Brain and Body Wellness Center | Hormone Optimization …

Health and Well-being is our birthright and yet when we lose it, we often dont know why or how to get it back. In many cases, illness begins slowly, as it gradually and silently takes away our joy, energy, concentration, and cognition. This leaves us suffering with anxiety, pain, depression, fatigue, confusion and, frequently, the inability to concentrate and perform even simple daily tasks.

Mental and behavioral and physical disorders such as: Anxiety, Depression/Mood Disorders, OCD, ADHD/ADD Children and Adults, as well as PTSD and Parkinsons diseaseare often misdiagnosed and treated with drugs that frequently produce site effects that are more dangers then the original symptoms.

Adults have an advantage in regard to taking drugs: they can refuse. Children, on the other hand, are depending on and trusting their parents to provide the best treatment for them. At the same time, parents are being influenced by advertisers and drug companies often to the detriment of their child.

Your Brain (emotional and physical) and Body are two parts of one completehuman expression and must be treated as one. They communicate with each other, rely on each other and affect each others function. A successful physical, emotional and behavioral health program must address the brain and body chemistry. This approach requires time, commitment and diligence on your part as well as ours.

At The Brain And Body Wellness Center we have many years of clinical experience successfully providing the best solutions that Neurotransmitter Therapy, Psychotherapy, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Nero-Linguistic Programing and Nutritional Science has to offer to support your brain (emotional and physical) and body so you can live a healthy, happy, productive and long life.

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Brain and Body Wellness Center | Hormone Optimization ...

Natural Hormone Optimization Made Simple & Cheap: Avoid …

One of the things you hear and read increasingly often, when it comes to topics such as detoxification, the use of anti-inflammatory supplements or simply increased intakes of omega-3 fatty acids to counter the "hazardous omega-6 overload in your diet", is the analogy of somebody banging his head against a wall asking for a helmet, instead of simply stopping this stupid practice. Likewise, it does not really make sense to invest $50 into an already more or less worthless natural testosterone booster, when, at the same time, you are eating or even supplementing one of the items on the following list of proven anti-androgens: anti-androgenic drugs - cyproterone acetate, spirolonactone, flutamide, ketoconazole, finasteride & co.: It stands to reason that your doctor will have had good reason to prescribe you one or the other of the aforementioned drugs; and at least as far as the DHT blocker dustasteride is concerned, diligent SuppVersity students will be aware that it does not compromise testosterone-replacement-therapy induced changes in body composition. In this regard, it should however be mentioned that the pertinent study, I discussed on March 12, 2012 (cf. "Dustasteride Does Not Hamper Changes in Body Composition on Supraphysiological Doses of Testosterone") was not a training study and that, given DHT's hitherto not fully elucidated role in satellite cell recruitment and proliferation, it is well possible that we would have seen differences in weight training athletes.To use these drugs as a means to bolster up your testosterone levels is therefore not just risky and irresponsible, but plain out stupid. ATD (1,4,6-androstatriene-3,17-dione): Yes, surprisingly the potent anti-estrogen (aromatase inhibitor) and much-touted testosterone-booster ATD is a relatively potent anti-androgen. You can read all about ATD's anti-androgenic effects in an older blogpost here at the SuppVersity: "Anti-androgenic effect of ATD" Chaste tree (Vitex agnus-castus): Also sold to help your testosterone levels along, yet even more to counter the scientifically hitherto non-established phenomenon of "progesterone gyno", Vitex is another relatively commonly used supplement of which a 2007 study by Nasri et al. shows that it will probably reduce, not increase your luteinizing hormone (LH) and testosterone levels in parts, but not exclusively via dopaminergic pathways (Nasri. 2007) Green Tea (Camellia sinensis): As a diligent student of the SuppVersity you will already be aware of the differential effects of green tea and its catechins on serum testosterone levels; if you are interested, in the details you can read them up in "5 Cups of Green Tea Can Reduce Testosterone by Up to -20%" Licorice (Glycyrrhiza glabra): The phytoestrogens in licorice have been shown to reduce testosterone levels in women; glycyrrhizin and glycrrhetic acid exhibit anti-androgen effects in healthy (Armanini. 2003) and diabetic men (Fukui. 2003) - there is yet also counter-evidence coming from Josephs et al., who were "unable to reproduce" previous results showing a licorice reduced reduction in the conversion of androstenedione to testosterone (Josephs. 2001), since the latter does yet reference a previous study by Armanini et al. the results of which the latter were able to repdroduce in 2003 (Armanini. 2003), it is save to assume that licorice does in fact reduce testosterone levels in diabetic and healthy men and women; and that despite the fact, that a more recent study shows that its corticosteroid (cortisol) modulating effects are probably of greater relevance than its impact on the androgens and other sex steroids (Sigurjonsdottir. 2006) Red clover: Extracts from red clover exhibit potent binding affinity to the androgen and progesterone receptor and "theoretical estrogenic activity expressed as equivalent E2 concentration is in the same range as recommended for synthetic estrogen" (Beck. 2003) Reishi (LinghZi): Red reishi is supposed to be the mushroom with the greatest anti-androgenic activity. A methanol extract from Ganoderma lucidum has been found to decrease testosterone-to-DHT conversion by up to 80% in a 2005 study by Fujita et al. (Fujita. 2005) Spearmint (M. spicata): At least in women spearmint tea has been shown to increase estrogen and luteinizing hormone in the follicular phase of their menstrual cycle (Aktodgan. 2007). In a 2004 study that was conducted on male rodents, on the other hand, the daily administration of peppermint tea (M. spicata) for a period of 30days lead to significant increases in luteinizing and follicle stimulating hormone and increases in serum testosterone, yet with the serious downside of "extensive degenerative changes in the germinal epithelium and spermatogenesis arrest compared with the findings in the testicular biopsies of the control group" (Aktogan. 2003) Soy and soy phytoestrogens: It goes without saying that you won't take your girlfriends pill, right? So why do you even remotely consider eating soy, let alone supplementing soy phytoestrogens? "I've seen soy consumption cause impotency in numerous patients." - Dr. John Crisler (male hormone expert) on my facebook wall in response to Jefferson. 2012; avoid feeding soy to your male offspring at all costs (Sherill. 2010; Leraiki. 2011; Siepmann. 2011) White Peony (Paeonia lactiflora): Also known as Chinese Peony, the ornamental plant has been shown to contain at least two compounds, 6'-O-galloylalbiflorin and pentagalloylglucos, which bind to the androgen receptor and thusly inhibit its activation by testosterone, DHT and weaker androgens (Washida. 2009). Xenoestrogens & Co - BPA (Bisphenol A as in plastics), PCPs (as in cosmetics), etc.: Can inhibit testosterone production by reducing the conversion of cholesterol to androgens (Feng. 2012) and estrogen-like effects (Nakamura. 2010); similar effects have been reported for all sorts of so-called "xenoestrogens", these are synthetic compounds that act as (mostly weak) estrogens in the human body and can induce permanent damage to the endocrine system and resproductive system, specifically in young boys and adolescents. In grown up men and women they have been linked to the development of various forms of cancer (Donovan. 2007). I know, "avoid this... avoid that..." does not sound half as sexy as "with just three caps of our product you can boost your testosterone levels by up to 123.741%!... but you know what? Other than those red gren, blue, yellow, red and white caps in their mostly black, as of late yet often white (probably to suggest "drug-like" effects) boxes, it's totally free and, more importantly, it works!

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Natural Hormone Optimization Made Simple & Cheap: Avoid ...

Home | Hormone Health Houston

Hormone Health Houston is a group of medical providers offering Bio-Identical Hormone Replacement Pellet Therapy to males and females alike, and we believe that hormone optimization is the foundation to leading a full and healthy lifestyle. Hormonal imbalance causes loss of enthusiasm for daily life, decreased mental clarity, sleep disturbance, chronic fatigue, decreased strength & energy.

Feeling Better Starts with a Simple Blood Test.

Each patient is treated as an individual and personalized treatment plans are created to ensure that the individuals needs are met. Hormone Health Houston provides custom BioTE hormone optimization plans that benefit patients quality of life as well as providing long term protection from disease processes.

Studies have shown, balanced hormones are necessary for good health and disease prevention for women and men as we age. BioTE optimizes hormone levels with tiny pellets just under the skin.

Hormone pellets release bio-identical hormones into the bloodstream continuously.

After hormone optimization, patients report back to their Hormone Health Houston BioTE trained practitioner, that its amazing something so small can make a huge difference in your life.

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Male Hormone Optimization – More | Naperville Institute …

Male Hormone Optimization

Many of these issues may be related to changes in hormone levels and complex issues related to andropause or male menopause. Hormone imbalances can increase the aging process, cause problems now and lead to more serious diseases like heart disease, cancer and osteoporosis down the road.

Our Program has been built to serve the needs of men just like you. Our office has helped countless men and women over the years regain their lives. Thats what we specialize in. We have a deep understanding of the many biochemical changes and obstacles that you are and have been facing.

Our approach is the most advanced you will find anywhere. We simply dont compartmentalize your body. Instead, we look at the Big Picture We look at how everything works together. Lets face it.. Your body is complex and the problems your suffering from are much more than just a deficiency of Testosterone. There are many factors at stake here. The delicate balance of hormones (Adrenal, Thyroid, Testosterone), your liver and how its clearing or not clearing hormones, oxidative stress, fluctuating blood sugar levels, Your Sleep cycles, Toxicity and the dietary choices that you have been making over the years. These all effect your health. Have you seen a doctor who looks at all of these may be contributing to why you feel the way you do. Conventional medicine simply ignores this Big Picture.

Men who come to the Naperville Institute For NeuroMetabolic Solutions Share these concerns.

Interested In A Free Consultation?


Our endocrine system is devised of glands which produce and send hormones to all areas of our body to regulate essential function such as temperature, reproduction, growth, immunity and aging. It stands to reason that this is the hub of vitality, longevity and well-being. With proper testing and monitoring, hormone deficiencies can be completely reversed with a Functional and Integrative approach and without standard prescribed medicines.


As men enter the midlife stage of life, the body starts to produce smaller amounts of hormones, particularly testosterone. When levels are extremely low, symptoms can be severe and cause serious health problems. Over 25 million men between the ages of 35 and 55 are experiencing some negative effects of low testosterone.

Testosterone is the main hormone that differentiates men and women. It is an anabolic steroid that contributes to muscle mass, bone strength and density, proper liver functioning, sexual vigor and much, much more. As a man ages, levels of testosterone plummet, similar to how women estrogen decreases in woman during menopause. Some refer to the decrease in testosterone in men as male menopause or andorpause or Manopause

Whatever you call it, low testosterone can greatly impact a mans well being as he ages. At The Naperville Institute For NeuroMetabolic Solutions, we use some of the most advanced testing analysis for testosterone levels as part of the initial health screening. In addition to treating low testosterone levels, Our Testing Panels also screens for and treats:


A full 90 percent of standard blood tests that a typical conventional doctor orders will not detect low thyroid levels. Low thyroid levels can cause fatigue, depression and difficulty losing weight. Low Thyroid also increases the risk of heart disease and cancer.


Pituitary dysfunction stems from a variety of causes, including viruses, bacteria, stress, yeast, inflammation, toxins, pesticides, hormone creams and mitochondria dysfunction.


Adrenal exhaustion is often the cause of serious fatigue, blood sugar dysregulation and sleeping problems. Sophisticated Saliva tests, like the ones used at the Naperville Institute For NeuroMetabolic Solutions are required for an accurate diagnosis. These tests are often not ordered by primary care physicians. The strength and health of your adrenal system are critical to your overall health.


At The Naperville Institute, your hormone imbalances you will be working with a doctor armed with the latest research and treatments. We utilize bio-identical hormones derived from natural sources or molecularly identical hormones to the ones produced in the human body. Our Health Center will utilize bio-identical hormones or molecularly identical hormones to the ones produced in the human body to help reset the clock.

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Hormone Optimization Replacement Therapy | Key Laser …

What is Bio-identical Hormone Replacement Therapy?

As we get older, ournatural hormone levels can start to decrease. Bio-identical Hormone Replacement Therapy (BHRT) is designed to replace what the body can no longer produce. Optimizing hormonal balance is absolutely necessary for good health as you age. Bio-Identical hormones are plant-based, natural substances that our bodies can metabolize in the way they were designed to do, thereby minimizing side effects.

BHRT is safe and effective. If you have any of the following symptoms you may be a candidate for BHRT:

Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy has been shown in research studies to:

BioTe Medical Pellet Therapy

Key Laser Institute has partnered with BioTe Medical to provide natural hormone replacement therapy. BioTe is a leading provider of natural hormone replacement therapy using pellets placed right beneath the skin.

After obtaining your blood work, Dr. Buenafe will review the results with you. A treatment plan will be discussed. During treatment, pellets are placed under the skin in a simple, quick procedure. Maintenance treatments are scheduled 3 to 5 months.

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Hormone Optimization Replacement Therapy | Key Laser ...

Hormone optimization – Argera

Aging involves a slowing of a persons hormones as time passes. Hormones are chemical messengers to the body and without them we would not survive. Different hormones decline at different rates and sometimes in the younger patient there is just a malfunction in the biochemical pathways that result in individual organs becoming imbalanced. The thyroid is an excellent example of this as it often becomes under, or over active. Nobody knows why imbalances occur and certainly much will be due to a genetic predisposition with the addition of environmental factors, especially nutritional choices which can create inflammation in the body.

The most common organs producing hormones are the pituitary gland (makes growth hormone plus a few other regulatory hormones), the thyroid, the ovaries and testes (making the sex hormones oestragen, progesterone and testosterone) and the adrenal gland (making cortisol when we are under stress). When these organs slow down, or fail, it leads to conditions such as somatopause, menopause, andropause and adrenal fatigue syndrome.

In hormone optimization the doctor must look at all of these glands and make recommendations to improve the glands functioning which may include replacing the declining hormones, changes in nutrition and addition of supplements. The aim is to correct the imbalance and improve a patients quality of life.

Firstly, hormones should be considered relative to age. Those under 35 are unlikely to be deficient and those over 55 are unlikely not to be. Secondly, we consider symptoms and signs of hormone deficiency.

These include:

Doctors who work in the field of functional medicine can test for hormone levels and compare it to age related ranges, rather than absolute ranges. This provides a guideline for correct level of hormone correction to keep within the human physiological normal levels and thus reduce any chances of side effects.

Our doctor has been working with hormones for over 22years and understands how important they are. She is extremely thorough in her approach to optimization and provides a detailed consultation starting with a thorough history of symptoms, an examination and then orders advanced scientific investigations to find out exactly what your body is doing at a hormonal, nutritional and general biochemical level. Based upon the results, she then makes recommendations. All therapies can be monitored for success by further history and examination over the following months. Please note that hormones are notoriously difficult to adjust and whilst most patients stabilise quickly, the occasional patient may require various modifications and further investigations. All attempts are made by our doctor to keep your visits and your costs down.

Hormone difficulties can occur at any age but generally begin after the age of 35. Our doctor is mostly seeing patients who are into their 40s and 50 that are getting close to andropause and menopause, or those who are well researched and want to achieve maximal functionality with age. Our doctor utilizes much of the research being done in the USA and Europe when recommending therapies. Also, our doctor tailors the therapy to every individual patients case as one size does not fit all when considering hormone replacement.

Our doctor always aims to keep patients costs down. We have a various package options depending upon our patients budget and the desired hormones they wish corrected. For information on these please email us or phone one of our friendly staff.

All physiological changes in the body take 3 to 6 months before the full effects are felt, so one must be patient. However, the improvements are gradual and cumulative and well worth the wait. Often patients notice an improvement in their psychological well being in a few weeks.

Studies have shown the following improvements:

It is important to remember that everyone is an individual and while improvements will occur they may be interpreted differently between patients.

All physiological changes in the body take 3 to 6 months before the full effects are felt, so one must be patient. However, the improvements are gradual and cumulative and well worth the wait. Often patients notice an improvement in their psychological well being in a few weeks.

ARGERA adheres to strict prescribing guidelines and will not prescribe to people under 35 years old or anyone who does not prove deficient via pathological testing. We are unable to treat interstate patients, as they will require regular monitoring of their levels.


Grow Young with HGHby Dr Ronald Klatz, 1997 Harper Collins, ISBN 0060186828

What You Must Know About Women's Hormones by Dr Pamela Wartian Smith, 2010, Sqaure One Publishers, ISBN 20099040771, or any book by this author

Adrenal Fatigue, The 21st Century Stress Syndrome by James Wilson, 2006, Smart Publications, ISBN 1890572152

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Hormone optimization - Argera

The Devastating Effects of Hormone Imbalance | Peachtree …

Hormone imbalance is a true epidemic in our country. The average American female and male over 35 years of age suffers from some form of hormonal imbalance. With the poor diet, stressful lifestyles and declining popularity of physical exercise, more and more younger men and women are developing hormonal imbalances. The effects of such imbalances increases as we age and become more devastating and harder to treat the longer they go on and the worse they become. Because most of the symptoms come on gradually, it is difficult to figure out initially, until the problems become more pronounced and the hormones become even more imbalanced.

It becomes a vicious cycle that slowly robs you of your energy, your vitality and your life and lifestyle. It also robs your loved ones of their lifestyle. Unless properly diagnosed and evaluated, proper recovery is very difficult to achieve. This is where a properly trained healthcare professional is so important. You will require a doctor who is up to date on hormonal function and can discover subclinical hormone imbalances, not just diseased glands or organs.

Often times it is the simplest of signs that indicate hormone imbalance, but these signs are blamed on other factors. Some of the initial symptoms include:

Various clinical conditions are the direct result of hormone imbalance that, in most cases, can be completely preventable. Such conditions include:

Quite simply, hormones affect all bodily function. Hormone imbalances affect body functions in a detrimental way. The more hormones and systems involved and the longer the time that the imbalances have been present, the more symptoms will devastate your life.

Traditional Medicine currently offers hormone replacement therapy as the preferred method of treatment that comes with great concern. Studies show that hormone users had a higher risk of breast cancer, heart disease, stroke, and blood clots which led to more and more people seeking out bio identical hormone replacement therapy. The challenge in this approach to care is that hormone levels are evaluated and a prescribed dose of the depleted hormone is given. This assumes the problem is the body is not making enough of the hormone and needs supplemented. Too often the full pathway is not assessed. The question WHY are the hormone levels low is seldom asked.

In our office we take a comprehensive approach to your case and prescribing the appropriate corrective care. We are Functional Medicine Doctors that assess your entire body and all of its systems. When it comes to hormone imbalance we first ask and test to understand why your hormone levels are low. There are many precursors that will go off line prior to your body not being able to produce appropriate amounts of hormones. If we give your body the tools it needs, it can produce appropriate amounts of hormones.

Your body operates as a dynamic functional unit, ever organ, gland, system and cell impact the results of the whole. The closer your body is to balance called Homeostatis, the healthier you are. When your body and the systems and functions within it are out of balance, dis-ease begins. Depending on how out of balance you are will impact the rate and degree to which dis-ease fully progresses into disease. Our care plan, will restore and optimize the balance and health of your hormones and your body.



I: Adrenal Stress Index (ASI) : You can test the adrenal glands with a test called an Adrenal Stress Index. This is a salivary test much like DNA testing. The adrenal glands sit right above the kidneys andthey are your stress organs meaning that they react to stress and are directly responsible for hormone production.

II. HORMONE PANELS: We run an expanded hormone panel to determine what hormones are being impacted and to what extent. We see where your body is off line to help bring it back on through full health optimization. Symptoms related to decreased hormonelevels may include depression, fatigue mental fogginess, mood swings, hot flashes, sweating attacks, weight gain, and decreased physical stamina.

III: Sensitivity Testing To determine if you have a sensitivity to gluten (wheat, rye, oats, and barley), milk, eggs, yeast, and soy. If you are sensitive to ANY of these food groups, it can be causing stress and inflammation within your body, impacting proper hormone production.

IIII. Complete Blood Panels By using specific blood tests such as:

#1: A complete metabolic panel (CMP)

#2: A lipid panel

#3: A CBC (complete blood chemistry with auto differential)

#4: Full Thyroid Hormone Panel ( TSH, FT-3, FT-4, T3 Uptake, TPO,TGB) : A full thyroid panel is done as well. Every cell in your body has receptors for thyroidhormone, thyroid hormones act as the gas pedal for our body. Any breakdown inthyroid function can be trigging a breakdown in your body causing your symptoms

We can assess your adrenal glands, liver, kidneys, red/white blood cells and gut function with the above lab tests. All can be affected with chronic health conditions. By addressing any problems with your adrenal glands, blood chemistry, or gut function, we can help you to heal faster and your hormone function to optimize.. The Results Are In, Now WHAT?

We build a clinically effective health and hormone optimization program based off of your results and your bodies specific needs. You are not given a cookie cutter approach to your health care. We understand that you ARE a unique individual with individualized needs. When you enter into a Peachtree Health program, we become your partners and mentors in health so that you can experience your best life.

As you ARE ready to get to the root cause of your fatigue, your weight gain, your brain fog, your inexplicable food cravingscall us or fill in the form on this page to request your appointment. We are here to help YOU! Results start when you do, so contact us today for your appointment that will help you fully RECLAIM and REVOLUTIONIZE your body, your health and your life!

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The Devastating Effects of Hormone Imbalance | Peachtree ...

Chiropractor Denver Announces Hormone Replacement Therapy Colorado Springs to Transform Life of Aging People – Press Release – Digital Journal

Colorado Medical Solutions brings Hormone Replacement Therapy Denver that can keep patients young by overcoming their aging related complications.

People in Denver and Colorado can now fight their aging problem with the perfect Hormone Replacement Therapy offered by Colorado Medical Solutions. The anti-aging clinic is located in Denver and Colorado Springs, and specializes in hormone replacement therapies and functional medicines for both men and women. The clinics Hormone Replacement Therapy Denver is ideal for men and women who want to remain young and feel youthful forever. The therapy helps aging people in overcoming their sluggishness and to feel more energetic to work with more energy.

According to the spokesperson of the clinic, people may come across many types of physical or emotional complications with the growing age. While the aging process cannot be reversed, but there are certain therapies that can delay the age related complications. They offer bio-identical hormone replacement therapy that brings transformative results both in men and women. The spokesperson reveals that the male population often experiences a hormonal imbalance after the age of 40 years. In some men, the complication may appear earlier or later. However, the problem can cause several kinds of medical conditions and to avoid these complications, men can take advantage of the Hormone Replacement Therapy Colorado Springs.

The problem of hormonal imbalance trouble many women as well. The common HRT for women include estrogen therapy, progesterone therapy, thyroid treatment, and testosterone replacement therapy. The Chiropractor Denver offers a set of hormonal replacement therapies for women to avoid common menopause symptoms. Many women complain of symptoms, such as night sweats, hot flashes, cramping, breast tenderness, vaginal dryness, and others due to hormonal imbalance only. The clinic offers female hormone optimization, so that a woman will not to suffer from such complications any more. The HRT for women helps improve a womans condition after the menopause.

Colorado Medical Solutions also specializes in regenerative medicine or IV Therapy Colorado Springs. In this therapy, a human beings cells, tissues or an organ can be replaced to restore normal human functions, which otherwise may have affected due to aging or any other reason. The clinic employs the most cutting-edge technology to offer the IV therapy to alleviate the pain and sufferings of the patients. The clinics advanced stem cell therapy is a comprehensive procedure to overcome the cell or tissue loss in humans due to aging. The clinic also excels in providing Platelet Rich Plasma therapy or PRP therapy in which blood can be injected into any body part to increase the healing potential of the organ.

One can learn more about these advanced therapies by visiting the website

About Colorado Medical Solutions

Colorado Medical Solutions is an Anti-Aging and Functional Medicine Clinic with two locations in Denver and Colorado Springs. The clinics specialize in Bio-Identical Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) for men and women, Regenerative Medicine and IV Therapy. Furthermore, they offer an array of regenerative medicine modalities, such as Stem Cell Therapy, Medical Weight Loss ED Treatment and other sexual enhancement options for men and women.

Media ContactCompany Name: Colorado Medical Solutions Contact Person: Dr. Dean JonesEmail: Send EmailPhone: +1 (720) 550-6907City: DenverState: COCountry: United StatesWebsite:

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Chiropractor Denver Announces Hormone Replacement Therapy Colorado Springs to Transform Life of Aging People - Press Release - Digital Journal

Bio-Identical Hormone Optimization | Rhett Women’s Center …

According to Dr. Neal Rouzier, who has been called the expert on bio-identical hormone replacement therapy, and who has trained thousands of physicians, including all of the practitioners at RWC, replacing all of our deficient levels we had in our youth is beneficial to both our health and quality of life. Hormones decline in all women as they age, resulting in symptoms that alter a womans quality of life and also increase her risk of chronic and age-related diseases. Conventional medicine has always held the belief that aging is inevitable and that the progressive deterioration that occurs in our adult years cannot be altered. THIS IS SIMPLY NOT TRUE. We have also been led to believe that the diseases of aging such as heart disease, stroke, cancer, and senility are all part of the normal aging process, and the only way to slow that process is through lifestyle interventions (nutrition, exercise, sleep, etc.). HOWEVER, there is an exciting revolution in science and medicine today that identifies hormone replacement as preventive medicine. over 50 years of research has shown that maintaining our hormone levels in a youthful state can prevent the debility and illness that accompany the aging process. By optimizing a womans sex hormones, she will not only feel better but she will also be protecting herself. The providers at RWC are committed to replacing and optimizing hormone levels to allow patients to be in the lowest risk categories for the development of chronic disease.

At RWC, we firmly believe in the benefits of improving a womans quality of life using bioidentical hormones. Bio-identical hormones are the exact replica of the hormones produced naturally in the body and can result in relief of symptoms and provide women with protection from age-related chronic disease. Also, Bioidentical Hormone therapy is tailored to the individual based on her symptoms, her age, her past medical history, her family history, her current medications, and her hormone levels. Because there is no one size fits all when using Bioidentical Hormones, it can take time (anywhere from 3-6 months) to achieve maximal benefit and optimal hormone levels. All of our providers at RWC are committed to working with each individual patient to ensure that her symptoms are addressed, and her needs are met in the most effective manner possible using Bioidentical Hormones.

It is a common misconception that Bio-identical Hormone Therapy is reserved for post-menopausal women. A tremendous benefit of using Bioidentical Hormones is that types of medication, doses, and route of administration is highly customizable, thus making Bioidentical Hormone Therapy a wonderful option for symptom relief for women of all ages. At RWC, we can administer hormones in the form of pellets, as an in-office procedure. We also may prescribe hormones in the form of pills, creams or combination of all of these. We work closely with multiple compounding pharmacies to ensure that each hormone regimen is specifically tailored to each patient.

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Hormone Optimization in Women | Benessere Clinic

When your hormones are in a healthy balance, you look and feel your best. Because your hormones are tied to overall physical and emotional well-being, accurate hormone assessment is an absolutely essential part of womens age management plans.

Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) in women is individualized for each patient depending on their medical history, age and symptoms. Optimization refers to obtaining a hormone level to address a patients specific symptoms and support overall health, fitness and function.

All hormones prescribed at our clinic are Bio-identical. Bio-identical Hormone Replacement Therapy (BHRT) recognizes the benefits of hormones our bodies recognize as natural. BHRT is most effective when combined with a healthy diet and lifestyle.

The primary focus of Benessere Clinic is the replacement of natural female hormones including Estradiol and Progesteronein the postmenopausal and post-hysterectomy patient. Recognition of the role of these important hormones in health, wellness and disease prevention is emphasized.

Female patients are also educated on the potential benefits of other hormone supplementation including Testosterone and Thyroid medication. Testosterone therapy can have significant beneficial effects in women including an overall sense of wellbeing and strength, increased lean muscle mass, and reduced fat percentage. Itmay significantly increase libido and improve many aspects of a woman sexuality. Thyroid hormone supplementation is effective in relieving symptoms ofhypothyroidism including fatigue, cold intolerance, constipation and weight gain.

Hormones affect nearly every aspect of a persons emotional, physical, and psychological development. This can include everything from how well they sleep, how they deal with stress, how alert and awake they are, and how happy they are on a regular basis. The body relies on hormonesfor nearly every bodily function.

As people age, their levels of hormones like progesterone, estrogen, testosterone, dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA), and pregnenelone begin to decrease. These changes can result in:

These changes can have devastating, substantial impacts on a persons overall quality of life that are often left overlooked. This is particularly disturbing because declines in hormone levels dont just affect mood they can lead to physical changes that pose a real, medical risk if left unaddressed.

Bioidentical hormones have the same chemical structure as our bodys natural hormones.

Bioidentical hormones are one of the most important components of our practices age management treatment plans. This is because a great deal of the decline associated with aging in both men and women has to do with a decrease in hormone levels.

Receiving these hormones can:

When ovaries or testicles function properly, hormones are released into the bloodstream in correct amounts. During menopause and andropause, the ovaries and testicles slow down their production of estrogen and testosterone until they reach a point where they are no longer able to keep up with the bodys demand. Bio-identical hormone replacements are used by the body to meet these needs.

We offer our patients a few different ways to take bioidentical hormones. Sometimes patients choose the method that is most convenient for them and their unique lifestyles; other times, a specific delivery method is recommended by one of our providers based on that patients state of health. Bioidentical hormones can be injected into the body, applied topically, or administered in a slow release pellet that is implanted underneath the skin. Some bioidentical hormones can be taken orally.

The pellets are inserted through a very small incision into the right or left buttock. Its a simple and relatively painless procedure and takes less than five minutes. No sutures are needed, as the incision is dressed with steri-strips. Women are instructed to avoid vigorous exercises for 3-5 days while men must avoid vigorous exercises for 5-7 days.

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Hormone Optimization in Women | Benessere Clinic

Hormone Optimization in Preventive/Regenerative Medicine …

Ron Rothenberg MD As a pioneer in the field of Preventive and Regenerative Medicine, Ron Rothenberg, M.D. was among the first group of physicians to be recognized for his expertise in this rapidly emerging field. The 10th M.D. in the world to become fully board certified in by the American Board of Anti-Aging and Regenerative Medicine, Ron Rothenberg, MD founded California HealthSpan Institute in Encinitas, California in 1998 with a commitment to transform our understanding of and finding treatment for aging as a disease. Dr. Rothenberg is dedicated to the belief that the process of physical aging can be slowed, stopped, or even reversed through existing medical and scientific interventions. In this way heath, fitness and peak performance can be optimized. Challenging traditional medicine's approach, California HealthSpan Institute's mission is to create a paradigm shift in the way we view medicine and aging and declining fitness: treat the cause. California HealthSpan now treats and designs custom programs for patients in California and worldwide. (From every continent except Antarctica) Dr. Rothenberg has always challenged the medical field's ability to embrace new information and adapt practices accordingly. Upon graduating from Columbia University, College of Physicians and Surgeons, Dr. Rothenberg performed his residency in Emergency Medicine at Los Angeles County-USC Medical Center. At the time, the specialty of Emergency Medicine (like Anti-Aging and Regenerative Medicine) was not widely recognized by the medical community. In fact, it was dismissed by most as unnecessary. Dr. Rothenberg, however, was passionate about the field, and went on to teach and practice Emergency Medicine and is a former Full Clinical Professor of Preventive and Family Medicine at University of California, San Diego School of Medicine. He has directed and participated in medical relief projects in Latin America and has done ethno botanical research in the Amazon. Dr. Rothenberg has educated over 35,000 physicians who have attended his continuing education seminars. As the creator and director of the Postgraduate Institute for Primary and Emergency Physicians at University of California, San Diego, School of Medicine he helped create the specialty of Emergency Medicine by training physicians as this field emerged. Over the past 10 years he lectured worldwide on Preventive and Regenerative Medicine, Hormone Optimization and Stem Cells and is an investigator in adipose stem cell transplant research. With the health and vitality that he had when he was much younger, Ron Rothenberg continues to enjoy his other passions: his wife, his three children, surfing, skiing, mountain biking, and exploring Baja California as well as other developing countries. Kris Hart, MN, FNP, R.N.-C. Associate Medical Director, California HealthSpan Institute, Encinitas, CA Ms. Hart has been a health care provider since the 1970 s. Ms. Hart has a Master s Degree in Nursing with Family Practice Nurse Practitioner certification from UCLA. She currently is working in Family Practice, Emergency Medicine and Preventive/Regenerative Medicine. She has completed the Certification and Fellowship program in Preventive/Regenerative/ Functional medicine as an allied health professional. Ms. Hart s background in family practice, critical care and emergency medicine and natural hormone optimization is extensive. Ms Hart is married and has 5 children and 3 grandchildren and enjoys camping and spending time with her family. Roger Rothenberg BA- Roger Rothenberg was born in Leucadia, California. He graduated in 2012 from Vassar College with a BA in Cognitive Science. His final thesis explored melatonin's actions in the brain. He is now pursuing a medical career and will be entering Mills College in September for postgraduate studies.

Hormone Optimization in Preventive/Regenerative Medicine ...

Hormone Optimization | Revive Health & Wellness

Growing older and experiencing the effects of aging is a natural occurrence. The internal functions of the body become less efficient, and the physical operations of the body become more vulnerable to daily wear and tear creating a general decline in our physical abilities and mental functions.

When it was discovered that poor health and aging were connected to hormone imbalances and deficiencies, it wasnt too long after that hormone replacement therapy (HRT) was introduced. Hormones are a means of communication between different parts of the body, they help these parts work in a coordinated and organized way. As the function of this system declines over time, hormone imbalances and hormone deficiencies take place. Menopause, andropause (male menopause), hypogonadism (low testosterone), as well as growth hormone, thyroid and adrenal disorders are some of the most common issues as a result of this decline.

Men and women over the age of thirty are likely to be experiencing low hormone levels or a hormone imbalance. When hormone levels decrease they lead to both physical and emotional changes. Some of these symptoms you might see include low energy levels, difficulty losing weight, difficulty increasing lean muscle tissue, mood swings, insomnia, hair loss/hair thinning, increased depression, and increased anxiety.

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Hormone Optimization | Revive Health & Wellness

Hormone Optimization to Achieve Healthy Aging | OptimalHealthMD

Hormone Optimization combined with a healthy lifestyle can help men and women age well, meaning, you can have the vigor and health you once had before. Hormones are essential to staying healthy as you age. Health problems and illness is more likely to occur when hormones become imbalanced or decline below lower than normal levels. With Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT), low or lost hormone levels can be restored to normal, giving you a better quality of life.

Hormones, your bodys chemical messengers, are produced by the major endocrine glands, which includes the pituitary, pineal, thymus, thyroid, adrenals, and pancreas, as well as within the sex organs. Hormones travel to specific tissues and organs through the bloodstream, where they work at varying speeds. Hormones induce many different physiological processes, including growth and development; metabolism; sexual functions; reproduction; immune system and mood.

Testosterone Replacement and Estrogen Replacement. Reproduction, maintenance and repair are governed by the gender-specific hormones from the male testes and the female ovaries. Only small amounts of these hormones are required to stimulate major changes within cells, tissues, and organs throughout the body. Health consequences arise with the addition of too much or the secretion of too little of a certain hormone. Because of this, hormone replacement therapy or HRT should only be performed under careful physician supervision. Furthermore, in order to prevent health problems, you should only get HRT after laboratory tests have been conducted to measure and determine if you have a hormone deficiency.

Human Growth Hormone (GH), also known as somatotropin, is a peptide hormone. It stimulates growth, cell reproduction, and cell regeneration in humans and other animals. Human growth hormone is secreted at its highest rate to fuel growth during childhood and adolescence, however, as you age growth hormone manufacturing decreases. For overall bodily function and health adults need adequate amounts of HGH in order to maintain and repair the bodys tissues and organs.

Because HGH controls many other hormones in the endocrine system, it is sometimes called the master hormone.Human growth hormone helps to manage metabolism, body temperature and mood, sexual desire, build lean muscle mass, burn body fat, maintain bone density, and promote bodily repair and healing. Concentrations of glucose and free fatty acids rise, making it a considered stress hormone. It also promotes production of IGF-1 or growth factors in the body. And, it has anabolic effects on the tissues and cells, meaning, its a building-up.

A recombinant form of HGH, called somatropin, is produced using rDNA technology in the laboratory. It is a prescription drug used to treat childrens growth disorders and adult growth hormone deficiency (AGHD). In the United States, it is only available legally with a doctors prescription and from pharmacies. To help increase energy, vitality, build muscle and strengthen bone to prevent osteoporosis, Anti-Aging Doctors and Naturopaths may prescribe human growth hormone in HGH-deficient older patients.

The regulation of the sex drive in both men and women after puberty is regulated by androgens, specifically testosterone. Sexual desire can decrease due to deficiencies in testosterone or estrogen, as well as progesterone and DHEA. On the other hand, extreme amounts of these hormones may increase sexual interest. HGH also plays a role in stimulating libido in both sexes. In addition to decreased libido, hormonal imbalance and deficiencies can cause many age-related hormonal bodily changes, especially during menopause in women and andropause in men.

Testosterone is a hormone produced in the testicles by a joint process with the endocrine system and the pituitary gland. This system is called the Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Testicular axis (HPTA).

Testosterone is the male bodys key natural hormone and is mostly responsible for the proper growth of male sexual characteristics. Even though testosterone is referred to as a sex hormone, it really controls other areas within men, including development from birth and throughout life with concentration for initial gender differentiation, pubertal changes, male potency, libido and sexual function.

Testosterone combined with HGH Human Growth Hormone is responsible for building muscle mass, growing larger bones, and proper fat distribution. Testosterone also plays a role in mens sense of well-being, physiological, biological, and sexual health. At the same time, the hormone influences motivation, drive, stress coping capacity, sperm production, mental acuity, memory, concentration and focus.

Additionally, testosterone plays a vital role in bone density, immune system support, and red blood cell production. Testosterone is found in both males and females. But males typically produce about 10 to 20 times more than women, that is, 4-7 mg per day.

The stimulation of the growth of a girls sex organs, her breasts, pubic hair, and other secondary sex characteristics is regulated by Estrogens, sex hormones produced mostly by a females ovaries. There are three essential estrogens: estrone (E1), estradiol (E2), and estriol (E3). Progesterone, another fundamental female hormone, is often referred to as an estrogen as well.

The estrogens combine to regulate various chemically induced processes in the female body, which are the menstrual cycle, intercourse preparation and during intercourse, as well as influence mood, sleep quality, body fat levels and water retention. Like testosterone, estrogen is in both genders. Women produce 0.5 mg of estrogen daily, more so than men. Declining sexual interest and functioning can be due to aging, illness, and certain cancer treatments, which can cause hormonal imbalance. The most recognizable of these changes occurs when women go through menopause. During menopause, estrogen production decreases substantially.

Hypogonadic (low testosterone) symptoms can be treated with Testosterone replacement therapy (TRT), a protocol of doctor prescribed testosterones. Similarly, hormone replacement therapy (HRT) is a doctor prescribed protocol of any kind of hormone including Human Growth Hormone, Thyroid, DHEA, oxytocin, pregnenolone and other necessary hormones to treat hormonal deficiencies. Natural or bio-identical hormones are prescribed by many endocrinologists and age management doctors.

Purelynatural hormones are produced by a living organism human, animal, or plant. The human body produces endogenous hormones; and synthetic hormones are man-made hormones. Pharmaceutical companies that manufacture synthetic hormones use side chains to be able to patent the hormones. Side chains can be added to natural substances to produce a synthetic product. These side chains are thought to be responsible for the negative side effects of synthetic hormones used in replacement therapy.

Natural versus synthetic relies on the hormone molecular structure. This chemical structure must precisely match that of the original for a replacement hormone to fully replicate the function and bodily acceptance of the natural (endogenous) hormones produced and present in the human body. These replicas are called bio-identical and they have the same exact chemical structure as endogenous hormones.

There is some confusion within the general population and the medical community when reviewing studies of efficacy, safety, and side effects of a variety forms of HRT. Many studies may group all forms of estrogen under the blanket category ofEstrogen replacement therapy, Progestin replacement therapy and Progesterone replacement therapy without distinguishing between bio-identical vs animal-derived hormones. In fact, medical studies of bio-identical hormones have proven that they may be even more effective, as well as safer than animal derived chemical alternatives.

Bio-Identical HRT replaces deficient hormones with hormones that are chemically identical to the ones that the body naturally produces but have decreased because of aging or illness. Millions of women and men who suffer from hormonal imbalance have improved the quality of their lives with HRT. Estrogens, progesterone, human growth hormone and androgens are the key hormones used in HRT for attaining hormonal balance. Thyroid, lipid, liver and adrenal function, as well as weight, nutrition and diet, can also be evaluated and treated when medically necessary.

To achieve hormonal balance or hormone optimization, you need an assessment of hormone levels with a blood test, urine test or saliva test, complete medical evaluation of signs and symptoms and replacement of the deficient hormones with the lowest possible dose by the most operative route of administration. Your doctor is required to monitor and make any necessary adjustments to the dosage prescribed for therapy.

It is important that doctors and patients work together to customize an effective hormone therapy program because every person is unique. Through this cooperation, hormones can be prescribed, ordered and if needed, compounded in the required strengths and dosage to best meet each individuals needs. Administration can be achieved via self-administration, guided by our Optimal Health MD Medical Advisors.

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Hormone Optimization to Achieve Healthy Aging | OptimalHealthMD

Bioidentical Hormone Therapy Chicago – IVme Hydration Clinic


Advanced Hormone Optimization is the process of using Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy to help our patients look, feel, and perform better. Bioidentical Hormones are chemically identical to the natural human hormones found in our bodies. The dosage is individualized to each patient's specific hormonal requirements, and the goal is to balance the activities of the hormones in order to improve quality of life. Once your hormones have been optimized, you should notice an increase in energy, muscle strength and greater ability to lose fat. You can feel younger and happier again, and increase your quality of life while preventing many age-related illnesses.

Studies have shown, balanced hormones are necessary for good health and disease prevention for both women and men as we age. We begin to see a decline in our hormone levels during our mid-20s, and by our mid-30s the symptoms of hormonal imbalance are usually evident. These unwanted symptoms only get worse as we age, and the increasing hormonal imbalance can contribute to many of the diseases of aging. Starting hormone optimization when you feel the symptoms are beginning to negatively effect your life can help both restore youthful vigor as well as prevent many of these age-related illnesses.

To find out if you are a candidate for Hormone Optimization, complete our Health Assessment Checklist, available at any of our IVme centers. An inexpensive blood test can confirm any hormonal imbalances. During your free consultation with one of our IVme physicians, we will review your caseand take into account your symptoms, test results, and wellness goals to help decide if Advanced Hormone Optimization is right for you.

Call any of our Centers to make an appointment today to begin your Hormone Optimization journey. Feel free to Email us with any questions regarding the process.

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Bioidentical Hormone Therapy Chicago - IVme Hydration Clinic

Hormone Optimization Therapy – Beverly Hills Rejuvenation …

Little do most people know, that hormone optimization therapy plays an important role in reversing age related hormone decline, which is a common cause of weight gain, especially in women. Some people are lucky, but most of us experience a severe disruption in our hormonal balance which causes a poor quality of life, and a major change in health. To counteract this hormone induced weight gain, you need to optimize your hormonal response.

Most men and women experience significant weight gain in a bimodal pattern, starting hormonal weight gain in their 30s, then again in their 40s and 50s. Dr Angies comprehensive weight loss program will regulate your hormonal imbalance using BHRCs advanced hormone optimization techniques, which will kick your weight loss efforts into top gear.

The secret to the Beverly Hills Rejuvenation Centers hormone replacement therapy success is in our method.

We use titration, and scientifically measured hormone doses, which are applied at lower amounts and more often than conventional methods used in other clinics. This means that the vital systems of your body maintain a harmonious synergy with the hormone replacement treatment, and side effects caused by hormone levels spiking are eliminated.

In fact, our treatment is so unique, we like to call it Hormone Optimization Therapy instead!

The secret to our weight loss programs success, is in our method of hormone replacement therapy which we like to call: Hormone optimization therapy.

Where conventional treatment methods for HRT include pills, creams, and large-dose injections, our method uses titration, and scientifically measured hormone doses applied at lower amounts, more often. We believe our techniques are so revolutionary, that we like to refer to them as Hormone Optimization Therapy instead.

Our hormone optimization comes with almost no side effects, as our medical staff are highly trained in our unique delivery method, and our protocol means that you get smaller doses at more frequent intervals, accompanied with detailed checkups and testing every step of the way. And although our method requires a little more effort, weve seen the results, and we can attest that the hard work is worth the effort in the long term.

Hormones function as your bodys chemical messengers, playing an integral part in how each of our bodies work, ensuring that our bodies operate according to plan. Created by your endocrine glands, hormones travel through the bloodstream to signal your organs and tissues to how to function properly.

Hormone replacement therapy also known as HRT, menopausal hormone therapy, and estrogen replacement therapy uses naturally occurring bio-identical hormones including testosterone, estrogen progesterone, and others, to treat common symptoms of hormonal imbalance including uncontrolled weight gain, menopause and aging.

Approximately after the age of 25, both men and women experience a decline in hormone production, causing a range of symptoms like hot flashes and vaginal dryness, low libido, sexual dysfunction, and can sometimes lead to conditions like osteoporosis, heart disease, and dementia. To combat these, HRT replenishes the hormones that your body no longer makes in sufficient amounts, restoring hormonal balance to your body and allowing you to experience an extraordinary quality of life again.

Unlike some commercial weight loss programs, the Doctor Angie weight loss system includes hormone optimization therapy as part of its strategy to get you the weight loss youve been unable to achieve in the past. Hormones are partially responsible for the way your body metabolizes food and energy stores in your body, which is a critical component of fat storage and your overall energy levels. To achieve sustainable weight loss, we monitor your blood sugar, blood pressure, vitamin levels, hormone levels, liver enzymes, and cholesterol using these indicators to paint a clearer picture of your hormonal and wellness profile.

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Hormone Optimization In Men Wellington – Hormone Therapy …

Hormone Therapy Physicians is a pioneering leader in hormone therapy and optimization. Hormone replacement treatment is an innovative technology that is changing mens lives around the world. Continue reading to find out more!

Hormone optimization introduces synthetic hormones into mens bodies. This can balance any hormone deficiencies that may be causing significant health problems.

Bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT) is one of the most common options available on the market. With BHRT, the client can choose whether they want to take the hormone supplements in a pill form, injection, cream, or pellets. BHRT pellets are one of the most popular methods of taking hormone replacements. This is because its easy and simple to use and wont interfere with the users day-to-day life.

Hormone optimization essentially means that you are improving your internal testosterone balance. By correcting any deficiency men can improve their vitality, energy levels, and overall sense of wellbeing. Therapy is about optimizing the hormone reserves you have by balancing them with artificial ones. Many patients who start taking BHRT experience an increase in energy levels and a decrease in negative health symptoms.

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People on the Move – Utah Business

Park CityBackcountry is pleased to announce that Pete LaBore, Chief Operating Officer of Backcountry, is joining Ski Utahs 2017 Board of Directors, effective July 1, 2017. He will serve a three-year term expiring June 30, 2020. As COO, LaBore manages Backcountrys domestic and international Operations, Customer Service, Marketing and Merchandising teams. LaBore earned his B.A. in Mechanical Engineering from Iowa State University and his MBA in Strategy & Marketing from the University of Chicagos Booth School of Business.

Salt Lake CityWesTech Engineering, Inc. announced that the Board of Directors has appointed Ralph Cutler, PE, MBA, as president. Cutler, who currently serves as WesTechs Vice President of Industrial Products and Sales, will take on the new role effective July 1. Rex Plaizier, who has been serving as both chief executive officer and president, will continue in his role as CEO. Cutler, who holds civil engineering and MBA degrees from the University of Utah, joined WesTech in 1982. He worked to design, manage, and implement municipal and industrial water solutions for clients globally. Later, he supervised both industrial sedimentation and filtration groups before rising to the rank of Vice President of Industrial Products and Sales. Cutler is a member of the American Society of Civil Engineers.

Salt Lake CityThe University of Utah announced that Elaine Clark, professor of educational psychology at the U, has accepted the appointment as the new dean of the College of Education. For a seamless transition, Clark will begin July 1 as the current dean, Mara Frnquiz, moves to her new position as deputy chief academic officer for Faculty Development and Innovation. Clark has been a member of the faculty in the Department of Educational Psychology since 1983. She served as the director of the school psychology program for 21 years and department chair for six. She has dedicated her career to the development of applied research and the preparation of school psychologists to provide effective services to individuals who have significant social, emotional and learning challenges, in particular, those with an autism spectrum disorder. Clark has served as the president of the Society for the Study of School Psychology and is a member of the American Psychological Association Board of Professional Affairs. She has also served in offices within the state, including the Utah Association of School Psychologists and Utah Psychological Association.

Salt Lake CityProject Control, Inc. announces the addition of Chad Jones as the leader of their Public-Sector Construction Management division. Jones has 20 years of experience and has successfully managed more than $1 billion worth of complex design and construction projects for building owners and public municipalities across the country. Having worked as both an architect and a contractor, he knows how to best assist our clients in delivering successful construction projects.

Silicon SlopesTeem, a developer of cloud-based meeting tools and workplace analytics that aid in helping companies collaborate more effectively, announced that Derek Newbold has joined the company as its new Chief Technology Officer. Newbold brings over 20 years of enterprise software management, architecture and development experience to Teem. Newbold will be responsible for managing Teems product infrastructure and will add input to the companys overall vision and day-to-day operations. Prior to joining Teem, Newbold held the same title at InMoment, where he recently led the product and development team in building a product suite that earned the company the top rank for strategy in the 2017 Forrester WaveTM Customer Feedback Management Report. In addition, he helped the company earn Stevie Awards three years in a row, most recently for Best Product of the Year. He also received a BA in Computer Science and Software Development at the University of Utah. Teems addition of Newbold is just the latest in a string of significant wins for the company.

Salt Lake CityThe Gateway Aesthetic Institute and Laser Center is the worlds largest dedicated cosmetic laser center specializing in a full spectrum of cosmetic and laser skin treatments. Margaret (Maggie) Jahries, APRN, who has had a wellness and integrative medicine practice in Park City, has moved her practice to the Gateway Emerging Technologies Medical Clinic. She specializes in physical and emotional wellness, particularly at a cellular level. Jahries has extensive certifications and experience in comprehensive lab evaluations, bioidentical hormone optimization, and IV nutritional and stem cell therapies.

Salt Lake CityColdwell Banker Commercial Advisors (CBC Advisors) is pleased to announce that Camron Wright has joined the firms office division as Vice President. Wright has built his career finding innovative, dynamic opportunities in the technology and entrepreneurial sectors for more than 20 years. He has been involved in and advised various businesses and startups on investment strategy through building growth plans, efficiency improvement, organizational management and optimizing company culture. Prior to joining CBC Advisors, Wright served as CEO of OnlineImage and President of PC Innovation Computers.

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People on the Move - Utah Business

My Affinity Med Spa | Home

Affinity Med Spa is a brand new, state-of-the-art medical spa located in the Waterford Lakes Town Center. Although were in a new space and have a new name, our team has been successfully serving the area for over seventeen years as Affinity Health and Wellness Center.

Whether you are looking for non-toxic skin care, anti-aging or clarifying facials, peels, indulgent massages, botox/dermal fillers, hormone optimization, chiropractic care, or weight-loss solutions, the experts at Affinity Med Spa are here to help. We believe in taking a holistic approach to help you look and feel your best. This means that our experts will put together a treatment protocol to address your condition both internally and externally.

From our skin care products to our laundry detergent, were committed to using safe, all-natural products that are free from toxins, so you can rest assured your health is our number one priority. Because healthy is beautiful, and true beauty comes from the inside out.

We cant wait to share the Affinity Med Spa experience with you!

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Bio-Identical Hormone Optimization for Women

Women are living longer now than generations before but living longer is not enough, we want to live better! Every process in your body is controlled by your hormones; they are integral triggers and communicators between your cells, organs, muscles and tissues. Without hormone balance your body and its functions begin to deteriorate; which many dismiss as "normal aging". With Bio-Identical Hormone Optimization Therapy (BHOT) you do not have to accept all the signs of aging you can change them!

The good news is that hormone losses and imbalances are correctible and in most cases reversible. Through the use of Bio-Identical hormones women can not only be relieved of the symptoms, but also helping to effectively protect themselves against depression, osteoporosis and heart disease and many more diseases. Hormone imbalances usually start for most women at a time when life often offers some of its greatest rewards so if you are experiencing any of the symptoms it's time to get tested, get treated and get your life back!

What are some of the benefits of Bio-Identical Hormone Optimization Therapy (BHOT)?

The answer for this is based primarily on personal preference. The majority of our patients prefer the pellets; the procedure is virtually pain free, takes about 7 minutes start to finish and only has to be done about every 3 months. Creams have to be applied daily and you must be sure to let them dry before covering and not immediately come in contact with family members or pets. With either option progesterone, thyroid or adrenal support medications will typically be taken orally.

Hormones take years to decline, if they are increased too quickly some of the symptoms that are being treated may intensify until the body re-calibrates itself; so it is better to increase levels at a controlled pace. Additionally, everyone's body will react to and absorb the hormones differently. This is why the starting doses (while calculated specifically for the patient) will most likely be "conservative" compared to subsequent doses to see how the body, levels and symptoms responds to the initial dose. We ask our patients to commit to at least two insertions for pellets or two quarters for other methods to give therapy a chance to get to therapeutic levels. Typically our patients doing pellet therapy with oral progesterone experience the quickest results. With pellet therapy most patients begin to feel some general mood and energy improvements and decrease or cessation of hot flashes within the first 1-2 weeks, between 3-6 weeks some improvements to their libido, vaginal lubrication and mental clarity. Within 8-12 weeks skin tone and texture improves, libido increases further as does orgasm quality and for those with general body aches these begin to improve as well. Over the next few months the patient will notice improved body composition with loss of fat and increased muscle strength and tone with improvements continuing until optimized levels are reached. With pellet therapy the hormones enter the blood stream much quicker and stronger than with topical treatments. With topical or oral delivery methods patients will notice within weeks 1-3 hot flashes will improve and or dissipate completely. Within 2-3 months a noticeable improvement in energy, sexual libido, vaginal lubrication as well as skin tone and texture. Within 4-6 months there should be a overall improvement in symptoms with them continuing to improve until optimized levels are reached.

HRT is an acronym for Hormone Replacement Therapy which is usually a stenciled approach with "standardized levels" for all patients (a majority of the time using synthetic hormones like Premarin). BHRT is the same as the above but using Bio-Identical hormones. BHOT is an acronym for Bio-Identical Hormone Optimization Therapy. This is what we practice, our physicians use your health history, age, lab results, symptoms and lifestyle needs to customize your treatment and optimize your levels using high quality Bio-Identical hormones.

Bio-Identical hormones are rapidly becoming popular among those who no longer want to suffer with their symptoms and want to live with the freedom that healthy balance can bring. The body does not know the difference between the hormones it makes and Bio-Identical hormones because they are a replica of the molecular structure of the hormones that are naturally produced in your body. They are specifically compounded to be recognized by your cells and tissues as your own. Synthetic hormones have extra molecules (generally added so they can be patented) which your body can not recognize, some of which cannot be broken down by your body's enzymes and may stay in your body for long periods of time as toxins and carcinogens. BHOT matches your body's hormones molecule by molecule.

Well-respected medical journals and researchers have reported that Bio-Identical Hormone Therapy has a positive impact on disease prevention for both men and women. In addition to the prevention of disease there are many functional reasons to seek treatment. People are living longer now than generations before but for many living longer is not enough, we want to live better! Looking better and feeling great gives our patients an improved quality of life with the energy and enthusiasm to enjoy all the years ahead of them!

Traditional doctors do not usually have the time or resources to seek expertise in Bio-Identical Hormones. This is a specialized field, just as a cancer patient would see an oncologist, a patient seeking Hormone Optimization should get treatment from a physician that specializes in this field.

Hormonal Imbalances are not just caused by aging, there are millions of women in America that have experienced imbalances for many reasons; including early onset menopause, perimenopause, hysterectomy, adrenal fatigue, thyroid abnormalities, premenstrual symptoms (PMS) and Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) to name a few; most of these women find Bio-Identical Hormone Optimization Therapy (BHOT) is the solution. Many women begin to experience symptoms during perimenopause (pre-menopause) or menopause when Estrogen, Progesterone, Testosterone, Cortisol, DHEA, Estradiol and Estriol production begins to diminish.

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Bio-Identical Hormone Optimization for Women