Summer of sweat: Could 2020 be Houstons sweatiest year? – Houston Chronicle

Its summertime in the city, and everyone has the same accessory.

Sadly, its not the fashionable caftan or a new pair of hiking sandals its sweat.

If youre in Houston right now, theres a big chance youre sweating while reading this article. If youre not, you will be because its 87-90 percent humidity and a high in the 90s every day for the rest of the month.

Wearing a mask? Yeah, youre sweating.

With coronavirus cases spiking in Houston, doctors recommend people avoid spending any time indoors with others who do not live in the same household unless its an essential errand like the doctors office, grocery store or pharmacy. Typical hot weather escapes, like air-conditioned movie theaters, bowling alleys or shopping malls, are a major risk even if you wear a mask the whole time.

If you want to socialize, its best to take it outside.

Weve got the guide for you to survive the Summer of Sweat.

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Source: Academy Sports and Outdoors

Sweat is mainly sodium chloride and water, said Dr. Rajani Katta, clinical assistant professor of medicine at Baylor College of Medicine and a board certified dermatologist.

And it is definitely good for us regardless of 100-plus degree days.

The main reason that humans sweat is we need to regulate our body temperature; its actually a really beautiful system, Katta said. When we overheat, our sweat glands produce more sweat. When it evaporates, it cools off our temperature.

Humidity does not make us sweat more, she said, but it does raise our body temperatures, which causes us to sweat more. Some bodies acclimate better to the heat and dont sweat as much as others.

Older people sweat less than younger people, which puts them at an increased risk for heat exhaustion and heat stroke, Katta said.

On Guide to Working Out Outdoors

Sweat gets a bad wrap as the cause of bodily odor, but thats not the case either. The reason we smell it is because of bacteria that combines with the moisture to create odor.

People have sweat glands all over the body, but the main ones are in the armpits, palms and soles of our feet. Typically, there is no health problem for people who sweat too much from their underarms or palms, she said. Its more of a social issue than a physical one.

Theres no evidence that sweat provides anything helpful, but some studies suggest that sweat does help your skin barrier stay functioning well and helps deliver moisturizing factors to your skin, Katta said.

But if you exercise hard enough to sweat, you are increasing blood flow to your skin which is a good thing.

The universal tip for staying alive and well? Drink water.

Since sweat is comprised of 90 percent water and 10 percent sodium, we need to replenish as quickly as we lose it. This means, drinking lots of water before going outside and especially before exercising.

If youre not sweating, thats a danger sign.

Its a sign your body is trying to conserve its hydration, Katta said. Your body needs to sweat in Houston especially.

Avoid the hottest hours of the day (between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m.) when exercising outdoors, said Shelby Saylor, association director of healthy living at the YMCA of Greater Houston. Most of the Ys group exercise classes have been moved outside since reopening in June.

Drink water the entire time if you can, and add in electrolytes via sports drinks like Gatorade or Powerade, or Pedialyte, which was initially created for sick children but is now marketed to active adults. Saylor makes Pedialyte popsicles at home.

When exercising outside, watch out for signs of heat-related illness: headache, skin that is cool to the touch and a lack of sweat. If you experience these, stop what youre doing, find shade and drink water.

A good rule for hydration is drink half of your body weight in ounces of water each day, Saylor said.

On How to work out in a mask

You can also eat your water by upping your intake of vegetables (cucumbers, lettuce, tomatoes) and fruit (watermelon, pineapple, blueberries, cantaloupe, grapefruit and pears).

Avoid overheating by keeping a cold, wet towel with you to put on your neck or forehead.

Its really not just about sweat, but hydration and how you motivate yourself to stay hydrated, Saylor said. Sweat all you want, just replenish it.

All it takes is a 10 minutes in the sun to sweat through your shirt, and then you smell for the rest of the day.

When Megan and Kyle Eddings exercise, they do more than glisten its a sweat fest. Which is why Megan developed the Accel Lifestyle brand with a new fabric called Prema that does not smell.

When washing his clothes, I noticed I couldnt get the funk and smell of sweat out; it was like a sweaty locker room, Eddings said about her husband. I used to think that sweat is full of gross stuff, but its really not. Its the bacteria mixed with sweats nutrients and the fabric youre wearing.

Bacteria loves polyester synthetic fabrics and will cling to them even after several washes.

Eddings learned which materials and fabrics invited bacteria the common denominator in the stink problem. Prema is a combination of supima cotton, which gets softer the more times it is washed, and high-end silver-polyester threads.

In addition to clothing, Accel Lifestyle has sold and shipped 400,000 face masks made with either Prema or another bacterial-resistant fabric, Eddings said. She has contracted with Houston Methodist and the U.S. military.

Its breathable and safe with a double layer of non-bacteria fabric, which makes you less apt to get rashes, she said. When you wash your mask, youre not washing out all the bacteria. But with ours, the bacteria isnt clinging to the fabric.

There are plenty of sweat-wicking products on the market from familiar brands.

Nikes sweat-wicking brand, DRI FIT, includes shirts, shorts, pants, jackets and sports bras. The fabric is polyester designed to wick away sweat and disperse it evenly throughout the surface of the garment, so that it evaporates quickly, according to the company.

Magellan, BCBG and Adidas have similar offerings, including caps, socks and underwear.

More here:
Summer of sweat: Could 2020 be Houstons sweatiest year? - Houston Chronicle

SD Loyal and others reveal plans for Midway Sport Arena site – – KUSI

SAN DIEGO (KUSI) San Diego Loyal SC announced Monday its proposed plan for a new stadium and asked for voter support as the city of San Diego seeks to redevelop the 48-acre Sports Arena site in the Midway neighborhood.

The proposed stadium for the SD Loyal would serve as a temporary home for the first-year soccer team, which currently plays home matches at Torero Stadium.

The plan the team has endorsed the Midway Sport and Entertainment District is one of two plans being considered. The other is the Brookfield Property Development Concept with ASM Global.

San Diegans can view the plans and provide input on the proposals until July 20 at virtual-open-house.

A city selection committee will choose one of the proposals to recommend to Mayor Kevin Faulconer, whose staff will then negotiate a deal with the winning developer.

According to the Midway camp, its plan is a community-centric vision for a vibrant mixed-use space to revitalize an aging area of San Diego. In addition to the new temporary soccer stadium, it features a music venue, housing, retail, restaurants and is anchored by a new 12-acre public park. The $125 million renovation of the arena would also include a 3,500-seat music venue and 1,500 residences.

The stadium in the Midway plan, which would be able to seat up to 15,000 fans, would break ground in 2022 if that proposal is selected. The stadium would be the home for the SD Loyal for seven to 10 years while the team works with the community to secure a permanent location in San Diego.

It would also require a 50-foot high building, which would necessitate voter approval in November to raise the Midway Districts building ceiling above the 30-foot limit currently in the area.

We are thrilled to announce our partnership with the Midway Sports and Entertainment District project and are proud to be asked to participate in such an innovative concept, said team President Warren Smith. We want our club to continue to be a pillar in the community by creating passion for active sports and healthy living. Were looking forward to the positive impact a project like this will have on the San Diego community by making it an even better place to live, work and play.

The Brookfield proposal envisions an environmental and more complete, sustainable San Diego community through affordability, density and transit. It includes five acres of parks and more than 2,000 affordable residential units but no plans for a separate soccer stadium.

We are confident that the ASM Global team will do the right thing, developing housing opportunities at all income levels, creating high quality local construction jobs keeping development investment dollars in the community, creating community benefits and much needed jobs and apprenticeship opportunities for San Diegans, veterans and targeted residents, said Tom Lemmon, business manager of the San Diego Building and Construction Trades Council.

Development on the Midway project would occur in three phases and be completed by 2029 at no cost to San Diego taxpayers. The $1 billion project would update the existing 48-acre Sports Arena site.

Our club cares for the growth of our San Diego community and the new district project provides a great opportunity to transform an underutilized area into a place that celebrates our passion for fun and fitness, Smith said. Our hope is that integrating with such a mixed-use space will help grow the fan base for not only the SD Loyal team but for soccer in general. San Diego is one of the largest soccer areas, and we want to reinvigorate fan passion for the sport.

The city began seeking proposals for the Sports Arena site in February and is now urging San Diegans to participate in selecting a winning proposal later this year.

Brookfield Properties and ASM Global have also formed an unprecedented partnership thatcombines global resources and expertise with more than 40 years doing business in San Diego.

Inspired by the vision of the Midway-Pacific Highway Community Plan and CompleteCommunities initiative, Brookfield and ASM Global propose to transform the Sports Arenaproperty into a vibrant, urban core for the Midway Community and San Diego that includes:

An activated entertainment, sports and cultural arena 5+ acres of public parks and recreation space 2,100+ residential units for families of all income levels near transit 590,000+ square feet of contemporary commercial and retail space

Continued here:
SD Loyal and others reveal plans for Midway Sport Arena site - - KUSI

Healthy Living: The Arc stocked up early to protect against COVID-19 – Norwich Bulletin

As Connecticuts mild winter rolled into spring, a new virus was slinking westward. Most Americans had yet to hear of coronavirus. But a New London helicopter mom named Laurie Herring Thomen was all over it.

Her son Jesse was in Asia post-college. As Laurie tracked Jesses travels through December, she grew alarmed. "Before they ever named it COVID," she says, "I was hearing about it, and it was scary as hell."

Note to readers: All of The Bulletins coverage of coronavirus is being provided for free to our readers. Please consider supporting local journalism by subscribing to The Bulletin at

Chief Operations and Quality Officer of The Arc Eastern Connecticut, Herring Thomen moved quickly to buy personal protective equipment (PPE). "I began ordering in January when PPE was not difficult to get. I ordered it as a precaution. I had a sense of it, but I didnt have a real sense of it, or I would have ordered a lot more."

The Arc Eastern Connecticut serves over 700 people with intellectual and developmental disabilities, nearly 100 of them in 24-hour homes operating seven days a week. Connecticuts Department of Developmental Services (DDS) ensures quality for approximately 195 service providers like The Arc statewide. By March, DDS mandates for PPE were in effect.

As The Arcs service network began eating up PPE, prices skyrocketed. Supplies grew short. "It would last long enough to get another supply in," Herring Thomen says. "Its easier now. In the beginning, you had to hunt high and low."

"Every bit of PPE you offer staff helps them feel calmer," she adds. "When I show up with 60 gowns and a mask and a bottle of Purell for each one, that goes a long way. The team is grateful. They are not happy about having to wear masks, but they get it."

The Arcs PPE inventory includes 10,000 isolation gowns; 12,000 masks; 45,000 pairs of gloves; 700 face shields; and 300 pairs of goggles. The biggest challenge is cost. The agencys last order for 5,000 isolation gowns totaled $24,000. Luckily, the Community Foundation of Eastern Connecticut stepped in with an $11,500 PPE grant, essentially cutting that bill in half.

"PPE is about saving lives," Herring Thomen says. "Not just about protecting me but protecting you. It would be nice if the community understood that as well."

Kathleen Stauffer is chief executive officer of The Arc Eastern Connecticut. For information on The Arc, go to For more articles by this author visit

Go here to read the rest:
Healthy Living: The Arc stocked up early to protect against COVID-19 - Norwich Bulletin

Investing $3000 in These 2 Value Stocks Would Be a Smart Move – The Motley Fool Canada

With all the devastation resulting from the market crashamid the pandemic, most investors have seen double-digit losses in their portfolios. However, the market correction has also opened up opportunities for investors to make substantial profits. It is all a matter of finding the ideal high-quality stocks that can give you massive returns.

If you have $3,000 in savings, I would suggest a better use for the cash than letting it sit idle. There are two excellent equities you can consider adding to your portfolio to enjoy the fruits of your labour by capitalizing on the returns.

There are two certainties in life: death and taxes. When it comes to the former, there is one stock you need to capitalize on to make substantial profits, so you have an easier time paying off the taxes.

Shares of Park Lawn (TSX:PLC) have taken a hit amid the pandemic. At writing, the stock is down 23.57% from the start of the year. Park Lawn is the only publicly traded funeral home and cemetery company that trades on the TSX. Despite the sell-off affecting its share prices, the company continues to report substantial sales and earnings growth.

In its most recent quarter, the company experienced 47.5% growth in its revenues and a 41.7% increase in its adjusted net earnings. The decline in its share price is not something to worry about. It actually presents an excellent entry point for investors who have a long-term horizon.

The company continues to expand its portfolio of funeral homes and cemetery properties to gain an edge in the industry. It also offers a juicy 2.02% dividend yield to shareholders with monthly payouts.

Jamieson Wellness (TSX:JWEL) has performed well on the stock market. The broad market sell-off did not seem to have an impact on the share price of this company. At writing, the stock is up by a massive 42.01% from the start of 2020.

The stock has fared well due to its strong operational performance and a healthy outlook moving forward. There is an increasing awareness about the importance of healthy living amid the pandemic. The companys expansion into international markets and a growing concern for healthy living is giving a massive boost in demand for its products.

In its most recent quarter, the companys revenues increased by 16.5%, and its adjusted EBITDA grew by 15.2%. While Jamieson Wellness shares are more expensive, I think it can still witness substantial growth on the back of its excellent performances.

The company also offers a decent 1.21% dividend yield, but its potential capital gains are where the real profits can lie for investors.

I think that now is a good time to buy high-quality stocks for a bargainon the TSX. With economies slowly opening up across the country, there is a high chance that investments like Park Lawn and Jamieson Wellness can give you fantastic returns in the long run.

Fool contributor Adam Othman has no position in any of the stocks mentioned.

See original here:
Investing $3000 in These 2 Value Stocks Would Be a Smart Move - The Motley Fool Canada

The Stress Impact Of COVID-19: 5 Ways To Cope And Protect Your Health – Milwaukee Community Journal

The millions of infections and hundreds of thousands of deaths that the COVID-19 pandemic has brought globally are creating stress over everything from personal health to employment, lifestyle, and finances.

Given these difficult circumstances, its more important than ever for people to know about coping mechanisms to better manage stress, protect their immune system, and increase their chances of staying healthy, says Dr. Nammy Patel, DDS (, author of Age With Style: Your Guide To A Youthful Smile & Healthy Living.

COVID is maximizing stress for so many people, Dr. Patel says. It has a far-reaching impact into every part of our lives, and if we dont manage the stress, it severely affects our bodily systems causing burned-out adrenals, high cortisol, and thyroid issues, to name a few consequences of high-stress levels. Thus, the immune system is lowered, and we are more vulnerable to illness.

This era we are living in is very traumatic, and its very concerning. In dentistry, gum disease, sleep disturbances or apnea, and teeth breakage can all be evidence of stress. Poor oral health, as studies show, can be a gateway to medical issues. People often dont identify how much stress theyre under, and how its affecting them physically, until they actually get sick.

Dr. Patel has the following suggestions people can incorporate into their daily lives to better deal with stress:

The disruption of daily life by COVID-19 has caused us to rethink many things that we do, Dr. Patel says. How we deal with stress needs to be a priority now, and its not overly difficult if you develop good daily habits.

About Dr. Nammy Patel, DDS

Dr. Nammy Patel, DDS ( operates a practice called Green Dentistry in San Francisco and is the author of Age With Style: Your Guide To A Youthful Smile & Healthy Living. A graduate of the University of Californias School of Dentistry, she is a leader in the movement to bring environmental sanity and well-being into the dental world. Dr. Patel focuses on helping patients recognize the vital connection between dental health and whole body health.

The rest is here:
The Stress Impact Of COVID-19: 5 Ways To Cope And Protect Your Health - Milwaukee Community Journal

The Netherlands aims to have the most healthy generation in the world – NL Times

Twenty health organizations and the Netherlands Lottery have joined forces with the goal of making the Netherlands generation of young people the healthiest in the world by 2040, sports comittee NOC*NSF announced. This involves both physical and mental health.

The initiative was launched after a report by public health institute RIVM showed that if Dutch people keep living as they do now, more than half will be chronically ill in 20 years.

According to NOC*NSF, a plan is being constructed to allow every youngster to keep in shape by playing sports. Energy is alsobeing put into mental health and diets.

We are going to develop activities to ensure that young people play more sports, exercise more, and live healthier. And not because they have to, but because they want to," GeraldDielessen,director ofNOC*NSF, said.

We are also going to make a contribution to a healthy environment where youngsters get tempted and helped to make healthy decisions Dielessen added.

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The Netherlands aims to have the most healthy generation in the world - NL Times

Weight watchers guide to healthy food habits – The Kathmandu Post

Considering the photos of food that decked social media walls during the initial months of lockdown, we can easily perceive that we indulged in savouring homemade delicacies. "Whats cooking today?" was the question that ruled the conversation among food enthusiasts until recently, if not now. With months of food trials and minimal movement, most of us have put on weight and lost our abs to the cloud of abdominal fat. Given the slow but steady ride to normalcy, the most asked question now is What diet are you following?

There are a number of diet plansranging from vegan diet to paleo diet and each one has its own benefits to lure you in. Sushila Sharma, Dietitian at Diet Counseling Service Centre, Sanepa advises sticking to 'healthy eating habits' rather than opting for a trendy diet plan. She says, "Diet needs to be taken as the set of food items that our body requires to function well. Occasional intervention is required only when some health issues arise."

The contemporary mainstream social media influencers following and promoting a certain diet; continuous tweets and retweets on how it will save the earth, numerous subreddits solely dedicated to their food habits, not to forget YouTube blogs that share similar contents are some of the biggest contributors of getting different diet programmes to trend in the digital world.

The most famous one at present is the plant-based regime. The vegan diet is all about excluding animal products from your plates and pantriesincluding meat, eggs, and dairy products. It attempts to exclude all forms of animal exploitation; so this is considered a cleaner, greener, and more ethical way of living.

Itchya Karki, beauty and skin educator, who turned vegan two years ago, believes that being vegan is ethical. Just because something has been passed down for 100 years, doesnt mean its right. Its about choices and Im glad I choose to lead a vegan lifestyle, she said. She also shares that the myth that vegan diet is expensive is pretty common but the classic dal-bhat combo is vegan, readily available and economically sustainable.

Another diet plan thats taking the internet by storm is the keto diet. The main basis of this regime is low-carbohydrate and high-protein intake. It involves drastically reducing carbohydrate intake and replacing it with fat.

Shiba Magar, 20, whos been on a keto diet for the past six months swears by it and has even recommended it to a few of her friends. Vanessa Hudgens, one of my favourite actors, is on a keto diet. Her transformation was noteworthy so I gave it a try too, says Shiba. Ive managed to get rid of some of my baby fats and I think I will continue this diet for the next six months.

A ketogenic diet typically limits carbs to 2050 grams per day. While this may seem challenging, many nutritious foods can easily fit into this way of eating. Meat and poultry are considered staple foods on a keto diet so comparatively it sounds like a fair deal. Besides that, cheese, avocados, eggs, nuts like almonds, cashews, pistachios and walnuts, unsweetened tea and coffee, dark chocolate are popular amongst the keto diet groups.

But are there any diet plans where one wont have to sacrifice a certain food group? There sure is. Intermittent fasting, which basically follows a 16:8 ratio, where one goes 16 hours a day without food and then eat normally for the next eight hours, is not a new thing in religious communities, who fast on specific day or days in a week. This diet plan has been endorsed by celebrities all over the world and has had a wide level of public acceptance as well.

Fashion blogger Parakram SJB Rana considers intermittent fasting as a life healing practice. I make sure to keep at least a 16-hour gap from my last meal of the day till the first meal of the following day, he says. I do, however, sip unsweetened black coffee or black tea in the 16 hour period.

Whichever diet you are following or plan to follow, dietitian Sharma emphasises on consistency. But does that mean one should stick to a certain diet chart throughout their life? Calorie intake alone need not be blamed for weight gain; a stable lifestyle is equally responsible for it. Ones healthy eating habit should be in tandem with regular exercise as well," Sharma said.

See the original post here:
Weight watchers guide to healthy food habits - The Kathmandu Post

For the love of healthy living | NZBusiness Magazine | The Business Magazine For NZ SME – NZ Business

Forty Thieves owners Brent and Shyr Godfrey successfully steered their business through the pandemic storm and are now planning for a brighter future with new markets and new products.

n the day Jacinda Ardern announced New Zealands nationwide lockdown numerous customer emails suddenly appeared in Shyr Godfreys inbox, including one from Foodstuffs, all stating their expectations for ongoing product supply.

That was both fortunate and frightening, she recalls, because we didnt know what the future would bring.

Luckily the nut-based products produced by Forty Thieves, the Hibiscus Coast-based company that she started with husband Brent in 2016, are regarded as essential food items.

Rather than facing declining sales, as many businesses did amongst all the panic-buying for staples, Shyr says their sales went crazy over the lockdown period.

At the time of writing (two weeks into Level 2) Forty Thieves products such as the award-winning Salted Macadamia with Maple and Vanilla, and Chai Spiced Almond were still selling strong, and plans well advanced for upgrading to a larger factory.

Shyr and Brent first met in 2008 and both ended up working in Sydney Shyr was in graphic design, Brent in market research. They subsequently travelled the world, and learnt how to exist frugally which they say proved to be a great discipline for the early days of Forty Thieves.

Brainstorming business ideas back in New Zealand led to the idea of producing a range of nutrient-rich nut butters (think almonds, peanuts, macadamias) which they refer to as the original superfoods. It fitted in nicely with the fact that they both share a passion for fitness and healthy living (with Brent an experienced athlete) and sustainability (no plastic to see here!).

To get the business off the ground the couple chose the traditional route: rent a commercial kitchen by the hour, produce their own labelling, and then blitz various Farmers markets.

This strategy achieved product validation and it was on to health stores and food shows including the prestigious New Zealand Food Show, a deal with Farro Fresh, and finally, the big breakthrough: Foodstuffs supermarkets (New World and Pak n Save).

And the very day that Shyr was interviewed by NZBusiness, they received the green light to run an initial trial with Countdown.

Before they could afford sales reps to do the work for them, it was hard graft for Brent and Shyr over six months to get the brand established in the supermarkets. They were the face of the business, even for in-store tastings.

A lot of people start with an excellent product and then look to make it into a business, explains Shyr. But we knew we had the complementary skills and drive to do something different. We went the other way asking what do we love and what can we take to market? With our design and finance backgrounds we knew we could set ourselves apart from day one.

Lessons with hindsight

Looking back on the whole experience, Shyr and Brent believe its important not to become too attached to your products. Our first four products are no longer produced, says Shyr. And when we eventually switched focus to pure almond butter, sales went through the roof.

The lesson here is to listen to your customers right from day one. If a product isnt selling, then move on to others that will sell.

Those first products may get you established at the markets, but then its important to establish validation to gather research and feedback first-hand and act on it, she adds, which is why they eventually decided to introduce their own peanut butter.

Its also interesting to note that everything that sold well at the Farmers Markets went on to sell well at the supermarkets. Those markets are a great way to launch and test products and get instant feedback before you take on investment, develop new in-house infrastructure or buy additional equipment.

The key to marketing success is to be customer centric, says Shyr thats taking a customer is always right attitude and dealing with complaints immediately.

Its also about the two of them being the aforementioned face of the business, and about maintaining the highest standards possible around design, packaging, photography and marketing collateral. All to reflect their products premium positioning and highest quality ingredients.

Covids challenges

With some of their staff unable to work under lockdown and baby Natalia to care for, taking the business through Level 4 restrictions reminded Shyr and Brent of their early days.

It was very stressful, but you just had to make the most of the situation, says Shyr. We were just stoked that we could keep going.

They decided to switch focus to their online marketing and, after cutting costs and offering free shipping, watched online sales increase by up to 400 percent in one month.

The lockdown delayed their trial with Countdown, as supermarkets switched focus from new products to basics. But all the market uncertainty didnt stop the couple pressing ahead with new products covering new categories.

Theyve also been succeeding in offshore markets with shipments to the US and China before the lockdown, and sales to Australian customers via Amazon.

Another positive from the lockdown was the opportunity not just to focus on marketing and production, but experience some enforced lifestyle. Suddenly we were forced to stay home and take daily walks along the beach. It all helped us to remember why we got into our own business in the first place. It was an opportunity to step back a little, refocus, and think about our goals for the next five years, says Shyr.

The couples advice to other small business owners still feeling their way through the disruption is to stay positive and assess the landscape. Can you develop online sales? Should you readjust your product offering or the channels you sell through?

And how can you look after your customers more? Forty Thieves offered free shipping. People were really thankful for that, remembers Shyr.

Exciting times ahead

Shyr and Brent have every reason to be excited about Forty Thieves future. Their new factory in Stanmore Bay comes with better equipment and greater efficiencies and will also provide the capability to enter new product categories.

Additional supermarket sales will boost revenues, and with some serious marketing in offshore markets such as Australia, the US, UK and China, export sales are also tipped to grow.

Forty Thieves is also riding the new wave of popularity for plant-based products that are good for people and good for the planet.

In a nutshell, there are no shortcuts when youre in business for the long haul.

Read more:
For the love of healthy living | NZBusiness Magazine | The Business Magazine For NZ SME - NZ Business

Healthy Living: Seven weight loss ‘myths’ you need to stop believing – Longford Leader

Has lockdown left your clothes feeling a little more snug? According to a survey by Kings College London and IPSOS Mori, 48% of people in the UK say theyve seen the scales creeping up during the pandemic.

Understandably, many of us have turned to food for comfort, plus our lifestyles suddenly became much more sedentary and giving ourselves a hard time for gaining a bit of weight is the last thing anyone needs.

But if you are thinking about embarking on a post-lockdown health kick, its a good idea to approach it sensibly.

So much is said about losing weight that its hard to know what advice you can trust. Between crash diets, Instagram fads and demonised food groups, theres a lot of conflicting information. Weight loss myths prevail and theyre particularly rife at the moment, with many people looking for ways to shed the extra pounds gained during the heightened stress of lockdown.

To help you on your way, we asked some experts to talk us through some of the most common weight loss myths

1. You can target problem areas

Many people have a part of their body theyre unhappy with, and targeting these so-called problem areas can often be a main motivator in their weight loss journey but regimes that promise to tackle specific areas are misleading.

Unfortunately, if your goal is to solely lose weight off somewhere specific, like your tummy, youre probably going to experience disappointment, says David Wiener, training specialist at Freeletics ( Weight is lost by eating a healthy, balanced diet along with regular exercise, but everyone is different and you cant predict where the fat will be shed from first.

Adding exercises that target the abs and core can help to tone muscle in this area, however, but fat loss is part of a bigger picture.

2. Carbs should be avoided

Most fad or celebrity diets always revolve around cutting out specific food groups, such as carbs, claiming that its a fast-track solution to weight loss, says Wiener.

Carbohydrates are a really important part of a balanced diet though. Wiener explains theyre the bodys main source of energy for the brain, and they also contain essential dietary fibre, which aids in digestion.

While they may [sometimes] be the higher calorie option on paper, the reality is carbs make you feel fuller for longer, which means youre less likely to binge on snacks throughout the day, Wiener adds.

3. Some foods speed up metabolism

The popular theory goes that the faster your metabolism, the more calories you burn and the easier it is to keep weight off. Foods and drinks such as green tea and protein-rich foods are renowned for being good at speeding up your metabolism, says Weiner, who warns that spiking your metabolism only lasts for a few hours at a time. These processes need energy; the amount of energy they need is dependent on an individuals body size, age, gender and genes.

So, while it may be possible for certain foods to spike your metabolism shortly after they are ingested, there is no scientific proof that they are beneficial for your overall metabolism.

4. Biology has no effect on weight loss

Weiner stresses that everybody is different when it comes to weight loss, and theres no simple one size fits all rule. Peoples bodies are affected differently because of varying metabolisms, hormones and muscle mass. Some diets or training regimes will have great success with some people and not with others, he says. You could take more time to lose weight than others, and thats totally fine. Just be patient and trust the process.

5. Detoxing is good for you

Detoxing often largely revolves around cutting out most of your usual food and just having detox juice or shakes instead. Although trendy, health experts often advise caution.

Jo Travers, registered dietitian and author of The Low-Fad Diet, says: A healthy, balanced diet is called such because it is healthy and balanced. When you cut certain foods, it ceases to be balanced and by definition, this means the gut isnt getting what it needs.

A juice detox is a key example. There is very little protein content in juice, so your body will be forced to break down muscle in order to complete important processes like making hormones, enzymes and neurotransmitters. This is usually why people rapidly lose weight on a juice fast; its mainly muscle.

6. Fats are bad when trying to lose weight

Just like carbs, fats often have a bad reputation in the world of dieting. Its not fat that makes you gain weight, its simply eating too many calories that makes you gain weight, says personal trainer Elliott Upton.

One important thing to remember with fats is they contain more calories than protein and carbs, so theyre just easier to overeat there are nine calories per gram of fat, compared to just four calories per gram with carbs and protein.

Certain fats are also very good for us and essential for healthy function. Losing weight and living a lean and healthy lifestyle actually requires some essential fats in your diet. Plus, fays become even more important if youre reducing your intake of carbs, as a low-fat and low-carb diet together is not sustainable, adds Upton.

He says healthy fats are vital to hormone production and they aid in the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins like A, D, E and K.

You should avoid man-made trans fats, which can be pro-inflammatory and are associated with myriad health complications. Healthy sources of fat to include in your weight loss diet are oily fish, like salmon and mackerel; nuts, like cashews, walnuts and almonds; seeds, like chia flax and sesame; and butters and oils.

7. Losing weight should always be a linear process

Losing weight is not always a straightforward and quick journey. Rather than quick-fix diets and fast weight loss, instead think in terms of a general lifestyle change that takes time.

As Wiener explains: Its normal for peoples weight to fluctuate up and down. For example, people are generally lighter in the morning than in the evening. And for women, holding onto water weight can often become more significant during their menstrual cycle.

The bottom line is that making small lifestyle changes and adopting healthy habits over time can help you lose weight in a sustainable, healthy and enjoyable way.

If youre concerned about your weight, its a good idea to speak to your GP, who can give you further advice on losing weight sensibly at home.

Healthy Living: Seven weight loss 'myths' you need to stop believing - Longford Leader

How local health departments work, and how Iowa can make them better – The Gazette

On an unseasonably warm Iowa morning in early March, I met with my public health team to talk about the spread of a new coronavirus. I had just returned from an invited briefing in the White House for local and state health officials.

I called another meeting with the two area hospitals. The third meeting I held was with the Emergency Management Agency. And a few more followed.

A novel coronavirus, later coined as SARS-CoV-2, had just begun its relentless maraud in the United States, and it was just a matter of time before it would hit Iowa and Linn County.

We were looking at an exploding public health emergency. We needed to respond immediately.

Then my mother fell ill, half way around the world, in India. I needed to go. For the entire week, the Indian embassy did not reply to my repeated requests for a visa. And, then, India shut down its air transport. I could not go.

In late February, CDC reported a mere 14 cases of COVID-19 in six states. But by mid-March, a robust community transmission of the virus that causes COVID-19, had accelerated. On March 20, LCPH announced its first cases here in Linn County. Today we have nearly 1,900 cases. COVID-19 outbreaks in Linn County have been recorded in five long term care facilities. We have also lost 87 of our neighbors. More than 800 Iowans and 146,000 Americans have succumbed to this deadly virus. Transmission in Linn County continues.

Currently, were noticing cases surge. While Linn County residents are out and about, at work and social gatherings, an acceleration of infection is taking place, creating a challenge to your local health agency. A surge also means our hospitals may face capacity challenges (supplies, ICU beds and ventilators). In coming days, as we continue to reopen public activities and businesses, the number will continue to grow in Linn County and across the nation, which is certain to strain local health departments.

Any health crisis tests the capacity and limits of a local health department, which is at the front lines. Our job is to protect the health of all and prevent the spread of disease in our jurisdictions, often without adequate resources.


Public health response is a team sport. LCPH has been working with many other partners so that staff and resources are pooled together. We rely on local agencies such as emergency management, municipalities, hospitals, law enforcement and fire department to join hands.

Linn County Public Health has worked to successfully build foundational public health capacity, thanks to Board of Health and Board of Supervisors. Today, our community is reaping the benefits. We have added nearly nine staff and new infrastructural capacity of epidemiology, assessment, research, evaluation, informatics communication and policy development, along with a new, world-class building.

Your health department is also about partnership with state and federal agencies, meaning we can continuously detect cases and trace contacts. Our response also includes implementation of multiple community mitigation strategies put forth by our state and federal partners such as Iowa Department of Public Health and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

The local health departments perform a wide range of services without being visible. The water that we drink, the food that we eat and the air that we breathe are safer because of our work.

We assess health needs, develop health plans, immunize, educate about healthy living, and provide forum for dialogue in our communities to improve health of all, especially those who are on the margins. All of these core services must be continued while we respond to COVID-19. Plus, our staff must answer calls from frightened residents, tell people to self-quarantine, check on the infected every day, trace the contacts of those who are infected, and advise the businesses, municipalities and schools about reopening. And we combat misinformation in real time.

Still, local public health infrastructure in Iowa remains inadequate. Years of funding cuts and severe limitations on categorical grant funding have taken a toll.

A third funding source, which was established after 9/11, is Public Health Emergency Preparedness (PHEP), a federal program. But it offers scattered support to local health departments and cumbersome program rules have presented bureaucratic challenges.

Remember, when it comes to outbreak response, local health departments are at the front lines. But when it comes to funding, resources and communications, we are at the end of the line. Can we change this?


It would be prudent to develop laws for local health agencies authorizing a better response to major public health emergencies. Here are a few suggestions to develop a robust public health infrastructure.

1. Invest in public health workforce development. Often public health professionals come from an array of disciplines. They need to be trained into the core public health functions and essential services.

2. Appoint at least one trained epidemiologist in each local or district health department, who is capable of making use of data for assessing risk to enhance decision making, especially in emerging public health emergencies.

3. Establish direct two-way communication lines with federal partners such as CDC, FDA and FEMA to ensure the consistency and effectiveness of information and local decision-making.

4. Expand Iowas State Hygienic Laboratorys capacity using new technologies so that timely testing and results can be obtained to assure rapid recognition and response.

5. Ensure governing boards are independent, without political agendas, to promote scientific data-driven response and policies.

6. Governing boards of health should have legislatively mandated authority to make local decisions based on local needs, such as shelter-in-place to protect publics health.

7. Municipalities in larger counties in Iowa should consider assisting their health departments with resources.


In the meantime, your health department continues to strongly urge our residents to wear cloth face coverings, watch your distance and wash your hands to reduce/avoid the spread of COVID-19.

As far as my mother, she is resting at home, back from the hospital, still with uncertain prognosis. I havent seen her in nearly two years. As soon as the air transport opens, Ill be on the first plane departing for India.

Pramod Dwivedi is health director for Linn County Public Health.

Excerpt from:
How local health departments work, and how Iowa can make them better - The Gazette

RGV cities cited again for health efforts – Monitor

HARLINGEN Once again, the Valley is being awarded for being healthy.

The cities of McAllen, Harlingen and Los Fresnos were all winners of the 2020 Its Time Texas Community Challenge, Texas annual healthy living competition.

More than 33,000 Texans signed on to compete on behalf of their cities in the first eight weeks of 2020.

McAllen placed in the top of its Large Sized city category (cities with populations 100K-300K); Harlingen placed in the top of its Mid-Sized city category (cities with populations of 40,001 100,000) and Los Fresnos placed top in its Small Sized city category (cities with populations 5K-40K).

Harlingen Mayor Chris Boswell said he was proud of the city of Harlingen and the Harlingen Consolidated Independent School District for winning.

I think it is a great achievement for both of us to win. The school district has won over the last four years and I think it is important and especially now with the pandemic we continue to focus on the general health of our community, he said.

People can stay healthy and eat better and stand up better to this virus and their ability to cope with it would be better if they are healthy. We are going to continue to do this every year, I hope and get people into having a more active lifestyle, Boswell said.

Tracy Walker, senior director of marketing and communications for Its Time Challenge, said the challenge has been ongoing for seven years.

It is a challenge for communities to stay healthy. Harlingen has won its mid-sized category for its third year in a row and Los Fresnos has won for their second year in a row, she said.

It is so exciting to see the commitment of the residents of the Rio Grande Valley in those communities in making healthy changes, Walker said.

The challenge started in January and lasted through March of 2020. Participants logged their daily healthy choices online such as a workout, going for a walk or when they made a nutritious food choice, Walker added.

Both school districts won in their category. Harlingen won first place for the fourth year.

Los Fresnos won first place and this is their second consecutive winning year.

Because of COVID-19 local awards ceremonies have been postponed for the winning communities and school districts. However, they will be treated to a Zoom celebration and digital dance party on Wednesday at 2 p.m. The free celebration will feature giveaways. The link to register is

It is free for anyone to participate whether you were in the community challenge or not. It is a community celebration of health, she said.

We will be honoring those winning communities at that time to highlight the commitment to health in 2020 and I think it is especially important now in preventing chronic disease, Walker said.

Read the original here:
RGV cities cited again for health efforts - Monitor

Osteoporosis Prevention: Here’s What You Need To Do To Control Your Risk – Doctor NDTV

Osteoporosis prevention: Several diet and lifestyle modifications can help you prevent the risk of osteoporosis. Here are some tips you need to know for healthy bones.

Osteoporosis makes your bones weak and brittle

Osteoporosis is a condition that affects bones. In this condition, the bones become weak and brittle. In some cases, the bones become so brittle that even a mild fall, coughing or sneezing can cause a fracture. Osteoporosis can develop at any age but most cases are reported in older adults especially in women. If left untreated the disease can cause difficulty in performing day to day activities such as walking or standing. Osteoporosis can develop due to certain medical conditions. Factors like age, menopause and family history may also play a role that cannot be controlled.

Some factors can be controlled with the right prevention. Diet and lifestyle play a role in controlling osteoporosis risk. In this article, you will learn about different prevention methods you can follow to control the risk.

Exercise is important for your overall health including your bones. You need to exercise your bones too to keep them in good shape. Weight-bearing exercises can make your bones stronger. You can try exercises like aerobics, dancing, jogging, running and yoga. Strength training is also beneficial for your bones.

Also read:Osteoporosis Prevention: Eliminate These Foods From Your Diet To Reduce The Risk Of Osteoporosis

You might have heard this a thousand times that drink more milk for your bones. Milk is one of the best sources of calcium that is responsible for building and maintaining healthy bones. Not just milk, other dairy products are also good sources of calcium. Several non-dairy products like green leafy vegetables are also a good source of calcium.

Ensure adequate calcium intake for healthy bonesPhoto Credit: iStock

With calcium, you should also ensure the intake of vitamin D as it is responsible for better absorption of calcium from the diet consumed. Studies also suggest that insufficient intake of calcium and vitamin D can increase the risk of osteoporosis.

Smoking is harmful to your bones too. It increases the chances of bone loss and fractures. If you are finding it difficult to quit smoking, you must seek medical help as smoking is linked with multiple chronic conditions. You should also control your alcohol consumption for healthy bones.

If you experience more fractures than others of your age or if you are women above the age of 65 then you must get your bone density checked. It will help you seek medical assistance at an early stage.


Also read:What Causes Bone Loss? Increase Bone Density By Making These Healthy Lifestyle Changes

Disclaimer: This content including advice provides generic information only. It is in no way a substitute for qualified medical opinion. Always consult a specialist or your own doctor for more information. NDTV does not claim responsibility for this information.

DoctorNDTV is the one stop site for all your health needs providing the most credible health information, health news and tips with expert advice on healthy living, diet plans, informative videos etc. You can get the most relevant and accurate info you need about health problems like diabetes, cancer, pregnancy, HIV and AIDS, weight loss and many other lifestyle diseases. We have a panel of over 350 experts who help us develop content by giving their valuable inputs and bringing to us the latest in the world of healthcare.

See the article here:
Osteoporosis Prevention: Here's What You Need To Do To Control Your Risk - Doctor NDTV

Healthy Living: Nutrition can have impact on your mental health – Leitrim Observer

For the last few weeks I've been writing about the link between your physical health and what you eat, but did you know that nutrition also has a big impact on your mood and mental health.

Although managing stress, anxiety and depression can be difficult, and there is no one size fits all solution, some people may benefit from seeing their doctor and following their recommendations while for others a more holistic approach may work better.

Regardless what route you decide to take, the right diet combined with appropriate lifestyle changes can have a profound impact on your mood.

A very large body of evidence now exists that suggests diet is as important to mental health as it is to physical health and a healthy diet has been shown to be protective whilst an unhealthy diet has been shown to be a risk factor for depression and anxiety.

If you have been reading my weekly column over the last couple of months you will have seen me regularly write about blood sugar balance, and how it can benefit your energy and weight loss.

An imbalance of blood sugar has also been linked to stress, anxiety and depression.

Did you know that up to 50% of low mood is down to blood sugar imbalances?

Learning how to manage your blood sugar is the key to having more energy, a better mood and controlling your weight . Feeling more confident about the way you look is in itself an excellent way to boost feelings of self-worth

So how do we balance our blood sugars?

Eat regularly, three main meals a day and two snacks if you need them (if going more than four hours between meals)

Eat protein with every meal or snack.

Choose low GL (glycaemic load) carbohydrates that keep your blood sugar level even and minimises mood-altering blood sugar dips.

So what foods help your mood?

Certain foods may play a role in the cause of mood disorders, or they may make symptoms worse.

A nutritious brain diet follows the same logic as a heart healthy regimen or weight control plan. You want to limit sugary and high-fat processed foods, and opt for nutritious foods that will provide you with, sufficient protein, giving you an optimum supply of essential amino acids.

Make sure to have some form of protein with every meal and snack.

High mood-boosting Vitamin B foods like nuts, seeds, beans and green leafy vegetables, which also include essential zinc and magnesium, are good for mental stability, as zinc helps control the bodys response to stress and low levels have been linked to depression.

It has been shown that people with low B12 levels have more brain inflammation and higher rates of depression and dementia.

Falling short on B vitamins has long been linked to low moods with studies suggesting there is a definite link between vitamin B and stress levels.

When we eat real food that nourishes us, it becomes the protein-building blocks, enzymes, brain tissue, and neurotransmitters that transfer information and signals between various parts of the brain and body.

Certain nutrients are linked to changes in a brain protein that helps increase connections between brain cells. A diet rich in nutrients like omega-3s and zinc boosts levels of this substance.

On the other hand, a diet high in trans fats and refined sugars has a very potent negative impact on brain proteins.

Few of us get enough omega-3 fats in our diet, and these are key to our mood and brain function. The dry weight of our brain is literally 60% fat - so not surprising that we depend on a daily intake of essential fats.

EPA, DPA and DHA all help build and rebuild your brain, and are part of the equation for happiness. The higher your blood levels of omega-3 fats, the higher your levels of the feel-good neurotransmitter serotonin are likely to be.

Omega-3 fats help build receptor sites as well as improving their function.

Sources of omega-3 fats: oily fish (salmon, trout, mackerel, sardines, cod, tuna, halibut), walnuts, chia seeds, flax seeds. Most plant sources of omega-3 do not contain the long-chain fatty acids mentioned above. Although the body can make those from short-chain omega-3s like the ones found in nuts and seeds conversion is poor and it is difficult to get enough omega-3 that way, therefore If you are vegetarian or vegan, consider taking an omega-3 supplement for example DHA from seaweed.

Last but certainly not least is the all-important gut health!

The human gut is lined with more than 100 million nerve cells, Yes, we have brain cells in our large intestines!

This explains why antibiotics which disturb the gut microbiome may interact with psychotropic medications, and influence our mood . This also explains why mood disorders are so prevalent in patients with irritable bowel syndrome.

Chemicals implicated in depression such as serotonin are also found in the gut; 90% of serotonin is manufactured in the digestive tract and not the brain. Many antidepressants work by increasing serotonin. It has been shown that gut bacteria produce many other neurotransmitters such as dopamine, norepinephrine, acetylcholine, and GABA, which are critical for mood, anxiety and motivation. The gut microbiome can cause changes in how our brains react.

Also, stress makes us more likely to develop mood disorders. And stress makes the gut more permeable to bacteria and this may lead to dysbiosisan imbalance of good to bad gut bacteria. In sum, depression is maybe caused by dysfunctional gut-brain-immune system interactions.

Good gut bacteria or the absence of some bad ones can make us more resilient to depressive states after stressors or trauma. It is not surprising that chronic exposure to stress is associated with a higher incidence of depression, anxiety and PTSD. But not everyone who faces stress develops a depression or anxiety , and not everyone who experiences a trauma develops PTSD, and may be due to the individuals gut health!

To help balance your gut bacteria introduce some fermented foods such as kefir, sauerkraut, kimchi, and yogurt with live active cultures, which provide good gut bacteria.

If you struggle to make changes to your diet or need help choosing the right supplement or probiotic for you, why not book an appointment with me, there is no time like the present, my clinic is back open and I am taking bookings for new and existing clients, so just pop me a message if you would like to schedule an appointment. contact details below.

Debbie Devane from The Nutri Coach is a qualified Nutritional Therapist and health & lifestyle coach, Debbie runs her clinic from the Glenard Clinic in Mountmellick and also offers one to one and group online consultations via zoom, so it doesnt matter what part of the country you are in! . Debbie is also Nutritionist to the Offaly GAA senior footballers. For more information or to make an appointment email Debbie at

Ph: 086-1720055

Facebook: The Nutri Coach @debbiedevanethenutricoach

Instagram: the_nutricoach

For more information go to

Read more:
Healthy Living: Nutrition can have impact on your mental health - Leitrim Observer

Here’s Your Guide To Maintaining Good Posture; Know Some Tips To Combat The Side Effects Of Prolonged Sitting – Doctor NDTV

Sitting for too long can take a toll on your overall health. Poor posture can worsen the condition. Expert explains tips to maintain right posture and how to control the side effects of sitting for too long.

Sitting for too long is linked with several health conditions

From a sedentary lifestyle to job requirements, there can be several possible reasons behind prolonged sitting. These challenging times have also lead to increased inactivity throughout the day. Sitting for long hours leads to muscle stiffness, chronic back and neck pains. Increased screen time is also one of the leading causes that leads to such issues more than the usual. Elevated stress levels, fewer opportunities for movement and upended routines are also some triggers of body aches. When sitting all day, poor posture worsens the side effects of prolonged sitting. It is a risk factor for several health conditions. Dr. Thirumalesh K Reddy, Lead Consultant, Joint Replacement, and Arthroscopic shares some tips to maintain right posture.

Also read: Sitting All Day? Mind Your Posture! Know Surprising Ill-Effects Of Bad Posture

Poor posture can lead to muscle stiffness and back painPhoto Credit: iStock

Also read:Poor Posture? Try This 15-Minute Posture Workout By Kayla Itsines

Physical activity of some sort, from simple stretching exercises to a brisk walk for 20 minutes is necessary. Yoga poses may also work wonders. It helps stretch properly and relieves pain. Regular exercise helps improve blood circulation to the affected area and reduces joint stiffness.

Exercise regularly for at least 30 minutes to stay fitPhoto Credit: iStock

Sometimes, mild heat therapy helps in improving joint function. A heating pad or even a thick towel dipped in warm water and wrapped over the affected area would help.

Maintain a nutritionally balanced diet with adequate intake of vitamins and minerals including calcium and vitamin D intake.

Maintaining proper spine alignment in all aspects of life is vital to preventing long-term, debilitating conditions. Total body wellness is the key to living a longer, healthier life free of pain and disease.


Also read: Exercise For Back Pain

Disclaimer: This content including advice provides generic information only. It is in no way a substitute for qualified medical opinion. Always consult a specialist or your own doctor for more information. NDTV does not claim responsibility for this information.

DoctorNDTV is the one stop site for all your health needs providing the most credible health information, health news and tips with expert advice on healthy living, diet plans, informative videos etc. You can get the most relevant and accurate info you need about health problems like diabetes, cancer, pregnancy, HIV and AIDS, weight loss and many other lifestyle diseases. We have a panel of over 350 experts who help us develop content by giving their valuable inputs and bringing to us the latest in the world of healthcare.

Read the original:
Here's Your Guide To Maintaining Good Posture; Know Some Tips To Combat The Side Effects Of Prolonged Sitting - Doctor NDTV

What Is Dental Anxiety? Here Are Some Tips To Deal With It – NDTV Doctor

Oral Health: Dental anxiety can make it difficult to undergo dental procedures. It develops a fear in an individual. Read here to know more about dental anxiety.

Do not skip flossing to prevent dental issues

One should follow healthy dental practices other than just brushing twice a day. It is often advised to visit your dentist to prevent the risk of dental issues. Many are not aware of dental issues and often choose to ignore minor dental discomforts. Dental issues are quite painful. Some also fear visiting a dentist due to dental anxiety. It is a term used to describe fear, anxiety and stress in a dental sitting. It is also called dental phobia which can make you avoid going to the dentist and you usually cannot do anything about it.

Dr. Gunita Singh who is a dentist explains, "Dental anxiety is a term used to describe certain anxiety or fear associated with visiting a dentist. People with this fear usually are scared of a dentist and dental set up. The severity may vary from person to person. This is generally due to some past experience of the individual or their loved ones."

Pay regular visits to your dentist to prevent major dental issuesPhoto Credit: iStock

1. It is important to learn the need to pay regular visits to your dentist to ward off potential risks. It is essential for adults as well as children. Don't scare your children with the name of a doctor

2. You need to trust your dentist to fight with this anxiety. You may also ask your dentist about the whole procedure to understand it better.

3. You should also prepare yourself mentally before going througha dental procedure


(Dr. Gunita Singh is a Dentist and Director at Dentem)

Disclaimer: This content including advice provides generic information only. It is in no way a substitute for qualified medical opinion. Always consult a specialist or your own doctor for more information. NDTV does not claim responsibility for this information.

DoctorNDTV is the one stop site for all your health needs providing the most credible health information, health news and tips with expert advice on healthy living, diet plans, informative videos etc. You can get the most relevant and accurate info you need about health problems like diabetes, cancer, pregnancy, HIV and AIDS, weight loss and many other lifestyle diseases. We have a panel of over 350 experts who help us develop content by giving their valuable inputs and bringing to us the latest in the world of healthcare.

Read the original post:
What Is Dental Anxiety? Here Are Some Tips To Deal With It - NDTV Doctor

Healthy Living: Nutrition can have impact on your mental health – Longford Leader

For the last few weeks I've been writing about the link between your physical health and what you eat, but did you know that nutrition also has a big impact on your mood and mental health.

Although managing stress, anxiety and depression can be difficult, and there is no one size fits all solution, some people may benefit from seeing their doctor and following their recommendations while for others a more holistic approach may work better.

Regardless what route you decide to take, the right diet combined with appropriate lifestyle changes can have a profound impact on your mood.

A very large body of evidence now exists that suggests diet is as important to mental health as it is to physical health and a healthy diet has been shown to be protective whilst an unhealthy diet has been shown to be a risk factor for depression and anxiety.

If you have been reading my weekly column over the last couple of months you will have seen me regularly write about blood sugar balance, and how it can benefit your energy and weight loss.

An imbalance of blood sugar has also been linked to stress, anxiety and depression.

Did you know that up to 50% of low mood is down to blood sugar imbalances?

Learning how to manage your blood sugar is the key to having more energy, a better mood and controlling your weight . Feeling more confident about the way you look is in itself an excellent way to boost feelings of self-worth

So how do we balance our blood sugars?

Eat regularly, three main meals a day and two snacks if you need them (if going more than four hours between meals)

Eat protein with every meal or snack.

Choose low GL (glycaemic load) carbohydrates that keep your blood sugar level even and minimises mood-altering blood sugar dips.

So what foods help your mood?

Certain foods may play a role in the cause of mood disorders, or they may make symptoms worse.

A nutritious brain diet follows the same logic as a heart healthy regimen or weight control plan. You want to limit sugary and high-fat processed foods, and opt for nutritious foods that will provide you with, sufficient protein, giving you an optimum supply of essential amino acids.

Make sure to have some form of protein with every meal and snack.

High mood-boosting Vitamin B foods like nuts, seeds, beans and green leafy vegetables, which also include essential zinc and magnesium, are good for mental stability, as zinc helps control the bodys response to stress and low levels have been linked to depression.

It has been shown that people with low B12 levels have more brain inflammation and higher rates of depression and dementia.

Falling short on B vitamins has long been linked to low moods with studies suggesting there is a definite link between vitamin B and stress levels.

When we eat real food that nourishes us, it becomes the protein-building blocks, enzymes, brain tissue, and neurotransmitters that transfer information and signals between various parts of the brain and body.

Certain nutrients are linked to changes in a brain protein that helps increase connections between brain cells. A diet rich in nutrients like omega-3s and zinc boosts levels of this substance.

On the other hand, a diet high in trans fats and refined sugars has a very potent negative impact on brain proteins.

Few of us get enough omega-3 fats in our diet, and these are key to our mood and brain function. The dry weight of our brain is literally 60% fat - so not surprising that we depend on a daily intake of essential fats.

EPA, DPA and DHA all help build and rebuild your brain, and are part of the equation for happiness. The higher your blood levels of omega-3 fats, the higher your levels of the feel-good neurotransmitter serotonin are likely to be.

Omega-3 fats help build receptor sites as well as improving their function.

Sources of omega-3 fats: oily fish (salmon, trout, mackerel, sardines, cod, tuna, halibut), walnuts, chia seeds, flax seeds. Most plant sources of omega-3 do not contain the long-chain fatty acids mentioned above. Although the body can make those from short-chain omega-3s like the ones found in nuts and seeds conversion is poor and it is difficult to get enough omega-3 that way, therefore If you are vegetarian or vegan, consider taking an omega-3 supplement for example DHA from seaweed.

Last but certainly not least is the all-important gut health!

The human gut is lined with more than 100 million nerve cells, Yes, we have brain cells in our large intestines!

This explains why antibiotics which disturb the gut microbiome may interact with psychotropic medications, and influence our mood . This also explains why mood disorders are so prevalent in patients with irritable bowel syndrome.

Chemicals implicated in depression such as serotonin are also found in the gut; 90% of serotonin is manufactured in the digestive tract and not the brain. Many antidepressants work by increasing serotonin. It has been shown that gut bacteria produce many other neurotransmitters such as dopamine, norepinephrine, acetylcholine, and GABA, which are critical for mood, anxiety and motivation. The gut microbiome can cause changes in how our brains react.

Also, stress makes us more likely to develop mood disorders. And stress makes the gut more permeable to bacteria and this may lead to dysbiosisan imbalance of good to bad gut bacteria. In sum, depression is maybe caused by dysfunctional gut-brain-immune system interactions.

Good gut bacteria or the absence of some bad ones can make us more resilient to depressive states after stressors or trauma. It is not surprising that chronic exposure to stress is associated with a higher incidence of depression, anxiety and PTSD. But not everyone who faces stress develops a depression or anxiety , and not everyone who experiences a trauma develops PTSD, and may be due to the individuals gut health!

To help balance your gut bacteria introduce some fermented foods such as kefir, sauerkraut, kimchi, and yogurt with live active cultures, which provide good gut bacteria.

If you struggle to make changes to your diet or need help choosing the right supplement or probiotic for you, why not book an appointment with me, there is no time like the present, my clinic is back open and I am taking bookings for new and existing clients, so just pop me a message if you would like to schedule an appointment. contact details below.

Debbie Devane from The Nutri Coach is a qualified Nutritional Therapist and health & lifestyle coach, Debbie runs her clinic from the Glenard Clinic in Mountmellick and also offers one to one and group online consultations via zoom, so it doesnt matter what part of the country you are in! . Debbie is also Nutritionist to the Offaly GAA senior footballers. For more information or to make an appointment email Debbie at

Ph: 086-1720055

Facebook: The Nutri Coach @debbiedevanethenutricoach

Instagram: the_nutricoach

For more information go to

Here is the original post:
Healthy Living: Nutrition can have impact on your mental health - Longford Leader

Kuwait dairy products market is projected to be valued at USD 13.5 billion by 2024 while registering a CAGR of 8.13% over the forecast period (2019 -…

New York, July 10, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- announces the release of the report "Kuwait Dairy Products Market - Growth, Trends, and Forecast (2019 - 2024)" -

- The Kuwaiti dairy industry is regulated by the government and must strictly adhere to health and hygiene regulations that are similar to the GCC and international standards. The dairy industry in Kuwait is also characterized by active foreign trade of exports and imports. - The market studied is highly competitive, with local, regional, and international dairy companies. Kuwait Dairy Company is one of the leading players offering dairy products across the country. The company is focusing on increasing its production capacity, in order to alleviate the shortage of dairy products in the country.

Scope of the Report The scope of the Kuwait dairy products market includes the segmentation on the basis of product type. It is segmented by milk, cheese and curd, fermented dairy products (laban and yogurt), and other dairy products.

Key Market Trends Escalating Demand For Functional Dairy In The Region

The relatively lavish lifestyle and poor eating habits of Kuwaitis are costing a fortune to the consumers, in terms of numerous health issues, and obesity and diabetes being the major threats to the population. Nonetheless, Global Burden of Disease Study claims Kuwait to be the fourth most obese country in the world. Sourcing the concern, consumers are finally developing a sense of healthy living, leading them to progressively opt for food associated with functional attributes, including functional dairy products, such as probiotic yogurt, sour milk, etc. Furthermore, manufacturers are marketing their products in the country with claims, such as Added-Minerals, No-Fat, etc., in order to gain an edge over other alternative brands.

Increasing Number of Strategic Initiatives By The Dairy Companies

The Kuwaiti dairy industry is witnessing an increasing prevalence of strategic partnerships and alliances between dairy companies, to alleviate the shortage of dairy products in the country. Kuwait Dairy Company is one of the prominent companies in the country, specializing in the processing and marketing of fresh dairy products. Moreover, companies, like Arla Foods, are also investing on production facilities and implementing expansion strategies to expand their dairy production facilities. Arla Foods is also developing its sales and distribution in Lebanon, Qatar, and Kuwait, to expand its dairy capacity in the mentioned countries.

Competitive Landscape The Kuwait dairy products market is competitive with the presence of leading dairy companies in Kuwait as well as those of GCC offering their products across the country. A few of the leading companies of the Kuwait dairy products market are Kuwait Dairy Co., Kuwait United Dairy Company, Al Safat Fresh Dairy Co., Almarai Company, etc.

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Kuwait dairy products market is projected to be valued at USD 13.5 billion by 2024 while registering a CAGR of 8.13% over the forecast period (2019 -...

Healthy Living Products Drive Helen Of Troy Q1 Sales – HomeWorld Business

The current market environment produced overall higher demand for Helen of Troys housewares, health and home and beauty products, as the company posted a strong first quarter.

Consolidated net sales revenue in the first quarter ended May 31 increased 11.8% to $420.8 million compared to $376.3 million, primarily reflecting growth in domestic brick and mortar and international sales in its Health and Home segment, and consolidated online sales.

Net income was $60.3 million, or $2.37 per diluted share compared to $40.7 million, or $1.61 per diluted share in the previous first quarter.

By segment, Housewares net sales revenue decreased by 3% to $140.6 million primarily due to the temporary closure of key domestic brick and mortar customers due to COVID-19, and a decrease in international sales. The Oxo brand grew as consumers spent more time at home cooking, cleaning, organizing and pantry loading. Growth in online sales and in stores that were open were strong, as were Hydro Flask international sales.

Health and Home segment net sales revenue increased 29.1% to $199.9 million primarily driven by a COVID-related demand surge for health care and healthy living products in domestic and international markets, in both brick and mortar and online channels. The impact of brick and mortar store closures was less pronounced in the Health and Home segment as key retailers such as Walmart, Amazon, Target, Home Depot and the drug store channel remained open during the quarter and generally experienced strong traffic.

Beauty net sales revenue increased 5% to $80.2 million, driven primarily by the net sales revenue contribution of $7.6 million from the Drybar Products acquisition, growth in online sales and new product introductions.

Julien Mininberg, Helen of Troy CEO, said, We are pleased to announce excellent first quarter results. Our diversified portfolio performed well and again demonstrated its resiliency. I could not be prouder of how our organization adapted quickly to navigate successfully in what is arguably the most challenging business environment most of us have ever seen. During the quarter we delivered consolidated net sales growth of 11.8% and adjusted diluted EPS growth of 22.8%. Our Health & Home segment led the way with sales growth of 29%. Beauty and Housewares both held up very well in the face of many store closures and the unprecedented level of unemployment and personal disruption due to COVID-19. Beauty sales grew 5% including Drybar. Housewares declined only 3% off of a year ago base that grew 23% year over year. International performance was a standout in the quarter, growing faster than consolidated sales. Sales for our leadership brands grew 15.7%. Online sales grew significantly to now represent approximately 28% of consolidated sales as so many of the worlds consumers shifted more of their purchases from bricks to clicks.

Mininberg added, While we are pleased with our first quarter results, the net impact of the pandemic on our consumers and supply is still very fluid and uncertain and, as a result, we will not be providing fiscal 2021 guidance at this time. Despite the uncertainty, we are generally encouraged by the current trends and prospects for our business and are therefore using the strength from the first quarter to lean back in on many of the key initiatives chosen to further help us deliver on our Phase II Transformation goals. We believe we have struck the right balance between the uncertainties of the external environment and our strong commitment to doing what is bold and right for executing the strategic choices underlying our multi-year trajectory of transformation.

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Healthy Living Products Drive Helen Of Troy Q1 Sales - HomeWorld Business

Anytime Fitness in Falcon promotes healthy living ahead of National Diabetes Week – PerthNow

A local gym is promoting a healthy message as many emerge a bit heavier from WAs COVID-19 lockdown.

Dawesville MLA Zak Kirkup has joined forces with Anytime Fitness Falcon to raise awareness of the need to maintain fitness this National Diabetes Week, July 12 to 18.

Mr Kirkup said research showed the link between obesity and diabetes, and maintaining a healthy lifestyle could help prevent the disease.

Obesity is a leading cause of preventable disease costing WAs health system $340 million, he said.

National Diabetes Week is a great time to start a good habit and get into a new fitness regime or go to your local gym.

The main point I want to get across to our community is that individuals can help prevent the risk of developing type 2 diabetes by making small changes to their daily lives.

Anytime Fitness Falcon member Royce Edwards was diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes 15 years ago.

Mr Edwards said since joining the gym in December he had already started to feel better.

After my GP advised me that I was on a downwards spiral with my health I decided it was time to make some changes, he said.

I was going to the gym three times a week until COVID hit and I had already reduced my blood pressure and started to feel fitter with the increase in exercise. I couldnt wait to get back to the gym and continue my program with (my personal trainer) Dan once the restrictions were lifted.

Original post:
Anytime Fitness in Falcon promotes healthy living ahead of National Diabetes Week - PerthNow

Philips and BioIntelliSense form strategic collaboration to enhance remote patient monitoring for at-risk patients from the hospital into the home -…



BioIntelliSense_Sticker w Hub

July 9, 2020

Amsterdam, the Netherlands Royal Philips (NYSE: PHG, AEX: PHIA), a global leader in health technology, today announced it has formed a strategic collaboration with BioIntelliSense, a continuous health monitoring and clinical intelligence company, to integrate its BioSticker medical device into Philips remote patient monitoring (RPM) offering to help monitor at-risk patients from the hospital into the home. With the addition of multi-parameter sensors, Philips solutions can enhance how clinicians monitor patient populations living with chronic conditions including diabetes, cancer, congestive heart failure and more - in their homes with passive monitoring of key vital signs, physiological biometrics and symptomatic events via a discreet wearable patch for monitoring up to 30 days.

Remote patient monitoring and telehealth-enabled clinical programs offer care teams a sustainable and scalable way to manage patient populations with chronic or complex conditions at home, and plays a key role in supporting care for COVID-19 patients who do not require hospitalization. By regularly transmitting patient data that can provide critical insights into a patients condition, the collaboration will empower care teams in the U.S. with a more holistic patient view and the ability to intervene earlier before adverse events occur. With single-use sensors and patient-owned technology supporting remote monitoring, care teams can also help reduce the need for clinicians and patients to interact in person.

With more patients interacting with their doctors from home and more hospitals developing strategies to virtually engage with their patients, remote patient monitoring is now, more than ever, an essential tool, said Roy Jakobs, Chief Business Leader Connected Care, member of the Executive Committee at Royal Philips. Building on Philips global leadership in patient monitoring, which includes an extensive suite of advanced monitoring solutions, platforms and sensors, this is the latest example of our capability to allow more seamless, cloud-based data collection across multiple settings from the home to the hospital and back into the home. Patient data, coupled with our clinically differentiated and leading AI-powered technology, quantifies the data into relevant actionable insights to help detect deterioration trends and support care interventions all while outside the walls of the hospital.

Wireless, secure data transfer of key vital signsThe BioSticker is a single-use, FDA-cleared 510k class II wearable medical device to enable at-home continuous passive monitoring with minute level data across a broad set of vital signs, physiological biometrics and symptomatic events (skin temperature, resting heart rate, resting respiratory rate, body position, activity levels, cough frequency) on a single device for thirty-days. Symptoms, including those directly associated with COVID-19 such as temperature and respiratory rate, can be remotely monitored in confirmed cases of Coronavirus and also for those patients not sick enough to be hospitalized, or those suspected of having COVID-19. In addition to COVID-19, the BioSticker device will help transform the way clinicians monitor and manage patients living with chronic conditions from the home.

Multi-parameter sensors are the natural next phase for remote monitoring, especially at a time when more patients are engaging with their physicians from home, said James Mault, MD, Founder and Chief Executive Officer of BioIntelliSense. Clinicians need medical grade monitoring and algorithmic clinical insights for COVID-19 exposure, symptoms and management. Accelerated by the COVID-19 crisis, the practice of medicine has been irreversibly enlightened as to the safety and efficacy of virtual care. Philips is a demonstrated leader in remote patient monitoring, and we look forward to BioIntelliSenses technology playing an integral role in simplifying and enhancing outcomes for patients and their doctors.

Healthcare Highways first to leverage BioSticker as a part of Philips RPM solutions Healthcare Highways, a leading provider of health plans, high performance provider networks, pharmacy benefit management, population health management, and benefit plan administration, is the first to leverage the BioSticker sensor as a part of Philips RPM program in the U.S. Out of the seven programs that will be deployed with Healthcare Highways, one will focus specifically on monitoring patients with COVID-19. The remaining six will focus on conditions across the acuity spectrum, including patients with congestive heart failure, hypertension, diabetes, total joint replacement, cancer and asthma. The program will help Healthcare Highways improve insights to patient health status across its provider network.

Healthcare Highways was built on the idea of delivering measurable value and access to quality care to our members. We work in partnership with our providers to innovate on the care model, and look at Remote Patient Monitoring as the next frontier of how providers will connect with patients, said Creagh Milford, DO, MPH, Chief Medical Officer of Healthcare Highways and Chief Executive Officer of HighCare Health. COVID-19 has underscored the need for proactive care management. Resources are strained and by integrating an RPM program with biosensor technology, well be able to drive further value for our unique member base, providers and employers to establish a new way of care delivery.

Philips remote patient monitoring offerings are part of the companys broader Population Health Management portfolio, which provides a comprehensive and proactive healthcare delivery strategy to connect clinicians, providers and patients for ongoing care. By combining technology and data-driven population management with clinical expertise and a proven programmatic approach, Philips supports the delivery of telehealth services for programs in and out of the hospital to provide connected, patient-centered care across the health continuum.

For further information, please contact:

Kathy OReillyPhilips Global Press OfficeTel: +1 978 221 8919Email: Kathy.oreilly@philips.comTwitter: @kathyoreilly

About Royal Philips

Royal Philips (NYSE: PHG, AEX: PHIA) is a leading health technology company focused on improving people's health and enabling better outcomes across the health continuum from healthy living and prevention, to diagnosis, treatment and home care. Philips leverages advanced technology and deep clinical and consumer insights to deliver integrated solutions. Headquartered in the Netherlands, the company is a leader in diagnostic imaging, image-guided therapy, patient monitoring and health informatics, as well as in consumer health and home care. Philips generated 2019 sales of EUR 19.5 billion and employs approximately 81,000 employees with sales and services in more than 100 countries. News about Philips can be found at

About BioIntelliSenseBioIntelliSense is ushering in a new era of continuous health monitoring and clinical intelligence for Remote Patient Monitoring (RPM). Its medical-grade Data-as-a-Service (DaaS) platform seamlessly captures minute-to-minute vital signs, physiological biometrics and symptomatic events through an effortless patient experience. For more information on how BioIntelliSense is redefining remote patient monitoring through medical-grade and cost-effective data services, please visit our website

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Philips and BioIntelliSense form strategic collaboration to enhance remote patient monitoring for at-risk patients from the hospital into the home -...