Richard Rodriguez, Celebrity Fitness Trainer, Discusses the Benefits of Somatropin HGH Therapy – Digital Journal

What Can Growth Hormone Therapy Do for You? Richard Rodriguez, Celebrity Fitness Trainer, Discusses the Benefits of Somatropin HGH Therapy.

Miami, FL 33132 - May 8, 2017 - (

Richard Rodriguez is an iconic and legendary figure within the fitness community. His companies span all across the globe and have dominated the peptides, transdermal, hormone and contest prep market. He possesses over 25years experience in diet plans, contest prep and personal training. Also an expert in transdermal, peptides and hormone optimization. This is the site for all your transdermal, peptides and contest prep needs.

The growth hormone (GH) is responsible for slowing the aging process, which can aid exponentially in a bodybuilding regimen. As people get older, the growth hormone naturally starts to decline in their bodies. After 30, the hormone declines about 25 percent every ten years. This means that when youre 60, you have 25 percent of the original levels.

The pituitary gland naturally produces the growth hormone, and it stimulates cell reproduction and growth in the body. It also helps to regulate body fluids, body composition, sugar and fat metabolism and muscle and bone growth, and it may also help with heart function. Growth hormone therapy can slow down the aging process, and this synthetic hormone was first developed in 1985 and is approved by the FDA.

Somatropin is the isolated form of human growth hormone (HGH). The hormone was first discovered in the 1920sand was isolated in 1956, when research on its function in humans began. Regardless of its form, we still typically refer to somatropin as human growth hormone, growth hormone, GH, HGH... it's all the same. Somatropin HGH was originally harvested from the pituitary glands of cadavers. This process continued up until the 1980s, when the practice was banned due to numerous cases of CreutzfeldtJakob disease (mad cow disease) and central nervous system lymphomas that were reported with its use and traced back to contaminated batches of somatropin harvested from human cadavers with those diseases. Subsequently, bio-tech giant Genentech, and drug company Eli Lilly, employed recombinant DNA technology to fabricate a bio synthetic version of growth hormone that was FDA approved in 1987. Their products were an exact DNA match to the 191 amino acids chain somatropin produced by the human body.

Over the years, the benefits of somatropin were well reported and quite varied. To this day, new research regularly comes to light that demonstrates new benefits and uses for somatropin.For thosereading this, the majority interest lies in somatropin's positive effect on:

In the body, somatropin, the natural form ofhuman growth hormone, is produced when the hypothalamus stimulates the anterior pituitary gland just like luteinizing hormone stimulates the testes to produce testosterone. The effects of somatropin on the human body are as varied as they are desirable. Somatropin promotes and enhances protein synthesis in muscle tissue to effect growth, recovery and repair. Somatropin is directly involved in building new muscle. Research also demonstrates somatropin is involved in metabolizing body fat (lipolysis) and the oxidation process which turns fat into energy. Somatropin also improves sleep patterns, making for deeper, more restful sleep and more time in the REM sate of sleep where growth, recovery and tissue repair are the most efficient. Accordingly, employing somatropin is one of the standard means by which pro bodybuilders have increased and maintained muscle mass while dieting for years.

Clearly, somatropin represents numerous benefits to the athlete. Research demonstrates that somatropin may even be superior to testosterone and its steroid derivatives, because it has a paucity of side effects in limited doses, does not aromatize or convert to estrogen and it's not androgenic and thus causes no androgenic side effects. In combination with testosterone, athletes have the absolute best of both worlds.

Since somatropin is a critical hormone for the health and well-being of all humans, not just athletes, the dosing of somatropin growth hormone must be fairly precise for the optimal functioning of the various physiological processes of growth and repair of body tissues including muscle and the metabolization of body fat. Not only is the dosing of somatotropin important, so is the time of day you take it. As with all things we employ to enhance performance, or quality of life, we continually strive for what is generally accepted as optimal. In the case of Somatropin, optimal is a fairly simple application.

Somatropin Dosing

As with most cases of off-label uses of compounds, it is the athletes looking to increase performance who end up being the de facto lab rats in the case, because the medical community at large tends to ignore non-medical uses of any compound, somatropin included. The bodybuilding community has taught us, over years and years of trail and error, that the maximum dose of somatropin should never exceed 8 IU (International Units) a day. That's not to say that some extreme practitioners haven't gone as high as 24 IU a day. The resulting bloat because of the water retention caused by such an extreme dose was about the only noticeable difference between such a high dose and what the athletic community would deem normal 4 to 8 IU a day. If nothing else, this goes to prove the rather innocuous nature of somatropin. You really can't overdose on it and experience any significant health risk not short-term, anyway. A long-term study on such unreasonable dosing would be as unethical, as it would be cost-prohibitive.However, suffice to say, based on what we do know today, somatropin, at any dose is a relatively safe drug. That's not say that there is such a thing as a safe drug, but as far as the multitudes of substances we routinely put into our bodies even items purchased over-the-counter comparatively speaking, somatropin is perhaps the least problematic of them all.

So what is the optimal dose of somatropin one should take to realize its maximum benefits, with the least water retention? Again, this was determined by trial and error among the athletic community. While the published studies on growth hormone rarely exceed 2 IU per day, athletes have been performing increasingly well on 4 to 8 IU per day, as depicted above. However, through the quasi-scientific, empirical, process of trial and error among athletes, we've learned that in order to reap the full benefit of somatropin, the timing and consistency is more important than the total amount taken. For example, through the cause and effect monitoring of athletes using somatropin, we know today that consuming a 100 IU box of somatropin over 20 days at 4 IU a day is more beneficial than taking the same 100 IU over a period of 10 days, at 8 IU a day. Additionally, we now know that somatropin taken in conjunction with testosterone is the most effective manner of use.

We know this because research in animals has demonstrated that somatropin, like testosterone, seems to divert the calories from food away from fat synthesis and toward protein synthesis, to the degree that somatropin is noted to be as powerful as testosterone in stimulating protein synthesis and nitrogen retention in muscle. We see this as proof in humans, based on the observation that those who are clinically GH and testosterone deficient, have reduced lean body mass and increased fat mass, particularly central abdominal fat. Conversely, the opposite is true. This gives us an empirical perspective as demonstrating that the higher the level of somatropin, concomitant with testosterone, the body synthesizes more muscle mass and less fat than with either compound alone. Male test subjects taking between 250 and 500 mg of testosterone a week, in conjunction with 4 to 8 IU of somatropin daily, noted extremely satisfactory increases in lean mass while shedding body fat, especially in the abdominal area.

Best Time To Administer Somatropin

Within 15 to 20 minutes after a subcutaneous (sub-Q) injection,somatropin blood concentrations immediately fall off. This is because the body does not use somatropin growth hormone in its original state. It must be converted in the liver to somatomedin-C, or IGF-1. IGF-1 is a 70-amino acid chain hormone that has been shown to be the most potent growth factor derived by GH release or administration. It is the hormone that turns on the processes of tissue growth and repair, especially in muscle. IGF-1 production is regulated by factors other than somatotropin growth hormone, most notably nutritional and thyroid function; however, when growth hormone is released by the body, or injected as somatropin, and it goes to the liver to stimulate a set of growth factors, IGF-1 has demonstrated to be the most potent and well-established of all.

The timing aspect of all of this revolves around insulin. This hormone works completely against somatropin HGH. While insulin can be highly anabolic, insulin, in the presence of somatropin growth hormone, renders both ineffective. They essentially cancel each other out. Regulating these hormones is a kind of natural balancing act the body goes through. Lower insulin levels can cause the body to produce more pituitary growth hormone. Therefore, somatropin is the most effective when insulin levels in the body are at their lowest.

Using blood sugar as an indicator, what is the best time to take somatropin?

There are actually two times of day when insulin is at its lowest, providing two effectively optimal windows of use. Immediately upon waking in the morning, insulin is at its lowest level. That gives us the first optimal window of use. It's important to take advantage of this window prior to eating, as any food ingested will immediately incite an insulin response. Bodybuilders and elite athletes also know that the next time insulin will be at a very low level is immediately following a strenuous workout session. This gives us two optimal windows of use, either immediately upon waking (before eating) or immediately post-training. It is not uncommon for many elite athletes to take advantage of both windows and administer somatropin twice daily once immediately upon waking and the other immediately post-training.

Before You Decide To Use Somatropin, Consult Your Doctor

You should not use somatropin if you are either allergic to it, or if you currently suffer from complications from recent surgery, or other serious complications such as:

Such conditions can become worsened with somatropin. It is important to seek medical counsel before embarking on any therapy which includes somatropin or other hormones affecting tissue growth.

Somatropin Side effects

In clinical studies with somatropin growth hormone, some individuals experienced:

Any patient who has a growth hormone deficiency and does not respond to therapy with somatropin should be tested for thyroid problems or antibodies to human growth hormone. Either of these conditions can reduce the effectiveness of somatropin human growth hormone.

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Original Source: Richard Rodriguez, Celebrity Fitness Trainer, Discusses the Benefits of Somatropin HGH Therapy

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Treating Hormone Imbalance in Women

Hormones are interrelated, yet each performs unique functions in the body, which is why hormone imbalance in women is such an important issue to address. Truly effective hormone balance should focus on a womans total hormone balance and go beyond just suppressing symptoms of hormone imbalance. Total hormone balance treatment has wide-ranging benefits throughout the body and significantly enhances physical and mental well-being. Metropolitan Oasis Medical Aesthetic Center & Spa our approach to female hormone restoration is to restore hormones to optimal, youthful levels. Important hormone imbalance in women issues commonly monitored and treated in our BHRT programs are thyroid, adrenal, pregnenolone, DHEA, and testosterone, to name a few.

A hormone replacement regimen starts with a comprehensive female hormone profile and exam with a practitioner trained in BHRT. Once a baseline hormone profile is established, periodic blood testing is done to monitor hormone levels. Our philosophy at Metropolitan Oasis Medical Aesthetic Center & Spa our approach is to restore hormones to optimal levels using the lowest dose possible to relieve symptoms and maintain steady, consistent levels throughout the day. Therefore, bioidentical hormones are administered at a precise time in a specific form that will support the bodys natural metabolic pathways. We use Bio-identical hormones which have the same molecular structure as the hormones produced naturally in the body. The body does not distinguish between supplemental bio-identical hormones and the hormones produced by the body. As a result, bio-identical hormones are properly utilized and can be naturally metabolized and excreted which means fewer side effects. At Metro Oasis we believe hormone optimization, done correctly, virtually eliminate harmful hormone replacement therapy side effects and restores health.

BHRT Benefits for Women

Helps eliminate or reduce hot flashes

Reduces or eliminates hair loss

Improved sleep

Reduces risks of heart disease

Accelerates fat burning / increased weight loss

Reduces night sweats and insomnia

Enhances sex drive and libido

Protects against fibrocystic breasts

Helps improve memory and concentration

Prevents vaginal thinning & dryness

Increases energy & reduces depression

Improves the skins elasticity

Protects bones from osteoporosis

Encourages bone growth

Estrogen Replacement Therapy in Women Symptoms of hormone imbalance in women begin to appear typically in their mid- 30s when they enter perimenopause and continuing through menopause. Symptoms are often overlooked as they might appear minor in the beginning. In perimenopause, the production of progesterone declines more rapidly than estrogen. The drop in progesterone, the balancing hormone to estrogen, leaves estrogen in excess and is often associated with symptoms of:

Due to Progesterone levels dropping much sooner in life than estrogen, Progesterone replacement is usually needed long before estrogen therapy. Without progesterone to balance out estrogen, by the time a woman enters menopause, she may have already experienced years of hormonal imbalance. Studies have shown that estrogen dominance can lead to an increased risk of diseases such as cancer, osteoporosis, and fibrocystic breast disease and other health problems (Kubista 1990; Lee 1996). During menopause and post menopause, estrogen levels also decline. Low levels of estrogen impact a woman in many ways physically and mentally. Some of the most common complaints associated with estrogen deficiency.


Studies have shown, the decline of estrogen levels increases the risk of diseases such as heart disease, osteoporosis, Alzheimers and dementia. Safe, effective estrogen replacement should always include progesterone to complement and balance the impact of estrogen. Progesterone plays a major role in relieving menopausal symptoms as well. They both work together to achieve balance in the female body. The great news is that hormone imbalance in women can be corrected safely through the use of bio-identical hormones. Women can finally be relieved of the symptoms that trouble them and effectively protect themselves from diseases associated with hormone imbalance. With customized and supervised treatment, you can feel and look your best again. You Dont Need to Suffer Any Longer Decreased sex drive, loss of firmness in the skin, and increased symptoms of depression can all indicate a hormonal imbalance. Those are in addition to the traditional symptoms of estrogen imbalance like hot flashes, night sweats, fatigue, and insomnia. Addressing these issues with bioidentical hormone replacement can work for women who are peri-menopausal, menopausal, or suffer from another form of hormonal imbalance. The Types of Hormone Imbalance in Women We Treat and offers hormone replacement therapy for the following hormone imbalance in women:

Bio-identical Estrogen Too much estrogen without enough progesterone is called estrogen dominance and can cause headaches, bloating, weight gain, breast tenderness and may be linked with breast and uterine cancer. Other estrogen imbalances, as caused by post-menopause, can produce decreased sexual function and libido, as well as osteoporosis, hot flashes, weight gain and behavior changes ranging from depression to irritability to mood swings.

Bio-identical ProgesteroneProgesterone is a hormone involved in the female menstrual cycle and pregnancy, and therefore affects both pre- and post-menopausal women. Progesterone also plays a role in skin elasticity and bone strength and is important to the regulation of ovulation and menstruation. Low levels in younger women are associated with infertility and menstrual irregularities. Post-menopausal women with low progesterone levels will experience severe hot flashes, arthritis, mood swings and depression. Bio-identical TestosteroneTestosterone is a steroid hormone found in both males and females which declines naturally with age in both sexes. Testosterone contributes to the growth of muscle mass, strength, and bone density, as well as playing a major role in the development of reproductive tissues. In women, deficiency of testosterone is characterized by absence of menstruation, decreased libido, hair loss and hot flashes. Bio-identical Human Growth Hormone (HGH)HGH is a hormone that stimulates growth, cell regeneration and reproduction in humans. Growth hormone deficiency is caused by issues in the pituitary gland, and has different effects at different ages. Low levels of HGH in adults is common, and can manifest as lean body mass, poor bone density, and other psychological symptoms like memory loss and depression. Bio-identical ThyroidThe thyroid hormone controls metabolism and energy and can have dangerous effects when levels are low. Deficiency of the thyroid hormone, also called hypothyroidism, can cause extreme weight gain, hair loss, constipation, fatigue, and trouble with memory. Low thyroid issues can also cause slowed speech, carpal tunnel syndrome, and goiters. Bio-identical Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA)DHEA is a hormone created by the adrenal glands and is a precursor to all major sex hormones. It is common for DHEA production to significantly drop off as we age, and women typically have lower levels of DHEA than men. Symptoms of decreased levels of DHEA are extreme fatigue, low libido, decreased muscle mass, depression and aching joints.

Bio-identical PregnenolonePregnenolone is a hormone tasked with controlling the sex and adrenal hormones of the body. Not only does pregnenolone control other hormones, it also improves the transmission of communication between brain cells. Those with low pregnenolone suffer from low energy, low to extreme moodiness, and short term memory failure. Depression and cluster headaches are also signs of low pregnenolone. How Long Does Menopause Last And When Does It End? If youve experienced some of the symptoms of menopause youre probably wondering how long does menopause last? When will it start and when will it end? Menopause is a natural life transition and can be broken down into 3 stages.

Stage 1: Perimenopause This starts anywhere between age 35 and 55. It typically lasts 3-5 years though in some cases it may last up to 10 years. Perimenopause starts when your menstrual cycle becomes erratic. Symptoms include:

Hot flushes

Elevated heart rate

Mood swings


Night sweats

Urinary incontinence

Stage 2: Menopause Menopause starts 12 months after your last menstrual cycle. The perimenopausal symptoms are the same, though they may decrease or increase in severity. Menopause lasts anywhere between 12 and 36 months.

Stage 3: Postmenopause Technically, postmenopause is the period when your Follicle-Stimulating Hormone (FSH) levels show a sharp increase due to the shutting down of the ovaries. This can be confirmed by a blood test. Postmenopause restores a new balance to your endocrine system, thus stopping most or all of the menopause symptoms.

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Hormone Optimization – BHRT Compounding Pharmacy

Having an unbalanced hormonal profile is, in many ways, a side effect of living in modern life. There are a multitude of substances which we encounter every single day which may knock our hormones out of whack. Everything from certain food additives, plastics, household cleaners, certain commercial dyes, and many prescription medications can be the culprit.

Many of our hormones are sensitive to environmental stressors, including the thyroid hormones, growth hormone, and the adrenal hormone system. The most commonly talked about in medicine today are the sex hormones; the estrogens and testosterone. When these hormones are out of sync, both males and females experience substantial negative side effects.

In order to treat these conditions, physicians will prescribe a combination of lifestyle modification and medication therapy. The medications that are prescribed usually consist of hormone replacement medications, such as an estrogen product and a testosterone product. However, these products are NOT all created equal.

The majority of hormone replacement products on the market today are synthetic medications that mimic human hormones. Unfortunately, because these chemicals are not exactly the same as those found in the human body, unwanted and intolerable side effects can occur. For instance, look at the structural difference between the synthetic hormone medroxyprogesterone and your bodys natural hormone, progesterone:

These side chains are added, not to increase the efficacy of the drug, but to enable the drug company to PATENT the drug. Natural progesterone (and the other natural hormones) cannot be patented and have no monetary value to drug companies. But for you, they are the safest, most effective hormone therapy. Luckily we have an option to use the natural hormones in your therapy. This type of therapy is called bio-identical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT).

As we stated above, BHRT is an option designed to individually dose hormones made to be the same in structure and function as the bodys own hormones.

These hormones follow the exact same metabolic pathways as the bodys own hormones, thereby restoring the hormone balance in the most effective and least intrusive way for your body. There are many physicians in your area who prescribe bio-identical hormone replacement to their patients. In order to find out if your doctor is one, simply ask them. If you are in need of a recommendation for a provider in your area who uses BHRT, contact us and we can supply you with recommendations.

Your health is the most precious possession you have. Why not live each day to its optimal potential; mentally, spiritually, and physically?

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Hormone Optimization - BHRT Compounding Pharmacy

Growth Hormone Optimization | AAMLC, Vancouver, Canada

(*Please note that if you are inquiring aboutfor HGH only, Dr. Frame treats clients 50 years and older who test to be deficient in Human Growth Hormone.)

1.Please complete this introduction questionnaireto request a private medical consultation with Dr. Frame: MALE Questionnaire FEMALE Questionnaire

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A recent spate ofhigh-profile athletes suspendedfor drug abuse raises an important medical issue. Is hormone replacement therapy (HRT) a form of performance enhancement? Why are athletes using the same testosterone and human growth hormone (HGH) that medical doctors prescribe for legitimate patients?

In essence, both testosterone and HGH are your natural anabolic steroids that your body produces to maintain muscles, skin, bones as well as sexual, physical and mental functioning. Both of these decline as you age and can be safely replaced underSTRICTmedical supervision once actual deficiency has been proven. There are safe ways to restore health and function that has been lost. This is known asHormone Replacement Therapyand is very different fromPerformance Enhancementby competitive athletes.

HRT is legal and safewhile Performance Enhancement is cheating, illegal and potentially unsafe. HRT replaces what you have lost. Performance Enhancement pushes hormone levelsabovenormal to force the body to perform or grow more than the competition.

Hormone replacement therapy involves:-

Growth Hormone is your own, natural, anabolic steroid hormone secreted by the pituitary gland in the early hours of the morning. This peaks in adolescence but declines slowly as you age. Growth Hormone is also known as Human Growth Hormone or HGH. If your levels drop too low or too quickly, your anabolic status deteriorates, leading to loss of muscles (sarcopenia), bone (osteopenia) and skin as well as build up of excess fat. Anti-aging physicians (including Doctor Frame) believe that this can be rectified or reversed with measures to increase growth hormone production and secretion.

Scientific studies have shown significant improvement in muscle, fat, bone and skin as well as improved cholesterol levels, mood, libido and general sense of well-being.

Dr. Gidon Frame offers a comprehensive Anti-Aging Medical Examination and treatment program for patients with the following concerns:

These criteria may be an indicator of growth hormone insufficiency. Optimizing your bodys own growth hormone production can reverse many of these features of aging. Lifestyle, supplement and hormone treatments can increase growth hormone levels, however most advertised claims are actually false. Beware of bait and switch advertising that makes claims for a product that have not been proven for that product.

Many products contain no HGH or only microscopic or homeopathic levels or HGH (nanograms instead of milligrams). Other HGH products claim to be growth hormone secretagogues that stimulate the pituitary to produce HGH. Most of these costly supplements contain the same amino acids as any protein supplement you can buy at a health food store or supermarket. They have a very slight effect on HGH secretion, if any. Any growth hormone optimization plan should include ongoing supervision by an experienced physician trained to evaluate growth hormone deficiency.

A full medical evaluation of growth hormone levels using medical history, physical examination, blood tests and urine analyses can test for key factors present in growth hormone deficiency. Once your HGH levels are shown to be deficient, declining or suboptimal, Dr. Frame can discuss the risks and benefits of HGH optimization or replacement. As with any hormone optimization, a physician trained and experienced in that field must supervise a carefully individualized plan and clinical trial.

Many clinical studies have shown the benefits for HGH replacement for Growth Hormone Deficiency in adults. Some medical reviews have questioned the benefits and highlighted the risks of HGH treatment for age-related Growth Hormone decline. Even those suspicious of HGH, acknowledge the benefits in lean muscle increase and body fat reduction. Over-replacement of HGH to levels higher than optimal can lead to fluid retention, pre-diabetes and carpal tunnel syndrome.

People with HGH-secretingtumorsof the pituitary (acromegalic giants) have higher rates of colon polyps, colon cancer, prostate cancer and distorted bones (think of Tony Robbins who had a pituitarytumorremoved before it could completely destroy him). Luckily, the risks of HGH are low when carefully used at physiologic levels. Cancer, diabetes and fluid overload side-effects are rarely encountered when HGH is used properly. HGH should only be used to treat deficiency or insufficiency that has been proven by appropriate testing. Full personal health assessment is needed prior to any hormoneoptimizationto look for reasons why you may want to avoid hormone replacement therapy (contra-indications).

For anti-aging, Ive been under Dr. Frames care for about twelve years. As each year goes by, I realize what a lucky person I am. Hats off to Dr. Frame. The simplest way to say this is that my life improved in every aspect. I wish that I could have started being under his care fifty years ago.

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Growth Hormone Optimization | AAMLC, Vancouver, Canada

5 Surprising Benefits of Hormone Replacement Therapy | BHRC

Approximately after the age of 25, both men and women experience a decline in hormone production hormones such as progesterone, estrogen and testosterone which can lead to a range of symptoms such as hot flashes, vaginal dryness, low libido, sexual dysfunction, reduced muscle mass, decreased bone density, uncontrolled weight gain, and more.

Hormone replacement therapy has been around for a long time now, and has had a bad reputation for many years. Now, with advancements in technology and extensive research into this revolutionary science, the true benefits of hormone replacement are being recognized, and taken advantage of. In fact, research now suggests that hormone replacement therapy (or HRT) can actually reverse many of the typical signs of aging that you may have come to accept weight gain, low libido, reduced muscle mass and can even help to prevent conditions such as osteoporosis, heart disease, and dementia.

So what is hormone replacement therapy? HRT is a process of replenishing the hormones that your body no longer makes in sufficient amounts. Once this hormonal balance in both men and women is restored, then you will often be able to reverse many adverse effects of aging, which are actually due to an inherent hormonal imbalance, and allow you to experience an extraordinary quality of life again.

How extraordinary? Heres five hormone replacement therapy benefits that will elevate your life, and have you feeling younger again. Bring back your youthful 20s and relive some of the best years of your life

Its an unfortunate fact that nature has programmed women to remain fertile up to the age of 45 to 50, then kick in the all-familiar condition of menopause. Whats more unfortunate, is that many women suffer from early menopause which can appear as soon as the age of 30 to 35. Sometimes this is caused by surgical procedures such as having the ovaries and uterus removed, but in many cases it is a hormonal imbalance in women which is leading to the onset of premature menopause. And the good news is that many of the unpleasant symptoms of menopause can be treated by replacing your deficient hormones. Thats right girls, you now have the ability to prevent and reverse many of the unwanted symptoms of early menopause such as hot flashes, lowered libido, slowing metabolism, increased weight gain, and more.

Aside from the demoralizing effects of aging like the appearance of wrinkles, a beer-belly, or unsightly cellulite, hormone imbalance can cause many psychological issues such as depression, anxiety and frequent outbursts of erratic anger or sadness. At a deeper level, many people suffering from hormonal imbalance will also suffer from a lack of confidence, high irritability, lower patience levels, and a lack of empathy. And if that wasnt enough, then you can also expect to suffer from a fading memory, mood swings, and increased confusion. Many of these symptoms that one would typically associate with aging, and which can have devastating effect on your level of confidence, can actually be attributed to a hormonal imbalance.

The good news is that hormone replacement therapy can help you counter these effects. And while you could opt for over the counter hormone replacement supplements, what you really benefit from is a tailored solution that works for your unique body type and hormonal requirements. Thats where our revolutionary hormone optimization program, administered by our certified medical professionals, can help you transform your world.

As the hormones in your body decline, this weakens the integrity of your body which then opens you up to many health risks you were previously protected against.

Youll begin to notice uncontrolled weight gain that no amount of dieting or exercising will prevent. Many men and women will also begin to lose bone density, increasing the risk of fractures and breaks. You may also become prone to getting diabetes, heart disease and some forms of cancer such as ovarian cancer, among other problems.

And while youre probably aware of some of the well-publicized hormone replacement therapy side effects, our advanced application methods, continuous research and development, and proven results ensure that HRT side-effects are minimized.

Remember your glorious 20s, when the world was your oyster and you could seemingly do no wrong with your body? Abundant energy, a youthful appearance for your skin, and a slim, toned figure. The years when you were at your youthful best. I know it may seem like those years have long passed you by, but that doesnt need to be the case

Its been proven that hormone replacement therapy for men and women can help improve the quality of your life, and make you look and feel younger again. How? By treating imbalanced hormone levels which often lead to:

When people talk about hormone replacement therapy, its often women that receive all the attention, but that neednt be the case. HRT is effectively used to treat hormonal imbalance in men as well as in women. Thats because these hormone imbalances in men can cause various symptoms that are often linked to their premature aging as well.As levels of hormones in men (such as testosterone and thyroid) decline, men face many problematic health issues as well, such as:

Like women, men can also develop osteoporosis or brittle bones. In addition, some men go through erectile dysfunction and hypogonadism where the testicles stop functioning correctly which both amount to a higher rate of male infertility. Hormone replacement therapy can help men reverse these symptoms, and have you looking and feeling younger again.

As you now know, its possible to use revolutionary new hormone replacement therapy techniques, such as BHRCs Hormone Optimization program, to replace your imbalanced hormone levels so that you can eliminate the symptoms of premature aging that are more often the result of hormonal imbalance. These five benefits of HRT are a broad summary of the potential benefits you can expect to experience, all of which will have you live a better quality of life, today.

Consider opting for Hormone Replacement Therapy at a reputed clinic like The Beverly Hills Rejuvenation Center. Using bio-identical hormones that occur naturally, we can create the perfect hormone replacement therapy program for you that can have you look and feel younger again.

BHRC Hormone Replacement Therapy Locations:

5 Surprising Benefits of Hormone Replacement Therapy | BHRC

Iron Addicts Gym Miami’s Richard Rodriguez, Celebrity Trainer, Discusses High Testosterone, but No Sex Drive … – Digital Journal

Miami, FL - June 5, 2017 - (

Richard Rodriguezis an iconic and legendary figure within the fitness community. His companies span all across the globe and have dominated thepeptides, transdermal, hormone andcontest prepmarket. He possesses over 25years experience in diet plans, contest prep and personal training. He is also an expert in transdermal, peptides and hormone optimization. This is the site for all your transdermal, peptides andcontest prep needs.

Low testosterone in men can affect many functions related to aging. A prolonged period of time spent with low testosterone without gettinglow testosterone treatmentcan have a negative effect on several important factors relating to a man's physique, energy level and body composition. Treatment for low testosterone can:

Testosterone is the primary male sex hormone responsible for the secondary sex characteristics in men. Low testosterone can present numerous symptoms. If you have been diagnosed with low testosterone, you're probably experiencing the common low testosterone symptoms. These include:

Increasinglow testosterone levelswithlow testosterone therapyshould help with these symptoms and help restore quality of life, enhance libido, increase athletic performance, speed recovery time and improve body composition. Regardless of your age, addressing low testosterone levels has also been known to protect the body from serious conditions that can be experienced, in part, due to prolonged low testosterone levels. These include:

For the older athlete, the performance-enhancing effects of testosterone can demonstrate several desired effects. Increasing low testosterone with low testosterone treatmentcan help you:

If calories are restricted due to contest preparation, the athlete attempting to lose body fat will preserve more lean muscle mass than would otherwise be lost while dieting.Athletes also have demonstrated the ability to burn body fat at a more efficient rate because of the metabolic improvements experienced with high levels of testosterone. Athletes using testosterone will find that their high testosterone levels can greatly enhance muscular endurance and the overall rate of recovery, enhancing athletic improvements.

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Original Source: Iron Addicts Gym Miami's Richard Rodriguez, Celebrity Trainer, Discusses High Testosterone, but No Sex Drive? Check Your Prolactin

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Iron Addicts Gym Miami's Richard Rodriguez, Celebrity Trainer, Discusses High Testosterone, but No Sex Drive ... - Digital Journal

Biote Recognized as 50-Fastest-Growing Women-Owned/Led Companies of 2021 – Yahoo Finance

Ranking Presented by The Women Presidents Organization & JPMorgan Chase Commercial Banking

IRVING, Texas, October 14, 2021--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Biote has been announced as one of the 50 Fastest-Growing Women-Owned/Led Companies in the 14th annual ranking compiled by The Women Presidents' Organization (WPO) in collaboration with JP Morgan Chase Commercial Banking. The companies on this year's 50 Fastest list span a range of industries from consumer products to STEM, with eight companies in the healthcare field. From January to December of 2020, the 50 Fastest generated a combined $4.1 billion in revenue and collectively employed more than 24,000 people.

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Terry S. Weber (Photo: Business Wire)

"The Biote team and I are honored to be recognized by the Women Presidents Organization and feel renewed determination to provide people, and especially women, with a wider variety of options to stay healthy and well," stated Terry S. Weber, CEO of Biote. "Our mission to convince the industry and scientific community to focus on underrepresented research and treatment options has resonated with people around the world. We are committed to answering this need by expanding access to life-enhancing health therapies that can truly impact patient lives."

The 50-Fastest-Growing Women-Owned/Led companies were ranked according to a sales growth formula, combining percentage and absolute growth. To qualify for the ranking, businesses are required to be privately held, woman-owned or -led, and have reached annual revenues of at least $500,000 as of 2015 and every subsequent year.

Dr. Gary Donovitz, founder of Biote, has long been committed to raising the bar for health care and advancing responsible access to scientifically-based, life-enhancing health therapies. "Under Terrys leadership, Biote is accelerating and scaling its work as a collaborative clinical educator and patient advocate in an underserved market," stated Donovitz. "As we continue our efforts to advance clinical research and educate providers on the benefits of hormone optimization, we are also seeing patients becoming more proactive and empowered, and actively inquiring about how they can achieve a healthier and more satisfied life."

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"This year's honorees exemplify the commitment, determination and ingenuity that is necessary to thrive in todays environment," said Thelma Ferguson, Managing Director & Northeast Segment Head at JPMorgan Chase Commercial Banking. "These exceptional women are living proof that necessity is the mother of innovation. Today, we are proud to support 50 extraordinary leaders who are redefining their industries and driving global economic growth."

About Biote

Biote is a hormone optimization company that has translated over 80 years of scientific insight into clinically-validated medical approaches that identify and treat imbalances in the production of hormones. By partnering with over 4,700 medical providers across the United States, Biote is educating practitioners on the scientific evidence of the roles of hormones and supplements to support improved health, and on responsible treatment of patients. We are dedicated to helping patients live better, longer by changing the way healthcare is practiced on a global level.

About The Women Presidents' Organization (WPO)

The WPO is the premier peer advisory organization connecting women who own multi-million-dollar companies. In monthly meetings across six continents, chapters of 20 women presidents from diverse industries invest time and energy in themselves and their businesses to drive their corporations to the next level. Local WPO chapters are coordinated by a professional facilitator and meet monthly to share business expertise and experience in a confidential setting. For more information, visit

About JPMorgan Chase Commercial Banking

JPMorgan Chase Commercial Banking is a business of JPMorgan Chase & Co. (NYSE: JPM), a leading global financial services firm with assets of $3.7 trillion and operations worldwide. Through its Middle Market Banking & Specialized Industries, Corporate Client Banking & Specialized Industries and Commercial Real Estate businesses, Commercial Banking serves emerging startups to midsize businesses and large corporations as well as government entities, not-for-profit organizations, and commercial real estate investors, developers and owners. Clients are supported through every stage of growth with specialized industry expertise and tailored financial solutions including credit and financing, treasury and payment services, international banking and more. Information about JPMorgan Chase Commercial Banking is available at

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Janice Miller, The Bliss Group for

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Biote Recognized as 50-Fastest-Growing Women-Owned/Led Companies of 2021 - Yahoo Finance

Episode 08: Mike Mahler: Part 2: Man Up: Balance Your Hormone Levels – Video

Episode 08: Mike Mahler: Part 2: Man Up: Balance Your Hormone Levels
In this episode you will learn: How to Delay Gratification and Get What You Truly Want Out of Life. Hormone Optimization: Key to male vitality Men and Estrogen : Everything you need to know....

By: Alpha Man Project

Episode 08: Mike Mahler: Part 2: Man Up: Balance Your Hormone Levels - Video

Hormonal Optimization balances female Hormones, says Dr …

Our bodys ability to produce hormones diminish as we age, leading to severe health problems in men and women. Optimizing hormones can greatly improve the quality of life, especially in women, reducing the chances of severity in certain conditions.

What is Bioidentical Hormone Therapy?

Hormonal Optimization Therapy involves the use of hormonal pellets that are inserted in the subcutis, a layer below the dermis and epidermis of the skin. To balance female hormones, bioidentical hormone therapy inserts hormones that are chemically identical to those produced by the human body.

Who is the Ideal Candidate for Bioidentical Hormone Therapy

The ideal candidates for hormone optimization include women who are experiencing aging, lower bone density, painful intercourse, depression, and several other problems. Men encountering problems like lack of vitality, assertiveness, physical stamina, muscle mass, and mental ability are suitable for hormone optimization.

Replacing chemically identical hormones requires a keen eye to perfection, expertise, and follow-up. At David Karli Regenerative Medicine Clinic, hormone optimization is done with comprehensive lab testing. He identifies Hormone deficiencies and corrects it to re-establish a healthy hormonal balance in the body.

Benefits of Hormone Optimization

In addition to creating a healthy hormonal balance, hormone optimization manages the bodys fight-or-flight response. It regulates hunger and mood and as theyre produced in minute amounts, even low-dosages can last dramatically. Restoring hormonal balance with Hormone Optimization Therapy not only slows down the aging process but also prevents the occurrence of common age-related diseases among men and women.

It is not unknown that while we age, our hormone production diminishes, sometimes as early as in our 30s and accelerates dramatically into our 50s and 60s. According to Dr. Karli, Hormone Optimization is one such area of age management where there has to be a perfect balance and the processes have to be carried out carefully. One incorrect step can damage the overall response to the body.

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Hormonal Optimization balances female Hormones, says Dr ...

Throughout the past few years Derek has created a unique position for himself in the area of men’s health and self-improvement – California Herald

His passion for fitness and a healthy lifestyle was the catalyst that led to More Plates More Dates.

Derek and his website are essentially an encyclopedia of knowledge with information related to self-improvement.

A healthy lifestyle is paramount to longevity.

Lifestyle, nutrition, biohacking and sports performance are just some of the topics youll find on More Plates More Dates.

Derek is clearly passionate about everything he talks about, and that shows in his content that is presented in an engaging and entertaining manner.

Today Derekhas become a great resource for men for his consistent deep-dives into various self-improvement related topics.

Despite there being thousands of gurus in the self-help space, Derek still manages to be distinctive from others as he intertwines his passion for biology and pharmacology into his content and presents scientific data that is backed by clinical literature.

In 2016 after several years of self-improvement and building a knowledge base, Derek launched his brand via the platformMore Plates More Dates.

He has mentioned several times that it is more or less a broad-spectrum self-improvement platform for men.

Derek expanded to other social media platforms which grew his following, brand and he soon realized the need and want for information in the form of videos.

By late-2019 he has committed to posting regularly and YouTube.

While a lot of his videos revolve around bodybuilding and hormones, he also has some incredible insight on diet, health, hair loss prevention, dating, lifestyle and supplementation.

Dereks journey started off with self-experimentation, thousands of hours of research, and writing for other companies while he built his own brand up.

A couple years after his first post, Derek launched the supplement company Gorilla Mind.

The brand is expanding its catalog quickly, and it is most well-known for its Nootropic and pre-workout formulations.

His passion for endocrinology and hormone optimization also brought him into the healthcare space in 2020.

Derek currently has over 250,000 subscribers onYouTube and is worth checking out if you have any interest in hormone optimization or health.

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Throughout the past few years Derek has created a unique position for himself in the area of men's health and self-improvement - California Herald

Dr. Gaines of LifeGaines Informs Patients about NAD’s Role in Keeping a Healthy Immune System. Dr. Gaines is also Conducting Telehealth Consultations…

LifeGaines Medical and Aesthetics in Boca Raton serves South Floridians with age management therapies. Dr. Gaines discusses NAD's role in keeping a vibrant immune system. He is also conducting Physician Telehealth Consultations for those who want to achieve health and beauty goals during this time

Boca Raton, Florida--(Newsfile Corp. - April 24, 2020) - Dr. Gaines recently sent a message to his patients about keeping a healthy immune system, which also needs to be shared with the greater South Florida community.

LifeGaines Medical & Aesthetics is located at 3785 N. Federal Hwy, Suite150, Boca Raton, FL 33431. Go to to learn more.

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NAD+'s Role in Keeping A Healthy Immune System

As people continue to cope with the pandemic, most people have thought about their immune system but have not considered the role NAD+ plays and how it can affect their response to a deadly virus.

NAD+ (Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide) is a critical coenzyme found in every cell of one's body and helps the immune system function at its best by repairing and remodeling cells.

A viral infection causes free radicals to form which causes DNA damage. In order to repair DNA, the body needs high levels of NAD+. When people are young, high levels of NAD+ are present in their cells, but as people age, those levels deplete and can make people more susceptible to infection.

NAD+ IV therapy is a good solution to replenish one's NAD+ levels in the fight against viruses but it has many additional benefits. It is usually recommended in a series of 3 weekly treatments by LifeGaines, but will be customized based on each patient's specific needs. The NAD+ IV therapy is a slow drip process, so it takes time to enter into your system, generally 3-4 hours per treatment. NAD+ IV therapy can;

For more information on NAD+ IV Therapy, call the office of LifeGaines at (561) 931-2430.

Also, LifeGaines advises its patients to maintain their goals of health and beauty by participating in a telehealth consultation with Dr. Gaines.

Issues that can be addressed in a telehealth consultation:

Complimentary aesthetics consultations can determine someone's needs for:

Any new patient virtual appointment will receive 10% off a future in-office service! Inquire about Telehealth consultations. Call (561) 931-2430.

Dr. Richard Gaines is the Chief Medical Officer of LifeGaines Medical and Aesthetics, an age management medical practice located in Boca Raton, FL. His new practice offers a complete regenerative medicine program for men and women, including hormone optimization, sexual health, as well as facial rejuvenation.

LifeGaines Medical & Aesthetics is located at 3785 N. Federal Hwy, Suite 150 Boca Raton, FL 33431. Go to to learn more. For any media inquiries, contact Kellie Keitel at

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inquire-about-telehealth.png Inquire about Telehealth consultations. Call (561) 931-2430. LifeGaines Medical & Aesthetics is located at 3785 N. Federal Hwy, Suite 150 Boca Raton, FL 33431. Go to to learn more.

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Dr. Gaines of LifeGaines Informs Patients about NAD's Role in Keeping a Healthy Immune System. Dr. Gaines is also Conducting Telehealth Consultations...

AgeWell – Dr. Amy Garza | Hormone Optimization Women …

Dr. Amy Garza and the staff at AgeWell provide patients with a full range ofhormone replacement therapyoptions for women during the initial consult. Because we have already analyzed patient lab samples prior to the first office visit, we are able to begin treating the root cause of symptoms during that initial trip to the clinic.

Treatinghormonal imbalancein women is not just limited to a focus on replacing estrogen or testosterone. The symptoms of declining progesterone are often the first things our female patients notice. Additionally, chemical compounds such as cortisol, thyroid and vitamin D often factor into the overall picture, too. After all, women are progressively asked to juggle more and more and it can take a toll on their emotional and physical heath. At AgeWell, each of these important hormones are evaluated through thorough patient interviews and in-depth lab evaluations.

AgeWell offers a number ofbioidentical hormone replacementtherapy (BHRT) programs for women, includingPro-Pellhormone pellet therapy. Dr. Garza is a certified Pro-Pell provider with exclusive training on the administration of this type ofhormone pellet therapy. The universe of therapies that can be custom-tailored to the female patients biology and needs are discussed in detail in theBioidentical Hormone Replacement TherapyandPro-Pell Therapysections.

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AgeWell - Dr. Amy Garza | Hormone Optimization Women ...

Fort Lauderdale Hormone Therapy Center – AAG Health

Doctor Certified Testosterone Replacement Therapy, HGH and Hormone Optimization Treatments in Fort Lauderdale, Pembroke Pines, Hollywood, and Aventura. With locations in Sunrise, Dania Beach, Pompano Beach, Las Olas, Wilton Manors. As well as Parkland, Coral Springs, Lauderhill, Plantation, and Davie. Fort Lauderdale Testosterone Replacement Therapy, HGH and Hormone OptimizationHormone Replacement and Testosterone Optimization Doctors in Fort Lauderdale

You can age optimally with medically supervised interventional wellness programs such as:

-- Are you feeling as strong and vital as you did in your 20s or 30s? -- Do you have the energy you once had? -- The body? -- The sex life? -- Would you like to look and feel that way again? -- You can with testosterone replacement, HGH therapy, and Hormone Optimization.

Hormones are a key part of the way your body functions. They are the chemical messengers secreted by the many glands of the endocrine system, and carried by the blood stream that stimulate and regulate most body processes.

Hormones are responsible for:

As you age all hormone levels decline, but the loss of testosterone and human growth hormone (HGH), have the greatest impact on your vitality, health, and sexual wellness.

The decline of testosterone that begins after you reach your peak testosterone levels in your 20s, in particular, effects your ability to perform in, and out of the bedroom!

Low testosterone in men, also referred to as Low-T, causes a number of symptoms we commonly attribute to aging. These include: thinning hair, weight gain, fatigue, loss of muscle tone, depression, and sexual wellness issues.

Bioidentical Hormone Therapy for men, and HGH Therapy can help with these symptoms and put you back on your path to peak performance at any age.

Hormone replacement therapy, or HRT, as the name implies, is all about renewing vitality by giving you back what age takes away.

Biologically speaking, hormones stimulate, facilitate, or regulate almost all of your bodily functions. Your body naturally produces and replaces hormones as needed. However, its ability to do so is not unlimited. As we age, our ability to produce hormones decreases. In particular are the hormones associated with sexual function and youthful vitality.

Dr. Richard Gaines, who supervises all of our Fort Lauderdale Testosterone Replacement Clinics, is a pioneer in the use of Bioidentical Testosterone Replacement Therapy for men. Dr. Gaines was one of the first physicians in Fort Lauderdale to recognize the condition of andropause also known as male menopause and how testosterone replacement can be used to treat it. In fact, he literally wrote the book, on optimal aging.

In very general terms, the symptoms of a hormone deficiency affect three areas: mental health, physical health and sexual health. In many cases you may be experiencing all or some of these symptoms, and you may be deficient in more than one hormone.

Typical symptoms of less-then-optimal hormone levels include:

At Fort Lauderdale HRT Therapy Centers we have helped hundreds of men just like you overcome the issues of decreased hormone with the best quality service and most competitive pricing on doctor certified Hormone Replacement (HRT) Therapy including Bioidentical Hormone Replacement (BHRT) for men, Testosterone replacement, and HGH replacement.

Contact us today to find our Hormone Lab Testing facilities throughout Fort Lauderdale and to see if any of our anti-aging and hormone optimization programs using Testosterone, HGH, Sermorelin, Thyroid replacement, and/or PRP for sexual wellness are right for you. If you live in Ft. Lauderdale, Hollywood,Hallandale, or in and around the City of Dania Beach, we have a hormone optimization specialist that is in your area.

At Fort Lauderdale Hormone Therapy Centers we are pioneers and experts in testosterone, hormone optimization, PRP, Platelet Rich Plasma, and HGH replacement therapy.

We customize your anti-aging and hormone optimization plans to your particular needs and lifestyle.Your testosterone, HGH (IGF-1) levels and otherhormone levels will be thoroughly tested for any imbalances or deficiencies. Low Testosterone, Low-T, andropause, male menopause as well as Human Growth Hormone Deficiency are legitimate medical health conditions that require proper diagnosis and treatment.

The Hormone Optimization medical specialists at Fort Lauderdale Optimal Aging Centers are certified professionals. Not all physicians or general practitioners have equal training or understanding of bio-identical hormone therapy (BHRT), or our expertise in diagnosing and developing treatment plans for men with low testosterone and/or HGH deficiencies. At our Testosterone Replacement and HGH Optimization centers our doctors have the knowledge and the know-how to help you age well through hormone optimization.

Fort Lauderdale Hormone Optimization Centers has testosterone replacement and optimal aging clinics in and around Fort Lauderdale, including: Hollywood, Aventura Dania Beach, and Davie. We have offices in Oakland Park, Lauderhill, Lauderdale-by-the Sea and Sunrise. Find us in Coral Springs,Pembroke Pines, Los Olas, Wilton Manors, and Plantation.

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When it comes to the production of testosterone, most men hit their peak around the age of 17. By the time you reach 80,your testosterone level will likely be about half of what it was when you were atyour peak. For some men, the decrease in production has little effect. But for many men, as you hit your 50s, 60s and older, you may actually start to feel the impact of the reduced level, experiencing low testosterone or Low-T.

Symptoms of Low-T include reduction of libido or sex drive, a feeling of reduced virility or vitality, changes in mood, erectile dysfunction, decreased energy, reduced muscle and bone mass, and memory issues.

If you are a man over 40, and you are experiencing any of these, you may have low testosterone. However, the only way to truly determine if you have an imbalance of one or more hormones related to your vitality, is with proper diagnosis and analysis.

All of our hormone optimization programs are overseen by Dr. Richard Gaines, a world-renowned leader in the field of hormone replacement therapy for men.

Call Fort Lauderdale HealthGains at (800) 325-1325 to find out if testosterone replacement, HGH treatments, or any of our other Hormone Optimization, or Hormone Replacement Therapies are right for you.

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Fort Lauderdale Hormone Therapy Center - AAG Health

Thyroid Hormone Optimization – HealthGAINS: Hormone Therapy

Home - Hormone Therapy Services

Many of the conditions normally associated with ageing, can actually be caused by low levels of thyroid hormones. In fact, one in every seven Americans may be suffering from low-thyroid or hypothyroidism.

Symptoms of Low Thyroid can include:

What Does the Thyroid Do?They Thyroid is a gland that is located in the neck just behind the Adams Apple. It is responsible for producing two thyroid hormones - T3 and T4. These hormones are essential for cellular metabolism. In other words they are responsible for turning on and maintaining your cells' ability to turn nutrients into energy. People with low levels of thyroid hormones have slower metabolisms. Which leads to the associated problems, most noticeably chronic fatigue and weight gain.

Your Customized Thyroid Optimization ProgramAt HealthGains, our physicians are experts in diagnosing and treating low thyroid. Your custom Thyroid Optimization Program starts with specialized diagnostic testing to determine your thyroid hormone levels. Traditional blood tests to detect hypothyroidism only go so far, and often result in low thyroid levels that go undetected. HealthGains uses a series of proprietary tests that go beyond traditional blood tests to obtain a more accurate and complete picture of your thyroid levels.

If your levels are determined to be low, we will create a program designed to keep your thyroid hormones at their optimal level for you - and not just at what is considered "normal" or "average."

Your program may include prescribing bioidentical thyroid replacement hormones, along with recommendations for supplementation, diet, and lifestyle, designed to optimize your thyroid output and overall health.

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Thyroid Hormone Optimization - HealthGAINS: Hormone Therapy

Balance Male Hormones | Male Hormone Optimization

The primary goal of BioTE Medical is to help optimize the hormone levels of men. Bio-identical hormone replacement therapy pellets are inserted under the skin to assist you with hormone balance. Learn about our process and how to experience wellness with optimized hormones below!

Getting started with BHRT with BioTE Medical is easy as scheduling an appointment! Simply look at our Find a Provider Tool and search your zip code for the certified BioTE Medical provider nearest you and schedule an appointment with them to get started.

The goal of hormone optimization therapy is to provide all our patients with a sense of wellbeing. This could mean a return to the balance they once knew or it could also mean providing a balance never felt by the patient before. In addition to feeling great, hormone optimization may be able to help reduce the risk of certain diseases as well as the severity of certain afflictions.

After only a few minutes during an in-office visit, Bio-identical Hormone Replacement Therapy (BHRT) for men begins to work to optimize hormones within seven to ten days. BHRT pellet therapy is customized to your unique physiology based on your test results. Because of this, every treatment is tailored to the patient and will have the greatest possible success in helping achieve balance. Furthermore, BHRT uses bio-identical hormones derived from plants, not animals, which more closely resembles the hormones naturally present within men and women than synthetic or animal derived hormones. This could mean that BHRT may be the closest thing to having your own natural hormones produced and may have fewer side effects than synthetic hormones.

While everyones results are different, the process for considering, getting, monitoring and continuing with BHRT is typically the same with all our patients. Your first appointment with your certified BioTE provider will include hormone testing. The next appointment will be to review your tests, in which BHRT pellet insertion can be done during the visit or following. The next round of BHRT pellets can be inserted in 3-6 months, depending on a variety of factors that determine absorption rates and needs as every patient's path to optimization is unique to them.

BioTE Medical only offers bio-identical hormone replacement therapy in the form of subcutaneous pellets, and with over million insertions performed in the companys history, we have seen many lives changed with optimized hormones. If any of the hormone imbalance symptoms mentioned above ring a bell for you or remind you of someone you love, BioTE Medical encourages you to use our Find a Provider tool or to nominate your provider to begin your journey to wellness today.

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Balance Male Hormones | Male Hormone Optimization

BioTE Medical | Natural Hormone Balance | Pellet Therapy

A simpler question is how do you know if your hormones aren't balanced? You will likely feel unwell and not be able to figure out why. The practitioners certified by BioTE Medical have seen the life-changing results time and time again; balanced hormones can change your life.

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Studies have shown that balanced hormones are necessary for good health and disease prevention for women and men throughout the entire life cycle. However, balanced hormones become even more critical for health as we grow older and more susceptible to disease.

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BioTE Medical optimizes hormone levels with bio-identical hormone pellets. Hormone optimization is a process by which levels of hormones throughout the body are equalized through continual absorption of BHRT pellets, leading to peak levels of health and wellbeing.

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Hormone pellets release bio-identical hormones into the bloodstream continuously. These are tiny pellets just under the skin, typically placed in the upper hip. BHRT pellets are smaller than a grain of rice and are consistently effective for between 3 and 6 months.

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BioTE Medical | Natural Hormone Balance | Pellet Therapy

Natural Hormone Balance | Hormone Optimization Therapy …

The primary goal of BioTE Medical is to help optimize hormone levels of our patients. The mission of BioTE is to change healthcare and to help people age healthier and live happier.

Bio-identical Hormone Replacement Therapy, or BHRT, is a treatment for many common and debilitating symptoms that are often overlooked by doctors. Some of these symptoms include exhaustion, stress, foggy thinking, weight loss, sleep disturbances, and so much more. These ailments are treated by solving the root cause of these difficult conditions. Often, people with symptoms like these are suffering from hormonal imbalance. BHRT is a natural and simple method for correction of these complex issues.

Within 7-10 days after your pellet insertion, Bio-identical Hormone Replacement Therapy (BHRT) begins to work. Once a pellet is inserted in the gluteal area, a consistent dose of bio-identical (naturally derived) hormones enter the bloodstream. Every BHRT pellet is created with patients' unique physiology in mind. Because of this, every treatment is tailored to the patient and will have the greatest possible success in helping them achieve balance. Furthermore, the pellets are derived from plants, not animals, which closely mimic the hormones naturally present within your body. Studies have shown that bio-identical hormone pellet therapy may offer you the most benefits.

First, find a BioTE provider. If your provider is not listed, nominate your provider to become BioTE certified. Then, schedule an office visit with your BioTE provider to test your current hormone levels. Based on your comprehensive consultation and thorough blood work panel, your provider will determine if you are a candidate for BioTE pellet therapy. Then a quick follow up appointment will be scheduled for your unique pellet therapy insertion.

Each patients symptoms are unique and each patients paths to optimization is unique. Most patients report some symptom resolution in as little as two to four weeks, but full optimization may take up to 6 months. Your journey will be specialized to fit your specific needs. Just as it doesnt take you 1-2 weeks to get out of balance, it doesn't resolve that quickly either.

BioTE Medical only offers bio-identical hormone replacement therapy in the form of subcutaneous pellets and with over million insertions performed in the companys history, we have seen many lives changed with optimized hormones. If any of the hormone imbalance symptoms mentioned above ring a bell for you, or remind you of someone you love, BioTE Medical encourages you to use our Find a Provider tool or to nominate your provider to begin your journey to wellness today.

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Natural Hormone Balance | Hormone Optimization Therapy ...

Hormone Optimization Q & A – 25 Again

25 Again by Body Shapes Medical's individualized courses of treatment are designed to change the way you think about taking care of yourself, inside and out. We fit a niche that traditional medicine has not yet embraced: disease prevention and extension of life, not just treating symptoms. We prevent symptoms through natural bio-identical hormone optimization. We believe in QUALITY of life, living longer at your best, and aiding the body with providing hormones lost with the process of aging. Hormones regulate inflammation in the body, and inflammation is the root cause of many diseases: cardiovascular disease, arthritis, depression, stress, and more.*

In general, your bodys natural hormones begin to decline after your mid-20s and hormone imbalance symptoms are frequently present by your mid-30s. Men and women often start replacing hormones between the ages of 35 and 40. Its best to not wait. If you've been to your doctor and have been told that your levels are "normal," that isn't necessarily good news to you. "Optimal" levels fight disease AND make you feel better. In addition, your doctor may not be testing all essesntial hormone levels. There's more to your body than your thyroid, and there's more to your thyroid than a TSH level.*

While some insurance carriers are covering hormone treatments, 25 Again by Body Shapes Medical offices do not file insurance claims. We are a Private Pay facility. We DO, however, provide the necessary paperwork for submitting for a reimbursement from your insurance provider. The IRS does allow Flex Spending Accounts for these services, and we can provide proper documentation for this. BSM also offers other payment options like Care Credit and ACH for certain programs.

Living your best life is a commitment and an investment. Initial costs to determine exactly what is happening inside of your body are as follows:

Traditional doctors often do not have the time or resources to seek the expertise needed to utilize bioidentical hormones. 25 Againphysicians have taken the time and resources to become experts in this field, as well as specialized knowledge in the field of anti-aging medicine.

The components of bioidentical hormones (estrogen, progesterone and testosterone) are approved for use by the FDA. However, each state has jurisdiction over pharmacies, not the FDA. Our compound pharmacists are using the highest quality practices and guidelines to ensure excellent quality assurance.*

While we can get an idea of recently drawn blood from a doctor's office, it is imperative that Body Shapes Medical continue best practices by ensuring the correct levels are being tested, and the accuracy of specific hormone panels needed to prescribe the exact dosing particular to your body. For instance, many PCPs or endocrinologists do not test T3 levels (usually only T4) which are a more specific indicator of thyroid function, or lack thereof.

Because bioidentical hormones have the same molecular structure of the hormones made naturally in your body, there are relatively few side effects. Our Providers monitor and evaluate each patient consistently, and we have a very high success rate of balancing with proper dosing.*

While it varies between patients, you should expect to see noticeable results within 3 to 6 months. This time is needed to properly balance your new and existing hormones. It is fairly common for medications to change frequently during this time.*

*Individual results may vary from person to person.The content of this website is for informational purposes only. Only a qualified medical provider can determine if you qualify for treatment. Contact us to schedule an appointment with one our qualified medical providers.

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Hormone Optimization Q & A - 25 Again