The Oppression of Eve: Was Patriarchy Actually The First Sin? – Patheos (blog)

Lets play a little thought game together, shall we? It will require us all to unlock the box in which we hold our thinking, let it burst wide open like a shaken soda bottle, or one of those Cooking Fail memes about pressure cookers. I had this thought the other day, when I was doing something completely unrelated. Probably I was working out. Anyway, heres the thought:

I know. Crazy, right?

Of course, I dont come to the text as a Bible scholar. I dont have an understanding of the ancient languages, and Im not a theologian. I do, however, come to the text as a believer, and an oppressed one at that.

Now, let me say, too, that I am a highly privileged oppressee. I get that. Im white, middle class, Christian, cis, straight, able-bodied. I am essentially one step away from the top of the privilege heap, and I acknowledge that. But the fact is, its been almost 100 years since women won the right to vote, and yet all that time later, werestill paid less than men; werestillunder-represented in board rooms and in government; westill have slut shaming;rapes of womenstill go un- or under-punished; and we still have men who say things like women should not teach menand rank womens ministries and Bible study lower in importance, according to some ridiculous metric found nowhere in the scripture, ever.

And this is just here in America. Land of the free.

So when I say I come to the text as an oppressed person, this is what I am talking about: the fact that due strictly to my physical sex and my gender identity, I am not permitted to live out the fullest expression of who I am as a human being because of patriarchy. I can not earn my fullest potential income nor hold my highest possible office; I can realistically expect to not be allowed to be called a pastor or preach to men (should I ever want to); I can not rest assured that, if I were ever assaulted, I would not be blamed for that assault while my assailant goes free.

In this country and in others, there are people far more oppressed than I am. Ive heard arguments that say thats a good reason for me to shut up and stop whining. I take the opposite stance. Its more important than ever for me to work for my complete freedom, because in doing so, I dig the pathway to liberation a little deeper for others on the same road. I walk alongside them on this journey.I do this with a deep humility, a burning desire for justice, and a massive love for God.

There are two things that strike me as soon as I read the creation story, and bear witness to the interaction between the first man and woman: the othering of Eve, and the ownership of Eve.

I cant decide if the othering of Eve comes from the text itself, or the way weve been conditioned to read the text through millennia of misogyny and patriarchy. Certainly at first, in Genesis 2, the relationship between Adam and God seems central and primary, and Eve seems to be an afterthought. Is that because the story was written down by a man? How would the story be different if it was being told by a woman? Or is it simply the way we read the text that makes us assume thats what its doing?

But Genesis 1 doesnt make it seem like Eve was an afterthought at all. Genesis 1 makes it seem like God had Eve in mind all along. Right there, on day six, God made all living things that walk the land, and she was there. Verse 27 is clear: God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them.

And verse 26 seems to give them both equal dominion over the earth: Then God said, Let us make man in our image, in our likeness, and let them rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air, over livestock, over all the earth, and over all the creatures that move along the ground. (bold italic emphasis mine).

Despite this, somewhere in our readings, Eve took a backseat in this dominion; she was othered as the afterthought, not viewed as the equal, created human that she was an original idea, all her own, and just as central to Gods creation as the man. Somehow, Eve got shoved out of the picture and out of her God-given status and power. We started viewing Eve as secondary and peripheral to Adam, even though Genesis 1 makes it clear she was there from the beginning.

The whole Genesis 2 thing about Eve being Adams helper might have something to do with that. But heres where that knowledge of ancient languages might come in handy (should I ever have time to study those in depth). Our more modern-day reading applies a sort of Mad Men interpretation to this partnership suddenly the Biblical Eve is pictured in our minds holding a pencil sharpener and a steno pad, perhaps, or an apron and a mixing spoon. The image is decidedly ofassistant to a superior,a worker to her boss, a housewife to the king of the castle. But thats not actually the meaning of the original Hebrew.

The original Hebrew word for helper is ezer, and in other places in which this word is used in the Bible, it never refers to any sort of subordination. If anything, it refers to a form of protection; it speaks of the way God helps us. The qualification of that helper is one that is suitable for him, which implies equality, and the reason was Adams loneliness. In other words, the animals were not enough to keep Adam from feeling alone. God, knowing this from the beginning, always intended to create an equal partner for him.

Which brings me to the ownership of Eve, and first sin. Lets start with the ownership part.

God is having a blast with Adam, letting him name all the animals. Naming was a big deal in the ancient Hebrew society, and its interesting to note that in many cases in the OT, women were responsible for naming their children. When God realizes its time for Eves arrival, and he brings her to Adam, the scripture does not say that God told Adam to name her, too. It just says he presented her to Adam. The man, in his excitement, names her woman, and by doing so, he takes ownership of her.

We are not privy to Gods reaction to this, and I think weve all assumed that the lack of a response from God equates to his approval of Adams ownership of Eve. Im playing with the idea that this assumption is wrong. God never actually approves of Adams naming of Eve. Instead, the very next scene involves the serpent.

The serpent addresses the woman, who chooses to eat from the tree that God had declared off limits. But heres something interesting: in all my previous readings of this, indeed for all of history, the burden of sin has been placed squarely on Eves shoulders, leading society to label her the original sinner and a temptress at that. Personally, in all my readings and ponderings of this scene, Ive picture Eve taking a solitary stroll through the garden, the serpent tempting her to eat, and then Eve rushing back to the house where Adam is watching the game and saying, Babe, you gotta try this fruit, its amazing! But thats not what happened.

According to scripture, Adam was right there with her, all along.

Genesis 3:6 says, She also gave some to her husband, who was with her, and he ate it. (emphasis mine)

So rather than the narrative Ive always had in my head, a more accurate story is that Adam and Eve were taking a stroll after dinner, and the serpent came up and suggested fruit for dessert. Eve thought it sounded pretty good, andso did Adam.Nowhere in the Bible do we hear Adam tell the serpent to beat it, or say to his wife, Sweetie, thats a really bad idea, and he certainly didnt say, Hey now, thats all on you. Im good. No thanks. Nope. He was there the whole time, going along with the whole thing, having dessert.

FINALLY God comes back from the sabbatical he was on, probably in Florida or something, and there is sin to be dealt with. But heres my question:

What if theoriginalsin was not the eating of the fruit, but Adams ownership and subordination through naming of she who was supposed to be his equal partner?

What ifit was the oppression of Eve that the serpent exploited, promising her the justification, the wholeness and fullness of her humanity that Adam had stolen by rushing to name her?

What if original sin is this crazy desire we have to oppress other people, and then call their pain and resistance to that oppression pride?

To look at the whole story, we have to of course come to Jesus. The creation story is finished in Him; everything is redeemed through Christ. And while Jesus did accomplish his mission within the framework of patriarchy, he subverted it every chance he got.And the rest of the Christian canon makes it clear that the oppression of peoples is NOT a hobby in which Christians should partake.

The more I read the scripture, the more I learn about Jesus, the more I discover the songs of liberation that weave through the verses like a wild melody. Jesus came to set captives free a freedom that is full and whole and completely accessible to everyone. The freedom of Jesus is meant to allow us fully express our created selves, and to squeeze our potential dry and use it all for good.

What if weve been reading it wrong all this time? What would that mean, and how would we live life differently? If Jesus said specifically that he came to set captives free, that tells me that ending oppression is at the at the top of Gods to do list. What if weve been participating in oppression all this time?

What if?

*I know it wasnt technically an apple. Lets not hyper-focus on the wrong fruit.

See more here:

The Oppression of Eve: Was Patriarchy Actually The First Sin? - Patheos (blog)

Plurality of Americans are right: "dissatisfaction with government" worst problem facing country – Hilltop Views

The polling company Gallup has recently published its monthly poll of what Americans view as the most important problem in the nation. It lists each issue with the percentage of Americans who stated that that particular issue was the most important.

Some of the issues with the largest percentages were dissatisfaction with government/poor leadership, Immigration/illegal aliens, unifying the country, race relations, and the economy in general. While all of these problems are important, the issue with the highest percentage chosen by Americans is dissatisfaction with government/poor leadership at 19 percent.

I agree with the American public that the biggest problem in American society today is dissatisfaction with the government and poor leadership. All of the other problems pointed out culminate into dissatisfaction with the government; therefore, the poll could hypothetically be summed up into the one problem: dissatisfaction.

Unifying the country and race relations are directly related to governmental dissatisfaction and poor leadership. Most citizens feel that the federal government is not promoting healthy relations between its citizens. Many believe that it is supporting things such as systematic racism and that it does not do enough to prevent the oppression of minorities.

This creates a divide in the country, which causes citizens to be unsatisfied with the government. Trumps statements about certain minorities has done nothing to help mend this divide. Much of the division stems from the poor leadership we have in the White House.

The debate over immigration can cause dissatisfaction for both sides of the political spectrum. The left tends to think that the government is not doing enough to help immigrants, both legal and illegal. They are also growing tired of the anti-immigration rhetoric from our president. This can give the public a general sense of governmental incompetence. If the government leans towards the left point of view, the right is upset and vice versa.

Although we live in a capitalist, free market country, the government still plays a large role in the economy. This is why debates over the economy are so heated. Many Trump supporters believe that he is the perfect man for the job in regards to the economy because of his business background; however, there is a large portion of the population that believes his policies, especially his tax plan, favor the rich and privileged.

Unemployment also gained a large percentage in the Gallup poll. Part of the governments role in society is to stimulate job growth in order to keep the economy stable. Americans become unhappy with the government when unemployment rates are high because they think that the government is directly responsible for unemployment and the economy in general.

If people do not have trust in the government, they start to lose faith in the system as a whole. The worst thing for a democracy is when its citizens lose faith in the democratic process itself. All of these previously mentioned problems tie into this overarching issue.

Citizens begin to think that the government is not capable of functioning the way a modern democracy should, which leads to lower voter turnout because people feel that that their votes do not matter. Dissatisfaction with the government causes less participation by the citizens in government, which is the basis of American ideology.

See more here:

Plurality of Americans are right: "dissatisfaction with government" worst problem facing country - Hilltop Views

How America Became a Colonial Ruler in Its Own Cities – Vanity Fair

NO EXIT A protest after the shooting death of Michael Brown, Ferguson, Missouri, November 2014.

By Wally Skalij/Los Angeles Times/Polaris.

What most endures about Richard Nixons 1968 speech to the Republican convention is his rhetoric about law and orderrhetoric that, half a century later, were hearing once again from a new Republican president. But that was not, to my mind, the speechs most important theme. Nixon understood that black demands for equalityas cities were torn by riots, with ink on civil-rights legislation barely dryhad to be acknowledged and given their rhetorical due. Let us build bridges, my friends, Nixon said, build bridges to human dignity across that gulf that separates black America from white America. Black Americans, no more than white Americans, they do not want more government programs which perpetuate dependency. They dont want to be a colony in a nation.

A colony in a nation. Nixon meant to conjure an image of a people reduced to mere recipients of state handouts rather than active citizens shaping their own lives. And in using the image of a colony to make his point, he was, in his odd way, channeling the spirit of the time.

As anti-colonial movements erupted in the 1960s, colonized people across the globe recognized a unity of purpose between their struggles for self-determination and the struggle of black Americans. Black activists, in turn, recognized their own circumstances in the images of colonial subjects fighting an oppressive white government. Americas colonial history looked quite different from that of, say, Rhodesia, but on the ground, the structures of oppression seemed remarkably similar.

Nixon was, of course, correct that black Americans dont want to be a colony in a nation. And yet that is what he helped bring about. Over the half-century since Nixon delivered those words, we have created precisely that, and not just for black Americans but for brown Americans and others: a colony in a nation. A territory that isnt actually free. A place controlled from outside rather than from within. A place where the law is a tool of control, rather than a foundation for prosperity. We have created a political regimeand, in its day-to-day applications, a regime of criminal justicelike the one our Founders inherited and rejected, a political order they spilled their blood to defeat.

Another night in Ferguson.

By Ed Zurga/EPA/Redux.

American criminal justice isnt one system with massive racial disparities but two distinct systems. One (the Nation) is the kind of policing regime you expect in a democracy; the other (the Colony) is the kind you expect in an occupied land. Policing is a uniquely important and uniquely dangerous function of the state. We know that dictatorships use the police in horrifying wayswe call them police states for a reason. But the terrifying truth is that we as a people have created the Colony through democratic means. We have voted to subdue our fellow citizens; we have rushed to the polls to elect people promising to bar others from enjoying the fruits of liberty. A majority of Americans have put a minority under lock and key.

In her masterly chronicle of American mass incarceration, The New Jim Crow, Michelle Alexander argues convincingly that our current era is defined by its continuity with previous eras of white supremacy and black oppression. Her contention is that as Jim Crow was dismantled as a legal entity in the 1960s it was reconceived and reborn through mass incarceration. Alexander writes, Rather than rely on race, we use our criminal justice system to label people of color criminals and then engage in all the practices we supposedly left behind . . . . As a criminal, you have scarcely more rights, and arguably less respect, than a black man living in Alabama at the height of Jim Crow. We have not ended racial caste in America; we have merely redesigned it.

I covered the unrest in Ferguson, in the aftermath of the shooting by police of Michael Brown, and Alexanders analysis seemed undeniable. Clearly the police had taken on the role of enforcing an unannounced but very real form of segregation in that St. Louis suburb. Here was a place that was born of white flight and segregation, nestled among a group of similar hamlets that were notoriously sundown towns, the kind of place where police made sure black people didnt tarry or stay the night. And despite the fact that Fergusons residents were mostly black, the towns entire power structure was white, from the mayor to the city manager to all but one school-board member, as well as all but one city-council member. The police chief was white, and the police force had three black cops out of a total of 53 officers.

Eight months later, I was on the streets of Baltimore after a young black man, Freddie Gray, died from injuries suffered while in the custody of policehis spinal cord was snapped in a police van. The stories and complaints I heard from the residents there sounded uncannily like those I had heard in Ferguson. But if Ferguson was the result of a total lack of black political power, that didnt seem to be the case, at least not at first look, in Baltimore: the city had black city-council members, a black mayor, a very powerful black member of Congress, a black states attorney, and a police force that was integrated.

If Ferguson looked like Jim Crow, Baltimore was something else. The old Jim Crow comprised twin systems of oppression: on the one hand, segregation across public and private spheres that kept black people away from social and economic equality; on the other, systematic political disenfranchisement that made sure black citizens werent represented democratically. It required two separate pieces of landmark legislation, the Civil Rights Act and the Voting Rights Act, to destroy these twin systems.

Through ceaseless struggle, and federal oversight, the civil-rights movement ended de jure segregation and created the legal conditions for black elected political powerblack state representatives, black mayors, black city-council members, black police chiefs, even a few black senators and a black president. But this power has turned out to be strikingly confined and circumscribed, incorporated into the maintenance of order through something that looksin many placesmore like the centuries-old model of colonial administration.

From India to Vietnam to the Caribbean, colonial systems have always integrated the colonized into government power, while still keeping the colonial subjects in their place.

Half the cops charged in the death of Freddie Gray were black; half were white. The Baltimore police chief is black, as is the mayor. And Freddie Gray, the figure upon whom this authority was wielded?

Well, to those in the neighborhood, there was never any question what race he would be.

This is what distinguishes our era of racial hierarchy, the era of Black Lives Matter and the First Black President. Black political power has never been more fully realized, but blackness feels for so many black people just as dangerous as ever. Black people can live and even prosper in the Nation, but they can never be truly citizens. The threat of the nightstick always lingers, even for, say, a famous and distinguished Harvard professor of African and African-American studies who suddenly found himself in handcuffs on his own stately porch in Cambridge, Massachusetts, just because someone thought he was a burglar.

Race defines the boundaries of the Colony and the Nation, but race itself is a porous and shifting concept. Whiteness both is nonexistent and confers enormous benefits. Blackness is both a conjured fiction and so real it can kill. In their collection of essays called Racecraft: The Soul of Inequality in American Life, Karen and Barbara Fields trace the semantic trick of racial vocabulary, which invents categories for the purpose of oppression, while appearing to describe things that already exist out in the world. Over time these categories shift, both as reflections of those in power and as expressions of solidarity and resistance in the face of white supremacy.


Because our racial categories are always shifting and morphing, disappearing and reappearing, so too are the borders between the Colony and the Nation. In many places, the two territories alternate block by block, in a patchwork of unmarked boundaries and detours that are known only by those who live within them. Its like the fictional cities of Beszel and Ul Qoma in China Mivilles speculative fantasy detective novel, The City & the City. Though the cities occupy the same patch of land, each citys residents discipline themselves to unsee the landscape of their neighbors city.

The housing complexes where Michael Brown lived and died in Ferguson, the low-rise apartments home to largely Section 8 tenants who the white Republican mayor, James Knowles, told me had been a problem, are part of the Colony. The farmers market two miles away, where the mayor was when Brown was shot, is part of the Nation. The West Side of Cleveland, where 12-year-old Tamir Rice was shot and killed while playing in a park, is part of the Colony. The West Side of Baltimore, where Freddie Gray died, is part of the Colony. The South Side of Chicago, where Laquan McDonald was shot and killed, is also part of the Colony.

This is the legacy of a post-civil-rights social order that gave up on desegregation as a guiding mission and accepted a country of de facto segregation between nice neighborhoods and rough neighborhoods, good schools and bad schools, inner cities and bedroom communities. None of this was an accident. It was the accumulation of policyfrom federal housing guidelines and the practices of local real-estate agents to the decisions of tens of thousands of school boards and town councils and homeowners associations essentially drawing boundaries: the Nation on one side, the Colony on the other.

The aftermath of a police shooting in Charlotte, North Carolina, last September.

By Gerry Broome/A.P. Images.

In the Colony, violence looms and failure to comply can be fatal. Sandra Bland, a 28-year-old black woman who died in a Texas prison cell, was pulled over because she didnt signal a lane change. Walter Scott, the 50-year-old black man shot in the back as he fled a North Charleston police officer, was pulled over because one of the three brake lights on his car was out. Freddie Gray simply made eye contact with a police officer and started to move swiftly in the other direction.

If you live in the Nation, the criminal-justice system functions like your laptops operating system, quietly humming in the background, doing what it needs to do to allow you to be your most efficient, functional self. In the Colony, the system functions like a computer virus: it intrudes constantly, it interrupts your life at the most inconvenient times, and it does this as a matter of course. The disruption itself is normal.

In the Nation, there is law; in the Colony, there is only a concern with order. In the Nation, citizens call the police to protect them. In the Colony, subjects flee the police, who offer the opposite of protection. In the Nation, you have rights; in the Colony, you have commands. In the Nation, you are innocent until proven guilty; in the Colony, you are born guilty. Police officers tasked with keeping these two realms separate intuitively grasp the contours of the divide: as one Baltimore police sergeant instructed his officers, Do not treat criminals like citizens.

In the Nation, you can stroll down the middle of a quiet, car-less street with no hassle, as I did with the mayor of Ferguson. We chatted on a leafy block in a predominantly white neighborhood filled with stately Victorian homes and wraparound porches. There were no cops to be seen. We were technically breaking the lawyoure not supposed to walk down the middle of the streetbut no one was going to enforce that law, because, really, whats the point? Whom were we hurting?

In the Colony, just half a mile away, the disorderly act of strolling down the middle of the street could be the first link in the chain of events that ends your life at the hands of the state.

The Colony is overwhelmingly black and brown, but in the wake of financial catastrophe, de-industrialization, and sustained wage stagnation, the tendencies and systems of control developed in the Colony have been deployed over wider and wider swaths of working-class white America. If you released every African-American and Latino prisoner in Americas prisons, the United States would still be one of the most incarcerated societies on earth. And the makeup of those white prisoners is dramatically skewed toward the poor and uneducated. As of 2008, nearly 15 percent of white high-school dropouts aged 20 to 34 were in prison. For white college grads the rate was under 1 percent.

This is what makes the maintenance of the division between the Colony and the Nation so treacherous: the constant threat that the tools honed in the Colony will be wielded in the Nationthat tyranny and violence tolerated at the periphery will ultimately infiltrate the core. American police shoot an alarmingly high and disproportionate number of black people. But they also shoot a shockingly high number of white people.

It is easy, I think, for even the most sympathetic residents of the Nation to think this is all someone elses problem. Yes, of course America is over-incarcerated. Of course the killing of unarmed black men by the police is awful. And yes, of course Id like to see that all change. But its fundamentally someone elses issue.

Its not.

Eric Garner died a 10-minute walk from the ferry terminal. In the park across the street, men gamble at a game called quarters. Outside of the Bay Beauty Supply, there is a small Plexiglas memorial with flowers in it. The man selling incense and oils outside of the store says he made the memorial. He says he had been on that street hustling, like Garner, for more than 30 years. He says he knew Eric and saw him in the neighborhood the day before he died.

On the way over, the cab driver says the cops are much better after the riot. He says there are bad apples everywhere, but that the neighborhood is like any other. Its quiet, with the occasional bass thump from passing cars. People say hello; women push babies in strollers; a father drives back from McDonalds with his two children. A bartender says: Make us look good. Were not monsters. Were not evil. Families live in those homes.

Baltimore is so beautiful. The houses are gorgeous, the streets are wide, and there are ample green spaces. One problem is that the neighborhoods havent been kept up, the streets arent cared for, and the green spaces are scarcely usable. Its sad because it seems like the entire neighborhood could turn around in an instant if there were even a little bit of money spent in the community of the forgotten. There were people outside talking, but it was a pretty quiet scene.

Tamir Rice was killed less than two seconds after police officers approached him on a cold day in a beautiful park behind an elementary school. On this day, it is a place that is full of children playing, but there are no adults in sight. It seems like a pretty safe space.

The Triple S Mart is a popular store with cars in and out of the parking lot. It had just rained and they have the memorial covered with a tarp. Some people driving through town stop and say they had never noticed the memorial before. Two people approach from across the street and ask to introduce the artist of the mural. They say they are interested in museum and gallery exhibitions and grant funding for their projects. The truth is, these places are not always as dangerous as they seem.

Walter Scott was killed in an empty field in an unremarkable suburb north of Charleston. It is nerve-racking to walk into that field, because it is difficult to tell if it is private or public property. It feels terrible to walk in the same line of fire as Scott did in order to make the photographs. The photo shoot was not a long one.

Akai Gurley died in a dark stairwell inside a project building on Linden Boulevard. Directly across the street, cops stand on the corner under high-intensity lights. While Graves took the first photograph, four consecutive gunshots rang out, loud but out of view. Seconds later, five teenagers ran past. The cops stationed on the corner crossed the wide lanes of traffic in an instant to the project side of the block. At the end of the photo shoot, there were at least 50 cops on the block, and half of Linden Boulevard was closed.


Eric Garner died a 10-minute walk from the ferry terminal. In the park across the street, men gamble at a game called quarters. Outside of the Bay Beauty Supply, there is a small Plexiglas memorial with flowers in it. The man selling incense and oils outside of the store says he made the memorial. He says he had been on that street hustling, like Garner, for more than 30 years. He says he knew Eric and saw him in the neighborhood the day before he died.

Photograph by Kris Graves.

On the way over, the cab driver says the cops are much better after the riot. He says there are bad apples everywhere, but that the neighborhood is like any other. Its quiet, with the occasional bass thump from passing cars. People say hello; women push babies in strollers; a father drives back from McDonalds with his two children. A bartender says: Make us look good. Were not monsters. Were not evil. Families live in those homes.

Photograph by Kris Graves.

Baltimore is so beautiful. The houses are gorgeous, the streets are wide, and there are ample green spaces. One problem is that the neighborhoods havent been kept up, the streets arent cared for, and the green spaces are scarcely usable. Its sad because it seems like the entire neighborhood could turn around in an instant if there were even a little bit of money spent in the community of the forgotten. There were people outside talking, but it was a pretty quiet scene.

Photograph by Kris Graves.

Tamir Rice was killed less than two seconds after police officers approached him on a cold day in a beautiful park behind an elementary school. On this day, it is a place that is full of children playing, but there are no adults in sight. It seems like a pretty safe space.

Photograph by Kris Graves.

Philando Castile was killed in front of his family, very close to the northern entrance of the Minnesota State Fair, before it opened for the season. On the day of this photo shoot, there must have been more than 100,000 people in attendance. The road where he died is large and empty, and you can see far in each directiona normal turnpike by any measure.

Photograph by Kris Graves.

The Triple S Mart is a popular store with cars in and out of the parking lot. It had just rained and they have the memorial covered with a tarp. Some people driving through town stop and say they had never noticed the memorial before. Two people approach from across the street and ask to introduce the artist of the mural. They say they are interested in museum and gallery exhibitions and grant funding for their projects. The truth is, these places are not always as dangerous as they seem.

Photograph by Kris Graves.

Walter Scott was killed in an empty field in an unremarkable suburb north of Charleston. It is nerve-racking to walk into that field, because it is difficult to tell if it is private or public property. It feels terrible to walk in the same line of fire as Scott did in order to make the photographs. The photo shoot was not a long one.

Photograph by Kris Graves.

Akai Gurley died in a dark stairwell inside a project building on Linden Boulevard. Directly across the street, cops stand on the corner under high-intensity lights. While Graves took the first photograph, four consecutive gunshots rang out, loud but out of view. Seconds later, five teenagers ran past. The cops stationed on the corner crossed the wide lanes of traffic in an instant to the project side of the block. At the end of the photo shoot, there were at least 50 cops on the block, and half of Linden Boulevard was closed.

Photograph by Kris Graves.

Adapted from A Colony in a Nation, by Chris Hayes, to be published this month by W. W. Norton & Company; 2017 by the author.


How America Became a Colonial Ruler in Its Own Cities - Vanity Fair

Focusing on religious oppression in China misses the big picture – CNN

But I've also seen how religion is tightly proscribed.

Only five religious groups are allowed to exist in China: Buddhism, Daoism, Islam, Protestantism and Catholicism. The government controls the appointment of major religious figures, and decides where places of worship can be built. It tries to influence theology and limits contacts overseas. And it bans groups it doesn't like, especially the spiritual practice Falun Gong, or groups it calls cults, like the charismatic Christian splinter sect Almighty God.

But overall, the message is glum. Almost all groups are said to face serious restrictions, with three groups --Uyghurs who practice Islam, Protestant Christians, and followers of the banned spiritual practice Falun Gong --facing "high" or "very high" levels of government interference.

While most of the facts in the study are correct, the context feels more negative than the religious world I've experienced. Of course it is in the nature of such reports to be critical --this is what watchdogs like Freedom House are for-- but it feeds into an overall assumption in western countries that the Chinese government is a major persecutor of religion.

On the face of it, this is horrific -- so many churches shorn of the very symbol of their faith. What better example of a heavy-handed atheistic state persecuting belief?

And yet I think this is not typical of Protestantism in China. I've made several trips to the area where the crosses were removed and feel I know the region well.

I'd say that the most important point is that virtually none of these churches have been closed. All continue to have worshipers and services just like before. In addition, the campaign never spread beyond the one province. Some pessimists see it as a precursor for a campaign that might spread nationally, but so far that hasn't happened and there is no indication it will.

What seems to have happened is a fairly special case. That region is at most 10% Protestant -- above the national average of about 5%, but still a minority. But local Christians decided to put huge red crosses on the roofs of buildings and churches, so they dominated the skyline of every city, town, and village across the province. That gave the impression that Christianity was the dominant local religion and irked many non-Christians.

Self-critical Christians told me that their big red crosses were meant well. They were enthused by their faith and wanted to proclaim it. But they also sheepishly said it might also have been a sign of vanity; rather than putting their money into mission work or social engagement, they wanted to boast about their wealth and faith. I felt they were a bit hard on themselves -- in a normal, healthy society an open expression of one's faith should be normal -- but it is true that it was also a potential provocation for a state that does not give religion much public space.

This mirrors what I've seen as well. Protestantism is booming and Chinese cities are full of unregistered (also called "underground" or "house") churches. These are known to the government but still allowed to function. They attract some of the best-educated and successful people in China. And they are socially engaged, with outreach programs to the homeless, orphanages, and even families of political prisoners. To me, this is an amazing story and far outweighs the cross-removal campaign, which basically ended and seems to have had no lasting consequences.

Now, it's true that all this could change. Last autumn, the government issued new regulations on religion. The most important point of the rules was to reemphasize a ban on religious groups' ties to foreign groups -- for example, sending people abroad to seminaries, or inviting foreigners to teach or train in China. This is clearly part of a broader trend in China that we see in other areas. Non-governmental organizations are also under pressure, and the surest way to get unwanted government attention is to have links abroad.

Given the predilections of the Xi administration, these new religious regulations could be harshly enforced. We could see unregistered churches forced to join government churches. And we could see outreach programs closed down.

If this happens, then I would say that Protestantism would be suffering from a "high" degree of persecution. And if it happens we'll need hard-hitting reports condemning it in no uncertain terms. But until this crackdown really occurs, we might be missing the forest for the trees.

Ian Johnson is a Pulitzer Prize-winning correspondent based in Beijing. His new book, "The Souls of China: The Return of Religion After Mao," will be published in April. The views expressed above are solely his own.

Here is the original post:

Focusing on religious oppression in China misses the big picture - CNN

The Readers’ Forum: Monday letters – Winston-Salem Journal

KENNETH D. VANHOY, Kernersville

Ignorance showed up on the front page of the Journal on Feb. 15 (Protesters urge Burr to save health-care act). They want Sen. Richard Burr to hold a town meeting. For one purpose only. They want to show their true colors by throwing slurs and ignorant remarks at him, just like the idiots did in Washington on Jan. 21. This kind of rhetoric comes from immoral, uneducated, illiterate people.

This newspaper has printed all of the insults that have been thought of by writers to The Readers Forum against President Trump and the Republicans. I hope that you will have the decency to print a few remarks from the other side.

By the way, we have a governor, Roy Cooper, and a few other immoral people, such as popular basketball coaches, who fit the requirements to enter Satans hot house. They oppose HB2.

Our young people have been filled with inherited ignorance from high school to college and from their homes, where it all begins. The Democratic Party and the ACLU are the main supporters of this corruption. As long as we hold onto this way of life we will never have a country to be proud of.


I thought for a long time about Scott Sextons Feb. 26 column, Toddlers shooting is more than just an accident. Thats a fair summary of the absolute neglect of parents to safely store a handgun.

I know the parents are experiencing great sorrow over the pain and suffering of their 2-year-old son. I am not hard-hearted. I am a parent to two grown children and the grandmother of a toddler and preschooler. I am sure the parents of the victim in question never intended for the 2-year-old to shoot himself.

But what else might one expect when leaving a loaded gun in plain view of a toddler in an unattended vehicle for even two minutes?

The class-one misdemeanor is at best a weak law when a child is harmed.

Sextons column outlines statistics collected by many others who are concerned with the harm and death resulting from guns owned by adults in this country who apparently are not competent of gun ownership for self-protection or hunting wildlife.

The National Rifle Association and a Congress that is willing to be manipulated by the almighty dollar seem to be a Goliath that cant be taken down. When all the useless deaths and accidental and/or mass shootings of children and adults in America do not lead to justifiable change in ownership of fire arms, what are we to do? Writing letters and making calls to our representatives seems to have little if any effect in reducing the pain and suffering of the innocent.

TRACY STOTTLER, Kernersville

The writer of the Feb. 28 letter A simple admonition says the protest against the billboard, Real men provide. Real women appreciate it. is just another sign of intolerant political correctness. I always find it curious that people in this country, which was founded by a group resisting government oppression, want to mock and devalue the importance of protests.

The Civil War was a protest. Women were given the right to vote through protesting. Desegregation happened because of protest. I think many people have become so complacent and accepting of things that they forget the value of protesting. Or maybe some people are more focused on their own interests or just dont care. Everyone has that choice, but they should not judge and disparage the people who feel otherwise.

The women (and men) who were at this event see an issue with patriarchy that needs to change. No one really knows the intent of the billboard because it is anonymous. But to many, it sends a message of subjugation to women. Yes, women can vote, women can drive, women can work. However, if women were truly equal, our government and C-suites would be more fully represented. Women would be paid the same. And women wouldnt be subjected to domestic violence, rape, prostitution, human trafficking or other grotesque offenses.

So rather than simply dismiss a large group of peaceful protesters as a band of loud, liberal complainers, perhaps look deeper and ask, Tell me more and How can I help?

The Journal encourages readers comments. To participate in The Readers Forum, please submit letters online to Please write The Readers Forum in the subject line and include your full name, address and a daytime telephone number. Or you may mail letters to: The Readers Forum, P.O. Box 3159, Winston-Salem, NC 27102. Letters are subject to editing and may be published on Letters are limited to 250 words. Letter writers are allowed one letter every 30 days.

If you would like a photo of yourself included with your letter, send it to us as a .jpg file.

The Journal welcomes original submissions for guest columns on local, regional and statewide topics. Essay length should not exceed 750 words. The writer should have some authority for writing about his or her subject. Our email address is: Essays may also be mailed to: The Readers Forum, P.O. Box 3159, Winston-Salem, NC 27102. Please include your name and address and a daytime telephone number.

Continued here:

The Readers' Forum: Monday letters - Winston-Salem Journal

Shahbaz Bhatti’s legacy six years on –

The late Shahbaz Bhatti

LAHORE: March 2 marks the sixth year since Shahbaz Bhatti, the slain minister of minorities affairs, was shot dead in front of his mothers house in Islamabad.

The organisation he founded, the All Pakistan Minorities Alliance (APMA) held memorial services across the country, the largest of which was held in his ancestral village Khushpur, Chak 451-GB. Bishop John Arshad of the Faisalabad diocese led the prayers attended by almost a thousand people and zonal coordinators of APMA paid tribute to their slain leader, Shaheed Quaid Shahbaz Bhatti.

Born on Sept 9, 1968, in the tiny village of Khushpur, Chak 451-GB of Faisalabad, Bhatti had attended St Thomas High School and later the Government College Faisalabad where he began the Christian Liberation Front in 1985. The situation for Christians in small towns surrounding the village was marked by abject poverty and naked discrimination.

We couldnt even eat from the same utensils as Muslims and were denied jobs because of our faith, Mr Gill explains.

On a mission to end this discrimination, Bhatti had taken it on himself to fight for equal rights of minorities in Pakistan and had travelled across the country to rally members of his community to fight for the cause.

Pastor Sadiq from Multan lent Bhatti the premises of St Saviours High School in 1993 where he held a corner meeting to raise the issue of three illiterate Christians from Gujranwala accused of writing defamatory remarks against Islam on a wall. He recalls Bhatti as a tireless campaigner.

Since the Zia-era, Bhatti was almost always in trouble with the administrations and those in power because he was a fearless leader who would not shy away from criticising the army and the government in power... he truly inspired people with his speeches and words and urged them to take charge of their destiny, Mr Sadiq says.

From organising annual workers conventions in Lahore and minorities conventions in the Convention Centre Islamabad, to leading demonstrations against oppression in front of press clubs even when he was in government, Bhatti had worked hard to mainstream minority groups into the countrys political scene.

He formed the APMA in 2002 to broaden the scope of his work to all religious minorities in Pakistan. That election year, slain PPP chairperson Benazir Bhutto authorised him to award three party tickets to people of his choice and instead of appointing himself, he nominated three other APMA members, who later became MNAs on the PPP ticket on the reserved seats for the minorities.

Bhatti had always tried to promote others instead of himself, says Mrs Najmi Saleem, who was appointed an MPA through APMA in 2008. He inspired a generation of minority activists to fight for equal rights...and together we achieved a lot.

In his tenure as minister for minorities affairs, Bhatti had helped secure five per cent quota for religious minorities in government jobs, four seats in the Senate and a national day to commemorate minorities in the country.

In 2009, while he was minister, eight Christians were killed in riots over accusations of desecration of the Quran in Gojra. Bhatti led the protests against the government for not doing enough to protect minorities and condemned the inaction of the police which had led to a loss of lives.

Gill laments that Bhattis death had left a vacuum in the leadership that would take on the cause with the same urgency and ferocity as Bhatti had.

Published in Dawn, March 6th, 2017

Original post:

Shahbaz Bhatti's legacy six years on -

Public needs to help get government back on track – Fairfield Daily Republic

What kind of government or political actions affect your economic well-being?

This will be a brief review of some highlights. Or lowlights more accurately. Primarily, how the Democratic Party establishment has placed partisanship over public well-being. Party above country, so to speak. Making every effort to prevent the creation of a functional government. Deferring the proposed benefits of change as long as possible.

If they keep it up they may be able to put off tax reform benefits for a full year. Its a shameful show of pure partisanship at the expense of the American people. The solution is to get rid of these anti-American politicians, either by recall or by replacing them with representatives who will put the country and the American people above party and partisanship.

Where are our taxes and borrowed money going? To welfare for noncitizens and citizens, alike. Welfare that acts as a demotivator why work when you dont have to? The primary cause has been that we have failed to provide necessary skills. The result has been violent inner cities and a huge cost in dollars more importantly in lost opportunity and lives. We are giving people fish instead of teaching them to fish.

The cost of dependence in dollars is far less important than the cost of lost human productivity and the great loss of self-worth through achievement. So, what needs to be done to have an effective government? To create environments and systems that give every person in our country an equal chance to succeed? How about a year of national service for every individual? Provide the basic skills that individuals lack. Reform schools that ignore achievement and install systems that only reward achievement. Teach kids. And if current teachers cant or wont teach, replace them with teachers whowill.

Benefit programs such as pension plans and health programs are supposed to pay for themselves, so that there is no risk that promised benefits can be assured. In California, it is the norm for the budgets of government at all levels to be made up of up to 80 personal personnel costs. State mandates are primarily responsible: requirement to be a part of an inflated pension system that is driving cities and counties to bankruptcy. Local governments cannot withdraw without paying outrageous penalties. Unfunded liabilities hang over the heads of the public.

Here are some facts and history of why we are in such deep trouble:

So what can be done to get back on track?

Elect responsible representatives at all levels. Get rid of professional politicians by creating term limits and reducing politicians benefits. Right-to-work states have accomplished some of these things. Give public organizations an economical option for shedding unbearable public pension costs without excessive penalties.

There are pathways to economic health and reasonable costs of government. The public has to become aware that they are in jeopardy and become involved. Make the changes needed.

These are not pie-in-the-sky options. They do require involvement and courage on the part of the public. The public (you and me) can change government oppression through the use of the initiative process. Difficult but possible. Its up to us.

Murray Bass of Suisun City can be reached at 720-5139 or [emailprotected].

See more here:

Public needs to help get government back on track - Fairfield Daily Republic

UK’s student union rebukes officer for Israeli embassy plot – The Electronic Intifada (blog)

Michael Deas Lobby Watch 3 March 2017

Undercover footage of NUS vice president Richard Brooks showed him plotting to overthrow elected union president Malia Bouattia because of her role as a Palestine solidarity campaigner.

A senior officer in Britains National Union of Students has been censured for his role in a pro-Israel propaganda scandal.

Earlier this week, the unions executive council voted that Richard Brooks had violated democratic procedures of accountability. Brooks, a vice president with the union, featured in Januarys Al Jazeera documentary on Britains pro-Israel lobby.

Undercover footage showed Brooks plotting to oust Malia Bouattia, the unions overall president and a supporter of Palestinian rights. Brooks made his comments to a reporter, who had been posing as a youth activist with connections to Israels embassy in London.

In a motion that council members said passed by 15 votes to 13 on Monday, the union said it was unacceptable for a vice president to discuss the undermining of a democratically elected officer with a student introduced by an embassy and therefore by a foreign government.

The union represents more than 7 million students in the UK. According to its rulebook, a censure is a rebuke short of a full no-confidence vote at a union conference which could remove an officer from their position.

In a separate motion that passed by 16 votes to 13, the union executive reaffirmed its support for the Palestinian-led boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS) movement and condemned recent participation by some elected union officers in propaganda trips to Israel.

Shakira Martin, another vice-president, went on a trip to Israel organized by the Union of Jewish Students in January.

The Union of Jewish Students is a pro-Israel organization that receives funding from the Israeli government.

A statement signed by Palestinian student groups said such trips serve to whitewash Israeli crimes and decades-long oppression of our people and give a one-sided, pro-apartheid vision of our reality here in Palestine.

Martins attendance on the trip was surprising given that she had previously stated her support for peace and justice in Palestine and for the BDS movement.

Angela Alexander, womens officer for the National Union of Students Scotland, joined the same trip. And Richard Brooks was shown discussing having participated in a previous trip in the Al Jazeera documentary.

The motion passed on Monday asserts that international solidarity with a people should be rooted in a principled position of respect for human rights and dignity and against oppression and should not be swayed by full-expense-paid trips.

Martin is the unions vice president for further education. More than 200 further education students signed a letter condemning her attendance on the trip.

The National Union of Students has held a position in support of the BDS movement for several years. More than 25 individual student unions at universities across the UK have also voted to support BDS.

BDS campaigns have persuaded a number of universities to cancel contracts with companies that are complicit with Israeli violations of international law such as Eden Springs, G4S and Veolia, which sold its Israeli business as a result of a years-long BDS campaign.

Shelly Asquith, another of the unions vice presidents, said she was pleased that the unions support for the BDS movement had been reaffirmed.

At a time when students rights to organize on this issue are increasingly being undermined through programs such as the Prevent agenda, it feels particularly important to re-assert our position, Asquith told The Electronic Intifada.

Prevent is a British government program ostensibly designed to stop young people from becoming involved in terrorism. Since it was introduced to British schools and universities, police have deemed the reading of literature sympathetic to the Palestinians as evidence of holding terrorist-like views.

The UK government, universities and pro-Israel groups are currently seeking to restrict freedom of speech in order to protect Israel from criticism.

Last week, management at both the University College London and the University of Central Lancashire withdrew permission for events planned for Israeli Apartheid Week, an annual series of events held by the Palestine solidarity movement.

However, Israeli Apartheid Week events organized students at both universities are still taking place, as are events at more than 30 other campuses across the UK.

More than 200 people attended an opening event for Israeli Apartheid Week in London on Tuesday. The event featured Farid Esack, a South African academic and anti-apartheid activist and Aja Monet, a spoken word artist and human rights advocate from the US.

Attempts to stifle pro-Palestine activism represent a serious attack on freedom of speech. But they are simply failing to deter students from taking principled action in support of Palestinians and their struggle for liberation.

I suggest sending (undercover) students on these trips to document what Israel tells them while there. Let's see just what Israeli propaganda is being given to these students.

not a good strategy - we're pretty good at figuring out who's genuine and who isn't, especially if their trip is being subsidized.

Like the Al Jazeera reporter on The Lobby?

and one thought that the labor party was pro Justice siding with the oppressed Palestinian people

See the original post:

UK's student union rebukes officer for Israeli embassy plot - The Electronic Intifada (blog)

Focusing on religious oppression in China misses the big picture – CNN International

But I've also seen how religion is tightly proscribed.

Only five religious groups are allowed to exist in China: Buddhism, Daoism, Islam, Protestantism and Catholicism. The government controls the appointment of major religious figures, and decides where places of worship can be built. It tries to influence theology and limits contacts overseas. And it bans groups it doesn't like, especially the spiritual practice Falun Gong, or groups it calls cults, like the charismatic Christian splinter sect Almighty God.

But overall, the message is glum. Almost all groups are said to face serious restrictions, with three groups --Uyghurs who practice Islam, Protestant Christians, and followers of the banned spiritual practice Falun Gong --facing "high" or "very high" levels of government interference.

While most of the facts in the study are correct, the context feels more negative than the religious world I've experienced. Of course it is in the nature of such reports to be critical --this is what watchdogs like Freedom House are for-- but it feeds into an overall assumption in western countries that the Chinese government is a major persecutor of religion.

On the face of it, this is horrific -- so many churches shorn of the very symbol of their faith. What better example of a heavy-handed atheistic state persecuting belief?

And yet I think this is not typical of Protestantism in China. I've made several trips to the area where the crosses were removed and feel I know the region well.

I'd say that the most important point is that virtually none of these churches have been closed. All continue to have worshipers and services just like before. In addition, the campaign never spread beyond the one province. Some pessimists see it as a precursor for a campaign that might spread nationally, but so far that hasn't happened and there is no indication it will.

What seems to have happened is a fairly special case. That region is at most 10% Protestant -- above the national average of about 5%, but still a minority. But local Christians decided to put huge red crosses on the roofs of buildings and churches, so they dominated the skyline of every city, town, and village across the province. That gave the impression that Christianity was the dominant local religion and irked many non-Christians.

Self-critical Christians told me that their big red crosses were meant well. They were enthused by their faith and wanted to proclaim it. But they also sheepishly said it might also have been a sign of vanity; rather than putting their money into mission work or social engagement, they wanted to boast about their wealth and faith. I felt they were a bit hard on themselves -- in a normal, healthy society an open expression of one's faith should be normal -- but it is true that it was also a potential provocation for a state that does not give religion much public space.

This mirrors what I've seen as well. Protestantism is booming and Chinese cities are full of unregistered (also called "underground" or "house") churches. These are known to the government but still allowed to function. They attract some of the best-educated and successful people in China. And they are socially engaged, with outreach programs to the homeless, orphanages, and even families of political prisoners. To me, this is an amazing story and far outweighs the cross-removal campaign, which basically ended and seems to have had no lasting consequences.

Now, it's true that all this could change. Last autumn, the government issued new regulations on religion. The most important point of the rules was to reemphasize a ban on religious groups' ties to foreign groups -- for example, sending people abroad to seminaries, or inviting foreigners to teach or train in China. This is clearly part of a broader trend in China that we see in other areas. Non-governmental organizations are also under pressure, and the surest way to get unwanted government attention is to have links abroad.

Given the predilections of the Xi administration, these new religious regulations could be harshly enforced. We could see unregistered churches forced to join government churches. And we could see outreach programs closed down.

If this happens, then I would say that Protestantism would be suffering from a "high" degree of persecution. And if it happens we'll need hard-hitting reports condemning it in no uncertain terms. But until this crackdown really occurs, we might be missing the forest for the trees.

Ian Johnson is a Pulitzer Prize-winning correspondent based in Beijing. His new book, "The Souls of China: The Return of Religion After Mao," will be published in April. The views expressed above are solely his own.


Focusing on religious oppression in China misses the big picture - CNN International

Articles: Islam, the Veil, and Oppression – American Thinker – American Thinker

Wouldnt you feel that it was your fault that this child was raped? I know that I could never live with myself if something like that happened. That is why I wear the hijab.

Although only two or three years younger than Zoepf, this Muslim woman named Asma is light years removed from the idea that blaming an unveiled woman for the actions of a child molester [is] outrageous [and] to argue otherwise [is] to suggest that men [aren't] responsible for themselves.

Zoepf quotes Fatima Mernissi, a Moroccan sociologist who has explained that the traditional Islamic society hardly acknowledge[s] the individual, whom it abhor[s] as a disturber of the collective harmony. Consequently, traditional society produce[s] Muslims who [are] literally submissive to the will of the group.

If seen in a positive light, this group cohesion creates a strong community bond where all Muslims are guardians of the others in the group. Thus, if someone slipped, then the guilt would be shared." Consequently, less important are the rights of the individual compared with the "rights of the community." This sense of group identity is certainly a common thread among tightly knit communities of many different religious organizations.

On the other hand, this misogyny disproportionately burdens female members. Thus, females who grow up under this constant scrutiny face a particularly difficult path, since the mere fact of their being in the public eye is often enough to raise suspicions about their modesty.

Hereinlies a fundamental and clear-cut difference between a society based on individual responsibility for ones actions and one based on group conformity wrapped around a guilt-induced rationale. At no time does a mans accountability for assault enter this mindset. According to this point of view, the woman deliberately put herself in a position to be victimized and the community did nothing to stop the womans actions. This, is why Sheik Taj Din al-Hilali, Australia's most senior Muslim clericcan assert, without irony, that an unveiled woman is asking to be raped since she is "like uncovered meat who attract sexual predators." Moreover, al Hilali "suggested that a group of Muslim men recently jailed for many years for gang rapes were not entirely to blame" since there were women who "sway suggestively" and "wore make-up and immodest dress." He went on to say that if the woman "was in her room, in her home, in her hijab (veil), no problem would have occurred." Thus, the problem of rape lies entirely with the women victims.

And many followers of Islam concur. Abdul Jabar Azimi states that "Hijab prevents molestation" and mentions the Qur'an in the following verses of Surah Al-Ahzab: "O Prophet! tell thy wives and daughters, and the believing women that they should cast their outer garments over their persons (when abroad); that is most convenient, that they should be known (as such) and not molested (Al-Qu'ran 33:59)."

Thus,the "Hijab has been prescribed for the women so that they are recognized as modest women and this will also prevent them from being molested."

Which, of course, begs the question -- if a woman is uncovered, does that make her ripe for a sexual attack -- thus, if a non-Muslim woman is wearing Western garb, is it correct to presume that she is a proper target for an attack? Ask the rape victims of Cologne and other European cities.

In her graphic novel Persepolis, Marjane Satrapi demonstrates how in 1980, Iran was transformed under the Islamic Revolution so that she no longer could go to a French secular school but was forced to wear the veil, attend a segregated school, and fear for her mother, who was demonstrating for freedom and choice.

With the Shah'soverthrow in 1979, alcohol was banned, clubs were shut down, and women had to be covered head-to-toe in public. Daniel Greenfield documents what happened recently to one young girl and her friends who had the audacity to remove their hijabs. The young people were taken to prison and the court issued its punishment -- for wearing a skirt, each girl would receive 40 lashes while the boys who had partied and listened to western music would receive 50 lashes.

Farhana Qaziwas interviewed by Abigail R. Esman and recounts how she was "blessed to be an American Muslim woman who would not have had the same opportunities in life if she had remained in Pakistan." She explains that her father raised her to be a bridge between the East and West and she has used her skills in counterterrorism work. Her work focuses on the divisions in the Muslim world today -- "a broken mass of billions blinded by age-old customs, traditional, and patriarchal norms steeped in ancient cultures." She is trying "to understand the way that Islam has been destroyed by splinter groups, religious fanatics, and hardline conservatives, issuing fatwas that oppose women's rights."

Qazi maintains that many Muslim females join Al Qaeda and other terrorist groups because, the groups, e.g., ISIS, "empower these girls." This is because "many Muslim girls living in the West are still bound by cultural (read controlled) rules and have little freedom outside of their home environment; they aren't allowed to 'hang out' with Western friends and these girls certainly don't have the same opportunities as their brothers or male cousins. In these cases, girls look for alternatives, which terrorism provides" and the terrorist groups are only too happy to make use of the girls as "cannon fodder." And, if the girls do not obey, they will be silenced by being shot with paintballs, whipped, or stoned to death.

Qazi states that because Muslims "believe that God's love is only for the select few, then this teaching restricts children in many ways; they are unable to cope in a western society and compelled to stay with their own communities. They are quite vulnerable to extremist recruitment."

In 2010, Nonie Darwish wrote that President Obama

did not tell the Muslim world what they needed to hear, and should have heard from the leader of the Free world. He had a moral obligation to add that we need to protect the right of Muslim women not to wear the hijab and punish those who force them to do so.

Many Muslim governments do not force the Islamic outfit on women. Egypt is one such country and the problem for the majority of Egyptian women is not being forced by their government to wear the hijab, but rather, they are forced by radical Islamists and their families. Mr. Obama should have known that the Egyptian government itself often discourages women from covering up and actually forbids the wives of Egyptian diplomats from wearing the hijab and even head covering. The reason I know that is because my brother is an Egyptian diplomat. The social and religious pressure on Egyptian women is huge and tyranny does not necessarily come from the top but often from Islamist Sharia enforcers on the streets who often want to take matters in their own hands. They use ridicule, pressure, intimidation, humiliation, and even throwing acid on women who do not wear the Islamic garb.

Ayaan Hirsi Ali writes that Muslim women,resigned to their circumstances,survive by reciting "Inshallah, God willing." Thus, if a woman does not submit, "then a man's good name, and his authorityare damaged." This "belief is part of a larger one that individuals don't matter; that their choices and desires are meaningless, particularly if the individuals are women." As a result, "[t]his sense of honor and male entitlement drastically restricts women's choices [so that] a whole culture and its religion weigh down every Muslim, but the heaviest weight falls disproportionately on women's shoulders."

And recently, the military ruler for the region of eastern Libya, General Abdul Razek al-Nazouri, announced his decision to bar Libyan women from leaving the country unguarded by a male.

Ayaan Hirsi Ali also maintains that "the Muslim veil, [and the] different sorts of masks and beaks and burkas, are all gradations of mental slavery." In fact,a woman "must ask permission to leave the house, and when [she] does, [she] must always hide behind thick drapery. Ashamed of [her] own body, suppressing [her] own desires -- what small space in a [woman's] life can be called [her] own? The veil deliberately marks women as private and restricted property, nonpersons. The veil sets women apart from men and apart from the world; it restrains them, confines them, grooms them for docility. A mind can be cramped just as a body may be, and the Muslim veil blinkers botha woman's vision and her destiny. It is the mark of a kind of apartheid, not the domination of a race, but of a sex."

That a piece of cloth should be the center of so much attention should speak to the fact that it represents much more than a piece of material. Certainly, Muslims can wrap their explanations around the idea of modesty as much as they want, but, in reality, far too many women are gagging under the weight of the veil.

Eileen can be reached at

I am currently reading Excellent Daughters: The Secret Lives of Young Women Who Are Transforming the Arab World by Katherine Zoepf. One chapter discusses the use of the veil or the hijab and it is a most telling revelation about the astonishing differences of thinking in the traditional Islamic society as contrasted with Western thought. Zoepf recounts this encounter with a Muslim woman who proudly explains why she wears the hijab.

What if a man sees you girls walking in the street with your hair uncovered and becomes so aroused that he goes and abuses a child?

Wouldnt you feel that it was your fault that this child was raped? I know that I could never live with myself if something like that happened. That is why I wear the hijab.

Although only two or three years younger than Zoepf, this Muslim woman named Asma is light years removed from the idea that blaming an unveiled woman for the actions of a child molester [is] outrageous [and] to argue otherwise [is] to suggest that men [aren't] responsible for themselves.

Zoepf quotes Fatima Mernissi, a Moroccan sociologist who has explained that the traditional Islamic society hardly acknowledge[s] the individual, whom it abhor[s] as a disturber of the collective harmony. Consequently, traditional society produce[s] Muslims who [are] literally submissive to the will of the group.

If seen in a positive light, this group cohesion creates a strong community bond where all Muslims are guardians of the others in the group. Thus, if someone slipped, then the guilt would be shared." Consequently, less important are the rights of the individual compared with the "rights of the community." This sense of group identity is certainly a common thread among tightly knit communities of many different religious organizations.

On the other hand, this misogyny disproportionately burdens female members. Thus, females who grow up under this constant scrutiny face a particularly difficult path, since the mere fact of their being in the public eye is often enough to raise suspicions about their modesty.

Hereinlies a fundamental and clear-cut difference between a society based on individual responsibility for ones actions and one based on group conformity wrapped around a guilt-induced rationale. At no time does a mans accountability for assault enter this mindset. According to this point of view, the woman deliberately put herself in a position to be victimized and the community did nothing to stop the womans actions. This, is why Sheik Taj Din al-Hilali, Australia's most senior Muslim clericcan assert, without irony, that an unveiled woman is asking to be raped since she is "like uncovered meat who attract sexual predators." Moreover, al Hilali "suggested that a group of Muslim men recently jailed for many years for gang rapes were not entirely to blame" since there were women who "sway suggestively" and "wore make-up and immodest dress." He went on to say that if the woman "was in her room, in her home, in her hijab (veil), no problem would have occurred." Thus, the problem of rape lies entirely with the women victims.

And many followers of Islam concur. Abdul Jabar Azimi states that "Hijab prevents molestation" and mentions the Qur'an in the following verses of Surah Al-Ahzab: "O Prophet! tell thy wives and daughters, and the believing women that they should cast their outer garments over their persons (when abroad); that is most convenient, that they should be known (as such) and not molested (Al-Qu'ran 33:59)."

Thus,the "Hijab has been prescribed for the women so that they are recognized as modest women and this will also prevent them from being molested."

Which, of course, begs the question -- if a woman is uncovered, does that make her ripe for a sexual attack -- thus, if a non-Muslim woman is wearing Western garb, is it correct to presume that she is a proper target for an attack? Ask the rape victims of Cologne and other European cities.

In her graphic novel Persepolis, Marjane Satrapi demonstrates how in 1980, Iran was transformed under the Islamic Revolution so that she no longer could go to a French secular school but was forced to wear the veil, attend a segregated school, and fear for her mother, who was demonstrating for freedom and choice.

With the Shah'soverthrow in 1979, alcohol was banned, clubs were shut down, and women had to be covered head-to-toe in public. Daniel Greenfield documents what happened recently to one young girl and her friends who had the audacity to remove their hijabs. The young people were taken to prison and the court issued its punishment -- for wearing a skirt, each girl would receive 40 lashes while the boys who had partied and listened to western music would receive 50 lashes.

Farhana Qaziwas interviewed by Abigail R. Esman and recounts how she was "blessed to be an American Muslim woman who would not have had the same opportunities in life if she had remained in Pakistan." She explains that her father raised her to be a bridge between the East and West and she has used her skills in counterterrorism work. Her work focuses on the divisions in the Muslim world today -- "a broken mass of billions blinded by age-old customs, traditional, and patriarchal norms steeped in ancient cultures." She is trying "to understand the way that Islam has been destroyed by splinter groups, religious fanatics, and hardline conservatives, issuing fatwas that oppose women's rights."

Qazi maintains that many Muslim females join Al Qaeda and other terrorist groups because, the groups, e.g., ISIS, "empower these girls." This is because "many Muslim girls living in the West are still bound by cultural (read controlled) rules and have little freedom outside of their home environment; they aren't allowed to 'hang out' with Western friends and these girls certainly don't have the same opportunities as their brothers or male cousins. In these cases, girls look for alternatives, which terrorism provides" and the terrorist groups are only too happy to make use of the girls as "cannon fodder." And, if the girls do not obey, they will be silenced by being shot with paintballs, whipped, or stoned to death.

Qazi states that because Muslims "believe that God's love is only for the select few, then this teaching restricts children in many ways; they are unable to cope in a western society and compelled to stay with their own communities. They are quite vulnerable to extremist recruitment."

In 2010, Nonie Darwish wrote that President Obama

did not tell the Muslim world what they needed to hear, and should have heard from the leader of the Free world. He had a moral obligation to add that we need to protect the right of Muslim women not to wear the hijab and punish those who force them to do so.

Many Muslim governments do not force the Islamic outfit on women. Egypt is one such country and the problem for the majority of Egyptian women is not being forced by their government to wear the hijab, but rather, they are forced by radical Islamists and their families. Mr. Obama should have known that the Egyptian government itself often discourages women from covering up and actually forbids the wives of Egyptian diplomats from wearing the hijab and even head covering. The reason I know that is because my brother is an Egyptian diplomat. The social and religious pressure on Egyptian women is huge and tyranny does not necessarily come from the top but often from Islamist Sharia enforcers on the streets who often want to take matters in their own hands. They use ridicule, pressure, intimidation, humiliation, and even throwing acid on women who do not wear the Islamic garb.

Ayaan Hirsi Ali writes that Muslim women,resigned to their circumstances,survive by reciting "Inshallah, God willing." Thus, if a woman does not submit, "then a man's good name, and his authorityare damaged." This "belief is part of a larger one that individuals don't matter; that their choices and desires are meaningless, particularly if the individuals are women." As a result, "[t]his sense of honor and male entitlement drastically restricts women's choices [so that] a whole culture and its religion weigh down every Muslim, but the heaviest weight falls disproportionately on women's shoulders."

And recently, the military ruler for the region of eastern Libya, General Abdul Razek al-Nazouri, announced his decision to bar Libyan women from leaving the country unguarded by a male.

Ayaan Hirsi Ali also maintains that "the Muslim veil, [and the] different sorts of masks and beaks and burkas, are all gradations of mental slavery." In fact,a woman "must ask permission to leave the house, and when [she] does, [she] must always hide behind thick drapery. Ashamed of [her] own body, suppressing [her] own desires -- what small space in a [woman's] life can be called [her] own? The veil deliberately marks women as private and restricted property, nonpersons. The veil sets women apart from men and apart from the world; it restrains them, confines them, grooms them for docility. A mind can be cramped just as a body may be, and the Muslim veil blinkers botha woman's vision and her destiny. It is the mark of a kind of apartheid, not the domination of a race, but of a sex."

That a piece of cloth should be the center of so much attention should speak to the fact that it represents much more than a piece of material. Certainly, Muslims can wrap their explanations around the idea of modesty as much as they want, but, in reality, far too many women are gagging under the weight of the veil.

Eileen can be reached at

Excerpt from:

Articles: Islam, the Veil, and Oppression - American Thinker - American Thinker

From Latin America to South Africa: it’s time for effective solidarity towards Palestine – The Daily Vox (blog)

As the world gears up for Israeli Apartheid Week 2017, Pedro Ferraracio Charbel says that Israel continues to enact violence in Latin America, and South Africans and Latin Americans should stand together to oppose Israels continued globalised oppression.

As a child of the 90s Ive only read, watched and listened to the inspiring stories of the South African anti-apartheid movement. I am deeply proud to come from Latin America, where social movements and some governments backed and advanced this struggle. It is even more inspiring to see that our people, while still struggling locally today, continue to find the time and energy to commit solidarity and support to others that are fighting oppression elsewhere.

Our struggles unite us, and this sense of internationalism becomes only more urgent with the rise of conservative and racist forces around the world. In this context, the recent support by Israels prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu to US president Donald Trump and his intention to build a wall on the Mexican border does not come as a surprise. Israel considers policies such as Trumps as golden opportunities to promote and export their field-tested weapons, military technologies and racist policies.

Israel truly is a world leader in globalised oppression. When most of the world was isolating the apartheid regime in South Africa, it was Israel that broke the boycott and supplied the racist government with military including nuclear technology. Israel, it has been documented, also exported weapons to Rwanda during the genocide in 1994, and it further fueled the civil war in South Sudan supplying groups there with weapons.

The Israeli regime was also deeply associated with bloody dictatorships and death squads in Latin America. In fact, till today, Israel and its companies are promoting, abetting and profiting from human rights violations and killings perpetrated by several governments and police in my region. In Latin America, this violence that Israel is essentially part of, is almost always against black, poor, migrant and indigenous populations. Israels mistreatment of Palestinians and of Africans is been imported by our governments and used against our peoples.

There is no surprise, then, that Trumps wall on the Mexico border would whet the appetite of the Israeli government and companies complicity with its violations. One such company, the Israeli Elbit Systems, was already contracted by the previous US government to build watchtowers on the US-Mexico border. Elbits selling point includes Israels apartheid wall and military drones which have been used against Palestinians in the besieged Gaza Strip.

From Latin America to South Africa the question asked by most conscious people when confronted by Israels racist regime against Palestinians and its collusion with human rights violations abroad is how do we confront this?

Launched in 2005 by the vast majority of Palestinian civil society, the Boycott Divestment and Sanctions movement (BDS) is inspired by the isolation campaigns that helped to put an end to apartheid in South Africa. It aims to pressure Israel to meet its obligations under international law, calling for citizens and progressive grassroots movements around the world to pressure governments, companies, universities, artists, and different entities to break the ties of complicity with Israels occupation, colonisation and apartheid. Not only because of its legitimacy, but also because of its spectacular results and connections to our own local struggles, BDS is the main answer as to what we can do.

Elbit, mentioned earlier, recently lost a major contract in Brazil, after pressure of local social movements in solidarity with Palestinians. Effective BDS pressure has led major multinationals, like Veolia, Orange and CRH, to abandon the Israeli market. The giant private security company G4S, which is also active in the US-Mexican border, sold almost all its business in Israel after losing several contracts and investments worldwide, including in South Africa, Colombia and Ecuador, due to BDS campaigns. Connecting BDS to struggles against water privatisation in Latin America, Brazilian and Argentinean social movements have managed to suspend deals of Israels apartheid water company, Mekorot.

These are just few examples of how people all around the world are answering the Palestinian call for BDS and effectively internationalising the struggle for human rights and against globalised repression and injustice. For South Africans and Latin Americans, standing in solidarity with the Palestinian people is organically connected to our own struggles in our respective regions. The two go hand in hand fighting local battles and lending solidarity internationally.

The South African government, like several Latin American and other African governments, has shown support to the Palestinian people. However, Palestinians, who were among the most principled and reliable supporters of the struggle for liberation in South Africa as well as for battles for justice in Latin America, are asking for effective solidarity, not just rhetorical support. Actions taken by our governments must be strengthened and intensified. It is time for a full military embargo on Israel and concrete measures to hold the Israeli regime and complicit companies to account.

Otherwise, no matter how eloquent ones speech may be, our governments will be supporting the material and symbolic walls being built and promoted by Netanyahu and Trump. Walls that are part of an international industry of injustice that has been harming Palestinians and our own peoples for decades. Let us all fight together for freedom, justice and equality.

Pedro Ferraracio Charbel is the BDS Coordinator for Latin America. He has been involved in various campaigns and struggles for justice, equality and freedom in Brazil and around the world.

See original here:

From Latin America to South Africa: it's time for effective solidarity towards Palestine - The Daily Vox (blog)

Saudi Arabia: Music video and government initiatives split society – Freemuse

A music video entitled Hwages, which loosely translates to concerns, featuring a trio of veiled female artists with colourful clothing underneath, playing together and singing about the oppression women face in Saudi Arabia has not only gone viral, but has also divided the country, reported The Independent on 5 January 2017.

The women, while they are shown playing basketball, skateboarding and riding in bumper cars, sing lyrics such as: May men be eradicated as they cause us to have mental illnesses; may they all go crazy, they seem to be possessed.

Saudis on social media have called the video disgusting and extremely inappropriate, but many have also praised the video for breaking stereotypes and helping to empower women in the country, reported The Sun on 4 January 2017.

The video, which was released on 23 December 2016, has over 9.2 million views as of the writing of this article. Click here to watch the Hwages music video and to learn more about women artists in Saudi Concerts and cinemas corruptMeanwhile, Saudi Mufti Abdel Aziz Bin Abdulla Al Sheikh, the highest religious authority in Saudi Arabia, has denounced a decision by the government-affiliated Entertainment Organisation to grant permits for music concerts and to establish the countrys first movie theatre, reported France24 on 14 January 2017.

Al Sheikh warned the organisation not to open the doors to evil, saying that no good can come from music concerts and that cinemas allow men and women to mingle a move that would violate public morality, reported Saudi online news source SABQ on 16 January 2017.

Concerts and cinemas corrupt the public, Al Sheikh said. Cinemas might screen films with sexually explicit content, thus harming public morality, inciting blasphemy and destroying our values; foreign films would impact negatively on our culture.

These new initiatives are part of the countrys ambitious new Economic Reform and Diversification Programme known as Saudi Vision 2030, which was launched in April 2016 by Crown Prince Mohamed Bin Salman, in part, to develop Saudi Arabias entertainment sector. History of censorshipWomen in Saudi Arabia live under harsh restrictions and art featuring women is often censored in the countrys male-dominated society.

In 2015 the Daily Mail reported that the country would censor album covers that were deemed to have sexy covers. In extreme cases, religious police were paid by the government to physically alter album covers by unwrapping individual CDs, removing the inserts and colouring over any exposed female flesh with a marker.

In response to such actions, three female artists in 2015 launched a poster campaign in Saudi capital Riyadh, pasting more than 400 posters that said Art is halal, meaning art is permissible, to provoke a discussion about the limits to freedom of expression people have in the country, reported Bustle in March 2015.

In 2013, the countrys Committee for the Promotion of Virtue and the Prevention of Vice (CPVPV) allegedly ordered music shops to put up signs that banned women from entering. In May 2015, authorities cancelled a concert scheduled at the Jeddah Amasy concert hall because the audience was going to be of mixed gender.

More recently, in 2016, the emir of the eastern region of Makkah banned the playing and carrying of musical instruments, headphones and speakers in public spaces. Also in 2016, the CPVPV in the Mayahel province stopped artists from performing music at a festival on two consecutive nights to prevent swaying and dancing which they deemed inappropriate and not worthy to be performed in front of women.

The level of restriction on freedom of expression in the country has gotten so stringent that in 2015 the United Nations human rights expert David Kaye expressed grave concern, noting a series of severe punishments against artists and citizens who expressed their beliefs and opinions about the country.

Photo: Screen shot from Hwages video/8ies Productions Sources

NPR 1 February 2017 Saudi women stunt hard (and dis men) in a music video gone viral

SABQ 16 January 2017 Mufti takes decisive stance on entertainment, concerts and movies are corruptive

France 24 14 January 2017 Saudi Mufti: Music concerts and cinemas corrupt the public

Stuff 9 January 2017 Women star in music video rebelling against banned activities in Saudi Arabia

The Independent 5 January 2017 Saudi Arabian women release video mocking kingdoms driving laws

The Sun 4 January 2017 Female pop band spark outrage in Saudi Arabia with music video mocking Donald Trump and condemning oppression of women

Daily Mail 25 March 2015 Cover up! How overtly sexy album artwork from singers like Madonna and Lady Gaga are censored for audiences in the Middle East

Middle East Eye 29 March 2015 Art is Halal poster campaign sparks lively debate in Saudi Arabia

Bustle 15 March 2015 Art is Halal posters by Saudi Arabian female artists ignite debate about censorship, a risky move in the kingdom More from Freemuse

3 March 2017: Podcast: Spotlight on Saudi female artists

8 July 2016: Saudi Arabia: Emir bans playing and carrying of musical instruments in region

20 January 2016: Saudi Arabia: Festival stopped due to swaying and dancing

17 December 2015: Saudi Arabia: Growing clamp down on freedom of expression

30 June 2015: Saudi Arabia: Concert with mixed gender audience cancelled

3 July 2013: Saudi Arabia: Women banned from entering music shops

Here is the original post:

Saudi Arabia: Music video and government initiatives split society - Freemuse

This Is Why The Youth Is Picking Up Arms In Kashmir – Youth Ki Awaaz

Excessive military presence in public spaces, a rigid approach adopted by the ruling power in India and, most importantly, the grave human rights violations in the aftermath of the deathof militant commander Burhan Muzaffar Wani have increased home-grown militancy and radicalization among the Kashmiri population.

Educated youth havingpicked up arms to fight for a cause, lackgenuine training and are these days giving a tough time to the highly equipped government forces. Although, the situation exhibits that the current situationin Kashmir is similar toan armed struggle, it can never be compared to the insurgency of the 90s. The popular local support, the seed sown by Burhan Wani and the unrest after his death have motivated the educated youth towards militancy.

They feel that the government of India does not care about their pain and suffering due to the lingering Kashmir issue. In such circumstances, declaring militancy because of lack of economic opportunities and frustration due to high unemployment is contradictory to their demands.

Before the 2016 unrest, the Indian army under theArmed Forces Special Powers Act (AFSPA) used to cordon off the whole area or village for anencounter with armed militants. After Burhan Wanis killing, the whole scenario has changed. Now, the local populace come out on the streets during search operations and start throwing stones to help the militants escape. Many civilians have lost their lives and a large number of people have been injured. With such obstructions the army has, on several occasions, called off the search operations.

Recently, armed personnel of the 55 Rashtriya Rifles (a Special Operation Group of Jammu & Kashmir Police from Pulwama and Newa) cordoned off Urivan village after a tip-offthat two Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT) militants were hiding there. When the government forces started a combing operation, the local population attacked the army and SOG personnel with stones, thus, forcing the men in uniforms to vacate the site.

The armed forces in Kashmir are now taking stern steps to deal with the people who help militants. They have been directed to use only rifles and drop their batons. This direction has comeafter General Bipin Rawat issued warnings of harsh action against those who help militants escape.

The army has also tried the use of soft measures like using smoke cover to prevent locals from obstructing operations but this has not yielded much result, forcing them to consider using harsher methods. The state government has now decided to impose strict restrictions within a radius of three km from the site of any counter-insurgency operation in Kashmir.

On the other hand,students in the Valleys educational institutes, including those at Kashmir University, are now openly cautioning the government to end oppression and suppression of the people of Kashmir otherwise they will be left with no choice but to pick up guns. Recently, despite the ban on students politics, there was a protest march inside the campus of Kashmir University expressing solidarity with the families of militants and civilians killed in an encounter in Kulgam South Kashmir. Shouting pro-azadi(freedom) and anti-India slogans, the protesting students carried banners reading, End Occupation, Free Kashmir.

Nowadays, informers have become a new headache for the army units in Kashmir. Twice in the past fortnight, the armys local informers in the Valley double-crossed them and gave ared herring to the units involved in operations, leading theminto the militants trap.

Undoubtedly, there is much support to the militants in Kashmir by the local people, but the fact is that youngsters mostly get killed within a period of a month or two after joining militancy. Every encounter ends on a bitter note. Sometimes, civilians also fall to the bullets from the forces. Militant, innocent, policeman or even army at the end of the day, is made up by humans who lose their precious lives. To end the humanitarian crisis in Kashmir, the ruling partyhas to shun its stubbornness and initiate a process by taking concrete and honest steps for the resolution of the Kashmir issue.


The writer can be reached at: [emailprotected]

View original post here:

This Is Why The Youth Is Picking Up Arms In Kashmir - Youth Ki Awaaz

Focusing on religious oppression in China misses the big picture – Gant Daily

How bad is religious persecution in China?

This is a question Ive thought a lot about over the past few years. Since 2010 Ive been working on a project documenting a religious revival in China, and seen new churches, temples, and mosques open each year, attracting millions of new worshipers.

But Ive also seen how religion is tightly proscribed.

Only five religious groups are allowed to exist in China: Buddhism, Daoism, Islam, Protestantism and Catholicism. The government controls the appointment of major religious figures, and decides where places of worship can be built. It tries to influence theology and limits contacts overseas. And it bans groups it doesnt like, especially the spiritual practice Falun Gong, or groups it calls cults, like the charismatic Christian splinter sect Almighty God.

These problems are explained in a new and carefully researched study by Freedom House. The 142-page report, The Battle for Chinas Spirit, points out that some religions face little persecution. Daoists and Buddhists are faring well, while Catholics could soon enjoy better times, with ties possibly warming between Beijing and the Vatican.

But overall, the message is glum. Almost all groups are said to face serious restrictions, with three groups Uyghurs who practice Islam, Protestant Christians, and followers of the banned spiritual practice Falun Gong facing high or very high levels of government interference.


While most of the facts in the study are correct, the context feels more negative than the religious world Ive experienced. Of course it is in the nature of such reports to be critical this is what watchdogs like Freedom House are for but it feeds into an overall assumption in western countries that the Chinese government is a major persecutor of religion.

According to the United States Commission on International Religious Freedom, for example, China is one of just 17 countries in the world listed as being of particular concern.

Let me highlight one area where I think Freedom House could have done better: Protestant Christianity. The Freedom House report focuses on a cross-removal campaign, which ran from 2014-2016 and saw over 1,000 crosses removed from the spires of churches, or the tops of buildings. In addition, a church was demolished.

On the face of it, this is horrific so many churches shorn of the very symbol of their faith. What better example of a heavy-handed atheistic state persecuting belief?

And yet I think this is not typical of Protestantism in China. Ive made several trips to the area where the crosses were removed and feel I know the region well.

Id say that the most important point is that virtually none of these churches have been closed. All continue to have worshipers and services just like before. In addition, the campaign never spread beyond the one province. Some pessimists see it as a precursor for a campaign that might spread nationally, but so far that hasnt happened and there is no indication it will.

What seems to have happened is a fairly special case. That region is at most 10% Protestant above the national average of about 5%, but still a minority. But local Christians decided to put huge red crosses on the roofs of buildings and churches, so they dominated the skyline of every city, town, and village across the province. That gave the impression that Christianity was the dominant local religion and irked many non-Christians.

Self-critical Christians told me that their big red crosses were meant well. They were enthused by their faith and wanted to proclaim it. But they also sheepishly said it might also have been a sign of vanity; rather than putting their money into mission work or social engagement, they wanted to boast about their wealth and faith. I felt they were a bit hard on themselves in a normal, healthy society an open expression of ones faith should be normal but it is true that it was also a potential provocation for a state that does not give religion much public space.

In short, this campaign was fairly specific and not representative of most Protestants religious experience in China. In his new book Chinas Urban Christians, Brent Fulton of the Protestant think tank ChinaSource, writes that political oppression is a secondary concern, even for underground Protestants. Instead he says what keeps pastors of these churches up at night are problems that religious leaders around the world would recognize: materialism and the lures of secular society. The government is a hassle, but is not their main problem.

This mirrors what Ive seen as well. Protestantism is booming and Chinese cities are full of unregistered (also called underground or house) churches. These are known to the government but still allowed to function. They attract some of the best-educated and successful people in China. And they are socially engaged, with outreach programs to the homeless, orphanages, and even families of political prisoners. To me, this is an amazing story and far outweighs the cross-removal campaign, which basically ended and seems to have had no lasting consequences.

Dark future?

Now, its true that all this could change. Last autumn, the government issued new regulations on religion. The most important point of the rules was to reemphasize a ban on religious groups ties to foreign groups for example, sending people abroad to seminaries, or inviting foreigners to teach or train in China. This is clearly part of a broader trend in China that we see in other areas. Non-governmental organizations are also under pressure, and the surest way to get unwanted government attention is to have links abroad.

Given the predilections of the Xi administration, these new religious regulations could be harshly enforced. We could see unregistered churches forced to join government churches. And we could see outreach programs closed down.

If this happens, then I would say that Protestantism would be suffering from a high degree of persecution. And if it happens well need hard-hitting reports condemning it in no uncertain terms. But until this crackdown really occurs, we might be missing the forest for the trees.

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Focusing on religious oppression in China misses the big picture - Gant Daily

ISIS Threatens China In New Video Showing Chinese Jihadists – Vocativ

Anofficial ISIS media outlet released a 30 minute video on February 27 that for the first time threatens China with attacks. Along with executions, the video included scenes that purported to show the daily life of its Chinese Muslim fighters.

In one scene, a militant addresses the camera before carrying out an execution, saying you Chinese people who dont understand the language of the people, we the soldiers of the Caliphate will come to you to teach you the language of weapons, to spill rivers of blood as revenge against the oppressors. The man then turns to the victim, who is wearing an orange jumpsuit and is hanging upside down from the ceiling, and slits his throat while a young boy looks on from the side.

Uighurs are a Turkic ethnic group who live mostly in Chinas western Xinjiang province. They practice Islam, and are often targeted by the Chinese government for religious and security reasons. Human Rights Watch previously reportedon government oppression of the sect,including a recent campaign to confiscate Uighur passports. On February 27 the Chinese army held anti-terror rallies in the heart of Xinjiang, assembling over 10,000 troops in the regions capital.

The new video references Chinese government persecution of the Uighur minority, showing footage of Chinese security forces detaining Muslims.

The video also includes scenes of armed children and teenage boys, undergoing religious and military training. Children are shown trainingwith weapons, and one child soldier simulates the execution of a prisoner who is kneeling. In one disturbing scene, a child referred to asAbd al-Rashid al-Turkistani, executes a kneeling prisoner. The child is shown pressing a pistol to the top of his victims head, and pulls the trigger.

ISIS has in the past reached out to Chinas Uighur population, releasing a video in 2015 calling on them to join the group and move to ISIS territory. According to a 2016 report released by an American think tank, over 100 Chinese Uighurs have joined ISIS.

See the article here:

ISIS Threatens China In New Video Showing Chinese Jihadists - Vocativ

Freedom House: Chinese Communists Intensifying Religious … – Voice of America

The Chinese Communist Party has "intensified" its persecution of religious practitioners in recent years under the leadership of President Xi Jinping, and the ramifications are being felt well beyond the boundaries of religious policy, according to the U.S.-based Freedom House nonprofit.

In a new report released Tuesday, the group said increased oppression from the Chinese government is creating a thriving "black market" for believers to practice their religion outside of the official institutions.

"The party's rigid constraints render it impossible for state-sanctioned institutions to meet the growing demand for religion in Chinese society," said Senior Research Analyst Sarah Cook, the author of the report.

According to the article, Chinese authorities regularly jail believers for long periods, or engage in sustained violence against certain communities to exert control over illicit religious practices. At least 100 million Chinese, or about one third of the country's population, face "high" or "very high" persecution levels, the report said.

While the government is stepping up its religious restrictions with electronic surveillance at places of worship and imprisonment of those who share religious content on social media, Cook said the efforts illustrate "a remarkable failure," as an increasing number of people are worshipping underground and using tools to circumvent internet censorship.

"It reflects the party's difficulty in confronting citizens who are willing to make sacrifices for higher principles. From this perspective, it would appear that in the long-term battle for China's spirit, an unreformed Communist Party will ultimately lose," she said.

The report shows that China's persecution of religious believers stretches across various faiths, and includes Christians, Muslims, Buddhists, and Falon Gong practitioners, who face severe human rights violations from the Chinese Communist Party.

Go here to read the rest:

Freedom House: Chinese Communists Intensifying Religious ... - Voice of America

Trump Vows Teamwork with ‘Allies in the Muslim World’ to ‘Demolish and Destroy ISIS’ – Breitbart News


The vast majority of individuals convicted for terrorism-related offenses since 9/11 came here from outside the country, the President noted, asserting that his administration would modify immigration procedures to ensure that officials identify individuals with ties to terrorist organizationsbefore they enter the country. It is not compassionate, but reckless, to allow uncontrolled entry from places where proper vetting cannot occur, the President said, vowing strong measures to protect our nation from radical Islamic terrorism


We cannot allow a beachhead of terrorism to form inside America, he continued. We cannot allow our Nation to become a sanctuary for extremists.

Among the first actions President Trump took during his first month in officewas a temporary ban on entry for citizens from seven nations with significant security deficits. Iran, Iraq, Syria, Sudan, Libya, Yemen, and Somalia, President Trumps administration asserted, suffered either from chaotic, war-torn infrastructure decay or systematic government oppression, such that their evaluations of citizens attempting to enter the United States could not be trusted. The move proved controversial, and the White House has vowed to implement an updated version after courts struck down the executive order earlier this month.

President Trump also mentioned the next steps in the war against the Islamic State in the groups strongholds in the Middle East. Trump referred to the terrorist group as a network of lawless savages that have slaughtered Muslims and Christians, and men, women, and children of all faiths and beliefs.

Wewill work with our allies, including our friends and allies in the Muslim world, to extinguish this vile enemy from our planet, he promised.

Cooperating with heads of state in the Middle East who are looking for an ally in the United States has been a priority for many within the Trump administration. Speaking with Breitbart News last week,Deputy Assistant to the President and former Breitbart News National Security editor Dr. Sebastian Gorka vowed that President Trump would reach out to two major Muslim allies in particular: Egypt and Jordan.

This administrations going to help the Jordanians, help the Egyptians, help them fight this war, Dr. Gorka said, adding that ignoring the doctrinal roots of radical Islam hurts Muslims who are on the front lines with the jihadis the most.

Egypts president, Abdel Fattah al-Sisi, has repeatedly called for an Islamic reformation and challenges within the Muslim community against radical Islamic clerics and terrorist recruiters, most notably in a 2015 speech calling for a religious revolution against those who use Islam to condone violence.

Similarly, Jordans King Abdullah II has warned that the world has already entered a third World War against the outlaws of Islam. Speaking to the United Nations in 2015, he urged leaders in the Middle East, in particular, to amplify the voice of moderation against the organized propaganda efforts of groups like the Islamic State. Visiting the new Trump administration in late January, Abdullah reportedly urged the Trump administration to take a harder lineagainst radical Islam than its predecessor.

President Trump began his remarks tonight acknowledging Black History Month, and condemning hate in all its forms in reaction to a series of attacks and threats on Jewish institutions in the past week.

Read President Trumps full prepared remarks for Tuesdays Joint Session of Congress here.

Read the rest here:

Trump Vows Teamwork with 'Allies in the Muslim World' to 'Demolish and Destroy ISIS' - Breitbart News

Opinion: Focusing on religious oppression in China misses the big … – CNN

But I've also seen how religion is tightly proscribed.

Only five religious groups are allowed to exist in China: Buddhism, Daoism, Islam, Protestantism and Catholicism. The government controls the appointment of major religious figures, and decides where places of worship can be built. It tries to influence theology and limits contacts overseas. And it bans groups it doesn't like, especially the spiritual practice Falun Gong, or groups it calls cults, like the charismatic Christian splinter sect Almighty God.

But overall, the message is glum. Almost all groups are said to face serious restrictions, with three groups --Uyghurs who practice Islam, Protestant Christians, and followers of the banned spiritual practice Falun Gong --facing "high" or "very high" levels of government interference.

While most of the facts in the study are correct, the context feels more negative than the religious world I've experienced. Of course it is in the nature of such reports to be critical --this is what watchdogs like Freedom House are for-- but it feeds into an overall assumption in western countries that the Chinese government is a major persecutor of religion.

On the face of it, this is horrific -- so many churches shorn of the very symbol of their faith. What better example of a heavy-handed atheistic state persecuting belief?

And yet I think this is not typical of Protestantism in China. I've made several trips to the area where the crosses were removed and feel I know the region well.

I'd say that the most important point is that virtually none of these churches have been closed. All continue to have worshipers and services just like before. In addition, the campaign never spread beyond the one province. Some pessimists see it as a precursor for a campaign that might spread nationally, but so far that hasn't happened and there is no indication it will.

What seems to have happened is a fairly special case. That region is at most 10% Protestant -- above the national average of about 5%, but still a minority. But local Christians decided to put huge red crosses on the roofs of buildings and churches, so they dominated the skyline of every city, town, and village across the province. That gave the impression that Christianity was the dominant local religion and irked many non-Christians.

Self-critical Christians told me that their big red crosses were meant well. They were enthused by their faith and wanted to proclaim it. But they also sheepishly said it might also have been a sign of vanity; rather than putting their money into mission work or social engagement, they wanted to boast about their wealth and faith. I felt they were a bit hard on themselves -- in a normal, healthy society an open expression of one's faith should be normal -- but it is true that it was also a potential provocation for a state that does not give religion much public space.

This mirrors what I've seen as well. Protestantism is booming and Chinese cities are full of unregistered (also called "underground" or "house") churches. These are known to the government but still allowed to function. They attract some of the best-educated and successful people in China. And they are socially engaged, with outreach programs to the homeless, orphanages, and even families of political prisoners. To me, this is an amazing story and far outweighs the cross-removal campaign, which basically ended and seems to have had no lasting consequences.

Now, it's true that all this could change. Last autumn, the government issued new regulations on religion. The most important point of the rules was to reemphasize a ban on religious groups' ties to foreign groups -- for example, sending people abroad to seminaries, or inviting foreigners to teach or train in China. This is clearly part of a broader trend in China that we see in other areas. Non-governmental organizations are also under pressure, and the surest way to get unwanted government attention is to have links abroad.

Given the predilections of the Xi administration, these new religious regulations could be harshly enforced. We could see unregistered churches forced to join government churches. And we could see outreach programs closed down.

If this happens, then I would say that Protestantism would be suffering from a "high" degree of persecution. And if it happens we'll need hard-hitting reports condemning it in no uncertain terms. But until this crackdown really occurs, we might be missing the forest for the trees.

Ian Johnson is a Pulitzer Prize-winning correspondent based on Beijing. His new book, "The Souls of China: The Return of Religion After Mao," will be published in April. The views expressed above are solely his own.

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What should we see in the ashes of the Standing Rock protest camp? – Liberation

The anti-DAPL (Dakota Access Pipeline) protest camp burned last Wednesday, teepees set ceremoniously ablaze by protesters before the police swarmed in to arrest anyone who dared remain on the camp.

As Donald Trump and his cronies strip away the rights of trans people, Muslims, immigrants, and now Native Americans with his executive order to accelerate the building of DAPL, it may almost seem the world is burning down, engulfed in the wealthys insatiable hunger to steal more and more from the oppressed.

The struggle continues, however. This is only another example of, as described by Linda Black Elk, head of the Medic and Healer Council at Standing Rock, a continued legacy of oppression by the United States government. DAPL cuts through Sioux historical camps and ceremonial sites throughout its route, as well as being a threat to drinking water and their edible and medicinal plants that grow adjacent to the pipeline. The voices of the nearly 10,000 people who occupied the resistance camp at its peak have been silenced by force.

This is not unlike the history of Native Americans being coerced at gunpoint to give up their land to colonizers or the denial of Native Americans right to control their reservations resources by the U.S. government, causing disastrous mismanagement of Native American assets and burdensome bureaucracy, forcing those living on reservations into poverty.

But as oppression continues, resistance builds. This is not even close to being the end of the struggle against the capitalist machine that pollutes our water and robs us of what is rightly ours. The Indigenous Environmental Network is organizing an action from March 7th to March 10th in Washington, D.C. in solidarity with Indigenous Peoples across the world and [to] demand that Indigenous Rights be respected. The turnout is expected to be in the many thousands.

As Black Elk pointed out, we also have people who are going down to Texas to fight the Trans-Pecos pipeline. We have people who are going to Louisiana to fight the Bayou Bridge pipeline and Florida to fight the Sabal Trail pipeline. [] We continue to stand. We continue to educate. We will be everywhere to let people know that theres a better way to live, theres a better way to live with the Earth.

We will continue to fight for that better way to live, for a society where the working class and all the people of the world who have been exploited and oppressed can be liberated. If we are to see poetry in the rising smoke of the Standing Rock protest site, let it be this: this fire will never go out; our rage, our despair, our burning desire for justice will be our toolswith which we win freedom for the people.

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What should we see in the ashes of the Standing Rock protest camp? - Liberation

Monitoring group documents Turkey-backed profiling in Netherlands – Turkey Purge

The Turkish government and President Recep Tayyip Erdoan have extended the ongoing oppression on critics to abroad by using government institutions, quasi-official structures and front NGOs, areport released byStockholm Center for Freedom (SCF)has revealed.

The report, drawn from a case study on the Netherlands where close to half a million Turks live, exposes how the current government in Turkey, has intensified spying, intelligence gathering and profiling of critics that at times led to harassment, intimidation, hate crimes and even physical attacks including arson attempts.

We mapped out ways and means of how Turkish government has been pursuing its critics and opponents in foreign countries, exporting divisiveness and stirring troubles, said Abdullah Bozkurt, the President of SCF.

Frankly, this amounts to a hostile, unfriendly and unlawful practices especially in the Netherlands, a country that is a NATO ally of Turkey, he added.

Although critics from all walks of life including Kurds and Alevis were targeted in general in this stigmatizing effort by the Turkish government, members of the Glen movement, which the Turkish government accuses of masterminding a coup attempt on July 15, 2016, have borne the brunt of this major campaign of witch-hunt.

The movement denies any involvement.

According to the SCF report, Turkish embassies, government agencies including intelligence service and non-governmental organizations affiliated with the Justice and Development Party (AKP) government have all involved in profiling and harassment of the Gulenists.

This persecution is personally sanctioned by the Turkish President himself who stated that no country in the world would be safe for members of the movement, vowed to pursue them wherever they are. His propagandists have even suggested assassinating and abducting critics abroad, and offered bounty on their heads.

To its credit, the Dutch government has so far taken some counter-measures including legal and diplomatic actions to prevent such blatant interference by Turkish government into the countrys internal affairs and protect people from the long arm of Erdogan.

SCF has documented many cases in this report, mostly from open sources and interviewed some victims. There have been other cases for which the victims do not want to report incidents for fear of further reprisals by the Turkish government such as jailing of victims relatives back in Turkey or unlawfully seizing their assets.

SCF believes that the information presented in this research is accurate to the best of its knowledge and declares that it remains open to make corrections, updates if further information becomes available.

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Monitoring group documents Turkey-backed profiling in Netherlands - Turkey Purge