people can make which can add years to their lives.

The East Anglia research team hopes that access to its calculator will encourage users to adopt healthier lifestyles. Although there is some evidence that framing behaviours in terms of their effects on life expectancy is an effective way of encouraging people to embrace healthier lifestyles, superficial discussions of health and longevity often assume that everyone will seek to maximise life expectancy if only they are fed enough of the facts about it.

However, human motivation is emotional and intuitive at its core and is shaped by what a person most values in life. Propositions that accord with a persons values are typically supported. Those that dont are either ignored or rejected.

Another common mistake made by those promoting behaviour change is to assume their own dominant values are shared by the people they want to adopt the behaviour in question. This approach will only convince people who already think and feel like them. But the more developers of such apps recognise that users will only adopt certain behaviours according to their values and beliefs, the more useful these apps will be.

Longevity app calculates your life expectancy but will it make us healthier? - The Conversation UK

The week in TV: I Hate Suzie; Peter: The Human Cyborg; A Suitable Boy and more review – The Guardian

I Hate Suzie (Sky Atlantic) | sky.comThe Unbelievable Story of Carl Beech (BBC Two) | iPlayerThe Truth About Cosmetic Treatments (BBC One) | iPlayerPeter: The Human Cyborg (Channel 4) | 40DA Suitable Boy (BBC One) | iPlayer

Not Billie Pipers intent, no doubt, to outshine every other actor on screen. It just comes naturally. Her latest outing, I Hate Suzie, which she co-created with Lucy Prebble, is a humdinger, and despite genuine in-depth quality to the cast Leila Farzad, Daniel Ings the eyes are drawn remorselessly to Piper, even walking through a crowd or filling a glass in a corner of a vast country kitchen.

Suzie Pickles is a thirtysomething ex-teen star (as is Piper herself) whose phone photos are hacked from the cloud and leaked online. Cue shame, humiliation, public disdain, marriage meltdown and a wholly new questioning of what it means to be famous in an age famed for its censorious hypocrisy.

Piper is now quite the feted actor she remains, for Yerma at the Young Vic, unique in record-breaking critical garlands and quite the grown-up former teen star, quite apart from a couple of interesting marriages (Chris Evans, Laurence Fox). Yet even she, with relative power, has spoken of frustration at getting broadcasters to admit there might be room for possibly more than one drama about a woman falling apart before our eyes every couple of years.

She and Prebble, then, have saved their powder for Sky Atlantic, and it has done them proud. The opening episode (of eight), shown as part of a double bill on Thursday, certainly showcased this as mainly witty and wise; later it will get significantly darker, and all the better for it.

I especially loved the fact that on the fateful morning, when first her mum and then her scary best friend/agent (Farzad) call to tell her of the leak, the team of hipsters that trooped through her door for a photoshoot pot-plant carriers, dog stylists, photographers et al were supremely aware of Suzies fame, but it was just fame as a nebulous aspirational concept: no one knew what she actually did, because none of them watched telly. This is one of the more obviously in-jokes in a bittersweet satire that teems with subtler digs about the many prices of fame, and those who have the power to confer and wilfully destroy. Immense.

The Unbelievable Story of Carl Beech, aka the Nick of the entirely fabricated VIP paedo ring, must still give some hardened coppers midnight sweats. Its not just the lack of even the most cursory investigation of the laughable list of injuries (snake bites?) imposed by the alleged torturers Edward Heath, Leon Brittan etc, and they didnt even interview Beechs wife until about two years later. But its mainly that.

The normally impressive film-maker Vanessa Engle, while still forensic in her processing, may have let off too lightly both Tom Watson and a few of the media organisations, the BBC included, which had taken up the cudgels (I suspect the programme was carefully lawyered). But she certainly illuminated, by pointing out the danger, post-Savile, of the pendulum being allowed to swing in the entire opposite direction. Surely the absolutism of believing every word a victim ever says is the same absolutism as believing nothing they ever say?

I wish I hadnt watched in the same direct timeline The Truth About Cosmetic Treatments doc and Peter: The Human Cyborg, though at least I managed it in the right order. Had I tackled the impossibly brave story of Peter Scott-Morgan first, I honestly doubt whether Id have had the compassion to tackle a few whiny niggles about crows feet with anything other than withering savagery.

As it was, Michael Mosley, in a double-hander with Mehreen Baig, performed a valuable service in highlighting the strange lacuna that makes the UK about the only place on the globe where the 3bn annual cosmetic industry is almost entirely unregulated. In one survey, 83% of practitioners were found to have no medical training.

For this was not about outright surgery but soft surgery injections of hyaluronics and Botox, of limited longevity, which can be administered on the high street, in salons or by Superdrug, and demand for which has grown exponentially during lockdown. Soft surgery lies, I took from this, somewhere between the hilarious super-scam of sugar-pill homeopathy and the less fun stuff under knockout gas on the slab. And its growingly acceptable even for twentysomethings, who really dont have anything to worry about yet. Yet even Mosley grew, for him, almost cross when he said: I would certainly recommend that you check the qualifications of the person whos about to stick needles in your face.

The concluding episode this week will ask Are selfies to blame for our obsession with cosmetic surgery?, which means at least a third of an hours programme will be about a question that could simply be dealt with in a three-letter answer.

And so to Peter Scott-Morgan, an impressive ebullience of a man who was diagnosed with motor neurone disease a few years ago and decided technology was his only way out of a death sentence. Helped immensely by his being one of the worlds leading roboticists and possibly the leading expert on complex-system dynamics.

From his home in Torbay, Scott-Morgan and his partner of 40 years, Frank, have for four years planned his transformation into a human cyborg. We saw Scott-Morgan, astonishingly, standing, breathing and feeding anew, every vicious little MND attack countered by sheer clever. He was stoic and cheerful in the main, although the poignancy of having to choose ones last few spoken words before the tracheotomy consigned him to voicebox forever, was terribly affecting. This documentary left him in mid-March. An urgent update from Channel 4 soonest, please! Just to let us know hes surviving lockdown lock-in.

A Suitable Boy ended its Sunday run with garlands and sweet smiles, a breathless railway station proposal, a be-petalled wedding, sunsets all round. Lata married the nice safe shoemaker, who unselfishly loved her, rather than eloping with passion; Im hoping the entitled poet and (especially) his truly crap verse never really got a look-in.

While going down well enough with some audiences, Ive always been conscious of this series frustrated desire to do justice to Vikram Seths anvil of a novel, hence it has seemed underwhelming. The performances, and certainly the settings, were there; the ambition wasnt. It suffered perhaps from a six-week-only run, although maybe budgets wouldnt stretch to 10.

I think the mistake was, from the off, to have all characters speaking not Hindi or Urdu but either cut-glass English or an unfortunate singsong simulacrum of the same that just reminded one of dire Milligan-Sellers head-waggery. Subtitles are no longer to be feared: the BBC surely learned that from its Saturday Beeb Four Scandi-dramas, so why not for its mainstream Sunday nights? Patronising? Oh, how clever of you to notice

Once-feted adapter Andrew Davies did well to cram a lot into a relatively tiny sack, and some at least will have learned a vague little about the tense dual birth of the Indian subcontinent. Yet, coming soon after his rightly maligned Sanditon, I suspect Davies will not be counting 2019-2020 as a most suitable year.

See the article here:
The week in TV: I Hate Suzie; Peter: The Human Cyborg; A Suitable Boy and more review - The Guardian

Across the world, trees are growing faster, dying younger and will soon store less carbon – The Conversation UK

As the world warms and the atmosphere becomes increasingly fertilised with carbon dioxide, trees are growing ever faster. But theyre also dying younger and overall, the worlds forests may be losing their ability to store carbon. Thats the key finding of our new study, published in the journal Nature Communications.

In a world without humans, forests would exist in equilibrium, taking roughly as much carbon out of the atmosphere as they lose. However, humans have disturbed this equilibrium by burning fossil fuels. As a result, atmospheric CO levels have increased leading to an increase in temperature and fertilising plant growth. These changes have stimulated tree growth over the past decades, even in intact, old-growth forests that have not experienced recent human disturbances. This in turn has allowed forests to take up more carbon than they release resulting in large net accumulation whats often called the carbon sink.

Earth scientists like us often wonder how long forests can continue to be a sink. The extra CO will benefit trees everywhere, and temperature increases will help them grow in colder regions. So you could expect forests to continue soaking up much of our carbon emissions and that is exactly what most earth system models predict.

However, possible changes in tree lifespan may throw a spanner in the works. A few years back when studying old-growth Amazon forests, we noted that initial growth increases were followed by increases in tree mortality. We hypothesised that this could be due to faster growth reducing how long trees live for. If true, this means predictions that the carbon sink will continue may have been overly optimistic, as they did not take into account the trade-offs between growth and longevity. Our new findings provide evidence for this hypothesis.

To study the relationship between tree growth and longevity, we used tree ring records. The width of each ring tells us how fast the tree grew, while counting rings provides information on age and allows us to estimate its maximum lifespan. We analysed more than 210,000 individual tree ring records belonging to more than 80 different species from across the globe. This large undertaking has been possible thanks to decades of work by dendrochronologists (tree ring specialists) from across the world, who made their data publicly available.

Our analysis shows that trees that grow fast, die young. It has been known for a long time that faster growing species live shorter. A balsa tree, for example, grows quickly to 20 metres or more but will live for only a few decades, while some bristlecone pine trees have been growing slowly and steadily for nearly 5,000 years.

We found that this is not only true when comparing different species, but also within trees of the same species. It was a surprise to find that this trade-off occurs in nearly all types of trees and ecosystems, from closed-canopy tropical forests to the hardy trees that brave the Arctic regions. A slow growing beech tree may be expected to live several decades longer than its fast-growing relatives. It is very much like the story of the hare and the tortoise slow but steadily growing trees are the ones that live longest.

In order to study the implications of this we compared how much carbon would be accumulated under two tree simulation models. One simulation included this grow-fast, die-young trade-off, and the other used a model in which trees lived equally long, regardless of their growth rates. We found that trees growing faster and dying younger initially caused the overall level of biomass to increase, but it also increased tree mortality several decades later.

Therefore, eventually the forest starts to lose biomass again and return to the same level as in the beginning, but with faster growing and shorter-lived trees. Our models indicate that faster growth results in faster tree death, without real long-term increases in carbon storage. Some researchers predicted this long ago, and our results support their prediction.

These model predictions are not only consistent with observed changes in forests dynamics in the Amazon but also with a recent study reporting an increase in tree death across the globe.

An intriguing question is why the fast-growing trees, the rock stars of the forest, live much shorter lives. We dont yet have a conclusive answer, but we have looked at some potential mechanisms. For example, it could be that higher temperatures and other environmental variations that stimulate faster growth, also reduce tree lifespans. However, we find that reductions in lifespan are the result of faster growth itself.

One simple hypothesis is that trees die once they reach a certain maximum potential size, and the faster a tree reaches this size the younger it dies. Other possible explanations are that fast growing trees simply make cheaper wood (in terms of energy expenditure), and invest fewer resources in fighting off diseases and insect attacks, or are more vulnerable to drought. Whatever the cause, this mechanism needs to be built into scientific models if we want to make realistic predictions of the future carbon sink and thus how much CO will be in the atmosphere.

Read more here:
Across the world, trees are growing faster, dying younger and will soon store less carbon - The Conversation UK

Researcher John Craig Venter Is Awarded the 2020 Edogawa-NICHE Prize for His Accomplishment in Human Genome Research – Business Wire

TOKYO--(BUSINESS WIRE)--The Edogawa NICHE Prize for the year 2020 has been awarded to Dr. John Craig Venter for his contribution to research and development pertaining to the Human genome. This honor reflects Dr. Venter's lifetime accomplishments in the power of the genomics and specifically in the identification of the human genome which has radically transformed healthcare according to Prof. Gary Levy, chair, Edogawa NICHE awards committee (

Edogawa NICHE Prize was Instituted in 2018, by the Jinseisha trust, and the Nichi-In Centre for Regenerative Medicine (NCRM), which honours scientists or clinicians whose contributions lead to the development of prevention, diagnosis or treatment of any disease, through an inter-disciplinary approach. Alumni of the Fujio Cup Quiz, a part of NCRM NICHE, (, have priority for nomination, a unique feature of this prize. Previous awardees include Prof James Till, University of Toronto, Canada for discovery of stem cells (2018) and Dr. Steven Rosenberg, National Institutes of Health, USA for his groundbreaking work on T-lymphocyte immunotherapy (2019).

Dr. Venter was born in Salt Lake City Utah on October 14, 1946. He started his college education at the College of San Mateo, CA and later studied Biochemistry in University of California, San Diego under biochemist Nathan O. Kaplan. After obtaining a PhD in Physiology and Pharmacology from UCSD, he became a Professor at the State University of New York and joined the National Institute of Health in 1984. He has founded Celera Genomics, The Institute of Genomic Research (TIGR), J.Craig Venter Institute (JCVI) and co-founded Human Longevity Inc and Synthetic Genomics.

His path breaking sequencing of the first human genome with the Human Genome Project further progressed to transfecting a cell with a synthetic chromosome, a feat that has opened up opportunities to develop novel solutions not only in healthcare, but also in environmental issues and energy domain.

The awarding of the Edogawa NICHE prize to Dr Venter is the most recent in a string of honors including United States Medal of Science (2008), Gardner Foundation International Award (2002), Paul Erlich and Ludwig Darmstaedter Prize (2001) and the King Faisal International Award of Science (2001). He was listed on Time Magazines list of the most influential people in the world.

The award ceremony date will be announced later.

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Researcher John Craig Venter Is Awarded the 2020 Edogawa-NICHE Prize for His Accomplishment in Human Genome Research - Business Wire

I hate this place: Families protest on behalf of long-term care residents, compare isolation to prison – Global News

Dozens of Nova Scotians took to the streets of downtown Halifax on Tuesday, protesting on behalf of relatives in long-term care homes (LTCs), who have seldom been able to see their loved ones during the COVID-19 pandemic.

The marchers alleged the isolation LTC residents experienced is a violation of basic human rights. They called on the provincial government to immediately empower family caregivers to tend to their relatives inside these facilities.

We dont have years to deal with this, or months. We need to do something now, said Catherine Johnston, whose father has severe Parkinsons disease and lives in the Camp Hill Veterans Memorial Building.

Long-term care patients have had such severe restrictions, they dont have the same human rights the rest of us have.

Under current provincial restrictions, outdoor visitation with up to five visitors per resident is permitted at LTCs, and indoor visitation is allowed closely supervised and with personal protective equipment for one person per resident at a time.

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Family can accompany LTC residents to medical appointments and there is no cap on the number of people a resident can designate for indoor visits.

The Department of Health and Wellness has said these rules reflect safety as its top priority.

It said it recognizes the valuable role played by family caregivers, but visitation will remain limited in accordance with Public Health guidance and the abilities of each LTC residence.

We understand that COVID-19 has been particularly difficult on those who live and work in long-term care, as well as their loved ones, wrote spokesperson Carole Rankin on Tuesday.

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Recent outbreaks in long-term care facilities in Manitoba are important reminders of how quickly it can spread We continue to monitor the epidemiology and risks in LTC facilities to implement appropriate directives and policies that balance the needs for social interaction and the safety of residents and staff from an outbreak.

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Given the staffing and space restrictions at many facilities in the province, however, families say they often remain limited to one visit per week at arms length, lasting less than an hour in total.

As the rest of Nova Scotia enjoys the freedom of mobility and access to goods and services, families at the protest say their loved ones health is deteriorating.

I have a tough time here, I hate this place, Trudy Needler read from a letter her father at Northwood Halifax wrote on Friday.

I eat crappy food three times a day, but have had to stay indoors all the time, laying on my bed, staying in my room Mostly in the jail here.

The families are demanding daily access to LTC residents for at least two designated and trained family caregivers. They demand the government funds the training, which would educate caregivers in testing, screening and infection control requirements in LTCs.

They say training, combined with personal protective equipment, would alleviate some of the burden on LTC workers and allow them to provide critical care while posing a minimal risk of transmitting the novel coronavirus.

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We understood that for the first two months, there were big concerns about transmission, said Lesley Barnes, whose father Terry Barnes lives at Camp Hill.

The institution looks after the physical needs of the patient extremely well, but the psychological, emotional health really affects longevity.

According to a July report from the National Institute on Ageing, the restrictive visitation measures in place during COVID-19 have caused significant concern among experts that substantial and potentially irreversible harm may be done to LTC residents.

It also says some restrictive visitor policies may violate the rights of residents to make informed and risk-based decisions which prioritize their access to visitors over the risks of them contracting COVID-19.

That report, providing an evidence-informed guidance document for re-opening Canadian LTCs during the pandemic, advocates for a more balanced approach that differentiates between general visitors and essential family caregivers.

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It recommends dropping restrictions on the length of time and frequency of family caregivers visits, provided it doesnt hinder other LTC operations, along with unhindered indoor and outdoor access to LTCs for those caregivers.

2020 Global News, a division of Corus Entertainment Inc.

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I hate this place: Families protest on behalf of long-term care residents, compare isolation to prison - Global News

In COVID-19 Crisis, Older Americans Are More Resilient Than Younger Generations, Edward Jones and Age Wave Research Finds – PRNewswire

ST. LOUIS, Aug. 4, 2020 /PRNewswire/ --Despite COVID-19's severe and disproportionate impact on the health of aging adults, older Americans reported they are coping far better than younger ones, according to the Edward Jones and Age Wave study released today, "The Four Pillars of the New Retirement." The9,000-person, five-generation study in the U.S. and Canada revealed that in the U.S. 37% of Gen Z and 27% of millennials said they have suffered mental health declines since the pandemic began, while only 15% of baby boomers and 8% of silent generation respondents said the same.

"COVID-19's impact forever changed the reality of many Americans, yet we've observed a resilience among U.S. retirees in contrast to younger generations," said Ken Dychtwald, Ph.D., psychologist/gerontologist and founder and CEO of Age Wave. "Older Americans tend to recognize the value of a long-term view, and so as they think about their lives, longevity and legacy, they're able to pull from an array of experiences that help them weather current storms, feel gratitude about many aspects of their lives and still plan for the future."

The landmark Edward Jones and Age Wave research uncovered a new definition for retirement, as far more than simply the end of work. The majority of U.S. retirees (55%) defined retirement as a whole new chapter filled with new choices, freedoms and challenges, and they do so in a more holistic way across four important areas of health, family, purpose and finance.

COVID-19's Impact on Family Closeness and Finances COVID-19's initial dramatic impact on the U.S. economy and personal financial situations may very well leave long-lasting implications. Reflecting a great deal of generational generosity, 24 million Americans* have provided financial support to adult children due to COVID-19, and an overwhelming 71% of retirees said they would offer financial support to their family even if it could jeopardize their own financial future. Despite COVID-19's negative impact on finances, 67% of Americans said the pandemic has brought their families closer together. The research also revealed that 20 million Americans stopped making retirement savings contributions during the COVID-19 pandemic and only a quarter of working Americans were on track with their retirement savings prior to the pandemic.[i]

"We've certainly seen COVID-19's disruptive force on finances, with the pandemic influencing retirement timing and financial confidence," said Ken Cella, Edward Jones Client Services Group Principal. "However, this cloud has brought several silver linings in terms of family closeness and important discussions about planning earlier for retirement, saving more for emergencies and even talking through end-of-life plans and long-term care costs."

Social Relationships as Predictor of Health and Purpose While loneliness is pervasive across all five generations, as people age, physical isolation becomes a greater health risk, as deadly as smoking a pack of cigarettes a day[ii], and it is linked to increased risk for heart disease and dementia.[iii]While most retirees (76%) said they derive the greatest sense of purpose from social relationships, specifically time spent with loved ones, 72% noted that one of their biggest fears is becoming a burden on their families.

"Retirees say they miss people and purpose, not paychecks, when they retire, but 31% of new retirees are struggling to find purpose in this stage of life. They want to feel useful, not just youthful, and keep learning and growing at every age," Dychtwald added.

The study found that 89% of all Americans feel that there should be more ways for retirees to use their talents and knowledge for the benefit of their communities and society at large.

Financial Advisors as Connectors and Confidence Builders As Americans redefine retirement in a broader way across the four pillars, the majority of U.S. respondents felt their ideal financial advisor is a guide who can understand them and help them achieve their goals. In fact, 84% of those working with a financial advisor said that their financial advisor relationship gave them a greater sense of comfort regarding their finances during the pandemic.

Further underscoring the fundamental importance of financial security, retirees are often met by new challenges as they enter retirement. Thirty-six percent of retirees said managing money in retirement is more confusing than saving for retirement, and they want help navigating. Fifty-two percent of retirees cited healthcare costs, including long-term care, as the most common financial worry. This concern was also echoed by pre-retirees as more than two-thirds (68%) of those who plan to retire in the next 10 years said they have no idea what their healthcare and long-term care costs will be in retirement.

"Beyond finances, we can help our clients envision and truly realize a holistic retirement, which, we know includes decisions about their health, family and purpose," said Cella. "Empathy and knowledge allow us to better serve our clients in a human-centered way and work together to achieve what's most important to them and their families."

While the above findings feature a selection of respondents' thoughts regarding the new definition of retirement, further examination of the four pillars of health, family, purpose and finances reveal their highly intertwined nature and influence in shaping retirees' overall quality of life. For more details from The Four Pillars of the New Retirement, please visit

MethodologyThis report is based on a large-scale investigation of what it means to live well in retirement that began in November 2019. The study was conducted by Edward Jones in partnership with Age Wave and The Harris Poll.

As part of the study, The Harris Poll conducted an online, representative survey from May 21 through June 4, 2020among more than 9,000 adults age 18+, in the US and Canada, including n=3,000 among a US general population, n=1,000 among a Canadian general population, and oversamples of approximately 500 in each of the following 10 metropolitan regions: Atlanta, Charlotte, Cleveland, Dallas, Kansas City, Los Angeles, Portland, Raleigh-Durham, St. Louis, and Toronto.Results were weighted where necessary to bring them into line with their actual proportions in the population.

*Estimated projections to the US population are calculated based on the 2019 Census Current Population Survey.

About Edward Jones Edward D. Jones & Co., L.P., a Fortune 500 company headquartered in St. Louis, provides financial services in the U.S. and, through its affiliate, in Canada. Every aspect of the firm's business, from the investments offered to the location of branch offices, caters to individual investors. The firm's 19,000-plus financial advisors serve more than 7 million clients with a total of $1.2 trillion in client assets under care. Visit http://www.edwardjones.comor the recruiting website at Member SIPC.

About Age Wave Under the leadership of Founder and CEO Ken Dychtwald, Ph.D., Age Wave is the nation's foremost thought leader on population aging and its profound business, social, financial, health care, workforce, and cultural implications. Dychtwald's long-awaited new book What Retirees Want: A Holistic View of Life's Third Age was just published (Wiley, July 15,2020). Since its inception in 1986, the firm has advised numerous non-profits and over half the Fortune 500. For more information, please

About The Harris Poll The Harris Poll is one of the longest-running surveys in the U.S.;tracking public opinion, motivations and social sentiment since 1963. The Harris Poll is now part of Harris Insights & Analytics, a global consulting and market research firm that delivers social intelligence for transformational times. The Harris Poll works with clients in three primary areas; building twenty-first-century corporate reputation, crafting brand strategy and performance tracking, and earning organic media through public relations research. Learn more

[i]Federal Reserve, Report on the Economic Well-Being of U.S. Households in 2018 - May 2019

[ii]Holt-Lunstad J, Smith TB, Layton JB. Social relationships and mortality risk: a meta-analytic review. PLoS Med., July 2010

[iii]National Institute on Aging, "Social isolation, loneliness in older people pose health risks," April 23, 2019.

SOURCE Edward Jones

In COVID-19 Crisis, Older Americans Are More Resilient Than Younger Generations, Edward Jones and Age Wave Research Finds - PRNewswire