Women’s Heart Health Part 2: Keys to Preventing Heart Disease and Managing Heart Health for Women | SBM – Society of Behavioral Medicine

Michelle Pebole, MA; Doctoral Student, Department of Kinesiology and Community Health, University of Illinois at Urbana ChampaignJoni Williams, MD, MPH; Assistant Professor of Medicine, Medical College of WisconsinRose E. Constantino, PhD, JD, RN, FACFE, FAAN; Associate Professor of Health and Community Systems, University of Pittsburg School of NursingAlyssa Vela, PhD; Assistant Professor Surgery and Psychiatry, Northwestern Medicine

Heart disease is the number one killer of women. Because of the gender-specific risks and symptoms, attention to preventing heart disease and managing womens heart hearth across the lifespan is important. Symptoms of heart disease or a heart attack may be more subtle for women than for men. For example, many women experience chest pain at the onset of a heart attack, but other typical heart attack symptoms are far less common among women. Instead, women commonly experience fatigue, difficulty sleeping, shortness of breath, lightheadedness or dizziness, nausea or vomiting, weakness, or a cold sweat. Understanding these gender differences in heart disease symptoms can help increase recognition, prevention, diagnosis, and treatment in women. To learn more about heart health throughout the womans lifespan, read Womens Heart Health: Part 1.

Women also have an incredible amount of power over their own health and can prevent heart disease and manage heart health by practicing healthy behaviors. We have put together recommendations and tips for preventing heart disease in women:

1. Diet: Following a healthy diet is one of the best ways to prevent heart disease. While nutrition guidelines often vary, some foods are well understood to help you to live a healthy life and prevent chronic diseases. Here are five key recommendations for a heart-healthy diet:

2. Exercise: Being physically active is important for maintaining good heart health and treating heart disease. Exercise can strengthen heart muscles, help maintain a healthy weight, prevent other health conditions that strain your heart (i.e. high blood pressure). Here are five effective methods to help you become more active:

3. Sleep: Good quality sleep plays a vital role in how the body functions. Sleep is important for fighting off illness, improving your mood, helping you think, and keeping you active. Nearly 30% of adults get less than the recommended 7 hours of nightly sleep. Here are a few key steps to improve and maintain good sleep:

4. Stress Management: Balancing competing obligations in life can be difficult and the associated stress can negatively impact your health. For many people, stress may result in poor health behaviors, such as over-eating or smoking cigarettes, which further increases risk for heart disease. Additionally, for many people, making time for stress management can create more stress.Choose something that feels right for you and doesnt add to an already busy or stressful schedule. This might mean changing your mindset about an activity. Consider the following options to manage stress and improve your overall health:/p>

By focusing on factors within their control, women can be empowered to manage their health and live their best lives. Setting small, realistic goals and taking active steps can help to support the healthy behaviors that are key for heart health and overall well-being.

Many women have difficulty managing some or all of the key factors on their own. If this is the case for you, consider talking to a professional. Different specialists are available to help with diet, exercise, and sleep. A psychologist or counselor can help you overcome barriers to making healthy changes or learn strategies to better manage stress.

Also read Womens Heart Health: Part 3, which will help guide womens conversations about heart heath with their doctor and includes a list of questions to ask.

Benjamin, E.J., Muntner, P., Alonso, A. Bittencourt, M.S., Callaway, C.W., Carson, A.P., & Virani, S.S. (2019). Heart disease and stroke statistics 2019 update: A report from the American Heart Association. Circulation,139, 56-528.

Heron, M. (2018). Death: Leading Causes for 2016. National Vital Statistics Report, 67(6), 1-76.

Kochanek, K.D., Xu, J.Q., Murphy, S.L., Minino, A.M., & Kung, H.C. (2011). Deaths: Final data for 2019. National Vital Statistics Report,60(3), 1-116.

Mosca, L., Hammond, G., Mochari-Greenberger, H., Towfighi, A., & Albert, M.A. (2013). Fifteen-year trends in awareness of heart disease in women: Results of a 2012 American Heart Association National Survey. Circulation, 127, 1254-1263.

National Institutes of Health National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute. (2020). Coronary heart disease. Retrieved from: https://www.nhlbi.nih.gov/health-topics/coronary-heart-disease

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Women's Heart Health Part 2: Keys to Preventing Heart Disease and Managing Heart Health for Women | SBM - Society of Behavioral Medicine

Living With Heart Failure: Risk Factors And Warning Signs – NDTV

Heart failure: Lack of energy and feeling of weakness could be warning signs

Heart failure also known as congestive heart failure is a chronic condition which occurs when the heart is unable to pump blood sufficiently to meet the metabolic demands of the tissues in the body. A weakened heart results in inadequate blood supply to the cells leading to fatigue, shortness of breath and other symptoms of heart failure. While heart failure can create challenges in daily routine activities such as walking, climbing stairs or carrying groceries, it can also be fatal in some cases and is a condition that often cannot be reversed. Heart failure develops over time as the heart's pumping action grows weaker the body tries to compensate for this with hormonal and other mechanisms initially and then the compensatory mechanisms fail and the patient decompensates with risk to life .

Heart failure is more common among the elderly though there is an increasing incidence of the condition among young adults as well, due to risk factors such as diabetes and hypertension which are on the rise and from viral infections causing inflammation of the heart muscle. The causes for heart failure include diabetes, valve disease, congenital heart disease, hypertension, heart attack or coronary artery disease, family history of the disease, an enlarged or infected heart. The warning signs comprise:

Heart attack can cause feeling of weakness and lack of energyPhoto Credit: iStock

Also read:Cardiovascular Diseases: Know What To Eat And Avoid For A Healthy Heart

The American Heart Association/American College of Cardiology (AHA/ACC) suggested a four stage classification for heart failure (Stages A, B, C and D)

Patients in stages A and B do not show any symptoms or signs of heart failure and are not diagnosed as having heart failure. Stage A is in patients who are at "high-risk" of developing heart failure due to presence of risk factors like diabetes or hypertension, without any structural heart disease. Stage B is patients having structural heart disease without any signs and symptoms of heart failure. These asymptomatic patients were included in heart failure to emphasise prevention of heart failure. Stage C would include patients who have symptomatic heart failure and Stage D would be patients who have refractory symptoms requiring advanced heart failure treatment.

Managing patients in Stage A would include lifestyle modifications like cessation of smoking, encouraging physical exercise, managing obesity and control of diabetes, hypertension, lipid abnormalities with long term medications and close follow up. Patients in Stage C will need to be treated by a cardiologist specialising in heart failure treatment and will need specific treatment for heart failure with medications and close monitoring to detect worsening early and to offer advanced heart failure therapy as they get to Stage D.

Also read:Diabetics, Here's How You Can Control Your Heart Disease Risk

Treatment of patients in stage C is a combination of measures undertaken in the previous two stages along with other procedures depending on the condition. These include taking a beta-blocker (medications for reducing blood pressure), other medications that slow the heart rate, restricted sodium and fluid intake, undergo implantable cardiac defibrillator (ICD) therapy or cardiac resynchronization (CRT) therapy

Once the patient gets to stage D, they will require one of the forms of advanced heart failure treatment either heart transplantation of implantation of a left ventricular assist device (LVAD). Heart transplantation is considered the gold standard for treatment of advanced heart failure, due to shortage of donor hearts or sometimes if the patient is not a suitable candidate for a heart transplant due to not fitting into the stringent criteria for heart transplantation, they may be candidates for LVAD therapy as a bridge to transplantation or as destination therapy. Unlike heart transplantation, LVAD therapy can be done without any waiting period and those whose life is at risk while waiting for a heart will benefit immensely with this form of therapy. The survival after implantation of LVAD has steadily improved over the years and in the first two years the survival is quite similar to heart transplantation and as the technology improves further the long term outcomes are also likely to improve. Procedures such as LVADs have gained traction over the last few years due to limitations in undergoing a transplant and have become more technologically advanced and affordable over time and there have been nearly 35-40 LVADs implanted in India over the last two years.

Also read:Don't Ignore Heart Attack Symptoms While Travelling: Here's What You Must Know

(Dr Julius Punnen, Senior Consultant Cardiothoracic Surgeon Surgical Lead - Cardiothoracic Transplantation and Mechanical Circulatory Support, Narayana Hrudayalaya)

Disclaimer: The opinions expressed within this article are the personal opinions of the author. NDTV is not responsible for the accuracy, completeness, suitability, or validity of any information on this article. All information is provided on an as-is basis. The information, facts or opinions appearing in the article do not reflect the views of NDTV and NDTV does not assume any responsibility or liability for the same.

Read the original here:
Living With Heart Failure: Risk Factors And Warning Signs - NDTV

Healthy Living: What you need to know about the Menopause – Leinster Express

The perimenopause can be one of the trickiest times for women to get their head around. One minute youre busy having a family and all that goes with it and all of a sudden, the years sneak up on you and you dont quiet feel like the woman you once were!

You may notice your energy levels have dropped and some days youre literally dragging yourself through the day, youve lost your get up and go for no reason, you cant seem to shift that foggy feeling in your brain and the scales is moving in the wrong direction even though your diet hasnt changed!

Welcome to the menopause, well technically the term menopause is inaccurate because it represents the end of symptoms, whereas the stage that most women struggle through is called peri-menopause, which can last anything from two to ten years until the last period.

The average age of menopause is 51. You officially reach menopause when you have had no periods for 12 consecutive months.

Women typically start to experience perimenopause in their 40s and for some the only sign is that your periods start to become more irregular, this is due to the fact that in the perimenopause, Progesterone levels fall rapidly as you stop ovulating as regularly. the levels of one of the main female sex hormones, oestrogen, rises and falls unevenly and its falling at a slower rate than progesterone, meaning you can end up being oestrogen dominant, thats a ratio of too much oestrogen to progesterone. This is usually whats behind many of the typical symptoms experienced during the transition to menopause. The stress hormone cortisol can also increase making sleep more difficult and leading to weight gain.

The thyroid comes under increased pressure, and low levels of thyroid hormones can bring mood changes, weight increases, constipation and a sluggish feeling.

Your hormones work together synergistically. When one or more is out of kilter, there can be an effect on the others, too.

The length of time between periods may be longer or shorter, your flow may be light to really heavy and with worse PMS than ever before, and you may even skip some periods only for them to return out of the blue with a vengeance.

You might also experience some of the symptoms traditionally associated with the menopause, like night sweats, hot flushes, sleep problems, mood swings, more UTIs like cystitis and vaginal dryness, poor memory, brain fog, cravings, bloating, loss of sex drive and irritability. Around this time, you might begin to notice your waistline is expanding and you just cant seem to shift that fat around the middle. Once women hit their 40s, they typically gain an average of 1lb a year so you could easily be a stone heavier by the time you reach 54.

Remember going through the peri-menopause is not an illness, it is the most natural thing in the world, although if your experiencing it right now you might be thinking this is anything but natural!! but you do have some control over managing symptoms. Its all about making some changes to your diet, stepping up your self care and taking action to reduce stress, and moving gently.


It really is important to start taking a closer look at your diet as Unfortunately when we reach this part of our life we just cant get away with eating the way we did when we were younger, as The drop in oestrogen levels that occurs during menopause has a side effect of redistributing body fat and excess pounds start to settle around the waist. On top of that, the change that happens in relation to oestrogen and progesterone at this stage of life is also likely to make your body less sensitive to insulin, the fat storage hormone. This is produced in response to you eating carbohydrates. When the bodys cells are less sensitive to insulin, more insulin is needed to do the same job, and more insulin produced means more fat stored.

This is where a low carbohydrate is very beneficial, focusing on low GL carbohydrates, fruit, vegetables, moderate protein and healthy fats coming from oily fish, nuts, seeds and avocados.

You may benefit from adding phytoestrogens to your diet. Phytoestrogens are plant-based chemicals (the good kind), which are structurally similar to oestrogen and exert a weak oestrogenic effect. They include soy beans, lentils, beans, chickpeas, tofu, barley, rye, oats, alfalfa, apples, pears, carrots, fennel, onion, garlic, sunflower seeds, flaxseeds, liquorice root.

Managing stress

Cortisol is one of the main stress hormones and it can lead to weight gain and leave you feeling fatigued. Even though it is the imbalance of hormones that are behind most of your symptoms, the effects of stress can be just as debilitating.

Most hormones are made from the same basic ingredients. When its under stress, the body prioritises those jobs that are useful for sustaining life, which means that when you are stressed, your body will make stress hormones ahead of anything else. So all those raw materials that might have gone to make oestrogen now wont. therefore managing your stress is essential to managing your peri-menopausal symptoms!


As the weight creeps on, its very common for women to start getting into the types of exercise that are very punishing on the body, like running and high intensity interval training.

What do I mean by punishing?

These very intense forms of exercise stress the body and, if your body is already stressed, its just too much. Yoga, Pilates, Zumba and other dance-based classes are a good alternative as is a good power walk.

Resistance training (weights) is also good to help with the loss of muscle. Strength training also helps maintain balance, and avoid injuryimportant for protecting your skeleton both now and when youre older.

Always consult your doctor before starting a new exercise, especially if you have any underlying health conditions, you consider yourself to be unfit or very overweight.


Menopause supplements can provide natural support for those who may be experiencing some of the symptoms related to the menopause. Its important to note that not all supplements will suit everyone and may not be safe for someone with an underlying health condition or those taking medication, therefore it is advisable to only take a supplement protocol recommended to you by a professional.

If you are struggling with managing your symptoms of menopause or maybe you would like to get your diet right before to hit that time of your life, why not schedule in an appointment with The Nutri Coach! There is no time like the present My clinic is back open and I am taking bookings for new and existing clients, so just pop me a message if you would like to schedule an appointment. contact details below.

Debbie Devane from The Nutri Coach is a qualified Nutritional Therapist and health & lifestyle coach, Debbie runs her clinic from the Glenard Clinic in Mountmellick and also offers one to one and group online consultations. Debbie is also Nutritionist to the Offaly GAA senior footballers. For more information or to make an appointment email Debbie at


Ph: 086-1720055

Facebook: The Nutri Coach @debbiedevanethenutricoach

Instagram: the_nutricoach

For more information go to http://www.thenutricoach.ie

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Healthy Living: What you need to know about the Menopause - Leinster Express

Sparrow Ionia Hospital, Ionia County Health Department to hold COVID-19 testing in Lake Odessa – WSYM-TV

BELDING, Mich. Sparrow Ionia Hospital and the Ionia County Health Department are combining to offer COVID-19 nasal swab testing at a special one-day event in Lake Odessa on Wednesday, July 29.

The testing will be held from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. at St. Edwards Catholic Church Family Center, 741 Washington Blvd., Lake Odessa. Attendees are asked to use the north parking lot off of Washington Boulevard.

A nasal swab (or PCR) test determines whether or not you have an active COVID-19 infection at the time the sample is collected. Its a molecular test that is reviewed at Sparrow Laboratories. Nearly 100 people were swabbed at a similar event held recently in Belding.

Residents can attend without having a doctors order in advance. No money will be collected onsite and Sparrow will bill those with medical insurance.

Sparrow Ionia Hospital has been working collaboratively with the Ionia County Health Department to ensure the health and safety of our community, said Sparrow Ionia President Linda Reetz.

Again, the goal is to protect the community we serve as our county and state begin to reintroduce people back into the workforce.

Those seeking more information can contact the ICHD at 616.527.5341.

One of the most effective ways to contain any epidemic is widespread testing, said Ionia County Health Officer Ken Bowen.

We encourage anyone who has symptoms, who may have been exposed, or who will be returning to work to get tested.

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Sparrow Ionia Hospital, Ionia County Health Department to hold COVID-19 testing in Lake Odessa - WSYM-TV

America’s COVID data will go straight to the White House – here’s what it means for us – The Big Smoke Australia

With the White House diminishing the role of the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the risk for the rest of us is obvious.

Led by physicians, scientists and epidemiologists, the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is one of the most reliable sources of knowledge during disease outbreaks. But now, with the world in desperate need of authoritative information, one of the foremost agencies for fighting infectious disease has gone conspicuously silent.

For the first time since 1946, when the CDC came to life in a cramped Atlanta office to fight malaria, the agency is not at the front line of a public health emergency.

On April 22, CDC director Robert Redfield stood at the White House briefing room lectern and conceded that the coronavirus pandemic had overwhelmed the United States. Following Redfield at the podium, President Donald Trump said the CDC director had been totally misquoted in his warning that COVID-19 would continue to pose serious difficulties as the US moved into its winter flu season in late 2020.

Invited to clarify, Redfield confirmed he had been quoted correctly in giving his opinion that there were potentially difficult and complicated times ahead.

Trump tried a different tack. You may not even have corona coming back, the president said, once again contradicting the career virologist. Just so you understand.

The exchange was interpreted by some pundits as confirmation that the CDCs venerated expertise had been sidelined as the coronavirus continued to ravage the US.

In the latest development, the New York Times reported this week the CDC has even been bypassed in its data collection, with the Trump administration ordering hospitals to send COVID-19 data directly to the White House.

When facing previous public health emergencies, the CDC was a hive of activity, holding regular press briefings and developing guidance that was followed by governments around the world. But during the greatest public health emergency in a century, it appears the CDC has been almost entirely erased by the White House as the public face of the COVID-19 pandemic response.

This diminished role is obvious to former leaders of the CDC, who say their scientific advice has never before been politicised to this extent.

As the COVID-19 crisis was unfolding, several CDC officials issued warnings, only to promptly disappear from public view. Nancy Messonnier, director of the CDCs National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases, predicted on February 25 that the virus was not contained and would grow into a pandemic.

The stock market plunged and Messonnier was removed from future White House press briefings. Between March 9 and June 12 there was no CDC presence at White House press briefings on COVID-19.

The CDC has erred during the pandemic, most significantly in its initial efforts to develop a test for COVID-19. The testing kits proved to be faulty a problem compounded by sluggish efforts to rectify the situation and then by severe delays in distributing enough tests to the public.

But many public health specialists are nevertheless baffled by the CDCs low profile as the pandemic continues to sweep the globe.

They have been sidelined, said Howard Koh, former US assistant secretary for health. We need their scientific leadership right now.

The CDC being bypassed in the collection of COVID-19 data is another body blow to the agencys standing.

Hospitals have instead been ordered to send all COVID-19 patient information to a central database in Washington DC.

This will have a range of likely knock-on effects. For starters, the new database will not be available to the public, prompting inevitable questions over the accuracy and transparency of data which will now be interpreted and shared by the White House.

The Department of Health and Human Services, which issued the new order, says the change will help the White Houses coronavirus task force allocate resources. But epidemiologists and public health experts around the world fear the new system will make it harder for people outside the White House to track the pandemic or access information.

This affects all nations, because one of the CDCs roles is to provide sound, independent public health guidance on issues such as infectious diseases, healthy living, travel health, emergency and disaster preparedness, and drug efficacy. Other jurisdictions can then adapt this information to their local context expertise that has become even more essential during a pandemic, when uncertainty is the norm.

It is difficult to recall a previous public health emergency when political pressure led to a change in the interpretation of scientific evidence.

Despite the inevitable challenges that come with tackling a pandemic in real-time, the CDC remains the best-positioned agency not just in the US but the entire world to help us manage this crisis as safely as possible.

In the absence of US leadership, nations should start thinking about developing their own national centres for disease control. In Australias case, these discussions have been ongoing since the 1990s, stymied by cost and lack of political will.

COVID-19, and the current sidelining of the CDC, may be the impetus needed to finally dust off those plans and make them a reality.

This article is republished from The Conversation under a Creative Commons license. Read the original article.

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America's COVID data will go straight to the White House - here's what it means for us - The Big Smoke Australia

Meet Thryve: The Future Of Personalized Beauty, Healthcare And Body Awareness – Forbes

PARIS, FRANCE - MARCH 07: A model, beauty detail, walks the runway during the Chanel show as part ... [+] of the Paris Fashion Week Womenswear Fall/Winter 2017/2018 on March 7, 2017 in Paris, France. (Photo by Peter White/Getty Images)

I believe wholeheartedly that now matter how successful you are, borders on how well you live your life. These days, and for good reason, the fashion world has a strong focus on beauty, healthy and wellness. If applied in a balanced format, all three will live in harmony.

Lets face it, living well makes you feel stronger and more confident. When you feel confident, you have more stamina at work. People are attracted to beauty, health and positive people. Revlon understands that natural looking make-up looks radiant on healthy skin and healthy skin comes from within.

LOS ANGELES, CA - SEPTEMBER 27: Actress Jennifer Hudson arrives at Revlon's Annual Philanthropic ... [+] Luncheon at Chateau Marmont on September 27, 2016 in Los Angeles, California. (Photo by Jon Kopaloff/FilmMagic)

In early 2020, mankind awakened to the sounding bell of a global pandemic Since then, beauty, health and body awareness has come to the forefront of consumer awareness. Now, more than ever, consumers are focused on looking healthy, well-dressed and displaying a strong positive attitude. Moreover, during these trying times, beauty and health allow people the ability to face the world and tackle daily problems.By choosing a healthy lifestyle, vitality, vibrancy, and vigor soon unfold and come into play to help you reach the greatest potential. This is the look of the season. Fashion, beauty and overall well-being is the new key to dressing for corporate ascension.

As I started to conduct this feature, I stumbled upon endless brands to research. Chanel, Revlon and Lancme are just a few global beauty and health brands that have been conducting in-depth research into this well-being sector of the celebrity and fashion industry.

LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA - FEBRUARY 06: Gigi Gorgeous attends Vanity Fair and Lancme Toast Women in ... [+] Hollywood on February 06, 2020 in Los Angeles, California. (Photo by Phillip Faraone/Getty Images for Vanity Fair)

Despite the enormous amount of attention and dedication to the subject, mankind still has a lot to learn. Just this week, I watched the Netflix show titled Down-To -Earth featuring celebrity host Zac Efron. Upon watching the documentary, it clearly demonstrates with laser focus the importance of food, water and energy to sustain the planet. As I watched the show, I became absorbed in learning how good living is imperative in looking good and feeling productive.

Change is from the inside and maybe at this point in time, we all have to change. Tracking down Richard Lin, the co-founder and CEO of Thryve was not an easy task but it was most certainly worth the effort. My session with him was quite revealing. He believes through his beauty, health and well-being analysis that he can ensure a better path to life and a positive way to look good and feel greatespecially with respect to corporate ascension.

Launched in 2016, Thryve is focused on ensuring the availability of subscription-based customized testing of the microbiome with a personalized probiotic that any individual can use to have actionable insight into their health status and the prevention of chronic diseases. What is Thryve all about? Who is Richard Lin?

During COVID-19, I couldnt have wished for a more opportune time than this to discuss beauty and health with him. A time the world is engulfed in the distress of COVID-19 and people have faced one form of a lockdown or the other. People still want to look and feel good. Moisturizers, face-creams, vitamins are all part of a healthy regime. I cannot bypass the opportunity of bringing the good news of how your gut can be involved in creating a better version and a more successful you to your way at this time you may be embroiled with the ugly situation COVID-19 has brought on us.

The brand has it as a mission to empower you to take charge of your Health so you can feel your greatest. With a quality resource team, Thryve has been able to utilize artificial intelligence (natural language processing and machine learning) in order to summarize 50,000+ research articles on the microbiome to make the science accessible and easy-to-understand.

Richard Lin

JD: Who are you and what inspired you to start Thryve?

Richard Lin: About 4 years ago, I took antibiotics and came down with a nasty superbug called Clostridium Difficile. I had gone to multiple different doctors only to have my symptoms dismissed because I was too young and healthy looking to be sick. Through this process, I started reading scientific literature and engaging with other folks with chronic disease in Facebook Groups and Online Forums. Through my research, I asked my fourth doctor to get a DNA test to check for overgrowth of Clostridium Difficile which came back positive. I had that treated through more antibiotics and eventually a fecal transplant which resolved my symptoms.

In going through this journey, I realized that most consumers did not have a good idea what a microbiome is, why their microbiome matters, and ultimately what they can do to change it to improve their health. Thats why I started Thryve. The microbiome are the trillions of bacteria, yeast, and viruses that reside in our gut, skin, mouth, and more that science has shown to be correlated to many of the chronic and modern diseases we see in the west.

My background was in software and data science at large fortune 500 companies like SAP and startups like Deliv (acquired by Target), so I utilized these skills to bring together a scientific team that could get a product to market that was affordable and accessible for everyday consumers.

LOS ANGELES, CA - MAY 07: Actress Halle Berry attends the 18th Annual EIF Revlon Run/Walk For Women ... [+] on May 7, 2011 in Los Angeles, California. (Photo by Frederick M. Brown/Getty Images)

JD: Beauty enthusiasts would like to know if probiotics are any good for them, what are the skincare benefits of using probiotics?

Kimberly Griffith MS Human Nutrition and Functional Medicine and Thryves Clinical Researcher Partner: The concept of beauty from within is highly supported by the gut-skin axis. Probiotics encourage a healthy and balanced gut microflora that directly impacts skin health by reducing inflammation, preventing pathogenic growth, and increasing skin hydration and strength. Specifically, clinical evidence presents the positive role that probiotics provide in preventing and managing chronic skin conditions such as acne, eczema, psoriasis, rosacea, wound healing, and dandruff. However, the positive effects of probiotics are not limited to chronic skin conditions, probiotics have shown to combat accelerated skin aging and assist in the prevention of premature aging. A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study published in the Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology confirmed the anti-aging benefits exerted by probiotics which resulted in improved skin elasticity, decreased wrinkle depth, skin gloss, and increased skin hydration. The growing body of clinical evidence continues to support the beneficial role probiotics play in managing and maintaining overall skin health.

Specialized Probiotics for beauty and health

JD: Talk to Forbes about your companys History, Development, and Projection.

Richard Lin: Thryves origin story is like any tech darling. We started out in the kitchen and slowly expanded to our own facilities over the course of 3 years. Weve raised from venture-capitalist and strategic venture arms such as Unilever Ventures, PivotNorth Capital, TrailMix Ventures, Darling Ventures, Plug and Play Ventures, Unpopular Ventures, Joyance Partners, Social Starts, Shanda Group, Pharmapacks, and Bioverge

Our product which includes a microbiome DNA test, digital app (health report, customized food plan), and personalized probiotics is the worlds first customized solution to target gut health. Weve utilized artificial intelligence (natural language processing and machine learning) in order to summarize 50,000+ research articles on the microbiome to make the science accessible and easy-to-understand. Weve done this with the help of our scientific advisor board from the likes of MIT, Stanford, Harvard, Purdue, and UC Davis.

The future of healthcare which I like to call going from health 1.0 (reactive) to health 2.0 (predictive, personalized, and preventative) will be realized by using omics / DNA in order to prevent chronic disease from happening in the future.

Our goal going into 2021 and 2022 is to offer multiple site-wide microbiome testing (vaginal, infant/child, skin, oral) and build the omics platform as a service with genomics (human DNA) and exposomics (environmental toxins).

Pic Thryve COURTESY OF Thryve

JD: Why do you think people should consider using probiotics?

Richard Lin: Science has shown that probiotics when taken in adequate amounts can have far reaching health benefits such as positively affecting gut related infections and diseases, food and environmental allergies and intolerances, immune support, intestinal barrier strength, microbial imbalances, skin related issues, hypercholesterolemia, anxiety and depression, and weight management.

A recent article reviewing probiotics in treatment and disease prevention in the Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, stated Few treatments for human diseases have received as much investigation in the past 20 years as probiotics. Additionally, they concluded when given in adequate quantities for sufficient periods of time, are beneficial in many human disease conditions and safer than most pharmaceuticals. (Liu, et al., 2018)

As stated by Sarah Daniels Ph.D., Lead Research Scientist at Thryve: A clinical review published in Therapeutic Advances in Gastroenterology, confirmed the efficacy and beneficial effects of Saccharomyces boulardii as a probiotic for the therapy and prevention of disorders within the gastrointestinal tract. Probiotic strains such as Lactobacillus acidophilus CL 1285, L. casei Lbc80r, L. rhamnosus CLR2 alongside Saccharomyces boulardii I-745 and L. casei DN114001 have shown effective in preventing antibiotic-associated diarrhea. (Sniffen, et al., 2018). Probiotic efficacy is not limited to the gut. A recent study published within Diabetology & Metabolic Syndrome, presented evidence suggesting the therapeutic role of a probiotic such as Lactobacillus casei 01 positively affecting weight management and glycemic control in patients with type 2 diabetes. (Khalili, et al., 2019)

That said, probiotics would be a shot in the dark if purchasing from your local grocery store. A couple of items to consider

1) what strains are in the probiotics, this will determine the actual health benefits

2) total amount of CFUs (Colony Forming Units), which determines the potency

3) prebiotic additives, which are indigestible fibers or sugars that feed probiotics to help them proliferate and growth for added benefits

4) source of ingredients, most probiotics need to be refrigerated or they expire. Although your store bought variety may be in the refrigerated aisle, it may been delivered in a high temperature storage facility like a truck or warehouse

Beauty starts with good skin

JD: What differentiates Thryve from every other probiotic company out there?

Richard Lin: 3 things:

Natural/Beauty Skin: Model With Probiotic

JD: What are some changes your company is making and how are you happy about those changes?

Richard Lin: The first 2 years in Thryve, I had never truly focused on culture. More specifically, what are the values of our business and who do we want to hire that upholds these same values. When I first started the company, I hired folks who looked great on paper, but just weren't a good fit with the culture I had internally thought about, but never externally expressed in voice or writing.

Over the course of 2020, Ive been highly vocal on our company values (growth mindset, clear accountability, customer obsession, and speed as a habit) and put into the process to continue to remind our team why we do what we do. I believe this is such an important change in any company, since companies are made up of people and the goal is to have everyone rowing in the same direction (mission).

More specifically, we enacted these changes from the start of the hiring process. When we interview candidates for new positions we hone in on our core values to ensure everyone we bring on is a good fit for our culture. Post-hiring, we set up bi-monthly performance reviews with quantitative and qualitative bi-directional (managers to employees and vice versa) feedback around these values to review where weve done well and where we need to improve. This has built a great feedback loop and positive camaraderie between the team.

JD: Do you think probiotics are any good for weight loss or weight gain?

Sarah Daniels Ph.D. and Thryves Lead Research Scientist:

Recently, the relationship between probiotics and weight change has been of great interest. Seminal work in this field has demonstrated that obese and non-obese gut microbiome profiles differ in both animal models and in humans. Given the current obesity epidemic, many studies have focused on the effects of probiotics on weight loss. However, a probiotic supplement alone may not confer full reversal of obesity. Previous research examining the direct effects of probiotics on weight loss has shown mixed results. These studies cannot always be compared side-by-side as participant demographics (e.g., age, baseline weight) and the probiotics tested vary from study to study. Overall, this field is in its infancy stages. More human studies using large sample sizes, rigorous randomized control trials, and multi-pronged approaches (i.e., incorporating diet, probiotics, and lifestyle changes) will help determine whether probiotics play a role in weight change.

See the original post here:
Meet Thryve: The Future Of Personalized Beauty, Healthcare And Body Awareness - Forbes

US coronavirus data will now go straight to the White House. Here’s what this means for the world – The Canberra Times

news, local-news,

Led by physicians, scientists and epidemiologists, the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is one of the most reliable sources of knowledge during disease outbreaks. But now, with the world in desperate need of authoritative information, one of the foremost agencies for fighting infectious disease has gone conspicuously silent. For the first time since 1946, when the CDC came to life in a cramped Atlanta office to fight malaria, the agency is not at the front line of a public health emergency. On April 22, CDC director Robert Redfield stood at the White House briefing room lectern and conceded that the coronavirus pandemic had "overwhelmed" the United States. Following Redfield at the podium, President Donald Trump said the CDC director had been "totally misquoted" in his warning that COVID-19 would continue to pose serious difficulties as the US moved into its winter 'flu season in late 2020. Invited to clarify, Redfield confirmed he had been quoted correctly in giving his opinion that there were potentially "difficult and complicated" times ahead. Trump tried a different tack. "You may not even have corona coming back," the president said, once again contradicting the career virologist. "Just so you understand." The exchange was interpreted by some pundits as confirmation that the CDC's venerated expertise had been sidelined as the coronavirus continued to ravage the US. In the latest development, the New York Times reported this week the CDC has even been bypassed in its data collection, with the Trump administration ordering hospitals to send COVID-19 data directly to the White House. When facing previous public health emergencies the CDC was a hive of activity, holding regular press briefings and developing guidance that was followed by governments around the world. But during the greatest public health emergency in a century, it appears the CDC has been almost entirely erased by the White House as the public face of the COVID-19 pandemic response. This diminished role is obvious to former leaders of the CDC, who say their scientific advice has never before been politicised to this extent. As the COVID-19 crisis was unfolding, several CDC officials issued warnings, only to promptly disappear from public view. Nancy Messonnier, director of the CDC's National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases, predicted on February 25 that the virus was not contained and would grow into a pandemic. The stock market plunged and Messonnier was removed from future White House press briefings. Between March 9 and June 12 there was no CDC presence at White House press briefings on COVID-19. The CDC has erred during the pandemic, most significantly in its initial efforts to develop a test for COVID-19. The testing kits proved to be faulty - a problem compounded by sluggish efforts to rectify the situation - and then by severe delays in distributing enough tests to the public. But many public health specialists are nevertheless baffled by the CDC's low profile as the pandemic continues to sweep the globe. "They have been sidelined," said Howard Koh, former US assistant secretary for health. "We need their scientific leadership right now." The CDC being bypassed in the collection of COVID-19 data is another body blow to the agency's standing. Hospitals have instead been ordered to send all COVID-19 patient information to a central database in Washington DC. This will have a range of likely knock-on effects. For starters, the new database will not be available to the public, prompting inevitable questions over the accuracy and transparency of data which will now be interpreted and shared by the White House. The Department of Health and Human Services, which issued the new order, says the change will help the White House's coronavirus task force allocate resources. But epidemiologists and public health experts around the world fear the new system will make it harder for people outside the White House to track the pandemic or access information. This affects all nations, because one of the CDC's roles is to provide sound, independent public health guidance on issues such as infectious diseases, healthy living, travel health, emergency and disaster preparedness, and drug efficacy. Other jurisdictions can then adapt this information to their local context - expertise that has become even more essential during a pandemic, when uncertainty is the norm. It is difficult to recall a previous public health emergency when political pressure led to a change in the interpretation of scientific evidence. Despite the inevitable challenges that come with tackling a pandemic in real time, the CDC remains the best-positioned agency - not just in the US but the entire world - to help us manage this crisis as safely as possible. In the absence of US leadership, nations should start thinking about developing their own national centres for disease control. In Australia's case, these discussions have been ongoing since the 1990s, stymied by cost and lack of political will. COVID-19, and the current sidelining of the CDC, may be the impetus needed to finally dust off those plans and make them a reality. The Conversation


Led by physicians, scientists and epidemiologists, the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is one of the most reliable sources of knowledge during disease outbreaks. But now, with the world in desperate need of authoritative information, one of the foremost agencies for fighting infectious disease has gone conspicuously silent.

US President Donald Trump. Picture: Shutterstock

For the first time since 1946, when the CDC came to life in a cramped Atlanta office to fight malaria, the agency is not at the front line of a public health emergency.

On April 22, CDC director Robert Redfield stood at the White House briefing room lectern and conceded that the coronavirus pandemic had "overwhelmed" the United States. Following Redfield at the podium, President Donald Trump said the CDC director had been "totally misquoted" in his warning that COVID-19 would continue to pose serious difficulties as the US moved into its winter 'flu season in late 2020.

Invited to clarify, Redfield confirmed he had been quoted correctly in giving his opinion that there were potentially "difficult and complicated" times ahead.

Trump tried a different tack. "You may not even have corona coming back," the president said, once again contradicting the career virologist. "Just so you understand."

The exchange was interpreted by some pundits as confirmation that the CDC's venerated expertise had been sidelined as the coronavirus continued to ravage the US.

In the latest development, the New York Times reported this week the CDC has even been bypassed in its data collection, with the Trump administration ordering hospitals to send COVID-19 data directly to the White House.

When facing previous public health emergencies the CDC was a hive of activity, holding regular press briefings and developing guidance that was followed by governments around the world. But during the greatest public health emergency in a century, it appears the CDC has been almost entirely erased by the White House as the public face of the COVID-19 pandemic response.

This diminished role is obvious to former leaders of the CDC, who say their scientific advice has never before been politicised to this extent.

As the COVID-19 crisis was unfolding, several CDC officials issued warnings, only to promptly disappear from public view. Nancy Messonnier, director of the CDC's National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases, predicted on February 25 that the virus was not contained and would grow into a pandemic.

The stock market plunged and Messonnier was removed from future White House press briefings. Between March 9 and June 12 there was no CDC presence at White House press briefings on COVID-19.

The CDC has erred during the pandemic, most significantly in its initial efforts to develop a test for COVID-19. The testing kits proved to be faulty - a problem compounded by sluggish efforts to rectify the situation - and then by severe delays in distributing enough tests to the public.

But many public health specialists are nevertheless baffled by the CDC's low profile as the pandemic continues to sweep the globe.

"They have been sidelined," said Howard Koh, former US assistant secretary for health. "We need their scientific leadership right now."

What does it mean for the world?

The CDC being bypassed in the collection of COVID-19 data is another body blow to the agency's standing.

Hospitals have instead been ordered to send all COVID-19 patient information to a central database in Washington DC.

This will have a range of likely knock-on effects. For starters, the new database will not be available to the public, prompting inevitable questions over the accuracy and transparency of data which will now be interpreted and shared by the White House.

The Department of Health and Human Services, which issued the new order, says the change will help the White House's coronavirus task force allocate resources. But epidemiologists and public health experts around the world fear the new system will make it harder for people outside the White House to track the pandemic or access information.

This affects all nations, because one of the CDC's roles is to provide sound, independent public health guidance on issues such as infectious diseases, healthy living, travel health, emergency and disaster preparedness, and drug efficacy. Other jurisdictions can then adapt this information to their local context - expertise that has become even more essential during a pandemic, when uncertainty is the norm.

It is difficult to recall a previous public health emergency when political pressure led to a change in the interpretation of scientific evidence.

Despite the inevitable challenges that come with tackling a pandemic in real time, the CDC remains the best-positioned agency - not just in the US but the entire world - to help us manage this crisis as safely as possible.

In the absence of US leadership, nations should start thinking about developing their own national centres for disease control. In Australia's case, these discussions have been ongoing since the 1990s, stymied by cost and lack of political will.

COVID-19, and the current sidelining of the CDC, may be the impetus needed to finally dust off those plans and make them a reality.

Read this article:
US coronavirus data will now go straight to the White House. Here's what this means for the world - The Canberra Times

Celebrate 65 Years Of Nutritional Empowerment With Natural Grocers On August 13-15, 2020 – The Grand Junction Daily Sentinel

LAKEWOOD, Colo., Aug. 3, 2020 /PRNewswire/ --Natural Grocers, the nation's largest family-operated natural and organic grocery retailer, is celebrating its 65th Anniversary over three full days, August 13-15, 2020. For the Isely family, this means sixty-five years of empowering their communities to take charge of their health, sixty-five years of providing free, life-changing Nutrition Education, and sixty-five years of offering nutritionally sound, sustainably produced foods at Always AffordableSM prices.

This year's anniversary celebration coincides with what would be Natural Grocers' Co-Founder Margaret Isely's 99th birthday. In honor of Margaret's love of birthdays and her favorite dessertchocolate ice cream topped with chocolate syrupexpect to see birthday and ice cream themes throughout the three-day celebration.

Our good4uSM Crew and loyal customers are at the heart of Natural Grocersthat's why everyone is invited to join in the celebration as we commemorate sixty-five years in business. All 159 Natural Grocers stores, in 20 states, will celebrate with sweepstakes and contests featuring over 1,700 prizes, including a 2020 Subaru Crosstrek, plus the biggest discounts of the year, free frozen desserts, free Natural Grocers Brand Organic Chocolate Bars ({N}power members only) and limited-edition reusable bags, "Cooking with Health CrusaderSM" virtual demonstration, a photo contest, and more.


When Margaret and Phillip Isely co-founded Natural Grocers in 1955, all they had was $200 and a dream of making a healthy and active lifestyle possible for everyone.As trailblazers, health crusaders, and industry leaders, the Iselys demonstrated the virtues of nutrition as an essential building block for excellent health. Over the last 65 years, the family has been steadfast in its mission to make fresh, high-quality natural and organic groceries, supplements, household essentials, and only 100% organic produce, along with free Nutrition Education, available to the communities they serve.

"As the second and third generation of Iselys to operate Natural Grocers, we are honored to preserve the legacy our parents created as leaders in the organic and natural food industry," commented Kemper Isely, Natural Grocers' Co-President. "Since the beginning, we've been rooted in health and have looked toward our Founding Principles when making business decisions that impact our Crew and our customers. In turn, we have been embraced by our communities and for that, we are thankful. We are excited to celebrate sixty-five years of healthy living with our valued customers."

To learn more about Natural Grocers, check out 65 Things You Didn't Know About Natural Grocers.


It wouldn't be a Natural Grocers Anniversary if the celebration wasn't loaded up on giveaways and sweepstakesso to mark our 65th Anniversary, we are giving away more than 1,700 prizes. Fill out the Anniversary Sweepstakes form in the August good4u Health Hotline magazine (available in-store and via delivery) and drop it off at any Natural Grocers location between August 13 and August 15 to enter for a chance to win. A drawing among all entries will determine the winners of the following prizes:

Grand Prize: One winner, company-wide will be selected to win a2020 Subaru Crosstrek, or $30,000 cash, courtesy of C20 Pure Coconut Water.Company-wide Prizes: One winner, company-wide, will be selected to win prizes such as a $500 Natural Grocers gift card, a Yeti Cooler, a Vitamix Explorian E310 Blender, a Stand Up Paddle Board and more.One Prize Each Per Store: One winner per store will be selected to win prizes such as a $65 Natural Grocers gift card, a Fitbit Inspire, a Natural Grocers Wood Cutting Board, a Kids Animal Rolling Backpack, a bag of Natural Grocers Brand Products, and more.

For details and a full list of prizes, visit: http://www.naturalgrocers.com/anniversary

COUNT THE SUNDAESCount the sundaes sprinkled throughout the pages of the August good4u Health Hotline magazine, fill out the form and drop it off at any Natural Grocers store by August 29, 2020 for a chance to win. A drawing among all entries with the correct number will determine the winner, who will receive a $500 Natural Grocers gift card.

SUNDAE FUNDAE PHOTO CONTESTHave your ice cream and eat it too with a Sundae Fundae Ice Cream Photo Contest. Between August 1 and August 15, submit a photo of your ice cream sundae creation for a chance to win in one of three categories: Best Looking, Sloppiest, and Wildest. 1st place winners will receive six months of free ice cream, (a value of $200), 2nd place winners will receive three months of free ice cream (a value of $100), and 3rd place winners will receive one month of free ice cream (a value of $50.) For more details and a chance to win, share your sundae photo at: http://www.naturalgrocers.com/win-icecream

FOOD BANK FUNDRAISER2 To honor our Founding Principle of "Commitment to Community," Natural Grocers will be donating1% of all sales on August 13 to community food banks. Additionally, customers will have the opportunity to donate $1, $5, or $10 at the register during the month of August. The hope is that, as a community, we can help those who are experiencing food insecurity by providing access to high-quality, healthy foods at affordable prices through donations of Natural Grocers gift cards.



About Natural Grocers by Vitamin CottageNatural Grocers by Vitamin Cottage, Inc. (NYSE: NGVC; NaturalGrocers.com) is an expanding specialty retailer of organic and natural groceries, body care products, and dietary supplements. The company offers a flexible, neighborhood-store format, affordable prices, and free, science-based Nutrition Education programs to help customers make informed health and nutrition choices. Founded in Colorado in 1955, Natural Grocers has more than 3,500 employees and operates 159 stores in 20 states. Follow Natural Grocers on social media viaFacebook,InstagramandTwitter. #NaturalGrocers

1For all sweepstakes and contests: no purchasenecessary. A purchase will not increase your chances of winning. Open only to legal residents ofthe 50 United States and the District of Columbia who are at least 18 years old at the time of entry. Maximum one entry per customer per sweepstakes or contest unless otherwise noted in the rules for such contest. Void where prohibitedby law.For official rules and complete details, visit: http://www.naturalgrocers.com/sweepstakes, or the specific links provided in the body of this release. Sponsor: Vitamin Cottage Natural Food Markets, Inc.2All donations will be donated to food banks in the form of Natural Grocers gift cards. Sales of gift cards excluded from Natural Grocers' 1% donation.3All offers, free items and giveaways are available at participating stores while supplies last; no rain checks. See store for details.

Read this article:
Celebrate 65 Years Of Nutritional Empowerment With Natural Grocers On August 13-15, 2020 - The Grand Junction Daily Sentinel

US coronavirus data will now bypass the CDC and go straight to the White House. Here’s what this means for the world – ABC News

Led by physicians, scientists and epidemiologists, the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is one of the most reliable sources of knowledge during disease outbreaks.

But now, with the world in desperate need of authoritative information, one of the foremost agencies for fighting infectious disease has gone conspicuously silent.

For the first time since 1946, when the CDC came to life in a cramped Atlanta office to fight malaria, the agency is not at the front line of a public health emergency.

On April 22, CDC director Robert Redfield stood at the White House briefing room lectern and conceded that the coronavirus pandemic had "overwhelmed" the United States.

Following Redfield at the podium, President Donald Trump said the CDC director had been "totally misquoted" in his warning that COVID-19 would continue to pose serious difficulties as the US moved into its winter flu season in late 2020.


Invited to clarify, Redfield confirmed he had been quoted correctly in giving his opinion that there were potentially "difficult and complicated" times ahead.

Trump tried a different tack. "You may not even have corona coming back," the President said, once again contradicting the career virologist. "Just so you understand."

The exchange was interpreted by some pundits as confirmation that the CDC's venerated expertise had been sidelined as the coronavirus continued to ravage the US.

In the latest development, the New York Times reported this week the CDC has even been bypassed in its data collection, with the Trump administration ordering hospitals to send COVID-19 data directly to the White House.

When facing previous public health emergencies the CDC was a hive of activity, holding regular press briefings and developing guidance that was followed by governments around the world.

But during the greatest public health emergency in a century, it appears the CDC has been almost entirely erased by the White House as the public face of the COVID-19 pandemic response.


This diminished role is obvious to former leaders of the CDC, who say their scientific advice has never before been politicised to this extent.

As the COVID-19 crisis was unfolding, several CDC officials issued warnings, only to promptly disappear from public view.

Nancy Messonnier, director of the CDC's National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases, predicted on February 25 that the virus was not contained and would grow into a pandemic.

The stock market plunged and Messonnier was removed from future White House press briefings.

Between March 9 and June 12 there was no CDC presence at White House press briefings on COVID-19.

The CDC has erred during the pandemic, most significantly in its initial efforts to develop a test for COVID-19.

The testing kits proved to be faulty a problem compounded by sluggish efforts to rectify the situation and then by severe delays in distributing enough tests to the public.

But many public health specialists are nevertheless baffled by the CDC's low profile as the pandemic continues to sweep the globe.

"They have been sidelined," said Howard Koh, former US assistant secretary for health. "We need their scientific leadership right now."

The CDC being bypassed in the collection of COVID-19 data is another body blow to the agency's standing.

Hospitals have instead been ordered to send all COVID-19 patient information to a central database in Washington DC.

Coronavirus, riots and, now, division over Trump's Juneteenth rally: How much more can America take?

This will have a range of likely knock-on effects. For starters, the new database will not be available to the public, prompting inevitable questions over the accuracy and transparency of data which will now be interpreted and shared by the White House.

The Department of Health and Human Services, which issued the new order, says the change will help the White House's coronavirus task force allocate resources.

But epidemiologists and public health experts around the world fear the new system will make it harder for people outside the White House to track the pandemic or access information.

This affects all nations, because one of the CDC's roles is to provide sound, independent public health guidance on issues such as infectious diseases, healthy living, travel health, emergency and disaster preparedness, and drug efficacy.

Other jurisdictions can then adapt this information to their local context expertise that has become even more essential during a pandemic, when uncertainty is the norm.

It is difficult to recall a previous public health emergency when political pressure led to a change in the interpretation of scientific evidence.

Despite the inevitable challenges that come with tackling a pandemic in real time, the CDC remains the best-positioned agency not just in the US but the entire world to help us manage this crisis as safely as possible.

In the absence of US leadership, nations should start thinking about developing their own national centres for disease control.

In Australia's case, these discussions have been ongoing since the 1990s, stymied by cost and lack of political will.

COVID-19, and the current sidelining of the CDC, may be the impetus needed to finally dust off those plans and make them a reality.

Erin Smith is an associate professor in disaster and emergency response at Edith Cowan University's School of Medical and Health Sciences. This article originally appeared on The Conversation.

Go here to read the rest:
US coronavirus data will now bypass the CDC and go straight to the White House. Here's what this means for the world - ABC News

School Estates and Healthy Living Survey Statistics – gov.scot – Scottish Government News

National Statistics Publications for Scotland.

The proportion of schools reported as being in good or satisfactory condition has increased to 89.9% (88.3% in 2019). This is 29 percentage points higher than in April 2007 (61.1%).

Meanwhile, the proportion of pupils present on Healthy Living Survey day in February 2020 who took a school meal, free or paid for, decreased to 53.3.% from 54.5% in 2019.

Scotland's Chief Statistician today published two releases on schools in Scotland.

School Estates Statistics 2020 also showed that the proportion of pupils educated in schools in poor or bad condition has decreased from 36.6% of all pupils (around 257,000) in 2007 to 8.9% of all pupils (around 62,000) in 2020.

Since 2007-08, 958 schools have been built or substantially refurbished (includes those with cost of at least 500,000 for primary schools and at least 1 million for secondary and special schools).

School Healthy Living Survey Statistics 2020 also showed that the proportion of pupils who were registered for free school meals, present on survey day and took a free meal decreased from 78.1% in 2019 to 76.2% in 2020.

The proportion of all schools meeting the Physical Education (PE) target of at least two hours in primary and two periods (100 minutes) at secondary school in 2020 remained the same as in 2019 at 99%. Almost 100% of primary schools are meeting the target, the same as 2019, and the proportion of secondary schools meeting the target in 2020 also remained the same as in 2019 at 94%.


Schools Estate Statistics are sourced from the April 2020 School Estates Core Facts Survey.

The School Healthy Living Survey was conducted in February 2020 before the introduction of any Covid-19 restrictions. This information is collected at school level.

All pupils in P1 to P3 are entitled to free school meals and are included in the number of registered pupils in this statistical publication. Local Authorities may also implement local measures to extend entitlement to free school meals over the national criteria.

Further school statistics are available within the School Education section of the Scottish Government website.

Official statistics are produced by professionally independent statistical staff in line with the standards of the official statistics in Scotland.

Here is the original post:
School Estates and Healthy Living Survey Statistics - gov.scot - Scottish Government News

Healthy Living: The link between posture and pain – ABC27

Sitting and looking at your phone? Hunched over your computer? You may want to sit up straight after reading this.

Worldwide back pain is one of the most common reasons for missed work and it is the leading cause of disability, according to the American Chiropractic Association.

Posture expert Michelle Joyce says posture isnt just a sign of social status or etiquette, it impacts how we feel.

A lot of us develop very tight chest muscles and it continues to pull your posture out of alignment, she explains.

Joyce says we live life with our shoulders rounded forward. From driving a car, to being on our phone or computer, it is all with our hands in front of us.

This habit can impact our ability to breathe while also straining our neck and back.

Right now, many of us are working from home and our kids are doing virtual learning. Joyce says it is important that the whole family focuses on helping each other with their posture.

For kids, she suggests they avoid doing school work on the couch, in bed or on a bean bag chair as that does not allow for proper alignment of the spine.

For adults, she says to look at your desk set up. Make sure your wrists are lower than your elbows when you type and ensure your head doesnt lean forward toward the screen.

For more tips from Michelle, click here.

See the rest here:
Healthy Living: The link between posture and pain - ABC27

Healthy Living: The Arcs virtual programs are a response to coronavirus – Norwich Bulletin

When Ned Lamont shut down Connecticut on March 20 to slow the spread of the coronavirus, the governor threw Bonnie Belcamino-Jones and Jennel Ricard a curve.

"We were all stunned. What on earth do we do now? But day-by-day we realized, we can do it! We just have to do it in a different way," says Jones. "We never imagined so many things could be provided virtually."

Note to readers: All of The Bulletins coverage of coronavirus is being provided for free to our readers. Please consider supporting local journalism by subscribing to The Bulletin at https://www.norwichbulletin.com/subscribenow.

Director of Employment Services for The Arc Eastern Connecticut south region, Jones leads vocational programming for about 100 people with intellectual and developmental disabilities at The Arcs Groton facility. Ricard, based in Norwich, ensures health and safety and program integrity as deputy quality assurance officer of Day Services. The well-being of close to 200 people is in her hands daily. Both women have worked at The Arc Eastern Connecticut for about 10 years.

"I heard a lot of parents say they didnt think, for their child, virtual services could work. And it was the complete opposite," Jones says. "Once we started doing things that caught the persons attention: music, graphics, anything that caught the eye, really, it made people stop and pay attention. I think parents were surprised. I think group home leaders were surprised."

Before long, The Arcs virtual programs were offering two to five activities daily, five days a week, with a new theme each week. Private cooking lessons, karaoke, educational videos, read-aloud stories, sing-alongs, gardening kits, Word and other computer skills as well as Sign lessons led to an approximate 90% attendance increase almost overnight. "We do Zoom, Zoo Room and Google Duo," says Jones.

"Virtual programming allows us to be more person-centered," Ricard explains. "It lets people choose their time of day. People who are struggling behaviorally have a choice in service hours."

"For people with social anxiety, people with autism who cant tolerate a lot of noise and large crowds, "Jones says, "virtual can work better. Weve noticed a lot of engagement with people who would not engage in a large crowd."

Team members are having fun too. "The team really wants to be here," Ricard says. "Theyve really missed being with the people we serve in person."

Kathleen Stauffer is chief executive officer of The Arc Eastern Connecticut. For information on The Arc, go to http://www.TheArcECT.org. For more articles by this author visit http://www.kathleenstauffer.com

Go here to read the rest:
Healthy Living: The Arcs virtual programs are a response to coronavirus - Norwich Bulletin

Lee Health Expanded Obstetrics OR Set to Open this Week: SF STAT! – South Florida Hospital News

September 2, 2020 - This week, Lee Healths newly renovated obstetrics operating room is set to open at HealthPark Medical Center. The grand opening marks the completion of the final phase of the OB service line expansion project. The overall expansion is a result of the health systems commitment to better serve the community by creating a more personalized and comfortable experience for expectant families.

This phase of the expansion includes the addition of eight new pre- and post-op light-filled private rooms each with a bathroom, shower, sliding glass doors with privacy curtains and wood cabinets for patient belongings and patient supplies. High tech electronic computer boards provide staff members with up to the minute statuses on patient conditions, and the addition of a physician break room will enhance downtime for providers.

The newly designed space improves staff workflows and fosters collaboration while caring for individual patients.

We are pleased to officially announce the completion of our fully expanded OB service line. The units proximity to Golisano Childrens Hospital provides convenient access to the areas only Level II and Level III neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) for high-risk pregnancies and the expansion of beds and operating room at HealthPark allows us to meet the growing needs of our Southwest Florida community, said Susan Ryckman, RN, MS, Vice President of Patient Care Services at Golisano Childrens Hospital of Southwest Florida.

Last year, the health system expanded obstetrical services at HealthPark Medical Center to feature 107 OB beds, all of which are fully private and include family sleep capabilities, and also expanded the OB Emergency Department and OB triage located in HealthParks emergency department from three to seven beds. In addition to adding more beds, the expansion helped meet several other goals of Lee Healths OB service line.

For more information, visit LeeHealth.org.

About Lee Health

Since the opening of the first hospital in 1916, Lee Health has been a health care leader in Southwest Florida, constantly evolving to meet the needs of the community. A non-profit, integrated health care services organization, Lee Health is committed to the well-being of every individual served, focused on healthy living and maintaining good health. Staffed by caring people, inspiring health, services are conveniently located throughout the community in four acute care hospitals, two specialty hospitals, outpatient centers, walk-in medical centers, primary care and specialty physician practices and other services across the continuum of care. Learn more at http://www.LeeHealth.org.

Read more:
Lee Health Expanded Obstetrics OR Set to Open this Week: SF STAT! - South Florida Hospital News

Healthy Living With TAU: NATUROPATH’S FAVORITE PRODUCT – Via Zen Stress and Sleep – The Suburban Newspaper

Are you having a poor quality of sleep? Are you feeling low on energy?

Have you ever heard that to sleep well, you must "prepare your sleep during the day"? The concept "stressed by day, insomniac by night" makes sense when you think about it.

The reasoning is simple! You cannot easily relax and ease your sleep at night if, during the day, you drink too much coffee and you run constantly to fulfill all your obligations and responsibilities.

You have to change your lifestyle during the day: drink less coffee, eat nutritious foods at regular times, exercise moderately and on top of that, the product that can help you is Via Zen Stress.

Via Zen Stress

This supplement contains 4 ingredients: ashwagandha, valerian, L-theanine and magnesium.

Ashwagandha is a plant with adaptogenic properties and one of its main qualities is that it helps lower cortisol levels. Cortisol is a hormone secreted by the adrenals during times of stress. A high level of chronic cortisol can lead to non-restful sleep, because it interferes with the production of melatonin (the sleep hormone). As the role of cortisol is to give us energy, it causes an increase in blood sugar levels, which can even make us gain weight ... especially around the abdomen!

Valerian acts as a relaxant on the nervous system. The dosage included in Via Zen Stress is moderate but high enough to make you feel calm despite the ups and downs of stress.

L-Theanine is an amino acid found in plants. This molecule has been studied, among other things, to reduce physical and mental stress. [1].

Magnesium, last but not least, is effective against stress, relaxes muscles and can make you sleep better without being a sedative. It is one of the main nutrients of the nervous system!

ViaZen Stress and ViaZen Sleep Synergy

For best results, ViaZen Stress taken during the day, coupled with Via Zen Sleep before bedtime, can help you get a good nights sleep! To find out if these products are suitable for you, do not forget to check with your TAU health consultants or naturopaths if you are taking medication.

[1] Kimura, Kenta; Ozeki, Makoto; Juneja, Lekh Raj; Ohira, Hideki (2007). "L-Theanine reduces psychological and physiological stress responses". Biological Psychology. 74 (1): 3945. doi:10.1016/j.biopsycho.2006.06.006. PMID 16930802.

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See more here:
Healthy Living With TAU: NATUROPATH'S FAVORITE PRODUCT - Via Zen Stress and Sleep - The Suburban Newspaper

Healthy Living: Using UV light to disinfect – Q13 FOX


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Ultraviolet light is being used to disinfect everything from masks to cell phones.

SEATTLE - As some businesses welcome guests back inside, temperature checks and hand sanitizer are already the norm in order to enter. Now, it is becoming more common to see UV sanitizing machines as well. It is technology hospitals have been using to clean and disinfect surfaces for years.

Dr. Jim Polo, the Behavioral Health Medical Director with Regence BlueShield says we really need to understand ultraviolet light first,Ultraviolet light will only destroy cells when the light touches the surface and it must be with prolonged exposure time to actually work.

Dr. Polo says there are typically three wavelengths of ultraviolet light, A waves are those that cause tanning and can make your skin look prematurely old.

B waves are those that cause sunburn and can lead to skin cancer. C waves actually destroy cellular genetic material.

While our atmosphere filters out those 'C Waves' we have esentially harnessed that power, putting it into technology that allows us to disinfect just about anything. The UV machines come in all shapes and sizes and range in price. One for your deviceswill likely start around twenty-five dollars and go up from there.

Dr. Polo has one specifically for his phone,I have a machine that I bought which is used specifically to disinfect telephones. Its quite simple, you open it up, put my telephone in and when I close it, it will turn on and it will stay on long enough to disinfect all of the surfaces of my phone.

Annissa Poole is the owner of Edit Hair Studio in Lynnwood and she says she bought a UV disinfectant box for around two-hundred dollars. She says it gives her piece of mind and also put her clients at ease,They think its super cool and um I think people are just focused more on health and safety and cleanliness. So this just kinda shows that I am taking that into consideration for them and they really see it as an added amenity to their experience.

Sp while the technology may be effective, Dr. Polo says you don't necessarily need to run out and get one. He says washing your masks in a washing machine and drying them in the drier will also do the trick. If you are hand washing, he says scrub the surface of the mask for at least 30 seconds. He says a benefit of washing your mask instead of just throwing it under UV light, washing will actually clean and remove makeup and odors, too.

If you use ultraviolet light, be prepared for the smells and odors to still be there as well as makeup stains.

Dr. Polo reminds us that UV light in the 'C wavelength' is dangerous to humans. He says if you do opt to use one of these machines, follow the directions and do not expose your skin to the light.


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Healthy Living: Using UV light to disinfect - Q13 FOX

Push-Ups: Strengthen Your Push-Ups With These 6 Body Weight Exercises – Doctor NDTV

Push-ups: They are one of the most effective yet most difficult exercises to do. If you struggle in improving the form of your push-ups, then here 6 exercises that can help you.

These exercises can improve your strength, body balance and stamina

It could take a while before you master push-ups, especially for females. This body weight training exercise is excellent for improving upper body strength. If you follow the proper form of doing push-ups, it can also help in strengthening your lower back and core. A strong core can help in improving your body stability and balance. Push-ups is definitely one of the fastest and most effective ways to improve your body strength. This of course, is along with the fact that you practice doing push-ups daily, and in the right form.

But, if you are struggling to do push-ups correctly, or if you are unable to do many reps at one go, then there are a few exercises that can help you with this.

Also read:Shilpa Shetty Kundra Suggests You Must Try This Core Workout Routine Once: Watch Video

Fitness trainer Kayla Itsines recently took to Instagram to talk about a few exercises that can help in taking push-ups to the "next level". The following exercises will not help in improving your strength, but will also improve your push-up form. They can be included in your upper body workout routines as well. "You'll be amazed at how much your push-ups improve," Itsines writes in her post.

1. Plank and Reach

2. Plank Rocks

3. Plank Rotation

4. Push-Up Hold (Knees)

5. Negative Push-Up (Knees)

6. Toes Down (Knees)

Also read:Quick Workout: 15 Minutes Is All You Need For This Arms And Abs Workout

The routine involves a number of plank exercises, which are considered to be full body exercise that can help in improving body strength, balance and stamina. The exercises can be especially helpful people who've had a difficult time in doing push-ups in the first place.

Take the help of your trainer if needed, but make sure you do each exercise with the right technique.


Also read:Do You Have A Pre-Workout Routine? Celeb Fitness Trainer Tells Why It Is So Important

Disclaimer: This content including advice provides generic information only. It is in no way a substitute for qualified medical opinion. Always consult a specialist or your own doctor for more information. NDTV does not claim responsibility for this information.

DoctorNDTV is the one stop site for all your health needs providing the most credible health information, health news and tips with expert advice on healthy living, diet plans, informative videos etc. You can get the most relevant and accurate info you need about health problems like diabetes, cancer, pregnancy, HIV and AIDS, weight loss and many other lifestyle diseases. We have a panel of over 350 experts who help us develop content by giving their valuable inputs and bringing to us the latest in the world of healthcare.

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Push-Ups: Strengthen Your Push-Ups With These 6 Body Weight Exercises - Doctor NDTV

Mark Andrews: Healthy living can leave a nasty taste in the mouth – expressandstar.com

But never mind all that. Boris has now decided to take on another challenge: what we have got on our plates. The Prime Minister has called for 'a summer of weight loss' as he seeks to get to grips with the nation's obesity crisis.

I must admit, the idea of this sounds quite appealing, in a Mad Lizzie or Mr Motivator kind of way. I could quite easily imagine Boris appearing on breakfast television each morning in a nylon tracksuit and headband, teaching us all how to do sit ups in time to Agadoo, what's not to like? You certainly couldn't imagine Angela Merkel or Theresa May doing that.

Sadly, I don't think Boris Johnson is going to be doing that either. The Summer of Weight Loss which isn't quite up there with The Summer of Love is going to be more about telling us to improve our diets rather than encouraging workouts to popular novelty songs.

Obesity has never been a problem I have had to contend with. At school I was always the gangly, lanky kid, known among many other things as 'Sticks'. While all the talk is about overweight youngsters today, I spent my youth desperately trying to put on weight. Yet no matter how many Mars bars, pork scratchings or other similar delicacies I consumed, I remained stubbornly scrawny.

I did briefly flirt with weight training in my late 20s, but quickly became bored with the time consuming monotony of it all. After a few months of squats, bench presses and curls, I concluded I would rather remain a wimp and have a life, than dedicate my life to the pursuit of physical perfection. And 20 years on, with the big 5-0 looming large and half a lifetime of dietary abuse behind me, I'm still decidedly slim. OK, you probably wouldn't call me Sticks these days, and I have got a bit of a tub around the belly, but considering the amount of junk I have eaten over the years, you would think I might have a little more to show for it.

As it happens, I've been trying to clean my act up over the past few years. After being called into the doctors' surgery for one of those mid-life health check-ups, I was advised to change my diet. While obesity is not a problem, cholesterol is. Nothing serious, but it was suggested that I should be getting my five fruit and vegetables a day, and taking a drink which lowers cholesterol.

This change to my lifestyle has raised one or two eyebrows. When my brother spotted the shiny new electronic scales in the kitchen, he asked me if I had become a drug dealer. And it hasn't always been easy. In the early days, my pork scratching consumption probably increased, as every time I ate a pre-sliced apple or dried fruit bar, my immediate reaction was to reach for a piece of pig to take away the taste. But I have got used to vegetables by smothering them in sauce, I have discovered which fruit bars taste palatable and which don't. I realised that my cravings for fatty pork go away if I ate rice cakes or cashews. Except that I've since discovered that rice cakes are also unhealthy something to do with carbohydrates and that the cream I have been putting on my strawberries is probably also killing me. So although I've changed my diet from eating things I do like to things I don't, I've still not quite cracked it.

And that is why I fear the Government's strategy is going to fail. There was a feature in one of the Sunday newspapers the other week, offering suggestions for 'painless ways to get your five a day'. I scanned it and my heart sank. It was full of all sorts of exotic and fancy recipes, pasta this, fruit salad that, in other words all the sorts of food that people who like the taste of fruit and vegetables will enjoy. And which those of us who don't will hate. Which helps no-one.

It's always the same. It's always about trying to convince those of us who don't like healthy food that we've got it wrong, rather than helping us to make it palatable enough to tolerate.

What we want to know is which are the blandest tasting fruits that we can slip into our diets without noticing, and what sauces it is safe to use to mask the flavour of your vegetables. If I can't put cream on my strawberries, what should I use? Which are the least harmful crackers?

In other words, if the Summer of Weight Loss is really going to work, it is going to need to be given a bit of a populist twist, it needs to be kept simple, and made attractive to those who are not its natural followers. Which you would think would be right up Boris's street.

The rest is here:
Mark Andrews: Healthy living can leave a nasty taste in the mouth - expressandstar.com

A Quest For Wellness Offer Flowers and Plants as Solutions – PerishableNews

Photo courtesy United Supermarkets, Lubbock, TX.

If celebrating American Grown Flowers helps consumers enjoy more flowers in July, then go for it but keep the promotional spirit going for the next 11 months.

In all 50 states July is American Grown Flowers month as designated for the fourth consecutive year by the United States Senate. This movement is wonderful because it brings about awareness of flowers and plants and encourages celebration. Flower farmers can be applauded for their contributions to summer tables adorned with blooms and cut greens grown in our 244-year-old country.

As a California-based farm we have always celebrated American Grown Flowers month with excitement, but this year has been more meaningful than ever. As Americans remain under quarantine many are realizing the importance of nurturing their mental and physical health. They are discovering what we have been sharing for years fresh flowers make you happy!, says Lane DeVries, CEO and head grower, The Sun Valley Group, in Arcata, CA.

Massive displays will likely be created featuring the American Grown logo. The organization behind the origin-based label is Certified American Grown Flowers in Santa Barbara, CA. Consumers will grab a piece of modern-day Americana as they purchase, share or take home bouquets, cut greens and potted plants featuring the American Grown logo.

We are supporting American Grown promotion, says Bradley Gaines, business director of floral for United Supermarkets based in Lubbock, TX. We need some positive vibes right now, and we are doing our best at bringing flowers and happiness to our guests.

This is good. This promotion is beneficial for all for the economy and as a health and wellness boost for people enjoying the flowers. But a point for retailers to remember is, just as in produce, floral consumption promotion is a year-round endeavor. Retailers will bring about awareness with the July promotion and engage consumers, but after that, there are 11 more months when retailers can continue customer engagement by offering and promoting flowers and plants as wellness elements for healthy living.

Remember The 5 A Day Program?

When the Produce For Better Health Foundation (PBH) was formed in 1991 to serve as co-sponsor of the 5 A Day for Better Health program, there was no clause in that encouragement that the consumables had to be American grown. The idea was to bring about awareness of the health benefits of consuming more fruits and vegetables.

In 2007, a new brand identity was formed called Fruits & Veggies More Matters. The message remained focused on the nutritional benefits of consuming fruits and veggies. Again, there was no stipulation the produce consumed was required to be grown in America.

Since launching in 2019, the Have A Plant campaign continues to create consumer awareness on the health benefits of consuming fruits and vegetables. The PBH operational statement continues as: Committed to helping people enjoy happier, healthier lives by eating more fruits and vegetables every day.

To share the produce story and educate consumers about healthy eating, promotional spotlights are often shone on farms, field workers and packing crews. Down-to-earth salutes are offered to growers, truckers and produce clerks. With this approach, seen online and in stores, consumers are alerted and engaged, which is meaningful as consumers indicate interest in the origin of items they consume and enjoy.

The time is right for more of these stories in floral. Make the connection between flower farmers and the floral products sold in your stores. Provide customers with interesting content about the flower farms, including what is grown, who works there and what the journey involves when transporting the flowers from field to vase.

Globally Grown Domestically Enjoyed

In Produce, ripe summer cherries can thrill consumers who seek the first summer sweetness as a traditional step they enjoyed at home long ago. They also might shop for summer sweet corn to launch backyard barbecue season. And those occasions also mean the search for juicy peaches is on. Seasons in Produce cause shoppers to become seekers. This happens in Floral as well.

Floral retailers in the United States know the value of enticing customers with global offerings. When the pandemic lockdown prevented shipments of Ranunculus from Italy and other offshore blooms, there indeed were plenty of disappointed shoppers who could not purchase their favorite seasonal delights. Disappointment was internationally experienced.

The point is, as in Produce, consumers have become suitably spoiled by the ease of access to global inventory of flowers grown in different hemispheres with different seasons. This is good because, as we all know, enjoying flowers and plants provides our minds and bodies with health benefits, which many significant studies have well reported.

Enjoyment may be the focus but the subliminal message trying to turn mainstream is that enjoying flowers and plants can boost self-care no matter where the plants are grown. But promotion is still needed in the U. S. to encourage consumers to purchase flowers and plants on a regular basis. Were not Europe. Its not yet typical in our culture to include flowers and plants in our weekly shopping trip. But this current environment of certain uncertainty seems to have caused a noticeable quest for tranquility and immunity.

Evaluate Local Cues

For supermarkets, mass markets and club stores navigating this pandemic-related new phase of shopping, floral management will want to pay attention to the heightened interest in products that can boost immunity. Because it aligns with floral department offerings, take notice of the increase in orange juice and citrus sales and direct customer interest in health.

Savvy retailers track produce department sales as a method of defining the emerging shopping patterns by in-store consumers and those ordering online to be fulfilled by insta shoppers for curbside pickup or delivery. Include floral when evaluating department-wide metrics to determine next level strategies.

Outside of stores, shifts in local real estate sales can provide clues to what floral department products are likely to be desired. Is there a surge of available condos on the market as consumers are seeking homes with outdoor space? In many regions, condo dwellers have become tired of the cooped-up feeling during the pandemic and have purchased single-family homes featuring private yards or patios. If the local single-family home sale numbers indicate a significant change, be prepared for an even greater uptick in sales of patio gardening products. Home buyers seeking living options with access to at least a private balcony will want plants and more to create tranquil outdoor spaces.

Maybe the pandemic will be credited, but now is the time to take Floral seriously and to unreservedly offer flowers and plants to customers seeking health and wellness throughout the year.

Anyone who has had a bouquet of fresh flowers in their home knows anecdotally that fresh flowers are a mood booster, says Lane DeVries, CEO and head grower at The Sun Valley Group in Arcata, CA. He adds, Scientific research has demonstrated that flowers can relieve stress, increase happiness and help make intimate connections with others all things that we need now more than ever.

Rocket Farms in Half Moon Bay, CA, is one of the largest growers of indoor flowers, fresh-cut herbs and potted culinary edibles in the United States. A company profile video on the website follows an underlying Grown for better living theme and presents the plants and people that make up the Rocket Farms team. Jason Kamimoto, senior vice president of marketing, indicates the new video is one level of spreading the word about healthy living with plants.

Retailers can link to Rocket Farms website and share the following health and wellness messages with store customers. Credit is provided for each wellness statement.

Relaxation: the presence of plants in a room has been shown to lower blood pressure, heart rate, anxiety and fatigue. Credit: Seong-Hyun Park & Richard H. Mattson. Journal of Hort Technology.

Productivity: Plants improve concentration and creativity. Men and women demonstrate more innovative thinking in settings with plants and flowers. Credit: Dr. Charlie Hall, Ellison Chair. Texas A&M University.

Connection: Men and women who receive plants and flowers felt an increase in feelings of kindness and compassion. Credit: Jeannette Haviland-Jones, PhD. Rutgers University. pb

Read more:
A Quest For Wellness Offer Flowers and Plants as Solutions - PerishableNews

Healthy Berkeley provides sweet support to Boys and Girls Club – Martinsburg Journal

MARTINSBURG In an effort to promote healthy living and ensure families in the area have fresh fruits and vegetables during the summer months, Healthy Berkeley, through funding from the Healthy People Healthy Places Inaugural Gold Award, has been providing locally grown produce to Boys and Girls Club of the Eastern Panhandle.

According to a release shared this week, the Division of Health Promotion and Chronic Disease within the West Virginia Department of Health and Human Resources, Bureau for Public Health, recognized seven communities with the new Healthy People Healthy Places designation, a testament to the collective efforts of several organizations working together to create a healthy culture and environment for the local community.

Of those communities, Martinsburg was chosen to receive the gold-level for the collaborative efforts being done by Healthy Berkeley, a community collaborative led by WVU Medicine Berkeley Medical Center and various community organizations, including Main Street Martinsburg, Berkeley County Health Department and Berkeley County Schools.

We are appreciative to the WVDHHR Division of Health Promotion and Disease Prevention for the funding and opportunity to support a local business and provide healthy options for meals for families of the Boys and Girls Club of the Eastern Panhandle, Dana DeJarnett, health promotion coordinator for the wellness center at the Berkeley Medical Center, said. We are so excited to see how creative the Boys and Girls Club has gotten with making new recipes and giving out recipe books and extra produce for families to make for themselves. This program helps us continue our mission of highlighting ways to be healthy with resources we have in our community.

To further the efforts of creating a healthy environment and culture, designated Healthy People Healthy Places communities received funding to distribute fruits and vegetables in their community, and Healthy Berkeley chose the Boys and Girls Club of the Eastern Panhandle to be the recipient of this funding, the release said.

Any time we can partner with another agency to provide healthy food options for our children, it is a blessing, Stacie Rohn, executive director of the boys and girls club, said. We are fortunate to have great community partners like Healthy Berkeley to provide more than we could alone. It truly does take a village to provide for those in need.

The funding allows for locally grown plums, peaches, grape tomatoes, watermelon, corn, peppers, strawberries, green beans, cantaloupe, cucumbers and squash from Orrs Farm Market to be distributed to the kids for 10 weeks, the release said.

According to the release, each Monday, families pick up five meals and snacks for each child in their family from the club locations in Berkeley, Jefferson and Morgan counties. Of those meals, one fruit and one vegetable is funded through the Healthy People Healthy Places award.

Physical activity information, recipes and Farmers Market SNAP Stretch/Double SNAP program information has also been included in the meal packs. According to the release, Healthy Berkeleys hope is by distributing this information with the fruits and vegetables, it will encourage families to be more physically active and include more fruits and vegetables in their meal planning.

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Healthy Berkeley provides sweet support to Boys and Girls Club - Martinsburg Journal

Should You Wear A Mask Inside A Car? Know The Answer From Our Expert – Doctor NDTV

COVID-19: If you are alone in the car then you may choose not wear mask. However, at times wearing a mask while driving may reduce the field of vision. So, make sure to wear the mask correctly.

Wear a mask is an important prevention step against COVID-19

To wear or not to wear a mask when you're in a car is a question that may have struck you multiple times. The answer is no if you're travelling alone. Otherwise, it depends on the situation whether or not should wear a mask while driving. Pulmonologist Dr MS Kanwar says that if there's someone outside of your family sitting with you in the car, then you must definitely wear a face mask without a valve. Also, you should wear a mask if the person who you are travelling with is unwell.

"If you are alone in the car then you may choose not wear mask. However, at times wearing a mask while driving may reduce the field of vision. So, make sure to wear the mask correctly. The mask should cover your nose and mouth, without blocking your range of sight,"adds Dr Kanwar who Senior Consultant, Critical Care and Pulmonology, Institutes of Critical Care Respiratory and Sleep Medicine, Indraprastha Apollo.

Also read:Sweating Under The Face Mask Can Cause Acne- Our Expert Shares Tips To Prevent This

Face masks are an important prevention step against COVID-19Photo Credit: iStock

Wearing a face mask is an important prevention step against COVID-19. It helps in reducing your risk of catching the infection and also curbs the spread of it.

Also read:Coronavirus Prevention: 6 Essential Qualities That Are Important For An Effective Face Mask

Whenever you are outside and are wearing a mask, remember to not touch the mask. The mask needs to be considered to contaminated once you are wearing it outside. In case you touch the outer surface of the mask, make sure you wash your hands with soap and water for 20 seconds after that. If that is not available, then use an alcohol-based sanitiser or hand rub.


Also read:Coronavirus Tips: Why Wearing Face Masks Is Important- Know How To Make A Mask At Home

Disclaimer: This content including advice provides generic information only. It is in no way a substitute for qualified medical opinion. Always consult a specialist or your own doctor for more information. NDTV does not claim responsibility for this information.

DoctorNDTV is the one stop site for all your health needs providing the most credible health information, health news and tips with expert advice on healthy living, diet plans, informative videos etc. You can get the most relevant and accurate info you need about health problems like diabetes, cancer, pregnancy, HIV and AIDS, weight loss and many other lifestyle diseases. We have a panel of over 350 experts who help us develop content by giving their valuable inputs and bringing to us the latest in the world of healthcare.

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Should You Wear A Mask Inside A Car? Know The Answer From Our Expert - Doctor NDTV