Horoscope Today, 27 December 2019: Check predictions for Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer and others – Times of India

Read your horoscope predictions for December 27 to know what's the stars have in store for you today:AriesToday you may be satisfied with your responsibilities at work. You may plan for a short work related trip. You may also visit to some religious place to maintain your inner peace and positivity. Your gurus may show you the right path, which may give you clarity in regarding your goals.'; var randomNumber = Math.random(); var isIndia = (window.geoinfo && window.geoinfo.CountryCode === 'IN') && (window.location.href.indexOf('outsideindia') === -1 ); console.log(isIndia && randomNumber

Taurus Today you may feel dull, it is advised to keep your mind cool, its golden rule for you to think twice before any act. You may be travel to recover your money, You are also advised to avoid to go for adventure tour. Students are advised to go for in depth study to get success. You may also attracted by occult.

GeminiToday you may feel good, family harmony may make you happy. You may meet some influential person to get some benefits in the work front. You may likely to perform good in your job, you may expect some rewards in terms of promotions. Disputes in inherited property may likely to settle down.

CancerToday, you may find yourself in self analysis state, which will bring some confidence in you. Your focus towards your goals is now clear, you may get success to achieve your goal. Your creativity might improve and you will take interest into artefacts, movies, glamour and real life objects. At the end of the day, you may be satisfied with your life. Your opponents may be under control now.

LeoToday you may have mixed situations around you. It is advised to do not expect more from anyone around you, it may make you disappointed. Today you may have self exploration and self analysis, which may allow filtering yourself. After the filtration process, you may fell confidence and be able to prepare to accept challenges.

VirgoToday, you may feel some negativity around you, which may make you upset. You may find your responsibilities as a burden. You may be in the hurry to complete the task given to you. You may make silly mistakes. Your working efficiency may be slow down, which may affect your day to day work. Your projects may likely to be delayed, it t affects your professional life. You are advised to take an advice from your elders or consultant, before taking any important decision.

LibraToday is a positive day for you, you may get success of your hard work on professional front. You may have a good focus and you may complete your work before time, which can improve your self confidence. You may also expect some work related short trip, which may be beneficial in near future in terms of your network.

ScorpioToday, you are blessed by moon. You may expect to get some inherited assets. You may perform with patience on work front, which may increase your efficiency. You may be polite with the people around you. You may put less efforts in day to day works. You may use your communication skills to get new business in terms of progress on the work front.

SagittariusToday, you are blessed by moon, which may l give you patience. Externally you may face some work related stress but your inner sense may be calm and cool, which may help you to balance everything. You may enjoy your every moment in work and domestic life. Parents health is now ok. You may hear some good news from your siblings.

CapricornToday, you may feel unhappy. Some old health issues may arises, which may make you impatient. You may spend your hard earned money in buying worthless stuffs. You are advised to control your short temper nature, Love birds are advised to avoid discussions on worthless topics, otherwise there might have some break up.

AquariusToday, you are likely to enjoy your domestic and professional life. You may become polite with the people around you, which may help in completion of your work smoothly. You may find some new sources of earnings, which may boost your savings., you may also plan for renovate your house or office. Natives who are in job, may get promotions.

See more here:

Horoscope Today, 27 December 2019: Check predictions for Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer and others - Times of India

5 Foods That Help Cramps – Yahoo Lifestyle

Periods are pretty magical in that they allow many of us the ability to reproduce if and when we choose to do so. But they also come with plenty of downsides. Bleeding through a pair of white linen pants is one. Feeling so bloated you cant even wear said pants to begin with is another.

And then of course theres the pain. Period cramps are the result of the normal breakdown of the uterine lining during your period, explains Stephanie McClellan, M.D., an OB/GYN and chief medical officer at Tia, but they can still make you feel like you have a small troll using your uterus as a punching bag. They can keep you away from your workouts, away from having a nice night out with friends, away from being able to play on the rug with your child, away from your office, away from everything.

Fortunately, there are some ways to combat period pain. They say food can be used as medicine, so we asked the experts about foods that help with cramps. (Spoiler alert: A pint of Ben & Jerrys sadly isnt one of them.)

A small study found that women that drank ginger tea during the first few days of their period reduced their abdominal cramps, says Lisa C. Andrews, MEd, RD, and president of the Ohio Academy of Nutrition & Dietetics. Andrews recommends steeping a piece of peeled fresh ginger and some lemon slices in hot water to create a tea that should help alleviate cramps.

Omega-3-fatty acids like those found in ground flax can have anti-inflammatory effects, which helps reduce pain, says Andrews. Ground flaxseed can be added to oats, smoothies or yogurt, she suggests.

There is evidence that regular inclusion of ground flax can actually shorten the duration of periods, adds Lindsay Malone, a registered dietitian and adjunct professor of nutrition and wellness at Case Western Reserve University.

Other omega-3 rich foods recommended by Malone are walnuts, chia seeds, and wild fish like salmon.

Mayo Clinic reports magnesium as one of several supplements that have been used in numerous studies and shown to potentially reduce menstrual cramps. Nuts and seeds are a good source of magnesium and vitamin E, says Andrews. Green leafy vegetables like spinach and kale also contain magnesium.

Other magnesium-rich foods include avocados, tofu, and brown rice.

Turmeric can also potentially provide some relief. A lot of the pain that accompanies cramps is caused by inflammation, and there are few foods as great at battling inflammation as turmeric.

Add this beautiful yellow spice it to your rice, scrambled eggs, potatoes, whatever in order to reduce inflammation and, hopefully, pain.

Foods rich in thiamine can also be powerful period pain fighters. One study has shown that 100mg per day of Thiamine can be helpful, says Dr. McClellan. Some thiamin-rich options to consider eating during your period include pork, brown rice, and legumes.

However, you may want to stick to thiamin-fortified foods like breakfast cereals. The reason? Cooking food rich in thiamine reduces the amount of bioavailable thiamine from that food source, warn Dr. McClellan.

The golden rule when youre dealing with cramps? Avoid foods that can contribute to inflammation or cause GI upset like sugar, alcohol, soda and fried foods, says Malone. If youre sensitive to dairy, add that to the list as well.

Dr. McClellan also advises avoiding or at least minimize their alcohol and caffeine intake. That might mean replacing your morning latte with a small cup of green tea, which can effectively reduce some bloating (and potentially reduce cramping in the process). As for happy hour? You may want to skip it altogether.

At the end of the day, whether its cramps or any other ailment, it all comes down to balance. It's important to remember the overall pattern of the diet is more important than any single food that may provide relief, says Malone.

Originally Appeared on Glamour

See the original post here:

5 Foods That Help Cramps - Yahoo Lifestyle

Christmas dinner: whats the secret to the perfect roast potato? – The Guardian

Whats the secret to a great roast potato for my Christmas dinner?Tracey, Guildford

Forget the turkey, sprouts and all the rest: the spuds are by far the best bit of any roast, Christmas or otherwise, and dont listen to anyone who tells you differently. They cover every base, from carbs, crunch and salt to fat, umami and delicious excess.

Theres not much of a secret to them, either, Tracey, so long as you use the right type of potato and the fats hot enough to begin with. While waxy ones crisp up nicely, they just dont hit the requisite level of softness inside, so for most of us that means using floury maris piper, desiree or king edwards, though if youre lucky enough to get your hands on some, kerrs pinks or golden wonder would be even better.

Once youve picked and peeled your potatoes, the next step is to boil them, which is where our modern kitchen gurus start dishing up confusion. Nigella boils them for only four minutes, Delia gives hers 10 and Jamies get 15, while Heston Bloomingheck takes his to the brink of disintegration by boiling them for up to half an hour, which is just an accident waiting to happen, and best avoided on this of all days. (Mind you, his tip to add the peeled skins to the boiling pot is bona fide genius, because it really does make the potatoes taste exponentially more, er, potatoey.) Some then dust their drained spuds in flour or even semolina (*hard stares La Lawson*) to help them crisp up, but theres no real need: so long as they go into very hot oil, theyll go crunchy enough anyway.

But enough of the culinary slebs, already: before we all reach for the Aunt Bessies, lets ask some folk who actually make roasties for a living. According to Steven Smith, chef/owner of The Freemasons Arms in Wiswell, Lancashire, When you think about it, the best part of a roastie is the bit submerged in fat, because its really crisp but stays all fluffy inside; the bits that arent under oil often dry out and go rock-hard.

These days, Smith doesnt actually roast his potatoes at all; he deep-fries them. While thats perhaps a bit much for the home cook and the uncharitable among us may well be asking, Isnt that a chip, then? Smith does this because it ensures consistency; hes clearly on to something, too, because his pub is always up near the top of the annual Top 50 Gastropubs list. Anyway, he says, the cooking medium isnt as pivotal as letting the spuds dry out properly first. We put ours uncovered in the fridge overnight, to give them time to lose all the moisture they pick up in boiling.

Nathan Richardson, head chef at the award-winning Guinea Grill in Mayfair, agrees with an overnight dry, but if thats not possible, give them at least an hour to cool and dry before roasting. This guy makes 200-plus portions each and every Sunday, so knows his way around a roastie better than most. And give them a shake to rough up the edges only once they are cool, or youll risk destroying them entirely and ending up with roast mash.

As for the fat you use, take a leaf out of Delias book and match it to what youre serving. Richardson uses dripping Why waste money on duck or goose fat when you can get a block of dripping for less than a pound? as befits a man who runs a kitchen famed for its steak, but whatever you use, he says, It has to be smoking hot before the spuds go in, because it coats them better and prevents sticking.

Its the finishing touches, however, that really set the professionals apart: Richardson dusts his roast spuds in dried thyme, rosemary, salt and white pepper, all ground to a fine powder, while Smith tosses his first in browned salted butter flavoured with garlic, thyme and rosemary before seasoning with yet more salt, rosemary and thyme.

Finally, as everyone knows, the golden rule is always to make way more than you think you need, because few mouthfuls are more pleasurable than a leftover roastie straight from the fridge. If I had my way, Richardson says, Id avoid eating them with roast dinner at all. Theyd make the perfect bar snack if only I could guarantee people wouldnt ask me to heat them up.

Do you have a culinary dilemma? Email feast@theguardian.com

See the original post:

Christmas dinner: whats the secret to the perfect roast potato? - The Guardian

The Top 4 Rsum MythsBusted – Forbes


When clients first contact me for rsum help, they often say things like I heard that you should never or I was told to always Most of these rules are just plain wrong, because they contradict the one Golden Rule of Rsum Writing: your why you should hire me message needs to jump off the page in the 15 seconds or less that your rsum is being reviewed (one study says your rsum is looked at for only 7.4 seconds).

Keeping the Golden Rule in mind, lets look at the top four rsum myths that Ive come across in my work with clients.

Your rsum should not be a literal list of all the things you did in your career. Instead, make it a document that quickly tells an employer how you can help them by using selective emphasis and inclusion. That is, keep the Golden Rule in mind. For example:

If you are too literal in describing your experiences, both you and your prospective employer might lose out, the latter because they wont truly understand your value.

Most rsum reviewers are not thinking oh this rsum is on two pages (or three pages), forget it. What they are thinking instead is I only have a few seconds to look at this and figure out if a conversation is worthwhile. You therefore need to prioritize ensuring that your rsum can be quickly scanned for value over having your rsum conform to a predefined length.

I too often see rsums with fonts that are too small, margins that are too narrow or space between jobs or experiences that is almost nonexistent all to make the rsum shorter. The result looks like a wall of tiny text thats difficult to quickly scan. Address these issues if present in your rsum, and make use of white space so that the reader can quickly skim through your rsum and pick out the key points.

Similarly, too many rsum writers leave out highly resonant accomplishments for the sake of one or two-pages, which is counterproductive. Dont hurt your case in service of a rule that most rsum reviewers arent thinking about!

The benefits of de-prioritizing page length in favor of these other factors have been evident in the results from my work with over a thousand clients, where their one page, two page or even three or four page rsums have landed them interviews. My career-coach colleagues longer yet concise rsums are similarly being selected for interviews and high praise as well. To take one of many examples, my work with universities enables me to see which undergrad rsums recruiters select out of a pile. Very often, they select the rsum that goes onto two pages out of a bunch of one-page rsums.

That said, ensure your rsum is as concise as possible (remember the Golden Rule). Make every word count. For example, when I see that a rsum is just over two pages, Im usually able to find and remove unnecessary words or phrases to get it onto two.

This myth violates the spirit of the Golden Rule, as you can see in these examples.

The bottom line: add experience to your rsum if it helps, take out or deemphasize experience if it doesnt.

Some jobseekers feel they need to use a different rsum format to hide issues with their experience. These issues include long gaps in employment, relevant experience that is old, or perceived experience gaps resulting from an attempt at a career or industry change.

Look, Im all for breaking convention when doing so will help you to get across your why hire me message more effectively. But dispensing with the reverse chronological format will have the opposite effect. The rsum reviewer will get confused by a different format than the reverse-chronological one that they see on 99% of rsums; they either wont take the time to figure out what youre doing, or they will think youre hiding something.

Theres a better way to handle problems, and its called a Summary Section. Place it at the top of your rsum (the first thing the reader sees), and think of it as your elevator speech or pitch.

Include: 1) your target position, i.e. what box you would fall into within an organization chart, 2) what differentiates you from your competition, and 3) your summarized greatest hits hard hitting bulleted accomplishments so they dont have to go searching on page two to find that amazing accomplishment you want them to see (you may repeat these accomplishments later in the rsum if appropriate).

By the way, the analysis of myths one and three applies equally to your LinkedIn profile.

Read more here:

The Top 4 Rsum MythsBusted - Forbes

Reptile Research – Avoiding the Snake Pit – Lexology

We made a statement in our recent Age of Reptiles post concerning the decision, Fitzpatrick v. Wendys Old Fashioned Hamburgers, ___ N.E.3d ___, 2019 WL 5792847 (Mass. App. Nov. 7, 2019), that we had to check. We described Fitzpatrick as the first appellate case we know of that has specifically addressed and declared certain reptile trial tactics improper. We certainly thought so, but to make sure we searched Westlaw since 2009 (when the first reptile theory book was published) for a combination of reptile theory, reptile strategy, and reptile tactics. It turned out that we were, indeed, right so we went with that description.

That research also turned up about 50 cases.

Why not take a look at those more generally?

So we did.

Kansas seems to be a reptilian hotbed. In the only instance that reptile litigation issues have produced a high-court decision, the Kansas Supreme Court held reptile litigation strategy (a phrase we hadnt searched previously) improper but harmless in Castleberry v. DeBrot, 424 P.3d 495, 508 (Kan. 2018).

The safe medicine or unsafe medicine argument [here] . . . invited the jury to determine whether [defendants] conduct met the standard of care based on whether it desired safe medicine or unsafe medicine, instead of the evidence and the law . . . . As phrased, the comment implied the jurys decision could reach beyond the confines of the case and impact medical care elsewhere. As presented in this case, the comments were error.

Id. Shortly after Castlebury, grant of an anti-reptile theory order in limine was affirmed in Perez v. Ramos, 429 P.3d 254, 2018 WL 5305614, at *9 (Kan. App. 2018) (table). While affirmance was largely based on plaintiffs failure to preserve an initial objection, Perez added some useful context about the reptile theorys improper intentions and trial tactics:

[T]he reptile theory . . . begins with the premise that neither reason (application of the law) nor sympathy (pity for the plaintiff) will motivate jurors to award a larger verdict. The only way to return such a favorable verdict is to appeal to jurors survival instincts (coined as their reptilian brains). The goal is to persuade jurors that their own safety is at risk and that a larger plaintiffs verdict will make them safer by making their community safer. When employing the reptile theory . . ., a plaintiffs lawyer tries to establish several generic safety rules such as rules of the road which may or may not have anything to do with the specific facts of the case. Reliance on these safety rules then activates the survival instinct of the jurors and prompts the jury to return a higher verdict.

Id. (citation omitted). See also Bryson v. Genesys Regional Medical Center, 2018 WL 1611438, at *18 (Mich. App. April 3, 2018) (while argument by plaintiff that the [defendants] residents did not act in the safest manner possible was improper use of reptile theory, the error was harmless). Cf. Ramirez v. Welch, 2018 WL 3725254, at *16 (Tex. App. Aug. 6, 2018) (affirming defense verdict; defense counsels argument explaining the plaintiffs lawyers trick called the reptile theory was proper); Johnson v. National Sea Products, Ltd., 35 F.3d 626, 632 (1st Cir. 1994) (proper standard of care was what is reasonable under the circumstances, not in the safest possible way) (pre-reptile) (applying Massachusetts law).

Most of the relevant decisions involve motions in limine seeking to preclude reptile-style antics in the courtroom. An outstanding example is Brooks v. Caterpillar Global Mining America, LLC, 2017 WL 3401476 (W.D. Ky. Aug. 8, 2017). Brooks accurately described the basic thrust of the reptile theory:

The Reptile Theory appears to be in use by the plaintiffs bar . . . as a way of showing the jury that the defendants conduct represents a danger to the survival of the jurors and their families. The Reptile Theory encourages plaintiffs to appeal to the passion, prejudice, and sentiment of the jury. Utilization of the Reptile Theory encourages jurors to decide a lawsuit based upon fear, generated by plaintiffs counsel, that a verdict in favor of the defendant will harm the safety of the community, and, thus, the juror.

Id. at *8 (citations and quotation marks omitted). With that introduction, Brooks granted in limine relief against reptile tactics:

Reptile Theory arguments appear to mirror the send the message or conscience of the community arguments discussed previously. . . . Similarly, any argument by Plaintiffs counsel that attempts to urge the jury to render a verdict against Defendant on the basis of fear for the safety of the community or fear for the safety of the jury and their families is inappropriate. Accordingly, Plaintiffs may not properly argue that the lawsuit was brought to ensure or promote community safety.

Id. at *9 (citation omitted).

In Woulard v. Greenwood Motor Lines, Inc., 2019 WL 3318467 (S.D. Miss. Feb. 4, 2019), rather than attacking reptile tactics globally, the defendant sought to exclude any reference to safety rules, and other reference to generic safety guidelines. Id. at *2. That was sufficiently specific that the plaintiff caved. Thus:

To the extent Defendants seek to exclude non-specific safety rules or the so-called Reptile Theory, this request will be granted as unopposed. These items are not relevant to any issue in the present case, see Fed. R. Evid. 401, 402, and even if marginally relevant, the probative value of such evidence or argument would be substantially outweighed by the dangers of unfair prejudice, confusing the issues, misleading the jury, and wasting time, see Fed. R. Evid. 403. Evidence and argument related to non-specific safety rules or employing the Reptile Theory will be excluded at trial, including during voir dire.

Id. at *3. Further, any third-party safety guidelines will be excluded at trial, unless and until Plaintiff first demonstrates outside the presence of the jury how any such guidelines are relevant. Id. Plaintiff was reminded that it is the exclusive province of the Court, and not counsel, to instruct the jury on what law controls the outcome of this case. Id. See Compton v. Bach, 374 F. Supp.3d 1296, 1304 (N.D. Ga. 2019) (reptile strategy precluded to the extent Plaintiffs intend to argue damages should be set to punish Defendant or to send a message); Locke v. Swift Transportation Co., LLC, 2019 WL 6037666, at *1-2 (W.D. Ky. Nov. 14, 2019) (precluding attempts to supplant the required standard of care with appeals to the jurys emotion, barring questions, evidence, or arguments that the jury should send a message, protect the public, or punish, and prohibiting Golden Rule argument); J.B. v. Missouri Baptist Hospital, 2018 WL 746302, at *3 (E.D. Mo. Feb. 7, 2018) (granting in limine motion in medical malpractice case, which does not consider safety rules and community standards as a factor).

In Roman v. MSL Capital, LLC, 2019 WL 1449499 (C.D. Cal. March 29, 2019), an in limine motion to preclude reptilian arguments succeeded because the court equated them with prohibited golden rule arguments:

While Plaintiffs do not clearly define the Reptile Theory strategy, [defendants] motion suggests . . . arguments are those which ask the jury to place themselves in the shoes of a reasonable person.

Given the probability that golden rule arguments . . . would cause a jury to depart from impartiality, the Court finds that they are improper [under] Fed. R. Evid. 403. . . . As the Ninth Circuit . . ., courts have generally found arguments such as these improper, because a jury which has put itself in the shoes of one of the parties is no longer an impartial jury.

Id. at *5 (discussing Minato v. Scenic Airlines, Inc., 908 F. 2d 977 (9th Cir. 1990)). The golden rule argument has repeatedly succeeded against reptilian advocates, even when motions are otherwise denied. See Walden v. Maryland Casualty Co., 2018 WL 6445549, at *3 (D. Mont. Dec. 10, 2018) (partially granting motion as to the use of golden rule arguments that . . . request the jury to consider how much they would wish to receive in a similar situation); Grisham v. Longo, 2018 WL 4404069, at *1 (N.D. Miss. Sept. 14, 2018) (The court will not allow evidence in the form of testimony or otherwise or any questions intended to elicit such evidence regarding golden rule arguments, appeals to the jury as the conscience of the community, or any other reptile theory arguments.); Aidini v. Costco Wholesale Corp., 2017 WL 10775082, at *1 (D. Nev. April 12, 2017) (counsel is prohibited from making statements that would place the jury in [plaintiffs] skin, or would otherwise violate the Golden Rule or any other applicable restriction on counsels arguments); Turner v. Salem, 2016 WL 4083225, at *3 (W.D.N.C. July 29, 2016) (The Court will not allow Golden Rule arguments. The Court also discourages Reptile Theory arguments, but only upon objection at trial); Colman v. Home Depot U.S.A., Inc., 2016 WL 4543119, at *1 (S.D. Fla. Feb. 9, 2016) (precluding reptile strategy amounting to golden rule arguments); Pracht v. Saga Freight Logistics, LLC, 2015 WL 6622877, at *1 (W.D.N.C. Oct. 30, 2015) (granting motion to prohibit any Golden Rule argument and/or Reptile Theory questions and argument).

A stellar trial court opinion from Colorado also caged the reptile. In Haste v. SCL Health Front Range, Inc., 2017 WL 4857748 (Colo. Dist. April 19, 2017), the court held that reptilian tactics emphasizing safety rules and the like were improper Golden Rule arguments dressed up in scaly disguise:

Strategies like this are in violation of well-settled, Colorado law, and are a transparent attempt to introduce prohibited Golden Rule evidence. . . . By painting Defendant as in violation of certain safety rules, or as a public threat that the jurors are uniquely positioned to prevent, Plaintiffs use of the Reptile trial strategy would impermissibly ask the jurors to place themselves in Plaintiffs shoes, to depart from neutrality and decide the case on the basis of personal interest, emotion, and bias rather than on the evidence, and to deter the alleged threat Defendant poses to the community before it can harm them, their loved ones, or the community at large. Such argument or implication is legally inappropriate and unduly prejudicial pursuant to C.R.E. 403.

Moreover, it shifts the focus from the evidence in the case . . ., and impermissibly broadens the case by replacing specific evidence of conduct with considerations of potential future threats to the community. The true charge of the jury is to resolve the specific claim between the litigants before it, not to attempt to enhance society-wide safety with each verdict. Therefore, the Court should enter an Order precluding Plaintiff from using the Reptilian trial strategy, or others like it, at trial.

Id. at *3 (citations, footnotes, and quotation marks omitted). In limine relief was particularly important, Haste held, because of the reptilian response to trial objections. [A]s REPTILE emphasizes, if defense counsel is forced to object when Plaintiffs counsel inappropriately uses these tactics at trial, the defense objection will imply theres something to hide. Id. (quoting Ball & Keenan, Reptile: The 2009 Manual of the Plaintiffs Revolution, at 58 (Balloon Press 2009)). See Hopper v. Obergfell, 2013 Colo. Dist. Lexis 249, at *1 (Colo. Dist. Oct. 29, 2013) (precluding reptile tactics).

Numerous other trial court orders come to similar results, but often without much reasoning:

Arizona: Boyd v. Allied Van Lines Inc., 2019 WL 4575652, at *3 (Ariz. Super. June 21, 2019) (Plaintiffs or their counsel are precluded from making arguments, giving testimony, asking lines of questions, or making comments referencing the golden rule, general community safety or other reptilian tactics); Dumbrell v. Hanson, 2018 WL 6511113, at *1 (Ariz. Super. Oct. 8, 2018) (precluding reptile tactics).

California: Desautels v. Kaiser Foundation Health Plan, Inc., 2019 WL 5680670, at *2 (Cal. Super. Oct. 21, 2019) (Granted as it pertains to a pure reptile theory concept of asking the jury to consider issues such as risks to the community, or to put themselves into the shoes of the Plaintiff.); Pawlowski v. GE Realprop, L.P., 2019 WL 5693511, at *1 (Cal. Super. Sept. 21, 2019) (precluding reptile tactics); Luo v. Rodriguez, 2019 WL 3246680, at *1 (Cal. Super. June 11, 2019) (precluding any and all evidence and argument based on the Reptile Theory including but not limited to evidence and argument that the defendants acts and/or omissions were not the safest); Bowman v. Bukata, 2019 WL 4854907, at *1 (Cal. Super. June 10, 2019) (precluding reptile tactics); Garcia v. Gray, 2019 WL 3246684, at *1 (Cal. Super. June 4, 2019) (same); Reyes v. Pick Up Stix, 2019 WL 4737911, at *1 (Cal. Super. May 28, 2019) (same); Arreguin-Topete v. Lonigro, 2019 WL 5860543, at *1 (Cal. Super. May 13, 2019) (same); Bonilla v. Chen, 2019 WL 3400874, at *2 (Cal. Super. April 25, 2019) (Plaintiff is not to assert community safety, reptilian theory, or violate the Golden Rule); Shahan v. Carter, 2019 WL 3239157, at *2 (Cal. Super. Feb. 26, 2019) (Plaintiff is not to assert community safety, reptilian theory, or violate the Golden Rule); Rubio v. Arias, 2019 WL 2137611, at *2 (Cal. Super. Feb. 20, 2019) (precluding reptile tactics); Darabi v. Levy, 2018 WL 7082332, at *1 (Cal. Super. Dec. 4, 2018) (Plaintiff is not to assert community safety, reptilian theory, or violate the Golden Rule); Zamani v. City of Redondo Beach, 2018 WL 6738132, at *1 (Cal. Super. Oct. 22, 2018) (precluding reptile tactics); Contreras v. HD Supply Inc., 2018 WL 6984894, at *1 (Cal. Super. Oct. 9, 2018) (same); Piemonte v. Sterling, 2018 WL 9491161, at *1 (Cal. Super. Sept. 26, 2018) (same); Zymblosky v. Moy, 2018 WL 3760678, at *1 (Cal. Super. June 4, 2018) (same); Doe v. Rose Bowl Aquatics Center, 2018 WL 3552312, at *1 (Cal. Super. May 31, 2018) (same); Johnson v. Hyundai Motor America, 2018 WL 3304503, at *6 (Cal. Super. May 2, 2018) (same); Bracamonte v. GHT, LLC, 2018 WL 4001541, at *1 (Cal. Super. April 23, 2018) (same); Estrada v. Francia Trucking, 2018 WL 4182561, at *1 (Cal. Super. April 18, 2018) (same); Romero v. Fullerton Surgical Center, 2018 WL 2119573, at *2 (Cal. Super. March 5, 2018) (same); Lee v. Tan, 2018 WL 1401023, at *1 (Cal. Super. Jan. 10, 2018) (same); Sanchez v. Sully-Miller Contracting Co., 2018 WL 1510301, at *1 (Cal. Super. Jan. 2, 2018) (same); Naieharvey v. Talai, 2017 WL 8235941, at *1 (Cal. Super. July 31, 2017) (same); McPherson v. EF Intercultural Foundation Inc., 2017 WL 9285360, at *1 (Cal. Super. June 5, 2017) (same); El-Togby v. Delamarter, 2017 WL 3611242, at *2 (Cal. Super. May 16, 2017) (same); Evans v. Kana Pipeline, Inc., 2017 WL 3868684, at *2 (Cal. Super. Feb. 27, 2017) (same); Emmons v. Jesa Investments, LLC, 2017 WL 1968140, at *1 (Cal. Super. Feb. 27, 2017) (same); Harris v. Oliva, 2016 WL 11479747, at *4 (Cal. Super. Oct. 14, 2016) (same); Salinas v. Target Corp., 2016 WL 9415557, at *1 (Cal. Super. June 6, 2016) (same); Riner v. Hayes, 2016 WL 3345501, at *1 (Cal. Super. Feb. 22, 2016) (same).

Florida: Ferreiro v. Weeks, 2016 WL 5871180, at *1 (Fla. Cir. Jan. 28, 2016) (Questions, statements, or comments regarding personal or community safety and protection are prohibited.); Sifuentes v. Savannah at Riverside Condominiums Assoc., 2015 WL 12803937, at *1 (Fla. Cir. May 20, 2015) (prohibiting reptile tactics during voir dire).

Illinois: Okic v. Fullerton Surgery Center, Ltd., 2017 WL 10486967, at *2 (Ill. Cir. Dec. 18, 2017) (same).

Indiana: Johnson v. Chahal Express, 2017 WL 9619159, at *1 (Ind. Super. Nov. 21, 2017) (precluding reptile tactics).

Iowa: James v. Junk, 2019 WL 5396101, at *9 (Iowa Dist. Sept. 6, 2019) (precluding suggest[ing] to jurors that Defendants alleged conduct endangers the safety of the community as a whole); Valles v. Mueting, 2018 WL 6515402, at *6 (Iowa Dist. Oct. 25, 2018) (Reptile tactics, emphasizing that the jury has the power to protect their own safety, the safety of their loved ones, and their communities through the discussion of improper standards/rules not otherwise applicable, fear-based techniques, or through violation of the Golden Rule will not be permitted); Valles v. Mueting, 2018 WL 6515397, at *6 (Iowa Dist. Oct. 26, 2018) (same).

Michigan: Girard v. Perez-Cruet, 2017 WL 10646880, at *1 (Mich. Cir. Dec. 15, 2017) (nor is Plaintiff permitted to elicit reptile testimony or argument).

Minnesota: Niemela v. Tri-County Hospital, Inc., 2018 WL 9943485, at *2 (Minn. Dist. Dec. 19, 2018) (precluding reptile tactics); Cafferty v. Mille Lacs Health System, 2018 WL 8809268, at *3 (Minn. Dist. Sept. 18, 2018) (Attempting to reduce the standard of care to an overly simplistic choice between safe and unsafe unduly depreciates standard of care and the state of the law concerning it.).

Missouri: Piatt v. Rosbrugh, 2019 WL 5491485, at *2 (Mo. Cir. Aug. 6, 2019) (precluding reptile tactics).

Nevada: Drye v. Mateo, 2018 WL 2398375, at *2 (Nev. Dist. April 23, 2018) (precluding reptile tactics).

Oklahoma: Cavitt v. Bayer Corp., 2016 WL 8648840, at *1 (Okla. Dist. Nov. 22, 2016) (precluding use of reptile tactics, references to golden rules, and patient safety rules).

Pennsylvania: Davitch v. CHHS Hospital Co., LLC, 2017 WL 2362442, at *1 (Pa. C.P. Jan. 12, 2017) (Plaintiffs are precluded from presenting argument or testimony regarding purported safety rules).

Virginia: Palmer v. Virginia Orthopaedic, P.C., 2015 WL 5311575, at *1 (Va. Cir. June 19, 2015) (same).

Washington: Kurtz v. State, 2019 WL 5196507, at *3 (Wash. Super. Aug. 5, 2019) (No Reptile tactics . . . such as patient safety, community protection, community values, etc.); Fortman v. Proliance Surgeons, Inc., 2019 WL 2718611, at *2 (Wash. Super. March 4, 2019) (precluding reptile tactics); Evans v. Seattle Childrens Hospital, 2018 WL 8015628, at *1 (Wash. Super. Dec. 21, 2018) (same); Ricks v. State, 2018 WL 6252276, at *2 (Wash. Super. Oct. 17, 2018) (No Reptile tactics . . . such as patient safety, community protection, community values, etc.); Jacquemart v. Wong, 2018 WL 4559989, at *1 (Wash. Super. July 18, 2018) (references to dangerous, unsafe, or safety violations are excluded); Thueson v. State, 2018 WL 3090055, at *1 (Wash. Super. April 16, 2018) (No Reptile tactics . . . such as patient safety, community protection, community values, etc.); Moitra v. Swedish Health Services, 2018 WL 3097268, at *1 (Wash. Super. Feb. 28, 2018) (precluding reptile tactics); Albright v. Antles, 2016 WL 7174563, at *1 (Wash. Super. Oct. 5, 2016) (Use of the term safety rules or argument that the jurors place themselves in Plaintiffs shoes is EXCLUDED); Glover v. State, 2015 WL 7355966, at *3 (Wash. Super. Sept. 9, 2015) (precluding reptile tactics); Nitcher v. Valley Radiologists, Inc., 2014 WL 1364707, at *5 (Wash. Super. Feb. 19, 2014) (same).

Wisconsin: Dart v. Meriter Hospital, Inc., 2019 WL 6108021, at *3 (Wis. Cir. April 15, 2019) (Plaintiffs may not refer to patient safety, safety rules, safer alternatives or other so-called reptile tactics).

However, defendants have frequently struggled to address particular reptilian tactics. All too often in limine motions have been denied as premature, vague, hypothetical, or overly broad, sometimes following plaintiffs pious abjuration of any intent to make Golden Rule, or conscience of the community arguments. E.g., Manion v. Ameri-Can Freight Systems, Inc., 2019 WL 3718951, at *6-7 (D. Ariz. Aug. 7, 2019); DeRuyver v. Omni La Costa Resort & Spa, LLC, 2019 WL 1097490, at *4 (S.D. Cal. March 8, 2019); Walden, 2018 WL 6445549, at *3; Dorman v. Anne Arundel Medical Center, 2018 WL 2431859, at *6-7 (D. Md. May 30, 2018), affd, 781 F. Appx. 136 (4th Cir. 2019); Botey v. Green, 2017 WL 2485231, at *2 (M.D. Pa. June 8, 2017); Cameron v. Werner Enterprises, Inc., 2016 WL 3030181, at *5 (S.D. Miss. May 25, 2016); Hensley v. Methodist Healthcare Hospitals, 2015 WL 5076982, at *5 (W.D. Tenn. Aug. 27, 2015); Bunch v. Pacific Cycle, Inc., 2015 WL 11622952, at *2 (N.D. Ga. April 27, 2015). So one useful thing defendants can do in this area is not to lead with their chins. Pre-trial motions that give the Court nothing objective to consider in deciding what language, phrases or evidence the Court should deem improper are not likely to succeed, and only encourage the theorys scaly advocates. Baxter v. Anderson, 277 F. Supp.3d 860, 863 (M.D. La. 2017). Our side should endeavor, first, to do no harm. Its a good idea to stop making bad precedent.

Nonetheless, sometimes useful, cautionary judicial remarks occur even when anti-reptile in limine motions are denied. In Dorman the defendants motion was denied without prejudice, but the court did admonish counsel that they may not:

misrepresent the standard of care. The Court will instruct the jury on the law regarding the standard of care in medical malpractice actions and expects that neither party will misrepresent the law that should be applied by broadening the scope of liability beyond the courts legal instructions regarding the standard of care.

Id. at *7 (referring to questions like is it a doctors job to keep the patients safe? or job to not needlessly endanger patients?). See R.D. v. Shohola, Inc., 2019 WL 6134726, at *4 (M.D. Pa. Nov. 19, 2019) (cases which temper and limit the admissibility of such evidence do so in a very fact-specific manner, taking into account the nature of the specific safety rule, the facts of the case, and the relevance of the particular rule); Maley v. Corizon Health, Inc., 2019 WL 1370860, at *7 (S.D. Ga. March 26, 2019) (While Defendants argument is again non-specific, the Court generally agrees [that] . . . any potential harm caused by Defendant [] to the greater society is not relevant to the issues in this case.); Hammonds v. Yeager, 2017 WL 10560471, at *1 (Mag. C.D. Cal. Aug. 9, 2017) (where punitive damages are not at issue, urging the jury to send a message by its verdict is generally considered an improper appeal to the jurors passion and prejudice); Bunch, 2015 WL 11622952, at *3 (granting motion to the extent that it seeks to preclude send a message arguments and punishment arguments; What Plaintiffs may not do, however, is argue that they brought this lawsuit to preserve community safety.); Gillins v. Gardner, 2018 WL 4001532, at *2 (Utah Dist. July 30, 2018) (it is not the responsibility of individual jurors to protect themselves and their communities from risks of harm. It is not the responsibility of individual jurors to send a message to the medical community about patient or community safety. And it is not the responsibility of individual jurors to protect future patients from medical malpractice.); Pressey v. Childrens Hospital Colorado, 2015 WL 1583852, at *2 (Colo. Dist. March 15, 2015) (to the extent Plaintiffs counsel argues that they are permitted as part of a Reptile Strategy to encourage the jurors to ignore the evidence in the case and make decisions based upon fear for their own safety, the Court disagrees).

Occasionally, motions aimed at the reptile theory are brought well before trial such as seeking to restrain discovery into reptile themes that would later be used at trial. Such efforts have not succeeded so far. In Beach v. Costco Wholesale Corp., 2019 WL 1495296 (W.D. Va. April 4, 2019), the defendant was entirely unsuccessful. First, Beach found the motion premature. [t]he discovery phase of litigation is not the proper stage for rulings on disputes over what material may ultimately be presented to a jury. Id. at *4. Second, the relief sought was too vague. [I]t is impossible to conceive of what an order granting [defendants] motion would proscribe. Id. Rather, [i]f [plaintiff] seeks material . . . beyond the permitted scope of discovery . . ., [defense] counsel can note their objection on the record or, if absolutely necessary, contact a judge for a ruling. Id. See Miller v. PAM Transport, Inc., 2019 WL 4962954, at *5 (S.D. Ill. Oct. 8, 2019) (denying motion to strike references in the complaint that the defendant argued were reptile-related); Williamson v. J.B. Hunt Transport, Inc., 2019 WL 1995328, at *3 (E.D.N.C. May 6, 2019) (same); Cirrani v. Wal-Mart Stores, Inc., 2019 WL 859285, at *3 (D.S.C. Feb. 22, 2019) (same). While we sympathize with defendants desire to oppose reptile tactics as vigorously as possible, we have yet to see any case in which a pleading- or discovery-based motion has produced anything but an adverse result.

So one thing is quite clear from our reptile research. A specific defense motion stands a better shot at winning. The majority of courts have shown no indication to grant what we call K-T motions, the impact of which would render reptile tactics categorically extinct. Rather, to make the most progress, defense motions ordinarily need to zero in on specific plaintiff tactics, such as the ones identified in Fitzpatrick as improper, those being:

Every reptile lawyer will of course approach things a little differently, so specific reptile tactics will vary meaning that not all of the above will be present in every future case, and other tactics will need to be challenged.

Indeed, Fitzpatrick reminds us of when we tried fen-phen cases in Philadelphia, years before reptile terminology ever existed. In that litigation, we put together template in limine motions dealing with opening and closing arguments that were crafted to address the tactics of individual opposing counsel. These were directed against such things as: (1) references directed at individual jurors, (2) giving affectionate nicknames to plaintiffs, (3) do the right thing challenges; (4) imagined reminiscences (quite similar to Fitzpatrick); (5) David vs. Goliath fights with corporate defendants, (6) purported anecdotes from counsels personal history, including military service; (7) screeds against bad drugs; and (8) out-of-state experts. If you expect reptile tactics from a particular lawyer, obtaining transcripts of that lawyers prior opening and closing arguments is a good way to craft winnable motions in limine with a laser focus on the specific reptilian techniques you are most likely actually to encounter.

Finally, when confronting reptile tactics at trial, defense counsel need to keep in mind the other lesson of Fitzpatrick. Objections need to be preserved. Failure to object only makes a difficult situation worse. 2019 WL 5792847, at *9 (the judge was not aided by the defendants counsels failure to object to any specific statements in the closing, move to strike them, or propose curative instructions). See Regalado v. Callaghan, 207 Cal. Rptr.3d 712, 726 (Cal. App. 2016) (while remarks from [plaintiffs] counsel telling the jury that its verdict had an impact on the community and that it was acting to keep the community safe were improper, they were waived by failure to object or seek curative instructions); Allison v. Smoot Enterprises Inc., 2019 WL 5095779, at *4 (D. Or. Oct. 11, 2019) (reptile theory issue waived by lack of timely objection). One suggestion to avoid the jury drawing plaintiffs hoped-for inference from a defense objection is to file appropriate motions in limine in advance and then refer back to the motions and, hopefully, rulings in a shorthand objection at trial.

Looking over this post, now that the research is complete, one thing thats striking is how few of our prescription medical product clients names appear on the right side of the v. Theres only one, and its pretty well buried. We see a fair number of medical malpractice cases, plenty of one-off product liability cases involving things that go clank, and an overrepresentation of trucking cases we guess the other side figures that nothing scares jurors more than 18-wheelers. We have plenty to worry about in our prescription product sandbox, but it appears that rampant reptilism isnt very high on the list. Still, since the animating spirit of the DDLaw Blog is that a defense win anywhere helps defendants everywhere, we offer this analysis and collection of relevant cases to any defense counsel forced to confront the reptile.

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Reptile Research - Avoiding the Snake Pit - Lexology

GUEST EDITORIAL: Floridas former felons shouldnt have to wait for their rights – Sarasota Herald-Tribune

Its been over a year since 5 million people marched to the polls to support Amendment 4.

Voters on both sides of the aisle came together to help former felons who served their sentences regain their right to vote. The people spoke together decisively, and Amendment 4 won with over 64 percent in favor.

But the voice of the people continues to be silenced.

A federal judge recently ruled that voters cant be stopped from voting because theyre too poor to pay financial obligations resulting from their conviction, citing constitutional concerns with lawmakers Amendment 4 legislation. Now, Gov. Ron DeSantis is appealing that ruling.

But heres a fact: While Amendment 4 is tied up in litigation, the amendments goal can be accomplished and it can be done right now.

Florida already has a process to restore voting rights to those who have served their sentences. The Board of Executive Clemency, comprised of the Cabinet members, has the authority to restore civil rights to prior offenders.

The previous administration severely restricted that process by changing the rules in 2011, giving unfettered discretion to deny clemency for any reason, and mandating that all applicants wait five or more years before even starting the process. If an applicant finally did get a hearing, they got just five minutes to speak.

Five years for five minutes thats our current system.

Under that clemency system, which a judge called crushingly restrictive and arbitrary and discriminatory, only 3,368 people had their rights restored.

By contrast, under my administration, we restored rights for over 150,000 deserving Floridians. My predecessor, Jeb Bush, oversaw 76,000 people getting their rights restored.

That's a far cry from the 24 people have had their rights restored this year.


We can return to a fairer clemency process and restore rights to those who should have been helped by Amendment 4.

The truth is, clemency is an executive function.

Over two months ago, Agriculture Commissioner Nikki Fried sent a letter to her fellow Clemency Board colleagues, calling for the adoption of new clemency rules. Her letter, just like the will of the voters on Amendment 4, has been ignored.

Under my administrations clemency rules, civil rights were automatically restored to nonviolent ex-felons who had served their time, paid restitution to victims, and had no further pending criminal charges. Fried has called for returning to those rules as a model, as a floor, and as an improvement to the current disenfranchisement scheme.

Freedom is fundamental to our nation but its constantly shifting, shaped by the powers of government.

Whether or not they voted for Amendment 4, its the duty of Floridas constitutional officers to uphold the will of the people.

Right now, more than 10,000 applicants continue waiting for their voice to be heard and their rights to be restored.

Change is needed now. Justice delayed is justice denied.

This can no longer be about politics or partisanship. Its about humanity, decency, and the Golden Rule: Do unto others as wed have done unto us.

Governor Ron DeSantis and the Clemency Board should follow Nikki Frieds lead, change the rules, and restore the rights of their fellow Floridians.

U.S. Rep. Charlie Crist, a Democrat, represents Floridas 13th Congressional District. He served as the 44th Governor of Florida.

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GUEST EDITORIAL: Floridas former felons shouldnt have to wait for their rights - Sarasota Herald-Tribune

Reach out to those who are ‘Alone’ this season | News, Sports, Jobs – Lewistown Sentinel

Chances are youve seen the movie Home Alone at some point. The 1990 movie is about Kevin McCallister, an 8-year-old boy, whose large family mistakenly leaves him alone in his suburban Chicago home while they travel to Paris for the Christmas holiday. Kevin ends up caring for himself as well as fighting off some bumbling burglars named Harry and Marv. Its a hilarious movie.

The movie has a meaningful subplot involving supporting characters. As many young kids do, Kevin falls prey to a rumor perpetuated in his neighborhood. Buzz, Kevins mean older brother, tells him that their elderly neighbor, Old Man Marley, is really a serial killer who murdered his family with a snow shovel in 1958. Kevin, it turns out, is more terrified of Marley than of any burglarsor of being home alone.

Of course, the myth of Old Man Marley is debunked when Kevin meets him inside a church where he watches choir practice for a Christmas Eve service. It is then that Kevin learns that Marley is no killer; he is just an old man who is cut off from his family. Secretively watching his granddaughter sing in the choir, Marley is the one truly alone.

As Kevin and Marley talk about fear, Marley says, Youre never too old to be afraid. He shares that he has not spoken to his son in years since a bad argument. Marley fears rejection if he reaches out to his son. Kevin tells him that it is better to try, and risk rejection, than never to know if things could be made right.

Near the end of the film, Old Man Marley saves Kevin from the burglars (using his infamous snow shovel), thus sealing a friendship for life. Kevins family finally makes it homerelieved to see Kevin is alright. Later, we see Kevin looking out his window just as Marley, his son, daughter in-law, and granddaughter meet, hug, and enter the house. Kevin smiles, knowing he did something goodhe helped a lonely man reconnect with those he loves.

Loneliness visits all of us at some point in our lives. Senior citizens are particularly vulnerable to loneliness. AARP found that forty-six percent of women over 75 and older live alone. Seventeen percent of adults 65 and older are isolated. Some enjoy solitude and are comfortable being alone, while others crave interaction and relationship. Ironically, we dont have to be alone to be lonely; we can be lonely in a room full of other people. Loneliness heightens our awareness of feeling isolated, disconnected, and often misunderstood. It is an epidemic in our culture.

At this time of year, loneliness can be especially deep and painful as we watch others appear to be full of love, joy, and peace. Coping with loneliness is a challenge, but unless we confront it, we may find ourselves not just lonely, but also depressed. It is hard to reach out to others. When we are lonely, we may expect others to intuitively know it and try to help us. Unfortunately, many of us are good at hiding our feelings and wearing a faade that communicates all is wellso no one really sees the truth.

Instead of wallowing in misery (which I have done more often than I care to admit), take a chance and reach out to another. Most people are receptive and open to conversation. Consciously pay attention to those around you. Smile, wave, or make the time to talk to your neighbor. You can offer to assist with a charity. If you have the means, buy presents for a less privileged family. How about baking some cookies and handing them out to neighbors? If you dont want to bake, give the traditional orange which symbolizes gold, giving, and caring for others less fortunate, or in the Chinese tradition symbolizes life and new beginnings for the New Year. Attend an event or worship service in line with your faith. Go to a local nursing home and inquire if there are some residents who seldom have visitorsthen visit with them. Most important, do something!

One of the most effective ways to cope with loneliness is to help another. Remember The Golden Rule? Do unto others as you would have them do unto you (Luke 6:31). Focusing your energy on others and treating them as you would like to be treated is a powerful means to combat loneliness. This holiday season strive to spread some joy to others. You may never know how your kind words or actions impact someone; even so, you will feel better doing it!

If you or someone you know is struggling with loneliness, the internet has online support groups and numerous other sources of assistance. Or reach out to a local faith community or faith leader, school counselor, psychologist, or call a helpline.

Suellen Lewis is a staff chaplain at Geisinger Lewistown Hospital. As both a former math teacher and associate pastor, she continues to be amazed at how God uses our experiences, abilities, and gifts to minister to others. She is available at Geisinger-Lewistown Hospital Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Contact the Spiritual Care Office at (717) 242-7059.

Paintersville C & MALEWISTOWN Christmas services will be held Sunday. The children's and teen's programs ...

As the Christmas season dawns and the spirit of Christ fills the hearts of Christians, the prophetic words of ...

Editors note: To submit a nonprofit announcement to The Sentinels Religion section, contact Erin Thompson at ...

Its time to put some holy in your holiday.It isnt quiet outside my window today; something is tick, tick, ...

KNOXVILLE, Tenn. (AP) A Tennessee county has voted against creating new rules for Bible Release Time and ...

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Reach out to those who are 'Alone' this season | News, Sports, Jobs - Lewistown Sentinel

The 10 Most Decade-Defining Hollywood Moments of the 2010s – Screen Rant

The 2010s were a whirlwind decade, with the passage of time giving rise to changes in what were previously considered cultural and societal normalities. But how did the film industry interpret these changes? Some filmmakers chose to snub societal development; nonetheless, other filmmakers embraced it.

RELATED: Top 10 Hollywood Directors And Their Signature Styles

Often, the experimental cineasts of this decade were actually the direct cause of evolutions in common belief for oft-debated topics - such as how we see ourselves and others, how we process and understand beauty, and how we experience euphoria. Today, we'll be looking at the most thought-provoking ways the world changed cinema, and cinema changed the world - for better or for worse.

Back in 2014, a plethora of data regarding film studio Sony Pictures (including confidential information about their employees, discussions between executives regarding future releases, and even video files of upcoming Sony films) leaked onto the Internet, thanks to the "Guardians of Peace", an anonymous organization of black hat hackers.

While the hack was primarily connected to political controversies - the self-proclaimed Guardians were offended by the upcoming Seth Rogen comedy The Interview, which depicts the death of a North Korean leader - it tied in even more to the general public's growing need for personal data protection, allowing them to see, many for the first time, what hacking professionals were truly capable of.

Since the release of Pixar's Toy Story all the way back in 1995, CGI has been the backbone of animation - but I think it can be definitively said that the technology developed the most over the last decade.

Nearly every film nowadays relies on computer-generated special effects to draw the audience into the action,and animated films like Nezha,Frozen IIandInto The Spider-Verseonly serve to confirm just how far animation quality has come over the years - showcasing awe-inspiring and unbelievably detailed visuals that prove that animation remains an unbelievably beautiful medium to tell a story with.

The Oscars have been a cultural staple for the near-century they've been given out, but over the last decade, various controversies have hindered their growth. While, for the most part, they've avoided the accusations of bribery and mass monetization that plague many other awards shows, issues plaguing the Awards still include continued underrepresentation of minorities and the Academy's unrestrained acceptance of "Oscar bait" films.

And, yes, the Oscars are dealing with several of these issues, but ratings are still lower than ever, indicating that maybe they've missed their chance for redemption.

It's hard to believe, but Netflix launched its groundbreaking streaming service all the way back in 2010, and, as we all know, it became an unprecedented phenomenon. While services like Hulu had been around since the late 2000s, Netflix's business model and content layout were unique, and their lucrative video-on-demand venture soon overtook their comparatively small DVD rental business, leading to many other companies launching their own streaming services.

RELATED: Ranked: All The Streaming Services In The U.S.

With such a large selection of ways to watch movies and TV for consumers to choose from, it's a wonder that movie theaters didn't disintegrate into an abnormality. One of the reasons for this is that studios tried extra hard to draw in filmgoers, which led to...

Let's face it - original concepts are just hard to come up with. Bringing new life to old hits has proved a much more reliable method for Hollywood to churn out the moneymaking flicks they require to fund their still-massive empire, and this has become particularly evident over the last decade.

Just look at all the Disney remakes we get every year, or the continuing film franchises still telling oft-told tales - some of which many want to end, but which still continue their rampant production - because continuing franchises provides studios with security compared to the risk of going with an original idea. While we had some great original films this decade, like Frozen and Inception, continuing old franchises just became the norm - and it's likely to stay that way going into the 2020s.

Superheroes have been a cultural staple for longer than nearly anyone can remember, but superhero films becoming worldwide hits is actually a fairly new trend. While films like The Dark KnightandSpider-Man shook up the box office back in the 00s, the real box office titans were released in the 2010s. And these weren't all Marvel or DC, either - Incredibles 2, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles,andSplitare all examples of films from the last decade that benefited from the increased attention superhero films have been getting.

RELATED: 8 Times The MCU Addressed Real-World Social Problems

The question of whether these films are actually cinema suddenly became a heated debate, but withAvengers: Endgame becoming the highest-grossing film of all time andBlack Panthersnagging a Best Picture nomination at the Oscars, it seems audiences are leaning towards yes.

Yep. While the event didn't surprise many, the scope of it did. Over the 2010s The Walt Disney Company, which was launched as an animation studio all the way back in the 1920s, had its most successful decade to date.

Here are some of the biggest milestones the corporate overlords at the House of Mouse enjoyed: they acquired Lucasfilm and the Star Wars franchise, they enjoyed continued success with the Marvel Cinematic Universe, they acquired Fox and associated properties (for over $50 billion) in a landmark deal, they released 23 films that grossed a billion dollars or more, and they created their own streaming service, Disney+. What does the future hold for Disney? Well... more of the same, most likely.

Harvey Weinstein was once considered to be a fairly respectable film producer - the co-founder of Miramax and the Weinstein Company, a somewhat vain but harmless cineast. All of that changed in October 2017, when long-held accusations of sexual assault against the Hollywood titan finally begin to spread, permanently ending his career. This led to a viral trend of victims of harassment and assault speaking out, many for the first time, sparking the social media hashtag "Me Too".

The trend changed a generation's understanding of truth and justice and had a broad impact on what precautions businesses took to prevent workplace harassment - and it all started in Hollywood, whether that's a good thing or not.

The real meanings of diversity and acceptance have long been debated by adept theologians and scholars, but many agree that in the end, they boil down to a golden-rule-like epithet: treat all equally. 2017'sGet Outexperimented with investigating the underlying causes of racism, while 2018's Won't You Be Neighbor?encouraged audiences to be kind to all.

RELATED: Ranked: 10 Most Inclusive Movies For Kids

Films likeCrazy Rich Asians and Coco changed the way Western audiences looked at rich, unique cultures they may not have previously thought about - while never being disrespectful to the cultures they depicted. And many films throughout the 2010s offered brief but poignant looks at themes of universe camaraderie - working, slowly but surely, to make the world a better place.

So... not everything was all fine and dandy throughout the 2010s. While diversity and acceptance in cinema became much more common, there were quite a few controversies that show not everyone in Hollywood adheres to the "golden rule" principle. Whitewashing was still an enduring problem, with films like Ghost in the ShellandDoctor Strange casting white actors in historically non-white roles. Marvel introduced their first openly gay character in Avengers: Endgame, but his appearance is a mere cameo at best.

And even in 2019, there were still films being released promoting racist and sexist stereotypes, like Loqueesha, which follows a white man who becomes a popular podcast host by impersonating a "mad black woman" - so, basically; Hollywood can definitely step up their game, and hey! a new decade is on the horizon - so hopefully they will.

NEXT: Top 10 Movies Of The 2010s According to IMDb

Next10 Superheroes Jensen Ackles Should Play (After Supernatural)

Izak Bulten is an amateur film historian who loves all things movies. His previous writing experience includes creating "Top 10" lists for ListVerse and writing logic puzzles for World Sudoku Champion Thomas Snyder. He also maintains "The Magic Lantern Show", a blog centered around news from the world of animation. In his free time, he loves creating worlds and playing Scrabble.

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The 10 Most Decade-Defining Hollywood Moments of the 2010s - Screen Rant

Collection to benefit Catholic Charities – The Record

Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ:

They were overjoyed at seeing the star, and on entering the house they saw the child with Mary his mother. They prostrated themselves and did him homage. Then they opened their treasures and offered him gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh.

Matthew 2:10-ll

May God bless you during this holy Advent season! In this familiar part of the Christmas story, which we hear on the Feast of Epiphany, the Magi, who represent all the nations of the world, come to adore the greatest gift God could give the world, Gods own Son, Christ the Lord. They, in turn, offer their greatest treasure and gifts to Him. A lesson we take from this is to ponder what gift might we give to the Christ child. What could we possibly offer for the gift of Gods incredible love in becoming one of us in Jesus Christ our Savior?

Might I suggest gold? I do not mean gold in the sense of a precious metal or money, for the gift of Christ is priceless. Instead, I recommend golden actions, which are manifestations of how we live out the Golden Rule, given to us by Jesus. In fact, this past year we have reflected on this as an Archdiocese and wider community through our Be Golden campaign. Every day is an opportunity for golden actions of charity, outreach and service to others, especially those most in need of our care. And every time these actions occur, we, like the Magi, are offering a gift of gold to Christ Himself.

And while we perform many individual golden actions, we also do so as a wider Church, especially in our support of the great work of our archdiocesan Catholic Charities. Through its many programs, golden actions of service and care are given to the material poor, the forgotten elderly, refugees and immigrants fleeing violence and persecution, survivors of human trafficking, the homeless and so many other vulnerable children of God needing security, food, shelter and other basic human needs.

So once again we will have our annual Catholic Charities collection, which parishes will take up on the weekend of December 21-22. Funds go to support the works and programs that help meet the many needs of individuals and families in the 24 counties of our Archdiocese. I encourage your generous and golden response to this years Christmas collection.

Please know that you and your families are in my prayers, as I ask Gods blessing on each of you during this holy time of year. Thank you so much for your prayers for my recovery and health.

Sincerely yours in Our Lord,

Most Reverend Joseph E. Kurtz, D.D. Archbishop of Louisville


Collection to benefit Catholic Charities - The Record

Beware Scammy ‘Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker’ Download Sites – Lifehacker

You read that right. Rey and Kylo arent using the Force to peer into your mind and read your user names and logins, but plenty of hackersscammers, reallyare setting up bogus websites and downloads to take advantage of todays premiere of Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker. And you should avoid them with as much precision as the Millenium Falcon in an asteroid field.

We can all agree that piracy is shitty, no matter if you loved or hated the latest Star Wars film, have already seen it six times, or whatever other rationale you or your friends might use to justify looking for a leaked copy online. If you dont want to debate morals, heres an even easier reason not to surrender to the dark side on this one: Youll find plenty of websites promising legitimate downloads of the film, and these websites might even appear authentic due to their prominence in search results, social media, and other seemingly reputable websites.

Dont get fooled. Youre going to run into a lot of sophisticated scams. As security researchers at Kaspersky recently described in a press release:

The domains of websites used for gathering personal data and spreading malicious files usually copy the official name of the film and provide thorough descriptions and supporting content, thereby fooling users into believing that the website is, in some way, connected to the official film. Such practice is called black SEO, which enables criminals to promote phishing websites high up in search engine results (such results often show up for search terms such as name-of-the-film watch free).

Remember the golden rule of the internet: If it feels sketchy, dont do it. If a website asks you for any personal information in order to download or view Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker, dont give it up. If a website wants you to install an extension to see the film, resist. Dont take surveys. Dont download and install supplemental programs on your computer to get around buying a $10 movie ticket. Dont give out your email address. A movie file does not end in .EXE.

Whatever you do, dont give up any financial information for anything related to your trying to find a popular, just-released movie for free. Dont create a new account on a site using credentials you use elsewhere, in the hopes youll be able to unlock a special download. Look at the URL of the website youre viewing to triple-check that its actually, say, the official site for Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker. And use some common sense; we doubt said site would ask you for incredibly personal information to set up an account / access its contents / who knows what else.

Does this sound absurd? Are you rolling your eyes? I would be, too, except plenty of people have already been suckered by phishing attempts related to Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker: 83 verified users as of when Kaspersky published its findings, with more 65 fake copies of the film floating around. And you can only expect these numbers to grow, as Kaspersky describes:

In 2019, Kaspersky detected 285,103 attempts to infect 37,772 users seeking to watch movies of the renowned space-opera series, a 10% rise compared to last year. The number of unique files used to target the users amounted to 11,499, a 30% drop from last year.

Originally posted here:

Beware Scammy 'Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker' Download Sites - Lifehacker

Column: Treating each other the way we want to be treated during the holidays – Duncan Banner

The countdown to Christmas is nearing single digits. Just a handful of shopping days left. With the time crunch comes the hustle and bustle of everyone buying those last minute gifts for their loved ones. Stores are packed. Stock is limited on those must have items. Tempers begin to flare when an item cant be found. People huff and puff when they arent helped immediately. Blame is placed on retail workers who are working tirelessly to keep up with demand. Rants are taken to social media complaining about the business rants that can be dangerous to small, locally owned businesses.

That is why this year we would like to provide a friendly reminder that retail workers are humans too. Most of them are trying their best to please every person that walks through their door. Theyre working extremely long hours during the holiday season and some of them for not the greatest of pay.

Let me say right here that regardless of what retail workers (including wait staff and fast food workers) get paid, no one gets paid enough to be screamed at, sometimes for things they cant even control. No one deserves to be cursed at or belittled for working a job that is providing income to feed and clothe their families. Even when complaints arise, theres a more fitting way to resolve the issue. Talk to a manager or owner. Let them know why youre upset, but do so in a way thats respectable. More often than not, you catch more flies with honey than you do with vinegar.

These workers are people who deserved to be treated as such with dignity and respect. I will leave you with this thought. The Golden Rule most of us were taught as youngsters; Matthew 7:12 says, So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you, for this sums up the Law and the Prophets.

Read the original:

Column: Treating each other the way we want to be treated during the holidays - Duncan Banner

Reach the next frontier of security automation while maintaining visibility and control – Help Net Security

As the technologies we rely on continue to evolve, they are growing at a rate that outpaces our ability to protect them. This increasing risk potential necessitates a change in approach and the ability for organizations to automate more of their network security operations to reduce their cyber-attack surface.

One of the primary ways this issue is compounded is from the widely acknowledged labor shortage of IT security specialists, which results in overworked resources and increases in misconfigurations caused by human errors. Security analysts and engineers spend the vast majority of their time worrying about vulnerabilities, but Gartner believes that through 2023, 99 percent of all firewall breaches will be the result of misconfigurations, not flaws. IBM also noted in a recent survey that a 424 percent increase in data breaches due to cloud misconfigurations were caused by human errors.

Recognizing these findings, the need for enterprises to automate network security policy management processes to reduce human errors and improve efficiencies is proven, but some organizations are still leery of making the automation transition for fear of losing control over their IT security visibility and decision making. Luckily, they dont need to choose between automation and maintaining control.

Organizations can protect against these concerns by beginning with a form of automation that matches their current IT security capabilities, then advancing to increasing methods of automation as their confidence and technical maturity level grows.

Some organizations may believe that automating network security operations will reduce their visibility and control over policies, change processes and ability to comply with security and privacy regulations. However, automation can actually provide more control by eliminating guesswork and manual management for these areas, which reduces the likelihood of misconfigurations and increased risk.

Network security policy automation provides numerous benefits to organizations including minimizing human error; increasing operational efficiency while reducing security costs; streamlining the friction between DevOps and SecOps; increasing overall security agility; and decreasing compliance violations by proactively checking against regulation and internal compliance measures prior to implementing new changes.

I recognize that not every organization is ready to fully automate security processes out of the gate. Therefore, I recommend they first acknowledge their current IT security maturity and then define how they want to evolve their automated processes over time. These decisions should be based on the companys business goals, staffing resources, customer needs and technical sophistication.

The next step is to place the company on an automation transformation curve to determine its technology advancement path. I like to think of the automation spectrum as having four key stages, which improve security process time and efficiency:

1. Design Automation: Offers a basic level of automation, where security specialists still manually monitor and react to environmental changes. Meanwhile, the automated system provides intelligent design recommendations to suggest network security improvements, and auto-generated compliance and risk-scoring reports to improve workflows and correction time.

2. Implementation Automation: Continues to improve speed and efficiency by also providing automated network security rule implementation, verification and documentation. This stage is still primarily driven by operator control but increases automation to enable security specialists to direct their attention to more critical needs.

3. Zero-Touch Automation: The network system now monitors and reacts to environmental changes, but the security specialists remain in control of global policies. At this stage, implementation changes are deployed to all devices automatically, and intent-based standards and golden rule guardrails can be easily defined to alleviate time-consuming routine changes.

4. Adaptive Security Enforcement: For some time, our industry has considered zero-touch automation the end-state, but now a new stage goes beyond this type of automation to create a truly adaptive network security model. This automation approach is scalable across systems and automatically recalibrates global security policies as it auto-detects any underlying network and infrastructure changes. This approach also enables businesses to maintain control over security operations, while maximizing efficiencies and gaining continuing compliance with security policies.

This multi-staged approach allows organizations to match their pace of automation to meet their current network security capabilities and future ambitions. To determine where to start, enterprises should survey the type of processes they want to fully automate, partially automate or remain untouched. Then the company can automate within their comfort level to move as fast as their systems allow.

I believe that the new frontier of network security automation will help enterprises move beyond zero touch implementation to continuously adapt their security processes to gain real-time visibility and control over global network changes, achieve new levels of efficiencies, and free up IT security resources for more strategic initiatives.

This adaptive network security model also provides the flexibility needed to respond to critical incidents and apply additional changes across all environments as they occur. Businesses shouldnt have to make a choice between speed or security, and by continuously monitoring and adapting their network systems, protecting global polices across all environments and maintaining compliance, they wouldnt have to make any tradeoffs.

There is an automated network security policy management solution that meets the needs and capabilities of every organization. Organizations dont need to fear automation as a threat to lose control or visibility over their hybrid network environments. By selecting the right form of automation for their current needs, enterprises can reduce human errors and improve their security agility now while they prepare for the future.

Continue reading here:

Reach the next frontier of security automation while maintaining visibility and control - Help Net Security

4 Components and 3 Agreements of Partners in Enriching Love Relations – PsychCentral.com

The universe loves partnerships! Human beings are hardwired to learn, heal and maximize their individual potention in relationships. Its been said that relationships are designed to be top-notch, which offer ample and ongoing opportunities for partners to grow and bring out the best in each. And the yearning for a partner and companion with whom tosharelife joys and create new meanings is very real.

For many, finding an ideal mate isa naturalpassion, albeit one that consumesmuch of our energy throughout life, perhaps to the point of becoming an obsession, or addiction.

The field of neurosciencebacks this withrecent findingsthat showthe human brain is above all a social organ.Besides, there are somany wondrous things in life to learn and experience; why go it alone, if you dont have to?

Someone to share joys and struggles with, seems a natural choice, not to mentiona biological directive that can bring out our best, at minimum, keep us growing.

And research shows that married people are overall happier and healthier; however, and this is vital to note,its not the fact theyre married that makes them happy. Its because both partners habitually act in ways what sustainsindividual and relationalhappiness.What are the ways of genuine love?

Perhaps one of the most all-encompassingand insightfuldefinitions of love comes to us from a groundbreaking, classic bestseller, The Road Less Traveled: A New Psychology of Love, Traditional Values and Spiritual Growth, written bypsychiatrist Dr. M. Scott Peck published inthe 1980s (a must read!):

Love is the will to extend ones self for purpose of nurturing ones own or anothers spiritual growth. ~ SCOTT PECK

This defines love in terms offour critical, all encompassing components, and three agreements.


1. A set intention or goal for conscious-love action.

Each partner treats love for self and the other as conscious action, or conscious-love, and not mere feeling. Conscious-love is a moment by moment awareness of making optimal choices, that is, to act in ways that are in the highest and best interest of both self and other.

Love is and inside out job. selffrom within, to make positive and meaningfulcontributions tolife in and around you.

2. Areciprocal processoriented to lifelong learning and growth.

A love that enriches the growth and wellbeing of each partner is one in which both partners are fully and mutually engaged in their own and the others growth and wellbeing.

3. An awareness and sense of balance in fulfillment of own and the others inner yearnings.

Both partners responsibly act to promote a balance between ahealthy love and care of for own emotion-needs, wants and dreams,andhealthy care and love for the others (to avoid the toxicity that results when both get absorbed in meeting needs, wants of self or the other).

4. A view of love and care as a dedication of each to an ongoing process.

Each partner is dedicated to nurturing the relationship as an ongoing process that treats love and one another as alive, thus the necessity forcontinual effort, in the same way breathing keeps body alive by replenishing oxygen supply or tending to a plant needs ongoing effort.


The above four components are lifelong attributes of a healthy, lifelong love relationship between two partners. To sustain the energy and work needed to tend to a healthy relationship with self and others, however, there are 3 conscious choices to energize and seal them with the 3 agreements below, which guarantee optimal emotion states of mind and body: Commitment! Wholeness!Collaboration!

Agreement One: Commitment! Why?

Commitment is a vow two partners make to keep their relationship strong and vital, and that means to learn and test and discern what strengthens a relationship, and what harms and weakens it. One of the most challenging things for partners to learn to let go is the myths that romanticize male dominance based on gendered oles, and the associated fairy tales of love as happily ever after that depict love and love partners more like objects than real human beings. The fairy tale expectations and myths, for example, that say love should feel easy and it shouldnt be work are setups for failure, at best misguided. Nothing in life can be approached with this attitude, not a career or job or raising children. Success is realized to the extent commitment is present. Only a wholehearted commitmentof two partners ensures the lifelong benefits of two actualized happy individuals in a committed relationship.

Agreement Two: Wholehearted Love! Why?

A wholehearted love is one in which each person in the relationship fully experiences themselves as fully human, that is, wired with amazing inner capacities for creativity that, safe to say, can safely be described as miracle-making! Love makes the world go around. It is who we are, in essence, as human beings because it describes out most powerful drives from the first breath to the last. No powers to dominate and destroy can compare to kindness and caring, compassion and tenderness. The governing forces of life as we know are, indisputably based on: the Golden Rule. For those open to learning how life works and doesnt, that is wisdom, an inevitable boomerang effect. What we put out returns. Even the mirror neurons wired into our brans speak of this dynamic.

Agreement Three: Collaboration! Why?

It takes two persons, working as a team, to strengthen and build a vibrant, long lasting relationship.Collaboration reflects an openness to work, to change, to find optimal solutions in the highest interest of all concerned. In the words of Charles Darwin, It is not the strongest of the species that survive, nor the most intelligent, but the one most response to change.

The bottom line is that for two persons to succeed in creating a healthy, lifelong love relationship, the work of each in learning to grow and heal and love and fully accept self as a capable and loving being is foundational. Without this foundation, a relationship remains weak and at risk.

A healthy relationship both nurtures and is nurtured by two persons oriented to their own and the others growth and wellbeing. It cannot be done by one (that is only possible between a parent and a young child). Nothing is more powerful, conceivably, than two partners that are each invested in theirown and others growth, health and wholeness, happiness and well being, and that understand the power of collaboration to optimize and expedite and create miracle-making synergy.

Photo by wallygrom

Photo by wallygrom

Photo by wallygrom

Read the original here:

4 Components and 3 Agreements of Partners in Enriching Love Relations - PsychCentral.com

I survived a mass shooting. Here’s my advice to other journalists. – Poynter

When I became a journalist, I knew I wasnt signing up to simply write happy human interest features. I knew I would be reporting on death and disaster, and I started preparing myself to handle tragic situations.

But it wasnt until a gunman opened fire in my newsroom on June 28, 2018, that my crash course in trauma began.

In the coverage of the mass shooting that left five of my colleagues dead the deadliest attack on journalists in America I was able to start healing by feeling heard. I went from writing our front page centerpiece to becoming it. I had one of CNNs only uncensored f-bombs (Robert DeNiro copied me in September). I was a Time Magazine Person of the Year.

I was also bribed, falsely quoted, harassed and continuously retraumatized by reporters who didnt know how to handle my story.

As Ive become an unfortunate expert, I want to share a few lessons from the worst days of my life.

No matter how sensitive you are as a reporter, there are just some things you cant think of until youve been through a certain type of trauma. One of those things is ringing the doorbell.

Door knocking is uncomfortable for subjects and reporters, but traumatized people arent just bothered by reporters showing up at their door. In the first days after the shooting, unannounced visitors made me feel like my brain was on fire. Before the feelings of paranoia start (Is this someone trying to come finish the job? How many people have my address?), the DAH DAH DING of my parents Ring doorbell blaring through the house felt as violent as more gunfire. For me, almost all noise became loud after the shooting. So noises meant to be loud, like a doorbell, immediately put me into a state of panic.

Door knocking becomes unavoidable when it comes to covering disasters. If you can, exhaust all efforts to reach a traumatized subject via the internet or phone before showing up to their door. Try a neighbors door to see if they can connect you first. And please, dont ring the doorbell.

RELATED STORY: At the Capital Gazette, were still mourning. Were gonna need help. But were still here.

Bribes are risky at best. I got flowers and morning show producers showing up with breakfast. Its hard for journalists to gain trust with potential sources, but you dont know how flowers or other gifts are going to be received. I had a reporter who tried to get close to me by constantly texting me. The floral arrangement she sent to my house was the last straw.

Going from reporter to story subject meant I was always given condolences before reporters asked questions. I knew it was all sincere on some level. But it became hard to distinguish what was genuine from reporter to reporter, or what acts of kindness implied that I basically owed people interviews because I was in the business. Other subjects hopefully wont have to determine if requests from reporters are out of camaraderie or exploitation, but sending flowers or showing up on doorsteps with bagels in the hope of getting a morning show interview still feels in poor taste to me.

Do your homework. You can avoid re-traumatizing someone by letting them know that youve seen or read their other interviews, and that youre not going to make them retell what happened to them. Instead, youd like to focus on another part of their perspective. Watch, read and listen to as many interviews theyve already done as you can. Know all the facts of what happened to them and what theyve already told people. Scour their social media. Try as hard as you can to keep them out of the dark places they dont need to go.

Use the details youre given, not what you assume. I had a reporter I trusted through mutual colleagues try and recreate the scene of my shooting. In doing so, she made up details like a pool of blood coming out of my coworker that never existed and my hands shaking as I texted my parents. When I asked her editor how she could have printed something so graphic and exploitative, she said she wanted to show how brave I was. Thats not the way to do it.

Not assuming (AKA making up) details is Journalism 101. But you also cant assign intent or emotion to simple facts. The golden rule of writing is show, dont tell. But you need to let the subject show you. You cant show for them. If you think someone acted with bravery, its OK to ask them, Do you feel brave? Their answer will probably tell you more than anything you try to recreate.

RELATED TRAINING: Journalism and Trauma

When youre interviewing someone whos experienced immense trauma like a mass shooting, you will take them down a dark path. Even if you try your best to ask questions that wont make them relive what they went through, they will. They may start talking about graphic details you didnt ask for and may not be able to stop. It doesnt matter if you had to take them down that path or not. Your interview shouldnt be over until you take them out. Have strategies ready to deploy when a source gets distressed or reacts negatively during their recounting and be ready to pull the string on the parachute. You may have to ask questions that wont give you answers you can use or get them to talk about something that isnt relevant to your story. But youll gain more trust and make that person feel safer with you if you can leave them in a better place.

One of those strategies is getting to know your source beyond what happened to them or their loved one. Find out what makes them happy. Ask them what makes them feel empowered in their life or about their loved ones life, whats getting them through this time, has anything made them smile recently? Has a show or book or podcast become their escape? These questions will help your source, and will likely give you a better story.

This was the method used by psychologist Henry Greenspan in his decades-long work interviewing Holocaust survivors. He became someone survivors felt comfortable leading into their memories, and someone they felt could safely pull them back out. The results are the continuing conversations he developed into his book On Listening to Holocaust Survivors: Recounting and Life History.

RELATED STORY: How journalists can take care of themselves while covering trauma

Journalists stories arent just informative. They give people power. When you report on trauma, who are you giving that power to? Can you help someone with your story? Are the details you include worth the hurt they may cause? Make sure the details you use in your reporting have purpose.

Part of the last year and a half of my life has been going round and round in a cycle of shock that comes from the news.

When Im trying to go about my day and the face of the man who killed my colleagues and almost killed me pops up on my social media feed or on TV, it feels like a bucket of ice water has been dumped on my head.

So many of those feelings from that day rush back. And then Im angry, because I have to go through this thing not even other journalists understand. So I swallow that anger and reach out to that publication or station to tell them how this makes me feel and why they should really be using any other image because we can provide them with so many. There are photos from each memorial and vigil, photos of us in the newsroom, photos of my colleagues reporting on the shooting from the mall parking garage. You dont need his face to tell our story.

My wounds have been ripped open and I expose them further to try and breach this gap between victims and the media.

And then I have to go through all that shock and sadness and anger again when it happens sometimes in the same day, sometimes from that same outlet I reached out to last.

Its time to start thinking about how our journalism affects victims of mass tragedy before we think about how to get the most clicks. Photos of shooters dead or alive, convicted or not might seem like images that grab readers, but they turn away the ones that matter most: the survivors. Its ironic that we show such compassion and care in our storytelling, then we callously disregard their feelings when it comes to illustrating our work.

To you and maybe most of your readership, little details like a thumbnail are a blip. To me and my colleagues and the ever expanding network of those touched by gun violence, theyre devastating.

Follow up. Seriously.

I knew to text my parents when I was hiding under a desk because I read about Pulse victims texting theirs. I covered Pulse and the Las Vegas shootings, but I never wrote or read an article that could prepare me for life after my own.

Having reporters be there in our initial moments after the shooting was important. People could hear our story, cry with us and get mad with us. But it also made us incredibly vulnerable.

The worst moments of some peoples lives are captured and swirled through the news cycle. And then thats it. You rarely hear what happened to the woman weeping on her husbands makeshift memorial or the father whose expression was captured as he realized his child was gone forever.

If these people are part of your coverage, check in on them and not just on the anniversary of their loss. Give them an opportunity to show you a different side. People should read about the aftermath of their lives, how the holes from those who were ripped away stretch out their new normal.

When the rest of the world moves on, the coverage of their event is likely the only thing theyll have left to remember that time. What kind of memories do you want to leave someone with? Stories where theyre vulnerable as a victim, or empowered as a survivor?

Consider how healing and empowering a portrait can be for that person and others in their shoes who only see those tragic breaking news photos.

For victims and their loved ones, reopening those wounds may be too painful. They might say no when you ask and thats OK.

But everyone should have the opportunity to feel remembered. No ones story ends when they fall out of the news cycle.

And as journalists we should work to give survivors and people who lose loved ones to tragedy memories that can lift them up and remind them why their story matters. We dont have to define people by their trauma alone.

Selene San Felice is a features and enterprise reporter at The Capital in Annapolis, Maryland, where she survived the newsroom shooting on June 28, 2018. She graduated in December 2016 from the University of Tampa, where she was honored in 2019 as the schools first distinguished alumni in journalism. She can be reached at ssanfelice@capgaznews.com and on Twitter at @SeleneCapGaz.

Read the original post:

I survived a mass shooting. Here's my advice to other journalists. - Poynter

Predictions Friday: Fireplace Family Time and the Screener Pile – Awards Daily

The holidays are at last upon us. And you know what that means that means filmmakers families gathering round the fire to watch Oscar screeners. Since the date change, this has always been the case. One week after New Years, Oscar ballots must be turned in. That means what happens THIS week will likely decide many of the nominations, give or take a party or two, a meet and greet or two.

So what movies do well at Oscar time? Well, it depends on the voters extended families. Are they art snobs? Are they blue-collar? Are they a mix of different types? Are they Bernie Sanders supporters? Are they mostly women? Are they demographically inclusive? A Best Picture winner will have to appeal across the board to all types of people. That is how best is defined with the preferential ballot. When you talk about winning Best Picture, it is never going to be the passion choice at least not passion alone. It has to be both broadly liked as well as passionately loved.

Its a huge mistake to discount the actual reasons why Green Book won. It revealed how much of a bubble Twitter is. And it showed the exact kind of movie that does well on a preferential ballot. It was the only feel-good movie in the race, with the exception of Black Panther, which did not have directing nor writing noms the backbone of Best Picture, along with actors. Black Panther was never a threat to win because of that. So if you want to understand how you predict Best Picture, think about that family of oddballs gathered round the fire watching the screener pile. Which movie are they all mostly going to like? Which movies will they even all want to watch?

How people respond to movies, especially people you care about, influence how you like the movie. If you put on a film the critics are raving about and your family or friends group is unimpressed? That is going to make a difference in how you respond when it comes time to vote. Critics high status folks on Twitter, whether Oscar bloggers or not are 100% invested in virtue signaling. To them, Green Book winning was tantamount to Trump getting elected (Im not even kidding). But to the friends and family around the fire? Green Book would have played like gangbusters. White, black, male, female doesnt matter: Green Book would have been a hit.

The films that will do well over the holidays with the fam around the fire are going to be: movies that have a LOT of buzz, and movies with big stars. Big stars kind of rule any time, anywhere, which bodes well for movies like Bombshell, Ford v Ferrari, and Once Upon a Time in Hollywood. Critical acclaim will likely drive Parasite and 1917 to the top of the pile. Knives Out for sure. Probably Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood. But those two films, like The Irishman, also have stumbling blocks: for Parasite, there are still people who dont like to watch movies with subtitles and simply wont. And with The Irishman, there are people who cant or wont or dont find the time to watch a three-and-a-half-hour movie. With, 1917, the gory landscape of war could seem too depressing over the holidays, but of course, its an epic action-packed thrill to watch, so there is no way people skip it.

The first hurdle is getting voters to watch the movies. All of this hype from Telluride to right now is about that, bringing the horse to water to see if he or she will drink. Whether voters drink or not is ultimately out of the hands of influencers and publicists. But the aim is to get them to put that movie on top of the pile.

Once they do watch the movies, which ones will do well? I suspect that of all of them, Ford v Ferrari could get the biggest boost from the screener pile, being that it is an enjoyable movie that many people will be surprised by. They think its going to be just another racing movie, but once they actually watch it they will see that its actually driven by great writing, directing, and acting. In short, it has it all. Its a little ridiculous that it isnt being hailed as one of the best films of the year but hey, critics gonna do what they do.

With this in mind, here is a pre-Globes prediction list.

Keep in mind these golden rules: Passion drives nominees in all categories, including Best Picture, BUT Passion alone does not drive winners in Best Picture

BEST PICTUREFRONTRUNNERS Looks to be a four-way race at the moment:Once Upon a Time in Hollywood vs. The Irishman vs. Parasite vs. 1917

Other NomineesJokerJojo RabbitMarriage StoryFord v FerrariBombshell or Little Women

What else could benefit if Little Women doesnt quite cut the mustard for the female director vote?

The FarewellHustlers

Potential spoilers:Knives OutDolemite Is My NameUncut GemsThe Two Popes

BEST ACTORJoaquin Phoenix, JokerAdam Driver, Marriage StoryLeonardo DiCaprio, Once Upon a Time in HollywoodChristian Bale, Ford v FerrariEddie Murphy, Dolemite Is My Name

Also possible:Taron Egerton, RocketmanGeorge MacKay, 1917Antonio Banderas, Pain and GloryRoman Griffin Davis, Jojo RabbitJonathan Pryce, The Two PopesAdam Sandler, Uncut Gems

BEST ACTRESSRenee Zellweger, JudyLupita Nyongo, UsCharlize Theron, BombshellScarlett Johansson, Marriage StoryCynthia Erivo, Harriet

Also possible:Saoirse Ronan, Little WomenAna de Armas, Knives Out

BEST SUPPORTING ACTORBrad Pitt, Once Upon a Time in HollywoodJoe Pesci, The IrishmanTom Hanks, A Beautiful Day in the NeighborhoodAl Pacino, The IrishmanWesley Snipes, Dolemite Is My Name

Also possible:Tracy Letts, Ford v FerrariJamie Foxx, Just MercyAnthony Hopkins, The Two PopesWillem Dafoe, The Lighthouse

BEST SUPPORTING ACTRESSLaura Dern, Marriage StoryMargot Robbie, BombshellJennifer Lopez, HustlersScarlett Johansson, Jojo RabbitNicole Kidman, Bombshell

Also possible:DaVine Joy Randolph, Dolemite Is My NameKathy Bates, Richard JewellFlorence Pugh, Little Women

BEST DIRECTORQuentin Tarantino, Once Upon a Time in HollywoodBong Joon-Ho, ParasiteSam Mendes, 1917Martin Scorsese, The IrishmanTodd Phillips, Joker

Also possible:Noah Baumbach, Marriage StoryTaika Waititi, Jojo RabbitJames Mangold, Ford v FerrariSafdie brothers, Uncut Gems

ORIGINAL SCREENPLAYQuentin Tarantino, Once Upon a Time in HollywoodNoah Baumbach, Marriage StoryBong Joon-Ho and Jin Won Han, ParasiteThe Safdie brothers, Uncut GemsKrysty Wilson-Cairns and Sam Mendes, 1917

Also possible:Scott Alexander and Larry Karaszewski, Dolemite Is My NameRian Johnson, Knives OutLulu Wang, The FarewellJez Butterworth, John-Henry Butterworth, and Jason Keller, Ford v FerrariLena Waithe, Queen & SlimCharles Randolph, BombshellTrey Edward Shults, Waves

ADAPTED SCREENPLAYSteve Zaillian, The IrishmanAnthony McCarten, The Two PopesTaika Waititi, Jojo RabbitGreta Gerwig, Little WomenTodd Phillips and Scott Silver, Joker

Also possible:Lorene Scafaria, HustlersDaniel Destin Cretton and Andrew Lanham, Just Mercy

CINEMATOGRAPHY1917Ford v FerrariOnce Upon a Time in HollywoodJokerThe Irishman

Also possible:The LighthousePortrait of a Lady on FireA Hidden LifeParasite

EDITINGFord v FerrariThe IrishmanOnce Upon a Time in HollywoodJokerParasite

Also possible:1917Marriage StoryJojo RabbitKnives OutUncut Gems

PRODUCTION DESIGN1917The IrishmanOnce Upon a Time in HollywoodFord v FerrariJojo Rabbit

Also possible:ParasiteJokerLittle WomenA Hidden LifeThe AeronautsAd Astra

SOUND MIXING1917Ford v FerrariOnce Upon a Time in HollywoodThe IrishmanJokerRocketman

SOUND EDITINGFord v Ferarri1917Once Upon a Time in HollywoodAvengers: EndgameJoker

COSTUME DESIGNDolemite Is My NameRocketmanLittle WomenOnce Upon a Time in HollywoodThe Irishman

Also possible:Downton AbbeyThe Irishman1917Jojo RabbitJudy

VISUAL EFFECTS1917The IrishmanThe AeronautsAvengers: EndgameThe Lion King

ORIGINAL SCORE1917Marriage StoryLittle WomenJokerFord v Ferrari

ORIGINAL SONGStand Up, HarrietInto the Unknown, Frozen IISpirit, The Lion KingIm Standing With You, BreakthroughIm Gonna Love Me Again, Rocketman

Also possible:A Glass of Soju, ParasiteI Cant Let You Throw Yourself Away, Toy Story 4Glasgow, Wild Rose

MAKEUP AND HAIRBombshellDolemite Is My NameJoker

Also possible:Downton AbbeyJudyLittle Women

ANIMATED FEATUREToy Story 4Frozen IIMissing LinkThe Lion KingHow to Train Your Dragon: The Hidden World

Also possible:I Lost My BodyAbominableThe Lego Movie 2: The Second Part

DOCUMENTARY FEATUREFor SamaApollo 11American FactoryHoneylandKnock Down the House

Also possible:AdvocateThe ApolloAquarelaThe Biggest Little FarmThe CaveThe Edge of DemocracyThe Great HackMaidenMidnight FamilyOne Child Nation

INTERNATIONAL FILMParasite, South KoreaPain and Glory, SpainLes Misrables, FranceAtlantics, SenegalHoneyland, North Macedonia

Also possible:The Boy Who Harnassed the Wind, UKBeanpole, RussiaThe Painted Bird, Czech RepublicTruth and Justice, EstoniaThose Who Remained, HungaryCorpus Christi, Poland

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Predictions Friday: Fireplace Family Time and the Screener Pile - Awards Daily

Be polite and follow the rules of fishing from shore, boat – Buffalo News

The concept of the golden rule is simple and straightforward: Treat other people as you would wish to be treated. Of course, if you dont know what the proper treatment should be for a specific situation, you can create problems without even knowing how or why, especially in the world of fishing.

An excellent case in point is the lower Niagara River, where anglers fishing from shore and boat constantly jockey for position at perceived hot spots in the river.

Ill seek out my shore fishing spot while its still dark out, says Ricardo Davila of Wheatfield, an avid Niagara Gorge angler. Quite often, after Ive established my area, I will have fishermen move into my angling area that I am targeting because they just dont understand how I am fishing.

For example, if I am tossing spoons or spinners under murky conditions, I will try and swing my lure along the shoreline downriver from me, using the current to give my lure that necessary action, says Davila.

If someone moves in, he will explain that to them and see how they react. If they wont move, Davila will tell them that you can have this spot, but the river is big and there are many, many spots along the river from Artpark to the Whirlpool. Dont be afraid to explore and be courteous.

Many anglers dont know how close the fish like trout and salmon are to the shoreline in the gorge, says Davila. Centerpin guys will fish the water differently from the spinning guys and from the fly-fishing folks. Try and understand how each of the different disciplines will work a stretch of water. And if they are courteous back, it can lead to a better understanding and even friendships as you educate each other. Thats happened to me for sure.

Jordyn and Adeline Davila of Wheatfield show off some of the garbage they helped to pick up in the Niagara Gorge. Keep things clean. (Photo courtesy Ric Davila)

While you are showing respect for your fellow outdoorsperson, you should show some respect for the natural resources that you are enjoying, too. Dont litter while you are fishing and bring a bag to haul out any garbage you may find during your fishing adventure. Leave the trail better than you left it.

In places like the lower Niagara River, there are etiquette situations for boaters, as well as boaters and shore fishermen combined. Capt. Jim Rores of Grand Island emphasizes the importance of paying respect to your fellow anglers.

As far as boat etiquette, there are a few things that are no nos in my book, says Rores. Short drifting another boat is a biggie. Im set up on the drift and coming down with the current. You are coming up the river. Instead of going in front of me (above me) you go behind me. By the time you set your boat and get your trolling motor down we are getting too close to each other. Your boat sitting in the current will make my boat catch you faster, thus screwing up my drift.

Another problem is when someone is running their boat right up the current seam where guys are fishing. Instead of going out and around on your way back upriver, they motor right up the seam. This does two things. It creates a wake that gets thrown at other boats and ruins their drift and it pushes the fish out of there because you just ran over them with your big motor.

A third problem is when other boats are egg fishing or bead fishing a drift. They are set up with their bow up, slow drifting eggs or beads. Suddenly a boat comes above you, turns their bow down and starts pulling Kwikfish through the drift right towards you at three times the speed you are going. Many times, the egg fishermen must move to avoid the slow troller.

Its not a problem when there is one boat on the drift fishing eggs but when you have 4 or 5 boats egg fishing a drift and someone decides to pull kwikies through there, you can have a problem, says Rores.

Always be cautious of your wake when running upriver and when setting up to drift. Some boaters might fly back upriver and then pull in to close to you and throw a big wake. Take your time when you get to the top of a drift. Slow down and pull in wide. Its common sense really. As far as dealing with shore guys, you kind of have your hands tied in the fall. They want your water and you want theirs. Just try not to wake them. Most of them are standing on slippery rocks and dont need a two-foot wake thrown at them. Just be courteous. Its tough especially with all the centerpin fishermen around now fishing long rods and letting their floats drift a long way.

Don't get too bunched up with other boats. (Bill Hilts Jr./Buffalo News)

In the streams, Danny Colville of Colville Outfitters points out that there is no book or exact rules. The etiquette differs from spot to spot. It's all about communication between anglers. Sometimes guys from out of town do not realize that they are not following local etiquette due to where they are from. For example, a guy from Canada or the Erie tributaries in Pennsylvania might think it's ok to step above or below you because there is room. However, it might not be okay with the fisherman in the space he is fishing.

I was always told by my mentor that you never fish for the same fish that someone else is fishing for, says Colville. The problem with that is if you go to somewhere like an easy access bridge or dam that is impossible. I know personally that it really makes me mad and messes my drift up when a person using a different tactic steps in below me. Now my drift is cut off. Again, they might not know so I just tell them that they are affecting my drift and need to position themselves above me or move on.

You don't want to impede someone's experience while they are fishing in an area. Just ask and most of the time people will be cool. On top of that, you might get into a conversation about the fishing and find that you share the same love and passion. I have made a lot of good friends like this over the years. We have tons of water, but the spots are tight.

Larger rivers can fit more people in spaces so consider that. Overall, the most important thing is to communicate and maybe change your tactic of fishing if you want to share a honey hole that badly with someone. Float fishing is the best because you can get in a synchronized drift and you know when the angler is done with their drift.

If fly fishing, you need to start upstream from the other angler far enough where you won't get in the way of casting and you are not jumping in front of the fly angler as they work down river. With fly fishing, the choice of space is usually not where the fish typically sit. Work your way down to them by drifting or swinging then stepping down after you retrieve. This way youre presenting the fly closer and closer to the fish hoping you get it in their zone. If you stand below that guy, you cut his drift off. Asking will avoid this.

"Float fishermen pick the spot that they can cast, drift and land fish best. They can cover the whole stretch of river from one location. Impeding their drift really messes them up unless you get in sync with their casting. You need to first ask and then let them cast. Start their drift and then cast behind their bobber and start your drift. This way no one get tangled. When he is done with the drift and starts to retrieve, you finish your drift and continue to repeat.


Be polite and follow the rules of fishing from shore, boat - Buffalo News

30 Gifts Under $100 (Plus One That’s Too Good to Leave Out) – Mpls.St.Paul Magazine

Clockwise from top: Phone case ($36), by Moglea, from Anthropologie, multiple metro locations, anthropologie.com; recycled bag ($112), by People for Urban Progress, from Show & Tell, 5257 Chicago Ave., Mpls.; Ruby Minnescato wine ($19) from Carlos Creek Winery, Alexandria, 320-846-5443; vase ($88), by Cym Warkov Ceramics, from Combine, 1609 W. Lake St., Mpls., 612-353-5163; taper candle ($10, set of two), by The Floral Society, and candleholder and snuffer ($54), by Studio Macura, both from Russell+Hazel, 219 N. 2nd St., Mpls., 612-353-4149; French soap ($13 each), by Le Baigneur, from Flotsam+Fork, 3730 Chicago Ave., Mpls., 612-823-5799; First Avenue book ($35), from Patina, multiple metro locations, patinastores.com; Lagom book ($30), also from Show & Tell; wood bear ($18), by Plan Toys, from Kinoko Kids, 3803 Grand Ave. S., Mpls., 612-545-5741; earrings ($78), by There There Collective, from Golden Rule, 350 Water St., Excelsior, 612-598-2098; dog collar ($32), by Son of a Sailor, also from Show & Tell; olive oil ($37), by Brightland, also from Golden Rule; diffuser ($40), by Idlewilde, also from Russell+Hazel.

Chocolate ($12), by Mayana,from Golden Rule

Minnesota pencils ($7),from Patina

Frenchie canned cocktail ($15$18 for four cans), by Vikre Distillery, vikredistillery.com

Metal straw ($3), by Steel Straw, also from Golden Rule

Canned cocktails ($5$6), by Dashfire, dashfirebitters.com

Tea towels ($30), by The Rise and Fall, also from Show & Tell

Jewelry dish ($28), by Nightshift Ceramics, also from Golden Rule

MN mittens ($26), also from Patina

Arch stacker ($28), by Raduga Grz, also from Kinoko Kids

Mini kitchen utensils ($9), by Redecker, also from Flotsam+Fork

Leather wallet ($68), by Sandqvist, also from Russell+Hazel

Reusable bags ($36, set of three), by BAGGU, also from Flotsam+Fork

Knives ($62), by Laguiole, also from Flotsam+Fork

Paul Bunyan cards ($7), also from Patina

Socks ($12), by Le Bon Shoppe, also from Golden Rule

Radiant facial oil($49), by Aveda, aveda.com

Liquid color balm ($29), also by Aveda

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30 Gifts Under $100 (Plus One That's Too Good to Leave Out) - Mpls.St.Paul Magazine

Babies named Jolene are on the rise – Quartz

The Dolly Parton renaissance is upon us. In the last year, the American country music icons name has gilded everything from podcasts to college courses, a revived musical to a Netflix documentary. Her resurgence can even be seen in baby names.

Jolene, the titular character of Partons 1973 chart-topping hit, has not seen this much popularity as a baby name since, well, the release of the song in the 70s.

The heartbreak anthem, sung from the perspective of Parton, literally begs Jolene: Please, dont take my man. Partons pleas aside, each chorus of the song repeats Jolenes name four times in a row, twice. Each verse ends with the name almost as a punctuation. Finally, the song leaves us with two more ethereal utterances. All told, thats 31 times the name gets a chance to worm its way inside a listeners head.

Theres no question that the history of the name Jolene is tied up inextricably with the song, says Laura Wattenberg, author of The Baby Name Wizard. Before the hit, Wattenberg says, Jolene was just another compound mid-century name, where two names fuse to become one.

Now, though, the song itself is hard to escape, even if you dont fancy yourself a Dolly Parton fan. Its been covered well over a hundred times by artists from Miley Cyrus to Jack White of the White Stripes, according to Secondhandsongs.com.

With close to one million sales in the US, the songs popularity alone doesnt kick-off name adoption. I think it ultimately comes down to my Golden Rule of Celebrity Baby Names: Its not about the fame, its about the name, says Wattenberg. When baby names come into vogue, they require both the appeal of the name and the appeal of the sound. Jolene features two long vowel sounds, Wattenberg explains, which are highly prized in contemporary name style.

But what about Dolly? Sadly, the name has been a falling star since the start of the last century. Its not a name thats easily taken seriously, says Wattenberg. Dolly Parton has leaned into the name and made it work for her, with her larger-than-life exuberance. For now, at least, Jolene is just more captivating.

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Babies named Jolene are on the rise - Quartz

LETTERS: Furballs, medical studies and the Good Book – Waco Tribune-Herald

Coughing up furballs

The Two Davids have this narcissist thing pretty well figured out [Two key failings will lead to presidents undoing, David Gallagher and David Schleicher, Saturday]. Tweddle Dee and his brother from another mother actually think their opinion counts for anything. They are rich, educated but, most importantly, they are Democrats, striving to protect we the less endowed and less informed. Me thinks they need to look in a mirror and see two overinflated know-it-alls for what they really are: narcissists.

We spent the better part of eight years suffering under the reign of the most powerful narcissist in the world who ran roughshod over the U.S. Constitution innumerable times. Oftentimes he would deem to speak and admonish us and our values. I would have to suppress the reflex to cough up a furball. Obama was so dogged in his successful endeavor to bring America to its knees, he was clueless as to what was in the hearts and souls of Americans.

Losing sight of Jesus

Nowhere in John Warrens Thanksgiving column, Religion is in fast retreat, did he mention one of the most important and basic messages in all religion. However, Kay King-Hills brief letter to the editor the very same day describing the bothersome but mundane problem of abandoned shopping carts in store parking lots did. The phrase: Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.

If that were one of our countrys focused beliefs, honestly contemplated without internal prejudice and smartly acted on, the improvements proselytized by religion in general would be much more commonplace. Too often it seems we get lost in religiosity and forget the real intention and message espoused by Jesus.

P.S.: The quote by John Wesley in Trib contributing columnist Harry Hareliks seasonal column on gift-giving is a perfect tie-in and reminder paralleling the above-cited Golden Rule.

Safety is key concern

In her Dec. 3 letter, Foul on the Field, Cheryl Foster asserts that there is no abortion-pill reversal. I assume she refers to the University of Californias recent study on the matter. Of the 12 women who participated, three were transported to the hospital due to serious bleeding and the study was ended early because of safety concerns.

There is no proof that the use of progesterone was the cause of the bleeding those three women experienced. In fact, only one had been given the progesterone and it was already a well-known fact that the abortion pills can cause such bleeding and lead to infection.

Also, of the six other women in whom a fetal heartbeat was detected after taking the first abortion pill, four had taken the progesterone. Statistically, the results would suggest that the reversal method was effective.

All in all, the results of the study serve only to highlight the medical risks already associated with chemical abortion, not to suggest that the reversal procedure should be discouraged.

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LETTERS: Furballs, medical studies and the Good Book - Waco Tribune-Herald

Has the ‘Focus on Growth’ Mantra Come to a Head in UC? – No Jitter

For almost two decades, investors have rewarded cloud providers for growth, creating many businesses with strong defensive barriers. The poster children for this strategy include Amazon and Salesforce, each of which has redirected potential profits to define a new business sector that it has come to dominate. Unlike other sectors, profit was secondary to growth, as in first things first and second things never.

Delaying profits is hardly a new idea, but the concept was exaggerated with cloud-delivered services. Cloud dynamics accelerate valuations. However, over the past few weeks, weve seen that growth isnt enough anymore.

Profits Become a Priority

In the broader market, weve seen several high-profile startups, such as Peloton, Uber, and Lyft, struggle after their initial public offerings. WeWorks attempt to go public completely failed. It seemed that the growth-only mantra is also no longer a surefire way to build a new cloud-related business. The new rule is the old rule: profitability matters.

Its not just a change in priority; its an acknowledgment that growth rates are slowing. This shouldnt be too big of a shock. Cloud-delivered services are still strategic and viable, but the sector is maturing with larger providers and increased competition. Today, cloud communications is a redundant term; just about every vendor is also a cloud provider, and the competitive landscape includes the largest companies in technology like Microsoft, Google, Facebook, and Amazon. So, of course, growth rates are slowing.

Theres also increased concern over economic uncertainty. For the first time in U.S. history, a decade will pass without the country falling into recession. How much longer the good times willlast is the proverbial $64 million question. Theres a nagging sense of an imminent correction that could be triggered by any or multiple events such as Brexit, impeachment, trade wars, terror, U.S. debt, and more. The benefits of cloud-delivered services remain attractive or even more attractive in recessionary times, but they arent immune to recessions causing wallets to lock tight.

The Cloud Market Responds

We can also see the shift at Ooma Networks. The company reported its first-ever quarterly profit (Q3 2020). The company beat expectations on profitability and growth, and share prices increased 24% the following day. Oomas business products division increased revenue by 67% through growing both subscribers and average revenue per user.

CEO Eric Stang communicated that Ooma will remain profitable, and Ooma also raised its full-year revenue guidance. Stang expects Ooma to continue growing because of recent foundational changes such as its recently refined core product/service offering, integrated acquisitions of Voxter and Broadsmart, and newly launched Ooma Office Pro for small businesses.

That detailed explanation regarding growth is also a new development. Growth now needs to be explained with more than "more salespeople." For example, Zoom reported both profits and growth higher than expectations but saw a decline in its share price because it also reported a decelerating growth rate. CEO Eric Yuan explained that new products (Zoom Phone) and new markets will continue to fuel Zooms growth. He said Zoom already supports Chinese local numbers and expects sales will expand across Europe and APAC markets.

There are no golden rules, and valuation and stock price changes thrive on exceptions. Consider Slack: It remains unprofitable, yet saw its stock increase after its recent Q3 2020 results. Slack increased revenue 60% to $168.7 million and ended its Q3 with 821 customers that were contributing more than $100,000 in recurring revenue, up 67% from the previous year. Investors seem to agree that Slack needs to continue to focus on growth. Also, its stock boost was still recovering from a disastrous Q2.

As far as technical solutions go, nothing has really changed. The market will continue to migrate from premises-based to cloud-delivered solutions. What did change was the game plan that most providers will be following. They are now expected to behave better and balance the business goals of growth and profits.

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Has the 'Focus on Growth' Mantra Come to a Head in UC? - No Jitter