Don #39;t like your dog? Turn him into a cat! Well...a cat-like dog. It #39;ll probably still like french fries as much as before, though. You #39;re dog #39;s pretty weird ...
By: DanCakez
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Don #39;t like your dog? Turn him into a cat! Well...a cat-like dog. It #39;ll probably still like french fries as much as before, though. You #39;re dog #39;s pretty weird ...
By: DanCakez
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April 18, 2013
Brett Smith for redOrbit.com Your Universe Online
Officials and scientists across the United States are debating the role of genetic engineering in agriculture. While some see genetically modified foods as a sign of technological progress and a way to maximize profits, others see it as a potential hazard with unknown effects for the public health.
In Oregon, state legislators recently heard testimony on several bills that would affect genetic engineering in the agricultural industry. These bills would require labels on all agriculture GMOs, as well as ban the importation genetically altered fish.
We have a right to know whats in our food, Scott Bates, of the advocacy group GMO Free Oregon, told the states Agriculture and Natural Resources Committee. He added the technology has not proven to be free of risk for consumers.
Currently, Oregon does not have state restrictions on growing GMOs, generally leaving the US Department of Agriculture in charge of deciding whether genetic engineering in an agricultural product is safe for the farmers field and the store shelf.
Other states are taking notice of the genetic engineering farms are now embracing as a new way to improve crop yields. In Hawaii, some lawmakers and scientists are at odds over how to proceed with respect to agricultural genetic engineering, with some scientists campaigning against the techniques.
I compare GMOs in a way to steroids because steroids are the easy way to go. It makes it easier for people in sports to enjoy but theres side effects, University of Hawaii agriculture professor Hector Valenzuela told local news station KHNL.
In pushing for mandatory labels for GMOs, Valenzuela cited potential secondary impacts, including the contamination of non-GMO farms with modified seeds and increased pesticide spraying that many GMOs require.
So in terms of what adverse effects, you have to ask questions also of the potential side effects of consuming all of those pesticides, Valenzuela said. For a major importer like Hawaii, the debate over genetic engineering in agriculture poses a unique conundrum, since the islands limited space places a premium on maximizing yield.
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Minor Skirmishes In The Great Debate Over Genetic Engineering In Agriculture
April 16, 2013
Brett Smith for redOrbit.com Your Universe Online
While there are many advantages to the ability to modify genes, there are also a number of genetic engineering disadvantages. However, unlike the pros such as super-sized strawberries, drought-proof corn or fungus-resistant soybeans the cons of genetically engineered foods are sometimes a little harder to spot.
For starters, according to Washington Post columnist Dr. Peter Lind, genetically modified organisms (GMO) have proven inferior to their naturally occurring counterparts in terms of overall quality.
In every case of genetic engineered organisms, the product has been less naturally healthy overall than the original host organisms, he wrote in a March editorial. There may be a single trait that is superior, but the overall health of the organism is less than found in nature. From animals like the sheep Dolly, to the Flavr Savr tomato, to the products you are eating today and dont even know it, there are inherent problems consuming altered DNA.
Another of the principle genetic engineering disadvantages that Lind points out derives from the fact that DNA does not always fully break down during human digestion. This means that there is a chance that the bacteria in our intestines could incorporate parts of the genetically modified plants DNA such as the gene for super-resistance into their own, leading to new strains of super-bacteria.
Columnist Mark Bittman from the New York Times breaks down another unintended effect of genetic engineering in his recent column criticizing President Barack Obamas recent signing of the Monsanto Protection Act.
Monsanto has long been cited as being one of the biggest problems with genetic engineering. The agricultural company not only created a highly effective weed killer in RoundUp it also inadvertently engineered plants that are resistant to it. While RoundUp and the plants resistance to it have been a big financial hit for the company, they have also resulted in the emergence of several super weeds that are resistant to the herbicide.
Bittman argues that genetic engineering is a disadvantage in this case because after all the effort that went into developing the products and the extensive use of RoundUp which could have potentially leaked the stuff into the groundwater Monsanto and farmers have ended up right back where they started: fighting weeds.
According to the Times columnist, unnecessary waste is one of the biggest problems with genetic engineering, and the Monsanto Protection Act, which prevents the Department of Agriculture from stopping the production of GMOs once they are in the ground, only exacerbates the problem.
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Food For Thought – A Few Disadvantages of Genetic Engineering
Genetic engineering with cabbages
Ellie, Ari, and cabbages.
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Genetic engineering THE SEQUEL
cabbages comes back for discussion.
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April 9, 2013
Rayshell Clapper for redOrbit.com Your Universe Online
What, Why and How?
What exactly is human genetic engineering (HGE or HGM)? Its a simple question with a complex answer. According to the Association of Reproductive Health Professionals (ARHP), HGM is a process by which scientists and medical professionals alter the genetic makeup, or DNA, in a living human cell. Ideally, HGM would be used to fix defective genes that cause diseases and other genetic complications.
In one method of altering the genes of living cells, scientists insert a new gene into a virus-like organism. This organism is then allowed to enter the cells and insert the new gene into the genome. Human genetic engineering uses two applications to do this: somatic and germline. It is important to note the distinction between these two applications.
Somatic engineering (from the Greek word soma, which means body) targets specific genes in specific organs and tissues without affecting the genes in the eggs or sperm (depending upon the gender of the person). The aim of this type of human genetic engineering is to treat or cure an existing condition. It does not alter the individuals entire genetic makeup as a report for the Genetics and Public Policy Center explains.
The other type of human genetic engineering is germline, which targets the genes in eggs, sperm, or embryos in very early stages of development. This means that the genetic modifications that take place affect every cell created afterwards in the developing embryos body. Germline HGM also means that the modifications are passed on to all future generations if the individual goes on to have offspring. Obviously, germline HGM tends to be more controversial because the introduction of the gene alters future reproduction, whereas somatic HGM only affects the individual on which it is performed.
Finally, cloning can be considered as a third method of HGM. The US Department of Energys genomics website explains that there are three main types of cloning: recombinant DNA technology or DNA cloning, reproductive cloning, and therapeutic cloning. DNA cloning is the transfer of a DNA fragment from one organism to a self-replicating genetic element in order for the DNA to replicate itself in a foreign host cell. Reproductive cloning, on the other hand, is used to generate an organism that has the same nuclear DNA as another currently or previously existing organism (think of Dolly the sheep). Finally, therapeutic cloning also known as embryo cloning involves the production of human embryos for use in research.
The Controversy
On February 13, 2013, experts debated whether the US should ban specifically prenatal engineering. Livescience.com reported about this debate over HGM as the concern turned from empowering parents to give their children the best start possible to creating designer babies who may encounter genetic problems as a result of the genetic engineering of humans.
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April 8, 2013
Brett Smith for redOrbit.com Your Universe Online
Despite the frequently encountered argument that scientists are playing God with nature, the pros of genetic engineering are numerous and significant.
When discussing genetically modified organisms (GMO), it is important to note that the FDA and the World Health Organization have both deemed that the food products created with the technology are considered safe.
GMO produce has several genetically altered advantages over non-GMO fruits and vegetables, including increased resistance to pests, disease and drought.
These benefits of genetic engineering translate directly into cheaper prices. A recent Iowa State University study found that prices would be at least 10 percent higher for soybeans and 6 percent higher for corn worldwide without biotechnical modifications.
Some GMOs have even been found to taste better than their conventional counterparts. In a study published in the journal Nature Biotechnology, researchers found that as many as 60 percent of the people they surveyed actually preferred the taste of a genetically modified tomato.
The study focused on a particular modified tomato that had the genetically engineered advantage of a rose-scented compound that was coded into the tomato genome. The researchers said their study proves that food products can not only be made more resilient through biotechnology, but that they can also be made more flavorful.
The pros of genetic engineering can also be seen in fields besides agriculture. Scientists at the Department of Energy revealed that they have created a modified virus capable of generating electrochemical energy. Using the genetically modified viruses, they were able to create a device that is powered simply by applying pressure.
Cancer researchers and patients are also constantly reaping the benefits of genetic engineering. Many experimental treatments use genetically modified viruses to target and destroy cancer cells. A recent study showed that oncologists from Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center in New York were able to effectively treat a specific form of acute leukemia using genetically engineered viruses.
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The Pros of Genetic Engineering: Why ‘Playing God’ Could Help The Human Race
Genetic Engineering Overview
By: Danielle Garza
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Mixing Human DNA Genetic engineering
By: SearchTheLord
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Mixing Human DNA Genetic engineering - Video
Genetic engineering and leukemia
By: drockesquire
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Black Ops 2: Genetic Engineering
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A Study in Genetic Engineering (or Andrei, the Prodigal Son)
By: msexauer
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When scientists Phillipe Horvath and Rodolphe Barrangou set out to find a better way to make yogurt, they didn't expect to stumble across one of the future's most promising discoveries: a super protein that can accurately cut DNAand could perhaps revolutionize genetic engineering.
The protein, called Cas9, can be exploited to snip strands of DNA in exactly the place researchers want. It doesn't make genetic engineering easy, but does make it much, much easieras it allows researchers to splice sequences of DNA together affordably, with unprecedented accuracy.
So how does it work? Well, Cas9 was found last year to join forces with bacteria in such a way that, combined, they home into viruses and kill them by cutting their DNA at specific, targeted points. That's interestingin fact, it made it a prime candidate for making yogurt production more efficient.
But what's more interesting is that Cas9 can be paired with any string of RNAstrings of molecules not unlike DNA which code and regulate gene expressionto target a matching piece of DNA and snip it with incredible accuracy. Kind of like a pair of tiny, custom DNA scissors. That's not interestingthat's amazing.
Now, though, reports Forbes, the world of biology is swarming over Cas9 and the possibilities it affords. George Church of Harvard University explains:
"It is spreading like wildfire from everyone who knows about it and it certainly is very tantalizing. It's easy to get in and start doing lots of experiments."
The embrace of Cas9 could bring with it massive advances, then. Not least the ability to study genetics in ways never before possible. Forbes explains:
[S]ay there are three changes in the DNA in or around a gene that might cause a disease. Right now, it's hard to study them directly. But now, Church says, you could take a cell from a person who has already had their DNA sequenced, as he is doing with his Personal Genome Project. Then you'd create what's known as an induced pluripotent stem cell, a cell that behaves much like one in an embryo. After that, you could use Cas9 to change each of those DNA spelling changes.
There is, of course, still a long way to gothis research is being conducted in Petri dishes right now, not living creaturesbut it's a long time since a single protein had the entire world of biology so excited. It's only a matter of time before something major comes of it; not bad, for a protein which was originally discovered to make better yogurt. [Forbes, Science]
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The Super Protein That Can Cut DNA and Revolutionize Genetic Engineering
Genetic Engineering Stop Animation
Genetic Engineering Stop Animation. Uploaded by Lucy Skilling on Mar 12 2013. Skills 2708.
By: Lucy Skilling
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Genetic Engineering: Artificial Selection to Designer Babies. What Does It Mean?
SOURCE: http://www.sovereignelementinformation.wordpress.com/2012/12/06/genetic-engineering-artificial-selection-to-designer-babies-what-does-it-mean/ http:/...
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AP Lang -- Opposing Genetic Engineering
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Genetic Engineering OSCSS Bio Commercial
Genetic Engineering OSCSS Bio Commercial. OSCSS6219 videos. Subscribe Subscribed Unsubscribe 6. 2 views. Like 0 Dislike 0. Like. Sign in to youtube. Sign in with your youtube Accountyoutube Google+ Gmail Orkut Picasa or Chrome to like OSCSS62s video. Sign in. I dislike this. Sign in to youtube. Sign in with your youtube Accountyoutube Google+ Gmail Orkut Picasa or Chrome to dislike OSCSS62s video. Sign in. About Share Add to. Sign in to youtube. Sign in with your youtube Accountyoutube ...
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Chapter 16.11-12 Genetic Engineering
Chapter 16.1112 Genetic Engineering. Uploaded by thedmccurdy1970 on Mar 07 2013. thedmccurdy 1970.
By: thedmccurdy1970
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Genetics and Genetic Engineering
In this live Grade 12 Life Sciences show we take a close look at Genetics Genetic Engineering. In this lesson we discuss inheritance of sex as well as haemophilia colour blindness as sex-linked characteristics. We look at the interpretation of pedigree diagrams and the importance of genetic engineering in medicine agriculture. Finally we discuss related ethics legislation as well as beliefs, attitudes values concerning genetic diseases. Download the Show Notes: http://www.mindset.co.za Visit the Learn Xtra Website: http://www.learnxtra.co.za View the Learn Xtra Live Schedule http://www.learnxtra.co.za Join us on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com Follow us on Twitter: twitter.com ( E00197263 )
By: MindsetLearn
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