Can Osteoporosis Be Reversed? Medications and Lifestyle Changes – Healthline

Osteoporosis is a chronic condition caused by the loss of bone density. You can reverse the loss of bone density with medical therapies that may slow, maintain, or even increase your bone density.

Your doctor may recommend taking certain medications to prevent or treat bone loss, and some may even help you rebuild bone density.

You can also help prevent fractures and other symptoms of osteoporosis with:

A serious complication of osteoporosis is breaking a bone, which can lead to:

Its important to avoid falls as much as possible.

Your doctor diagnoses osteoporosis based on bone density loss. You can have different degrees of the condition, and catching it early can help you prevent the condition from worsening.

You cannot reverse bone loss on your own. But there are a lot of ways you can stop further bone loss.

If you are diagnosed with osteoporosis or at a greater risk for developing it, your doctor may recommend certain medications to take. Your risk for the condition may increase due to:

Treatment with medication aims to prevent the condition from getting worse and reduce your risk for fracturing bones.

Two types of medications can help treat osteoporosis.

You cannot reverse bone loss on your own without medications, but there are many lifestyle modifications you can make to stop more bone loss from occurring.

Eating a diet that is nutrient-rich and diverse is important to keep your bones strong. Consuming these foods can give your bones a boost:

Here are some of the vitamins and minerals you want to incorporate into your diet for bone health.

There are also drinks and ingredients you should avoid or reduce consumption of to help your bone health.

Engaging in regular exercise can help your bones stay strong in adulthood. There are additional benefits to exercise like strengthening your muscles to help you stay coordinated and balanced.

These benefits can also help you prevent falls or bumps into objects that might lead to broken bones with osteoporosis.

You should engage in several types of exercise regularly to help your bones:

Talk with your doctor about appropriate exercise routines. You should avoid high impact exercises and may need to modify certain activities to avoid injury.

Unhealthy habits like these can worsen osteoporosis:

To maximize your nutrition and maintain a healthy weight, you can try to:

Your diet alone may not be enough to maintain an adequate level of bone-healthy vitamins and minerals.

Your doctor may recommend taking a multivitamin or a supplement of specific vitamins or minerals to meet your daily requirements. It is important to take the recommended amount.

Keep in mind that the Food and Drug Administration does not approve or control supplements, so check in with your doctor before you start using them and purchase them from a reputable manufacturer.

Osteopenia indicates low bone mass. This is a condition that could lead to osteoporosis, but it doesnt necessarily mean that its a foregone conclusion. You may be able to rely on lifestyle modifications to stop bone loss, like:

Your doctor may also recommend taking medications to prevent osteoporosis from developing.

A diagnosis of osteoporosis comes when your bone mass is low. You may find out you have osteoporosis from a bone scan or after you experience a broken bone.

Osteoporosis is often a condition associated with aging, and women can be especially vulnerable to it.

You should always follow the health treatment plan recommended for osteoporosis. It might be easy to ignore the condition because symptoms are not obvious.

But delaying or neglecting treatment for osteoporosis can lead to bone breaks and other symptoms like:

There are a variety of medications to treat osteoporosis, so you and your doctor can determine the best option for you. For example, some medications you may need to take daily.

Others may require administration at a doctors office a few times a month or once a year.

Your treatment plan is considered successful if you stop bone density from decreasing and do not experience bone fractures or breaks. Some treatments will also help you rebuild bone density.

Your doctor may recommend a change in treatment if you experience worsening symptoms or if your medication is only helpful for a certain period of time.

There may be instances where you take a break from medication. You may need to take medication again at some point. Your doctor will monitor your condition to determine what type of treatment you need.

Talk with your doctor about concerns regarding your treatment plan. You can discuss ways to make sure you follow instructions for any prescribed medications.

Your doctor may even suggest a different type of treatment if your current plan does not adhere to your lifestyle.

Discuss ways to incorporate healthy lifestyle habits to stop bone density loss and prevent the condition from getting worse.

Originally posted here:
Can Osteoporosis Be Reversed? Medications and Lifestyle Changes - Healthline

I Have a Chronic Illness. Here’s Why I Hate New Year’s Resolutions – Healthline

We need to stop starting every new year by setting these unreachable standards for ourselves.

Each year, my social media feeds are filled with New Years resolutions. People promise themselves that theyre going to lose weight or hit the gym every day.

They say theyre going to work super hard to get a promotion, or that theyre finally going to stop drinking or smoking.

The thing is, New Years resolutions can actually be pretty detrimental to our mental well-being especially for the chronic illness community.

While some may succeed, of course, these vows are just not feasible for others.

When we set such huge goals, thinking it assures ourselves of change, we can wind up feeling no motivation to continue the moment we have any kind of slip-up.

The result can be not accomplishing what you set out to do, and feeling bad about yourself as a result.

As a chronically ill person living with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), this feeling is familiar to me. I often promise myself I will accomplish something, only to have the unpredictability of my illness derail my plans.

For that reason, theres absolutely no way I will be making any resolutions this year. Not even small ones.

Its been nearly 6 years since my initial diagnosis of ulcerative colitis, and Im still trying to come to terms with the effects its had on me.

Even on my good days, living with a chronic illness can take a toll on my self-esteem.

I wish I could go to the gym and live a super healthy lifestyle, but in reality, Im often stuck on the toilet in a flare, living on stodgy, beige foods to avoid even more suffering.

I wish I could enjoy a night out dancing like other women my age, but instead, Im often tossing and turning, getting up every hour to use the toilet.

Living with a chronic illness is hard enough, and often makes me compare my life to others.

There can be so much pressure on chronically ill people already, not just from society, but sometimes even from our closest friends and family.

Were told to stop being lazy or dramatic, or that were making up how were feeling. Were told that other people have it worse and that we just need to get on with it.

Im not making any resolutions because I dont want to put additional, undue pressure on myself.

It might be new year, new me for some, but when you have a chronic illness, making changes is hard because life continues to be as unpredictable as ever.

The sad truth is that unless my chronic illness magically vanishes (hint: it wont), its never going to be a time for a new me.

I can come to terms with my illness, which I have tried my best to do, but Im never going to have that before and after that resolutions promise. Im forever going to be in limbo, and Im learning that maybe thats OK.

By not setting any resolutions as the new year approaches, I can avoid the mental distress of not being able to do the thing I promised myself I would.

We need to stop starting every new year by setting these unreachable standards for ourselves. We need to just get through life the best we can, to find the joys where we can, and focus on doing what we can, when we can, without making a huge deal about it.

Im not saying anyone who makes a New Years resolution cant stick to it. But if youre living with a chronic illness like I am, you may struggle with the pressure you place on yourself.

Why increase that pressure when you can make a resolution to simply take each day as it comes, to do the best you can, no matter the outcome?

I know that in the new year I will have good days, bad days and terrible days. Thats just what living with a long-term illness is like. Its unpredictable, and the bad days can hit anytime.

But knowing that there will be bad days doesnt mean its going to be a bad year. It just means that itll continue to be my normal, which is just doing the best I can. Maybe thats OK maybe thats more than OK. Maybe thats enough.

Hattie Gladwell is a mental health journalist, author, and advocate. She writes about mental illness in hopes of diminishing the stigma and to encourage others to speak out.

Read more here:
I Have a Chronic Illness. Here's Why I Hate New Year's Resolutions - Healthline

Healthy lifestyle initiative – The Star Online

JOHOR BARU: The Johor Sports Master Plan 2030, which is expected to be launched early next year, is part of the states efforts to turn the sports industry into a major economic contributor and nurture a healthy lifestyle among Johoreans.

Johor tourism, youth and sports committee chairman Datuk Onn Hafiz Ghazi said the plan was part of the sports and healthy lifestyle initiative announced by Johor Mentri Besar Datuk Hasni Mohammad during the recent state budget tabling.

The master plan is part of our ongoing plans to promote sports tourism with the sports industry becoming one of our main economic contributors aside from nurturing a healthy lifestyle among the people.

Although the sports master plan emphasises high-performance sports initiatives through the Johor Sports Council (MSNJ), it is also trying to make sports the new economic pillar of the state, Onn Hafiz said when contacted.

He had previously said that the state government was in the final phase of completing the master plan.

He explained that it covered the requirement of four key audiences which included high performance, lifestyle, learning and business community.

The aim is also to encourage the creation of a sustainable sports ecosystem as an industry in Johor, he said, adding that the master plan would also focus on job creation, learning opportunities, events, sports technology and research, and sports tourism.

Onn Hafiz said MSNJ would be working together with Sports Johor Sdn Bhd and Loughborough University from the United Kingdom to better prepare Malaysia Games (Sukma) athletes for the Sukma XX Johor 2022 competition.

The state government has allocated RM1mil to the Johor Sports Associations Professionalism Programme aside from awarding a grant to sports associations according to the grade given by MSNJ.

The government will also provide a platform for the people to take part in sports programmes such as the Xtif Johor Prosperous Sports Carnival with a total of RM1.9mil allocation, he disclosed, saying that it involved sports such as sepak takraw, badminton and basketball.

He added that the carnival would be conducted throughout 56 state constituencies in Johor aside from other programmes such as Xtif Johor Fun Ride, Fun Run and E-sports organised under the Johor Youth Development Centre.

See original here:
Healthy lifestyle initiative - The Star Online

Farmington Public Schools awarded Building Healthy Communities grant – The Oakland Press

Farmington Public Schools received a districtwide Building Healthy Communities grant toimplement healthy school transformations in all of its elementary and middle schools.

Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan launched the Building Healthy Communities program in 2009. It is a statewide partnership focused on using a broad range of strategies to improve healthy eating, enhance physical activity, decrease childhood obesity and improve the academic achievement of children and adolescents.

With the grant, the district is focusing on nutrition education through classroom lessons, increasing opportunities to be physically active throughout the school day and improving access to healthy food and beverages.

The implementation of the Building Healthy Communities program in Farmington Public Schools is led at the elementary level by Julie Kaminski, principal of Kenbrook Elementary School, and the Center for Health and Community Impact at Wayne State University. The middle school level program is led by Allison Robinson, principal of Power Middle School, in conjunction with Project Healthy Schools at the University of Michigan.

Parents and families will have access to the Building Healthy Communities website which includes many physical activities, several nutritional components, and the Healthy Living calendar. Teachers have access to a password-protected website that includes many lessons on these same topics.

At Power, a new water bottle filling station was installed, and all students will receive a water bottle once school is back in session. All of the elementary schools received new recess equipment to utilize once schools are back in session.

The Building Healthy Communities grant has provided Kenbrooks students and families with wonderful resources and learning, said Kaminski. We have all learned more about the importance of living a healthy lifestyle.

The program is funded through a partnership between the Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan, Wayne State University, University of Michigan, Michigan Health Endowment Fund, United Dairy Industry of Michigan, Michigan Department of Health and Human Services and Michigan Fitness Foundation.

For more information on the Building Healthy Communities elementary school program, visit For more information about the middle school program, visit

-Submitted byKendra Montante

Original post:
Farmington Public Schools awarded Building Healthy Communities grant - The Oakland Press

EHE Health Launches Personalized Mobile Health Offering Thrive Now to Support Maternal and Family Health – Business Wire

NEW YORK & SAN FRANCISCO--(BUSINESS WIRE)--EHE Health, a leading preventive and primary healthcare provider organization, today announced the launch of Thrive NowTM, its first-ever, clinically-integrated, mobile health app designed to help women prepare for healthy pregnancies, improve maternal and infant health and minimize the risks and costs of preventable complications before and after delivery.

Thrive Now offers a set of highly personalized tools and content, powered by mobile health solutions provider Wildflower Health and seamlessly connected with EHE Health clinical specialists and primary care network providers. Designed to drive active user engagement, the app helps women make healthy choices, identify health issues, manage immunization, vaccination and medical scheduling, and connect directly with mentors, mental health specialists and an enhanced care team during pre-conception, postpartum and the foundational stages of healthy parenting.

Women in their reproductive years are the fastest-growing segment of the U.S. workforce1, and preventive care that emphasizes maternal health is crucial not only to the advancement of women, but the health of their families and the economy, said Dr. David Levy, an epidemiologist and CEO of EHE Health. More than ever, employers are focused on innovative maternal health strategies to better address womens needs as well as the costs of healthcare and turnover associated with motherhood.

Maternal and newborn care, combined, represent the most expensive health conditions to treat and highest healthcare claims costs for employers2, particularly when there are complications. Whereas the greatest pregnancy-related risks were once related to delivery, the leading causes of pregnancy complications and maternal mortality are now pre-existing, chronic conditions such as diabetes, hypertension and heart disease.3 The United States has one of the highest maternal mortality rates of all developed countries, and the CDC reports that 60 percent of deaths could have been prevented had mothers better understood the importance of and been able to access more easily quality prenatal and postpartum care.4

Power of Personalized Engagement

Thrive Now expands on EHE Healths omnichannel marketing platform that seeks to maximize engagement in and utilization of preventive and primary care services. The app fuses Wildflowers powerful customization engine that creates a highly-personalized user experience based on individual interests and health needs, and EHE Healths network providers and mentors in their efforts to deliver care that is grounded in preventative care and healthy lifestyle practices. The result is a closer connection between patients and care providers through mentorship, telehealth and in-person office visits.

The app facilitates one-touch connections to a range of EHE resources, including appointment scheduling, preparing for health exams, engaging with a health mentor or accessing specific support the full range of health issues, connection to care supporting the full family life cycle and even career and work-life balance. App users also have simple click-to-call access to all resources offered by their employer.

We are honored to partner with EHE. Our technology is a perfect fit to extend the impact of their preventive and clinical resources, said Leah Sparks, Founder and CEO of Wildflower. We believe in empowering the chief health officer of the home to educate and activate patients as a crucial component to bending the cost curve in healthcare. We believe in EHEs prevention-first model, and were excited to integrate with their clinicians and coaches to equip families with the care they need.

To download a version of Thrive Now, text NOW to 844.972.1922 for a link to download. Or search THRIVE NOW in your app store.

About EHE Health

EHE Health is national preventive health and primary care Center of Excellence provider system. EHE's evidenced-based preventive program is offered to large self-insured employers to give their employees and beneficiaries a value-based entry point to a lifetime of organized, effective, efficient, and satisfying care. Founded in 1913, EHE is the first and only national health care provider in America specializing in preventive health. For over one hundred years it has been dedicated to health, productivity, and longevity for patients, and improving the value of the health care benefit offered by large employers. Learn more at

About Wildflower Health

Wildflower connects women and families to better care by breaking down silos among providers, payers and best-in-class partners. Our digital platform and virtual patient advocates engage the Chief Health Officer of the home (aka mom) by delivering personalized experiences that simplify the healthcare journey for families. Our model also fuels the transition from fee-for-service to value-based care. Empowering women. Collapsing silos. Rewarding value. This is a smarter way to care.


1 Department of Labor: Womens Bureau. Working mothers issue brief. Published 2016.Livingston G, Bialik K. 7 facts about U.S. moms. Pew Research Center. Published 2018.

2 AHRQ, Center for Delivery, Organization, and Markets, Healthcare Cost and Utilization Project, Nationwide Inpatient Sample, 2008



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EHE Health Launches Personalized Mobile Health Offering Thrive Now to Support Maternal and Family Health - Business Wire

The New You: The many benefits of yoga –

You don't have to be a professional to feel real benefits from the practice of yoga. Even small, low impact movements can have big results

CLEVELAND Since embarking on this "The New You journey, Ive learned that that a healthy lifestyle is not only about eating well, its also about reducing anxiety and moving your body two huge factors in the ancient practice of yoga.

Thats why, each week during our shared medical appointment, we take some time to work with Cleveland Clinics lead yoga therapist Judi Bar.

"The reason yoga is in the program is because it does help with mindfulness. Were going to look at body awareness, am I breathing am I holding in my breath because just allowing ourselves to make a breath can many times, help us make a nice non-emotional decision," Bar told us the first week of the program.

Though virtual yoga has been great, Kati, Kim and I recently had the chance to practice with Judi in person, at Cleveland Clinics Wellness Center campus in Lyndhurst.

In our class, Judi explained that yoga can get a bad rap for being complicated and physically advanced. But right away, Judi told us yoga can be modified for all, and even low impact, simple motions can have lasting results. She had us start by using a chair to help us modify the poses instead of practicing on the floor.

"The key here is we don't start out running a marathon. In yoga we can build our core, we can stretch our our rotator cuffs we can help support our back we can get better stronger legs more flexible feet," Bar said.

"All I ask you to do is listen to your body if something that I'm suggesting isn't working then you adjust and adapt."

But its not all about the physical workout. Just like we learned in our culinary medicine class, like food, yoga can even help fight infections in the body.

"The variety we get in yoga and the moving helps to really support a healthy immune system too it pumps that lymphatic fluid through to to get some detoxing done," she told us.

Though none of us would call ourselves professionals, Kim, Kati and I all settled in pretty quickly to learn some of those famous poses youve probably heard about - including my favorite - the "warrior pose."

It wasn't all easy, but by the end of class, I think we looked pretty good! And Judi just may have convinced me to incorporate yoga into my daily routine. Namaste.

Were in this together!

If you're interested in learning more, or signing up for a similar program through the Cleveland Clinic, visit:

call: 216.448.4325 or email:

More "The New You" stories:

See more here:
The New You: The many benefits of yoga -

Talking to Kids about Weight: What the Internet Says and Why Researchers Are Wary – DrexelNow – Drexel Now

Parents, caregivers and health care professionals are increasingly concerned about childhood obesity. Compounding their concern are fears of inadvertently provoking disordered eating, such as unhelpful dieting, when discussing a childs weight status (i.e. normal weight, overweight or obese). Given the complexity of these concerns, major health advocacy groups have independently published guidelines for having conversations with children about weight status all at the fingertips of parents, caregivers and health care professionals with a quick internet search.

To help sort it all out, researchers from the Center for Weight, Eating and Lifestyle Science (WELL Center) in the College of Arts and Sciences at Drexel University systematically reviewed numerous independently published guidelines for having conversations with children about weight status to analyze their content, consistency, actionability and scientific support.

Its important that parents and health care professionals be critical consumers of guidelines on talking to kids about overweight and obesity because guidelines have a lot of variability between them on the question of whether or not to talk about a kids weight directly, said Elizabeth Lampe, graduate student in the College of Arts and Sciences and lead author. Parents and health care professionals should read several different guidelines and make sure that they are making the best decision for their kid, since every situation can be unique.

Researchers performed web-based searches that identified 59 independently published guidelines on childhood obesity by major health advocacy groups. Only 13 provided explicit direction on how the caregiver or health care professional should approach a conversation about overweight or obesity with a child.

Throughout the 13 guidelines, nine topics were identified within the advice provided: attitude modeling (covered by 31% of guidelines), behavior modeling (61%), dietary recommendations (54%), physical activity (46%), body acceptance and self-esteem (69%), conversation advice (92%), contact with health care professionals (46%), talking about weight versus overall health (54%) and external factors, such as bullying and/or media (54%).

The table shows the nine different topic domains identified in the guidelines, examples of how they appeared and a percentage of how often they appeared.

Lampe noted that although all guidelines presented similar content, several inconsistencies in recommendations emerged. Only three of the 13 guidelines referenced any scholarly sources and only a small minority of advice was easily applied to everyday situations by caregivers or health care professionals.

We call for future guidelines to unify their messages for caregivers and health care professionals and be better supported by scholarly data, said Lampe.

She added that parents and caregivers are not the only consumers of these guidelines.

Policy makers may be using these guidelines to influence their decisions or practitioners might use these guidelines to inform their practice, said Lampe. Some important implications of this could be a lack of health behavior change and potential perpetuation of weight stigma.

The report, Guidelines for Caregivers and Healthcare Professionals on Speaking to Children About Overweight and Obesity: A Systematic Review of the Gray Literature, was recently published in Translational Behavioral Medicine. Authors include Sophie Abber, graduate student; Evan Forman, PhD and Stephanie Manasse, PhD of Drexel University.

Although this study has concluded, the WELL Center continues to recruit for other weight management studies, including a teen healthy lifestyle study through the Child and Adolescent Program called Project REACH.

Go here to see the original:
Talking to Kids about Weight: What the Internet Says and Why Researchers Are Wary - DrexelNow - Drexel Now

The Top 10 Health & Wellness Brands to Watch in 2021 – GlobeNewswire

Boost Media Agency

The Top 10 Health & Wellness Brands

New York, New York, Jan. 11, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Our health is arguably the most important part of our well-being and longevity as human beings. In the fast-paced world we live in, it can be incredibly difficult to know exactly what we should be consuming and implementing on a day-to-day basis. Products are marketed to be healthy and good for you, but simply looking at the ingredients and calorie information of the packaged foods we eat just isnt enough. According to Boost Media Agency, choosing the right health products is key to our vitality and living a sustainable life. With so many products on the market, it can be hard to choose - but here we make it easy, sharing with you 10 of the top health and wellness brands to watch out for in 2021.

Organifi @organifi

Organifi brings together the world's most high-quality superfood blends in a way that is delicious, convenient, and easily accessible to all. Over one million people have already felt the impact of Organifi and this is only the beginning for the company. Our goal is to transform the world through community, nutrition, and habit transformation. Were in this together and were just getting started, the brand states. Organifi began with a group of friends seeking to empower themselves through better nutrition and creating powerful new habits to support the former. Realizing that there was no easy way to get the nutrition they needed unless they spent their time chopping, pressing, and juicing, the group sought to make the healthy path easier for all. After 52 iterations, the team found a way to make superior nutrition tasty and without compromising any quality, thus Organifis first Green Juice was born. The brand is committed to supporting organic, sustainable, and regenerative farming practices to rebuild our planet and their blends are Non-GMO and Glyphosate Residue Free. By choosing organic ingredients and processes, Organifi leads the way in creating a positive ripple effect to shift the conventional food system infrastructure. Now with millions of high-quality superfood blends shared and hundreds of thousands of lives changed, Organifi proves that transformation doesnt have to be hard.

Sup Supplements - @sup_supplements

WhatSUP? You may have seen this brand on the shelves of your local grocery store, and if you havent, you should definitely keep an eye out for them! Created by a bunch of Aussievitamin nerds, SUP Supplements are the product of their passion, innovation, and dedication to promoting a healthy and well-balanced lifestyle. We decided to take a 360- degree approach to creating our supplements, the brand states, by choosing to formulate targeted supplements in unique and personalised formats, we are creating products for everyone, no matter how you SUP! With so many of us faced with the mounting pressures of having to keep up with a fast-paced lifestyle, consuming the right vitamins and minerals has never been so important. Whilst we cant always ease up the pressures of life, we can look to nature to have our back, and help improve our general health and wellbeing. The brand makes this easier for us by bringing the fun back into vitamins and supplements through their innovative formats. Now, how exactly can you SUP? The range is available in SHOT SUP health drinks, CHEW SUP gummies, or POP SUP tablets and capsules, found in simple, easy to understand formulations, finally, a supplement brand that speaks our language! SUP is taking a massive step in the mental wellbeing space, with a range of products that improve sleep, contain adaptogens for relieving mild anxiety and nootropics for supporting cognitive function. Focus. Stress Less. Sleep. Repeat.

Mauna Loa Macadamia Nuts @maunaloamacnut

Beginning in 1949, at the base of its namesake volcano, Mauna Loa learned to grow and roast macadamias to produce a nutrient-dense nut with a uniquely luscious buttery flavor and satisfying crunchbecoming a Hawaiian icon in the process. With its core line-up of dry-roasted, flavored macadamias, Mauna Loais a favorite forthose who follow Keto and Paleo diets,as macadamiasarenaturally low-carb andhigh in good fats, with thebest omega-3 to omega-6 ratio of any tree nut. Continuing to innovate by harnessing the plant-based power of macadamias, and the vibrant flavors of Hawaii, the brand is launching the first non-dairy, macadamia milk nice cream. With the opportunity to establish Mauna Loa as Hawaiis wellness brand, both on the islands and the mainland, were excited to be the first to bring our mighty macadamia to the frozen dessert segment, shared Ed Schultz, President and CEO of Hawaiian Host Group Mauna Loas parent company. When we trialled our dairy-free ice cream with consumers, they were most excited about its creaminess, which makes the perfect base for a plant-powered treat. Mauna Loas new line of macadamia-based dairy-free ice creamcomes in six flavors: MangoLilikoi, Kona Coffee, Rocky Road to Hana, Vanilla Orchid, Chocolate, and Vanilla Chip. The entirely-vegan line is free from dairy, gluten, and GMOs, and serving as the companys first step towards creating more products with the health and wellness consumer's needs in mind.

The Reserve @fromthereserve

Meet The Reserve, the superfood brand going back to the root of health and wellness. This health and wellness brand incorporate into their powder blends various fibres, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that have been used since the dawn of human civilization to cure and prevent diseases, and also serve to improve your bodys overall balance. After all, the secret to a healthy lifestyle starts with consuming the right food. Making sure to only select the best products, the small team sources ingredients from all around the world, and is always testing their products in third party laboratories to offer their customers only ingredients of the highest quality, non-GMO, free from heavy metals, pesticides, etc. Unlike other brands, the company only stocks very low amounts at a time, to ensure their batches and nutrients always remain as fresh as possible. The brand also places strong emphasis on the connection with their community, taking care to always listen to their wants and needs. During the current pandemic, for example, the team was able to develop a hand sanitizer that not only had antibacterial properties, but included 5 essential oils to nourish and protect the skin. The Reserve always has their customers at the forefront of their minds when creating and developing their nourishing superfood blends, and their blends are definitely ones to get your hands on.

Switch Nutrition - @switch_nutrition

Nothing truly compares to how you feel when your body is at its peak, but sometimes we need a little helping hand to get it there. Our supplements may have been originally intended for purely selfish reasons, the Switch Nutrition team state, in the sense that we wanted these products in our lives on the daily! Created to provide the human body with all it needs to get the most out of each day, the range is also all natural, meaning there are no nasty chemicals, artificial flavours, colours or sweeteners to be found inside. Not only Australian-owned and made, Switch Nutrition conduct multiple studies and beta-testing on their science-based formulas, to ensure they are constantly improving on how their formulas can best affect the well-being, physical and mental performance of both the average person and elite athlete. Switch Nutrition also differs to other brands as they are radically transparent about exactly what ingredients can be found in each supplement, the aim being to not only use the highest quality of ingredients, but to educate their consumers on nutritional science. We want to give people a useful framework of how to think about healthy living in combination to their supplement use, the brand states. So, if youre ready to start kicking ass in both your workouts and in life, dont hesitate a second longer, because Switch Nutrition has got your back, f
ront, and insides too!

Super Shrooms @drink.mushrooms

Sick of coffee crashes and jitters? Then say hello to your new best friend. Desiring to create a much healthier alternative to coffee, Super Shrooms was formed to shine a light on the magnificent potential mushrooms have in delivering a better energising effect. With the added benefits mushrooms have in fuelling brain function, performance and stamina, Super Shrooms blends also support your bodys overall health and vitality. We believe mushrooms are the future, the brand states, they have an enormous medicinal potential for the human race. Their mission to bring mushrooms into the spotlight, and make them easier and more convenient to access, is evident through their range of certified organic superfood latte blends, which draw upon the ancient wisdom of Chinese and Ayurvedic medicines to benefit your mind, body and soul. Their blends make use of an array of powerful mushrooms, for example; Lions Mane to fuel memory and focus, Cordyceps for energy, Chaga for an antioxidant boost and Reishi for a calm mind and immune support (which they also sell separately for you to add to your own food and drinks!). The use of much-loved superfoods (such as Raw Peruvian cacao, masala chai, cinnamon and turmeric), do the heavy lifting in the flavour department, providing us with the drinks that are seriously shaking up Australia's cult coffee culture for the better.


Kynd is a brand with a difference. Upon spending many years travelling, Kynd founder, Matt Stenmark, recognised that we live in a world in need. Seeing widespread gaps in nutrition and sustainability, he dreamed up a health brand that not only made a difference to its consumers but spread a positive ripple effect to others and to the planet. As a result, Kynd is Australias first one-for-one supplement brand. That means that for every one Kynd product sold, a Kynd Immunity product is donated to a person in need. As of October 2020, Kynd has donated over 13,000 Immunity products to people in need, including homeless shelters and womens refuges. Not only are Kynd products purpose-driven, but they are sustainably packaged health and beauty supplement products with ingredients based on scientific evidence to empower individuals to show kindness to themselves, to others and to the planet. With the brand centring its values upon the mantra kynd to you, kynd to others, and kynd to the planet, they are definitely one to support and watch out for. (To enable Kynd to reach as many people as possible, Kynd leverages the national distribution network of iNova Pharmaceuticals. Always read the label. Follow the directions for use. If symptoms persist, see your healthcare professional. Supplements may only be of assistance if dietary intake is inadequate.)

Recoop @getrecoop

Stimulants artificially increase stress hormones in the brain, putting your mind and body into overdrive, which can often result in harmful short and long-term health effects. Recoop is on a mission to combat this, through their superior supplements that combine the best of science and sourcing. Whilst they can be highly effective at first, over time our system builds up a tolerance towards stimulants, and we need to consume more to achieve the same effect. Whilst the benefits remain the same, the negative side effects are amplified with an increased dosage. Recoop provides care before, after and during stimulant use, by maintaining healthy cognition and energy levels when taking stimulants, and supporting productivity and wellbeing that may be adversely affected by stimulants. Their Wellness Set works to power an all-natural approach to health and productivity, by reducing the negative side effects of stimulants such as Adderall, Ritalin, Modafinil, Concerta, and caffeine. We believe powerful people, not just patients, can reclaim their health and enhance their cognition for a better life, the brand states, were committed to building wellness systems that dont wait for you to need them. Millions of people struggle with the unwanted side-effects of stimulants, as not taking them simply isn't an option. With Recoop, explore an all-natural approach to compromise-free care.

Pure Oils of Tasmania - @pureoilsoftasmania_

Lets talk about Kunzea. If you havent heard about this miracle oil before, were not at all surprised. Native to Australias island state of Tasmania, this little gem is a godsend for skin irritation. Mother and daughter duo Carey and Josie Badcoe came across this oil when a friend was being treated for terminal cancer. He mentioned that it was the only thing that would help the skin problems he had, which were being exacerbated by chemotherapy and radiation, Carey says. Fascinated, they decided to investigate further what other oils could be sourced and distilled from Tasmania. From their research, Pure Oils of Tasmania was founded in response for the growing need and demand for less chemical products. The brand produces Kunzea, Blue Gum, Manuka and Lavender Tea Tree oils each have their own individual aromas and therapeutic qualities. With their oils wild harvested and batch distilled to capture the pure essence of the Tasmanian bush, the oils antibacterial, antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory qualities have become highly sought-after alternatives to chemical options present. Every day we discover a new way our customers are using the oils for their therapeutic value, to make their homes healthy and beautiful, and for their personal wellbeing, says Josie. The products Pure Oils of Tasmania produces reflects the beautiful surroundings, pure environment and quality of life enjoyed by Tasmanians, which can now be shared with the rest of the world.

Lumen -

Now we understand why you could be mistaken for thinking weve included a vape pen in this list, but the Lumen device is anything but! Once only available to top athletes, in hospitals and clinics, the metabolic testing is now available to all thanks to Lumen. Designed by twin sisters Michal and Merav Mor, both with doctorates in physiology, to prepare themselves for an upcoming Ironman competition. Wanting a way to track their metabolism during training but not having anything available to do so on the market, the Mor sisters invented the small Bluetooth connected device to measure the CO2 concentration in their breath. This then determined whether their bodies were burning fat or carbs. How is this possible we hear you ask? Well essentially a high concentration of CO2 present within the breath indicates that the individual is burning carbs, and a low concentration indicates the person burning fat. Along with its app, Lumen is then able to offer the user daily customised nutrition plans based off their metabolism readings. The app also provides workout optimisation, enabling users to see if they have enough energy before a workout or if they need to re-fuel their bodies. Scientifically validated and endorsed by professional athletes across the globe, Lumen is set to revolutionise the way we approach our nutrition, and it all starts with one breath.

Make sure to follow each of these amazing brands, as they continue to improve the health and wellbeing of people with their incredible products. Each of their Instagram's have been directly linked here. Finally, we would like to thank Boost Media Agency for taking the time to put this article together.

Media DetailsContact: Lewis SchenkCompany: Boost Media AgencyPhone: 3106001787Email: operations@boostmediaofficial.pageWebsite:

See the original post:
The Top 10 Health & Wellness Brands to Watch in 2021 - GlobeNewswire

AAP issues interim guidance for nutrition in the pandemic – Contemporary Pediatrics

The disruption to life caused by the COVID-19 pandemic has been all-encompassing. Millions have lost their jobs; those still employed have had to make their homes their new offices; and millions of children have transitioned to a virtual learning environment. These changes have created economic and other hardships for many families. Additionally, children have not been visiting their pediatrician as often as they have in the past, which can make assessing nutrition and physical activity more difficult. The American Academy of Pediatrics has issued interim guidance to help address these concerns as the pandemic continues.1

The guidance first addresses the main negative consequences of the pandemic. With the turn to virtual, half-day, or hybrid learning, a number of children and teenagers no longer have access to nutritious foods that they would normally be able to get through school breakfast and lunch. Additionally, families may have turned to snack foods; nonperishable processed foods acquired during the early panicked days of the pandemic; and increased consumption of food and sugar-sweetened beverages. As many may note through conversation with friends, families may increase consumption to assuage boredom or to manage negative emotions. Unfortunately as food consumption may be changing for the worse, the opportunity to engage in physical activity has decreased, with many gyms and parks closing or offering limited access, and school sports reduced or cancelled entirely .

Pediatricians are urged to help children and families overcome the current barriers to a healthy lifestyle, but they should be prepared to acknowledge the ways that the pandemic has made having such a lifestyle more difficult. The guidance also has recommendations for assessing and screening, which include:

When assessing nutrition:

- Ask about access to fresh food and evaluate food insecurity

- Ask about the familys eating routines and patterns

- Look for disordered eating habits linked to the pandemic, which can include scarcity of food, stress, and trauma

When assessing physical activity:

- Ask about the childs physical activity, how much and what it is.

- Ask about what may prevent the child from engaging in physical activity

- Ask about the childs sedentary time and how much they are using an electronic device for recreation

- Conduct an obesity assessment at every visit

Its also important to give families positive strategies that can use the familial strengths to engage in a healthy lifestyle. When counseling patients and families, the clinician should ensure all advice is appropriate for the childs developmental stage as well as sensitive to the socioeconomic, cultural, and psychological characteristics of the family. To effectively help families, clinicians should be familiar with how nutrition and activity levels can connect with excessive weight gain as well as how those can change in the pandemic.


1. American Academy of Pediatrics. Supporting healthy nutrition and physical activity during the COVID-19 pandemic. Updated December 9, 2020. Accessed December 11, 2020.

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AAP issues interim guidance for nutrition in the pandemic - Contemporary Pediatrics

Health of Father-to-Be Linked to Pregnancy Loss Risk – Everyday Health

When it comes to planning pregnancy, preconception counseling on diet and exercise is almost exclusively directed at the woman. A new study that included almost one million pregnancies suggests that way of thinking may be outdated, and perhaps men need to be in on those prepregnancy healthy lifestyle discussions, too.

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A retrospective study that looked at pregnancies between 2009 and 2016 published December 18, 2020, in Human Reproduction found that if a father-to-be has three or more medical conditions that are part of metabolic syndrome: obesity, diabetes, high blood pressure, or high cholesterol, the risk for losing a pregnancy was 27 percent compared with 10 percent for men who had no medical conditions.

RELATED: Is Prediabetes Damaging Sperm and Causing Fertility Problems?

Preconception counseling, things like prenatal vitamins and living a healthy lifestyle, has only focused on women. This is the first study to show an association between the preconception paternal health and pregnancy loss, says Michael Eisenberg, MD, associate professor of urology at Stanford University School of Medicine in Palo Alto, California, and lead author of the study.

Eisenberg and his team analyzed data from U.S. insurance claims that covered 958,804 pregnancies between the years 2009 and 2016. Researchers evaluated the health of the father according to records of medical conditions, which included components of metabolic syndrome (obesity, diabetes, high blood pressure, and high cholesterol) as well as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), depression, and heart disease.

The burden of chronic disease for all the men was calculated by reviewing their health history of heart failure, heart attack, diseases of the blood vessels, kidney and liver disease, cancer, stroke, and dementia.

RELATED: 8 Instagram Accounts That Are Getting Men to Talk About Their Health

Calculations were adjusted to account for other factors that can impact pregnancy, including the mothers age, health, weight, and whether either parent was a smoker.

A total of 4.6 men in the study were over 45 years old and 23.3 had at least one component of metabolic syndrome prior to conception. Of the pregnancies included, there were 785,809 live births and 172,995 pregnancies lost to ectopic pregnancy, miscarriage, or stillbirth.

Investigators found that the more components of metabolic syndrome the father had, the higher the risk for a pregnancy loss.

The risk of pregnancy loss was:

The fact that the risk of an adverse event in pregnancy increased with each additional health component strengthens the findings of this study, says Chad Aaron Grotegut, MD, professor of obstetrics and gynecology at the Wake Forest School of Medicine and a maternal-fetal medicine specialist at Wake Forest Baptist Health, both in Winston-Salem, North Carolina. Dr. Grotegut was not involved in this research. I think that seeing that sort of dose response strengthens the argument that this may be a true finding, he says.

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Investigators also discovered that the risk of pregnancy losses increased with the mothers age and the number of medical conditions she had, but even after allowing for that, the association between the health of the father and pregnancy losses remained. The risk of losing a pregnancy also went up as the age of the father increased.

The authors do a good job of acknowledging there are some limitations to the study, says Grotegut. In research, anytime that youre going back and analyzing data that was collected for a different purpose, theres always a concern that certain data or conditions were either not recorded or not recorded correctly, he says.

RELATED: Subfertility vs. Infertility: What Is the Difference?

Other limitations are that the data included only people who were privately insured and employed, and the data didnt include race, substance abuse, or sociodemographic status such as education level or income, said the authors.

Although this study wasnt designed to uncover the why behind the association between paternal health and the risk of pregnancy loss, there is existing research that offers a few clues. There have been some studies to suggest that the sperm in men that are older, who smoke or who have obesity may have abnormal epigenetic signatures in their sperm, says Eisenberg.

Epigenetics is the study of how your behaviors and environment can cause changes that impact the way your genes function, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Epigenetic changes are reversible and do not change your DNA sequence, but they can affect how your body reads a DNA sequence.

These epigenetic changes dont change the DNA code, but they change how well and how efficiently that DNA is expressed, he explains.

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Its possible that these chronic health conditions of the men lead to poor epigenetic signatures of the sperm, says Eisenberg. If the sperm DNA cant be expressed efficiently or perfectly, that may lead to a poor embryo or a poor placenta that then can lead to this adverse pregnancy trajectory where its more likely to end, he says.

Research has shown that a pregnant womans environment and behavior during pregnancy, for example whether or not she eats a healthy diet, can change the babys epigenetics, according to the CDC.

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Eisenberg and his colleagues published a 2018 study in The BMJ that used data from 40.5 million live births from a U.S. national data-sharing program to examine the impact, if any, of the fathers age.

After controlling for factors such as education level, marital status, smoking history, access to healthcare and the mothers age, investigators found that older fathers were linked to increased risks at birth, including low birth weight and seizures. The infants born to older fathers were more likely to require ventilation and neonatal intensive care as well.

Although there arent any human studies to date, a study published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Scienceslooked at mules, which have horse mothers and donkey fathers, and hinnies, which have horse fathers and donkey mothers. Investigators found thatgenes from the animals fatherswere predominant in the placenta.

The placenta is the organ that gives the fetus nourishment and oxygen and filters out waste products through the umbilical cord.

One avenue for further research would drill down deeper to examine the individual health of the fathers-to-be, says Eisenberg. For example, if a person has diabetes, lets look at how tightly theyre controlling their blood sugars and how they are doing it, whether that be through diet and exercise or medication. We could discover that what were seeing as far as increased risk in pregnancy could be the disease itself, but it could also be the treatment for the disease, he says.

Replicating the study and looking at individuals with more detail is really crucial to understanding what is going on, adds Eisenberg.

This is only one study, and at this point it hasnt been proved that the fathers health causes the increased risk in pregnancy, says Eisenberg. That being said, the advice that we would give a man would not be harmful, even if further studies dont prove causation, he says.

RELATED: The 8 Best Things Dads Can Do for Their Health

Men should be mindful of their diet, to exercise, maintain a healthy body weight, and check in with their primary care doctor to make sure that theyre in good health, says Eisenberg. I think thats reasonable, its going to benefit their health, and this data suggests that it would hopefully benefit the pregnancy as well, he says. Maybe this could be an extra carrot to get people, specifically men, to adhere to some of those recommendations, he adds.

Read this article:
Health of Father-to-Be Linked to Pregnancy Loss Risk - Everyday Health

To Your Health (Charles Romans): By the numbers – The Independent

There are no more accurate representations than numbers. Numbers as raw data qualify how many of any certain thing exists, and when combined with other things they give us an accurate total of all of the group of things as a whole. This is basic and as accurate as is possible; 1 pound, for instance, is still 1 pound whether calculating feathers or bowling balls. Combine the previous example and the result, the sum, will always be 2 pounds.

In most situations, however, the question quickly becomes two pounds of what? From a health perspective, most use the number revealed by the scale as a measurement of health. If the scale reveals a number larger than what we are told to expect, then our health is considered to be poor; the opposite is true as well, because if the scale reveals a number closer to or below that expectation then we assume that out health has improved. This type of measurement is only accurate in generalities, however, because it is not individualized enough to be a true and universally accurate measurement.

And that type of calculation does not take into consideration (especially from a human perspective) that weight is different from volume. One pound of fat and 1 pound of muscle are still 1 pound each.

The difference, however, is that 1 pound of fat takes up much more space than 1 pound of muscle. So simply looking at numbers on a scale fails to give us more than a reference. And when this is combined with a poor understanding of what is in our food, we might eat normally and still gain weight. This is also compounded when we apply the measurement dynamic to calories, but 1,200 calories of predominantly fat content does not have the same value as 1,200 more-balanced calories.

Being overweight is a condition that many Americans share in todays world. Being overweight, or obese, leads to certain other often preventable health issues as well, such as Type 2 Diabetes and high cholesterol. Losing weight through a healthy lifestyle including diet and exercise can often mitigate these conditions or remove them entirely. Far too often, however, people rely upon medicines to treat these and other conditions rather than taking a proactive approach to their health. The difficulty, of course, is that there is a learning curve when determining what is and what is not healthy that most find difficult to overcome.

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See the original post here:
To Your Health (Charles Romans): By the numbers - The Independent

WellRight Partners with HealthiNation to Offer Mental Wellness Content – Business Wire

CHICAGO--(BUSINESS WIRE)--WellRight is pleased to announce its partnership with HealthiNation, an independent producer of premium health condition and healthy lifestyle content. WellRight will offer HealthiNations award-winning video content as a valuable addition to its wellness programming.

During this time of uncertainty, weve seen a significant increase in the need for mental health and emotional support for our clients and their employees, says Tad Mitchell, president and CEO of WellRight. The short-form and engaging nature of HealthiNations videos is perfect for learners with limited time. It is no surprise that these videos have won numerous awards.

HealthiNations original videos have earned 22 Telly Awards, two Davey Awards, and a Daytime Emmy. Designed to support each individuals health journey, HealthiNations content is medically reviewed and features advice and information from top medical and wellness professionals, as well as engaging patient stories. Most of the videos run less than five minutes with the most-watched videos being two to three minutes.

The first curated video collection for WellRights wellness programs will focus on anxiety, depression, and stress. Example topics for the series include:

Upcoming collections will feature HealthiNations mental health, health condition, and healthy lifestyle content.

COVID19 has added tremendous stress for individuals dealing with health care issues, especially mental health, said Michael ODonnell, HealthiNation CEO. Our informational and inspiring health videos, distributed through WellRight can alleviate some of that pressure and help people cope and thrive in challenging times.

To learn more about how WellRight can improve employee wellness, visit WellRight Employee Emotional Wellness Resources.

About WellRight: WellRight delivers complete wellness programs, addressing key dimensions of holistic health. Every aspect of the program has been designed to make well-being a lasting habit and includes variety and flexibility of customizable group and personal wellness challenges, a comprehensive Health Assessment, free coaching, clear progress bars to track results, and fun and customizable reward structures to build and maintain motivation and engagement. Learn more at

About HealthiNation: HealthiNation is a leading producer and provider of medically-accredited, Emmy award-winning video content covering health conditions, nutrition, fitness, recipes, wellness, and lifestyle. Content can be found at as well as on HealthiNations extended distribution network.

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WellRight Partners with HealthiNation to Offer Mental Wellness Content - Business Wire

Healthy lifestyle in obese mothers can improve the baby’s health –

Obese pregnant women can reduce health-related risks for their unborn child by improving their diet and exercising, researchers have said.

Previous research trials have found high glucose levels in the pregnant mother can trigger changes in the fetus, therefore making the child vulnerable to health conditions in later life.

The most recent study involved more than 550 obese pregnant women. Half of them were asked to improve their diet and start exercising and the other half made no changes to their lifestyle at all.

The researchers looked at DNA patterns among children who were born to mothers who developed gestational diabetes and whether a dietary and physical activity intervention had altered outcomes.

The findings suggested that making lifestyle changes in pregnant did reduce DNA changes in the child which are usually associated with gestational diabetes in the pregnant mother.

Karen Lillycrop, Professor of Epigenetics at the University of Southampton said: These findings suggest that improvements to diet and physical activity can have an impact on the development of their children.

These are very encouraging findings and further studies are now needed to establish whether reducing these epigenetic changes through a healthier lifestyle during pregnancy are accompanied by improved health outcomes for the children in later life.

Professor Lucilla Poston, Tommys Chair of Maternal & Fetal Health and lead investigator of the UPBEAT trial at Kings College London, said: We have known for some time that children of mothers who had gestational diabetes are a greater risk of obesity and poor control of glucose; this new research implies that epigenetic pathways could be involved.

Tommys chief executive Jane Brewin said: Obesity during pregnancy can have lifelong negative impacts on mother and baby so one of the best things mums can do is to improve their health, including their weight, before embarking on a pregnancy.

However, this study shows that mums who are overweight and their babies can still benefit from adopting a healthy diet while pregnant. All mums-to-be need access to healthy eating advice, and those who are overweight should be given non-judgemental practical support and encouragement to eat healthily during pregnancy.

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Healthy lifestyle in obese mothers can improve the baby's health -

Local Businesses React To New COVID-19 Restrictions –

Area eateries and breweries spent the weekend adjusting to new COVID-19 restrictions put in place by Gov. Tom Wolfs administration.

On Thursday afternoon, Wolf announced a series of new restrictions intended to curb COVID-19 cases. Some of those restrictions that last through 8 a.m. on January 4 included ending indoor dining and closing gyms. The restrictions are on top of mitigation measures already in place since spring due to the pandemic that has claimed more than 770 Bucks Countians lives and sickened more than 22,000 locals.

With these measures in place, we hope to accomplish three goals: First, stop the devastating spread of COVID-19 in the commonwealth. Second, keep our hospitals and health care workers from becoming overwhelmed. And third, help Pennsylvanians get through the holiday season and closer to a widely available vaccine as safely as possible. This is a bridge to a better future in Pennsylvania, the governor said.

The news was met not all that warmly by many area business owners who serve food and drinks and have followed past restrictions and put their own safety measures in place.

Mike LaCouture, one of the owners of Broken Goblet Brewing that started in Bristol Township and is now located along State Road in Bensalem Township, said he was disappointed by the latest restrictions.

I am not surprised. I am saddened, unbelievably so, for all the employees ours included who are affected by this two weeks before the holidays. He is taking a sledgehammer approach to the problem, which is both expected and unfortunate because a business like ours has been taking this so seriously and is probably one of the safest, cleanest places you would visit in the last nine months, he said.

Additionally, LaCouture said the governor is in a tough position because some businesses arent following the guidelines that have already been in place.

We suffer for others flippancy to the whole thing, he said.

Jake Howell, one of the owners of Second Sin Brewing Company on Grundy Lane in Bristol Township, said he understands the steps that are being taken to control the spread of COVID-19.

Overall, given the rise in cases something needs to be done, shutdown or otherwise. The issue is that the orders seem to be disproportionately targeted at bars and restaurants, but somehow 500 people going into a big box store isnt an issue. Also, one would imagine that the six months since the last shutdown would have been used to plan for this one, so that service industry workers and small business owners could have some assistance, especially at this time of year, he said.

Nicholas Brachelli, who owns Hoagie Xpress on Bristol-Emilie Road in Bristol Township, said the restrictions are tough on restaurants and bars.

Is it a necessary evil? I dont have the right answer for that, but it is hard to watch local businesses shut down and local families directly impacted during the holiday season, he said, adding he hopes the community would pull together to support local eateries.

John Longstreet, president and CEO of the Pennsylvania Restaurant and Lodging Association,said the governors latest order would have a considerable impact on businesses. He also noted theres not the federal aid like in spring to help small businesses and their owners and employees.

The short notice of the shutdown and timing could not be worse as employers will be forced to lay off thousands of more workers as we head into the holiday season, he said.

LaCouture said Broken Goblet Brewing has gone back to outdoor seating only to comply with the governors order.

I really think that will dwindle, and so we will have to try and survive on takeout and our new shipping services, he said.

At Broken Goblet Brewing, which has a large outdoor area, a few outdoor heaters wouldnt be enough to keep customers warm as the cold weather moves in. He said the team priced it out and it would cost them $60,000 to create an effective setup or 15 propane heaters at more than $5,000, plus the price of propane.

For now, the brewery has been making it work with six fire pits that use a cord of wood per a weekend, LaCouture said.

At Second Sin Brewing Company, Howell said theyre making due with outdoor seating and a propane heater.

Hopefully we can continue to offer the space to our guests, he said. We will be shortening up our hours to close around sundown on the weekend. Well post our finalized hours on social media once they are set. Also, we have had curbside pickup as an option since the previous shutdown. Finally, we will be starting delivery on Fridays and Saturdays.

Brachelli, whose Hoagie Xpress hasnt offered indoor seating since the pandemic started, said takeout has been keeping his business steady.

Simply call in your order ahead of your arrival. When you arrive at the store you walk up to the window pay and collect your order and on your way. It creates minimal contact not only for our customers but also our staff. It worked rather seamlessly in the spring when we had heightened restrictions so we will be revisiting it starting next week when we open for business, he said.

For the two breweries, both have been complying with government safety guidance and even taking precautions steps further.

LaCouture said Broken Goblet Brewing has spent thousands on safety for customers and employees. They added Plexiglass, upgrades to the HVAC system, and completely reworked their new taproom.

In the restaurant and bar industry, COVID-19 and the restrictions has made business tough locally and nationwide.

The impact of COVID-19 truly cannot be put into words, Brachelli said. It has impacted everything from day-to-day operations to bearing a heavy mental toll on everyone. As long as everyone practices social distancing mask wearing, and good hand washing hygiene, possibly and end is in sight.

For Second Sin Brewing Company, they just passed a year since opening. The first shutdown lasted longer than they had been open at that point.

I think we can say the COVID has had a substantial negative impact on our business. All we are doing now is trying to make it through the winter and hope that the vaccine roll out lets us get back to normal as soon as possible, Howell said.

When our employees suffer, the owners suffer. And I know there are others like us in the area, LaCouture said.

Overall, Broken Goblet Brewing has seen business drop 60 percent to 70 percent due to COVID-19 and even with a 350 percent to 400 percent increase in takeout and the sale of packaged beer.

The general consumer is unaware of the mathematics of in-house dining/drinking versus takeout, but that really is not their problem. It is a fact of life right now for us, LaCouture said.

While most restaurants, bars, and other businesses seem to be following the states new regulations, there has been talk of some that are not.

Two area eateries that are rumored to be protesting the mitigation measures did not respond to requests for comment.

A high-profile objection has come from Jim Worthingtons Newtown Athletic Club in Newtown Township. The large regional health club said will remain open for the sake of our loyal members.

We believe that we are doing more service to our community if we remain available for them to continue their exercise and healthy lifestyle regimes which in the end, according to the science, are among the best lines of defense against COVID-19, a social media post from the club said.

Local and state authorities are empowered through law to enforce the governors orders. While there have been some county and state enforcement actions, local Levittown-area law enforcement have not been involved in any high-profile enforcement actions.

Bucks County Commissioners Chairperson Diane Ellis-Marseglia said she is sure state officials would not implement the mitigation measures unless they believe circumstances are dire.

I am looking forward to a federal response
with national standards so that every state, and every county, can be aligned with a greater plan. Rather than think of this as being imposed, I suggest thinking of it doing our share to contribute and cooperate for the greater good, she said.

We have consistently told people to mask up and follow the protocols. Its obvious that while most people followed that advice there are many who ignored it for whatever reason. The new mitigation measures will hopefully help stop the spread so that our hospitals arent overwhelmed. We know restaurants will suffer the most. We encourage Bucks Countians to help our restaurants as much as they can through takeout and delivery orders, Commissioner Bob Harvie said.

During this critically important time we need our elected officials in Washington Democrats and Republicans alike to come up with a stimulus package that will help every American in need and lift our business community through this public health crisis, said Commissioner Gene DiGirolamo.

We all need to support our heroes: the healthcare workers, people on the front lines caring for others and our emergency service providers, and the way we can do that is by continuing to wear masks, staying safe and following the social distancing guidelines, he added.

I certainly understand the governor felt he needed to do something to stem the high tide of cases, Bucks County Health Department Director Dr. David Damsker said in a statement. However, I do feel very badly for the affected businesses, and was hoping we could have been successful reducing the cases prior to implementing any additional restrictions. In the meantime, we need to continue wearing masks and limiting any unnecessary gatherings from now through the holidays.

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Local Businesses React To New COVID-19 Restrictions -

Deaths for the week of Dec. 13-19, 2020 – The Jewish News of Northern California

Obituaries are supported by a generous grant fromSinai Memorial Chapel. This page will be updated throughout the week. Submit an obituaryhere.Shalom BlajNov. 11, 1927Dec. 10, 2020

Shalom Blaj, beloved husband, father, grandfather, uncle, and friend, died December 10, 2020. His life and career spanned five continents. Born in Poland in 1927, raised in Israel, educated and eventually home-based in the U.S., he lived life fully and actively, engaged wherever he was. Shalom and Marilyn, wife of 67 years plus two days, took full advantage of theater, concerts, opera, and art wherever they lived and traveled. Son and daughter, Ron and Tami, were the fortunate recipients of a culturally diverse upbringing around the world.

Not just a patron of the arts, Shula and his three siblings sang together lustily. The trio of brothers performed on face cheeks, mouth air and, Shaloms specialty, cork (for decades wowing audiences with the William Tell Overture). In Israel, the four young couples spent boisterous Friday nights together and the annual Blaj seder had neighbors begging for inclusion. In his more mature years, Shalom led countless seders with family, friends, and residents and staff at their senior residence. Shaloms professional retirement allowed him the opportunity to express himself through delightful paintings in oil and watercolor.

A civil engineer, specializing in hydroelectric projects, Shalom was involved in the design and construction of several dams in Brazil, China, Colombia, India and numerous African countries. His knowledge and professionalism honed at Kaiser Engineers led to a prodigious consulting practice. Marilyn, Shaloms adored and beautiful wife, was his globe-trotting partner, literally and figuratively. With friends they made Great Decisions and enjoyed multi-course sumptuous meals with the Gourmet Club. They found Shakespeare in Stratford-upon-Avon and Ashland, Oregon.

An imposing figure, adults and children could be simultaneously intimidated by and drawn to him. Shalom was certain of his (and your) opinions! However, his integrity, sense of fairness and generosity shone through. Above all, he will be remembered as a righteous man.

In addition to Marilyn, Ron and Tami, grieving his absence in their lives are daughter-in-law Susana, grandsons Santi and Len, nieces and nephews, and innumerable friends.

If you choose, rather than flowers, please honor his memory with a donation to either the New Israel Fund or American Society for Yad Vashem


Shirley passed away peacefully on December 7 after a short illness. She was born in Oakland, the only child of Benjamin and Gertrude Hertzberg, on October 5, 1928, and spent her entire life in the Bay Area. She was a graduate of Oakland High School and University of California Berkeley with a major in Speech. She taught fourth grade before retiring to raise her children.

Shirley met and fell in love with Paul Kadden, also a Cal graduate; the two were married for 67 years. She was a caring mother to Bruce (Barbara zl), Mark (Michelle Lalouche) and Lori (Mark) Epstein. She was an active volunteer, serving as President of Redwood Heights Elementary School PTA, Temple Sinai Sisterhood and Temple Emanu-El Sisterhood. She was also a docent at the Temple Emanu-El Museum, the Judah Magnes Museum and enjoyed giving presentations about their exhibits. She also served as regional president of ORT. After raising her children, she did substitute teaching and vision testing for the San Francisco School District.

Shirley and Paul enjoyed playing bridge for many years with couples from Temple Sinai and with other friends they made along the way. They also enjoyed theater, opera, and traveling, attending the annual gathering of the Council of American Jewish Museums, as well as Europe and Israel. They always tried to visit ORT schools in the places they traveled, make new friends, and bring home a few pieces of art.

Shirley and Paul led a healthy lifestyle before it was popular, often walking around Lake Merritt on Sunday mornings with family. They were also devoted Cal football fans, attending most home games for many years; Shirley enjoyed reminding family members that Cal went to the Rose Bowl three times when she was in school.

Shirley and Paul were longtime members of Temple Sinai in Oakland where Shirley was confirmed. They were active members of Temple Emanu-El after moving to San Francisco and more recently Congregation Bnai Tikvah in Walnut Creek, but were often members of more than one congregation. After moving to Rossmoor, they became involved with the many activities there and made many new friends.

In addition to her husband and children, Shirley is survived by her grandchildren Alana (Jacob) Ballon, Micah Kadden, Daniel Kadden, and Sara, Julia and Hannah Epstein, and great-grandchildren Matan and Liav Ballon.

Donations can be made to ORT or your favorite charity.

Dr. Saul Wassermans soul peacefully left this world on Friday, December 11. Born and raised in New York, Saul graduated from Bronx High School of Science and attended Cornell University, where he met his wife, Judith. They married in 1963, and he attended the University of Chicago Medical School. In 1968, they moved to Palo Alto, where he completed his residency in Psychiatry at Stanford University. Their daughter, Rachel, was born in 1970.

Saul worked as a beloved and respected child psychiatrist for decades, and co-founded and directed the Child/Adolescent Psychiatric Inpatient Unit at San Jose Hospital. He served on the Stanford Medical School clinical faculty and held various positions in the Regional Organization of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry. In addition to his private practice, Saul was the consulting child psychiatrist for the foster care team of Catholic Charities of Santa Clara County, and for many local schools. He also served on the Santa Clara County Child Death Review, working to reduce infant and child mortality.

Congregation Beth Am was Sauls spiritual community. He was involved in the lay minyan, the Jewish book group, weekly Torah study, and he taught classes. Torah study especially was a vibrant source of spiritual and intellectual challenge.

A man of insatiable curiosity and sharp, wide-ranging intellect, Saul was also an accomplished gardener and tropical fish enthusiast. He and Judith shared a passion for experiencing new cultures, and they traveled to over 40 countries. All who knew him admired his patience, wisdom, and kind heart.

Saul was a loving companion to his wife, Judith, for over 50 years. He also adored his children, Rachel & Yehoshua Hershberg; and his grandchildren, Adina & Aviad Torati, Yosef Hershberg, Atara Hershberg, and Sara Hershberg, and visited them often in Israel.

The family requests that those who want to make charitable contributions in Sauls honor, give to the childrens charity of their choice.

Sinai-Redwood City

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Deaths for the week of Dec. 13-19, 2020 - The Jewish News of Northern California

Kafer: Colorados vaccine distribution must prioritize those in crowded living conditions – The Denver Post

Should a child molester, rapist, or murderer get the COVID-19 vaccine before your grandfather does? For that matter, should convicts get the shot before the rest of us law-abiding Coloradans?

Did these provocative rhetorical questions and subsequent outrage cause the governor and the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment to alter the states vaccine distribution plan to exclude incarcerated persons from receiving priority? Thats unfortunate.

If were going to frame complex public health decisions this way then we should also ask whether a 50-year-old obese diabetic should get the vaccine before a 62-year-old with a healthy lifestyle. Or, should a 90-year-old with advanced dementia living in a nursing home get the shot before a mother with leukemia who is raising five young children? Or, should a 60-year-old chain smoker with emphysema get the shot before a rehabilitated 34-year-old who is eager to rejoin society?

If these questions make you uncomfortable, they should. Who is in a position to weigh the value of anothers life? This is why the Colorado state vaccination distribution plan cannot be based on who deserves a vaccine as an individual but on what will achieve the greatest harm reduction for the whole community. It should prioritize protecting the most vulnerable to severe infection, shielding the health of indispensable workers like medical personnel, and preventing outbreaks among the most at-risk of catching and spreading the disease.

The initial plan released in October had six phases that balanced these priorities to ensure that the aged, the chronically ill, essential workers, and those living and working in close-quartered, transmission-prone environments such as prisoners received the vaccine before the general public.

The final plan now has four phases: this winter, medical personnel who work with COVID patients as well as staff and residents of long-term care facilities will get the vaccine followed by other health professionals, first responders, and correctional workers. In spring, vaccines will be available to people aged 65 or older and those with chronic conditions that make them more vulnerable to severe infection followed by people who work directly with the public and those who work in high-density settings such as meat-processing plans. Finally, the public will be vaccinated.

Whos missing from the final list? People in congregate housing such as prisons and college dorms were not included even though 14 of Colorados 15 largest coronavirus outbreaks to date were at correctional institutions or college campuses. This omission needs to be addressed.

The state has a legal obligation to provide medical care for the incarcerated under the U.S. Constitution and according to the 1976 U.S. Supreme Court case Estelle v. Gamble. Incarcerated people are four times more likely to contract COVID-19 as the general population because they live in close proximity according to a study by the Criminal Justice Commission, and they have higher mortality rates from the disease.

Because inmates are more vulnerable to catching and transmitting the disease they should receive a higher priority than the general public. They shouldnt be at the head of the line but they should be in line ahead of people like me who can effectively socially distance and are at lower risk.

Most people in Colorado prisons and jails are not child molesters, rapists, or murderers but regardless of their crime, a court and jury have already determined their penalty and they are serving it. We cannot deny this vulnerable population priority in the vaccine plan in order to punish them and confer their vaccine access upon a worthier group. We are not their judge and jury.

The Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment should revise the latest vaccine distribution plan to include a priority for inmates. Gov. Jared Polis should articulate why public health policy demands an unbiased risk assessment and response and how that will benefit all of us.

Krista L. Kafer is a weekly Denver Post columnist. Follow her on Twitter: @kristakafer.

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Kafer: Colorados vaccine distribution must prioritize those in crowded living conditions - The Denver Post

CII, UR LIFE organise ‘Wellness Run’ to promote healthy lifestyle – United News of India

Hyderabad, Dec 13 (UNI) To celebrate 125 years of service to the nation Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) Telangana in association with UR LIFE organised a 'Wellness Run' from Novatel to Hitex, Madhapur, here on Sunday to promote a healthy lifestyle.

It was supported by Vijaya Diagnostics, Hyderabad Runners and HITEX.

Telangana Minister for Youth Services, Tourism & Culture V Srinivas Goud was the chief guest at the occasion along with Mr Mir Mohtesham Ali Khan, Mr World Silver Medalist 2008 and Bharat Gaurav Samman Awardee was the guest of honour during the flag-off.

Speaking on the occasion, Mr Srinivas Goud mentioned that we must make fitness a part of our daily regime as it promotes a healthy mind and body and urged all to remain fit for life.

He also launched the T-Fit Campaign to make a clarion call to all Telanganites to take up any form of the fitness regime for at least 20 minutes a day.

The 5K run saw participation from CXOs and professionals to celebrate fitness and health.

The runners were given a certificate and medallion on completion of the run.

The run was limited to 50 participants keeping in view the COVID protocols.UNI VV RHK1535

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CII, UR LIFE organise 'Wellness Run' to promote healthy lifestyle - United News of India

Will eating more chilis help you live longer? – Harvard Health Blog – Harvard Health

I have to admit it: it can be hard to take news about the latest healthy diet too seriously. There seems to be an endless list of recommendations about food choices, but little consensus. Its enough to confuse even the most careful reader of health news.

For a long while, low-fat diets ruled. But, then came the paleo diet, the keto diet, the LA diet, the South Beach diet, the Mediterranean diet, and many others including diets around which entire companies are based (such as Jenny Craig, Weight Watchers, and NutriSystem). Eggs were terrible; now theyre okay (in moderation, of course). There are cleanses, detoxes, and foods to fight inflammation.

Still, one of the newer entries into the deluge of nutrition news may seem like one of the unlikeliest: chili pepper.

According to a new report, chili pepper in your diet could lower your risk of dying of cancer or cardiovascular disease, and could also promote longevity.

The analysis included data from more than a half a million people in multiple countries. When compared with people who never or rarely ate chili pepper, those who ate it regularly had lower rates of death due to cardiovascular disease (by 26%), cancer (by 23%), or any cause (by 25%).

While findings from this report might seem too good to be true, they build on the publication of several other studies linking health benefits to chili pepper consumption. For example, this study found that people who consumed chili pepper four or more times per week over eight years had significantly lower rates of death, including due to cardiovascular disease, compared with people who rarely or never did.

The reason chili pepper might be a boon to health isnt clear. One theory attributes it to capsaicin. Thats the ingredient in chili pepper that gives it its heat. Capsaicin is a potent antioxidant with anti-inflammatory properties.

These findings are intriguing, but not definitive. The report is an analysis of four large observational studies. So while it describes a link between chili pepper consumption and health benefits, it cannot prove that eating chilis caused this. In fact, chili pepper might actually have little to do with the findings: perhaps people who eat chili peppers are using it to spice up an already healthy diet, and that diet might be responsible for the health benefits.

The various studies included in this new report used different types and amounts of chili pepper. And these findings have not yet been published in a peer-reviewed medical journal; so far, they have only been presented at the 2020 American Heart Association meeting. That means the findings should be considered preliminary.

In addition, there could be downsides to eating chili pepper. For one thing, some people dont like highly spicy foods. And some past studies have linked chili pepper consumption with gallbladder cancer; this finding is not definitive either, as it also comes from observational studies.

If you like adding chili pepper to your food, this latest report is reason to continue. But its too soon to say everyone should start consuming it regularly to improve their health. Additional research will be needed to confirm that the overall impact on health is positive. And if it is, we need to determine how much chili pepper is best. And does the type of chili pepper matter? How long does it take to see a benefit?

For people like me who love spicy foods, this news about chili pepper is welcome. But its important to keep these findings in perspective: a single spice is unlikely to have any major impact compared to other parts of a healthy lifestyle, including a well-balanced, heart-healthy diet, getting regular exercise, and avoiding excess weight.

So, even if chili peppers are proven to provide health benefits, one spice can only do so much: eating fast-food pizza several times a week doesnt become a healthy diet just by adding extra chili flakes.

Follow me on Twitter @RobShmerling

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Will eating more chilis help you live longer? - Harvard Health Blog - Harvard Health

A step towards Veganism – The Hans India

As more and more consumers choose to live a healthier lifestyle, the demand for fitness and protein supplements are going to exponentially increase in number, without any roadblocks. With Make in India, all its products are Vegan (90%) and rest (10%) vegetarian.

Fitspire is an endeavor to grant its pre-eminent status in the field of health, fitness, activeness, agility, and well-being. It has wellness products for all demographics, the product lines include Sports, Health, Personal, and Child wellness suitable for all age groups and needs.

With the day to day challenges people often fail to consume proper nutrients, which eventually leads to common lifestyle diseases. To inspire people with a healthy lifestyle Fitspire is focused on delivering genuine, authentic, validated premium products for all age groups.

Nidhi Jain, Co-Founder Fitspire India's premium vegan and vegetarian health wellness brand shares, "Fitspire- aspire to fitness is an establishment that renders high graded, 100% vegan and vegetarian healthcare products to promote a better, healthier and nutritious lifestyle that are accessible, affordable to all.

Nutritional gap that our nation is facing which takes the lives of many people daily inspired me to begin this healthcare startup-Fitspire. I wanted to empower people and help others in my shoes. Our mission is to spread awareness about veganism and vegetarianism, aspire nation towards fitness and inculcate them around."

Fitspire wants its customers and consumers to embrace a way of living healthy and further create a path to empower women and make everyone aatmanirbhar to fit.

Night shares, "Before starting this journey of Fitspire, me and my team researched, did many surveys and came to the conclusion that India needs to have a strong foundation related to healthcare products. Nowadays new formulations of healthcare supplements and competitions in various segments are emerging which offer an ideal ground for the nation to think before buying any product. This was a major challenge for Fitspire and team."

We live in a non-vegan world, but things are changing rapidly. We have more people consuming vegan food and supplements. Moreover, have a wide range of people coming in and embracing this lifestyle and its benefits. We all have become increasingly mindful of our health, health and wellbeing of our family and that of our mother earth.

Being mindful of how we eat and live has become a priority in today's world and we're reshaping how we shop, cook and eat.

Veganism as a lifestyle can go a long track. Adopting a vegan lifestyle not only has personal health benefits, it also helps our mother earth. It has been found that cutting animal products and bi products from your lifestyle. Not just this, veganism also contributes towards nature in terms of reducing emissions into the environment.

Make up your mind before changing your lifestyle and remain genuine to your decision. Vegan diet limits the intake and use of all animal products and bi products is believed to be the most environment friendly among all trendy diets. It could be as sustainable as promised because production of animal products and bi products does produce a large percentage of greenhouse gases responsible for the climatic crisis happening globally while on the other aspect vegan diet is sustainable and beneficial for wellbeing as well as environment.

"Whenever the world comes out of this coronavirus crisis, one thing is for sure is that people's attitude towards many things will change, especially the food that they consume. The connection between COVID-19 and animal consumption has triggered people's mind worldwide. This will bound to make people more careful, smart and understandable towards going vegan. However, chances of people accepting veganism are still far-fetched, especially in our country India.

This pandemic has impacted Fitspire positively as we have researched and launched products according to the need and requirement of the nation. Our market strategy and consumer needs have refined positively though this crisis has shaken the world. We are even planning to launch a few more products further demanded by our customers," concludes Nidhi.

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A step towards Veganism - The Hans India

SARS-CoV-2 and mitochondrial health: implications of lifestyle and ageing – DocWire News

This article was originally published here

Immun Ageing. 2020 Nov 9;17(1):33. doi: 10.1186/s12979-020-00204-x.


Infection with SARs-COV-2 displays increasing fatality with age and underlying co-morbidity, in particular, with markers of the metabolic syndrome and diabetes, which seems to be associated with a cytokine storm and an altered immune response. This suggests that a key contributory factor could be immunosenescence that is both age-related and lifestyle-induced. As the immune system itself is heavily reliant on mitochondrial function, then maintaining a healthy mitochondrial system may play a key role in resisting the virus, both directly, and indirectly by ensuring a good vaccine response. Furthermore, as viruses in general, and quite possibly this new virus, have also evolved to modulate immunometabolism and thus mitochondrial function to ensure their replication, this could further stress cellular bioenergetics. Unlike most sedentary modern humans, one of the natural hosts for the virus, the bat, has to exercise regularly to find food, which continually provides a powerful adaptive stimulus to maintain functional muscle and mitochondria. In effect the bat is exposed to regular hormetic stimuli, which could provide clues on how to resist this virus. In this paper we review the data that might support the idea that mitochondrial health, induced by a healthy lifestyle, could be a key factor in resisting the virus, and for those people who are perhaps not in optimal health, treatments that could support mitochondrial function might be pivotal to their long-term recovery.

PMID:33292333 | DOI:10.1186/s12979-020-00204-x

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SARS-CoV-2 and mitochondrial health: implications of lifestyle and ageing - DocWire News