200,000-Year-Old Tooth Reveals Clues About Mysterious Human … – Live Science

Scientists say the molar tooth found in Denisova Cave in Siberia estimate the tooth is at least 20,000 years older than previously examined Denisovan fossils.

DNA in a fossil from a young girl has revealed that a mysterious extinct human lineage occupied the middle of Asia longer than previously thought, allowing more potential interbreeding with Neanderthals, a new study finds.

Although modern humans are the only surviving human lineage, other hominins which include modern humans, extinct human species and their immediate ancestors once lived on Earth. These included Neanderthals, the closest extinct relatives of modern humans, as well as the Denisovans, who lived across a region that might have stretched from Siberia to Southeast Asia.

In 2010, researchers analyzed DNA from fossils to reveal the existence of the Denisovans, suggesting the lineage shared a common ancestor with Neanderthals. However, the Denisovans were nearly as genetically distinct from Neanderthals as Neanderthals were from modern humans, with the ancestors of Denisovans and Neanderthals splitting about 190,000 to 470,000 years ago. [Denisovan Gallery: Tracing the Genetics of Human Ancestors]

The 2010 study also revealed that the Denisovans might have interbred with modern humans thousands of years ago just as Neanderthalsdid. Subsequent research suggested that genetic mutations from Denisovanshave influenced modern human immune systems, as well as fat and blood sugar levels.

However, much remains unknown about the Denisovans, since all fossil evidence of them until now was limited to just three specimens: one finger bone and two molars. All three fossils were unearthed from Denisova Cave, after which the Denisovans are named, in the Altai Mountains in Siberia.

Now, scientists have revealed that they have a fourth Denisovan fossil a "baby tooth" that likely fell from the jaw of a 10- to 12-year-old girl, said study lead author Viviane Slon, a paleogeneticist at the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology in Leipzig, Germany.

"Any additional Denisovan individual that we can identify at this point is very exciting for us," Slon told Live Science.

The crown of the "baby" molar was almost completely worn away when researchers unearthed it. To help preserve the fossil, the researchers used 3D X-rays of the tooth to help find the best way to extract as little powder from the molar as possible. Next, they analyzed what little surviving DNA they could from about 10 milligrams of tooth powder, confirming that the fossil belonged to a Denisovan girl.

The deep layer of sediment in which this molar was found ranges from 128,000 to 227,000 years old. This age makes the tooth one of the oldest human specimens discovered in central Asia to date, and about 50,000 to 100,000 years older than the first known Denisovan fossil.

"This would indicate that Denisovans were present in the Altai area for a very long time at least as long as modern humans have been in Europe, if not much more," Slon said. Such a long span of time increases the chances that the Denisovans and the Neanderthals may have interacted and interbred, the researchers added.

These new findings, combined with previous data, suggest that there may have been low levels of genetic diversity among the Denisovans, comparable to the lower range of modern human genetic diversity seen among small or secluded populations.

"The low genetic diversity we infer for the Denisovans can most probably be linked to their small population size," Slon said. "This is similar to what has been inferred for Neanderthals. Both groups of archaic hominins seem to have had a far smaller population size than humans today."

Still, the researchers noted that because all four Denisovan fossils unearthed to date come from the same place, it is possible that they represent an isolated population and that Denisovan genetic diversity across

their entire geographic range was greater than that seen in these isolated samples. Additional fossils from Denisovans from other locations would help scientists more comprehensively gauge Denisovans' genetic diversity across space and time, Slon said.

The scientists detailed their findingsonline July 7 in the journal Science Advances.

Original article on Live Science.

Read more from the original source:

200,000-Year-Old Tooth Reveals Clues About Mysterious Human ... - Live Science

Genoox raises $6M to make genetic data analysis more accessible for clinics – TechCrunch

Genoox, a startup that wants to make it easier for medical professionals to use genomic data in patient care, has raised $6 million in funding. The capital includes a seed round from Inimiti Capital Partners and a Series A round led by Glilot Capital Partners.

Genooxs software is already used in many of the top genetic medicine institutes and commercial labs in Israel; earlier this year, it was also contracted by the Israeli government to help analyze genomic data from more than 100,000 citizens, in a project similar to the 100,000 Genomes Project in the U.K. The company will use its funding for expansion into the U.S.

CEO Amir Trabelsi, who founded Genoox in 2014 with CTO Moshe Einhorn, says its technology, which uses machine-learning algorithms to analyze rare genetic mutations and predict the probability they are responsible for a condition, makes it less time-consuming and expensive for clinics to handle data from genetic screening. While next-generation sequencing technologies, which can sequence entire genomes within a day, are currently accessible to only a few facilities, Genooxs founders want their tools to make a routine part of patient care.

Deep data analytics has the capacity to impact so many fields, and medicine is certainly included, but there seems to be a gap in innovation between the scientific developments surrounding genetics and the speed at which advancements are being made to make genetic sequencing accessible to treating clinicians, Trabelsi says. WithGenoox, our mission is to close this gap by making genetic sequencing more accessible for the masses.

Genooxs current platform can examine data from both whole-genome sequencing (WGS), which sequences all the base pairs in a genome at one time, as well as whole-exome sequencing (WES), a less costly alternative to whole-genome sequencing that sequences exons, which make up about one percent of the human genome.

Both are important tools for diagnosing hereditary genetic disorders, especially for rare childhood diseases, Trabelsi says, which require both known and rare mutations to be examined. The company also plans to create new applications for tests to determine if a person is a carrier for inherited genetic disorders, prenatal testing, and genetic testing for cancer.

Continued here:

Genoox raises $6M to make genetic data analysis more accessible for clinics - TechCrunch

Finding Love in a Lower Manhattan Courthouse – New York Times

Mr. Lytle quickly denied that accusation and offered his own defense. They were going out eating every day but I was bringing my own lunch, trying to eat healthier, and reading a lot, he said. I guess I was just trying to make the best of the situation, because jury duty is usually never any fun.

But he found out otherwise on May 30, 2014 which happened to be his 27th birthday when he finally accepted one of those lunch offers, and went along with Ms. Nelson and two other jurors to a nearby restaurant/bar.

That day I learned that he has a very funny, subtle and surprising sense of humor, Ms. Nelson said. He notices small quirks in people.

He noticed a lot more than that in Ms. Nelson. She was very attractive and made me laugh, he said. She was also a very intelligent person who knew a lot about science and had a very interesting career.

They began going out for lunch with greater frequency, and one night in June, they went for drinks with four fellow jurors, all of whom disappeared during the course of the evening, leaving Ms. Nelson and Mr. Lytle alone in a social setting for the first time.

Ms. Nelson invited Mr. Lytle back to her apartment to watch an episode of The Bachelor, along with her roommate, and Mr. Lytle accepted. When the show ended, they went dancing at a Manhattan bar.

That was kind of the turning point in our relationship, said Ms. Nelson, who was living on the Upper East Side at the time, while Mr. Lytle lived in Washington Heights.

They were soon dating, and became a more serious item in the days after the trial ended in late July 2014.

The nicest thing about Jordan is that being with him always felt so natural and right, Ms. Nelson said. I met him at a time when I was going on a lot of first dates, and most of them always felt very childish, but Jordan was always kind and considerate and never one to play games. We just seem to balance each other out very well.

Recently, a friend of Ms. Nelsons called to bemoan the fact that she had received a jury duty notice.

It might not be as bad as you think, Ms. Nelson told her. You never know, you might meet your future husband there.

Read the original here:

Finding Love in a Lower Manhattan Courthouse - New York Times

Biology’s Roiling Debate Over Publishing Research Early – WIRED

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See more here:

Biology's Roiling Debate Over Publishing Research Early - WIRED

Evolution and war: The ‘deep roots’ theory of human violence – Genetic Literacy Project

The world learned the details of the Islamic States systemic rape and slavery of women through shocking stories told to the New York Times in 2015.Our collective outrage also showed how war has changed. Rape, torture and slavery are considered beyond taboo; they are criminalized even in war. This archaic behavior is not supposed to happen in our modern world.

But thats a pretty recent development. Systemic rape used to go hand in hand with war as women, resources and landswere assimilated into the victors communities. The victorious menhad more children, more land and more power. Some researchers have argued that this is proof of the deep roots theory of war: Human males fight each other for reproductive advantage, proving that war is an evolutionary advantageous behavior.

But this theory has been hard to prove. In fact, studies of human groups and other primates have added to the evidence both for and against the controversial idea that humans were made for war, evolutionarily speaking. A January 2015study indicates that societies dont actually benefit from head-to-head action, though other forms of violence do pay off.

Harvard evolutionary biologists Luke Glowaki and Richard Wrangham studied the Nyangatom people of East Africa. The group are polygamous shepherds who raise small livestock and can have multiple wives. At times, the Nyangatom go to war with other groups. But there is a another pervasive and nearly constant form of violence in the group. Young riders make raids on nearby camps with the goal of stealing cattle. Glowaki and Wrangham asked if either or both of these types of violence was beneficial to the men who engaged in them. They measured by counting the the number of wives and kids they had.

This study is one of many that has heightened thedebate over how muchwar has had an impact on a warriors evolutionary success. At least in this society,sneaking around after dark and stealing cows may have beenmore consequential. Robert Sapolosky at the Wall Street Journal explained:

By contrast, lots of battle raidingopen-field, daytime combat with hundreds of participantsdid not serve as a predictor of elevated reproductive success, probably because such fighting carried a nontrivial chance of winding up dead. In other words, in this society, being a warrior on steroids did not predict reproductive success; being a low-down sneaky varmint of a cattle rustler did.

But researchers only discovered this by looking at the elders in the community. Stealthy animal raiding did lead to better outcomes but decades later. In Nyangatom culture, most of the stolen livestock goes to fathers and other paternal relatives rather than being kept by the young men who stole them. The male heads of families made marriage decisions for their younger relatives. So, while it this kind of violence makes a difference, the payoff is quite delayed. The researchers speculated the cattle-rustling effect would be stronger in a group where the raiders got to keep the livestock they stole and incentives were strengthened.

Other studies also point to the idea that inter-group warfare might not be beneficial, but intra-group violence is. Chimpanzee tribes, for example dont often go to war with other tribes. Instead the most common types of violence involve a group of males ganging up on one individual male. This often happens when conditions are crowded or there were increased numbers of males in the tribe. And the researchers found that chimps participation in violence happened outside of the spheres of human influence, meaning violence was not a behavior the chimpanzees learned from us.

But other evidence suggests that humans likely didnt participate in war as we know it until relatively recently. A 2013 survey of killings in 21 groups (foragers rather than shepherds) found that group warfare was rare compared to homicide. John Horgan categorized the evidence at Scientific American:

Some other points of interest: 96 percent of the killers were male. No surprise there. But some readers may be surprised that only two out of 148 killings stemmed from a fight over resources, such as a hunting ground, water hole or fruit tree. Nine episodes of lethal aggression involved husbands killing wives; three involved execution of an individual in a group by other members of the group; seven involved execution of outsiders, such as colonizers or missionaries. Most of the killings stemmed from what Fry and Soderberg categorize as miscellaneous personal disputes, involving jealousy, theft, insults and so on. The most common specific cause of deadly violenceinvolving either single or multiple perpetratorswas revenge for a previous attack.So it maybe that a proclivity for violence and an innate sense of revenge that perpetuates war, rather than war itself.

Another factor to consider is that while our common ancestors lived in groups like these thousands of years ago, almost no one does anymore. In fact, finding these undisturbed cultures is hard to do. Having more cows doesnt carry the same appeal it once did. Its unlikely stealing your neighbors TV for your uncle will fetch you a better bride. Some scientists worry that if we accept the idea that violence was a beneficial tool for our ancestors, it somehow overturns the societal progress that has moved us beyond the rape and pillage culture to something still imperfect, but largely more peaceful.

This is the biggest struggle with the deep roots theory of human violence. Just because something garnered an advantage thousands of years ago doesnt make it okay today. Harvard psychologist Steven Pinker, who has written a book on human violence, said in the Boston Globe:

romantics worry that if violence is a Darwinian adaptation, that must mean that it is good, or that its futile to work for peace, because humans have an innate thirst for blood that has to be periodically slaked. Needless to say, I think all this is profoundly wrongheaded.

Meredith Knight is a contributor to the human genetics section for Genetic Literacy Project and a freelance science and health writer in Austin, Texas. Follow her @meremereknight.

Originally posted here:

Evolution and war: The 'deep roots' theory of human violence - Genetic Literacy Project

Elon Musk’s business achievements and future aspirations – ABC Online

Updated July 07, 2017 19:41:56

Elon Musk is the driving force behind South Australia's giant storage battery project, but his to-do list includes putting a human on Mars, roads filled with electric vehicles that drive themselves and developing the capacity for humans to "plug themselves in" to computers.

Mr Musk, 46, was born in South Africa, went to school there, then completed university in Canada and the United States.

He spoke with scientist Neil deGrasse Tyson in a podcast last year about ways he wanted to have a big impact on humanity citing the internet, sustainable energy and space exploration among his areas of focus.

Others he spoke of were artificial intelligence and exploration of human genetics.

The start-ups sector holds Mr Musk is high regard.

Back when he was 24, he got only days into PhD studies at Stanford University when he decided to leave and start the first of what became a series of multi-million-dollar business ventures.

With his brother, he started Zip2 with just $2,000, a company that helped others post content such as maps and directory listings.

Four years later that company was sold for more than $300 million and Mr Musk pocketed about $22 million as his share.

The young businessman then rolled half the money into a company that ultimately became PayPal.

It was later acquired by eBay for more than $1.5 billion.

Aged 31, Mr Musk started turning his attention to space exploration hopes, founding the company SpaceX, and also joined electric car company Tesla, as he pondered the way forward for vehicle transport.

Tesla sells electric cars that run on lithium ion batteries. In 2016, it sold more than 82,000 cars but needed to work out how it could achieve an aim of many as 10,000 new cars per week by 2018, the hurdle being enough lithium ion batteries.

Mr Musk turned his ambitions to that area, and started building the Gigafactory 1 last year in Nevada in the United States.

It is more than half completed now and, once operational, is being tipped to have the largest footprint of any building in the world.

Mr Musk has said the planet would need just 100 lithium ion factories of this size to be able to meet the Earth's total energy requirements.

Topics: business-economics-and-finance, environmental-technology, science-and-technology, computers-and-technology, sa, united-states, canada, south-africa, australia, adelaide-5000, jamestown-5491

First posted July 07, 2017 19:39:04

Original post:

Elon Musk's business achievements and future aspirations - ABC Online

Using Big Data to Hack Autism – Scientific American

Its been 10 years sinceMichael Wiglerhad a breakthrough revelation in autism geneticsone that arguably launched the field as we know it.

In April 2007, Wigler and his then colleague,Jonathan Sebat, reported that de novo mutationsthose that arise spontaneously instead of being inheritedoccur more often in people with autism than in typical people. The mutations they noted were in the form of copy number variants (CNVs), deletions or duplications of long stretches of DNA. CNVs crop up frequently in cancer, an earlier focus of Wiglers work. But his find that they are also involved in autism came as a surprise to those in the field. Genetics was striking out with other efforts based on transmission and inheritance, Wigler says. In that vacuum, the new idea was quickly embraced.

The discovery fast led to further advances. Focusing primarily onde novomutations, three teams of scientists, including one led by Wigler, began hunting for genes that contribute to autism. Their approach was efficient: Rather than looking at the entire genome, they scoured the 2 percent that encodes proteins, called theexome. And they looked specifically at simplex families, which have a single child with autism and unaffected parents and siblings. The premise was that comparing the exomes of the family members might exposede novomutations in the child with autism. The approachyielded a bumper crop: Based on data from more than 600 families, the teams together predicted that there are hundreds of autism genes. They identified six as leading candidates. Some of the genes identified at the time CHD8,DYRK1A,SCN2A quickly became hot areas of research.

In 2014, the number of strong candidates jumped higher. In two massive studies analyzing the sequences of more than 20,000 people, researchers linked 50 genes to autism with high confidence. Wiglers team looked at simplex families and found rarede novomutations in 27 genes. In the second study, researchers screened for both inherited andde novomutations and implicated 33 genes. The two studies identified 10 genes in common.

Two years ago, the tally of autism gene candidates shot up again. Deploying statistical wizardry to combine the data onde novoand inherited mutations, along with CNV data from theAutism Genome Project, researchers pinpointed 65 genes and six CNVsas being key to autism. They also identified 28 genes that they could say with near certainty are autism genes.

For so long, weve been saying if we could just find these genes, wed be able to really make some headway, saysStephan Sanders, assistant professor of psychiatry at the University of California, San Francisco, who co-led the study. Suddenly, youve got this list of 65-plus genes, which we know have a causative role in autism, and as a foundation for going forward, its amazing.

These advances establish beyond doubt that autism is firmly rooted in biology. More and more, we are erasing this idea of autism being a stigmatizing psychiatric disorder, and I think this is true for the whole of psychiatry, Sanders says. These are genetic disorders; this is a consequence of biology, which can be understood, and where traction can be made.

This is just the start, however. As scientists enter the next chapter of autism genetics, they are figuring out how to build on what they have learned, using better sequencing tools and statistics, bigger datasets and more robust models. For example, they are looking for common variantswhich are found in more than 1 percent of the population but may contribute to autism when inherited en masse. And they are also starting to look beyond the exome to the remaining 98 percent of the genome they have largely neglected thus far.

Most of the genetic advances fall into a category of large-effect-sizede novovariants, which is only one piece of the puzzle, saysDaniel Geschwind, professor of human genetics at the University of California, Los Angeles. Its an important piece, but one that still cannot explain why autism clusters in families, for instance, or why close relatives of people with autism often share some of the conditions traits.

So how much of autisms genetic architecture have scientists uncovered? Current estimates suggest that rare mutations, whetherde novoor inherited, contribute to the condition somewhere between 10 and 30 percent of the time. Before the recent spate of discoveries, the proportion of individuals whose autism had a known genetic cause was only 2 to 3 percentmuch of that from rare related genetic syndromes, such asfragile X syndromeand tuberous sclerosis complex, which stem from mutations in a single known gene. These syndromes often involve some core features of autism, along with their own set of characteristic traits, and intellectual disability.

Two generations ago, at least 75 percent of the time autism was comorbid with severe intellectual disability and other neurodevelopmental abnormalities, saysMark Daly, associate professor of medicine at Harvard University. It was also a much rarer diagnosis.

The large increase in diagnoses in recent decades overwhelmingly reflects cases at the mild end of the spectrum, Daly says, creating a new challenge. The genetics of autism has us wrestling with the fact that rare mutations, and especially these spontaneously arising ones, are the strongest risk factors, he says. But at the same time, theres a majority of cases now that dont have any of those high-impact risk factors.

Instead, much of the risk in these instances likely comes from common variants, which have small effects on their own, but can add up to increase overall risk. Researchers have tried to identify those relevant to autism using genome-wide association studies (GWAS), which compare the genomes of people with and without a condition to find differences in single-letter swaps of DNA called single nucleotide polymorphisms.

Because common variants have small effects individually, they are difficult to find, but multiple studies suggest that theyplay a major rolein autism risk. In a 2014 study, for instance, researchers used statistical tools to estimate the heritability of autism from the amount of common variation shared by unrelated people with autism. They applied the method to data from more than 3,000 people in Swedens national health registry. Their calculations indicated thatcommon variants account for 49 percentof the risk for autism in the general population; rare variants, equal partsde novoand inherited, explain 6 percent. Some scientists dispute these figures, but its clear that common variants, rare inherited variants and spontaneous mutations all play a part in autism.

Wigler says he is skeptical of using GWAS studies for autism precisely because they focus on common variants. Most of the disorders that will cause pain and suffering and require expensive treatments, if theyre genetic, are caused by rare variants that are not going to stay around in the population, he says.

Common variants may turn out to be more relevant at the milder end of the spectrum than in those who are severely affected. The people who havede novomutations, en masse, tend to have lower intelligence quotients and more cognitive problems, Sanders says.

Researchers are grappling with how to fit these pieces together: Finding and diagnosing rare variants linked to severe outcomes is important, but so is unraveling how the core traits of autism relate to other psychiatric conditions and manifest in the general population. Both goals are important, and they shouldnt be seen as at odds with each other, Daly says. In fact, a study published in May reported thatrare and common variants can combineto increase an individuals risk.

The landscape of autism genetics becomes even more complex when considering the sheer number of genes that could be involvedsome researchers estimate up to a thousandand the fact that many high-confidence autism genes are also associated with other conditions, ranging from intellectual disability andepilepsyto schizophrenia and congenital heart disease.

This many-to-one and one-to-many relationship is not surprising, Sanders says. But it does mean there are probably no unique autism genes per se. But I could flip that round and say weve not found anything which is a pure intellectual disability or schizophrenia gene [either]; on a fundamental level, these disorders seem to be related, he says. If I was to say, Can we find something which contributes more to autism than other disorders? then I think the answers yes. The genes that seem particularly tied to autism could offer important clues about the conditions biology.

The genes identified so far have hinted at a handful of underlying mechanisms that contribute to autism. Most of them seem to be involved in three broad categories of tasks: maintaining the function ofsynapses, or the connections between neurons; controlling the expression of genes; and modifying chromatin, structures of DNA wound around protein spools called histones. Chromatin determines which stretches of DNA can be read and so influences gene expression.

The idea of a brain condition originating with atypical neuronal connections made logical sense from the start. There had been a lot of interest in the synapse, Sanders says. But the candidates that control gene expression only emerged in the genetic studies. Two genes that consistently top the high-confidence listsCHD8 and SCN2Awere both somewhat of a surprise. CHD8 encodes a chromatin regulator that controls the expression of thousands of other genes. SCN2A codes for a sodium channel and had primarily been associated with infantile seizures.

Using gene expression maps, such as theBrainSpan Atlas, researchers have traced when and where autism genes are active in the brain. They have found that many of the genes, CHD8 and SCN2A included, are expressed in parts of the cortex during mid- to late fetal developmentwhich happens to be the peak period when neurons are forming. We dont really understand it yet, but theyre more likely than not to disrupt fetal brain development in mid-gestation, Geschwind says. That timing suggests they interfere with processes that are critical to setting up the cortex, including which types of cells form and where in the brain they migrate. If the cortex isnt set up right, he says, you create ongoing problems with how neurons communicate, among other important functions. Within the next few years, he says, researchers will have a refined understanding of the neurons and circuits affected.

Work in animal and cell models reveals similar problems with the genesis, structure and fate of new neurons and the connections between them. In some cell and animal models of syndromic forms of autism, scientists have managed to at least partially correct some of these problems with drugs. The unrealized promise of these findings is that some traits of autism may ultimately prove reversible, even in adults.

The idea that theres something plastic here, not set in stone at birth, is very important, saysMatthew State, chair of psychiatry at the University of California, San Francisco, and lead investigator on many of the big autism genetics studies.

In the meantime, genetic discoveries have delivered some immediate benefits for people with the condition. If you go into a clinic today, theres about a 10 percent chance of you getting a genetic diagnosis, and I would expect to find evidence which was suggestive in about another 5 to 10 percent, Sanders says. We cant then turn round and say, Heres your cure, but what we can do, at least, is put people in touch with other people with that same mutation. Becoming part of such a group gives people a better idea about what the future holds for them and provides them with support and understanding.

Advocacy groups can lobby researchers and funding bodies, contribute to research on their condition and help find participants for clinical trialswhich, by grouping people according to their underlying genetics, would then have a greater chance of success. It becomes very empowering, saysJoseph Buxbaum, director of the Seaver Autism Center for Research and Treatment in New York.

Genetic diagnoses can also help families make decisions about family planning and treatment options. For example, deletion of a region on chromosome 17, called 17q12, is associated with autism and schizophrenia, but treating someone who has this CNV with certain mood stabilizers or antipsychotics could be dangerous: It is also associated with renal failure and adult-onset diabetes, which the drugs would exacerbate. Whats more, certain mutations increase therisk for some types of cancer. Knowing those mutations can be very helpful in those cases, not just in treating autism, but in treating the patient more broadly, Geschwind says.

Debates abound on how best to move the field forward, but one thing most researchers agree on is the need to identify more mutations linked to autism. Theres great benefit now in just doing more exome sequencing, Sanders says. Theres more genes to be found: Those will hopefully help patients; theyll also give us more of an understanding of what autism is.

Much of the variation that predisposes someone to autism, however, may lie in noncoding regions. If half of the variants are outside of the coding region, we need to know how to interpret them, Wigler says. For that reason alone, we have to study that region. Plus, were going to learn an enormous amount of biology in the process.

Noncoding regions make up the dark genome, which is about 98 percent of the whole. Because of the cost and effort involved in sequencing the whole genome, most autism researchers have stayed focused on exomes, until recently. Several teams are now sequencing whole genomes of people with autism, with the aim of identifying risk variants in these noncoding regions. Whole-genome sequencing inevitably will overtake exome sequencing, Sanders says. Its just a question economically of whether its moment is now, or in two years, or five years. Right now, thats a hard question to answer.

In March, researchers in Canada reported results from the largest set of whole genomes of people with autism to date. They sequenced the whole genomes of more than 5,000 individuals, about half of whom have autism. Among the61 variants the researchers identified, 18 had not beenfirmly linked to autismbefore. The team found that many of the CNVs in people with autism rest in noncoding regions.

Some teams are applying other resources, such as gene co-expression maps and protein-protein interaction networks, to understanding the underlying biology of the condition. These networks are only likely to become more powerful as researchers uncover more risk genes for autism. The question is how to integrate all that genetic data with other -omics data, and network-type approaches are probably going to be critical there, Geschwind says.

Most autism research arising from gene discovery is focused on repercussions at the molecular and cellular levels, but theres an important gap from there to whole circuits and behavior. Ultimately, the value of genetics is very likely to play out through an improved understanding of circuit-level function and anatomy, State says.

Stem cells and emerging technologies such as brain organoidsso called mini-brains in a dishcould afford researchers a prime opportunity to study the effects of genetic variation in human neurons. Faced with the limitations of mouse models in studying a condition characterized by behavioral problems, some teams are alsoturning to monkeys, which enable them to study more complex social interactions. Something we should be doing for the future is taking the precise mutations we find in humans and making those in primates, Wigler says.

These days, Wigler is on to another big idea: risk modifiers. Rare variants strongly associated with autism also occur in people without autismespecially women. Researchers know that mutations can contribute to autism by amplifying or attenuating the effects of other genes, so its feasible that two mutations could cancel each other out. But few teams have looked into these combinations as yet. People talk about autism as being an additive disorder, Wigler says, but nobodys really looking at additivity.

This idea brings him to a possible experiment: Take two mutations that individually have damaging effects, and introduce them both into mouse or monkey. Having the combination would be predicted to be worse than having either mutation alone. But what if the net result is correction? Wigler asks. Then we know modifiers exist. Theres not much of that kind of scientific exploration happening now.

A finding of that nature would herald a whole new wave of advances. It might also help to explain why the mutations identified so far vary in their effector what geneticists call penetranceonly sometimes resulting in autism. And it might help researchers develop therapies. If we ever saw a self-correcting defect in two mutations in autism, Wigler says, I would stand up and cheer.

This story wasoriginally publishedonSpectrum.

See the rest here:

Using Big Data to Hack Autism - Scientific American

New genetic syndrome identified; may offer some answers for puzzled parents – Medical Xpress

July 6, 2017 Credit: CC0 Public Domain

Researchers have identified a rare genetic syndrome characterized by intellectual disability, seizures, an abnormal gait and distinctive facial features. The scientists pinpointed variants in the WDR26 gene as causes for this distinctive, yet unnamed condition. Their early research provides initial information for counseling patients and families coping with uncertainties for children with the rare, poorly recognized condition.

"Our study identifies 15 individuals now known to have this recognizable syndrome, but we expect that as this information reaches the medical community, more patients will be recognized," said study leader Matthew A. Deardorff, MD, PhD, a pediatric geneticist at Children's Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP). "Our studies are very much in the early stage, but as we continue to gain more clinical and scientific knowledge about this condition, we will be able to better explain to parents what to expect."

Deardorff, first author Cara M. Skraban, MD, also of CHOP, and co-authors from medical centers in six countries published their research today in the American Journal of Human Genetics.

"Prior to our identification of individuals with changes in this gene, it was not even listed in some of the most commonly used databases," said Deardorff. "The notable efforts by our colleagues here in the Division of Genomic Diagnostics at CHOP, and at key labs in the Netherlands and Maryland, helped us to make this discovery possible."

The scientists reported on 15 individuals, ranging from two years old to 34 years old. All the patients had developmental delays (ranging from mild to severe), seizures, and similar facial features (such as wide mouths, prominent upper lip and gums, full cheeks and a broad nasal tip). Many had subtle abnormalities in their gait. All 15 had de novo (new) mutationsthose arising in a single egg or sperm that developed into the affected patient, but did not occur in the patient's parents.

The group at CHOP, along with global collaborators, is working energetically to understand the syndrome's functional details and underlying mechanisms. Although the specifics are still under investigation, the authors suggest that haploinsufficiency (reduced expression) of the WDR26 gene alters multiple signaling pathways and cell functions to produce features of the syndrome.

"There is no good laboratory assay yet for the effects of these mutations, but clinicians may notice facial differences or other signs, and would typically order exome sequencing, which would diagnose this syndrome," said Deardorff. "If testing confirms this diagnosis, we advise parents that seizures may occur, which are usually treatable with standard medicines. It may be possible that early intervention with special education can help address a child's intellectual disability, although we do not yet have enough clinical data to develop full guidelines for medical management."

Deardorff added that CHOP has started a patient registry to compile clinical data on this rare condition, and that this data collection may offer a resource for families interested in contacting each other to share information and support. He added, "This discovery is just the first step in understanding why changes in WDR26 cause intellectual disability and seizures. With further investigation, our goal is to better understand the biology and identify specific treatments for these children."

Explore further: New genetic syndrome tied to defects in protein transport

More information: Cara M. Skraban et al, "WDR26 Haploinsufficiency Causes a Recognizable Syndrome of Intellectual Disability, Seizures, Abnormal Gait, and Distinctive Facial Features," American Journal of Human Genetics, published July 6, 2017 doi.org/10.1016/j.ajhg.2017.06.002

An international team of researchers has discovered the mutation responsible for a rare, newly identified genetic disorder that causes craniofacial abnormalities and developmental delays. The mutation disrupts normal protein ...

Pediatric researchers, using high-speed DNA sequencing tools, have identified a new syndrome that causes intellectual disability (ID). Drawing on knowledge of the causative gene mutation, the scientists' cell studies suggest ...

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Original post:

New genetic syndrome identified; may offer some answers for puzzled parents - Medical Xpress

Decoding Brain Evolution – Harvard Medical School (registration)

How did our distinctive brains evolve? What genetic changes, coupled with natural selection, gave us language? What allowed modern humans to form complex societies, pursue science, create art?

While we have some understanding of the genes that differentiate us from other primates, that knowledge cannot fully explain human brain evolution. But with a $10 million grant to some of Bostons most highly evolved minds in genetics, genomics, neuroscience and human evolution, some answers may emerge in the coming years.

The Seattle-based Paul G. Allen Frontiers Group has announced the creation of an Allen Discovery Center for Human Brain Evolution at Boston Childrens Hospital and Harvard Medical School. It will be led by Christopher A. Walsh, the Bullard Professor of Pediatrics and Neurology at HMS and chief of the Division of Genetics and Genomics at Boston Childrens. Michael Greenberg, the Nathan Marsh Pusey Professor of Neurobiology and head of the Department of Neurobiology at HMS, and David Reich, professor of genetics at HMS, will co-lead the center.

Unraveling the mysteries of the human brain will propel our understanding of brain development, brain evolution and human behavior, said George Q. Daley, dean of HMS. It also will help us understand what makes us unique as a species.

The research conducted by these three remarkable scientists spans the gamut from molecule to organism to system and underscores the cross-pollination among basic, translational and clinical discovery as well as across neurobiology, genetics, evolutionary biology and neurology, Daley said.

The centers agenda is a bold one: to catalogue the key genes required for human brain evolution, to analyze their roles in human behavior and cognition and to study their functions to discover evolutionary mechanisms.

To understand when and how our modern brains evolved, we need to take a multi-pronged approach that will reflect how evolution works in nature and identify how experience and environment affect the genes that gave rise to modern human behavior, Walsh said.

The launch of this center is a wonderful opportunity for three laboratories that have been working independently to come together and study the genetic, molecular and evolutionary forces that have given rise to the spectacular capacities of the human brain, said Greenberg.

The funding will allow us to use ancient DNA analysis to track changes in the frequency of genetic mutations over time, which will in turn illuminate our understanding of the nature of human adaptation, added Reich.

An evolving understanding

We already know some basics of human brain evolution. First came the enlargement of the primate brain, culminating perhaps 2 million years ago with the emergence of our genus, Homo, and the use of crude stone tools and fire. Next came a tripling of brain size during the 500,000 years before Homo sapiens arose. Finally, just over 50,000 years ago, there was a great leap forward in human behavior, with archaeological evidence of more efficient manufacturing of stone tools and a rich aesthetic and spiritual life.

What transpired genetically? Prior research has taken a piecemeal approach to occasional genes that have different structures in humans versus non-humans. For example, Walshs lab has identified several genes that regulate cerebral cortical size and patterning, some of them through the study of brain abnormalities. The lab recently found a gene involved in brain foldingthanks to a brain malformation called polymicrogyriathat may have enhanced our language ability.

But such findings only scratch the surface of the cognitive, behavioral and cultural strides humans have made over the past 50,000 years. Thats a blink of the eye in evolutionary terms. What enabled us to invent money, develop agriculture, build factories, write symphonies, tell jokes?

Rosetta Stone(s) to decode brain evolution

The researchers think not one but multiple mechanisms of evolution helped form the modern human brain. Such mechanisms include:

Accordingly, the centers research methods will include, in varying combinations:

No genetic stone unturned

All these approaches will be supported by powerful computational data analysisreaching across genomes, across populations, across hundreds of thousands of years.

The project leaders summed it up: This group will provide the most rigorous possible examination of how, when and where the unique features of the amazing human brain came about.

The $10 million grant will be distributed over four years, with the potential for $30 million over eight years.

Adapted from a post on Vector, the Boston Childrens clinical and research innovation blog.

See original here:

Decoding Brain Evolution - Harvard Medical School (registration)

Bladder control: Is there a genetic treatment for urinary incontinence? – Genetic Literacy Project

For many women particularly those who are older, pregnant or overweighta sudden sneeze or laugh can trigger a squirt of urine. And forget about jumping jacks.

Thanks to a genome-wide association study (GWAS) that identifies a gene that may contribute to stress urinary incontinence (the sneezing kind) or even the less common urge incontinence(aka overactive bladder), women may be able to add a re-purposed drug or two to the list of gadgets, medications, and procedures that can lower leak frequency.

The best way to minimize stress incontinence, is to do Kegel exercises, which contract the pelvic floor muscles. Also helpful is the bridge pose in Pilates (head and feet down, abdomen up). Wearing absorbent pads may work, as can losing weight and avoiding foods and drinks that promote peeing.

Of course, there are appsfor leaks. iDry, BladderPal, and Kegel Kat chart trips to the bathroom, schedule Kegel reminders,or, in one app that Charmin sponsors, locate the nearest restroom.

Devices to treat urinary incontinence are held in the vagina to keep things in place, and resemble certain sexual aids that somewhat rhyme with mildew. Advertisements for one FDA-approved product that signals the bladder not to spasm proclaims itselfa trip to the gym for your pelvic floor.

Clinicaltrials.gov, my go-to site for upcoming treatments, lists suchinterventionsas a rectal balloon, a hydrogel shot into the urethra, electrical stimulation, and various single-incision devices. I was excited to see one study coaxing human induced pluripotent stem cells to become skeletal muscle progenitor cells, which presumably can be implanted into the muscles failing at supporting the offending organ.

Related approaches to treat urinary incontinence are already available: Electrodesin the vagina or rectum. Various meshes, slings, hammocks, tapes, and ribbons Drugs(the old antidepressant imipramine, estrogen gel, anticholinergics, and antimuscarinics) Designer vagina surgery that in one unfortunate woman triggered a lasting sensation akin to an internal invasion of fire ants

The non-surgical Nu-Vseemed promising until I noticed the spelling errors on the website, at the literary level of a Trump tweet.

At the recent European Society of Human Genetics annual meeting in Copenhagen, Rufus Cartwright,a visiting researcher at Imperial College, London, reported that his team genotyped 8,979 women, consulted six additional studies, and sampled bladder cells in some participants to identify expressed genes.

The idea behind a GWAS is to narrow down parts of the genome that include specific gene variants that are found nearly exclusively among people with a particular condition in this case, urinary incontinence. Complementing that analysis is cataloguing which genes are active in those with incontinence but not others the transcriptome.

Three genes of interest emerged:

CHRM3 encodes a cholinergic receptor. Its already the main drug target for urge incontinence. SULF2 encodes a signaling enzyme and Im not sure how its connected to incontinence. Maybe the published paper will eventually explain it. EDN1 specifies endothelin 1, a protein produced on the interior surfaces of blood vessels that is the most potent smooth muscle vasoconstrictor known. Its expressed differently in bladders of women with stress incontinence. Bingo!

Implicating endothelin 1 is exciting, because drugs that target its pathway are already used to treat pulmonary hypertensionand Raynauds syndrome, both of which arise from constricted blood vessels.

Cartwright described the work:

Previous studies had failed to confirm any genetic causes for incontinence. Although I was always hopeful that we would find something significant, there were major challenges involved in finding enough women to participate, and then collecting the information about incontinence. It has taken more than five years of work, and has only been possible thanks to the existence of high quality cohort studies with participants who were keen to help. Clearly this will need further debate and an analysis, not just of the cost to healthcare systems, but also of the benefit to women who may be spared the distress of urinary incontinence.

Finding a gene variant that could be behind urinary incontinence is more than a possible route to a repurposed new treatment. It is also a shout-out to the value of basic biomedical research something threatened in the proposed federal budget.

The awkwardly-acronymed genome-wide association study GWAS was at first more or less a fishing expedition, directing attention to a vast swath of genomic territory that might harbor a gene that could explain why a bunch of people with the same trait or condition share it significantly more often than do others. The roots of the technique go back to the earliest days of human genome sequencing, as researchers identified single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) single DNA base differences in a population at specific sites among the 3.2 billion A, T, G, and C nitrogenous bases.

A GWAS is especially helpful to understand the causes of more common conditions, the ones that arise from interactions of more than one gene and the environment and that dont exhibit the simple inheritance patterns of rare, single-gene diseases. A GWAS result can often be articulated in just a sentence or two, but it represents an incredible amount of work.

Now, with so many human genome sequences annotated since thefirst GWASwas published a dozen years ago, the technologys time has truly come. Find enough participants, and a GWAS can zero in on important, possibly causative, genes. The evolution of GWAS is a little like that of Google maps, from imaging a town to highlighting a specific house.

The idea for a GWAS was hatched long before genome analysis became fast enough and deep enough to reveal enough information to dissect the molecular underpinnings of common conditions like incontinence. A short-sighted federal budget that slashes funding for the type of basic research that led to this and other biotechnologies is not in anyones best interest.

Ricki Lewis is a long-time science writer with a PhD in genetics. She writes the DNA Science blog at PLOS and contributes regularly to Rare Disease Report and Medscape Medical News. Ricki is the author of the textbook Human Genetics: Concepts and Applications (McGraw-Hill, 12thedition out late summer); The Forever Fix: Gene Therapy and the Boy Who Saved It (St. Martins Press, 2013) and the just-published second edition of Human Genetics: The Basics (Routledge Press, 2017). She teaches Genethics online for the Alden March Bioethics Institute at Albany Medical College and is a genetic counselor at CareNet Medical Group in Schenectady, NY. You can find her at her website or on Twitter at @rickilewis

Read this article:

Bladder control: Is there a genetic treatment for urinary incontinence? - Genetic Literacy Project

Getting Serious About Race – STRATFOR

Approaches to Unity

Over the millennia, people have found many different ways to solve coordination problems. Broadly speaking, there was a shift from a more cooperative hunter-gatherer toward a more coercive world after the agricultural revolution (which began around 9500 B.C. in the Middle East) followed by a shift back toward more cooperative versions in the last few hundred years. Between about 1000 B.C. and A.D. 1500, most people in the world lived in empires in which a small elite monopolizing military, administrative, religious and sometimes commercial functions used state power to integrate the activities of vast numbers of people in villages and towns. The Roman and Han Chinese empires coordinated tens of millions of subjects; the Song, Ming and Qing dynasties in China ruled over 100 million.

These empires tried to lower the costs of obtaining their subjects' obedience by promoting shared identities, but local, kin-based loyalties typically retained more appeal than the center. This became a fatal flaw when, in the last 200 years, empires had to compete with nation-states, which fused politics and ethnicity by insisting that the citizens of each state all shared a common ethnicity. Nation-states were, on the whole, much better than empires at persuading their citizens to make sacrifices for the common good, and the strains of competing against nation-states brought about the collapse of all the great traditional empires between 1911 (Qing China) and 1922 (Ottoman Turkey).

In reality, of course, the populations of nation-states were anything but homogeneous, and so their leaders always had to struggle to find ways to override genetic imperatives and make different people feel similar. We might range their responses along a spectrum from the illiberal to the liberal. Illiberal responses aimed to create homogeneity by destroying difference, in extreme cases by expelling or killing people who did not conform to the ideal. Communist Russia and China defined the ideal in terms of class and killed tens of millions of non-proletarians; fascist Germany defined it in terms of race and killed six million Jews.

Liberal responses, by contrast, aimed to create homogeneity by arguing that difference just did not matter. Two hundred years ago, even the most liberal societies excluded the bulk of their populations from full membership on the basis of race, sex, class, religion or some other variable. Since then, legislation and changing attitudes have steadily rolled back the exclusions. Thanks particularly to the defeat of fascism in World War II and Soviet communism in the Cold War, the illiberal vision of the nation-state was broadly discredited in the West, and for seventy years its democracies not only leaned toward liberal solutions but even pursued equality of outcome through aggressive programs of affirmative action.

For a good fifty years, anyone such as Barry Goldwater in the United States in 1964 and Enoch Powell in Britain in 1968 who emphasized racial differences between citizens courted political suicide. But that is now changing. Enough of the liberal consensus survives that politicians still have to treat race carefully, but in 2016 almost half of American voters supported a presidential candidate who promised to spend between $4 billion (his own lowest estimate) and $21.6 billion (the Department of Homeland Security's estimate) to build a wall to keep out Mexicans, and slightly more than half of the British electorate said it was ready to accept the major economic costs of leaving the European single market in order to limit immigration to 100,000 people per year. Something important is happening in politics.

Something important is happening in the scientific study of race too. In June 2000, in a speech celebrating the completion of the first survey of the entire human genome, President Bill Clinton announced that "one of the great truths to emerge from this triumphant expedition inside the human genome is that in genetic terms, all human beings, regardless of race, are more than 99.9 percent the same." This remains true; however, it is also true that humans and chimpanzees are genetically more than 98.8 percent the same. The 1.2 percent, however, makes all the difference in the world; and as they map genetic distributions in increasing detail, scientists have increasingly asked whether the 0.1 percent difference separating human genomes might not also matter.

As yet there is no clear answer to this question, as I learned in June at a conference at the Institute for Advanced Study in Toulouse. There, a group of distinguished economists, biologists, evolutionary anthropologists and psychologists debated the causes of institutional change, and several of the speakers discussed cross-country correlations between genetic differences and institutional differences. This is controversial stuff; any scientist who raises the possibility that genetic distance might have institutional and cultural consequences runs the risk of being dismissed as a Goldwater/Powell kind of crank, not fit for civilized company. However, at a time when racial arguments seem to be on the rise in Western politics, there can surely be few questions more important than this, and I was delighted to learn that scholars of this caliber were willing to take the risks.

However, not everyone is ready to do so. From Toulouse, I went directly to a conference at the British Academy in London, where another distinguished gathering, this time of historians, sociologists and experts in cultural studies were debating the concept of the "Anglosphere." This is a new name for the old idea that something vitally important connects Britain, the United States, Canada, Australia and New Zealand. In a famous book, Winston Churchill called this group The English-Speaking Peoples; other scholars since the late 19th century have preferred to speak of the Anglo-Saxon Race.

The newest term, "Anglosphere," leaves the question of whether we are investigating a racial or a linguistic category deliberately ambiguous. Speakers who thought "Anglosphere" was a useful concept tended to emphasize linguistic ties, arguing that these had created cultural and institutional similarities, which, in the wake of Brexit, should be deepened. Some even argued for that the time is ripe for a formal political union of Canzuk (Canada, Australia, New Zealand and the United Kingdom). Other speakers, however, insisted that the "Anglosphere" is a deeply racist idea, designed merely to legitimate White Anglo-Saxon Protestant oppression of minorities within these countries.

See the rest here:

Getting Serious About Race - STRATFOR

Google Could Soon Have Access Sensitive Genetic Patient Data We Should All Be Worried – Newsweek

This article was originally published on The Conversation. Read the original article.

Artificial intelligence is already being put to use in the U.K.'s National Health Service (NHS), with Googles AI firm DeepMind providing technology to help monitor patients. Now I have discovered that DeepMind has met with Genomic Englanda company set up by the Department of Health to deliver the 100,000 Genomes Projectto discuss getting involved.

If this does indeed happen, it could help bring down costs and speed up genetic sequencingpotentially helping the science to flourish. But what are the risks of letting a private company have access to sensitive genetic data?

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Genomic sequencing has huge potentialit could hold the key to improving our understanding of a range of diseases, including cancer, and eventually help find treatments for them. The 100,000 Genomes Project was set up by the government to sequence genomes of 100,000 people. And it wont stop there. A new report from the U.K.s chief medical officer, Sally Davies, is calling for an expansion of the project.

Genetic data could be made available to Google. Creative Commons

However, a statement by the Department of Health in response to a freedom of information (FoI) request I made in February reveals this decision has already been made. The department said in this response that the project will be integrated into a single national genomic database. The purpose of this will be to support care and research, and the acceleration of industrial usage." Though it will inevitably exceed the original 100,000 genomes, we do not anticipate that there will be a set target for how many genomes it should contain, the statement reads.

The costs of sequencing the genome on a national scale are prohibitive. The first human genome was sequenced at a cost of $3 billion. However, almost two decades later, Illumina, who are responsible for the sequencing side of the 100,000 Genomes Project, produced the first $1,000 genomea staggering reduction in cost. Applying machine learning to genomicsthat is, general artificial intelligencehas the potential to significantly reduce the costs further. By building a neural network, these algorithms can interpret huge amounts of genetic, health, and environmental data to predict a persons health status, such as their level of risk of heart attack.

DeepMind is already working with the NHS. As part of a partnership with several NHS trusts, the company has built various platforms, an app and a machine learning system to monitor patients in various ways, alerting clinical teams when they are at risk.

But its been controversial. The company announced the first of these collaborations in February 2016, saying it was building an app to help hospital staff monitor patients with kidney disease. However, it later emerged that the agreement went far beyond this, giving DeepMind access to vast amounts of patient dataincluding, in one instance, 1.6m patient records. The Information Commissioners Office ruled recently that the way patient data was shared by the Royal Free NHS Foundation Trust violated UK privacy law.

A person poses with a magnifying glass in front of a Google search page in this illustrative photograph taken in Shanghai March 23, 2010. Reuters

Googles ambitions to digitise healthcare continue. I received a response to an FoI request in May which reveals that Google and Genomics England have met to discuss using Googles DeepMind among other subjects to analyze genomic data.

Davies insists that data could be anonymized. The Department of Health always promise that medical data used in such initiatives will be anonymized, yet one of the reasons that Care.data (an initiative to store all patient data on a single database) was abandoned is that this was shown to be untrue. I have also shown that the department has misinformed the public about the level of access granted to commercial actors in the 100,000 Genome Project. In particular it said the data would be pseudonymized rather than anonymized, meaning there would still be information available such as age or geographical location.

What would genomic information add to Googles already far-reaching database of individual information? A hint lies in its self-confessed aspiration to organise our lives for us. The algorithms will get better, and we will get better at personalization,"according to Eric Schmidt, executive chairman of Googles parent company Alphabet. This will enable Google users to ask the question, what shall I do tomorrow?, or what job shall I take?."

With personalization as their ultimate goal, Google intend to use the machine learning algorithms which track our digital footprint and target users with personalized advertising based on their preferences. They also want to analyze health and genomic data to make predictions such as when a person might develop bipolar disorder or tell us what we should do with our lives.

Let us not forget that data, genomic or otherwise, is the oil of the digital era. What is stopping genomic information from being captured, bought and sold? We cannot assume that people will make life choices based upon their genetic profile without undue pressurecommercial or governmental.

As for how genomic data might be used and what decisions will be taken about us, the mass surveillance by government agencies of their own citizens is a chilling reminder of the way information technology can be used. There is something unpalatable about everything being connected and everything being known.

When it comes to genetics, the implications are particularly frightening. For example, there is evidence of a link between genes and criminality. We know that 40 percentof sexual offending risk is down to genetic factors. A single national knowledge base as the one the U.K. government is aiming to create might therefore be used for broad genetic profiling. Although early intervention programs that buy into genetically deterministic notions of crime genes are reductive, serious debate about policies involving genetic information will no doubt happen soon.

We can already see the beginnings of this in the United States. The bill Preserving Employee Wellness Programs Actwhich has received strong backing from Republicans and business groupswould allow companies to require employees to undergo genetic testing. The results would be seen by employers, and should employees refuse to participate they would face significantly higher insurance costs.

Too much personalization is likely to be intrusive. The challenge, then, will be to harness the potential of genomics while introducing measures to keep government and big business in check. The U.K. House of Commons Science and Technology Committees inquiry on genomics and genome editing was cut short (due to the recent snap general election). Its recommendations for further lines of enquiry include creating a quasi-independent body, which could be more attuned to broader, social and ethical concerns. This might introduce more balance at a pivotal time for the future of human genetic technologies.

Edward Hockingsis a PhD candidate in bioethics at theUniversity of the West of Scotland

Go here to see the original:

Google Could Soon Have Access Sensitive Genetic Patient Data We Should All Be Worried - Newsweek

Can genetics play a role in education and well-being? – Medical Xpress

July 4, 2017 Genoeconomics looks for genetic ties to life outcomes and economic behavior. Credit: Janice Kun

When Daniel Benjamin was just beginning his PhD program in economics in 2001, he attended a conference with his graduate school advisers. They took in a presentation on neuroeconomics, a nascent field dealing with how the human brain goes about making decisions.

Afterward, as they took a stroll outside, they couldn't stop talking about what they had learned, how novel and intriguing it was. What would be next, they wondered. What would come after neuroeconomics?

"The human genome project had just been completed, and we decided that even more fundamental than the brain would be genes, and that someday this was going to matter a lot for social science," said Benjamin, associate professor (research) of economics at the USC Dornsife College of Letters, Arts and Science's Center for Economic and Social Research (CESR). Indeed, his excitement that day was the foundation of a visionary academic path.

Fast forward to today. Genoeconomics is now an emerging area of social science that incorporates genetic data into the work that economists do. It's based on the idea that a person's particular combination of genes is related to economic behavior and life outcomes such as educational attainment, fertility, obesity and subjective well-being.

"There's this rich new source of data that has only become available recently," said Benjamin, also co-director of the Social Science Genetic Association Consortium, which brings about cooperation among medical researchers, geneticists and social scientists.

Collecting genetic data and creating the large data sets used by economists and other social scientists have become increasingly affordable, and new analytical methods are getting more and more powerful as these data sets continue to grow. The big challenge, he said, is figuring out how scientists can leverage this new data to address a host of important policy questions.

"We're ultimately interested in understanding how genes and environments interact to produce the kinds of outcomes people have in their lives, and then what kinds of policies can help people do better. That is really what economics is aboutand we're trying to use genetics to do even better economics."

The mission at hand

Only a handful of economists are working with genetics, but this brand of research is perfectly at home at CESR. The center, founded three years ago, was conceived as a place where visionary social science could thrive and where research could be done differently than in the past.

"Being in a place where that's the shared vision is pretty rare," said econometrician Arie Kapteyn, professor (research) of economics and CESR director. "There's no restriction on which way you want to go or what you want to do. It doesn't mean that there are no restrictions on resources, but it's the opportunity to think about your vision of what's really exciting in social science research. Then being able to actually implement it is absolutely fantastic."

The mission of CESR is discovering how people around the world live, think, interact, age and make important decisions. The center's researchers are dedicated to innovation and combining their analysis to deepen the understanding of human behavior in a variety of economic and social contexts.

"What we try to do is mold a disciplinary science in a very broad sense," Kapteyn said. "Because today's problems in society, they're really all multidisciplinary."

Case in point: Benjamin's work combining genetics and economics.

The flagship research effort for Benjamin's CESR research group deals with genes and education. In a 2016 study, the team identified variants in 74 genes that are associated with educational attainment. In other words, people who carry more of these variants, on average, complete more years of formal schooling.

Benjamin hopes to use this data in a holistic way to create a predictive tool.

"Rather than just identifying specific genes," he said, "we're also creating methods for combining the information in a person's entire genome into a single variable that can be used to partially predict how much education a person's going to get."

The young field of genoeconomics is still somewhat controversial, and Benjamin is careful to point out that individual genes don't determine behavior or outcome.

"The effect of any individual gene on behavior is extremely small," Benjamin explained, "but the effects of all the genes combined on almost any behavior we're interested in is much more substantial. It's the combined information of many genes that has predictive power, and that can be most useful for social scientists."

Learning about behavior

While the cohort of researchers actively using the available genome-wide data in this way is still somewhat limited, Benjamin says it is growing quickly.

"I think across the social sciences, researchers are seeing the potential for the data, and people are starting to use it in their work and getting excited about it, but right now it's still a small band of us trying to lay the foundations.

"We're putting together huge data sets of hundreds of thousands of peopleapproaching a million people in our ongoing work on educational attainmentbecause you need those really big sample sizes to accurately detect the genetic influences."

As CESR works to improve social welfare by informing and influencing decision-making in the public and private sectors, big data such as Benjamin's is a growing part of that process, according to Kapteyn.

"What big data reflects is the fact that nowadays there are so many other ways in which we can learn about behavior," he said. "As a result, I think we'll see many more breakthroughs and gain a much better understanding of what's going on in the world and in social science than in the past.

"I think we're really at the beginning of something pretty spectacular. What we are doing is really only scratching the surfacethere's so much more that can be done."

Explore further: Scientists find genes associated with educational attainment

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Can genetics play a role in education and well-being? - Medical Xpress

Human Evolution: Africa Exodus Made Homo Sapiens Shorter and Gave Them Arthritis – Newsweek

When the first humans left Africa around 100,000 years ago, they got shorter.

The evolutionary shift helped them cope with the colder conditionsa more compact body size helped protect them from frostbite, whileand shorter limbs would be less breakable when they fellbut it also appears to have come with a downside: arthritis.

In a study published in Nature Genetics on Monday, scientists at Stanford University, California, have shown how variants within the GDF5 gene, which are related to reduced growth, was repeatedly favored by our ancestors as they migrated out of Africa and across the continents.

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But GDF5 has also been linked with osteoarthritis,a degenerative joint disease that affects an estimated 27 million Americans. Risk increases with ageit is sometimes referred to as wear and tear arthritisbut it also has a strong genetic component.

Previous research has shown how mutations in part of the GDF5 gene cause malformation in bone structure in mice. In humans, it has been associated with a shortness and joint problems, and two changes in particular are linked with a heightened risk of osteoarthritis.

In the latest research, the scientists find GDF5 provided an evolutionary boost for our ancestors, with arthritis apparently a byproduct of it."The gene we are studying shows strong signatures of positive selection in many human populations," senior author David Kingsley said in a statement

"It's possible that climbing around in cold environments was enough of a risk factor to select for a protective variant even if it brought along an increase likelihood of an age-related disease like arthritis, which typically doesn't develop until late in life."

A display of a series of skeltons showing the evolution of humans at the Peabody Museum, New Haven, Connecticut, circa 1935. Study finds humans became shorter when they first left Africa 100,000 years ago. Hulton Archive/Getty Images

To better understand GDF5, the team studied the DNA sequences that might affect how the gene is expressedspecifically those that are known as promoters and enhancers. From this they found a previously unidentified region they called GROW1.

When they looked for GROW1 in the 1,000 Genomes Project databasea huge database of genetic sequences of human populations around the worldthe team found a single change that is very common in European and Asian populations, but is hardly ever seen in Africans. The team then introduced this change to mice and found it led to reduced activity in the growth of bones.

They then looked at the change to the genetic variant over the course of human evolution, and found it had been repeatedly favored after Homo sapiens left Africa between 50,000 and 100,000 years ago. The team says the benefits of being shorter in colder conditions probably outweighed the risk of developing osteoarthritis in later life.

Because evolutionary fitness requires successful reproduction, alleles that confer benefits at young or reproductive ages may be positively selected in populations, even if they have some deleterious consequences in post-reproductive ages, they wrote.

Researchers believe this change could help explain why osteoarthritis is rarely seen in Africa, but is more common in other populations.Concluding, Kingsley said: "Because it's been positively selected, this gene variant is present in billions of people. So even though it only increases each person's risk by less than twofold, it's likely responsible for millions of cases of arthritis around the globe.

"This study highlights the intersection between evolution and medicine in really interesting ways, and could help researchers learn more about the molecular causes of arthritis."

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Human Evolution: Africa Exodus Made Homo Sapiens Shorter and Gave Them Arthritis - Newsweek

Orphan Black recap: ‘Let the Children and Childbearers Toil’ – EW.com (blog)

Science has always been one of the core components of Orphan Black, but so has power who has it, who loses it, and what those people do to wield or gain it. Now, with P.T. Westmoreland in the picture and Rachel by his side, were seeing more of those inner workings than ever before. Were also getting revelations about those early attempts to push the boundaries of human evolution yep, that thing in the woods was an experiment gone awry and the splintering effect it had on the top of the Neolution pyramid.

So while Ss plans uncovered a wealth of information (and a familiar face or two), Kira also did some experimenting of her own in hopes of learning more about her special abilities. In honor of these revelations, this week well run the clones through our trusted Orphan Black Clone Status Hyper-Sequence Generator Calcutron and export them by whos discovered the most this week. Please enjoy the data set below. (#Science!)

Sarah Much to Sarahs displeasure, Kira wont tell her much about her meetings with Rachel but Sarah does uncover a nasty cut on Kiras arm, which she thinks Rachel inflicted until her daughter admits she did it herself to see how fast she could heal. Unable to provide the answers she seeks and with three days until she has to go back to Dyad, S asks Felix to take Kira while she takes Sarah on a recon mission she has a lead that may help them get some leverage.

Their mark is a Dr. Elizabeth Perkins, who, S tells Sarah, could have a key to P.T. Westmoreland but they need her wallet. Ss intel (the woman likes to drink and has a rough relationship with her own daughter) gives them the perfect setup: They stage a fight, and Sarah throws a drink at S and grabs Dr. Perkins wallet as Perkins makes sure S is all right and then invites her to sit down for another drink.Turns out, Dr. Perkins is a psychologist studying, in her words, how PTSD co-occurs with major depressive disorders, and shes in town for some case studies. One person shes supposed to meet is an Alex Ripley, who is supposedly a high-level Neolution defector who may be being held against her will at a nearby mental health facility. S and Sarah are going to go in as Dr. Perkins and her assistant to check it out. (Sarah, meanwhile, realizes theres no way Ss usual methods would have known about the Neo. She wont say where her intel came from, but Im pretty sure we already know remember when Delphine stopped by her door?)

Once the bespectacled Mrs. S and Sarah-posing-as-a-bumbling-assistant con their way into visitors passes, they sneak into an unauthorized ward and find Alex Ripley, who is actually (drumroll please) season 3 baddie Virginia Coady. Oh hey, blast from the Orphan Black past!Shes initially very drugged up and unable to speak, but Sarah still calls her a genocidal bitch by way of greeting and gives her a slap across the face courtesy of Helena once she comes to. Virginias surprised when they ask about P.T., but after S hints they may be able to help her escape if she talks, she says an old friend had her locked away someone who shared her goal of controlling human genetics but didnt always get it right.

RELATED VIDEO: Orphan Black cast teases season 5

That old friend, it turns out, is Susan Duncan, and here we get a wealth of backstory on their early attempts at Neolution-inspired human experimentation. Susan and P.T. recruited Virginia to their cause when she was young, and before they found Kendall Malone or started human cloning projects, someone else was their first human subject. He was P.T. Westmorelands original obsession, but too many mistakes were made on this child who possessed a unique genome. Their science wasnt as refined then, and he began growing tumors and suffering brain damage Susan wanted to stop their experiments, but Virginia disagreed, and, in her words, they created a monster. Susan never forgave her for it, and they split assets in the friend/science divorce: Virginia took Castor, Susan kept Leda, and P.T. kept them apart.

But before she can tell them anything more, the doctor whom the real Elizabeth Perkins had supposedly been there to visit interrupts the intel party. Seeking a means of escape and knowing shell soon be drugged into submission again, Virginia attacks Sarah and steals her visitors pass (which contains a key card), and when the orderlies and doctor restrain her, S and Sarah use the commotion as a means to sneak away. This definitely doesnt seem like the last well see of her.

Cosima They dont explicitly say it, but its pretty obvious the thing Sarah glimpsed in the woods during her little vacation on Evil Mystery Island is the now-grown boy from Susan Duncan, Virginia Coady, and P.T. Westmorelands early days of human experiments and via Cosima, we get out first real (albeit brief) glimpse of him.

After Charlotte and Aisha hear him and spot whats presumably one of his teeth in the woods while going to look for a missing pig from the Revival menagerie, Cosima confronts Mud asking for answers. She already suspects that whatever took a bite out of Daisy the Pig has something to do with Westmoreland. Were on the Island of Doctor Moreau here, she says. Whatever weird s is happening, its coming from the big house. All Mud will say is its not his fault(probably talking about the man in the woods, but possibly Westmoreland), and she warns Cosima to stay out of the woods.

Later that night, Cosima follows Mud as she makes her way in the dark up toward Westmorelands house. Inside, P.T. is hooked up to some sort of IV treatment (is that a dialysis machine? Science people, drop some knowledge in the comments if you know!), and Cosimas snooping brings her down into the basement, where she finds not just old medical equipment but photos of painful-looking experiments/procedures and, more disconcertingly, a cell with chains and blood on the walls. When Mud finds her down there, Cosima demands to know what they did to the man in the woods, but Mud just begs her to get out and frantically sends her out a side door. Still not deterred, Cosima stays close enough to the house to see Mud bring a blanket out to the man and try to talk to him, but he only appears for long enough to growl and bare his teeth before taking her gift and running back into the shadows. (Recap continues on page 2)

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Orphan Black recap: 'Let the Children and Childbearers Toil' - EW.com (blog)

Toddler’s Hair Stands Up Like Troll Doll Thanks To Rare Genetic Condition – HuffPost

A 21-month-old girl in North Carolina is turning heads thanks to her unusual hair.

Phoebe Brasswell, of Smithfield, was born with a rare genetic condition that makes her locks always look as if theyve just been hit with static electricity.

The condition, uncombable hair syndrome, causes her hair follicles to be kidney-shaped instead of round. It also affects the hairs protein, which gives it shape, according to Inside Edition.

As a result, Phoebes hair is fine, coarse, constantly tangled and constantly staticky, according to SWNS.com.


Phoebe is one of only around 100 children worldwide with the condition, according toProfessor Regina Betz, who researches UHS at the Institute for Human Genetics at the University of Bonn, Germany.

Betz told SWNS, There may be many more which have not been reported.

Phoebes mom, Jamie, said no haircare products seem to work on her daughters hair, but she loves it anyway.

Every morning it is sticking straight up and throughout the day, she told SWNS.com. I try and spray stuff in it to keep it down, but within 30 minutes its spiky again.

Jamie Brasswell has nicknamed her little girl, Poppy, after a character in the movie Trolls, according to Inside Edition.


Still, people unfamiliar with the condition arent shy about making suggestions to Phoebes mom when they are in public.

We were in the grocery store once and a lady said, She is going to hate you when she looks at her baby photos because you let her go out in public like that, Jamie told SWNS.com.People say, You should brush it better. Why dont you put it in a ponytail? But that hurts her.

Jamie has tried to minimize those comments by having Phoebe wear a headband when out in public.


Although Phoebes hair sticks out in a crowd and pretty much everywhere else doctors expect it will become more manageable when she reaches puberty.

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Toddler's Hair Stands Up Like Troll Doll Thanks To Rare Genetic Condition - HuffPost

Girl has rare genetic disorder that makes her hair impossible to … – New York Post

A one-year-old girl has permanent bedhead thanks to a genetic condition that makes her frizzy white locks impossible to brush.

Phoebe Braswell, from Smithfield, North Carolina, is one of an estimated 100 children worldwide with a documented case of Uncombable Hair Syndrome.

The condition thought to have been the cause of Albert Einsteins wild locks impairs the protein that gives hair its shape and strength. The hair follicles are also kidney-shaped instead of round.

As a result, Phoebes hair is fine, coarse, bright white, tangled and constantly static.

Luckily for Phoebes mom Jamie Braswell, 27, Phoebes favorite movie is Trolls and her favorite character has hair just like hers.

You never think that your child is going to have a rare disorder, but I absolutely love Phoebes hair. Its just Phoebe, Jamie told SWNS.

She loves the Trolls and Poppy is her favorite, with the pink hair. When Phoebe turns two in three months shes going to have a Trolls-themed party, the mom of two said, adding shes nicknamed her youngest daughter Poppy.

Unfortunately to others who dont understand the disorder, Phoebes hair simply looks messy.

We were in the grocery store once and a lady said, She is going to hate you when she looks at her baby photos because you let her go out in public like that, Jamie recalled.

But no matter how many times Jaime brushes Phoebes hair, it stays frizzy. Hair product doesnt help either.

Every morning it is sticking straight up and throughout the day I try and spray stuff in it to keep it down, but within 30 minutes its spiky again, said Jamie.

Thats why Phoebe always has a headband or hair tie in to keep the fly-aways out of her face.

If she didnt have that, people would think I was neglecting her, lamented Jamie.

Jamie first noticed something was different about Phoebe when strands of straw-like hair started to sprout from her scalp when she was 3 months old.

She took Phoebe to a doctor who said hed never seen any child with hair like hers before. After spotting an article on Facebook about Uncombable Hair Syndrome, Jamie phoned the doctor and got a diagnosis.

The syndrome is caused by a mutation to one of three genes PADI3, TGM3 and TCHH Phoebe will have genetic testing in August to confirm she has the disorder.

In total there are 100 cases reported to date in the world but there may be many more which have not been reported, Professor Regina Betz from the Institute for Human Genetics at the University of Bonn, Germany, said.

There is no cure for the condition, though it is reported to improve with age. Jamie thinks her daughters hair is unique, but she fears Phoebe might be bullied when she grows old enough to go to school.

I do worry about her going to school because kids can be so cruel and Phoebe is the most tender-hearted little girl I have ever known, Jamie said.

Its hard for me to anticipate that people might make nasty comments, but I am going to teach her that we are all different in every way and it doesnt matter, she added.


Waiting for your baggage can often be a boring task,...

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Girl has rare genetic disorder that makes her hair impossible to ... - New York Post

Genetic bank that ID’s Argentina’s stolen babies turns 30 – ABC News

Martin Ogando and his 91-year-old grandmother, Delia Giovanola, flip through a stack of photos until they reach an image of a man Ogando never saw in life: his father.

The two share similar skin tone and blue eyes products of the same genetics that finally allowed Ogando to discover his birth identity through DNA tests in November 2015.

The tests showed that he's the biological son of Jorge Ogando and Stella Maris Montesano, a child born in captivity in a clandestine detention center and taken away from parents who were forcibly disappeared in 1976 during Argentina's dictatorship.

"I found out the truth about my life," Ogando said of the tests that also reunited him with his grandmother. "A beautiful, but heavy truth."

During the 1976-1983 dictatorship, Argentina's military rulers systematically stole babies born to political prisoners, most of whom were then killed. Some 30,000 people died or were disappeared for political reasons during the dictatorship, according to human rights groups.

The search for those children spearheaded by the Grandmothers of Plaza de Mayo human rights group, led to breakthrough advancements in DNA identification.

The group emerged from gatherings of grandmothers who marched every week in front of the main square in Buenos Aires to demand the missing children. They also traveled around the globe in search of experts to find out if it was possible to determine the parenthood of the stolen babies, perhaps from blood samples.

"What were we supposed to do?" said Giovanola, one of the founders of the Grandmothers group. "Blood from whom? First we needed to find the baby. And then, the problem was that we lacked the blood samples from the parents. That's why the whole family on the mother and the father's side began to give blood."

The Grandmothers turned for help to U.S. geneticist Mary-Claire King, who in 1984 worked with Argentine colleagues to identify by genetic analysis the first confirmed stolen child. She later developed a system using mitochondrial DNA, which is inherited only from mothers, to identify individuals.

That led officials in the post-dictatorship era with strong prodding from the Grandmothers to pass a law formally creating Argentina's National Genetics Bank, the first of its kind in the world, which is now celebrating its 30th anniversary.

The institution's head, Mariana Herrera, noted that the institution was created by the government to solve crimes committed by the state itself. "There's nowhere else where this has turned into a policy to repair human rights abuses," she said.

The bank contains a database of blood samples collected from families searching for kidnapped children as well as adults who suspect they might have been stolen as infants.

To date, 122 cases of stolen children have been resolved most by the Genetics Bank but several hundred remain unaccounted for.

The bank has become a world authority in the matter, helping Colombia, Peru and El Salvador find the disappeared from their own conflicts. It's also provided information to the group Bring Back Our Girls of Nigeria, which has been hunting for the children stolen by the militant Islamist group Boko Haram.

The 40-year-old Ogando, a Doral, Florida, resident who was known for most of his life as Diego Berestycki, contacted the Grandmothers and carried out the test after the man who raised him died.

"I would have loved to have met my parents. From what my grandma tells me, I looked a lot like my dad. I even walked like him," Ogando said.

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Genetic bank that ID's Argentina's stolen babies turns 30 - ABC News

McLeod Health, Physician Associates welcome new pulmonologist – SCNow

FLORENCE, S.C. -- McLeod Health welcomes Dr. Carmen A. Taype-Roberts to McLeod Physician Associates as part of McLeod Pulmonary and Critical Care Associates.

Board certified in pulmonary and internal medicine, Taype-Roberts provides treatment to patients with multiple lung conditions including COPD, asthma, chronic lung infections, respiratory failure and lung cancer.

A Peru native, Taype-Roberts comes to McLeod from Southern California where she served on the medical staffs of Scripps Mercy Hospital and Sharp Chula Vista Medical Center of Chula Vista, California.

Taype-Roberts served on the faculty of the University of California, San Diego and has extensive research experience and multiple publications in molecular biology, biochemistry, genetics and pulmonary diseases.

Taype-Roberts received her medical degree from Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia in Lima, Peru in 2001, and completed her internship and residency in internal medicine at St. Barnabas Hospital, Albert Einstein College of Medicine of Bronx, New York in 2011.

She completed her fellowship in pulmonary medicine at the University of California, San Diego of La Jolla, California in 2014. In addition to her medical degree, Taype-Roberts holds a doctorate in human genetics from the University of Leeds in the United Kingdom and is bi-lingual in Spanish and English.

For more information or to schedule an appointment, call (843) 777-7863.

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McLeod Health, Physician Associates welcome new pulmonologist - SCNow