Genetic Engineering | IPTV

Genetic engineering has the potential to change the way we live. The science behind the agricultural, medical, and environmental achievements is spectacular, but this excitement is tempered by concern for the unknown effects of tampering with nature. How should we use genetic engineering?

DNA is the root of all inheritance and the key to understanding the basics of all biological inheritance and genetics.

The possibilities of this genetic engineering are endless, and everyone from medicine to industry is scrambling to adopt it and adapt it to their specific needs.

Genetic engineering changes or manipulates genes in order to achieve specific results, and there are many ways to "engineer" genetic material including fixing defective genes, replacing missing genes, copying or cloning genes, or combining genes.

How is genetic engineering used in food production? What political, environmental, and production obstacles could arise in the effort to label genetically engineered foods? What food traits would you like to see genetically engineered?

How could GE help in meeting growing demand for food around the world?

How can GE be used with animals? What are the benefits and risks of using genetic engineering with livestock or with endangered or extinct animals?

How does cloning work? What situations might be viewed as ethical uses of human cloning? Unethical?

What are the potential consequences, positive and negative, of discovery in the genetic engineering field? Who should be involved in determining the ethical limitations of the uses of genetic engineering?

Produced from 2001 through 2004, Iowa Public Television's Explore More online and broadcast series engages students in problems they can relate to, provides compelling content for investigation and gives students opportunities to form their own points of viewon contemporary issues.

Although the full website has been retired, this archive provides links to project videos and related resources. Please contact us if you have questions or comments about Explore More.

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Genetic Engineering | IPTV

Letter: GMO article was filled with misinformation – Mountain Xpress

I was very disappointed by your recent story about genetic engineering [Facts, Fears and the Future of Food, May 17, Xpress]. This article is full of misinformation, and it may as well have been written by a Monsanto lobbyist. Your newspaper poses as an open-minded, environmentally conscious, liberal organization but this article clearly shows where your loyalties lie. Whos writing the check for this one?

Please check your alternate facts about the safety of glyphosate and other toxic chemicals that are polluting our land, our water and our bodies. And check your statistics on world pesticide use, as the U.S. does notrank 43rd in the world for use of pesticides.

Good journalism requires an unbiased approach, and your interviews with local pro-GMO scientists were appropriate. However, you offered no rebuttal to the information provided by these interviewees.

Putting false information and statistics into quotations does not absolve you of any wrongdoing.

Devin Crow Barnardsville

Freelance writer Nick Wilson responds: With this piece, I was genuinely trying to understand a very controversial and complex issue. During my research process, I became aware of my own ignorance in regard to much of the actual science behind genetic engineering. I found my conversations with folks like Jack Britt and Leah McGrath to be informative, thought-provoking, compelling and eye-opening. Throughout my research, it also became apparent to me that theres a lot of public opinion on genetic engineering thats based primarily in emotional rhetoric, rather than in facts. This isnt to claim that certain arguments are right only if they are unemotional, its simply a reason why I felt it was important to focus the article on clarifying some of the common misconceptions about genetic engineering.

If you believe the article contains misinformation, Id love to see more accurate data. I can assure you Im not a Monsanto lobbyist. Im genuinely skeptical of large corporations and voiced reason within the article to be critical of these entities as well as directing readers to check out the local March Against Monsanto protest.

Youre correct in pointing out that the U.S. does not rank 43rd in the world for the use of pesticides. According to data Jack Britt downloaded on June 8 from the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, it now ranks 42.5, tied with Peru, Austria and Ireland.

I chose to focus the story on the common fears about genetic engineering countered with facts provided by people who are well-versed on the subject in order to showcase a side of the story that, to me, seems to receive less attention in Asheville. My goal was to reveal that its much more than pro-GMO vs. anti-GMO, but a highly complicated issue that needs to be better understood to facilitate more meaningful debate moving forward.

Read the original here:

Letter: GMO article was filled with misinformation - Mountain Xpress

House now seeks controlled trial of genetically modified maize – Daily Nation

Sunday June 25 2017

Kenya imposed a ban on GMO crops in November, 2012, citing danger to public health. FILE PHOTO | NMG

Parliament has called for approval of field trials of geneticallymodified maize because the ban on GMO imports did not apply to controlled growing tests as well.

The National Assemblys Agriculture Committee wants the government to facilitate local researchers to conduct field trials of biotechnology maize as long as they are not for cultivation or commercial use.

This comes weeks after Health secretary Cleopa Mailu has rejected the planned trial of genetically modified maize in Kenya, arguing that the Cabinet in 2012 imposed a ban on the importation and consumption of GMO food.

The National Biosafety Authority should facilitate local researchers to conduct field trials of biotechnology maize to ascertain drought tolerance and insect resistance, as well as collect compositional data for safety analysis, but not for cultivation or commercialisation, the committee said in a report that was tabled on June 15, the day Parliament took an indefinite end-of-term recess.

The National Environment Management Authority stopped the testing of seeds from Kenya Livestock and Research Organisation and the African Agricultural Technology Foundation last October, after the National Bio-safety Authority allowed them to conduct controlled tests.

Kenyan scientists want a permit to conduct field trials of biotechnology maize developed locally using genetic engineering for resistance to a common stalk borer.

The trials, which were expected to take two years were to be conducted nationwide in the Kenya Plant Health Inspectorate Services confined fields and inspected by other State agencies.

Kenya imposed a ban on GMO crops in November, 2012, citing danger to public health.

Unlike other political financiers who show off their riches, Mr Wanjigi is most secretive.

His children go to Genevas 135-year-old Institut Le Rosey a Sh10 million-a-year school.

Here is the original post:

House now seeks controlled trial of genetically modified maize - Daily Nation

Science, if used correctly, has no political affiliation: director Scott Hamilton Kennedy on the new documentary … – Salon

Show us your data and well show you ours. Thats the stance of Scott Hamilton Kennedy, the director of the new documentary Food Evolution, which takes the gasp! position that genetically modified organisms (GMOs) in the agriculture industry might well be the best thing to happen to the planet since solar panels. And hes not alone he enlisted two of the nations most beloved scientists, Neil deGrasse Tyson, who narrates, and Bill Nye the Science Guy, who appears in the film. Incredibly, both affable, smart guys have come to the same conclusion as Kennedy that the science demonstrates that genetically engineered food isnt as damaging as popularly believed, and, in fact, can lead to downright sustainable farming practices.

Kennedy goes deep here with his answers to Salons questions, judiciously explaining what others might consider blasphemy. Still, pardon us for maintaining some journalistic skepticism, especially considering his film was financed by the Institute of Food Technologists (IFT), a food science society the includes academics from the public and private sectors. Note that the president-elect, Cindy Stewart, hails from DuPont and before that, Pepsi. But Kennedy sure does sound reasonable and level-headed (which is reflected in the film) in the following answers. Also, check out the filmmakers statement regarding the IFT.

Keeping an open mind is a key to scientific inquiry, after all. The exclusive clip below (which actually didnt make it to the final cut of the film), in which anti-GMO scholar and activist Vandana Shiva equates writer Mark Lynas pro-GMO stance with being pro-rape, clearly indicates the issue has become way too muddied.

If we all agree that the planet is in a perilous state, its time to consider some radically evolved thinking. Food Evolution opened onJune 23.

How did you maintain objectivity?

Curiosity, skepticism, seemingly endless research, and data, data, data. We tried to never take someones word for something, check their data and check it again. And a great rule we learned from the wonderful science journalist Tamar Haspel: Talk to the smartest people on both sides of any argument.

Through the course of this film, one of the ways I came to determine the legitimacy of a person or organization, a shill metric if you like, was to look at their endgame. What were they really trying to achieve as a scientist, activist, farmer, politician, business person, etc.?

In creating the GMO Rainbow Papaya, scientist Dennis Gonsalves endgame was very clear: Can he find a safe and affordable way to save the papaya industry from a terrible virus, without losing any of the quality of their beloved papaya? And he succeeded by using GMO technology.

But often the inverse wasnt as clear; with many people and organizations who were opposed to GMOs including Dennis papaya I often struggle with what their endgame truly is. While they often say its about things like safety, sustainability and transparency, their actions and inability to accept information that goes counter to their ideologies seems to contradict those goals. Is their endgame about safety or to get an ideological victory no matter what the data says? Are they trying to have their kale and eat it too?

Though we as filmmakers are far from perfect at this, the goal is to always remain skeptical yet humble. Skepticism as a scientist, journalist or documentary filmmaker is pretty obvious: Dont take things at face value (also includes, beware of the Single Study Syndrome); triangulate your position based on the information out there; look for and be aware of your own financial or ideological dogs in the fight; but ultimately be led and anchored by those things that have been objectively proven to be true while recognizing that science is just a snapshot at any given time of the current body of scientific knowledge. Which leads into the second goal: Have some humility, because it is essential to being able to admit when you are wrong. Theres a really interesting graph we came across during our journey that essentially shows that the less expertise you have in a given subject, the more likely you are to be certain that your views are right, whereas the more expertise you have, the more comfortable you are with the notion you might be wrong. That really brought into focus the whole debate and critical thinking in general.

Whats the strongest argument for the positive development of GMO foods?

In figuring out the core communications of the film we came to a few must-have tenets: 1) GMO, or more correctly, GE (genetic engineering) is a process, not a product. It is a breeding method, similar to the ways farmers have been manipulating and improving plants for the last ten thousand years, but now it is done in a lab. 2) GMO is not owned by any one company or industry. So the strongest argument for using GMO technology is that it works. Then the question becomes: Is it the correct fix for the given situation, and that is another of our core tenets: 3) take all future GMOs on a case-by-case basis, just like any other technology. Is it safe, is it helping, is there a better way to solve the problem? And in many situations, like the papaya in Hawaii and the bananas in Uganda, no other method could stop the devastation of that crop except for GE.

As Neil deGrasse Tyson has said, Weve been doing this for 10thousand years but now that were doing it in a lab, now you have a problem with it? And while that might be oversimplifying the difference between genetic engineering and previous seed breeding techniques, it really does capture the spirit of and motivation behind what scientists are trying to do with this technology.

The problem is GMO has become such a catch-all for all the issues in our food system that not a lot people actually know what it is. And part of that is because a GMO, a genetically modified organism, is not only a really terrible name that instantly makes average consumers a bit suspicious, but it is scientifically meaningless because at its essence every living thing in our world has been genetically modified relative to their ancestors.

So what are we talking about? I think the term GMO needs to be better defined so average people can be better educated on this issue. OK, so here we go, a GMO is simply the product that results from the process of genetic engineering, which at its core is the latest, much more precise method of breeding better seeds, which is generally undertaken when 1) a specific problem needs to be addressed (climate change-resilience, disease-resistance, vitamin-fortified, etc.) and 2) there is not a conventional breeding alternative.

So with that in mind, the strongest argument for genetically modifying foods is that it provides scientists and farmers with a tool to fight major food and agricultural problems that in most instances cannot be fought any other way. Are there some GMOs, notably RoundUp-Ready, that are a bit more complicated? Because theyre part of a more complicated debate over pesticide use and farm production systems in general? Yes, but dont throw the baby out with the bathwater. Debate that specific GMO, not the process of genetic engineering itself. Because if we follow the lead of the antis, and use their arguments against RoundUp-Ready to ban the entire technology, which they advocate globally, then not only will we be trying to take on the specific global challenges facing farming with one arm tied behind our back, but it will cause suffering around the world.

Is it fair to call you and the film pro GMO?

I can see why some people would call the film pro GMO, but we always saw it as pro-science, pro-data, pro-scientific method to help all of us make the best decisions we can. And the GMO controversy was just a metaphor for what can happen if people allow their ideologies to lead their decision making over using the scientific method.

Some say our film is pro-GMO but we would counter we are simply pro-science because currently every major scientific institution and all the data and peer-reviewed science tells us, as a process, it is as safe, if not safer, than any other seed breeding technique available.

After watching your film, I am still not convinced GMOs dont somehow increase the dependence on damaging herbicides or damage the environment in other ways. For all the stats you use, I imagine there being counterpoints. It probably comes down to a case-by-case approach. Your thoughts?

Your concern was very much Bill Nyes concern, and while he was skeptical of the long-term impacts of GMOs on the environment, he took the time to do more research, including visiting Monsanto, and after this research he changed his mind and determined the current products are safe for the planet and safe to eat. And further, that in most cases they are a net positive in terms of environmental impact improvement.

And, forgiving the mild snarkiness, may I also answer with one of my favorite Neil deGrasse Tyson quotes: Science doesnt care about your opinion. We have to check ourselves and think twice beyond just our opinions, gut feelings and tribal echo chambers.

In the case of herbicide-tolerant GMOs, people dont realize that this is not an issue specific or unique to GMOs or, more accurately speaking, genetic engineering. It is a question on pesticide use in general, and even more broadly, part of a vastly oversimplified debate on farming in general that most media insist on framing as a binary, either/or approach. Weve met big farmers who adopt organic principles and organic farmers who adopt some big practices. Its a continuum, and which production system the farmer chooses is based on their own specific circumstances, and not some ideological, usually over-romanticized notion of one being good and the other being bad.

And getting down into the weeds of it (pun intended), Alison Van Eenennaam states it best in the film when she relates a story from a farmer she met who is trying to comply with recent regulations in his county banning the use of glyphosate (i.e., Roundup); she asks Charles Kimbrell, paraphrasing here, Now that hes been forced to give up glyphosate, what do you think hes going to use? Hes going to go back to using more toxic herbicides. . . Now how does that make any sense? Is glyphosate perfect? No, weeds will always be a major challenge for farmers and its vastly more sustainable than what farmers were previously doing. And in near future, science and tech will continue to evolve, moving away from chemicals and turning to more biologically based approaches, and an even more sustainable solution to weeds will become available. Thats progress. Incrementally better, more sustainable solutions.

I cant believe that Monsanto/Pharmacia can be a trustworthy source of information considering their history and the fact that they have so much to gain financially from GMOs (Roundup, etc.). Do you?

Of course we shouldnt take any one industrys opinion on anything without having other checks and balances in place, and if you look at the thousands of studies that have been completed on the safety of GMOs both in the U.S. and around the world, they overwhelming conclude that the current products are safe for ourselves and the environment, and again, in many cases have had a positive impact on the environment, such as lowering toxic inputs.

And while our film is clearly pro the scientific method, in no way are we trying to say that science or scientists are infallible. All of us and all of our systems need checks and balances. But still, we human beings have not found a better system of checks and balances than the scientific method. So you cant rely on single study; it needs to be repeated, and repeated by people who might want to see you fail. What a great system!

Id also first want to get clarity on what appears to be an assumption in the question itself. . . . Are you implying that the sole source of information on GMOs is from Monsanto? I wouldnt think so but do want to be certain that that is clearly not the case with our film or scientific knowledge in general (the recent NAS report on GMOs is a good, independent source to start from. . . ).

Moving beyond that, of course they have a motive, a drive for profits, that must be taken into consideration when looking at any information directly from them. But what matters is, again, what has been objectively proven through independent, peer-reviewed science. And as it relates to the safety of their GMOs, the science has been confirmed to be on their side. And I dont subscribe to the conspiracy theories out there that the global scientific consensus on the safety of GMOs (see the list of institutions referenced in the film) has been bought or compromised by their influence. We had a phrase in the edit room that our editor came up with that I quite liked, What if Darth Vader helped invent the polio vaccine? Now thats probably hyperbole on both sides of that statement but you get the idea, a company with a questionable track record can still be part of developing a worthwhile technology.

Were Neil deGrasse Tyson or Bill Nye wary about being associated with the film? Are they supporting its release with any events?

I asked Neil exactly that question and he said when he saw our film he thought: Its about time somebody told this story correctly, using sound scientific information. But again, Neil didnt make the film with us to defend GMOs, he made the film to defend science. Or as he said on camera at our DOC NYC premiere (and we can share this clip): Its not a matter of being pro or anti-GMO. I think many people will presume that thats the message of the film, but I did the film because we need a more scientifically literate electorate so that we can make informed decisions about the future of our democracy, and this is an example of where they can be more informed.

Neil has been great in his support of the film; just saying yes to being our narrator and script consultant drastically increased the scientific gravitas of the film.

Thanks for the exclusive clip of Dr. Vandana Shiva equating Mark Lynas pro-GMO stance with being pro-rape. Its so inflammatory! Why didnt it make it to the final cut of the film?

It was difficult not to include it, but we had so much other great footage. As a documentarian or really any kind of storyteller, you are always asking yourself does a scene serve the purpose of the entire film or is it making it too long, and in this case we thought the film was better served without it. And, that tough decision was softened by the fact that we knew this and many other scenes would live again online.

Its ironic that pro-GMO seems like a stance that pro-business President Trump would be for. And yet, the film relies on science to make its case, not exactly Trumps strong suit. Care to parse that?

One of the great things about science is that, if used correctly, it has no political affiliation. It isnt blue or red, rich or poor, big or small; it is the best system for determining the truth that we have at our disposal. Or again, as Neil said at DOC NYC, When results are repeated and found to be true that is objective, scientific truth. That is the kind of truth people should base legislation on. If you start basing laws that are not anchored in objective truths, it is the beginning of the end of an informed democracy. And just to bring it back to Trump, Neil made this statement just days after Trump was elected. His point was made.

Read more:

Science, if used correctly, has no political affiliation: director Scott Hamilton Kennedy on the new documentary ... - Salon

Genetic Engineering May Make Algae a Real Biofuel Contender for the Future – The News Wheel

Added on June 23, 2017 The News Wheel algae , biofuel , corn , Exxon , Green driving , renewable energy source , soybeans

So far the biofuel game has belonged to two cropscorn and soybeans. But, a third organism is ready to play. Kind of.

According to Bloomberg writer Jennifer A Dlouhy, after eight years of painstaking work, researches from J. Craig Venters Synthetic Genomics in collaboration with Exxon (a relationship which started in 2009) may have finally found a way to turn algae into a viable biofuel source.

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Algae, which has been on scientists radars for a long time now as a biofuel candidate traditionally lack enough oils and fats that a viable biofuel source requires; corn and soybeans have whats needed, but algae is a more sustainable option because it can grow in salt water and thrive under harsh environmental conditions.And the oil contained in algae potentially could be processed in conventional refineries, according to Dlouhy.

Through advanced cell engineering, the team from J. Craig Venters Synthetic Genomics has reported that they were able to more than double the fatty lipids insidea strain of algae, reports Dlouhy.

Check Out: Features of 2017 Buick Encore

After depriving algae of nitrogen, the scientists were able to pinpoint the single gene tasked with monitoring the amount of oil the algae produces.

Using the CRISPR-Cas9 gene-editing technique, the researchers were able to winnow a list of about 20 candidates to a single regulator they call it ZnCys and then to modulate its expression, according to Dlouhy.

The advanced cell engineering increased the typical oil production of algae10 to 15 percentto over 40 percent, reports Dlouhy.

Although this is a critical breakthrough and a much needed step in the evolution of algae into a viable biofuel source, commercialization of this kind of modified algae is decades away, according to Dlouhy.

News Source: Bloomberg

See the original post:
Genetic Engineering May Make Algae a Real Biofuel Contender for the Future - The News Wheel

How Genetic Engineering Fixed My Stupid Back – Entrepreneur

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Around the age of 15, I began experiencing periodic bolts of searing pain shooting down the outer sides of my legs and up through my shoulder blades. The pain would occasionally grow so debilitating that I was forced to walk with a cane and could barely manage a flight of stairs. For sleepless months at a time, I would limp and grimace through my day. The worst part was that doctor after doctor was not able to diagnose the problem, and I resigned myself to a life of making the best of it.

Once I hit my mid-30s, I couldn't take it anymore and decided I had to do something about it. I tasked myself to keep seeing doctors untilsomebodycould tell me what the problem was. After plowing through a series of specialists, I eventually found my way to a rheumatologist who diagnosed me with an inflammatory condition, which isn't exactly fully understood by science, calledAnkylosing spondylitis(spells just like it sounds).

Now, this condition can be treated somewhat with a special diet (please don't send me any info on the subject -- I know), but the food restrictions are pretty harsh and results in my case weren't always consistent. But as it turns out, modern science has another fix.

My rheumatologist recommended that I begin a regimen of a type of medicine known as a biologic (or sometimes a "biopharmaceutical"), which is seeped directly from living organisms. I put a lot of trust in science and technology's ability to make the world a better place, so I was open to seeing what this cutting-edge treatment could do for me.

And I am happy to say that after a month or so, the treatments worked -- in fact, they worked far better than I could have possibly imagined. I've been almost totally pain-free for the past two years and even taken up running. (I should note that the medication I was on came with some serious potential side effects -- most notably, they decrease your body's immune system, including the ability to fight certain cancers. Just speaking for me, the trade-off was worth it.)

Now, this medication was unlike any other I had taken -- I had to inject it. Most second-generation biologics used to fight inflammatory conditions have to be introduced directly into the body through a syringe or via an IV. I had to learn to use a disposable epi-pen like contraption, which I keep stored in my refrigerator. There was a learning curve, but not a sharp one (and it certainly helped that I am not at all squeamish when it comes to needles).

So, what is this magic goop I inject into my body? It comes from natural sources, but at the same time -- there's really anything natural about it.

Scientists have been deriving medicines from living organisms since forever -- just about every vaccine you've taken can be considered a biologic. However, the scope of these medicines have boomed in recent years with the advent of genetic-manipulation techniques.

While the exact definition of "biologic" varies from regulatory body to regulatory body, the term is often used today to refer to newer classes of drugs resulting from techniques that tweak cells at their fundamental genetic level to turn them into living factories.

According to the FDA'sown description, "In contrast to most drugs that are chemically synthesized and their structure is known, most biologics are complex mixtures that are not easily identified or characterized." Many of these second-generation biologics (ones that have popped up in the past 15 years or so, as opposed the first-gen ones like vaccines) are not recreatable -- by humans. We just don't know how. However, scientists can use modern genetic-manipulation techniques to cajole living cell cultures to do it for them. Therein lies a wrinkle to the biologic story -- they can be insanely expensive.

The manufacturing of these medicines is a complex undertaking -- particularly on an industrial scale. Not only is there gene manipulation, but the cellular cultures are particularly susceptible to contamination and must be maintained under very aseptic and strictly temperature-controlled environments -- all of which must take place under the supervision of a highly trained workforce. When you consider that the patient pools are relatively small, prices inevitably rise.

I can only speak for myself and say that these drugs have been a godsend and truly improved my quality of life. But I'm also fascinated (and even humbled) to consider how this treatment would not be possible without decades of scientific inquiry that took place before it.

The line of scientific history -- down through Darwin, Mendeland the team of Watson & Crick -- had no idea it would one day help a middle-aged tech blogger not have to limp in pain for months at a time. They all just wanted to know the answers to weird and impractical questions.

This is why I get annoyed when I hear politicians wanting to balance budgetson the backs of scientific research. While there are ways to best use research dollars, their benefit is invaluable -- just not always immediately (quantum physics took decades to find a use in the function of smartphones, as it took years for Einstein's theories to be used insatellite configuration).

There is no way we can predict how the impractical research of today will affect some major breakthrough years down the line. That's why we should all want our tax dollars to fund inquiry into weird, unnecessary questions like "Do gravitons exist?," "What does Pluto look like?," or "Is the whole universe a hologram?" Answering those questions might not necessarily bring us a new breakthrough today -- in fact, they probably won't. But they leave us with the promise that they will someday.

Go here to read the rest:

How Genetic Engineering Fixed My Stupid Back - Entrepreneur

Genetic Engineering May Make Algae a Real Biofuel Contender for … – The News Wheel

Added on June 23, 2017 The News Wheel algae , biofuel , corn , Exxon , Green driving , renewable energy source , soybeans

So far the biofuel game has belonged to two cropscorn and soybeans. But, a third organism is ready to play. Kind of.

According to Bloomberg writer Jennifer A Dlouhy, after eight years of painstaking work, researches from J. Craig Venters Synthetic Genomics in collaboration with Exxon (a relationship which started in 2009) may have finally found a way to turn algae into a viable biofuel source.

Check Out: Buicks Cascada convertible

Algae, which has been on scientists radars for a long time now as a biofuel candidate traditionally lack enough oils and fats that a viable biofuel source requires; corn and soybeans have whats needed, but algae is a more sustainable option because it can grow in salt water and thrive under harsh environmental conditions.And the oil contained in algae potentially could be processed in conventional refineries, according to Dlouhy.

Through advanced cell engineering, the team from J. Craig Venters Synthetic Genomics has reported that they were able to more than double the fatty lipids insidea strain of algae, reports Dlouhy.

Check Out: Features of 2017 Buick Encore

After depriving algae of nitrogen, the scientists were able to pinpoint the single gene tasked with monitoring the amount of oil the algae produces.

Using the CRISPR-Cas9 gene-editing technique, the researchers were able to winnow a list of about 20 candidates to a single regulator they call it ZnCys and then to modulate its expression, according to Dlouhy.

The advanced cell engineering increased the typical oil production of algae10 to 15 percentto over 40 percent, reports Dlouhy.

Although this is a critical breakthrough and a much needed step in the evolution of algae into a viable biofuel source, commercialization of this kind of modified algae is decades away, according to Dlouhy.

News Source: Bloomberg

View original post here:

Genetic Engineering May Make Algae a Real Biofuel Contender for ... - The News Wheel

How bio-hacking is changing your future – TechRadar

Biohacking is, by way of a definition, a systems-based approach to managing your body. The basic tenet is that by improving your inputs whether nutritional, physical or medical you can improve your bodys output.

Sounds simple enough, and in many ways it is a new fitness regime, a fad diet, or a new Fitbit can all be considered basic biohacking strategies. However, there are an impressive range of more extreme versions out there right now, and we dont mean hot yoga or personal trainers.

Perhaps most promisingly and often controversially genetic engineering is the most extreme example of biohacking: tweaking and manipulating the very building blocks of life. That may sound like overblown science fiction hyperbole, but the reality is very much upon us.

This year should have been a milestone year for genomic services, with the deadline for the completion of the a UK Department for Health's 100,000 Genomes project, an ambitious plan launched in 2012 to sequence 100,000 genomes from National Health Service (NHS) patients within five years. The 70,000 participants are patients with a rare disease, plus their families, and patients with cancer, in what is the largest national sequencing project of its kind in the world.

Manipulating human DNA is the most extreme example of biohacking

The deadline may have slipped a year, but the reality of DNA screening for rare diseases is here today, and the good news is that costs are dropping rapidly. Luckily, so are storage costs the raw data from one single genome alone tots up to around 200GB, with every genome offering millions of variants from a reference model. The data generated by the 100,000 Genomes project is likely to surpass 20 petabytes alone, which is quite some backup requirement.

Although existing UK data protection laws cover the general principles around medical and personal data, the volume and unique nature of genetic information raises specific challenges. Greg McEwen, a healthcare partner at law firm BLM Law told us: There are serious questions here around ownership of this data, and the challenges of securing and managing these volumes of highly personal information are considerable.

If you are on the cutting edge of research of this type, you could for example end up with data that will predict an individuals risk of developing cancer; if you were susceptible to a serious disease who would you want to know? Your doctor, your work, your insurance company? Would you even want to know yourself? It raises questions that require wider debate there are no easy answers.

Fancy having a go at genetic engineering in the comfort of your own kitchen? You can do that

Of course, while central government may not have the best data protection record the UK NHSs recent collapse under the WannaCry ransomware attack doesnt inspire confidence there are at least solid regulations to build on. And the technology for genetic engineering is rapidly becoming available to all.

Just like some kind of reality-based Dexters Lab, you can now causally mess around with the very fabric of life itself in the comfort of your own home. Human genome sequencing might be a little too ambitious for aspiring beginners, but products such as this DIY genetic engineering lab starter kit enable you to can precisely cut and replace DNA sections in a living organism, on your kitchen table. This is down to the marvels of CRISPR/Cas9 technology, which currently runs to manipulating yeast or bacteria DNA.

Manipulating bacteria is a strong theme in biohacking. Researchers at the London-based BioHackSpace have created the JuicyPrint, a 3D printer that uses light-sensitive substrate to print in cellulose made by a genetically modified bacteria, Gluconacetobacter hansenii (it uses fruit juice as the initial medium for the bacteria, thus the name).

BioHackSpace's JuicyPrint 3D printer uses light-sensitive substrate to print in cellulose. Image credit: Alasdair Allan

(Image: Alasdair Allan)

While the project might look somewhat DIY, the applications for human health are widespread. As the bacterial cellulose is biocompatible and very strong it can be used to create human tissue scaffolds (used in human organ harvesting), the fabrication of artificial blood vessels, and for a host of similar medical applications.

Fitness-improving wearables or, in a bio-hacking context, cybernetic devices that record biometric data have been around for some years now, and offer the potential to enhance your overall well-being by enabling you to make small improvements to your lifestyle.

Early versions may have been no more than a basic accelerometer in a band, but the latest crop of devices offer far more impressive technologies, lacing together multiple sensors and adding professional-level coaching to provide the essential context to what can otherwise be a confusing muddle of spreadsheet data.

Arion uses artificial intelligence to provide live analysis of your running style

One example is Arion, a combination of ultra-thin smart insoles and GPS-enabled training pods that offers continuous gait analysis and live feedback on the way you run through artificial intelligence (our Running Man of Tech, Gareth Beavis, has already put Arion through its paces).

Meanwhile, competitors Altra have put out the Altra Torin IQ, powered by iFit, a trainer with inbuilt dual footbed sensors and real-time run coaching that offers running intelligence in four critical areas: landing zone, impact rate, contact time and cadence.

Interestingly, wearables and improved fitness are inspiring new ways of thinking about our everyday environment, and pushing grassroots groups to collaborate and attempt to change those environments for the better.

RunHack London is a group of keen bio-hackers who are aiming to remove as many barriers to running in London as possible, whether that's run-commuting or weekend leisure. The group is the brainchild of Future Cities Catapult, an organization that seeks to improve UK cities.

Scott Cain, Chief Business Officer at Future Cities Catapult, says: We started out with the question of how we could make our cities more run-friendly, and took the format of a hack-type event. Its about bringing together tech and wearables and data outputs to get new insights we had some guys come along who scraped Strava running data and mined that data to show times, volumes and durations we found out from this that London is the run-commuting capital of the world!

RunHack London is using data collected from wearables to improve environments for runners. Image credit: Anthony Kelly

Were now working with connecting some of the output from the hack day with public transport representatives and other official bodies. Formalizing these ideas and packaging them up should give politicians the resolve to make decisions that will change the way our cities work for the better.

The RunHack format is set to reach other cities as well as London, with dates being set for events in Shanghai, New York, Amsterdam and Sheffield.

Overall, biohacking is a broad church indeed, but one that technology is facilitating in a wide variety of ways. From building better, healthier cities around us to printing organs, diagnosing disease earlier to getting our marathon times down, biohacking is alive, well and growing apace what are you waiting for?


How bio-hacking is changing your future - TechRadar

GMO vs Gene Editing vs Genetic Engineering – Nanalyze

If you had to come up with a short list for the greatest advancements in technology that have been made in the last decade, youd be hard pressed to place anything in front of the progress weve made in the world of genetics. For most of us, its been decadesyears since we took Biology 101 and wed be hard pressed to remember anything we learned were supposed to have learned.It seems like there is a spectrum where on one side you have people like us that are brain dead when it comes to the most basicgenetic concepts, while on the other hand you have people injecting themselves with viruses to live longer. The goal of this article is to provide some basic insights into genetic technology by proving clarity on the terminology. Well start with the very basics and make sure to conceptualize these concepts using real world analogies.

Your body contains trillions of cells which make up the physical you. Each one of these cells has a blueprint that is completely unique to you, called your DNA. Your DNA is just along ladder-shaped molecule that looks like this:

Source: Wikipedia

So that strand contains the entire set of instructions needed to recreate you. Some day well be able to take someones DNA and plug it into a software program that creates a digital you and we can see what drugs you will best respond to and why. If you took all the information stored within your DNA and put it into phone books, this is how many phone books you would need:

So far thats pretty straight forward right? Basically your DNA is this big set of instructions which explains how you turned out.Every single physical attribute you have is contained within that set of instructions. There is even speculation that your DNA can help explain your intelligence, but then everyone gets upset and says we shouldnt go down that path, mainly because they dont want to find out that maybe they got the short end of the stick in the genetic lottery. Its much easier to post articles on Medium talking about how offended you are about everything than it is to pick up a science book and start learning.

In order to read all that information on your DNA, we use machines (usually from Illumina) that dogene sequencing. (A gene is a distinct stretch of DNA that determines something about who you are). Gene sequencing is where we can go through and laboriously read every single character in your DNA and then store it in a big file. Not all genetic sequencing is the same. You can sequence some or all of a DNA strand and still extrapolate useful information from it. Now weve actually reached a price point where we can sequenceyour entire genome (a genome is your complete set of genes) for just $1,000:

Now, if wetake a strand of DNA and cut it into a bunch of segments, each segment is called a gene. When we talk about how you have your fathers eyes, that means the short segment of DNA that dictates eye color was passed on from your father. When we say people have good genes, it means that all those segments gave them the best attributes (or what each society sees as the best attributes). On a side note, there is actually a tribe called the Nacirema that believes obesity is the norm and idolizes it as a thing to be proud of, so thin isnt in for everyone.

Now that we know that a gene dictates certain attributes about you, what if we couldchange genes in order to start changing your attributes? This is now possible using a technology called gene editing.This is where we are able to precisely snip sections of DNA from the strand and then replace them with our own snippets (startups like Twist Bioscience are creating millions of these snippets). You may have read about something called CRISPR which is one popular method used for gene editing.

While its still early days, all kinds of companies are trying to land grab as much intellectual property as possible relating to gene editing. If were able to start changing genes, were essentially able to start creating synthetic life forms. This is what we refer to as synthetic biology. Check this out:

Those are the first genetically modified pets, glow in the dark fish. Yes people, fish that glow in the fcuking dark. More of a cat person you say? Well glow in the dark cats arent too far behind:

Glowing Cats that Fight AIDS

Scientists over at the Mayo Clinic created glowing cats 6 years ago for AIDS research though the Koreans had already mastered this feat over 10 years ago.

Now you may think to yourself that the concept of genetically modifying things ishardly new. Havent people been complaining about genetically modified organisms (GMO) for decades now? They certainly have, and heres a nice infographic that shows how more than 50% of people do not want to buy GMO food:

What most people dont know though, is because 94% of soybeans are GMO, and soy is contained in many processed foods, youre all eating GMO whether you like it or not. The fact that GMO has been subjected to such strong public backlash has raised obvious concerns from companies and investors looking to turn the world upside down with gene editing. A recent article by the New York Times reflected on this fact:

The current regulations were written for the earlier generation of genetically modified organisms, where scientists used bacteria and viruses typically from plant pests to drop a payload of new genes into the nuclei of the plant cells where they merge with the plants DNA. That worked, but scientists could not control where the new genes would be inserted, and that led to worries of potentially dangerous genetic disruptions or crossbreeding with non-G.M.O. crops.

GMO didnt just use the method mentioned above, but other methods as well like literally injecting the DNA directly into a cells nucleus. Note that all these methods fall under the envelope of genetic engineering. Consequently, gene editing is just another form of genetic engineering.

So lets review people.

From an investors perspective, understanding the background is very important. You dont want to spend 100s of million investing in a synthetic biology startup only to find that someone wrote a viral article on Medium about how horrible your GMO technology is and before you know it, youre all over the news, your investors are bailing, and your CEO resigns. While these risks exist, the U.S. needs to be very careful. Lots of other countries dont have people protesting every other day. They just get on with their business and now theyre even doing gene editing at the germline. When the day comes where theyve fully mastered how to control intelligence through genetic engineering, humankind isgoing to be in for one wild ride.

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Read more:

GMO vs Gene Editing vs Genetic Engineering - Nanalyze

How Genetic Engineering Fixed My Stupid Back – PCMag

Decades worth of the genetic research helped create the treatments that finally cured my back.

Around the age of 15, I began experiencing periodic bolts of searing pain shooting down the outer sides of my legs and up through my shoulder blades. The pain would occasionally grow so debilitating that I was forced to walk with a cane and could barely manage a flight of stairs. For sleepless months at a time, I would limp and grimace through my day. The worst part was that doctor after doctor was not able to diagnose the problem, and I resigned myself to a life of making the best of it.

Once I hit my mid-30s, I couldn't take it anymore and decided I had to do something about it. I tasked myself to keep seeing doctors until somebody could tell me what the problem was. After plowing through a series of specialists, I eventually found my way to a rheumatologist who diagnosed me with an inflammatory condition, which isn't exactly fully understood by science, called Ankylosing spondylitis (spells just like it sounds).

Now, this condition can be treated somewhat with a special diet (please don't send me any info on the subjectI know), but the food restrictions are pretty harsh and results in my case weren't always consistent. But as it turns out, modern science has another fix.

My rheumatologist recommended that I begin a regimen of a type of medicine known as a biologic (or sometimes a "biopharmaceutical"), which is seeped directly from living organisms. I put a lot of trust in science and technology's ability to make the world a better place, so I was open to seeing what this cutting-edge treatment could do for me.

And I am happy to say that after a month or so, the treatments workedin fact, they worked far better than I could have possibly imagined. I've been almost totally pain-free for the past two years and even taken up running. (I should note that the medication I was on came with some serious potential side effectsmost notably, they decrease your body's immune system, including the ability to fight certain cancers. Just speaking for me, the trade-off was worth it.)

Now, this medication was unlike any other I had takenI had to inject it. Most second-generation biologics used to fight inflammatory conditions have to be introduced directly into the body through a syringe or via an IV. I had to learn to use a disposable epi-pen like contraption, which I keep stored in my refrigerator. There was a learning curve, but not a sharp one (and it certainly helped that I am not at all squeamish when it comes to needles).

So, what is this magic goop I inject into my body? It comes from natural sources, but at the same timethere's really anything natural about it.

Scientists have been deriving medicines from living organisms since foreverjust about every vaccine you've taken can be considered a biologic. However, the scope of these medicines have boomed in recent years with the advent of genetic-manipulation techniques.

While the exact definition of "biologic" varies from regulatory body to regulatory body, the term is often used today to refer to newer classes of drugs resulting from techniques that tweak cells at their fundamental genetic level to turn them into living factories.

According to the FDA's own description, "In contrast to most drugs that are chemically synthesized and their structure is known, most biologics are complex mixtures that are not easily identified or characterized." Many of these second-generation biologics (ones that have popped up in the past 15 years or so, as opposed the first-gen ones like vaccines) are not recreatableby humans. We just don't know how. However, scientists can use modern genetic-manipulation techniques to cajole living cell cultures to do it for them. Therein lies a wrinkle to the biologic storythey can be insanely expensive.

The manufacturing of these medicines is a complex undertakingparticularly on an industrial scale. Not only is there gene manipulation, but the cellular cultures are particularly susceptible to contamination and must be maintained under very aseptic and strictly temperature-controlled environmentsall of which must take place under the supervision of a highly trained workforce. When you consider that the patient pools are relatively small, prices inevitably rise.

I can only speak for myself and say that these drugs have been a godsend and truly improved my quality of life. But I'm also fascinated (and even humbled) to consider how this treatment would not be possible without decades of scientific inquiry that took place before it.

The line of scientific historydown through Darwin, Mendel, and the team of Watson & Crickhad no idea it would one day help a middle-aged tech blogger not have to limp in pain for months at a time. They all just wanted to know the answers to weird and impractical questions.

This is why I get annoyed when I hear politicians wanting to balance budgets on the backs of scientific research. While there are ways to best use research dollars, their benefit is invaluablejust not always immediately (quantum physics took decades to find a use in the function of smartphones, as it took years for Einstein's theories to be used in satellite configuration).

There is no way we can predict how the impractical research of today will affect some major breakthrough years down the line. That's why we should all want our tax dollars to fund inquiry into weird, unnecessary questions like "do gravitons exist?," "what does Pluto look like?," or "is the whole universe a hologram?" Answering those questions might not necessarily bring us a new breakthrough todayin fact, they probably won't. But they leave us with the promise that they will someday.

Evan Dashevsky is a features editor with PCMag and host of our live interview series The Convo. He can usually be found listening to blisteringly loud noises on his headphones while exploring the nexus between tech, culture, and politics. Follow his thought sneezes over on the Twitter (@haldash) and slightly more in-depth diatribin' over on the Facebook. More

Continue reading here:

How Genetic Engineering Fixed My Stupid Back - PCMag

Opinion: Activistsnot biotech companiesresponsible for public backlash against GMOs – Genetic Literacy Project

Science educator Kevin Folta recently published a blog post about the anti-GMO trolls that dog him in every online forum.

Other distinguished academics have been harassed and publicly disparaged because their research includes the tools of biotechology (genetic engineering). Some scientists fly under the radar, keeping mum about their research in hopes of avoiding the antis furor.

My own sister was stunned to hear about the threats and intimidation Ive experienced as a writer criticizing and scrutinizing the anti-GMO movement, the friendships that have been strained by my stance, the vitriol that has been spewed against me.

All that over GMOs? she asked in bewilderment.

Yes, it is rather astonishing for people who are not in the trenches to discover the intensity that surrounds a plant breeding method especially one that has been in use for nearly three decades, with a solid safety record.

The general public remains largely unaware of the ugliness, the cult-like operations, the slick propaganda, the near-religious fervor of the anti-GMO movement.

Why? Primarily because mainstream media outlets continue to treat anti-GMO activists like credible advocates for environmental and public health, rather than the well-funded bullies they are.

Their actions are rarely called to account; their funding sources are never scrutinized.Indeed, theyre typically not assigned any culpability at all for the contentious and largely manufactured debate around GMOs.

A case in point is the recent Washington Post article: Forget GMOs. The next big battle is over genetically edited foods. Reporter Caitlin Dewey lays all the blame for the unqualified public relations disaster, the public backlash, the consumerskepticism, the global public outcry [that] has prevented seeds from winning government approval on industry. Or more specifically:

Since the late 90s, when Monsanto botched the introduction of genetically modified crops in Europe, consumers have treated the term GMO as if it were a dirty word.

Dewey makes absolutely no mention of how Jeremy Rifkin, Greenpeace, Center for Food Safety, Pesticide Action Network and other individuals and groups have carefully, deliberately and relentlessly waged a fear-mongering campaign intended to sow public distrust of the technology.

[Read GLP profiles on Greenpeace, the Center for Food Safety, and Pesticide Action Network.]

An anti-GMO billboard produced by Center for Food Safety.

This campaign has included the production of slick propaganda in the form of videos, supposedly independent journalism produced by paid sympathizers, advertisements and a steady stream of social media memes and messages.

It has employed despicable bullying and intimidation tactics designed to silence academics, stifle research and scare prospective biotech students, college presidents and politicians.

It has used lawsuits and the threat of litigation, clandestine and undisclosed lobbying activities, and lies about health and environmental impacts to push anti-GMO legislation.

It even coined the now ubiquitous term GMOs as a disparaging phrase.

The public backlash against GMOs didnt occur organically and spontaneously. It was fomented and fed by activists who were motivated by political ideology and/or financial gain, with wealthy philanthropists, anonymous donors and some elements of the organic food industry footing the bill.

Ive written extensively about this, as has author Mark Lynas, a former anti who switched sides, as I did. The fear-based anti-GMO narrative has been picked up around the world not because it has any basis in reality, but because its been systematically pounded into the heads of people who dont understand science.

As Mark recently noted in the new documentary Food Evolution: Its easier to scare people than reassure them.

To which I would add, especially when groups and activists can make so much money and wield so much influence through fear-mongering.

Ive documented the money flow that fueled the growth of the anti-GMO movement in Hawaii and the political power gained at least temporarily by the politicians who embraced its fear-based, fact-challenged mantra.

Groups like Center for Food Safety, Earthjustice and Pesticide Action Network use conflict as a business model, stirring up fears around GMOs and pesticides to attract followers and solicit donations. The organic industry also has benefitted financially from all the lies spread about crop biotech. Not to mention the Non-GMO Project, which makes money certifying that products like salt, which have never been genetically engineered, are indeed GMO-free.

[Read the GLPs profile on the Non-GMO Project.]

As the Risk-Monger blogger noted in a Facebook post:

The global market for certified organic food is 110 billion USD; the GMO seed market is worth 40 billion USD (source: vFluence). It is indeed a David v Goliath situation, but who is the David and who is the Goliath?

Despite Caitlin Deweys assertion that industrys rollout was an epic fail, agribusiness companies actually did a very good job of communicating the new technology to their customers farmers. And farmers, especially in the US, have responded in a big way, overwhelmingly adopting genetically engineered crops that offer pest protection and/or herbicide tolerance traits.

Industry didnt realize consumers would care or that activists would launch a global fear-mongering campaign to derail the technology by making consumers worry about made up stuff until it was too late.

Reporters are slowly beginning to acknowledge that public fears around GMOs are not rooted in scientific fact. But they still havent gotten around to telling their readers who planted and fertilized those fears.

By failing to out the activists and disclose their outsized influence on the GMO debate, they allow the fear-mongerers, demagogues and opportunists to continue their work without scrutiny or accountability.

And thats a real shame, both in terms of honest reporting and the lost potential of agricultural biotech.

A version of this article appeared at Joan Conrows website as Credit where credit is due and has been republished here with permission from the author.

Joan Conrow is a longtime Hawaii journalist and blogger who has written extensively about agricultural, environmental and political issues. Follow her on Twitter@joanconrow

Excerpt from:

Opinion: Activistsnot biotech companiesresponsible for public backlash against GMOs - Genetic Literacy Project

Your coffee could get worse and more expensive thanks to climate change – SFGate

Photo: Kitjanat Burinram / EyeEm / Getty Images

Kitjanat Burinram / EyeEm / Getty Images

Kitjanat Burinram / EyeEm / Getty Images

10. Fresh Brew Coffee882 Bush St.

10. Fresh Brew Coffee882 Bush St.

6 Monterey Blvd.

6 Monterey Blvd.

2701 Leavenworth St.

2701 Leavenworth St.

442 Hyde St.

442 Hyde St.

1035 Fillmore St.

1035 Fillmore St.

3139 Mission St.

3139 Mission St.

1401 Sixth Ave.

1401 Sixth Ave.

3414 22nd St.

3414 22nd St.

2155 Bayshore Blvd.

2155 Bayshore Blvd.

Your coffee could get worse and more expensive thanks to climate change

Coffee drinkers may be in for a bleak future, thanks to climate change.

A new study published in the academic journal Nature Plants by researchers from the University of Nottingham,Addis Ababa University in Ethiopia, the Royal Botanical Gardens, and other institutions has found that the cost of coffee is likely about to go up, and the quality is about to nosedive.

In short, the issue is that the Earth is getting too hot. As researchers found, more than half of the land wherein coffee crops grow in Ethiopia will be no longer agriculturally viable due to a longer dry season, unpredictable rainfall, and higher-than-usual temperatures.

"Historical climate data shows that the mean annual temperature of Ethiopia has increased by 1.3 degrees Celsius (roughly 1.8 degrees Fahrenheit) between 1960 and 2006," the study reads.

What's worse, as Popular Science reports, this is already a similar issue in other coffee-growing areas of the world, including Colombia, Indonesia, and Brazil.

There's no easy solution to a complex problem, and though the study points out "cost-effective agronomy" options, it appears that coffee drinkers will likely need to shell out more for their beloved beverage in the future.

One such option put forth by the study is to move crops up higher in altitude, to lower temperatures. That's a possibility, but it's an expensive endeavor, and it will almost certainly change the taste of the coffee derived from the terroir of the soil we're used to. Another option, as Pop Sci points out, is to consider genetic engineering.

No matter what, it seems the cost will rise for consumers that is, if nothing changes.

Alyssa Pereira is an SFGATE staff writer. Email her at or find her on Twitter at @alyspereira.

See the original post here:

Your coffee could get worse and more expensive thanks to climate change - SFGate

Protesters, police clash at conference – Sacramento Bee

Sacramento Bee
Protesters, police clash at conference
Sacramento Bee
Protesters contend the meeting is not about ending hunger, but rather is a stage for the United States to push its agenda on other countries, an agenda that promotes big-business interests and technology, specifically the genetic engineering of crops ...

Read the original:

Protesters, police clash at conference - Sacramento Bee

Consumers Remain in the Dark About Potential Risks of New GMO Techniques – The Epoch Times

Life is a series of risk-benefit analyses. With every decisionfrom trying a new toothpaste to choosing a careerwe decide if the benefits are worth the risks. Does the possibility of whiter teeth outweigh the risk of lower cavity protection? Does a high salary outweigh the risk of burnout from long hours?

These are personal choices, but there are some risk assessments that we have to make as a species. The changes we make to the DNA of plants, animals, and humans can be passed on ad infinitum, fundamentally altering the flora and fauna of the Earth. The use of genetic modification on food crops and in medicine also raises questions about health risks.

As the technology used for genetic modification evolves rapidly, so does the conversation on acceptable risk. New techniques, broadly known as gene editing, are poised to take hold of Americas food and agricultural industry. About 5 percent of U.S. canola on the market is already made using these techniques. And scientists in China, the United Kingdom, and Sweden are testing them on human embryos, something never done with the older techniques.

They are billed as the lowest risk way to manipulate DNA and gain all the benefits, like creating mushrooms that dont turn brown or soybean oil thats lower in trans fator, in the case of humans, repairing disease-causing genes.

But some scientists and consumer advocates who have long been concerned about traditional genetically modified organisms (GMOs) are equally concerned about these new kinds of altered organisms.

The older technologies involve inserting genes from foreign organisms into a plants DNA to give it a desired trait. For example, a gene from a bacterium wasinserted into a soybean plant to make it herbicide-resistant. The process of inserting the genes is imprecise; one method involves attaching the desired genes to tiny metal balls and shooting them into plants cells.

The new technologies, on the other hand, use molecular tools that are designed to specifically target the desired part of the DNA. They dont require the use of genes from other species, but can simply cut out an undesirable gene or make other rearrangements to the genome.

Biotech companies using these technologies hope that this will make all the difference to consumers wary of so-called frankenfoods, GMOs made with a patchwork of DNA from multiple species that is unlikely to occur in nature.

The advanced precision is one of the new techniques greatest assets, decreasing the risk of making additional, unintended changes to the genome. But studies from researchers in Germany, Switzerland, and China, among others, have shown the new techniques can still have off-target effects.

It is hard to detect these unintended effects, according to Guillermo Montoya, a biologist at the University of Copenhagen. Sequencing the entire genome to look for problems is costly and technically difficult, he said via email. It is especially difficult to find off-target effects that happen less frequently.

Current methods for detection rely on probability, not 100 percent certainty. For example, a method may have a high chance of detecting an off-target effect that happens about 40 percent of the time, but a very small chance of finding one that happens only 10 percent of the time.

Montoya wrote in a 2016 study published in the peer-reviewed journal Bioessays, Talen and Crispr-Cas9 [two of the new techniques] are vastly used in genome editing; however, none of them has perfect DNA recognition specificity, so possible breaks can occur on other DNA sites in the genome.

This off-target effect can introduce undesired changes in sequences of the genome with unpredictable consequences for cells, organs, organisms, and even environments.

Shengdar Q. Tsai, a genetic engineering expert at St. Judes Childrens Research Hospital in Memphis, Tennessee, has also noted the problem of low-frequency off-target effects. He wrote in a 2014 article in the peer-reviewed journal Cell Stem Cell: Clearly, an unbiased, genome-wide method that is also sensitive enough to identify even lower frequency off-target effects is required. This is critically important because unintended, off-target modifications in cell populations can lead to unexpected functional consequences in both research and therapeutic contexts, where functional consequences of even low-frequency mutations can be of significant concern.

One of Talens creators, Dan Voytas, said that he has not found any unintended changes in the food crops he has worked on as chief scientist for biotech company Calyxt. The company has developed several food crops it is hoping to start selling to farmers in the next few years, including reduced-gluten wheat and a canola low in saturated fat.

After designing molecular tools to target and snip out particular genes, Voytass team looked at selected parts of the genome for off-target effects, in places that the molecular tools could easily have mistaken for the target areas. His team has not found any off-target effects in these places, but they have not checked the DNA in its entirety.

Researchers at Osnabrck University in Germany also reported that off-target effects are rare with Talen. It is far less prone to off-target effects than Crispr-Cas9. But they did note in their article, published in March n the peer-reviewed journal Plant Methods, that the use of Talen to create a rockcress (Arabidopsis) plant resulted in the deletion of three genes other than the ones intended. This seemed to have occurred spontaneously, they wrote.

Some food products are being made with Crispr-Cas9, such as a sweet corn by DuPont that is expected to be available to U.S. growers in the next five years. Agrochemical giant Monsanto announced in January that it will be using Crispr-Cas9 and its sister technology, Crispr-Cpf1, to create new crops. Cibus, a biotech company based in California, uses another new technique called the Rapid Trait Development System. Cibus was the first company to launch a product using one of these new techniques commercially, beginning to sell its SU Canola seeds to farmers in 2014.

While there are risks to these new technologies, there are also risks to technologies that have long been used in agriculture, said Richard Amasino, a professor of biochemistry and genetics at the University of WisconsinMadison who served on a committee assembled by the National Academy of Sciences (NAS) to assess the future of genetically engineered crops.

If you ask the question, Could it possibly create something harmful?, well, yes, any process that results in a change of DNA, including conventional plant breeding, could, in principle, create something harmful, he said.

He explained that even conventional breeding for desired traits can create unintended effects, like increased allergenicity or toxicity. Its hard to say theres zero risk to anything, he said.

But Amasino thinks the degree of precision makes these new techniques safe in a broad sense and preferable to previous methods. He thinks the risk is low and the potential benefits are high.

Voytas similarly commented on the benefits: Almost all of the products that were making have a direct consumer benefithealthier soybean oil , a wheat product lower in gluten and higher in fiber. Were hopeful that the consumer will see that biotechnology can be used to address consumer needs and perhaps that will influence acceptance. Whereas in the past, agricultural biotechnology has mostly benefited the farmer and the production system[creating traits like] herbicide tolerance and pathogen resistance.

Megan Hochstrasser earned her doctorate researching Crispr in the lab of its creator, Jennifer Doudna. Hochstrasser explained the difference between mutagenesis, an older, commonly used GM technique, and Crispr-Cas9. She said its comparable to the difference between Boggle and Scrabble.

[Mutagenesis means] taking the existing DNA and shaking things up, almost like a game of Boggle, where you end up getting letters and maybe making a nice word, maybe not. Maybe you have changes somewhere else that you dont know about.

She continued: Crispr, I would say, is closer to Scrabble where you can choose the precise sequence of letters you want. So even if there are occasionally some off-target effects, its still monumentally different from the previous approaches.

Since all previous breeding methods, from selective breeding to genetic engineering, have been about changing DNA and have had unintended effects, Hochstrasser feels Crispr is preferable for use in agriculture because it is more precise.

Its use in humans concerns her more. She is worried people might even use it for enhancing or creating aesthetically pleasing traits rather than preventing disease.

Another concern raised by many is the increased risk of off-target effects if these techniques are combinedif scientists try to create more than one change in the genome. For example, the 2017 NAS report titled Preparing for Future Products of Biotechnology reads, The magnitude of risk might change as the synergistic effects of multiple genetic changes could lead to unintended effects in the biochemistry of crops (affecting nutrients, immunogens, phytohormones, or toxicants).

That report also said that since risk assessments of biotechnology products use qualitative language and dont give probabilities of risk, NAS was unable to quantify the risks. It suggests that assessments should begin to show these probabilities, such as, for example, how much more likely these random effects are to occur with Talen and similar technologies than with random mutations in nature.

The novelty of these techniques has also raised concerns. A joint statement by Greenpeace and other advocacy groups issued in February said, Given that many of the techniques are new, it is not yet possible to fully evaluate the potential for adverse effects.

Megan Westgate, executive director of the Non-GMO Project, which provides verification and labeling for non-GMO products, said via email: GMOs, including the products of these new technologies, have not been adequately testedno long-term feeding studies have been conducted.

Aside from the risks related directly to off-target effects and human health, the USDAs organic advisory board has discussed secondary effects of concern. In a recommendation it published in November last year, it listed some problems with GMOs in general, noting that these concerns also apply to the new breed of GM crops:the altered nutritional profiles of GM crops, the displacement of small-scale farmers, and the decline of diversity and soil fertility from the use of herbicides.

See more here:

Consumers Remain in the Dark About Potential Risks of New GMO Techniques - The Epoch Times

‘Food Evolution’ movie could mark turning point in public GMO discussion – Genetic Literacy Project

Last year a Pew Research poll gauged public sentiment toward genetic engineering of food crops (familiarly, GMO). The results showed that while the public is consumed with fear and suspicion, scientists view the technology as safe and effective.

This divide may be due to the deep presence of non-scientific websites, books and films that abandon science to perpetuate a popular and profitable myth. Fear is their main vehicle. For anti-corporate reasons or simply to promote high-priced, lifestyle-based food products, there are many that create hyperbole and disparaging imagery around the science of genetic engineering. Many opposed to the technology are only experts at producing media targeted to tarnish the favorable applications of these helpful technologies.

Non-scientific media dominates the media. From alarmist pseudo-documentaries like Food Inc. and GMO OMG, to the scientifically painful inept fiction Consumed, media in this space are designed to shock and scare, knowingly at the expense of scientifically precise information. There have been few artistically-driven Hollywood efforts to speak up for the science, telling the evidence-based story to the majority of consumers that simply want to enjoy safe and affordable food produced sustainably.

[Editors Note: Stacy Malkan, co-director of USRight to Know, offers an opposing take on the movie here.]

But this trend is changing with a new series of scientific documentaries. The first film is Food Evolution, directed by Scott Hamilton Kennedy. The documentary examines the issues by taking a close-and-personal look at several global agricultural situations, the personalities involved, the successes, and most painfully, the damaging consequences of our failure to deploy useful technology that can help those in need. Food Evolution conveys a scientific story with imagery, humanity and compassion that scientists never could alone. The film is narrated by Dr. Neil deGrasse Tyson, adding his gravitas to this important topic.

The film centers on political and field situations in Hawaii, Uganda, and other locations throughout the world. The central players are the scientists that understand and share the benefits of these technologies. Scientists like Drs. Alison Van Eenennaam, Dennis Gonsalves, Pamela Ronald and Leena Tripathi, along with former anti-biotech activist and author Mark Lynas, carry the film as a vehicle that takes them through their discussions of the science and their interactions with the public and farmers.

But the film also provides enough rope to the charlatans that pollute a scientific discourse with manufactured fear. Prominent among them is Jeffery Smith, an author and film producer opposed to biotechnology. The film shows how he manipulates language, makes claims, and tweaks the emotions of concerned people to sell his science-challenged message. It exposes the for-profit misgivings of the Food Babe Vani Hari, and the ideologically-charged anti-corporatism of other leaders in an anti-GMO movement that seeks to end the use of biotechnology- even if it hurts those in need. These are the most important aspects of the film because they expose how a cadre of non-experts is willing to bastardize science, and sacrifice progress and people for ideology and profit.

But the real stars of the show are a papaya, a banana, and the people that need them. Their story is shown with stunning imagery and emotion-evoking vignettes that encapsulate the frustrations we feel as scientists with solutions stalled by activist fear-mongering.

Ive seen the film several times, and each time Ive lost tears. As a scientist, it is painful to relive how safe and effective solutions that can change the lives of people and help our planetbut their use is restricted because of well-financed and coordinated misinformation and fear campaigns.

The beauty of Food Evolution is that it will benchmark a time when public sentiment was changing to support a pro-science message. For twenty years we have been told of horrors that never materialized. We have watched products intended to serve humanity languish in public laboratories because of affluent-nation fears. We have witnessed approval of scientifically-baseless legislation restrict choices for farmers. Weve observed the internets profiteers tour the planet and reap personal wealth while lying to the public about science.

But even before the film has been presented in wide release, news of this film has prompted a typical and expected response from anti-biotech activists. They are shouting the tired claims that this is a Monsanto-financed propaganda flick and that nobody should trust it.

Watch for yourself and determine who is lying to you. Is it the politicians, celebrities and scaremongers, or the public, government and company scientists that have dedicated their lives to developing technology to solve problems for people and planet? This film answers that question in remarkable clarity.

Finally, high congratulations to Scott Hamilton Kennedy and his team. While the scientific community has extolled its virtues, it is unclear how the film community will embrace Food Evolution. However, ultimately the filmmakers can revel in the satisfaction that they told the truth at a time when those that stand up are punished for telling the truth. It is a brave, first-class effort that will age impeccably well, and perhaps punctuate the transition to a gentler time where science and reason rule over misinformation and fear.

Food Evolution opens in New York and Los Angeles on June 23rd.

A version of this article appeared at Huffington Post as MOVIE REVIEW: Food Evolution and has been republished here with permission from the authors and the original publisher.

Kevin Folta is professor and chairman of the Horticultural Sciences Department at the University of Florida, Gainesville. Dr. Folta researches the functional genomics of small fruit crops, the plant transformation, the genetic basis of flavors, andstudies at photomorphogenesis and flowering. He has also written many publications and edited books, most recently the 2011 Genetics, Genomics, and Breeding of Berries. Follow him on Twitter@kevinfolta


'Food Evolution' movie could mark turning point in public GMO discussion - Genetic Literacy Project

Engineered algae puts half of its carbon into fats for biofuels – Ars Technica

Enlarge / This raceway pond is used for continuous growth of biofuel-producing microbes.

There's an inherent tension in convincing organisms to produce fuel for us. To grow and thrive, the organism has to direct its energy into a variety of chemicalsproteins, fats, DNA, and more. But for biofuels, we're mostly interested in fats, which are long-chain hydrocarbons that already look a lot like our liquid fuels. Fat is easy to convert into biodiesel, for example.

So how do we convince an organism to do what we want, rather than what it needs? There have been two approaches to this so far. One is to take an organism that we understand well and engage in genetic engineering to direct its metabolism toward fuel production. The second approach is to search for organisms that naturally produce lots of the chemicals we're interested in.

Now, researchers at the company Synthetic Genomics have taken what you might consider a hybrid approach. They've started with an algae that will produce oodles of fat, but only if you stop its growth by starving it of essential nutrients. And, by studying how this starvation response works, the scientists identified a key regulator and altered its activity. The engineered strain produces nearly as much fat as the normal strain, but it does so while continuing to grow.

The species in question is a single-celled algae called Nannochloropsis gaditana. It has two properties that make it great for biofuel production. One is that it's part of a genus that is happy to grow in salt and brackish water, meaning that biofuel production doesn't have to compete for fresh water. The second property is that it naturally produces a slew of fats (largely triacylglycerols). Starving Nannochloropsis for an essential nutrient (nitrogen) causes the algae to convert its spare energy to fat for storage, allowing it to ride out the adverse conditions. These lipids can end up accounting for 60 percent of the cells' dry weight.

Unfortunately, starving the Nannochloropsis algae isn't exactly conducive to continued growth. Rather than having a nice, continuously expanding culture that you can pull cells out of for fuel production, the entire population has to go through a boom-bust cycle. Researchers have tried for years to engineer a similar response that doesn't require starvation, but their efforts have been slowed by the fact that there are no genetic tools for engineering Nannochloropsis, and we don't know enough about the biology of its starvation process to really understand what to target.

The new work from Synthetic Genomics deals with both of these hurdles. To start with, the company's researchers got the CRISPR-Cas gene-editing system working in Nannochloropsis. That allows them to target any gene they'd like for deletion, modification, or replacement.

But they also worked on understanding how the starvation process gets triggered. Changes in fat metabolism start to become apparent about five hours after all nitrogen sources are taken out of the culture. So, the team reasoned, changes in gene activity have to come before that. After three hours of starvation, the researchers looked for changes in the activity of a specific class of genes: those that bind to DNA and regulate nearby genes. These, they reasoned, could be controlling the starvation process.

They came up with a list of 20 genes. The researchers then targeted 18 of them individually for elimination using the CRISPR editing system.

One of these 18 genes, called ZnCys, turned out to be exactly what the researchers were hoping to find. Eliminating the gene caused the algae to build up three times more fat as the normal strain. Unfortunately, the edited version also acted like it was starving, with growth slowing to a crawl. As a result, the normal strain would outproduce the gene-edited version over the long run.

To get around this issue, the researchers started targeting sites near the part of the gene that encodes a protein. These nearby sequences often help control the amount of protein produced from a gene, so disrupting them could produce a version of the ZnCys that had lower activity than normal but wasn't completely shut down. Their plan worked; the researchers ended up with three new strains, which saw ZnCys activity reduced by 20, 50, and 70 percent, giving them a nice range to test.

To an extent, all of the new strains worked. While total productivity of the three engineered lines was down compared to a normal strain, it was only down by anywhere from five to 15 percent. While there were definitely fewer cells, they incorporated large quantities of carbon, and they converted more than twice as much of it to lipids. This more than made up for the drop in cell number. Critically, the strains did fine in a continuous culture, meaning that you could siphon off 70 percent of the cells each day for biofuel production without shutting the whole culture down.

A closer examination of gene activity in the cells showed that the engineered versions had reduced activity of genes involved in importing and assimilating nitrogen. So even when nitrogen was present, the cells weren't able to use as much of it, which nicely explains why they acted like they were semi-starving.

Ideally, I expect that Synthetic Genomics would prefer to generate a strain that produces a lot of lipids even when the strain is not nitrogen starved at all. As a result, the company probably viewed ZnCys as a bit of a disappointmentSynthetic Genomics would have probably preferred a gene that simply switched the metabolism into lipid production mode without messing with nitrogen.

Still, the study provides some indication of how the nitrogen response is regulated. One of the other 18 genes the researchers looked at (or the two they didn't) may or may not be more directly involved in lipid production, but it didn't show good performance in this screen because it had so many other effects. No doubt the team is continuing to dissect the pathways that get activated when nitrogen becomes limited.

And, in the mean time, the researchers have a strain that can do continuous biofuel production at double the rate of the normal onewhich is certainly better than what they started with.

Nature Biotechnology, 2017. DOI: 10.1038/nbt.3865 (About DOIs).


Engineered algae puts half of its carbon into fats for biofuels - Ars Technica

Liquid Biopsy Guides New Prostate Cancer Drug Trial – Genetic Engineering & Biotechnology News

Its been no secret that screening methods to detect prostate cancer have been woefully lacking and largely inconsistent with respect to the results they provide. Yet, with the rise in validated biomarkers and advanced diagnostics coupled with next-generation sequencing methods, new liquid biopsy assays are guiding physician treatment options. Now, a group of investigators at The Institute of Cancer Research, London, and The Royal Marsden NHS Foundation Trust have developed a three-in-one blood test that could transform the treatment of advanced prostate cancer through the use of precision drugs designed to target mutations in the BRCA genes.

"Blood tests for cancer promise to be truly revolutionary, noted Paul Workman, Ph.D., chief executive of The Institute of Cancer Research, London. They are cheap and simple to use, but most importantly, because they aren't invasive, they can be employed or applied to routinely monitor patients to spot early if treatment is failingoffering patients the best chance of surviving their disease.

The research team was able to isolate cancer DNA in a patients bloodstream and determine which men with advanced prostate cancer were likely to benefit from treatment with a new class of drugs called poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase (PARP) inhibitorsspecifically the drug olaparib. Moreover, the scientists were able to use the test to analyze DNA in the blood after treatment had started, so people who were not responding could be identified and switched to an alternative therapy in as little as four to eight weeks. The third aspect of the new test came when the research team was able to monitor a patient's blood throughout treatment, quickly picking up signs that the cancer was evolving genetically and might be becoming resistant to the drugs.

Findings from the new study were published recently in Cancer Discovery in an article entitled Circulating Free DNA to Guide Prostate Cancer Treatment with PARP Inhibition.

"Our study identifies, for the first time, genetic changes that allow prostate cancer cells to become resistant to the precision medicine olaparib, explained senior study investigator Johann de Bono, M.D., professor of cancer research at The Institute of Cancer Research, London, and consultant medical oncologist at The Royal Marsden NHS Foundation Trust. "From these findings, we were able to develop a powerful, three-in-one test that could in future be used to help doctors select treatment, check whether it is working, and monitor the cancer in the longer term. We think it could be used to make clinical decisions about whether a PARP inhibitor is working within as little as four to eight weeks of starting therapy.

The investigators are optimistic that the new test could help to extend or save lives by targeting treatment more effectively, while also reducing the side effects of treatment and ensuring patients don't receive drugs that are unlikely to do them any good. Additionally, the new study is also the first to identify which genetic mutations prostate cancers use to resist treatment with olaparib. The test could potentially be adapted to monitor treatment with PARP inhibitors for other cancers.

"Not only could the test have a major impact on the treatment of prostate cancer, but it could also be adapted to open up the possibility of precision medicine to patients with other types of cancer as well," Dr. de Bono remarked.

In the study, researchers at the ICR and The Royal Marsden collected blood samples from 49 men at The Royal Marsden with advanced prostate cancer enrolled in the TOPARP-A Phase II clinical trial of olaparib. Olaparib is good at killing cancer cells that have errors in genes that have a role in repairing damaged DNA such as BRCA1 or BRCA2. Some patients respond to the drug for years, but in other patients, the treatment either fails early, or the cancer evolves resistance. Evaluating the levels of cancer DNA circulating in the blood, the researchers found that patients who responded to the drug had a median drop in the levels of circulating DNA of 49.6% after only eight weeks of treatment, whereas cancer DNA levels rose by a median of 2.1% in patients who did not respond.

Men whose blood levels of DNA had decreased at eight weeks after treatment survived an average of 17 months, compared with only 10.1 months for men whose cancer DNA levels remained high.

"This is another important example where liquid biopsiesa simple blood test as opposed to an invasive tissue biopsycan be used to direct and improve the treatment of patients with cancer," commented David Cunningham, Ph.D., director of clinical research at The Royal Marsden NHS Foundation Trust.

The researchers also performed a detailed examination of the genetic changes that occurred in cancer DNA from patients who had stopped responding to olaparib. They found that cancer cells had acquired new genetic changes that canceled out the original errors in DNA repairparticularly in the genes BRCA2 and PALB2that had made the cancer susceptible to olaparib in the first place.

"To greatly improve the survival chances of the 47,000 men diagnosed with prostate cancer each year, it's clear that we need to move away from the current one-size-fits-all approach to much more targeted treatment methods, concluded Matthew Hobbs, Ph.D., deputy director of research at Prostate Cancer UK. The results from this study and others like it are crucial as they give an important understanding of the factors that drive certain prostate cancers, or make them vulnerable to specific treatments.

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Liquid Biopsy Guides New Prostate Cancer Drug Trial - Genetic Engineering & Biotechnology News

With Dow-DuPont merger, food ‘editing’ gets fresh start – Greenwich Time

Photo: Daniel Acker / Bloomberg

With Dow-DuPont merger, food editing gets fresh start

As U.S. regulators approved last week the $130 billion merger between Dow and DuPont, a new agricultural spinoff is on the cusp of moving forward with a DuPont unit that promises to change the world with a pioneering technology designed to improve crops, both in yields and quality.

The big question is whether food activists will yield to the new engineering, after attempting to erect warning signs in Connecticut and nationally in the first wave of genetically modified foods.

In 2013, Connecticut passed a law that would require labeling of foods made with genetically modified organisms but only if neighboring states did so, as well. With Vermont following suit in 2016, Congress passed and President Barack Obama signed federal legislation a year ago preempting states from requiring GMO labeling in favor of a national standard. Fed up with waiting, opponents derisively termed the law the DARK Act as an acronym for Deny Americans the Right to Know.

As the federal law worked through Capitol Hill, back in Hartford activists had taken another crack last year at GMO labeling in Connecticut, with a bill that would have mandated GMO disclosure for baby formulas and foods. Unlike 2013, the bill did not make it to a vote.

In advance of the 2016 debate the previous November, the Food & Drug Administration issued guidance on how companies should label GMO-based foods if they choose to do so, with the FDA continuing to hone final regulations mandated by the federal law.

Among the Connecticut-based manufacturers to adopt GMO labeling on a voluntary basis included the Norwalk-based Pepperidge Farm subsidiary of Campbell Soup.

The Non-GMO Project keeps a running database online of the foodmakers who have had their products verified as GMO-free, with more than 43,600 products listed as of June in Connecticut to include Saffron Road in Stamford, Barefoot and Chocolate in Norwalk, and Reds 100% All Natural in Fairfield.

The new GE in Connecticut and beyond

In the past year, the GMO debate has faded as attention has shifted to the promise of genetically edited foods in which producers trim existing DNA in foods rather than introducing new DNA, as the case in GMO-based genetic engineering.

DuPont has emerged as a major innovation in genetic editing with a new unit called CRISPR-Cas, designed to improve seeds without incorporating DNA from other species. DuPont describes the innovation as a continuation of what people have been doing since plants were first domesticated selecting for characteristics such as better yields, resistance to diseases, shelf life and nutritional qualities.

Research on CRISPR and acronym for Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeats is being extended to mice used by Jackson Laboratory in Farmington and Maine for medical research, with one staffer calling the technology a tremendously versatile tool in engineering genetic alterations. In March, Jackson Lab received a $450,000 federal grant to improve genome editing for research, drug testing and potential future therapies.

It is one thing to tinker with DNA for medicine, it is another to do it for everyday food people put on their table. To date, genetic editing has yet to spark the universal outcry that Monsanto incurred with its early efforts to produce GMO foods, with activists still absorbing the implications of the emerging technology.

Leading the charge for both Connecticut bills was Tara Cook-Littman, who has worked to marshal support via the lobbying groups Citizens for GMO Free Labeling and GMO Free CT.

Cook-Littman told Connecticut legislators last year that her group agreed in 2013 only reluctantly to the trigger clause compromise that shifted the enabling of Connecticuts GMO labeling law to companion laws in other states. She added that in the run-up to Vermont creating its own GMO law, companies voluntarily changed their labeling there and with sales not impacted by the move.

If Vermont can do it why cant we? Cook Littman asked at the time.; 203-842-2545;

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With Dow-DuPont merger, food 'editing' gets fresh start - Greenwich Time

Genetic engineering lobbyist’s Trumpian methods – Caribbean Life


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Jomo Kwame Sundaram, a former economics professor and United Nations Assistant Secretary-General for Economic Development, received the Wassily Leontief Prize for Advancing the Frontiers of Economic Thought in 2007.

KUALA LUMPUR, June 13 2017 (IPS) - To her credit, Dr. Mahaletchumy has pioneered and promoted science journalism in Malaysia. This is indeed commendable in the face of the recent resurgence of obscurantism of various types, both traditional and modern.

But she has done herself, journalism and science a great disservice by using her position of influence to lobby for her faith in genetic engineering, promoting another obscurantism in the guise of science. In her blatantly polemical GE advocacy, she uses caricature and rhetoric to misrepresent and defame those she disagrees with.

She accuses us of spreading flawed arguments and inaccurate information, demonising private industry, and making a number of sweeping statements with inaccuracies about lower yield gains with genetically engineered crops, higher usage of herbicides, decline in crop and (sic) biodiversity, rising pest resistance, carcinogenicity of glyphosate, and increase in corporate power.

To be sure, our article was never intended for a scientific journal, but rather for IPS readers to appreciate the implications of recent research. It nevertheless provided links to relevant research for those interested, which she chose to ignore while accusing us of lying (false news) in Trumpian fashion.

Most importantly, she does not directly refute any of our arguments or the evidence that the increased output from non-GE crops has exceeded the productivity growth of GE crops due to, among others, the rise of pesticide resistance our main argument. Nor does she bother to refute the mounting evidence of greater farmer reliance on commercial agrochemicals, especially herbicides.

GE advocates cannot have it both ways. One cannot insist that only GE can increase output and productivity as well as improve farmers net incomes and the environment without offering or citing systematic evidence, and simply reject inconvenient evidence to the contrary.

Dr. Mahaletchumy fails to actually quote anything we actually wrote or to show how the sources we use are wrong. Her effort to discredit us resorts to innuendo and insinuation. While accusing us of selective citation, she has little hesitation to do what she condemns, citing only one person, Graham Brookes, not once, but twice, to make her case.

Instead of creating false news, as she claims we did, inter alia, we relied on and provided links to the US National Academy of Sciences report on Genetically Engineered Crops. The report provides an authoritative review of the now very considerable and diverse research on related issues. While the encyclopaedic volume admittedly includes a bland summary, the report itself offers a richly textured survey of evidence from many peer-reviewed studies.

She also refuses to recognize that most people go hungry in the world because they cannot afford access to the food they need and not because there is not enough food grown in the world.

Meanwhile, government and philanthropic funding of public research and development has declined while private corporate interests have been promoting GE, not exactly for charitable reasons.

We draw conclusions which other science journalists have also drawn, but instead of critically addressing our arguments, she lumps us together with GE critics, and invokes the same arguments and sources of the heavily corporate funded GE lobby.

Let me be very clear. We are keen supporters of technological progress, including biotechnology. And as we made clear, genetic modification is as old as nature itself. Unlike GE opponents, we remain open-minded about it.

Dr. Mahaletchumy is correct that there continues to be some debate over whether glyphosates are carcinogenic. This is partly why we insist on adherence to long established scientific ethics, including the precautionary principle.

But one cannot go authority shopping by dismissing the World Health Organization when it is inconvenient, and citing any body saying otherwise, especially when its authority is not relevant as she does.

We have previously shown how misleading research findings funded by the US Sugar Foundation had damaging consequences for world health for half a century.

We are also concerned about the unintended consequences of scientific progress. For example, the excessive use of cheap antibiotics for both humans and animals has generated antibiotic-resistant bacteria for every class of antibiotics, with annual mortality rates due to antibiotic resistant diseases expected to rise exponentially to ten million by mid-century.

One wonders why a journalist resorts to fraudulent misrepresentation in the cause of any advocacy, or in this case, to deceptively insist that her faith that GE is the only way forward is irrefutable science.

Updated 12:10 pm, June 14, 2017

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Genetic engineering lobbyist's Trumpian methods - Caribbean Life

Former Wichitan engineers color-happy ‘disco bacteria’ – Times Record News

Lana Sweeten-Shults , Times Record News 3:09 p.m. CT June 14, 2017

Researchers at MIT found a way to control bacteria using colored light. They projected images of such things as fruit onto culture plates using red, green and blue light, and the bacteria responded by producing the same colored pigment. The result is a kind of bacteria photocopy. One of the researchers who co-authored a paper about the technology is Felix Moser, a 2003 graduate of Wichita Falls High School.(Photo: Courtesy of Felix Moser)

Those pesky E. coli bacteria.

Engineered bacteria with multicolor vision formed this image of Mario from Super Mario Bros. Researchers at MIT projected images on culture plates using red, green and blue lights that bacteria emulated. One of the researchers who co-authored a paper about the technology is Felix Moser, a 2003 graduate of Wichita Falls High School.(Photo: Courtesy of Felix Moser)

Theyre the vexing microorganisms behind intestinal infections.

The troublesome, minuscule entities behind urinary tract infections.

When you hear about food poisoning outbreaks, some form of E.coli is often the culprit.

But, as it is, most types of E.coli are harmless.

And, if you ask biological engineer Felix Moser, a 2003 graduate of Wichita Falls High School who is now a scientist at start-up biotech company Synlife, theyre also pretty fascinating.

Moser is one of the co-authors, with fellow former Massachusetts Institute of Technology postdocs Jesus Fernandez-Rodriguez and Miryoung Song along withMIT professor Chris Voigt, of a paper that describes how researchers were able to create what Voigt has described as disco bacteria, though others might call them microbial Monets or Petri dish Ansel Adamses.

It was 12 years ago that these researchers started engineering bacteria to replicate black-and-white images bacterial photocopies, if you will by getting them to mirror the patterns of light projected onto a culture dish.

Now the researchers, whose groundbreaking work has been featured in MIT News, Nature Chemical Biology, The Economist and New Scientist, to name a few, have upped their game and introduced color to the mix.

Engineering cells to respond to light is not new, according to a May 25 article about these multicolor bacteriain The Economist. Other scientists have used optogeneticsto control nerve cells.

But former Wichitan Moser and his fellow researchers have engineered multicolor vision, not in nerve cells, butin E. coli, which are naturally blind, since they live in the very un-disco-like reaches of the intestine.

The researchers took these organisms and programmed them with a protein- and enzyme-based system, essentially, like they would a computer. They added 18 genes to the E.coli the black-and-white versions required adding only three extra genes with more than 46,000 base pairs of DNA. With these genes, the bacteria were ableto build three kinds of light sensors and can see red, green and blue.

While other scientists have controlled living cells using chemicals, Moser and his fellow scientists were able to tell the bacteria to create images of fruit and even Mario of Super Mario Bros. by shining colored light through a stencil onto a bacteria-coated plate. The E. coli, after all this human tinkering, produced enzymes that turn the bacteria into the same color of the light being shined on them.

So making pictures of bacteria its a nice example of how you would engineer them, said Moser in a phone interview about his teams disco bacteria. ... The genes tell the bacteria not only to respond to color but to turn on other genes. When the bacteria sees red light, it turns on a gene to make the red coloring.

The research shows how scientists can control cells and tell them what to do: We are engineering bacteria to respond in ways they would not normally respond.

Of course, this project, which was four years in the making, hasnt just been a fun time with bacteria.

The idea is that genetically altered bacteria could be made to produce drugs, artificial sweeteners or even perfumes.

Theres a company making perfume components, Moser said.

Instead of growing thousands upon thousands of roses to make perfume, cells could be engineered to reproduce those aromas.

The advantage would be that a lot of biological mass would be saved, sinceperfume companies wouldnt need to harvest all those roses. Also, chemicals could be made at much higher quantities.

Theres a team working on engineering salmonella to invade tumor cells and kill the tumor cells but thats really complex behavior, he said.

Moser, who was an Eagle Scout with Troop 138 growing up, ended up in Wichita Falls with his parents, who were both German citizens. His father was a T-37 instructor pilot at Sheppard Air Force Base.

He first became interested in science when he was a student at Wichita Falls High School.

Old High had a really great biology teacher, Dan Patrick. He did a fantastic job communicating his passions for science and biology, he said, and he might not have gone into the field without Mr. Patrick, he added, who would take students on summer trips to such places as Belize, Costa Rica, Honduras, Panama, Ecuador and the Galapagos Islands. Moser went on a couple of trips to South America with Patrick.

Moser did his undergraduate work at Cornell University. He wanted to join a research lab and ended up working with Cornell biochemist Dr. David Wilson.

I got really interested in using biotechnology to solve problems learning how to manipulate DNA to get organisms to do what we need them to do.

Moser got into graduate school at the University of California, Berkeley, then followed his academic adviser, Chris Voigt, to MIT, where Voigt started a new lab. Its where he finished his doctoral degree and stayed to do postdoctoral work in synthetic biology, which is a newer term for genetic engineering.

Besides controlling bacteria using colored light, Moser has written DNA to get microorganisms to do other things.

Instead of engineering bacteria to respond to light, he has engineered them to respond to environmental stresses in big tanks, such as recognizing oxygen conditions and changing which genes turn on and off so they become more robust.

Its trying to engineer them to be smarter about how they grow.

He also has expanded on the color bacteria project.

Instead of turning on the genes that produce color, we're trying to get them to produce materials.

Moser said he has used light to prompt bacteria to produce biofilm, the slimy layer you might see hanging around on the surface of water.

Some biofilm is really important in medicine, he said of his appreciation for even slimy biofilm almost as much as his appreciation for those pesky, disco E. coli.

Follow Times Record News senior editor/reporter Lana Sweeten-Shults on Twitter @LanaSweetenShul.

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Former Wichitan engineers color-happy 'disco bacteria' - Times Record News