Researchers use CRISPR to manipulate social behavior in ants – Phys.Org

This photograph shows Ooceraea biroi workers tagged with color dots for individual behavioral tracking. Credit: Daniel Kronauer The Rockefeller University

The gene-editing technology called CRISPR has revolutionized the way that the function of genes is studied. So far, CRISPR has been widely used to precisely modify single-celled organisms and, more importantly, specific types of cells within more complex organisms. Now, two independent teams of investigators are reporting that CRISPR has been used to manipulate ant eggsleading to germline changes that occur in every cell of the adult animals throughout the entire ant colony. The papers appear August 10 in Cell.

"These studies are proof of principle that you can do genetics in ants," says Daniel Kronauer, an assistant professor at The Rockefeller University and senior author of one of the studies. "If you're interested in studying social behaviors and their genetic basis, ants are a good system. Now, we can knock out any gene that we think will influence social behavior and see its effects."

Because they live in colonies that function like superorganisms, ants are also a valuable model for studying complex biological systems. But ant colonies have been difficult to grow and study in the lab because of the complexity of their life cycles.

The teams found a way to work around that, using two different species of ants. The Rockefeller team employed a species called clonal raider ants (Ooceraea biroi), which lacks queens in their colonies. Instead, single unfertilized eggs develop as clones, creating large numbers of ants that are genetically identical through parthogenesis. "This means that by using CRISPR to modify single eggs, we can quickly grow up colonies containing the gene mutation we want to study," Kronauer says.

The other team, a collaboration between researchers at New York University and the NYU School of Medicine, Arizona State University, the Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania, and Vanderbilt University. , used Indian jumping ants (Harpegnathos saltator). "We chose this species because they have a peculiar feature that makes it easy to transform workers into queens," says Claude Desplan, a Silver Professor at NYU and one of the senior authors of the second study. If the queen dies, the young worker ants will begin dueling for dominance. Eventually, one of them becomes a "pseudoqueen"also called a gamergateand is allowed to lay eggs.

"In the lab, we can inject any worker embryo to change its genetic makeup," Desplan says. "We then convert the worker to a pseudoqueen, which can lay eggs, propagate the new genes, and spawn a new colony."

Desplan, co-senior author Danny Reinberg, a Howard Hughes Medical Institute investigator at NYU Langone, and Shelley Berger, the Daniel S. Och University Professor in the departments of Cell and Developmental Biology and Biology at Penn, began studying these ants several years ago as a way to learn about epigenetics, which refers to changes in gene expression rather than changes in the genetic code itself. "The queens and the worker ants are genetically identical, essentially twin sisters, but they develop very differently," Desplan says. "That makes them a good system for studying epigenetic control of development."

The gene that both research teams knocked out with CRISPR is called orco (odorant receptor coreceptor). Ants have 350 genes for odorant receptors, a prohibitively large number to manage individually. But due to the unique biology of how the receptors worka great stroke of luck, in this casethe investigators were able to block the function of all 350 with a single knockout. "Every one of these receptors needs to team up with the Orco coreceptor in order to be effective," says Waring Trible, a student in Kronauer's lab and the first author of the Rockefeller study.Once the gene was knocked out, the ants were effectively blind to the pheromone signals they normally use to communicate. Without those chemical cues, they become asocial, wandering out of the nest and failing to hunt for food.

More surprisingly, knocking out orco also affected the brain anatomy in the adult animals of both species. In the same way that humans have specialized processing centers in the brain for things like language and facial recognition, ants have centers that are responsible for perceiving and processing olfactory cues that are expanded compared to other insects. But in these ants, the substructures of these sensory centers, called the antennal lobe glomeruli, were largely missing.

"There are many things we still don't know about why this is the case," Kronauer says. "We don't know if the neurons die back in the adults because they're not being used, or if they never develop in the first place. This is something we need to follow up on. And eventually, we'd like to learn to what extent the phenomenon in ants is similar to what's going on in mammals, where brain development does depend to a large extent on sensory input."

"Better understanding, biochemically speaking, how behavior is shaped could reveal insights into disorders in which changes in social communication are a hallmark, such as schizophrenia or depression," Berger says.

In a third related study from the University of Pennsylvania, researchers led by Roberto Bonasio altered ant behavior usingthe brain chemical corazonin. When corazonin is injected into ants transitioning to become a pseudo-queen, it suppresses expression of thebrain protein vitellogenin. This change stimulated worker-like hunting behaviors, while inhibiting pseudo-queen behaviors, such as dueling and egg deposition.

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Further, when the team analyzed proteins the ant brain makes during the transition to becoming a pseudo-queen, they found that corazonin is similar to a reproductive hormone in vertebrates. More importantly, they also discovered that release of corazonin gets turned off as workers became pseudo-queens. Corazonin is also preferentially expressed in workers and foragers from other social insect species. In addition to corazonin, several other genes were expressed in a worker-specific or queen-specific way.

"Social insects such as ants are outstanding models to study how gene regulation affects behavior," says Bonasia, an assistant professor of Cell and Developmental Biology. "This is because they live in colonies comprised of individuals with the same genomes but vastly different sets of behaviors."

Explore further: 'Princess pheromone' tells ants which larvae are destined to be queens

More information: 1. Cell, Trible et al: "orco mutagenesis causes loss of antennal lobe glomeruli and impaired social behavior in ants." , DOI: 10.1016/j.cell.2017.07.001

2. Cell, Yan et al: "An engineered orco mutation produces aberrant social behavior and defective neural development in ants" , DOI: 10.1016/j.cell.2017.06.051

3. Cell, Gospocic et al.: "The neuropeptide corazonin controls social behavior and caste identity in ants" , DOI: 10.1016/j.cell.2017.07.014

Journal reference: Cell

Provided by: Cell Press

Read more:
Researchers use CRISPR to manipulate social behavior in ants - Phys.Org

Alnylam Announces Approval in Brazil of ONPATTRO for the Treatment of Hereditary ATTR Amyloidosis with Polyneuropathy – Yahoo Finance

ONPATTRO is the First-Ever RNAi Therapeutic Approved in Latin America

Alnylam Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (Nasdaq: ALNY), the leading RNAi therapeutics company, today announced that the Brazilian Health Regulatory Agency (ANVISA) has approved ONPATTRO (patisiran) for the treatment of hereditary transthyretin-mediated (hATTR) amyloidosis in adults with stage 1 or stage 2 polyneuropathy. hATTR amyloidosis is a rare, progressive condition that is considered endemic in Brazil, affecting more than 5,000 people.i Based on Nobel Prize-winning science, ONPATTRO is the first approved RNAi therapeutic in Latin America and will be the first Alnylam product launched and marketed in the region.

"The approval of ONPATTRO in Brazil marks an exciting milestone for so many Brazilians with hATTR amyloidosis in need of a new treatment option that could halt the progression of this debilitating and life-threatening disease. We are grateful to ANVISA for recognizing the significant impact of this disease on patients daily lives and for granting approval to the first RNAi therapeutic in Latin America ONPATTRO so swiftly, a mere four months after the marketing authorization application was filed. We will continue collaborating with ANVISA and the Ministry of Health in order to incorporate ONPATTRO in the federal program (SUS), to make the drug available to patients in need as soon as possible," said Norton Oliveira, Senior Vice President, Head of Latin America at Alnylam.

ONPATTROs approval is based on positive data from the APOLLO Phase 3 study, which evaluated the efficacy and safety of patisiran in hATTR amyloidosis patients with polyneuropathy. Results from the APOLLO study were published in the July 5, 2018 issue of The New England Journal of Medicine.

ANVISA granted ONPATTRO priority review, an accelerated review designation awarded to innovative medicines that treat rare diseases. ONPATTRO has previously been approved for use in the U.S., EU, Canada, Japan, and Switzerland. The therapy had been granted Breakthrough Therapy and Orphan Drug designation by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, along with priority or accelerated review status from regulatory agencies in the U.S., EU, Canada, and Japan.

About ONPATTRO (patisiran)

ONPATTRO is an RNAi therapeutic that was approved in the United States and Canada for the treatment of the polyneuropathy of hATTR amyloidosis in adults. ONPATTRO is also approved in the European Union, Switzerland and Brazil for the treatment of hATTR amyloidosis in adults with Stage 1 or Stage 2 polyneuropathy, and in Japan for the treatment of hATTR amyloidosis with polyneuropathy. Based on Nobel Prize-winning science, ONPATTRO is an intravenously administered RNAi therapeutic targeting transthyretin (TTR). It is designed to target and silence TTR messenger RNA, thereby blocking the production of TTR protein before it is made. ONPATTRO blocks the production of TTR in the liver, reducing its accumulation in the bodys tissues in order to halt or slow down the progression of the polyneuropathy associated with the disease. For more information about ONPATTRO, visit

ONPATTRO Important Safety Information

Infusion-Related Reactions

Infusion-related reactions (IRRs) have been observed in patients treated with ONPATTRO. In a controlled clinical study, 19 percent of ONPATTRO-treated patients experienced IRRs, compared to 9 percent of placebo-treated patients. The most common symptoms of IRRs with ONPATTRO were flushing, back pain, nausea, abdominal pain, dyspnea, and headache. To reduce the risk of IRRs, patients should receive premedication with a corticosteroid, acetaminophen, and antihistamines (H1 and H2 blockers) at least 60 minutes prior to ONPATTRO infusion. Monitor patients during the infusion for signs and symptoms of IRRs. If an IRR occurs, consider slowing or interrupting the infusion and instituting medical management as clinically indicated. If the infusion is interrupted, consider resuming at a slower infusion rate only if symptoms have resolved. In the case of a serious or life-threatening IRR, the infusion should be discontinued and not resumed.

Reduced Serum Vitamin A Levels and Recommended Supplementation

ONPATTRO treatment leads to a decrease in serum vitamin A levels. Supplementation at the recommended daily allowance (RDA) of vitamin A is advised for patients taking ONPATTRO. Higher doses than the RDA should not be given to try to achieve normal serum vitamin A levels during treatment with ONPATTRO, as serum levels do not reflect the total vitamin A in the body.

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Patients should be referred to an ophthalmologist if they develop ocular symptoms suggestive of vitamin A deficiency (e.g. night blindness).

Adverse Reactions

The most common adverse reactions that occurred in patients treated with ONPATTRO were upper respiratory-tract infections (29 percent) and infusion-related reactions (19 percent).

For additional information about ONPATTRO, please see the full Prescribing Information.

About hATTR Amyloidosis

Hereditary transthyretin (TTR)-mediated amyloidosis (hATTR) is an inherited, progressively debilitating, and often fatal disease caused by mutations in the TTR gene. TTR protein is primarily produced in the liver and is normally a carrier of vitamin A. Mutations in the TTR gene cause abnormal amyloid proteins to accumulate and damage body organs and tissue, such as the peripheral nerves and heart, resulting in intractable peripheral sensory-motor neuropathy, autonomic neuropathy, and/or cardiomyopathy, as well as other disease manifestations. hATTR amyloidosis, represents a major unmet medical need with significant morbidity and mortality affecting approximately 50,000 people worldwide. The median survival is 4.7 years following diagnosis, with a reduced survival (3.4 years) for patients presenting with cardiomyopathy.

About RNAi

RNAi (RNA interference) is a natural cellular process of gene silencing that represents one of the most promising and rapidly advancing frontiers in biology and drug development today. Its discovery has been heralded as "a major scientific breakthrough that happens once every decade or so," and was recognized with the award of the 2006 Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine. By harnessing the natural biological process of RNAi occurring in our cells, a new class of medicines, known as RNAi therapeutics, is now a reality. Small interfering RNA (siRNA), the molecules that mediate RNAi and comprise Alnylam's RNAi therapeutic platform, function upstream of todays medicines by potently silencing messenger RNA (mRNA) the genetic precursors that encode for disease-causing proteins, thus preventing them from being made. This is a revolutionary approach with the potential to transform the care of patients with genetic and other diseases.

About Alnylam

Alnylam (Nasdaq: ALNY) is leading the translation of RNA interference (RNAi) into a whole new class of innovative medicines with the potential to transform the lives of people afflicted with rare genetic, cardio-metabolic, hepatic infectious, and central nervous system (CNS)/ocular diseases. Based on Nobel Prize-winning science, RNAi therapeutics represent a powerful, clinically validated approach for the treatment of a wide range of severe and debilitating diseases. Founded in 2002, Alnylam is delivering on a bold vision to turn scientific possibility into reality, with a robust RNAi therapeutics platform. Alnylams commercial RNAi therapeutic products are ONPATTRO (patisiran), approved in the U.S., EU, Canada, Japan, and Switzerland, and Brazil, and GIVLAARI (givosiran), approved in the U.S. Alnylam has a deep pipeline of investigational medicines, including five product candidates that are in late-stage development. Alnylam is executing on its "Alnylam 2020" strategy of building a multi-product, commercial-stage biopharmaceutical company with a sustainable pipeline of RNAi-based medicines to address the needs of patients who have limited or inadequate treatment options. Alnylam employs over 1,300 people worldwide and is headquartered in Cambridge, MA. For more information about our people, science and pipeline, please visit and engage with us on Twitter at @Alnylam or on LinkedIn.

Alnylam Forward Looking Statements

Various statements in this release concerning Alnylam's future expectations, plans and prospects, including, without limitation, Alnylam's views and plans with respect to the potential for RNAi therapeutics, including ONPATTRO, its plans for the launch of ONPATTRO in Brazil and continuing product launches globally, and expectations regarding the continued execution on its "Alnylam 2020" guidance for the advancement and commercialization of RNAi therapeutics, constitute forward-looking statements for the purposes of the safe harbor provisions under The Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Actual results and future plans may differ materially from those indicated by these forward-looking statements as a result of various important risks, uncertainties and other factors, including, without limitation: Alnylam's ability to discover and develop novel drug candidates and delivery approaches and successfully demonstrate the efficacy and safety of its product candidates; the pre-clinical and clinical results for its product candidates, which may not be replicated or continue to occur in other subjects or in additional studies or otherwise support further development of product candidates for a specified indication or at all; actions or advice of regulatory agencies, which may affect the design, initiation, timing, continuation and/or progress of clinical trials or result in the need for additional pre-clinical and/or clinical testing; delays, interruptions or failures in the manufacture and supply of its product candidates or its marketed products; obtaining, maintaining and protecting intellectual property; intellectual property matters including potential patent litigation relating to its platform, products or product candidates; obtaining regulatory approval for its product candidates, including lumasiran, and maintaining regulatory approval and obtaining pricing and reimbursement for its products, including ONPATTRO and GIVLAARI; progress in continuing to establish a commercial and ex-United States infrastructure, including in Brazil; successfully launching, marketing and selling its approved products globally, including ONPATTRO and GIVLAARI, and achieve net product revenues for ONPATTRO within our expected range during 2020; Alnylams ability to successfully expand the indication for ONPATTRO in the future; competition from others using technology similar to Alnylam's and others developing products for similar uses; Alnylam's ability to manage its growth and operating expenses within the ranges of its expected guidance and achieve a self-sustainable financial profile in the future, obtain additional funding to support its business activities, and establish and maintain strategic business alliances and new business initiatives; Alnylam's dependence on third parties, including Regeneron, for development, manufacture and distribution of certain products, including eye and CNS products, and Ironwood, for assistance with the education about and promotion of GIVLAARI; the outcome of litigation; the risk of government investigations; and unexpected expenditures, as well as those risks more fully discussed in the "Risk Factors" filed with Alnylam's most recent Annual Report on Form 10-K filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and in other filings that Alnylam makes with the SEC. In addition, any forward-looking statements represent Alnylam's views only as of today and should not be relied upon as representing its views as of any subsequent date. Alnylam explicitly disclaims any obligation, except to the extent required by law, to update any forward-looking statements.

i Pinto MV et al. Arq Neuropsiquiatr. 2018;76(9):609-621

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Alnylam Pharmaceuticals, Inc. Christine Regan Lindenboom (Investors and Media) 617-682-4340

Joshua Brodsky (Investors) 617-551-8276

Continued here:
Alnylam Announces Approval in Brazil of ONPATTRO for the Treatment of Hereditary ATTR Amyloidosis with Polyneuropathy - Yahoo Finance

Global Gene Editing Market 2020: Drivers, Restraints, Opportunities, Threats, Trends, Applications, Growth Analysis and Forecast To 2025 – Nyse Nasdaq…

This report focuses on the global Gene Editing status, future forecast, growth opportunity, key market and key players. The study objectives are to present the Gene Editing development in United States, Europe and China.

Gemstones are elements of minerals which when polished and cut are used for making jewelry and other ornaments, as well as for decoration purposes.

Key drivers attributing to the expansion include early applications of DNA editing to therapeutics. Use of the technology for the disease eradication through direct correction of disturbances in normal physiology, engineering the immune response, and alteration of pathogen targets in the host is anticipated to drive the market with substantial opportunities.

Based on end user, the global gene editing technologies market has been segmented into biotechnology industry, horticulture industry, animal breeding and academic & research institutes. Academic and research institutes are expected to contribute maximum share in the global gene editing technologies market over the f recast period as majority of the therapeutic applications of gene editing are not yet commercialized.

United States is expected to lead the global market due to increasing number academic and research institutes. Market in APAC region is expected to witness significant growth rate over the forecast period owing to expansion activities by key market players in the region.

In 2017, the global Gene Editing market size was xx million US$ and it is expected to reach xx million US$ by the end of 2025, with a CAGR of xx% during 2018-2025.

The key players covered in this study

Thermo Fisher Scientific


Horizo??n Discovery

Sangamo BioSciences

Integrated DNA Technologies


New England Biolabs

OriGene Technologies

Transposagen Biopharmaceuticals

Editas Medicine

CRISPR Therapeutics

RGen Solutions



Genscript Biotech

OriGene Technologies

Agilent Technologies

Market analysis by product type




Market analysis by market

Biotechnology & Pharmaceutical Companies

Academic & Government Research Institutes

Contract Research Organizations

Market analysis by Region

United States




Southeast Asia


Central & South America

The study objectives of this report are:

To analyze global Gene Editing status, future forecast, growth opportunity, key market and key players.

To present the Gene Editing development in United States, Europe and China.

To strategically profile the key players and comprehensively analyze their development plan and strategies.

To define, describe and forecast the market by product type, market and key regions.

In this study, the years considered to estimate the market size of Gene Editing are as follows:

History Year: 2017-2018

Base Year: 2017

Estimated Year: 2018

Forecast Year 2018 to 2025

For the data information by region, company, type and application, 2017 is considered as the base year. Whenever data information was unavailable for the base year, the prior year has been considered.

Table of Contents

Chapter One: Report Overview

1.1 Study Scope

1.2 Key Market Segments

1.3 Players Covered

1.4 Market Analysis by Type

1.4.1 Global Gene Editing Market Size Growth Rate by Type (2018-2025)

1.4.2 Crispr

1.4.3 Talen

1.4.4 Zfn

1.5 Market by Application

1.5.1 Global Gene Editing Market Share by Application (2017-2025)

1.5.2 Biotechnology & Pharmaceutical Companies

1.5.3 Academic & Government Research Institutes

1.5.4 Contract Research Organizations

1.6 Study Objectives

1.7 Years Considered

Chapter Two: Executive Summary

2.1 Gene Editing Market Size

2.2 Gene Editing Growth Trends by Regions

2.2.1 Gene Editing Market Size by Regions (2017-2025)

2.2.2 Gene Editing Market Share by Regions (2017-2025)

2.3 Industry Trends

2.3.1 Market Top Trends

2.3.2 Market Use Cases

Chapter Three: Key Players

3.1 Gene Editing Revenue by Manufacturers (2017-2018)

3.2 Gene Editing Key Players Head office and Area Served

3.3 Key Players Gene Editing Product/Solution/Service

3.4 Date of Enter into Gene Editing Market

3.5 Key Players Gene Editing Funding/Investment Analysis

3.6 Global Key Players Gene Editing Valuation & Market Capitalization

3.7 Mergers & Acquisitions, Expansion Plans

Chapter Four: Breakdown Data by Type and Application

4.1 Global Gene Editing Market Size by Type (2017-2025)

4.2 Global Gene Editing Market Size by Application (2017-2025)

Chapter Five: United States

5.1 United States Gene Editing Market Size (2017-2025)

5.2 Gene Editing Key Players in United States

5.3 United States Gene Editing Market Size by Type

5.4 United States Gene Editing Market Size by Application

Chapter Six: Europe

6.1 Europe Gene Editing Market Size (2017-2025)

6.2 Gene Editing Key Players in Europe

6.3 Europe Gene Editing Market Size by Type

6.4 Europe Gene Editing Market Size by Application

Chapter Seven: China

7.1 China Gene Editing Market Size (2017-2025)

7.2 Gene Editing Key Players in China

Read more:
Global Gene Editing Market 2020: Drivers, Restraints, Opportunities, Threats, Trends, Applications, Growth Analysis and Forecast To 2025 - Nyse Nasdaq...

New benchmarking resource for tricky type of gene mutation – The Institute of Cancer Research

Photo: Dagenais

Researchers have made available a vital resource that will allow labs throughout the world to assess how accurately they are detecting an important type of mutation.

The resource can be used as a benchmark for labs in detecting deletions or duplications of exons, the building block of genes a type of mutation that can be harder to pick up than other genetic errors.

Scientists at The Institute of Cancer Research, London, have compiled results on the detection of these mutations using distinct, independent testing methods, and including validated positive and negative results.

The resource, called the ICR96 exon CNV validation series, provides an external benchmarking set, saving labs from having to rely on internal or simulated data.

Genes are made up of blocks of DNA called exons. Most gene mutations are small, involving changes of only one or two letters of DNA code. These small changes are readily detected by DNA sequencing tests.

But sometimes whole exons are deleted or duplicated. These are called exon copy number variants (exon CNVs), and they are not easily picked up by standard DNA sequencing tests.

It is vital to find these mutations because they are an important cause of disease. For example, about 10% of BRCA1 mutations are exon CNVs. In clinical testing laboratories, a separate test has traditionally been used to detect exon CNVs, but this adds considerable time and cost and is not available for all genes.

The ICR 96 Exon Validation series study is asequencing dataset of 96 samples for orthogonal assessment of exon CNV calling in NGS data.

Find out more

Many laboratories have been trying to develop new ways of analysing sequencing data so that exon CNVs can be picked up accurately and without too many false positives, which are costly and time-consuming to follow up and discount.

A problem for the field has been the absence of external sequence datasets that include samples with experimentally proven exon CNVs and samples in which exon CNVs have been proven not to be present.

The ICR96 exon CNV validation series aims to fill this void. It includes data from 96 samples, 66 with at least one validated exon CNV and 30 with validated negative results for exon CNVs in 26 genes.

The dataset has general utility for exon CNV detection and is particularly useful for benchmarking cancer predisposition gene testing. This is important because tests for cancer predisposition genes, such as BRCA1 and BRCA2, are among the most widely performed and clinically useful of any gene test, but require the accurate detection of exon CNVs.

The ICR96 exon CNV validation resource, which is published on the open access platform Wellcome Open Research, is available through a simple access process to any legitimate clinical, research or commercial enterprise.

It was put together through the Wellcome-funded Transforming Genetic Medicine Initiative, which is building resources to help deliver the promise of genetic medicine.

Study LeaderProfessor Nazneen Rahman, Head of Cancer Genetics at the ICR, said: The ICR exon CNV validation series has been invaluable in our assessment of exon CNV detection methods, and we believe others will find it equally useful. Usually laboratories have to use internal data or simulated data, but this has limitations and hampers our ability to compare different methods. As genetic medicine becomes increasingly global, being able to compare and benchmark testing done in different laboratories becomes increasingly important.

See the original post here:
New benchmarking resource for tricky type of gene mutation - The Institute of Cancer Research

Study: Mutated Gene Tied to Irregular Heartbeat – UMB News

Heart disease kills more than 600,000 Americans every year, which translates to more than one in every four deaths. Although lifestyle choices contribute to the disease, genetics play a major role. This genetic facet has remained largely mysterious. But new research by scientists at the University of Maryland School of Medicine (UMSOM) has identified what may be a key player: a mutated gene that leads to irregular heartbeat, which can lead to a dangerously inefficient heart.

The findings were published June 7 in the journal Science Advances. The senior author of the study, Aikaterini Kontrogianni-Konstantopoulos, PhD, is a professor of biochemistry and molecular biology at UMSOM.

The study is the first to illuminate details of how this particular gene, which is called OBSCN, works in heart disease. The gene produces proteins known as obscurins, which seem to be crucial to many physiologic processes, including heart function.

University of Maryland School of Medicine Professor Aikaterini Kontrogianni-Konstantopoulos, PhD, studies the OBSCN gene and obscurin proteins.

This study gives us new information about the involvement of obscurins in the mechanics of heart disease, said Kontrogianni-Konstantopoulos. It suggests that people carrying a mutated version of OBSCN may develop heart disease.

For almost two decades, Kontrogianni-Konstantopoulos has been studying the OBSCN gene and obscurin proteins. Research has found that the gene is often mutated; some of these mutations may play a role in heart disease and certain cancers. She and her colleagues have recently shown that one mutation may play a role in the development of congenital heart disease. However, the cell processes that are affected by the OBSCN mutation have remained largely a mystery.

In this latest study, Kontrogianni-Konstantopoulos and her team unraveled this question. They focused on a mutation that has been linked to an enlarged heart, also known as hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. In this condition, the heart muscle becomes thickened and scarred, and has trouble pumping blood. She created a strain of mouse that carries the mutation, and then divided the animals into three groups: a group that experienced no stress, one that experienced moderate stress, and one that experienced significant stress.

She found that animals in the no-stress group developed irregular heartbeat, also known as arrhythmia. The mildly stressed animals developed thickened hearts, and the severely stressed animals developed hearts that were scarred and ineffective.

Kontrogianni-Konstantopoulos is one of several scientists who first discovered OBSCN in 2001. Prior to that it was all but unknown, hence its name. Since then, she has studied the gene, focusing on its role in both heart disease and cancer. She currently has several other ongoing studies of its effects in both heart disease and cancer.

It is not clear exactly how the mutated OBSCN gene causes heart problems. Her study is the first one to examine this question in relation to the obscurin mutations. She and her colleagues found evidence that the particular mutation they focused on may affect the ability of a protein called phospholamban to regulate the movement of calcium in heart muscle cells; this movement plays a crucial role in controlling how the heart contracts and relaxes. If this process goes awry, the heart does not function properly.Kontrogianni-Konstantopoulos says this work could eventually lead to targeted therapies for people who have OBSCN mutations.

Heart disease is one of our most urgent national health issues, said UMSOM Dean E. Albert Reece, MD, PhD, MBA, who is also the vice president for medical affairs, University of Maryland, and the John Z. and Akiko K. Bowers Distinguished Professor. Dr. Kontrogianni-Konstantopoulos has elucidated this new aspect of the molecular basis of at least some cardiovascular illness. I look forward to seeing what she and others do to further build on this new discovery.

Read more:
Study: Mutated Gene Tied to Irregular Heartbeat - UMB News

A Cure for Clara: Gene therapy developed at Auburn University set for human trials – Alabama’s News Leader

Clara suffers from rare, fatal genetic disorder

The race to find a cure for a rare genetic disease has become a Hoover family's mission as they try to save their little girl. "A Cure for Clara," may come from of all places Auburn University's College of Veterinary Medicine.

Everything appeared normal when Baby Clara came into the world. By 14 months though, she was lagging behind in development. "Our first red flag, she wasn't walking," explains her mom Jenny Bragg. Then the heartbreaking diagnosis came last August. Clara had GM1 gangliosidosis which is an inherited disorder. It destroys nerve cells.

"She was terminal; they said there was nothing they could do for her and we should go home and enjoy our time with her," recalls Bragg with tears in her eyes. She and her husband scoured the internet looking for something, any hope.

That lead them to Auburn University and groundbreaking research at the College of Veterinary Medicine. GM1 had been cured in cats and the researchers were preparing for human clinical trials. The gene therapy involves a single IV injection.

A research cat named Cinnamon who was treated is now seven years old. Others have also been cured. "They could live a normal life span. Showing this treatment works in animals is the first step to see if it's applicable to humans," explains Auburn Researcher and Professor Doug Martin, Ph.D.

The remarkable results hold promise for curing other fatal diseases. "If we can find the gene that causes Huntington's disease, Lou Gehrig's disease, the same basic technique and approach can be used," says Martin.

Human trials are set for six children including Clara if she stays healthy in November at the National Institutes of Health in Bethesda, Maryland. "I do have apprehension . on the other hand it's our only shot saving her life," says Jenny Bragg.

To make sure those human trials happen another $400,000 needs to be raised. A special fundraiser is set for Saturday, April 8th at the Redmont Hotel: Clara's Birthday Bash.

For more information go to:

All the proceeds go to the Cure GM1 Foundation.

Original post:
A Cure for Clara: Gene therapy developed at Auburn University set for human trials - Alabama's News Leader

3 Best Stocks in Personalized Medicine – Motley Fool

Personalized medicine, also known as precision medicine or genomic medicine, is one of the most revolutionary trends shaping the future of healthcare. What is personalized medicine? The simple definition is that it's the customization of care to an individual's genetic profile. Several publicly traded companies stand out as leaders in the field.

Exact Sciences (NASDAQ:EXAS), Illumina (NASDAQ:ILMN), and Vertex Pharmaceuticals (NASDAQ:VRTX) are pioneers in personalized medicine -- each in a different way. Here's why I think these are the three best stocks in personalized medicine right now.

Image source: Getty Images.

Exact Sciences markets the CologuardDNA screening test for colorectal cancer. Cologuard has enjoyed the strongest product launch of any diagnostic test ever, with more than 450,000 people screened since late 2014. But there's much more potential growth. There are around 80 million patients in the U.S. alone who need to be tested for colorectal cancer, but many don't get tested because they don't want a colonoscopy. Exact Sciences hopes to capture around 30% of that market.

Cologuard should continue to drive Exact Sciences stock higher in the near future, but over the long run there are even more opportunities. Exact Sciences is collaborating with the Mayo Clinic to develop a platform for early detection of cancer by identifying DNA methylation markers. (Addition of methyl groups to DNA changes gene expression and potentially lead to cancer.) Significant progress has already been made in what could be a huge new market for Exact Sciences.

Although Exact Sciences isn't profitable yet, it's headed in the right direction. Analysts project the company will grow earnings by an average annual rate of 68% over the next five years. That seems quite possible with Cologuard continuing to pick up momentum.

Illumina is the leader in genomic sequencing, an essential tool that makes the personalized medicine revolution possible. The company began operations in 1998 and launched its first DNA sequencing system in 2007. Since then, Illumina's technological innovations havereduced the cost of sequencing by a factor of more than 10,000 and have reduced sequencing time per gigabase by a factor of approximately 3,500.

The company is continuing its track record of innovation with its recent launch of the NovaSeq sequencing system. Illumina thinks that the NovaSeq architecture could lead to reducing the cost of human genome mapping to $100, which would open up genomic sequencing to more customers than ever before. Selling more systems would be great news for Illumina, but the added consumables revenue would be even better: The company makes around two-thirds of its total revenue from consumables sales.

As a well-established company now, Illumina might not enjoy the tremendous growth that it did in the early days of genomic sequencing. However, Wall Street analysts still estimate that Illumina will grow earnings by an average annual rate of 14% over the next several years, thanks in large part to great prospects for NovaSeq.

Vertex Pharmaceuticals is leading the way in the use of personalized medicine to fight cystic fibrosis (CF). The company won U.S. regulatory approval in 2012 for its first drug, Kalydeco, as a treatment for CF patients with theG551D mutation. Another approval came in 2014 for CF patients with one of 10 other genetic mutations.In 2015, Vertex received approval for Kalydeco in treating children ages two to five with specific gene mutations that cause CF.

While Kalydeco has been successful, Vertex's biggest opportunities lie with other CF drugs. Vertex is still finalizing reimbursement arrangements in several European nations for Orkambi, but Orkambi has already become the company's top-selling product. Even greater prospects could be in store for a combination of Kalydeco and tezacaftor, for which Vertex plans to file for approval in the third quarter of 2017.

Analysts think that Vertex can grow its earnings by nearly 65% annually over the next five years. Although the stock looks expensive right now with shares trading at 39 times expected earnings, Vertex remains a good pick for investors with that kind of growth potential.

Keith Speights has no position in any stocks mentioned. The Motley Fool owns shares of and recommends Illumina. The Motley Fool recommends Vertex Pharmaceuticals. The Motley Fool has a disclosure policy.

See the rest here:
3 Best Stocks in Personalized Medicine - Motley Fool

Aevi Genomic Medicine’s (GNMX) CEO Michael Cola on Q1 2017 Results – Earnings Call Transcript – Seeking Alpha

Aevi Genomic Medicine, Inc . (NASDAQ:GNMX)

Q1 2017 Earnings Conference Call

May 10, 2017 8:30 AM ET


Michael Cola President and Chief Executive Officer

Brian Piper Chief Financial Officer

Garry Neil Chief Scientific Officer


Jason Butler JMP Securities

Brian Marks Zacks Investment Research


Good day and welcome to the Aevi Genomic Medicine First Quarter Conference Call and Business Update. Todays conference is being recorded. At this time, I would like to turn the conference over to Mr. Brian Piper, Chief Financial Officer. Please go ahead sir.

Brian Piper

Thank you, Gina. Good morning everyone and welcome to the conference call. As a reminder, a copy of todays presentation can be found on the Aevi Genomics website. Participants on todays call are Chief Executive Officer, Mike Cola; Chief Scientific Officer, Garry Neil; and myself Chief Financial Officer, Brian Piper.

Before we begin, I would like to direct your attention to Slide two and remind you that todays discussion will include statements about the companys future expectations, plans, and prospects that constitute forward-looking statements for purposes of the Safe Harbor provisions under the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995.

And with that, I would now like to turn the call over to Aevi Genomic Medicines CEO, Mike Cola. Mike?

Michael Cola

Thank you, Brian and welcome everyone to our corporate update. Im on slide three. We have a fairly tight agenda today, mostly focused on 001. We will take you through the SAGA trial summary, although we missed our primary endpoint, were very excited by the genetics subset of responders that weve been working on over the last six weeks. Garry will take you through that analysis and our steps forward. I will also readdress the market potential. We do have a reduced set of genes, but we still think its a very significant and compelling business story moving forward its a very significant portion of the ADHD market.

I will briefly touch on 002 as were just getting that trial off the ground and Brian will take you through the Q1 results of operation. As you know, our mission is focused on translating genetic discoveries into novel therapies to improve the life of children and adults with pediatric onset life altering diseases. We do that through our collaboration with Childrens Hospital of Philadelphia and that collaboration over the last 2.5 years has yielded two programs on slide five; that is 001 which well spend the bulk of the time on today and AEVI-002 or anti-LIGHT program.

Garry will take you through our plans for studying the genetic subset within ADHD that weve identified as responders. We expect that data to be out mid-2018 at the latest. It will explain the trial design and why we think we have some opportunity to do better than what we did in the SAGA trial as far as timing. 22q Deletion Syndrome, as you know, weve had struggles to recruit into that trial. These patients have been physically very fragile. Parents have not been really that excited about taking any chances with their child as far as changing therapy. We will talk about two patients in the coming months in top-line data.

Garry will also walk you through the story around contactin-4 or CNTN4, in autism spectrum disorder. We have an unusual finding, a novel finding in ADHD as far as the prevalence of that particular gene that causes disease in ADHD, we think its a very important gene in autism. And we are doing work with CHOP today to understand its phenotype and prevalence in autism. Hope to have discussions with the agency in the middle of the year.

And then as I mentioned earlier, well talk through Severe Pediatric Crohns Disease, as that program is just getting off the ground with initial data the second half of 2017. This will be open label data and will be based on some end points that are harder than what were currently working with.

And with that, Ill turn it over to Garry.

Garry Neil

Thanks, Mike. Im now on slide seven. So this is a high level schematic of our AEVI-001 ADHD development plan and youll notice that the plan is very similar to our original plan but has been updated to include a new Phase 2 trial shown here in dark blue on the right. And Ill describe this new study in more detail a little later. Our plan remains otherwise very similar to the previous plan, in that we expect to ultimately perform two pivotal Phase 3 trials in a genetically selected subset of ADHD patients, one in 6 to 12 year olds and the other in 6 to 17 year olds along with a longer term safety trial for first approval in ADHD. Phase 3 will now be delayed until we confirm the findings that our post-hoc analysis in the new Phase 2 trial.

Now also as a reminder, we began our development program last year with an ADHD Phenotype/Genotype study shown in the upper left corner in children aged 6 to 17. And this recently completed non-interventional study has several objectives mainly one; confirm the prevalence of mGluR CMV mutations and individual genes in U.S. children with ADHD; two, better characterize the mGluR CMV mutation positive phenotype; and three, to find suitable patients for our clinical interventional study, and we did all of that. We ultimately enrolled 1,876 kids from sites across the country, all of them had ADHD. We genotyped them, analyzed their phenotype drug use and so on. And this patient pool was of course used to recruit the patients for SAGA.

The Phenotype/Genotype study taught us a lot about how to recruit these types of patients, about mGluR gene distribution and the phenotype in ADHD. For example, we learned that the genes are not evenly distributed across the 273 gene network. In fact, 75% of the patients had a CMV in just 1 of 25 genes. And one gene contacted four, well talk about that later, accounted for 20% of all the mutation positive kids with ADHD. We also saw differences in the ADHD phenotype at the gene level and were still understanding that. Ill provide more details on this on subsequent slides. In these analysis, theyve all been critical for the interpretation of our responder analyses and setting the path forward.

Slide eight. As I mentioned, the Phenotype/Genotype study was the source of patients for the SAGA trial which is showed here schematically. As a brief reminder, the trial was a multi-center 24 site, six week randomized placebo controlled parallel design study to assess the efficacy and safety of AVEI-001 in adolescents with genetic mutations impacting the mGluR network in ADHD. It was a one-to-one randomization design, either drug or placebo, we enrolled 96 patients; 46 randomized to drugs, 50 to placebo.

There were two phases to the trial, a four week dose optimization phase where subjects received AVEI-001 or placebo, initiated at 100 milligrams twice daily and - weekly up to 400 twice weekly based on clinical response and tolerability. Then at the end of week four, there was a second two week maintenance phase and subjects in that phase continued with their optimized dose for an additional two weeks. The large majority of subjects reached the highest 400 milligram twice daily dose. The primary endpoint in this trial, as youll recall, was improvement in the ADHD-RS and the key secondary endpoint was reduction in the Clinical Global Impression of Improvement, CGI-I.

Slide nine. So, as you also know, and as weve previously reported, the SAGA trial did not meet its primary endpoint. There was numerical superiority favoring the drug with an absolute reduction of about 15 points in ADHD-RS on active treatment and about 12 on placebo, but that was not significant. Interestingly, when we looked at the response on the inattention subscale of the ADHD-RS, there was a nearly significant trends favoring patients on drug, but that also just fell slightly short of significant. But we also pre-specified two responder analyses in our analysis plan.

And as I mentioned last time, responder analysis provide several benefits in assessing and interpreting clinical trial data, particularly in trials that rely on rating scale endpoints and those may have a high placebo or variable response. But the main reason for doing this was because we suspected that not all of the genes in the mGluR network would predict response to AEVI-001, even though they are highly predictive of the disease. Not knowing what genes might respond, we did not pre-specify individual response apriori.

Now in these analyses, these responder analyses, a significant high proportion of AEVI-001 patients responded by both ADHD-RS and CGI-I, 70% on drug versus placebo, 42% for ADHD-RS and 57% on drug versus 33% on placebo for CGI-I both of those were highly significant. So take it together, we felt these findings strongly suggest that there must be a responding population and we were able to very quickly exclude factors such as gender and weight, and the most likely explanation that remained and the one that we had foreseen was a genetic responder sub-population. We plan to do such an analysis in any event, although we had hoped to do it in the context of a positive result overall.

Lets move on to slide 11 and talk about the additional post-hoc analyses that we did. So, again, we wanted to focus on genetic responders. We approached the analysis in the following way; we knew that we had CMV in the total of 44 genes from the 273 gene network in the SAGA study. We also knew that responding patients on drug had a very robust response with an ADHD-RS reduction of over 20 versus only about 0.5 on average for the non-responders. So we decided to focus on genes that were sufficiently prevalent for analysis, had at least one patient on drug and one on placebo, and that showed a meaningful response to AEVI-001. We included some GRM genes and contactin-4 because these were both prevalent and showed a good response to the drug but we also included some other neurodevelopmental genes.

Now doing it this way, we knew that we would miss some responding genes because the numbers were too small for analysis in this study, but we felt it would be best at this stage to focus on those genes that we thought would give the best likelihood of clinical response. Taking this approach, we identified a 9-gene subset which comprises, as Mike said, about 10% of the pediatric ADHD population or about 40% to 50% of all of the mGluR positive ADHD patients which is a very substantial and study-able population. As Ill show you in the subsequent slides, this responder sub-population had a very robust response to drug.

Lets go to slide 12. So heres the frequency of the responder genes to 001. At this point, as we file IP, we are only revealing the identity of one of these genes, contactin-4 which is shown on the left, most prevalent one. As I mentioned earlier, about three quarters of the population seems to express the CMV in one of only, in this case 24 genes, and you can see here that our analysis identified the responders 8 of the 15 most frequent genes. And then the SAGA trial list accounted for about 40% of all of the mGluR patients that were studied.

Slide 13. Once again the most prevalent CMV in both the Phenotype/Genotype and the SAGA trial was contactin-4 which accounted for about 22% of the entire mGluR CMV positive population and about 5% of trials of ADHD all by itself. Interestingly, patients with this CMV may also have a more severe phenotype.

Lets go to slide 14. Here is an analysis of ADHD-RS reduction in the SAGA trial, limiting the analysis to the nine genes of interest that I just mentioned. As you can see, this analysis is highly statistically significant and has a placebo subtracted reduction in ADHD-RS of nearly 12 in week six. And as noted on the slide, you can see that 43% of patients in this subset had a contactin-4 CMV 14% were one of the GRMs and 42% were under neurodevelopmental genes.

Lets go to slide 15 and put this in some context. I wanted to show you here the change in ADHD-RS, the primary endpoint in SAGA in three adolescent trials. Were comparing SAGA now to two additional adolescent ADHD trials. We limit the comparison to adolescent trials because adolescents typically have a higher placebo response and lower treatment effect size than pediatric patients do.

So we wanted to make this an apples-to-apples comparison. When we compare AEVI-001 in the 9-gene subset that I just showed you to these two highly effective and successful ADHD medications Vyvanse and Adderall XR, we can see that AEVI-001 had a much greater placebo subtracted reduction total ADHD-RS and in both the inattention hyperactivity subscales that either of those drugs. Of course, its not a head to head comparison, but we were struck by the fact that the magnitude of the treatment effect didnt, in our subset, exceeded that of or even high dose Vyvanse with respect to overall change with ADHD-RS and both the inattention and hyperactivity subscale. So we think we were pretty struck by that finding.

Lets go to slide 16. We also looked at the responder analysis in the 9-gene subset. As a reminder, we used standard response definitions namely, an ADHD-RS reduction of 30% or more and a CGI improvement rather, to 1 very much improved or 2, much improved on the 7 point Likert scale. And as you can see, the response rate of the 9-gene subset were 89% and 72% respectively ADHD-RS CGI-I compared to only 21% and 13% of placebo, both very significantly superior to placebo.

Lets go on to slide 17. Now I want to talk a little bit about contactin-4. Again, we were particularly intrigued by the discovery that contactin-4 was so prevalent in our ADHD population, both in the Phenotype/Genotype study and the SAGA trial and the gene is very interesting. It encodes an anchored neuronal membrane protein that functions as a cell adhesion molecule. The developing nervous system requires the formation of many complex interconnections and network and contactin-4 appears to play a key role in the formation of axon connections and synapses in developing the nervous system.

Mutations in this gene have been previously with a variety of neurological conditions, including neurodevelopmental delay, autism spectrum, bipolar disease and schizophrenia and we also had seen those associations in the network more broadly. Now the CHOP team was the first to identify an association between ADHD and CMV affecting this gene, but because we use the higher resolution technology, namely the Illumina Omni 2.5 chip in our genotyping, we were able to detect smaller CMVs in this gene and this is probably why we detected a higher frequency of the gene than the CHOP team originally did. Consequently, we estimate, as I said earlier, the frequency of the CMV to be 5% of the overall ADHD population.

Next slide, slide 18. Equally interesting, when you look at the phenotype associated with contactin-4 mutated, it gets with the mutation in contactin-4 with ADHD, the observation that these kids seem to have a higher substantially and significantly higher prevalence of emotional dysregulation symptoms including disruptive behavior, anger control, risk taking, inappropriate movements and sounds as compared to the non-mGluR CMV positive ADHD kids. And we previously reported this in a broad population but were now seeing it as contactin-4 drives the substantial part of this. So were doing more work to better understand this phenotype. We do know though that the emotional dysregulation phenotype and ADHD often predicts worst life outcomes for the patients.

Next slide, slide 19. So given the high prevalence and the unique features of this gene, we chose to analyze it independent of the other genes in the selected nine gene subset. So we looked at it alone. And we observed that the AEVI-001 response in patients with CMV associated with this gene was higher than with any other. In fact, all six patients who were randomized to receive AEVI-001 responded vigorously as compared to 3 in 12 patients randomized to placebo. And the magnitude of response was the highest seen with any gene, so even with data on only 18 patients, the reduction in the primary endpoint of ADHD-RS, SAGA was statistically significant.

And going to slide 20, again, when we do responder analyses using just patients with the mutation in this gene, you will see that we have a very statistically and clinically significant difference between placebo and drug for both ADHD-RS and CGI, 100% and 83% respectively.

Lets go to slide 21 and just to summarize, we were able to identify our responder subset of patients who bear a CMV in one of nine genes. Taken together, this subset accounted for about 40% of all mGluR CMV positive ADHD patients and about 10% ADHD patients overall. So this was a very substantial population. Response rates in patients in this subset were very high, but were noticeably higher in patients with a CMV in one particular gene, contactin-4. All patients with a CMV and contactin-4 in the SAGA trial responded to AEVI-001. The prevalence of contactin-4, CMV in our population of ADHD patients was greater than 20% of the overall mGluR positive patients and accounts for 5% of all ADHD patients.

So by itself, this is a very substantial and study-able population. Moreover, preliminary data suggests that these patients may have a more severe disease phenotype characterized by higher prevalence of emotional dysregulation. So we believe that the best path forward for the development of AEVI-001 in ADHD lies in enrichment of patients with CMV in these genes in future study. Not to say that other genes in the mGluR network could also not predict or could predict response to AEVI-001, these can also be elucidated in future studies, but we feel its necessary to first concentrate on patients with mutations that have been observed in patients who did show response. I want to emphasize that not all genes predict response to AEVI-001, we remain convinced that the 273 gene mGluR network is highly predicted for the disease ADHD.

Slide 22, we talk about the next steps for AEVI-001 in ADHD and autism. Were currently finalizing the design of the new Phase 2 trial I mentioned to confirm our post-hoc analyses in the SAGA trial. Right now we plan a multi-center randomized placebo controlled trial in patients aged 6 to 17, use of younger patients which should now be enabled by our juvi talks and pediatric pk studies should result in better effect size and lower placebo response. We plan to use the stage adaptive design with the initial focus on patients with contactin-4 CMV. The N should be around 40 to 70 patients.

Subsequent stages will enroll patients with a CMV in the remaining genes in the 9-gene subset. We expect to get this study underway in the second half of this year, 2017, with top-line data expected mid-2018. As I noted, contactin-4 looks particularly interesting in autism spectrum disease, its prevalence maybe even higher in that population than it is in ADHD. Were currently genotyping ASD patients at CHOP with the Omni 2.5 chip and studying their phenotype in more detail. Depending on the data, we plan a discussion later this year with FDA regarding a potential orphan indication for contactin-4 related autism.

So with that, Ill turn it back to Mike.

Michael Cola

Thank you, Garry. Were on slide 23. As I mentioned earlier, with the 9-gene subset, we have a reduced set of patients that were looking at approximately 10% of the market. So we still think its a very significant and compelling business case for the 9-gene subset. Looking at current sales of about $11 billion, growing slowly and about 90% of this sales are stimulant, we still think there is a very high unmet need for a non-stimulant that is effective. We have about 6 million patients in the 6 to 17 category and about 10 million adult patients.

If you take 10% of that, there are about 1.6 million patients total using current premium pricing of about $15 a day and current compliance and adherence which we think we can improve on, about five to seven scripts per year, still end up with a total addressable market of $2 billion to $3 billion which is obviously sizeable. As we understand more about other diseases with these genes, particularly ASD, we think there is a lifecycle opportunities in those diseases as well.

And with that Ill move on 002 in Severe Pediatric Onset Crohns Disease. This is the program that we licensed in the middle of last year in 2016. Its based on a discovery at Childrens Hospital of Philadelphia that in very severe early onset Crohns disease and IBD in general, you have a loss of function indicated by genetic mutation in decoy receptor 3. Decoy receptor 3 is a buffer protein that reduces inflammatory cytokines particularly light that are causal in IBD. And when you have left DcR3 and have more light, you have these severe pediatric onset symptoms. We think that comprises anywhere from 10% to 15% of those patients.

We did begin our search looking for a DcR3 analog, we couldnt find one with an appropriate profile, particularly for children and so we moved on to monoclonal antibodies that known down light. And we were lucky to find one from Kyowa Hakko Kirin which was just coming back from a collaboration with Sanofi Aventis. We were able to get that deal done in the middle of last year and weve made great progress over the last nine months to get us toward the clinical trial. Obviously, we successfully reinitiated and transferred the IND with a new protocol.

We have re-qualified the clinical trial material which was the major part of the work over the last nine months and we are cleared by the FDA to start a trial, still have some administrative work at CHOP to get this thing up and running, but were moving through that quite rapidly and we expect this study starts at the end of this month, beginning of June. And initial data in the second half of 2017 with endoscopic - in Crohns Disease Activity Index as our primary endpoints.

And with that, Im going to turn it over to Brian for the quarterly financial update.

Brian Piper

Thanks, Mike and Ill walk us through the results of operations from Q1. R&D expenses for the quarter were $7.9 million, increasing from $7 million for the same period in 2016. Not surprisingly, this is mainly due to increased spend on clinical activities related to completion of the SAGA for AEVI-001 and to a lesser extent, initial cost start-up cost for the AEVI-002 program. We do anticipate clinical spend should decrease going forward as the majority of clinical activities related to the SAGA trial have ceded.

G&A expenses for Q1 17 were $3 million decreasing from $4.2 million for the same period in 2016. This is mainly due to severance benefits recorded in 2016. Cash we recorded at the end of March 31, $29.2 million, importantly, we do feel that these cash resources will be sufficient to fund operations through Q2 2018 which would in course include delivering top-line data by mid-2018 in the Phase 2 trial to confirm the genetic responders to AEVI-001 that Mike and Garry described earlier as well as initial data by the second half of this year from the signal finding trial of AEVI-002 in Severe Pediatric Onset Crohns Disease.

And with that, I will turn it back to Mike for any final comments and Q&A.

Michael Cola

Thank you, Brian. On slide 28, you see our upcoming events on our pipeline chart again, very busy time ahead of us, getting a trial up and running in the mGluR positive genetic subset, particularly with the Crohns program starting as well, with initial data in the second half of the year. We expect success in these trials and we continue to be very confident in our ability to execute again with this plan.

And with that, Ill turn it back to the moderator. Thank you.

Question-and-Answer Session


Thank you. [Operator Instructions]. And well take our first question from Jason Butler from JMP Securities.

Jason Butler

Hi. Thanks for taking my questions and thanks for going through all the details in the prepared comments. Just first question, you mentioned that in the CNTN4 patients, there are more disruptive behaviors. Can you talk about whether the severity of ADHD symptoms as a whole is, is worse than the patient population or what their response to current ADHD treatment option is relative to the border ADHD population?

Garry Neil

Thats still something that were analyzing. I mean we see this with a much higher odds ratio of these symptoms which are prevalent to begin with, in ADHD patients. So it is a source of considerable morbidity in those patients.

Michael Cola

But we do, in the phenotypic data that Garry showed on slide 18, know that approximately two-thirds of the patients that were in the phenotypic study were on stimulants at the time of the questionnaire or had been on stimulants. So, although we are doing actual EMR work with Childrens Hospital now to understand how theyre responding to therapy, the increased odds ratio for these more severe symptoms you would expect they are not responding to stimulant therapy very well, but we have to clarify that going forward.

Jason Butler

Okay, great. And then from the next Phase 2 trial, when we see results mid-18, will that be from just the first cohort of CNTN4 patients or will that be from old patients in the trial?

Garry Neil

Yeah, our approach Jason is to win on contactin-4 first and I dont have an answer for that because were going to do it as an adaptive design. Once we go on CNTN4, well go to the other eight genes. So our hope is to do it as quickly as possible, were working through the details of that study right now, its kind of coming together real-time, but obviously our goal would be to provide much data as we possibly can, as quickly as we possibly can.

Jason Butler

Okay, great. And then just last question from me, can you just give us an idea of how many patients well see from the 002 trial later this year?

Garry Neil

So there are cohorts of four patients. We do have a fairly lengthy washout requirement than we have to do the first patient sequentially, but were hoping were going to get us as many of that first cohort done as we can this year.

Jason Butler

Okay, great. Thanks for taking the questions.

Michael Cola

If you remember Jason, its also an open label trial. So we will report that data as it comes in, we dont necessarily have to wait for the first four patients.

Jason Butler

Great. Thanks.


And we will take our next question from Brian Marks from Zacks Investment Research.

Brian Marks

Hi. Good morning guys. Among the children that fit into the CNTN4 cohort, is there much comorbidity with ADHD and autism or any other disorders such that it might present challenges in designing in ADHD study just with the CNTN4 cohort?

Garry Neil

Well, we had no problem enrolling them with our enrollment criteria in the SAGA trial. But were interested in the fact that, as Mike said, were really looking at a phenotype that appears to have more emotional dysregulation. Were also looking to find better ways to be able to evaluate the response to therapy on those specific symptoms which arent always perfectly evaluated by the existing scales. Were going to be thinking about some supplemental scales to use in those patients. But no, I dont think it will be a problem getting patients in the study, but we are very interested, as I said, were doing much more deep phenotyping looking at autism and other comorbidities associated with this gene and there may be a spectrum of neurodevelopmental disorders which would provide a lot of opportunity for us for AEVI-001.

Brian Marks

Okay. In terms of endpoints in the study, will they be similar to SAGA?

Garry Neil

ADHD trials are fairly stereotypical in that everybody uses the regulatory gold standards which are ADHD-RS and CGI-I as their primary endpoints. But we also, as I said, well also be using some additional endpoints that are more specifically targeted in some of the symptoms of interest that weve already mentioned

Brian Marks

I think you guys said, when you talked about the SAGA top-line results indicated that there could be potential to increase the dose or increase the treatment duration. Is that potentially still in the cards maybe not with this upcoming CNTN4 study but potentially with the follow-on 9-gene study?

Garry Neil

Go here to read the rest:
Aevi Genomic Medicine's (GNMX) CEO Michael Cola on Q1 2017 Results - Earnings Call Transcript - Seeking Alpha

Scientists find possible Achilles heel of treatment-resistant cancers – Medical Xpress

March 20, 2017 This image shows treatment-resistant chronic myeloid leukemia cells (CML) in laboratory mouse models. Researchers report March 20 in Nature Medicine that two signaling proteins in certain cancer cells make them resistant to chemotherapy treatment. Inhibiting these proteins combined with chemotherapy eradicated CML- and residual disease cells that can refuel the disease -- in laboratory models of leukemia. Credit: Cincinnati Children's

Scientists identify two signaling proteins in cancer cells that make them resistant to chemotherapy, and show that blocking the proteins along with chemotherapy eliminate human leukemia in mouse models.

Reporting results March 20 in Nature Medicine, researchers at Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center suggest that blocking the signaling proteins c-Fos and Dusp1 as part of combination therapy might cure several types of kinase-driven, treatment-resistant leukemia and solid tumor cancers.

These include acute myeloid leukemia (AML) fueled by the gene FLT3, lung cancers fueled by genes EGFR and PDGFR, HER2-driven breast cancers, and BCR-ABL-fueled chronic myeloid leukemia (CML), according to Mohammad Azam, PhD, lead investigator and a member of the Division of Experimental Hematology and Cancer Biology.

"We think that within the next five years our data will change the way people think about cancer development and targeted therapy," Azam says. "This study identifies a potential Achilles heel of kinase-driven cancers and what we propose is intended to be curative, not just treatment."

The weak spot is a common point of passage in cells (a signaling node) that appears to be required to generate cancer cells in both leukemia and solid tumors. The node is formed by the signaling proteins c-Fos and Dusp1, according to study authors. The researchers identified c-Fos and Dusp1 by conducting global gene expression analysis of mouse leukemia cells and human chronic myeloid leukemia (CML) cells donated by patients.

CML is a blood cancer driven by an enzyme called tyrosine kinase, which is formed by the fusion gene BCR-ABL. This fusion gene is the product of translocated chromosomes involving genes BCR (chromosome 22) and ABL (chromosome 9). Analysis of human CML cells revealed extremely high levels of c-FOS and DUSP1 in BCR-ABL-positive chemotherapy resistant cells.

Cancer sleeper cells

Cancer cells often become addicted to the mutated gene that causes them, such as BCR-ABL in kinase-driven chronic myeloid leukemia. Most chemotherapies work by blocking molecular pathways affected by the gene to shut down the disease process. In the case of CML, a chemotherapy called imatinib is used to block tyrosine kinase, which initially stops the disease. Unfortunately the therapeutic benefit is temporary and the leukemia comes back.

Azam and colleagues show in their CML models that signaling from tyrosine kinase - and growth factor proteins that support cell expansion (like interleukins IL3, IL6, etc.) - converge to dramatically elevate c-Fos and Dusp1 levels in the cancer cells.

Working together these molecules maintain the survival of cancer stem cells and minimal residual disease. The dormant cells wait around under the radar screen to rekindle the disease by acquiring additional genetic mutations after initially effective chemotherapy.

Azam says Dusp1 and c-Fos support the survival of cancer stem cells by increasing the toxic threshold needed to kill them. This means conventional imatinib chemotherapy will not eliminate the residual disease stem cells. Doctors can't just increase the dose of chemotherapy because it doesn't target the Dusp1 and c-Fos proteins that regulate toxic threshold.

Targeting c-Fos and Dusp1

After identifying c-Fos and Dusp1, the authors tested different treatment combinations on mouse models of CML, human CML cells, and mice transplanted with human leukemia cells. They also tested treatments on B-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia (B-ALL).

The treatment combinations included: 1) solo therapy with just the tyrosine kinase inhibitor, imatinib; 2) solo treatment with just inhibitors of c-Fos and Dusp1; 3) treatment with all three combined - imatinib along with molecular inhibitors of c-Fos and Dusp1.

As suspected, treatment with imatinib alone initially stopped CML progression but the leukemia relapsed with the continued presence of residual disease cells. Treatment with c-Fos and Dusp1 inhibitors alone significantly slowed CML progression and prolonged survival in a majority of mice but wasn't curative. Treatment for one month with c-Fos/Dusp1 inhibitors and imatinib cured 90 percent of mice with CML, with no signs of residual disease cells.

Azam and his colleagues also point to an interesting finding involving solo treatment with just the deletion of c-Fos and Dusp1. This eliminated expression of the signaling proteins and was sufficient to block B-ALL development, eradicating the disease in mouse models.

Next steps

The authors stress that because the study was conducted in laboratory mouse models, additional research is needed before the therapeutic strategy can be tested in clinical trials.

They are following up the current study by testing c-Fos and Dusp1as treatment targets for different kinase-fueled cancers, including certain types of lung cancer, breast cancers and acute forms of leukemia.

Explore further: Technique identifies chemotherapy-resistant cells within acute myeloid leukemia tumors

More information: Targeting c-FOS and DUSP1 abrogates intrinsic resistance to tyrosine-kinase inhibitor therapy in BCR-ABL-induced leukemia, Nature Medicine,

Although chemotherapy can sometimes cure acute myeloid leukemia and other hematologic cancers, many patients experience relapses when their tumors become resistant to available chemotherapies. This resistance may be caused ...

Acute myeloid leukemia (AML) is a cancer of myeloid stem cells that develops in both adult and pediatric populations. Mutations that cause hyperactivation of the FMS-like tyrosine kinase 3 (FLT3) are commonly found in AML, ...

A study in mice combining two inhibitor drugs for treatment of chronic myeloid leukemia (CML) has revealed potential for not only stopping the disease completely, but also significantly lowering the cost for treatment. CML ...

New research takes aim at stubborn cancer stem cells that are thought to be responsible for treatment resistance and relapse. The study, published by Cell Press in the February 14 issue of the journal Cancer Cell, provides ...

August 29, 2013) St. Jude Children's Research Hospital scientists have identified a protein that certain high-risk acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) cells need to survive and have used that knowledge to fashion a more effective ...

Genetic mutations that cause cancer also weaken cancer cells, creating an opportunity for researchers to develop drugs that will selectively kill them, while sparing normal cells. This concept is called "synthetic lethality" ...

Scientists identify two signaling proteins in cancer cells that make them resistant to chemotherapy, and show that blocking the proteins along with chemotherapy eliminate human leukemia in mouse models.

Combining single-cell genomics and computational techniques, a research team including Paul Robson, Ph.D., director of single-cell biology at The Jackson Laboratory (JAX), has defined cell-type composition of cancerous cells ...

Three-quarters of all breast cancer tumors are driven by the hormone estrogen. These tumors are frequently treated with drugs to suppress estrogen receptor activity, but unfortunately, at least half of patients do not respond ...

Pembrolizumab, an antibody drug already used to treat other forms of cancer, can be effective in the treatment of the most common form of mesothelioma, according to a new study led by investigators from the Perelman School ...

New King's College London research sheds light on the cellular mechanisms which enable cancer cells to escape the prostate and spread to other parts of the body.

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Scientists find possible Achilles heel of treatment-resistant cancers - Medical Xpress

New ‘gene silencer’ drug reduce cholesterol by over 50 percent – Science Daily

Science Daily
New 'gene silencer' drug reduce cholesterol by over 50 percent
Science Daily
The results from this trial, known as ORION-1, are published in the New England Journal of Medicine, and are presented today at the American College of Cardiology's 66th Annual Scientific Session in Washington. The authors say the results show the drug ...

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New 'gene silencer' drug reduce cholesterol by over 50 percent - Science Daily

Gene ABL1 implicated in cancer, developmental disorder – Baylor College of Medicine News (press release)

ABL1, a human gene well-known for its association with cancer now has been linked to a developmental disorder. The study, which was carried out by a team of researchers from institutions around the world, including Baylor College of Medicine, Baylor Genetics and Texas Childrens Hospital, appears in Nature Genetics.

We were reviewing the genomic data, the analysis of all the genes, of six patients who share similar clinical features, but did not find any of the already known disease-associated genes to be involved, said co-first author Dr. Xia Wang, assistant professor of molecular and human genetics at Baylor. Instead, we found that the patients carry novel mutations, not previously described by other researchers, in the ABL1 gene, a gene that until now had been seen to undergo genetic changes in cancer cells.

The genetic changes involving the ABL1 gene in cancer cells consist in the ABL gene fusing with another gene, the BCR gene, in chromosome 22, which is then called the Philadelphia chromosome. This change occurs only in cancer cells, specifically leukemia or blood cancer cells, and not in the other cells of the body. On the other hand, the novel mutations in ABL1 discovered here are different from those described for the Philadelphia chromosome and are present in all the cells of the body at birth.

The new mutations of ABL1 and the similar clinical features are inherited together, which made us think that the gene mutations could be good candidates to explain the patients clinical features, Wang said.

The patients clinical characteristics include heart defects and dilation or widening of the aortic artery, which can predispose to rupture of the aorta, a life-threatening condition, as well as skeletal conditions, such as joint problems and particular facial features, among others.

From studying the clinical and genomic information of immediate relatives of affected individuals, the researchers learned that in some of the patients the ABL1 mutation is de novo or new it is present only in the patient, but not in the parents, said co-senior author Dr. Yaping Yang, associate professor of molecular and human genetics and senior laboratory director of Baylor Genetics. In some of the families, the ABL1 mutation is present in several generations.

Providing answers for families

One of the families in our study has four generations affected with this disorder, said co-senior author Dr. Christian Schaaf, assistant professor of molecular and human genetics at Baylor. Some of the members of the family had been given a diagnosis of Marfan syndrome, a classic genetic disorder that shares clinical similarities with the condition we were studying. They received that diagnosis on the basis of their skeletal features, but more importantly based on the dilation of the aortic arch, which predisposes to rupture of the aorta. Interestingly, it was only a clinical diagnosis; they did not have a genetic diagnosis of Marfan syndrome, which is caused by mutations in a different gene, called FBN1. The condition looked like Marfan syndrome, but it was not.

The scientists think that the findings of this research would help this family in several ways.

By uncovering the genetic cause of this condition we can provide this family with specific clinical considerations, Schaaf said. Family members have been going through testing to determine whether their aorta is dilating, but now we have a genetic test that would let them know who is at risk. Those who carry the mutation in ABL1 are at risk and need routine testing of their aortas; but those that dont carry the mutation are not at the same risk. We know that the ABL1 mutation is dominant having the mutation in one of the two copies of the gene is enough for the individual to have the condition. It means that a person having the mutation has a 50 percent chance of passing it to his or her children.

Interestingly, according to the information we have, there is no history of cancer in these families, Schaaf said. Vice versa, patients with cancer associated with the Philadelphia chromosome are not at increased risk for heart disease or aortic dilation, because in their case the mutation is limited to the cancer cells.

The power of an unbiased comprehensive approach to study the genetic causes of diseases

This is a rare condition, Yang said. By the end of this study we had sequenced the genes of 7,000 patients, most of whom have developmental problems. We found seven patients who carry a disease-causing mutation in ABL1. Six patients were included in the publication; the seventh patient was not included due to lack of interest in participating in this research.

The discovery that ABL1 also is associated with human developmental disorders would not have surfaced had the researchers taken a targeted approach to determine the genetic cause of their patients condition.

If instead of looking at all the genes in the genome we had looked only at genes we know are involved in cardiac and skeletal conditions, features associated with this syndrome, we would have never seen that ABL1, a gene that until now had only been linked to cancer, is involved in this condition, Schaaf said. Taking the unbiased approach often times pays off.

ABL1 is an important gene that has been studied extensively in cancer; I noted more than 1,500 papers in a PUBMED search. However, this is the first time inherited mutations have been identified and connected to a newly described specific syndrome unrelated to cancer, said co-author Dr. James R. Lupski, Cullen Professor of Molecular and Human Genetics at Baylor. This work illustrates the wonderful collaborative synergy between clinical, clinical diagnostic and basic scientists here at Baylor.

Although this finding was a complete surprise, the extensive prior research on ABL1 changes and function in cancer should accelerate the research by geneticists to understand this new disorder, said co-author Dr. Sharon Plon professor of pediatrics - oncology and molecular and human genetics at Baylor and director of the Cancer Genetics Clinical and Research Programs at Texas Children's Hospital.

A full list of the authors of this study and their affiliations as well as the financial support for this project can be found here.

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Gene ABL1 implicated in cancer, developmental disorder - Baylor College of Medicine News (press release)

Knowing what’s wrong can be a comfort – the Irish News

the Irish News
Knowing what's wrong can be a comfort
the Irish News
The centre, spearheaded by consultant in genetic medicine Dr Shane McKee, have been involved in the design and operation of the UK-wide Deciphering Developmental Disorders (DDD) Study since 2011. The DDD Study involves scientists sequencing the ...

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Knowing what's wrong can be a comfort - the Irish News

Precision Medicine Project Mulls How to Return Genetic Test Results to 1 Million Participants – GenomeWeb

NEW YORK (GenomeWeb) Before the National Institutes of Health can begin to genetically test participants within its precision medicine initiative, it will have to figure out what results to return, how to minimize reporting false positives, and how to provide counseling to help them navigate the often uncertain and evolving evidence on genetic information.

And the project will have to figure out how to do all this on an unprecedented scale, for a million participants that the All of Us Research Program hopes to enroll over the next four years.

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Precision Medicine Project Mulls How to Return Genetic Test Results to 1 Million Participants - GenomeWeb

Can CRISPR Therapeutics Double Your Money in 2020? – The Motley Fool

CRISPR Therapeutics (NASDAQ:CRSP) has done very well for itself, with the company's stock almost doubling in 2019 as optimism surrounding its gene-editing technology continues to grow. Considering how much of a game-changer gene-editing technology can be for patients with incurable conditions, it makes sense that people are excited.

While shares have tumbled over the past couple of months, this might be a good thing for investors looking to buy this promising stock at a cheaper price. If you're on the fence about CRISPR or are looking for a stock with great upside potential, here are a few reasons why CRISPR looks like a good pick in 2020.

Image source: Getty Images.

CRISPR is arguably the top name in the relatively young gene-editing market right now. The company currently has nine drug candidates, with four either having begun clinical testing or close to starting.

CRISPR's flagship candidate is CTX001, a drug that targets sickle cell disease and transfusion-dependent beta-thalassemia (TBT). Patients with either of these conditions have malformed red blood cells that struggle to deliver oxygen throughout the body. Approximately 300,000 infants are born with sickle cell disease each year, with another 60,000 born annually with TBT.At present, there are no treatments for either condition.

The other three noteworthy candidates in CRISPR's pipeline are CTX110, CTX120, and CTX130. These drug candidates are a type of new cancer-immunology treatment known as a chimeric antigen receptor T cell (CAR-T) therapy. These types of treatments involve modifying a patient's immune cells in a lab to make them better at killing cancer cells. While it's traditionally quite expensive, CRISPR's technology could possibly make these new CAR-T therapies cheaper than the competition.

While the drug is still in early clinical testing, CRISPR reported some success with CTX001 back in November when it announced that two patients had been treated successfully with the drug. The two patients, one diagnosed with sickle cell disease and the other with TBT, managed to eliminate all of their symptoms following a single CTX001 infusion.

In the case of TBT, the number of required blood transfusions dropped to zero, while the sickle cell disease patient experienced zero occlusive crises (blood vessel blockages that occur due to the abnormal shape of the patient's blood vessels).

CRISPR has confirmed that it will be providing more data for both CTX001 and its cancer immunotherapies sometime this year. That means that investors can look forward to further potential catalysts in 2020, likely toward the latter half of the year.

In general, investors shouldn't take too much stock in the financial figures of early-stage biotechstocks unless there's something really alarming going on (like not having enough cash). Revenue figures change dramatically once a drug receives approval, and companies tend to report significant losses until drug candidates reach late clinical stages.

However, CRISPR's situation is different. In its recently released fourth-quarter financial results, the company reported an impressive $77 million in revenue, a substantial improvement from the mere $100,000 seen last year. Annual revenue for 2019 came in at $289.6 million in comparison to 2018's $3.1 million.

While this virtually all comes from CRISPR's collaboration agreement with Vertex Pharmaceuticals, the important point is that CRISPR is now reporting a profit. Net income for the fourth quarter came in at $30.5 million, whereas last year the company saw a net loss of $47.6 million.

Data source: YCharts, CRISPR Therapeutics.

No other notable gene-editing stock out there is reporting a profit right now. Even if CRISPR ends up dipping into a net loss again in subsequent quarters, the fact that the company managed to report a positive net income this early on in its drug development program is impressive.

Given how young the gene-editing industry is and how experimental this technology can be, positive clinical results in this field can have a positive effect on all stocks in the sector. When Intellia Therapeuticspresented new data regarding two of its drug-editing programs earlier in February, shares of all gene-editing stocks -- including CRISPR -- shot up, despite the fact that they are all competitors.

While this might seem strange at first, it makes sense given how young this industry is. Further clinical proof that gene-editing drugs work, no matter where it comes from, is good for the entire sector. A rising tide lifts all ships, and CRISPR investors also should look out for potential catalysts from other gene-editing companies, which could act as an indirect catalyst for CRISPR's stock.

Intellia, Editas Medicine, and Sangamo Therapeuticsare all working on sickle cell disease and transfusion-dependent beta-thalassemia treatments of their own. Positive developments from their treatments could have a spillover effect on CRISPR's stock. Editas stated recently that it expects to file an Investigational New Drug (IND) application for EDIT-301, its sickle cell drug, by the end of 2020.

The answer is yes, it definitely can. CRISPR Therapeutics has plenty of good things going for it, and there is a lot of long-term enthusiasm surrounding both the company and the industry. While shares of CRISPR have fallen a fair bit over the past couple of months -- down 14% since the start of 2020-- so have other gene-editing stocks. As such, it doesn't seem to be as much of a problem with CRISPR in particular as it is a sector-wide phenomenon. Since there's no real news that appears to be behind this decline, I wouldn't worry about it too much.

Instead, now looks like a good time to buy gene-editing stocks, because they're trading at a bit of a discount. Back in November, Oppenheimer analyst Silvan Turkcan issued a price target of $80 for CRISPR Therapeutics, suggesting at least a 57.1% upside to the stock based on current prices. That seems very reasonable, and I wouldn't be surprised if CRISPR does much better than that in 2020.

However, CRISPR still remains a high-risk investment given the fact it's an early-stage biotech stock. If you want to buy shares right now, keep your position on the smaller side. Never risk too much of your portfolio on a single stock, no matter how promising it might seem.

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Can CRISPR Therapeutics Double Your Money in 2020? - The Motley Fool

Genetic Literacy Project Releases Global Gene Editing Regulation Tracker and Index – Science 2.0

The non-profit science NGO Genetic Literacy Project has released its latest educational initiative, the Global Gene Editing Regulation Tracker and Index.

With the worldwide war on GMOs essentially lost by environmental lawyers, they still continue to hold back Europe but developing nations have seen through the false promises of western activists who have no solutions to poverty and food insecurity, only fear of the future. They are becoming hopeful about the future.

Thanks to CRISPR-Cas9 gene editing, non-chemical solutions to life-impacting developing nation problems such as malaria (dengue, yellow fever) mosquitoes can be developed, and governments will be scrambling to adapt a regulatory structure that meets the 21st century.

In the past, anti-science NGOs were able to successfully frame GMOs as too modern and terrifying. They had to ignore the existence of Mutagenesis, chemical and radiation baths used to create new strains of food and plant products in the lab, because those biotechnology results are considered part of an organic scheme. GMOs were different, they insisted.

So now they have to scramble to claim GMOs are different from mutagenesis and yet the same as CRISPR, even though they all share little in common beyond being ways to improve on nature.

So much information and disinformation can be confusing for the public. The new Genetic Literacy Project program summarizes gene editing regulations in each country's agriculture, medicine and gene efforts, along with what products and therapies are in development.

Most importantly for real progress, it also details the efforts by anti-science NGOs to block progress.

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Genetic Literacy Project Releases Global Gene Editing Regulation Tracker and Index - Science 2.0

Abeona Therapeutics Announces Positive Interim Data from MPS III Gene Therapy Programs Presented at WORLDSymposium | DNA RNA and Cells | News Channels…

DetailsCategory: DNA RNA and CellsPublished on Thursday, 13 February 2020 10:39Hits: 90

Neurocognitive development of young MPS IIIA patients preserved up to two years post ABO-102 treatment

Dose-dependent and sustained reductions in disease-specific biomarkers denotes clear biologic effects of ABO-102 and ABO-101

First patient treated in cohort 3 of ABO-101 MPS IIIB trial; total enrollment eight patients

Favorable safety profile observed in both studies

NEW YORK, NY and CLEVELAND, OH, USA I February 12, 2020 I Abeona Therapeutics Inc. (Nasdaq: ABEO), a fully-integrated leader in gene and cell therapy, today announced that researchers from the Abigail Wexner Research Institute (AWRI) at Nationwide Childrens Hospital presented positive interim data from two ongoing Phase I/II clinical trials evaluating ABO-102 and ABO-101, the Companys investigational gene therapies for MPS IIIA and MPS IIIB, respectively, at WORLDSymposium. Results from the Transpher A study demonstrated that MPS IIIA patients younger than 30 months treated with ABO-102 in dose cohort 3 continue to show neurocognitive development 18 months to two years after treatment. Reductions in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) heparan sulfate (HS), denoting enzyme activity in the central nervous system, and liver volume reductions remain stable two years after treatment. Results from the Transpher B study showed that ABO-101 also improved multiple disease biomarkers providing clear evidence of a biologic effect in patients with MPS IIIB. Dosing in cohort 2 is complete and the first patient in cohort 3 was treated in late January, with a total of 8 patients treated to date. Both therapies have been well-tolerated to date. Abeona licensed the AAV9-based gene therapy technology underpinning ABO-102 and ABO-101 from AWRI at Nationwide Childrens where it was developed.

Todays presentations are available on by following this link:

In total, the new results continue to show that early treatment with ABO-102 can help preserve neurodevelopment in children with MPS IIIA. These data will inform our ongoing discussions with the FDA and EMA, as we work towards providing a regulatory update in the second quarter, said Joo Siffert, M.D., Chief Executive Officer. For ABO-101, the reductions in disease-specific biomarkers are encouraging and demonstrate a clear biologic effect, which parallels that seen in the MPS IIIA study. We look forward to enrolling the Transpher B study as expeditiously as possible.

Results from the Transpher A study, an ongoing Phase I/II clinical trial with ABO-102 showed that:

The interim results presented today add to evidence suggesting a single intravenous dose of ABO-102 AAV9-based gene therapy has the potential to help MPS IIIA patients sustain neurocognitive development when they are treated at a young age, said Kevin Flanigan, M.D., Director, Center for Gene Therapy at AWRI at Nationwide Children's and Transpher A study investigator. These data showed that ABO-102 can deliver a functional copy of the SGSH gene to cells of the CNS and peripheral organs, as evidenced by the clinical benefits in neurocognition and biophysical measures and improvements in disease-specific biomarkers.

Sites in the U.S., Spain, and Australia continue to enroll eligible patients into the Transpher A study. Additional information about the trial is available at and

Results from cohorts 1 and 2 (n=7) of the Transpher B study, an ongoing Phase I/II clinical trial showed that ABO-101 treatment demonstrated biologic effect in patients with MPS IIIB, as evidenced by initial improvements in multiple disease biomarkers associated with abnormal accumulation of glycosaminoglycans (GAGs) in the brain and throughout the body:

The Transpher B study provides hope that we may one day alter the course of this devastating disease, said Kim McBride, M.D., Principal Investigator at AWRI at Nationwide Children's and co-investigator for the Transpher B study. The impact on disease biomarkers in the early stages of follow up suggest the potential of ABO-101 gene therapy to break down the accumulation of glycosaminoglycans that underlie MPS IIIB pathology. I look forward to working with fellow investigators to gather more data from the study, including results from high-dose cohort 3.

Dose cohort 2 has been completed and dosing is underway in cohort 3 (n=1). Sites in the U.S., Spain, and France continue to enroll eligible patients into the Transpher B study. Additional information about the trial is available at and

About The Transpher A StudyThe Transpher A Study (NCT02716246) is an ongoing, two-year, open-label, dose-escalation, Phase I/II global clinical trial assessing ABO-102 for the treatment of patients with Sanfilippo syndrome type A (MPS IIIA). The study, also known as ABT-001, is intended for patients 6 months to 2 years of age, or patients older than 2 years with a cognitive Developmental Quotient of 60% or above. The study has enrolled 14 patients to date across three dose-escalating cohorts (N=3, N=3, N=8) and remains open for enrollment. The gene therapy ABO-102 is delivered using AAV9 technology via a single-dose intravenous infusion. The study primary endpoints are neurodevelopment and safety, with secondary endpoints including behavior evaluations, quality of life, enzyme activity in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) and plasma, heparan sulfate levels in CSF, plasma and urine, and brain and liver volume.

About The Transpher B StudyThe Transpher B Study (NCT03315182) is an ongoing, two-year, open-label, dose-escalation, Phase I/II global clinical trial assessing ABO-101 for the treatment of patients with Sanfilippo syndrome type B (MPS IIIB). The study, also known as ABT-002, is intended for patients 6 months to 2 years of age, or patients older than 2 years with a cognitive Developmental Quotient of 60% or above. The study has enrolled 8 patients to date across three dose-escalating cohorts (N=2, N=5, N=1) and remains open for enrollment. The gene therapy ABO-101 is delivered using AAV9 technology via a single-dose intravenous infusion. The study primary endpoints are neurodevelopment and safety, with secondary endpoints including behavior evaluations, quality of life, enzyme activity in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) and plasma, heparan sulfate levels in CSF, plasma and urine, and brain and liver volume.

About ABO-102ABO-102 is a novel gene therapy in Phase I/II development for Sanfilippo syndrome type A (MPS IIIA), a rare lysosomal storage disease with no approved treatment that primarily affects the central nervous system (CNS). ABO-102 is dosed in a one-time intravenous infusion using a self-complementary AAV9 vector to deliver a functional copy of the SGSH gene to cells of the CNS and peripheral organs. The therapy is designed to address the underlying SGSH enzyme deficiency responsible for abnormal accumulation of glycosaminoglycans in the brain and throughout the body that results in progressive cell damage and neurodevelopmental and physical decline. In the U.S., Abeona holds Regenerative Medicine Advanced Therapy, Fast Track, Rare Pediatric Disease, and Orphan Drug designations for the ABO-102 clinical program. In the EU, the Company holds PRIME and Orphan medicinal product designations.

About ABO-101ABO-101 is a novel gene therapy in Phase I/II development for Sanfilippo syndrome type B (MPS IIIB), a rare lysosomal storage disease with no approved therapy that primarily affects the central nervous system (CNS). ABO-101 is dosed in a one-time intravenous infusion using a self-complementary AAV9 vector to deliver a functional copy of the NAGLU gene to cells of the CNS and peripheral tissues. The therapy is designed to address the underlying NAGLU enzyme deficiency responsible for abnormal accumulation of glycosaminoglycans in the brain and throughout the body that results in progressive cell damage and neurodevelopmental and physical decline. In the U.S., Abeona holds Fast Track and Rare Pediatric Disease designations for ABO-101 and Orphan Drug designation in both the U.S. and EU.

About Sanfilippo Syndrome Type A (MPS IIIA)Sanfilippo syndrome type A (MPS IIIA) is a rare, fatal lysosomal storage disease with no approved treatment that primarily affects the CNS and is characterized by rapid neurodevelopmental and physical decline. Children with MPS IIIA present with progressive language and cognitive decline and behavioral abnormalities. Other symptoms include sleep problems and frequent ear infections. Additionally, distinctive facial features with thick eyebrows or a unibrow, full lips and excessive body hair for ones age, and liver/spleen enlargement are also present in early childhood. MPS IIIA is caused by genetic mutations that lead to a deficiency in the SGSH enzyme responsible for breaking down glycosaminoglycans, which accumulate in cells throughout the body resulting in rapid health decline associated with the disorder.

About Sanfilippo syndrome type B (MPS IIIB)Sanfilippo syndrome type B (MPS IIIB) is a rare and fatal lysosomal storage disease with no approved therapy that primarily affects the central nervous system and is characterized by rapid neurodevelopmental and physical decline. Children with MPS IIIB present with progressive language and cognitive decline and behavioral abnormalities. Other symptoms include sleep problems and frequent ear infections. Additionally, distinctive signs such as facial features with thick eyebrows or a unibrow, full lips and excessive body hair for ones age and liver/spleen enlargement are also present. The underlying cause of MPS IIIB is a deficiency in the NAGLU enzyme responsible for breaking down glycosaminoglycans, which accumulate throughout the body resulting in rapid decline associated with the disorder.

About Abeona TherapeuticsAbeona Therapeutics Inc. is a clinical-stage biopharmaceutical company developing gene and cell therapies for serious diseases. The Companys clinical programs include EB-101, its autologous, gene-corrected cell therapy for recessive dystrophic epidermolysis bullosa, as well as ABO-102 and ABO-101, novel AAV9-based gene therapies for Sanfilippo syndrome types A and B (MPS IIIA and MPS IIIB), respectively. The Companys portfolio of AAV9-based gene therapies also features ABO-202 and ABO-201 for CLN1 disease and CLN3 disease, respectively. Abeona has received numerous regulatory designations from the FDA and EMA for its pipeline candidates, including Regenerative Medicine Advanced Therapy designation for two candidates (EB-101 and ABO-102).

SOURCE: Abeona Therapeutics

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Abeona Therapeutics Announces Positive Interim Data from MPS III Gene Therapy Programs Presented at WORLDSymposium | DNA RNA and Cells | News Channels...

New Data from Ambry Genetics Showed Concurrent RNA and DNA Testing Identified More Patients with Hereditary Breast Cancer than DNA Testing Alone -…

ALISO VIEJO, Calif., Dec. 10, 2019 /PRNewswire/ --Researchers atAmbry Genetics(Ambry), a leading clinical genetic testing lab, will announce new data showing that conducting RNA and DNA tests for hereditary cancer risk at the same time identifies more patients with mutations that increase cancer risk than DNA testing alone. To be presented at the San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium (SABCS) this week, the data come from a study of 746 patients with breast cancer that received +RNAinsight, paired RNA and DNA genetic testing for hereditary cancer risk.

Standard DNA testing for hereditary cancer risk excludes large portions of DNA, thereby missing some mutations. In addition, DNA testing can produce inconclusive results and fail to determine that an error in our DNA increases cancer risk. These limitations impact patients and their families because doctors may not have the information needed to recommend appropriate preventive, early detection, or therapeutic steps. Additionally, relatives may not be referred for genetic testing and obtain the care they would otherwise have gotten if they had learned they had mutations.

Adding RNA to DNA testing overcomes these limitations for a substantial number of patients as it provides considerably more evidence than DNA testing alone about whether our DNA has mutations.

The data showed that adding RNA genetic testing to DNA testing increased the diagnostic yield the number of people found to have a mutation that increases cancer risk across 16 hereditary breast and/or ovarian cancer genes. As a result of +RNAinsight, five breast cancer patients were identified to have mutations in clinically-actionable genes that would have otherwise been missed completely or the patient would have received inconclusive results if they had received DNA testing only. These findings included three women with mutations in BRCA1/2, one woman with a mutation in ATM, and one woman with a mutation in PMS2. Additionally, paired RNA and DNA genetic testing decreased the number of inconclusive results, giving patients more definitive answers about whether their breast cancers were hereditary. Additional results will be presented on an expanded breast cancer cohort at the meeting on Saturday, December 14th.

"These data further prove that paired RNA and DNA genetic testing for hereditary cancer should be the industry standard," said Holly LaDuca, MS, CGC, senior manager of Ambry's clinical affairs research. "Our research has consistently shown that +RNAinsight provides clinicians with more accurate results, better informing patient care."

Researchers from Ambry will also present at SABCS new data from a pre-and post-test clinician survey that assessed how genetic testing for hereditary cancer impacted medical management, such as screening recommendations. The survey found that positive genetic testing results frequently lead to changes in management recommendations in both high risk (e.g. BRCA1) and moderate risk (e.g. ATM) genes. Changes to mammogram, breast MRI, and/or preventive surgery options were reported in 77.3% of positive individuals. Moreover, medical management changes largely adhered to published guidelines, indicating that cliniciansare applying recommendations appropriately based on test results.

"With this survey data, clinicians are showing us that they truly do use genetic testing results to implement personalized recommendations, which can be life-saving for a patient," said Carrie Horton, MS, CGC, senior researcher in Ambry's clinical affairs team. "These data provide further evidence that genetic testing is essential to comprehensive cancer care. Continued study in this area will aid clinicians, laboratories, health plans, and ultimately patients."

Below are summaries of each of the four studies that Ambry will present at SABCS 2019.

Friday, December 13, 5:00- 7:00 PM CST

P5-07-06,Black M, et. al., Performance of Polygenic Risk Score Combined with Clinical Assessment for Breast Cancer Risk

Saturday, December 14, 7:00 9:00 AM CST

P6-08-35,Horton C, et. al., Impact of Multigene Panel Testing on Medical Management: Preliminary Results of a Pre- and Post- Test Clinician Survey

P6-08-08,LaDuca H, et. al., Concurrent DNA and RNA Genetic Testing Identifies More Patients with Hereditary Breast Cancer than DNA Testing Alone

P6-08-04,Yadav S, et. al., Germline Mutations in Cancer Predisposition Genes in Patients with Invasive Lobular Carcinoma of the Breast


Ambry Genetics, as part of Konica Minolta Precision Medicine, excels at translating scientific research into clinically actionable test results based upon a deep understanding of the human genome and the biology behind genetic disease. Our unparalleled track record of discoveries over 20 years, and growing database that continues to expand in collaboration with academic, corporate and pharmaceutical partners, means we are first to market with innovative products and comprehensive analysis that enable clinicians to confidently inform patient health decisions. We care about what happens to real people, their families, and the people they love, and remain dedicated to providing them and their clinicians with deeper knowledge and fresh insights, so together they can make informed, potentially life-altering healthcare decisions. For more information, please

For more information on risk factors for hereditary cancer, please visit's fact sheet on hereditary cancer and genetic testing.


+RNAinsight, paired with Ambry Genetics' hereditary cancer DNA tests, uses next-generation sequencing to concurrently analyze a patient's DNA and RNA, another layer of genetic information. +RNAinsight identifies more patients who have mutations that increase their cancer risks than through standard DNA-only testing by overcoming limitations of DNA testing. +RNAinsight enables more accurate identification of patients with increased genetic risks for cancer, finds actionable results that may otherwise be missed, and decreases the frequency of inconclusive results. +RNAinsight is now available through doctors and genetic counselors around the country. For more information on +RNAinsight, please go

Press Contact:Liz (202) 617-4662

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SOURCE Ambry Genetics

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New Data from Ambry Genetics Showed Concurrent RNA and DNA Testing Identified More Patients with Hereditary Breast Cancer than DNA Testing Alone -...

Updated Genetic Screening Guidelines Published by National Comprehensive Cancer Network Feature Emerging Evidence on Personalized Medicine -…

"These guidelines are as inclusive as possible, wherever there's strong, unbiased evidence to back up our recommendations," said Mary B. Daly, MD, PhD, FACP, Fox Chase Cancer Center, Chair of the NCCN Guidelines Panel for Genetic/Familial High-Risk Assessment: Breast, Ovarian, and Pancreatic. "The guidelines include genes that have been found to increase cancer-susceptibility. These NCCN Guidelines still have a strong focus on BRCA1 and 2 mutations, but also now include other high and moderate penetrance genes associated with breast, ovarian, and pancreatic cancer. We continuously review any new data on genes that might increase a person's risk of getting cancer or impact the effectiveness of their treatment."

The updated guidelines are concentrated around simplified criteria to clarify the genetic testing process. For example, in a newly-added guide for individuals of Ashkenazi Jewish ancestry who have not been diagnosed with cancer, genetic testing may be offered for the three Ashkenazi Jewish founder mutations in the context of a long-term research study, regardless of family history. These individuals should be encouraged to consult with a cancer genetics professional.

The NCCN Guidelines for Genetic/Familial High-Risk Assessment are organized by both disease and syndrome type, and also now include streamlined information on appropriate subsequent steps for persons who meet criteria for genetic testing. The panel acknowledges that genetic mutations can impact the approach to cancer treatment, and the guidelines now state that testing may be clinically indicated if it will aid in systemic therapy decision-making.

"Genetic testing is becoming increasingly utilized in oncology because of its potential to impact surgical decisions and chemotherapy," explained Robert Pilarski, MS, LGC; MSW, Licensed Genetic Counselor, Professor, Clinical Internal Medicine, The Ohio State University Comprehensive Cancer Center, Vice-Chair of the NCCN Guidelines Panel for Genetic/Familial High-Risk Assessment: Breast, Ovarian, and Pancreatic. "At the same time, the complexity of this testing is increasing, with a growing number of genes and tests available,a limited understanding of the management implications of some of the newer genes, and even uncertainty over the implications of mutations in well-established genes in some situations (for example in a condition known as 'mosaicism,' in which the mutation is not present in all of the cells of the body). Because of this, the NCCN Guidelines continue to highlight the critical importance of genetic counseling for patients prior to undergoing genetic testing to ensure that patients are fully informed of the test implications."

Pilarski also offered an important word of caution about the potential risks from direct-to-consumer genetic testing: "More and more patients are presenting to clinic having already had themselves tested through direct-to-consumer labs. Providers need to be aware that the tests offered by many of these labs are not equivalent to traditional genetic testing, and the results may need to be confirmed in another laboratory before being used for clinical care."

The guidelines recommend all pancreatic cancer patients get genetic testing, and the recent update now includes more information about which genes are associated with pancreatic cancer recommendations. Genetic testing in pancreatic cancer can help determine which treatments would be most effective (e.g. PARP inhibitors) and if family members would benefit from screening and preventive action.

"There's been an explosion of recent data showing that roughly 4-10% of individuals with pancreatic cancer harbor inherited genetic mutations, including BRCA1, BRCA2, ATM, the Lynch syndrome genes, and others," said Matthew B. Yurgelun, MD, Dana-Farber/Brigham and Women's Cancer Center, Member of the NCCN Guidelines Panel for Genetic/Familial High-Risk Assessment: Breast, Ovarian, and Pancreatic. "Such data have, surprisingly, shown that classic 'high-risk' features of inherited cancer risk (e.g. young age at diagnosis, strong family histories of cancer) are often absent in individuals with pancreatic cancer who carry these mutations. Based off of these data, there is now a compelling reason for all individuals with pancreatic cancer to be offered genetic counseling and germline testing for such variantsparticularly given the possibility that their at-risk family members could greatly benefit from known, effective cancer risk-reducing interventions (e.g. surgical removal of the ovaries for female BRCA1/2 mutation carriers). Emerging data have also begun to suggest possible benefits to pancreatic cancer screening in select high-risk individuals who harbor such mutations. These new guidelines address many of the important nuances and limitations of this exciting and rapidly evolving body of literature."

The NCCN Guidelines for Genetic/Familial High-Risk Assessment are created and maintained by an interdisciplinary panel of experts from the alliance of 28 leading cancer centers that comprise NCCN. NCCN panels also include patients and advocates to make sure treatment recommendations meet the needs of people with cancer and their caregivers.

"Participating on the NCCN panel allows FORCE to share the real-world experiences of patients making complex, and often agonizing medical decisions about hereditary cancer treatment and risk management," said Sue Friedman, DVM, Executive Director, Facing Our Risk of Cancer Empowered (FORCE), Member of the NCCN Guidelines Panel for Genetic/Familial High-Risk Assessment: Breast, Ovarian, and Pancreatic. "As an advocacy organization for people and families affected by hereditary cancer, we see the importance of having standardized guidelines. These guidelines are a critical piece of informed decision-making; we frequently direct our community to NCCN for up-to-date, clear, and credible information developed by experts in the field."

NCCN Guidelines are the recognized standard for clinical policy in cancer care and are the most thorough and frequently updated clinical practice guidelines available in any area of medicine. The intent of the NCCN Guidelines is to assist in the decision-making process of individuals involved in cancer careincluding physicians, nurses, pharmacists, payers, patients and their familieswith the ultimate goal of improving patient care and outcomes. In addition to covering at least 97 percent of cancers affecting patients in the United States, there are also NCCN Guidelines for detection, prevention, risk-reduction (including smoking cessation), supportive care (including the management of pain, distress, and fatigue), and guidelines for specific populations (including children and young adults).

NCCN Guidelines are available free-of-charge for non-commercial use at, or via the Virtual Library of NCCN Guidelines App.

About the National Comprehensive Cancer NetworkThe National Comprehensive Cancer Network (NCCN) is a not-for-profit alliance of 28 leading cancer centers devoted to patient care, research, and education. NCCN is dedicated to improving and facilitating quality, effective, efficient, and accessible cancer care so patients can live better lives. Through the leadership and expertise of clinical professionals at NCCN Member Institutions, NCCN develops resources that present valuable information to the numerous stakeholders in the health care delivery system. By defining and advancing high-quality cancer care, NCCN promotes the importance of continuous quality improvement and recognizes the significance of creating clinical practice guidelines appropriate for use by patients, clinicians, and other health care decision-makers around the world.

The NCCN Member Institutions are: Abramson Cancer Center at the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA; Fred & Pamela Buffett Cancer Center, Omaha, NE; Case Comprehensive Cancer Center/University Hospitals Seidman Cancer Center and Cleveland Clinic Taussig Cancer Institute, Cleveland, OH; City of Hope National Medical Center, Duarte, CA; Dana-Farber/Brigham and Women's Cancer Center | Massachusetts General Hospital Cancer Center, Boston, MA; Duke Cancer Institute, Durham, NC; Fox Chase Cancer Center, Philadelphia, PA; Huntsman Cancer Institute at the University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT; Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center/Seattle Cancer Care Alliance, Seattle, WA; The Sidney Kimmel Comprehensive Cancer Center at Johns Hopkins, Baltimore, MD; Robert H. Lurie Comprehensive Cancer Center of Northwestern University, Chicago, IL; Mayo Clinic Cancer Center, Phoenix/Scottsdale, AZ, Jacksonville, FL, and Rochester, MN; Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, New York, NY; Moffitt Cancer Center, Tampa, FL; The Ohio State University Comprehensive Cancer Center - James Cancer Hospital and Solove Research Institute, Columbus, OH; O'Neal Comprehensive Cancer Center at UAB, Birmingham, AL; Roswell Park Comprehensive Cancer Center, Buffalo, NY; Siteman Cancer Center at Barnes-Jewish Hospital and Washington University School of Medicine, St. Louis, MO; St. Jude Children's Research Hospital/The University of Tennessee Health Science Center, Memphis, TN; Stanford Cancer Institute, Stanford, CA; UC San Diego Moores Cancer Center, La Jolla, CA; UCSF Helen Diller Family Comprehensive Cancer Center, San Francisco, CA; University of Colorado Cancer Center, Aurora, CO; University of Michigan Rogel Cancer Center, Ann Arbor, MI; The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX; University of Wisconsin Carbone Cancer Center, Madison, WI; Vanderbilt-Ingram Cancer Center, Nashville, TN; and Yale Cancer Center/Smilow Cancer Hospital, New Haven, CT.

Clinicians, visit Patients and caregivers, visit Media, visit Follow NCCN on Twitter @NCCN, Facebook @NCCNorg, and Instagram @NCCNorg.

Media Contact: Rachel

SOURCE National Comprehensive Cancer Network

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Updated Genetic Screening Guidelines Published by National Comprehensive Cancer Network Feature Emerging Evidence on Personalized Medicine -...

Krystal Biotech Reports Third Quarter 2019 Financial and Operating Results – Yahoo Finance

Alignment With FDA on GMP Commercial Manufacturing Process for KB103 (Bercolagene telserpavec, B-VEC)KB105 Granted Fast Track Designation by the FDAPlatform Patent for Delivering any Effector to the Skin Granted by USPTO

PITTSBURGH, Nov. 04, 2019 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Krystal Biotech Inc., (Krystal) (KRYS), a gene therapy company developing medicines to treat dermatological diseases, announced financial results for third quarter 2019, recent corporate highlights and upcoming milestones.

"Following our CMC meeting, we believe we have a scalable GMP commercial process in place to fulfill future patient demand and anticipate a modest impact to our previously disclosed B-VEC timeline, said Krish S. Krishnan, chairman and chief executive officer of Krystal Biotech. We plan on announcing our agreement with the FDA on trial design and endpoints prior to initiating the B-VEC pivotal trial.

Corporate Highlights

CMC alignment and End of Phase 2 meeting

Positive results from Phase 1/2 trial of B-VEC




Financial results for the quarter endedSeptember 30, 2019

For additional information on the Companys financial results for the quarter ended September 30, 2018, refer to form 10-Q filed as with the SEC.

About KB103KB103 is Krystals lead product candidate, currently in clinical development, seeks to use gene therapy to treat dystrophic epidermolysis bullosa, or DEB, an incurable skin blistering condition caused by a lack of collagen in the skin.KB103 is a replication-defective, non-integrating viral vector that has been engineered using the HSV-1 virus employing Krystals STAR-D platform to deliver functional human COL7A1 genes directly to the patients dividing and non-dividing skin cells.Krystals vector can penetrate skin cells more efficiently than other viral vectors.Its high payload capacity allows it to accommodate large or multiple genes and its low immunogenicity makes it a suitable choice for direct and repeat delivery to the skin.

About Dystrophic Epidermolysis Bullosa, or DEBDystrophic epidermolysis bullosa, or DEB, is an incurable, often fatal skin blistering condition caused by a lack of collagen protein in the skin. It is caused by mutations in the gene coding for type VII collagen, or COL7, a major component of the anchoring fibrils, which anchor the epidermis to the underlying dermis, and provide structural adhesion in a normal individual. The lack of COL7 in DEB patients causes blisters to occur in the dermis as a result of separation from the epidermis.This makes the skin incredibly fragile, leading to blistering or skin loss at the slightest friction or knock. It is progressive and incredibly painful.

The most severe form of DEB is recessive DEB, or RDEB, which is caused by null mutations in the COL7A1 gene.DEB also occurs in the form of dominant DEB, or DDEB, which is considered to be a milder form of DEB.There are no known treatments which affect the outcome of either form of the disease, and the current standard of care for DEB patients is limited to palliative treatments.Krystalis developing KB-103 for the treatment of the broad DEB population, including both recessive and dominant forms of the disease.

About KB105KB105 is Krystals second product candidate, currently in clinical development, seeks to use gene therapy to treat patients with TGM-1 deficient ARCI. KB105 is a replication-defective, non-integrating viral vector that has been engineered employing Krystals STAR-D platform to deliver functional human TGM-1 gene directly to the patients dividing and non-dividing skin cells.

About Autosomal Recessive Congenital IchthyosisTransglutaminase 1 (TGM-1) is an essential epidermal enzyme that facilitates the formation of the epidermal barrier, which prevents dehydration, and protects the skin from unwanted toxins and surface microorganisms. The loss of TGM-1-activity results in the severe genetic skin disease autosomal recessive congenital ichthyosis (ARCI). Most patients with a TGM-1-deficiency exhibit life-long pronounced scaling with increased trans epidermal water loss (TEWL). The scales are plate-like, often of a dark color, and cover the whole-body surface area. Erythroderma is either absent or minimal. Such patients usually have ectropion and, at times, eclabium, hypoplasia of joint and nasal cartilage, scarring alopecia, especially at the edge of the scalp, and palmoplantar keratoderma. Additional complications include episodes of sepsis, fluid and electrolyte imbalances due to impaired skin barrier function, and failure to thrive, especially during neonatal period and infancy. Severe heat intolerance, and nail dystrophy are also frequently observed. TGM-1-deficient ARCI is associated with increased mortality in the neonatal period and has a dramatic impact on quality of life. No efficient treatment is available; current therapy only relieves some symptoms. There are approximately 23,000 cases of TGM1 deficient ARCI worldwide and about 400 new cases per year globally.

Story continues

About the STAR-D Gene Therapy PlatformKrystalhas developed a proprietary gene therapy platform, the Skin TARgeted Delivery platform, or STAR-D platform, that consists of an engineered HSV-1 viral vector and skin-optimized gene transfer technology, to develop off-the-shelf treatments for dermatological diseases. We believe that the STAR-D platform provides an optimal approach for treating dermatological conditions due to the nature of the vector. Certain inherent features of the HSV-1 virus, combined with the ability to strategically modify the virus in the form employed as a gene delivery backbone, provide the STAR-D platform with several advantages over other viral vector platforms for use in dermatological applications.

AboutKrystal BiotechKrystal Biotech, Inc.(KRYS) is a gene therapy company dedicated to developing and commercializing novel treatments for patients suffering from dermatological diseases. For more information, please visit

Forward-Looking StatementsThis press release includes certain disclosures that contain forward-looking statements, including, without limitation, statements regarding development timelines for KB103, the ability of KB103 to be a transformative treatment option for DEB patients and the ability of our Ancoris manufacturing facility to supply KB103 for the forthcoming clinical trial . You can identify forward-looking statements because they contain words such as anticipate, believes and expects. Forward-looking statements are based on Krystals current expectations and assumptions. Because forward-looking statements relate to the future, they are subject to inherent uncertainties, risks and changes in circumstances that may differ materially from those contemplated by the forward-looking statements, which are neither statements of historical fact nor guarantees nor assurances of future performance. Important factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those in the forward-looking statements are set forth in Krystals filings with theSecurities and Exchange Commission, including its registration statement on Form S-3, and in its Forms 10-K and 10-Q, as modified or supplemented from time to time, under the caption Risk Factors.


Investors:Ashley R. RobinsonLifeSci

Media:Darren Opland, PhD LifeSci Public

Source: Krystal Biotech, Inc.

Krystal Biotech Reports Third Quarter 2019 Financial and Operating Results - Yahoo Finance

AI that Can Shoot Down Fighter Planes Helps Treat Bipolar Disorder – Laboratory Equipment

The artificial intelligence that can blow human pilots out of the sky in air-to-air combat accurately predicted treatment outcomes for bipolar disorder, according to a new medical study by the University of Cincinnati. The findings open a world of possibility for using AI, or machine learning, to treat disease, researchers said. David Fleck, an associate professor at the UC College of Medicine, and his co-authors used artificial intelligence called genetic fuzzy trees to predict how bipolar patients would respond to lithium. Bipolar disorder, depicted in the TV show Homeland and the Oscar-winning Silver Linings Playbook, affects as many as 6 million adults in the United States or four percent of the adult population in a given year. In psychiatry, treatment of bipolar disorder is as much an art as a science, Fleck said. Patients are fluctuating between periods of mania and depression. Treatments will change during those periods. Its really difficult to treat them appropriately during stages of the illness.

The study authors found that even the best of eight common models used in treating bipolar disorder predicted who would respond to lithium treatment with 75 percent accuracy. By comparison, the model UC researchers developed using AI predicted how patients would respond to lithium 100 percent of the time. Even more impressively, the UC model predicted the actual reduction in manic symptoms after lithium treatment with 92 percent accuracy. The study authors found that even the best of the eight most common treatments was only effective half the time. But the model UC researchers developed using AI predicted how patients would respond to lithium treatment with 88 percent accuracy and 80 percent accuracy in validation. It turns out that the same kind of artificial intelligence that outmaneuvered Air Force pilots last year in simulation after simulation at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base is equally adept at making beneficial decisions that can help doctors treat disease. The findings were published this month in the journal Bipolar Disorders. What this shows is that an effort funded for aerospace is a game-changer for the field of medicine. And that is awesome, said Kelly Cohen, a professor in UCs College of Engineering and Applied Science. Cohens doctoral graduate Nicholas Ernest is founder of the company Psibernetix, Inc., an artificial intelligence development and consultation company. Psibernetix is working on applications such as air-to-air combat, cybersecurity and predictive analytics. Ernests fuzzy logic algorithm is able to sort vast possibilities to arrive at the best choices in literally the blink of an eye. Normally the problems our AIs solve have many, many googolplexes of possible solutions effectively infinite, study co-author Ernest said.

His team developed a genetic fuzzy logic called Alpha capable of shooting down human pilots in simulations, even when the computers aircraft intentionally was handicapped with a slower top speed and less nimble flight characteristics. The systems autonomous real-time decision-making shot down retired U.S. Air Force Col. Gene Lee in every engagement. It seemed to be aware of my intentions and reacting instantly to my changes in flight and my missile deployment, Lee said last year. It knew how to defeat the shot I was taking. It moved instantly between defensive and offensive actions as needed.

The American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics honored Cohen and Ernest this year for their advancement and application of artificial intelligence to large scale, meaningful and challenging aerospace-related problems. Cohen spent much of his career working with fuzzy-logic based AI in drones. He used a sabbatical from the engineering college to approach the UC College of Medicine with an idea: What if they could apply the amazing predictive power of fuzzy logic to a particularly nettlesome medical problem? Medicine and avionics have little in common. But each entails an ordered process a vast decision tree to arrive at the best choices. Fuzzy logic is a system that relies not on specific definitions but generalizations to compensate for uncertainty or statistical noise. This artificial intelligence is called genetic fuzzy because it constantly refines its answer, tossing out the lesser choices in a way analogous to the genetic processes of Darwinian natural selection. Cohen compares it to teaching a child how to recognize a chair. After seeing just a few examples, any child can identify the object people sit in as a chair, regardless of its shape, size or color. We do not require a large statistical database to learn. We figure things out. We do something similar to emulate that with fuzzy logic, Cohen said.

Cohen found a receptive audience in Fleck, who was working with UCs former Center for Imaging Research. After all, who better to tackle one of medical sciences hardest problems than a rocket scientist? Cohen, an aerospace engineer, felt up to the task. Ernest said people should not conflate the technology with its applications. The algorithm he developed is not a sentient being like the villains in the Terminator movie franchise but merely a tool, he said, albeit a powerful one with seemingly endless applications. I get emails and comments every week from would-be John Connors out there who think this will lead to the end of the world, Ernest said. Ernests company created EVE, a genetic fuzzy AI that specializes in the creation of other genetic fuzzy AIs. EVE came up with a predictive model for patient data called the LITHium Intelligent Agent or LITHIA for the bipolar study. This predictive model taps into the power of fuzzy logic to allow you to make a more informed decision, Ernest said. And unlike other types of AI, fuzzy logic can describe in simple language why it made its choices, he said. The researchers teamed up with Dr. Caleb Adler, the UC Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Neuroscience vice chairman of clinical research, to examine bipolar disorder, a common, recurrent and often lifelong illness. Despite the prevalence of mood disorders, their causes are poorly understood, Adler said. Really, its a black box, Adler said. We diagnose someone with bipolar disorder. Thats a description of their symptoms. But that doesnt mean everyone has the same underlying causes. Selecting the appropriate treatment can be equally tricky. Over the past 15 years there has been an explosion of treatments for mania. We have more options. But we dont know who is going to respond to what, Adler said. If we could predict who would respond better to treatment, you would save time and consequences. With appropriate care, bipolar disorder is a manageable chronic illness for patients whose lives can return to normal, he said.

UCs new study, funded in part by a grant from the National Institute of Mental Health, identified 20 patients who were prescribed lithium for eight weeks to treat a manic episode. Fifteen of the 20 patients responded well to the treatment. The algorithm used an analysis of two types of patient brain scans, among other data, to predict with 100 percent accuracy which patients responded well and which didnt. And the algorithm also predicted the reductions in symptoms at eight weeks, an achievement made even more impressive by the fact that only objective biological data were used for prediction rather than subjective opinions from experienced physicians. This is a huge first step and ultimately something that will be very important to psychiatry and across medicine, Adler said. How much potential does this have to revolutionize medicine? I think its unlimited, Fleck said. Its a good result. The best way to validate it is to get a new cohort of individuals and apply their data to the system. Cohen is less reserved in his enthusiasm. He said the model could help personalize medicine to individual patients like never before, making health care both safer and more affordable. Fewer side-effects means fewer hospital visits, less secondary medication and better treatments. Now the UC researchers and Psibernetix are working on a new study applying fuzzy logic to diagnosing and treating concussions, another condition that has bedeviled doctors. The impact on society could be profound, Cohen said.

See the original post:
AI that Can Shoot Down Fighter Planes Helps Treat Bipolar Disorder - Laboratory Equipment