Regenerative medicine in developing countries – Global Health Academy conference – Video

Regenerative medicine in developing countries - Global Health Academy conference
The University #39;s Global Health Academy has hosted an expert discussion on some of the world #39;s biggest health challenges. Entitled #39;Global Health Interventions: Do we really have the evidence? #39; the day-long conference brought together academics and medical practitioners from the UK and abroad. Professor Sir Ian Wilmut is Chairman of the Scottish Centre for Regenerative Medicine at the University of Edinburgh and is renowned for his work in genetics. His talk concerned whether often expensive gene therapy and regenerative medicine is suitable for wide-scale use.From:EdinburghUniversityViews:1 0ratingsTime:04:06More inEducation

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Regenerative medicine in developing countries - Global Health Academy conference - Video

MissionIR News – Cardium Therapeutics Wins IP Protection for Cardiovascular Gene Therapy

Favorable patent decision involves rights to key methods for the application of cardiovascular gene therapy to the treatment of coronary heart disease

Atlanta, Georgia (PRWEB) November 20, 2012

In the companys news yesterday,

Cardium Therapeutics announced it was on the winning side of a patent decision made in Europe. This decision resolved a long-standing competition between Cardium and its licensor the University of California, and Boston Scientific (NYSE: BSX) and its licensor Arch Development, over rights to key methods for the application of cardiovascular gene therapy to the treatment of coronary heart disease. Cardiums Generx gene therapy candidate, which employs these key methods, is currently in late-stage clinical studies.

Cardiums patent portfolio now includes allowed and issued patents covering its gene therapy approach both in Europe and in the United States, with competing patent applications licensed and pursued by Boston Scientific having been successfully overcome in both Europe and the U.S.

The competing patent applications licensed by Boston Scientific Corporation had been the subject of opposition proceedings in Europe and interference proceedings in the United States, both of which were ultimately resolved in Cardiums favor. After further examining Cardiums case, the European Patent Office approved Cardiums patent application for grant in Europe. Three corresponding U.S. Patents that had been challenged by Boston Scientific Corporation have been affirmed in the favor of Cardium.

Cardium has additional patents and patent applications involving its methods of cardiovascular gene therapy in the U.S., Europe, Russia, and in other parts of the world, and the company recently filed new patent applications involving certain improved techniques for the treatment of heart disease that are currently the subject of a Phase 3 registration trial based in Moscow, which is designed to generate additional safety and effectiveness data for the Russian Federation and other jurisdictions. Generx (alferminogene tadenovec) is intended to stimulate the growth of collateral blood vessels to effectively bypass coronary artery atherosclerotic blockages without the need for surgical procedures or angioplasty and stents. Its safety and effectiveness have been the subject of clinical studies involving more than 650 patients in the U.S., Europe, and elsewhere. Generx has been assigned the trade name Cardionovo for planned commercialization in the Russian Federation. Cardium believes that its Generx clinical database represents the largest and most complete gene therapy dossier and is directed to a major medical indication that is a leading cause of death throughout the developed world.

The resolution of these important reviews of our gene therapy patents, and the consistent decisions in our favor including rulings by the U.S. courts of appeal, underscore the value of our patent portfolio, which we believe reflects a breakthrough approach to the treatment of coronary heart disease, stated Dr. Tyler M. Dylan-Hyde, Chief Business Officer and General Counsel of Cardium Therapeutics.

Recently-published findings demonstrate that Cardiums innovative technique employing transient cardiac ischemia can be used to dramatically enhance gene delivery and transfection efficiency after one-time intracoronary administration of adenovector in mammalian hearts. Two consecutive but brief periods of coronary artery occlusion combined with co-administration of nitroglycerin increased both adenovector presence (measured by PCR) and transgene expression (assessed by luciferase activity) by over two orders of magnitude (>100 fold) in the heart, as compared to prior intracoronary artery delivery methods.

The research results published in Human Gene Therapy Methods extend those findings and demonstrate that Cardiums new technique for adenovector gene delivery in the heart can be used to dramatically boost adenovector delivery. By enhancing uptake even in patients with less severe forms of disease and ischemia, it would be expected to reduce response variability and allow for the potential treatment of patients with a broader range of associated coronary artery disease. The new treatment protocols for Cardiums recently-initiated ASPIRE clinical study have been developed to use this improved knowledge about induced transient ischemia techniques to enhance the non-surgical, catheter-based delivery of Generx to the heart.

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MissionIR News - Cardium Therapeutics Wins IP Protection for Cardiovascular Gene Therapy

CGD Society – Gene Therapy film – Prof. Adrian Thrasher – Video

CGD Society - Gene Therapy film - Prof. Adrian Thrasher
In this film, Prof. Adrain Thrasher of the UCL Institute of Child Health, England, talks about the progress that has been made with gene therapy over recent years. He explains that while gene therapy is not currently a long-term alternative to bone marrow transplantation for patients with CGD, it is an option for those who are seriously ill.From:CGDSocietyViews:0 0ratingsTime:04:47More inNonprofits Activism

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CGD Society - Gene Therapy film - Prof. Adrian Thrasher - Video

AGTC Secures $37.5M Series B Funding


Applied Genetic Technologies Corporation, (AGTC), a privately-held, clinical stage biotechnology company developing gene therapy products to treat rare retinal diseases, announced today that it has secured $37.5 million in a Series B round of financing.

Alta Partners and S.R. One, Limited led the financing, with new investor Osage University Partners joining existing investors InterWest, Intersouth Partners and MedImmune Ventures in the round. The funding will allow AGTC to continue development of its Phase 2 program in Alpha-1 Antitrypsin Deficiency (Alpha-1) and initiate full development of potential treatments for two orphan ophthalmology indications, Achromatopsia (ACHM) and X-Linked Rentinoschisis (XLRS).

"We are strong believers in the business model of developing treatments for genetic disorders," said Ed Hurwitz, General Partner of Alta Partners. "Based on encouraging clinical results from AGTC and others, we concluded that a large set of genetically defined diseases could be cured using AGTCs proprietary vectors and manufacturing technologies. The Series B financing is designed to move several of AGTCs programs through proof of concept as well as to allow the company to leverage its manufacturing and development infrastructure with partners to accelerate a broad portfolio of curative products.

ACHM is an inherited genetic condition that presents at birth with impaired visual acuity. Most patients are legally blind, lacking color discrimination and experiencing extreme light sensitivity, resulting in daytime blindness. ACHM is caused by mutations in a group of genes which make the cone cells concentrated in the central retina non-functional. There is no treatment for Achromatopsia, although deep red tinted spectacles or contact lenses can reduce symptoms of light sensitivity. Approximately 22,000 patients in the US and Europe suffer from this disease.

AGTCs potential treatment uses an adeno-associated virus (AAV), a safe, man-made virus that delivers healthy copies of the ACHM gene to the cells of the retina, replacing the defective copies of the gene. A single treatment is expected to halt the disease for several years, perhaps a lifetime. The AAV delivery system is successfully being used in clinical trials of Leber congenital amaurosis gene therapy that have restored vision in more than 50 adults and children who were virtually blind. Previous research has shown promising signs of efficacy in dog models of ACHM.

XLRS, an inherited genetic condition, is a leading cause of juvenile macular degeneration in males. It is caused by mutations in the RS1 gene, which results in the layers of the central retina splitting. Patients typically begin to experience progressive vision loss between the ages of 5 and 10. Other early symptoms include the inability to focus both eyes and roving, involuntary eye movements. No treatment for XLRS is currently available. Approximately 35,000 patients in the US and Europe suffer from this disease. Previous research has shown promising signs of efficacy in rodent models of XLRS.

About AGTC

AGTC is focused on the research and development of novel therapeutics for patients with unmet medical needs utilizing AGTCs proprietary, non-pathogenic adeno-associated virus (AAV) delivery system. AGTC has demonstrated that this system can be used to deliver a normal form of a gene in both animals and humans thus allowing their own body to produce sustained therapeutic levels of important biologics. The Companys most advanced programs in development are treatments for Alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency (Alpha-1) a disease causing a progressive loss of lung function, and Lebers Congenital Amaurosis, an inherited condition causing early blindness. Both utilize AGTCs proprietary AAV system and production methods.

About Alta Partners

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AGTC Secures $37.5M Series B Funding

Cardium Announces Patent Award For Rights To Cardiovascular Gene Therapy For The Treatment Of Heart Disease

SAN DIEGO, Nov. 19, 2012 /PRNewswire/ -- Cardium Therapeutics (NYSE MKT: CXM) today announced a winning patent decision in Europe and successful resolution of a long-standing competition between Cardium and its licensor the University of California, and Boston Scientific Corporation (BSX) and its licensor Arch Development, over rights to key methods for the application of cardiovascular gene therapy to the treatment of coronary heart disease, as is employed in Cardium's Generx gene therapy candidate currently in late-stage clinical studies. Following a decision by the European Patent Office, Cardium's patent portfolio now includes allowed and issued patents covering its gene therapy approach both in Europe and in the United States, with competing patent applications licensed and pursued by Boston Scientific having been successfully overcome in both Europe and the U.S.


The competing patent applications licensed by Boston Scientific Corporation had been filed by Dr. Jeffrey Leiden et al., currently President & CEO of Vertex Pharmaceuticals, and had been the subject of opposition proceedings in Europe and interference proceedings in the United States, both of which were ultimately resolved in favor of Cardium. Following resolution of the opposition proceedings and further examination of Cardium's case, the European Patent Office has now approved Cardium's patent application for grant in Europe. Three corresponding U.S. Patents that had been challenged by Boston Scientific Corporation (in decisions that were appealed to the United States Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit), have been affirmed in Cardium's favor.

Cardium has additional patents and patent applications directed to its methods of cardiovascular gene therapy in the U.S., Europe, Russia and elsewhere, and the company recently filed new patent applications directed to certain improved techniques for the treatment of heart disease that are currently the subject of a Phase 3 registration trial based in Moscow, which is designed to generate additional safety and effectiveness data for the Russian Federation and other jurisdictions. Generx (alferminogene tadenovec) is intended to stimulate the growth of collateral blood vessels to effectively bypass coronary artery atherosclerotic blockages without the need for surgical procedures or angioplasty and stents; and its safety and effectiveness have been the subject of clinical studies involving more than 650 patients in the U.S., Europe and elsewhere. Generx has been assigned the trade name Cardionovo for planned commercialization in the Russian Federation. Cardium believes that its Generx clinical database represents the largest and most complete gene therapy dossier and is directed to a major medical indication that is a leading cause of death throughout the developed world.

"The resolution of these important reviews of our gene therapy patents, and the consistent decisions in our favor including rulings by the U.S. courts of appeal, underscore the value of our patent portfolio, which we believe reflects a breakthrough approach to the treatment of coronary heart disease," said Dr.TylerM.Dylan-Hyde, Chief Business Officer and General Counsel of Cardium Therapeutics.

Recently-published findings demonstrate that Cardium's innovative technique employing transient cardiac ischemia can be used to dramatically enhance gene delivery and transfection efficiency after one-time intracoronary administration of adenovector in mammalian hearts. Two consecutive but brief periods of coronary artery occlusion combined with co-administration of nitroglycerin increased both adenovector presence (measured by PCR) and transgene expression (assessed by luciferase activity) by over two orders of magnitude (>100 fold) in the heart, as compared to prior intracoronary artery delivery methods.

The research results published in Human Gene Therapy Methods extend those findings and demonstrate that Cardium's new technique for adenovector gene delivery in the heart can be used to dramatically boost adenovector delivery. By enhancing uptake even in patients with less severe forms of disease and ischemia, it would be expected to reduce response variability and allow for the potential treatment of patients with a broader range of associated coronary artery disease. The new treatment protocols for Cardium's recently-initiated ASPIRE clinical study have been developed to use this improved knowledge about induced transient ischemia techniques to enhance the non-surgical, catheter-based delivery of Generx to the heart.

Cardium has also been actively advancing its Generx product candidate's engineering and process technology in preparation for commercialization. The Company successfully transferred a refined, improved and fully-validated manufacturing process to SAFC, the custom manufacturing and services business unit of Sigma-Aldrich Corporation (SIAL), a top global specialty chemicals and biologics supplier, located in Carlsbad, California. As a result of the rigorous technical transfer process, important process improvements were achieved enabling much higher manufacturing process yields. Generx's long-term product stability has been established at a minimum of six years making it possible to manufacture product in large, cost effective batch sizes. The dose preparation process for Generx has been simplified through the integration of a fully-validated, closed-system drug transfer process incorporating the use of PhaSeal System passive safety technology to streamline and simplify the cath-lab preparation and eliminating the need to prepare Generx in a sterile, biological safety hood. The Company has also developed a new and unique, fully-validated bio-activity release assay to measure and evaluate the pro-angiogenic potency of each newly manufactured batch of Generx.

The European Commission's recent approval of uniQure's Glybera (alipogene tiparvovec) the first gene therapy approval by a major health regulatory authority is considered to represent a significant milestone and validation for the gene therapy industry.

About Generx and the ASPIRE Study

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Cardium Announces Patent Award For Rights To Cardiovascular Gene Therapy For The Treatment Of Heart Disease

Gene breakthrough after sad setback

The vector in that study triggered a fatal immune system overreaction. The fallout set off years of government investigations and efforts to improve human-subject protections.

"That tragic event forced me to reevaluate where we were and where the field was," Wilson said. "For this field to succeed, we had to go back to basics. I do believe this is a positive legacy to that."

Wilson publicly apologized and accepted responsibility for the death - almost a decade later.

While his remorse has been dismissed by critics such as Gelsinger's father, Paul, there is no doubt his research has dramatically advanced the science.

Since 2000, he and his team have overcome some of the biggest technological obstacles to harnessing altered viruses to infect cells with helpful, rather than harmful, DNA. They discovered 120 new adeno-associated viruses (AAV) in monkeys and humans - only six were previously known - and created an array of gene transporters. Through animal testing, they identified vectors with an affinity for certain tissues, enabling gene therapy to target organs such as the liver, eyes, and muscle.

Penn Vector Core, a university facililty that Wilson oversees, now provides viral and non-viral vectors - at cost - to academic researchers around the world. Through an affiliated company founded by Penn, ReGenX, biotech corporations can also access novel AAV vectors.

If companies that use Penn's technology make money with the resulting therapy, Penn - and in some cases, Wilson - stands to profit.

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Gene breakthrough after sad setback

Hemophilia – Jeri Freedman – Video

Hemophilia - Jeri Freedman Hemophilia - Jeri Freedman Cutting-edge scientific breakthroughs in treating hemophilia, including gene therapy and recombinant DNA technology, are described. Symptoms of the disease are also detailed, providing a clear picture of what it is like to live with this ?royal disease.?Author: Freedman, Jeri Publisher: Rosen Young Adult Illustration: N Language: ENG Title: Hemophilia Pages: 00064 (Encrypted PDF) On Sale: 2007-01-01 SKU-13/ISBN: 9781404206984 Category: Juvenile Nonfiction : General Cutting-edge scientific breakthroughs in treating hemophilia, including gene therapy and recombinant DNA technology, are described. Symptoms of the disease are also detailed, providing a clear pictur jeri freedman, juvenile nonfiction, generalFrom:lamarsmith9854Views:0 0ratingsTime:00:11More inPeople Blogs

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Hemophilia - Jeri Freedman - Video

Textbook Of Hemophilia – Video

Textbook Of Hemophilia Textbook Of Hemophilia The only up-to-date definitive reference source on hemophiliaThis book is an invaluable resource that provides an overview of all aspects of the care of patients with haemophilia. Covering how to assess both bleeding children and adults, Haemophilia A and B, molecular basis of the disease, the role of factors in coagulation, epidemiology, pharmacokinetics, and treatment of inhibitors. There will also be a section on musculoskeletal aspects of haemophilia as well as newer developments such as gene therapy and rare bleeding disorders.Textbook of Hemophilia is ideal for:Trainees and residents in hematology Hematologists in practice Specialists working in thrombosis and hemostasis as well as transfusion medicineWhy Buy This Book?The only up-to-date definitive reference source on hemophiliaEssential for all those managing hemophilia patients Detailed guidance on assessment, diagnosis, management and treatment Advice for everyday clinical questions Edited by three of the world #39;s leading experts on hemophilia Publisher: Wiley-Blackwell Illustration: N Language: ENG Title: Textbook of Hemophilia Pages: 00400 (Encrypted PDF) On Sale: 2008-07-15 SKU-13/ISBN: 9781405127691 Category: Medical : Hematology The only up-to-date definitive reference source on hemophiliaThis book is an invaluable resource that provides an overview of all aspects of the care of patients with haemophilia.From:dorethalopez5478Views:0 0ratingsTime:00:12More inPeople Blogs

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Textbook Of Hemophilia - Video

UCLA Researchers Seek New Treatments for "Bubble Boy" Disease – Video

UCLA Researchers Seek New Treatments for "Bubble Boy" Disease
In this KCAL 9 News segment, Dr. Donald Kohn talks about how UCLA scientists are utilizing gene therapy to help children with so called "bubble boy" disease, or SCID (Severe Combined Immunodeficiency Disease). This breakthrough research could have a huge impact on future therapies and treatments.From:UCLAJCCCViews:5 0ratingsTime:01:52More inScience Technology

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UCLA Researchers Seek New Treatments for "Bubble Boy" Disease - Video

Essentials Of Genomic And Personalized Medicine – Video

Essentials Of Genomic And Personalized Medicine Essentials Of Genomic And Personalized Medicine Derived from the comprehensive two-volume set, Genomic and Personalized Medicine also edited by Drs. Willard and Ginsburg, this work serves the needs of the evolving population of scientists, researchers, practitioners and students that are embracing one of the most promising avenues for advances in diagnosis, prevention and treatment of human disease. From principles, methodology and translational approaches to genome discoveries and clinical applications, Essentials ofGenomic and Personalized Medicine will be a valuable resource for various professionals and students across medical disciplines, including human genetics and genomics, oncology, neuroscience, gene therapy, molecular medicine, pharmacology, and biomedical sciences. Updates with regard to diagnostic testing, pharmacogenetics, predicting disease susceptibility, and other important research components as well as chapters dedicated to cardiovascular disease, oncology, inflammatory disease, metabolic disease, neuropsychiatric disease, and infectious disease, present this book as an essential tool for a variety of professionals and students who are endeavouring into the developing the diverse and practical field of genomic and personalized medicine.* Full color throughout* Includes contributions on genetic counselling, ethical, legal/regulatory, and social issues related to the practice of genomic medicine from leaders in the field * Introductory chapter ...From:melissawatkins987Views:0 0ratingsTime:00:10More inPeople Blogs

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Essentials Of Genomic And Personalized Medicine - Video

Introduction To Molecular Medicine And Gene Therapy – Video

Introduction To Molecular Medicine And Gene Therapy Introduction To Molecular Medicine And Gene Therapy EAN/ISBN : 9780471461043 Publisher(s): John Wiley Sons, Wiley Format: ePub/PDF Author(s): Kresina, Thomas F. EAN/ISBN : 9780471461043 Publisher(s): John Wiley Sons, Wiley Format: ePub/PDF Author(s): Kresina, Thomas F.From:Blancathompson7854Views:0 0ratingsTime:00:15More inPeople Blogs

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Introduction To Molecular Medicine And Gene Therapy - Video

Anticipating Risks And Organising Risk Regulation – Video

Anticipating Risks And Organising Risk Regulation Anticipating Risks And Organising Risk Regulation Anticipating risks has become an obsession of the early twenty-first century. Private and public sector organisations increasingly devote resources to risk prevention and contingency planning to manage risk events should they occur. This book shows how we can organise our social, organisational and regulatory policy systems to cope better with the array of local and transnational risks we regularly encounter. Contributors from a range of disciplines - including finance, history, law, management, political science, social psychology, sociology and disaster studies - consider threats, vulnerabilities and insecurities alongside social and organisational sources of resilience and security. These issues are introduced and discussed through a fascinating and diverse set of topics, including myxomatosis, the 2012 Olympic Games, gene therapy and the recent financial crisis. This is an important book for academics and policy makers who wish to understand the dilemmas generated in the anticipation and management of risks. Publisher: Cambridge University Press Illustration: N Language: ENG Title: Anticipating Risks and Organising Risk Regulation Pages: 00320 (Encrypted PDF) On Sale: 2006-08-04 SKU-13/ISBN: 9780521193092 Category: Business Economics : Corporate Finance Category: Business Economics : Management - General Anticipating risks has become an obsession of the early twenty-first century. Private and public sector ...From:renee0636Views:0 0ratingsTime:00:13More inPeople Blogs

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Anticipating Risks And Organising Risk Regulation - Video

Life With Epidermolysis Bullosa (eb) – Video

Life With Epidermolysis Bullosa (eb) Life With Epidermolysis Bullosa (eb) Forewords.- General Aspects: Definition; Molecular Genetic Background with Classifications; Types of EB,- Diagnosis; Prenatal and Preimplantation Diagnosis; Epidemiology; Economics; Social Aspects; Inheritance - Genetic Counseling.- Therapy: Interdisciplinary management, teledermatology, telemedicine; Skin; Opthalmology; Gynecology; Gastro-Intestinal Tract; Genito-Urinary Tract; Dentistry; Ear/Nose/Throat; Orthopedics; Physical Therapy; Psychology and Psyhiatry; Respiratory Tract; Surgery; Pediatrics - Neonatology; Internal Medicine; Pain and Itch; Nutrition; Wound Healing - Wound Care; Gene Therapy; Complementary Medicine; EB and Sports; Therapy of aquired Bullous Autoimmune Diseases.- EAN/ISBN : 9783211792711 Publisher(s): Springer, Wien Discussed keywords: Epidermolysis bullosa Format: ePub/PDF Author(s): Fine, Jo-David - Hintner, Helmut Forewords.- General Aspects: Definition; Molecular Genetic Background with Classifications; Types of EB,- Diagnosis; Prenatal and Preimplantation Diagnosis; Epidemiology; Economics; Social Aspects; InFrom:tinaleon9854Views:0 0ratingsTime:00:11More inPeople Blogs

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Life With Epidermolysis Bullosa (eb) - Video

DNA2.0 Teams Up With Penn's Gene Therapy Program on Optimizing Gene Expression for HIV-1 Vaccine

DNA2.0, the leading bioengineering solutions provider, today announced a collaboration with the Gene Therapy Program at the Perelman School of Medicine, University of Pennsylvania, to evaluate the impact of gene optimization on in vivo protein expression.

Menlo Park, CA (PRWEB) November 14, 2012

Understanding the gene preferences of differentiated tissues is critical to maximize the efficacy of gene therapies. The Gene Therapy Program, under the direction of James M. Wilson, MD, PhD, professor of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, focuses on developing effective gene transfer vectors derived from recombinant viruses and their application in the treatment of a variety of acquired and inherited diseases. Much of the program's current effort is in the development and optimization of new adeno-associated virus vectors.

Gene optimization is a viable and under-appreciated method to improve transgene expression in gene therapy, and we are excited to evaluate the technology of DNA2.0 in our vector systems, said Dr. Wilson.

DNA2.0s technology concentrates on the influence of gene design on expression in mammalian cell lines. However, the gene preferences of tissues in vivo may be distinct from cultured production cell lines and may differ between different target tissue.

Dr. Wilsons vaccine research team is a member of the Collaboration for AIDS Vaccine Discovery (CAVD), an international network of scientists and experts dedicated to designing a variety of novel HIV vaccine candidates and advancing the most promising candidates to clinical trials. CAVD is funded by grants from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.

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DNA2.0 Teams Up With Penn's Gene Therapy Program on Optimizing Gene Expression for HIV-1 Vaccine

An Introduction To Genetic Engineering – Desmond ST Nicholl – Video

An Introduction To Genetic Engineering - Desmond ST Nicholl An Introduction To Genetic Engineering - Desmond ST Nicholl Des Nicholl presents here a new, fully revised, and expanded edition of his popular undergraduate-level textbook. Many of the features of the original edition have been retained; the book still offers a concise technical introduction to the subject of genetic engineering. However, the book is now divided into three main sections: the first introduces students to basic molecular biology, the second section explains the methods used to manipulate genes, and the third deals with modern applications of genetic engineering. A whole chapter is now devoted to the polymerase chain reaction. Applications covered in the book include genomics, protein engineering, gene therapy, cloning, and transgenic animals and plants. A final chapter discusses the ethical questions surrounding genetic engineering in general. An Introduction to Genetic Engineering is essential reading for undergraduate students of biotechnology, genetics, molecular biology and biochemistry.Author: Nicholl,Desmond ST Publisher: Cambridge University Press Illustration: N Language: ENG Title: An Introduction to Genetic Engineering Pages: 00304 (Encrypted PDF) On Sale: 2002-02-07 SKU-13/ISBN: 9780521004718 Category: Science : Life Sciences - Genetics Genomics Des Nicholl presents here a new, fully revised, and expanded edition of his popular undergraduate-level textbook. Many of the features of the original edition have been retained; the book still ...From:jenniferhale9854Views:0 0ratingsTime:00:12More inPeople Blogs

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An Introduction To Genetic Engineering - Desmond ST Nicholl - Video

New Ray of Hope for HIV Patients

BANGALORE, November 9, 2012 /PRNewswire/ --

DNA Gene Therapy for Degenerative Diseases

In todays reality, terms like genetic engineering and gene therapy have become facts which prophets of science had only dreamt about few years ago. Pain, disability and disease have long plagued mankind, medicine has long sought its answers, research and development are yet uncovering labyrinths of technology to reach to a panacea.

Dr.Agarwal Hospitals nestled in bubbling Bangalore has brought out a customized version of GENE THERAPY where the patients own peripheral capillary blood (one drop) is taken as the raw stock admixed with Mana (DNA activator) it brings back healthy or fetal DNA of the same patient. This is then used as injections to the same patient within seconds of the mixture. A course of ten injections is given over a span of one week to ten days bringing about a healthy change in the patients course of disease.

Over 20 years of research conducted by Dr.Agarwal Hospitals on genetic engineering, where last 8 years have been spent on treating over 12000 patients through variety of illness in different stages of disease has brought new hope to mankind.

Mana (DNA activator) a propriety formula is taken in a syringe and customized with a drop of the patients blood. This forms the patients healthy DNA in vitro and is given back to the patient as sub cutaneous injections over a period of ten days every month for severe conditions.

Mana is a DNA activator - proven to recreate patients own healthy DNA

When Mana & Plasma are mixed within the first second healthy DNA strands start amplifying (proven through research and validation)

Its the patients own DNA being given back : No Side Effects

Dr.Sunita Rana Agarwal, Chief Scientist, Dr Agarwal Hospitals & Gene Research Foundation, carried out the research in this field on patients who were HIV positive. The CD4 ratio counts varied from 186 to 358 from 2004. In 90% of the patients CD4 ratio has increased to above 500 cells per micro liter.

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New Ray of Hope for HIV Patients