Prevention: Healthy living as easy as 5-2-1-0 – The Register-Guard

Those readers who have unpacked new gadgets as part of their winter holiday celebrations are usually grateful to find a quick-start guide telling them how to enjoy their new toy (I mean, essential household appliance) right away without reading a complicated instruction manual. Why cant there be a similar quick-start guide for getting healthy in the new year?

Good news, there is! The simple formula for healthy living is 5-2-1-0. This memorable set of numbers was first used to promote healthy living for children. But adults can learn from reviewing it as well.

Before explaining 5-2-1-0, it is vital to understand how healthy living compares in importance to other factors that influence our health.

While much media attention is focused on the U.S. health care system, that care really only accounts for about 10% of how healthy we are over the course of our lives. The traits our parents passed to us account for about 20% of our health. Roughly 19% is determined by where we live.

That leaves a whopping 51% of our health to be determined by a variety of lifestyle choices such as what we eat, what we drink, how much we exercise and the amount of daily stress that we endure. This category also includes choices that I hope you wont consider, such as smoking or drug use. However, 5-2-1-0 addresses the first, more immediately malleable set of choices that make a huge impact on every persons health.

Here is your quick-start guide to healthy living.

5: Eat five or more servings of fruits and vegetables a day. Eating plenty of fruits and vegetables leaves less room for empty calories that give rise to obesity and other health problems. Fruits and vegetables are packed with nutrients and fiber. Consuming fruits and vegetable with different colors supplies the body with a variety of essential micronutrients; I like to say, Eat a rainbow every day. Sadly, the average American diet is rich in calories, fat, sugar and salt, but poor in nutrition.

Are you hungry? That is an indication your body is starving for nutrients, and you should think about it that way. Reach for an apple or a carrot, and only indulge in the fatty, salty or sweet calories when you want a treat or a dessert not when you are hungry! Start your day with a full tank by eating healthy fats and proteins (low-fat yogurt, avocado toast or old-fashioned oatmeal with low-fat milk) to kick start your metabolism and get the energy to launch your day. It feels as if our taste buds have devolved to only appreciate salt, sugar and fats. Explore a variety of flavors and spices instead, and choose cooking methods that preserve nutrients in the food (e.g. roasting instead of deep frying).

2: Limit recreational screen time, including computers, video games, TV and mobile devices, to two hours or less. Think of what else you could do with that "extra time," such as taking up a new hobby (or an old one), exercising, spending time with friends or catching up on sleep. Spend more time doing rather than watching. Avoid having devices at the table and in bedrooms. For your children, consider a screen contract that enforces the two-hour limit in exchange for the privilege of having a phone or other device.

1: Get at least one hour of physical activity every day. Activity that makes you breathe harder and your heart pump faster makes you stronger and helps you feel better, think more clearly and sleep more soundly.

The "1" also reminds us to keep our spine in good alignment to avoid chronic neck and back pain, along with improving our mood. Ideally, physical activity will be done outside to connect with nature because that also is shown to reduce stress and improve mental and physical well-being.

0: Zero added sugar and artificial sweeteners in the things you drink. Sugary drinks such as soda and sports drinks, fruit punch and other fruit-flavored drinks have no health benefit. Sweetened beverages add empty calories and are terrible for your teeth. Diet sodas may increase your appetite, leading you to eat more and impacting your metabolism. These beverages also may negatively impact the beneficial gut flora that help us absorb nutrients, keep our gut healthy and may even play a role in our mood.

Alcohol also has many calories, and some drinks (think sweet, milky coffee concoctions) also have significant fat. Consider limiting your consumption of these as well.

The "0" is an unbroken circle also reminds me of the network of support of family and friends. It serves as a shield against bullying and violence. It can keep us going in the face of healthcare challenges.

The total of 5+2+1+0 is 8, reminding us to get at least 8 hours of sleep each night. Sleep is vital to keep our immune systems strong and give our brains critical clean-up time to stay sharp.

Consider taking a personal 5-2-1-0 inventory to see how your current choices match up. How are you doing? Remember, 51% of your health is up to you!

Mary Loeb, M.D., M.P.H, practices family medicine at Kaiser Permanentes Downtown Eugene Medical Office. More information is at

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Prevention: Healthy living as easy as 5-2-1-0 - The Register-Guard

Opinion | Improve your health, well-being with regular physical activity –

Building physical activity into your daily routine can have a positive impact on your overall health and well-being. If you plan on setting new health goals this year, there are a number of ways to stay active in our community.

Stay active to stay healthy

Being active is an important part of healthy living. Regular activity can prevent disease and even helps you live longer. As a former professional hockey player, I know that daily exercise and physical activity contribute greatly to your quality of life boosting energy levels, promoting better sleep and helping to reduce stress.

The Canadian Physical Activity Guidelines indicate that adults (18-64) should be physically active for at least 150 minutes per week. Thats just over 20 minutes each day to start feeling better and enjoying the health benefits. To learn about the activity guidelines for all ages, visit Halton Regions Physical Activity webpage at

Make a plan to move more

Halton offers many scenic trails, outdoor skating rinks or ski and snowboard hills to enhance your health and overall well-being. Download the OneHalton app on your iPhone or Android device to get connected to a list of local festivals and events, or visit your local municipality for recreational programming. If you are looking for ways to get active as a family, connect with our HaltonParents team by emailing, visiting, or calling 311. You can also visit for resources and services to help you build physical activity into your daily routine, including:

physical activity guidelines and nutritional resources for children, adults and older adults;

information about walking, active transportation and cycling; and

tips on how to be active when at work and at school.

One of the many reasons our region is a great place to live, work, raise a family and retire is because there is plenty of opportunity for residents to get out and engage in healthy activities. I hope you enjoy the winter season in Halton Region!

Gary Carr is regional chair of Halton Region. His column appears the first week of each month. To contact him, email

Read the original here:

Opinion | Improve your health, well-being with regular physical activity -

HealthWell Foundation Now Offers a Financial Lifeline to Medicare Patients Living with Chronic Heart Failure – PRNewswire

GERMANTOWN, Md., Dec. 20, 2019 /PRNewswire/ --The HealthWell Foundation, an independent non-profit that provides a financial lifeline for inadequately insured Americans, has opened a new fund to provide copayment and premium assistance to Medicare patients living with chronic heart failure. HealthWell will provide up to $2,500 in financial assistance for a 12-month grant to eligible patients who have annual household incomes up to 500 percent of the federal poverty level.

Chronic heart failure is a progressive condition that causes the muscle in the heart wall to slowly weaken and lose its ability to pump blood. The heart is unable to pump enough blood through the heart to meet the body's needs for blood and oxygen. According to the American Heart Association (AHA), chronic heart failure is a serious condition, and usually there is no cure. Many people with chronic heart failure lead full and enjoyable lives when managing their condition through medications and healthy lifestyle changes.

"WomenHeart recognizes that for too many women living with heart failure, the costs of ongoing treatment and care can seem insurmountable," said Celina Gorre, CEO of WomenHeart. "Women living with heart failure can thrive with proper care and treatment, however they are more likely than men to have higher total out-of-pocket costs, which may impact readmissions and overall quality of care. WomenHeart commends the HealthWell Foundation for starting a fund for heart failure patients to help off-set the financial burden of their treatment costs."

"Patients living with chronic heart failure face day-to-day challenges in managing their condition. These challenges can be even more pronounced when patients are on Medicare and struggle to cover the cost of their medications," said Krista Zodet, HealthWell Foundation President. "Our donors understand the hardships many people living with chronic heart failure endure. As a result of their generosity, we are now able to ease some of the financial barriers these patients face in accessing critical, possibly lifesaving, medications."

To determine eligibility and apply for financial assistance, visit HealthWell's Chronic Heart Failure page. To learn how you can support this or other HealthWell programs, visit

About the HealthWell FoundationA nationally recognized, independent non-profit organization founded in 2003, the HealthWell Foundation has served as a safety net across over 65 disease areas for more than 405,000 underinsured patients by providing approximately $1.25 billion in grant support to access life-changing medical treatments they otherwise would not be able to afford. HealthWell provides financial assistance to adults and children facing medical hardship resulting from gaps in their insurance that cause out-of-pocket medical expenses to escalate rapidly. HealthWell assists with the treatment-related cost-sharing obligations of these patients. HealthWell ranked #33 on the 2019Forbeslist of the100 Largest U.S. Charitiesand was recognized for its 100% fundraising efficiency. For more information, visit

About WomenHeartWomenHeart: The National Coalition for Women with Heart Disease is the first and only national organization solely dedicated to advancing women's heart health through advocacy, community education, and patient support. WomenHeart's mission is to improve the health and quality of life of women living with or at risk of heart disease, and to advocate for their benefit. As the leading voice for the 48 million American women living with or at risk of heart disease, WomenHeart advocates for equal access to quality care and provides information and resources to help women take charge of their heart health. To learn more about WomenHeart, visit


SOURCE HealthWell Foundation


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HealthWell Foundation Now Offers a Financial Lifeline to Medicare Patients Living with Chronic Heart Failure - PRNewswire

Healthy Living: Heres tips to cope with holiday stress – Norwich Bulletin

For most the holidays can be a time of joy, a time to share with friends and family and reflect on the past year and look forward to the future. However this is not always the case for everyone. For some, the holidays can increase stress, and worsen anxiety and depressive symptoms. Below are some tips for you to manage your mental health during the holiday season, as well as throughout the year.

Identify your support network: Your supports could include parents, a spouse or a partner, children, siblings, co-workers, friends, neighbors and health care providers. Having different individuals in your support network provides options for different kinds of support. Identifying your supports can alleviate stress and provide you with a sense of security and reassurance as you approach the holiday season.Its important to reach out to your network if you are feeling your symptoms are worsening or you need help.

Be prepared: To decrease stress, have a plan, and prepare for travel related expenses along with unexpected issues that may arise. Make lists, delegate tasks and stay organized.

Set a budget: To help decrease the financial burden and strain related to gift giving, meal prep, and travel expenses stick to your budget.

Manage your time: To decrease feeling overwhelmed, dont overbook your calendar, get plenty of rest, communicate to those around you, and ask for help when needed. Taking on too much can increase stress, anxiety and leave you feeling frustrated and overwhelmed.

Volunteer: Sometimes we arent able to spend the holidays with those we love, whether its due to distance, loss or financial restrictions. To avoid feeling lonely, get involved and volunteer. Volunteering can provide a sense of belonging, gives you purpose and a way to give back to the community.

Manage anxiety: Get plenty of exercise, rest, relaxation, read a book, limit alcohol and caffeine, these can aggravate anxiety and can trigger panic attacks, instead try to drink water.

Be realistic: Most importantly know your limits and make plans that make sense to you. Symptoms can sometimes worsen when we have expectations that are not realistic. Accept that you cant control everything and do your best, aiming for perfection isnt possible, be proud of what you achieve or accomplish.

While some stress is unavoidable during the holidays hopefully these tips/strategies will help make the holidays more manageable for you.

Katherine Ramos is behavioral health practice manager at UCFS Healthcare.

See the original post here:

Healthy Living: Heres tips to cope with holiday stress - Norwich Bulletin

Animal Control says 33 cats found in cages are "some of the nicest cats" – WSYM-TV

33 cats being kept in small cages were discovered by police overnight Tuesday.

The Kalamazoo County Animal Services and Enforcement (KCASE) facility took the cats into their shelter after getting them all vaccinated. Animal Control Officer Mark Vanderberg said it's very unusual to find this many animals in one place.

In 15 years, I can say this is probably the most cats Ive taken in at one time," Mark said Friday.

The cats were found stuffed into several small cages. Mark says that while they certainly weren't in ideal living conditions, the cats were in surprisingly good health.

He said, None of them were angry, which was amazing. We were able to handle them, get them all brought in, got them all shots, got them all vaccinated, got them comfortable in a kennel.

The KCASE opened their new 5 million dollar facility in November, but after Tuesday's situation, they are already at capacity. Mark saying Friday, "Thankfully we have this facility that we were able to bring these cats into and continue to keep them healthy and continue to, well, serve the public in a way that Kalamazoo needs at this time.

The cats are ready to be adopted. Adoption fees are $80, which includes spaying/neutering.


Animal Control says 33 cats found in cages are "some of the nicest cats" - WSYM-TV

Lululemon Stock Is Worth Owning. How to Play It With Options. – Barron’s

Photograph by Patrick T. Fallon/Bloomberg

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In a world obsessed with healthy living, Lululemon Athletica is in a class all of its ownand its recent earnings disappointment doesnt change that. With the stock still near a 52-week high, the best way to play it could be with options.

The companys exercise clothes seem to make people look physically better than they really are, and anyone who is already in shape seems to be even fitter if they are wearing Lululemon (ticker: LULU).

Looking good is not cheap, but Lululemons customers are often insensitive to price because of how they feel when they wear the clothes. Plus, they tend to have money to begin with.

And therein lies the magic that helps explain Lululemon stocks extraordinary performance. Shares are up some 100% this year, and while the all-important holiday shopping period will be over at months end, investor enthusiasm for Lululemon seemingly knows no limits.

This is somewhat extraordinary since the stock markets perpetually high level has many investors worried about what tomorrow may bring. Famed investor Warren Buffett has amassed an extraordinary cash position of about $128 billion because he is reportedly struggling to find investment opportunities.

Analysts, however, are increasingly bullish on Lululemons prospects, even after the stocks meteoric year. Rather than advising clients to take profits because doubling money in less than a year is rare, analysts are telling investors that 2020 should also be a good year for Lululemon. MKM Partners recently increased the stocks target rating to $255 from $218. Oppenheimer raised the target price to $260, and told clients that 2020 could be a good year, too.

Investors appear to feel the same way. They were unfazed earlier in the week on news that Stuart Haselden, the companys respected chief operating officer, resigned to become chief executive of Away, a start-up luggage company. Plus, the stock has support on the Street.

The one hitch: Lululemon reported third-quarter earnings after the close on Wednesday. The results were good, but investors wanted more so they could feel good about owning a stock that has performed so well this year. The stock fell 3.7% on Thursday.

The numbers tell only part of the story, however, and they miss what is arguably the most valuable part of Lululemon: the community that has developed around Lululemons products. What began as a maker of high-end yoga apparel has morphed into an athletic-lifestyle company.

Lululemon leggings are worn in the way older generations might have worn Chanel, or a handsome suit from Paul Stuart. The comparisons might seem dramatic, but Lululemon has become a prestige brand. The apparel is often more expensive than most of the goods made by Nike (NKE), Under Armour (UA), and other competitors. Leggings cost about $100. The same for tops. Jackets cost about $200.

The setup creates some interesting opportunities to sell cash-secured puts to trade the stock and reshape the risk at a time when it is difficult to feel entirely at ease buying a stock that is trading near a 52-week high.

With the stock around $222, investors can sell Lululemons January $210 put for about $4.

Should the stock be above the strike price at expiration, investors can keep the put premium. If the stock is below the strike price at expiration, investors must buy the stock, or cover the put. The key risk is that the stock falls far below the put strike price, obligating investors to pay top dollar to buy either the stock or put.

At least for now, with the company appearing to execute on all cylinders, the risk of a sharp Lululemon stock decline seems worth taking. Even if you would not be caught dead in tight-fitting leggings and tops, and the idea of contorting yourself into a yoga pose seems laughable, you can use the power of finance to express your inner namaste.


See original here:

Lululemon Stock Is Worth Owning. How to Play It With Options. - Barron's

The Rise Of The Workshop Gymnasium, A New Global Health And Lifestyle Experience – Forbes

Lee Mullins loves fitness, he also loves health and wellness. And so, Lee along with Hani Farsi, who is a philanthropist and successful entrepreneur in the entertainment and hospitality industries, have seamlessly combined their expertise and know-how to offer Workshop.

Lee Mullins, Workshop Gymnasium

So much more than a gym, Workshop is a 360 degree lifestyle brand and one of the fastest growing luxury health and lifestyle companies. And guess what? You and your needs and goals are placed at the very heart of it.

Workshop Gymnasium, London

Lee and his group of experts specialize in personalized fitness regimes to suit the individual needs and goals of their clients, and its taken to the next level with thorough and extensive assessments. From metabolic to allergy testing, the results are compiled to allow for data-driven workouts, leaving out the guesswork. As a result, its significantly more efficient, not to mention effective, when it comes to achieving goals.

It all began when Lee andHani first began training together in 2010, and in 2014 they combined forces to mix up the fitness landscape. Where can we find these gyms? Well, this is where it gets a little bit fancy, as youll find them nestled in the 5-star Bulgari Hotels around the world.

Their debut outpost in London launched that year and can be found at the edge of Hyde Park, housed within the spa of the Bulgari in Knightsbridge. It soon attracted the distinguished, the discerning and celebrities alike, all visiting for the fitness expertise as well as the calm space that elevates the workout experience.

Workshop quickly grew due to its London success, along with demand from their traveling clients, and as such the pair opened their second location in the Bulgari Hotel, Milan in 2016. Since then, we can now find the Workshop in Bali, Beijing, Dubai, and Shanghai hotels, and excitingly Paris is launching next year.

I love the set up of the gyms, designing and bringing it to life - going into the hotels they have a countdownperiodto the opening so getting it ready is really exciting. You're surrounded by incredible people and everyone's working together, it's a great experience.

Of course there is a undeniable glamorous and luxe element to Workshop gyms, but Lee realizes for some, a gym may be a little daunting so a balance is struck where theyre also approachable and welcoming - something that is rare to find in the industry.

Its all about living a healthy lifestyle where workouts and health go hand-in-hand, and really there are no gimmicks, its an integral part of looking after yourself. Plus, Lee and his team look at other elements such as breathing and stretching to ensure clients get the most out of their session, and allows for a quick recovery.

With the fitness down, the next step was tackling the supplement market, and that came about in 2017 when they partnered with Designs for Health. The result? Their very own their range of all-natural, science-based Workshop Nutritional Supplements consisting of Gut Cleansing Formula, Multi-Vitamin Formula, Essential Greens, Organic Vanilla Pea Protein Formula, Organic Chocolate Pea Protein Formula, Essential BCAA Powder and Probiotic + Prebiotic.

They've been specially designed to be adapted to different lifestyles - theyre vegan and vegetarian-friendly. They are also free from gluten, artificial sweeteners and GMO ingredients to broaden the appeal.

Felicity Carter: How did it all start for you? Have you always loved wellness and fitness?

Lee Mullins: Yes, I always played football growing up and I played to a pretty decent level when I was a kid, I used to play for Fulham and Crystal Palace for a period of time - I loved being active.

In my teens I got injured and tore my ankle ligaments and during the rehab of that, I really got intostrengthtraining. I loved it so much that I went onto get my gym and personal training qualifications when I left high school. I took a gap year working in gyms and training people, and it was during this time that I found what I wanted to do.

From there, I enrolled at university to study science of sports and nutrition, and I was still training people alongside university work. I loved the idea of health being a byproduct of the job as well as the gym-based training element.

FC: What do you look for in a trainer?

LM: I look for trainers who inherently care about people, trainers who want to go above and beyond for their clients. That's incredibly important to me as it is a24/7job communicating with clients.

Personality and charisma are important too, our trainers are in the people business and therefore they need to be able to connect with their clients to get the most out of them. Ultimately people go to a gym to make a change, whatever that change may be, and that combined with the fact that gyms, on the whole, tend to be intimidating adds to the pressure. We work hard to ensure that our clients are comfortable from the get-go.

Our trainers also have to have the skillset to ensure the client reaches their goal, whether it's to move better, become leaner, stronger and it's the connection that helps them to push on to achieve that goal. And if they visit us 4 times a week, they're probably spending more time with the trainers than their families so it's importantour coaches are able to quickly connect with peopleto ensure clients are responsive.

FC: What is the USP of Workshop?

LM: We offer tailored and bespoke training and lifestyle programs that we put together based on the series ofbodyassessments that we take everyclientthrough. And we have a range of tests depending on the client and their ultimate goal.

For example, everyone will go through the body composition assessment, through the movement screen, and then depending on the person, we can look at nutrition, genetics, food allergies, metabolic rate, and hormones. We offer tests in every one of our outposts, with London having the most on offer.

Essentially the data drives the program. From all the assessments that we do, we then take that data and we are in a strong position to create a completely personalized program that enables the client to achieve their aim.

FC: So next up is your Paris outpost in 2020...

LM: Yes, and we'll be opening it towards the end of the year. It's an exciting one for us. A large proportion of our clients here in London are French, perhaps a third who spend their time between the two cities, so we already have a client base there.

Each city is uniquely different and complex with different elements at play; there's no one template that can be rolled out for all of our outposts and we embrace that. It does take time to build a business in each city but with Paris, we're lucky to have a client crossover and we'll build on that to make it even stronger. Also, the team on the Paris project is the same teamwe initially worked togetherwith in London5 years ago, so they know exactly what we do and what we stand for.

FC: What are your favorite aspects of the job?

LM: I love training people. As Workshop has expanded globally, I've realized this even more as I get pulled into the role of running a business. I have to say training, being with the clients and being in the gym with the team is the best part 100%.

I also love learning, it's great being in an environment where I'm able to learn from others. I took a couple of the team members to L.A. on a four-day course earlier in the year and that was fun. It's important to continue to upskill and to bring back that knowledge in-house and to apply, and grow on that expertise.

I've also found that now what's become really enjoyable is working on the other parts of the business that Workshop can venture into such as the products and getting into the merchandising. I find it really fun and it's so creative.

We also getrequests totravel with clientsfrom all over the world; they put a huge value on training in their downtime, looking after themselves, and it is a huge honor that people will bring you into their fold.

FC: Tell us about the products...

LM: Our products are essentially apart of the Workshop service; we use them authentically duringandat the end of sessions. We have a collection of seven products at the moment, and we're looking atexpandingthe lineto provide a wide range of nutrition solutions to support clients health.

We realize that for some people, sometimes it's easier to use a powder and make a drink whether it's to enhance your health or enhance your recovery, and so we wanted to offer quality products.

Something further down the line will bea digitalplatform, which will further the Workshop experience. Here we'll be looking at and tracking training programs, sleep, nutrition andbreathing,no matter which outpost you are at in the world you'll have simple and quick access to ourcoachestoo.

Workshop Gymnasium, Bulgari Hotel, 171 Knightsbridge, London, SW7 1DW, UK

Go here to read the rest:

The Rise Of The Workshop Gymnasium, A New Global Health And Lifestyle Experience - Forbes

HEALTH CALENDAR – Lifestyle – The Free Press – Kinston Free Press


Take Off Pounds Sensibly TOPS 53, Graham: 6 p.m. Tuesdays at Graham Presbyterian Church (hut), 101 N. Maple St., Graham. New members welcome.

Take Off Pounds Sensibly TOPS 109, Burlington: The club meets from 9:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. each Wednesday at the Kernodle Senior Center, 1535 S. Mebane St. New members welcome.

Take Off Pounds Sensibly TOPS NC 349, Burlington: 6 p.m. Mondays at Lakeview Community Church, Burlington. Peggy Faucette at 336-584-6245.

Take Off Pounds Sensibly TOPS 367, Saxapahaw: 6 p.m. Tuesdays at the Moores Chapel Baptist Church hut on Church Road off N.C. 87. Nonprofit weight-loss support group. No obligation to join.

Take Off Pounds Sensibly TOPS 371, Elon: 6:30 p.m. each Tuesday at Ossipee Baptist Church, 2470 Old N.C. 87, Elon.

Take Off Pounds Sensibly TOPS 537, Burlington: weigh-in at 6 p.m. and meeting at 6:30 p.m. each Monday, Southern Caswell Ruritan Club, 9614 Hwy. 62 South, Burlington.

Take Off Pounds Sensibly TOPS 650, Burlington: 5:45 p.m. today for weigh-ins at the Harriet House behind Brookwood Baptist Church on Davis Street. Meeting at 6:15 p.m.

NOTE: To find a meeting location throughout Alamance County, visit and click "Find A Meeting," then type in your zip code to find a meeting at a time and place convenient for you. Your first visit is free.


Inspire Meditation: Noon Thursdays, sanctuary of Elon Community Church, 241 N. Williamson Ave., Elon. A shared 20 minutes of silence. Free. 336-512-9859.

Be Healthy Now: Alamance County's free Wellness Community offers activities for all ages, including kayaking, hiking, fitness and cooking classes, line dancing, educational workshops, aromatherapy, yoga, family adventures and more. Like Be Healthy Now Alamance on Facebook or visit to sign up for updates on free events.


North Carolina Breast and Cervical Cancer Control Program: Free or low-cost breast and cervical screenings and follow-up services for eligible low-income, uninsured or underinsured women living in Alamance and surrounding counties. For information, call Christy Burton at 336-538-7855.

Alamance County Health Department: offers immunizations, well-child checkups and dental care for children as well as prenatal care, family planning services and STD treatment. 336-227-0101.

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HEALTH CALENDAR - Lifestyle - The Free Press - Kinston Free Press

Former soccer player promotes healthy living – HeraldLIVE

Forced into retirement by a sports injury, former professional soccer player Mzoli Foster from Khayamnandi in Despatch is urging residents to adopt a healthier lifestyle after his weight gain left him wheezing and wishing to regain his former fitness..

Foster, 39, has played centre back for Bay United Football Club, Maritzburg United, UPE school of excellence and Tornado FC, but a groin injury forced him to retire in 2011.

I realised I had picked up weight. One day [in 2018] while I was walking, I suffered from shortness of breath, I started sweating and when I went to the doctor I was told I had high blood pressure, he said.

I was concerned about my health, then I noticed people in Khayamnandi didnt have a gym.

I started a gym called Husts gym with my girlfriend Nombuzo Booysen, because we observed that our community was struck by poverty and the elderly were alcoholics.

According to Foster, the gym has 52 people since its establishment two years ago who came for aerobic and Tae Bo classes on Friday evening from 5pm to 6pm, with classes on Saturday from 7am to 8am.

We have our classes at Nomathamsanqa Primary School premises.

We are currently registering the gym as a non-profit organisation with the department of social development, Foster said.

Booysen said there were people in their fifties and sixties who joined their classes and they hoped to inspire people to work together to find solutions to their health problems instead of complaining.

I started training because I had gained weight, my clothes started getting tight.

I wanted to live a healthier lifestyle, and I did not want to reach a stage where I could get sicknesses related to being overweight, Booysen said.

Mthuthuzeli Calata, 55, said he decided to join the local gym to inspire older people in the community to stop alcohol abuse and live a healthier lifestyle. .

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Former soccer player promotes healthy living - HeraldLIVE

Forget expensive creams, its healthy living that can make your skin glow – The Jakarta Post – Jakarta Post

New UK research has found that if you want to achieve a natural glow, then a healthy lifestyle with exercise, enough sleep, and not too much stress can all add a healthy, golden tone to your skin.

Previous research has already linked a healthy diet high in fruit and vegetables to skin yellowness, which the researchers say is an indicator of health, as fruit and veggies are packed with antioxidant colored pigments called carotenoids, such as orange carotene from carrots and red lycopene from tomatoes. These colored pigments then accumulate in the skin, giving it a yellow tone which can indicate good health as it suggests that a persons body has enough antioxidants and low levels of oxidative toxins.

However, for the new study, led by the University of St Andrews, the researchers wanted to look at the link between skin yellowness and exercise. To do this, the team recruited 134 university students of various ethnicities, and measured their skin colour using a spectrophotometre, which records illumination and the rainbow of colors reflected from the skin.

The participants also had their heart rate measured while walking and running on a treadmill to assess their fitness levels and had their body fat levels recorded.

The findings, published in the journal Frontiers in Psychology, showed that both a high level of fitness and low body fat were associated with a higher skin yellowness, which makes the skin look healthier and more attractive.

Read also: Seven skincare tips you can use now

The team say that the yellower skin was not due to a suntan or even diet. Instead, they believe that exercise could boost the bodys own antioxidant systems, and so instead of needing to use up the carotenoid pigments which we ingest from our diet, they are free to accumulate in the skin, giving us a yellow tone.

To investigate further, the researchers then looked at whether experiencing a change in health would also result in a change in skin appearance.

After following 59 students who were members of sports clubs, the researchers found that an increase in fitness or losing body fat were both linked with an increase in skin yellowness. On the other hand, an increase in stress and a not getting enough sleep were both associated with a reduction in skin yellowness.

Once again, the researchers say changes in skin color change were not due to suntan or from training outdoors.

The team say the findings now suggest that in addition to eating plenty of fruit and vegetables, other healthy lifestyle factors such as exercising, losing excess body fat, reducing stress and getting enough sleep could all boost skin color. As skin color is also linked to attractiveness, they added that this could help motivate people to follow a healthier lifestyle.

Lead scientist for the study, Professor David Perrett, also added that, We were surprised to find that the skin color changes accompanying change in health occurred quite quickly and within eight weeks. This means that any effort to improve lifestyle will benefit appearance within a relatively short time.

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Forget expensive creams, its healthy living that can make your skin glow - The Jakarta Post - Jakarta Post

Coronavirus: whos most at risk, what we can do and will we see a vaccine soon? – The Guardian

What is the best way to strengthen the immune system?

The answer to this question is straightforward: the normal approach to healthy living. Have a balanced diet, try to get as much sleep as you can, exercise, dont overwork. If you smoke, try to give up and reduce your intake of alcohol and other drugs.

Are alcohol-based antibacterial gels useful?

Washing your hands regularly with soap and water or alcohol-based gels, whether they say antibacterial on them or not, is the best way to prevent Covid-19. They also have the other advantage of helping to stop you pick up other infections that could weaken your immune system and so make you more susceptible to Covid-19.

What underlying conditions pose the biggest risk if you contract the virus?

The first thing to note is that most of the data we have about Covid-19 is from China. These indicate that heart disease, followed by diabetes, hypertension high blood pressure chronic lung disease and finally some cancers were the main risk factors.

The more of these conditions you have, the greater the likelihood of severe disease that you face. Certainly, people with these conditions or older people should keep taking their usual prescribed medicines, be extra vigilant, including in handwashing, and should consider what is called social distancing, which means avoiding crowds or in some cases visitors.

How long does the disease survive in the air and on surfaces?

The coronavirus can persist in the air for a few hours and on some surfaces for quite lengthy periods on cardboard for a day, on plastic two or three days. Disinfectants such as ethanol, hydrogen peroxide and sodium hypochlorite work really well and will get rid of the virus. So regardless of how long they persist on household surfaces, as long as we keep those surfaces clean we will control the virus.

How do hospitals treat people admitted with coronavirus?

If people are not that unwell we might give fluids or oxygen, for example. And if someone had a pneumonia infection on top of Covid-19, theyd be given antibiotics. We might also use the antiviral Tamiflu not to tackle the coronavirus but to treat flu a patient might additionally have picked up. We may also consider painkillers and anti-cough medicine.

For the few who become more seriously ill, we would consider mechanical ventilation, in which a tube is passed down the airway to help patient breathe. I cant stress enough though, regardless of how sick a patient is, the importance of good nursing care, compassion, and empathy in supporting and caring for people with Covid-19.

What do you think the death rate from coronavirus will be?

It will vary from country to country. In the UK, I think a figure of 1% is probably going to be correct but we will have to wait until the epidemic is over. What is clear is that the death rate in younger people and those without any other illnesses looks to be very low.

What kind of immunity will a person have once they have been infected?

Other coronaviruses such as Mers and Sars have shown you get some immunity once you have been infected. Just how much or how long it will last we do not know. We will gather that data as events develop. I have seen no good data to suggest a person can get Covid-19 twice.

Is it realistic to hope for a vaccine for Covid-19 this year?

I doubt a vaccine will be available in the UK in time to prevent the curve of cases going up. However if it becomes a seasonal illness then developing a vaccine will be crucial and adapting that vaccine to new coronavirus strains will also be extremely valuable.

See the original post here:
Coronavirus: whos most at risk, what we can do and will we see a vaccine soon? - The Guardian

Healthy lifestyle reduces risk of disease, mortality –

New York: The longer you lead a healthy lifestyle during midlife, the less likely you are to develop certain diseases in later life, according to a new study.

The more time a person doesnt smoke, eats healthy, exercises regularly, maintains healthy blood pressure, blood sugar and cholesterol levels and maintains a normal weight, the less likely they are to develop diseases such as hypertension, diabetes, chronic kidney disease and cardiovascular disease or to die during early adulthood, the research added.

Our results indicate that living a longer period of time in adulthood with better cardiovascular health may be potentially beneficial, regardless of age, said study author Vanessa Xanthakis from Boston University in the US.

Overall, our findings underscore the importance of promoting healthy behaviours throughout the life-course, Xanthakis added.

While unhealthy lifestyle behaviours are associated with higher risks for certain diseases and death, the association of the duration in which people maintain a healthy lifestyle with the risk of disease and death had not yet been studied.

For the findings, published in the JAMA Cardiology, researchers from Boston University School of Medicine observed participants for approximately 16 years and assessed the development of disease or death.

They found that for each five-year period that participants had intermediate or ideal cardiovascular health, they were 33 per cent less likely to develop hypertension, approximately 25 per cent less likely to develop diabetes, chronic kidney disease and cardiovascular disease, and 14 per cent less likely to die compared to individuals in poor cardiovascular health.

According to the researchers, this study will help people understand the importance of achieving ideal cardiovascular health early in life and motivate them to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

On the community-level, this will overall help reduce morbidity and mortality associated with diseases such as hypertension, diabetes, chronic kidney disease and death during late adulthood, they wrote.


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Healthy lifestyle reduces risk of disease, mortality -

Mississauga Leads GTA with a Comprehensive Healthy Food and Beverage Policy – City of Mississauga

Residents visiting community centres for a fitness class or going to an arena to watch their kids play hockey will now have healthier snack and drink options. The City is implementing a new Healthy Food and Beverage Policy for Recreation facilities starting September 1, 2020.

Mississaugas new healthy food and beverage policy is the strongest stance taken by any municipality in the Greater Toronto Area (GTA), said Mayor Bonnie Crombie. We worked closely with Peel Public Health with a goal of providing better food and beverage offerings that are in line with the Regions Nutrition Standards. With obesity and diabetes on the rise in our community, this is one way our City can be part of the solution. Health is at the centre of active, thriving and prosperous cities.

The new policy applies to vending machines and concession stands in all recreation facilities including arenas, activity centres, community centres, golf courses, marinas, outdoor pools, recreation centres and C Cafe, located in the Civic Centre. The policy excludes banquet services, the Paramount Fine Foods Centre and the Living Arts Centre.

Our new policy supports the Citys 2019 Future Directions Recreation Master Plan recommendation related to providing a wider range of healthy food offerings at recreation facilities, said Shari Lichterman, Director of Recreation. We are seeing a shift in consumer demands for more nutritious food and beverages and with our recreation facilities hosting more than 12 million visitors annually, this policy will have a significant impact in contributing to healthy living for our residents.

Lichterman added, There are a number of recreation facilities that are close to schools. Fifteen of 19 community centres, arenas or activity centres are within 500 metres of schools. Having a policy that is supportive of the Ministry of Educations School Food and Beverage Policy is critical to promoting a healthy lifestyle for students.

The policy will be implemented in two phases:

Phase 1 Beginning September 1, 2020

Phase 2 Beginning May 1, 2021

Upcoming beverage and vending purchasing agreements will comply with these nutrition guidelines. They will also be used as an opportunity to address priorities in the Citys Climate Change Action Plan. Specifically, vendors will be required to eliminate single-use plastics in their food and beverage packaging, in addition to other sustainability factors.

The Citys Healthy Food and Beverage Policy is set to go to Council for final approval on March 18.

Background:In August 2019, City staff worked with Peel Public Health to complete nutritional assessments of vending and concession services at city recreation facilities. The results were compared with the Regions Nutrition Standards which provided a baseline to measure future results. The assessment found beverage and food offerings needed to be improved to fully meet the Regions nutrition standards. The City also reviewed other provinces and municipalities who have recently developed healthy food and beverage guidelines, action plans, strategies and policies.

Media Contact:Kimberly HicksSenior Communications AdvisorCity of Mississauga905-615-3200 ext. 5232kimberly.hicks@mississauga.caTTY: 905-896-5151

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Mississauga Leads GTA with a Comprehensive Healthy Food and Beverage Policy - City of Mississauga

Workshop on ‘Positive Thinking & Healthy Living’ held – State Times

STATE TIMES NEWSJAMMU: Celebrating Ek Bharat Shreshtha Bharat, the Department of Students Welfare, University of Jammu organised a workshop on Positive Thinking & Healthy Living for the students of different affiliated colleges and university departments here on Monday. Being a core student centric activity, the workshop was organised under RUSA II.Prof Promila Batra, Professor of Psychology from MDU Rohtak and Dr T.R Raina, a multifaceted and eminent social worker of the region were the Resource Persons.Prof Aarti Bakshi, Head Department of Psychology, University of Jammu was the moderator and provided the logistic collaboration for the same.The workshop was inaugurated in presence of Prof Yash Pal Sharma, Chairman Campus Cultural Committee, Prof Anupama Vohra, Co-Chairperson Campus Cultural Committee, members of Campus Cultural Committee, students, scholars and participants.In his welcome address, Prof Yash Pal deliberated upon various cultural and literary activities being organized by the Department of Students Welfare for the overall personality development of the students. Prof Aarti Bakshi presented a detailed introduction of the experts who have achieved various milestones in their respective fields.In an interactive manner, Dr T. R Raina presented his enlightening presentation which received tremendous response from the participants. The effectiveness of positive thinking was exemplified through various credible examples with scientific and yogic references as well, he emphasized on the yogic lifestyle (in broader prospective) for internal and external bliss.Prof Promila Batra provided a brief tour of different established schools of thought (adding her own take on the same) in the context of positive and healthy thinking. The event was conducted by Sumeet Sharma and coordinated by Mansi Mantoo and Ifra Kak. The sound and projections were looked after by Arif Paul and the hall management was taken care by Raghubir Singh Bandral and Balwant Singh. Prof Anupama Vohra presented vote of thanks.

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Workshop on 'Positive Thinking & Healthy Living' held - State Times

Letter: Exercise important to healthy lifestyle | Opinions and Editorials – Aiken Standard

In your Feb. 16 edition there was a column by Brian Parr a fitness expert on the importance of not eating too much Valentines chocolate and also fitness and exercise as a part of a healthy routine.

I am not 82 years old and had polio as a child, and fortunately only ended up with a loss of muscle mass in my right leg.

At around the age of 11 my father taught me how to build muscle correctly by lifting weights. As a result his help aided me in not having to use a crutch daily just to be able to walk around safely.

So my point is: Whatever your physical condition is, muscles must be exercised regularly. I still lift weights, do squats, sit ups, push ups etc. and on alternate days ride a bike for cardio workouts.

I am living proof that a healthy diet coupled with muscle building and cardio workouts will make your life happier and healthier no matter how long you live.

I also know that the older you get without living under the above rules, the harder it is to begin such a routine, But once you learn and practice a healthful routine, it also becomes very hard to stop.

Good luck!

Mary Caldwell


See the article here:
Letter: Exercise important to healthy lifestyle | Opinions and Editorials - Aiken Standard

Collaborative work needed to train, retain doctors –

Several national reports include Arkansas in one of the most underserved regions in the nation in terms of healthcare. This quality of life issue led to the founding of the Arkansas Colleges of Health Education (ACHE) to help alleviate the tremendous shortage of physicians and other healthcare professionals in Arkansas.

Our mission is to educate and train a diverse group of highly competent and compassionate healthcare professionals; to create health and research support facilities; and to provide healthy living environments to improve the lives of others. To achieve our mission and to reduce the physician shortage, our first college, the Arkansas College of Osteopathic Medicine (ARCOM), opened in August 2017 in a state-of-the-art facility on 430 acres in Fort Smith. Our first class of 150 medical students will graduate in May 2021.

I am often asked what it will take to keep these graduating doctors in Arkansas. The answer is simple: We must make Arkansas a place they want to call home. The physician shortage is a national problem, and doctors have a strong advantage in that they can work wherever they desire. For this reason, its imperative that we make our cities desirable.

Understanding this need and demand, three years ago we designed the first ever Planned Zoning Development (PZD) for the cities of Fort Smith and Barling. A PZD is a healthy lifestyle environment that provides amenities like hiking and biking trails, exposure to the arts, parks with exercise equipment and play areas for children, restaurants, banks, and grocery stores all within walkable distance.

There are many other projects being pushed by leaders within our community as well. The Unexpected arts project, the push in our public school system to promote the disciplines of math, science, technology, engineering, and the arts, the grants that have been received through the Walton Family Foundation to increase the length of trails, and the work we are doing on our own campus to connect to the Fort Smith trail system all of these factors contribute to attracting young physicians and other professionals to our area. These efforts are enhanced by the most important quality that Fort Smith has always had in its favor: our sense of community. One way we are demonstrating this sense of community is by working together to capitalize on our value.

Another way we are working to attract more doctors to Arkansas, is by collaborating with hospitals throughout the region and state to develop viable residency/graduate medical education programs. We are in partnership with CHI St. Vincent-Hot Springs and Unity Health-Searcy. These Rural Training and Track Programs (RTTs) involve smaller hospitals and provide a consortium of opportunities for our graduating students. In addition, we are actively working with other major hospitals throughout Arkansas, Oklahoma, and Missouri.

On a state level, one of our legislators, Rep. Dr. Lee Johnson, R-Greenwood, has received approval for startup grants to be allocated to rural hospitals to help defray the significant expenses of starting residency programs. These startup grants have yet to be funded by the legislature. Residency programs are extremely expensive and require additional manpower.

ACHE can provide the educational component, but we need the state to provide the funds so we can better serve our underserved areas. ACHE is working in collaboration with hospitals in the region and with legislators in the House of Representatives and the Senate to accomplish these goals.

One thing we must keep in mind when recruiting physicians is that medicine is evolving into a team-based approach. ACHE just completed construction on a new 66,000-square-foot medical learning facility that will house our School of Occupational Therapy, School of Physical Therapy, and School of Physician Assistant Studies. These new programs, our relationship with hospitals and clinics, as well as our expanding partnership with Mercy Hospital as they prepare to break ground on their new rehabilitation hospital on our campus, all demonstrate a systemic development of improved healthcare access for people in our region.

There are many contributing factors to improving overall health outcomes in our state and region. Solving the physician shortage in Arkansas is a major factor in this process. It will take all of us harnessing our skills and resources and working together to make our state a place physicians and other health professionals are proud to call home.

Editors note: Dr. Kyle Parker is CEO of Arkansas Colleges of Health Education. The opinions expressed are those of the author.

Continued here:
Collaborative work needed to train, retain doctors -

SIT DOWN WITH STEVE: Health and Fitness Expert Alethea Todaro Talks Her Transformation to Healthy Living | –

helps work with women of all ages

BREVARD COUNTY, FLORIDA In the latest edition of Sit Down with Steve, the Friday Night Locker Rooms Steve Wilson talks with Health & Fitness expert Alethea Todaro.

Todaro, from Brevard County, has not only transformed herself with exercise and the proper diet, but she works with others to help them achieve their personal goals.

Todaro started B.A.B.E. Fitness, which stands for Building Abundant Bodies Everyday.

Her knowledge and expertise on nutrition can help anyone, anytime. This is her passion, and she is open to working with females of all ages!

Alethea Todaro can be reached multiple ways: via Facebook at Alethea Tatiana; Instagram @aletheatodaro; YouTube Alethea Todaro; or E-Mail

ABOVE VIDEO: Friday Night Locker Room: Space Coast Sports Hall of Fame 2015.


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SIT DOWN WITH STEVE: Health and Fitness Expert Alethea Todaro Talks Her Transformation to Healthy Living | -

District Running Collective promotes healthy living and relationships through running –

WASHINGTON, D.C., USA Have you ever seen a large group of people jogging and running around D.C. with the letter D.R.C. embossed on their jackets? They're The District Running Collective. Twice a week, the District Running Collective, DRC, gets together, stretches, does a little laughing, then runs the streets of D.C.

We are a giant community of people that come together to be better, and we do it through running. Ashlee Green said.

Ashlee is a captain and leader of DRC. She joined the group six years ago. Like many newcomers to the area, she was looking for friends.

Its been an incredible way to get to know DC and really grow in a great community of people, Ashlee added.

What started as a birthday bash for Matthew Green, evolved into a tradition they never expected.

We did a 5K run at midnight and we had 100 people come out, and it was like Wow, I think we might be on to something, Matthew said.

Fast forward six and a half yearstheyre now sponsored by Under Armour and one of the largest running groups in the DMV to promote healthy living and forging new relationships.

When you see something that starts to change people's lives and they tell you like, 'Matt, Ashley, Corey, you know you guys have like really changed how I approach,' you know, just being healthy and being well,...said.

Youll hear them saying, Were getting miles,and whether thats one or 26.1, everyone is welcomed to lace em up.

DRC creates an equal playing field for everybody. So, your race, the amount of money you make, your job, doesn't really matter because when we're out here getting miles, it's just you and the person next to you. We help push one another to just be better, and you worry about the other stuff later. It's like, Oh, you're a neurosurgeon who knew, great I'm a graphic designer! its like this people connect from a different way. Ashlee said.

Its a race, that doesnt really have a finish line.

There's no better way to experience a city than by foot. Ashlee added.

DRC has grown to thousands of members in nearly seven years. They credit their growth to social media, particularly Instagram.

Follow DRC on Instagram.

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District Running Collective promotes healthy living and relationships through running -

Healthy Snacks and Living the Best Life with Type 1 – Oswego Daily News

Owner and Head Chef of Kristens Kitchen at The Battle Island State Park, Kristen Aluzzi

OSWEGO Oswego County T1D will welcome Kristen Aluzzi to a Snack and Chat with Type 1 event planned for March 4 at CITI Boces in Mexico.

Aluzzi is the owner and head chef of Kristens Kitchen at the Battle Island State Park where she provides fresh, homemade quality dining options as well as local catering to the community.

She knows firsthand about healthy eating habits, having been diagnosed with Type 1 in December of 1991, and will share with attendees how shes lived her best life with T1D.

This Connections event is the first of a series in 2020 focusing on topics based on feedback from the T1D community.

Snack & Chat will take place March 4 at 6 p.m. at CITI Boces in Mexico and include Aluzzi along with others guest speakers sharing information about their connection to Type 1 and how they too are living their best lives or helping those with T1D do the same.

Other events in 2020 include; Connecting to Summer Fun with Type 1 on June 6, From Home to School with Type 1 Diabetes on September 3, and Tech The Halls with T1D Technology on November 4.

Call 315-349-3452 to reserve a spot for the event.

To learn more about T1D Oswego County and its mission of bringing together the type 1 diabetes community while providing local opportunities to connect and support each other, visit facebook page T1D Oswego County.

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Healthy Snacks and Living the Best Life with Type 1 - Oswego Daily News

Blue Zone project aimed at healthy living looks to expand to Monterey Peninsula – KSBW Monterey


Blue Zone project aimed at healthy living looks to expand to Monterey Peninsula

Updated: 4:49 PM PST Feb 21, 2020

"People in blue zones eat mostly a plant based diet, they are nudged into moving every twenty minutes, move naturally because their lives are underpinned with purpose, they are surrounded by the right tribe of people, plant based people, whose idea of recreation is moving and they live in a city or community where making the healthy choice is the easy choice, said Dan Buettner, Blue Zones explorer. In a nutshell, that's the blue zones blueprint. If those guild lines are followed one's chances of living a long healthy life are much improved.Salinas Valley Health Care System and Montage Health have spearheaded the movement on the Central Coast, starting first in Salinas with a kick off last summer. Now, the organization is looking to expand to the Monterey Peninsula.Creating environments where its easy to make the healthy choice is a long term community investment but its one that health experts say will pay big dividends. Blue Zones founder Dan Buettner has been here five times in the last year. Tuesday he was the keynote speaker before a crowd of more than 650 at Montage Health's annual luncheon, preaching patience, perseverance and the power of a community working together for a common goal.

"People in blue zones eat mostly a plant based diet, they are nudged into moving every twenty minutes, move naturally because their lives are underpinned with purpose, they are surrounded by the right tribe of people, plant based people, whose idea of recreation is moving and they live in a city or community where making the healthy choice is the easy choice, said Dan Buettner, Blue Zones explorer.

In a nutshell, that's the blue zones blueprint. If those guild lines are followed one's chances of living a long healthy life are much improved.

Salinas Valley Health Care System and Montage Health have spearheaded the movement on the Central Coast, starting first in Salinas with a kick off last summer. Now, the organization is looking to expand to the Monterey Peninsula.

Creating environments where its easy to make the healthy choice is a long term community investment but its one that health experts say will pay big dividends. Blue Zones founder Dan Buettner has been here five times in the last year.

Tuesday he was the keynote speaker before a crowd of more than 650 at Montage Health's annual luncheon, preaching patience, perseverance and the power of a community working together for a common goal.

Here is the original post:
Blue Zone project aimed at healthy living looks to expand to Monterey Peninsula - KSBW Monterey