Gene therapy for follistatin mitigates systemic metabolic inflammation and post-traumatic arthritis in high-fat dietinduced obesity – Science Advances


Obesity-associated inflammation and loss of muscle function play critical roles in the development of osteoarthritis (OA); thus, therapies that target muscle tissue may provide novel approaches to restoring metabolic and biomechanical dysfunction associated with obesity. Follistatin (FST), a protein that binds myostatin and activin, may have the potential to enhance muscle formation while inhibiting inflammation. Here, we hypothesized that adeno-associated virus 9 (AAV9) delivery of FST enhances muscle formation and mitigates metabolic inflammation and knee OA caused by a high-fat diet in mice. AAV-mediated FST delivery exhibited decreased obesity-induced inflammatory adipokines and cytokines systemically and in the joint synovial fluid. Regardless of diet, mice receiving FST gene therapy were protected from post-traumatic OA and bone remodeling induced by joint injury. Together, these findings suggest that FST gene therapy may provide a multifactorial therapeutic approach for injury-induced OA and metabolic inflammation in obesity.

Osteoarthritis (OA) is a multifactorial family of diseases, characterized by cartilage degeneration, joint inflammation, and bone remodeling. Despite the broad impact of this condition, there are currently no disease-modifying drugs available for OA. Previous studies demonstrate that obesity and dietary fatty acids (FAs) play a critical role in the development of OA, and metabolic dysfunction secondary to obesity is likely to be a primary risk factor for OA (1), particularly following joint injury (2, 3). Furthermore, both obesity and OA are associated with a rapid loss of muscle integrity and strength (4), which may contribute directly and indirectly to the onset and progression of OA (5). However, the mechanisms linking obesity, muscle, and OA are not fully understood and appear to involve interactions among biomechanical, inflammatory, and metabolic factors (6). Therefore, strategies that focus on protecting muscle and mitigating metabolic inflammation may provide an attractive target for OA therapies in this context.

A few potential interventions, such as weight loss and exercise, have been proposed to reverse the metabolic dysfunction associated with obesity by improving the quantity or quality of skeletal muscle (7). Skeletal muscle mass is modulated by myostatin, a member of the transforming growth factor (TGF-) superfamily and a potent negative regulator of muscle growth (8), and myostatin is up-regulated in obesity and down-regulated by exercise (9). While exercise and weight loss are the first line of therapy for obesity and OA, several studies have shown difficulty in achieving long-term maintenance of weight loss or strength gain, particularly in frail or aging populations (10). Thus, targeted pharmacologic or genetic inhibition of muscle-regulatory molecules such as myostatin provides a promising approach to improving muscle metabolic health by increasing glucose tolerance and enhancing muscle mass in rodents and humans (8).

Follistatin (FST), a myostatin- and activin-binding protein, has been used as a therapy for several degenerative muscle diseases (11, 12), and loss of FST is associated with reduced muscle mass and prenatal death (13). In the context of OA, we hypothesize that FST delivery using a gene therapy approach has multifactorial therapeutic potential through its influence on muscle growth via inhibition of myostatin activity (14) as well as other members of the TGF- family. Moreover, FST has been reported to reduce the infiltration of inflammatory cells in the synovial membrane (15) and affect bone development (16), and pretreatment with FST has been shown to reduce the severity of carrageenan-induced arthritis (15). However, the potential for FST as an OA therapy has not been investigated, especially in exacerbating pathological conditions such as obesity. We hypothesized that overexpression of FST using a gene therapy approach will increase muscle mass and mitigate obesity-associated metabolic inflammation, as well as the progression of OA, in high-fat diet (HFD)induced obese mice. Mice fed an HFD were treated with a single dose of adeno-associated virus 9 (AAV9) to deliver FST or a green fluorescent protein (GFP) control, and the effects on systemic metabolic inflammation and post-traumatic OA were studied (fig. S1).

Dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry (DXA) imaging of mice at 26 weeks of age (Fig. 1A) showed significant effects of FST treatment on body composition. Control-diet, FST-treated mice (i.e., Control-FST mice) exhibited significantly lower body fat percentages, but were significantly heavier than mice treated with a GFP control vector (Control-GFP mice) (Fig. 1B), indicating that increased muscle mass rather than fat was developed with FST. With an HFD, control mice (HFD-GFP mice) showed significant increases in weight and body fat percentage that were ameliorated by FST overexpression (HFD-FST mice).

(A) DXA images of mice at 26 weeks of age. (B) DXA measurements of body fat percentage and bone mineral density (BMD; 26 weeks) and body weight measurements over time. (C) Serum levels for adipokines (insulin, leptin, resistin, and C-peptide) at 28 weeks. (D) Metabolite levels for glucose, triglycerides, cholesterol, and FFAs at 28 weeks. (E) Serum levels for cytokines (IL-1, IL-1, MCP-1, and VEGF) at 28 weeks. (F) Fluorescence microscopy images of visceral adipose tissue with CD11b:Alexa Fluor 488 (green), CD11c:phycoerythrin (PE) (red), and 4,6-diamidino-2-phenylindole (DAPI; blue). Scale bars, 100 m. Data are presented as mean SEM; n = 8 to 10; two-way analysis of variance (ANOVA), P < 0.05. Groups not sharing the same letter are significantly different with Tukey post hoc analysis. For IL-1 and VEGF, P < 0.05 for diet effect and AAV effect. For MCP-1, P < 0.05 for diet effect.

In the HFD group, overexpression of FST significantly decreased serum levels of several adipokines including insulin, leptin, resistin, and C-peptide as compared to GFP-treated mice (Fig. 1C). HFD-FST mice also had significantly lower serum levels of glucose, triglycerides, cholesterol, and free FAs (FFAs) (Fig. 1D), as well as the inflammatory cytokine interleukin-1 (IL-1) (Fig. 1E) when compared to HFD-GFP mice. For both dietary groups, AAV-FST delivery significantly increased circulating levels of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) while significantly decreasing IL-1 levels. Furthermore, obesity-induced inflammation in adipose tissue was verified by the presence of CD11b+CD11c+ M1 pro-inflammatory macrophages or dendritic cells (Fig. 1F).

To determine whether FST gene therapy can mitigate injury-induced OA, mice underwent surgery for destabilization of the medial meniscus (DMM) and were sacrificed 12 weeks after surgery. Cartilage degeneration was significantly reduced in DMM joints of the mice receiving FST gene therapy in both dietary groups (Fig. 2, A and C) when compared to GFP controls. FST overexpression also significantly decreased joint synovitis (Fig. 2, B and D) when compared to GFP controls. To evaluate the local influence of pro-inflammatory cytokines to joint degeneration and inflammation, synovial fluid (SF) was harvested from surgical and ipsilateral nonsurgical limbs and analyzed using a multiplexed array. The DMM joints from mice with FST overexpression exhibited a trend toward lower levels of pro-inflammatory cytokines, including IL-1, IL-1, and IL-6, and a higher level of interferon- (IFN-)induced protein (IP-10) in the SF of DMM joints as compared to contralateral controls (Fig. 2E).

(A) Histologic analysis of OA severity via Safranin O (glycosaminoglycans) and fast green (bone and tendon) staining of DMM-operated joints. (B) Histology [hematoxylin and eosin (H&E) staining] of the medial femoral condyle of DMM-operated joints. Thickened synovium (S) from HFD mice with a high density of infiltrated cells was observed (arrows). (C) Modified Mankin scores compared within the diet. (D) Synovitis scores compared within the diet. (E) Levels of proinflammatory cytokines in the SF compared within the diet. (F) Hot plate latency time and sensitivity to cold plate exposure, as measured using the number of jumps in 30 s, both for non-operated algometry measurements of pain sensitivity compared within the diet. Data are presented as mean SEM; n = 5 to 10 mice per group; two-way ANOVA, P < 0.05. Groups not sharing the same letter are significantly different with Tukey post hoc analysis.

To investigate the effect of FST on pain sensitivity in OA, animals were subjected to a variety of pain measurements including hot plate, cold plate, and algometry. Obesity increased heat withdrawal latency, which was rescued by FST overexpression (Fig. 2F). Cold sensitivity trended lower with obesity, and because no significant differences in heat withdrawal latency were found with surgery (fig. S2), no cold sensitivity was measured after surgery. We found that FST treatment protected HFD animals from mechanical algesia at the knee receiving DMM surgery, while Control-diet DMM groups demonstrated increased pain sensitivity following joint injury.

A bilinear regression model was used to elucidate the relationship among OA severity, biomechanical factors, and metabolic factors (table S1). Factors significantly correlated with OA were then selected for multivariate regression (Table 1). Both multivariate regression models revealed serum tumor necrosis factor- (TNF-) levels as a major predictor of OA severity.

, standardized coefficient. ***P < 0.001.

We analyzed the effects of FST treatment on muscle structure and mass, and performance measures were conducted on mice in both dietary groups. Both Control-FST and HFD-FST limbs exhibited visibly larger muscles compared to both AAV-GFP groups (Fig. 3A). In addition, the muscle masses of tibialis anterior (TA), gastrocnemius, and quadriceps increased significantly with FST treatment (Fig. 3B). Western blot analysis confirmed an increase in FST expression in the muscle at the protein level in FST-treated groups compared to GFP-treated animals in Control and HFD groups (Fig. 3C). Immunofluorescence labeling showed increased expression of FST in muscle (Fig. 3D) and adipose tissue (Fig. 3E) of the AAV-FST mice, with little or no expression of FST in control groups.

(A) Photographic images and (B) measured mass of tibialis anterior (TA), gastrocnemius (GAS), and quadriceps (QUAD) muscles; n = 8, diet and AAV effects both P < 0.05. (C) Western blot showing positive bands of FST protein only in FST-treated muscles, with -actin as a loading control. Immunolabeling of (D) GAS muscle and (E) adipose tissue showing increased expression of FST, particularly in skeletal muscle. (F) H&E-stained sections of GAS muscles were measured for (G) mean myofiber diameter; n = 100 from four mice per group, diet, and AAV effects; both P < 0.05. (H) Oil Red O staining was analyzed for (I) optical density values of FAs; n = 6. (J) Second-harmonic generation imaging of collagen in TA sections was quantified for intensity; n = 6. (K) Western blotting showing the level of phosphorylation markers of protein synthesis in GAS muscle. (L) Functional analysis of grip strength and treadmill time to exhaustion; n = 10. Data are presented as mean SEM; two-way ANOVA, P < 0.05. Groups not sharing the same letter are significantly different with Tukey post hoc analysis. Photo credit: Ruhang Tang, Washington University.

To determine whether the increases in muscle mass reflected muscle hypertrophy, gastrocnemius muscle fiber diameter was measured in H&E-stained sections (Fig. 3F) at 28 weeks of age. Mice with FST overexpression exhibited increased fiber diameter (i.e., increased muscle hypertrophy) relative to the GFP-expressing mice in both diet treatments (Fig. 3G). Oil Red O staining was used to determine the accumulation of neutral lipids in muscle (Fig. 3H). We found that HFD-FST mice were protected from lipid accumulation in muscles compared to HFD-GFP mice (Fig. 3I). Second-harmonic generation imaging confirmed the presence of increased collagen content in the muscles of HFD mice, which was prevented by FST gene therapy (Fig. 3J). We also examined the expression and phosphorylation levels of the key proteins responsible for insulin signaling in muscles. We observed increased phosphorylation of AktS473, S6KT389, and S6RP-S235/2369 and higher expression of peroxisome proliferatoractivated receptor coactivator 1- (Pgc1-) in muscles from FST mice compared to GFP mice, regardless of diet (Fig. 3K). In addition to the improvements in muscle structure with HFD, FST-overexpressing mice also showed improved function, including higher grip strength and increased treadmill running endurance (Fig. 3L), compared to GFP mice.

Because FST has the potential to influence cardiac muscle and skeletal muscle, we performed a detailed evaluation on the effect of FST overexpression on cardiac function. Echocardiography and short-axis images were collected to visualize the left ventricle (LV) movement during diastole and systole (fig. S3A). While the Control-FST mice had comparable LV mass (LVM) and left ventricular posterior wall dimensions (LVPWD) with Control-GFP mice (fig. S3, B and C), the HFD-FST mice have significantly decreased LVM and trend toward decreased LVPWD compared to HFD-GFP. Regardless of the diet treatments, FST overexpression enhanced the rate of heart weight/body weight (fig. S3D). Although Control-FST mice had slightly increased dimensions of the interventricular septum at diastole (IVSd) compared to Control-GFP (fig. S3E), there was significantly lower IVSd in HFD-FST compared to HFD-GFP. In addition, we found no difference in fractional shortening among all groups (fig. S3F). Last, transmitral blood flow was investigated using pulse Doppler. While there was no difference in iso-volumetric relaxation time (IVRT) in Control groups, HFD-FST mice had a moderate decrease in IVRT compared to HFD-GFP (fig. S3G). Overall, FST treatment mitigated the changes in diastolic dysfunction and improved the cardiac relaxation caused by HFD.

DXA demonstrated that FST gene therapy improved bone mineral density (BMD) in HFD compared to other groups (Fig. 1B). To determine the effects of injury, diet intervention, and overexpression of FST on bone morphology, knee joints were evaluated by microcomputed tomography (microCT) (Fig. 4A). The presence of heterotopic ossification was observed throughout the GFP knee joints, whereas FST groups demonstrated a reduction or an absence of heterotopic ossification. FST overexpression significantly increased the ratio of bone volume to total volume (BV/TV), BMD, and trabecular number (Tb.N) of the tibial plateau in animals, regardless of diet treatment (Fig. 4B). Joint injury generally decreased bone parameters in the tibial plateau, particularly in Control-diet mice. In the femoral condyle, BV/TV and Tb.N were significantly increased in mice with FST overexpression in both diet types, while BMD was significantly higher in HFD-FST compared to HFD-GFP mice (Fig. 4B). Furthermore, AAV-FST delivery significantly increased trabecular thickness (Tb.Th) and decreased trabecular space (Tb.Sp) in the femoral condyle of HFD-FST compared to HFD-GFP animals (fig. S4).

(A) Three-dimensional (3D) reconstruction of microCT images of non-operated and DMM-operated knees. (B) Tibial plateau (TP) and femoral condyle (FC) regional analyses of trabecular bone fraction bone volume (BV/TV), BMD, and trabecular number (Tb.N). Data are presented as mean SEM; n = 8 to 19 mice per group; two-way ANOVA. (C) 3D microCT reconstruction of metaphysis region of DMM-operated joints. (D) Analysis of metaphysis BV/TV, Tb.N, and BMD. (E) 3D microCT reconstruction of cortical region of DMM-operated joints. (F) Analysis of cortical cross-sectional thickness (Ct.Cs.Th), polar moment of inertia (MMI), and tissue mineral density (TMD). (D and F) Data are presented as mean SEM; n = 8 to 19 mice per group; Mann-Whitney U test, *P < 0.05.

Further microCT analysis was conducted on the trabecular (Fig. 4C) and cortical (Fig. 4E) areas of the metaphyses. FST gene therapy significantly increased BV/TV, Tb.N, and BMD in the metaphyses regardless of the diet (Fig. 4D). Furthermore, FST delivery significantly increased the cortical cross-sectional thickness (Ct.Cs.Th) and polar moment of inertia (MMI) of mice on both diet types, as well as tissue mineral density (TMD) of cortical bones of mice fed control diet (Fig. 4F).

To elucidate the possible mechanisms by which FST mitigates inflammation, we examined the browning/beiging process in subcutaneous adipose tissue (SAT) with immunohistochemistry (Fig. 5A). Here, we found that key proteins expressed mainly in brown adipose tissue (BAT) (PGC-1, PRDM16, thermogenesis marker UCP-1, and beige adipocyte marker CD137) were up-regulated in SAT of the mice with FST overexpression (Fig. 5B). Increasing evidence suggests that an impaired mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation (OXPHOS) system in white adipocytes is a hallmark of obesity-associated inflammation (17). Therefore, we further examined the mitochondrial respiratory system in SAT. HFD reduced the amount of OXPHOS complex subunits (Fig. 5C). We found that proteins involved in OXPHOS, including subunits of complexes I, II, and III of mitochondria OXPHOS complex, were significantly up-regulated in AAV-FSToverexpressing animals compared to AAV-GFP mice (Fig. 5D).

(A) Immunohistochemistry of UCP-1 expression in SAT. Scale bar, 50 m. (B) Western blotting of SAT for key proteins expressed in BAT, with -actin as a loading control. (C) Western blot analysis of mitochondria lysates from SAT for OXPHOS proteins using antibodies against subunits of complexes I, II, III, and IV and adenosine triphosphate (ATP) synthase. (D) Change of densitometry quantification normalized to the average FST level of each OXPHOS subunit. Data are presented as mean SEM; n = 3. *P < 0.05, t test comparison within each pair.

Our findings demonstrate that a single injection of AAV-mediated FST gene therapy ameliorated systemic metabolic dysfunction and mitigated OA-associated cartilage degeneration, synovial inflammation, and bone remodeling occurring with joint injury and an HFD. Of note, the beneficial effects were observed across multiple tissues of the joint organ system, underscoring the value of this potential treatment strategy. The mechanisms by which obesity and an HFD increase OA severity are complex and multifactorial, involving increased systemic metabolic inflammation, joint instability and loss of muscle strength, and synergistic interactions between local and systemic cytokines (4, 6). In this regard, the therapeutic consequences of FST gene therapy also appear to be multifactorial, involving both direct and indirect effects such as increased muscle mass and metabolic activity to counter caloric intake and metabolic dysfunction resulting from an HFD while also promoting adipose tissue browning. Furthermore, FST may also serve as a direct inhibitor of growth factors in the TGF- family that may be involved in joint degeneration (18).

FST gene therapy showed a myriad of notable beneficial effects on joint degeneration following joint injury while mitigating HFD-induced obesity. These data also indirectly implicate the critical role of muscle integrity in the onset and progression of post-traumatic OA in this model. It is important to note that FST gene therapy mitigated many of the key negative phenotypic changes previously associated with obesity and OA, including cartilage structural changes as well as bone remodeling, synovitis, muscle fibrosis, and increased pain, as compared to GFP controls. To minimize the number of animals used, we did not perform additional controls with no AAV delivery; however, our GFP controls showed similar OA changes as observed in our previous studies, which did not involve any gene delivery (2). Mechanistically, FST restored to control levels a number of OA-associated cytokines and adipokines in the serum and the SF. While the direct effects of FST on chondrocytes remains to be determined, FST has been shown to serve as a regulator of the endochondral ossification process during development (19), which may also play a role in OA (20). Furthermore, previous studies have shown that a 2-week FST treatment of mouse joints is beneficial in reducing infiltration of inflammatory cells into the synovial membrane (15). Our findings suggest that FST delivery in skeletally mature mice, preceding obesity-induced OA changes, substantially reduces the probability of tissue damage.

It is well recognized that FST can inhibit the activity of myostatin and activin, both of which are up-regulated in obesity-related modalities and are involved in muscle atrophy, tissue fibrosis, and inflammation (21). Consistent with previous studies, our results show that FST antagonizes the negative regulation of myostatin in muscle growth, reducing adipose tissue content in animals. Our observation that FST overexpression decreased inflammation at both serum systemic and local joint inflammation may provide mechanistic insights into our findings of mitigated OA severity in HFD-fed mice. Our statistical analysis implicated serum TNF- levels as a major factor in OA severity, consistent with previous studies linking obesity and OA in mice (22). Although the precise molecular mechanisms of FST in modulating inflammation remain unclear, some studies postulate that FST may act like acute-phase protein in lipopolysaccharide-induced inflammation (23).

In addition to these effects of skeletal muscle, we found that FST gene therapy normalized many of the deleterious changes of an HFD on cardiac function without causing hypertrophy. These findings are consistent with previous studies showing that, during the process of aging, mice with myostatin knockout had an enhanced cardiac stress response (24). Furthermore, FST has been shown to regulate activin-induced cardiomyocyte apoptosis (1). In the context of this study, it is also important to note that OA has been shown to be a serious risk factor for progression of cardiovascular disease (25), and severity of OA disability is associated with significant increases in all-cause mortality and cardiovascular events (26).

FST gene therapy also rescued diet- and injury-induced bone remodeling in the femoral condyle, as well as the tibial plateau, metaphysis, and cortical bone of the tibia, suggesting a protective effect of FST on bone homeostasis of mice receiving an HFD. FST is a known inhibitor of bone morphogenetic proteins (BMPs), and thus, the interaction between the two proteins plays an essential role during bone development and remodeling. For example, mice grown with FST overexpression via global knock-in exhibited an impaired bone structure (27). However, in adult diabetic mice, FST was shown to accelerate bone regeneration by inhibiting myostatin-induced osteoclastogenesis (28). Furthermore, it has been reported that FST down-regulates BMP2-driven osteoclast activation (29). Therefore, the protective role of FST on obesity-associated bone remodeling, at least in part, may result from the neutralizing capacity of FST on myostatin in obesity. In addition, improvement in bone quality in FST mice may be explained by their enhanced muscle mass and strength, as muscle mass can dominate the process of skeletal adaptation, and conversely, muscle loss correlates with reduced bone quality (30).

Our results show that FST delivery mitigated pain sensitivity in OA joints, a critical aspect of clinical OA. Obesity and OA are associated with both chronic pain and pain sensitization (31), but it is important to note that structure and pain can be uncoupled in OA (32), necessitating the measurement of both behavioral and structural outcomes. Of note, FST treatment protected only HFD animals from mechanical algesia at the knee post-DMM surgery and also rescued animals from pain sensitization induced by HFD in both the DMM and nonsurgical limb. The mitigation in pain sensitivity observed here with FST treatment may also be partially attributed to the antagonistic effect of FST on activin signaling. In addition to its role in promoting tissue fibrosis, activin A has been shown to regulate nociception in a manner dependent on the route of injection (33, 34). It has been shown that activin can sensitize the transient receptor potential vanilloid 1 (TRPV1) channel, leading to acute thermal hyperalgesia (33). However, it is also possible that activin may induce pain indirectly, for example, by triggering neuroinflammation (35), which could lead to sensitization of nociceptors.

The earliest detectable abnormalities in subjects at risk for developing obesity and type 2 diabetes are muscle loss and accumulation of excess lipids in skeletal muscles (4, 36), accompanied by impairments in nuclear-encoded mitochondrial gene expression and OXPHOS capacity of muscle and adipose tissues (17). PGC-1 activates mitochondrial biogenesis and increases OXPHOS by increasing the expression of the transcription factors necessary for mitochondrial DNA replication (37). We demonstrated that FST delivery can rescue low levels of OXPHOS in HFD mice by increasing expression PGC-1 (Fig. 3H). It has been reported that high-fat feeding results in decreased PGC-1 and mitochondrial gene expression in skeletal muscles, while exercise increases the expression of PGC-1 in both human and rodent muscles (38, 39). Although the precise molecular mechanism by which FST promotes PGC-1 expression has not been established, the infusion of lipids decreases expression of PGC-1 and nuclear-encoded mitochondrial genes in muscles (40). Thus, decreased lipid accumulation in muscle by FST overexpression may provide a plausible explanation for the restored PGC-1 in the FST mice. These findings were further confirmed by the metabolic profile, showing reduced serum levels of triglycerides, glucose, FFAs, and cholesterol (Fig. 1D), and are consistent with previous studies, demonstrating that muscles with high numbers of mitochondria and oxidative capacity (i.e., type 1 muscles with high levels of PGC-1 expression) are protected from damage due to an HFD (4).

In addition, we found increased phosphorylation of protein kinase B (Akt) on Ser473 in the skeletal muscle of FST-treated mice as compared to untreated HFD counterparts (Fig. 3K), consistent with restoration of a normal insulin response. A number of studies have demonstrated that the serine-threonine protein kinase Akt1 is a critical regulator of cellular hypertrophy, organ size, and insulin signaling (41). Muscle hypertrophy is stimulated both in vitro and in vivo by the expression of constitutively active Akt1 (42, 43). Furthermore, it has been demonstrated that constitutively active Akt1 also promotes the production of VEGF (44).

BAT is thought to be involved in thermogenesis rather than energy storage. BAT is characterized by a number of small multilocular adipocytes containing a large number of mitochondria. The process in which white adipose tissue (WAT) becomes BAT, called beiging or browning, is postulated to be protective in obesity-related inflammation, as an increase in BAT content positively correlates with increased triglyceride clearance, normalized glucose level, and reduced inflammation. Our study shows that AAV-mediated FST delivery serves as a very promising approach to induce beiging of WAT in obesity. A recent study demonstrated that transgenic mice overexpressing FST exhibited an increasing amount of BAT and beiging in subcutaneous WAT with increased expression of key BAT-related markers including UCP-1 and PRDM16 (45). In agreement with previous reports, our data show that Ucp1, Prdm16, Pgc1a, and Cd167 are significantly up-regulated in SAT of mice overexpressing FST in both dietary interventions. FST has been recently demonstrated to play a crucial role in modulating obesity-induced WAT expansion by inhibiting TGF-/myostatin signaling and thus promoting overexpression of these key thermogenesis-related genes. Together, these findings suggest that the observed reduction in systemic inflammation in our model may be partially explained by FST-mediated increased process of browning/beiging.

In conclusion, we show that a single injection of AAV-mediated FST, administered after several weeks of HFD feeding, mitigated the severity of OA following joint injury, and improved muscle performance as well as induced beiging of WAT, which together appeared to decrease obesity-associated metabolic inflammation. These findings provide a controlled model for further examining the differential contributions of biomechanical and metabolic factors to the progression of OA with obesity or HFD. As AAV gene therapy shows an excellent safety profile and is currently in clinical trials for a number of conditions, such an approach may allow the development of therapeutic strategies not only for OA but also, more broadly, for obesity and associated metabolic conditions, including diseases of muscle wasting.

All experimental procedures were approved by and conducted in accordance with the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee guidelines of Washington University in Saint Louis. The overall timeline of the study is shown in fig. S1A. Beginning at 5 weeks of age, C57BL/6J mice (The Jackson Laboratory) were fed either Control or 60% HFD (Research Diets, D12492). At 9 week of age, mice received AAV9-mediated FST or GFP gene delivery via tail vein injection. A total of 64 mice with 16 mice per dietary group per AAV group were used. DMM was used to induce knee OA in the left hind limbs of the mice at the age of 16 weeks. The non-operated right knees were used as contralateral controls. Several behavioral activities were measured during the course of the study. Mice were sacrificed at 28 weeks of age to evaluate OA severity, joint inflammation, and joint bone remodeling.

Mice were weighed biweekly. The body fat content and BMD of the mice were measured using a DXA (Lunar PIXImus) at 14 and 26 weeks of age, respectively.

Complementary DNA synthesis for mouse FST was performed by reverse transcriptase in a reverse transcription quantitative polymerase chain reaction (RT-qPCR) ( Invitrogen) mixed with mRNAs isolated from the ovary tissues of C57BL/6J mouse. The PCR product was cloned into the AAV9-vector plasmid (pTR-UF-12.1) under the transcriptional control of the chicken -actin (CAG) promoter including cytomegalovirus (CMV) enhancers and a large synthetic intron (fig. S1B). Recombinant viral vector stocks were produced at Hope Center Viral Vectors Core (Washington University, St. Louis) according to the plasmid cotransfection method and suspension culture. Viral particles were purified and concentrated. The purity of AAV-FST and AAV-GFP was evaluated by SDSpolyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (PAGE) and stained by Coomassie blue. The results showed that the AAV protein components in 5 1011 vector genomes (vg) are only stained in three major protein bands: VR1, 82 kDa; VR2, 72 kDa; and VR3, 62 kDa. Vector titers were determined by the DNA dot-blot and PCR methods and were in the range of 5 1012 to 1.5 1013 vector copies/ml. AAV was delivered at a final dose of 5 1011 vg per mouse by intravenous tail injection under red light illumination at 9 weeks of age. This dose was determined on the basis of our previous studies showing that AAV9-FST gene delivery by this route resulted in a doubling of muscle mass at a dose of 2.5 1011 vg in 4-week-old mice or at 5 1011 vg in 8-week-old mice (46).

At 16 weeks of age, mice underwent surgery for the DMM to induce knee OA in the left hindlimb as previously described (2). Briefly, anesthetized mice were placed on a custom-designed device, which positioned their hindlimbs in 90 flexion. The medial side of the joint capsule was opened, and the medial meniscotibial ligament was transected. The joint capsule and subcutaneous layer of the skin were closed with resorbable sutures.

Mice were sacrificed at 28 weeks of age, and changes in joint structure and morphology were assessed using histology. Both hindlimbs were harvested and fixed in 10% neutral-buffered formalin (NBF). Limbs were then decalcified in Cal-Ex solution (Fisher Scientific, Pittsburgh, PA, USA), dehydrated, and embedded in paraffin. The joint was sectioned in the coronal plane at a thickness of 8 m. Joint sections were stained with hematoxylin, fast green, and Safranin O to determine OA severity. Three blinded graders then assessed sections for degenerative changes of the joint using a modified Mankin scoring system (2). Briefly, this scoring system measures several aspects of OA progression (cartilage structure, cell distribution, integrity of tidemark, and subchondral bone) in four joint compartments (medial tibial plateau, medial femoral condyle, lateral tibial plateau, and lateral femoral condyle), which are summed to provide a semiquantitative measure of the severity of joint damage. To assess the extent of synovitis, sections were stained with H&E to analyze infiltrated cells and synovial structure. Three independent blinded graders scored joint sections for synovitis by evaluating synovial cell hyperplasia, thickness of synovial membrane, and inflammation in subsynovial regions in four joint compartments, which were summed to provide a semiquantitative measure of the severity of joint synovitis (2). Scores for the whole joint were averaged among graders.

Serum and SF from the DMM and contralateral control limbs were collected, as described previously (2). For cytokine and adipokine levels in the serum and SF fluid, a multiplexed bead assay (Discovery Luminex 31-Plex, Eve Technologies, Calgary, AB, Canada) was used to determine the concentration of Eotaxin, granulocyte colony-stimulating factor (G-CSF), granulocyte-macrophage CSF (GM-CSF), IFN-, IL-1, IL-1, IL-2, IL-3, IL-4, IL-5, IL-6, IL-7, IL-9, IL-10, IL-12 (p40), IL-12 (p70), IL-13, IL-15, IL-17A, IP-10, keratinocyte chemoattractant (KC), leukemia inhibitory factor (LIF), liposaccharide-induced (LIX), monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 (MCP-1), M-CSF, monokine induced by gamma interferon (MIG), macrophage inflammatory protein1 (MIP-1), MIP-1, MIP-2, RANTES, TNF-, and VEGF. A different kit (Mouse Metabolic Array) was used to measure levels for amylin, C-peptide, insulinotropic polypeptide (GIP), glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1), ghrelin, glucagon, insulin, leptin, protein phosphatase (PP), peptide yy (PYY), and resistin. Missing values were imputed using the lowest detectable value for each analyte.

Muscles were cryopreserved by incubation with 2-methylbutane in a steel beaker using liquid nitrogen for 30 s, cryoembedded, and cryosectioned at 8 m thickness. Tissue sections were stained following standard H&E protocol. Photomicrographs of skeletal muscle fiber were imaged under brightfield (VS120, Olympus). Muscle slides fixed in 3.7% formaldehyde were stained with 0.3% Oil Red O (in 36% triethyl phosphate) for 30 min. Images were taken in brightfield (VS120, Olympus). The relative concentration of lipid was determined by extracting the Oil Red O with isopropanol in equally sized muscle sections and quantifying the OD500 (optical density at 500 nm) in a 96-well plate.

To determine spatial expression of FST in different tissues, cryosections of gastrocnemius muscles and adipose tissue were immunolabeled for FST. Tissue sections were fixed in 1.5% paraformaldehyde solution, and primary anti-FST antibody (R&D Systems, AF-669, 1:50) was incubated overnight at 4C after blocking with 2.5% horse serum (Vector Laboratories), followed by labeling with a secondary antibody (Alexa Fluor 488, Invitrogen, A11055) and with 4,6-diamidino-2-phenylindole (DAPI) for cell nuclei. Sections were imaged using fluorescence microscopy.

Second-harmonic generation images of TA were obtained from unstained slices using backscatter signal from an LSM 880 confocal microscope (Zeiss) with Ti:sapphire laser tuned to 820 nm (Coherent). The resulting image intensity was analyzed using ImageJ software.

To measure bone structural and morphological changes, intact hindlimbs were scanned by microCT (SkyScan 1176, Bruker) with an 18-m isotropic voxel resolution (455 A, 700-ms integration time, and four-frame averaging). A 0.5-mm aluminum filter was used to reduce the effects of beam hardening. Images were reconstructed using NRecon software (with 10% beam hardening and 20 ring artifact corrections). Subchondral/trabecular and cortical bone regions were segmented using CTAn automatic thresholding software. Tibial epiphysis was selected using the subchondral plate and growth plate as references. Tibial metaphysis was defined as the 1-mm region directly below the growth plate. The cortical bone analysis was performed in the mid-shaft (4 mm below the growth plate with a height of 1 mm). Hydroxyapatite calibration phantoms were used to calibrate bone density values (mg/cm3).

Fresh visceral adipose tissues were collected, frozen in optimal cutting temperature compound (OCT), and cryosectioned at 5-m thickness. Tissue slides were then acetone-fixed followed by incubation with Fc receptor blocking in 2.5% goat serum (Vector Laboratories) and incubation with primary antibodies cocktail containing anti-CD11b:Alexa Fluor 488 and CD11c:phycoerythrin (PE) (BioLegend). Nuclei were stained with DAPI. Samples were imaged using fluorescence microscopy (VS120, Olympus).

Adipose tissues were fixed in 10% NBF, paraffin-embedded, and cut into 5-m sections. Sections were deparaffinized, rehydrated, and stained with H&E. Immunohistochemistry was performed by incubating sections (n = 5 per each group) with the primary antibody (antimUCP-1, U6382, Sigma), followed by a secondary antibody conjugated with horseradish peroxidase (HRP). Chromogenic substrate 3,3-diaminobenzidine (DAB) was used to develop color. Counterstaining was performed with Harris hematoxylin. Sections were examined under brightfield (VS120, Olympus).

Proteins of the muscle or fat tissue were extracted using lysis buffer containing 1% Triton X-100, 20 mM tris-HCl (pH 7.5), 150 mM NaCl, 1 mm EDTA, 5 mM NaF, 2.5 mM sodium pyrophosphate, 1 mM -glycerophosphate, 1 mM Na3VO4, leupeptin (1 g ml1), 0.1 mM phenylmethylsulfonyl fluoride, and a cocktail of protease inhibitors (Sigma, St. Louis, MO, USA, catalog no. P0044). Protein concentrations were measured with Quick Start Bradford Dye Reagent (Bio-Rad). Twenty micrograms of each sample was separated in SDS-PAGE gels with prestained molecular weight markers (Bio-Rad). Proteins were wet-transferred to polyvinylidene fluoride membranes. After incubating for 1.5 hours with a buffer containing 5% nonfat milk (Bio-Rad #170-6404) at room temperature in 10 mM tris-HCl (pH 7.5), 100 mM NaCl, and 0.1% Tween 20 (TBST), membranes were further incubated overnight at 4C with antiUCP-1 rabbit polyclonal antibody (1:500, Sigma, U6382), anti-PRDM16 rabbit antibody (Abcam, ab106410), anti-CD137 rabbit polyclonal antibody (1:1000, Abcam, ab203391), total OXPHOS rodent western blot (WB) antibodies (Abcam, ab110413), anti-actin (Cell Signaling Technology, 13E5) rabbit monoclonal antibody (Cell Signaling Technology, 4970), followed by HRP-conjugated secondary antibody incubation for 30 min. A chemiluminescent detection substrate (Clarity, Western ECL) was applied, and the membranes were developed (iBrightCL1000).

The effects of HFD and FST gene therapy on thermal hyperalgesia were examined at 15 weeks of age. Mice were acclimatized to all equipment 1 day before the onset of testing, as well as a minimum of 30 min before conducting each test. Thermal pain tests were measured in a room set to 25C. Peripheral thermal sensitivity was determined using a hot/cold analgesia meter (Harvard Apparatus, Holliston, MA, USA). For hot plate testing, the analgesia meter was set to 55C. To prevent tissue damage, a maximum cutoff time of 20 s was established a priori, at which time an animal would be removed from the plate in the absence of pain response, defined as paw withdrawal or licking. Animals were tested in the same order three times, allowing each animal to have a minimum of 30 min between tests. The analgesia meter was cleaned with 70% ethanol between trials. The average of the three tests was reported per animal. To evaluate tolerance to cold, the analgesia meter was set to 0C. After 1-hour rest, animals were tested for sensitivity to cold over a single 30-s exposure. The number of jumps counted per animal was averaged within each group and compared between groups.

Pressure-pain tests were conducted at the knee using a Small Animal Algometer (SMALGO, Bioseb, Pinellas Park, FL, USA). Surgical and nonsurgical animals were evaluated over serial trials on the lateral aspect of the experimental and contralateral knee joints. The average of three trials per limb was calculated for each limb. Within each group, the pain threshold of the DMM limb versus non-operated limb was compared using a t test run on absolute values of mechanical pain sensitivity for each limb, P 0.05.

To assess the effect of HFD and AAV-FST treatments on neuromuscular function, treadmill running to exhaustion (EXER3, Columbus Instruments) was performed at 15 m/min, with 5 inclination angle on the mice 4 months after gene delivery. Treadmill times were averaged within groups and compared between groups.

Forelimb grip strength was measured using Chatillon DFE Digital Force Gauge (Johnson Scale Co.) for front limb strength of the animals. Each mouse was tested five times, with a resting period of 90 s between each test. Grip strength measurements were averaged within groups and compared between groups.

Cardiac function of the mice was examined at 6 months of age (n = 3) using echocardiography (Vevo 2100 High-Resolution In Vivo Imaging System, VisualSonics). Short-axis images were taken to view the LV movement during diastole and systole. Transmitral blood flow was observed with pulse Doppler. All data and images were performed by a blinded examiner and analyzed with an Advanced Cardiovascular Package Software (VisualSonics).

Detailed statistical analyses are described in methods of each measurement and its corresponding figure captions. Analyses were performed using GraphPad Prism, with significance reported at the 95% confidence level.

This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial license, which permits use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, so long as the resultant use is not for commercial advantage and provided the original work is properly cited.

Acknowledgments: Funding: This study was supported, in part, by NIH grants AR50245, AR48852, AG15768, AR48182, AG46927, AR073752, OD10707, AR060719, AR074992, and AR75899; the Arthritis Foundation; and the Nancy Taylor Foundation for Chronic Diseases. Author contributions: R.T. and F.G. developed the concept of the study; R.T., N.S.H., C.-L.W., K.H.C., and Y.-R.C. collected and analyzed data; S.J.O. analyzed data; and all authors contributed to the writing of the manuscript. Competing interests: The authors declare that they have no competing interests. Data and materials availability: All data needed to evaluate the conclusions in the paper are present in the paper and/or the Supplementary Materials. Additional data related to this paper may be requested from the authors.

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Gene therapy for follistatin mitigates systemic metabolic inflammation and post-traumatic arthritis in high-fat dietinduced obesity - Science Advances

BioMarin broadens its gene therapy horizons with a new R&D alliance in rare cardio cases – Endpoints News

BioMarin has just struck a deal to back a Swiss biotech startup with some deep ties to top research institution UCL in London as it beefs up the swelling gene therapy portion of the pipeline.

We dont have any terms to deal with, just the knowledge that BioMarin CEO JJ Bienaim saw enough of DiNAQORs work to invest in the company as it licenses their lead preclinical program, DiNA-001 for MYBPC3 hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, while collaborating on the rest of the pipeline.

DiNAQOR barely rippled the pond with its launch a year ago with its base in Pfffikon, Switzerland and operations in London and Boston. Part of those ties belong to UCL, where CMO Valeria Ricotti is an MD in pediatrics with experience running gene therapy studies. It set up a manufacturing pact with Lonzas cell and gene therapy unit in Houston last fall as it looked to jump into the clinic with treatments for monogenic cardiomyopathies.

The pact marks a significant expansion in the gene therapy portion of the pipeline at BioMarin. Just days ago the biotech reported that the FDA is providing an accelerated review for the hemophilia A drug valrox, which will likely speed the arrival of a new drug that will test the limits of pricing in the field.

Bienaim has said the company is considering a price range of $2 million to $3 million for valrox, even though there are lingering doubts on just how long it can remain effective.

BioMarin built its rep on rare diseases, and clearly sees a much bigger future in gene therapy.

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BioMarin broadens its gene therapy horizons with a new R&D alliance in rare cardio cases - Endpoints News

BioLife Solutions to Report First Quarter 2020 Financial Results and Provide Business Update on May 14th, 2020 – Chinook Observer

BOTHELL, Wash., May 11, 2020 /PRNewswire/ --BioLife Solutions, Inc. (NASDAQ: BLFS)("BioLife" or the "Company"), a leading developer and supplier of a portfolio of best-in-class bioproduction tools for cell and gene therapies, today announced that the Company's first quarter 2020 financial results will be released after market close on Thursday, May 14th, 2020, and that the Company will host a conference call and live webcast at 4:30 p.m. ET (1:30 p.m. PT) that afternoon. Management will provide an overview of the Company's financial results and a general business update.

To access the webcast, log onto the Investor Relations page of the BioLife Solutions website at Alternatively, you may access the live conference call by dialing (844) 825-0512 (U.S. &Canada) or (315) 625-6880 (International) with the following Conference ID: 2085346. A webcast replay will be available approximately two hours after the call and will be archived on 90 days.

About BioLife Solutions

BioLife Solutions is a leading supplier of cell and gene therapy bioproduction tools. Our tools portfolio includes our proprietaryCryoStorfreeze media,HypoThermosolshipping and storage media,ThawSTARfamily of automated, water-free thawing products,evocold chain management system, and Custom Biogenic Systemshigh capacity storage freezers.For more information, please,and follow BioLife onTwitter.

Media & Investor RelationsRoderick de GreefChief Financial and Chief Operating Officer(425)

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BioLife Solutions to Report First Quarter 2020 Financial Results and Provide Business Update on May 14th, 2020 - Chinook Observer

Adverum soars on early gene therapy data; BerGenBio raises 45.4M on the heels of Covid-19 move – Endpoints News

Another cut of positive interim data have lifted expectations that Adverums gene therapy that could give the anti-VEGF developers a run for their money in wet AMD. In a Phase I trial, investigators reported that the first two cohorts continue to respond to treatment, with the majority still free of rescue injections, while the third cohort experienced fewer side effects, presumably because they were given topical steroids rather than oral steroids.

Norways BerGenBio raised 45.4 million in a private placement. The biotech has been working on AXL kinase inhibitors and the UK government recently opted to add bemcentinib in the ACCORD study for Covid-19 patients.

Cancer Research UK has jumped in to fund clinical development of Crescendo Biologics bispecific CB213, which targets PD-1 and LAG-3 simultaneously. The research group will take charge of Phase I while the biotech retains a right to license the results.

Seattle-based Kineta has closed a $5 million round to back its work on immunotherapies. Our team is thrilled to quickly close this round with significant investments from the Schlaepfer Family Foundation as well as current investors, said CEO Shawn Iadonato in a statement.

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Adverum soars on early gene therapy data; BerGenBio raises 45.4M on the heels of Covid-19 move - Endpoints News

Neurophth Therapeutics Announces Presentations at ASGCT and ARVO Annual Meetings – PRNewswire

BOSTON and WUHAN, China, May 11, 2020 /PRNewswire/ -- Neurophth Therapeutics, Inc., a clinical-stage biotechnology company discovering and developing innovative therapies for ocular and other genetic disease, today announced that the results of two clinical studies utilizing NFS-01 (rAAV2-ND4) in the treatment of Leber's Hereditary Optic Neuropathy (LHON) will be presented in May 2020 at the American Society of Gene and Cell Therapy (ASGCT) 23rd Annual Meeting and the Association for Vision and Ophthalmology (ARVO) Annual Meeting.

Founder Bin Li, M.D., Ph.D., professor of ophthalmology at the Tongji Medical College of Huazhong University of Science and Technology (HUST), initiated the first China gene therapy clinical trial in 2011, evaluating an adeno-associated virus serotype 2 (AAV2)-based gene therapy in nine Leber's Hereditary Optic Neuropathy (LHON) patients with the G11778A (ND4) mutation. Patients have been followed for over 7 years, several demonstrating significant visual acuity improvement and none reporting severe adverse events.

"The exciting results of the first study (NCT01267422) have been instrumental in developing the largest international clinical study (NCT03153293) in 159 LHON patients, who have been followed for 12 months," said Alvin Luk, Ph.D., M.B.A., C.C.R.A., Chief Executive Officer of Neurophth. "Our results from NFS-01 demonstrate the potential of gene therapy to be both effective and safe for the treatment of LHON and further validate Neurophth's platform which is being applied across a growing pipeline of pre-clinical and clinical programs in gene therapy to treat a wide range of inherited diseases."

ASGCT: American Society of Gene and Cell Therapy Virtual Annual Meeting 2020Presentations can be accessed through ASGCT's website at on May 12, 2020.

First China International Gene Therapy Study in Leber's Hereditary Optic Neuropathy (Abstract #1307)Oral presentation by Alvin Luk, Ph.D., M.B.A., C.C.R.A., Chief Executive Officer, Neurophth Session Date/Time: Friday, May 15, 10:45AM EDTSession Title:AAV Vectors - Clinical Studies I

Multiyear Follow-up of AAV2-ND4 Gene Therapy for Leber's Hereditary Optic Neuropathy (Abstract #621)Poster presentation by Su Xiao, Ph.D., Co-Founder and Chief Technical Operations Officer, NeurophthSession Date/Time: Wednesday, May 13, 5:30PM EDTSession Title:AAV Vectors - Clinical Studies

ARVO: Association for Vision and Ophthalmology The ARVO 2020 Annual Meeting has been modified to a virtual format and presentations have been published online on May 6, 2020.

First China International Gene Therapy Study in Leber's Hereditary Optic Neuropathy (Abstract #5182)Oral Presentation by Alvin Luk, Ph.D., M.B.A., C.C.R.A., Chief Executive Officer, NeurophthNarrated presentation will be available onlineScientific Section: Eye Movements/Strabismus/Amblyopia/Neuro-Ophthalmology

About Neurophth Therapeutics, Inc.

Neurophth Therapeutics, Inc. ("Neurophth") is China's first gene therapy company for ophthalmic diseases. Founded in 2016 by Professor Bin Li, M.D., Ph.D., the clinical-stage biotechnology company is dedicated to discovering and developing gene therapies for ocular and other genetic diseases. Currently, Neurophth is advancing several clinical-stage and pre-clinical programs in ophthalmology. In April 2020, Neurophth successfully raised $18.4 million USD in a Series A round led by Fosun's InnoStar Venture and Sequoia Capital China. The company plans to bring the lead assets to patients globally and build a GMP gene therapy manufacturing facility for global supply.

About NFS-01

NFS-01 is an AAV construct comprising with promoter, mitochondrial targeting sequence (MTS), correct ND4 gene sequence, and an untranslated region flanked by two inverted terminal repeats (ITRs). In 2011, Neurophth initiated the world's first investigational NFS-01 (AAV2-ND4) gene therapy study (NCT01267422) of a single intravitreal injection into one of the eyes of patient with ND4 mutation associated with Leber's Hereditary Optic Neuropathy (LHON). The corrected ND4 gene is transferred into the cell to be expressed and eventually produces the missing functional protein to restore mitochondrial function of the respiratory chain. After nearly 8 years of long-term follow-up, the treatment displayed good safety profiles and patients have maintained significant visual acuity improvement to-date. These results demonstrated long-term safety and durability of clinical application of gene therapy technology and were published in Ophthalmology 2020. Encouraged by these results, Professor Li's team has completed an international gene therapy clinical trial (NCT03153293) during 2017-2018 in 159 LHON patients in China and Argentina, which is the world's largest clinical trial for LHON gene therapy.

About Leber's Hereditary Optic Neuropathy (LHON)

Leber's Hereditary Optic Neuropathy (LHON) is a maternally inherited mitochondrial disorder which often manifests as bilateral visual loss. The most common mutation is the mitochondrial DNA at nucleotide position of 11778G>A, which is located within the NADH ubiquinone oxidoreductase subunit-4 (ND4) gene. This mutation causes impairment of the respiratory chain, adenosine triphosphate deficiency, and oxidative stress in retinal ganglion cells, leading to apoptosis. There is currently no effective treatment or cure for LHON.

SOURCE Neurophth Therapeutics, Inc.


Neurophth Therapeutics Announces Presentations at ASGCT and ARVO Annual Meetings - PRNewswire

Senti Biosciences to Present on Gene Circuit-Based Therapies at the 2020 ASGCT Annual Meeting – Business Wire

SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO, Calif.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Senti Biosciences, Inc., the gene circuit company focused on outsmarting complex diseases with intelligent medicines, today announced upcoming oral and poster presentations at the 23rd Annual Meeting of the American Society for Gene and Cell Therapies (ASGCT), being held May 12-15, 2020 in a virtual format.

We are excited about this opportunity to further showcase the potential of our gene circuit platform in oncology, said Tim Lu, M.D., Ph.D., CEO and cofounder of Senti Biosciences. At ASGCT, we are presenting data on in vivo gene therapies, which are equipped with computer-like logic to target tumors in a highly specific manner. Additionally, we will highlight new preclinical data on SENTI-101, an allogeneic cell therapy genetically modified to express a potent combination of cytokines, which give us confidence in its therapeutic potential as we progress towards IND submission.

Details of the presentations are listed below:

ASGCT Annual Meeting, May 12-15, 2020

Title: Tumor-Selective Gene Circuits Enable Highly Specific Localized Cancer ImmunotherapyAbstract Number: 17Oral Presentation Session: Cancer Targeted Gene and Cell TherapyPresentation Date and Time: May 12, 10:45 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. EDTPresenter: Russell Gordley, Ph.D.

Title: Phenotypic and Functional Characterization of Gene Circuit Modified Allogeneic Mesenchymal Stromal Cells (MSCs) for Solid Tumor ImmunotherapyAbstract Number: 783Poster Session: Cancer Targeted Gene and Cell TherapyPresentation Date and Time: May 13, 5:30 p.m. - 6:30 p.m. EDTPresenter: Dharini Iyer, Ph.D.

Title: SENTI-101, an Allogeneic Cell Product Expressing a Combination of Cytokines, Promotes Anti-Tumor Immunity in a Syngeneic Orthotopic Model of Pancreatic Ductal AdenocarcinomaAbstract Number: 1180Poster Session: Cancer Targeted Gene and Cell TherapyPresentation Date and Time: May 14, 5:30 p.m. - 6:30 p.m. EDTPresenter: Ori Maller, Ph.D.

About Senti Biosciences

Senti Biosciences is a next-generation therapeutics company that is developing gene circuits and programming cells for tremendous therapeutic value. Sentis mission is to outsmart complex diseases with more intelligent medicines that will transform peoples lives. By programming cells to respond, adapt and make decisions, Senti is creating smarter therapies with computer-like logic, enhanced functionality and greater therapeutic control.

Sentis product candidates address major challenges in cancer treatment. To overcome cancer immune evasion, Senti is building cell therapies equipped with combinatorial arming gene circuits to elicit broad and sustained anti-tumor immune responses. Senti is also developing next-generation cell therapies that more precisely target and eliminate cancer cells while sparing healthy tissue.

Senti Biosciences is based in South San Francisco and was founded in 2016 by Drs. Tim Lu, Philip Lee, Jim Collins and Wilson Wong. Senti is proud to count NEA, 8VC, Amgen Ventures, Lux Capital, Menlo Ventures, Pear Ventures, Allen & Company, Nest.Bio, Omega Funds, and LifeForce Capital among its investors.

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Senti Biosciences to Present on Gene Circuit-Based Therapies at the 2020 ASGCT Annual Meeting - Business Wire

Study suggests effective fat-reducing therapy – Tech Explorist

Scientists at the Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis, believe that gene therapy could one day be used as fat reducing therapy.

In a new study conducted on mice, scientists found that gene therapy helped build significant muscle mass quickly and reduced the severity of osteoarthritis in the mice without exercising more. Surprisingly, the therapy also staved off obesity, even when the mice ate an extremely high-fat diet.

Senior investigator Farshid Guilak, Ph.D., the Mildred B. Simon Research Professor of Orthopaedic Surgery and director of research at Shriners Hospitals for ChildrenSt. Louis said,Obesity is the most common risk factor for osteoarthritis. Being overweight can hinder a persons ability to exercise and benefit fully from physical therapy. Weve identified here a way to use gene therapy to build muscle quickly. It had a profound effect on the mice and kept their weight in check, suggesting a similar approach may be effective against arthritis, particularly in cases of morbid obesity.

Scientists gave 8-week-old mice a single injection of a virus conveying a gene called follistatin. The gene works to obstruct the action of a protein in muscle that keeps muscle growth in check. This empowered the mice to gain significant muscle mass without exercising more than usual.

Even without additional exercise, and while continuing to eat a high-fat diet, the muscle mass of these super mice more than doubled, and their strength nearly doubled, too. The mice also had less cartilage damage related to osteoarthritis, lower numbers of inflammatory cells and proteins in their joints, fewer metabolic problems, and healthier hearts and blood vessels than littermates that did not receive the gene therapy. The mice also were significantly less sensitive to pain.

During the study, scientists were concerned that some of the muscle growth might lead to being harmful. But, they found that heart function improved, as did cardiovascular health in general.

Although scientists think that long-term studies are required to determine the safety of this type of gene therapy, but, if safe, the strategy could be particularly beneficial for patients with conditions such as muscular dystrophy that make it challenging to build new muscle.

Guilak said,More traditional methods of muscle strengthening, such as lifting weights or physical therapy, remain the first line of treatment for patients with osteoarthritis. Something like this could take years to develop. Still, were excited about its prospects for reducing joint damage related to osteoarthritis, as well as possibly being useful in extreme cases of obesity.

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Study suggests effective fat-reducing therapy - Tech Explorist

Genprex Enters Into Exclusive Worldwide Patent and Technology License Agreement for Combination of its TUSC2 Gene Therapy with Immunotherapies -…

AUSTIN, Texas--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Genprex, Inc. (Genprex or the Company) (Nasdaq: GNPX), a clinical-stage gene therapy company developing potentially life-changing technologies for patients with cancer and diabetes, today announced that it has entered into a Patent and Technology License Agreement (License Agreement) with The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center (MD Anderson) in which MD Anderson granted to Genprex an exclusive worldwide license to a portfolio of 16 patent applications and related technology (Licensed IP) for the treatment of cancer using Genprexs lead drug candidate and TUSC2 gene therapy, known as Oncoprex or GEN-001, in combination with immunotherapies. This is a distinct therapeutic approach from that of combining Oncoprex with targeted therapies such as osimertinib (marketed as Tagrisso by AstraZeneca).

Genprex was recently awarded U.S. FDA Fast Track designation for use of Oncoprex combined with Tagrisso for the treatment of non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) patients with EGFR mutations whose tumors progressed after treatment with Tagrisso alone. The Company is now preparing to file an Investigational New Drug application to initiate a clinical trial of Oncoprex in combination with pembrolizumab (marketed as Keytruda by Merck) in NSCLC.

We are pleased to advance the intellectual property that is covered by this License Agreement, said Rodney Varner, Genprexs Chairman and Chief Executive Officer. We are excited to be developing two distinct therapeutic approaches to lung cancer utilizing the combination of our gene therapy with successful targeted therapies, such as Tagrisso, and immunotherapies, such as Keytruda, to potentially improve patient outcomes and increase the number of patients who may benefit from these important therapies.

Immunotherapy or immunotherapy combined with chemotherapy is now the first-line standard of care for the majority of lung cancer patients. Published preclinical data indicate that when Oncoprex is combined with immunotherapies such as Keytruda, Oncoprex is synergistic with those drugs, meaning that the combination is more effective than either drug alone. The combination of Oncoprex and Keytruda may lead to better outcomes for many lung cancer patients.

The Licensed IP covers the use of Oncoprex in combination with one or more immunotherapies, including anti-PD1 antibodies, anti-PDL1 antibodies, anti-PDL2 antibodies, anti-CTLA-4 antibodies and/or anti-KIR antibodies for the treatment of cancer. These immunotherapies include pembrolizumab (Mercks largest selling drug Keytruda), nivolumab (Bristol-Myers Squibbs Opdivo), ipilimumab (Bristol-Myers Squibbs Yervoy), and others. Use of chemotherapy in combination with Oncoprex and immunotherapy is also covered by the Licensed IP. While the initial disease indication for Oncoprex is NSCLC, the Licensed IP claims patent protection for combination use of Oncoprex in all types of cancers.

The License Agreement also provides for payment to MD Anderson of an up-front license fee and annual maintenance fees, with the potential for milestone payments, sublicensing fees, and product royalties.

About Genprex, Inc.

Genprex, Inc. is a clinical-stage gene therapy company developing potentially life-changing technologies for patients with cancer and diabetes. Genprexs technologies are designed to administer disease-fighting genes to provide new treatment options for large patient populations with cancer and diabetes who currently have limited treatment options. Genprex works with world-class institutions and collaborators to in-license and develop drug candidates to further its pipeline of gene therapies in order to provide novel treatment approaches. The Companys lead product candidate, Oncoprex, is being evaluated as a treatment for non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC). Oncoprex has a multimodal mechanism of action that has been shown to interrupt cell signaling pathways that cause replication and proliferation of cancer cells; re-establish pathways for apoptosis, or programmed cell death, in cancer cells; and modulate the immune response against cancer cells. Oncoprex has also been shown to block mechanisms that create drug resistance. In January 2020, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration granted Fast Track Designation for Oncoprex immunogene therapy for NSCLC in combination therapy with osimertinib (AstraZenecas Tagrisso). For more information, please visit the Companys web site at or follow Genprex on Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn.

Forward-Looking Statements

Statements contained in this press release regarding matters that are not historical facts are "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Because such statements are subject to risks and uncertainties, actual results may differ materially from those expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements. Such statements include, but are not limited to, statements regarding the effect of Genprexs product candidates, alone and in combination with other therapies, on cancer and diabetes, regarding potential, current and planned clinical trials and regarding our commercial partnerships and intellectual property licenses. Risks that contribute to the uncertain nature of the forward-looking statements include the presence and level of the effect of our product candidates, alone and in combination with other therapies, on cancer; the timing and success of our clinical trials and planned clinical trials of Oncoprex, alone and in combination with targeted therapies and/or immunotherapies, and whether our other potential product candidates, including our gene therapy in diabetes, advance into clinical trials; the success of our strategic partnerships; the timing and success of obtaining FDA approval of Oncoprex and our other potential product candidates including whether we receive fast track or similar regulatory designations; and whether patents will ever be issued under patent applications that are the subject of our license agreements. These and other risks and uncertainties are described more fully under the caption Risk Factors and elsewhere in our filings and reports with the United States Securities and Exchange Commission. All forward-looking statements contained in this press release speak only as of the date on which they were made. We undertake no obligation to update such statements to reflect events that occur or circumstances that exist after the date on which they were made.

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Genprex Enters Into Exclusive Worldwide Patent and Technology License Agreement for Combination of its TUSC2 Gene Therapy with Immunotherapies -...

Hitachi Chemical Advanced Therapeutics Solutions and apceth Biopharma GmbH Enter into Strategic Clinical and Commercial Manufacturing Agreements with…

ALLENDALE, NJ., USA and MUNICH, Germany, May 11, 2020 / B3C newswire / -- Hitachi Chemical Advanced Therapeutics Solutions, LLC (HCATS) and apceth Biopharma GmbH (apceth), both subsidiaries of Hitachi Chemical Co., Ltd. (Hitachi Chemical) today announced that they have expanded their relationship with bluebird bio (NASDAQ: BLUE) with long-term development and manufacturing services agreements for clinical and commercial supply for multiple therapies, including:

These agreements are the latest in a long-standing partnership between bluebird bio and Hitachi Chemical. In 2011, HCATS, which represents the North America region of Hitachi Chemicals global regenerative medicine business, and bluebird bio entered into their first clinical services agreement. A commercial drug product manufacturing service agreement was also established between bluebird bio and apceth (which represents the Europe region of Hitachi Chemicals global regenerative medicine business) in 2016. In January 2020, apceth announced its readiness to begin commercial manufacturing of ZYNTEGLO with bluebirds announcement of the launch in Germany.

"With three products in our severe genetic disease franchise to potentially launch between now and 2022, securing long-term commercial drug product manufacturing capacity is critical to our ability to deliver for patients, " said Nick Leschly, chief bluebird. "Our partnership with Hitachi Chemical is a significant example of our continued progress on this front and we believe Hitachi Chemicals recent expansion will help support our growing commercial needs. We are pleased to benefit from their expertise as well as their footprint in both the US and Europe as we work to bring transformative therapies to patients in need."

We are excited to partner with bluebird bio through our new U.S. facility, utilizing our state-of-the-art capabilities and systems for late-stage clinical testing and ultimately commercial production once all applicable regulatory approvals are granted, said Robert Preti, Ph.D., Chief Strategy Officer, Hitachi Chemical Life Science Business Headquarters. It is our honor to support bluebird bio in the manufacture of their potentially transformative gene therapies, to the benefit of patients in both the United States and Europe, as the foundation for our collaboration to address this devastating disease

We are very happy to deepen our trustful and productive strategic partnership with bluebird bio, commented Dr. Christine Guenther, Deputy General Manager of the Hitachi Chemical Regenerative Medicine Business Sector and CEO of apceth Biopharma GmbH. The apceth team is proud to be part of bluebird bios most exciting pioneering work for the advancement of cell and gene therapies and to supply patients suffering from severe genetic illnesses with potentially life-changing treatments.

This medicinal product is subject to additional monitoring.

About Hitachi Chemicals Regenerative Medicine BusinessHitachi Chemical provides cell and gene therapy contract development and manufacturing organization (CDMO) services at current Good Manufacturing Practices (cGMP) standards, including clinical manufacturing, commercial manufacturing, and manufacturing development. The global footprint of the business is over 200,000 square feet and includes operations in North America (Allendale, New Jersey and Mountain View, California), Europe (Munich, Germany), and Japan (Yokohama). The business leverages two decades of experience exclusively focused on the cell therapy industry.

For more information on North America services, please visit http://www.pctcelltherapy.comFor more information on Europe services, please visit http://www.apceth.comFor more information on Japan services, please visit


Hitachi Chemical Advanced Therapeutics SolutionsEric PowersDirector, Marketing and CommunicationsThis email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

apceth Biopharma GmbHAlmut WindhagerManager, Business Development and CommunicationsThis email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Keywords: Humans; Regenerative Medicine; Thalassemia; HLA Antigens; Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation; Anemia, Sickle Cell; Hematopoietic Stem Cells; Genetic Therapy

Published by B3C newswire and shared through Newronic

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Hitachi Chemical Advanced Therapeutics Solutions and apceth Biopharma GmbH Enter into Strategic Clinical and Commercial Manufacturing Agreements with...

Flexion Therapeutics Announces Virtual Poster Presentations for FX201, an Intra-Articular Gene Therapy Candidate for the Treatment of Osteoarthritis,…

BURLINGTON, Mass., May 05, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Flexion Therapeutics, Inc. (Nasdaq:FLXN) will present positive data from two studies of FX201, an investigational gene therapy for osteoarthritis (OA), at the American Society of Gene and Cell Therapy (ASGCT) Annual Meeting taking place virtually May 12-15, 2020. The abstracts were published in the May supplement of Molecular Therapy.

The data from the rodent model served as a basis for the FX201 IND and reinforce our belief that FX201 holds the potential to become a transformative therapy for OA, saidMichael Clayman, M.D., President and Chief Executive Officer of Flexion. Further, we are delighted to be presenting manufacturing studies at ASGCT which demonstrate a capable Good Manufacturing Process (GMP) to support the production of FX201 for our clinical trials.

Establishing the Efficacy, Safety, and Biodistribution of FX201, a Helper-Dependent Adenoviral Gene Therapy for the Treatment of Osteoarthritis, in a Rat Model (Abstract 747)

Flexion assessed the efficacy of HDAd-rat-IL-1Ra, the rat surrogate of FX201, in a rodent surgical model of OA. Efficacy was assessed after a single intra-articular administration one week post-surgery via histopathology at Week 12 using a semi-quantitative microscopic grading system (Osteoarthritis Research Society International [OARSI] score) for OA-related cartilage, synovium, and bone changes. In addition, two Good Laboratory Practice (GLP) studies were performed in a rodent model of OA to evaluate the safety and biodistribution of FX201 and the rat surrogate (a helper-dependent adenovirus vector with a transgene encoding rat variant of IL-1Ra) administered four weeks post-surgery. Key study findings include:

Development of a Highly Productive and Reproducible Manufacturing Process for FX201, a Novel Helper-Dependent Adenovirus-Based Gene Therapy for Osteoarthritis (Abstract 1273)

Using a fit-for-purpose manufacturing process suitable for early development, Flexion successfully produced four batches of drug substance, which will enable GLP toxicology, pharmacology, and GMP clinical studies. Key findings include:

About FX201FX201 is a locally administered gene therapy product candidate which utilizes a helper-dependent adenovirus (HDAd) vector, designed to stimulate the production of an anti-inflammatory protein, interleukin-1 receptor antagonist (IL-1Ra), whenever inflammation is present within the joint. Inflammation is a known cause of pain, and chronic inflammation is thought to play a major role in the progression of osteoarthritis (OA). By persistently suppressing inflammation, Flexion believes FX201 holds the potential to both reduce OA pain and modify the disease.

About Osteoarthritis (OA) of the KneeOA, also known as degenerative joint disease, affects more than 30 million Americans and accounts for more than $185 billion in annual expenditures. In 2017, approximately 15 million Americans were diagnosed with OA of the knee and the average age of physician-diagnosed knee OA has fallen by 16 years, from 72 in the 1990s to 56 in the 2010s. The prevalence of OA is expected to continue to increase as a result of aging, obesity and sports injuries. Each year, approximately five million OA patients receive either a corticosteroid (immediate-release or extended-release) or hyaluronic acid intra-articular injection to manage their knee pain.

About Flexion TherapeuticsFlexion Therapeutics(Nasdaq:FLXN) is a biopharmaceutical company focused on the development and commercialization of novel, local therapies for the treatment of patients with musculoskeletal conditions, beginning with osteoarthritis, the most common form of arthritis. The company's core values are focus, ingenuity, tenacity, transparency and fun.

Forward-Looking Statements This release contains forward-looking statements that are based on the current expectations and beliefs of Flexion. Statements in this press release regarding matters that are not historical facts, including, but not limited to, statements relating to the future of Flexion; expected increases in the rate of individuals with OA of the knee; and the potential therapeutic and other benefits of FX201, are forward looking statements. These forward-looking statements are based on management's expectations and assumptions as of the date of this press release and are subject to numerous risks and uncertainties, which could cause actual results to differ materially from those expressed or implied by such statements. These risks and uncertainties include, without limitation, risks related to clinical trials, including potential delays, safety issues or negative results; risks related to key employees, markets, economic conditions, and health care reform; and other risks and uncertainties described in our filings with theSecurities and Exchange Commission(SEC), including under the heading "Risk Factors" in our Annual Report on Form 10-Kfiled with theSEConMarch 12, 2020and subsequent filings with theSEC. The forward-looking statements in this press release speak only as of the date of this press release, and we undertake no obligation to update or revise any of the statements. We caution investors not to place considerable reliance on the forward-looking statements contained in this press release.


Scott YoungVice President, Corporate Communications & Investor RelationsFlexion Therapeutics, Inc.T:

Julie DownsAssociate Director, Corporate Communications & Investor Relations Flexion Therapeutics, Inc.T:

Excerpt from:

Flexion Therapeutics Announces Virtual Poster Presentations for FX201, an Intra-Articular Gene Therapy Candidate for the Treatment of Osteoarthritis,...

UPDATE Amicus Therapeutics Announces Upcoming Presentations at the American Society of Gene & Cell Therapy 23rd Annual Meeting – GlobeNewswire

CRANBURY, N.J., May 06, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Amicus Therapeutics (Nasdaq: FOLD) a global, patient-dedicated biotechnology company focused on discovering, developing and delivering novel medicines for rare diseases today announced the acceptance of several abstracts for presentation at the American Society of Gene & Cell Therapy 23rd Annual Meeting being held virtually on May 12 15. Preclinical data from its Pompe gene therapy program, which Amicus is developing with the Gene Therapy Program of the Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania, will be presented as an oral presentation. Preclinical data related to the CLN6 and CLN8 Batten disease programs, with our partners at Sanford Research and Nationwide Childrens Hospital, will be presented in respective posters.

Oral Platform Presentation: Thursday, May 14, 2020,4:45-5:00p.m. ET

Pompe Disease:

Poster Session: Tuesday, May 12, 2020, 5:30-6:30 p.m. ET

CLN6 Batten Disease:

Poster Session: Wednesday, May 13, 2020, 5:30-6:30 p.m. ET

CLN8 Batten Disease:

All abstracts for the American Society of Gene & Cell Therapy 23rd Annual Meeting are now available online.

About Pompe DiseasePompe disease is an inherited lysosomal disorder caused by deficiency of the enzyme acid alpha-glucosidase (GAA). Reduced or absent levels of GAA leads to accumulation of glycogen in cells, which results in the clinical manifestations of Pompe disease. The disease can be debilitating and is characterized by severe muscle weakness that worsens over time. Pompe disease ranges from a rapidly fatal infantile form with significant impacts to heart function to a more slowly progressive, late-onset form primarily affecting skeletal muscle. It is estimated that Pompe disease affects approximately 5,000 to 10,000 people worldwide.

About Batten DiseaseBatten disease is the common name for a broad class of rare, fatal, inherited disorders of the nervous system also known as neuronal ceroid lipofuscinoses, or NCLs. In these diseases, a defect in a specific gene triggers a cascade of problems that interferes with a cells ability to recycle certain molecules. Each gene is called CLN (ceroid lipofuscinosis, neuronal) and given a different number designation as its subtype. There are 13 known forms of Batten disease often referred to as CLN1-8; 10-14. The various types of Batten disease have similar features and symptoms but vary in severity and age of onset.

Most forms of Batten disease/NCLs usually begin during childhood. The clinical course often involves progressive loss of independent adaptive skills such as mobility, feeding, and communication. Patients may also experience vision loss, personality changes, behavioral problems, learning impairment, and seizures. Patients typically experience progressive loss of motor function and eventually become wheelchair-bound, are then bedridden, and die prematurely.

About Amicus Therapeutics Amicus Therapeutics (Nasdaq: FOLD) is a global, patient-dedicated biotechnology company focused on discovering, developing and delivering novel high-quality medicines for people living with rare metabolic diseases. With extraordinary patient focus, Amicus Therapeutics is committed to advancing and expanding a robust pipeline of cutting-edge, first- or best-in-class medicines for rare metabolic diseases. For more information please visit the companys website at, and follow us on Twitter and LinkedIn.

Forward-Looking StatementsThis press release contains "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995 relating to preclinical and clinical development of our product candidates. The inclusion of forward-looking statements should not be regarded as a representation by us that any of our plans or projections will be achieved. Any or all of the forward-looking statements in this press release may turn out to be wrong and can be affected by inaccurate assumptions we might make or by known or unknown risks and uncertainties. For example, with respect to statements regarding results of preclinical studies and clinical trials, actual results may differ materially from those set forth in this release due to the risks and uncertainties inherent in our business, including, without limitation: the potential that results of clinical or preclinical studies indicate that the product candidates are unsafe or ineffective; the potential that preclinical and clinical studies could be delayed because we identify serious side effects or other safety issues; the potential that we may not be able to manufacture or supply sufficient clinical products; and the potential that we will need additional funding to complete all of our studies and manufacturing. Further, the results of earlier preclinical studies and/or clinical trials may not be predictive of future results. In addition, all forward-looking statements are subject to other risks detailed in our Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2019. You are cautioned not to place undue reliance on these forward-looking statements, which speak only as of the date hereof. All forward-looking statements are qualified in their entirety by this cautionary statement, and we undertake no obligation to revise or update this press release to reflect events or circumstances after the date hereof.


Investors/Media:Amicus TherapeuticsAndrew FaughnanDirector, Investor 662-3809


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UPDATE Amicus Therapeutics Announces Upcoming Presentations at the American Society of Gene & Cell Therapy 23rd Annual Meeting - GlobeNewswire

This Gene Is a Molecular "Knob" That Fine-tunes Our Cortex’s Electrical Activity – Technology Networks

It works like a very fine "molecular knob" able to modulate the electrical activity of the neurons of our cerebral cortex, crucial to the functioning of our brain. Its name is Foxg1, it is a gene, and its unprecedented role is the protagonist of the discovery just published in the journal Cerebral Cortex.

Foxg1 was already known for being a "master gene" able to coordinate the action of hundreds of other genes necessary for the development of our anterior central nervous system. As this new study reports, the "excitability" of neurons, namely their ability to respond to stimuli, communicating between each other and carrying out all their tasks, also depends on this gene. To discover this, the researchers developed and studied animal and cellular models in which Foxg1 has an artificially altered activity: a lack of activity, as it happens in patients affected by a rare variant of Rett Syndrome, which leads to clinical manifestations of the autistic realm; or an excessive action, as in a specific variant of the West Syndrome, with neurological symptoms such as serious epilepsy and severe cognitive impairment. As deduced by the scientists in the research, the flaw in the "knob" lies in an altered electrical activity in the brain with important consequences for the entire system, similar to what happens in the two syndromes mentioned.

Shedding light on this mechanism, say the researchers, allows to understand more deeply the functioning of our central nervous system in sickness and in health, a fundamental step to assess possible future therapeutic interventions for these pathologies. What has just been published is the latest in a series of three studies on the Foxg1 gene, recently published by the researchers of SISSA on Cerebral Cortex. It is the result of a project begun more than five years ago, which saw the team of Professor Antonello Mallamaci of SISSA in the front line with researchers of the University of Trento and the Neuroscience Institute of Pisa, with the support of the Telethon Foundation, of the Fondation Jerome Lejeune and of the FOXG1 Research Foundation.

"We knew that this gene is important for the development of the anterior central nervous system" explains the Professor Antonello Mallamaci of SISSA, who has coordinated the research. "In previous studies we had already highlighted how it was involved in the development of particular brain cells, the astrocytes, as well as the neuronal dendrites, which are part of the nerve cells that transport the incoming electrical signal to the cell. The fact that it had mutated in patients affected by specific variants of the Rett and West Syndromes in which we see, respectively, an insufficient and excessive activity of this gene, made us explore the possibility that its role was also another. And, from what has emerged, it would appear that way".

According to the study, the activation of the electrical activity of Foxg1 follows a positive circuit. Professor Mallamaci explains: "If the gene is very active there is increased electrical activity in the cerebral cortex. In addition, the neurons, when active, tend to make it work even harder. One process, in short, feeds the other. Obviously, in normal conditions, the system is slowed down at a certain point. "If, however, the gene functions abnormally, or it is found in a number of copies other than two, as it happens in the two syndromes above, the point of balance changes and the electrical activity is altered. All this, in addition to making us understand the mechanisms of the pathology, tells us that Foxg1 functions precisely as a key regulator of the electrical activity in the cerebral cortex".

The next step, explains the professor, will be to understand the role of the mediating genes, namely of some of the many genes whose action is regulated by the master gene Foxg1. This analysis is important to understand in more detail how this gene works under normal and pathological conditions.

Understanding the molecular mechanisms that Foxg1 controls is also important to study what could be the targets on which to intervene for possible therapeutic approaches. "Given that finding a therapy for these illnesses is very difficult, working so in depth you might find, for example, that most problems are caused precisely by some of the "operators" that Foxg1 regulates. And that we should therefore focus our attention on these goals, rather than on the master gene, maybe using drugs that already exist and have been seen to be useful in remedying those specific flaws". In the case of a future approach that would instead correct the anomalies of the FOXG1 gene with the gene therapy, explains Professor Mallamaci, "it is necessary to understand when to intervene, namely from what moment on the pathological effects due to the mutation of this gene become irreversible. To replace the flawed copy with the correct one, it is necessary to intervene before that moment, which might suppose you would have to make a prenatal gene diagnosis and treatment". "The next steps we will take", concludes Professor Mallamaci "will be directed precisely in the direction of a deeper understanding of all these aspects".

Reference: Tigani, W., Rossi, M. P., Artimagnella, O., Santo, M., Rauti, R., Sorbo, T., Ulloa, F. P. S., Provenzano, G., Allegra, M., Caleo, M., Ballerini, L., Bozzi, Y., & Mallamaci, A. (n.d.). Foxg1 Upregulation Enhances Neocortical Activity. Cerebral Cortex.

This article has been republished from the following materials. Note: material may have been edited for length and content. For further information, please contact the cited source.

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This Gene Is a Molecular "Knob" That Fine-tunes Our Cortex's Electrical Activity - Technology Networks

Can gene therapy help develop coronavirus vaccine? Researchers banking on this technology for breakthrough – MEAWW

As the world continues to battle the coronavirus pandemic, scientists are looking towards gene therapy to find ways to develop vaccines for the Covid-19 virus. Gene therapy itself was developed based on how viruses work.

When a virus attacks a host, it introduces its genetic material into the host cell as part of its replication cycle. The genetic material serves as an instruction manual on how to produce more copies of the virus, hijacking the host body's normal production machinery to serve the needs of the virus. The host cells then produce additional copies of the virus, leading to more host cells being infected.

Like animals, humans have found a way to domesticate viruses as well, i.e., direct the virus's function to achieve favorable results, which is prominent in gene therapy. Such viruses which physically insert their genes into the host's genome could instead be used to carry "good" genes into a human cell. Scientists would first remove the genes in the virus that cause diseases, and replace those genes with genes encoding the desired effect.

All of this sounds quite sci-fi but it has been done numerous times in the past. Peter Kolchinsky, a virologist and a biotechnology investor, compiled how different viruses have been used for gene therapy in the past.

Kolchinsky tweeted, "SARS2 is a scary menace, but did you know that we've domesticated viruses? Like wolves vs dogs, we've tamed them, including some deadly ones, to perform many useful functions (and may help us stop SARS2)."

The human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) has killed millions of people. It works by disabling the host body's immune system until it can't defend the person against common, normally mild pathogens. Kolchinsky explained that HIV's special trick is to integrate its genome into that of the host body's cells.

This feature of HIV is used for gene therapy, as explained before, by replacing a chunk of the virus's genome with the hemoglobin gene to insert it into bone marrow stem cells of patients with sickle cell anemia, whose hemoglobin genes are malfunctioning.

Kolchinsky also tweeted, "Adenoviruses typically cause mild infections, including common colds. These, too, we are trying to use for gene therapies, particularly when we just want to temporarily make a protein in cells. One company is developing such an adenovirus gene therapy for heart disease to induce growth of new blood vessels when old ones are clogged. Another is using this virus to make oral vaccines that would otherwise require injection (eg flu vaccine pill). When we use a virus to deliver code for making something in cells, we call that a virus vector."

There is now a wealth of clinical experience with numerous vector types that include primarily vaccinia, measles, vesicular stomatitis virus (VSV), polio, reovirus, adenovirus, lentivirus, -retrovirus, adeno-associated virus (AAV) and herpes simplex virus (HSV).

However, as with all other procedures, viral vector-gene therapy has associated risks. Viruses can usually infect more than one type of cell, so, when viralvectorsare used to carrygenesinto the body, they might infect healthy cells as well as cancer cells.

Another danger is that the new gene might be inserted in the wrong location in the DNA, possibly causing harmful mutations to the DNA or even cancer. Moreover, when viruses are used to deliver DNA to cells inside the patient's body, there is a slight chance that this DNA could unintentionally be introduced into the patients reproductive cells. If this happens, it could produce changes that may be passed on if a patient has children after treatment.

One study to help find a vaccine for Covid-19 aims to use the principles behind gene therapy to get the vaccine ready. The researchers' method uses a harmless virus as a vector to bring DNA into the patient's cells. The DNA should then instruct the cells to make a coronavirus protein that would stimulate the immune system to fight off future infections.

While a mass-produced vaccine may still take a while, this study is one of at least 90 vaccine projects around the world trying to find a cure for Covid-19. However, some experts are worried that a vaccine may never be available. According to our previous report, Dr David Nabarro, a professor of global health at Imperial College London, who also serves as a special envoy to the WHO on Covid-19, said, "There are some viruses that we still do not have vaccines against."


Can gene therapy help develop coronavirus vaccine? Researchers banking on this technology for breakthrough - MEAWW

Gene Therapy for Rare Disease Market 2020 Coronavirus (Covid-19) Business Impact 2026 Growth Trends by Manufacturers, Regions, Type and Application,…

A new business intelligence report released by CMI with the title Global Gene Therapy for Rare Disease Market Research Report 2020-2027 is designed covering micro level of analysis by manufacturers and key business segments. The Global Gene Therapy for Rare Disease Market survey analysis offers energetic visions to conclude and study market size, market hopes, and competitive surroundings. The research is derived through primary and secondary statistics sources and it comprises both qualitative and quantitative detailing.

Whats keeping Kite Pharma, Inc. (Gilead Sciences, Inc.), Novartis International AG, Juno Therapeutics Inc. (Celgene Corporation), Bluebird Bio, Inc., Spark Therapeutics, Inc., uniQure N.V, Orchard Therapeutics Plc., PTC Therapeutics, Inc., and BioMarin Pharmaceutical Inc. Ahead in the Market? Benchmark yourself with the strategic moves and findings recently released by CMI.

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This report sample includesBrief Introduction to the research report.Table of Contents (Scope covered as a part of the study)Top players in the marketResearch framework (presentation)Research methodology adopted by Coherent Market Insights

Market Overview of Global Gene Therapy for Rare Disease

If you are involved in the Global Gene Therapy for Rare Disease industry or aim to be, then this study will provide you inclusive point of view. Its vital you keep your market knowledge up to date segmented by Applications and major players. If you have a different set of players/manufacturers according to geography or needs regional or country segmented reports we can provide customization according to your requirement.

This study mainly helps understand which market segments or Region or Country they should focus in coming years to channelize their efforts and investments to maximize growth and profitability. The report presents the market competitive landscape and a consistent in depth analysis of the major vendor/key players in the market.

Furthermore, the years considered for the study are as follows:

Historical year 2015 2019

Base year 2019

Forecast period** 2020 to 2027 [** unless otherwise stated]

**Moreover, it will also include the opportunities available in micro markets for stakeholders to invest, detailed analysis of competitive landscape and product services of key players.

Regions included:

North America (United States, Canada, and Mexico)

Europe (Germany, France, UK, Russia, and Italy)

Asia-Pacific (China, Japan, Korea, India, and Southeast Asia)

South America (Brazil, Argentina, Colombia)

Middle East and Africa (Saudi Arabia, UAE, Egypt, Nigeria, and South Africa)

Read Detailed Index of full Research Study at

Important Features that are under offering & key highlights of the report:

Detailed overview of Gene Therapy for Rare Disease market

Changing market dynamics of the industry

In-depth market segmentation by Type, Application etc

Historical, current and projected market size in terms of volume and value

Recent industry trends and developments

Competitive landscape of Gene Therapy for Rare Disease market

Strategies of key players and product offerings

Potential and niche segments/regions exhibiting promising growth

A neutral perspective towards Gene Therapy for Rare Disease market performance

Market players information to sustain and enhance their footprint

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Major Highlights of TOC:

Chapter One: Global Gene Therapy for Rare Disease Market Industry Overview

1.1 Gene Therapy for Rare Disease Industry

1.1.1 Overview

1.1.2 Products of Major Companies

1.2 Gene Therapy for Rare Disease Market Segment

1.2.1 Industry Chain

1.2.2 Consumer Distribution

1.3 Price & Cost Overview

Chapter Two: Global Gene Therapy for Rare Disease Market Demand

2.1 Segment Overview



2.1.3 Other

2.2 Global Gene Therapy for Rare Disease Market Size by Demand

2.3 Global Gene Therapy for Rare Disease Market Forecast by Demand

Chapter Three: Global Gene Therapy for Rare Disease Market by Type

3.1 By Type

3.1.1 TYPE 1

3.1.2 TYPE 2

3.2 Gene Therapy for Rare Disease Market Size by Type

3.3 Gene Therapy for Rare Disease Market Forecast by Type

Chapter Four: Major Region of Gene Therapy for Rare Disease Market

4.1 Global Gene Therapy for Rare Disease Sales

4.2 Global Gene Therapy for Rare Disease Revenue & market share

Chapter Five: Major Companies List

Chapter Six: Conclusion

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Key questions answered

o Who are the Leading key players and what are their Key Business plans in the Global Gene Therapy for Rare Disease market?

o What are the key concerns of the five forces analysis of the Global Gene Therapy for Rare Disease market?

o What are different prospects and threats faced by the dealers in the Global Gene Therapy for Rare Disease market?

o What are the strengths and weaknesses of the key vendors?

Thanks for reading this article; you can also get individual chapter wise section or region wise report version like North America, Europe or Asia.

About the Author:

Coherent Market Insights is a prominent market research and consulting firm offering action-ready syndicated research reports, custom market analysis, consulting services, and competitive analysis through various recommendations related to emerging market trends, technologies, and potential absolute dollar opportunity.

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Gene Therapy for Rare Disease Market 2020 Coronavirus (Covid-19) Business Impact 2026 Growth Trends by Manufacturers, Regions, Type and Application,...

A Tribute to Max Randell, Gene Therapy Pioneer – PLoS Blogs

I awoke on Monday morning to the sad news that Max Randell had passed away on April 18. He would have been 23 on October 9.

Maxie wasnt expected to live past the age of 8, or even much past toddlerhood, according to some doctors. But gene therapy, and his incredible family, had something to say about that. COVID-19 didnt claim him his body just tired of fighting.

Max Randells legacy is one of hope, to the rare disease community whose family members step up to participate in the clinical trials that lead to treatments. In this time of the pandemic, attention has, understandably, turned somewhat away from the many people who live with medical limitations all the time. Ill explore that story next week.

A Devastating Diagnosis

Max was diagnosed at 4 months of age with Canavan disease, an inherited neuromuscular disease that never touched his mind nor his ability to communicate with his eyes, even though his body increasingly limited what he could do. Fewer than a thousand people in the US have the condition.

Canavan disease is an enzyme deficiency that melts away the myelin that insulates brain neurons. Gene therapy provides working copies of the affected gene, ASPA.

Babies with Canavan disease are limp and listless. Most never speak, walk, or even turn over. Yet their facial expressions and responses indicate an uncanny awareness. A child laughs when his dad makes a fart-like noise; a little girl flutters her fingers as if they are on a keyboard when a friend plays piano. Theyre smart.

Today, with excellent speech, occupational, and physical therapy and earlier diagnosis, people with Canavan disease can live into their teens or twenties. Those with mild mutations live even longer.

Maxs passing is a tragedy, but he taught researchers about gene therapy to the brain. And that may help others.

Gene Therapy for Canavan

Max had his first gene therapy at 11 months of age and a second a few years later, after slight backsliding when clinical trials halted in the wake of the death of Jesse Gelsingerin a gene therapy trial for a different disease.

Ive written about Maxs journey through many editions of my human genetics textbook, in my book ongene therapy, and in several DNA Science posts, listed at the end.

Ive had the honor to attend two of Maxs birthday parties, which celebrate Canavan kids and the organization that his family founded, Canavan Research Illinois. At one party I brought along birthday cards that students whod read my gene therapy book made for him. And his grandma Peggy, who emailed me of his passing this past Monday, showed me how Max communicated with eyeblinks of differing duration and direction.

Heres what his mom Ilyce wrote about one yearly gathering:

This year will be the 20th Annual Canavan Charity Ball. Each year as I plan this event Im faced with the undeniable reality that theres a chance Maxie wont be here by the time the day rolls around. With each passing year this fear grows stronger and it becomes increasingly difficult to put into print that our annual event is in honor of Maxies birthday. Ive been talking to Maxie a lot lately about his life. He feels happy, strong, loved, content, productive, and fulfilled and he is looking forward to his upcoming 21st birthday. Im excited to celebrate this incredible milestone.

Maxs parents and brother Alex have had the unusual experience of time, of being able to watch their loved one as the years unfolded following gene therapy. They were able to see more subtle improvements than can the parents whose children have more recently had gene therapy to treat a brain disease. Parents watch and wait and hope that language will return, or that a child will become more mobile or less hyperactive, depending on the treated condition. The changes may be subtle, or slow, or restricted and thats what Max taught the world.

For him, the viruses that ferried the healing genes into his brain seem to have gathered at his visual system. His parents noticed improvements in the short term, just before his first birthday, as well as long term.

Within two to three weeks, he started tracking with his eyes, and he got glasses. He became more verbal and his motor skills improved. His vision is still so good that his ophthalmologist only sees him once a year, like any other kid with glasses. She calls him Miracle Max, Ilyce told me in 2010.

In 2016 I heard from Ilyce again:

I wanted to give you an update on Maxie. Hes going to be 19 on October 9th. He graduated from high school in June and is beginning a work program on Monday. Its been very exciting to watch him grow into a young man!

Max had an appointment with his ophthalmologist this week and his vision continues to improve. His doctor said that the gene is still active in his brain because his optic nerve shows absolutely no signs of degeneration and looks the same each year. I wish we could have been able to express the gene throughout more of his brain, but I am grateful for the treatments because of the progress hes made.

Even though gene therapy wasnt a cure for Max, the things we are experiencing definitely give me a lot of hope that once the delivery system is perfected, I can see a potential cure for Canavan disease in the future. Just knowing that the gene is still there 15 years later gives me confidence that a one-time gene transfer would actually work!

Maxs gene therapy circa 2002 targeted less than 1% of brain cells, with fewer viral vectors than are used to deliver healing genes in todays clinical trials. But it looks like some of the vectors may have made their way beyond the optic nerves, judging by the interest in math he had in high school and his critical thinking skills.

A Choice of Gene-Based Therapies

When the Randell family decided to pursue gene therapy, it was pretty much the only game in town. Thats changed.

Only two gene therapies have been approvedin the U.S. But a search at yielded 602 entriesdeploying the technology. The list still rounds up the usual suspects of years past mostly immune deficiencies, eye disorders, or blood conditions, with a few inborn errors of metabolism.

But one clinical trial mentions the gene-editing tool CRISPR, which can replace a mutant gene, not just add working copies as classical gene therapy does. TheCRISPRtrial is an experiment on stem cells removed from patients with Kabuki syndrome, which affects many body systems.

Spinal muscular atrophy now has two FDA-approved treatments, one an antisense therapy (Spinraza) that silences a mutation and the other (Zolgensma) a gene therapy that infuses copies of the functioning gene. Without treatment, the destruction of motor neurons in the spinal cord is usually lethal by age two.

In 2018, FDA approved the first drug based on RNA interference (RNAi), yet another biotechnology. It silences gene expression, which is at the RNA rather than the DNA level of the other approaches. Onpattro treats the tingling, tickling, and burning sensations from the rare condition hereditary transthyretin-mediated amyloidosis.

When I wrote my book on gene therapy in 2012, the technology was pretty much the only choice of research to pursue besides protein-based therapies like enzyme replacement. Now families raising funds for treatments for single-gene diseases can add antisense, RNAi, and CRISPR gene editing to the list of possibilities.

In any battle, a diversity of weapons ups the odds of defeating the enemy.

RIP Max Randell.

DNA Science posts:

Fighting Canavan: Honoring Rare Disease Week

A Brothers Love Fights Genetic Disease

Gene Therapy for Canavan Disease: Maxs Story

Celebrating the Moms of Gene Therapy

To support research:Canavan Research Illinois

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A Tribute to Max Randell, Gene Therapy Pioneer - PLoS Blogs

Merck KGaA to spend $110M on new gene therapy facility in California – BioPharma Dive

Dive Brief:

Merck KGaA, like other contract manufacturers such as Lonza, is betting the next big wave of demand will be for complex production of gene therapies and other products such as viral vaccines and immunotherapies. The gene therapy market will grow to about $10 billion by 2026 from $1 billion in 2018, the company said, citing estimates from Biotech Forecasts.

"Viral vector manufacturing has transitioned from a niche industry to the cornerstone of the future of biopharmaceuticals," said Udit Batra, head of Merck KGaA'slife science business, in a statement.

The German company has been on a spending spree in recent years, announcing plans to invest 1 billion euros in its global headquarters in Darmstadt, more than $400 million in two sites in Switzerland,and $70 million in a research and development hub expansion in Billerica, Massachusetts.

Carlsbad is already home to a Merck KGaA facility that has been involved in gene therapy since 1997, about the time that researchers beginning studying the potential for such treatments in people. At present, the site has 16 modular viral bulk manufacturing clean room suites and two fill/finish suites, Merck KGaA said.

With the new facility, the Carlsbad location will have 27 suites used in different parts of the manufacturing process and will support production at the 1000-liter scale using single-use equipment, Merck KGaA said.

The company also has a manufacturing facility in Glasgow that produces intermediates and final products for gene therapy and viral vaccines.

Merck KGaA, established in 1688, is majority owned by descendants of the original founder and had sales of 16.2 billion euros last year. The U.S. pharmaceutical giant Merck was once a subsidiary but is no longer associated with its German namesake.

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Merck KGaA to spend $110M on new gene therapy facility in California - BioPharma Dive

Vertex Pharmaceuticals and Affinia Therapeutics Establish Multi-Year Collaboration to Discover and Develop Novel AAV Capsids for Genetic Therapies |…

DetailsCategory: More NewsPublished on Monday, 27 April 2020 15:42Hits: 68

Affinia Therapeutics proprietary AAV vector technology to be used in Vertexs genetic therapy efforts with focus on Duchenne muscular dystrophy, myotonic dystrophy type 1 and cystic fibrosis

BOSTON, MA & WALTHAM, MA, USA I April 27, 2020 I Vertex Pharmaceuticals Incorporated (Nasdaq:VRTX) and Affinia Therapeutics announced today that the two companies have entered into a strategic research collaboration to engineer novel adeno-associated virus (AAV) capsids to deliver transformative genetic therapies to people with serious diseases. Affinia Therapeutics proprietary AAVSmartLibrary and associated technology provides capsids for improved tissue tropism, manufacturability and pre-existing immunity. The collaboration will leverage Affinia Therapeutics capsid engineering expertise and Vertexs scientific, clinical and regulatory capabilities to accelerate the development of genetic therapies for people affected by Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD), myotonic dystrophy type 1 (DM1) and cystic fibrosis (CF).

This collaboration with Affinia Therapeutics will enhance our existing capabilities in discovering and developing transformative therapies for people with serious diseases, said Bastiano Sanna, Executive Vice President and Chief of Cell and Genetic Therapies at Vertex. Affinia Therapeutics innovative approach to the discovery and design of AAV capsids brings yet another tool to our Vertex Cell and Genetic Therapies toolkit, and were excited to partner with them to bring together their technology platform with our research and development expertise.

At Affinia Therapeutics, were setting a new standard in genetic therapy by leveraging our platform to methodically engineer novel AAV vectors that have unique therapeutic properties, said Rick Modi, Chief Executive Officer. Vertex is an established leader in developing transformative medicines for genetic diseases and renowned for its scientific rigor. We are thankful for the scientific validation this partnership brings and look forward to working closely with them to advance life-changing, differentiated genetic therapies and make a meaningful difference to those affected by these diseases.

About the Collaboration

Under the terms of the agreement, Affinia Therapeutics will apply its vector design and engineering technologies to develop novel capsids with improved properties. The agreement provides Vertex an exclusive license under Affinia Therapeutics proprietary technology and intellectual property (IP) in DMD and DM1 with an exclusive option to license rights for CF and an additional undisclosed disease. The scope of the agreement covers all genetic therapy modalities in these diseases. Affinia Therapeutics will be eligible to receive over $1.6 billion in upfront and development, regulatory and commercial milestones, including $80 million in upfront payments and research milestones that will be paid during the research term, plus tiered royalties on future net global sales on any products that result from the collaboration. Affinia Therapeutics will be responsible for the discovery of capsids that meet certain pre-determined criteria. Vertex will be responsible for and will fund the design and manufacturing of genetic therapies incorporating the selected capsids, preclinical and clinical development efforts, and commercialization of any approved products in the licensed diseases.

About Affinia Therapeutics

At Affinia Therapeutics, our purpose is to develop gene therapies that can have a transformative impact on people affected by devastating genetic diseases. Our proprietary platform enables us to methodically engineer novel AAV vectors and gene therapies that have remarkable tissue targeting and other properties. We are building world-class capabilities to discover, develop, manufacture and commercialize gene therapy products with an initial focus on muscle and central nervous system (CNS) diseases with significant unmet need.

About Vertex Pharmaceuticals

Vertex is a global biotechnology company that invests in scientific innovation to create transformative medicines for people with serious diseases. The company has multiple approved medicines that treat the underlying cause of cystic fibrosis (CF) a rare, life-threatening genetic disease and has several ongoing clinical and research programs in CF. Beyond CF, Vertex has a robust pipeline of investigational small molecule medicines in other serious diseases where it has deep insight into causal human biology, including pain, alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency and APOL1-mediated kidney diseases. In addition, Vertex has a rapidly expanding pipeline of genetic and cell therapies for diseases such as sickle cell disease, beta thalassemia, Duchenne muscular dystrophy and type 1 diabetes mellitus.

Founded in 1989 in Cambridge, Mass., Vertex's global headquarters is now located in Boston's Innovation District and its international headquarters is in London, UK. Additionally, the company has research and development sites and commercial offices in North America, Europe, Australia and Latin America. Vertex is consistently recognized as one of the industry's top places to work, including 10 consecutive years on Science magazine's Top Employers list and top five on the 2019 Best Employers for Diversity list by Forbes. For company updates and to learn more about Vertex's history of innovation, visit or follow us on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube and Instagram.

SOURCE: Vertex Pharmaceuticals

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Vertex Pharmaceuticals and Affinia Therapeutics Establish Multi-Year Collaboration to Discover and Develop Novel AAV Capsids for Genetic Therapies |...

Glaucoma can be successfully treated with gene therapy – Telangana Today

London:A common eye condition, glaucoma, could be successfully treated with a single injection using gene therapy, which would improve treatment options, effectiveness and quality of life for many patients, say researchers.

Glaucoma affects over 64 million people worldwide and is a leading cause of irreversible blindness. It is usually caused by fluid building up in the front part of the eye, which increases pressure inside the eye and progressively damages the nerves responsible for sight.

Current treatments include either eye drops, laser or surgery, all of which have limitations and disadvantages.

At present, there is no cure for glaucoma, which can lead to loss of vision if the disease is not diagnosed and treated early, said study researcher Dr Colin Chu from the University of Bristol in the UK.

For the findings, published in the journal Molecular Therapy, the research team tested a new approach that could provide additional treatment options and benefits.

The researchers designed a gene therapy and demonstrated proof of concept using experimental mouse models of glaucoma and human donor tissue.

The treatment targeted part of the eye called the ciliary body, which produces the fluid that maintains pressure within the eye.

Using the latest gene-editing technology called CRISPR, a gene called Aquaporin 1 in the ciliary body was inactivated leading to reduced eye pressure.

We hope to advance towards clinical trials for this new treatment in the near future. If its successful it could allow a long-term treatment of glaucoma with a single eye injection, which would improve the quality of life for many patients whilst saving the NHS time and money, Chu said

The researchers are currently in discussion with industry partners to support further laboratory work and rapidly progress this new treatment option towards clinical trials.


Glaucoma can be successfully treated with gene therapy - Telangana Today

Regenxbio Is A Leader In Gene Therapies – A Case Where The Platform Is Worth More Than The Pipeline – Seeking Alpha

Editor's note: Seeking Alpha is proud to welcome Numenor Capital as a new contributor. It's easy to become a Seeking Alpha contributor and earn money for your best investment ideas. Active contributors also get free access to SA PREMIUM. Click here to find out more

Regenxbio (RGNX) is a pioneer in gene therapies with a wide set of licensing agreements and an internal pipeline. The company focuses on adeno-associated virus (AAV) gene therapies for gene replacement and antibody delivery pursuing markets in retinal, neurodegenerative, and liver diseases. With a market cap of ~$1.3B (enterprise value of ~$1B), ~$400M of cash on the balance sheet, and ~$35M in revenue, Regenxbio is well-positioned to complete its milestones around manufacturing and clinical development into 2020.

The core investment thesis for Regenxbio is described below.

Validated technology platform to develop successful AAV gene therapies:

Strong financial position:

Undervalued internal assets:

From its 52-week high, Regenxbio's stock is down over 40%. The stock reached a low point from COVID-19 development. This is likely due to a lack of near term catalysts for the stock. With additional data for their lead asset in wet AMD coming in the first half of 2020, the initiation of phase II trials for the asset, and the sales ramp up for Zolgensma, the stock has a few potential catalysts coming up. As a result, there is an attractive entry point for investors to become an owner in Regenxbio.

Figure 1: RGNX daily chart (Source: Capital IQ)

The opportunity is that Regenexbio's licensing agreement with AveXis (NVS) on a medicine called Zolgensma to cure spinal muscular atrophy can potentially alone earn Regenxbio $3B-$4B in revenue. Zolgensma is an AAV gene therapy that delivers a transgene of SMN1 to cure the disease. About 20K people in the US have the disorder. With the medicine being priced at a little over $2M per patient, the market potential is well over $40B.

In 2014, Regenxbio licensed their AAV technology to AveXis to cure spinal muscular atrophy. The deal included various milestone payments to Regenxbio and importantly a mid-single to low double-digit royalties on net sales.

This one deal alone beyond the 20 similar deals Regenxbio has and its internal pipeline makes the company an attractive business. A simple DCF analysis with various assumptions, with the most important being including a capital expenditure of $400M for the clinical work with their flagship internal product, supports that Regenxbio is undervalued:

Figure 2: DCF model for RGNX (Source: Internal)

All the modeling done doesn't really help anyone figure out why this opportunity exists? Why is Regenxbio undervalued? Doubts around the Zolgensma scale up? Worries that capital from licensing deals will be wasted on an internal drug pipeline?

It's unprecedented that a drug company's platform is worth a lot more than the internal pipeline of drugs. From Regenxbio's latest corporate presentation, the company's main internal program, RGX-314, is focused on wet AMD:

Figure 3: Overview of Regenxbio's main asset (Source: Corporate Presentation)

RGX-314 is an AAV therapy for wet AMD. The slide describes the problem (leaky blood vessels in the eye) and how large it is (~2M patients) along with the vector (AAV8) and delivery cargo (anti-VEGF Fab). However, the company doesn't mention Eylea or other wet AMD medicines that are already approved. Regenxbio alludes to issues around delivery of drugs like Eylea (REGN), but doesn't go too deep on this slide or the presentation in general about how competitive their RGX-314 program will really be amongst clinicians.

An important point for any gene therapy is delivery whether it's a transgene or a CRISPR protein. A major reason why Regenxbio focused on wet AMD and ophthalmology in general is that delivering something to the eye is a lot easier than delivering something to the brain. RGX-314 is undergoing a phase I/II trial focused on establishing safety; the pivotal trial will come later. For the phase I portion, the company met their primary endpoint and showed safety so far. They have also shown how increasing doses of their gene therapy reduces the number of injections. This is going to be an important experiment and data set to argue for clinicians to switch over from something like Eylea.

The real value in Regenxbio is in its AveXis deal and the various licensing partnerships:

Figure 4: Regenxbio licensing partnerships (Source: Corporate Presentation)

Figure 5: Regenxbio licensing partnerships (Source: Corporate Presentation)

Figure 6: Regenxbio licensing partnerships (Source: Corporate Presentation)

This business model is enabled by Regenxbio's core technology focused on AAV7-10 and natural or close-to-natural variants:

Figure 7: Overview of Regenxbio's platform (Source: Corporate Presentation)

Over the next two years, the key milestones are:

The business can continue to strike up more licensing deals and expand current ones. The margin of safety here is that Regenxbio is undervalued just for its deal with AveXis and its various licensing deals that provide periodic payments based on progress and potentially more royalties if the drugs are approved and commercialized.

This seems to be a case where the market is focusing on the company's internal pipeline. Regenxbio's headline drug is interesting but unlikely to be competitive. Whereas, the business has a wonderful platform and licensing business that is being ignored. Simple valuations show these cash flows are not being fully appreciated. As a result, Regenxbio is going to grow revenue without any additional work and still has the potential to strike again through the 20 or so deals it has.

Figure 8: Key upcoming milestones for Regenxbio (Source: Corporate Presentation)

Regenxbio's lead candidate is focused on wet age related macular degeneration (AMD). The disease is a severe form of macular degeneration, a condition in which layers of macula get progressively thinner. The wet form is caused by abnormal blood vessels grown under the macula and retina where leaky blood vessels cause problems with vision, ultimately leading to blindness. The current standard-of-care is an anti-vascular endothelial growth factor (anti-VEGF) therapy. Patients require monthly injection of anti-VEGF to stop the growth of leaky blood vessels. Wet AMD is not a genetic disease, but it is a large and established market for Regenxbio to capture.

To frame the market opportunity of wet AMD, a few facts are helpful:

196 million people worldwide & 288 million by 2040 have AMD

10% have wet AMD, but is the leading cause of blindness

175,000 new patients annually in US

Growing number of patients due to aging population

Current treatments are regular injections of anti-VEGF

Figure 9: Overview of wet AMD (Source: JMS)

For wet AMD, competition comes from Genentech, Regeneron (REGN), and Adverum (ADVM). Genentech sells Lucentis at a price of $1850 per dose. Regeneron sells Eylea at $1150 per dose. Genentech's Avastin is also used off lab and is becoming more popular due to its cheap price of $60 per dose; the medicine is currently used for metastatic colorectal cancer. For gene therapies in wet AMD, the sole competitor is Adverum Biotechnologies. With 20M people with wet AMD, the total market opportunity for these medicines are in the billions of dollars.

Where Genentech's and Regeneron's medicines require multiple doses over the lifetime of a patient, a gene therapy has the potential to be curative and remove the multiple dosing requirement. For wet AMD, over 50% recurrence rate in the first year after treatment has stopped, and over 25% recurrence rate in the second year after treatment has stopped For drugs like Eylea and Lucentis, monthly intravitreal injection creates large burden for patients and create difficulty in dosing for clinicians. These problems allow Regenxbio to potentially capture the market with a gene therapy:

Figure 10: Wet AMD market (Source: Reportlinker)

Regenxbio's lead asset, RGX-314 is pursuing wet AMD. So far the company has shown:

Dose dependent protein expression levels and drug efficacy

Sustained protein expression for over 1.5 years

Long term efficacy demonstrated for Cohort 3 for rescue-free patients

No serious adverse events (SAE), but mild adverse events (AE) such as inflammation

Significant improvement in visual acuity for rescue free patients

Figure 11: Trial design of Regenxbio's lead asset (Source: Corporate Presentation)


Cohort 1

Cohort 2

Cohort 3

Cohort 4

Cohort 5


3 x 109 gc/eye

1 x 1010 gc/eye

6 x 1010vg/eye

1.6 x 1011 gc/eye

2.5 x 1011 gc/eye

Rescue Injection Free

Not Available

Mean 4.7 rescue inj.

Not Available

Mean 3.8 rescue inj.

3 / 6 Patients

Mean 1.3 rescue inj.

5 / 12 Patients

Mean 2.2 rescue inj.

9 / 12 Patients

Mean 0.8 rescue inj.


52 Weeks

52 Weeks

78 Weeks

52 weeks (2H 2020)

52 weeks (2H 2020)

Best Corrected Visual Acuity (BCVA)

In ETDRS letters

Mean: -2.0

Range: -8/+10

Mean: +7

Range: -4/+15

Mean: +8

Range: 0/+21

Mean: +2

Mean: +4

Central Subfield Thickness (m)

Mean: -14

Range -81/+92

Mean: +26

Range -7/+62

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Regenxbio Is A Leader In Gene Therapies - A Case Where The Platform Is Worth More Than The Pipeline - Seeking Alpha

UK Startup to Manufacture Cell and Gene Therapies with… –

The UK company MicrofluidX has closed a 1.6M (1.4 M) seed funding round to develop a microfluidic platform that could produce cell and gene therapies more cheaply than conventional cell cultures.

The funding round was led by UKI2S, a national seed investment fund targeting early-stage companies, as well as Longwall Ventures and Cambridge Angels.

MicrofluidX will use the funding to establish a prototype of its technology. With this prototype, the company then aims to compare the performance of its microfluidics approach to current cell culture techniques used to produce gene and cell therapies.

In the dynamic cell therapy space, one of the major bottlenecks facing the field is the manufacture and scaling process, as manual cell culturing techniques are often required. Applying microfluidic technology to the manufacturing process may be an answer to this issue.

Although it is less developed at the manufacturing level, microfluidics technology has long been part of research in cell biology. It has several advantages over conventional cell cultures. For example, it allows cell cultures to be controlled more precisely on chips, increases automation, and can reduce the consumption of expensive ingredients in the cell culture process by a factor of twenty.

According to MicrofluidX, its platform could scale up microfluidics far beyond just biology research. The aim is to run dozens of cell cultures in parallel, with the capacity to produce cells more cheaply and with a higher yield than with current manufacturing techniques.

The result is that we can leverage all the inherent advantages of microfluidic cell culture at a scale never seen before, MicrofluidXs founder and CEO, Antoine Espinet, told me. This leads to much lower bioprocessing costs, better control over the final product, and faster translation from research to commercialization.

In particular, the company is investigating its technologys capacity to produce immune T-cells a common type of cell used in immunotherapies such as CAR T-cell therapies and other cell types.

Whilst the regulatory agencies are now warming up to cell and gene therapies, there are still growing pains, especially around manufacturing, Pablo Lubroth, an investor with UKI2S, told me.

It is essential to not only support companies that produce the therapies themselves, but also companies that are developing enabling technologies to ensure these therapies can be effectively commercialized and therefore have a tangible benefit to the patient.

As well as manufacturing, microfluidics is gaining traction in diagnostics and screening. For example, another UK startup, Lightcast Discovery, was founded last year to screen cells using microfluidics and beams of light. Additionally, the Belgian nanofluidics company miDiagnostics last month raised 14M to commercialize its silicon chip diagnostics in collaboration with Johns Hopkins University in the US.

Image from Shutterstock

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