10 tips to help you be heart-healthy | GVLtoday – AVLtoday

What should you be doing or not doing to live a heart-healthy lifestyle? Prisma Health Cardiologist Francis Roosevelt Gilliam III, MD, shares 10 simple tips to help you take the best care of your heart.

Set a goal of 10,000 steps a day. Take the stairs, starting with one flight up and two flights down. When parking, choose the farthest space from your destination. Every step counts.

At least once a day, go outdoors for fresh air and sunshine. You can hike, walk, or just sit in the neighborhood park (or on your front stoop). Being outside significantly reduces stress hormones and lowers blood pressure, which benefits your heart.

Increasing your intake by one serving per day can reduce your risk of heart disease by 4%. Dark, leafy green vegetables and citrus fruits offer the most benefit.

Eating a small 1.6 oz. portion every day can reduce your risk of blood clots and slow down the immune responses that lead to clogged arteries. Doctors orders.

Eat more salmon, ground flaxseed, oatmeal, pinto beans, raw almonds, walnuts, and brown rice. These include omega-3 and other healthy fats, as well as fiber and nutrients that protect your heart.

At least 30 minutes of activity per day, five times a week is recommended. Do it all at once or split it into three 10-minute increments.

See your doctor regularly to make sure your blood pressure is under 120/80 mmHg, your total cholesterol is under 200 mg/dL, your fasting glucose is less than 100 mg/dL and your body mass index is less than 25 Kg/m2.

Seven hours of peaceful, uninterrupted sleep lowers your risk for cardiac issues, heart failure, and stroke.

Avoid foods high in salt such as cold cuts, cheese, bacon, sausage, soups, bread, condiments, sauces and gravies, fast food, canned foods, and frozen dinners.

Choose healthy foods, skip soda and sweetened beverages, dont smoke, and drink alcohol responsibly.

Learn more about how to be heart-healthy by joining Prisma Healths free webinars in February. Want to find out if theres more you could be doing to keep your heart healthy right now?Start your assessment here (it only takes a few minutes).

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10 tips to help you be heart-healthy | GVLtoday - AVLtoday

Most Definitive & Accurate Study on Global Health & Fitness Club (Gym) Market: Insights & Forecast With Potential Impact Of COVID-19…

The global health and fitness club market is estimated to reach US$96.6 billion in 2024, growing at a CAGR of 7.70% for the period spanning from 2020 to 2024. The factors such as increasing per capita disposable income, growing urban population, increasing obesity, rising fitness clubs and gym, inclination towards health clubs for fitness are expected to drive the market. However, growth of the industry will be challenged by increasing physical outdoor activity, increased cost and increasing demand for home equipments. A few notable trends include rise of lifestyle related illness, influence of social media, increasing number of health clubs and memberships, technology advancement, increasing healthcare costs, increasing health conscious audience and growing hybrid studios.

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The global health and fitness club market is expected to grow in future owing to rising awareness among people to avail healthy lifestyle, increasing number of lifestyle-oriented diseases and rising incidences of obesity. In terms of geographical areas, America is the major contributor to the global health and fitness club memberships supported by growing millennial population and rising obesity. Asia is the fastest growing market for health and fitness club with attractive membership fees offered by fitness clubs and increasing spending on marketing and advertisement.

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Table of Content

1. Introduction1.1 Fitness Clubs1.2 Different Fitness Centers1.3 Different Facilities and Services

2. Impact of COVID-192.1.1 Fall in Memberships2.1.2 Gyms Bankruptcy2.1.3 Rising Sales of Home Fitness Equipments

3. Global Health and Fitness Club Market Analysis

3.1 Global Health and Fitness Club Market by Value3.2 Global Health and Fitness Club Market Forecast by Value3.3 Global Health and Fitness Penetration Rate by Region3.4 Global Health and Fitness Club Market by Region3.5 Global Health and Fitness Club Membership3.6 Global Health and Fitness Club Membership Forecast3.7 Global Health and Fitness Club Membership by Region3.8 Global Number of Gym by Region

4. Regional Health and Fitness Club Market Analysis4.1 North America4.1.1 North America Health and Fitness Club Market by Value4.1.2 North America Health and Fitness Club Market Forecast by Value4.1.3 North America Health and Fitness Club Membership4.1.4 North America Health and Fitness Club Membership Forecast4.1.5 Number of Gyms in North America4.1.6 Number of Gyms in North America Forecast4.1.7 U.S. Gym Market by Value4.1.8 U.S. Gym Market Forecast by Value4.1.9 U.S. Gym Membership4.1.10 U.S. Gym Membership Forecast4.1.11 Number of Gyms in the U.S.4.1.12 Number of Gyms in the U.S. Forecast4.2 Europe4.2.1 Europe Health and Fitness Club Market by Value4.2.2 Europe Health and Fitness Club Market Forecast by Value4.2.3 Europe Health and Fitness Club Membership4.2.4 Europe Health and Fitness Club Membership Forecast4.2.5 Number of Gyms in Europe4.2.6 Number of Gyms in Europe Forecast4.3 Asia-Pacific4.3.1 Asia-Pacific Health and Fitness Club Market by Value4.3.2 Asia-Pacific Health and Fitness Club Market Forecast by Value4.3.3 Asia-Pacific Health and Fitness Club Membership4.3.4 Asia-Pacific Health and Fitness Club Membership Forecast4.3.5 Number of Gyms in Asia Pacific4.3.6 Number of Gyms in Asia Pacific Forecast

Browse Full Report with In-depth TOC @https://www.researchmoz.us/global-health-fitness-club-gym-market-insights-forecast-with-potential-impact-of-covid19-20202024-report.html

5. Market Dynamics5.1 Growth Drivers5.1.1 Increasing Per Capita Disposable Income5.1.2 Growing Urban Population5.1.3 Increasing Obesity5.1.4 Rising Fitness Clubs and Gym5.1.5 Inclination Towards Health Clubs for Fitness5.2 Key Trends & Developments5.2.1 Rise of Lifestyle Related Illness5.2.2 Influence of Social Media5.2.3 Increasing Number of Health Clubs and Memberships5.2.4 Technology Advancements5.2.5 Increasing Healthcare Costs5.2.6 Increasing Health Conscious Audience5.2.7 Growing Hybrid Studios5.3 Challenges5.3.1 Increasing Physical Outdoor Activity5.3.2 Increased Cost5.3.3 Increasing Demand for Home Equipments


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Most Definitive & Accurate Study on Global Health & Fitness Club (Gym) Market: Insights & Forecast With Potential Impact Of COVID-19...

Want to save your brain? Open a cognitive ‘savings account’ – GoCogno.com

Compound interest is the greatest invention ever. Albert Einstein

Theres some dispute whether Einstein actually said that, but there is no question that compounding is a powerful, powerful force.

You know what compounding interest can do for your money, right? Well, wait until you hear what it can do for your cognition. Which is what I want to talk about today.

You need to make some changes in your life, and you need to make them stick.

Hi, Im Tony Dearing of GoCogno.com, the website for people with mild cognitive impairment.

To Go Cogno is to defend your cognition in a way that that gives you the best possible chance of slowing, halting or reversing whatever cognitive loss youre experiencing.

Its the basis of my book, I Want My Mind Back, and toward the end of the book, I break it down into the seven basic concepts that I call the Go Cogno Credo. Right now, Im doing a series of videos where I talk a little more about each of those concepts.

This is part three, where I talk about the C in Go Cogno. It stands for: Compound your way to a better outcome.

Heres what I mean by that. If you hope to change the course of your cognition for the better, you need to make some changes in your life, and you need to make them stick.

You need to embrace healthy lifestyle choices like these, and turn them into habits.

The way to get results is by making small, specific changes one week at a time.

But with health behavior change, success depends on the way you approach it.

The wrong way is the New Years resolution method, where you set out with the best of intentions, but you fail because your goal was too vague or too ambitious. So dont do that. Do what works instead.

The right way to get results is by making small, behavior-specific changes one week at a time.

Dont say, Im going to get more exercise. Instead, say, Tomorrow, Im going to walk around the block once. And then gradually increase from there.

Dont say, Im going to give up soda. Instead, say, Im going to drink one less soda every day and replace it with a bottle of kombucha. Then you lock in that habit and continue to cut back a little more each week.

These changes may seem small, but they add up. They compound, the same way interest compounds on money you put in the bank.

In fact, thats a perfect way to think about it.

Youre determined to save your brain, right? So heres what you do. You open a cognitive savings account, and you start making regular deposits into it.

These changes may seem small, but they add up. They compound.

Those deposits are in the form of small changes in health behavior, that you turn into habits. You earn compounding interest on those deposits, and over time the dividend can be a better cognitive outcome.

In the real world, thats how successful health behavior change happens. So put compounding to work for you. Commit to the process and start making those modest weekly deposits.

Of course, I go much deeper into all of this in my book, and if you want to learn more about that, I invite you to read the first chapter for free here.

See you next Sunday. Until then, as always, be kind to your mind.

G Grind it out: What superpower helps people halt memory loss? Sheer relentlessness

O Orient yourself toward action: Why the best medicine for MCI may not be a pill

C Compound your way to a better outcome

O Optimize for maximum benefit

G Go with your gut

N Know your numbers

O Overindulge in self-care

See the original post:
Want to save your brain? Open a cognitive 'savings account' - GoCogno.com

In Defense Of Not Cooking Every Night – HuffPost

Allow us to introduce you to a slightly delayed and unexpected new years resolution: the promise not to cook every night.

Although a lofty goal, planning to concoct a fresh meal every night of the week seems to be a slightly unattainable endeavor. There are too many variables to consider: Do I have all the ingredients I need? Do I have time to cut endless vegetables, cook them, clean the kitchen and do it all over again tomorrow? What should I even make? To put it simply, cooking is exhausting because it isnt just about cooking. It involves preparation and then post-cooking cleanup, not to mention grocery runs and recipe research.

What would happen if we were to, perhaps, opt to cook every other dinner at home? Would our self-worth disintegrate, our body image self-destruct and our dedication to a healthy lifestyle falter if we chose to consume takeout, dine-out or leftovers a few times a week? Turns out, the answer is a resounding no.

Lest you think wed provide you with an idea not backed up by some sort of science, think again! The argument to avoid cooking every night actually has both nutritional and psychological substantiation especially in the midst of a life-changing global pandemic.

KIT8 via Getty Images

Lets start with some data. Subscription service Freshly recently led a survey of 2,000 Americans investigating the ways in ways the pandemic has impacted their 2021 health goals and resolutions. The studys general findings support the idea that realistic goals (cook more, but not every night vs. cook every night) actually resonate with the average citizen more than absolutes.

Specifically, 67% of respondents revealed that theyre opting for smaller, more achievable micro-goals this year. These include eating less takeout (38%), maintaining ones weight over losing some (38%) and eating more nutritious lunches (which dont necessarily need to be homemade) while working from home (35%).

The results of the study likely have much to do with the psychological implications of self-promises to prepare dinner every night. A study of families with kids did confirm that families who have 7+ meals/week at home have higher levels of stress and less prep time, explains nutrition and weight loss expert Dr. Nona Djavid. Eating out might take some stress out of the chaos and work that goes into preparing frequent meals for the family.

While, generally speaking, home-cooked meals tend to be healthier, a dishs nutritional value actually depends on the dish itself. You can eat unhealthy food at home and dine out on a healthy meal at a restaurant, Djavid said. This depends on the ingredients you use to cook and/or the meal you order at the [eatery].

The way the average American approaches cooking also affects the psyche. It is important to acknowledge that cooking can be deemed stressful if it is looked at as a task rather than something enjoyable, said Dr. Markesha Miller, a licensed psychotherapist. Cooking every other day as opposed to every day allows for some element of joy to remain in the activity and prevents it from being a daunting routine.

April Brown, a psychotherapist, proposes even more direct options. If you think you will make five meals at home each week, set your expectation to three, she advises. If you set realistic expectations in the kitchen, itll allow you to feel more in control of your life which is something we need now more than ever.

However convincing scientific-adjacent arguments are, you may be more convinced by the personal anecdotes of people whove given up cooking every day. An on-the-surface Google search of the terms in defense of not cooking every night yields the sort of evidence that will likely convince most that getting healthy isnt strictly related to our ability and disposition toward cooking (I Stopped Cooking Dinner and it Made Me a Better Mom! and Is Cooking Dinner Every Night a Chore For You? are some of the top results).

Of course, the alternate reality weve been existing in for close to a year has had a major influence on the topic at hand. In the pre-COVID-19 years, we justified walking away from our new years resolution to cook every night by telling ourselves that heading out for dinner with friends was a well-deserved treat following a hectic day at the office. In 2021, that excuse doesnt hold up anymore: What office? What restaurant? What friends?

As a result, not following through with our beginning-of-the-year promises might actually result in greater self-disappointment in 2021. Given the heartbreak and hardships weve collectively been experiencing since March, slaloming around avoidable regrets should really be our modus operandi.

And so, here we are, encouraging you to order Indian on a Monday, eat the leftovers on a Tuesday and perhaps even order a takeout salad on a Thursday. You might end up actually enjoying cooking throughout the other weekdays. After all, its OK not to cook a few times a week, that is.

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In Defense Of Not Cooking Every Night - HuffPost

The Wrong Amount of Carbs to Eat Every Day, Says Dietitian – Yahoo Lifestyle

If you are trying to lose weight, manage your blood pressure, or just live a healthy lifestyle, figuring out how many carbs you should eat each day can be easier said than done. One person says to eat carbs all day every day, while another person will imply that this macro is one of the worst things on this earth that you can eat. Which leaves you scratching your head wondering whether eating an apple is going to save your life or if it is going to be the death of you.

Among the sea of advice surrounding how many carbs is ideal, there is one amount that is the wrong amount: zero carbs. As a registered dietitian, I always recommend that zero carbs are the wrong amount of carbs to eat every day, no matter what the diet trends on social media tells you. (Related: 30 Worst Things You Can Do If You're Trying to Lose Weight.)

Carbohydrates, affectionately known as carbs, are what our body uses primarily as fuel and energy. While it is true that the body can break down fat and protein for energy too, leaning on carbs can be a much more efficient way to fuel your body.

Foods that contain carbs are also the best sources of fiber which can help keep your bowel movements healthy, can support a healthy gut microbiome, and can promote satiety after a meal. Not eating enough fiber is linked to some unsavory outcomes, including an increased risk of colon cancer and a higher likelihood of experiencing constipation.

Carbohydrates can also help maintain muscle mass. While it is true that protein is the shining star macro in the muscle-building world, if your body is not getting any carbs, your muscles can be broken down and used as energy.

Read more: 26 Worst Habits Slowing Your Metabolism, Says Science

Even if you are following a diet that is notoriously low in carbs think keto or Atkins, as examples you will be hard-pressed to find a diet that is 100% carb-free. Even hard-core keto allows for some carbs every day, such as low-carb fruits.

Story continues

If you are eliminating carbs completely, you are inevitably eliminating entire food groups. From fruit to whole grains to even milk, eating "no carbs" means that you are essentially living off of protein and fat sources, and thus, missing out on some key nutrients (like fiber).

Eliminating food groups can be risky. As an example, eating fruit is linked to plenty of positive health benefits. From reducing the risk of depression to decreasing the changes of experiencing a heart attack or stroke, including fruit into a diet is utterly important.

Perhaps the most frightening outcome that people may experience when they eat a low amount of carbs (or no carbs) is an elevated risk of experiencing early death along with an elevated risk of developing cancer and experiencing stroke, according to data shared by the European Society of Cardiology.

In a nutshell, completely eliminating carbs from your diet is a risky move.

There are valid reasons why people may follow a low-carb diet, and studies have shown that these diets can provide people with some amazing results. But eating absolutely no carbs is a dangerous game to play. When you completely eliminate carbs from your diet, you are cutting out entire food groups, and therefore may cause you to run the risk of being deficient in some very important nutrients, or worse, cause you to experience some scary health effects.

Instead of eliminating carbohydrates altogether, consider focusing on unrefined carbs that are nutrient-rich and can help support your overall health. From berries to whole grain bread to beans and peas, the healthy carb choices are endless and each one is more satisfying than the next. For some examples, see these 24 Best Healthy Carbs To Eat For Weight Loss.

For more healthy eating news, make sure to sign up for our newsletter!

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The Wrong Amount of Carbs to Eat Every Day, Says Dietitian - Yahoo Lifestyle

Karelian teachers received new knowledge on the formation of a healthy lifestyle among schoolchildren – India Education Diary

An international online conference Formation of a healthy lifestyle among schoolchildren was held within the framework of the eponymous advanced training program for teachers at KRINPO PetrSU.Practice-oriented modular training presupposed not only the participation of teachers in lectures, but also independent work with students according to the proposed innovative program. The participants were warmly greeted by the coordinators of the School-wide approach to preserving childrens health in the North project, thanks to which Karelian teachers were given the opportunity to study free of charge.

The Norwegian guest, Lill Tollerud, a representative of the Norde Follo commune administration, shared Norways experience in promoting a healthy lifestyle among schoolchildren and youth.

Karelian teachers from both Petrozavodsk and remote regions of the republic presented their best practices in the implementation of the program Formation of a healthy lifestyle among schoolchildren.

Elena Kuksova, teacher of the Mikhailovskaya basic secondary school:

The future health of a nation is determined by the health of the younger generation. This program allowed students to gain the necessary knowledge and skills to form the need for a healthy lifestyle, adhere to the rules of hygiene and prevention of diseases, rational nutrition and other methods of maintaining health.

The teacher outlined an interesting fact: at the beginning of the program, half of the children, as shown by the survey, did not think about health as an important factor in life. At the end of the course, the results of the survey changed: the children realized the importance of health and the personal responsibility of each person for their health.

An interesting report at the conference was made by E.N. Anishchenko, a physical education teacher at the Gymnasium No. 17 Municipal Educational Institution, who also noted that before the start of the program, children, due to their age, ranked their health only in 4th place after material and other benefits. Due to their age, they do not think about their health, they do not have enough knowledge about health, and therefore the teachers help in the form of conducting classes on the formation of a healthy lifestyle is very important. The program received prior approval from all parents in the class and was enthusiastically accepted by the children.

Yu.A. Reznichenko, social teacher of the MCOU of the Sortavala MR RK Secondary School No. 1, shared her experience in implementing the program and noted that one of the most interesting classes was the class Our class is the best country. The guys whom the children chose as ministers (and especially the minister of sports) helped a lot in promoting a healthy lifestyle among classmates, especially during distance learning. They came up with various contests and tasks for friends and classmates and together posted the results on social networks. A quiz was developed for the children, video lessons were held. Based on the sketches of the children, a series of souvenirs (pens, badges, notebooks, etc.) with the symbols of a healthy lifestyle was made, and the most active students were encouraged. Zooms My Daily Routine session helped the children a lot to organize their time on distance learning. Parents were actively involved in this, and together with their children they kept a diary of the daily routine, helping the children to find a balance between study and rest, not forgetting about walks in the fresh air and sports exercises.

The teacher of the Sukkozerskaya secondary school N.V. Kovalskaya noted the relevance of the lesson Regulation of complex emotions and healthy lifestyle, as well as lessons on the schoolchilds day regimen, proper nutrition and smoking prevention. The children really liked the memo How to regulate emotions at school, the administration decided to print it and hang it in the classroom corner of each class. The result of the program was that the children figured out what human health depends on, and made a schedule of class activities in the field of health and sports, each child developed his own version of the daily regimen. The parents were also happy to support the implementation of the program at the school.

Teachers of the MKOU Secondary School No. 3, Pudozh Alina and Maria Kalushevsky, noted in their speech that the methodological manual is informative, convenient for work. Parents of pupils were also impressed by the importance of developing a healthy lifestyle and unanimously supported the conduct of classes according to the program for their children. During the lessons it was noticeable that these topics are close to children. They noted that the program for the formation of a healthy lifestyle fits perfectly into the school educational and educational process. With the help of the program, it was possible to motivate children to maintain good physical shape during distance learning.

Yulia Reznichenko, social teacher of Sortavala secondary school 1, shared her experience in organizing healthy lifestyle classes together with her parents. During the training, the children also made up their own daily routine for distance learning. Yulia shared that before telling the children about proper nutrition, after learning about the program, she changed her diet, and from the point of view of personal experience of proper nutrition she shared knowledge with the children, which had a great influence on the children and increased their motivation. During distance learning, the educator teaches Zoom classes twice a week, and students look forward to the classes. Of particular interest were classes on online security and teenage crush.

OBZH teacher Andrey Galyshev from Pindushskaya secondary school 1 organized a circle School of Safety, the participants of which were children with problems in the family. He noted in these children a detached attitude to health and healthy lifestyle, but after three sessions, the attitude changed. According to him, the program not only contributes to the formation of healthy habits, but also to the disclosure of the creative potential of children. According to A.V. Galyshev, the program helps to establish contact with children and change the attitude towards the educational process itself.

Galina Hardykainen from a school in the village of Ambarny, Louhsky District, shared her experience in organizing training according to the program in a small school where only 18 children study, 15 of them took part in teaching a healthy lifestyle. This school also managed to organize cooperation between teachers of different disciplines to implement a healthy lifestyle program, strengthening meta-subject connections.

Teachers from Shuiskaya secondary school No. 1, Derzhavinsky lyceum, secondary school No. 5 in Segezha also shared their positive experience, presenting extensive experience in the field of interdepartmental interaction.

Summing up the results of the program, the listeners expressed their gratitude for the opportunity to take part in the training, to get up-to-date knowledge and methodological literature. The organizers, for their part, also thanked the heads of the interdistrict resource centers of PetrSU for their invaluable assistance in cooperation with district schools.

54 teachers took part in the training, and more than 800 children received useful skills for life. The program will be further implemented at KRINPO PetrSU.

Karelian teachers received new knowledge on the formation of a healthy lifestyle among schoolchildren - India Education Diary

Litchfield Police To Partner In Drug Rehab – thejournal-news.net

by Kyle Herschelman

A new program coming to Litchfield is aiming to slow the substance abuse problem that has plagued communities all over the country, while also building a stronger relationship with the Litchfield Police Department.

Kent Tarro of the Macoupin County Health Department and Taylorville Police Chief Dwayne Wheeler spoke to the council about the Safe Passages program that the city will be implementing.

Tarro said that the Macoupin County Health Department had been coordinating with Litchfield Police Chief Kenny Ryker and Gillespie Police Chief Jared DePoppe to start the program, which is a treatment and recovery program to help those with substance abuse issues.

Safe Passages allows abusers of drugs and/or alcohol to present themselves to a police department and let them know that they are ready to lead a more healthy lifestyle. Police officers then contact a Safe Passages coordinator, who gets the individual into a recovery program such as Gateway Foundation in Springfield or Alton Memorial Hospitals recovery program.

The Macoupin County Health Department currently has a recovery program, but is moving forward on expanding their services to develop St. Francis Way Clinic, which will be located on the campus of St. Francis Hospital in Litchfield.

According to Tarro, the clinic will provide psychiatric, mental health and health care options for recovering substance abusers, which will be brought to the clinic by Litchfield and Gillespie police through the Safe Passages program.

Tarro said that the police will still be arresting drug dealers and those who break the law, but the Safe Passages program allows people to come to the police to get help.

Tarro said that the focus will be on meth users and those suffering from alcohol and opioid addiction, but all kinds of substance abusers will have a place to receive help.

Chief Wheeler, who implemented the program at his stops in Kincaid and Taylorville before expanding to Pana and Nokomis as well, spoke about how the Safe Passages program and its impact on the Taylorville community.

Wheeler said that in its first year, Taylorville worked with more than 200 people and crimes such as burglary and theft went down 45 percent. He added that the mayor and city council are integral to the program in regards to their support, but there isnt a line item on the budget for Safe Passages.

Fundraising for the program in Taylorville is done through a church, which then gives the donations to the program to purchase gas cards for drivers, clothes for patients and the salary of a Safe Passages coordinator who is on call.

The program not only helps lower the crime rate, but it also builds relationships between the police, the addicts and the families of the addicts who need help. Chief Wheeler said that those who go through the problem often help police with cleaning up the current drug problem by giving information on area drug dealers, leading to a 100 percent increase in drug arrests in Taylorville.

Safe Passages Coordinator Denise Evans also spoke briefly, saying that the group is also working on starting the program with the Salvation Army in Springfield. She said that she has an appointment in February with Chief Ryker to begin the set up of the Safe Passages program in Litchfield.

Mayor Steve Dougherty said that he is really looking forward to the program beginning in Litchfield and that every person knows someone who has been affected by substance abuse.

In other business, the council approved an ordinance setting the 2021 Lake Lou Yaeger fees, approved the 2021 lease agreement and rules for the lake front seasonal camping and the Bi-Centennial Campground seasonal camping, and approved a 20 percent credit be afforded to returning Bi-Centennial annual lease holders. Last year, the council also approved a 33 percent credit for lake lot holders.

The council approved repairs to a varying frequency drive at the water treatment plant for $6,719.94, the purchase of upper and lower Polpro filter press belts for the wastewater treatment plant for $3,650 and the purchase of a 2021 E-One VM8 Aluminum Commercial Mini Pumper mounted on a Ford F550 4x4, 4-door chassis with a 300 gallon tank and a 1250 gallon per minute pump from Banner Fire Equipment for $244,495.

Alderman Dwayne Gerl asked why the mini pumper was not put out for bid. Fire Chief Joe Holomy said that the equipment is a demonstration model and does not fall under the requirement to go out for bid. He said that he monitors vendors for these demonstration models, which are significantly cheaper and go quickly.

Alderman Woody Street said that he is all for getting three bids when possible, but felt like the significant savings made this purchase worth it. The motion to purchase passed 6-1 with Gerl voting no and Alderwoman Marilyn Sisson absent.

Two other motions also drew dissension, both of which pertained to the Eagle Ridge subdivision. Alderman Gerl and Alderman Mark Brown voted against an ordinance authorizing the city to execute a lease for property located in the subdivision, while Alderman Brown also voted against an ordinance designating stop signs in the subdivision.

Prior to the meeting, two public hearings were held, with neither drawing any questions from the council or the public viewing the meeting virtually on Zoom.

The first hearing was to close out the Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity Community Development Block Grant, which was used for road and sidewalk improvements on North Illinois from Ryder to Union.

Emily Fortschneider said that $513,800 was spent on the project, which affected an area made up of 51.35 low income individuals. Fortschneider said that the project came in under budget and the remaining $168,000 would be moved to another Community Development Block Grant won by the city for the rehabilitation of the Southside ditch.

The other hearing was dealt with the annexation of parcel number 10-32-226-006, which is owned by M&M Service Company and adjacent to their current facility. Dave Wright of M&M said that the main reason for the annexation request is to get water access to the property as the company would like to build a new facility on the property.

Read more:
Litchfield Police To Partner In Drug Rehab - thejournal-news.net

New study reveals the best cities to live a healthy and happy life – ScandAsia.com

Living a long and healthy life is highly influenced by environmental factors, such as diet and lifestyle. A recentstudyconfirmed the impact of five lifestyle habits, such as smoking, physical activity, alcohol intake, body weight, and diet, on both total life expectancy and chronic diseases.

But how to maintain a healthy lifestyle?

To determine the best places to lead a healthy and happy lifestyle,Lenstorehas analysed 44 global cities across 10 metrics ranging from sunshine hours to the average cost of a gym membership.

Once again, Amsterdam ranks at the top of the best cities to live a healthy and happy life

Here, the top 11 healthiest cities: rating by City / Average life expectancy / Happiness level

1 Amsterdam / 81.2 / 7.44

Amsterdam ranks as the number one location for leading a healthy lifestyle across all 44 cities. Known as one of the most bike-friendly cities in the world, its perhaps no surprise the Dutch capital comes out on top. With over 400 outdoor activities to keep you fit and healthy, and ranking as the 5th happiest country in the world, as well as the 6th best country in Europe for obesity levels at just 20.4% (nearly 10% less compared to London at 27.8%), living in this picturesque city is the top destination for leading a healthy lifestyle.

2 Sydney / 82.1 / 7.22

Sydney experiences 2,636 hours of sunshine hours per year, attracting tourists to the famous Bondi beach, but also giving you more than enough time to take advantage of the 406 outdoor activities. This outweighs the relatively high monthly gym membership cost of 42 and with a life expectancy of 82 years, perhaps outdoor fitness is the way to go.

3 Vienna / 81 / 7.29

Well known for its cultural impact, Vienna not only lets you soak up culture from artwork, music and architecture, but it also offers the opportunity to lead a healthy lifestyle. With an average gym membership costing around 26 per month (nearly half the cost than in Sydney), and the fifth lowest levels of obesity in Europe at 20.1%, the Austrian capital is the perfect destination to lead a healthier life.

Viennas pollution level is also one of the lowest of all cities analysed at 17.33 (out of 100), which is over four times lower than the likes of Beijing with a pollution score of 85.43 (out of 100) and three times lower than Barcelona, Paris and London.

4 Stockholm / 81.8/ 7.35

When looking at the metric for the total number of hours worked per year, Stockholm ranks in 4th position at 1,452 hours (30.25 hours per week), offering more opportunity for a better work-life balance. Taking into consideration other metrics such as its low level of pollution (20/100) and general happiness throughout the city (7/10), Stockholm ranks in 4th position overall.

5 Copenhagen / 79.8 / 7.64

Known as one of the happiest cities in the world (ranking second, beaten only by Helsinki in our research), Copenhagen rounds off our top five healthiest places to live in the world.

If youre looking for the ultimate work-life balance, Copenhagen is the destination for you. It has the lowest working hours per year of all cities at 1,380 (28.75 hours per week). And for those that want to breathe in fresh air, the Danish capital ranks as the city with the fifth cleanest air, with a pollution score of 21.24 (out of 100).

However living in Copenhagen doesnt come cheap. It ranks in third position for the highest cost of a bottle of water at 2.19, outweighing both New York (1.32) and London (1.16).

6 Helsinki / 80.4 / 7.80

Ranking as the happiest city, Helsinki has the lowest pollution score of all cities at 13.08/100. It also features in the top 10 when looking at just the lowest number of yearly working hours. With the happiest citizens, clean air and a healthy work-life balance, Helsinkis number six position is well deserved.

7 Fukuoka / 83.2 / 5.87

Located in the northern shore of Japans Kyushu Island, Fukuoka is probably best known for its food, but its ability to lead a healthy lifestyle shouldnt go overlooked. With a bottle of water costing just 0.78, its easy to ensure youre drinking the recommended 2 litres a day even on the move. The city also has the highest life expectancy at 83.2 years of all 44 locations.

8 Berlin / 80.6 / 7.07

Another city steeped in culture, Berlins average life expectancy is 80.6 years, which may be supported by its relatively cheap average monthly gym membership at 26.11 third cheapest in Europe. Germanys capital also has lots of opportunity to get out in the fresh air with the fifth highest number of outdoor activities in Europe at 254 and the ninth lowest pollution levels in Europe.

9 Barcelona / 82.2 / 6.40

Whilst Barcelona is one of Europes most visited cities, its also in the top 10 for healthy living. Barcelona takes the top spot for the number of outdoor activities with over 580 which is great when paired with its 2,591 sunshine hours.

10 Vancouver / 81.70 / 7.23

Vancouver is famous for offering every kind of outdoor sport and adventure, pioneering health and fitness. With an average life expectancy of 81.7 years, a relatively low pollution score (24/100) and happy residents (7/10), Vancouver rounds off our top 10 locations for living a healthy lifestyle.

11 Melbourne / 82.10 / 7.22

12 Beijing / 75.40 / 5.12

Beijing offers higher salary compare to living expense. The city contains business districts along with world heritage sites.Life expectancy is at 75.40 and fitness membership cost around 38.62. It is a recommended place to at least live once in a lifetime and experience good culture shock.

13 Bangkok / 74.10 / 5.99

Bangkok is another good place to live at least once. With combination of 2,624 sunshine hour and life expectancy rate at 74.10 years make Thailand reached 13th on the rank.

17 Jakarta / 84.39 / 5.28

High in populations and culture, Jakarta offer good amount of sunshine and outdoor activity. Living cost and relatively comfortable with wide ranges of pricing to choose from.

See the rest here:
New study reveals the best cities to live a healthy and happy life - ScandAsia.com

Womens Health: Stroke Awareness Month – WSYR

by: Sarah Darmanjian, Mary Wilson

ALBANY, N.Y. (NEWS10)- It may be surprising to hear that strokes kill twice as many women as breast cancer. In fact, one in five women between the ages of 55-75 will have a stroke, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

Four out of five strokes can be prevented, making it important to know the risks and warning signs the CDC said.

80% of strokes are preventable and so the fact that we can prevent 80% of the strokes is really quite amazing, Dr. Alexandra Paul, a neurosurgeon at Albany Medical Center, told NEWS10s, Mary Wilson.

There are several reasons why women have a higher risk of stroke including pregnancy, birth control pills, migraine headaches, atrial fibrillation, high blood pressure and hypertension, said Dr. Paul.

The act of being pregnant actually puts women at a higher risk of having a stroke, oral contraceptives also increase the risk of stroke in women, he said.

High blood pressure or hypertension, is the most treatable cause of stroke. A healthy lifestyle is the best prevention, the CDC said.

Eat a healthy diet, maintain a healthy weight, be physically active, dont smoke, and have your blood pressure checked, Dr. Paul said.

Being able to identify the symptoms of a stroke can not only help yourself, it can also help your loved ones.

About 66% of the time, someone other than the stroke victim makes the decision to seek treatment and so recognizing the signs and sudden symptoms of stroke could actually help save a life, Dr. Paul said.

Source: Duke Health

The most common treatment for stroke victims is a clot-busting drug but it can only be given within four and a half hours after the onset of symptoms. Getting swift treatment can make a significant difference in a patients outcome.

Some stroke symptoms are reversible and thats called a transient ischemic attack and then some strokes are much more devastating where patients are left completely pelagic on one side, unable to move the arm or the leg and no speech at all, said Dr. Paul.

A thrombectomy can also lessen the debilitating effects of a stroke and can be done in a wider time frame.

We can go inside the blood vessels up to the blood vessels of the brain and try to take out the clot and that has had a really remarkable effect on reducing the disability of stroke in the country, Dr. Paul said.

The surgery is a newer treatment which can be done at Albany Medical Center but this isnt the case for all hospitals in America. One in six patients does not have access to a thrombectomy.

Originally posted here:
Womens Health: Stroke Awareness Month - WSYR

Esports Gamers Are More Healthy Than The Average Person, Study Suggests – IFLScience

If yourea gamer, youve likely been lumped with the "Dorito-crusted,slouching in their chair, powered byMonster energy" stereotype thatseems toget thrown aroundevery time you tell someone youchill with video games. Weve all been there.

That same stereotype pervades eSports too. Despite many healthy and active professional gamers on the scene, many still believe these players live off junk food and rarely get exercise. However, new research from the German Sport University Cologne presented on February 3, suggests this may be little more than a myth; in fact, eSports players may behealthierthan the average person.

"The energy drink is indeed part of the diet for many," says Professor IngoFrobse, head of the Institute of Movement Therapy and movement-oriented Prevention and Rehabilitation at the University, in a statement. "But overall, eSports players actually eat better than the general population."

The research was part of an ongoingseries of surveys on the overall health of eSports players. This was the third annual study and involved a look into the lives of 820 eSports athletes, who were predominantly male, and recorded their eating, drinking, and exercise habits of an average week.Due to theongoing pandemic, the data was self-reported and online through interviews.Once the interviews concluded, the data was compared to the general population to determine how healthy eSports professionals were in relation to the average person.

The results showed that in contrast to their public perception,eSports players actually consumed less sugar on average than the general population. That isnt to say gamers dont love their energy drinks 40 percent of interviewees said they drink one regularly, likely due to the tight relationship between energy drink manufacturers and eSports teams. However,consumption of sugary drinks was offset by a reduction in sugar elsewhere in their diet.

Next, the researchers took a look at the participants' meat-eating habitsand how many vegetables the players ate regularly. Although the players were disproportionately vegan and vegetarian when compared to the rest of the population, just 15 percent of the men and 25 percent of the women got their vegetable and fruit 5-a-day. In contrast, those that ate meat rarely passed up the opportunity, with most of the players eating meat almost every day.

Impressively, the average weekly physical activity of eSports players was higher than theWHO recommendations on average, the players clocked 9.5 hours of physical activity a week. The study compared this to a report on aerobic activity in Germany from 2017, and thegamers appear to do almost four times the amount of exercise of the highest responding group.

The study carries its own limitations, with the largest being possibility of bias from self-reporting. Surveys such as these generally see many people overestimate theiraverage activity, but they are also the best method of large-scale data collection on health available right now.

As a result of the study, the researchers have made recommendations of increased vegetable consumption and a decrease in energy drink consumption for the players, which would further benefit their health.

It does, however, provide clear evidence that people can partake in eSports and still live a healthy lifestyle so take care of your health and game away.

Follow this link:
Esports Gamers Are More Healthy Than The Average Person, Study Suggests - IFLScience

Three ways to reap financial benefits by staying healthy – know here – DNA India

Often when we think about leading a healthy lifestyle, we imagine certain benefits alongside. A healthier routine is bound to result in fitness and overall physical wellbeing,prevent diseases and positively impact mental health as well. But seldom does it occur to us that healthy living can also benefit us financially. Cultivating healthy living offersseveral financial benefits.

Read on to find out why health truly is wealth and three ways in which you can usher a financially sound 2021, by resolving to Be fit, be protected, be happy.

Day to day savings and lower medical bills

Research has found that, on average, a person who walks or otherwise exercises for 150 minutes each week spends less on medical expenses than those who fail to reach that threshold. Quite simply, this amount results in money that is saved from making fewer doctor visits, and less expenditure on prescription costs.

While there is a range of comprehensive and affordable financial solutions in the form of health insurance and critical illness riders available today to protect against the impact of a range of illnesses, a fitter routine, exercise, and healthy lifestyle can go a long way in preventing you from some of these diseases. Amongst the many financial benefits ofbeing fit, this is one that can make the most difference in your life.

Pay lower premiums on the policy

Life insurers pay distinct attention to your medical history when underwriting a policy because a person who is in excellent health is considered less likely to fall prey to life-threatening ailments. For example, premiums for smokers can often be higher than for non-smokers. Simply put, insurers stress on your health status when issuing a policybecause this is a premium-determinant, and the healthier you are, the lower premiums youre likely to pay.

Earn financial rewards to stay fit

Innovative companies across the globe are increasingly developing products that encourage healthy behavior among policyholders and in turn financially reward them withrenewal premium discounts.

To reinforce healthier living, many health and general insurance companies today offer discounts based on positive alterations you make such as physical exercises, running, swimming, and leading a fit lifestyle in general.

For instance, insurers today offer wellness app with features such as a step count, wellness assessment score, medicine reminder, daily health tips, digitized access to all health reports and a wellness calculator. They also offer renewal premium discounts based on health milestones accomplished. For example, recording a minimum of 50,000 steps on the app can accumulate one Healthy Week in a week and depend on the number of Healthy Weeks accumulated, the life insured is eligible for a discount (up to 10%) on rider premium at the time of renewal, contributing to both, their health and wealth.

While we may not know what course the pandemic is likely to take, we do know that taking care of our health and overall wellbeing is more important now than ever before. With these small but prudent steps, we can adopt a healthy lifestyle in 2021 for the win.

Originally posted here:
Three ways to reap financial benefits by staying healthy - know here - DNA India

Dont let scammers tip the scales of slaying your New Year’s Resolution – Beauregard Daily News

Attorney General| Jeff Landry

In a perfect world, someone hoping to have a more healthy 2021 by losing weight could do so by simply taking a pill, wearing a patch, or drinking a detox tea. Unfortunately, medical data points otherwise; but that is not stopping scammers trying to take advantage of new year wellness resolutions, warns Louisiana Attorney General Jeff Landry.

Attorney General Landry today issued a consumer alert cautioning Louisiana residents of phony weight loss products.

Pursuing a healthy lifestyle is a great idea, said Attorney General Landry. But I strongly encourage consumers to be cautious when purchasing anything that promises weight loss.

According to the Federal Trade Commission (FTC): bogus diet products, centers, and programs are the top reported complaint amongst health-care related scams.

Scammers tend to promise weight loss products that melt, burn, or dissolve unwanted fat. They use these tricks to promote unproven materials with little to no medical testing.

How to recognize if a weight loss product isFAKE:

The product claims weight loss without diet or exercising.

The product promises instant and permanent weight loss.

Claims stating that in order to lose weight, all you have to do is take this pill, wear this patch, or apply this cream.

The product lacks an ingredient list or is on theFDAs list of potentially harmful weight loss products.

The product cites a long list of clinical studies that are unrelated to the product, outdated, or performed on animals not humans.

Attorney General Landry encourages consumers to report deceptive ads and products to the FTC by calling 877-FTC-Help. He also recommends checking out theNational Institute of Healths Dietary Supplement Fact SheetsandNutrition.gov, a USDA-sponsored website that offers credible information to help you make healthful eating choices.

To learn more about scams and fraud, visitwww.AGJeffLandry.comor call Attorney General Jeff Landrys Consumer Protection Hotline at 800-351-4889.

Original post:
Dont let scammers tip the scales of slaying your New Year's Resolution - Beauregard Daily News

Inspiring Communities Partners with Wellocity Health to Deliver National DPP Online – PR Web

I would recommend any DPP organization who is considering online programs to consider Wellocity.

SAN FRANCISCO (PRWEB) January 20, 2021

Inspiring Communities, a nonprofit organization based in Richmond, CA with full CDC recognition for delivering in-person National Diabetes Prevention Program (National DPP), has partnered with Wellocity Health to deliver the National DPP online in English and Spanish. Online delivery provides convenient access to participants from anywhere at any time via their mobile device or computer to fit within a busy lifestyle to prevent type 2 diabetes.

The partnership with Wellocity enables Inspiring Communities to increase access, extend its participant base with employers and health plans, and make the best use of a limited supply of lifestyle coaches. Wellocity provides a turnkey HIPAA compliant telehealth platform designed for CDC recognized NDPP organizations enabling virtual and distance learning delivery.

The Wellocity platform has allowed Inspiring Communities lifestyle coaches to easily adapt to online delivery and enabled them to engage participants outside the class using messaging and a community for support. With a complete solution for National DPP that includes a branded participant journey, lifestyle coach portal, participant apps, customized content, scheduling, and reporting the Inspiring Communities team can now spend more time engaging the participants to improve retention and outcomes.

Being a DPP Coordinator requires me to be in contact with my healthy lifestyle coaches and participants, said Minda Chai, DPP Coordinator for Inspiring Communities. Having Wellocity to support us gives us the boost to encourage our participants to make healthier lifestyle changes. Our participants really enjoy the Wellocity App and how easy it is to use and share ideas and recipes. I would recommend any DPP organization who is considering online programs to consider Wellocity.

It is an honor to partner with a community-based organization with an extremely dedicated staff to adapt the program to its target audience and help it build a brand that is recognized by the public, employers, and health plans for secure and easy to use lifestyle change programs, said Sameer Kanagala, CEO of Wellocity Health.

About Inspiring CommunitiesInspiring Communities, a nonprofit organization based in Richmond, CA was founded in 2009 and has achieved full CDC recognition for delivering in-person National Diabetes Prevention Program (National DPP). Inspiring Communities is a Medicare Diabetes Prevention Program (MDPP) supplier and a Medi-Cal Diabetes Prevention Program (DPP) provider.

To learn more about Inspiring Communities, please visit: https://www.inspiringcommunities.org/

About Wellocity HealthWellocity Health is a digital therapeutics company that offers a telehealth platform for delivering evidence-based personalized lifestyle change programs focused on preventing diabetes and heart disease. The Wellocity platform enables CDCs National Diabetes Prevention Program (DPP) and other lifestyle change and self-management programs to be delivered in virtual and telehealth mode to increase access, improve outcomes and make the best use of a limited supply of lifestyle coaches and certified diabetes educators. Wellocity powers branded diabetes prevention programs for health systems, health plans, community-based organizations, and pharmacies.

Twitter: https://twitter.com/WellocityHealth

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/WellocityHealth

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/wellocity-health

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Inspiring Communities Partners with Wellocity Health to Deliver National DPP Online - PR Web

Experts Suggest To Load Up On Natural Antioxidants For Healthy Heart: 5 Antioxidant-Rich Drinks To Try – NDTV Food

These antioxidant-rich drinks can be great for your overall health.

An antioxidant is one buzzword in the world of health and fitness. And if you happen to believe in a well-balanced lifestyle, then you must have come across the importance of antioxidants in our daily life. It is basically a compound (naturally available in fruits and vegetables) that helps us detoxify and prevent free-radical damage in the body. For the unversed, regular detoxification is of utmost importance to flush out the toxins and maintain a healthy metabolism. This further balance the function of the other organs in our body, including the heart. Several studies across the world have found antioxidants to have a positive effect on our heart health.

As per a report on the official website of Harvard Medical School, antioxidants help stabilise harmful by-products of the body's energy-making machinery. "These by-products, known as free radicals, can damage DNA, make LDL (bad) cholesterol even worse, and wreak havoc elsewhere in the body," the report reads.

Another study, published in AAFP journal, found that some antioxidant vitamins may also help to reduce the risk of coronary heart disease. These antioxidants include vitamins C, E, folate, beta-carotene et al.

Speaking about the importance of eating antioxidant-rich foods, consultant nutritionist Rupali Datta shared, "All fresh fruits, vegetables, whole grains, legumes, nut etc are rich sources of phytonutrients and antioxidants. Each of these nutrients works amazingly to protect us from non-communicable diseases including cardiovascular diseases. Daily consumption of these foods helps maintain a healthy lifestyle. And this is what a balanced diet is all about."

Considering the above factors, we bring some healthy beverage recipes that are sure to provide you with your daily dose of antioxidants in the yummiest way possible. Some of these drinks also make for a wholesome meal in the morning. Let's find them out!

Almond And Spinach Smoothie

Spinach is a rich source of antioxidants like lutein, vitamin C and beta-carotene. Adding it to your diet not only makes for a well-balanced meal but also benefits your health in multiple ways. Here's a wholesome smoothie recipe for you that includes the goodness of almonds, along with the crunchy, green spinach. Click here for the recipe.

Orange And Carrot Detox Drink

Antioxidants help in detoxification. Keeping this in mind, we bring a detox drink recipe that includes vitamin C-rich orange beta-carotene loaded carrots and helps promote weight loss, metabolism, digestion, skin health, heart health and more. Click here for the recipe.


Green tea is a rich source of antioxidant and we all are well aware of that. Here's a green tea-based recipe that also includes healthy kitchen spices and nuts to promote overall immunity. It's a famous Kashmiri drink- kahwa. Click here for the recipe.

Banana Walnut Smoothie

Walnut has long been touted a superfood that has overall benefit. Here's a walnut smoothie recipe that includes banana and makes for a wholesome meal in the morning. Click here for the recipe.

Honey-Lemon-Ginger Tea

We also found a vitamin C-enriched herbal tea for you. It includes the goodness of lemon, ginger and honey. Include this drink in your morning ritual and give a healthy start to your day. Click here for the recipe.


Eat healthy, stay happy. And always remember, moderation is the key!

About Somdatta SahaExplorer- this is what Somdatta likes to call herself. Be it in terms of food, people or places, all she craves for is to know the unknown. A simple aglio olio pasta or daal-chawal and a good movie can make her day.

Follow this link:
Experts Suggest To Load Up On Natural Antioxidants For Healthy Heart: 5 Antioxidant-Rich Drinks To Try - NDTV Food

A Week in the Poconos Life of the Founder of Rae’s Roots Wellness Teas – Philadelphia magazine


Joanna Linton, who co-founded United by Blue and founded Raes Roots, is currently renovating a motel in the Poconos with her family, Schitts Creek-style.

Joanna Linton enjoys a cup of Raes Roots adaptogen-based wellness teas for moms. | Photo courtesy of Raes Roots

Welcome toSweat Diaries, Be Well Phillys look at the time, energy, and money people invest in pursuit of a healthy lifestyle in Philly. For each Sweat Diary, we ask one Philadelphian to spend a week tracking everything they eat, all the exercise they get, and the money they spend on both. Want to submit a Sweat Diary? Email [emailprotected]

Who I am: Joanna Linton( @raesroots / @stay_therex), 34

Where I live: Washington Square West (though currently in Lake Wallenpaupack in the Poconos)

What I do: First and foremost Im a mama of two, doing my best in this wild pandemic climate. Im the founder of Raes Roots, a brand of adaptogen-based wellness teas for moms, and a co-founder of United By Blue. Im currently renovating a 1950s motor lodge called The Rex up in the Pocono Mountains. Its a lot and Im loving it, but the only way Im able to manage it all is by making sure I keep self-care a priority in my life.

What role healthy living plays in my life: The concept of healthy living didnt really sit with me until I experienced my own postpartum. Caring for a newborn and toddler was really challenging for me and I fell into a depressed emotional state. In other words, I was sad all the time and didnt take care of myself whatsoever. I kept giving and giving, never giving anything to myself. Instead of giving my body time and grace, I got sad and frustrated. It took me seven months and four trips to the E.R. after physically becoming ill from stress to finally realize I couldnt care for anyone else until I first cared for myself. This was when the idea for Raes Roots was born but more than that, this was when the foundation of putting myself first was brought forth.

If there is anything that Ive learned in the past few years, its that self-care cant be bought. Self-care is so much more than a massage or facial (though that can be a part of it, of course). Its more of a series of decisions to be more disciplined and prioritize your mental and physical health. Its about the little changes and differences that add up over time so that they become a part of your life rather than a to-do in your life. As a young parent, thats much easier said than done, but I know for a fact that I wouldnt be able to do as much as I currently am without maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

Health memberships (and what they cost): When it comes to workouts, I love variety. I really have a tough time doing the same workout every day, so I currently subscribe to:

Peloton for $39/month. Its been hard for me to find a way to sneak cardio in during the colder months so Ill occasionally hop on the bike, but for me the real gem is Peloton Yoga (Kirstin is everything shes the most supportive friend youve never met). In fact, I didnt really do any yoga prior to Peloton but their approach, cues and sense of welcome really encouraged me to pick up yoga as a regular practice.

Ob Fitness for $27/month. I love this for all the variety of classes they offer, but my favorite class especially for moms who are expecting or postpartum are their barre classes

Brrrn for $10/month. I discovered glider boards as an alternate way to get cardio in and then I discovered Brrrn and fell in love. They are a studio in NYC but recently started offering at-home classes with their own line of boards. Their board itself is pricey ($230) but its a really good workout. If youre interested I would recommend getting a less expensive glider board on Amazon so you can see if you like this type of workout before purchasing their board.

Kira Stokes for $15/month. When I want something for weight and resistance training, I turn to Kira. Shes a celebrity trainer and her workouts are hard, but in the best way possible. It requires some general equipment (weights, barre ball, resistance bands) but youll get a lot of use out of them.

Linton does an Ob workout first thing in the morning. | Photo courtesy of Joanna Linton


6 a.m. If Im not up before my kids, the day will literally get away from me. So Im up to sneak in a quick Ob workout (with my girl Michelle B.) so that Im done by 7 a.m., which is usually when the kids wake up.

7 a.m. Breakfast with the family, which for me includes eggs and lox. Im not a big breakfast person but I know that if I dont eat now, I will overeat (typically junk) later in the day. I get the kids ready for school and we are out the door by 8 a.m.

9 a.m. Back at home, I immediately head to our hot water boiler for my morning cup of tea. I love how tea can be incredibly calming. The ritual of making a cup and settling down at my desk centers me almost like Im priming myself to be ready for all the chaos that will inevitably come.

11 a.m. I have my weekly touch base with my mentor who has been helping me learn about the consumer products industry. Today we mostly chat about competitors, what they are up to and what I can take away from it all.

3:30 p.m. I head out to pick up the kids from school. I surprisingly wasnt hungry for lunch but I snack on a Dark Chocolate Nut and Sea Salt Kind Bar. We stop by the grocery store on the way home. We have been essentially cooking every meal at home and unfortunately are always missing one or two ingredients. Im trying to get better at meal planning.

5:30 p.m. Dinner is salmon and spinach so simple. When Im not in the mood to cook, my go to meal is something with salmon. Its versatile, easy to cook and incredibly healthy.

7:30 p.m. Kids are in bed and Im back to work, this time working on layout design for the motel. Ill probably work for another two hours and try to make it to bed by 10 p.m.

10:30 p.m. Bedtime

A mid-morning walk to a nearby waterway with her husband, Brian Linton, helps to clear Joanna Lintons head. | Photo courtesy of Joanna Linton


7:30 a.m. Feeling fatigued and out of it. Baby girl woke up four times last night so I am barely functioning. I know that the only way to battle this feeling is by really being cautious about what I eat today, because poor eating will have me going down a spiral. I dont have enough time to workout, but I force myself to eat some yogurt and granola.

8:30 a.m. My husband drove the kids to school today, since Im interviewing a potential marketing agency to help me launch some new products with Raes Roots. The call goes an hour over what I expected, but the owner is a mom herself and when moms get talking

11 a.m. When your husband is the CEO of United By Blue, you get outside. A lot. Because he knows how sluggish Im feeling today, he pushes us to take a mid-morning walk/hike outside to a nearby waterway. It works.

Linton surveys the progress on The Rex, the motel she and her husband are currently renovating in the Poconos. | Photo courtesy of Joanna Linton

12:30 p.m. Homemade curry chicken salad (made with rotisserie chicken) over lettuce for lunch.

2 p.m. Head over to see how renovations are coming along on the motel. We are currently living in one part of the original motel while the other sections get renovated (No, I have not seen Schitts Creek ... yes I know I need to). Parts of the motel need a complete overhaul, including the foundation, so Im eager to see the progress.

5:30 p.m. Im so grateful to have been accepted into this falls Philly Startup Leaders Founded in Philly accelerator. We meet (virtually) every Tuesday where a Philly-based founder speaks about various topics. Tonight we are talking about what metrics to track for your business and setting measurable goals. Dinner is leftover chicken parm over spinach during the meeting (with video off while I eat, of course).

9:30 p.m. Off to bed.

Linton does a Brrrn workout at home. | Photo courtesy of Joanna Linton


6:10 a.m. Im up and feeling pretty good after a solid nights sleep. Im feeling good enough for a 40-minute Brrrn workout, which is rare. In the beginning I was slipping and sliding all over the place but after a few months, Im starting to really feel the benefits of the workout.

8 a.m. Its my turn to drive the kids to school and we sing along to Raffi on the way. I eat an RXBar on the way home.

10 a.m. I sit down with my husband to review deck options for the motel. We are really focused on the customer experience. Were looking to build a space that encourages experiencing the outdoors, so conversations about decks, treehouses and cedar hot tubs are a daily occurrence.

Linton works on new packaging artwork for the tea for Raes Roots. | Photo courtesy of Joanna Linton

11:30 a.m. New packaging artwork for the tea for Raes Roots came in so Im reviewing everything before I take it to print. Lunch is a tuna salad sandwich. I love Safe Catch tuna not only for its sustainability but also for its low mercury testing.

2 p.m. Kids are home early today and we go for a walk with their wagon. Grateful to have the open space to be able to walk around freely without masks. We dont see one person while walking around the area.

4 p.m. I have an urgent email that I need to get back to, so its TV time for the kids. Mom guilt creeps in, but I do my best to shut it out. TV time will forever be one of those things everyone has an opinion on my thought is do what you got to do, mama!

6:15 p.m. Dinner is shakshuka and is delicious. Its actually really easy to make. We just used with whatever veggies we had leftover in the fridge.

Shakshuka for dinner. | Photo courtesy of Joanna Linton.

8 p.m. Back to work. On days when the kids are home earlier, my work day is cut short so I know its going to be a longer night. I respond to emails, have a call with a factory in China, write captions for next weeks social media and pick out bathroom tiles for the motel.

12:30 a.m. Bedtime.


7 a.m. I slept in a bit and the kids are already up. My husband makes breakfast and gets them ready. Im feeling a bit groggy with no motivation to do anything hard, but I push myself to do 20 minutes of slow flow Peloton Yoga, which afterwards feels rejuvenating. It may not have been the workout I wanted to get in, but Im proud of myself for getting something in. Breakfast is oatmeal with chia seeds.

8:30 a.m. I love the Crock Pot. We use it at least once a week particularly on days when we know the afternoon/early evening will be chaotic. I grab beef from the freezer, chop up some vegetables and throw together all of the ingredients for slow cooker beef stew.

9:20 a.m. I make my morning tea (today its a matcha green tea by Smith Tea) and get settled at my desk.

1 p.m. I sit in on a Tory Burch Foundation seminar, which is a great resource for any female entrepreneurs. This was one was about turning your customers into a community, which is very fitting for the brand Im building.

2 p.m. A bit of a later lunch than I would have liked, but I make myself a lox salad with tomatoes and cucumbers.

As Linton checks in on motel renovations, her son plays with some plywood. | Photograph by Joanna Linton.

4:30 p.m. Check in on the progress in the motel. My son takes the opportunity to use some plywood as building blocks.

5:45 p.m. Beef stew turned out delicious. I put it over a bed of spinach. Its really hard for me to get leafy greens in my diet so I do my best to sneak it in where I wont directly taste it.

8:30 p.m. I have over an hour call with a best friend. It feels rejuvenating. With everything I have going on, being able to talk about nothing and everything is refreshing. I try to schedule a call with a different friend once a week. It helps keep me in check mentally in this pandemic environment.

The whole family gets out for a walk, wearing neon since its hunting season in the area. | Photo courtesy Joanna Linton.


6 a.m. Because yesterday was a lighter workout, I go with Kira today for a 30-minute resistance training workout. I have never had such a deeper love/hate relationship with resistance bands! I guess the only thing I can say is that they work.

7 a.m. Breakfast is scrambled eggs and avocado. Its one of my go-to breakfasts when I dont feel like eating anything. Its filling, its healthy and it gives you energy.

10 a.m. With my tea in hand, I dive into website copy for the next few hours. I will be updating Raes Roots website in the near future and it is a lot harder than I thought. Sharing my story, writing product descriptions its taking me a lot longer than I expected. Much appreciation to all the creative writers out there!

12:30 p.m. Lunch is a nutella and peanut butter sandwich. Sometimes when youre in the mood, youre in the mood.

2 p.m. I need to take a break. I am so deep into writing that I cant think straight. I go and bother my husband for a while and then clean up the kitchen. It oddly makes me feel refreshed. Then its back to writing.

4 p.m. Kids are back home and its unseasonably warm, so we go out for a family hike. We wear our neon since its hunting season. I dont get as much work done today as I wanted to and it gives me a bit of anxiety to stop work early, but these are the moments I really force myself to realize a hike would be better for me than responding to these last few nagging emails.

Dinner is ramen with bok choy, egg, and oyster mushrooms. | Photo courtesy Joanna Linton.

6 p.m. Dinner is ramen with bok choy, egg, and oyster mushrooms. It looks fancy, but really its all thrown and cooked together.

8:20 p.m. On Fridays I like to do a deeper skin routine. My skin is really dry, especially in the winter, so I typically throw on a face mask. By Nature has been a favorite of mine recently and can be found at Target. Ill use a few face serums and oils that should only be used once a week for deeper treatment and end with an overnight mask.

Friday night is a good time for a deeper skincare routine. | Photo courtesy Joanna Linton.

10:30 p.m. Bedtime. Weekends with the kids can be exhausting so I know Ill need every minute of rest I can get!

Walks and hikes outdoors taken: 3

Online workouts completed: 4

Poconos motel design discussions: Many!

Excerpt from:
A Week in the Poconos Life of the Founder of Rae's Roots Wellness Teas - Philadelphia magazine

3 habits you should practice daily to stay healthy and happy this year – Times Now

3 habits you should practice daily to stay healthy and happy this year  |  Photo Credit: iStock Images

New Delhi: The beginning of a new year is the perfect time to bring about changes to your lifestyle routine, as theres something exciting about starting afresh. As we continue to adapt to the virtual experience, it is important to take advantage of the time we have for ourselves and try adopting habits that can create the most positive impact on our health and happiness, this New Year. If COVID-19 has taught us anything, its that we can change our lifestyle and habits.

Fitness expert and celebrity master instructorYasmin Karachiwala guides us on how one can imbibe small yet effective steps to lead a healthy and happy lifestyle.

Modifying dietary habits has the power to reduce the risk of chronic diseases and what we eat is significant to our health, leading to a lifestyle that will keep you feeling energized, satisfied, happy, and safe from diseases. Healthy snacking and including almonds in your daily diet can be a great way to start the year on a healthy note. Almonds are a good source of vital nutrients like vitamin E, magnesium, good fat, dietary fibers, and plant protein. Almonds also make for a nutritious and effective pre or post-workout snack, as they provide a good dose of health and energy without adding unwanted calories. Diet and exercise go hand in hand and you cannot adopt one healthy habit and trade it off with another, such as unhealthy eating. Begin 2021with a solid fitness and diet regime in place, and be sure to fuel your exercise routine with a handful of almonds.

We all know the importance of regular exercise and the value it adds to our overall health whether its in supporting your weight loss goals, or relieving stress, enhancing the mood, or helping to better manage several lifestyle diseases. In 2021, it is important to pursue a healthy lifestyle but it is more important to strengthen your core before focusing on the body. A strong core helps enhance balance and stability, which will contribute to developing more power and strength.

While adapting to the new normal, 2020 has surely taught us the importance of taking a pause and finding time for ourselves. From finding the right way to balance work to spending time with our families, it must have gotten challenging to find time for yourself. However, it is equally important to invest time in yourself, be it to listening to music, working out, reading a book, or reconnecting with your hobbies. So this year, make a resolution and spare time to spend it with yourself.

Disclaimer: Tips and suggestions mentioned in the article are for general information purpose only and should not be construed as professional medical advice. Always consult your doctor or a dietician before starting any fitness programme or making any changes to your diet.

Continue reading here:
3 habits you should practice daily to stay healthy and happy this year - Times Now

The Prostate Cancer Foundation challenges Americans to kick the New Year Off Right by taking the 21 In 21 – Prostate Cancer Foundation

LOS ANGELES, Calif.,December 22, 2020 The Prostate Cancer Foundation (PCF) challenges Americans to show their support for men affected by prostate cancer and raise awareness about the link between healthy lifestyles and reduced cancer risk by making a New Years resolution to make 21 simple, healthy lifestyle changes in 2021.

The PCFs The Science of Living Well, Beyond Cancer recommends three healthy lifestyle basics that anyone can do to improve their overall health: relax, exercise, and eat real foods, like brightly-colored vegetables and unprocessed whole grains. For 21 in 21, PCF has developed 21 simple, fun, science-based actions based on these principles that people can take to start the year off right.

Lifestyle modifications have been convincingly shown to reduce the risk of the onset of cancer andprogression, including prostate cancer, said Jonathan W. Simons, MD, PCF president and CEO. Rest, exercise, and nutrition are three of the top social determinants of health. People who adopt these healthier lifestyle changes can help reduce their cancer risk and improve their overall health.

Heres how it works: participants pledge to take the challenge at https://www.pcf.org/21in21/ and PCF will send daily science-based tips and activities. For example, on January 1, participants will Unlock the Clock and start 2021 with rest: setting bed and wake times and committing to these for 21 days. Research shows that getting adequate sleep can help ease chronic pain, anxiety, and stress, resulting in a stronger immune system. Then, participants will Start Your Engines on January 2 with exercise: taking a walk and committing to repeating on the next three weekends. There are clear associations between exercise and cancer prevention and recovery, research shows, and taking a walk is good for the circulatory system and can improve mood and overall energy.

Other 21 in 21 science-based actions include eating only plant-based foods for one day; incorporating simple high-intensity interval training (HIIT) exercises into your routine; and turning on the radio and dancing for 20 minutes. All are based on the three principles outlined in The Science of Living Well, Beyond Cancer precision nutrition, precision exercise, and precision rest and are designed to be fun and easy for anyone to do at home.

In addition to receiving 21 daily actions, all participants will also receive a link to the full 21 in 21 calendar so they can personalize their activities and create their own schedule. Also included is a link to PCFs wellness guide, The Science of Living Well, Beyond Cancer, which encompasses the latest scientific recommendations for cancer prevention, including actionable tips for optimal health, nutrition, and wellness. The PCF wellness guide is not just for men with living with prostate cancer or people living with cancer, but also written for anyone interested in living well and reducing their risk for any number of chronic diseases.

Take the 21 in 21 Challenge at https://www.pcf.org/21in21/. Connect with PCF at http://www.pcf.org, on Facebook (facebook.com/pcf.org), Instagram (@prostatecancerfoundation), or Twitter (@pcfnews).

About the Prostate Cancer FoundationThe Prostate Cancer Foundation (PCF) is the worlds leading philanthropic organization dedicated to funding life-saving prostate cancer research. Founded in 1993 by Mike Milken, PCF has raised more than $830 million in support of cutting-edge research by more than 2,200 research projects at 220 leading cancer centers in 22 countries around the world. Thanks in part to PCFs commitment to ending death and suffering from prostate cancer, the death rate is down by 52% and countless more men are alive today as a result. The Prostate Cancer Foundation research now impacts more than 70 forms of human cancer by focusing onimmunotherapy, the microbiome, and food as medicine. Learn more at http://www.pcf.org.

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MEDIA CONTACTS: Staci Vernick(610) 812-6092svernick@pcf.orgpress@pcf.org

Donald Wilson for the Prostate Cancer Foundation(310) 428-4730dwilson.dwpr@gmail.com

Excerpt from:
The Prostate Cancer Foundation challenges Americans to kick the New Year Off Right by taking the 21 In 21 - Prostate Cancer Foundation

Second year of the Montreal Heart Institute’s Diabetes Prevention Clinic sponsored by Sun Life – Canada NewsWire

Supporting people with type 2 diabetes throughout the pandemic

MONTREAL, Jan. 14, 2021 /CNW/ - When the pandemic forced gyms to close, it caused some disruption to the plans that had been developed for patients by the team at the Montreal Heart Institute's Diabetes Prevention Clinic sponsored by Sun Life. As people with type 2 diabetes are more vulnerable when it comes to COVID-19, it was important they remained safe at home. Fortunately, when public health restrictions were implemented, telehealth was there to make remote monitoring possible. And even though part of the team at the EPIC Center had to be moved to the Montreal Heart Institute to support efforts there, the Clinic's 223 participants made significant progress over the course of the year.

Impressive resultsSince its creation in December 2018, the Clinic has seen 223 patients and has conducted more than 17,000 fitness sessions and 1,950 individual meetings. This initiative is one of the many ways Sun Life helps people live healthier lives, which is a central component of the company's purpose. "I'm impressed at how close these participants have come to recovery despite the challenges posed by the pandemic," said Jacques Goulet, President of Sun Life Canada. "The pandemic has highlighted the consequences of diabetes, which can cause severe complications in people with the disease who contract COVID-19. This has underscored the importance of continuing to give people the tools they need to take charge of their health."

"We're pleased that we were able to maintain the Clinic's services even though the EPIC Center's activities had to be suspended. The results we've seen in our patients confirm the positive impact of regular exercise in controlling blood sugar and insulin sensitivity and show that, when combined with a high-quality diet, it can contribute to preventing and mitigating the effects of type 2 diabetes," said Dr. Martin Juneau, Director of Prevention at the Montreal Heart Institute and Supervisor of the Diabetes Prevention Clinic sponsored by Sun Life.

Remote workouts and limited resources due to the pandemicThe majority of the staff at the Montreal Heart Institute had to be redeployed to the hospital to perform various functions relating to the pandemic. As a result, the team at the Clinic was without some of its key players. But this did not stop them from achieving their ambitious objectives, through group seminars and one-on-one meetings. Patients had the chance to meet with a nurse, a nutritionist, a kinesiologist, a physician, and an endocrinologist when needed, along with fitness sessions. With a lockdown in place, technology allowed these important meetings to take place virtually.

When it was no longer possible for patients to use its gym, the EPIC Center made a series of videos available to the public. From the comfort of their own homes, participants can watch and follow along for at home workouts. The short videos provide health tips and feature exercises to do at home or outdoors as a way to improve physical conditioning. This has helped participants stay on track toward meeting their goals.

A tailored program to meet growing demandIt has been proven that with exercise and good nutrition, it's possible to reverse the course of type 2 diabetes. That is the core premise presented to patients of the Montreal Heart Institute's Diabetes Prevention Clinic sponsored by Sun Life.The only one of its kind in Canada, this multidisciplinary program is offered at the Montreal Heart Institute's EPIC Center and is made possible by a donation of $450,000 from Sun Life. A team of health practitioners meets periodically with participants and gives them the tools they need to make healthy lifestyle changes and improve their health.

The Diabetes Prevention Clinic's mission is to turn the tide on diabetes through early detection and healthy lifestyle strategies. The program meets a growing demand for preventive services for patients with diabetes, prediabetes, and chronic conditions that currently affect 1 in 3 Canadians. Cardiovascular disease is the most common complication and leading cause of death in patients with type 2 diabetes.1Studies show that type 2 diabetics who make lifestyle changes, including a high-quality diet, regular moderate-to-vigorous physical activity, no tobacco use and moderate alcohol consumption, can reduce their risk of premature death from cardiovascular disease.

Diabetes is the 5th-leading cause of premature death in the world. Hyperglycemia from the onset of diabetes has multiple adverse effects on cardiovascular risk factors, including atherosclerosis, hypertension and dyslipidemia. These issues, together with the damage hyperglycemia causes to small blood vessels, mean that type 2 diabetes increases the incidence of coronary heart disease by 2 to 4 times.2

Sun Life in the community At Sun Life, we are committed to building sustainable, healthier communities for life. Community wellness is an important part of our sustainability commitment and we believe that by actively supporting the communities in which we live and work, we can help build a positive environment for our Clients, employees, advisors and shareholders. Our philanthropic support focuses on health, with an emphasis on diabetes awareness, prevention, and care initiatives through our Team Up Against DiabetesTM platform; and mental health, supporting programs and organizations with a focus on building resilience and coping skills.

We also partner with sports properties in key markets to further our commitment to healthy and active living. Our employees and advisors take great pride in volunteering close to 12,000 hours each year and contribute to making life brighter for individuals and families across Canada.Learn more about Sun Life in the community.

About the Montreal Heart InstituteFounded in 1954, the Montreal Heart Institute constantly strives for the highest standards of excellence in the cardiovascular field through its leadership in clinical and fundamental research, ultra-specialized care, professional training and prevention. It is home to Canada's largest cardiology research centre, cardiovascular prevention centre, and cardiovascular genetics centre. The Institute is affiliated with the Universit de Montral and has more than 2,000 employees, including 245 physicians and more than 85 researchers. http://www.icm-mhi.org/en

About the Montreal Heart Institute FoundationCreated in 1977, the Montreal Heart Institute Foundation raises and manages funds to support the realization of the Institute's innovative and priority projects and to fight cardiovascular disease, the leading cause of death in the world. Its philanthropic events and its donors' contributions have enabled this leader in cardiovascular health to become the largest cardiac research centre in the country. Over the years, the Montreal Heart Institute Foundation has raised more than $309 million in donations. Its 26,032 donors have made it possible to make important discoveries and to support the Institute's specialists, professionals and researchers to provide state-of-the-art care to tens of thousands of patients in Quebec. fondationicm.org/en

About the EPIC CenterThe MHI's EPIC Center is the largest centre for cardiovascular disease prevention in Canada, with more than 4,500 registered members. The Center has just over 100 employees and is part of the Prevention Branch of the Montreal Heart Institute. The centre is for healthy people who wish to stay that way (primary prevention) as well as for patients who have had a cardiac event (rehabilitation and secondary prevention). The staff includes physicians, cardiologists, an internist, emergency physicians, a physiologist, visiting professors, nurses, nutritionists, kinesiologists and rescuers. http://www.centreepic.org

Montreal Heart Institute Foundation Camille Turbide 514-755-5354 [emailprotected]

Sun Life Mylne Blanger 438-341-3884 [emailprotected]

SOURCE Sun Life Financial

Original post:
Second year of the Montreal Heart Institute's Diabetes Prevention Clinic sponsored by Sun Life - Canada NewsWire

5 essential nutrients for women’s health and their natural sources – Times Now

5 essential nutrients for women's health and their natural sources  |  Photo Credit: iStock Images

New Delhi: A woman's body goes through several changes at every age. Be it during the teenage years, childbearing years or senior years, the requirement of nutrients at every stage is critical. Deficiency of crucial nutrients in the body may lead to issues concerning diabetes, bone health, cardiovascular health, menstrual cycles, childbirth, etc.Including supplements in the diet may not be convenient for everyone, however, one great way of obtaining these nutrients is through a balanced diet. Regular exercise is also necessary as it adds to a healthy lifestyle.

Some of the most essential nutrients for womeninclude:

The natural sources of iron that you can inculcate in your diet and lifestyle include chicken, nuts, seafood, beans, spinach, tofu, etc.

The natural sources of calcium that you can inculcate in your diet and lifestyle include milk, okra, spinach, kale, cheese, sardines, etc.

The natural sources of B vitamins that you can inculcate in your diet and lifestyle include eggs, tuna, cheese, chicken, salmon, milk, oysters, etc.

The natural sources of magnesiumthat you can inculcate in your diet and lifestyle include avocados, spinach, nuts, pumpkin seeds, dark chocolate, etc.

The natural sources of choline that you can inculcate in your diet and lifestyle include broccoli, eggs, cauliflower, salmon, soybean oil, etc.

Disclaimer: Tips and suggestions mentioned in the article are for general information purposes only and should not be construed as professional medical advice. Always consult your doctor or a professional healthcare provider if you have any specific questions about any medical matter.

Here is the original post:
5 essential nutrients for women's health and their natural sources - Times Now

Achieving a healthy lifestyle isn’t as difficult as you think – yoursun.com

Marlene Veltre was doing all the right things to get and stay healthy. She was following recommended dietary guidelines and went to the gym several times a week. And then one day she found a lump and was diagnosed with breast cancer. How could this happen? she thought. Ive done everything right and my family has no history of cancer.

Turns out that what she thought were the right things werent enough, and some were not the right things after all. Her fast-paced lifestyle had left her chronically stressed, and she had ignored her emotional and mental well-being for too long.

Thus began an 11-year journey through traditional and non-traditional cancer treatments, and research on health and wellness. As she learned more and more, she found conflicting information and research. The deeper she dug into the evidence, the more clear it became, however: health didnt have to be so difficult to attain and maintain. In fact, its quite simple, really.

This is the principle behind Veltres book, The Simple Seven: Body Basics for Vibrant Health, a well-researched and engaging handbook for health and well-being that will transform your thinking on what it takes to be healthy. Instead of struggling against your body, Veltre provides the information and tools to help you work with it. The body is an amazing, adaptive system, and if we can provide it with the right environment and support, it can do its thing naturally heal and repair, adjust and thrive.


So what does it take to get there? Veltre lays out a plan based on seven principles:

Eat the freshest, most nutrient-dense foods possible.

Drink and stay hydrated by choosing foods that provide hydration.

Move in ways you enjoy, instead of forcing yourself to the gym.

Sleep long enough and deeply enough to feel restored in the morning.

Breathe consciously, stopping to take deep breaths throughout your day.

Clear your bowel every day and support your other waste-clearing organs so they do the job they are intended to do.

Feel better by doing what makes you feel good and releasing what doesnt.

If all of this sounds familiar, it should. What differentiates this book from others, however, is its usefulness for achieving these things in real life not in Instagram life, not in an ideal life where we have unlimited time and resources, not in some fantasy life where our willpower is ironclad.

Veltre provides truly simple changes to work into your daily routine that add up to big benefits in your lifestyle, health and well-being. Her approach is flexible to your preferences and limitations. And she backs up her advice with compelling research in language thats jargon-free and easy to understand. If you are looking for more information, she provides numbered end notes so you can check out the sources for yourself.

There is a final chapter that explains how following the seven principles will not only affect how you feel, but also how you look. Veltre gives us insight into anti-aging, weight loss, skin care, posture, oral health and more demonstrating how what we do for our insides can affect our outsides, for better or for worse.


In her introduction, Veltre tells us that The Simple Seven took four years to write and it shows. The writing is transparent as glass, the arguments laid out in logical and compelling ways, and the tone is encouraging and friendly. Main points are introduced, reinforced and built upon for effortless learning. The book design is visually appealing and easy to read, and its organization helps you readily find what you are looking for.

Readers will appreciate that Veltres suggestions and tips are presented separately from scientific explanations, so if youre short on time (or need a quick refresher) you can skip right to them. There are also appendices that go deeper into the subjects of fresh food versus processed food, and a set of amazing emotional-healing tools (called The Method) in the chapter for Feel that is alone worth the price of admission.

Veltre has not only researched and written an informative and engaging book, but shes also created a toolkit thats been thoroughly designed for usability. As we head into the New Years Resolution zone, she gives you a fighting chance to set realistic goals you can actually achieve. In a world of health information overload and perpetuated myths, The Simple Seven is just that a refreshingly simple and doable plan to be your best self, inside and out.

Read this article:
Achieving a healthy lifestyle isn't as difficult as you think - yoursun.com