Genetic counseling: DNA testing for the patient

Proc (Bayl Univ Med Cent). 2005 Apr; 18(2): 134137.

1From the Department of Pathology, The University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, Texas.

Presented at the Department of Pathology Fall Symposium, Baylor University Medical Center, November 23, 2004.

Genetic counseling deals with the human problems associated with the occurrence, or the risk of occurrence, of a genetic disorder in the family (1). Genetic counseling is essentially a communication processabout medical facts, the contribution of heredity to certain conditions, the interpretation of test results, and the options available. It also involves supportive counseling to enable patients to make decisions and to make the best possible adjustment to the presence or risk of genetic disease. Genetic counselors have master's degrees from certified programs and are certified by either the American Board of Medical Genetics or the American Board of Genetic Counseling.

This article reviews several case scenarios in order to highlight some themes and lessons from genetic counseling.

In recent years, obstetricians have begun offering cystic fibrosis carrier screening to all couples either planning a pregnancy or in the early stages of pregnancy. The incidence of cystic fibrosis in Caucasians is about 1 in 2500. Caucasian men and women with no family history of cystic fibrosis would each have a 1 in 25 chance of being a carrier, i.e., of having one of over 1300 different mutations in the CFTR gene. The screening test usually includes analysis for only 23 to 25 of the most common mutations. At this time, sequencing the gene from beginning to end to search for a mutation would be too expensive and time consuming as a screening test.

The decision to undergo carrier screening is a personal one. Some people consider cystic fibrosis a serious disorder appropriate for screening, and others do not. Those who do not may focus on the fact that half of those with the disease survive until the age of 30 or 31, and cystic fibrosis does not involve mental retardation or birth defects. A couple may opt for screening for one or several reasons: because the chance of being a carrier seems high to them, because they would consider prenatal diagnosis if they were shown to be carriers, or because results are usually reassuring. Similarly, those who don't feel the odds of being a carrier are high enough may not be interested in the screening test. Others may not be interested because the cost is not covered by their insurance, the test is imperfect and will not identify all carriers, or they would rather not have the information. Indeed, getting information can provoke anxiety, and some patients prefer not to go down that path.

Some practitioners discourage screening unless the patient plans to pursue prenatal diagnosis. However, my experience has shown that people often change their minds. Some come in with very set ideas about what they would and would not do; until they're faced with a particular circumstance, they may not re-ally know. The point is, options need to be made available.

We will discuss a case in which the woman was screened and found to have mutation G542X (Figure ). This means that in the 542 amino acid position, glycine has been converted to a stop codon. She is a cystic fibrosis carrier. Since cystic fibrosis is an autosomal recessive disorder, this should not affect her health. However, her husband was subsequently screened, and he was shown to have the most common mutation, F508, a deletion of phenylalanine at position 508. Even though they have different mutations, the mutations are in the same gene. The child now has a 1 in 4 risk of inheriting both mutations and therefore having cystic fibrosis.

Pedigree of a couple presenting for carrier screening for cystic fibrosis. (See discussion in the text.) Squares represent males, circles represent females, diamonds are used when the gender is unknown or unspecified, and a P within ...

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Genetic counseling: DNA testing for the patient

LYSOGENE, UMM and AU Collaborate To Develop IND-supporting Preclinical Studies In GM1-gangliosidosis

Collaboration entails development of gene therapy treatment for severe neurodegenerative disease GM1-gangliosidosis

LYSOGENE, a leading, clinical stage gene therapy biotechnology company committed to the development and commercialization of breakthrough treatments for severe orphan pathologies affecting the central nervous system (CNS), recently announced that it has entered into a strategic collaboration with the University of Massachusetts Medical School (UMMS) in Worcester, Massachusetts, and Auburn University (AU) in Auburn, Alabama. Through the collaboration, LYSOGENE, UMMS and AU will develop IND-supporting preclinical studies in GM1-gangliosidosis, a rare, inherited disorder characterized by severe neurological impairment, using adeno-associated virus (AAV) gene therapy technology.

The collaboration will combine LYSOGENEs outstanding translational and clinical expertise in gene therapy for CNS disorders with the unique preclinical expertise and infrastructure of UMMS and AU to design and test innovative AAV-based gene therapy approaches to treat GM1-gangliosidosis.

The development of a potential treatment for GM1-gangliosidosis using AAV gene therapy was initiated in 2005 by Miguel Sena-Esteves, PhD, associate professor in the Neurology Department and the Gene Therapy Center at UMMS, and Douglas R. Martin, PhD, associate professor in the Scott-Ritchey Research Center and Department of Anatomy, Physiology & Pharmacology at AU. The approach developed by the investigators uses AAV vectors to treat the entire brain and spinal cord after injection of only a few intracranial sites. Preclinical studies demonstrated a remarkable extension in lifespan from 8 months in untreated GM1 cats to greater than 4.5 years in AAV-treated cats, with dramatic improvements in quality of life. Results were published in Science Translational Medicine in 2014 (McCurdy, V.J., et al., Sustained normalization of neurological disease after intracranial gene therapy in a feline model. Science Translational Medicine, 2014. 6(231): p. 231ra48).

We are thrilled by our collaboration with University of Massachusetts Medical School and Auburn University, which constitutes a significant step towards the development of a treatment for patients affected with GM1-gangliosidosis, a severely debilitating disease. For each of these patients and their families, there is currently no option and an urgent need for a safe and effective therapy, said Karen Aiach, founding president and CEO of LYSOGENE. AAV-based therapies are particularly suitable for inherited disorders of the CNS. In this new program, LYSOGENE will leverage its unique capacity to develop these therapies and bring them to patients with unmet needs. We will also reinforce our scientific and technology base through our collaboration with leaders in the field.

Collaborating with LYSOGENE will allow us to leverage their clinical and translational expertise and advance the development of a gene transfer therapy for treating patients affected with GM1-gangliosidosis, said Sena-Esteves. In our minds, what ultimately matters is the ability to deliver a potential treatment to the children suffering from this horrible disease. Ultimately, thats what drives us all.

About Gangliosidosis with GM1 GM1-gangliosidosis is a rare inherited neurodegenerative disorder characterized by severe cognitive and motor developmental delays resulting in death of most patients at a very young age.

It is caused by mutations in the GLB1 gene, which encodes an enzyme called beta-galactosidase necessary for recycling of a molecule (GM1-ganglioside) in neurons. This brain lipid is indispensable for normal function, but its overabundance causes neurodegeneration, resulting in the severe neurological symptoms of GM1-gangliosidosis.

GM1 affects 1 in 100,000 - 200,000 newborns and is inherited in an autosomal recessive pattern. GM1-gangliosidosis can be classified into three major clinical phenotypes according to the age of onset and severity of symptoms: Type I (infantile), Type II (late infantile/juvenile) and Type III (adult). There is currently no treatment for this disease.

About LYSOGENE LYSOGENE is a clinical stage biotechnology company committed to the development and commercialization of innovative therapies for patients affected with rare disorders and high unmet medical needs. LYSOGENEs team translated its rAAVrh10 lead product for Sanfilippo from bench to bedside in an unprecedented fashion over the last years. Its lead product is for Sanfilippo syndrome, a neurodegenerative lysosomal storage disorder considered to be a perfect model for gene therapy. LYSOGENE is currently expanding its pipeline to additional diseases with high unmet medical needs. Lysogene was launched in 2009. It completed a Series A financing in May 2014 with leading life sciences investors Sofinnova Partners, BPI Innobio and Novo AIS.

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LYSOGENE, UMM and AU Collaborate To Develop IND-supporting Preclinical Studies In GM1-gangliosidosis

Precise gene transfer into therapy relevant cells after vector injection into blood

10.02.2015 - (idw) Paul-Ehrlich-Institut - Bundesinstitut fr Impfstoffe und biomedizinische Arzneimittel

Therapeutic gene transfer is considered as a promising novel strategy to treat genetic disorders and cancer. So far, target cells are often isolated from patients for this purpose, and re-administered after gene transfer. In collaboration with colleagues from the Universities of Cologne and Zurich, researchers at the Paul-Ehrlich-Institut have succeeded in developing gene transfer vehicles that target the therapy relevant cell type directly in the organism. The resulting gene transfer occurs with an extremely high degree of selectivity. A report on the research results can be found in Nature Communications in its online edition of 10.02.2015. Vectors derived from adeno-associated viruses (AAV) were used as vehicles for targeted gene transfer by the research group of Professor Christian J. Buchholz, Principal Investigator at the LOEWE Centre for Cell and Gene Therapy at Frankfurt am Main and head of the Section Molecular Biotechnology and Gene Therapy of the President of the Paul-Ehrlich-Institut. AAV is a non-pathogenic parvovirus. The only gene therapy medicinal product authorised in Europe so far, is also based on AAV gene vectors and intended for the treatment of a rare metabolic disorder.

The strategy for the generation of the new precision gene vectors was developed and implemented jointly with Dr Hildegard Bning, head of the AAV Vector Development Research Group at the ZMMK (Zentrum fr Molekulare Medizin Kln, Center for Molecular Medicine Cologne) of the University of Cologne: Through exchange of two amino acids, AAV lost its ability to bind to its natural receptor and became thereby unable to penetrate its broad range of natural target cells. Novel target structures (DARPins, designed ankyrin repeat proteins) were then attached to the surface of the modified vector particles. These structures were developed at Zurich University. The structures can be selected in such a way that they mediate a selective binding of the DARPin-containing AAV vector particles to the therapy relevant cell type only. This is what enables the AAV vector to attach to and penetrate the desired target cell. The paper referenced here reports on the use of three different DARPins, which equipped AAV vectors either with a specificity for Her2/neu, a tumour marker in breast cancer, for EpCAM, an epithelial surface protein, or for a marker of particular blood cells (CD4 on the surface of lymphocytes with distinct immunological functions).

The desired goal of a cell type specific in vivo gene transfer was also achieved with the blood cell targeted vector: AAV transferred the gene only into lymphocytes present in spleen carrying the CD4 protein target structure.

The method developed by us jointly is a very promising tool both in fundamental research and for the targeted gene transfer in medicine, explained Dr Buchholz with regard to the current research results.

Original Publication

Mnch RC, Muth A, Muik A, Friedel T, Schmatz J, Dreier B, Trkola A, Plckthun A, Bning H, Buchholz CJ (2015): Off-target-free gene delivery by affinity-purified receptor-targeted viral vectors. Nat Commun Feb 10 [Epub ahead of print].

The Paul-Ehrlich-Institut, Federal Institute for Vaccines and Biomedicines in Langen near Frankfurt/Main, is a senior federal authority reporting to the Federal Ministry of Health (Bundesministerium fr Gesundheit, BMG). It is responsible for the research, assessment, and marketing authorisation of biomedicines for human use and veterinary vaccines. Its remit also includes the authorisation of clinical trials and pharmacovigilance, i.e. recording and evaluation of potential adverse effects. Other duties of the institute include official batch control, scientific advice and inspections. In-house experimental research in the field of biomedicines and life science form an indispensable basis for the varied and many tasks performed at the institute. The PEI, with its roughly 800 staff, also has advisory functions at a national level (federal government, federal states (Lnder)), and at an international level (World Health Organisation, European Medicines Agency, European Commission, Council of Europe etc.). Weitere Informationen:

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Precise gene transfer into therapy relevant cells after vector injection into blood

How Origami is Inspiring Scientific Creativity, with BYU and Origami Artist Robert Lang – Video

How Origami is Inspiring Scientific Creativity, with BYU and Origami Artist Robert Lang
Ancient origami inspires surprising modern innovations like solar arrays for NASA and a microscopic nanoinjector that can be used in gene therapy. These origami-inspired designs from Brigham...


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How Origami is Inspiring Scientific Creativity, with BYU and Origami Artist Robert Lang - Video

David Baltimore (Cal Tech) Part 2: Why Gene Therapy Might be a Reasonable Tool for Attacking HIV – Video

David Baltimore (Cal Tech) Part 2: Why Gene Therapy Might be a Reasonable Tool for Attacking HIV Lecture Overview: In this set of lectures, I describe the threat facing the wor...

By: iBiology

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David Baltimore (Cal Tech) Part 2: Why Gene Therapy Might be a Reasonable Tool for Attacking HIV - Video

The Basics on Genes and Genetic Disorders

Have people ever said to you, "It's in your genes"? They were probably talking about a physical characteristic, personality trait, or talent that you share with other members of your family.

We know that genes play an important role in shaping how we look and act and even whether we get sick. Now scientists are trying to use that knowledge in exciting new ways, such as treating health problems.

To understand how genes work, let's review some biology basics. Most living organisms are made up of cells that contain a substance called deoxyribonucleic (pronounced: dee-AHK-see-rye-bow-noo-KLEE-ik) acid (DNA).

DNA contains four chemicals (adenine, thymine, cytosine, and guanine called A, T, C, and G for short) that are strung in patterns on extremely thin, coiled strands in the cell. How thin? Cells are tiny invisible to the naked eye and each cell in your body contains about 6 feet of DNA thread, for a total of about 3 billion miles of DNA inside you!

So where do genes come in? Genes are made of DNA, and different patterns of A, T, G, and C code for the instructions for making things your body needs to function (like the enzymes to digest food or the pigment that gives your eyes their color). As your cells duplicate, they pass this genetic information to the new cells.

DNA is wrapped together to form structures called chromosomes. Most cells in the human body have 23 pairs of chromosomes, making a total of 46. Individual sperm and egg cells, however, have just 23 unpaired chromosomes. You received half of your chromosomes from your mother's egg and the other half from your father's sperm cell. A male child receives an X chromosome from his mother and a Y chromosome from his father; females get an X chromosome from each parent.

Genes are sections or segments of DNA that are carried on the chromosomes and determine specific human characteristics, such as height or hair color. Because you have a pair of each chromosome, you have two copies of every gene (except for some of the genes on the X and Y chromosomes in boys, because boys have only one of each).

Some characteristics come from a single gene, whereas others come from gene combinations. Because every person has about 25,000 different genes, there is an almost endless number of possible combinations!

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The Basics on Genes and Genetic Disorders

Cancer Genetic Counseling

To show your support of this position statement, please send an e-mail with your intent, and affiliation to

Below please find the full text on a Genetic Testing Lab Position Statement that pledges we, the ordering clinicians, will continue to make laboratory and testing choices based on what is in the best interest of our patients and will not be swayed by political, personal or financial gain.

This is also an opportune time for patient organizations, clinical organizations and insurers to show their support of laboratories that will fully share past, current and future data in open databases that serve research and patient care.

Please pass this on to your family, friends, colleagues, patients and contacts within your networks.

Genetic Testing Position Statement

Cancer Genetic Counseling Program Yale School of Medicine/Yale Cancer Center

New Haven, CT February 2014

With the emergence of new testing technologies and the 2013 Supreme Court decision banning gene patenting, the available cancer genetic testing options and the laboratories offering testing have expanded exponentially and are likely to continue to do so. As providers we have a responsibility to our patients to make the best decisions regarding which laboratory to use and which tests are most appropriate based on what is best for the patients. Our decisions will not be swayed by political, personal and/or financial gain.

2. Time: How long will the patient have to wait for his or her test results?

3. Cost: Will our patients insurance carrier cover this test at this laboratory?

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Cancer Genetic Counseling

GENE – Genentech

FDA Approves Genentechs Lucentis (Ranibizumab Injection) for Treatment of Diabetic Retinopathy in People with Diabetic Macular Edema

On November 14, 2014, a Genentech medicine received FDA approval for use in a specific type of platinum-resistant ovarian cancer.

On February 6, 2015, the FDA approved a Genentech Medicine for the treatment of diabetic retinopathy in people with diabetic macular edema (DME).

Presentations, Posters, and Papers galore. Check out our ACR 2014 newsroom to learn more about our commitment to rheumatology.

Genentech will present important new ophthalmic data at the 118th Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Ophthalmology (AAO) from October 18-21 in Chicago.

On October 15, 2014, the FDA approved a medicine for the treatment of idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF).

Read about Genentechs planned acquisition of Seragon.

With the recent acquisition of Seragon, Genentech is excited to add a new class of investigational medicines known as SERDs to our pipeline.

Genentech fully supports efforts to increase transparency around the partnership between the industry and healthcare professionals.

Medicine for people with chronic idiopathic urticaria (CIU), a form of chronic hives.

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New Nanoparticle Gene Therapy Strategy Effectively Treats Deadly Brain Cancer in Rats

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Fast Facts Gene therapy may effectively treat glioma, a deadly form of brain cancer, but getting the right genes to cancer cells in the brain is difficult. For the first time, Johns Hopkins researchers used biodegradable nanoparticles to kill brain cancer cells in animals and lengthen their survival. The nanoparticles are filled with genes for an enzyme that turns a compound into a potent killer of cancer cells.

VIDEO: Programming Cancer Cells to Self-Destruct

Newswise Despite improvements in the past few decades with surgery, chemotherapy and radiation therapy, a predictably curative treatment for glioma does not yet exist. New insights into specific gene mutations that arise in this often deadly form of brain cancer have pointed to the potential of gene therapy, but its very difficult to effectively deliver toxic or missing genes to cancer cells in the brain. Now, Johns Hopkins researchers report they have used nanoparticles to successfully deliver a new therapy to glioma cells in the brains of rats, prolonging their lives. A draft of the study appeared this week on the website of the journal ACS Nano.

Previous research on mice found that nanoparticles carrying genes can be taken up by brain cancer cells, and the genes can then be turned on. However, this is the first time these biodegradable nanoparticles have effectively killed brain cancer cells and extended survival in animals.

For their studies, the Johns Hopkins team designed and tested a variety of nanoparticles made from different polymers, or plastics. When they found a good candidate that could deliver genes to rat brain cancer cells, they filled the nanoparticles with DNA encoding an enzyme, herpes simplex virus type 1 thymidine kinase (HSVtk), which turns a compound with little effect into a potent therapy that kills brain cancer cells. When combined with the compound, called ganciclovir, these loaded nanoparticles were 100 percent effective at killing glioma cells grown in laboratory dishes.

We then evaluated the system in rats with glioma and found that by using a method called intracranial convection-enhanced delivery, our nanoparticles could penetrate completely throughout the tumor following a single injection, says Jordan Green, Ph.D, associate professor of biomedical engineering and ophthalmology at Johns Hopkins. When combined with systemic administration of ganciclovir, rats with malignant glioma lived significantly longer than rats that did not receive this treatment. (Intracranial convection-enhanced delivery uses a pressure gradient to enhance diffusion throughout the tumor.)

In addition to revealing that biodegradable polymeric nanoparticles represent a promising mode of gene delivery for glioma, the findings show that nonviral DNA delivery of HSVtk combined with administration of ganciclovir has potent antitumor effects. To date, this type of system has only been used in humans with viral methods of gene delivery, of which the safety profiles are still heavily in debate, says Betty Tyler, associate professor of neurosurgery at Johns Hopkins. Additional studies are needed to see if these nanoparticles could also effectively deliver other antitumor genes for the treatment of brain tumors as well as systemic cancers.

Green also noted that additional safety and efficacy studies are needed before the treatment makes its way to the clinic. It also is unknown what the ideal gene combinations are that should be delivered using this nanoparticle delivery system, he says. We will move forward by evaluating this technology in additional brain cancer animal models.

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New Nanoparticle Gene Therapy Strategy Effectively Treats Deadly Brain Cancer in Rats

Recombinant Coagulation Factors Pipeline Analysis to 2015 Now Available on ResearchMoz

Albany, NY (PRWEB) February 01, 2015

The new report is titled Recombinant Coagulation Factors 2015: Maturation of Recombinant Clotting Factor Pipeline and Emergence of Gene Therapy and Alternative Procoagulants and deals with historical statistics and future projections regarding the recombinant coagulation factors market. It gathers data from 2013 and the first three quarters of 2014 to analyze the development of the market through the two years. It focuses strongly on pipeline products in the market.

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Recombinant coagulation factors are used in diseases such as hemophilia A and B, to bring about blood coagulation when the patients natural capacity to do so has been hampered. Market data for various classes of recombinant coagulation factors such as factors VII, VIII, and IX are analyzed in the research report, along with an examination of the development of other nascent and comparatively untouched substances and methods such as alternative procoagulants, immune tolerance-inducing agents, and gene therapeutics.

The report profiles the competitive landscape in detail and provides special attention to the impact of new products on the respective positions of major players of the market. This helps gain insight into the short-to-mid-term future of the market. Trends gaining strength in the market are also carefully examined, according to their potential impact on the market stats and competitive landscape.

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The field of gene therapeutics, or gene therapy, is a strong emergent alternative to recombinant coagulation factors. New technologies in the gene therapy field are examined in detail, as are the major players intending to strengthen their presence in this sector. Keeping with this theme, the competitive advantages of alternative procoagulants and gene therapy are listed and analyzed.

The sales and market size of four major types of recombinant coagulation factors are analyzed in the report: rFVIII, rFIX, rFVII, and thrombin. Within the market analysis of rFVIII, specific medicines such as Helixate, Kogenate, Advate/Recombinate, etc. are analyzed deeper to understand their particular market size data. Likewise, the market data for medicines such as Benefix and Alprolix, which constitute the recombinant factor IX category, and NovoSeven and Coagil VII, which make up the recombinant factor VII category, are also examined in detail. The recombinant factor Thrombin is analyzed as a separate category.

Among pipeline projects, two distinct classes can be formed: wild-type recombinant factors and long-acting recombinant factors. Research into all types of recombinant factors, i.e., rFVIII, rFIX, and rFVII is ongoing to produce wild and long-acting varieties of each. The present market conditions for each are also described in the report, giving a clear idea of the trajectory from the present market conditions to the pipeline projects.

The report also profiles major pharmaceutical companies active in the recombinant coagulants market. These include giants such as Baxter, CSL, Novo Nordisk, Bayer HealthCare Pharmaceuticals, Biogen Idec, AstraZeneca, etc.

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Recombinant Coagulation Factors Pipeline Analysis to 2015 Now Available on ResearchMoz

Gene Therapy – Nature Publishing Group : science journals …

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Volume 22, No 1 January 2015 ISSN: 0969-7128 EISSN: 1476-5462

2013 Impact Factor 4.321* 70/290 Biochemistry & Molecular Biology 22/159 Biotechnology & Applied Microbiology 33/161 Genetics & Heredity 25/121 Medicine, Research & Experimental

Editors: J Glorioso, USA N Lemoine, UK

*2013 Journal Citation Reports Science Edition (Thomson Reuters, 2014)

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