Living the Blue Zone – a living testament to a healthy lifestyle – Pamplin Media Group

91-year-old Nedra Dean is a living example of the importance of a healthy diet and lifestyle

Longevity and lifestyle are often considered to be closely connected, and 91-year-old Nedra Dean, of Prineville, is a testament to that hypothesis.

Nedra came to Prineville in 1996. She and her husband were living in New Mexico, as he was retired from the Shell Corporation. With declining health, the Deans made the decision to move to Prineville, where their son, Jim Dean, was living.

"At the time, he was working for the fire department," said Nedra. "Finally, he said to me, 'Mom, you guys better move here because you are going to need me,' which was very true."

They moved to a newer neighborhood in Prineville, and only four years later, her husband passed away.

"I am so thankful that my son was here," she added.

Nedra's daughter lives in Eugene, and both of her kids were there for her at that crucial time. She came to love the community and her neighborhood. Her friends are in her churchthe Seventh-day Adventist Church.

"I like Prineville. It's like New Mexico in an awful lot of ways. People are people wherever you go," she emphasized.

She went on to say that if she needs anything, she can count on any of the members of her church to come and helpall she needs to do is make a phone call. Some of her close friends, Yolanda and Ron Jahn, are especially important to her.

"I think it's just the feeling of knowingthe knowledgethat if I had to have really drastic help, I know who to call," Nedra said.

"Being friends with Nedra for over 20 years is like sitting at Mother's feet, listening spellbound to amazing stories of her childhood and her life as a young adult, as a mother, as a grandmother, and as a Christian," commented Yolanda Jahn of their friendship.

"Nedra was only 8 years old when she felt God tugging at her heartstrings with the need to know Him, have a relationship with Him, and learn spiritual truth from His written word, the Bible. As a Seventh-day Adventist Christian, Nedra has blessed the lives of her family and friends both in the church and in the community with her steadfast love and care, her wise and spiritual counsel, and her faithfulness to God," Yolanda went on to say.

"Through the years, Nedra has served her Lord in many capacities in the church and in the community. My husband, Ron, and I will forever be grateful for her unwavering support, love and care, and her enduring friendship," she concluded.

Nedra was an only child, and when she was orphaned as a young child, she was raised by her grandparents.

"I know what it's like to be alone, and I am probably trained to that type of livingI would probably go crazy if I had eight or nine brothers or sisters right now. I am so adapted to living alone," she said of her living arrangements.

Nedra has a very healthy lifestyle, and she has been a vegetarian since her daughter was in high school. She began cooking the vegetarian diet at that time. She also gets many products for her diet from the Jahns, and she feels that diet is extremely important to a healthy lifestyle.

"That is my life is my church, my Lord and my family," she said of her priorities, and the fact that she has very little living family apart from her children and grandchildren.

When asked about advice she would pass on to younger people today, she emphasized the importance of having a healthy social life.

"Be careful of your social life," she added. "You really need to teach your kids to form their life when they are little."

In November 2005, National Geographic Magazine published a cover story, "The Secrets of a Long Life. Five Blue Zones." The people inhabiting Blue Zones shared common lifestyle characteristics that contributed to their longevity. The evidence collected demonstrated why these populations lived a healthier and longer life than other populations. It included the populations who lived in the Blue Zones, including Okinawa, Japan; Sardinia, Italy; Costa Rica; Icaria, Greece; and Seventh-day Adventists in Loma Linda, California.

Jim Dean, Nedra's son, indicated that his mother had benefitted greatly from her lifestyle as a Seventh-day Adventist. He noted that she had been a vegetarian her entire life.

"I am not a vegetarian, but there must be something to it, because she is 90 years old and doing pretty good."

He emphasized that many folks who lived in the Blue Zone were vegetarians. Although they did not live in that specific area growing up, his sister attended a university in Loma Linda.

"I have very wonderful two kids," concluded Nedra.


Nedra Dean pauses for a photo at her residence of 24 years in Prineville.

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Living the Blue Zone - a living testament to a healthy lifestyle - Pamplin Media Group

Colors Tamil promotes the importance of fitness and healthy lifestyle on Yoga Day – Best Media Info

Popular stars of Colors Tamil came together virtually to celebrate International Yoga Day 2021 on Monday, advocating the importance of yoga in ones emotional, mental and physical well-being in these pandemic-hit times.Colors Tamil hosted the virtual yoga session in partnership with the Rotary Club of Madras Central, for the second consecutive year, bringing in renowned health experts, sports therapy consultants, reputed yoga instructors, fitness experts and physiotherapists from across the country. Focusing on the importance of healthy lungs, the program witnessed yoga sessions on Pranayama and Suryanamaskar, along with basic yoga that anybody could include in their daily life.

Spread over an hour, through a Facebook Live for its viewers, the e-yoga meet was led by well-known experts of Ayurveda and fitness trainers, including Dr Dharmesh Kubendran (Sports Therapy Consultant of Trimmers and Toners), Dr Simranjeet Kaur (Musculoskeletal Physiotherapist and Women Health and Pilates Instructor and a consultant to several celebrities), Dr Krishna Shah (Senior Physiotherapist from Spine Action), Nathiya (Ayurveda expert & yoga therapist) and Mrs Supriya Sundaraman (President of Rotary Club of Madras). The session had experts talk about coping with stress during the pandemic,working on the bodys flexibility, and overall well-being. They also gave tips for improving ones breathing and including yoga and other beneficial workouts as a daily healthy routine. Clearing the myths on yoga, they also discussed about the importance of right postures and living a stress-free healthy life brimming with more positivity, rejuvenation and higher energy levels etc.

Commenting on this enterprising initiative,Anup Chandrasekharan, Business Head, Colors Tamil, said, Overcoming stress and living a healthy life hasalways been a core requirement. But it needs to be inculcated even more seriously during these unpredictable and challenging times. We have partnered with the Rotary Club of Madras Central for the second time on International Yoga Day and are extremely pleased and enlightened after the virtual session. Its a privilege to be a part of such a healthy initiative and strongly believe that we all need to include and explore a lot of other exciting things, apart from the usual work schedules and other commitments.

Sharing their joy at being a part of this great initiative, the Colors Tamil stars who took part in the session, said in a joint statement,It was a very delightful experience to be refreshed and guided by such fine minds and health experts, who have been doing a yeomans service through their insightful sessions where fitness, health and Yoga have always been an inspiring force for many to transform their lives with good health, calmness and a healthy lifestyle.

The serene yoga session early in the morning had renowned actor/comedian Badava Gopi along with Reshma Muralidharan, Sanjay Raja and Suju from Colors Tamils Abhi Tailors, Sameer,Dharshini, Hanna, VJ Ayub andShyam from Sillunu Oru Kaadhal, Amaljith, Pavitra, Vaigha and Harishankar from Amman and many others in attendance, who made the session even more popular with their active participation.

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Colors Tamil promotes the importance of fitness and healthy lifestyle on Yoga Day - Best Media Info

Arnot Health offers HIV testing clinics June 28-July 2 in Elmira and Ithaca – WETM –

ELMIRA, NY (WETM) National HIV Testing Day is June 27 and Arnot Healths HIV Clinic will be observing this day by offering free rapid HIV tests from June 28th to July 2nd in locations in Elmira and Ithaca.

It can be a very difficult thing when receiving a test and receiving the results, whether they be positive or negative, Logan Yovanovitch, prep navigator with HIV clinic at Arnot Health, said. The science for treatment options for people living with HIV has grown and expandedTheres no decrease in life expectancy. People who are living with HIV can live long and healthy lives.

The rapid HIV test provides results in 20 minutes and is offered daily at Arnot Health.

Testing is easy. Its efficient, effective, and its accessible. Its always here. Its something that we offer year round, Yovanovitch continued.

The staff of Arnots HIV Clinic will also be available to answer questions in Arnots Green Space, adjacent to the Falck Cancer Center on the AOMC Campus, on Friday, June 25th.

Anna Lechowska, Director of the HIV Clinic, said, Its important for there to be no stigma attached to HIV testing. It is something that should be done once a year, as a standard part of a healthcare plan. The Ivy Clinic at Arnot is dedicated to quality, comprehensive HIV care, testing, and education.

While walk-ins will be accepted for the testing, appointments are preferred. To schedule an appointment, please call 607-795-8161 or text 607-742-0044.

Hours of testing are:

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Arnot Health offers HIV testing clinics June 28-July 2 in Elmira and Ithaca - WETM -

Why teens should care about their heart health – Bucks County Courier Times

Elizabeth Russell| Central Bucks High School West

A Year of COVID in Bucks

Bucks County Health Dept. Director Dr. David Damsker talks to JD and Phil about the toll of coronavirus locally, and the prospects of returning to life as it was prior to the virus.

JD Mullane and Phil Gianficaro, Bucks County Courier Times

Heart disease refers to a grouping of several different conditions. It is defined as a type of disease that affects the heart or surrounding blood vessels. It can describe a range of conditions from blood vessel disease to heart rhythm problems to heart infection.

I was curious as to how heart disease could affect teenagers and what we as a youth should be doing to look out for our own health. I interviewed my friend and neighbor, Dr. Michael Mooradd, whois a cardiologist.

I wanted to know the significance of heart disease on my age group and what signs myself and peers should be looking out for. I wondered what could be preventative and what symptoms to look out for.

Mooradd explained that the main advice that he shares is, Be aware of your family history, live a healthy lifestyle, no smoking, and encourage your family as well to follow a healthy lifestyle and seek treatment if they have any symptoms.

I was naively under the impression that my age group could not be affected by heart disease, which I believed only afflicted the elderly.

Mooradd shared that one of the biggest tragedies of heart disease is when people are afraid to seek medical assistance after they start to notice the symptoms and they do not seek the help that they need.

The symptoms include, but are not limited to, chest pain, left arm pain, throat pain, and jaw pain. Men and women exude different symptoms and sometimes women experience a shortness of breath.

The symptoms differ from person to person, but most experience these symptoms.

If you or anyone in your family have these symptoms you should consult a doctor for an evaluation.

There is also a genetic component to heart disease, so understanding your family history can help to inform if you should be more cautious in looking out for the signs and symptoms.

If people know that they have a family history they should focus on exercise, a healthy diet, and no smoking. People aged 50 and up are at a higher risk of heart disease.

Prevention can be a key component in helping to prevent heart disease in ones future. Mooradd explained that preventative measures can be taking such as practicinga healthy diet, regularly exercising, and controlling your blood pressure if you have hypertension. There are also preventative medications that can be taken, such as medication that helps to lower the bodys level of cholesterol.

Long term, heart disease needs to be caught early, and if it is caught early there is no damage or minimal damage. Mooradd said doctors try to educate the community that the first goal is prevention. Even if they do not catch it early on, it can still be treated.

Teens and other adolescents my age are not at high risk for heart disease, but they still need to look out for symptoms and track their family history.

Help encourage both you and your parents to practice living a healthy lifestyle and getting the exercise that you need.

Prevention and recognizing the symptoms and knowing when to consult a doctor are they key to living a healthy life and avoiding heart disease.

Elizabeth Russell is a junior at Central Bucks High School West. This is her first year writing for Reality.

Originally posted here:
Why teens should care about their heart health - Bucks County Courier Times

Current Activities Centered on Healthy Living and Recommendations for the Future: A Position Statement from the HL-PIVOT Network – DocWire News

This article was originally published here

Curr Probl Cardiol. 2021 Feb 27;46(6):100823. doi: 10.1016/j.cpcardiol.2021.100823. Online ahead of print.


We continue to increase our cognizance and recognition of the importance of healthy living (HL) behaviors and HL medicine (HLM) to prevent and treat chronic disease. The continually unfolding events precipitated by the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic have further highlighted the importance of HL behaviors, as indicated by the characteristics of those who have been hospitalized and died from this viral infection. There has already been recognition that leading a healthy lifestyle, prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, may have a substantial protective effect in those who become infected with the virus. Now more than ever, HL behaviors and HLM are essential and must be promoted with a renewed vigor across the globe. In response to the rapidly evolving world since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, and the clear need to change lifestyle behaviors to promote human resilience and quality of life, the HL for Pandemic Event Protection (HL-PIVOT) network was established. The 4 major areas of focus for the network are: (1) knowledge discovery and dissemination; (2) education; (3) policy; (4) implementation. This HL-PIVOT network position statement provides a current synopsis of the major focus areas of the network, including leading research in the field of HL behaviors and HLM, examples of best practices in education, policy, and implementation, and recommendations for the future.

PMID:33789171 | DOI:10.1016/j.cpcardiol.2021.100823

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Current Activities Centered on Healthy Living and Recommendations for the Future: A Position Statement from the HL-PIVOT Network - DocWire News

Mindful eating and healthy living –

Esther Lew 5 February 2021

The Ritual Caf and Bar invites diners to begin the journey with wholesome food with plant-based and gluten-free options.

From the sambal belachan mayonnaise sauce and tempeh to the freshly baked bagel and pastries, the food at The Ritual Caf and Bar is meant to get you into that conscious space of clean eating and lifestyle practices. Besides serving up a flavoursome and healthy menu, it is also a venue that aims to bring together a like-minded community for wellness healing and self-development activities after opening hours.

Headed by Chef Matthew Tham formerly from Two Men Bagel House and Meta Fine Dining, the menu is defined by robust east-meets-west flavours. A good example was The ImpossibleTM Mala Somen, which was dressed with homemade Szechuan sauce, garlic crumbs, bak choy and a sous vide egg. It was fiery but not overly numbing, making it a satisfying choice for mains. My favourite was Uncle Matts Beef Bowl, which featured sous vide steak with truffle oyster dressing, a sous vide egg and tsukemono with fragrant Japanese rice. It made a grain lover out of me for the day. It was worth it.

Special mention must also be made for the Tofu Tempe Fries, a moreish appetiser of fried tofu and tempe fritters served with homemade sambal belachan mayonnaise sauce. Whilst tempe typically has a dry, firm and chewy texture, this rendition was soft, moist and freshly made, perfect with the sauce. It got us into a mood to munch, and the Truffle Kombu Fries with Parmesan was addictive as well. For dessert, the freshly made Buttermilk Belgium Waffle with salted caramel ice cream, and bananas was a delightful treat as well.

The breakfast menu, available till 3pm daily, is a highlight by itself, with hits such as the Beetroot Gravlax Bagel, which was lovely to bite into. The bagel was soft and not too dense and chewy, while the pickled beetroot counterbalanced the saltiness of the gravlax, smoothed over by the satisfying mouthfeel of the cream cheese. Another star dish is the Madames Truffled Egg Croissant, with scrambled eggs made even more delish by the creamy brie and bechamel, enhanced by earthy black truffles.

Apart from its sumptuous food, The Ritual also impressed with its agenda for wellness lifestyles. The name of the caf stems from my pursuit of living a purposeful life through meaningful rituals and to share the importance of having a balance between mind, body and soul, said Cassandra. Many people are too focused on just one area of their lives and they find theres always something missing hence I want to create a safe space where the community can gather and practise healthy rituals that allow them to live a purpose driven life, changing routines to rituals, says Founder Cassandra Riene Tan who also owns sister cafe and bar Botany.

In this community, there will be mental wellness advocates, coaches, industry experts and strong social advocates, also known as The Ritual tribe leaders, who will be leading wellness programmes and experiences that bring together communities of different backgrounds. Expect non-conformists and seemingly controversial topics such as mental wellness, sexuality, metaphysics and spirituality; and alternative healing topics such as Ayurveda, herbal remedies, TCM and Reiki in these knowledge-sharing and experiential sessions, workshops and casual mingling sessions.

Alocassia Apartments, #01-09B,383 Bukit Timah Road.

Continued here:
Mindful eating and healthy living -

Healthy Living: Healthy ways to cope this winter during pandemic – Norwich Bulletin

Andre Bessette, For The Bulletin| The Bulletin

The COVID-19 pandemic forced us to adapt to new ways of living from restricted travel, to virtual concerts, curtailed youth sports, and canceled community events activities we rely on to keep us healthy and connected. And with COVID-19 infection rates continuing to increase, we can expect that public health actions, such as social distancing, and other limitations in our daily lives will remain.

This winter could be especially difficult as we hunker down and cooler weather draws us indoors. Long, dark days coupled with cold weather and social isolation can lead to feelings of sadness, anxiety or depression. Here are some considerations for coping with these feelings in a healthy way.

Andre Bessette, PhD., is a clinical psychologist and supervisor in the Outpatient Behavioral Health Department at Day Kimball Healthcare. To learn more about behavioral health services at Day Kimball Healthcare, visit For more information on Day Kimball Healthcares response to the coronavirus disease 2019, visit

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Healthy Living: Healthy ways to cope this winter during pandemic - Norwich Bulletin

Redmond Senior Center to host Healthy Living Fair next week – KTVZ

REDMOND, Ore. (KTVZ) -- The Redmond Senior Center will host its first annual Healthy Living Fair on Tuesday,April 12from 1-4 p.m. The Healthy Living Fair is focused on health and wellness for older adults to learn and gain resources on aging well.

There will be educational workshops, health care organizations providing resources, health screenings, fitness demonstrations, healthy refreshments, and even a walk-through colon!

This is an excellent opportunity to learn more from health and wellness businesses; to increase your health consciousness through wellness screenings; to gain resources in the community; to learn about healthy lifestyle changes; and to gain valuable information on positive self-care practices.

We are excited to work with the myriad of community partners who signed up as exhibitors and come together for a day of learning about how to age well, at whatever stage of life someone may be in, said Jane Jarman, Redmond Senior Center program director. Join us for lunch before the healthy living fair! Our incredible chef Jose will be cooking up a healthy meal to kick off the rest of the event.

The goal of the Healthy Living Fair is to get older adults in our community thinking about ways to positively impact the aging process and access resources they may otherwise not connect with on a regular basis.

Some of the exhibitors from the community are: St. Charles Community Care, Parkinsons Resources of Oregon, Partners in Care, Hospice of Redmond, various local Senior Living facilities, Veterans of Foreign War post in Redmond, Caption Call, Council on Aging, A Senior Moment, Cascade Canine Rescue East & West, Funeral Pre-Arrangement, Redmond Parks and Rec, Stroke Awareness Oregon, Humana, and Mosaic Medical.

Todd Dickerson, Redmond Senior Center executive director, shared, We couldnt be happier to host an event like this in person and provide our community with the resources and support they need to age well. The last two years have been hard on everyone, and even harder on our older adults. Its time to think about healthy living again, and we want to be the place where everyone feels comfortable coming to ask those questions, get the resources they need, and share in healthy activities together.


The Redmond Senior Center was launchedby volunteers over 70 years ago (1949) when the population in Redmond was less than 3000 residents. It continues to operate as the hub and sole resource in Redmond focused entirely on seniors. It is a stand-alone nonprofit solely supported by membership, public and private grants, businesses, occasional special events, donations, and countless volunteer resources. It does not receive tax revenues nor is it operated by the City of Redmond or the Redmond Area Parks and Recreation District.

The Redmond Senior Center continues to provide essential services for older adults in the community, through Meals on Wheels, Congregate Dining, regular activities, and support services. For more information contact the Redmond Senior Center 9 am to 2 pm weekdays at 541-548-6325 or atinfo@redmondseniors.organd check the website

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Redmond Senior Center to host Healthy Living Fair next week - KTVZ

Center for Healthy Living to offer program focused on taking control of Type 2 diabetes, pre-diabetes – Purdue University

As part of the Healthy Boiler Programs physical health pillar, the Center for Healthy Living (CHL) on Purdue's West Lafayette campus offers an eight-week diabetes program multiple times throughout the year. "Taking Control of My Diabetes" (TCMD) is open to benefits-eligible employees and dependents covered on a Purdue health plan. The program is geared toward those living with Type 2 diabetes, prediabetes or those supporting someone with a diagnosis. The next session will begin May 5.

The 14-week virtual lifestyle management program covers a variety of topics related to Type 2 diabetes and prediabetes with a goal of equipping participants with the knowledge and resources needed to manage the disease as best as they can. As a result of the program, participants will understand what diabetes is and how lifestyle changes are part of managing blood glucose.

A pre- and post-program evaluation to measure knowledge and beliefs as well as satisfaction with the program are required.

Participants have access to expert services of the centers health care professionals, including CHL pharmacists who are specially trained in medication therapy management, as well as the two facilitators of the upcoming session:

Eligible participants will receive a glucose meter and test strips to check their blood glucose levels. Program participants can continue to receive glucose testing supplies after the program if they continue to meet with a health coach on a monthly basis.

Many past participants in the program have seen improvement in their A1c, a blood test that measures a patients blood glucose level over the past three months, and more.

I would highly recommend this class to any diabetic or someone who has been diagnosed as prediabetic, says Leigh Ann Griffin, senior quality advisor at Regenstrief Center for Healthcare Engineering, who has lived with Type 2 diabetes for approximately 20 years and previously participated in the TCMD program. I decided that I could benefit from a refresher course of how to act like a diabetic by eating and cooking healthy and could use all the assistance I could get with motivating me to exercise. And I didnt even have a working blood glucose meter anymore, and this class was giving us one for free! So, I signed up. Knowledge is power, and this class provides you with much needed knowledge to properly manage your diabetes.

Those interested should register by April 28 via the Healthy Boiler Portal. The registration link can be found under the Healthy Boiler Workshops section on the portals homepage. Hover over the workshops square and hit Submit to register.

Individuals living with Type 1 diabetes can meet monthly with a health coach but are not required to participate in the 14-week Taking Control of My Diabetes program to take advantage of the test strips and blood sugar meter opportunity.

Healthy Boiler workshops and lifestyle programs are free to all benefits-eligible faculty and staff and dependents covered on a Purdue health plan.

Contact the CHL at 765-494-0111 for more information.

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Center for Healthy Living to offer program focused on taking control of Type 2 diabetes, pre-diabetes - Purdue University

Home Instead home care agency gives clients healthy living program – WXXV News 25

The local home-care agency Home Instead is looking to assist senior citizens in some new and improved ways.

Home Instead is utilizing their new program called the companionship diet to improve the quality of life for seniors. The program promotes nutritional healthy living to residents while giving them companionship. Home Instead Client Mary Bates said, When youre by yourself, it can be lonely and here you have the companionship of the caregivers plus the friends that you make.

According to Home Instead Client Care Coordinator Chris Thompson, the average senior citizen skips four meals a week when they do not have a companion to eat with.

Through the program, caretakers are able to make sure their clients are kept company through games and conversations and staying healthy with good nutritional diets. Thompson said, This diet really promotes the time with the caregivers to spend time, talk about things, stories and share important events and really build relationships while preparing a healthy and nutritious meal.

The organization also offers help to their clients in anything else they may need as long as it is not medical. We have CNAs, certified nursing assistants, and home health aids who come into your home and they help you with activities in daily living like meal preparation, light housekeeping, medication reminders, personal care, things like that.

The Gulf Coasts Home Instead franchise has been in operation for 19 years. Home Instead Caregiver Barbara Williams said, It makes me feel that I am giving back. It makes me feel that Im always able to go home at night and know that Ive done something good for someone.

For more information call 228-818-6110.

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Home Instead home care agency gives clients healthy living program - WXXV News 25

DC ranks high on list of healthiest cities across the country – WTOP

D.C. is outpacing most other cities when it comes to healthy living. It ranked No. 10 overall in WalletHub's rankings, but there is room for improvement when it comes to fitness.

D.C. is outpacing most other cities when it comes to healthy living.

A new WalletHub survey released Monday reviewed four key categories that promote wellness, including the quality of health care, food, fitness and the amount of green spaces.

And D.C. ranked No. 10 overall in WalletHubs rankings.

Researchers discovered the District ranks high in three of those four categories. D.C. scored highest in the food category, meaning the District has many places such as farmers markets to buy a variety of fruits and vegetables.

Where the District needs to see improvement is the fitness category. The study discovered fewer adults work out in D.C. compared with other places. One reason might be the cost: It was among the cities with the highest average monthly cost for a fitness club membership.

San Francisco, Seattle and San Diego were the top ranked cities overall. Laredo, Texas; Gulfport, Mississippi; and Brownsville, Texas, were at the bottom, ranked Nos. 180 through 182, respectively.

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DC ranks high on list of healthiest cities across the country - WTOP

HEALTHY LIVING: When eating a rainbow, variety spice of life –

Fruits and vegetables come in a wide variety of shapes, sizes, flavors, and colors.

Eating more fruits and vegetables may reduce the risk of some chronic diseases, like cancer, heart disease, stroke, obesity and diabetes.

Fruits and vegetables provide important nutrients for health and maintenance of your body.

Different types of fruits and vegetables provide different nutrients, so its important to get a good variety.

An easy way to make sure youre getting all the different nutrients is to choose a variety of colorful fruits and vegetables to fill half your plate.

Vegetable subgroups

Vegetables fall into five different subgroups based on their nutrient content: dark-green vegetables, starchy vegetables, red and orange vegetables, beans and peas, and other vegetables. Each type has its unique benefits, so aim to eat a variety of colors over the course of the week.

Make half your plate colorful

Make half your plate fruits and vegetables. The more color, the better.

Try to eat at least two different colors of fruits and three different colors of vegetables every day.

Let your kids be the produce pickers when grocery shopping. Help them choose a rainbow of fruits and veggies to eat for meals and snacks throughout the week.

Dont limit your rainbow of produce to just fresh options. Youll get the same important nutrients no matter what form you choose.

When shopping for canned fruits, look for fruits canned in juice. For veggies, choose no added salt options. Frozen fruits and veggies are convenient because theyre already washed, chopped and ready to use. Plus, canned and frozen varieties wont go bad before you eat them!

How do you make sure youre getting a rainbow of nutrients in your familys diet? Try to eat leafy greens with at least one meal per day.

For families with kids, try crafting a rainbow with examples of different colored fruits and veggies (grocery sales ads are a great source of pictures). This can be an inspiring way to get your kids on board with eating more colorful produce.

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HEALTHY LIVING: When eating a rainbow, variety spice of life -

Morgan Stanley Alliance for Children’s Mental Health Announces Five Winners of the Inaugural Innovation Awards – Yahoo Finance

Selected from more than 850 applicants, the first-ever Alliance for Childrens Mental Health Innovation Awards grantees are Black Girls Smile, citiesRISE, The Rural Behavioral Health Institute, Smart from the Start, and Teen Line.

The five winners offer a diverse set of inventive solutions, aiming to address vital mental health issues facing young people, exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic.

NEW YORK, October 06, 2021--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Morgan Stanley today announced the five winners of the inaugural Alliance for Childrens Mental Health Innovation Awards, its nationwide call to support transformative solutions that address adverse mental health outcomes for children and young people across the U.S. The program will award the finalists a total of $500,000 in grants to help scale their solutions, and provide consultation and a showcase opportunity on November 11.

The five finalists were selected after a robust review of over 850 applications by mental health and grant-making experts from the Alliance for Childrens Mental Health a collaboration between Morgan Stanley, its Foundation and leading nonprofit organizations in this space.

The finalists chosen are addressing a diverse set of communities, geographies, and needs through their transformative and culturally responsive models:

Black Girls Smile provides virtual and in-person mental health literacy programming, education, therapy scholarships and resources to help Black girls and women lead mentally healthy lives.

Suicide Prevention Program: Building on its proven mental health literacy programming, this culturally and gender-responsive curriculum focuses on suicide prevention among Black girls and youth, with a new digital platform for enhancing virtual and on-demand programming across the country.

citiesRISE is committed to transforming mental health through local innovation, coalition building, and youth-led action globally.

Mental Health Gathering Spaces: The Gathering Space model meets youth, particularly those who are marginalized, where they are by integrating mental health enhancing interventions into existing community spaces, with potential for adaptation into a range of settings and scaling for nationwide impact.

Smart from the Start is a trauma-informed, multi-generational family support and community engagement organization with a mission to promote the healthy development of young children and families living in the most underserved communities of Boston and Washington, DC.

Address the Stress Program: This program is embedded in the community, engaging both parents and their kids in talk therapy and behavioral health counseling by developing fun and interesting group activities that promote mental, emotional, and physical health while reducing stigma and barriers to care.

Teen Line is dedicated to peer-to-peer support by providing teenagers across the country with an anonymous, non-judgmental space to talk about their problems with highly trained teens who are supervised by adult mental health professionals.

Latinx Youth Career Development Program: This pilot program will train Latinx youth to answer texts on the peer-to-peer hotline, aiming to encourage Latinx teens to pursue careers in mental health, increase the diversity of hotline volunteers, expand the hotlines service hours, and build more Latinx mental health ambassadors.

"This inaugural class of finalists is a wonderful example of the collective impact diverse organizations can have when working to better the mental well-being of children and young people across the country," said Ted Pick, Co-President at Morgan Stanley and Chair of the Alliance for Childrens Mental Health Advisory Board. "From rural towns to big cities, we look forward to helping scale our finalists programs to reach those communities who can benefit from these innovative and culturally responsive approaches."

Story continues

According to research from the Alliance, 43% of U.S. teens are concerned about mental health challenges as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. Given the continued toll the pandemic has had on youth, innovative mental health services are critical to scale now more than ever. One in five children suffer from mental illness, but this space remains highly underfunded with less than two percent of philanthropic funding going toward mental health in the U.S. and even less for funding targeted to kids and teens.

To address that gap in funding, Morgan Stanley has organized this Innovation Awards program and is now inviting these five winners to showcase their innovative solutions to a broader audience, including other funders, during the Innovation Awards Showcase on November 11.

"We want to thank all the applicants for submitting their proposals and our Alliance nonprofit organization partners for their work during the process of selecting this years recipients," said Joan Steinberg, President of the Morgan Stanley Foundation, and CEO of the Alliance for Childrens Mental Healths Advisory Board. "This overwhelming response has reaffirmed the fact that there is a substantial funding gap in this space and a plethora of encouraging innovation in need of support. We urge other funders to join forces and make childrens mental health philanthropy a priority."

For those interested in attending the Innovation Awards Showcase on November 11 from 12-1 PM ET, please sign up here.

About Morgan Stanley

Morgan Stanley (NYSE:MS) is a leading global financial services firm providing investment banking, securities, wealth management, and investment management services. With offices in more than 41 countries, the Firm's employees serve clients worldwide including corporations, governments, institutions, and individuals. For more information about Morgan Stanley, please visit

About Morgan Stanley Alliance for Children's Mental Health

The Morgan Stanley Alliance for Children's Mental Health brings together key leaders in the children's mental health space and combines the resources and reach of Morgan Stanley and its Foundation with the knowledge and experience of its distinguished nonprofit partner organizations. The Alliance helps strategically address children's mental health concerns and the far-reaching challenges of stress, anxiety and depression. For more information about the Alliance, visit

2021 Morgan Stanley & Co. LLC and Morgan Stanley Smith Barney LLC. Members SIPC.

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Media Relations:Katherine Stueber, David Lieberson,

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Morgan Stanley Alliance for Children's Mental Health Announces Five Winners of the Inaugural Innovation Awards - Yahoo Finance

National HIV Testing Day To Raise Awareness Of Choice Health Network’s Year-Round Services – The Chattanoogan

Choice Health Network will provide free HIV testing at the following events in recognition of National HIV Testing Day, held annually on June 27.

- Friday, June 25; 7-10 p.m. Pride Mix and Mingle. Family friendly, free to attend . Moxy Chattanooga Downtown, 1220 King St.

- Saturday, June 26; 2:30-9 p.m. Pride Day. All ages, free to attend. WanderLinger Brewing Company, 1208 King St.

Officials said, "We arealso will raising awareness of Choice Health Networks everyday services for East Tennessees most vulnerable individuals and families affected by HIV, mental illness, substance use, homelessness, discrimination and disabilities.

"People with HIV can live long, healthy lives when receiving quality medical care. When HIV-positive patients stay on HIV-protective medication, the virus is no longer detected in their blood, and the virus is not transmittable to others. Within four to six weeks of starting and maintaining medication, 94 percent of Choice Health Network clients attain viral suppression."

National HIV Testing Day not only heightens awareness of the need for testing and services across our region, but also allows us to underscore the importance of what we do year-round in Tennessee, said Steve Jenkins, CEO of Positively Living & Choice Health Network. We provide affordable medical care for insured or uninsured patients, along with social services for people who need inclusive healthcare and who deserve to be treated with dignity and respect.

Choice Health Network offers free HIV testing by appointment year-round. In addition to testing and operating a full-service medical clinic, Choice Health Networks services include mental health care counseling and therapy; food and transportation aid; housing support; telehealth; a syringe service exchange; naloxone distribution; resources and referrals to recovery; and HIV prevention through Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) and Post-Exposure Prophylaxis (PEP).

Choice Health Network is located at 5721 Marlin Road in Chattanooga. For more information about Positively Living & Choice Health Network, visit

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National HIV Testing Day To Raise Awareness Of Choice Health Network's Year-Round Services - The Chattanoogan

Governor Cuomo Announces Opening of $21 Million Affordable Housing Development in Rochester – Homes and Community Renewal

Governor Andrew M. Cuomo today announced the completion of Union Square Apartments, a $21 million supportive housing development serving the LGBTQ+ community and others experiencing homelessness in the city of Rochester. Completed in time for Pride Month, the development provides 72 affordable homes for low-income families and individuals, including 21 units with onsite supportive services for individuals living with HIV or who are 55 or older and require assistance with daily living.

"The best way to address homelessness and housing insecurity in our state is by working directly with our most at-risk New Yorkers,"Governor Cuomo said."As we celebrate Pride Month, the opening of Union Square Apartments will provide LGBTQ+ New Yorkers - who are often disproportionately impacted by homelessness - with access to affordable housing and the supportive services they need to lead healthy, independent lives. This supportive housing development represents yet another accomplishment in our overall efforts to achieve housing equality in New York State once and for all."

"Every New Yorker deserves a roof over their head, including those who are homeless and living with HIV,"Lieutenant Governor Kathy Hochul said."This LGBTQ+ welcoming community in Rochester will include 72 affordable homes and supportive services. Today's announcement represents New York State's commitment to a brighter, more inclusive future as we rebuild from the pandemic."

Located at 275 East Ave., the four-story Union Square was constructed as part of the Inner Loop East Transformation Project, Rochester's multi-year, $20 million project to remove the expressway separating the eastern neighborhoods from Center City with the goal of knitting back together the pedestrian, commercial and residential fabric of the two areas. Union Square Apartments is the third development on the Loop.

Opened during Pride Month in New York State, Union Square is a LGBTQ+ welcoming community that will help reduce housing inequality in Rochester. The LGBTQ+ community is among the groups disproportionately impacted by homelessness and housing insecurity.

Developed by Home Leasing, the development offers 72 units of affordable housing for households earning at or below 80 percent of the area median income. Each apartment features a dishwasher, central air-conditioning, storage space and balconies, in addition to access to a community room, fitness center, laundry facilities, indoor bike storage, outdoor recreational space and onsite parking.

Trillium Health is providing onsite supportive services to 21 units at Union Square. To be eligible for these apartments, individuals must be experiencing homeless and either living with HIV or 55 or older and requiring assistance with at least one instrumental activity of daily living, such as independent living skills or managing finances and benefits.

In partnership with other community-based programs, housing coordinators will assess each participant's needs and develop an individualized service plan to maintain housing stability and overall well-being. Participants will also have access to group and individualized education sessions, peer support, training in independent living skills and other wrap around services to support their needs.

New York State Homes and Community Renewal's financing for Union Square includes $4.3 million in permanent tax-exempt bonds, federal low-income housing tax credits that generated $7.2 million in equity and an additional $8.4 million in subsidy. Services and rental subsidies are funded through the Governor's Empire State Supportive Housing Initiative and administered by the state Office of Mental Health.

Union Square is part of Governor Cuomo's unprecedented $20 billion, five-year affordable housing plan. The Governor's plan will provide all New Yorkers with access to safe, affordable housing by building and preserving more than 100,000 units of affordable housing and 6,000 units of supportive housing.

The project also builds on the Governor's overall strategy to revitalize communities and grow the economy across the state including "Finger Lakes Forward," the region's comprehensive blueprint to generate robust economic growth and community development. Since 2011, New York State Homes and Community Renewal has invested $688 million in the Finger Lakes region to create or preserve nearly 8,000 affordable homes.

Homes and Community Renewal Commissioner RuthAnne Visnauskas said,"As we commemorate Pride Month, New York is continuing our leadership in the fight for justice, inclusion and compassion for the LGBTQ+ community. Our investment in Rochester's Union Square Apartments is addressing the needs of a community that is disproportionately impacted by housing insecurity and often unable to obtain decent and compassionate healthcare. Through our partnership with Home Leasing and Trillium Health, we are delivering 72 beautiful homes with services that empower individuals to live happy, healthy and fulfilling lives."

CEO of Home Leasing Bret Garwood said, "At Home Leasing, we are committed to creating open, accepting and inclusive communities where our residents can live and thrive without discrimination. Union Square provides 72 affordable apartments in a LGBTQ+ welcoming community. Union Square continues the great work to remake the Inner Loop into a vibrant and integrated downtown neighborhood."

Senator Jeremy Cooney said,"The new Union Square Apartments will provide much needed affordable housing and safe living spaces for communities that have been historically discriminated against in the housing market. Rochester is stronger when everyone has a place to call home. The partnership among all of these groups from every sector to further invest in our City's vulnerable populations will be a critical part of our recovery from the pandemic."

Assemblyman Harry B. Bronson said,"People living with HIV/AIDS need housing as a foundation to staying healthy. They are often marginalized, pushed out of jobs, rejected in countless other ways, and are most in need of stability to ensure they are able to live their best healthy lives. Union Square is designed, through housing assistance and supportive services to have a major impact on the lives low-income Rochester residents, especially those living with HIV/AIDS. The opening of Union Square is recognition that one of the best tools for ending the epidemic is providing stable, affordable housing, which leads to better health outcomes for people living with HIV/AIDS and fewer transmissions."

Mayor Lovely A. Warren said,"As the mayor of a city with a 100score on the Human Rights Campaign's Municipal Equality Index, I am proud that Rochester continues to reflect the ideals of equity and social justice espoused by Frederick Douglas and Susan B. Anthony. By providing the foundation of an affordable home and supportive services to those living with HIV and the elderly with impediments to independent living, Union Square Apartments will stand as a testament to those ideals. I want to thank Governor Andrew Cuomo, New York State Homes and Community Renewal, Empire State Development, Trillium Health and Home Leasing for this powerful investment in the city of Rochester and for helping us advance our efforts to create more jobs, safer and more vibrant neighborhoods and better educational opportunities for our citizens."

Monroe County Executive Adam Bello said, "The opening of the Union Square Apartments is exciting for the city of Rochester on a few fronts. First, it shows continued efforts to revitalize the area around Union Street in accordance with the Inner Loop East Transformation Project. Through projects such as this, what was essentially a blank slate is burgeoning into a diverse community. Secondly, the aim of the Union Square Apartments is admirable. This development was crafted with an emphasis on affordability keenly kept in mind. The complex will be available to many of the people who have been hurt the most by the ongoing housing crisis, those of low socioeconomic status. Lastly, the amenities available to residents once moved in are tremendous. Aside from the fitness center, laundry facilities, and so on, the individualized care for each resident provided by Trillium Health will be instrumental in ensuring those living in the complex are afforded the assistance they need to live happy and healthy lives."

Andrea DeMeo, President and CEO of Trillium Health said,"As a Federally Qualified Health Center Look-Alike and Ryan White Clinic, Trillium Health is dedicated to promoting health equity and providing healthcare to the most vulnerable members of our community. We know that housing is an important social determinant of health - you cannot heal, safely store your medicine, adhere to medication regimes, or ensure regular visits to your primary care physician if you don't have housing security. We'regrateful for the opportunity to expand our services in the city and to promote health equity in Rochester."

Accelerating Finger Lakes Forward

Today's announcement complements"Finger Lakes Forward,"the region's comprehensive blueprint to generate robust economic growth and community development. The State has already invested more than $8 billion in the region since 2012 to lay the groundwork for the plan - investing in key industries including photonics, agriculture and food production, and advanced manufacturing. Now, the region is accelerating Finger Lakes Forward with a $500 million State investment through the Upstate Revitalization Initiative, announced by Governor Cuomo in December 2015. The State's $500 million investment will incentivize private business to invest well over $2.5 billion - and the region's plan, as submitted, projects up to 8,200 new jobs.

Original post:
Governor Cuomo Announces Opening of $21 Million Affordable Housing Development in Rochester - Homes and Community Renewal

Healthy living put at the heart of new housing plan – Argyllshire Advertiser

Updated: 06/10/21, 7:31 am

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A housing strategy that aims to focus on the health and well-being of residents has been approved by Argyll and Bute Council.

At a meeting on Thursday September 30 councillors approved a new five-year plan drawn up in consultation with the regions health and social care partnership and its housing occupational therapist.

The new strategic housing investment plan outlines the importance of ensuring adequate provision of specialist accommodation in the new build programme and incorporates a statement focusing on the essential role housing plays in supporting and maintaining independence, health and well-being of residents.

The vision for the authoritys housing plans is stated as: People in Argyll and Bute with health and social care needs have access to housing options that maximise their health, wellbeing and independence.

The five-year plan sets out proposals to build more than 1,000 affordable homes over the next five years of which around 343 will be completed in 2021/22 and more than 700 additional homes in subsequent years.

The council has overall responsibility for the investment plan but it is drafted in collaboration with partners including landlords, communities, developers, the Scottish government and other stakeholders.

The proposals will be submitted to the Scottish Government for review in October.

Council leader Councillor Robin Currie said: The delivery of local affordable housing in Argyll and Bute remains a priority for the council.

We want our communities to thrive and we want to attract new residents and business to the area.

This investment not only provides much-needed good quality homes for future generations, it also provides employment opportunities for many people in the construction industry, including new apprenticeships, which will generate additional investment in the local community.

Original post:
Healthy living put at the heart of new housing plan - Argyllshire Advertiser

Solid Rock Community School Hosts First Ever Community Veg Fest and Healthy Living Expo – PRNewswire

TARPON SPRINGS, Fla., April 1, 2021 /PRNewswire/ -- Solid Rock Community School in Tarpon Springs was the place to be this past weekend for those interested in celebrating healthy living through a plant-based lifestyle, or in learning more about it. The free first-time festival was attended by approximately 1000 people and had something for everyone. Events during the day included guest speakers, cooking demonstrations, complimentary food samples, food vendors, shopping, yoga, meditation, and a kids' zone. Guest speaker Dr. Michael Klaper (seen in the documentaries Cowspiracy and What the Health) spoke about the health of the planet, and other speakers covered relevant topics such as personal health, bodybuilding, and eating vegan on a budget.

Vegan health coach Naomi Green demonstrated how to prepare Pad Thai Zoodles & Noodles with Ginger Goddess Peanut Sauce. One festival attendee said, "I love watching the food demos. I'm always afraid to try something new until I see how easy it is." School parentShawn Coryell, who attended Veg Fest as a school volunteer said,"As a non-vegan, I tried a lot of the different food.I truly was amazed at how good the food was."

As the world becomes more and more aware of the effects that a plant-based lifestyle can have on personal health and on the health of the planet, the organizers of Veg Fest were inspired to bring information and fellowship to those who want to be a part of this growing movement. "As a school that has a focus on plant-based health, fitness, environmentalism, and sustainability, we are happy to use our school grounds for activities in our community that can raise awareness of the benefits of plant-based living," said Michele Fasnacht, founder of Solid Rock Community School.

Veg Fest will be an annual event. Solid Rock Community School will be holding several community events throughout the year to encourage healthy, plant-based living.

Festival attendee Geralyn Hucker said, "This was my first Veg Fest and I enjoyed everything.The event was awesome, from the keynote speakers to the shopping to the great food. The school is extremely impressive."

Solid Rock Community School, founded in 2004, is a K-12 private school located in Tarpon Springs, FL. Solid Rock is making the world a greener place, starting in its own school community.With a seed-to-table garden and lunch program, daily fitness classes, and a focus on environmental stewardship, they are teaching their students to become healthy, involved citizens who can contribute to the greater good of society and be good stewards of the world in which they live.

Media Contact:Michele Fasnacht727-656-2920[emailprotected]

SOURCE Solid Rock Community School

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Solid Rock Community School Hosts First Ever Community Veg Fest and Healthy Living Expo - PRNewswire

Healthy Living: Stop pain early with physical therapy – KEZI TV

EUGENE, Ore.-- As counties in Oregon lift pandemic restrictions, some may notice new aches and pains as they return to a more active lifestyle, and experts say addressing that pain head-on with physical therapy can save you a lot of trouble.

According to Oregon Medical Group physical therapist Ryan Embly, it's not just athletes who need physical therapy. If pain is getting in the way of any of your daily activities from going to bed, to workplace responsibilities and even workouts, then making an appointment can help.The process of overcoming pain and can be a rewarding one.

"It's a huge sense of accomplishment. And it's not just athletes. I can't even tell you how good it feels to just help someone accomplish whatever goal it is. Just being able to get dressed in the morning to get to work," said Embley.

When you walk in the door to your appointment, a physical therapist can help you identify where the pain is coming from and what other muscles and body parts may be contributing to pain.

According to Embly, physical therapists try to begin the healing process by reducing inflammation, increasing range of motion and improving posture, among other actions. While a patient's instinct may be to take it easy when they experience pain, recovery lays in the balance of activity and rest.

"Oftentimes we think of this as, 'I don't want to do too much. I don't want to aggravate my pain.' Sometimes actually doing too little can be just as detrimental," said Embly.

From diagnosis to recovery, Embly said that engaging patients with manual therapy and a hands-on approach can help them reach their goals.

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Healthy Living: Stop pain early with physical therapy - KEZI TV

Raritan Valley YMCAs events keep people healthy and active during tough times –

The Raritan Valley YMCA Spin-a-Thon from 2018; spin bikesPHOTO COURTESY OF RARITAN VALLEY YMCA

The Raritan Valley YMCA Spin-a-Thon from 2018; spin bikesPHOTO COURTESY OF RARITAN VALLEY YMCA

The COVID-19 pandemic has caused disruptions in our daily routines. In order to keep ourselves and our community safe, we attend virtual classes, and sit in front of a screen for hours on end. Our social and physical activities have decreased, which can have an effect on our physical and mental health.

As a result of the pandemic, communities that used to be stronger than glue have slowly begun to lose that bond.

Despite the challenges we have faced, the Raritan Valley YMCA in East Brunswick is working harder than ever to keep the health of the community flourishing, healthy and happy.

This spring, the YMCA looks forward to the return of some of its signature in-person events, such as the Spin-a-thon on April 10 and Healthy Kids Day on April 24, both at the YMCA facility on Tices Lane in East Brunswick.

Our work has never changed, said Executive Director Gina Stravic. We are for healthy living, social responsibility and youth development in our community. Weve brought back our programs safely or connected with people virtually. Weve distributed food to those who need it. Weve had to do things differently, but we are looking forward to getting back to what weve done best in the past.

For example, the 8th annual Spin-A-Thon will be taking place on April 10. An outdoor event for COVID safety, participants can ride in spin class or take Zumba class to support the YMCAs summer camp scholarships, drowning prevention efforts, food pantry and more, all while supporting the health of the participants.

All are welcome to sign up, or donate to support the event, on the YMCAs website at

The Raritan Valley YMCA will also be hosting Healthy Kids Day on April 24 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Also outdoors, the event will encourage kids to be healthy and as active while playing as their favorite superheroes.

There will be various activities throughout the day, including an obstacle course, sports classes, water safety and lessons, summer camp activities, and more.

A summer camp open house and tours of the facility will be available to parents.

We have stuck together and supported each other throughout a tough year, Stravic said. As things start to get better, I believe our community will still come out to support us.

For more information, visit

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Raritan Valley YMCAs events keep people healthy and active during tough times -

YMCA of Montclair Receives Grant from Investors Foundation to Launch Senior Health and Wellness Program –

The YMCA of Montclair recently received a $7,500 grant from Investors Foundation at its Park Street Branch on March 17, 2021. The grant will help further the Ys mission of healthy living by serving seniors and vulnerable populations.

The YMCA of Montclairs Senior Hour program will exclusively serve up to 500 seniors and medically vulnerable populations at the Park Street YMCA.

The Y will offer seniors and those in chronic disease programs for diabetes and high blood pressure, exclusive access to exercise equipment, group-ex classes such as chair yoga, and the swimming pool.

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"Our Y continues to maximize safety and minimizes risk so our senior members and chronic disease program participants can improve their physical health by exercising, but also their mental health by reducing feelings of isolation and anxiety," said Buddy Evans, President and CEO of the YMCA of Montclair.


About the YMCA of MontclairThe YMCA of Montclair welcomes all. We are a nonprofit that strengthens individuals, families, and community by developing spirit, mind, and body. We focus on healthy living, social responsibility, and youth development. Serving Bloomfield, Bloomingdale, Clifton, Cedar Grove, Glen Ridge, Haskell, Montclair, Verona, and West Milford. For more information, please visit

About Investors BankInvestors Bank, headquartered in Short Hills, New Jersey, is a full-service community bank that has been serving customers since 1926. With over $27 billion in assets and a network of more than 150 retail branches, Investors Bank delivers personalized services and products tailored to the needs of its customers. Investors Banks services include complete deposit, loan and cash management products for consumers and businesses. Investors Bank. Member FDIC and Equal Housing Lender.

About the Investors FoundationInvestors Bank created the Investors Foundation in 2005 to support the communities Investors Bank serves. Investors Foundation supports initiatives in the arts, youth development, health and human services, education and affordable housing.The Investors Foundation works to improve the lives of its neighbors and communities across the banks footprint.For more information, please visit

Pictured left to right: Samantha Selody, Investors Bank Assistant Vice President and Branch Manager; Buddy Evans, YMCA of Montclair President and CEO; Alicia Robinson, Investors Bank Assistant Vice President and Branch Manager; Anneke Demarest, YMCA of Montclair Chief Development Officer; Jos Lastra, YMCA of Montclair Chief Financial Officer

YMCA of Montclair Receives Grant from Investors Foundation to Launch Senior Health and Wellness Program -