Artificial Wombs Could Help Save Millions of Premature Babies Within the Next Decade – News18

Dutch scientists are on the verge of a breakthrough. They predict that within a decade, they will be able to create a working prototype of an artificial womb, something that could save the lives of millions of babies who die due to the premature births.

Researchers at the Eindhoven University of Technology in Netherlands have been given a 2.6m grant to work on the development of a prototype for artificial wombs that could be used in clinics. Artificial wombs could help reduce complications and even save a prematurely born baby's life by acting as a replacement womb that could allow the fetus to complete full gestation period.

The external womb does so by simulating conditions naturally present withing a womb using a faux placenta that is connected to the fetus's umbilical chord.

Why is this important?

According to accepted norms, any birth that occurs before the 37th week of pregnancy is considered premature. At present, about a million babies across the world die because of premature of birth, The Guardian reported. Even the ones who survive incur a range of medical difficulties and disabilities.

As per data collected by Tommy's, a UK-based not-for profit organisation that funds prenatal and neonatal research, babies born at 22 weeks of gestation have just a 10 percent chance of surviving. However, in just two weeks of added gestation, chances of survival shoot up to 6- percent.

External, artificial wombs could be extremely useful in such cases as they could provide almost perfect natural, womb-like conditions and allow a fetus to get adequate oxygen and nutrients through the umbilical chord. Unlike current incubation methods that deliver oxygen and nutrients directly to the organs like the lungs which may not have the full capacity to handle the treatment, the newer system would allow fetuses to grow its organs under natural conditions.

Research into the idea has been ongoing. In 2017, a team of researchers from Childrens Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP) in US successfully tested an artificial womb meant to carry premature births on a lamb feotus.

Why is it controversial?

While the implication of artificial wombs in terms of prenatal care could be miraculous, critics have already raised alarm bells over what this could mean for women's rights. Some feminist thinkers, as Professor Julien S. Murphy of the University of Southern Maine wrote in her book 'Feminist Perspectives in Medical Ethics' wrote, have raised concerns about how birthing outside of the human body, or ectogenesis, will affect the perception of women. Some even fear that deleting the need for women's bodies from the reproductive process could lead to women becoming obsolete. It would also impact abortion rights and the global women's movement to reclaim control over their bodies.

Strides in ectogenesis could also open up a minefield of political and ethical complications. While medical science is still a long way from completely growing babies from petri dishes, the possibility raises concerns about reproductive rights and genetic engineering.

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Artificial Wombs Could Help Save Millions of Premature Babies Within the Next Decade - News18

WIRED25: Stories of People Who Are Racing to Save Us – WIRED

Galperin and her team focus on protecting the activists, dissidents, lawyers, journalists, and civilians who find themselves in an increasingly lopsided conflict with entities that hack, surveil, and sabotage themor better yet, equipping them to protect themselves. I think that empowering people to confront power is good, she says. Thats how change happens.

In part, Galperin aims to create tools that level the playing field for surveillance victims. In its first months, for instance, the Threat Labs tiny team of three full-time staffers has been building a device to detect a common form of police surveillance: fake LTE cell towers that trick phones into connecting to them, enabling police to pinpoint the location and track the identities of protesters and other surveillance targets.

The Threat Lab also does detective work to expose perpetrators of state-sponsored surveillance. For years, even before the teams creation, Galperin and fellow EFF researcher Cooper Quintin investigated a hacking operation that planted spyware on the computers of journalists and opposition figures in Kazakhstan. Working with the mobile security firm Lookout, Galperins team found that some of the same toolsperhaps made by the same for-hire hackerswere being used in a massive campaign to spy on civilian targets in Lebanon. At one point during that investigation, the EFF had a researcher walk the streets of Beirut with a smartphone to find the Wi-Fi network theyd linked with the hackers. The researcher discovered it was emanating from inside the headquarters of the Lebanese General Security Directorate.

The EFF had a researcher walk the streets of Beirut with a smartphone to find the hackers Wi-Fi network. It was emanating from inside the headquarters of the Lebanese General Security Directorate.

Galperins own obsession is the scourge known as spouseware, or stalkerware: hidden apps installed on a smartphone by someone with physical access to the deviceoften a domestic abuserthat let them spy on the phones owner. Since early 2018, Galperin has offered her services as a kind of first responder, security consultant, and therapist for stalkerware victims.

But Galperin wasnt satisfied with the scale of that hands-on approach. So she began shaming and pressuring the antivirus industry, which has long neglected stalkerware, to take it far more seriously. Several companies have since pledged to catalog and eradicate the apps just as thoroughly as they do traditional malware. Stalkerware is considered beneath the interest of most security researchers, Galperin says. Changing norms takes time. But it starts with someone standing up and saying This is not OK, this is not acceptablethis is spying.

Galperin, who has silvery-violet hair and a cyberpunk aesthetic, got her start as a systems administrator, attending security conferences and being treated, she says, like some hackers girlfriend who looks after Solaris boxes. In 2007 she joined the EFF, where her first job was to answer the 50-plus calls and emails that came in every day from people seeking help. The organization had recently filed a lawsuit against AT&T for aiding warrantless NSA spying, and Galperin was flooded with messages from people who had been targeted for surveillance. Her desk became a kind of security crisis hotline.

According to Danny OBrien, Galperins former boss at the EFF, the experience gave her a strong sense of the victims perspectivesomething thats often overlooked by the cybersecurity research community, which tends to focus more on sexy new hacking techniques than on the people who suffer from their use. Eva isnt afraid to plot out the consequences of hackers actions, OBrien says, to stare those consequences down until the problem is solved.

Shes also good at plotting out, and maximizing, the consequences of her own actions. Galperin says she has no illusions that she or her small team alone can tip the balance of security for vulnerable people worldwide. But in line with the EFFs longtime tactic of choosing cases that can set legal precedents, she says she chooses projects that promise to have cascading effects, that will force the industry to change its priorities or inspire other researchers. You figure out the place where you need to push, she says, not just to help the people you help every day, the individuals, but to change the game. To change the system. Andy Greenberg

FOUNDER & CEO / Rigetti Computing

In 2013, Chad Rigetti became aware that the field of quantum computing was entering a kind of adolescence. Sketched out in the 1990s, the technology was supposed to leapfrog conventional computing by tapping into the weird physics of subatomic particles. For years, researchers had been held up by the devilish unreliability of qubits, the devices needed to perform quantum manipulations on data. But now, finally, they were finding new ways to tame them. It was black magic, and then a framework emerged, Rigetti says. You could start to see all the pieces coming together. Thats when he quit his job at IBM and struck out on his own. Six years later, in labs stocked with steampunky equipment and liquid helium, Rigetti Computing is manufacturing small quantum processors.

See original here:

WIRED25: Stories of People Who Are Racing to Save Us - WIRED

What will the world look like in 50 years? – Quartz

Companies that reject shareholder primacythat prioritize the needs of society, community, consumers, and employees above shareholder valueand those that fully understand the social and environmental impacts of their entire supply chain, irrespective of product or industry, will be the ones to thrive.

Companies that reject shareholder primacythat prioritize the needs of society, community, consumers, and employees above shareholder valueand those that fully understand the social and environmental impacts of their entire supply chain, irrespective of product or industry, will be the ones to thrive.

To define the characteristics of those companies: They will demonstrate emotional intelligence, flexibility, and the ability to adapt to complex, quickly-shifting conditions, work forces, and social movements. The companies that develop innovative products and services designed to protect people from climate impacts (sea-level rise, extreme heat, disaster) will prosper as well. Examples are companies that make cooling vests for outdoor workers, police officers, and firefighters; flood-response companies; design firms that build resilient structures capable of floating or adapting to rising waters; even private extraction companies like those being used by oil and gas entities to extract personnel from harmful situations like political conflicts, violence, or natural disasters.Further, companies with a majority of women on their boards and executive teams will outperform competitors and lead in their industry. In fact, I would venture that the numbers of men will flip to a women-led majority in most everything in the next 50 years.

Finally, given the increase in both the types of risk and the size of risk exposures such as hurricane, drought, extreme heat, and floods, property and casualty industry will finally transform. Along with reinsurance companies, they will offer individual policies that pay quickly based on a metric such as wind speed or sustained temperature.

The rest is here:

What will the world look like in 50 years? - Quartz

5 Reasons Why Lex Luthor Is Smarter Than The Green Goblin (And 5 Ways Norman Osborn Is Smarter) – CBR – Comic Book Resources

In both the corporate and supervillain worlds, Lex Luthor and Norman Osborn are at the top of their games in their respective universes. Not content to bedeviling just Superman and Spider-Man, both antagonists have threatened and nearly completed world domination, requiring either the Justice League or the Avengers to put an end to their nefarious schemes.

Their successes are due in no small part to the nature of their characters: ambitious, calculating and ruthless. However, the one trait that sets them apart from other supervillains is their genius-level intelligence, which begs the question: Who is smarter, Lex Luthor or Norman Osborn?

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A man of guts and vision, Norman Osborn founded Oscorp with Mendel Stromm, having financed the lions share of the investment himself. Aside from that, Osborn ran the business end of the company while also contributing to the research in genetics that would eventually give him his augmented strength, reflexes, and healing factor.

Osborns raw intellect also helped develop his vast array of Goblin-themed weapons, including his infamous glider. However, his actions as the Green Goblin led to the combination of Stromms death, his loss of public image, and insanity. This was enough to lead to Oscorps downfall, but Norman was smart enough toset up a dummy corporation under an assumed name to ensure his grandsons legacy.

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Lex Luthors business acumen is unparalleled in the DC Universe, as LexCorps net worth and diversification portfolio dwarf any other companys, including Wayne Enterprises. Originally founded as a scientific research firm with a specialty in aeronautics, LexCorp has grown in scope and reach, with subsidiaries in all areas of the world and domains as varied as private security, weapons manufacturing, and computer software.

This success is due in no small part to its CEO, Lex Luthor himself. Aside from his formidable business knowledge and instinct, Luthor is not above breaking the law to ensure his companys growth and a robust bottom line.

Although Norman Osborn holds degrees in mechanical engineering and chemistry, its genetic engineering that he excels at, as that is what gave him the formula for his Green Goblin serum. Although heavily aided in this endeavor by his mentor Dr. Mendel Stromm, Normans scientific contributions and willingness to serve as a test subject were the key factors in granting him his enhanced strength, agility and resilience.

As if this feat were not impressive enough, Norman also designed his own weaponssome deceptively simple as the razor bats, and some requiring intricate knowledge of engineering and physics, like his sparkle-blasts and glider.

In his early appearances, most of Supermans adversaries were mad scientists, and Lex Luthor was chief amongst them. Modern incarnations of the character have often depicted Lex as a wealthy captain of industry, but his aptitude for scientific research, particularly in the technological field, has not diminished.

Aside from funding cutting-edge research, Luthor personally engages in advanced weapons development, reverse engineering of alien tech, and the search for alternative (usually kryptonite-powered) energy sources. In some continuities, Luthor is even responsible for creating some of the Man of Steels most deadly enemies, like the kryptonite-powered Metallo. His most recognizable accomplishment is the creation of his battlesuit, allowing him to go toe-to-toe with the Man of Steel andcementing him as an evil scientific genius extraordinaire.

RELATED:Lex & Violence: Lex Luthor's Most Powerful Anti-Superman Suits, Ranked

Aside from his intellectual prowess in science and business, Norman Osborn is also no slouch in the strategy department. With considerable resources at his disposal and the patience of a slow-burning wick, Osborn is capable of crafting intricate long and short term plans designed to bring an unsuspecting opponent to their knees.

Perhaps nowhere is this more evident than in the immediate events following his 'death' at the end of the Gwen Stacy affair. Allowing Spider-Man to believe he was gone for good, Osborn went about orchestrating the systematic destruction of his foe by faking Aunt May's death, absconding Peter and MJ's baby, and perhaps most unforgivably (to both Spidey and his readers), perpetrating the Clone Saga.

RELATED: Spider-Man 10 Things You Didn't Know About Aunt May

A formidable intellect like Lex Luthor's also breeds a formidable ego. A master strategist, whether he's planning a corporate takeover or his latest attack on Superman, Luthor walks with a grandiose swagger and self-assuredness that matches his considerable IQ. Ever the opportunist, Luthor is even smart enough to use his reputation for being smart to his advantage; his expertise on something is rarely questioned, and if so, his clout and considerable connections will usually silence his adversary for him. For Luthor, intelligence and intimidation go hand-in-hand, and he's not above using the former to ensure the latter to fulfill his aims.

Norman Osborn's ambition has often gone far beyond making Peter Parker's life miserable. Following the events of Secret Invasion and the dissolution of S.H.I.E.L.D., Osborn used his considerable influence to lobby for the creation of a new American defense program, with himself at its head. Now director of H.A.M.M.E.R., Osborn used his considerable resources and intelligence to further his own political agenda.

No fool, his first act was to try to neutralize his predecessor, Tony Stark. Next, he tried to gain access to all metahuman civilian identities gathered duringCivil War. When that didn't pan out, he resorted to restructuring the Avengers with members of the former-villains-turned hero superteam, the Thunderbolts, all in an ingeniously evil plan to give him almost unlimited power.

RELATED:Spider-Man: 5 of Norman Osborns Smartest Plans (& 5 That Were Destined To Fail)

Of all Lex Luthor's accomplishments, perhaps the greatest was becoming Presidentof the United States. His massive ego bruised by the sheer adulation Metropolis and the world gave Superman, Luthor decided to put his formidable intellect and resources to use and procure himself the presidency. Aside from winning the most powerful seat in world governance, Luthor had the foresight to leave LexCorp in the hands of Talia Al Ghul, a similarly intelligent and devious individual.

Once in office, Luthor coordinated the defense of the Earth during the Our Worlds at War storyline, including the risky but brilliant idea of siccing a mind-controlled Doomsday on Imperiex.

Having achieved a position of extensive power and influence by being appointed the new director of H.A.M.M.E.R., Osborn did not rest on his laurels. Instead, he called together several of the most powerful supervillains in the Marvel Universe together to form the Cabal, a dark mirror of the Illuminati and a secret group of heroes who got together to covertly discuss and enact unofficial policies in the superhero world. In this act, Osborn exhibited intelligent foresight, as now there would be nothing to stop him and his cadre of nefarious contemporaries from doing whatever they wished.

RELATED:The 10 Worst Things That Marvel's Illuminati Have Done

If Lex Luthor is Supermans greatest enemy, then a strong argument can be made for Brainiac being the second. A superior intellect that roams the universe amassing data on countless worlds and miniaturizing whole cities for cataloging and storage, Brainiacs digitized intelligence contains galactic repositories of knowledge, which he has used in schemes against Superman for decades.

In many continuities, Luthor has sought out Brainiac and merged with him, creating a completely new entity. This fusion of an already genius-level intellect with an inter-galactic database created an extremely deadly and ruthless adversary whose intelligence and cunning were second to none.

NEXT:5 Reasons Joker Would Beat Green Goblin In A Fight (& 5 Why Norman Osborn Would Win)

Tags:lex luthor,Norman Osborne

NextJoJo: The 10 Worst Things Giorno Ever Did, Ranked

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5 Reasons Why Lex Luthor Is Smarter Than The Green Goblin (And 5 Ways Norman Osborn Is Smarter) - CBR - Comic Book Resources

Live-cell pig skin successfully used to treat human burn wound – New Atlas

When someone has a severe burn, a protective covering needs to be temporarily grafted onto the wound site and as soon as possible. Although that covering typically consists of skin from a human cadaver, genetically-engineered live-cell pig skin has now been used on a patient for the first time.

Applied to second- and third-degree burns, sheets of human cadaveric skin also known as allografts initially help to protect wounds against infection and fluid loss, along with the potentially-lethal complications that could follow. Once the recipient has stabilized, the allograft is removed and a piece of the patient's own skin is permanently transplanted onto the wound, from another part of their body.

Unfortunately, though, allografts are often in short supply, plus they can be expensive. With that in mind, scientists at Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH) developed a genetically-modified line of pigs, back in the 1990s. Those animals lack a gene that is ordinarily present in pigs but not in humans, allowing skin grafts from the pigs to appear less "foreign" to a human patient's immune system.

The technology has since been commercialized by spinoff company XenoTherapeutics, in the form of live-cell tissue grafts known as Xeno-Skin. In a recent clinical trial, MGH surgeon Jeremy Goverman used one of those "xenografts" on a human recipient for the first time.

Measuring 5 by 5 cm (2 by 2 inches), the Xeno-Skin was applied to a burn alongside a larger conventional allograft. Both were secured in place using surgical staples and gauze bandages, and then removed five days later. At that point, the two coverings were found to be "indistinguishable from each other" in appearance, having performed equally well at protecting the underlying wound by temporarily adhering to it as the patient stabilized.

A skin graft from the recipient's own thigh was then permanently applied to the wound, with healing now progressing as anticipated. Importantly, the scientists detected no transmission of porcine endogenous retroviruses, the risk of which has previously limited the viability of transplanting live tissue or organs from pigs to humans.

"This small step we took today, represents a massive number of hours spanning decades of research in a multitude of fields including transplantation biology, immunology and genetic engineering," says Goverman. "Additionally, rapid advancements in gene-editing technology open a vast new avenue for genetically modifying pig skin that isnt rejected, representing the next chapter in standards of care for burn and transplant patients alike."

Sources: Massachusetts General Hospital, XenoTherapeutics

See the article here:

Live-cell pig skin successfully used to treat human burn wound - New Atlas

Three-day conference on biotechnology begins – The News International

Three-day conference on biotechnology begins

PESHAWAR: The first three-day international conference organised by the Department of Biotechnology, Abdul Wali Khan University Mardan (Awkum), began at Allama Iqbal Open University Islamabad on Wednesday.

According to a press release, the event is meant to discuss the recent advances in the field of biotechnology.

Dr Masoom Yasinzai, Rector, International Islamic University, was the chief guest, accompanied by Abdul Wali Khan University Mardan Vice-Chancellor Prof Dr Khurshid Khan.

Agriculture University Peshawar Vice-Chancellor Prof Dr Bakht Jahan, Dean of Life Sciences Prof Dr Sultan Ayaz, head of Botany Department Prof Dr Humayun, Prof Dr Raham Sher Khan, Associate Prof and HOD of Biotechnology Dr Ayaz Associate Professor Dr Nazifullah Khattak, Dr Amjad, Dr Mubarak Ali Khan, Dr Ziaul Islam and a number of students were present.

Dr Masoom Yasinzai spoke about the rapid development of the biotechnology and genetic engineering tools and how the research changed the trends not only in the agriculture and the economy but also the changes within the science itself.

We have to work hard to practically implement this technology and get revolutionary benefits, he added.

Dr Nazifullah Khattak, the chief organiser of the conference, said that the conference would present 213 research papers from 58 countries, both domestic and foreign.

In the end, Prof Dr Khurshid Khan said that the most encouraging results of the international conference would directly benefit the students, researchers, academicians and society. He also distributed shields of appreciation to the chief guest and others.

Declamation contest on child marriages held

A non-governmental organisation, Blue Veins, organised a declamation contest on child marriages at the Peshawar Press Club on Wednesday.

The programme coordinator, Qamar Naseem, District Education Officer Irshad, Fida Jan, Taimur Kamal and members from the civil society attended the function, besides students from various colleges.

Speaking on the occasion, Qamar Naseem said that underage marriages make life difficult for girls.

He said voice had been raised against child marriages on each forum and now it was likely to be banned after proper legislation.

Later, prizes and certificates were distributed among the first, second and third position-holders of the contest.


Three-day conference on biotechnology begins - The News International

Bitcoin Cash ABC, Litecoin and Ripple Daily Analysis 06/10/19 – Yahoo Finance

Bitcoin Cash ABC Sees Red Again

Bitcoin Cash ABC fell by 0.04% on Saturday. Following on from a 0.40% decline on Friday, Bitcoin Cash ABC ended the day at $221.64.

A bearish start to the day saw Bitcoin Cash ABC slide from an early morning high $221.73 to a mid-morning low $219.22.

Steering clear of the major support and resistance levels, Bitcoin Cash ABC recovered to $220 levels. A second sell-off saw Bitcoin Cash ABC fall to an early afternoon intraday low $219.03 before finding support.

Holding above the first major support level at $218.26, Bitcoin Cash ABC bounced back to a late intraday high $222.31.

A final hour pullback left Bitcoin Cash ABC back at $221 levels at the day end.

At the time of writing, Bitcoin Cash ABC was down by 0.80% to $219.87. Another bearish start to the day saw Bitcoin Cash ABC fall from an early morning high $222.09 to a low $219.87.

Falling short of the first major resistance level at $222.96, Bitcoin Cash ABC came within range of the first major support level at $219.68.

For the day ahead, a move back through to $221 levels would support another run at the first major resistance level at $222.96.

Bitcoin Cash ABC would need the support of the broader market, however, to break out from the morning high $222.09.

Barring a broad-based crypto rally, we would expect Bitcoin Cash ABC to fall short of the second major resistance level at $224.27.

Failure to move back through the $221 levels could see Bitcoin Cash ABC slide through the first major support level at $219.68.

Barring an extended sell-off through the day, however, we would expect Bitcoin Cash ABC to steer clear of sub-$218 support levels.

Litecoin rose by 0.69% on Saturday. Following on from a 0.12% gain on Friday, Litecoin ended the day at $56.85.

Tracking the broader market, Litecoin fell from an early morning high $56.81 to an early afternoon intraday low $55.68.

Holding above the first major support level at $55.33, Litecoin bounced back to an early afternoon intraday high $57.45.

The afternoon rally saw Litecoin come within range of the first major resistance level at $57.59 before easing back $55 levels.

Finding support late in the day, Litecoin moved back to $56 levels to end the day in the green.

At the time of writing, Litecoin was down by 1.99% at $55.72. A particularly bearish start to the day saw Litecoin slide from an early morning high $56.96 to a mid-morning low $55.50.

Falling short of the major resistance levels, Litecoin fell through the first major support level at $55.87.

For the day ahead, a move back through the first major support level to $56.70 levels would support a bullish move.

Litecoin would need the support of the broader market, however, to break back through the $57 levels.

Barring a broad-based crypto rebound, we would expect Litecoin to fall short of the first major resistance level at $57.64.

Failure to break back through the first major support level to $56.70 levels could see Litecoin fall deeper into the red.

A fall through the morning low $55.50 would bring the second major support level at $54.89 into play.

Barring a crypto meltdown, we would expect Litecoin to steer clear of sub-$54 support levels on the day.

Story continues

Ripples XRP rose by 0.36% on Saturday. Following on from a 2.27% rally on Friday, Ripples XRP ended the day at $0.25434.

A mixed start to the day saw Ripples XRP rise to an early morning high $0.25620 before falling to a late morning low $0.25151.

In spite of the choppy start, Ripples XRP left the major support and resistance levels untested through the morning.

In the 2nd half of the day, Ripples XRP rallied to a late afternoon intraday high $0.25771.

Falling short of the first major resistance level at $0.2592, Ripples XRP slid to a late intraday low $0.24552.

The pullback saw Ripples XRP fall through the first major support level at $0.2467 before recovering to $0.25 levels.

At the time of writing, Ripples XRP was down by 0.41% to $0.25329. A relatively choppy morning saw Ripples XRP fall to an early morning low $0.25161 before finding support.

Steering clear of the major support levels, Ripples XRP bounced back to a mid-morning high $0.25636.

In spite of the morning rally, Ripples XRP fell short of the first major resistance level at $0.2595 early on.

For the day ahead, Ripples XRP would need to steer clear of sub-$0.2530 levels to support an afternoon recovery.

A move back through to $0.2550 levels would bring the first major resistance level at $0.2595 into play.

Barring a broad-based crypto rally, however, Ripples XRP would likely fall short of $0.26 levels for a 4th consecutive day.

Failure to steer clear of sub-$0.2530 levels could see Ripples XRP struggle throughout the day. A fall through to $0.2510 levels would bring the first major support level at $0.2473 into play before any recovery.

Barring an extended sell-off through the day, Ripples XRP should steer clear of the second major support level at $0.2403.

Please let us know what you think in the comments below

Thanks, Bob

This article was originally posted on FX Empire

Originally posted here:

Bitcoin Cash ABC, Litecoin and Ripple Daily Analysis 06/10/19 - Yahoo Finance

Bitcoin, Ethereum, Ripples XRP, Litecoin, And EOS Suddenly Roar Back – Forbes

Bitcoin, along with other major cryptocurrencies ethereum, Ripple's XRP, litecoin, bitcoin cash, and EOS, have suddenly roared back after a sharp sell-off last week.

The bitcoin price has added almost 8% in the last 24-hour trading period to climb over $8,500 per bitcoin on the Luxembourg-based Bitstamp exchange, with rival blockchain platforms ethereum and EOS both jumping around 10% over the same period.

Bitcoin and cryptocurrency markets, including the likes of ethereum, litecoin, Ripple's XRP and EOS, have been swinging wildly over the last week, leaving traders and investors with whiplash.

Ripple's XRP, litecoin, and bitcoin cash meanwhile, all added around 8%, adding some $15 billion to the value of the world's combined cryptocurrencies in a matter of hours.

The reason for today's sudden market bounce-back were not immediately clear, though bitcoin industry giants coming together to rate different popular digital tokens may have boosted investor confidence.

"Investors will be pleased to see that October has started on a positive note with buyers coming to the market," Marcus Swanepoel, chief executive of London-based bitcoin and crypto exchange Luno, wrote in a note.

"There is a growing consensus that the recent loss in value was directly linked to the physical contracts being offered through Bakkt. As the cryptocurrency market develops, changes to structure or new products will always have the potential to upset the price, but this is all part of the growing process."

Last week, the bitcoin price plummeted, dragging down ethereum, Ripple's XRP, litecoin, and bitcoin cash, after a disappointing early trading session for the closely-watched Bakkt bitcoin futures platform.

Bitcoin and cryptocurrency watchers had hoped Bakkt's launch, a much-hyped platform that boasts software giant Microsoft and coffee chain Starbucks among its partners, would herald the next big leap higher for bitcoin.

Bakkt, owned by New York Stock Exchange parent company Intercontinental Exchange, allows traders and institutional investors to swap so-called "physically" settled bitcoin futures contracts, meaning traders and investors are not able to sell more bitcoin than they actually have.

The bitcoin price has added around $500 per bitcoin over the last few hours.

The bitcoin price has rallied hard so far this after a disastrous 2018, adding over 150% since January as some of the world's biggest technology companies eye bitcoin, cryptocurrencies, and blockchain.

Social media giant Facebook set the bitcoin and crypto industry alight earlier this year when it revealed plans for its own bitcoin-rival, libra.

Forbes Offer: Be among the first to get important crypto and blockchain news and information with Forbes Crypto Confidential. It's free, sign up now.

Read the rest here:

Bitcoin, Ethereum, Ripples XRP, Litecoin, And EOS Suddenly Roar Back - Forbes

Litecoin-Bitcoin Correlation Recovers Two Months After the Halving – BeInCrypto

Litecoin, the silver to Bitcoins gold, had recently gone through the block halving event, resulting in extreme price swings.

The cryptocurrency market, in general, is highly correlated, with most crypto assets following Bitcoins price movements. However, network-specific events like the block reward halving introduce individual price variation action.

If the block halving saw Litecoin deviate from the rest of the market, it looks like its correlation to Bitcoin is increasing once again.

For Litecoin, the halving took place in August when the block reward for miners dropped 25 to 12.5 LTC. Built into the code of Litecoin, Bitcoin, and other Proof-of-Work coins, the event creates forced scarcity in the market.

With less LTC to go around, and less being rewarded to miners, the value of each individual asset should increase. Investor interest in the coin peaked in the lead up to the event. If at the beginning of 2019, LTC was around $30, prices hit $150 in late June as investors speculated on the coming reduction of the supply emission.

However, rather than a further price spike, the market for LTC reversed, sending both its price and hashrate into a downward spiral, as BeInCrypto has previously reported. As data suggests, the halving speculation ride has sent BTC and LTC different ways, and the correlation between the two assets has decreased significantly.

Two months after the halving, most recent data points indicate that over the past week, the correlation between Bitcoin and Litecoin has picked up again, increasing from 0.7 to 0.93.

If the block reward halving has thrown the Litecoin network into a rollercoaster, it looks like it is starting to stabilize alongside hashrate and price.

Prices in the cryptocurrency space are susceptible to major milestones and events around individual networks. With the Bitcoin halving right around the corner, everyone will be closely monitoring how the price action develops, and whether altcoins like Litecoin will be able to follow the market leader.

What do you make of the increase in the correlation between the two assets? Did the Litecoin network stabilize, or is this only temporary? Share your thoughts in the comments!

Images are courtesy of Twitter, Shutterstock.

Original post:

Litecoin-Bitcoin Correlation Recovers Two Months After the Halving - BeInCrypto

Litecoin price analysis: LTC/USD bulls reclaim $56 support amid growing demand across the market – FXStreet

The cryptocurrency market is currently reviving the trend following minor corrections from what analysts regard as a fake. Litecoin is flexing its bullish muscles after failing to impress the investors over the last couple of days.

On Wednesday, Litecoin is up 1.61% after opening the session at $55.78. A bullish action touched highs around $56.74. At the time press, LTC/USD is trading at $56.66 while the bulls look forward to blasting through $60. Still pressing down on the price is the descending trendline resistance.

Although LTC is still trading below the simple moving averages, the double-cross of the 50 SMA on the hourly chart under the 100 SMA signals that the technical picture is improving gradually. Moreover, the relative strength index (RSI) is also above the oversold levels (70) and pointing upwards. In the event, a breakout above $60 fails to materialize and a reversal occurs, the recent support at $50 will come in handy.

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Litecoin price analysis: LTC/USD bulls reclaim $56 support amid growing demand across the market - FXStreet

Bitcoin Cash (BCH), Stellar (XLM) and Litecoin (LTC) Cryptocurrency Price Analysis and Prediction – The Merkle Hash

Cryptocurrency markets are resembling the stock market these days. Trading sideways all through last week and this weekend. Lets take a look at Bitcoin Cash, Stellar and LTC and see if their charts tell us whats to come ahead.Bitcoin Cash Price Analysis (BCH/USD)

The fifth-ranked cryptocurrency has today faced a mixed reaction that formed a sideways trend. Besides, the pairs price volatility was very low that stood the current price at $221.9, having escalated it from where it opened the session at $222.1. That showed a slight drop of 0.09% over the last24hrs.

The horizontal movement defined vital resistance and support level at $223.6 and $218.6. The consolidation phase between $223.6 and 218.6 may proceed until the market showcase a potential breakout either on the downside or upside.

However, the parabolic SAR is giving a sell signal, while the moving averages that are currently below the prices, signal an increase in bullish momentum. In addition, the RSI is heading north that suggests positive outcomes.

An upside correction above $223.6 may trigger strong Bull Run near $300.0. However, a downside rally below $218.6 could extend a bearish momentum near $200.0.

XLM/USD pair has lacked dominance, as reflected by the RSI indicator that hovered between the midpoints over the last 24hrs. The famous crypto began the session trading at $0.0593, unfortunately, is at the press time exchanging hand at $0.0593 that showed the indecisive mode in the market momentum.

The pairs price failed to break above $0.0595 but later found a strong support near $0.0578 level. Afterwards, both support and resistance level was tested severally. However, during the last few hours, a price recovery was seen as bullish engulfing candles pushed the price a bit higher. This shows high interest on the upper sides of the price.

Also, the short-term SMA has crossed above the long-term SMA, the parabolic SAR is below the candles, and the RSI is heading north. All these are positive signs of incoming robust bullish outbreak.

A break above $0.0578 could result to further upside rally near $0.0650. Therefore, investors should wait to take a long position in the short-term.

LTC/USD pair has expressed a bullish outlook, with an intraday gain of 2.5%. It escalated from $55.6232 to now trading at $56.9726. Besides, the ascending channel formed reflected the bullish performance with support level being held near $55.5718. The pairs price is currently struggling to breach above $57.2742 resistance level, so is for the bulls to up there game.

Looking at the technical, the short-term SMA has currently crossed above the long-term SMA that suggests unbeatable outlook. The RSI is above level 50 that also foreshadows a positive sign. Besides, the RSI also showed an increase in buyouts that indicates that buyers are dominating the momentum. Investors sentiments are thereby likely to increase since they are optimistic for better prices in the near term.

A long position should be taken, if the price manages to break above $57.000. New targets should be set near $60.000 and $61.000.

Cryptocurrency Charts By Tradingview

Disclaimer: This is not trading or investment advice. The above article is for entertainment and education purposes only. Please do your own research before purchasing or investing into any cryptocurrency or digital currency.

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Bitcoin Cash (BCH), Stellar (XLM) and Litecoin (LTC) Cryptocurrency Price Analysis and Prediction - The Merkle Hash

XRP, Litecoin in the green while crypto market struggles – Decrypt

XRP (XRP) and Litecoin (LTC) have seen modest returns of 1.5% and 1.8% in the last 24 hours, while the broader crypto markets is on the decline.

After XRP made a low of $0.24 yesterday, the cryptocurrency rallied to hit its current price of $0.25. Similarly, Litecoin's price increased somewhat, up to its current price of $57. Despite the recent rally, however, both XRP and Litecoin are down by more than 20% from their mid-September highs.

But the rest of the market isn't faring well. Over $3 billion was wiped off the industry's total market cap in the last day. Bitcoin has traded down by 1.4% on the dayagain failing to recover after a long bearish week. Also down by 1% today is Ethereum (ETH) and Binance Coin (BNB).

According to data from Coinpaprika, Bitcoin's dominanceits market cap in relation to the market cap for all other cryptocurrencies has dropped significantly from its highs of 70%. It is now at just 66.4%, taking up two-thirds of the entire market.

While Bitcoin might have a smaller share of the pie, the pie itself has grown. During its low in February 2019 the total market cap of all cryptocurrencies hovered around $110 billion. It's now sitting at nearly twice that amount.

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XRP, Litecoin in the green while crypto market struggles - Decrypt

Litecoin technical analysis: A catalyst will help speed up the falling wedge pattern breakout – FXStreet

Spot rate: $0.2488

Relative change: 0.001596

Percentage change: 0.65%

Open: $0.2474

High: $0.2500

Low: $2455

Trend: Bearish

Volatility: Shrinking

Litecoin lower high price pattern takes precedence with the upside limited by the descending trendline resistance.

The only hope to leave the crypt is to break out of the falling wedge pattern whose target is at $80.

Litecoin price consolidates above the major support in a range between $50 and $55.

The sellers are relatively in charge as signified by the increasing gap between the 50 simple moving average (SMA) and the 100 SMA.

LTC/USD 60 chart

In spite of the consolidation, Litecoin price is relatively trending upwards above the bullish trendline.

The price is above the SMAs show a bullish momentum in the short-term. However, no rapid movements towards $60 expected in the near-term.

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Litecoin technical analysis: A catalyst will help speed up the falling wedge pattern breakout - FXStreet

Crypto Market And Bitcoin In Correcting Increase: BCH, Litecoin, EOS, XLM Analysis – newsBTC

The crypto market cap and bitcoin are currently correcting higher. Ethereum (ETH), LTC, ripple, bitcoin cash, EOS, TRX, and stellar are recovering nicely.

After consolidating above the $210 level, BCH price started a decent upside correction against the US Dollar. The BCH/USD pair broke the $225 and $230 resistance levels. The price is now up more than 6% and it is currently trading near the $233 level.

If there is an upside break above $235, the price could continue to rise towards the $250 resistance. On the downside, the previous support near the $220 level might provide support.

Litecoin price found support above the $50.00 level and it recently climbed above the $55.00 resistance area. LTC price is now trading above $57.00 and it may soon test the $60.00 resistance area in the coming sessions. On the downside, the $55.00 level may now act as a support.

EOS price performed really well and it broke the $2.850 and $3.000 resistance levels. The price is up more than 10% and it is trading near the $3.050 level. If there are more upsides, the price could test the $3.200 resistance level in the coming sessions.

Stellar price started a decent upside correction after it broke the $0.0585 resistance level. XLM price even broke the $0.0600 resistance and it is currently testing the $0.0620 resistance level. If there are more upsides, the price might test the $0.0650 resistance area.

Looking at the total cryptocurrency market cap 4-hours chart, the $200.0B support area is acting as a strong barrier for sellers. The market cap is currently correcting higher and it recently broke the $210.0B and $215.0B resistance levels. Moreover, there was a break above a connecting bearish trend line with resistance near $212.0B level. It seems like there could be more upsides towards the $220.0B and $225.0B resistances in the coming sessions. Therefore, there are chances of more upsides in bitcoin, Ethereum, EOS, litecoin, ripple, XLM, BCH, ADA, BNB, TRX, ICX, and other altcoins. Only a close below the $200.0B level might negate the current bullish move.


Crypto Market And Bitcoin In Correcting Increase: BCH, Litecoin, EOS, XLM Analysis - newsBTC

Litecoin Records 15% Dip in the Last One Month Trading at $56 Now – CryptoNewsZ

The current market performance of LTC token may seem to be sluggish, but LTC has recorded some good surging moments in this year. There was a time when LTC was trading at $143 and it may cross this value again by early next year. Litecoin continues to be in the limelight for its profitable nature and may cross $100 mark very soon.

Litecoin records 15% dip in the last one month slumping from $67.40 to its current value at $56.70 as on October 4, 2019, at 07:59:46 UTC. The coin first moved from $67.40 to as high as $79.87 in the initial few weeks of the month, but then it started the downward ride and slumped up to $51.34 towards the end of last month. LTC has recovered somewhat since then, but may not be able to cross $60 in the next 7 days.

As for this week, LTC can be expected to move between $55 and $70 for the next few days. This is a good time to plan long-term investments in the LTC token, which may benefit in the coming months.

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Litecoin Records 15% Dip in the Last One Month Trading at $56 Now - CryptoNewsZ

Litecoin Price Changed by -0.63 percent – ICO Brothers

As at 2019-10-05 average Litecoin price is 56.86279574 USD, 0.00698015 BTC, 0.32311539 ETH.

In this regard, 24 hour trading volume is 1625071470.63910000 USD or 199484.43403395 BTC. At the same time Litecoin market capitalization is 3605284177 USD or $442563 BTC.

Its noteworthy that is issued into circulation Litecoin.

Litecoin LTC/EUR on Kraken exchange is 56.66. The trading volume on Kraken is 383649.00.

At the same time Litecoin LTC/USD on Bitfinex exchange is 56.70. The trading volume on Bitfinex is 1848597.00.

Litecoin LTC/BTC on KuCoin exchange is 56.49. The trading volume on KuCoin is 260041.00.

Litecoin LTC/BTC on Bittrex exchange is 56.45. The trading volume on Bittrex is 139838.00.

Litecoin LTC/BTC on Poloniex exchange is 56.55. The trading volume on Poloniex is 196494.00.

Litecoin average change within 24 hour is -0.63 against USD, 0.1 against BTC, 0.74 against ETH. Weekly report: 2.11 against USD, 2.89 against BTC, 1.31 against ETH. Monthly report: -12.4 against USD, 13.58 against BTC, -14.16 against ETH.

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Litecoin Price Changed by -0.63 percent - ICO Brothers

Litecoin Price Changed by 1.83 percent – ICO Brothers

As at 2019-10-04 average Litecoin price is 57.22508521 USD, 0.00697321 BTC, 0.32074174 ETH.

Litecoin LTC/EUR on Kraken exchange is 57.16. The trading volume on Kraken is 391790.00.

At the same time Litecoin LTC/USD on Bitfinex exchange is 57.15. The trading volume on Bitfinex is 2628332.00.

Litecoin LTC/BTC on KuCoin exchange is 56.94. The trading volume on KuCoin is 197090.00.

Litecoin LTC/BTC on Bittrex exchange is 56.86. The trading volume on Bittrex is 287966.00.

Litecoin LTC/BTC on Poloniex exchange is 56.95. The trading volume on Poloniex is 595844.00.

Its noteworthy that is issued into circulation Litecoin.

Litecoin average change within 24 hour is 1.83 against USD, 1.48 against BTC, -0.96 against ETH. Weekly report: 3.14 against USD, 1.82 against BTC, -0.87 against ETH. Monthly report: -15.59 against USD, 9.56 against BTC, -16.41 against ETH.

In this regard, 24 hour trading volume is 1974319181.46510000 USD or 240582.29374167 BTC. At the same time Litecoin market capitalization is 3627836752 USD or $442073 BTC.

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Litecoin Price Changed by 1.83 percent - ICO Brothers

Litecoin Creator Agrees with Greg Maxwell’s Take on Bitcoin’s Susceptibility to 51 Percent Attack – U.Today

In his recent tweet, which addresses a Reddit postby Bitcoin Core developer Greg Maxwell, Charlie Lee claims that one cannot fix the 51 percentflaw without making the Bitcoin network more centralized. According to the Litecoin creator,this is essential to understand for those who want to understand the O.G. cryptocurrency and the concept of decentralization.

The OP who started a heated discussion asks whether it is possible to make the Bitcoin network less vulnerable by rewriting the software to cap a miner's percentage of the hash rate.In his lengthy comment, Maxwell explains why it's impossible to eliminate the possibility of a 51 percent attack without turning Bitcoin into a centralized system like Ripple, EOS, or IOTA. Using computing power to vote (instead of relying on a centralized party) makes it possible to achieve decentralization.

A decentralized system like Bitcoin uses a public election. But you can't just have a vote of 'people' in a decentralized system because that would require a centralized party to authorize people to vote. Instead, Bitcoin uses a vote of computing power because it's possible to verify computing power without the help of any centralized third party.

As reported by U.Today, Binance CEO Changpeng Zhao suggested reorganizing the Bitcoin Blockchain after a $40mln hack in May, but he quickly backpedaled on his plan after facing relentless criticism from the crypto community.

Nearly 70 percent of the hash rate is controlled by China. Considering that its authoritarian government has already banned Bitcoin, this concentration of power raises many questions about the future of Bitcoin.

However, according to Maxwell, a hypothetical attack on the Bitcoin Blockchain by a group super-powerful miners is not the biggest problem faced by the top cryptocurrency. He states that it would be far riskier if the coin's users never cared to protect its decentralization properties.

A far bigger risk to Bitcoin is that the public using it won't understand, won't care, and won't protect the decentralization properties that make it valuable over centralized alternatives in the first place.

Meanwhile, Bitcoin's hashrate continues to print new highs, thus making the network more robust.

Numerous cryptocurrency projects have tried to solve the so-called "ScalabilityTrilemma" to no avail. IOTA has moved there a tad further by managing with the Coordicide upgrade, but it's not clear when exactly it will implement this solution and completely get rid of the centralized Coordinator.

What's your take on the hypothetical51 percent attack? Feel free to leave your comment!

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Litecoin Creator Agrees with Greg Maxwell's Take on Bitcoin's Susceptibility to 51 Percent Attack - U.Today

Local King of Blues Ronnie Peterson dies aged 62 – The Jerusalem Post

Blues musicians Ronnie Peterson (right) and Lazer Lloyd. (photo credit: CHAIM RAVYA)

Ronnie Petersons sudden death, at the age of 62, has left the Israeli rock and blues community stunned.

The guitarist-vocalist and producer strutted stages across the country for over 30 years, playing with a very varied cross-section of Israeli artists in the pop, Mizrahi, rock and blues sectors.

He worked his way through the ranks in New York, and at one stage managed a jazz and blues club there. Many years ago he told me how hed had an altercation with legendary jazz trumpeter Chet Baker over the latters substance abuse.

By the mid-Eighties Peterson was well established on the blues and rock scene in the Big Apple and, in 1987, he came to the notice of Israeli rock megastar Shalom Hanoch who asked him over here, along with Petersons bass playing brother Ray and the siblings joined Hanochs Rak Ben Adam tour. That was a life changer for Peterson who soon made Tel Aviv his home, and he went on to perform and record with Hanoch from them on.

Local artists quickly got wind that someone from over there was in town, and a whole slew of Israeli pop-rock stars including Rita, Yizhar Ashdot and Dafna Armoni were quick to cash in on Petersons rock- blues pedigree. For over three decades Peterson kept busy creating his own projects he put out five albums under his own name and working with a glittering roll call of Israeli rock and pop pantheon members, such as Meir Ariel, Yuval Banai and Rami Kleinstein.

But the blues were always dearest to Petersons heart and he was one of the leading lights on the scene here. While the likes of Hanoch and Dani Litani certainly have the blues in their musical system, Peterson did the business where it really mattered, in the States.

Peterson brought more than a whiff of the real American blues deal when he came here he officially made aliyah in 1991 he also brought over some of his musical brothers in arms so local audiences could see and hear them work their thoroughbred magic firsthand. Harmonica player-vocalist Tad Robinson did the rounds of the country alongside Peterson as did Chicagoan guitarist-vocalist Dave Specter. Petersons crowning moment was when he shared the ICC stage in Jerusalem with iconic bluesman BB King. When I interviewed Peterson at his Tel Aviv apartment, quite a few years ago now, there was a large monochrome print of the two of them on his living room wall. Man, that was such a thrill, he told me at the time.

Typically, Peterson worked right until his last moment on Earth. On Sunday he was busy with rehearsals for a show to mark the fiftieth anniversary of the Woodstock pop festival when he felt ill. He soldiered on for a while, despite the advice of singer Mei Finegold who was due to perform with him in the show.

Eventually he went home and died in his sleep.

Peterson once said that everyone is happy to have his CDs but, in a virtual, online musical-listening world, no one wants to pay for them. Anyone who caught the man doing his thing live knew he was real deal.

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Local King of Blues Ronnie Peterson dies aged 62 - The Jerusalem Post

Impeachment push puts centrist Peterson in the spotlight – Insurance News Net

WASHINGTON Judy Flicker led a small group of activists from the western Minnesota town of Morris last week to deliver a message that U.S. Rep. Collin Peterson should support the impeachment of President Donald Trump.

There has to be a point where we cant let the president continue to do things that are wrong with impunity, said Flicker, a retired early childhood educator.

The reply from a member of Petersons staff in Willmar, she said, was that the congressman was being careful with his public statements. Its frustrating, Flicker said of Peterson, one of a handful of centrist Democrats in Congress to withhold support for the impeachment push now rocking the Trump administration. Still, Flicker said she understands Petersons precarious spot in a constitutional and political showdown that could cast a long shadow up and down ballots in 2020 all over the nation.

Petersons survival next year depends on holding a House district that supported Trump by huge numbers in 2016. By the end of last week, he was one of just 13 House Democrats publicly against an impeachment inquiry that has been picking up momentum. Eleven are, like Peterson, from districts Trump carried.

With Trump under fire for allegedly trying to induce the Ukrainian government to dig up dirt against former Vice President Joe Biden, one of the leading Democratic challengers, Peterson has not defended the presidents actions. But he has called the impeachment process futile, unnecessarily divisive and a bad use of Congress time.

How that plays in a rural conservative district will say a lot about whether Democrats can retain any foothold in less populated parts of the country, where Trump remains popular.

Western Minnesotas Seventh Congressional District backed Trump over Hillary Clinton by 31 points in the last presidential election. No House Democrat nationwide represents a district with a wider Trump margin. It was the Republicans biggest percentage of all eight Minnesota districts, higher even than in Rep. Tom Emmers Sixth District.

Petersons winning margins have shrunk the last few elections: from 26% in 2012 to 4% last year.

Former Lt. Gov. Michelle Fischbach, a Republican vying to challenge Peterson next year, calls Petersons anti-impeachment stance political expedience.

He still voted for Nancy Pelosi for Speaker. And that empowers her to pursue this baseless and futile impeachment, said Fischbach, whos been lining up establishment Republican backing.

The political jockeying intensified Friday when Democrats voted unanimously to table a GOP resolution disapproving of Pelosis impeachment inquiry. Though it was a procedural vote that wouldnt have ended the inquiry, Fischbach characterized it as sign of Petersons support for impeachment. Her campaign attacked him in a news release, though all the anti-impeachment Democrats had opposed the GOP gambit.

Fischbachs move underscored how next years race could test the GOPs theory that an impeachment drive will rally Trumps base. Petersons deeply red district offers a prime spot to harness that energy, if it materializes.

New revelations in a White House whistleblower complaint released at the end of last week all but ensure a politically fraught impeachment debate will tumble into 2020. Trumps re-election campaign is already directing resources into Minnesota aimed at driving up the vote in Republican-leaning areas next year. Petersons main bulwark: Hes a leading player on federal agriculture policy, with one of the most conservative voting records of all Democrats in Washington.

Adding to the uncertainty, Peterson has yet to commit to another re-election bid. He has said previously that he wont publicly reveal his 2020 plans until January. He declined an interview request for this story, relying instead on a public statement opposing impeachment.

If anyone thinks a partisan impeachment process would constrain President Trump, they are fooling themselves, his statement read. He predicted a failed process that will end up even further dividing our country and weakening our ability to act together on issues.

Longtime allies still expect Peterson, 75, to make a bid for a 16th term. The Democratic takeover of the House this year restored Peterson to the chairmanship of the House Agriculture Committee, which he previously led from 2007 to 2010.

Hes certainly a champion for agriculture, said Kevin Paap, president of the Minnesota Farm Bureau. The more conservative of Minnesotas two major farmer interest groups, the bureau is a longtime Peterson backer.

Peterson was a founding member of the Blue Dog Coalition, a group of moderate-to-conservative House Democrats that has dwindled as the Democratic base shifts more squarely to cities and suburbs. He is opposed to legal abortion and gun control, and often votes with Republicans on a wide range of issues.

Back in 1998, Peterson voted in favor of an impeachment inquiry against President Bill Clinton. He was one of 31 Democrats to do so. But he later voted against actually impeaching Clinton. The House, then controlled by Republicans, did impeach Clinton, but the vote to remove him from office fell short in the Senate.

In an interview in June, Peterson said his success in a strong Trump district had improved his standing with fellow House Democrats. While he differs with his party on many issues, he said he had a good working relationship with Pelosi, who understands the politics of his district. Peterson also explained his ready reply to DFLers from his district unsettled by his conservative bent. Im the best youre going to get.

Progressives in the Seventh District have absorbed that message, even if they dont like it.

I voted for him in the last election, but its only ever because hes against more awful people, said PZ Meyers, a professor of biology at the University of Minnesota-Morris who blogs about science and public policy. Meyers said he thinks there are risks for Peterson if hes too dismissive of allegations from the White House whistleblower.

I do think theres going to be tremendously strong Democratic turnout in the next election, Meyers said. It may not turn Stevens County red, but I think if he wants that turnout to benefit him he should be a little more progressive than hes been.

In 2016 and 2018, Peterson beat Republican Dave Hughes, a retired Air Force pilot who served in Iraq. Hughes is running a third time.

Fischbach, who served two decades in the state Senate and has close ties to the states movement opposing abortion rights, will fight Hughes for the Republican endorsement. D.C. Republicans have signaled a preference for Fischbach, who was urged to run by Emmer, the current chairman of the National Republican Campaign Committee.

Fischbachs position on impeachment is unambiguous, and she plans to run on it: Its time to be done, she said.

Meanwhile Flicker, who co-founded the Morris chapter of the anti-Trump group Indivisible, said Democrats in Petersons district know he walks a fine line.

Patrick Condon 202-662-7452


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Impeachment push puts centrist Peterson in the spotlight - Insurance News Net