Swimming is a great aerobic exercise that also promotes toning – Kingsport Times News

If your goals are endurance, improved mood, injury recovery, joint health, or upper-body strength, this is a must read.

According to Health Real Wellness magazine, about 40% of adults in the U.S. cant swim. If that number includes you, the Kingsport Aquatic Center offers lessons for adults and children.

Swimming is a great aerobic exercise thats also good for toning. This is because even the parts of your body that arent actively moving are supporting you against the resistance of the water.

Swimming is an excellent all-around activity because it:

Keeps your heart rate up but takes some of the impact stress off your body

Helps maintain a healthy weight, healthy heart and healthy lungs

Tones muscles and builds strength

Builds endurance, muscle strength, and cardiovascular fitness

The concepts of swimming and water activities have evolved greatly since the first written document on swimming by Nikolaus Wynmann in 1538, The Swimmer, or A Dialogue on the Art of Swimming and Joyful and Pleasant to Read.

At its inception, swimming was understood simply as moving in water first, in order to survive and then to compete. Today, the term clearly connotes swimming sports, and as such can be defined as an activity in which a person practices a regulated Olympic sport in order to move as fast as possible through the water thanks to the propulsive forces generated by arm, leg, and body movements overcoming the resistance the water presents to progress.

Swimming was part of the first modern Olympic games in 1896 in Athens. The skills of swimming have been adapted to different contexts and participants. The result is that there is now a great diversity of additional water activities: aquatic Olympic sports (water polo, diving, and synchronized swimming), non-Olympic sports and leisure activities.

The term aquatic activities covers all these plus swimming, and can be defined as motor activities performed in water for purposes that may be utilitarian, competitive, educational, therapeutic or recreational.

Detra Cleven, a master swimmer, said, I began swimming at a young age. My father wasnt into the tea parties or dolls, so he took me to the swimming pool after he got off work. I loved to splash around. However, I took some time off after college. I dabbled in the water, expanding to water aerobics, water walking, and general lap swimming. As my family, career, life happened, I would leave the water for a while and then find my way back.

Detra took swim lessons and loved it enough to start her competitive swimming journey at the age of 8 through high school and college. To this day, she still swims competitively with the Kingsport Aquatic Center Master Viperfish Team.

The downside to using swimming as an exercise is that finding space can be hard, but with the Kingsport Aquatic Center, the availability is more open in our area.

Detra expressed that she found swimming to be a place for her. With swimming being an individual sport with a team component, she loves the time to think, improve, and work on HERSELF. For Detra, swimming is both a mental and physical work in progress.

With Detras hard work and dedication, she competed in swim in the Tennessee and North Carolina area and eventually in the National Swim Meets across the U.S. This allowed her to meet and become friends with more people who love the water.

I have had success with Masters Swimming competitions, including being the national champion in the 50 butterfly and 200 individual medley.

I am also international masters champion in the 100 breaststroke, Detra added.

With that being said, Healthy Kingsport would like to ask you this question: If your doctor gave you a prescription that said it would improve your mood, improve energy, keep you mentally sharp, help you manage weight, reduce your risk of disease and injury, extend your life span, and cost little to nothing, youd probably say, Say what?

Healthy Kingsport would say, a prescription is immediately available and you dont need a doctor to write it for you. Its swimming!

Exercise Almanac is not finished. Next weeks article will discuss HIIT (high-intensity interval training): the benefits/downside and the good-to-knows.

Healthy Kingsport is a nonprofit organization dedicated to creating a community that actively embraces healthy living by promoting wellness, enhancing infrastructure and influencing policy. Aiesha Banks is the executive director of Healthy Kingsport. She can be reached at [emailprotected].

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Swimming is a great aerobic exercise that also promotes toning - Kingsport Times News

Avoid These Foods And Drinks To Reduce Your Risk Of Kidney Stones – Doctor NDTV

Kidney stones can cause severe pain and discomfort. Several diet modifications can help in controlling the risk of kidney stones. Here are some foods you must avoid.

Drinking enough water can help control kidney stone risk

Kidney stones are hard deposits that can cause severe pain. These stones originate in the kidneys or urinary tract. This condition causes severe pain at one side of the lower back. There are several causes behind the deposition of kidney stones. Not drinking enough water, consuming too much salt and sem health conditions may lead to kidney stones. Diet plays an important role in controlling and preventing kidney stones. Several foods can help in preventing the condition while others can increase the risk. You need to follow all necessary precautions that can help you control your risk. Here are some foods you need to avoid.

Too much salt intake is linked with a higher risk of kidney stone formation. It is also one of the risk factors for this condition. Salt promotes calcium build up in urine. You should avoid foods loaded with salt. Also, skip adding extra salt to foods. Limiting processed foods is also beneficial as these are loaded with salt and sugar.

High sodium intake can increase the risk of kidney stonesPhoto Credit: iStock

Some sources of protein especially animal protein increase the amount of uric acid you produce. Someone at a higher risk of kidney stones can choose alternates from plant-based sources like chia seeds, quinoa, tofu, cottage cheese and nuts.

Also read:6 Home Remedies That Work Like Magic To Get Rid Of Kidney Stones

Consume oxalate in moderation. Foods high in oxalate trigger the formation of kidney stones. But before eliminating oxalate completely from your diet, you must consult an expert.

Also read: All you need to know about kidney stones

Carbonated drinks are linked to several health issues. These are loaded with sugar with low or no nutrients. These are also harmful to your kidneys.


Drinking enough water is the ultimate tip to keep your kidneys healthy. Enough water intake helps you flush out toxins and reduce the risks of kidney stones significantly.

Disclaimer: This content including advice provides generic information only. It is in no way a substitute for qualified medical opinion. Always consult a specialist or your own doctor for more information. NDTV does not claim responsibility for this information.

DoctorNDTV is the one stop site for all your health needs providing the most credible health information, health news and tips with expert advice on healthy living, diet plans, informative videos etc. You can get the most relevant and accurate info you need about health problems like diabetes, cancer, pregnancy, HIV and AIDS, weight loss and many other lifestyle diseases. We have a panel of over 350 experts who help us develop content by giving their valuable inputs and bringing to us the latest in the world of healthcare.

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Avoid These Foods And Drinks To Reduce Your Risk Of Kidney Stones - Doctor NDTV

How to Improve Gut Health – LIVESTRONG.COM

Getting in a workout can help boost the beneficial bacteria in your gut.

Image Credit: PeopleImages/E+/GettyImages

The trillions of bacteria in your gut play vital roles in keeping your body and mind healthy and functioning properly.

But certain foods or lifestyle changes can cause gut problems and even lead to health issues. Here are 12 ways to improve gut health.

1. Aim for Diet Diversity

In a healthy person, the microbiome the bacterial environment in the GI tract is characterized by a very wide variety of gut bacteria (known as microbiota), according to a March 2016 article in Molecular Metabolism. In other words, the greater diversity of bacteria species, the better chance they'll contribute to certain health benefits. A decrease in the number of species, on the other hand, may lead to illness.

In order to get richness of microbiota species, you need richness in dietary choices. The more diverse your day-to-day menu is, the easier it will be for your microbiome to adapt to some curve balls you throw at it. Keep in mind that whole foods are the best options.

Speaking of adding some healthy foods to your menu, try going more plant-based your gut will thank you.

People following a vegan or vegetarian diet have a different gut microbiota than omnivores, per an October-December 2018 review in Tzu-Chi Medical Journal, possibly because vegan diets may deliver more fiber. When you up the fiber through plants, you're increasing the growth of more beneficial bacteria that provide anti-pathogenic and anti-inflammatory effects, as well as cardiovascular protection.

A plant-based diet is an effective way to not only support your gut microbiome, but also to maintain overall optimal health.

"Try adding some more chicory root, leeks, cabbage, chickpeas, lentils and beans to your diet because they are super high-fiber foods that also serve as prebiotics, which promote good bacteria in your gut," says Jenny Champion, RD, CPT.

3. Up Fermented Foods and Probiotics

Fermented foods are quite buzzy lately, and for good reason. These foods help strengthen your gut microbiome, according to Harvard Health Publishing. Using a tried-and-true method, fermented foods are preserved not only for a longer shelf life, but to boost nutritional value, too probiotics included.

Probiotics are specific strains of bacteria that add to the population of beneficial microbes in the gut, per the Mayo Clinic. If you see the words "naturally fermented" on food labels, you've found another gut-friendly food.

4. Dont Forget About Prebiotics

Many vegetables, whole grains and legumes contain prebiotics, which help the probiotics (aka good bacteria) flourish.

Image Credit: Sam Barnes/Moment/GettyImages

Another way to maintain a healthy balance of gut bacteria is by helping the beneficial microbes that are already in your microbiome to grow.

Enter prebiotics, plant fibers that act like fertilizers to stimulate growth, according to the International Food Council Foundation. You can find prebiotics in high-fiber fruits, veggies, whole grains and legumes, i.e. whole foods containing complex carbs. Since your body can't fully digest those carbs, they become food for your gut bacteria.

5. Avoid Sugar Substitutes

Sure, artificial sweeteners can be an easy way to save some calories when battling the scale, but your gut can take a beating if you have too much. Not only do they cause gas and diarrhea, but sugar substitutes can increase blood sugar and weaken insulin response by changing the composition of gut microbiota, according to a January 2019 article in Advances in Nutrition.

"If you're trying to kick that artificial sweetener habit, snack on more fresh fruit," Champion says. "It's always a safe bet when you need a sweet treat that's also good for you."

6. Have All the Polyphenols

Dietary polyphenols are substances found in plants that help feed those beneficial gut microbes.

Coffee, tea, red wine, chocolate, fruits and vegetables are great ways to give your gut nice doses of polyphenols, per a February 2019 article in Food and Function.

"Most polyphenols are not absorbed in the small intestine or upper GI tract, and go down to the large intestine where they are broken down by bacteria," gastroenterologist Jacqueline Wolf, MD, tells LIVESTRONG.com.

The products created as bacteria break down polyphenols may potentially have an effect on depression and other health conditions, she says. "There are studies showing that polyphenols can protect against chronic diseases such as cancers and cardiovascular diseases and have an impact on obesity."

7. Practice Good Oral Hygiene

The bacteria living in your mouth can migrate to your gut, altering your microbiome.

Image Credit: nortonrsx/iStock/GettyImages

Just like your gut, there are tons of bacteria living in your mouth. Oral bacteria involved in chronic gum infections can move down to the gut and alter the microbiota there, where they may play a role in certain metabolic disorders as well as some cancers, according to a March 2019 article in the Journal of Microbiology.

So, brush your teeth twice a day, floss, visit your dentist for cleanings and voice any concerns about your oral health: You'll be keeping more than your mouth healthy by doing so.

Getting more sleep is a on a lot of people's to-do lists, and for good reason. Yes, you're more alert and perform better with an adequate night's rest. But health problems can arise when you're not getting enough and can even possibly affect your gut, according to the Gastrointestinal Society.

"There's evidence from studies in irritable bowel syndrome that poor sleep is associated with increased abdominal pain the next day. This is supported by research in chronic pain, which suggests that sleep deprivation increases sensitivity to painful stimuli," says GI health psychologist Sarah Ballou, PhD.

"The activity of the digestive system depends on circadian cues so that, in general, the digestive system is less active at night," Ballou says. That means that when your circadian rhythm gets out of whack, it could lead to increased GI symptoms, she adds.

It's a well-known fact that exercise does wonders for you mentally and physically. And recent studies show its effects can even reach the tiny bacteria in your gut.

Working out can boost your amount of beneficial gut bacteria species, enrich your microbiota diversity and help in the development of new bacteria, according to a March 2017 article in Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity. Exercising seems to be particularly beneficial for bacteria that can contribute to reducing weight and easing some GI and metabolic disorders.

Aim for 150 minutes of moderate activity each week, per the Mayo Clinic.

10. Go Easy on the Drinks

Too much alcohol could cause an imbalance of bacteria within your gut, which can lead to unpleasant GI symptoms.

Image Credit: Alexey Dulin / EyeEm/EyeEm/GettyImages

Having a drink here and there is perfectly OK, but when "here and there" turns into "one too many" pretty often, you can cause chaos in your gut.

Alcohol promotes dysbiosis (when environmental factors disrupts bacterial imbalance) and bacterial overgrowth, which can lead to inflammation, per a 2017 article in Alcohol Research Current Reviews. Cancers, liver disease and neurological pathologies may also be aggravated.

"Alcohol (particularly red wine) in moderation can actually be good for gut health, but of course too much of a good thing isn't necessarily better," Champion says. "Excessive booze-drinking can cause gut inflammation, reduce healthy bacteria while increasing harmful bacteria and cause chronic bloating and constipation."

11. Avoid Unnecessary Antibiotics

Sometimes prescription antibiotics are warranted in order to kill a bacterial infection, but they can cause gut disturbances. That's because antibiotics also kill "good" gut bacteria along with the "bad" bugs making you sick, creating dysbiosis, according to a May 2019 article in the Chinese Medical Journal. Different antibiotics or their combinations will result in different changes to the microbiome.

"With a change in the gut flora, diarrhea can occur due to the imbalance of the bacteria," Dr. Wolf says. "Some antibiotics are more likely to result in the overgrowth of Clostridia difficile that can cause severe diarrhea and colitis. Clindamycin and ciprofloxacin are two antibiotics with a higher risk for C. difficile. These two antibiotics cause a marked loss of mucosal barrier and immune function in the gut."

If you're currently on antibiotics, it's generally a good idea to eat plenty of probiotic-rich foods to help restore good-for-you gut bacteria.

OK, easier said than done. But life stressors can significantly change your microbiome. Microbes can respond to hormones and neurotransmitters that are involved in your stress response, according to February 2017 article in Hormones and Behavior. This can change the composition of your gut bacteria but more research is required to fully understand how this actually occurs and the effects.

Nonetheless, cramps, constipation, diarrhea and changes in appetite can all occur due to stress-related changes in gut bacteria, according to the Anxiety and Depression Association of America. And once you start dealing with one of these conditions, the condition itself can be a source of stress and anxiety, in turn worsening gut symptoms.

Breathing techniques, meditation, regular exercise and seeking out a mental health professional can all be helpful to try to lift some weight off your shoulders.

Read the rest here:
How to Improve Gut Health - LIVESTRONG.COM

5 Fibre-Rich Low-Calorie Fruits That Can Help You Maintain A Healthy Weight – NDTV Doctor

Weight management: Fruits are tasty as well as healthy that can help you manage a healthy weight. High-fibre fruits can help you reduce appetite and promote weight loss. Here's a list of low-calorie, high-fibre fruits you must try.

Fruits rich in fibre can help in weight management

Are you trying to maintain a healthy weight? But hunger pangs usually between the meals make you consume unnecessary calories. For a healthy weight, you need to consume calories according to your physical activity throughout the day. To beat hunger pangs, fruits are one of the best options to choose from. Fruits are beneficial for health in several ways as these are loaded with vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, fibre and much more. Fruits contain natural sugar that can satisfy your sweet tooth too. Here are some fruits you can choose for weight management. These are high in fibre which can keep you full for longer and make you eat less. These fruits are low in calories too.

The health benefits of apples are quite famous. It is a fibre-rich fruit that can offer you multiple nutrients. Apples are loaded with fibre which can keep you full for longer and also keep your digestion healthy. Around 100 grams of apples contain just 52 calories.

Also read:Do Not Miss These Seasonal Fruits And Vegetables This Rainy Season

The bright red strawberries are delicious as well as healthy. You can add strawberries as a topping too. Strawberries are loaded with fibre, vitamin C and antioxidants. These are low in calories too.

Strawberries are loaded with antioxidantsPhoto Credit: iStock

Pear is a delicious fruit with limited calories. It is high in nutrients as well. This fibre-loaded fruit can promote gut health, offer anti-inflammatory properties, lower risk of diabetes, help in weight loss and much more.

Also read:Monsoon Diet For Hypertension: Regulate Your Blood Pressure With These Seasonal Fruits

Guava is loaded with vitamin C that can help boost immunity. This weight loss-friendly fruit is also beneficial for diabetics. It can also help relieve constipation. You can enjoy the sweet taste of guava and reap the amazing health benefits it offers.

Fruits rich in fibre can help you maintain a healthy weightPhoto Credit: iStock

Papaya is also a great appetite suppressant as it contains optimum level fibre. Not just your health, papaya is beneficial for your skin too. Squeeze a lemon and sprinkle some salt on freshly sliced papaya and enjoy the tasty treat.


Also read:Forget Low-Carb Diet, Eat These 6 Fruits For Quick Weight Loss

Disclaimer: This content including advice provides generic information only. It is in no way a substitute for qualified medical opinion. Always consult a specialist or your own doctor for more information. NDTV does not claim responsibility for this information.

DoctorNDTV is the one stop site for all your health needs providing the most credible health information, health news and tips with expert advice on healthy living, diet plans, informative videos etc. You can get the most relevant and accurate info you need about health problems like diabetes, cancer, pregnancy, HIV and AIDS, weight loss and many other lifestyle diseases. We have a panel of over 350 experts who help us develop content by giving their valuable inputs and bringing to us the latest in the world of healthcare.

5 Fibre-Rich Low-Calorie Fruits That Can Help You Maintain A Healthy Weight - NDTV Doctor

NET Health confirms 12th death related to COVID-19 in Smith County – CBS19.tv KYTX

NET Health has reported 45 new cases of COVID-19 in Smith County.

SMITH COUNTY, Texas NET Health has confirmed the 12th death related to COVID-19 in Smith County.

Health officials say the patient was an 88-year-old woman resident of Whitehouse.

As of Wednesday, July 22, NET Health has reported 45 new cases of COVID-19 in Smith County, bringing the total to 2,006.

Below are the eleven previous COVID-19 deaths in Smith County:

Smith County residents without health insurance can discuss their risk of exposure to COVID-19 by contacting the NET Health Center for Healthy Living at (903) 617 6404.

If you believe you have COVID-19 symptoms, please be sure to call before going to your doctor or emergency department to prevent any potential spread.

If you have been exposed to a person with COVID-19 within the last 14 days, symptoms may appear 214 days after exposure. Symptoms of COVID-19 may include any of the following:

For more information about free COVID-19 testing locations, community strategies to control the spread, and local updates are listed at https://www.NETHealthCOVID19.org.

Continue reading here:
NET Health confirms 12th death related to COVID-19 in Smith County - CBS19.tv KYTX

Can You Still Have a Baby If You Have Uterine Factor Infertility? How Uterus Transplants May Offer Hope – Health Essentials from Cleveland Clinic

The consequences of infertility can be devastating for women and couples.

Cleveland Clinic is a non-profit academic medical center. Advertising on our site helps support our mission. We do not endorse non-Cleveland Clinic products or services.Policy

Medical experts are working hard to find better solutions to help these women. For a certain type of infertility known as uterine factor infertility, theyre testing an amazing procedure that could give some women with UFI hope for having a baby.

Women with UFI either dont have a uterus or have one that is not functional. In the past, there has been no way for these women to get pregnant. But in recent years, uterus transplant has emerged as a potential solution for certain women. This involves removing a functioning uterus from one woman who is done having children and implanting it into a woman with UFI so that she can get pregnant and carry a baby.

It might sound futuristic, but its really happening.

As part of a clinical trial at Cleveland Clinic, two mothers who received uterus transplants from deceased donors have now given birth to healthy babies.

Maternal-fetal medicine specialist Uma Perni, MD; transplant surgeon Cristiano Quintini, MD, who is the principal investigator on the clinical trial; and transplant surgeon Andreas Tzakis, MD, PhD, who spearheaded bringing uterus transplantation to Cleveland Clinic in 2015, explain how this process works and what the future holds.

A: UFI can be what we call acquired, which means that a woman has undergone surgery to remove her uterus. Or it can be congenital, meaning there is an underlying abnormality that caused her to be born without a functioning uterus.

A: The main options would be adoption or surrogacy. Some women are happy with those solutions, but they may not work for everyone because of cultural or religious reasons. Some women also have a deep desire to carry a child on their own.

These are the women who could benefit from a uterus transplant. Its a recent kind of transplant, and it was a significant innovation in the medical field when we first showed that it can be successful. We place a new uterus into a woman that will allow her to become pregnant and carry a child of her own. Its the only available treatment for uterine factor infertility.

A: Its a new procedure, so its not widely available. Its still considered experimental and is only performed as part of a clinical trial.

A: The first step is for us to identify a uterus donor who is of childbearing age and has previously given birth. Meanwhile, the woman who is going to receive the uterus transplant goes through in-vitro fertilization. Her eggs are retrieved and fertilized with sperm in the IVF lab.

The surgery to remove the uterus from the donor is extremely technically challenging. Having a perfectly harvested uterus is critical for the success of the transplant. The uterus is then transplanted into the recipient. Thats also a long and delicate procedure.

During recovery, the recipient takes immunosuppressant medication to prevent her immune system from rejecting the new uterus. If theres no sign of rejection after several months, infertility specialists complete the embryo transfer and work with the patient to make sure her pregnancy is carried out successfully until the delivery.

A: From what we know so far, these pregnancies are pretty similar to pregnancies in women with their own uterus. We are still very early in this field, though, and were still learning what the risks are and how these pregnancies are different. We know theres an increased risk for preeclampsia in women who have had a uterus transplant. They also must stay on immunosuppressant medications during pregnancy to avoid their body rejecting the uterus. Delivery must happen via C-section, so thats different as well.

A: The uterus is removed after the woman delivers one or two babies, depending on her preference. This minimizes the amount of time she needs to be on immunosuppressant medications.

A: We want to establish uterus transplantation as a viable treatment option for women with absolute uterine factor infertility. The main challenge remains how to have this procedure become available and affordable for use in a broader population.

Here at Cleveland Clinic, we are pioneering a new aspect of uterus transplantation which involves the use of a uterus from a donor who has died, as opposed to one from a living donor. Recently, a second patient in our clinical trial gave birth after receiving a transplanted uterus from a deceased donor. Both of these births were incredibly joyous occasions for the families and for our entire transplant team. Its a very exciting time because were finally seeing the amazing and life-changing outcomes this transplant can have.

Read more:
Can You Still Have a Baby If You Have Uterine Factor Infertility? How Uterus Transplants May Offer Hope - Health Essentials from Cleveland Clinic

Switch Your Regular Tea With Ashwagandha Tea For Better Immunity, Improved Mental Health And Much More – NDTV Doctor

Ashwagandha is a herb loaded with multiple health benefits. It may also help control symptoms of various conditions. Here are some notable health benefits of drinking ashwagandha tea you must know.

Ashwagandha tea can help boost immunity

Ashwagandha is an ancient medicinal herb. This magical herb can offer you some amazing health benefits. Ashwagandha is beneficial for various medical conditions as well as for your mental health. It can also aid in weight loss. The scientific name of Ashwagandha is Withania Somnifera. Many are not aware of the ways to add ashwagandha to diet. One of the easiest ways to reap the benefits of this tea is by preparing ashwagandha tea. If you love sipping tea you can sometimes switch your daily cup with ashwagandha tea. In this article, you will learn about different health benefits of this tea and the method to prepare it.

1. Good for your mental health: Ashwagandha tea is good for your mental health as it helps in controlling stress and anxiety. Studies also suggest reduction in stress and anxiety with the help of ashwagandha.

2. May help reduce inflammation: Several conditions can lead to chronic inflammation. Drinking this tea may help reduce inflammation.

3. Good for your cholesterol levels: Unhealthy cholesterol levels can increase the risk of heart disease significantly. A healthy diet may promote good cholesterol numbers. Ashwagandha tea may also help.

4. Ashwagandha is also beneficial for diabetics. Several human studies have suggested that it can reduce blood sugar levels in both healthy people and those with diabetes.

5. A strong immune system can help prevent the risk of diseases. Several foods and drinks can help promote a strong immune system, ashwagandha tea is one of these.

Also read:Ashwagandha: 8 Reasons To Include It In Your Diet

Ashwagandha tea can help you beat stress and anxietyPhoto Credit: iStock

You can find ashwagandha tea bags easily. You can also prepare this tea with ashwagandha powder or dried roots. Bring a glass of water to boil, add 1 ashwagandha root to this boiling water. Boil for at least 5 minutes. Later, turn off the gas and add lemon or honey to enhance the taste. Lemon and honey will also enhance the immunity-boosting properties of the drink.

Do not overdose with this tea. If you have any underlying health condition, consult your doctor to know the exact quantity.


Also read:Ashwagandha Health Benefits: From Better Immunity To Improved Brain Function Know All The Health Benefits Of Ashwagandha

Disclaimer: This content including advice provides generic information only. It is in no way a substitute for qualified medical opinion. Always consult a specialist or your own doctor for more information. NDTV does not claim responsibility for this information.

DoctorNDTV is the one stop site for all your health needs providing the most credible health information, health news and tips with expert advice on healthy living, diet plans, informative videos etc. You can get the most relevant and accurate info you need about health problems like diabetes, cancer, pregnancy, HIV and AIDS, weight loss and many other lifestyle diseases. We have a panel of over 350 experts who help us develop content by giving their valuable inputs and bringing to us the latest in the world of healthcare.

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Switch Your Regular Tea With Ashwagandha Tea For Better Immunity, Improved Mental Health And Much More - NDTV Doctor

Keep your kids active and healthy as they head back to school – Kingsport Times News

All around the country, kids are heading back to school or getting used to virtual learning. Everyones summer pretty much went by in a blur; most parents are either jumping for joy or dreading getting back to the daily grind of normalcy.

As parents, we are making sure we get mental learning underway with our children, but lets not forget the physical activity. Science supports that physical activity enhances brain function and cognition, both of which improve academic performance.

Once school resumes on campus, keep the kids active when they get home. Instead of heading straight for the television, encourage your child to play a game of catch with a friend, skip rope, shoot some hoops, ride a bicycle, dance or even play a game of hopscotch. Join in on activities with your child. This will benefit you along with your child. Watching their parent make healthy choices and give their kids an opportunity to talk about their day will reduce childrens anxiety and stress levels. After working up an appetite, create a healthy meal together in the kitchen. Homemade pizza is an easy go-to. Start with a whole wheat or cauliflower crust, add tomato sauce and then choose some healthy toppings such as cheese, spinach, veggies and leaner meat options. Serve a slice with a tossed salad and you have a quick and healthier dinner option.

If your childs school resumes online, keep the same mindset keep kids active. Take 5-10 minute breaks between class subjects and do different exercises, stretches or activities. Reach out to your childs P.E. teacher to get some at-home activities that are age- appropriate. Throughout the day, help keep your childs energy levels up, which will improve the mind and mood. Reinforce a healthy atmosphere by incorporating a healthy breakfast, lunch and snack daily. Healthy foods include whole grain waffles or eggs, baked chicken nuggets or ham and cheese wraps, pieces of fruits/veggies or granola bars.

Exercise is beneficial for cognition because it increases blood and oxygen flow to the brain and also creates increased levels of norepinephrine and endorphins, resulting in a reduction of stress and an improvement in mood. With the uncertainty of these days, this is really important to your childs daily routine.

Just like you, your child doesnt need to log 30 to 60 minutes in the gym or in a specific exercise class. A game of tag here, a bike ride there are both fine. Short bursts of activity, with periods of rest in between, are actually the way our body was designed to move. Its not a bad idea to join your child in a game of tag or a trip around the block on your bicycle.

When the entire family works together, fitness and health are both fun and doable. For help keeping your family healthy, please refer to the Healthy Kingsport website at http://www.healthykingsport.org.

Healthy Kingsport is a nonprofit organization dedicated to creating a community that actively embraces healthy living by promoting wellness, enhancing infrastructure, and influencing policy. Aiesha Banks is its executive director. She can be reached at abanks@healthykingsport.org.

Originally posted here:
Keep your kids active and healthy as they head back to school - Kingsport Times News

Living with the COVID-19 crisis means you have to go with your gut feeling – Toronto Sun

From the mental as well as the physical, living with the COVID-19 pandemic has impacted on every aspect of our lives. We are slowly emerging from under its toxic shadow, but we continue and justly so to be wary of what this virus has brought into our existence.

True, many are cautiously learning to live with the unknown, yet, like an unwanted guest, this virus is always there, hovering just within range, and reminding us of its presence through grief, bewilderment, anxiety and mental health issues. How isolation has wreaked such damage to even the most sound-minded persons.

Even our digestions have taken a direct hit, with people struggling with weight gains or body image issues. According to the University of Michigan health division, your gastrointestinal system may be a victim of COVID-19 stress.

And yet, the beat goes on. A new IPSOS poll conducted on behalf of Sun Life Financial revealed the majority (56%) of Canadians surveyed say the pandemic has been having a negative impact on their mental health. A minority says theres been no impact while a very small group (5%)says their mental state has been positively impacted, which could be considered a silver lining for a small proportion of Canadians.

As for those touched the most by this pandemic, it turns out women (62%) are more likely than men (49%) to say their mental health has been affected, as are those aged 35-54, and 18-34, compared to older Canadians aged 55+. In fact, those under the age of 55 are most likely to say the impact has been the greatest.

Regionally, out of the whole country, Ontarians look to have suffered the most profound negative impact on their mental health.

Our biggest concerns? Isolation continues to lead the charge, followed by worrying over loved ones, monetary fears (unemployment is huge) and ones health. Surprisingly, the survey showed the move towards physical distancing has caused many Canadians to take a good, hard look at their lives and appreciate it more. Presented with a list of 11 possibilities and asked to choose up to three items, two-thirds of Canadians say they have a newfound appreciation for their friends and family, while four in 10 have a greater appreciation for their physical health and their freedom, noted the survey.

Healthwise, our gut is telling us theres a huge problem: Stress and anxiety can trigger more frequent or stronger contractions in the GI tract which some may perceive as uncomfortable or even painful, says gastroenterologist William Chey, a professor of gastroenterology and nutritional sciences at Michigan Medicine (uofmhealth.org). Add to that the overwhelming desire to be comforted by food, especially processed foods high in sugar and fat and you have a recipe for trouble.

When things are uncertain or when were feeling more emotional or stressed, we want to be comforted, says Megan Riehl, a clinical health psychologist specializing in treating patients with gastrointestinal problems. For a lot of us, there are certain foods that are comforting.

Physician-researchers at Nationwide Childrens Hospital recently published their research in PLoS One and the Journal of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition to confirm the connection between exposure to stress and colonic inflammation. We are studying the effect stress exposure has on intestinal inflammation and the mechanism of how it is worsened, says Ross Maltz, MD, a clinician-scientist and attending gastroenterologist at Nationwide Childrens. Part of the microbiome is bacteria lining the GI tract. The bacteria break down food and produce many metabolites, which have the ability to communicate with the intestines and immune system, and we believe disruption of this mechanism is contributing to the inflammation seen in inflammatory bowel disease.

According to research from Orthomolecular Nutrition (aor.ca), as we slowly emerge from the COVID-19 situation, we must consider the role stress has taken on our lives: Stress can be lifesaving but when it becomes chronic, it has all sorts of negative impacts both on our physical and mental health, (and) the cause and effect of stress on our bodies can impact on digestion and the bodys ability to absorb food properly as well as essential nutrients. say company officials.

In order to combat stress and improve our digestion, experts at Advanced Orthomolecular Research, recommend you practice stress-management techniques like exercising regularly, getting sufficient sleep, and socializing (safely!), plus supporting your digestive health by drinking fewer alcoholic beverages, reducing your sugar intake, and eliminating gluten and increasing health-promoting foods such as those rich in probiotics, fibres and enzymes.

Riehl and Chey also recommend eating healthy and sticking as close as possible to the Mediterranean diet. The doctors are suggest creating a schedule for meals and snacks, stay social with online gatherings and your safe circle family and friends and remain present-focused, such as body scanning to release physical tension in target areas like the shoulders, hands and feet.

Right now, as we all experience this world stressor, its so important that we are kind to ourselves and to others, Riehl says.

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Living with the COVID-19 crisis means you have to go with your gut feeling - Toronto Sun

Here’s To Your Health | Living – Elk Valley Times

Registered Dietitian South Central Human Resource Agency Head Start

Scientists from the University of Illinois and Ohio State University have been tracing how tomato compounds help reduce the risk of prostate cancer in humans. Many men between 40 and 50 years of age develop early-stage prostate cancer, and it may continue to develop over 20 years. Its important to reduce the growth of the tumor. If one can control this by diet, many lives could possibly be save.

Tomatoes contain a symphony of nutrients that may be responsible for their cancer-protective properties, including Vitamins A and C, fiber, and carotenoids, which give tomatoes their red, yellow, and orange colors. The most abundant carotenoid is lycopene, which has been linked with cancer protection. Tomatoes account for 80 per cent of lycopene in the American diet. Today about 75 per cent of the total U.S. tomato crop is processed into juice, canned tomatoes, sauces, paste and ketchup.

While earlier research has focused on prostate cancer prevention, newer studies are looking at early treatment and slowing the disease progression. Tomato products look very promising, according to John Erdman, PhD, professor emeritus of food science and human nutrition at the University of Illinois whos been studying the effects of tomatoes on prostate cancer since the mid 1990s.

Erdman believes the cancer protection seen in tomatoes isnt a mere result of lycopene. More effective benefits have been linked with the whole tomato, which contains a full range of carotenoids and nutrients. Research shows that single daily servings of processed tomato products produce significant increases of lycopene concentrations in the blood of healthy adults. Evidence indicates that the lycopene from processed tomatoes is more bioavailable than that of fresh tomatoes. The heat from processing breaks down the tomato cell walls and , therefore, increases the absorption of lycopene in the body.

An analysis including 11 case-control studies and 10 cohort studies indicated that those eating raw tomatoes regularly had an 11 per cent reduced rate of prostate cancer than nonfrequent users . of tomato products. Those with a high intake of cooked tomato products experienced a 19 per cent lower risk then those who rarely used tomato products. Using a lycopene supplement doesnt seem to improve disease status, as measured by PSA (prostate-specific antigen) levels.

While we have much more to learn about how tomatoes fight prostate cancer, most experts agree ( including the American Institute for Cancer Research) its a good idea to eat more tomatoes as part of an overall strategy to increase fruit and vegetable intake. This should be part of an overall health-promoting strategy that includes regular physical activity, maintaining a healthy weight, eating a diet with an abundance of plant foods, and limiting red meats. Eating 2 or 3 servings a week of tomatoes and tomato products appears to be a sufficient amount to possibly lower risk of prostate cancer.

Try this tomato-rich recipe! The recipe makes 3 large or 6 small servings. Each small serving contains 75 calories and 2 grams of protein.

Wash 3 medium-sized fresh tomatoes. Remove hard part of stem end. Cut into halves crosswise. Place in oiled baking dish, cut side up. Sprinkle with salt and pepper and grated cheese. Cover with buttered bread crumbs. Bake at 350 degrees Fahrenheit until tender,

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Here's To Your Health | Living - Elk Valley Times

Mixing Fun And Healthy Living: Why These Beverage Founders Bet On Premiumization – Forbes

Post by Cecilia F. Pineda

AVEC Co-Founders Dee Charlemagne (left) and Alex Doman (right) recognized trends in a traditional ... [+] industry and a void in the marketplace.

The Journey To Founding And Funding A Fresh Startup In A Traditional Industry

There was a time when ads claimed how delicious (and healthy) processed food like American cheese and Twinkies were. Chemical flavorings, colors, preservatives, and lots of sugar: These ingredients have now inspired whole movements and businesses whose aim is to eradicate them from our foods and beverages. As far as beverages go, for years people had been satisfied with mixing their whiskey with lemon-flavored soda or their rum with cola-flavored soda. Of course, there have been fancy mixers such as orgeat and falernum, but a visit to your local bar, restaurant, or club most often served guests cocktails with old-school mixers from a soda gun.

AVEC DRINKS Co-Founders Denetrias Dee Charlemagne and Alex Doman knew that they and their fellow consumers deserved a healthier, tastier mixer alternative and set out to develop one. They both saw how people would try to hack their way to a healthier drink by switching out sour mix for citrus, adding herbs, or even nut milks.

Healthy Trends And A Void In The Marketplace

After seeing these trends toward less processed and more indulgent food and drink with more natural, healthy, and interesting ingredientsand after rejecting some other less fun, less lucrative entrepreneurial ideas while still at Columbia Business School, both class of 2020Charlemagne and Doman also recognized the relative void in the premium mixer marketplace. They eventually agreed to collaborate to create AVEC, named after the French word for with. With the examples of successful premium natural beverages like Seedlip and Fever-Tree mixers, they established their line of premium all-natural carbonated mixers featuring low sugar and exotic flavors.

AVEC provides an innovative alternative featuring 5 flavors of all-natural, low sugar carbonated ... [+] premium mixers.

The Right Industry At The Right Time With The Right Team

Domans experience as a management consultant with a food & beverage or hospitality specialty (working with a range of businesses from S&P 500 stalwarts to new-born startups) along with Charlemagnes background in media and advertising (working at top firms like Ogilvy and Mather, WPP, and VICE Media building the brands of others) combine to form a diverse and complementary team that offers a fresh voice and an innovative product to a relatively stale, undiversified field. Although they just launched, the duos startup has already attracted the likes of Liquor, Trendhunter, Eater plus The New York Timess Florence Fabricant's Front Burner column. Doman states, The industry is crying out for a healthy alternative to sugar-filled mixers and tasteless soda water. Our five flavors use real juice, natural botanicals, and spices to create delicious mixers without all the sugar.

Although Charlemagne and Doman have yet to seek formal funding, Charlemagne does speculate about the eventual funding support for AVEC given the historical challenges. As she describes it, Im aware that there are only about 40 black female founders who have raised over $1 million in VC funding. I have met some of them and continue to be inspired by them as we build AVEC. Overall, Black founders have received about 1% of VC dollars, females founders 8%, and Black women founders .0006%.

Originally AVEC targeted raising a $1 million Pre-Seed with a big launch this summer. Due to Covid-19 and how it has affected deadlines worldwide, instead, they raised a Friends, Family, and Angels round. They launched softly while their customers have been meeting friends at virtual happy hours and quieter gatherings at home and now outside.

Bridging The American Divide

One woman whom Charlemagne finds particularly inspirational and fascinating to follow is fellow Columbia alumna Ursula Burns, MS 82SEAS ME, the former and first-ever Black and female CEO and chair of Xerox. She explains, As a Black woman who is a leader in her field, I know she had to work that much harder to get where she wanted to be, where she needed to be, to succeed and fulfill her potential. That motivates me in everything I do. Her story plus a class I took during my MBA program called Bridging the American Divide made me think differently about the kind of business leader I want to be. The class talks about the causes and consequences of the American divideand what the students as future business leaders might do to help bridge it.

Setting Goals For AVECs Future

We want to redefine the mixer category in the US around modern valueshigh quality, all-natural, low sugar, but also diverse teams and sustainable supply chains, Doman explains. He points out that the companys very name suggests and encourages the act of bringing people together, which in todays world is needed more than ever. Ultimately, AVECs founders know that when people convene to eat and drink together, they are creating moments where they can converse, connect, promote change, and drive empowerment.

AVEC with 6 Feet Apart Tables at White Horse Tavern "Drink Better. Mix AVEC."

Charlemagne adds, We want to promote living a balanced and healthy life while injecting a sense of fun in our brand and the way our products are consumed. Once we achieve that with the AVEC brand, there are several lifestyle directions we could pursue where we could continue to support diversity in taste and in communities.

When asked about what her idea of more immediate success would look like for AVEC, she envisions walking down the street and spotting people in restaurants, bars, and on terraces drinking an AVEC drink, with or without spirits. Based on their traction and the attention they have garnered so far, it looks like AVECs founders are on their way to making that first vision a reality.

S. Teresa Photography

Cecilia F. Pineda is Senior Associate Director at the Eugene Lang Entrepreneurship Center at Columbia Business School. For a while, her passion for food and beverage manifested in owning and managing restaurants/bars/catering companies, and marketing and distributing retail and wholesale food products.

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Mixing Fun And Healthy Living: Why These Beverage Founders Bet On Premiumization - Forbes

Nominations being accepted for Kansas Health Champion awards – atchisonglobenow.com

TOPEKA The Governors Council on Fitness is now accepting nominations for its annual Kansas Health Champion Awards. Awards are given to individuals and organizations that make an exceptional effort to model, encourage and promote health and fitness in Kansas. The deadline for nominations is Sept. 30. Award recipients will be recognized at the Community Health Promotion Summit in January 2021.

The Kansas Department of Health and Environment is excited to partner in this important initiative to recognize those who make healthy living in our state a priority, Dr. Lee Norman, KDHE Secretary, said. Its important that we recognize their efforts and the difference they are making in their communities.

Nominees should demonstrate:

Work that goes above and beyond what is expected to model, encourage and promote fitness

Work that helps overcome health inequities

Sustainable influence or activity

Far-reaching health impact

In addition to promoting effective models for increasing physical activity, nutrition and tobacco-free living for replication by organizations and communities around the state, the awards also allow us the opportunity to honor the outstanding work of one individual and one organization this year, Candice McField, Governors Council on Fitness Awards Committee Chair, said. Eligible nominees might include an outstanding volunteer, a school, a local community, a newspaper or individual reporter, a local or State policy maker or an employer, among others.

The Governors Council on Fitness advises the Governor and others on ways to enhance the health of all Kansans through promotion of physical activity, good dietary choices and prevention of tobacco use.

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Nominations being accepted for Kansas Health Champion awards - atchisonglobenow.com

#UGM2020 goes virtual, promotes wellness and healthy living in the community – The Guam Daily Post

Guam Sports Events Inc. and United Airlines have announced that Guams premier running event is going virtual and the event will be converted into a weeklong virtual race event. Lace up your shoes and get ready to run Guams premier running event, the United Airlines Guam Marathon, beginning Saturday, Sept. 5, through Sunday, Sept 13.

The #UGM2020 is a virtual event/race that can be run or walked from any location, locally and internationally. Registered runners can run, jog or walk at their convenience on a trail, on a treadmill, at the beach or on a track anywhere they can safely complete their race distances of 5K, 10K, Half Marathon, and Full Marathon.

Runners will be responsible for tracking and timing their selected races at any time.

Safety tips for runners

Dont wear a mask or face covering that prevents you from breathing. You need oxygen to run. If you find yourself on a crowded route, you should protect yourself and those around you by spreading out to maintain a distance of at least six feet from other runners and avoiding unnecessary touching.

Run only when it is safe to do so. If local regulations allow you to run outside, be sure to bring a mask or a mouth/nose covering to utilize before and after your run.

Running with a training partner or small group of two to three that you trust is likely safe, depending on the area you live in and the precautions you all take. Before meeting up with others for a run, assess key risk factors such as the level of community spread in your area, if youve been exposed to coronavirus and could be at risk for asymptomatically spreading it, and what your training partners have been doing to stay safe. Remember, when in doubt, it is best to stay safe and postpone your run for another time.

Always wash your hands before and after a run. After completing your run, be sure to change your clothing as soon as possible. Best practice is to pack a change of clothes along with a bag in which to place your used running gear.

Don't run if you're sick. If you're at risk of potentially spreading the virus, stay home. You could potentially expose someone who is at high risk, such as elderly and immunocompromised people, or even someone who is completely healthy. The coronavirus doesn't discriminate.

Be sure to follow UGM social media pages for safety tips.

Register by Aug. 24

Those registered participants who complete their race will be able to receive free event items such as race bib, event T-shirt, towel, beach mat and more. The event also welcomes new registrants to participate at a special rate for $30 at unitedguammarathon.com/register.

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#UGM2020 goes virtual, promotes wellness and healthy living in the community - The Guam Daily Post

Obese people 70% more at risk of severe COVID-19: Assocham – The Indian Express

By: Lifestyle Desk | New Delhi | September 18, 2020 8:50:25 pmKeep your weight in check to improve your body's vulnerability to Covid-19. (Source: Getty Images/Thinkstock)

An expert panel of nutritionists recently noted that obesity needs to be taken seriously and managed on priority basis in the wake of the sedentary lifestyles people have started following owing to the COVID-19 pandemic, with a focus on right food and exercise. Ishi Khosla, clinical nutritionist, Centre For Dietary Counselling stated that obese people have 70 per cent higher chances of contracting viral diseases and suffering from severe symptoms. She also elaborated on lifestyle diseases that are being triggered by COVID-19 like insomnia, adverse eating habits caused due to ungainly work hours and excessive screen time.

Speaking on the importance of consuming magnesium for people with insomnia, Khosla said, People who are generally healthy are complaining of not being able to sleep due to anxiety and the fear of uncertainty. There are two parts to tackling it, one is diet and the other is lifestyle interventions. Eat foods that is easy to digest. When your digestion is good, your body begins to relax and can focus on other functions. To calm your nervous system, specific vitamins and minerals, like magnesium can help people with anxiety and sleep disorders. It can also help in controlling cholesterol, diabetes and sleep management.

The discussion part of the sixth edition of the Illness to Wellness series themed Lifestyle Behaviour During COVID-19 organised by The Associated Chambers of Commerce and Industry of India (ASSOCHAM), one of the apex trade associations of India.

ALSO READ |From Ayurvedic kadhas to herbal meals: Immunity boosters are now serious business

Highlighting how diabetes is no longer just a cosmetic issue, Ritika Samaddar RD, regional head, Department of Clinical Nutrition and Dietetics, Max Super Speciality Hospital said: We have noticed that people who are obese, are the ones who are getting severe COVID-19. The mortality rate is high in such people. It is very important to understand that no longer can obesity be restricted to a cosmetic problem, but also as a medical issue. If you are healthy, your immunity is high so your incidence of any kind of infection would be much less. The public should consider obesity as a disease and take all precautions like dietary, lifestyle or medical management to control it, she said.

Equating healthy living to better immunity, Samaddar shed light on the need to exercise regularly. She added that people need to get back to physical activities like walking, jogging, cycling and running even if gyms continue to remain shut as this is going to be the new normal.

ALSO READ |Lockdown diet: Feel sluggish and have digestive troubles? Avoid these foods

Sharing a few quick tips on breaking the sedentary nature of working at home, Khosla emphasised the need to balance screen time and chair time. We need to keep moving so there should not be more than an hour of constant sitting. This should be followed by 10-15 minutes of walking or strolling. We need to take that break to get up and stretch. Sitting can lead to inflammation. Same goes for screen times. There has to be a pause button. She added that to battle obesity, focus should be laid on the consumption of functional and fermented foods. For non-vegetarians, she suggested, balancing meat consumption with an anti-inflammatory diet to keep the digestive and gut systems healthy.

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Obese people 70% more at risk of severe COVID-19: Assocham - The Indian Express

Young Living Promotes Prasad Gankanda to EVP of Sales – The Herald Journal

LEHI, Utah, July 31, 2020 /PRNewswire/ -- Young Living, the world's leading provider of essential oils, today announced the promotion of Prasad Gankanda to executive vice president of global sales. As Prasad joins the executive leadership team, he will be responsible for global sales and expanding operations and maintaining Young Living's world class customer and business experience.

"As we lead our company through unprecedented times, Prasad has been instrumental in directing our sales team across the globe through the business challenges that come from a pandemic. He is an essential addition to our executive leadership team," said Jared Turner, president and COO of Young Living. "Prasad brings tremendous value to Young Living through his entrepreneurial spirit, using his creativity to help push everyone beyond their limits."

Prasad has over 10 years of experience in directing global business operations. Since joining Young Living in 2015, he has successfully expanded into new markets such as South Korea, South Africa, Brazil, Colombia, Costa Rica, and Macau, ensuring the standards of the company and delivering first-class services. He has brought high efficiency and productivity throughout his teams around the world.

Through Prasad's technical knowhow, he has improved inventory, enhanced delivery quality and implemented new operational enhancements. Just as Prasad has shown amazing leadership in operations, he has equally shown his skill over the past year leading global sales for all regions around the world. With Prasad's leadership, his team has quickly been able to pivot during this time, stabilize, and capitalize on growth. Prior to Young Living, Prasad held senior positions at MonaVie where he led engineering, manufacturing and supply chain.

"I have always been impressed by the innovative spirit at Young Living and I have big visions for the future," said Gankanda. "In order to scale our high standards as we continue to build, I look forward to working closely with my teams to do their best work. I am passionate about advocating for our markets and members to make sure they have a voice within the company and that they have the tools they need to be successful. Our members are our number one asset."

To learn more about Young Living's global leadership team, visit YoungLiving.com.

About Young Living Essential Oils Young Living Essential Oils, LC, based in Lehi, Utah, is the world leader in essential oils, offering the highest quality oil-infused products available. Young Living takes its industry leadership seriously, setting the standard with its proprietary Seed to Seal quality commitment, which involves three critical pillars: Sourcing, Science, and Standards. These guiding principles help Young Living protect the planet and provide pure, authentic products that its members can feel confident about using and sharing with friends and family. Young Living's productswhich all come from corporate-owned farms, partner farms, and Seed to Seal-certified suppliersnot only support a healthy lifestyle but also provide opportunities for over 6 million global members to find a sense of purpose and whole-life wellness by aligning their work with their values and passions. For more information, visit YoungLiving.com, follow @youngliving on Instagram, or like us on Facebook.

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Young Living Promotes Prasad Gankanda to EVP of Sales - The Herald Journal

Jessica Alba’s Healthy Living Tips – OK!

Being a successful actress and owner of the beauty store The Honest Company can be a daunting task for a mother of three, but Jessica Alba shares her nine tips on how to get ahead in life and health.

Start Strong

The 39-year-old star fuels up for the day ahead with a healthy and hearty breakfast. She alternates between avocado toast with poached eggs (her fav!) and smoothies.

Recently I started making this shake using vegan protein powder, matcha green tea powder, a banana, coconut water and ice, shared Alba. I drink it before a workout, and it doesnt make me feel too full.

Make A Playlist

The right tunes help you get and stay in the zone. For Alba, that means lots of Drake, Jay-Z, and Kanye West.

And I have some new artists that Ive been listening to a lot, she noted, adding, I like any kind of West Coast rapper usually more hip-hop and rap and less pop music.


Cut Back On Carbs & Sugar

With exercise, I get a little more toned and I definitely feel stronger, but my diet is much more important if Im trying to slim down, she explained. The Honest Company founder avoids dairy, gluten and processed foods. I try to stick to a diet thats low in sugar and carbs and high in lean proteins and vegetables.

Keep It Interesting

Variety is the spice of life for the actress, who mixes up her workouts, so she never gets bored. Her go-to classes include yoga sculpt (which combines traditional hot yoga with light weights and cardio) and spinning. I like high-intensity workouts and I like moving around a lot, she confessed. I dont like a lot of repetition.

Snack Away

When shes hungry between meals, Alba noshes on light-but-tasty fare like veggies with hummus and popcorn. I love popcorn, she gushed. I eat that at the office every day. I make it with Himalayan sea salt and coconut oil. Yum!

Get Some Me Time

At the end of a long day, Alba relaxes and centres herself with some good old-fashioned self-care. After some quality time with her kids, I enjoy a bath with a glass of wine and a book, she shared. The Sin City star caps things off with some serious beauty pampering. I often add a face mask and a hair mask as part of my weekly wind-down routine, she added. When youre doing something for yourself, its a nice reminder that you matter.


Know Yourself

Alba said that the benefits of exercise are [more] mental than physical for her. But that doesnt mean she doesnt appreciate what her bodys capable of. If I want to go on a hike or a bike ride or go for a swim, she said, I know my body will do everything I tell it to.


How does she get that glow? I think staying hydrated is really important, said the L.A.s Finest actress, whos a huge fan of coconut water.

Be Practical

Alba is totally dedicated to fitness. But the busy mom of three she shares Honor, 12, Haven, 8, and Hayes, 2, with husband Cash Warren is also realistic about what she can squeeze into her hectic schedule. If I work out four times, I consider it a successful week, she said. But its typically more like two to three days a week because thats what I have time for. Its cleverly working!

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Jessica Alba's Healthy Living Tips - OK!

World Hepatitis Day 2020: Bring down your risk of liver cancer, a common fallout of Hepatitis C – TheHealthSite

Hepatitis C, a common blood-borne infection, is one of the leading causes of liver cancer. According to experts, almost 30 per cent of people who are exposed to the hepatitis C virus will clear it on their own. But the rest will go on to have chronic hepatitis C. This causes extended inflammation in the liver, which leads to cirrhosis or scarring of the liver. This can ultimately lead to liver cancer. Unfortunately, till date, there is no vaccine against this virus. As we get ready to observe Word Hepatitis Day on July 28 to enhance awareness of viral hepatitis, an inflammation of the liver that causes a range of health problems, including liver cancer. According to the World Health Organisation, there are five main strains of the hepatitis virus A, B, C, D and E. Together, hepatitis B and C are the most common cause of deaths, with 1.3 million lives lost each year. Also Read - World Hepatitis Day 2020: Here's what you can do if your child suffers from hepatitis

The theme for this year is Hepatitis-free future. As we get near World Hepatitis Day, we need to take a look at hepatitis C, a silent infection with hardly any symptoms. The virus that causes hepatitis C mutates very fast. This is why it is difficult to develop a vaccine against it. Here, let us see how you can bring down your risk of liver cancer, which is a common fallout of hepatitis C infection. Also Read - World Hepatitis Day 2020: Understand the differences between alcoholic and non-alcohol hepatitis

You can bring down your risk of liver cancer by almost 75 per cent if you get timely treatment for hepatitis C. Knowing the risk factors and getting screened are your best defenses. Get yourself screened for Hepatitis C. This can be done through a simple blood test. This is an easily treatable condition. In fact, of the seven viruses that can cause cancer, hepatitis C is the only one thats curable. Early detection and treatment is essential to bring down your risk of liver cancer. Also Read - Global rates of liver cancer are increasing: Study

The first thing you need to do is stop drinking alcohol. If you have hepatitis C and you drink, liver damage is inevitable and quick. Smoking also increases your risk of liver cancer even if you dont have this condition. So, you need to stop smoking now. Some painkillers and sleeping pills can also cause liver damage. Consult your doctor if you use any such drugs. Follow a healthy diet and get regular exercise. Healthy living can go a long way in bringing down your risk of liver cancer.

The hepatitis C virus is not spread by sharing eating utensils, breastfeeding, hugging, kissing and holding hands. You will also not get it via respiratory droplets. However, you can get it from contaminated needles, long-term hemodialysis, organ transplant or blood transfusion before 1992 and if you get a tattoo done in an unclean environment. Mothers can pass it on to their children if they are infected. Unsafe sexual contact may also be responsible for virus transmission.

Published : July 26, 2020 9:12 am

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World Hepatitis Day 2020: Bring down your risk of liver cancer, a common fallout of Hepatitis C - TheHealthSite

Avocados from Peru and Giant Food partner to extend helping hand during time of need – The Produce News

by John Groh | July 27, 2020

Residents in need in the Washington, DC, region will have a chance to stock their pantries with a healthy superfood later this month courtesy of Avocados from Peru and Giant Food.

Giant Food is teaming with the Peruvian Avocado Commission, the Washington, DC-based organization charged with promoting avocados from that South American origin, to donate a container of Avocados from Peru to the Capital Area Food Bank in Northeast Washington, DC, and the Maryland Food Bank in Baltimore. The donation will take place July 31 on National Avocado Day.

While other commodity groups have worked with food banks across the country to facilitate donations to those in need, few have matched the scale of this effort, according to Xavier Equihua, president and CEO of PAC.

A container load is 40,000 pounds, or up to 120,000 pieces of fruit, said Equihua. This is by far the largest one-time donation of this type by the avocado category.

Equihua said he considers it a privilege to partner with Giant Food, which has 163 supermarkets in Virginia, Maryland, Delaware and Washington, DC, to help area residents during this unprecedented time.

We are eager to give back to the community, he said. Avocados are a healthy comfort food, and this gives us an opportunity to show that the avocado industry cares. And the timing was perfect, since National Avocado Day is July 31 and Avocados from Peru are known as the Summer Avocado.

Giant Food is equally excited about the partnership.

Avocados are not only a versatile ingredient that can be used for anything from breakfast to sweet or savory dishes, they also make us feel good and are nutritionally dense, packed with vitamins, minerals and healthy mono-saturated fats, said Lisa Coleman, director of healthy living at Giant Food. We are excited to be able to provide this superfood as part of our ongoing efforts to make sure that all families in our community have access to healthy food options.

The current need for emergency food is unlike anything weve experienced in our 40-year history, said Radha Muthia, president and CEO of the Capital Area Food Bank. With the dramatic decline in retail donations that has occurred as a result of the pandemic, were so thankful to be receiving a truckload of healthy, easy-to-distribute food that is also culturally relevant for many of the people we serve. Avocados from Peru is making a big difference for many of the thousands of families in our region that are struggling to put meals on the table right now

The Capital Area Food Bank delivery will feature one of the Peruvian Brothers famous food trucks from the popular Giuseppe and Mario Lanzone. Food bank staff will receive a delicious boxed meal made with Avocados from Peru. Social distancing will, of course, be maintained.

Equihua said the upcoming donation is already creating a buzz, with large media networks in Washington, DC, planning to cover the event.

Even though Avocados from Peru is leading this effort, it will provide a boost for the entire avocado category, especially with the donation on National Avocado Day, he said. Similar to our other promotions, this one takes a macro approach to lifting the overall category, and not necessarily just Peru.

Equihua said as of late July approximately 65 percent of the anticipated 190 million pounds have been shipped to the United States. Supplies will be available into early-October.

It is shaping up to be a similar season as last year in terms of shipments, said Equihua. The pandemic has had no effect on shipments, which is somewhat surprising since the foodservice market has been decimated. People are still seeking them out due to their status as a healthy comfort food.

Originally posted here:
Avocados from Peru and Giant Food partner to extend helping hand during time of need - The Produce News

COVID-19 & Caregiving among free August webinars to help Alzheimers caregivers – Estes Park Trail-Gazette

Adapting to the caregiving challenges posed by COVID-19 has been difficult for families living with or isolated from loved ones with Alzheimers disease. The Alzheimers Association will provide tips on how to adapt to the challenges posed by the coronavirus in a free webinar offered at no charge in August.

The COVID-19 & Caregiving webinar is one of a series of live, online programs offered by the Alzheimers Association during the month.

The Alzheimers Association provides a wide range of programs and services to the nearly 6 million people in the United States living with Alzheimers disease, including 76,000 in Colorado, as well as the more than 16 million loved ones across the country who serve as their unpaid caregivers.

The free webinars offered during the month of August include:

COVID-19 and Caregiving (Tips for caregivers who are caring for someone living with dementia during the COVID-19 pandemic, whether that person is in the home, in a residential facility, or care providers are coming into the home.) 10 to 11 a.m. Monday, Aug. 3.

COVID-19 and Caregiving (in Spanish) 1 to 2:30 p.m. Monday, Aug. 24.Legal and Financial Planning for Alzheimers (An interactive program where youll learn about important legal and financial issues to consider, how to put plans in place, and how to access legal and financial resources near you.) 4 to 6 p.m. Thursday, Aug. 20.

The 10 Warning Signs of Alzheimers Disease (Learn about the 10 common warning signs, what to watch for in yourself and others, typical age-related changes, the benefits of a diagnosis, early detection and more.) 2 to 3:30 p.m. Thursday, Aug. 13; and 4 to 5 p.m. Thursday, Aug. 27.

Dementia Conversations (Tips on how to have honest and caring conversations with family members about going to the doctor, when to stop driving, and making legal/financial plans.) 10 to 11 a.m. Tuesday, Aug. 11; and 6 to 7:30 p.m. Thursday, Aug. 27.

Effective Communication Strategies (This workshop teaches caregivers to decode verbal and behavioral communication from someone with Alzheimers and other dementias. Develop strategies for having meaningful connection with people in differing stages of dementia.) 2 to 3:30 p.m. Thursday, Aug. 6; and 10 to 11 a.m. Wednesday, Aug. 19.

Understanding Alzheimers and Dementia (Learn about the impact of Alzheimers, the differences between Alzheimers and other forms of dementia, risk factors, current research, treatments to address some symptoms and more.) 4 to 5 p.m. Thursday, Aug. 6; 2:30 to 4 p.m. Monday, Aug. 10; and 6 to 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, Aug. 25.

Understanding and Responding to Dementia-related Behavior (Behavior is a powerful form of communication and one of the primary ways that people with dementia communicate their needs and feelings as the ability to use language declines. But these behaviors can be challenging for caregivers. Join us to learn how to decode behavioral messages and learn strategies to intervene with some of the most common behavioral challenges.) noon to 1:30 p.m. Wednesday, Aug. 5; 10 to 11:30 a.m. Wednesday, Aug. 12; and 10 to 11:30 a.m. Friday, Aug. 28.

Living with Alzheimers: for Younger-Onset Alzheimers (When someone under the age of 65 is diagnosed with Alzheimers disease, it can be a shock. A diagnosis of younger-onset Alzheimers raises questions about work, relationships and planning for the future. Join us for this series of programs that provide information and insight, and hear from others facing the disease as they discuss tips and strategies for living well with younger-onset Alzheimers.) 6 to 7:30 p.m. Wednesday, Aug. 5.

Healthy Living for Your Brain and Body: Tips from the Latest Research (Weve always known that the health of the brain and body are linked, but now science is able to provide insights into how we can optimize our physical and cognitive health as we age. Learn about research in the areas of diet and nutrition, exercise, cognitive activity and social engagement, and use hands-on tools to help you incorporate these recommendations into a plan for healthy aging.) 11 a.m. to noon Tuesday, Aug. 4; 4 to 5 p.m. Thursday, Aug. 13; and 3 to 4 p.m. Monday, Aug. 17.

Like all programs and services of the Alzheimers Association, the webinars are offered at no charge, but registration is required. To register, click here or call the free Alzheimers Association Helpline at 800-272-3900.

To learn more about Alzheimers Association programs and services, go to http://www.alz.org or call the Associations free 24/7 Helpline at 800-272-3900.

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COVID-19 & Caregiving among free August webinars to help Alzheimers caregivers - Estes Park Trail-Gazette

Your Summer Self-Care Guide 2020: 8 Health And Wellness Tips From THE WELL – Forbes

We may not have the refuge of our favorite spa, restaurant or gym right now but these rituals ask ... [+] us to go inside and find a safe haven within your own self, says Ananta Ajmera, director of Ayurveda at THE WELL.

The Ayurveda way is more rooted in the power of practice rather than the power of product, practitioner or placemaking this ancient school of self-care much more accessible to anyone in pursuit of better health and wellness. (Who might be just about everyone these days, including today, International Self-Care Day 2020.)

We may not have the refuge of our favorite spa, restaurant or gym right now but these rituals ask us to go inside and find a safe haven within your own self, says Ananta Ajmera, director of Ayurveda at THE WELL.

THE WELL, a 13,000 square-foot hub for luxury wellness (think Soho House meets The Guerlain Spa at The Plaza) offers busy urbanites a treatment menu featuring health coaching, functional medicine, Ayurveda sessions and more. Cofounders Rebecca Parekh and Sarrah Hallock opened its Manhattan doors in September 2019 after raising $14 million in venture capital. Since closing their dazzling flagship in March, the self-care startup has shifted focus to its e-commerce and educational divisions.

While our physical space is closed, virtual courses not only help us stay engaged with our existing community, they allow us to reach new audiences, bringing the knowledge and expertise of our practitioners to people around the world, says Parekh, formerly the COO for Deepak Chopra Radical Wellbeing.

Theyve launched their first digital engagement, Reemerge, a three-part series focused on Ayurveda techniques to make returning to work and adjusting to the new normal post-Covid-19 easier. Ajmera shares simple daily rituals, most of which can be done with readily available home and pantry products. This curated set of practices can upgrade your wellness, relieve stress, and strengthen immunity as we continue to take on the unknown:

1. Embrace circadian rhythms by waking up earlier and going to sleep earlier.

Colorful spiced milk tea.

According to Ayurveda, waking up early (ideally between 4am and 6am) is one of the best ways to curb negative thinking in order to connect withnature and increase the quality ofyour sattva(mental clarity and positivity). The ancient sages of the Yogic and Ayurvedic traditions regard the early morning as a spiritually charged time, which is why it's the most auspicious for meditating, contemplating, practicing yoga and breathing exercises.

Awakening early also strengthens your ability to fall asleep earlier at night (ideally by 10pm) and improves your sleep quality. And if you really want to sleep like a baby, says Ajmera, make spiced milk your new nightcap. Spiced milk is an Ayurvedic drink that naturally helps you doze off, while the easy recipe offers other health benefits.

2. Incorporate more warm, cooked and gently-oiled foods in your meals.

Warm, cooked foods with the right cooking oils.

Ayurveda compares your digestive capacity to a physical fire. We learn in physics that heat expands, while cold contracts. Ayurveda envisions your body as a series of channels or pathways, which are responsible for transporting and circulating nutrients and for elimination. This is not the most glamorous topic but its an absolutely critical and an overlooked aspect of health and wellness, says Ajmera. Eating warm, cooked foods in natural cooking oil ensures these channels remain open and flowing, serving to kindle your digestive fire.

3. Strike a power pose.

Power pose before taking on the day.

Yoga and Ayurveda are sister sciences of healthy living. So it only makes sense for the Reemerge course to tap both schools of wisdom. Here are two simple poses that go a long way for wellness: a) Sit in Thunderbolt Pose after meals to support digestion and counterbalance hyperacidity, and indigestion. b) Get in Cobra Pose to awaken your whole upper body and channel the strength to thrive through a challenging day.

4. Give yourself an oil massage.

Reemerge from lockdown or return to work with the Ayurveda way.

According to ancient Ayurvedic texts, oiling your body with warm coconut oil (for warm seasons) or sesame oil (for cold seasons) reduces pain, wards off exhaustion, nourishes your body and equips you with longevity, good sleep and healthy skin.

I've been giving myself an oil massage made from sustainablysourced and wildcrafted botanicals, says Ajmera. It's similar to when leather is exposed to wear and tear that comes with use, it falls apart; but if you apply oil to the same piece of leather, it becomes stronger. Same for your joints, hair and skinoil rejuvenates these areas.

5. Smell essential oils toawaken to the present moment.

Whiff you way to wellness.

The sense of smell is connected to the earth element in Ayurveda, which is what provides you grounding and stability, says Ajmera. So when you stop to smell essential oils, it has a stabilizing effect on your mind, helping you return to the presentmoment.I love smelling essential oils throughout the day.Rise Essential Oil Blendfor the morning to energize me,Reset Essential Oil Blend throughout the day to bring me back to center and Relax Essential Oil Blend at night to promote calm and better sleep. In general, citrus is for awakening, while lavender is for calming.

6. Embrace fresh flowers, whether outdoors or in your home, as a simple way to lift your spirit.

The Summer Love bouquet by The Bouqs Co.

Flowers are incredible spiritual medicine, full of healing power and symbolic significance, according to Ajmera. For example, roses are not only a potent symbol of love and beauty, but also very therapeutic for anger, irritability, overstimulation, heat exhaustion and overwork.

You can simply look at them, smell them or even add rose petals to your bathwater when you are seeking relief from heated emotions.Consider growing a low-maintenance wildflower garden (to support the endangered bee population); you can even log into floral classes offered by women-owned and operated Aranj to learn the beautiful art of arranging flowers. If you want to automate the presence of bouquets in your life, consider a convenient, farm-direct floral subscription. The Bouqs Co. partners with eco-friendly farms that minimize waste, recycle water, and use sustainable growing practice.

7. Light a candle with intention.

Light a candle with intention.

The light of a candle represents knowledge, illumination and winning a victory over the darkness of your negative thinking, addictions, destructive habits and excessive emotional reactions, says Ajmera. When you light a candle whileconnecting with yourpurpose and intention for adopting a wellness practice, it is a simple way to strengthen your resolve for embracing the practice.

There are endless candle brands that are equal parts pleasing to the visual and olfactory senses. Rockaway Candle Company, for starters, is a women-owned soy candle company based in the beachside, blue-collar town of The Rockaways in Queens, N.Y. Its Amber Noire scent remains my favorite, year-round.

8. See your destiny in your hands.

Listen to mantras and meditate.

Gazing at your hands and affirming that wisdom and power lies in your hands first thing in the morning sets the tone for your day in a powerful way that has the potential to shape your destiny and help you be the change you wish to see in the world, says Ajmera. She also recommends starting the day by simply stepping outdoors and feeling the warm sun on your face for a few moments, especially during these summer months.

If youd like to learn more about the Ayurveda lifestyle, follow THE WELLs Reemerge digital series.

Continued here:
Your Summer Self-Care Guide 2020: 8 Health And Wellness Tips From THE WELL - Forbes