Veterans should have access to great health care – Brunswick News

We as a country owe a lot to the men and women who have laid their lives on the line to defend our country. Even when we were just a fledgling group of loosely associated states, citizens rose to the challenge to fight for our freedom.

As the years moved on, soldiers have fought against tyranny around the world in an effort to protect not just our shores, but the entire world.

We owe them a debt greater than we can pay, but we must try to do so anyway.

The most fundamental thing we can do for these brave men and women is to make sure they have access to the proper health care they need. Unfortunately, the system we have set up to do that is more complicated than it should be.

A new Veterans Affair medical center has recently opened in Valdosta. The center wont have much of an impact on our local veterans, though, because of the complex nature of which veterans are sent to which hospital.

If the VA clinic in Brunswick cant treat a veteran, they are sent to Dublin. Hinesville veterans have to go to Macon. Savannah veterans travel up to Charleston. Camden County veterans are sent to Jacksonville.

We echo the thoughts of Bennie Williams, commander of American Legion Post 9 in Brunswick, on the subject: It doesnt make any sense.

Another issue Williams pointed out to The News was how phone calls from veterans trying to reach the Brunswick clinic are automatically routed to the VA hospital in Dublin. Williams said he typically waits 30 to 45 minutes to talk to someone.

The VA has some plans in motion that will benefit area veterans. The administration is currently advertising for land where a new VA clinic for Brunswick will reside. That clinic, Williams said, will offer 60 percent more services than the current one.

We know the people who work at VA clinics and hospitals care about their patients. We also know that Congress hasnt always done its job when it comes to ensuring the agency has what it needs to do its job properly.

The VA is the only access to health care available to some veterans. Those who fought for our freedom deserve to have a system that is well-funded and not overly complicated to navigate.

Lets work together to find a way to make that happen.

See the article here:

Veterans should have access to great health care - Brunswick News

Opinion: Mercy Health committed to addressing health care inequality – The Cincinnati Enquirer

Dave Fikse, Opinion contributor Published 11:11 a.m. ET Aug. 6, 2020

Mercy Health's headquarters in Bond Hill.(Photo: Provided/Mercy Health)

Cincinnati is not unlike many communities across the country, struggling to make sense out of what has happened to those impacted by racial inequality and injustice and how we will pull together to move forward, to heal and to learn.

Mercy Health has long valued human dignity, diversity and inclusion as ministry priorities. Our mission calls us to improve the health and well-being of our communities and bring good help to those in need. The events of the past weeks must deepen our shared commitment to protect, heal and support the most vulnerable among us, which includes those affected by racial inequality and its associated health disparities, poorer health outcomes and higher rates of mortality and morbidity. Where some seek to divide, we must join together to support our patients, families, associates and providers serving all.

After seeing firsthand the appreciation for human dignity and life of which Cincinnati is capable, it is abundantly clear that changing the narrative about racial injustice means that we all as a health care ministry, a city, a region, a nationand the world, stand together to set a new standard for how we should live. We ask organizations to re-examine their values to ensure they help contribute to the healing of racism in our time. Our founding Sisters have always valued human dignity for all, and while much has been accomplished, there is still much to do.

Heres what Mercy Health-Cincinnati and its parent organization Bon Secours Mercy Health are doing to address racial inequality:

Our Mercy Health Foundation continues to pursue philanthropic partnerships to advance our nonprofit ministrys community health and health equity initiatives. We commit to continuing to address racial inequality in health care and call upon our Divine Physician to heal the wounds of racism in our hearts and throughout our land.

Dave Fikse is the market president for Mercy HealthCincinnati, part of Bon Secours Mercy Health, the fifth-largest Catholic health system in the country.

Dave Fikse is market president for Mercy HealthCincinnati.(Photo: Provided)

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Opinion: Mercy Health committed to addressing health care inequality - The Cincinnati Enquirer

Editorial: Improve mental health care before forcing it on people – Los Angeles Times

The Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors and a handful of state legislators have been trying to change Californias landmark mental health laws to make it easier to force treatment on people who dont want it. But bills to scrap or change the law that limits forced treatment the Lanterman-Petris-Short Act, signed into law by Gov. Ronald Reagan in 1967 havent made it through the Legislature.

So last year critics tried a different tack: Require an official audit of LPS and how it operates in L.A. and two other counties, presumably to show how badly the act fails, and how outdated the notion is that people should have more say in choosing their own mental health treatments.

Instead, the audit released late last month found that the act gives counties all the authority they need to treat people in crisis. The real problem, the audit found, is not the patients right to self-determination, but the failure of the state and counties to provide sufficient ongoing care and housing after the forced treatment ends. Without those services, patients end up in a dismal and destructive cycle careening from a 72-hour 5150 hold to the street, to another mental health crisis that endangers themselves or others, and back to another three-day hold. Each new breakdown can cause further lasting damage.

Counties sometimes obtain renewable yearlong conservatorships but dont provide sufficient treatment, often because it is unavailable.

Perhaps its time for LPS critics to rethink their approach. The state has to find a way to fund, and counties to provide, ongoing mental health care. Sufficient and humane services (and housing, when needed) that leave patients a voice in important decisions and dont make them feel trapped could go a long way toward meeting the states mental health challenge.

There can be no doubt that California is in the midst of a mental health emergency. Serious mental illness afflicts a significant portion of the states huge homeless population, although contrary to a widespread perception far less than half of the tens of thousands of people on the streets. Between 30% and 40% of jail inmates also suffer a significant mental health condition. Less noticed are the families doing their best to care for a stricken relative. The COVID-19 crisis and the companion isolation and anxiety only exacerbate the condition of people already struggling with psychological problems.

Like other states, California once had a robust but deeply flawed system of mental hospitals that largely kept patients out of public view but too often failed to properly treat them. Forced treatment in warehouse-type institutions was phased out and was to be replaced by community-based outpatient or, when necessary, inpatient treatment.

But the community services never materialized to match the volume of need.

The LPS law, fully implemented in the 1970s, limited the states ability to institutionalize people and to treat them against their will.

Now the debate over mental health care too often breaks down along ideological lines over the question of which is paramount a persons liberty and self-determination, or that persons health and well-being. The results are often surprising. Conservatives might be expected to promote individual rights. If requiring a mask during a pandemic is an unwarranted intrusion on liberty, for example, how much more so is government-enforced psychiatric treatment? Yet many conservatives and other skeptics of government find themselves pressing for re-institutionalization. Liberals who might support masks and government-ordered business closures appear split on compelled mental health treatment.

Beyond ideology, California has a serious shortage of mental health services in any setting. LPS doesnt require the counties or the state to fix that problem. Some county mental health professionals want the act amended to compel them to provide care, because only then, they argue, will counties step up to avoid costly lawsuits.

And there is indeed a crisis, not addressed by LPS, of mentally ill people who are slowly deteriorating but dont recognize their condition (or dont care) and are not undergoing the kind of breakdown that the law deems fair game for a 5150 hold. But Californias priority should be providing people the services they need, not forcing them to use services that are inadequate to keep them out of the street-to-care-to-street cycle.

There will be no way to fix mental health care on the cheap. The need is profound, but its not so much the law standing in the way as it is the failure to live up to the promises of more than half a century ago to provide adequate mental health treatment where it is most effective.

Excerpt from:

Editorial: Improve mental health care before forcing it on people - Los Angeles Times

Aurora Health Care has shortage of coronavirus testing kits – WISN Milwaukee

Aurora Health Care has stopped testing patients for COVID-19 prior to certain medical procedures. The medical group said it's facing a shortage of tests. One patient reached out to WISN 12 News Investigates, saying he's concerned for his safety. Continuing Coverage: Coronavirus in Wisconsin"I have COPD. Ive got asthma. I've got heart disease," Alan Hensley said. That's why Hensley considered it important to get checked for COVID-19 prior to a procedure to test for colon cancer.But, as he told WISN 12 News Derrick Rose, he was surprised when his doctor at Aurora Saint Luke's told him they couldnt test him for coronavirus because "we dont have enough testing kits."That's when Hensley contacted WISN 12 News Investigates.Aurora confirmed the shortage, saying it's because their suppliers have redirected tests to other hot spots nationally.As a result, Aurora facilities around Milwaukee have stopped doing COVID-19 tests prior to certain procedures."That makes me even more scared of having the procedure done," Hensley said. "Is it safe for a patient to come in now, knowing they're not going to be getting that COVID-19 test?" WISN 12 News reporter Kent Wainscott asked the chief Aurora Medical Group officer."I'd say in the situations we've created, yes," Dr. Jeff Bahr said. Aurora said it will eliminate testing only for procedures believed to pose a lower risk of COVID-19 transmission and will increase other safety protocols.The testing shortage has also meant a change in location for the hospitals' community test sites, consolidating all of them into one location at Aurora Sinai in downtown Milwaukee. But it's the reduction of preprocedure testing that's raising concerns."Doesn't scaling back on testing increase the risk for patients and staff?" Wainscott asked. "It could if it were done inappropriately, but I don't believe that's the case here," Bahr said. But Hensley is not convinced."They can't test us because they don't have enough testing? That's not right. That's not fair," Hensley said. WISN 12 News also contacted both Froedtert Hospital and the Ascension Medical Group. Both said they have a sufficient supply of COVID-19 tests and are continuing to do testing prior to medical procedures at all of their facilities across the area.Sign up for coronavirus email alerts from WISNGet breaking news alerts with the WISN 12 app.Follow us: Facebook | Twitter | Instagram | YouTube

Aurora Health Care has stopped testing patients for COVID-19 prior to certain medical procedures. The medical group said it's facing a shortage of tests.

One patient reached out to WISN 12 News Investigates, saying he's concerned for his safety.

Continuing Coverage: Coronavirus in Wisconsin

"I have COPD. Ive got asthma. I've got heart disease," Alan Hensley said.

That's why Hensley considered it important to get checked for COVID-19 prior to a procedure to test for colon cancer.

But, as he told WISN 12 News Derrick Rose, he was surprised when his doctor at Aurora Saint Luke's told him they couldnt test him for coronavirus because "we dont have enough testing kits."

That's when Hensley contacted WISN 12 News Investigates.

Aurora confirmed the shortage, saying it's because their suppliers have redirected tests to other hot spots nationally.

As a result, Aurora facilities around Milwaukee have stopped doing COVID-19 tests prior to certain procedures.

"That makes me even more scared of having the procedure done," Hensley said.

"Is it safe for a patient to come in now, knowing they're not going to be getting that COVID-19 test?" WISN 12 News reporter Kent Wainscott asked the chief Aurora Medical Group officer.

"I'd say in the situations we've created, yes," Dr. Jeff Bahr said.

Aurora said it will eliminate testing only for procedures believed to pose a lower risk of COVID-19 transmission and will increase other safety protocols.

The testing shortage has also meant a change in location for the hospitals' community test sites, consolidating all of them into one location at Aurora Sinai in downtown Milwaukee.

But it's the reduction of preprocedure testing that's raising concerns.

"Doesn't scaling back on testing increase the risk for patients and staff?" Wainscott asked.

"It could if it were done inappropriately, but I don't believe that's the case here," Bahr said.

But Hensley is not convinced.

"They can't test us because they don't have enough testing? That's not right. That's not fair," Hensley said.

WISN 12 News also contacted both Froedtert Hospital and the Ascension Medical Group.

Both said they have a sufficient supply of COVID-19 tests and are continuing to do testing prior to medical procedures at all of their facilities across the area.

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Aurora Health Care has shortage of coronavirus testing kits - WISN Milwaukee

Scientists and artists collide to help health care workers cope with COVID-19 –

INDIANAPOLIS (WISH) Performance art can help medical professionals grapple with the coronavirus, researchers say.

In a report published by The Lancet, authors liken COVID-19 to tales of ancient Greek tragedies. These stories are fraught with betrayal, anger and fear feelings not unlike what front-line workers are feeling today.

The program is called Theater of War for Frontline Medical Providers and it is a product of Johns Hopkins Berman Institute of Bioethics and Johns Hopkins Program in Arts, Humanities and Health. It is designed to open a dialogue among health care workers to discuss the difficulties they have and will continue to experience during the outbreak.

We have found that presenting scenes from ancient tragedies about complex, ethical situations for frontline medical providers generates an open, non-threatening space in which health personnel can begin to process, interrogate, share and bear witness to experiences of loss, betrayal, grief and other forms of moral suffering during the COVID-19 pandemic, authors wrote in a news release.

Medical workers across the U.S. are struggling with mental health issues and are 30% more likely to experience clinical depression than non-medical workers, according to a recent study.Authors say coping interventions are critical.

What we learned suggests anyone who identifies as a healthcare professional whether its a physician or a support worker in a hospital is at risk for mental health problems that could be devastating if left untreated, said study author of the paper, Mental health challenges of U.S. healthcare professionals during COVID-19, Shevaun Neuper, Ph.D., in a statement.

The findings are alarming, Neupar said, and additional work is needed to understand the depth and complexity of the mental health issues these people are facing. Strategies must be implemented to help them cope, she urged.

The medium of theater invites participants to step back and interrogate the roles they are playing, founders of Theater of War for Frontline Medical Workers say. [They can] process and channel their emotions and experience solidarity of collective purpose and constructive action.

News 8s medical reporter, Dr. Mary Elizabeth Gillis, D.Ed., is a classically trained medical physiologist and biobehavioral research scientist. She has been a health, medical and science reporter for over five years. Her work has been featured in national media outlets.

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Scientists and artists collide to help health care workers cope with COVID-19 -

Political Corruption and Healthcare in Honduras – BORGEN – Borgen Project

TEGUCIGALPA, Honduras The state of healthcare in Honduras points to a larger story of political corruption within the country. The countrys public healthcare system suffers from poor management and a lack of resources, preventing those who rely on it from receiving proper care.

Healthcare in Honduras operates through both a private and public system. Honduras reserves the private system for the wealthy and those who have private insurers, an economic elite that represents roughly 10% of the population. The public system comprises of two institutions: the Ministry of Health and the Honduran Social Security Institute. The Ministry of Health is open to all, though only about half of the population uses it regularly. Meanwhile, the Honduran Social Security Institute only covers 40% of individuals who have employment, totaling around 18% of the population. Between these two healthcare systems, about 17% of the population does not have routine access to healthcare.

Honduras healthcare system has received poor management. The countrys health expenditure as of 2017 has a budget of about 7.86% of its GDP. This lack of funding has led to dwindling resources. According to a CDC report, Honduras has only 0.37 doctors per 1,000 people. Basic medical supplies and hospital beds are also sparse and patients are often on their own to find the medication they need.

The handling of healthcare in Honduras speaks to a larger story of political corruption that has long plagued the countrys government. The current president, Juan Orlando Hernndez, began his second term in 2017 following allegations of conducting a fraudulent election. People have since connected him to a drug trafficking scheme that his brother, Tony Hernndez, orchestrated. In 2014, President Hernndezs campaign funds from his 2013 election had ties to a massive corruption scandal that robbed more than $300 million from the Honduran Social Security Institute, a huge loss for the healthcare system that estimates determine led to 2,800 deaths.

Another corruption scandal came to head in 2015 when The National Anti-Corruption Council revealed: that 49 percent of the public health budget had been diverted to other purposes.

Political corruption and a lack of resources within the healthcare system leaves the people of Honduras to fend for themselves in order to get the care they need. For example, a Honduran immigrant told The Borgen Project that a lack of medical supplies meant that she had to pay for almost everything when her mother got sick, down to the cotton balls and alcohol swabs to administer vaccines. If she had extra supplies leftover, she gave it to the next person in need.

The government doesnt care about the people, she told The Borgen Project, adding that The president has a helicopter; he goes to Italy to see fashion shows It doesnt make sense. And how about the poor people? They dont have medication; they dont have food; they dont have houses.

When asked about the international aid that goes to Honduras government, she expressed her concern, telling The Borgen Project that the lack of financial oversight causes the money to easily go astray in the chain of corruption infiltrating the government. She said that the money never goes to the place it is supposed to go.

The current COVID-19 pandemic has further weakened the already fragile state of healthcare in Honduras. Hospitals have an overabundance of patients and are lacking ventilators. For people who live far from the cities hospitals, access to health care is almost impossible. A shortage of personal protective equipment, including masks, gloves and gowns, leave the doctors who are at the forefront of this pandemic particularly vulnerable.

Given the widespread corruption and lack of transparency, direct aid to the Honduran government can be difficult to monitor. Instead, the best way to help the people of Honduras is to give directly to grassroots organizations.

In 2018, Mdecins Sans Frontires (also known as Doctors Without Borders) conducted 11,000 outpatient consultations and 4,390 individual mental health consultations in Honduras. It also treated 300 people following incidents of sexual violence. In the fight against COVID-19, Mdecins Sans Frontires assembled a team to work with severe cases in an annex of Tegucigalpas National Autonomous University of Honduras.

Central American Medical Outreach is also taking steps to help Honduras. The organization provides on-the-ground care through programs focused on womens health, disabilities, surgery and general medical needs. It also annually ships six to eight 40 foot containers of donated clean and unexpired medical supplies to hospitals and clinics in Honduras. From March to April 2020, the organization served 13,156 patients and collected 1,347 boxes of donated medical supplies and personal protective equipment.

Such work is necessary in order to provide immediate aid to the people of Honduras, especially during the current COVID-19 emergency. However, the countrys broken healthcare system remains a looming threat. The Association for a More Just Society seeks to better Hondurass healthcare system by advocating for transparency, investigating institutions and reporting corruption. Tackling these issues is crucial: the future of healthcare in Honduras relies on an ability to rid the system of corruption, once and for all.

Jessica BlattPhoto: Flickr

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Political Corruption and Healthcare in Honduras - BORGEN - Borgen Project

Why the coronavirus is killing so many of Mexico’s healthcare workers – Reuters

MEXICO CITY (Reuters) - When the coronavirus epidemic began to intensify in Mexico at the end of March, Doctor Jose Garcia said his bosses at a public trauma hospital in Mexico City denied his request for masks, gloves and disinfectant.

Jose Armando Garcia and his wife Ana Cristina Sanchez, Mexican doctors who have been infected with COVID-19, speak during an interview with Reuters at their apartment, as the outbreak of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) continues in Naucalpan de Juarez, Mexico state, Mexico, May 15, 2020. REUTERS/Henry Romero

They argued such protective equipment was only necessary for those working directly with coronavirus patients, Garcia said. Unconvinced, he bought it himself.

The hospitals director disputes this, saying all staff received protective equipment. Either way, Garcia had already contracted the virus and infected his wife and one-year-old daughter.

Garcia is one of over 70,000 medical workers to catch the coronavirus in Mexico, where the pandemic death toll is now the third-highest worldwide, behind the United States and Brazil.

Government data indicates that healthcare workers risk of dying is four times higher than in the United States, and eight times higher than in Brazil.

The coronavirus has hit healthworkers all over the world, but its been especially bad in Mexico, said Alejandro Macias, an epidemiologist who spearheaded Mexicos response to the 2009 swine flu pandemic.

Staff have had to buy their own equipment, often in informal marketplaces and of substandard quality, Macias said.

The government has said there were shortcomings in equipment provision early on but says it has worked hard to protect workers and flown in vital equipment from China and the United States. It also accuses past administrations of letting the health service deteriorate.

Mexicos deputy health minister and coronavirus czar, Hugo Lopez-Gatell, said in July that many of the nurses and doctors who died of the virus had pre-existing medical conditions, and that some did not use protective gear in optimal fashion.

In Mexico, 19% of confirmed infections are of medical staff, almost three times the global average, according to figures from the International Council of Nurses and the Mexican National Association of Doctors and Nurses.

The plight of healthworkers is complicating efforts to contain the outbreak, which has killed close to 50,000 people in Mexico, battered the economy and cost millions of jobs.

Garcia, 48, said in an interview that he believes he was one of about a dozen medical staff indirectly infected by a patient who arrived at the Lomas Verdes hospital with coronavirus symptoms and later died.

Theyve been very irresponsible with us, he said, referring to his employer and its alleged failure to provide protective equipment.

The hospitals director, Gilberto Meza, said that 213 Lomas Verdes staff had contracted the virus. Citing an epidemiological study he said the hospital had conducted, he said that all were infected outside the facility.

He said all staff had received goggles, face shields and masks. He declined to say when they were provided.

Garcia and his family survived and he is now back at work. But the two weeks they had coronavirus symptoms were, he said, hell: headaches, fever, diarrhea and shortness of breath.

As of July 24, 72,980 Mexican medical staff had caught the coronavirus, and 978 died, government figures show.

In the United States, which has a population 2.5 times that of Mexico, 123,738 medical personnel have tested positive for coronavirus and 598 have died, according to the most recent Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) figures.

The health ministry of Brazil, which is about two-thirds more populous than Mexico, had reported 189 deaths of medical practitioners by end-July. Some private data in Brazil give higher figures, but still well below Mexico.

Over a dozen nurses and doctors interviewed by Reuters said they got the virus in part because they did not receive timely information or protective equipment.

Many have protested about having to reuse disposable gear and launched petitions for better kit.

In one public hospital in northern Mexico, medical workers told Reuters in April their managers told them not to wear protective masks to avoid unsettling patients.

Zoe Robledo, head of Mexicos main public health service, IMSS, said in April that it had suffered equipment shortages, as well as delays, oversights, and errors that needed correcting.

Mexicos spending on health as a share of gross domestic product (GDP) is one of the lowest in the 37-member Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD).

A recent study by the OECD put Mexicos health spending at 5.5% of GDP, compared to 9.1% in Chile and 7.3% in Colombia in 2019. In Brazil it was 9.4%, though the latest data available were from 2017.

Nurses often work in multiple hospitals to supplement wages of about 8,500 pesos ($377) per month, according to Mexico Citys government. Movement between hospitals heightens the contagion risk, said Oliva Lopez, the citys health minister.

Our health personnel combine multiple jobs and are exposed in multiple spaces, Lopez told Reuters, saying her ministry had gone to great lengths to get staff protective equipment, and blaming previous governments for pauperizing the profession.

More than 600 nurses had died by the end of June in some 30 countries surveyed by the Geneva-based International Council of Nurses. Mexico accounted for 160 of the deaths, or over a quarter.

Speaking on condition of anonymity, one nurse at a Mexico City public hospital said she felt abandoned by authorities.

But we cant say: Now I cant work, or dont want to, she said. This is what we trained for.

Reporting by Diego Ore; Additional reporting by Alberto Fajardo; Writing by Drazen Jorgic; Editing by Dave Graham, Christian Plumb and Rosalba O'Brien

See the original post here:

Why the coronavirus is killing so many of Mexico's healthcare workers - Reuters

MyMedicalShopper Adds Healthcare and Communications Industry Leader to Executive Team – The Laconia Daily Sun

PORTSMOUTH, N.H., Aug. 6, 2020 /PRNewswire/ -- Dr. Amnon Gavish, an entrepreneur, digital health executive, and thought leader with decades of experience in technology and strategy development, has joined MyMedicalShopper as Executive Vice President of Corporate Development and Strategy.

"Dr. Gavish brings years of expertise and knowledge to our team," said Mark Galvin, co-founder and CEO of MyMedicalShopper. "We're excited to have someone who can help us leverage our Big Data analytics and price transparency platform in a rapidly-evolving healthcare landscape."

Prior to joining MyMedicalShopper, Dr. Gavish held leadership roles with telehealth pioneers Vidyo, AmWell, and Tytocare, which are currently spearheading digital health efforts during the COVID-19 pandemic. Dr. Gavish also served on the board of the American Telemedicine Association and chaired their Industry Council.

"We bring a truly disruptive solution that can solve one of the fundamental problems with our economy: a broken healthcare system," Dr. Gavish said. "Digital health has always been about empowering the healthcare consumer, and leveraging price transparency in that space will be a game-changer. It's time to return medical care to the consumer, and I look forward working with the team and our partners to make that happen."

About MMS Analytics, Inc. ( Analytics, Inc. dba MyMedicalShopper delivers innovative technology, products, and services to eliminate wasteful spending from group health plans and provide meaningful savings to their participants. The company's mission, to fix the broken employer-sponsored healthcare marketplace, was founded on the following principles; alignment of financial incentives between employer and employee; radical medical price and medical quality transparency; empowered, engaged healthcare consumers; and the reduction of administrative overhead with employer group knowledge transfer and collaborative change management. With unprecedented access to the secretive prices negotiated between insurance networks and medical facilities, the company enables employers and their employees with the ability to navigate to care based on three universal consumer forces - price, quality, and convenience. Leveraging big data, machine learning, deep analytics, and intuitive user experiences, MyMedicalShopper equips group health plans with the tools and education necessary to develop knowledgeable healthcare consumers. These informed participants can now recapture a meaningful portion of the 41% average over-spend experienced by employer groups as a result of wasted healthcare dollars on ineffective providers of medical tests and procedures.

See more here:

MyMedicalShopper Adds Healthcare and Communications Industry Leader to Executive Team - The Laconia Daily Sun

Southwestern Vermont Health Care wins two regional marketing awards – Vermont Biz

Vermont Business Magazine The Southwestern Vermont Health Care (SVHC) Marketing and Communications Department has received two prestigious regional healthcare communications awards from the New England Society for Healthcare Communications for work produced during 2019.

SVHC earned a Silver Lamplighter Award for its SVMC Orthopedics Restoring Active Lifestyles Campaign and the distinction of Excellence for the Memorable Moments for Colon Cancer Screening Awareness Campaign.

Each of the entries consisted of many parts, including outreach events, advertisements, mailers, social media posts, and e-mail communications.

The 2020 competition totaled 285 entries in each of more than 20 healthcare marketing and public relations categories from hospitals in all six New England States, including large academic medical centers and those in metropolitan areas. They are judged by a panel of healthcare marketing experts.


Southwestern Vermont Health Care (SVHC) is a comprehensive, preeminent, health care system providing exceptional, convenient, and affordable care to the communities of Bennington and Windham Counties of Vermont, eastern Rensselaer and Washington Counties of New York, and northern Berkshire County in Massachusetts. SVHC includes Southwestern Vermont Medical Center (SVMC), Southwestern Vermont Regional Cancer Center, the Centers for Living and Rehabilitation, and the SVHC Foundation. SVMC includes 25 primary and specialty care practices. For more information, visit

Source: BENNINGTON, VTAugust 6, 2020The Southwestern Vermont Health Care 8.6.2020

Here is the original post:

Southwestern Vermont Health Care wins two regional marketing awards - Vermont Biz

NASCAR haulers salute to health care workers – WLNS

Posted: Aug 6, 2020 / 05:36 PM EDT / Updated: Aug 6, 2020 / 05:36 PM EDT

A fleet of fast cars, and big trucks drove down Michigan avenue in Jackson today. It was all done by Nascar, and the Michigan International Speedway to honor the health care workers fighting on the front lines at Henry Ford Allegiance Health.

The President of Michigan International Speedway says, they wanted to say thank you in their own unique way.

Just appreciation really. I mean at the end of the day this thing effects everybody differently, and is effecting all of us in one way or another, so just to have an opportunity to create something thats a little different, that didnt happen yesterday, and wont happen tomorrow, and say thank you, said President of Michigan International Speedway, Rick Brenner.

The hospital says, the past few months have been a challenge as they shifted gears like never before, but to see that the community has their back is extra special.

Having this parade means a ton, and we are deeply grateful. The staff really does appreciate being recognized. They work tirelessly taking care of patients, and any support they get is greatly appreciated, said Chief Medical Officer at Henry Ford Allegiance Health, Mark Smith.

Its that support that the hospital workers say keeps them going as they ramp up again to fight Covid-19.

They know that is means something. They are helping patients, and using this support getting a free lunch that means a ton to those workers, said Smith.

Michigan Speedway says, they hope that next year these health care workers can celebrate their hard work in person at next years races.

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NASCAR haulers salute to health care workers - WLNS

Stanford Health Care introduces new, less invasive treatment for benign thyroid nodules – Stanford Medical Center Report

This new treatment is a very good option for people, like Sarah, who have these hormone-secreting nodules called toxic nodules, Noel said. It can also prevent cosmetic problems or possible future discomfort.

OBrien said she suffered with symptoms of irritability, hot flashes and anxiety for about a year after the car crash before she finally realized the nodules in her neck were causing these symptoms.

Im usually a bubbly, happy person, she said. But the irritability started to interfere with my marriage and my patience with my two kids. And I was hot, hot, hot. To the point where I wanted to scream. So I started going to see doctors.

They told me they needed to take my thyroid out, she said. But I was scared to take out something that should be there.

For years she prayed for healing, then, last year, she joined a support group on Facebook for people with benign thyroid nodules where she learned about a new procedure called radio-frequency ablation.

The procedure, which was led by surgeonLisa Orloff, MD, professor of otolaryngology, with Noel assisting, took less than an hour. There was no overnight stay in the hospital, and she went home to recover that same day.

I was awake for the whole procedure, she said. There was some pressure, but not really any pain.

OBrien had two toxic nodules treated out of a total of five benign tumors on her thyroid. The first was fully ablated, and the second reduced in size. Immediately, the size of the goiter on her neck was significantly smaller, she said. Further gradual shrinkage can be expected for up to 12 months from the time of the surgery.

I could see that notch in my neck, she said, referring to her Adams apple. I had kind of missed it.

The other changes came a bit more slowly over the early weeks as she began to heal, she said. First, the hot flashes began to lessen in both intensity and frequency. She found herself wearing blankets at night for the first time in years, even putting on a sweater when she went out for a walk. Also, the overproduction of hormones has begun to level out.

There are no more hot flashes, she said. Im still struggling with up and down mood swings, but Im going on walks every night with my kids, pulling them in a wagon that my aunt bought them. Im a new mom.

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Stanford Health Care introduces new, less invasive treatment for benign thyroid nodules - Stanford Medical Center Report

Why Now Is The Time to Reimagine Healthcare Through Technology – HIT Consultant

Jeff Fallon, CEO, eVideon

It wasnt that long ago that people went to the bank on a Friday to cash their paper paychecks. Maybe theyd put some in checking and take some out in cash. Theyd go to the grocery store over the weekend and maybe write one of those checks. Everyone always had to have a pen with them.

It wasnt that long ago that people would call the ticket agent and discuss flight options for vacation. Theyd send a paper ticket in the mail. When it was time to go, people would carry that ticket with them through the airport and onto the plane. (Of course, people could also keep their shoes on and could bring as much shampoo as their heart desired).

It wasnt that long ago that if someone needed surgery, theyd have to call to schedule it. The hospital would call again the day before to tell them what time to come. People would travel there, fill out a bunch of paperwork, and be wheeled around to several different areas and talk to several different people. Eventually, theyd wake up post-surgery in a hallway with a bunch of other people and hopefully a family member. Theyd wheel the person to their room where theyd have a small TV for entertainment, a dry erase board with some names on it and maybe the room number, and a stack of papers on the bedside table cafeteria menus, instructions, important phone numbers and the like.

Oh wait that time is now.

Better, more convenient systems are a no brainer for industries like banking and travel, but the hospital experience is still rife with paper handouts, basic cable packages, and manual dry erase boards with markers that dont work half the time. Patients shouldnt settle for that, and in this era when COVID-19 has led healthcare to embrace lots of other conveniences (like telehealth for remote doctors appointments), they wont settle for it anymore.

Imagine a new kind of hospital room. While nobody should take a patients TV away, theres so much more that can be done with patient TV. Most people have smart TVs in their homes that serve as a complete hub for their entertainment. Add a smartphone to the mix, and people can do nearly anything from their couch. A hospital bed should be no different.

Since EMRs became mandatory years ago, hospitals have relied on them as the source of truth for patient records and information. But EMRs paired with additional technology can do so much more. Now, hospitals can pull information from the EMR to personalize the patient experience. Imagine a hospital room TV greeting you by name with soothing music and welcoming imagery. Imagine the pillow speaker handset transforming into a smart TV remote where you can peruse movies on demand, live TV, or Netflix. Take it a step further imagine that TV can talk to your EMR, so you can watch educational content just for you based on your condition, so you can learn about your care, treatment, and how to recover when you go home.

Imagine adding more systems. Integrate dietary systems (in concert with the EMR) to let patients order their meals without sifting through paper and dialing phone numbers as they do at home when theyre using DoorDash. Imagine letting patients dim the lights, request a blanket, or turn the thermostat up if theyre cold, without climbing out of bed and risking a fall. Imagine letting patients use their phones to input important information for the care team to know, or to video chat with a visitor, even during a pandemic when in-person visits arent allowed even if the person on the other end doesnt have a Zoom account or an iPhone for FaceTime.

Imagine never seeing a dry erase board in a patient room again. Instead, a digital display automatically updates with all the patients latest information, based on whats in the EMR.

Imagine up-to-the-minute precautions displayed instantly and digitally outside each patients room so care teams know what PPE they need before they go in.

Technology exists to do all these things. The early adopters are already seeing increased patient satisfaction scores that seem to consistently climb. Beyond that, especially now when nurse retention and preventing care team burnout are paramount, these technologies alleviate the burden on them. Streamlining, digitizing, and virtualizing all aspects of care and a patients time in the hospital benefits staff, too. When nurses dont have to search all over to find markers that work or run back and forth to the printer to get pages of hand-outs for patients, they can spend more quality face time with patients and operate at top of license.

When patient education is delivered in the right way, at the right time to the bedside, youre not just saving printer paper youre giving patients the tools to succeed at home and avoid costly readmissions. Its time to reimagine healthcare, and theres no better time than now when the window to adopt new technology is wide open.

About Jeff Fallon

Jeff Fallon brings over 30 years of experience in healthcare technology, medical devices, pharmaceuticals, and diagnostics to eVideon as their Chief Executive Officer. Prior to joining eVideon, he helped distinguished organizations such as Johnson & Johnson and patient experience technology companies forge innovative strategic relationships and strategies.

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Why Now Is The Time to Reimagine Healthcare Through Technology - HIT Consultant

Wayne employee receives national healthcare honor – The Daily Advocate

GREENVILLE Local girl makes good, is certainly an accurate description of Kim Freemans professional journey. Now, she has another distinction to add to her already impressive list of accomplishments.

For the past nine years, Kim has served as Vice President of Patient Care Services and Chief Nursing Officer at Wayne HealthCare. In addition to ensuring that the patient experience remains a top priority at Wayne, shes also responsible for providing operational and strategic direction to the hospitals clinical departments.

Recently, Kim, a lifelong resident of Arcanum, earned the distinction of becoming a Fellow of the American College of Healthcare Executives (FACHE), which is the nations leading professional society of healthcare leaders. The designation represents achievement and professional development of the highest standard, and only a few thousand healthcare executives have earned the FACHE certification.

Kim is a tremendous asset to Wayne HealthCare and our community, said Wayne Deschambeau, President and CEO of Wayne HealthCare. Kim joined Wayne HealthCare in 2001 as an RN and progressed rapidly to roles of increasing responsibility. In 2008, she was promoted to Director of Nursing before being named to the positions she holds today.

Achieving FACHE credentialing isnt easy and can be a long, slow process. Youve got to work very hard, fulfill multiple requirements and then pass a rigorous and comprehensive examination before earning a FACHE certification. But, Kim stayed the course, and her dedication demonstrates her commitment to providing high-quality care to our patients and the communities we serve, added Deschambeau.

Kim is quick to point out that she wouldnt be where she is today if it werent for the numerous individuals who mentored her, believed in her, and helped prepare her for her current responsibilities. Chief among those who she credits with helping her is Sharon Wright. Wright is now retired, but she was Kims advisor when Kim signed up to volunteer as a candy striper at Wayne HealthCare 25 years ago.

You could say thats when my career in healthcare began, said Kim. Sharon lit a fire in me and encouraged me and the other candy stripers to continue our education and come back to the hospital as healthcare professionals and serve our community. That struck a chord with me and all these years later, thats exactly what Im doing. So, thank you, Sharon, for believing in me and getting me started on my professional journey.

Despite her extremely busy schedule, Kim sets aside time to mentor others, including some of her colleagues at Wayne HealthCare. She hopes that she and others like her will serve as inspiration to other girls and boys who, like she once did, dream of one day becoming doctors, nurses or other healthcare professionals.

What advice would I give young people? Believe in yourself, work hard, find a mentor, and remember determination and perseverance will help you withstand whatever storms come your way, added Kim. Apart from that, I want to challenge them that when they graduate and are considering where to live and work to remember Darke County and Wayne HealthCare because there are a lot of tremendous opportunities right here in our community!

Kim lives in Arcanum with her husband, Brad, and their three children.

Located in Greenville, Ohio, Wayne HealthCare is a nationally-ranked and recognized not-for-profit acute care hospital that provides inpatient and outpatient services to individuals from birth to geriatrics. In 2020, the hospital received a five-star quality rating, the highest ranking any hospital can receive, from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, and it received an A grade for patient safety by the Leapfrog Group. For more information, please visit our website at

Recently, Kim Freeman earned the distinction of becoming a Fellow of the American College of Healthcare Executives (FACHE), which is the nations top professional society of healthcare leaders.

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Wayne employee receives national healthcare honor - The Daily Advocate

Health care execs have made millions during COVID, more scrutiny needed: Critics – ABC News

Lawmakers and legal experts are calling on the Security and Exchange Commission to investigate the trading activity of a number of health care executives, some of whom have already made millions of dollars in stock trades during the period that their companies were working as part of a mad dash for coronavirus cures and treatments.

"I think the SEC needs to be on full alert at this moment," said Sen. Chris Van Hollen, a Maryland Democrat, in an interview with ABC News. "It's important as we move quickly to develop a vaccine we make sure the public's interests are protected. That's their job. They're supposed to be the watchdog for the public interest here."

There have been indications the SEC is stepping up examination of potential insider trading in connection with the stock of a number of health care companies that have been engaged in the race for COVID-19 treatments -- many of whom have received lucrative government contracts to help address the public health crisis.

Earlier this week, the Wall Street Journal reported that the SEC had launched a probe into Eastman Kodak's handling of a $765 million loan agreement with the federal government to develop drugs in its domestic factories. The newspaper cited sources familiar with the matter. The SEC declined to comment when reached by ABC News, and a Kodak spokesman said the iconic photography company has "not been contacted yet by the SEC." The spokesman said he could not confirm whether there was an investigation underway, but said that "the company intends to fully cooperate with any potential inquiries."

And on Wednesday, the Democrat-led House Financial Services Committee announced an investigation into the Kodak loan, requesting documents pertaining to negotiations from the government agency that brokered the deal. In a press release announcing the probe, committee members characterized Kodak as "a company with little experience producing prescription drugs or their components."

Jacob Frenkel, a former senior counsel in the SEC's division of enforcement who now works in private practice representing corporate clients, including on SEC issues, told ABC News any public company mentioning coronavirus and the word "solution" in the same phrase -- when timed with a spike in its stock -- "is likely to trigger a SEC enforcement investigation into possible insider trading and stock manipulation."

A sign marks the headquarters of Moderna, an American biotechnology company that is developing a vaccine against COVID-19, in Cambridge, Massachusetts, on May 18, 2020.

A sign marks the headquarters of Moderna, an American biotechnology company that is developing a vaccine against COVID-19, in Cambridge, Massachusetts, on May 18, 2020.

"They recognize that any mention of a COVID-19 solution is a potential market moving statement," Frenkel said.

Frenkel has been tracking the SEC's activity in policing companies trumpeting products or treatments related to coronavirus and said it's been unprecedented. He said the agency has used civil enforcement authority dozens of times to suspend trading in securities of companies making suspect or questionable disclosures about vaccines, protective devices, testing, mitigation and technology.

He said regulators are following a simple formula: "COVID + announcement + trading + price spike = SEC investigation."

Moderna Therapeutics, the drug company that has become a domestic leading contender in the race for a vaccine, has also attracted unwanted attention for its executive trading. The company's stock shares rose as much as 21% in April after the company announced a deal with the federal government that would pay as much as $483 million for the development of a vaccine.

Executive trading activity ahead of Moderna announcements about the promise of its vaccine candidate drew scrutiny, even as the company explained that its executives who had traded had followed SEC guidelines by filing documents laying out a schedule of stock sales in advance -- to avoid any potential suspicion that they were trading based on inside information.

Van Hollen, a member of the Senate Banking Committee, said that long before the pandemic, he harbored concerns that executives had found ways around the safeguards -- for instance, the risk someone could file a schedule of pre-arranged stock sales with the SEC, and then time market-moving public announcements to push up the stock price just ahead of a sale. Van Hollen has legislation pending that he says would add safeguards to make sure the advanced filings delivered the kind of protection that was always intended.

"The government is doing the right thing to develop a vaccine as soon as possible and the amount of money flowing into this is appropriate. These are important investments," Van Hollen said. "But whenever you see that kind of money flowing rapidly into something like a vaccine, it's important to prevent fraud."

On Monday, Moderna held an investor call in which it sought to emphasize the public service of its vaccine work, as opposed to the potential financial gain, but also noted that the firm had "received approximately $400 million of customer deposits for potential supply" of its vaccine.

"We have a responsibility to do everything we can to develop a safe and effective vaccine. We have invested in manufacturing at risk ahead of approval to ensure supply if our COVID-19 vaccine candidate is approved," said Moderna CEO Stephane Bancel. "We are working with governments around the world, and overseas to ensure the vaccine is accessible regardless of ability to pay. And it will be responsible on price, well below value during the pandemic."

In a statement to ABC News, Moderna explained that its executive stock sales are regulated by a program that "tends to execute either on the basis of an advance schedule of regular timed sales" as part of an effort to avoid insider trading.

Reports of a possible SEC probe involving Kodak surfaced Tuesday, one day after Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., penned a letter to SEC Chairman Jay Clayton calling for an investigation into "potential incidents of insider trading prior to the July 28, 2020, public announcement" of the loan to Kodak.

"There were several instances of unusual trading activity prior to the announcement of this deal, raising questions about whether one or more individuals may have engaged in insider trading or in the unauthorized disclosure of material, nonpublic information regarding the forthcoming loan awarded under the Defense Production Act," Warren wrote.

"This is just the latest example of unusual trading activity involving a major Trump administration decision," she added.

Indeed, trading volume in Kodak stock rose sharply the day before the government announced its massive loan to the company. The investigation reportedly includes scrutiny of the pre-announcement stock activity, according to the Wall Street Journal.

The newspaper reported last week that Kodak's communications team mistakenly omitted an embargo on an advanced press release about the loan agreement to a local reporter, who then tweeted about the prospective deal. The external Kodak spokesperson told ABC News, "the company's internal communications team did not intend for the news to be published by the outlet in question."

Kevin Simpson, the founder of a Florida investment advisory firm, Capital Wealth Planning, LLC, said there is not a more important time for the SEC to be policing corporate executives than during this type of national crisis.

"Whenever there is a crisis, there is an opportunity for people to take advantage," Simpson said. "When you see these types of activities, it raises the question, are we really dealing with a fair and level playing field?"

See the article here:

Health care execs have made millions during COVID, more scrutiny needed: Critics - ABC News

Over 25 million Americans at risk of losing health care as coronavirus pandemic rages: "It’s been real hard for me" – CBS News

An estimated 5.4 million American workers lost their health insurance from February through May, one study finds. Nonprofit Kaiser Family Foundation estimates that about 27 million in total are at risk of losing coverage during the coronavirus pandemic, and could be left struggling with COVID-19 or other illnesses along with a lack of income that can make paying medical bills nearly impossible.

"We're seeing an unprecedented loss in jobs, and what's going to come along with that, is unfortunately the loss of health insurance as well," Kaiser Executive Vice President Larry Levitt told CBS News' Michelle Miller.

He said the loss of health insurance is "particularly risky" during a pandemic, when people are at a heightened risk of "getting infected and potentially severely ill."

"People who don't have health insurance hesitate to seek medical attention, worrying about the big medical bills they may face," Levitt said.

Those losses mean Americans with preexisting conditions, like Georgia resident Rodney Watts, are left without coverage or work when they need it the most.

"I'm a type-two diabetic, you know, and it's been real hard for me," Watts said. "Some days you want to go to the doctor and see what else is wrong with you, but you can't."

Watts was working as an overnight supervisor at Atlanta's Hartsfield-Jackson International Airport. When the pandemic hit, he lost his job and his health insurance along with it.

"It was bad, it was real bad," he said.

Watts' insulin costs him roughly $400, which he has been paying for with the $600 federal weekly jobless benefit that recently expired without a contingency plan in place. Congress is still deadlocked over an extension.

"It's been a struggle," Watts said. "We've been managing, but you know, when that 600 goes away, I don't know."

The Kaiser Family Foundation estimates that four out of five Americans who, like Watts, lost their employer health insurance, are eligible for help through the Affordable Care Act or Medicaid, but many do not know about it.

Larry Levitt said he was concerned that the lack of health insurance could have a negative impact on the fight against the coronavirus as well.

"We need people who have symptoms, who feel they may be sick, to get into care and get tested so they can avoid infecting others," he said.

In Rodney Watts' case, the loss of one job and one person's health benefits puts an entire family at risk.

"When this interview is over, I'm not going to sit around. I got to go find work, I got to get my health coverage," Watts said. "Because I got a lot of people depends on me. I got a wife, I got grandkids. I got kids. I got a lot of people and I can't fail them. I can't fail them."

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Over 25 million Americans at risk of losing health care as coronavirus pandemic rages: "It's been real hard for me" - CBS News

New study ranks Minnesota No. 2 in the nation for health care – KIMT 3

ROCHESTER, Minn. - A new study is ranking Minnesota as one of the top spots in the nation for health care.

Wallethub has ranked Minnesota #2 in the nation for health care in 2020.

Factors where the state ranked highly include the lowest average monthly insurance premiums, lowest stroke and heart disease rates and highest physician medicare-acceptance rate.

Olmsted County Public Health says as healthcare systems have faced the COVID-19 pandemic this years collaborative efforts within our community that provide affordable, quality health care have taken center stage.

Director Graham Briggs said, "It's really given us an example to demonstrate how this collaborative effort can really impact health outcomes and, in this case, prevent more serious situations from arising that we're unfortunately seeing in other places in the nation associated with COVID."

The state that beat out Minnesota for the top spot is MassachusettsIf you want to view the full study click here.

Originally posted here:

New study ranks Minnesota No. 2 in the nation for health care - KIMT 3

FDA Guidance for Health Care Professionals When Prescribing Treatment for Opioid Use Disorder – Pharmacy Times

FDA Guidance for Health Care Professionals When Prescribing Treatment for Opioid Use Disorder

In the statement, the FDA noted that it is important for health care professionals to routinely discuss the availability of naloxone with all patients when prescribing or renewing an opioid analgesic or medicine to treat OUD. Additionally, it may also be important to consider prescribing naloxone to patients who have been prescribed medicine to treat OUD previously or patients who may be at an increased risk of opioid overdose.

Although patients already receiving medicines to treat OUD may have a lower risk of opioid overdose than those not receiving such treatment, there remains the risk of relapse, which has the potential of resulting in an overdose.

Additionally, the FDA explained that prescribing naloxone may also be necessary if a patient lives with anyone who is at risk of accidental ingestion or overdose, which includes children and other close contacts.

Patients and caregivers may also need to receive education on how to recognize a potential overdose and how to subsequently administer naloxone successfully in such cases. Some states provide this information online via training videos that describe the signs of overdose and the appropriate administration of naloxone.

However, it may still be necessary to provide patients with general information in order to ensure they understand the signs and symptoms of an overdose, as well as the appropriate steps to take when administering naloxone, according to the FDA.

States also provide specific guidelines regarding the dispensing and prescribing requirements for naloxone, making it helpful for health care professionals to consult their individual states information for further guidance regarding whether patients in fact need a prescription to obtain naloxone.

The FDA made note that under all circumstances, it is important to let a patient know that if they believe an overdose is occurring, it is necessary to call 911 or get emergency medical support immediately, even if naloxone is administered. Naloxones effects are temporary, meaning that the individual it was administered to may still need medical support following its administration.

Upon the prescription of naloxone, the FDA recommends that health care professionals let patients know to inform all family and friends that they have naloxone, where it is stored, and how to properly use it in the event of an overdose. Additionally, its important to keep it in a place that is easily accessible to family and friends.

It is also helpful to encourage patients and caregivers to read the educational materials and instructions for use that come with naloxone before an opioid emergency happens so that they are aware.

With an estimated 1.7 million Americans experiencing a substance use disorder involving prescription pain relievers in 2018, all patients being prescribed opioids for use in the outpatient setting would benefit from a conversation with their health care professional about the availability of naloxone.

REFERENCEFederal Drug Administration. FDA recommends health care professionals discuss naloxone with all patients when prescribing opioid pain relievers or medicines to treat opioid use disorder. FDA PDF. Published July 23, 2020. Accessed August 4, 2020.

See original here:

FDA Guidance for Health Care Professionals When Prescribing Treatment for Opioid Use Disorder - Pharmacy Times

Florida, Kentucky, and Tennessee Healthcare Facilities Stepping Up Commitment to Control Coronavirus Spread and Reduce Healthcare-Associated…

Hospitals, Nursing Homes, and Nursing/Rehabilitation facilities throughout the Southeast are stepping up their commitment to decrease the spread of Human Coronavirus and other deadly pathogens by incorporating the multi- patented PathO3Gen Solutions UVZone shoe sanitizing stations. AdventHealth, Clear Choice Health Care, Norton Healthcare, Agape Nursing & Rehabilitation Center, Cornerstone Village, Christian Care Centers of Memphis, Christian Care Center of Kuttawa, and Sweetwater Nursing and Rehabilitation have implemented the cutting-edge technology in their fight to control coronavirus spread and reduce Healthcare-Associated Infections (HAIs).

About UVZone

AdventHealthConnerton (FL) has incorporated eight (8) shoe sanitizing stations and is seeing dramatically reduced infection rates. AdventHealth Connerton VP and COO Debi Martoccio explains the benefits they have seen:"We have updated our HAI rate graphs andthe reduction that we've seen since Feb 2019 (PathO3Gen Solutions UVZone shoe disinfection technology implementation date) is 53% through March 2020.We have always had a lower than expected HAI rate at our facility. However, since the inception of the PathO3Gen Solutions UVZone shoe disinfection technology and other infection control measures, we have reduced our HAI rate by 53%."

Clear Choice Health Care, LLC(Melbourne, FL) was the first in Florida to create a COVID-ONLY facility, Dolphin Pointe Health Center, a first of its kind transitional facility in Jacksonville, FL. Clear Choice manages eleven (11) Skilled Nursing and Assisted Living facilities in Florida, all of which have implemented the UVZone shoe sanitizing stations. Geoff Fraser, Partner, Clear Choice Health Care, LLCsays,"We at Clear Choice Health Care believe so strongly in the PathO3Gen Solutions Ozone+UVC disinfection technology that I recommended all eleven (11) of the facilities we manage implement the UVZone to ensure that each facility was doing all they could to provide a visible sign of safety and maintain cleaner environments. Being the first in Florida to create an All-Covid facility (Dolphin Pointe Health Care), I was excited to find this new technology to help stop the spread of pathogens, including coronavirus."

Louisville-based Be U.V. Well, LLC, a distributor of the PathO3Gen UVZone shoe sanitizing station, supplied units to the Tennessee and Kentucky region. Vice President, Ed Marcellino says, "Be U.V. Well prides ourselves on representing new and innovative technology. Bringing PathO3Gen Solutions UVZone shoe sanitizing stations to the Southeast region, when and where we are really needing it, is very satisfying for me. Prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, our company was convinced the UVZone has applications in healthcare but also food, manufacturing, hospitality, and nursing homes. The plug and play installation is a great feature, allowing facilities to easily put these units anywhere they are needed."

Ten (10) additionalfacilities including Agape Nursing & Rehabilitation Center (Tennessee), Cornerstone Village (Tennessee), Christian Care Centers of Memphis (Tennessee), Christian Care Center of Kuttawa (Kentucky), and Sweetwater Nursing and Rehabilitation (Tennessee) have acquired the UVZone shoe sanitizing stations."It's been great to be able to show the community our commitment to safety by incorporating the PathO3Gen Solutions UVZone Shoe Sanitizing Station.It's so simple to use and takes only a few seconds to increase our safety protocols." -- Bartlee Norton, Administrator, Sweetwater Nursing and Rehabilitation Center, Sweetwater, TN.

Norton Healthcare (Louisville, KY) installed twenty-five (25) UVZone shoe sanitizing stations at six (6) locations throughout Louisville as part of their ongoing effort to increase safety protocols. Norton Healthcare has started using the UVZone shoe sanitizers at entryways because soles carry pathogens that could spread throughout the hospital. These sanitizers deliver a dose of ozone and higher-frequency ultraviolet light to kill 99.999% of infection-causing germs in seconds."I would feel comfortable having a member of my family as a patient at Norton Healthcare due in large part to the increased awareness of cleanliness practices,"said Justin Thornsberry, R.N., director of quality and clinical effectiveness for Norton Audubon Hospital."We use all available technology to keep the environment safer for patients and employees."

From Scott Beal, COO, PathO3Gen Solutions:"The goal of PathO3GenSolutions is to prevent infections and save lives by creating cleaner and safer environments. There is nothing more rewarding for us than seeing our UVZone shoe disinfection technology on the ground, when and where it really matters the most."

About UVZoneThe UVZone shoe disinfection technology is the first and only UL Certified, proactive disinfection equipment using an exclusive and multi-patented combination of Ozone (O3) + UVC. The patented technology is proven to be 110x more effective against deadly pathogens, and over 24x more effective at eliminating Human Coronavirus, than UVC alone. It eliminates up to 99.999% of the deadliest pathogens, including bacteria and fungi,and leaves zero (0) Human Coronavirus residue on footwear. The UVZone shoe sanitizing station is easy to use with any footwear or shoe cover and plugs into a standard outlet.

About PathO3Gen SolutionsPathO3Gen Solutions sole mission is to prevent infections and save lives by creating cleaner and safer environments. The privately held Florida-based company holds multiple patents on their technology and equipment. The UVZone shoe sanitizing station is UL Certified and manufactured by an IS0 9001 facility in the U.S.A.

SOURCE PathO3Gen Solutions


Continued here:

Florida, Kentucky, and Tennessee Healthcare Facilities Stepping Up Commitment to Control Coronavirus Spread and Reduce Healthcare-Associated...

Health officials discuss the spread of COVID-19 in long term health care centers and the possible spread of the virus within schools – YourErie

Health officials are discussing the spread of COVID-19 in long term health care centers and the possible spread of the virus within schools.

Erie County Executive Kathy Dahlkemper released her remarks as she discussed the situation with Twinbrook Nursing Home in Lawrence Park.

Dahlkemper also discussed this issue with other nursing homes as well.

Dahlkemper claims that the virus is coming from the outside of these homes.

According to Dahlkemper, the COVID-19 virus is coming into these facilities from the outside, when speaking about longer term care centers.

The county executive specifically said that the workers who are around other people are the ones who are bringing the virus into these centers.

Dahlkemper added that people may also not be following guidelines such as the workers themselves, their family members or the general public with whom they interact with.

It came to our attention having a conversation with Twinbrook that it was an asymptomatic worker who had been tested and tested negative and was now asymptomatic and thats how it started spreading. These are the problems with people not following the guidelines and I mean all of us, said Dahlkemper.

As area schools and universities return to in-person learning, there comes the likely hood of COVID-19 cases increasing as well.

The county executive believes that school districts are doing their best to decrease the risk of any potential spread.

Dahlkemper said that there are both pros and cons to not opening up schools for in-person instruction.

Schools have to decide what is best and look at the risk factor for their community.

Melissa Lyon, the director of the Erie County Department of Health, said that they have asked schools to look at the risk factor for their community.

Lyon said that if schools cannot meet a level of safety then they should take it into consideration when moving forward.

We asked them to create an abbreviated risk assessment so they understand the risk of deviating from that guidance and mitigate any issue that may come out of that deviation, helping them to think through any problems and how they would prepare for that, said Lyon.

Lyon added that if there were to be a spike in cases from the schools, the Department of Education and the Department of Health would need to make that call.

As of now, the Department of Education and the Department of Health have set a plan if that were to happen.

You can watch the full news conference by watching the video below.

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Health officials discuss the spread of COVID-19 in long term health care centers and the possible spread of the virus within schools - YourErie

COVID-19 long-term toll signals billions in healthcare costs ahead – Reuters

NEW YORK (Reuters) - Late in March, Laura Gross, 72, was recovering from gall bladder surgery in her Fort Lee, New Jersey, home when she became sick again.

FILE PHOTO: Laura Gross looks out from her balcony in Fort Lee, New Jersey, U.S., July 31, 2020. Picture taken July 31, 2020. REUTERS/Brendan McDermid

Her throat, head and eyes hurt, her muscles and joints ached and she felt like she was in a fog. Her diagnosis was COVID-19. Four months later, these symptoms remain.

Gross sees a primary care doctor and specialists including a cardiologist, pulmonologist, endocrinologist, neurologist, and gastroenterologist.

Ive had a headache since April. Ive never stopped running a low-grade temperature, she said.

Studies of COVID-19 patients keep uncovering new complications associated with the disease.

With mounting evidence that some COVID-19 survivors face months, or possibly years, of debilitating complications, healthcare experts are beginning to study possible long-term costs.

Bruce Lee of the City University of New York (CUNY) Public School of Health estimated that if 20% of the U.S. population contracts the virus, the one-year post-hospitalization costs would be at least $50 billion, before factoring in longer-term care for lingering health problems. Without a vaccine, if 80% of the population became infected, that cost would balloon to $204 billion.

Some countries hit hard by the new coronavirus - including the United States, Britain and Italy - are considering whether these long-term effects can be considered a post-COVID syndrome, according to Reuters interviews with about a dozen doctors and health economists.

Some U.S. and Italian hospitals have created centers devoted to the care of these patients and are standardizing follow-up measures.

Britains Department of Health and the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention are each leading national studies of COVID-19s long-term impacts. An international panel of doctors will suggest standards for mid- and long-term care of recovered patients to the World Health Organization (WHO) in August.

More than 17 million people have been infected by the new coronavirus worldwide, about a quarter of them in the United States.

Healthcare experts say it will be years before the costs for those who have recovered can be fully calculated, not unlike the slow recognition of HIV, or the health impacts to first responders of the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks on the World Trade Center in New York.

They stem from COVID-19s toll on multiple organs, including heart, lung and kidney damage that will likely require costly care, such as regular scans and ultrasounds, as well as neurological deficits that are not yet fully understood.

A JAMA Cardiology study found that in one group of COVID-19 patients in Germany aged 45 to 53, more than 75% suffered from heart inflammation, raising the possibility of future heart failure.

A Kidney International study found that over a third of COVID-19 patients in a New York medical system developed acute kidney injury, and nearly 15% required dialysis.

Dr. Marco Rizzi in Bergamo, Italy, an early epicenter of the pandemic, said the Giovanni XXIII Hospital has seen close to 600 COVID-19 patients for follow-up. About 30% have lung issues, 10% have neurological problems, 10% have heart issues and about 9% have lingering motor skill problems. He co-chairs the WHO panel that will recommend long-term follow-up for patients.

On a global level, nobody knows how many will still need checks and treatment in three months, six months, a year, Rizzi said, adding that even those with mild COVID-19 may have consequences in the future.

Milans San Raffaele Hospital has seen more than 1,000 COVID-19 patients for follow-up. While major cardiology problems there were few, about 30% to 40% of patients have neurological problems and at least half suffer from respiratory conditions, according to Dr. Moreno Tresoldi.

Some of these long-term effects have only recently emerged, too soon for health economists to study medical claims and make accurate estimates of costs.

In Britain and Italy, those costs would be borne by their respective governments, which have committed to funding COVID-19 treatments but have offered few details on how much may be needed.

In the United States, more than half of the population is covered by private health insurers, an industry that is just beginning to estimate the cost of COVID-19.

CUNYs Lee estimated the average one-year cost of a U.S. COVID-19 patient after they have been discharged from the hospital at $4,000, largely due to the lingering issues from acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS), which affects some 40% of patients, and sepsis.

The estimate spans patients who had been hospitalized with moderate illness to the most severe cases, but does not include other potential complications, such as heart and kidney damage.

Even those who do not require hospitalization have average one-year costs after their initial illness of $1,000, Lee estimated.

Extra costs from lingering effects of COVID-19 could mean higher health insurance premiums in the United States. Some health plans have already raised 2021 premiums on comprehensive coverage by up to 8% due to COVID-19, according to the Kaiser Family Foundation.

Anne McKee, 61, a retired psychologist who lives in Knoxville, Tennessee and Atlanta, had multiple sclerosis and asthma when she became infected nearly five months ago. She is still struggling to catch her breath.

On good days, I can do a couple loads of laundry, but the last several days, its been hard just to get up and get a drink from the kitchen, she said.

She has spent more than $5,000 on appointments, tests and prescription drugs during that time. Her insurance has paid more than $15,000 including $240 for a telehealth appointment and $455 for a lung scan.

Many of the issues that arise from having a severe contraction of a disease could be 3, 5, 20 years down the road, said Dale Hall, Managing Director of Research with the Society of Actuaries.

To understand the costs, U.S. actuaries compare insurance records of coronavirus patients against people with a similar health profile but no COVID-19, and follow them for years.

The United Kingdom aims to track the health of 10,000 hospitalized COVID-19 patients over the first 12 months after being discharged and potentially as long as 25 years. Scientists running the study see the potential for defining a long-term COVID-19 syndrome, as they found with Ebola survivors in Africa.

Many people, we believe will have scarring in the lungs and fatigue ... and perhaps vascular damage to the brain, perhaps, psychological distress as well, said Professor Calum Semple from the University of Liverpool.

Margaret OHara, 50, who works at a Birmingham hospital is one of many COVID-19 patients who will not be included in the study because she had mild symptoms and was not hospitalized. But recurring health issues, including extreme shortness of breath, has kept her out of work.

OHara worries patients like her are not going to be included in the countrys long-term cost planning.

Were going to need ... expensive follow-up for quite a long time, she said.

Reporting by Caroline Humer and Nick Brown in New York; Emilio Parodi in Milan and Alistair Smout in London; editing by Michele Gershberg and Bill Berkrot

Read more:

COVID-19 long-term toll signals billions in healthcare costs ahead - Reuters