The Alliance for Regenerative Medicine Announces Its 2020 Cell & Gene Meeting on the Mesa Goes Virtual – GlobeNewswire

Washington, DC, June 24, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- via NEWMEDIAWIRE -- The Alliance for Regenerative Medicine (ARM), an international multi-stakeholder advocacy organization representing the regenerative medicine and advanced therapy sector, today announced a new virtual format for its annual Cell & Gene Meeting on the Mesa, which will take place October 12-16, 2020.

ARM's leadership and Board of Directors arrived at the decision to host the 2020 Cell & Gene Meeting on the Mesa virtually after consulting with numerous ARM members and gathering information from various health authorities. Ultimately, hosting the meeting virtually will be the safest and most inclusive solution, allowing attendees to connect with potential partners globally while avoiding any risk to safety.

This year's Cell & Gene Meeting on the Mesa will bring together senior executives from leading cell therapy, gene therapy, and tissue engineering companies worldwide, large pharma and biotech, institutional investors, academic research institutions, patient foundations and disease philanthropies, life science media, and more.

During this unprecedented period of social distancing, ARM continues to provide members with avenues to engage and connect, said ARM CEO Janet Lambert. Our virtual Meeting on the Mesa is an invaluable opportunity for stakeholders from across the sector to convene, to network, and to continue to work to ensure innovative cell and gene therapies reach patients in need.

The conference, which will now take place over five days, includes a virtual form of the meetings signature partnering system, expected to facilitate more than 3,000 one-to-one meetings between industry leaders. The program will include 15+ digital panels and workshops featuring key industry leaders discussing issues and trends in the regenerative medicine and advanced therapy sector, from market access to the latest discoveries in gene editing. Representatives from more than 80 prominent public and private companies will deliver on-demand presentations highlighting their clinical and commercial progress to interested partners and investors.

Additional event details will be updated regularly on the event website

Registration is currently open, with discounted early-bird rates available through July 24. Registration is complimentary for investors and credentialed members of the media. To learn more and to register, please For members of the media interested in attending, please contact Kaitlyn (Donaldson) Dupont

For interested organizations looking to increase exposure to this fields top decision-makers via sponsorship, please contact Laura Stringham at for additional information.

About the Alliance for Regenerative Medicine

The Alliance for Regenerative Medicine (ARM) is an international multi-stakeholder advocacy organization that promotes legislative, regulatory, and reimbursement initiatives necessary to facilitate access to life-giving advances in regenerative medicine worldwide. ARM also works to increase public understanding of the field and its potential to transform human healthcare, providing business development and investor outreach services to support the growth of its member companies and research organizations. Prior to the formation of ARM in 2009, there was no advocacy organization operating in Washington, D.C. to specifically represent the interests of the companies, research institutions, investors, and patient groups that comprise the entire regenerative medicine community. Today, ARM has more than 350 members and is the leading global advocacy organization in this field. To learn more about ARM or to become a member, visit

Kaitlyn (Donaldson) Dupont


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The Alliance for Regenerative Medicine Announces Its 2020 Cell & Gene Meeting on the Mesa Goes Virtual - GlobeNewswire

Combined 4-5 healthy behaviors linked to a 60% reduction in risk of Alzheimer’s disease – MinnPost

REUTERS/Lucy Nicholson

Research that has looked into the link between lifestyle behaviors and the risk of Alzheimers disease has tended to investigate those behaviors individually. Few studies have examined their synergistic effects on the risk of dementia.

Adhering to even two or three of the behaviors lowers the risk as well by 37 percent.

This observational study provides more evidence on how a combination of modifiable behaviors may mitigate Alzheimers disease risk, said Dr. Richard Hodes, director of the National Institute of Aging (NIA), in a released statement. Hodes was not an author of study, but his agency funded it.

About 5 million Americans have some form of dementia, including Alzheimers disease a number thats expected to triple to 14 million by 2060, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Scientists arent sure what causes Alzheimers. Genetics particularly having a variant of the apolipoprotein E(APOE)gene appears to be a factor for some individuals, but lifestyle is also believed to play a role.

Research that has looked into the link between lifestyle behaviors (such as diet and exercise) and the risk of Alzheimers disease has tended to investigate those behaviors individually. Few studies have examined their synergistic effects on the risk of dementia.

The authors of the current study a team led by Dr. Klodian Dhana, an assistant professor of geriatrics and palliative medicine at Rush University Medical College decided to fill that research gap by assessing the risk of Alzheimers according to a combined score of healthy lifestyle behaviors.

For the study, Dhana and his colleagues analyzed data from two NIA-funded longitudinal studies: the Chicago Health and Aging Project (CHAP) and the Memory and Aging Project (MAP). They selected participants (1,845 from CHAP and 920 from MAP) whose data about diet, lifestyle factors and genetics (APOE status) were complete at the time they entered those projects.

The participants received an individual score (from 0 to 5, with 5 being the healthiest) based on their adherence to five lifestyle factors, each of which has been linked to cognitive health in previous research:

The participants were followed for an average of six years. During the follow-up period, 608 of them were diagnosed with Alzheimers disease.

When the researchers compared the healthy lifestyle scores with the Alzheimers diagnoses, they found that the risk of developing Alzheimers was 60 percent lower for those with scores of 4 or 5 and 37 percent lower for those with scores of 2 or 3 than for those with scores of 0 or 1.

Those associations held even after the researchers adjusted the data for body mass index (BMI) and for medical conditions such as diabetes and high blood pressure, which have also been linked to an increased risk of dementia.

Because this is an observational study, it cant prove that adhering to healthy behaviors was protective against Alzheimers disease. As Dhana and his colleagues note in their paper, reverse causality cannot be ruled out. It could be that the participants who went on to have Alzheimers were in an early, undiagnosed phase of the disease when they entered the study, and the disease had caused them to engage in fewer healthy behaviors.

Also, the study wasnt designed to determine which combination of the five healthy behaviors confers the greatest benefits.

Still, the findings are supported by other research that has linked each of the individual lifestyle behaviors to a lower risk of dementia, including among people with a genetic predisposition to the condition. A study published in 2019 found, for example, that people with a genetic risk for Alzheimers were about a third less likely to develop dementia if they followed a healthy lifestyle than if they didnt.

Of course, as Ive noted in Second Opinionbefore, its essential to remember that even if a healthy lifestyle can prevent dementia in some people, it is not able to do so for everyone. Some people will develop the condition no matter how conscientious they are about the foods they eat or the hours they exercise each week.

FMI: Even though this study was funded by taxpayers, you can access only an abstract of the study on Neurologys website. The full study is behind a paywall.

Continued here:
Combined 4-5 healthy behaviors linked to a 60% reduction in risk of Alzheimer's disease - MinnPost

The wondrous map: how unlocking human DNA changed the course of science – The Guardian

Twenty years ago this week, an international group of scientists announced it had put together the first genetic blueprint of a human being. After 10 years of effort, the team made up of thousands of scientists working on both sides of the Atlantic revealed it had pinpointed all 3bn units of DNA that make up the human genome.

The result was the most wondrous map ever created by humankind, US President Bill Clinton told a special White House ceremony to mark the event. A parallel event, hosted by Tony Blair in Downing Street, also featured glittering praise for the effort.

The $2.7bn (2.2bn) Human Genome Project remains one of sciences greatest feats of investigation. It was described, at the time, as biologys answer to the Apollo space programme. It took researchers on a very different journey not of outward exploration, but an inward voyage: a mission to unravel the molecular essence of humanity.

Armed with the resulting wondrous map, scientists would soon, it was assumed, isolate the genes for height, eye colour, intelligence and myriad other human attributes. However, this simple goal has been confounded by the fact that a great many individual human attributes are determined by dozens, if not hundreds of genes. We are too complex for reductionism.

DNA studies have helped to develop new drugs for conditions ranging from cystic fibrosis to asthma

Nevertheless, the biological revolution let loose on 25 June 2000 has had remarkable results. The draft genome published that day was later followed up with more and more accurate maps of our DNA until the project was officially closed in 2003 with publication of a final, full human genome. Ever since, gene sequence studies set up in the projects wake have been involved in growing numbers of remarkable discoveries.

For example, DNA studies have shown our species once mated with Neanderthals while other projects have pinpointed mutated genes that cause cancers and melanomas. Others have helped to develop new drugs for conditions ranging from cystic fibrosis to asthma.

These successes have been achieved because gene sequencing, over the decades, has become a highly automated and incredibly cheap process. It took a decade of intense effort to create that first rough draft of a human genome, said Cordelia Langford, of the Wellcome Sanger Institute, near Cambridge, where UK scientists played a prime role in Britains involvement in the Human Genome Project. Today, we sequence around 3,000 full genomes a week. It has become a simple, straightforward process.

Not all these genomes belong to humans. Some belong to other animals and others to our mortal enemies such as the organisms responsible for malaria and cholera, a list of foes that has now been expanded to include Sars-Cov-2, the virus that causes Covid-19. Sequencing its tiny genome is now providing doctors and public authorities with critically important information about the disease.

We are sequencing samples of Sars-Cov-2 from different sources to see if the virus is mutating significantly

We are sequencing samples of Sars-Cov-2 from different sources to see if the virus is mutating significantly, said Dominic Kwiatkowski, director of the Centre for Genomics and Global Health at Oxford university. The jury is still out on that. However, we are also using sequencing technology to highlight tiny variations in samples from different places, and that should help us pinpoint the locations of new outbreaks.

A very different use of sequencing technology is being pursued by Sarah Teichmann, leader of the Human Cell Atlas project. Devices are now so sensitive that we can analyse DNA from a single cell and at the same time compare our findings with DNA from millions of other comparable cells, she said.

That data tells researchers what the cells in our bodies are doing at a very high resolution and at a specific time, information that has led to the discovery of many new types of cells, many in the immune system and others in the bodys various tissues.

This work has triggered a major revolution in understanding our bodies cells and their organisation in tissue and organs, said Teichmann, who is also based at the Wellcome Sanger Institute. By comparing healthy tissue with diseased tissue in this way, we are getting incredible new insights into the mechanisms of those diseases. This is a very powerful technique.

Such insights have included pinpointing cells involved in the development of cystic fibrosis, asthma and certain human tumours. The discoveries have opened up the prospect of developing therapies for these conditions.

The Human Genome Project is clearly having a big impact on medicine and research, but its progress was not without controversy during the course of its work, which began in 1990. We were in a race. It was as simple as that, said Langford, who is now the Sangers director of science operation but who worked as a research assistant during the projects early days. We were out to stop people from putting patents on human DNA that was being sequenced elsewhere.

At the time, a rival outfit to the Human Genome Project known as Celera had been set up with the maverick researcher Craig Venter as its head. They wanted to put patents on the DNA they were uncovering. We wanted to make sure everyone could use the data and were putting every sequence we found into the public domain to block any attempt to privatise the genome. And in the end we succeeded.

Continued here:
The wondrous map: how unlocking human DNA changed the course of science - The Guardian

Doctors race to understand rare inflammatory condition associated with coronavirus in young people – Science Magazine

A girl in New Delhi gets a nasal swab to test for the new coronavirus. A rare Kawasaki diseaselike illness linked to the virus is sickening young people.

By Jennifer Couzin-FrankelMay. 21, 2020 , 4:10 PM

Sciences COVID-19 reporting is supported by the Pulitzer Center.

Three children at one London hospital in mid-April, followed the next day by three at anotherfor Elizabeth Whittaker, a pediatric infectious disease doctor at Imperial College London, those first cases raised an alarm. The youngsters had fevers, rashes, stomach pain, and, in some cases, heart problems, along with blood markers that characterize COVID-19 in adults, including one associated with clotting. But in most, nasal swabs failed to reveal any virus.

I dont understandthey look like they have coronavirus, Whittaker recalls thinking. Doctors nonetheless suspected a link. Within days, a survey turned up 19 additional cases across England, and an alert on 27 April asked doctors to be on the lookout for such symptoms in children. Soon after, dozens more cases surfaced in New York along with smaller clusters elsewhere, bolstering a connection to the pandemic. Reports of children on life support and some deaths put parents on edgeand were especially disheartening after earlier signs that COVID-19 largely spares children from serious illness.

It is another surprise from a virus that hasproffered many, and projects worldwide are gearing up to study it. They are combing the blood and sequencing the genomes of patientsand the virus, if it can be isolated from themto search for clues to what makes some children susceptible and how to head off the worst symptoms. Theres hope that whats learned from young patients might help the many adults in whom COVID-19 also triggers a grievous overreaction of the immune system.

In some respects, Its absolutely not shocking to see this, says Rae Yeung, a rheumatologist and immunologist at the Hospital for Sick Children, whose center treated 20 children over the past 3 weeks with similar symptoms.Many pathogens occasionally trigger a similar hyperactive immune response in children, known as Kawasaki disease. Its symptoms vary but include rash, fever, and inflammation in medium-size blood vessels. Children can suffer heart problems. In rare cases, blood pressure plummets and shock sets in.

Doctors disagree on whether the variant linked to COVID-19 is Kawasaki disease or something new, with some experts calling it multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children. But as with Kawasaki disease, most recover with treatment, including steroids and immunoglobulins, which calm the immune system.

In linking the inflammatory syndrome to COVID-19,Were going on more than just a hunch, says Jesse Papenburg, a pediatric infectious disease specialist at Montreal Childrens Hospital, in a city thats seen about 25 children with the condition. Kawasaki disease is rare, ordinarily affecting just one to three in every 10,000 children in Western countries, though its more common in children with Asian ancestry. The spikes recorded so far, in COVID-19 hot spots like northern Italy and New York City, track the novel coronavirus march around the world. And although a minority of these children test positive for SARS-CoV-2, a studypublished inThe Lancetby a team in Bergamo, Italy, reported that eight of 10 children with the Kawasaki-like illness had antibodies to the virus, indicating they had been infected. Positive antibody tests have been reported in sick children elsewhere, too.

It was obvious that there was a link, says Lorenzo DAntiga, a pediatrician at the Papa Giovanni XXIII Hospital who led the study. The new coronavirus can elicit a powerful immune response, which he thinks may explain why shock and a massive immune reaction called a cytokine storm are more common in the COVID-19linked cases than in textbook Kawasaki disease. And a time lag between infection and the Kawasaki-like illness could explain why many of the affected children show no evidence of the virus. The immune systems overreaction may unfold over weeks, though virus could also be hiding somewhere in the body.

Theres clearly some underlying genetic component that puts a small number of children at risk, says Tom Maniatis, founding director of Columbia Universitys Precision Medicine Initiative. New York state is investigating 157 cases, and Maniatis is also CEO of the New York Genome Center, which is pursuing whole-genome sequencing of affected children and their parents, as well as sequencing the virus found in children, with family consent. Finding genes that heighten risk of the illness or of developing a severe case could point to better treatments or help identify children who may take a sudden turn for the worse.

Genetics may also help explain a puzzle: why the illness hasnt been reported in Asian countries, even though Kawasaki disease is far more common in children with Asian ancestry. The virus own genetics may be important; an analysis last month indicatedthe predominant viral variant in New York was brought by travelers from Europe. Its also possible that the Kawasaki-like illness is so rare that it only shows up in COVID-19 hotbeds. The areas that have been hardest hit by coronavirus are the areas reporting this syndrome now, says Alan Schroeder, a critical care physician at Lucile Packard Childrens Hospital at Stanford University, which has seen one potentially affected child, a6-month-old baby, who healed quickly.

Yeung is pursuing ways to flag children with COVID-19 who are at risk of this complication. She co-leads an international consortium thats banking blood from affected children both before and after treatment and screening for various markers, including the cytokine molecules that indicate a revved-up immune system. They are also searching for gene variants known to predict poor outcomes in Kawasaki disease. Theres also core COVID stuff that needs to be measured, Yeung says, such as markers of heart function and levels of D-dimer, a protein fragment in the blood that indicates a tendency toward clotting and that surges in many sick adults.

Another project, called DIAMONDSand originally designed to improve diagnostics of pathogens based on patterns of immune response in children with fevers,is recruiting children across Europe with the Kawasaki-like complication, along with those who have run of the mill COVID-19 symptoms. Scientists will study blood for pathogensnot just SARS-CoV-2and the behavior of immune cells such as T cells and B cells.

We have to do a deep dive into the immunology of those patients, says Elie Haddad, a pediatric immunologist and scientist at the St. Justine University Hospital Center who,with Yeung and Susanne Benseler at Alberta Childrens Hospital, is leading Canadian research efforts on the new syndrome. These deep dives may also clarify the immune system chaos seen in many sick adults. Children are cleaner, Haddad points outtheyre less likely to have other health burdens, such as diabetes or high blood pressure, that can make it harder to tease out the virus impact on the immune system.

Its possible, too, that the illness affects adults as well but is harder to tease out from their other symptoms. A global effort studying COVID-19 in adults, called the International Severe Acute Respiratory and Emerging Infection Consortium, will look at adults clinical data and blood samples,Whittaker says, to see, is this a uniquely pediatric problem?

Eager as they are to understand this new face of the pandemic, doctors want to avoid overstating the hazards. We need to identify early and we need to intervene early in treating these children, Yeung says. But she also urges calm. The kids were seeing so far, she stresses, they respond to the treatments were giving.

See the article here:
Doctors race to understand rare inflammatory condition associated with coronavirus in young people - Science Magazine

Here’s Why Editas Could Beat Intellia to a CRISPR Therapy – Motley Fool

Breakthrough genome editing companies includingEditas (NASDAQ:EDIT) and Intellia Therapeutics (NASDAQ:NTLA) have been in a tailspin since late 2019, and the latest earnings reports from both of those companies show that their revenue from collaborations and partnerships has started to dry up despite positive revenue growth overall.

Both companies aim to produce gene therapies utilizing CRISPR-based genetic editing in living patients, though their methods of delivering that therapy differ substantially. Neither company has a product on the market, though Editas beat Intellia to clinical trialsin April when it began testing EDIT-101 for Leber congenital amaurosis, a type of congenital blindness. Nonetheless, Editas is many years away from its first therapy being approved for sale, assuming that EDIT-101 proceeds past phase 1.

Investors considering either of these two companies should be aware that both are risky choices with no guarantee of a payoff over any term. There is one significant difference that wise investors will weigh carefully, however: Editas's partnerships and strategic collaborations appear positioned to be far more fruitful for the company than Intellia's.

Image source: Getty Images.

Intellia is a slightly smaller company than Editas, but its pipeline is comparable in breadth. The companies are of similar age, with Editas having been founded in 2013 and Intellia in 2014. However, Intellia's network of collaborations and research partnerships is far less lucrative, and its pipeline projects may soon require new funding to move forward.

Intellia's partners include pharma giantNovartis (NYSE:NVS) and biotechRegeneron (NASDAQ:REGN). Novartis made a substantial equity investment in Intellia as part of that partnership, and Novartis also retained exclusive rights to develop any engineered CAR-T cancer therapies produced by the collaboration. Intellia also agreed to give Regeneron the exclusive right to develop CRISPR-based therapies targeted at any of 10 different genes in the liver.

The terms of these collaborations make Intellia unable to capitalize on major successes beyond extending the depth of integration with its partners. Thus, in the long view, the company's path forward would still require moving its wholly owned therapy candidates to market, even if its approach is proven by a collaborator's success.

Editas's partnerships, on the other hand, are substantially more equitable. Editas's major drug development collaborations include Allergan (now part of AbbVie (NYSE:ABBV) and biopharma giantBristol Myers Squibb (NYSE:BMY). The expectation with these collaborations is that the more mature partner companies will be responsible for clinical-stage development, with Editas providing trial-ready therapy candidates and a technology platform to develop similar therapies according to the partners' needs.

Should these candidates show promise in phase 2 clinical trials investigating preliminary efficacy, the company's collaborators would likely respond by initiating new collaborations to capitalize on Editas's platform before its output is replicated by a competitor like Intellia. But Editas isn't in the same position as Intellia with regard to its major collaborations because it has a chance to capture the upside of collaborators' successes as well.

Editas's collaboration with Allergan specifies that both parties have optionality to co-develop any successful programs, and that Editas will share the revenue and losses of those programs equally with Allergan.And Editas's previous collaborations with companies like Celgene demonstrate that companies collaborating with Editas do so to access its gene-editing platform as customers as much as partners.

Editas also has partnerships with research-stage small preclinical companies such as Sandhill Therapeutics. Sandhill's therapeutic platform could benefit immensely from integrating Editas' genetic editing technologies. A similar research-stage pact with BlueRock Therapeutics initiated in 2019 has already advanced to clinical pipeline collaborations for Editas, proving that working with external peers is one of the company's organizational strengths.

It's important to remember that Editas's collaboration advantage is far from the only ingredient the company needs to survive in the medium term. Reliable revenue remains absent, and collaborations are vulnerable to amendment if the company can't deliver what its collaborators need to move products through the clinical trial process.

Data by YCharts

For the moment, neither Editas nor Intellia warrants a definite buy, and present holders of Intellia may want to consider selling. If Intellia cancels any of its preclinical programs, consider it a strong sign that the company's health is deteriorating. Look at Editas's performance in the second and third quarters to see if they're on the right track for a buy early next year, but understand that waiting until next year to reevaluate the company's situation is probably the wisest path.

See the original post:
Here's Why Editas Could Beat Intellia to a CRISPR Therapy - Motley Fool

Axovant Completes Enrollment of Low-Dose Cohort in Phase 1/2 Study of AXO-AAV-GM1 and Expands Study to Include Type I (Infantile Onset) Patients with…

- Six-month data from low-dose cohort expected in Q4 2020

- IND amended to include Type I (infantile onset) patients and to evaluate a higher dose - Expect to initiate high-dose cohort in 2H 2020

NEW YORK and BASEL, Switzerland, June 08, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Axovant Gene Therapies Ltd. (NASDAQ: AXGT), a clinical-stage company developing innovative gene therapies for neurological diseases, today announced that it has completed enrollment in the low-dose cohort of the Phase 1/2 (Stage 1”) study for Type II (late infantile and juvenile onset) GM1 patients evaluating safety, tolerability, and exploratory measures of efficacy at a dose of 1.5x1013 vg/kg delivered intravenously. Currently, the study is on track to report 6-month data (n=5) from the low-dose cohort of the AXO-AAV-GM1 clinical trial by Q4 2020. Additionally, the investigational new drug (IND) filing has been amended to expand the program to include Type I (infantile) patients and to evaluate a 3-fold higher dose (4.5x1013 vg/kg). The Company expects to initiate dosing in the high-dose cohort, which will include both Type I and Type II patients, in the second half of 2020.

The successful enrollment of the low-dose cohort of the ongoing Phase 1/2 study amidst the COVID-19 pandemic speaks to the dedication of all involved and the significant unmet need that exists for these children,” said Dr. Gavin Corcoran, chief R&D officer. With an expanded study protocol that now includes infantile-onset patients, AXO-AAV-GM1 is the only gene therapy in development to include both Type I and Type II GM1 patients, populations of children who suffer from a deficiency in the same enzyme, -galactosidase. We are grateful for the collaboration and perseverance of the National Institutes of Health (NIH), patients, and their families to advance efforts towards finding a treatment for this devastating pediatric disease.”

This study is being conducted at the NIH under the direction of Dr. Cynthia Tifft, Deputy Clinical Director at the National Human Genome Research Institute (NHGRI) in collaboration with Axovant Gene Therapies. In late 2019, the Company presented an update from the first GM1 Type II child dosed with AXO-AAV-GM1 under an expanded access protocol who was observed to have clinically significant improvements from baseline gene transfer to six-month follow-up based on neurological exam, the Vineland-3 scale, Clinical Global Impression assessments, and nutritional status. In addition, AXO-AAV-GM1 was observed to be generally well-tolerated with no reports of serious adverse events related to the investigational gene therapy or intravenous administration of the vector.

GM1 gangliosidosis is a progressive and fatal pediatric lysosomal storage disorder caused by mutations in the GLB1 gene leading to impaired production of the -galactosidase enzyme. There are currently no approved treatments for GM1 gangliosidosis.

AXO-AAV-GM1 was granted orphan drug designation (ODD) by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in November 2019.


AXO-AAV-GM1 is an investigational gene therapy that delivers a functional copy of the GLB1 gene via an adeno-associated viral (AAV) vector, with the goal of restoring -galactosidase enzyme activity for the treatment of GM1 gangliosidosis. The gene therapy is delivered intravenously, which has the potential to broadly transduce the central nervous system and treat peripheral manifestations of the disease as well. Preclinical studies in murine and a naturally-occurring feline model of GM1 gangliosidosis have supported AXO-AAV-GM1’s ability to improve -galactosidase enzyme activity, reduce GM1 ganglioside accumulation, improve neuromuscular function, and extend survival.

About Axovant Gene Therapies

Axovant Gene Therapies is a clinical-stage gene therapy company focused on developing a pipeline of innovative product candidates for debilitating neurodegenerative diseases. Our current pipeline of gene therapy candidates targets GM1 gangliosidosis, GM2 gangliosidosis (including Tay-Sachs disease and Sandhoff disease), and Parkinson’s disease. Axovant is focused on accelerating product candidates into and through clinical trials with a team of experts in gene therapy development and through external partnerships with leading gene therapy organizations. For more information, visit

In 2018, Axovant licensed exclusive worldwide rights from the University of Massachusetts Medical School (UMMS) for the development and commercialization of gene therapy programs for GM1 gangliosidosis and GM2 gangliosidosis, including Tay-Sachs and Sandhoff diseases. A three-way Cooperative Research and Development Agreement (CRADA) among Axovant, the NHGRI, and the University of Massachusetts was established in 2019 to support the conduct of the clinical program.

About the University of Massachusetts Medical School

The mission of the University of Massachusetts Medical School is to advance the health and well-being of the people of the commonwealth and the world through pioneering education, research, public service and health care delivery.

Research into potential therapies for lysosomal storage diseases such as Tay-Sachs, Sandhoff disease and GM1 gangliosidosis at UMass Medical School and Auburn University has led to significant advances in the field. Miguel Sena-Esteves, PhD, associate professor of neurology at UMass Medical School; Heather Gray-Edwards, PhD, DVM, formerly of Auburn and currently assistant professor of radiology at UMass Medical School; and Douglas Martin, PhD, professor of anatomy, physiology and pharmacology in the College of Veterinary Medicine and the Scott-Ritchey Research Center at Auburn University, have worked collaboratively for more than a decade on animal models and therapeutic approaches for these and similar disorders. For more information, visit

Forward-Looking Statements

This press release contains forward-looking statements for the purposes of the safe harbor provisions under The Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995 and other federal securities laws. The use of words such as "may," "anticipate," "will," "would," "should," "expect," "believe," "estimate," and other similar expressions are intended to identify forward-looking statements. For example, all statements Axovant makes regarding the initiation, timing, progress, and reporting of clinical data for its clinical programs, are forward-looking. All forward-looking statements are based on estimates and assumptions by Axovant’s management that, although Axovant believes to be reasonable, are inherently uncertain. All forward-looking statements are subject to risks and uncertainties that may cause actual results to differ materially from those that Axovant expected. Such risks and uncertainties include, among others, the initiation and conduct of the AXO-AAV-GM1 program and the availability of data for disclosures; Axovant’s scientific approach and general development, manufacturing and regulatory progress; Axovant’s ability to perform under its existing clinical and business collaborations; and risks of unforeseen operational delays and other uncertainties caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. These statements are also subject to a number of material risks and uncertainties that are described in Axovant’s most recent Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission on February 10, 2020, as updated by its subsequent filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission. Any forward-looking statement speaks only as of the date on which it was made. Axovant undertakes no obligation to publicly update or revise any forward-looking statement, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise.

Media and Investor Contact: Parag Meswani Axovant Gene Therapies (212) 547-2523

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Axovant Completes Enrollment of Low-Dose Cohort in Phase 1/2 Study of AXO-AAV-GM1 and Expands Study to Include Type I (Infantile Onset) Patients with...

ENHERTU Granted Orphan Drug Designation in the US for Gastric Cancer – BioSpace

TOKYO & BASKING RIDGE, N.J.--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Daiichi Sankyo Company, Limited (hereafter, Daiichi Sankyo) and AstraZenecas ENHERTU (fam-trastuzumab deruxtecan-nxki) has been granted Orphan Drug Designation (ODD) in the U.S. for the treatment of patients with gastric cancer, including gastroesophageal junction cancer.

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) grants ODD to medicines intended for the treatment, diagnosis or prevention of rare diseases of disorders that affect fewer than 200,000 people in the U.S.

An estimated 27,600 new cases of gastric cancer will be diagnosed this year, and the disease could lead to more than 11,000 deaths in the U.S. in 2020.1

The phase 2 DESTINY-Gastric01 trial demonstrated a statistically significant and clinically meaningful improvement in the primary endpoint of objective response rate (ORR) and the secondary endpoint of overall survival (OS) for patients with HER2 positive metastatic gastric or gastroesophageal cancer treated with ENHERTU, a HER2 directed antibody drug conjugate (ADC), versus physicians choice of chemotherapy (irinotecan or paclitaxel monotherapy).

The overall safety and tolerability profile of ENHERTU in DESTINY-Gastric01 was consistent with that seen in the phase 1 gastric cancer trial in which the most common adverse events (30%, any grade) were hematologic and gastrointestinal including neutrophil count decrease, anemia, nausea and decreased appetite. There were cases of drug-related interstitial lung disease (ILD) and pneumonitis, the majority of which were grade 1 and 2 with two grade 3 and one grade 4. No ILD-related deaths (grade 5) occurred in patients with gastric cancer in the phase 1 trial or in the DESTINY-Gastric01 trial.

The research results of DESTINY-Gastric01 will be presented at the 2020 American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO20) Virtual Scientific Program.

Earlier this month, ENHERTU received two Breakthrough Therapy Designations from the FDA for the treatment of patients with HER2 positive unresectable or metastatic gastric or gastroesophageal junction adenocarcinoma who have received two or more prior regimens including trastuzumab, and for the treatment of patients with metastatic non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) whose tumors have a HER2 mutation and with disease progression on or after platinum-based therapy.

ENHERTU also received SAKIGAKE designation in March 2018 from Japans Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare (MHLW) for potential use in HER2 positive gastric cancer, and a supplemental New Drug Application was recently submitted to the Japan MHLW.

About HER2

HER2 is a tyrosine kinase receptor growth-promoting protein expressed on the surface of many types of tumors including breast, gastric, lung and colorectal cancers. In some tumors, HER2 overexpression is associated with a specific HER2 gene alteration known as HER2 amplification and is often associated with aggressive disease and poorer prognosis.1

About Gastric Cancer

Gastric (stomach) cancer is the fifth most common cancer worldwide and the third leading cause of cancer mortality; there were approximately one million new cases reported in 2018 and 783,000 deaths.2 In the U.S., it is estimated that 27,600 new cases of stomach cancer will be diagnosed in 2020 and more than 11,000 people will die from the disease.1

Approximately one in five gastric cancers are HER2 positive.3 Gastric cancer is usually diagnosed in the advanced stage in the U.S., but even when diagnosed in earlier stages of the disease the survival rate remains modest.4 Recommended first-line treatment for HER2 positive advanced or metastatic gastric cancer is combination chemotherapy plus trastuzumab, an anti-HER2 medicine, which has been shown to improve outcomes when added to chemotherapy.5 For gastric cancer that progresses on first-line treatment, trastuzumab has not shown any further benefit and there are no other approved HER2 targeted medicines.6


DESTINY-Gastric01 is a phase 2, open-label, multi-center trial assessing the safety and efficacy of ENHERTU in a primary cohort of 188 patients from Japan and South Korea with HER2 expressing advanced gastric or gastroesophageal junction adenocarcinoma (defined as IHC3+ or IHC2+/ISH+) who have progressed on two or more prior treatment regimens including fluoropyrimidine (5-FU), platinum chemotherapy and trastuzumab. Patients were randomized 2:1 to receive ENHERTU or investigators choice of chemotherapy (paclitaxel or irinotecan monotherapy). Patients were treated with ENHERTU 6.4 mg/kg once every three weeks or chemotherapy. The primary endpoint of the study is ORR as assessed by an independent review committee. Secondary endpoints include OS, progression-free survival, duration of response, disease control rate and time to treatment failure as well as pharmacokinetic and safety endpoints.


ENHERTU (fam-trastuzumab deruxtecan-nxki in the U.S. only; trastuzumab deruxtecan outside the U.S.) is a HER2 directed ADC and is the lead ADC in the oncology portfolio of Daiichi Sankyo and the most advanced program in AstraZenecas ADC Scientific platform.

ADCs are targeted cancer medicines that deliver cytotoxic chemotherapy (payload) to cancer cells via a linker attached to a monoclonal antibody that binds to a specific target expressed on cancer cells. Designed using Daiichi Sankyos proprietary DXd ADC technology, ENHERTU is comprised of a HER2 monoclonal antibody attached to a novel topoisomerase I inhibitor payload by a tetrapeptide-based linker.

ENHERTU (5.4 mg/kg) is approved in the U.S. and Japan for the treatment of adult patients with unresectable or metastatic HER2 positive breast cancer who received two or more prior anti-HER2 based regimens based on the DESTINY-Breast01 trial.

ENHERTU has been approved for use only in the U.S. and Japan. ENHERTU has not been approved in the EU, or countries outside of Japan and the United States, for any indication. It is an investigational agent globally for various indications. Safety and effectiveness have not been established for the subject proposed use.

About the ENHERTU Clinical Development Program

A comprehensive development program for ENHERTU is underway globally with six pivotal trials evaluating the efficacy and safety of ENHERTU monotherapy across multiple HER2 targetable cancers including breast, gastric and lung cancers. Trials in combination with other anticancer treatments, such as immunotherapy, also are underway.

About the Collaboration between Daiichi Sankyo and AstraZeneca

In March 2019, Daiichi Sankyo and AstraZeneca entered into a global collaboration to jointly develop and commercialize ENHERTU worldwide, except in Japan where Daiichi Sankyo maintains exclusive rights. Daiichi Sankyo is solely responsible for the manufacturing and supply.

U.S. FDA-Approved Indication for ENHERTU

ENHERTU is a HER2-directed antibody and topoisomerase inhibitor conjugate indicated for the treatment of adult patients with unresectable or metastatic HER2-positive breast cancer who have received two or more prior anti-HER2-based regimens in the metastatic setting.

This indication is approved under accelerated approval based on tumor response rate and duration of response. Continued approval for this indication may be contingent upon verification and description of clinical benefit in a confirmatory trial.





Interstitial Lung Disease / Pneumonitis

Severe, life-threatening, or fatal interstitial lung disease (ILD), including pneumonitis, can occur in patients treated with ENHERTU. In clinical studies, of the 234 patients with unresectable or metastatic HER2-positive breast cancer treated with ENHERTU, ILD occurred in 9% of patients. Fatal outcomes due to ILD and/or pneumonitis occurred in 2.6% of patients treated with ENHERTU. Median time to first onset was 4.1 months (range: 1.2 to 8.3).

Advise patients to immediately report cough, dyspnea, fever, and/or any new or worsening respiratory symptoms. Monitor patients for signs and symptoms of ILD. Promptly investigate evidence of ILD. Evaluate patients with suspected ILD by radiographic imaging. Consider consultation with a pulmonologist. For asymptomatic ILD/pneumonitis (Grade 1), interrupt ENHERTU until resolved to Grade 0, then if resolved in 28 days from date of onset, maintain dose. If resolved in >28 days from date of onset, reduce dose one level. Consider corticosteroid treatment as soon as ILD/pneumonitis is suspected (e.g., 0.5 mg/kg prednisolone or equivalent). For symptomatic ILD/pneumonitis (Grade 2 or greater), permanently discontinue ENHERTU. Promptly initiate corticosteroid treatment as soon as ILD/pneumonitis is suspected (e.g., 1 mg/kg prednisolone or equivalent). Upon improvement, follow by gradual taper (e.g., 4 weeks).


Severe neutropenia, including febrile neutropenia, can occur in patients treated with ENHERTU. Of the 234 patients with unresectable or metastatic HER2-positive breast cancer who received ENHERTU, a decrease in neutrophil count was reported in 30% of patients and 16% had Grade 3 or 4 events. Median time to first onset was 1.4 months (range: 0.3 to 18.2). Febrile neutropenia was reported in 1.7% of patients.

Monitor complete blood counts prior to initiation of ENHERTU and prior to each dose, and as clinically indicated. Based on the severity of neutropenia, ENHERTU may require dose interruption or reduction. For Grade 3 neutropenia (Absolute Neutrophil Count [ANC] <1.0 to 0.5 x 109/L) interrupt ENHERTU until resolved to Grade 2 or less, then maintain dose. For Grade 4 neutropenia (ANC <0.5 x 109/L) interrupt ENHERTU until resolved to Grade 2 or less. Reduce dose by one level. For febrile neutropenia (ANC <1.0 x 109/L and temperature >38.3C or a sustained temperature of 38C for more than 1 hour), interrupt ENHERTU until resolved. Reduce dose by one level.

Left Ventricular Dysfunction

Patients treated with ENHERTU may be at increased risk of developing left ventricular dysfunction. Left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) decrease has been observed with anti-HER2 therapies, including ENHERTU. In the 234 patients with unresectable or metastatic HER2-positive breast cancer who received ENHERTU, two cases (0.9%) of asymptomatic LVEF decrease were reported. Treatment with ENHERTU has not been studied in patients with a history of clinically significant cardiac disease or LVEF <50% prior to initiation of treatment.

Assess LVEF prior to initiation of ENHERTU and at regular intervals during treatment as clinically indicated. Manage LVEF decrease through treatment interruption. Permanently discontinue ENHERTU if LVEF of <40% or absolute decrease from baseline of >20% is confirmed. When LVEF is >45% and absolute decrease from baseline is 10-20%, continue treatment with ENHERTU. When LVEF is 40-45% and absolute decrease from baseline is <10%, continue treatment with ENHERTU and repeat LVEF assessment within 3 weeks. When LVEF is 40-45% and absolute decrease from baseline is 10-20%, interrupt ENHERTU and repeat LVEF assessment within 3 weeks. If LVEF has not recovered to within 10% from baseline, permanently discontinue ENHERTU. If LVEF recovers to within 10% from baseline, resume treatment with ENHERTU at the same dose. When LVEF is <40% or absolute decrease from baseline is >20%, interrupt ENHERTU and repeat LVEF assessment within 3 weeks. If LVEF of <40% or absolute decrease from baseline of >20% is confirmed, permanently discontinue ENHERTU. Permanently discontinue ENHERTU in patients with symptomatic congestive heart failure.

Embryo-Fetal Toxicity

ENHERTU can cause fetal harm when administered to a pregnant woman. Advise patients of the potential risks to a fetus. Verify the pregnancy status of females of reproductive potential prior to the initiation of ENHERTU. Advise females of reproductive potential to use effective contraception during treatment and for at least 7 months following the last dose of ENHERTU. Advise male patients with female partners of reproductive potential to use effective contraception during treatment with ENHERTU and for at least 4 months after the last dose of ENHERTU.

Adverse Reactions

The safety of ENHERTU was evaluated in a pooled analysis of 234 patients with unresectable or metastatic HER2-positive breast cancer who received at least one dose of ENHERTU 5.4 mg/kg in DESTINY-Breast01 and Study DS8201-A-J101. ENHERTU was administered by intravenous infusion once every three weeks. The median duration of treatment was 7 months (range: 0.7 to 31).

Serious adverse reactions occurred in 20% of patients receiving ENHERTU. Serious adverse reactions in >1% of patients who received ENHERTU were interstitial lung disease, pneumonia, vomiting, nausea, cellulitis, hypokalemia, and intestinal obstruction. Fatalities due to adverse reactions occurred in 4.3% of patients including interstitial lung disease (2.6%), and the following events occurred in one patient each (0.4%): acute hepatic failure/acute kidney injury, general physical health deterioration, pneumonia, and hemorrhagic shock.

ENHERTU was permanently discontinued in 9% of patients, of which ILD accounted for 6%. Dose interruptions due to adverse reactions occurred in 33% of patients treated with ENHERTU. The most frequent adverse reactions (>2%) associated with dose interruption were neutropenia, anemia, thrombocytopenia, leukopenia, upper respiratory tract infection, fatigue, nausea, and ILD. Dose reductions occurred in 18% of patients treated with ENHERTU. The most frequent adverse reactions (>2%) associated with dose reduction were fatigue, nausea, and neutropenia.

The most common adverse reactions (frequency 20%) were nausea (79%), fatigue (59%), vomiting (47%), alopecia (46%), constipation (35%), decreased appetite (32%), anemia (31%), neutropenia (29%), diarrhea (29%), leukopenia (22%), cough (20%), and thrombocytopenia (20%).

Use in Specific Populations

To report SUSPECTED ADVERSE REACTIONS, contact Daiichi Sankyo, Inc. at 1-877-437-7763 or FDA at 1-800-FDA-1088 or

Please see accompanying full Prescribing Information, including Boxed WARNING, and Medication Guide.

About Daiichi Sankyo

Daiichi Sankyo Group is dedicated to the creation and supply of innovative pharmaceutical therapies to improve standards of care and address diversified, unmet medical needs of people globally by leveraging our world-class science and technology. With more than 100 years of scientific expertise and a presence in more than 20 countries, Daiichi Sankyo and its 15,000 employees around the world draw upon a rich legacy of innovation and a robust pipeline of promising new medicines to help people. In addition to a strong portfolio of medicines for cardiovascular diseases, under the Groups 2025 Vision to become a Global Pharma Innovator with Competitive Advantage in Oncology, Daiichi Sankyo is primarily focused on providing novel therapies in oncology, as well as other research areas centered around rare diseases and immune disorders. For more information, please visit:


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See the rest here:
ENHERTU Granted Orphan Drug Designation in the US for Gastric Cancer - BioSpace

The Alliance for Regenerative Medicine Announces 2020 Virtual Fly-In, Connecting Sector Stakeholders with Congressional Representatives Amidst the…

Washington, DC, May 20, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- via NEWMEDIAWIRE -- The Alliance for Regenerative Medicine (ARM), the international advocacy organization for the cell and gene therapy and broader regenerative medicine sector, announced that it will be holding its annual Legislative Fly-In today. This event, which has been remodeled to take place virtually, enables ARM members to advocate on Capitol Hill for legislative support of gene and cellular therapies and other regenerative medicines.

More than 120 ARM members are participating in the event, making this year ARMs largest Fly-In to date. Participants will form 24 state delegations to meet with Members of Congress via video calls and teleconferencing systems. The meetings will focus onthe immense near-term potential of gene and cell therapies and the need for legislation that supports patient access to these life-saving treatments.

Specifically, Fly-In participants will be asking Members of Congress to remove legislative barriers to the adoption of value-based payment models for gene and cell therapies. These therapies, which can provide a durable and potentially curative therapeutic effect, often with only a single administration, provide a profound benefit to patients and may result incost-savings to the healthcare systemin the medium to long term. However, existing reimbursement mechanisms have difficulty absorbing the upfront cost of these therapies.

To address these challenges, ARM works with its members and policymakers to promote the adoption of innovative payment models for regenerative medicines. These models include annuities, which would allow payors to amortize the cost of therapies over a longer period of time, as well as performance-based models, which tie the payment for therapies to predetermined health outcomes.

For more information on the event or ARMs legislative goals, please contact Kaitlyn (Donaldson) Dupont

About The Alliance for Regenerative Medicine

The Alliance for Regenerative Medicine (ARM) is an international multi-stakeholder advocacy organization that promotes legislative, regulatory, and reimbursement initiatives necessary to facilitate access to life-giving advances in regenerative medicine worldwide. ARM also works to increase public understanding of the field and its potential to transform human healthcare, providing business development and investor outreach services to support the growth of its member companies and research organizations. Prior to the formation of ARM in 2009, there was no advocacy organization operating in Washington, D.C. to specifically represent the interests of the companies, research institutions, investors, and patient groups that comprise the entire regenerative medicine community. Today, ARM has more than 350 members and is the leading global advocacy organization in this field. To learn more about ARM or to become a member, visit

Kaitlyn (Donaldson)

The Alliance for Regenerative Medicine Announces 2020 Virtual Fly-In, Connecting Sector Stakeholders with Congressional Representatives Amidst the...

IU team pursuing breathtaking advancements in regenerative medicine – Indianapolis Business Journal

The Indiana University School of Medicine established itself as a leader in regenerative medicine when it recruited Chandan Sen away from Ohio State University in 2018. (Photo courtesy of the IU School ofMedicine)

A dime-size nanochip developed by a world-renowned researcher who recently relocated to Indianapolis could help transform the practice of medicine. It could also turn Indianapolis into a manufacturing and research hub for radically new disease and trauma treatment techniques.

It all began in August 2018, when Chandan Sen, one of the worlds leading experts in the nascent field of regenerative medicine, moved his lab from Ohio State University to the Indiana University School of Medicine. He brought along a team of about 30 researchers and $10 million in research grants, and now serves, among a myriad of other positions, as director of the newly formed Indiana Center for Regenerative Medicine and Engineering, to which IU pledged $20 million over its first five years.

IU recruited Sen away from Ohio State in part because of its desire not just to promote academic research in his field but also to help develop practical, commercial products and uses for hisbreakthroughs.

A scientist prefers to be in the lab and keep on making more discoveries, said Sen, 53.

But I thought that, unless we participate in the workforce development process and the commercialization process, I dont think that the businesspeople would be ready to do it all by themselves. Because its such a nascentfield.

Its definitely newand its potential sounds like the stuff of science fiction.

Regenerative medicine, as its name hints, seeks to develop methods for replacing or reinvigorating damaged human organs, cells and tissues.

For instance, instead of giving a diabetic a lifetimes worth of insulin injections, some of his skin cells could be altered to produce insulin, curing him. Such techniques might also be used for everything from creating lab-grown replacement organs to, someday, regenerating severed limbs.

Regenerative medicine offers a form of medicine that is neither a pill nor a device, Sen said.

It is a completely new platform, where you dont necessarily depend on any given drug, but are instead modifying bodily functions.

A big, tiny breakthrough


Sen and his teams signal contribution to the field is a technique theyve dubbed tissue nanotransfection, or TNT. Put simply, it uses a nanotechnology-based chip infused with a special biological cargo that, when applied to the skin and given a brief electrical charge, can convert run-of-the-mill skin cells into other cell types. Potentially, the technique could be used for everything from regrowing blood vessels in burn-damaged tissue to creating insulin-secreting cells that could cure diabetics.

Obviously, such applications are still down the road a ways. But the technology is far enough along that some products are already making it to marketand investors, entrepreneurs and established companies are sniffing around for opportunities. According to the Alliance for Regenerative Medicine, more than 1,000 clinical trials worldwide are using regenerative medicine technologies.

Thousands of patients are already benefiting from early commercial products, and we expect that number will grow exponentially over the next few years, said Janet Lambert, the alliances CEO.

Lambert predicts that the number of approved gene therapies will double in the next one to two years. Last year, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration predicted it would be approving 10 to 20 cell and gene therapies each year by2025.


These new techniques could do more than just revolutionize medicine. They could also upend the medical industry as we know it. And the IU School of Medicineand Indianapoliscould lead the way.

There are really only two or three places in the country that did the kind of comprehensive work that Dr. Sens group was doing, said Anantha Shekhar, executive associate dean for research at IU School of Medicine. And they were doing it from the lab all the way to the clinic, where they were already applying those technologies in patients.

So it was very attractive to think of starting with a bangbringing a comprehensive group here and creating a new center.

Ambitious goals

Instead of merely treating chronic conditions, regenerative medicine could end them, once and for all.

For instance, consider a car with an oil leak. The traditional medical approach might be to live with the chronic condition by pouring in a fresh quart of oil every few days. The regenerative medicine approach would fix the leak. Its good for the car, good for the cars owner but not necessarily good for the guy who was selling all those quarts of oil.

Which is why these new techniques, if they catch on, could cause turmoil in the medical industry.

Because regenerative medicine has the potential to durably treat the underlying cause of disease, rather than merely ameliorating the symptoms, this technology has the potential of being extremely disruptive to the current practice of medicine, Lambert said.

This has the potential to be hugely disruptive, Sen added, because so much of medicine today relies on huge industrial infrastructures to manage, not cure, chronic diseases and disabilities.


If such disruption comes to pass, the leaders of 16 Tech, a 50-acre innovation district northwest of downtown that aspires to house dozens of medical-related startups and established firms, would love to be its epicenter.

The Center for Regenerative Medicine will be one of the tenants of 16 Techs first building, a $30million, 120,000-square-foot research and office building scheduled to open in June.

Regenerative medicine is probably one of the next major waves of medical innovation in the world, 16 Tech CEO Bob Coy said. To have him here doing this work gives Indianapolis and Indiana an opportunity to develop an industrial cluster in regenerative medicine.

Coy believes the most momentous early step on that road was the recent establishment by Sen of masters and doctoral programs in regenerative medicine at the IU School of Medicine. Its the first degree of its type in the country, earning IU and Indianapolis the enviable status of first mover.

I think, for example, of [Pittsburghs] Carnegie Mellon University, which, back in the late 1960s, created the first college of computer science in the country, Coy said. And now you know Carnegie Mellons reputation in computerscience.

What isnt in place yet is a state or city program to promote development of a regenerative medicine hub.

We need to start doing that, Coy said. That means putting a lot of the infrastructure in place to support startups that are based on this technology, as well as recruiting companies that want to collaborate with Dr. Sen.

In spite of the lack of a coherent recruitment program, Coys phone has started to ring, thanks largely to Sens presence.

There have been a few meetings Ive had with people who already have relationships with him, who, when they come to town, have reached out to meet and talk about what were doing at 16 Tech, he said.

Fueling entrepreneurship

One of the first 16 Tech startups with designs on the regenerative medicine niche is Sexton Biotechnologies.

The company was groomed by Cook Regentec, a division of Bloomington-based Cook Group charged with incubating and accelerating technologies for regenerative medicine and the related field of cell genetherapy.

Any products that show promise are either folded into the company, turned into their own divisions or, as in Sextons case, spun off as an independent entity with Cook retaining a financial stake.


Its a measure of the newness of this field that Sextons 17 employees arent working on new medicines, but rather marketing basic tools needed to conduct research. The companys offerings include a vial for storing cell and gene products in liquid nitrogen, and a cell culture growth medium.

Theres a ready market for such tailor-made gear, because, for years, researchers in the regenerative medicine field had to make do with jury-rigged equipment.

What most of those companies did was repurpose things like tools from the blood banking industry, or tools from bio pharma, said Sean Werner, Sextons president.

So thats why a lot of newer companies are starting to build tools explicitly for the industry, as opposed to everybody just having to cobble together stuff that was already out there.

Werner said investors recognize the momentous opportunity in regenerative medicine and are flocking to the field.

Its not something you have to explain, he said. Companies and VC groups are trying to get a piece of it.

What has investors and medical researchers charged up is the almost unlimited range of potential applications, from healing burns to, perhaps someday, regenerating limbs.

I think it would be a huge revolution if were able to, for example, regenerate insulin-secreting cells in children who have become juvenile diabetics or have for whatever reason lost their pancreas, Shekhar said. Those are the kinds of things that will start to change the way we see certain diseases.

Lambert predicted that, as the science advances, so will the business case.

While early programs focused primarily on rare genetic diseases and blood cancers, were already seeing the field expand into more common age-related neurological disorders, such as Parkinsons and Alzheimers, shesaid.

I expect this trend to continue in the coming years, greatly increasing the number of patients poised to benefit from these therapies.

Werner said regenerative medicine also is seeking advancements in manufacturing technologies that will lower the cost of product development.

It all adds up to a huge opportunity the state is well-positioned to seize, Wernerbelieves.

Indiana is a perfect place for this kind of thing to really ramp up, he said. Theres no reason we cant lead thefield.

Read more here:
IU team pursuing breathtaking advancements in regenerative medicine - Indianapolis Business Journal

Burning Rock deepens cooperation with Illumina to promote development and standardization of NGS-based cancer therapy selection in China -…

SHANGHAI, China, May 10, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Burning Rock and Illumina (NASDAQ: ILMN), a global leader in gene sequencing and array-based technologies, jointly announced today that they are joining forces to promote the development and standardization of NGS-based cancer therapy selection in China based on Illuminas NextSeqTM 550Dx system.

In 2015, Illuminas sequencing technology and Burning Rocks development and commercial capabilities were for the first time combined, providing Chinas precision oncology market with advanced NGS-based cancer therapy selection solutions in the past five years. In 2020, as the first genetic testing company in China to achieve development of in vitro diagnostic (IVD) tests for both circulating tumor DNA (ctDNA) and tissue based on the NextSeqTM 550Dx system agreement with Illumina, Burning Rock will further expand and deepen the application of NGS technologies in the field of cancer therapy selection.

The value of NGS application in precision medicine and companion diagnostics has been widely recognized by clinical experts and cancer patients. Compared with traditional genetic testing methods, NGS-based cancer therapy selection allows patients to understand the mutation of multiple genes related to cancer treatment, providing doctors and patients with one-stop targeted therapy and immunotherapy drugs testing solutions, ultimately saving time and preserving samples.

In July 2018, Burning Rocks innovative product "Human EGFR / ALK / BRAF / KRAS gene mutation detection kit (reversible end termination sequencing method)" based on Illumina sequencing system became the first NGS-based reagent kit to be approved by National Medication Products Administration (NMPA). Since then, tumor NGS testing can be officially used in Chinese hospitals. In the future, Burning Rock will continue to seek NMPA approvals for its IVD products based on NextSeqTM 550Dx and other sequencing systems to promote the implementation of tumor NGS products in hospitals and benefit more cancer patients.

Through our long-term, close and pleasant cooperation with Illumina, we have delivered the world's leading NGS-based therapy selection solutions for clinical oncology, and improved the development and application of NGS-based cancer therapy selection in China. said Mr. Han Yusheng, founder and CEO of Burning Rock. Today we are delighted to announce that Burning Rock and Illumina will further deepen cooperation based on the NextSeqTM 550Dx system, to provide more high-quality molecular diagnostic solutions for clinical oncology treatment and promote the standardization of NGS-based cancer therapy selection in China.

Burning Rock is one of the leading precision oncology companies in China, said Joydeep Goswami, Senior Vice President of Corporate Development and Strategic Planning at Illumina, said. I am pleased to see that during the close cooperation with Illumina in the past five years, Burning Rock has continuously developed tumor diagnosis solutions that meet the needs of the local market. The new agreement is a testament to our strong cooperation in the past, and also the beginning of a more in-depth cooperation.

Li Qing, General Manager of Greater China at Illumina, said: Burning Rock has brought hope to countless Chinese patients by providing a series of tumor molecular diagnostic solutions. And we are very happy to be involved. In the future, I firmly believe that genetic testing technology will further change the current treatment paradigm for cancer and provide critical support to conquer this disease at an early date.

About Burning RockBurning Rock, whose mission is to Guard Life via Science, focuses on the application of next generation sequencing (NGS) technology in the field of precision oncology. Its business consists of i) NGS-based therapy selection testing for late-stage cancer patients, with the leading market share in China and over 185,000 tissue and liquid-based tests completed cumulatively, and ii) NGS-based cancer early detection, which has moved beyond proof-of-concept R&D into the clinical validation stage.

About IlluminaIllumina is improving human health by unlocking the power of the genome. Our focus on innovation has established us as the global leader in DNA sequencing and array-based technologies, serving customers in the research, clinical and applied markets. Our products are used for applications in the life sciences, oncology, reproductive health, agriculture and other emerging segments. To learn more, visit http://www.illumina.comand follow @illumina.

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Burning Rock deepens cooperation with Illumina to promote development and standardization of NGS-based cancer therapy selection in China -...

Covid may have originated from recombined bat, pangolin coronaviruses – Hindustan Times

A new study has suggested that the Sars-CoV-2, the virus that causes Covid-19, might have originated from a recombination of coronaviruses in a bat and pangolin. The findings strengthen the theory that pangolins could be the intermediate host for transmission of Sars-CoV-2 to humans.

The paper, published in the journal Nature by researchers from College of Veterinary Medicine, South China Agricultural University, also flags that pangolins, being the most trafficked mammal in the world, could be a future threat to public health if wildlife trade is not controlled because they harbour Sars-CoV-2-like viruses.

A coronavirus isolated from Malayan pangolins by a team of Chinese scientists showed 100%, 98.6%, 97.8% and 90.7% amino acid identity with Sars-CoV-2 in 4 genes.

The Malayan pangolin coronavirus was found to be particularly identical to Sars-CoV-2 in its receptor binding domain of the spike protein (which SARS-CoV-2 uses to bind to its hosts cells).

Genome sequencing found that the pangolin-CoV was very similar to both SARS-CoV-2 and Bat Sars-CoV RaTG13 (from which SARS-CoV-2 is suspected to have originated) but the only difference was the spike or S gene.

Further analysis of S gene sequences has suggested recombination events on May 8.

For this study, the team used lung tissues from four Chinese pangolins and 25 Malayan pangolins in a wildlife rescue center during March-August 2019. RNA from 17 of the 25 Malayan pangolins were found to be positive for Sars-CoV-2 like viruses and they gradually showed signs of respiratory disease, including shortness of breath, emaciation, inactivity, and crying.

Out of 17, 14 pangolins later died.

Generally, a natural reservoir host does not show severe disease, while an intermediate host may have clinical signs of infection, the authors said.

Pangolins and bats are both nocturnal animals, eat insects, and share overlapping ecological niches which make pangolins the ideal intermediate host for some Sars-related coronaviruses.

The paper recommended more systematic and long-term monitoring of coronaviruses in pangolins and a complete ban on illegal pangolin trade, international cooperation and strict regulation against consumption of game meat and wildlife trade.

Of particular interest here is that the entire genome of the pangolin coronavirus is not similar to the Sars-CoV-2 but theyre almost identical in the receptor-binding area (which the virus uses to bind to its hosts cells). Interestingly, the genome of Sars-CoV-2 is 96% similar to the bat coronavirus RaTG13 (found in the intermediate horseshoe bat) but differs in the receptor-binding site (which means that the RaTG13 cannot directly infect human lungs because its receptor cannot bind to human lung cells). Put these two pieces of information together and you arrive at the hypothesis that has the most amount of support so far, said Rohit Chakravarty, wildlife biologist and PhD student at the Leibniz Institute for Zoo and Wildlife Research in Berlin, Germany who read the paper.

Which is, a bat coronavirus jumped from a bat to a Malayan pangolin (either in the wild or in captivity), the virus recombined in the pangolin and incorporated the pangolin coronaviruss receptor-binding region, and then it evolved into Sars-CoV-2 that causes Covid-19 in humans, he added.

Pangolins are trafficked because it is believed that their scales and blood have medicinal properties, and their flesh is considered a delicacy in some parts of southeast Asia.

As many reports have shown, pangolins are now the most trafficked wild animal species in the world. As with all wildlife trade, the answer to how it can be controlled is quite complicated, because the flow chain goes through several layers of society. Ultimately, we are all culpable because the scale of operations is directly correlated to wealth in consumer countries. It is very easy to say that the eating habits of the Chinese are responsible for all the current problems we face. However, it is much harder for us to acknowledge, that actually the consumerist lifestyles of all developed and developing economies is actually the engine thats driving this thriving trade, said Abi Tamim Vanak, Fellow, Wellcome Trust/DBT India Alliance Program and senior fellow at Ashoka Trust for Research in Ecology and the Environment.

Read the original here:
Covid may have originated from recombined bat, pangolin coronaviruses - Hindustan Times

Val Sheffield elected to the American Academy of Arts and Sciences – Iowa Now

Val Sheffield, the Roy J. Carver Chair in Molecular Genetics at the University of Iowa Roy J. and Lucille A. Carver College of Medicine, has been elected tothe 2020 class of the American Academy of Arts andSciences.

Sheffield was recognized for playing a key role in constructing human genetic maps and developing efficient disease-gene discovery approaches. This paved the way for the completion of the human genome project and significantly contributed to genetic discoveries in blinding eye diseases, obesity, hypertension, and neurological disorders, potentially leading to noveltherapies.

The American Academy of Arts and Sciences, founded in 1780 by John Adams and John Hancock, is both an honorary society that recognizes and celebrates the excellence of its members and an independent research center convening leaders from across disciplines, professions, and perspectives to address significant challenges. Elected members join with other experts in cross-disciplinary efforts to produce reflective, independent, and pragmatic studies that inform public policy and advance the publicgood.

This year, 276 new members were elected and include notable scientists, artists, scholars, and leaders in the public, nonprofit, and private sectors. Sheffield joins 58 other leaders in the medical sciences specialty. Academy members are nominated and elected by current members and chosen for excellence in their field and a record of continuedaccomplishment.

Sheffield is eager to contribute hisexpertise.

Genetic and genomic data are increasingly being integrated into the practice of medicine. With my expertise in human molecular and clinical genetics and genomics, Im hoping to be a useful resource to the academy, Sheffieldsays.

This is an incredible honor and well-deserved national recognition. We are extremely proud of Dr. Sheffield and his achievements, says Brooks Jackson, UI vice president for medical affairs and the Tyrone D. Artz Dean of the Carver College of Medicine.Given these turbulent times, it is especially gratifying to be able to celebrate hissuccess.

Sheffield joined the UI in in 1990 to perform research and practice clinical genetics in the Division of Medical Genetics for the UI Stead Family Department of Pediatrics. He has spent his entire career at Iowa, where he served as director of the Division of Medical Genetics for 22 years until stepping down in January 2020. He conducts scientific research related to human genetic diseases, however, he has recently converted a portion of his lab to join researchers across the world fighting the coronaviruspandemic.

Since the COVID-19 shutdown, I have switched some of my laboratory personnel to a COVID-19 project. We are trying to devise a simple method for collecting samples from patients for COVID-19 testing that doesnt require nasal swabs (in short supply) or use medical personnel to collect samples. The person being tested will self-collect the sample, thus saving on personnel and personal protective equipment. I am hoping to get FDA approval soon for this method so that it can be used to expand needed testing throughout Iowa, Sheffieldsays.

At the UI, Sheffield trains doctoral and medical students as a professor of pediatrics and a professor of ophthalmology and visual sciences. He also is an investigator for the UI Institute for Vision Research and practices medicine, caring for patients with human genetic disorders. He has co-authored more than 330 peer-reviewed scientific papers. He previously was an investigator for the Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI), from 1998 to2016.

The members of the class of 2020 have excelled in laboratories and lecture halls, they have amazed on concert stages and in surgical suites, and they have led in board rooms and courtrooms, says academy President David W. Oxtoby. These new members are united by a place in history and by an opportunity to shape the future through the academys work to advance the publicgood.

Sheffield attended Brigham Young University, where he earned a bachelors degree in zoology and a masters degree in developmental biology. He received a doctoral degree in developmental biology and a medical degreewith honors from the University of Chicago. He was a resident in pediatrics and fellow in medical genetics at the University of California, SanFrancisco.

His research has been funded by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) for 29 consecutive years, as well as by the Roy J. Carver Charitable Trust. Sheffields honors include the E. Mead-Johnson Award for Pediatric Research and the Lewis Rudin Prize from the New York Academy of Science, and he is a member of the National Academy of Medicine. Sheffield is board certified by the American Board of Medical Genetics and Genomics in both clinical genetics and clinical moleculargenetics.

Sheffield joins the following UI faculty and administrators who havebeen elected members of the American Academy of Arts andSciences:

Visit link:
Val Sheffield elected to the American Academy of Arts and Sciences - Iowa Now

Growing at an annualized rate of over 20%, the cell therapy manufacturing market is estimated to reach close to USD 10 Billion by 2030, claims Roots…

The approval of KYMRIAH, YESCARTA, Alofisel and Zyntelgo has increased the interest of pharma stakeholders in cell therapies; further, owing to the technical challenges in this field, outsourcing manufacturing operations has become a necessity

Roots Analysis has announced the addition of Cell Therapy Manufacturing Market (3rd Edition), 2019 2030 report to its list of offerings.

Owing to various reasons, the demand for cell therapies is anticipated to increase over the coming years. Therefore, both therapy developers and contract service providers may need to strengthen their capabilities and expand available capacity. In this context, automation is expected to be a key enabler within the cell therapy manufacturing and contract services industry.

To order this 500+ page report, which features 160+ figures and 250+ tables, please visit this link

More than 160 organizations claim to be engaged in cell therapy manufacturingThe market landscape is dominated by industry players, representing more than 60% of the total number of stakeholders. Amongst these, over 55 are large or mid-sized firms (having more than 50 employees).

100+ players focused on T-cell and stem cell therapiesMost of these players are focused on manufacturing T-cell therapies, including CART, TCR or TILs. It is worth highlighting that more than 35 organizations claim to have necessary capabilities for the manufacturing of both types of therapies.

Presently, 70+ companies have commercial scale capacityAs majority of the cell therapy products are in clinical trials, the demand is high at this scale. However, it is worth noting that several players (~50%) have already developed commercial scale capacity for cell therapies.

Europe is currently considered a current hub for cell therapy productionMore than 220 manufacturing facilities have been established by various players, worldwide; of these, 35% are in Europe, followed by those based in North America. Other emerging regions include Australia, China, Japan, Singapore, South Korea and Israel.

50+ facility expansions reported between 2015-2019More than 85% of the expansions are related to setting up of new facilities across different regions. Maximum expansion activity was observed in the US and in certain countries within the Asia Pacific regions.

20+ companies offer automated solutions to cell therapy developersPlayers that claim to offer consultancy services related to automation include (in alphabetical order) Berkeley Lights, Cesca Therapeutics, Ferrologix, FluDesign Sonics, GE Healthcare and Terumo BCT. Further, we identified players, namely (in alphabetical order) Fraunhofer Institute for Manufacturing Engineering and Automation IPA, Invetech, KMC Systems, Mayo Clinic Center for Regenerative Medicine and RoosterBio, that offer consultancy solutions related to automation.

Partnership activity has grown at an annualized rate of 16%, between 2014 and 2018More than 200 agreements have been inked in the last 5 years; majority of these were focused on the supply of cell-based therapy products for clinical trials. Other popular types of collaboration models include manufacturing process development agreements (16%), services agreements (12%) and acquisitions (10%).

By 2030, developed geographies will capture over 60% of the market shareAsia Pacific is anticipated to capture the major share (~36%) of the market by 2030. It is also important to highlight that financial resources, technical expertise and established infrastructure is likely to drive cell therapy manufacturing market in Europe, which is estimated to grow at a CAGR of ~26%.

To request a sample copy / brochure of this report, please visit this link

The USD 10+ billion (by 2030) financial opportunity within the cell therapy manufacturing market has been analyzed across the following segments:

The report features inputs from eminent industry stakeholders, according to whom the manufacturing of cell therapies is largely being outsourced due to exorbitant costs associated with the setting-up of in-house expertise. The report includes detailed transcripts of discussions held with the following experts:

The research covers profiles of key players (industry and non-industry) that offer manufacturing services for cell-based therapies, featuring a company overview, information on manufacturing facilities, and recent collaborations.

For additional details, please visit or email [emailprotected]

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Growing at an annualized rate of over 20%, the cell therapy manufacturing market is estimated to reach close to USD 10 Billion by 2030, claims Roots...

Teens, Genes, and Food Choices: What Contributes to Adolescent Obesity? – National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK)

Health care professionals can help adolescents prevent obesity from becoming an unwanted side effect of the unique growth period they undergo on their way to adulthood.

As a nurse, family nurse practitioner, and investigative researcher for the National Institutes of Health, Dr. Paule V. Joseph has worked extensively with individuals with diabetes and obesity. Here she talks about the rise of obesity in adolescents, the diabetes-related health implications, and what we can do to reduce young peoples risk for obesity.

Q: How critical is the issue of adolescent obesity?

A: Based on the current data, almost 21 percent (PDF, 588.88 KB) of adolescents ages 1219 are affected by obesity. The obesity rate among all populations has increased steadily, although there is some evidence, at least with childhood obesity, that its starting to level off. But theres a lot that needs to be done to decrease the amount of childhood and adolescent obesity.

Q: For adolescents, what risk does obesity pose for acquiring type 2 diabetes?

A: There's plenty of evidence that has linked obesity to type 2 diabetes. Teens and even younger children who have obesity are at a higher risk. They develop insulin sensitivity and you start to see changes in their hemoglobin A1C. When you see this, its important to intervene with nutrition information, because there might still be time to prevent type 2 from developing. This is very important, because the consequences of type 2 diabetes and the comorbidities associated with it are so detrimental to health.

Q: Is the prevalence of adolescent obesity the same across races and ethnicities?

A: Prevalence is highest among non-Hispanic black and Hispanic youth. This, of course, puts them at higher risk for comorbidities such as type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, early cancer, and other disorders that have been associated with obesity.

Q: What is it about adolescents that makes them different from adults in terms of obesity risk?

A: We have all been adolescents, so we know about the changes that happen to our bodies during that time. Adolescents are growing, so they need more calories. However, its the source of those extra calories that can be the problem. We are seeing that consuming excess sugar and fat is putting adolescents at higher risk of developing obesity.

Besides the rapid growth that they are experiencing, adolescents are also undergoing changes in brain development. They are starting to make their own choices about whether to eat foods that are good or bad, and theyre experiencing a lot of peer pressure with those decisions. Theyre also experiencing hormonal changes that might give them stronger cravings for certain foods.

During adolescence, you would expect there to be increased physical activity, but in the era in which we are living, a lot of adolescents are actually quite sedentary. For example, many are spending a lot of time playing sedentary video games instead of being active.

These are all reasons why we need prevention efforts and new interventions that can decrease the risk for adolescent obesity. But one of the big gaps in the literature is studies focused on adolescents; a lot of obesity studies lump them together with younger children. Adolescents are not children and theyre not adultsthey are a unique group, and therefore, we should study them separately.

Q: What are some of the environmental factors affecting adolescent obesity?

A: Socioeconomic status is definitely one of the predictors of obesity. It's interesting because in the United States, we see that adolescents with lower socioeconomic status are more likely to develop obesity while if you look at adolescents in low-resource countries outside the United States, its the total oppositethe kids with higher socioeconomic status are more affected by obesity. That could be because in those low-resource countries, money may give access to fast foods. But here, sometimes its cheaper to buy fast foods compared to healthy foods.

Another environmental factor, which I alluded to earlier, is the influence of friends. Its like, My friend is drinking a soda. Why cant I drink one? Even when adolescents know they have diabetes and are not supposed to drink a soda, sometimes peer pressure affects them.

Having healthy foods available is another environmental factor. Some neighborhoods are food desertsthe availability and accessibility of healthy foods is limited. Also, if you go to the supermarket, all the tempting snacks are placed right at the checkout line. We are visual individuals, so even if youre not hungry, sometimes you just become hungry when you see these things. Furthermore, we have to look at the food being served in school cafeterias and vending machines.

Environmental factors create incentives and disincentives to get the physical activity that can help manage obesity. The American way of life is less set up for walkingsuch as to a school, for errands, or to get to a jobthan ever before. Urban planners are trying to create more walkable environments, but as a country were not there yet. Young people today also may get less physical activity if their environment does not provide them access to gyms, parks, playgrounds, and other safe places to move around, or if they cannot afford recreational activities or equipment.

And, of course, there are cultural differences. We have adolescents who are fourth and fifth generation Americans, but we also have those who have just arrived in the country. In groups new to the country, you can see changing trends in their eating habits as they adapt to this culture, which parallels trends in weight gain. This ties back to those pressures we just discussed.

Recently, there have been several studies on sleep. An adolescents chronotypetheir innate preferences for waking and sleepinginfluences not only their sleep patterns, but also the way their body processes foods. So, their sleep schedule, and how well it fits with their chronotype, may affect weight. Furthermore, an adolescents school and activity schedule may not provide time for physical activity and can cause stress, which is linked with obesity.

Q: What is known about genetic influences on obesity?

A: Several genes have been associated with higher risk for obesity. Genetic variables have been associated with body size, body mass index, waist circumference, appetite, and more.

We used to be taught that the genes that you were born with are the genes that you are stuck with. However, now we know that the environment influences the genome, creating epigenetic changes that affect obesity. Therefore, its very important to study the adolescent group separately from children or adults. We know that you are born with certain genes, but we also understand that the environment affects and interacts with our genes. So ultimately, it is the combination of our genes and our environment that determine our health. For example, eating healthy foods may reduce our genetic risk for disease.

Q: What further research do you think needs to be pursued on the topic of adolescents and obesity?

A: We need to learn more about applying precision medicine to obesity. How can we use zip code data, other data from patients medical records, gene sequencing, and so forth, to create a more personalized model of treatment? Preventing and treating obesity is not one-size-fits-all. We need more studies separating younger children from adolescents, so that we can really understand this unique population.

Q: What can health care professionals do to prevent and treat obesity in their adolescent patients?

A: It's very important to be aware of the evidence that is emerging about obesity, despite the gap between the research and application of this knowledge in clinical practice.

You can get families involved in various ways. For example, you can have nutrition talks while you're doing your physical assessmentstaking time to ask, What it is that youre eating? We clinicians do a lot of assessments, such as well-child checks, but we need to screen not only for obesity, but also for what they are eating. That way, we can actually intervene earlier before the adolescent develops type 2 diabetes.

Also, motivational interviewing can help. Provide examples of people who were on a weight-gain trajectory before and how they have taken control of their health. You also can provide visual examples, such as a model of fat, which is easily obtained on the Internet, to show your patients what it looks like and to say, This is being stored in your body. This can be influential in terms of a young patients decision making. Sometimes theyll say, I don't want that to happen to me.

As another example, a randomized control trial conducted by NIDDK researcher Dr. Kevin D. Hall studied the impact of eating unprocessed versus ultra-processed foods, and the published study results includes pictures of menus. I have clinician friends who have taken those pictures and put them up in their waiting rooms, so by the time patients go into an exam room, theyre already saying, I'm not supposed to have chips, because thats a processed food.

You can encourage your young patients to incorporate more physical activity into things they already like to do. If they like video games, for example, they can be encouraged to try active video games, or exergames. The National Institutes of Health has sponsored some promising research into the health benefits of this activity. As another idea, some teens may be motivated by competing with themselves or their friends on how many steps they can take in a day, using step-counting devices. This is an exciting area of current research.

I do think its important to know the population that youre taking care of, know what has worked, and try some of those things. For example, my colleagues and I wrote a paper, Adolescent Obesity in the Past Decade: A Systematic Review of Genetics and Determinants of Food Choice, that reviewed a total of 41 full-text articles that contained studies limited exclusively to adolescents. Its generated a lot of discussion and I encourage health care professionals to read it.

Editors Note: Health care professionals are encouraged to share with adolescent patients and their families these two resources:

More here:
Teens, Genes, and Food Choices: What Contributes to Adolescent Obesity? - National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK)

Vienna Researchers’ Mesothelioma Discovery Highlights Use of Precision Medicine – Blog

Published on August 11, 2020

Researchers from MedUniVienna have successfully identified a blockade of compounds that activate a rare mutation found in malignant mesothelioma cells, thus halting their unrestricted growth. This highly specific approach makes clear that the best way to treat this rare and fatal form of cancer is through a highly tailored approach.

The mesothelioma investigators focused on the impact that telomerase has on the growth and spread of cancer cells. Telomerase is an enzyme that is active in rapidly dividing cells in our bodies. Though it plays a positive role in most instances, it also facilitates many types of cancer growth and is found in excessive amounts in mesothelioma patients.

The researchers determined that a particularly aggressive subgroup of malignant pleural mesothelioma cells have a distinct genetic mutation that serves to promote the production of the TERT gene, which plays an outsized role in the activation of telomerase. Through this discovery, they were able to identify a new treatment strategy for those suffering from the rare form of cancer and who test positive for the mutation.

Writing in the journalClinical Cancer Research, the researchers explained that the mutation they identified is found in the regulatory region of the cancer cell, which determines how much of a protein is produced. Previous cancer studies have shown that mutations activating the TERT gene are found in families with high genetic tendencies towards cancer, and are associated with other highly aggressive tumors like melanoma and glioblastoma.

Though the TERT gene mutation is only present in a small subgroup of patients diagnosed with malignant pleural mesothelioma, those that have it generally have an extremely poor prognosis. The researchers found that by inhibiting a specific protein linked to the activation of the mutated TERT gene, they were able to block its aggressiveness. According to Walter Berger, Member, Comprehensive Cancer Center, Institute of Cancer Research, Medical University of Vienna, We are currently investigating whether a pharmacological blockade of the ETS factors has potential as a new treatment option for patients with TERT promoter-mutated MPM. If this proves to be the case, the mutation would be both a biomarker for the selection of suitable patients and a therapeutic target an ideal combination for precision medicine.

Every person diagnosed with malignant pleural mesothelioma has a different story of exposure and a different experience with the disease. The Patient Advocates at are here to help you make sense of your situation. Contact us today at 1-800-692-8608.

Learn more about and contact Terri

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Vienna Researchers' Mesothelioma Discovery Highlights Use of Precision Medicine - Blog

Implementation of Pharmacogenetics to Individualize Treatment Regimens | PGPM – Dove Medical Press

Dimitri Maamari1 ,* Habib El-Khoury1 ,* Omran Saifi,1 Samar A Muwakkit,2 Nathalie K Zgheib3

1Faculty of Medicine, American University of Beirut, Beirut, Lebanon; 2Department of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine, American University of Beirut Medical Center, Beirut, Lebanon; 3Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology, American University of Beirut, Faculty of Medicine, Beirut, Lebanon

*These authors contributed equally to this work

Correspondence: Samar A Muwakkit; Nathalie K Zgheib Email;

Abstract: Despite major advances in the management and high cure rates of childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL), patients still suffer from many drug-induced toxicities, sometimes necessitating dose reduction, or halting of cytotoxic drugs with a secondary risk of disease relapse. In addition, investigators have noted significant inter-individual variability in drug toxicities and disease outcomes, hence the role of pharmacogenetics (PGx) in elucidating genetic polymorphisms in candidate genes for the optimization of disease management. In this review, we present the PGx data in association with main toxicities seen in children treated for ALL in addition to efficacy, with a focus on the most plausible germline PGx variants. We then follow with a summary of the highest evidence drug-gene annotations with suggestions to move forward in implementing preemptive PGx for the individualization of treatment regimens for children with ALL.

Keywords: pharmacogenetics, childhood ALL, implementation

This work is published and licensed by Dove Medical Press Limited. The full terms of this license are available at and incorporate the Creative Commons Attribution - Non Commercial (unported, v3.0) License.By accessing the work you hereby accept the Terms. Non-commercial uses of the work are permitted without any further permission from Dove Medical Press Limited, provided the work is properly attributed. For permission for commercial use of this work, please see paragraphs 4.2 and 5 of our Terms.

Go here to read the rest:
Implementation of Pharmacogenetics to Individualize Treatment Regimens | PGPM - Dove Medical Press

Women Scientists Have the Evidence About Sexism – The Atlantic

The good news is that legions of women scientists have been fighting back against this sexism for years, in many cases with extraordinary success. Being trained to gather data to measure and document problems helped us prove that the issues we faced existed, and the problem-solving skills wed honed in our labs helped us figure out how to address them. For Nancy Hopkins and other women at MIT in the late 1990s, that meant taking out a tape measure and showing that, while senior male professors had labs averaging 3,000 square feet, senior female professors had, on average, just 2,000 square feet in which to workroughly as much as junior male faculty members.

Im happy to say that advances have been made to enhance the participation of women in science, mathematics, technology, engineering, and medicine since I began my career. By the mid-1980s, women in microbiology were banding together to make sure that nominations for leadership positions in professional organizations included womennot just once, but year after year, so that wed have time to make reforms last. During my tenure as director of the National Science Foundation, I worked with the president and Congress to increase the countrys overall budget for research in science, mathematics, and engineering. My team and I also made it a national priority to lift the status of women in academic science and to reform the misogynistic culture of universities. We launched ADVANCE, a program that, from 2001 to 2018, funded contracts to solve problems experienced by women in the sciences on more than 100 campuses.

Despite all of these efforts, major disparities persist. A study last year found that the typical National Institutes of Health research grant to a male principal investigator is $41,000 larger than to a female one. The gap between NIH grants for women and men is even larger at top universities: $68,800 at Yale and $76,500 at Brown.

In 2011, the biologist Jo Handelsman and her team at Yale decided to perform an experiment to see just how bad bias against women in science was. She persuaded 127 scientists in biology, chemistry, and physics departments at six leading research universities across the country to evaluate a job application. Ostensibly, the application came from a recent graduate seeking a position as a laboratory manager, and all of the applications were identical, or almost: half the applications were signed John, and half were signed Jennifer. The disturbing results revealed both men and women scientists judged the male applicant to be more competent than the female applicant with identical qualifications. More faculty members said theyd hire John than Jennifer, and those who were willing to hire her would pay her almost $4,000 less a year. All across the boardno matter their age, sex, scientific field, or tenure statusfaculty members preferred John.

Read more from the original source:
Women Scientists Have the Evidence About Sexism - The Atlantic

Massachusetts Eye and Ear Enters Licensing Agreement with Biogen to Develop Treatment for Inherited Retinal Disorder – Newswise

Newswise Massachusetts Eye and Ear, a member hospital of Mass General Brigham, is entering into an exclusive licensing agreement with Biogen to develop a potential treatment for inherited retinal degeneration due to mutations in the PRPF31 gene, which are among the most common causes for autosomal dominant retinitis pigmentosa.

Inherited retinal degenerations (IRDs), such as retinitis pigmentosa, are a group of blinding eye diseases caused by mutations in over 270 different genes. Mutations in the PRPF31 gene are the second most common cause of dominant IRD and lead to defects in the function of the retinal pigment epithelial (RPE) cells and photoreceptors of the retina. Previous lab-based research performed by members of the Ocular Genomics Institute at Harvard Ophthalmology, led by Eric A. Pierce, MD, PhD, demonstrated that adeno-associated virus (AAV)-mediated gene augmentation therapy for PRPF31 can restore normal function to PRPF31 mutant RPE cells.

Biogen (Nasdaq: BIIB), a biopharmaceutical company that discovers, develops, and delivers worldwide innovative therapies for people living with serious neurological and neurodegenerative diseases as well as related therapeutic adjacencies, will build upon this prior work, and conduct the studies needed for clinical development of PRPF31 gene therapy. This includes the pre-clinical studies needed to support progression to clinical trials of PRPF31 gene therapy. As part of the agreement, Biogen will receive an exclusive license to develop the product worldwide and will be responsible for all U.S. Food and Drug-Administration (FDA) required investigational new drug (IND) enabling studies, clinical development and commercialization.

The treatment of IRDs with highly effective AAV-based gene therapies is core to Biogens ophthalmology strategy, said Chris Henderson, Head of Research, Biogen. This agreement underscores our commitment to that strategy and builds off of our acquisition of Nightstar Therapeutics in 2019 and our active clinical trials of gene therapies for different genetic forms of IRD. We are excited to work with Massachusetts Eye and Ear and look forward to applying our preclinical and clinical experience to their leading PRPF31 program.

We are thrilled to work with Biogen, who will bring to this effort its deep experience with the clinical development process, as we work toward our goal of developing a gene therapy for people with PRPF31-related eye disease, added Dr. Pierce, who is the William F. Chatlos Professor of Ophthalmology at Harvard Medical School. My ultimate hope for patients with inherited retinal disorders due to mutations in PRPF31 is that a gene therapy will preserve and potentially restore some of their vision.

About the Ocular Genomics Institute

The Ocular Genomics Institute at Harvard Ophthalmology aims to translate genomic medicine into precision ophthalmic care for patients with inherited eye disorders. It is home to one of the leading centers for early-phase clinical trials of therapies for inherited retinal degenerations, with seven gene-based and one stem cell trial currently in progress. The group works in conjunction with other departments throughout Harvard Medical School and Mass. Eye and Ear, including the Bioinformatics Center and Grousbeck Gene Therapy Center.

Dr. Pierces lab, established in 2011, is dedicated to research in an effort to improve the understanding of the molecular bases of IRDs so that rational therapies can be developed for these diseases.

In 2018, Mass. Eye and Ear surgeons performed the first post-FDA approval gene therapy for patients with a form of inherited retinal blindness caused by mutations in the gene RPE65 by injecting an AAV-based drug treatment into a patients eye, which restored vision in a 13-year-old boy. This therapy, called Luxturna, is now being used to treat patients with RPE65-associated retinal degeneration around the world.

One of the exciting aspects of our collaboration with Biogen is that mutations in the PRPF31 gene affect approximately 10 to 20 times more people than mutations in the RPE65 gene, said Dr. Pierce. Success with PRPF31 gene therapy could provide visual benefit to more patients, which is our ultimate goal.

Mass. Eye and Ear was one of the first centers to offer life-changing gene therapies to patients with inherited retinal disease, and we are thrilled with this new opportunity to develop a translational retinal therapy that could help even more patients, said Joan W. Miller, MD, Chief of Ophthalmology at Mass. Eye and Ear, Massachusetts General Hospital, and Brigham and Womens Hospital, and Chair of Ophthalmology and the David Glendenning Cogan Professor of Ophthalmology at Harvard Medical School.

According to Chris Coburn, Chief Innovation Officer, Mass General Brigham, the collaboration with Biogen illustrates the importance of academia and industry teaming to solve problems for patients worldwide. We are eager to see this progress reach patients who are challenged by blinding, degenerative eye disease, said Coburn. We look forward to working with Biogen to advance this break-through innovation.

Patients with an inherited retinal disease require genetic testing prior to being considered for any gene therapy treatment.

About Massachusetts Eye and Ear

Massachusetts Eye and Ear, founded in 1824, is an international center for treatment and research and a teaching hospital of Harvard Medical School. A member of Mass General Brigham, Mass. Eye and Ear specializes in ophthalmology (eye care) and otolaryngologyhead and neck surgery (ear, nose and throat care). Mass. Eye and Ear clinicians provide care ranging from the routine to the very complex. Also home to the world's largest community of hearing and vision researchers, Mass. Eye and Ear scientists are driven by a mission to discover the basic biology underlying conditions affecting the eyes, ears, nose, throat, head and neck and to develop new treatments and cures. In the 20192020 Best Hospitals Survey,U.S. News & World Reportranked Mass. Eye and Ear #4 in the nation for eye care and #2 for ear, nose and throat care.For more information about life-changing care and research at Mass. Eye and Ear, visit our blog,Focus, and follow us onInstagram,TwitterandFacebook.

About Harvard Medical School Department of Ophthalmology

The Harvard Medical SchoolDepartment of Ophthalmologyis one of the leading and largest academic departments of ophthalmology in the nation. Composed of nine affiliates (Massachusetts Eye and Ear, which is home to Schepens Eye Research Institute; Massachusetts General Hospital; Brigham and Womens Hospital; Boston Childrens Hospital; Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center; Joslin Diabetes Center/Beetham Eye Institute; Veterans Affairs Boston Healthcare System; Veterans Affairs Maine Healthcare System; and Cambridge Health Alliance) and several international partners, the department draws upon the resources of a global team to pursue a singular goaleradicate blinding diseases so that all children born today will see throughout their lifetimes. Formally established in 1871, the department is committed to its three-fold mission of providing premier clinical care, conducting transformational research, and providing world-class training for tomorrows leaders in ophthalmology.

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Massachusetts Eye and Ear Enters Licensing Agreement with Biogen to Develop Treatment for Inherited Retinal Disorder - Newswise

Pools in the Mexican desert are a window into Earth’s early life – Science Magazine

Azure pools rich in magnesium and calcium carbonate but low in phosphorus provide an ideal habitat for ancient bacterial reefs at Cuatro Cinegas, in theChihuahuan Desert of Mexico.

By Rodrigo Prez Ortega Jun. 30, 2020 , 3:40 PM

Valeria Souza Saldvar never planned to devote her life to a remote and ancient oasis more than 1000 kilometers north of her laboratory in Mexico City. But a call in early 1999 changed that.

Its one of the best cold calls Ive ever made, says James Elser, a limnologist at the University of Montana. He had picked up the phone to invite Souza Saldvar to join a NASA-funded astrobiology project in Cuatro Cinegasa butterfly-shaped basin with colorful pools, or pozas, in the middle of Mexicos Chihuahuan Desert.

Neither Souza Saldvar, a microbial ecologist at the National Autonomous University of Mexico, University City, nor her ecologist husband and research partner Luis Eguiarte Fruns, also at UNAM, had ever visited Cuatro Cinegas. That first trip convinced them to completely change their research plans. Looking at those mountains and the water, I fell in love, Souza Saldvar says.

The landscapemore than 300 turquoise-blue pozas scattered across 800 square kilometers, among marshes and majestic mountainswasnt the only draw. The waters, whose chemistry resembled that of Earths ancient seas, teemed with microbes; unusual bacterial mats and formations called stromatolites carpeted the shallows. When Souza Saldvar first cultured the organisms from the pozas, The amount of microbes was enormous, as was the diversity of colors and colony sizes, she recalls. For her, this remote microbial hot spot was an irresistible mystery.

Since then, work by Souza Saldvar, Eguiarte Fruns, and a widening circle of collaborators in Mexico and the United States has shown that Cuatro Cinegaswhich means four marshes in Spanishis one of the most biodiverse places on the planet. Theres nowhere that has so much ancient diversity of microorganisms, says Michael Travisano, an evolutionary ecologist at University of Minnesota, Twin Cities, who has collaborated with the Mexican researchers since 2001. Among the most recent additions to that menagerie are hundreds of species of archaea, the ancient microbes that may have given rise to eukaryotesorganisms with complex, nucleated cells.

At the Pozas Azules ranch in Cuatro Cinegas, about 100spring-fed pools dapple the desert. Each has a unique microbial and mineral composition.

The diversity includes strains with unusual adaptations, such as the ability to build their lipid membranes with sulfur instead of the usual phosphorus, which is scarce in the waters of thepozas. It includes potential sources of new compounds for medicine and agriculture. And it poses a question that has occupied Souza Saldvar and Eguiarte Fruns for the past 20 years: How did this Noahs Ark of ancient microbes arise? Its a dream for every biologist to know the origin of diversification, Souza Saldvar says.

But her dream might be short-lived. Since the 1970s, farmers have intensively drained water from thepozasand rivers to irrigate nearby fields of alfalfa, grown for cattle fodder, gradually drying the improbable oasis. Souza Saldvar has galvanized a conservation effort that has slowed the drainage; in the coming weeks, a canal that removes 100 million cubic meters of Cuatro Cinegass water annually is scheduled to close. In the meantime, the researchers have been trying to describe as much as they can, as fast as they can, before their belovedpozasdry up and the precious microscopic life that has survived undisturbed for millions of years dies off.

Cuatro Cinegasservedas a stopping point for hunter-gatherers for thousands of years. To date, 50 archaeological sites with cave paintingssome dating to 2275 B.C.E.have been found in mountain cavesaround the basin. Much later, the region made a mark on history when Venustiano Carranza, born in a village at the basins margin, became a leader of the Mexican Revolution and president of Mexico from 1917 to 1920. Nowadays, the village is called Cuatro Cinegas de Carranza after him.

But in the 1960s, Cuatro Cinegas started to become famous for its biodiversity, as biologists began to describe new species of snails, fish, turtles, and plants found in the pools and marshesand often nowhere else.

Wendell Minck Minckley, a renowned ichthyologist at Arizona State University (ASU), Tempe, was first lured to Cuatro Cinegas after learning thatthe worlds only aquatic box turtle(Terrapene coahuila) lived there. Over the years, Minckley made frequent trips to thepozas, describing their snails and fish (Herichthys minckleyi, a cichlid, bears his name) while making connections with the local people.

In the Cuatro Cinegas Basin, ringed with mountains and desert, an aquifer feeds hundreds of pools and marshes. But canals tapping water for agriculture threaten the wetlands and the biodiversity they host.


Minckley also noticed peculiar, rocky structures in the pools. They were stromatolites, biological structures normally found as fossils dating back as much as 3.5 billion years. Colonies of photosynthesizing bacteria, which boosted early Earths oxygen, created the layered formations by depositing carbonates and trapping sediment in ancient, shallow seas. But these stromatolites were alive. Also found in other extreme environments such as Australias warm, salty Shark Bay, living stromatolites are sort of a window into early Earth, Elser says. Thepozasalso nurture bacterial mats, a soft form of stromatolites normally found deep in the ocean.

As early as the 1970s, Minckley realized the pools and their diversity were under threat: Local farmers were carving canals to tap their water. Thanks in part to his lobbying, the Mexican government in 1994 designated an 85,000-hectare protected area. But the drainage continued. Minckley knew that Cuatro Cinegas was going to die, Souza Saldvar says. He thought NASA might be its salvation.

In 1998, NASA established its Astrobiology Institute, a network of researchers studying life in extreme environments that might resemble conditions on other planets. Minckley saw an ideal astrobiology study site in the waters of thepozas, with their seemingly inhospitable chemistry and living stromatolites. But he was no expert on extreme environments, so he enlisted Elser, who specializes in how water chemistry affects ecosystems and also works at ASU. After they submitted a 1998 proposal to fund the project, however, NASA said they should add experts on microbiology and evolutionand those experts had to be Mexican to help secure permits to obtain samples. Based on colleagues suggestions, Elser called Souza Saldvar and Eguiarte Fruns, newly minted professors at UNAM. They joined, and NASAapproved the 3-year project.

Stromatolites, reeflike colonies of carbonate-secreting cyanobacteria, abounded in Precambrian seasand thrive at Cuatro Cinegas.

With two children in tow, the couple met Minckley and Elser at Cuatro Cinegas. Next to the turquoise-blue waters of La Becerrapoza, Minckley told them he believed the ecosystem was a glimpse of deep time. Do you see these miniature snails in my hand? Souza Saldvar recalls him saying. I just scooped them from the springhead, but their direct ancestors were eating sulfur bacteria in hydrothermal vents 220 million years ago in the bottom of the ancient Pacific.

Based on the water chemistrylow in phosphorus, iron, and nitrogenand the presence of living stromatolites, Minckley believed Cuatro Cinegas re-created the marine conditions found worldwide millions of years ago. He challenged the two researchers to explore its mysteriesand to protect itspozas. Only you, as Mexicans, can save them from the extinction caused by humans, Souza Saldvar recalls him saying.

Minckleydied2 years later, in 2001.

To inventory the full diversityof microbes at Cuatro Cinegas and trace their relationships, Souza Saldvar needed to study their DNA. To do so, scientists normally take microbial samples from a site and grow them in a lab. But many bacteria and archaea are difficult to culture, and only a few groups at the time had successfully analyzed DNA isolated directly from the environment. High magnesium levels in the water and slime from the microbes made isolating DNA from thepozasespecially difficult.

But Souza Saldvar and her students Ana Escalante and Laura Espinosa Asuar made a start. In 2006, they reported in theProceedings of the National Academy of Sciencesthat they had found 38 distinct groups of microbesfour times as many as in a typical salt marshcorresponding to 10 major lineages of bacteria and one of archaea. Half the bacterial groupswere most closely related to marine microbes. Almost 10% of the groups resembled ones that live on hydrothermal ventsfissures deep in the ocean where microbes thrive despite extreme heat and mineral concentrations.

As Minckley had suspected, Cuatro Cinegas had somehow preserved ancient marine life forms deep in the desert, more than 500 kilometers from the Gulf of Mexico, at a site where the last seas retreated some 20 million years ago.

Valeria Souza Saldvar and Luis Eguiarte Fruns (top) have spent 20 years studying biodiversity at Cuatro Cinegas, where they have found thousands of new species in living structures like a bacterial mat (bottom).

The deep time aspect [of Cuatro Cinegas] is very surprising, Travisano says. It is a true lost world, preserved by the hostile water chemistry, he and the Mexican team argued in a 2018 paper ineLife. Millions of years ago, they proposed, ancient marine ancestors found their way to the place,adapted to the extreme environment, and didnt change much.

Thepozasthemselves are not particularly ancient. The springs that nurture them are fed by deep aquifers in Sierra San Marcos y Pinos, filled with water accumulated during the last ice ages, Eguiarte Fruns says. Now, the water seeps to the surface because of an active fault beneath the basin. It rises through ancient marine sediments, picking up its unusual chemistry along the way. Somehow, the ancient microbespersisted and diversifiedin a succession of springs that must have appeared and vanished throughout geologic time. As in an ancient clock, Souza Saldvar says, all the original mechanisms are still working together to sustain unusual life.

To Frederick Cohan, a microbial ecologist at Wesleyan University who is not part of the Cuatro Cinegas project, the fact that many of the microbes are related to marine species and not species found inland is compelling. I think its saying those organisms are anciently there.

When the researcherslooked at the stromatolites, theyfound even more diversity. Samples from one site, Pozas Azules II, yielded more than 58,000 distinct microbial sequences, predominantly from bacterianot a direct count of species, but an indicator of biodiversity. In the Ro Mezquites, a stream that flows through the northern part of the basin and recharges several pools, they identified 30,000 sequences, mostly from cyanobacteria. More than 1000 sequences from Pozas Azules II appeared to be from archaea, the researchers reported inEnvironmental Microbiologyin 2009. The stromatolites also teemed with bacteria-infecting virusesstrains that wereunique to each pooland resembled marine viruses.

Studying the microbes hasnt been easy. There are thousands and thousands of new bacteria that we cant grow in culture, Souza Saldvar says. They could, however, identify some startling adaptations to the extreme conditions. In one bacterium found only in El Churince, a system of lagoons andpozason the western part of the basin, researchers sequenced the smallest genome ever found in its genus,Bacillus. The work, led by Gabriela Olmedo lvarez, a genetic engineer at Center for Research and Advanced Studies of the National Polytechnic Institute, Irapuato, also showed that the microbeB. coahuilensiscould synthesize membrane sulfolipids. This meant that, like some plants and cyanobacteria, it could use sulfur from the environmentinstead of phosphorusto form its cell membranes.

Shallow, mineral-rich pools and lagoons, with conditions like those in ancient oceans, are hot spots of microbial diversity. Floating mats at Cuatro Cinegas teem with the primordial microbes known as archaea, leading researchers to call them archaean domes.


It likely stole these genes from a cyanobacterium, Olmedo lvarez says, enabling it to cope with scarce phosphorus, a condition thought to have prevailed in Earths earliest oceans. The microbes small genome may also have helped it thrive, as it required less phosphorus to build its DNA. Olmedo lvarez thinks the organism may offer a glimpse of the stratagems used by early microbes to adapt to their new environment.

Were just starting to understand the depth of diversity, says Olmedo lvarez, who found thatB. coahuilensisis itself starting tosplit into strainswith variations in phosphorus metabolism.

The low phosphorus conditions found in Cuatro Cinegas not only promoted local adaptations, but alsoaccelerated microbial diversification, Souza Saldvar and Elser argued in a perspective published in 2008 inNature Reviews Microbiology. Bacteria normally share bits of DNA with their neighbors in a process called horizontal gene transfer, which blurs the divisions between strains. But in Cuatro Cinegas, the microbeshungry for phosphorusessentially consume free DNA rather than incorporating it into their genomes. They will eat the DNA to get the phosphorus, Elser says.

Besides offering insights into evolution, Cuatro Cinegass microbial diversity may hold practical payoffs. Cuatro Cinegas is one of the richest places on the planet for genetic resources, Souza Saldvar says. For example, most modern antibiotics are derived from actinobacteria, which are abundant in thepozas. Susana De la Torre Zavala, a biotechnologist at the Autonomous University of Nuevo Len (UANL), University City, is searching for potential antibiotics in a library of 350 actinobacteria from the basin. Her team has also found that an extract from a microalga living in the poolsshows anticancer activity.

Agriculture, too, could benefit, Olmedo lvarez says. By 2050, the reservoirs of phosphorus that help sustain global harvests could become scarce, and the microbesability to concentrate the element from different sourcescould hold solutions. Were understanding Cuatro Cinegas, but were also understanding basic principles of ecological interactions that have an application in medicine and agriculture, she says.

As the scientific storyof Cuatro Cinegas unfolded, its fate has hung in the balance, with Souza Saldvar fighting a long series of battles over its water with local farmers and landowners, dairy companies, and politicians. Her weapons have been her rising scientific profile and a tireless outreach to the public, especially young people.

Souza Saldvar has drawn fireduring a 2013 microbiology congress, police had to protect her from protesting localsbut she has won a series of victories. In 2007, the daughter of the CEO of LALA, a giant dairy consortium with roots in the state of Coahuila, told her father she wouldnt speak to him because he was killing Cuatro Cinegas, Souza Saldvar says. The executive promptly scheduled a meeting with the scientist. You need to change your cows diet, Souza Saldvar says she told him, refusing to accept a courtesy yogurt he offered. Ill accept your yogurt when you do so. He promised not only to stop buying the regions alfalfa, but also to invest in environmental education projects for local children.

Two years later, she won an unusual ally, the powerful Mexican billionaire Carlos Slim. His foundation collaborated with the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) to buy the land surrounding El Churince in the western basin, and to provide researchers with a 5-year, 18 million Mexican peso ($1.4 million) grant to study Souza Saldvars favoritepoza. This allowed them to set up the infrastructure to perform long-term experiments. But it did not save the water.

Endemic fishes and turtles first drew scientists to Cuatro Cinegas, where they stumbled on its less visible microbial riches.

In 2010, Mexicos National Water Commission (CONAGUA) set out to replace the open, leaky canals, which lose 75% of the drained water, with less wasteful enclosed conduits. But the project was abandoned midwaymost likely because of corruptionand the old canals were never closed. As Cuatro Cinegas continued to dry up, the researchers raced to study El Churince, finding 5167 distinct species of bacteria and archaea in the last remaining pool. A close inspection of the genomes ofBacillusbacteria from one single square kilometer increased the known diversity of the group by more than 20%. By comparing DNA sequences, the team traced theBacillusdiversity to two ancient ancestors, one dating back 680 million years, the other 160 million years. Those dates coincide with the breakup of the supercontinents Rodinia and Pangaea, respectively, and the team thinks theoceans that formed during those convulsions carried the ancestral microbesto what is now the Cuatro Cinegas Basin, where they have persisted ever since.

Cohan says thats plausible.Bacillusfrom elsewhere fail to thrive in Cuatro Cinegas, most likely because they are outcompeted by the local microbes and cant adapt to the extreme conditions. And theBacillusspecies from Cuatro Cinegas are not found anywhere else in the world. Its just bizarre, Cohan says, but it makes thepozasso much more valuable and worth saving. Its kind of a paleontological microbial park.

In 2016, El Churince dried up just after the funding from the WWFCarlos Slim Foundation ended. The researchers felt devastated. Souza Saldvar says it was painful to see turtle shells lying on the now-barren soil. Its really sad, Olmedo lvarez says. Its gone.

On the eastern sideof the basin, things are looking brighter. In 2000, the conservation nongovernmental organization Pronatura Noreste acquired the Pozas Azules ranch: 2721 hectares hosting about 100pozas. Pronatura eventually gained rights to the water as well, enabling it to close canals draining thepozasin the ranch. Farmers are now encouraged to adopt water-sparing drip irrigation, and some are growing nopalan edible cactus popular in Mexican cuisinewhich requires much less water than alfalfa.

The researchers have focused their recent studies on Pozas Azules. In 2019, after an unusual spring rain, the team noticed alien-looking structures in the shallow waters of a site near Pozas Azules II: white microbial mats buoyed by gas. The gas appeared to be largely methane, and a genetic analysis showed the mats were teeming with archaea230 distinct species,they report in a preprint. That makes the spot the most diverse place of archaea that we know of, De la Torre Zavala says.

Now, the team hopes to analyze samples from the structures, which it calls archaean domes, in search of the elusive Asgard archaea, organisms previously found only in the deep ocean and thought tohold clues to the evolution of simple microbesinto complex eukaryotes. Although some in her team are skeptical, Souza Saldvar is convinced they will find them. Valerias usually right, De la Torre Zavala says.

Shaped and seeded with life by ancient seas, the Cuatro Cinegas Basin lies at the foot of the distant Sierra San Marcos. The white dunes bordering the basin are made of gypsum, a legacy of a Jurassic ocean.

Such prospects have added to Souza Saldvars determination to preserve Cuatro Cinegas, and she is enlisting young people for support. In every field trip since 2004, her team has spent time with students from the local high school, showing them how to use a microscope and take simple environmental measurements, and teaching them about sustainable agriculture. In 2011, with funding from the LALA Foundation and the WWFCarlos Slim Foundation, the scientists set up a college-level molecular biology lab at the school, which is now ranked among the best rural high schools in Mexico.

Hctor Arocha Garza is one of its graduates. Inspired by the secrets of Cuatro Cinegas, he pursued a Ph.D. in biotechnology at UANL with De la Torre Zavala, then returned to his hometown. My heart was in Cuatro Cinegas, he says. Now, hes leading the scientific branch of a privately fundedmegaproject called Cuatro Cinegas 2040that aims to build a science museum and make Cuatro Cinegas a scientific tourism destination, while supporting education and medical care for the villages young people.

The effort comes at a critical moment. More than 90% of the marshes are gone, and somepozasand lagoons are dry. But this year, CONAGUA committed toregulating water usageand closing illegal wells, and Pronatura Noreste will close the Saca Salada Canal, which drains the Ro Mezquites, as soon as the COVID-19 pandemic permits.

Those developments, and stories like Arocha Garzas, give Souza Saldvar hope for the future of Cuatro Cinegas. It has been a very complicated, long, and difficult process, she says. But now, she wrote in a recent book, There is a revolution occurring in this oasis: Science is the tool and kids are the drivers.

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Pools in the Mexican desert are a window into Earth's early life - Science Magazine

Hitachi and ThinkCyte announce collaboration to develop an AI-driven cell analysis and sorting system – BioSpace

TOKYO, July 1, 2020 /PRNewswire/ --Hitachi, Ltd.(TSE: 6501, "Hitachi") and ThinkCyte, Inc. ("ThinkCyte") today announced that they have entered into a collaboration focused on developing an artificial intelligence (AI)-driven cell analysis and sorting system. Hitachi provides a broad range of solutions such as automated cell culture technologies to pharmaceutical companies in the value chain*1 of the regenerative medicine and cell therapy industry. Through the addition of this cell analysis and sorting system to the value chain, Hitachi continues contributing to cost reductions in the manufacturing of regenerative medicine and cell therapy products.Further, Hitachi and ThinkCyte are promoting collaboration with pharmaceutical companies and research institutes working in the field of regenerative medicine and cell therapy to expedite the development of the system toward commercialization.

The practical applications of regenerative medicine and cell therapy using cells for treatment have been expanding rapidly with the first regulatory approval of CAR-T*2 therapy for leukemia in 2017 in the United States and 2019 in Japan. The global market for regenerative medicine and cell therapy is expected to grow from US$ 5.9 billion (JPY 630 billion) in 2020 to US$ 35.4 billion (JPY 3.8 trillion) in 2025*3. In order to scale up treatment using regenerative medicine and cell therapy products, it is critical to ensure consistent selection and stable supply of high quality cells in large quantities and at a low costs.

Hitachi has been providing large-scale automated induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cell culture equipment, cell processing facilities (CPFs), manufacturing execution systems(MES), and biosafety cabinets among other products to pharmaceutical companies and research institutes, and has developed a value chain to meet a variety of customer needs in the regenerative medicine and cell therapy industry. Hitachi has also been carrying out collaborative research projects with universities, research institutes, and other companies to develop core technologies for pharmaceutical manufacturing instruments and in vitro diagnostic medical devices, prototyping for mass production, and working on manufacturing cost reduction and the development of stable and reliable instruments.

ThinkCyte has been performing research and development focused on high-throughput single cell analysis and sorting technology to precisely analyze and isolate target cells. While such single cell analysis and sorting technologies are vital to life science and medical research, it has been thought impossible to achieve high-throughput cell sorting based on high-content image information of every single cell. ThinkCyte has developed the world's first Ghost Cytometrytechnology to achieve high-throughput and high-content single cell sorting*4and has been conducting collaborative research projects with multiple pharmaceutical companies and research institutes to utilize this technology in life science and medical fields.

Hitachi and ThinkCyte have initiated a joint development of the AI-driven cell analysis and sorting system based on their respective technologies, expertise, and know-how. By combining ThinkCyte's high-throughput and high-content label-free single cell sorting technology and Hitachi's know-how and capability to producing stably operative instruments on a large scale, the two companies will together develop a novel reliable system to enable high-speed label-free cell isolation with high accuracy, which has been difficult to achieve with the existing cell sorting techniques, and to realize stable, low-cost and large-scale production of cells for regenerative medicine and cell therapy.

Hitachi and ThinkCyte will further advance partnerships with pharmaceutical companies and research institutes that have been developing and manufacturing regenerative medicines and cell therapy products in Japan and other countries where demand is expected to be significant, such as North America, in order to make this technology a platform for the production of regenerative medicines and cell therapy products. At the same time, taking advantage of the high-speed digital processing technologies cultivated through the development of information and communication technology by the Hitachi group, Hitachi will integrate this safe and highly reliable instrument in its value chain for regenerative medicine and contribute to the growth of the regenerative medicine and cell therapy industry.


*1. Cell manufacturing processes, including cultivation, selection, modification, preservation, product quality control, etc.

*2. Chimeric Antigen Receptor T cells that have been genetically engineered to produce an artificial T-cell receptor for use in immunotherapy.

*3. Division of Regenerative Medicine, Japan Agency for Medical Research and Development, The final report for market research on regenerative medicine and gene therapy (2020).

*4. S, Ota et al., Ghost Cytometry, Science, 360, 1246-1251 (2018).

About the AI-driven cell analysis and cell sorting technologyThinkCyte has developed high-throughput image-based cell sorting technology based on the Ghost Cytometry technology by integrating the principles of advanced imaging technology, machine learning, and microfluidics. By applying structured illumination to cell imaging, structural information of a single cell can be converted to one-dimensional waveforms for high-throughput data analysis. Based on the judgment of a machine-learning (AI) model developed using the waveform data, target cells are isolated in a microfluidic device with high throughput and with minimal damage to the cells.

This data analysis approach eliminates time-consuming image reconstruction processes and allows high-throughput image-based single cell sorting, enabling the discrimination of cells that were previously considered difficult to distinguish by the human eye. Conventional cell sorting methods rely on the use of labels such as cell surface markers for cell sorting; in contrast, ThinkCyte's technology can sort cells without such labels by employing this unique approach. In addition to the field of regenerative medicine and cell therapy, this technology can also revolutionize drug discovery and in vitrodiagnostics fields.

About Hitachi, Ltd.Hitachi, Ltd. (TSE: 6501), headquartered in Tokyo, Japan, is focused on its Social Innovation Business that combines information technology (IT), operational technology (OT) and products. The company's consolidated revenues for fiscal year 2019 (ended March 31, 2020) totaled 8,767.2 billion yen ($80.4 billion), and it employed approximately 301,000 people worldwide. Hitachi drives digital innovation across five sectors - Mobility, Smart Life, Industry, Energy and IT - through Lumada, Hitachi's advanced digital solutions, services, and technologies for turning data into insights to drive digital innovation. Its purpose is to deliver solutions that increase social, environmental and economic value for its customers. For more information on Hitachi, please visit the company's website at

About ThinkCyte, Inc.ThinkCyte, headquartered in Tokyo, Japan, is a biotechnology company, which developsinnovative life science research, diagnostics,and treatmentsusingintegrated multidisciplinary technologies, founded in 2016. The company focuses on the research and development of drug discovery, cell therapy, and diagnostic platforms using its proprietary image-based high-throughput cell sorting technology In June 2019, the company was selected for J-Startup by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry of Japan. For more information on ThinkCyte, please visit the company's website at

ContactsHitachi, Ltd.Analytical Systems Division, Healthcare Division, Smart Life Business Management Division

ThinkCyte, Inc.

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Hitachi and ThinkCyte announce collaboration to develop an AI-driven cell analysis and sorting system - BioSpace