Batavia aldermen split on whether to cap video gambling licenses – Chicago Daily Herald

When it comes to making policy decisions related to video gambling in Batavia, Alderman Nick Cerone finds himself teetering on the edge.

It's a dilemma of economics vs. morality, of disliking what the machines represent but understanding that some businesses benefit from their supplemental income.

And now that the use is already allowed in the city, he says, it's hard to say no to a responsible establishment seeking a license.

"That's my problem. I would love to not see this in Batavia, but I would also not like to be the one to say that these businesses can't have it," Cerone said. "This is a battle I have internally."

Cerone was joined this week by several aldermen who were conflicted over whether to place a cap on the number of video gambling licenses allowed in town. The proposal -- aimed at halting the expansion of the machines beyond the eight businesses that already have them -- received a 6-6 vote from the committee of the whole, with one alderman absent and another recused.

The ordinance will now be up for an official vote by the city council July 20.

Some officials believe setting a hard limit could hinder the attraction of new businesses, or put them at a competitive disadvantage.

Others, such as Mark Uher, said they'd prefer to move toward eventually eliminating the terminals altogether by banning new licenses. Existing establishments with gambling would be grandfathered in, he said, but their licenses would expire once the business closes or is sold.

Capping the number of licenses offers a compromise -- an extra layer of oversight that also can be amended in a pinch, Alderman Elliott Meitzler said. "To me, I think that's an important barrier to help give us the control over this," he said.

But the city council already has the power to approve or deny new licenses, Alderman Alan Wolff said. Adding a limit would do nothing more than create additional work should officials want to grant a variance to a new business that would benefit from the terminals.

"I feel like what we have works," he said.

The city's existing ordinance has been structured to deter slot machine cafes -- a primary concern for aldermen -- by requiring that establishments hold a liquor license for at least a year before they can seek a video gambling license, city Administrator Laura Newman said.

Very few businesses have undergone that process since Batavia lifted its ban in 2016, she said. The eight existing license-holders include the Batavia Overseas VFW Post 1197, Speedway, Funway and a handful of restaurants.

Last year, the city collected $80,858 in video gambling tax revenues.

The prospect of having those machines can serve as an incentive for some operators, Mayor Jeff Schielke said, noting he thinks the city should "keep some kind of door open" for increasing the number of licenses.

"By the same token, I certainly agree that we need to keep some kind of tight control over the number of these floating around," he said. "It's a mountain to climb to get a license in this town for this use."

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Batavia aldermen split on whether to cap video gambling licenses - Chicago Daily Herald

Ignoring Railroad Crossing Gates Is Highest Stakes Gambling with Lowest Reward – autoevolution

You don't need a degree in physics to imagine what would happen if a train hit a car sideways (or any other way) at full speed. In fact, all you need is a device with a display that can connect to the Internet. Oh, and the stomach to watch all those horrible crashes.If you've ever driven on the highway near a field covered in crops and had all sorts of bugs smashing against your windshield, then you've got a pretty good representation of what it would be like. The thousands of tons of that train would go right through the mere two or so of the road vehicle, leaving nothing but a trail of debris behind it.

So, for any normal human being, that's something you'd want to avoid. Thankfully, people have made it much easier by installing gates and flashing lights and alert sounds - everything one might need to be informed of the approaching of the train. You can't see? Then there's the alarm (plus, you shouldn't be driving). You can't hear? Got you covered with the red flashing lights. Have no common sense? No problem, there are the actual gates that make it very clear you shouldn't pass by blocking most of the road.

Still not enough? Obviously not because the locomotive handlers still feel the need to sound their horns as they approach the crossing, just to make sure everything save for a personalized text message is sent the drivers' way to let them know they should stop. And what do drivers do? They ignore all this commotion because stopping for a minute or so is worse than anything, including a violent death.

Things like this happen hundreds of times every day across the country, but this particular video is on another level. You read the title ("Car ignores train gate and crosses street") and, despite the fact it says "street" instead of "railroad," you still think you know what to expect. Then the gates start lowering and you see the silver Honda Ridgeline scurry across when it should have stopped instead and think it's over. Except it's not. Have sound switched on for the full thrilling effect.

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Ignoring Railroad Crossing Gates Is Highest Stakes Gambling with Lowest Reward - autoevolution

Online Gambling and Sports Betting Market Opportunities 2020-2026 with Industry Size, Competitor Analysis and Regional Demand | Bet365, Scientific…

QY Research added a new research report to its exhaustive repository. The research report, titled [Online Gambling and Sports Betting Market Research Report 2020-2026], presents an unbiased approach at understanding the market trends and dynamics. Analysts have studied the historical data pertaining to the market and compared it to the current market trends to paint an object picture of the markets trajectory. The report includes SWOT analysis and Porters five forces analysis to give the readers an in-depth assessment of the various factors likely to drive and restrain the overall market.

Both the market measurement tools offer evaluation of the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. It also elucidates the bargaining power of suppliers and buyers. The report studies the ongoing political scenarios that are expected to dictate the pricing and import and export in the global Online Gambling and Sports Betting market. Furthermore, it also explains the lucrative opportunities present in the overall market that players can focus on to make their mark.

Get PDF Sample Copy of the Report to understand the structure of the complete report: (Including Full TOC, List of Tables & Figures, Chart) :

Global Online Gambling and Sports Betting market: Competitive Landscape

This section of the report offers a thorough and comprehensive information about the various manufacturers in the market. The major manufacturers covered in the report hold significant share that demands a microscopic look. It provides vital information about various strategies implemented by these manufacturers to combat competition and expand their footprint in the market. It also surveys the current trends adopted by the manufacturers to innovate their product for the future. This report is structured in such a way so as to help the reader understand the market and make business decisions accordingly.

Some of the Important Key Player Operating in the Report Are: , International Game Technology PLC (IGT), Bet365, Scientific Games, Flutter Entertainment, Betsson, GVC, Playtech, Kindred, MRG, ZEAL, Bet-At-Home, William Hill, 888, Expekt

Global Online Gambling and Sports Betting market: Segment Analysis

The research report briefs on segments such as product type and end users. The product type segment gives an understanding about various products available in the market. It also gives information on what is the scope and potential of each product. Also, the segment presents an elaborate information on end users. Understanding end users is of utmost importance as it aids in identifying marketable areas.

Segment By Product Type: International Game Technology PLC (IGT), Bet365, Scientific Games, Flutter Entertainment, Betsson, GVC, Playtech, Kindred, MRG, ZEAL, Bet-At-Home, William Hill, 888, Expekt

Global Online Gambling and Sports Betting market: Regional Analysis

The research report studies the contribution of various regions in the market by understanding their political, technological, social, environmental, and economical status. Analysts have included data pertaining to every region, its manufacturers, production, and revenue. The regions studied in the market includes North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, South and Central America, South Asia, the Middle and Africa, South Korea, and others. This section is focuses on helping the reader analyse the potential of each region for making sound investments.

Key Questions Answered in this Report:-

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Table of Contents

1 Report Overview1.1 Study Scope1.2 Market Analysis by Type1.2.1 Global Online Gambling and Sports Betting Market Size Growth Rate by Type: 2020 VS 20261.2.2 Sports Betting1.2.3 Casino1.2.4 Poker1.2.5 Bingo1.2.6 Lottery1.2.7 Other/Skill Gaming1.3 Market by Application1.3.1 Global Online Gambling and Sports Betting Market Share by Application: 2020 VS 20261.3.2 Desktop1.3.3 Mobile Devices1.4 Study Objectives1.5 Years Considered 2 Global Growth Trends2.1 Global Online Gambling and Sports Betting Market Perspective (2015-2026)2.2 Global Online Gambling and Sports Betting Growth Trends by Regions2.2.1 Online Gambling and Sports Betting Market Size by Regions: 2015 VS 2020 VS 20262.2.2 Online Gambling and Sports Betting Historic Market Share by Regions (2015-2020)2.2.3 Online Gambling and Sports Betting Forecasted Market Size by Regions (2021-2026)2.3 Industry Trends and Growth Strategy2.3.1 Market Trends2.3.2 Market Drivers2.3.3 Market Challenges2.3.4 Market Restraints 3 Competition Landscape by Key Players3.1 Global Top Online Gambling and Sports Betting Players by Market Size3.1.1 Global Top Online Gambling and Sports Betting Players by Revenue (2015-2020)3.1.2 Global Online Gambling and Sports Betting Revenue Market Share by Players (2015-2020)3.2 Global Online Gambling and Sports Betting Market Share by Company Type (Tier 1, Tier 2 and Tier 3)3.3 Players Covered: Ranking by Online Gambling and Sports Betting Revenue3.4 Global Online Gambling and Sports Betting Market Concentration Ratio3.4.1 Global Online Gambling and Sports Betting Market Concentration Ratio (CR5 and HHI)3.4.2 Global Top 10 and Top 5 Companies by Online Gambling and Sports Betting Revenue in 20193.5 Key Players Online Gambling and Sports Betting Area Served3.6 Key Players Online Gambling and Sports Betting Product Solution and Service3.7 Date of Enter into Online Gambling and Sports Betting Market3.8 Mergers & Acquisitions, Expansion Plans 4 Online Gambling and Sports Betting Breakdown Data by Type (2015-2026)4.1 Global Online Gambling and Sports Betting Historic Market Size by Type (2015-2020)4.2 Global Online Gambling and Sports Betting Forecasted Market Size by Type (2021-2026) 5 Online Gambling and Sports Betting Breakdown Data by Application (2015-2026)5.1 Global Online Gambling and Sports Betting Historic Market Size by Application (2015-2020)5.2 Global Online Gambling and Sports Betting Forecasted Market Size by Application (2021-2026) 6 North America6.1 North America Online Gambling and Sports Betting Market Size (2015-2026)6.2 North America Online Gambling and Sports Betting Market Size by Type (2015-2020)6.3 North America Online Gambling and Sports Betting Market Size by Application (2015-2020)6.4 North America Online Gambling and Sports Betting Market Size by Country (2015-2020)6.4.1 United States6.4.2 Canada 7 Europe7.1 Europe Online Gambling and Sports Betting Market Size (2015-2026)7.2 Europe Online Gambling and Sports Betting Market Size by Type (2015-2020)7.3 Europe Online Gambling and Sports Betting Market Size by Application (2015-2020)7.4 Europe Online Gambling and Sports Betting Market Size by Country (2015-2020)7.4.1 Germany7.4.2 France7.4.3 U.K.7.4.4 Italy7.4.5 Russia7.4.6 Nordic7.4.7 Rest of Europe 8 China8.1 China Online Gambling and Sports Betting Market Size (2015-2026)8.2 China Online Gambling and Sports Betting Market Size by Type (2015-2020)8.3 China Online Gambling and Sports Betting Market Size by Application (2015-2020)8.4 China Online Gambling and Sports Betting Market Size by Region (2015-2020)8.4.1 China8.4.2 Japan8.4.3 South Korea8.4.4 Southeast Asia8.4.5 India8.4.6 Australia8.4.7 Rest of Asia-Pacific 9 Japan9.1 Japan Online Gambling and Sports Betting Market Size (2015-2026)9.2 Japan Online Gambling and Sports Betting Market Size by Type (2015-2020)9.3 Japan Online Gambling and Sports Betting Market Size by Application (2015-2020)9.4 Japan Online Gambling and Sports Betting Market Size by Country (2015-2020)9.4.1 Mexico9.4.2 Brazil 10 Southeast Asia10.1 Southeast Asia Online Gambling and Sports Betting Market Size (2015-2026)10.2 Southeast Asia Online Gambling and Sports Betting Market Size by Type (2015-2020)10.3 Southeast Asia Online Gambling and Sports Betting Market Size by Application (2015-2020)10.4 Southeast Asia Online Gambling and Sports Betting Market Size by Country (2015-2020)10.4.1 Turkey10.4.2 Saudi Arabia10.4.3 UAE10.4.4 Rest of Middle East & Africa 11 Key Players Profiles11.1 International Game Technology PLC (IGT)11.1.1 International Game Technology PLC (IGT) Company Details11.1.2 International Game Technology PLC (IGT) Business Overview11.1.3 International Game Technology PLC (IGT) Online Gambling and Sports Betting Introduction11.1.4 International Game Technology PLC (IGT) Revenue in Online Gambling and Sports Betting Business (2015-2020))11.1.5 International Game Technology PLC (IGT) Recent Development11.2 Bet36511.2.1 Bet365 Company Details11.2.2 Bet365 Business Overview11.2.3 Bet365 Online Gambling and Sports Betting Introduction11.2.4 Bet365 Revenue in Online Gambling and Sports Betting Business (2015-2020)11.2.5 Bet365 Recent Development11.3 Scientific Games11.3.1 Scientific Games Company Details11.3.2 Scientific Games Business Overview11.3.3 Scientific Games Online Gambling and Sports Betting Introduction11.3.4 Scientific Games Revenue in Online Gambling and Sports Betting Business (2015-2020)11.3.5 Scientific Games Recent Development11.4 Flutter Entertainment11.4.1 Flutter Entertainment Company Details11.4.2 Flutter Entertainment Business Overview11.4.3 Flutter Entertainment Online Gambling and Sports Betting Introduction11.4.4 Flutter Entertainment Revenue in Online Gambling and Sports Betting Business (2015-2020)11.4.5 Flutter Entertainment Recent Development11.5 Betsson11.5.1 Betsson Company Details11.5.2 Betsson Business Overview11.5.3 Betsson Online Gambling and Sports Betting Introduction11.5.4 Betsson Revenue in Online Gambling and Sports Betting Business (2015-2020)11.5.5 Betsson Recent Development11.6 GVC11.6.1 GVC Company Details11.6.2 GVC Business Overview11.6.3 GVC Online Gambling and Sports Betting Introduction11.6.4 GVC Revenue in Online Gambling and Sports Betting Business (2015-2020)11.6.5 GVC Recent Development11.7 Playtech11.7.1 Playtech Company Details11.7.2 Playtech Business Overview11.7.3 Playtech Online Gambling and Sports Betting Introduction11.7.4 Playtech Revenue in Online Gambling and Sports Betting Business (2015-2020)11.7.5 Playtech Recent Development11.8 Kindred11.8.1 Kindred Company Details11.8.2 Kindred Business Overview11.8.3 Kindred Online Gambling and Sports Betting Introduction11.8.4 Kindred Revenue in Online Gambling and Sports Betting Business (2015-2020)11.8.5 Kindred Recent Development11.9 MRG11.9.1 MRG Company Details11.9.2 MRG Business Overview11.9.3 MRG Online Gambling and Sports Betting Introduction11.9.4 MRG Revenue in Online Gambling and Sports Betting Business (2015-2020)11.9.5 MRG Recent Development11.10 ZEAL11.10.1 ZEAL Company Details11.10.2 ZEAL Business Overview11.10.3 ZEAL Online Gambling and Sports Betting Introduction11.10.4 ZEAL Revenue in Online Gambling and Sports Betting Business (2015-2020)11.10.5 ZEAL Recent Development11.11 Bet-At-Home10.11.1 Bet-At-Home Company Details10.11.2 Bet-At-Home Business Overview10.11.3 Bet-At-Home Online Gambling and Sports Betting Introduction10.11.4 Bet-At-Home Revenue in Online Gambling and Sports Betting Business (2015-2020)10.11.5 Bet-At-Home Recent Development11.12 William Hill10.12.1 William Hill Company Details10.12.2 William Hill Business Overview10.12.3 William Hill Online Gambling and Sports Betting Introduction10.12.4 William Hill Revenue in Online Gambling and Sports Betting Business (2015-2020)10.12.5 William Hill Recent Development11.13 88810.13.1 888 Company Details10.13.2 888 Business Overview10.13.3 888 Online Gambling and Sports Betting Introduction10.13.4 888 Revenue in Online Gambling and Sports Betting Business (2015-2020)10.13.5 888 Recent Development11.14 Expekt10.14.1 Expekt Company Details10.14.2 Expekt Business Overview10.14.3 Expekt Online Gambling and Sports Betting Introduction10.14.4 Expekt Revenue in Online Gambling and Sports Betting Business (2015-2020)10.14.5 Expekt Recent Development 12 Analysts Viewpoints/Conclusions 13 Appendix13.1 Research Methodology13.1.1 Methodology/Research Approach13.1.2 Data Source13.2 Disclaimer13.3 Author Details

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Online Gambling and Sports Betting Market Opportunities 2020-2026 with Industry Size, Competitor Analysis and Regional Demand | Bet365, Scientific...

Former Wales coach Rob Howley reveals how grief led to his gambling problems – Yahoo Sports

Former Wales coach Rob Howley has opened up about the grief over his sisters death that led to him being sent home from the World Cup after long-term gambling issues.

Howley spoke out as he nears the end of an immediate nine-month ban on any involvement in the sport, which was imposed by the Welsh Rugby Union after he admitted breaching betting regulations.

The 49-year-olds gambling issues blew up in his face at the worst possible time as a betting company got in touch with the WRU just as Wales were travelling to Japan for last years World Cup.

Howley found himself in the spotlight ahead of the World Cup (PA)

The assistant coach was sent home a week before Wales opening match in September last year after it emerged he had placed 363 bets on more than 1,000 rugby matches from November 2015, losing more than 4,000. On two occasions he bet on Wales players to score tries.

After a course of therapy, Howley believes the gambling stemmed from the death of his sister in 2011.

The former British and Irish Lions international told the Mail on Sunday that he had not paid his sister, Karen, his weekly visit in the days before her death and had agonised over his decision to find her a place to live away from their mother as she battled with depression and alcoholism following a divorce.

Howley said: I blamed myself for her death. If Id seen her on that Wednesday, would she still be alive?

There was a lot guilt, should haves, could haves. By putting her in that house, on her own, I created an environment for her to kill herself. Her alcoholism went from bad to worse My feeling was that I had driven my sister to her own grave.

Howley completely blocked out the ordeal as he threw himself into his work he had been on the Wales coaching staff since 2008.

Howley saluted Warren Gatland for his support (PA)

However, the feelings were reawakened in November 2015 when he sorted out his sisters estate and discovered a number of police and financial issues. He turned to betting.

He said: It was never about the money. Never. It wasnt addictive behaviour. It was about escaping. A means of forgetting about the bad things and the experience of my sister.

After the issue emerged while he was in Japan, Howley described the humiliating and embarrassing experience of telling senior players what he had done before leaving Japan and similar feelings of letting down his wife and two daughters.

Story continues

While he did not want to leave his house for almost three months, he described former Wales head coach Warren Gatlands support as unwavering and revealed a decision to see a clinical psychologist over a three-month period helped him understand why he had gambled and gave him closure over his sisters death.

Wasps owner Derek Richardson reached out to Howley (PA)

Howley, whose ban expires on June 16, now wants to return to rugby and revealed Wasps had reached out to him before Christmas about working with Dai Young.

That phone call from (Wasps owner) Derek Richardson gave me a huge boost, reassuring me that I have a future in the game, he said.

Given my experience of the last nine months some self-reflection and self-awareness Id like to think it will benefit me as a coach.

He added: I now feel at peace with myself and Im no longer battling my demons, although there is not a day that goes by without thinking about Karen.

Original post:

Former Wales coach Rob Howley reveals how grief led to his gambling problems - Yahoo Sports

States might turn to legalized gambling with budgets rocked by coronavirus – New York Post

The coronavirus pandemic could lead to a quicker expansion of sports betting and internet gambling in the US as states deal with huge budget deficits and look for new tax revenue wherever they can find it.

Most major sports remain shut down due to the virus, but European soccer and Asian baseball have begun play, NASCAR is racing again and PGA Tour golf restarts in two weeks. Major US sports leagues including the NBA and NHL are making plans for resuming their seasons.

The virus will accelerate the expansion of sports betting and online casinos in the next 12 to 24 months, said Chris Krafcik, a managing director with Eilers & Krejcik Gaming, which tracks sports and internet betting legislation in the US. Both activities provide states, whose economies have been massively disrupted by the outbreak, the opportunity to capture new revenue immediately in the form of upfront license fees, and over time through taxes.

Sports betting is not a golden goose for states seeking new tax revenue. An Associated Press analysis last year found that taxes on sports betting would generate just a fraction of 1 percent of most states budgets if they met their estimates and many states fell far short of those projections.

But with many state budgets now resembling smoking craters in the ground as tax revenue disappears in a largely idled economy, even a small revenue boost is better than none.

So far, 18 US states plus the District of Columbia offer sports betting, and four offer internet gambling, which can include online casino games, slots and poker.

In addition, Virginia and Tennessee have approved sports betting but have yet to launch. North Carolina allows two tribal casinos to offer it, and is considering a bill to allow it statewide.

Washington state allows sports betting at tribal casinos once regulations are in place, and Oklahoma allowed two tribes to do so, pending approval from federal authorities.

Louisiana, Massachusetts and Ohio are realistic candidates to legalize sports betting this year, Krafcik said.

Louisiana is close to approving a November referendum on sports betting, and Ohios Legislature is moving forward this week with a bill that could authorize sports betting, including mobile betting, although a competing measure could limit it to in-person bets at casinos and race tracks.

On Thursday, legislators in California promoted sports betting as a way to help a state budget facing a $54 billion deficit. The nations largest state is considering a November referendum on the topic.

Krafcik said Illinois could approve internet gambling by the end of the year, at least in part to recoup tax revenue lost to the virus outbreak.

States are facing unprecedented financial challenges, said Matt King, CEO of FanDuel Group. We are firm believers that mobile sports betting and online gaming legislation will be the type of commonsense legislation that states will look to when legislatures return.

New York state Sen. Joseph Addabbo has been pushing his state to adopt mobile and online sports betting as a way to generate new revenue, including recapturing money from gamblers crossing the border into New Jersey to bet on sports. He said his state faces a budget deficit of up to $17 billion, largely because of the virus. Other estimates have placed the shortfall around $13 billion.

We should be preparing now creating regulations, lining up vendors, setting up servers, said Addabbo, a Democrat. Lets get it ready so that when we come back, we dont miss another Super Bowl.

New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo, also a Democrat, maintains that approving mobile sports betting would require amending the states constitution.

While casinos in many states are moving to reopen, including Nevada next week, not all gamblers will be anxious to race back into crowded, enclosed buildings with the virus still spreading.

If social distancing safeguards remain in place, it is possible that some gamblers would prefer to play from home rather than going into a casino, said David Schwartz, a gambling historian with the University of Nevada Las Vegas.

Yaniv Sherman, head of commercial development for the online gambling company 888 Holdings, said the virus is accelerating trends that were already in motion before the virus hit, including growing acceptance of sports and online betting.

The virus has highlighted the need for revenue diversification, he said. The future is around online growth, and its right now, not in 5 or 10 years. We hope to get additional states on board.

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States might turn to legalized gambling with budgets rocked by coronavirus - New York Post

What Investing and Gambling Have in Common, Part 2 –


In my previous discussion on the similarities between gambling and investing,I reviewed J. L. Kellys Bell Labs paper, A New Interpretation of Information Rate, specifically focusing on how his conclusions can be linked to very simple and effective investing concepts.

I will now explore some of the impacts that paper had on the scientific community and how the related know-how was used to profit both in probability-based games and in the stock market.

Ed Thorp

One of the most active researchers in this area was Edward O. Thorp, who has been a math professor, writer, hedge fund manager and blackjack researcher.

Thorp said he was introduced to Kelly' paper by Claude Shannon at M.I.T. in 1960.

At the time, Thorp was looking for the optimal way to play Blackjack and he had already created a method called "card counting" to address it, but after reading Kelly's work, he built onto those conclusions and integrated them into his theory. He then became famous for systematically beating the "house" by playing Blackjack at several casinos. The related theory is explained in his 1962 book, "Beat the Dealer."

Thorp also wrote a paper on the topic called The Kelly Criterion in Blackjack, Sports Betting and the Stock Market, which was published in 1997.

Let's see if the content of that paper can lead us to gain some more investing insights.

The optimal fraction

In the introduction, Thorp explains the relationship between gambling and investing:

"The central problem for gamblers is to find positive expectation bets. But the gambler also needs to know how to manage his money, i.e., how much to bet. In the stock market (more inclusively, the securities markets) the problem is similar but more complex. The gambler, who is now an 'investor,' looks for 'excess risk adjusted return.'

In the paragraph "Coin Tossing", Thorp carries out a mathematical function study, which is intended to graphically clarify the different possibilities a gambler has with regard to the size of the optimal fraction to bet (Kelly fraction).

As we can see from the graph, the Kelly fraction (f*) is the optimal value that maximizes the expected value of the capital growth rate, or G(f). In the first part of this series, it was established that, for symmetrical bets, this value is equal to the difference between the win and loss probabilities.

By looking at the graph, we can also extrapolate some additional important aspects:

In real life, both gamblers and investors using the Kelly formula are usually not comfortable with the optimal fraction and reduce it a bit. This makes sense, not because there's a better fraction value, but because in most cases (and especially in investing) we're not able to precisely calculate the probabilities of success and failure. So we want a probabilistic margin of safety: it's better to grow our capital slower than (unknowingly) drifting toward over-betting and losing money.

The Kelly criterion for asymmetrical bets

As anticipated in the previous installment, we'll now pass from the hypothesis of a perfectly symmetrical bet to an asymmetrical one.

Lets also stick with a binary outcomes scenario: this means that, as before, we only have two probabilities: one related to a favorable outcome (p) and a loss one (q = 1 p).

Here's how Thorp introduces the asymmetrical bet case:

"The Kelly criterion can easily be extended to uneven payoff games. Suppose Player A wins b units for every unit wager. Further, suppose that on each trial the win probability p > 0 and pb q > 0 so the game is advantageous to Player A."

The factor p*b q is nothing more than the probabilistic outcome of our investment. So that number must be positive to convince us to invest, as we intend to rule out those situations in which we don't have an edge. We must thus have p*b q = 0, or p*b > q.

This also means that, for this more general case, simply having a success probability greater than that of failure (p>q) is not enough to place a favorable bet as it is for the symmetrical bet case.

Now we have an additional variable, b, the win payoff (or simply, the odds), which contributes to the expected outcome.

Finally, here's what is commonly known as the Kelly formula:

f* = (p*b - q)/b

Where, p is the win probability, q is the loss probability and b is the win payoff (how much you win, if you win, in wager units).

Please observe that when the win payoff is b=1 (which means that if we win, we'll double our capital), the formula simply reduces itself to the one seen in the previous article.

In order to show how win-loss probabilities and different levels of payoffs combine together into the formula to generate the Kelly fraction optimal value, I created the following table:

As we can see, the formula gives out a positive number only for a subset of probabilities-payoffs couples. The negative numbers don't make sense even if they come from applying the formula. It depends on the fact that the expected outcome is also negative: this simply means that in those cases, we should not invest at all.

Another important observation is that win probability and payoff can compensate each other: e.g., in the case of a symmetrical bet (p=0.5), a payoff of 50% (b=0.5) is not enough to have a (probabilistic) positive outcome, but if we raise the payoff from 50% to 200% the Kelly formula suggests to invest 25% of our budget.

When both the win probability and the payoff are on the high side, the formula suggests to invest a substantial fraction of our budget.

On a side note (even if not strictly needed for our discussion), we could be interested in calculating the Kelly fraction for more than two outcomes, and consequently multiple probabilities (this is a generalization of our binary outcomes scenario). Unfortunately, there's no simple and linear formula that can be used in the case of more than two outcomes, but Thorp's paper can point investors in the right direction if they are curious about which approach to follow.

Investment insights

As we did in the first part of the series, let's now try to extract some investment lessons from the Kelly formula:


In a nutshell, in order to maximize the growth rate of our capital, we must find good companies selling for a price that allows for a good margin of safety.

I'm sure that this sounds now much more familiar than the cold formulas and numbers. The investment concepts that can be extrapolated from the Kelly formula reminded me of Joel Greenblatt (Trades, Portfolio)'s Magic Formula approach and its theoretical substrate.

In Greenblatts words:

"If you just stick to buying good companies (ones that have a high return on capital) and to buying those companies only at bargain prices (at prices that give you a high earnings yield), you can end up systematically buying many of the good companies that crazy Mr. Market has decided to literally give away."

My conclusion is that basic value investing principles make sense even if we look at them from different perspectives, because they are common-sense concepts.

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Nicola Guida

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What Investing and Gambling Have in Common, Part 2 -

DappReview: Tron, the Las Vegas on the Blockchain –

Tron, the decentralized infrastructure network, has been hailed as the Las Vegas on the block chain by DappReview, a user insight and market analytics on the blockchain provider company. Its founder, second wave crypto entrepreneur Justin Sun, who made his fortune through Bitcoin in 2012, touted last week a new upgrade to the platform that will include more privacy features and enterprise applications.

According to recent DappReview, Tron has 768 active dapps, decentralized apps the platform allows developers to build on it, and more than 230,000 users, with the bulk of the business revolving around the field of crypto gambling, which is largely unregulated. Casino dapps on Tron comprised 92% of its $411 million in total transactions for the first quarter, a finding Trons founder stated was inaccurate as these types of transactions were only a fraction of the total.

Adding Etherium Support

The decentralized blockchain network that has been accused by Digital Asset Research of copying Etheriums code without attribution, and by the co-founder of Etherium Vitalik Buterin of stealing words from other projects whitepapers, has recently added to its digital wallet support for the Etherium blockchain. In essence, the Tron business is looking for niche customers, namely gamers and gamblers that are crypto savvy and generate a lot of transactions.

The blockchain network, since its inception, has been augmented with the acquisitions of live-streaming services DLive and file-sharing service BitTorrent, as well as partnership deals, the most prominent of which with Samsung Electronics, to allow for Tron dapps to be downloaded via the mobile store of the Korean technology manufacturer and expand on an initial deal from October 2019.

In May, Justin Sun announced its decentralized blockchain platform achieved a major milestone by reaching 6 million registered addresses. Data from blockchain explorer Tronscan displayed the networks steady growth in numbers, with an average of 10,000 new addresses created on it every day and 1.3 million transactions on the main chain and the Sun chain for May 28.

After acquiring BitTorrent, Steemit, and Poloniex, Tron is now looking into capturing the stablecoin market by hosting Tether on the blockchain and by launching its own stablecoin called USDJ.

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DappReview: Tron, the Las Vegas on the Blockchain -

Mom blames gambling addiction for leaving her 4-year-old in casino hotel room –

When gambling called, Rebecca Yandoli listened.

Thats why Wind Creek Casino security found her 4-year-old wandering the halls of the Bethlehem hotel casino at 4 a.m. while the admitted addict gambled downstairs.

But the 27-year-old Hunderton County, New Jersey, woman said shes taken steps to make sure this wont happen again.

That was enough to convince Northampton County Assistant District Attorney Laura Majewski that probation was appropriate punishment for Yandoli. President Judge Michael Koury sentenced her Tuesday to five years of probation.

I have not gambled since the night of the arrest. I was attending regular GA meetings and will continue to not gamble, she told the judge via Skype during a video court hearing.

Yandoli confirmed she is receiving counseling, attends alcoholic and narcotics anonymous meetings and completed a parenting class. She told Koury shes sorry for her decision to leave her child alone during the early morning hours of Nov. 16, 2019. Police said she left the child at 1:15 a.m.

There is no excuse for what she did. It is completely unacceptable to leave a 4-year-old in a hotel room by themselves but she did it because of this overwhelming compulsion to gamble, defense attorney Scott Wilhelm said.

Yandoli agreed to keep a full-time job. She said she lives in Whitehouse Station. She said social workers from Pennsylvania and New Jersey both closed investigations without finding wrongdoing against her as a parent.

Im just taking as many strides as I can to never be the person who committed the offense, doing everything I can to be a healthier mother and the best individual I can be today, Yandoli said.

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Rudy Miller may be reached at If theres anything about this story that needs attention, please email him. Follow him on Twitter @RudyMillerLV. Find Easton area news on Facebook.

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Mom blames gambling addiction for leaving her 4-year-old in casino hotel room -

Sports Gambling 101: What Are Three-Way Odds? – Sports Illustrated

How do Three-Way and Two-Way Betting Odds Differ?

Simply put, three-way betting odds offer three wagering options that focus on regulation time results only. They differ from two-way odds as a TIE is added as a third betting choice. Three-way lines are offered in most competitions where a draw is a possible outcome. They are available on a variety of sports as moneyline, game total and point spread wagering choices.

Three-way moneylines and point spreads offer HOME - TIE - VISITOR as choices while game total odds offer OVER - TIE - UNDER options. Unlike two-way wagers, which are graded after a competition is fully complete, three-way bets are graded at the end of regulation time. If a match goes into extra time, players who bet on a TIE will cash winning tickets.

Which Sports Offer Three-Way Betting Odds?

Also known as regulation time bets, three-way odds are popular soccer betting options as those contests often end in a draw. Displayed below, moneylines are the most common three-way betting odds. Bettors need to decide if either side will win outright or whether the score will be tied after regulation time. Its wise to check two-way lines prior to placing three-way bets, as they display true favorite odds. If the two-way lines are close, consider a TIE bet.

Here are the two-way odds from the same Bundesliga matches:

As illustrated, in the two examples above, moneylines change dramatically when a TIE is added to the three-way odds. If research has one side winning outright, three-way odds are the best betting option. For example, in the match against Mainz 05, the RB Leipzig -245 moneyline paid $100 on each $245 bet with three-way odds. Bettors using two-way lines had to wager $590 to earn a $100 return. That is a serious cost savings when betting on moneyline prices.

Three-way betting is prevalent in hockey as well. This is especially true since the NHL implemented new regular season shootout rules in 2005. However, since ties are less common in hockey than soccer, they are more difficult to predict. Out of 1271 games played, during the 2018-19 NHL season, 271 went into overtime. That works out to a 21.3% occurrence rate, so bettors need to pick their spots carefully when selecting a TIE on NHL three-way betting options.


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Sports Gambling 101: What Are Three-Way Odds? - Sports Illustrated

Ruby Walsh: There’s far more to racing than gambling – Irish Examiner

It'sonly nine more sleeps till horse racing returns to action at Naas on June 8 and four more before Siskin will bid to win the Irish 2,000 Guineas for Ger Lyons at the Curragh on Friday week.

The following afternoon Albigna will throw her hat into the ring for Jessica Harington in the 1000 Guineas and thus, in the space of eight days, starting next Friday at Newmarket, the sport will have roared back into action with a bang.

I cant believe its only a week until Pinatubo will go to start a warm favourite on the Rowley Mile for the British 2000 Guineas or that we are six days away from the relocated Coronation Cup at Newmarket or that in two days the stalls will fly open at Newcastle to mark racings return in the UK.

That action in the north east of England will be supplemented by the first set of Guineas to run in the next fortnight, as Deauville hosts the French versions.

Strange as it may seem, the fact that all these Classics are being run of so close together will surely throw up the prospect of mighty clashes further down the line.

Dates are starting to trickle out for the Premier Leagues return, rugby is considering all sorts of changes to its game to see if it can get moving again whilst the PGA has a schedule in place from June 11, though doubts still linger about the Ryder Cup.

Some players and coaches in all of those sports have taken a little convincing about the way to moveforward, doubts are still being raised and questions asked but every organisation is now looking at the bottom line and boundaries are starting to be pushed.

Racing is one of the lucky ones and it got lucky because everyone involved in this industry has been pulling in the one positive direction since the lockdown commenced.

For obvious reasons, people in the industry have been going about their daily lives in much the same way as they always did.

The one difference has been that there was no aim or endgame, just the day-in, day-out task of cleaning, training, riding, and feeding the animals they love.

of you will think people in the horse racing industry have been cavalier in their approach to the coronavirus and that horse racing thinks it had an entitlement to keep going when others were locking themselves down.

More of you will think thats it purely a sport to fund the big gambling companies and other will think its just a playground for the rich.

I cant really change the way people view it but I can certainly explain that its an industry no different to any other.

Horse racing is entitled to nothing, just like the rest of the world, but it is willing to work its socks off to gain as much as it can.

A lot of the businesses in the industry would have very little capital reserves and are never going to be floated on the Dow Jones.

Freelance, self employed, and minimum wages are words best used to describe a sizeable portion of the industrys staff force.

Lots of people do like to have a wager on it, in the same way lots of us enjoy a drink, and they both carry the same dangers in that, when they are done excessively, the fallout can be devastating.

However, horse racing is not the sole place for people to gamble and, sadly for those with gambling issues, thelockdown has not stopped people finding opportunities to gamble.

Nor did the lockdown cease the trade of alcohol.

Racing is inherently linked with gambling and I am an ambassador for Paddy Power, but gambling can also do what it was supposed do and thats be fun.

By all means the pressure has to be on the gambling companies to help and stop those with issues, just like theresponsibility is on publicans to enforce alcohol guidelines, but that doesnt mean you have to stop everybody.

Like every other single sport or industry the world over, racing needs the investment of wealthy people.

The fans didnt make Manchester City the club they are now nor did Chelsea just get lucky with a group of homegrown academy players.

Racing has forever been titled the sport of kings, but their investment at the top makes everything down the chain turn. Like it does in all walks of life.

I cant change anyones opinion of this great sport, but its just about the only live action available right now.

It will be on RT 2 from Friday week and each weekend until July. Tune in, theres a hell of a lot more to it than a lot of people realise.

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Ruby Walsh: There's far more to racing than gambling - Irish Examiner

Gambling addiction in Australia: ‘I knew I had a problem’ – 9News

Ben Hamilton could not lose.

After finishing a job and pocketing a decent whack, he embarked on a gambling spree, driving from venue to venue.

He just kept winning, he had thousands in his wallet.

By 8pm, as he drove to yet another venue, he was heavily intoxicated and riddled with guilt.

He'd had a problem with gambling since he was 18. His friends and family all knew it and so did his wife Jasmine.

Ben began to hate himself; he'd had enough.

In a split second, Ben made a decision to hurt himself.

Luckily, his injuries were only superficial, but he lost his driving licence, and had to fork out thousands of dollars to fix his van, pay a fine and cover legal fees.

It was 2018 when Ben realised he had to turn his life around.

"I was bad on all gambling, but pokies were the worst.

"I knew I had a problem but every three or six months I would have these hectic episodes.

"I became evasive, secretive. When I decided to take my life, it was after a big win. I had three or four thousand dollars on me."

Ben saved his marriage and now they have a near three-year-old son, August.

His tiling and waterproofing firm is also doing good business.

Ben's story is now more relevant than ever

Ben, 29, is from East Ballina, in the Northern Rivers region of NSW and he is sharing his story in the hope that it helps others.

"It's the first time I've felt safe in my whole life," Ben said.

"But lots of people will go straight back to the machines when they are turned on again."

It's estimated that as much as $2 billion has been saved by gamblers since the machines were turned off in March when venues were forced to shut.

Spokesman Tony Mohr says several people have approached the organisation saying they are happier with the situation in lockdown.

"They've been noticing how much they were losing because the money is now in their bank account," he said.

The Alliance wants priority given to pubs and clubs that want to change their mould but need a financial helping hand.

As an example of what government support can be given, the ACT offers clubs $15,000 for each pokie machine they "retire".

Mr Mohr says the space the machines take up could be given over to performance areas, for bands and comedians.

Now is the perfect time to hit the reset button, he suggests.

"There will be a prolonged period while COVID-safe rules are implemented, when we have the opportunity to think about what a transition looks like," he said.

"And get to a point where we don't have to worry about going to a pub, your uncle or a mate, wandering down the back, wind up getting lost on a machine. And coming back with nothing."

'Gambling is the problem, not the pubs and clubs'

Pubs and clubs are the lifeblood of many suburbs and regional towns, supporting community groups and local sport.

They are social epicentres.

Ben grew up with gambling in the household and believes gambling problems can be intergenerational.

He also believes playing them is glorified entertainment, particularly among the younger demographic.

"It's fun, it's casual and the people that have gambling issues are seen as the problem, not the venues or the machines," he said.

"We're really trying to get people talking about gambling as possible, trying to remove the stigma that's attached to people that suffer with addiction, support our members and those affected," he said.

"There's a whole ripple effect. My gambling's damaged people around me."

Ben also dreams of opening a rehab facility to help others.

"By helping others, it empowers me to stay away from the machines and do the right thing for me and my family," he said.

It's been a tough 18 months. Ben is grateful to the guy who took a chance on him and gave him a job, Jayden King, who runs a local tiling firm.

He believes he is now in a "strong position".

"I'll never go back but I am wary of the temptation," he said.

"I can't even buy a raffle ticket or I know I will end up on the pokies."

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Gambling addiction in Australia: 'I knew I had a problem' - 9News

14 gamblers arrested – The News International

Rawalpindi : In a crackdown against anti-social elements, police have rounded up 14 alleged gamblers and recovered table money amounting to Rs1,71, 300 and other valuable items from their possession here on Saturday.

A spokesman for police informed that acting on a tip off, a police team under the supervision of SHO Kahuta, Muhammad Asif, SHO Kallar Saydian, Malik Allah Yar conducted a raid in an area of Kahuta and apprehended 14 alleged gamblers identified as Muhammad Bashir, Jahanzeb Hassan, Arslan Raza, Nasar Iqbal, Muhammad Irfan, Asif Iqbal, Ejaz Ahmed, Shahid Asghar, Afzal Ahmed, Iftikhar Ahmed, Irfan raza, Faiz Iqbal, Raja Sagheer and Mudasir Nazeer and recovered betting money amounting to Rs1,71, 300, 14 partridges and other valuable items when they were busy in activities of gambling on partridge bid.

Police have registered separate cases under gambling act while further investigation is underway.

City Police Officer (CPO) Muhammad Ahsan Younas appreciated the performance of the police arresting the gamblers, saying that strict action must be taken against anti-social elements that were violating rule of law.

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14 gamblers arrested - The News International

Best 5 Online Gambling Real Money Sites – $1000 Promo

Finding the best online gambling sites is a major challenge, especially in places where there are no regulations and licensed online gambling real money site. In this article, you will discover more about the three best real money gambling sites.

Sportsbook, poker rooms, and casinos that operate online are usually called internet gambling sites or online gambling real money sites. They are powered by software that creates various ways to gamble.

When it comes to online gambling for real money, it is always crucial to choose the most secure sports betting site. Bovada is certainly one of the safest and best gambling sites on the Internet. The platform offers several online sports real money betting options. Also, Bovada features a simple live betting platform for gamers who like in-game betting. Moreover, the desktop interface is easy to navigate.

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MyBookie is run and managed by some of the most skilled and experienced individuals in the gaming industry. To begin with, the customer support is incredible. The customer reps know how to treat customers. MyBookie is a registered operator and authorized as a platform for real online gaming. They have been existence for some time now and continue to enhance their products.

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Best 5 Online Gambling Real Money Sites - $1000 Promo

Best 3 Online Gambling for Real Money Sites 2020 | Casino …

Many people ask what are the top three sites for online gambling. Real sports wagering websites give you the opportunity to make it happen according to your goals and cash flow and that is why the top sites require a security deposit from their users. The general opinion is Bovada, MyBookie, and BetOnline. The best online gambling sites for real money is another category than online gambling sites for fun. What distinguishes the sites mentioned above is they are all sports betting sites.

If you are interested in online gambling for real money then all three sites will be what you are looking for. One of the prerequisites for online gambling real money is each website requires you make a deposit into a personalized account. After an initial deposit, it is easy to choose to implement your strategies at these websites.

Online gambling real money is a wonderful way to learn how your strategy works overall since you have instant gratification on your strategies results. Your winning will be deposited into your personal account. The best gambling sites depend on customer satisfaction and online reviews. These sports games can have perks and rewards, while responsible wagering will help each person put their wagers into perspective into what it means to be a responsible gambler.

The best online gambling casino will be the one you find can cater to your needs and the deposit fits within your budget. Real opportunities await those who think clearly about their strategies and the possibilities of winning at sports wagering. The sky is the limit for those who have this passion for having fun while making some profit.

The best online gambling sites all encourage responsible gambling. You can easily find a place where there is real gambling taking place at the best online gambling casino as well as at gambling websites. Visit the above three websites and see what amount of money they require before you put a strategy to work. Look at the amount of money you will make as well as the key strategy that will help you reach your money goal.

Many people who are interested in playing sports online for money will look at the real possibilities of their strategies making money for them as opposed to the money they dream of making with their strategy. Making money online thru sports wagering is fun. Real sports for real people. Real sports waging takes into consideration family and sun and combines them both into a way to make the responsible wagerer come out ahead and have time to return to other sports wagering in the future.

These are the best online places anyone can visit and have fun with their favorite sports teams and share their passion with so many others who love seeing their favorite teams win. No one is surprised why the top websites that offer sports wagering have thousands of customers signing up for their own personal accounts and spend time putting their newest strategies into play. Winners attract winners and those who win at these sites are those who have developed strategies that show results game after game.

Lastly, the top three sites, #1, #2, and #3, all offer what is very popular today in online businesses called a referral system that pays you for referring others. Bovada, MyBookie, and BetOnline will even pay you to refer your friends. If you know friends, family, or co-workers who have the same passion for Sports wagering then it is a win-win situation and you will be rewarded for extending a welcome to your friends to join you at any place you can do Sports Gambling on the www.

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Best 3 Online Gambling for Real Money Sites 2020 | Casino ...

Gov. Jim Justice: Wheeling Island Casino, Other Gambling Venues Can Re-Open in Early June – Wheeling Intelligencer

CHARLESTON Gov. Jim Justice Monday announced the removal of counties from the hotspot list, the opportunity for local governments to apply for grant funding and a list of additional businesses set to reopen over the next few weeks during his pandemic briefing on Monday.

As part of that announcement, the governor said gambling at Wheeling Island Hotel-Casino-Racetrack and other state facilities could restart June 5.

Justice said Monongalia, Marion, Harrison, Jefferson and Berkeley counties would be removed from the executive orders that tightened social distancing restrictions in the state stay-at-home executive order.

Hotspot counties are required to limit groups to no more than five people and businesses and entities are required to have employees work from home as much as possible. Those counties will now be under the newer safer-at-home order, which allows for groups no larger than 25 and strongly encourages people to remain home whenever possible and wear masks.

The counties will continue to be monitored by state health officials using new criteria for designating certain counties as coronavirus hotspots. The new County Alert System will identify surges in COVID-19 transmission using a seven-day rolling average of non-facility-related coronavirus outbreaks in communities.

If positive tests reach an unidentified threshold, the Department of Health and Human Resource Bureau of Public Health would investigate and make a determination whether to put the county on high alert, resulting in additional resources and tighter restrictions on social distancing. The county would remain on high alert until a consistent decrease in community spread is seen.

Justice also announced city and county governments can now apply to the state for grants to cover coronavirus-related expenses. The funding is coming from part of the $1.25 billion the state received from the C.A.R.E.S. Act. Cities and counties can apply for grant funding at or call 1-833-94-GRANTS.

Also Monday, Justice announced additional businesses that can reopen over the next couple weeks.

Justice said malls can reopen on Thursday in week four of Justices West Virginia Strong reopening plan. State health officials have worked with malls to develop guidelines for malls to re-open safely. Those guidelines can be found at

Other businesses re-opening Thursday include whitewater rafting and ziplining, indoor dining at 50-percent capacity, large specialty retailers, state park campgrounds for in-state residents only, outdoor recreational rentals, spectator-less outdoor motorsports, the Hatfield and McCoy trail system, and tanning businesses. Fitness centers, gyms, recreation centers, and sports training facilities can re-open today.

Starting May 26, cabins and lodges at state parks will reopen for in-state guests only. Other businesses reopening May 26 include indoor and outdoor bars at 50-percent capacity, museums, visitor centers, and zoos. Spas, massage businesses, and limited video lottery retailers can re-open Saturday, May 30. Casinos can re-open June 5. Additional guidance will be available at

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Gov. Jim Justice: Wheeling Island Casino, Other Gambling Venues Can Re-Open in Early June - Wheeling Intelligencer

UK gambling addiction much worse than thought, says survey – The Guardian

Gambling addiction rates may be much higher than previously thought, according to research that also warns nearly half of those with a problem are not getting any help.

In a survey commissioned by the GambleAware charity, YouGov estimated that up to 2.7% of adults in Great Britain, or nearly 1.4 million people, were problem gamblers. Experts urged caution over the figure, insisting that the true addiction rate is likely to be closer to the health survey figures of 0.7% cited by industry regulator the Gambling Commission.

But the findings still indicate that the number of problem gamblers defined as scoring more than eight on the Problem Gambling Severity Index (PGSI) may be significantly above current estimates. YouGov questioned 16,000 people for the survey.

The report also found that as many as 7% of adults, or 3.6 million people, report having been negatively affected by someone elses gambling problem.

Overall, the research suggests that nearly 5 million British people have experienced harm linked to gambling, even accounting for the overlap between problem gamblers and those they affect.

Both GambleAware and the Gambling Commission said it was likely that YouGovs findings overestimated the addiction rate, highlighting a review of the data by survey sampling expert Prof Patrick Sturgis.

Sturgis, a former GambleAware trustee, said both the YouGov survey and the health survey figures were likely to contain flaws, with the true rate of problem gambling likely to be closer to the commonly used 0.7% figure than YouGovs 2.7% estimate.

But he said the higher figure could not be ruled out and added that previous research had probably somewhat underestimated addiction levels. The findings are likely to fuel calls for stronger measures to address gambling addiction, amid increased concern about the added risk posed to frequent gamblers isolated at home due to coronavirus.

Labour MP Carolyn Harris, who chairs a cross-party group of MPs examining gambling harm, said the report was deeply concerning.

While the rate of 2.7% could well be an overestimate, the health survey data seems to be a significant underestimate. This new data suggests that addiction levels are far higher than has been previously thought.

Policymakers, the regulator and gambling support services must take note of these important findings and ensure that the correct provision and regulation is in place to support gamblers in the UK.

The report also found that nearly half of all addicts were not receiving treatment, with poorer people, women and those from a BAME background the worst affected.

A lack of awareness of services and the stigma associated with gambling problems were both cited as significant barriers to accessing treatment and support.

While women are less prone to developing a gambling disorder, those who do are three times more likely than men to refer to practical barriers such as cost, time or location as a reason for not accessing treatment or support.

Matt Gaskell, clinical lead for NHS gambling clinics in the north of England, said the report should lead to significant changes in how treatment and support is offered and delivered.

There is a significant gap between very high levels of gambling harm and the provision of help, and this gives a useful guide as to how and where to plug some of these gaps, he said.

The sense of shame and stigma that provides a barrier to coming forward for support is compounded by the narrative, perpetuated by the gambling industry and others, that emphasises individualised responsibility for harms.

My patients feel that they are entirely to blame. The public know that smoking cigarettes is dangerous, and this helps us to be compassionate about tobacco addiction and seeking support for this.

It will help if the public are similarly aware of the addictive nature of gambling products.

The Gambling Commission said the report had provided invaluable additional information about the gaps in current treatment provision across Great Britain. It pointed to 9m it had diverted towards treatment services, funded by penalties levied on gambling firms that breach the terms of their licence.

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UK gambling addiction much worse than thought, says survey - The Guardian

Gambling addiction: Symptoms, triggers, and treatment

For many people, gambling is harmless fun, but it can become a problem. This type of compulsive behavior is often called problem gambling.

A gambling addiction is a progressive addiction that can have many negative psychological, physical, and social repercussions. It is classed as an impulse-control disorder.

It is included in the American Psychiatric Association (APAs) Diagnostic and Statistical Manual, fifth edition (DSM-5).

Problem gambling is harmful to psychological and physical health. People who live with this addiction may experience depression, migraine, distress, intestinal disorders, and other anxiety-related problems.

As with other addictions, the consequences of gambling can lead to feelings of despondency and helplessness. In some cases, this can lead to attempts at suicide.

The rate of problem gambling has risen globally over the last few years. In the United States in 2012, around 5.77 million people had a gambling disorder that needed treatment.

Because of its harmful consequences, gambling addiction has become a significant public health concern in many countries.

Some of the signs and symptoms of problem gambling include:

Gambling is not a financial problem, but an emotional problem that has financial consequences.

It also impacts the way in which the person with the disorder relates to his or her family and friends. For instance, they may miss important events in the family, or they might miss work.

Anyone who is concerned about their gambling might ask Can I stop if I want to? If the answer is no, it is important to seek help.

For a diagnosis of gambling addiction, The DSM-5 states that a person must show or experience at least four of the following during the past 12 months:

Gambling can lead to a range of problems, but the addiction can happen to anyone. No one can predict who will develop an addiction to gambling.

The activity can be described on a spectrum, ranging from abstinence through recreational gambling to problem gambling.

Gambling behavior becomes a problem when it cannot be controlled and when it interferes with finances, relationships, and the workplace. The individual may not realize they have a problem for some time.

Many people who develop a gambling addiction are considered responsible and dependable people, but some factors can lead to a change in behavior.

These could include:

Studies have suggested that people with a tendency to one addiction may be more at risk of developing another. Genetic and neurological factors may play a role.

Some people who are affected by gambling may also have a problem with alcohol or drugs, possibly due to a predisposition for addiction.

The use of some medications has been linked to a higher risk of compulsive gambling.

Secondary addictions can also occur in an effort to reduce the negative feelings created by the gambling addiction. However, some people who gamble never experience any other addiction.

Some factors increase the risk. These include:

For someone with a gambling addiction, the feeling of gambling is equivalent to taking a drug or having a drink.

Gambling behavior alters the persons mood and state of mind.

As the person becomes used to this feeling, they keep repeating the behavior, attempting to achieve that same effect.

In other addictions, alcohol, for instance, the person starts developing a tolerance. An increasing amount of alcohol is necessary for the same buzz.

A person who has an addiction to gambling needs to gamble more to get the same high. In some instances, they chase their losses, thinking that if they continue to engage in gambling, they will win back lost money.

A vicious circle develops, and an increased craving for the activity. At the same time, the ability to resist drops. As the craving grows in intensity and frequency, the ability to control the urge to gamble is weakened.

This can have a psychological, personal, physical, social, or professional impact.

Neither the frequency of gambling nor the amount lost will determine whether gambling is a problem for an individual.

Some people engage in periodic gambling binges rather than regularly, but the emotional and financial consequences will be the same.

Gambling becomes a problem when the person can no longer stop doing it, and when it causes a negative impact on any area of the individuals life.

In general, treatment is split into three types:

Casinos and lotteries provide the opportunity to gamble. A gambling addiction occurs when a person can no longer control the compulsive behavior.

Any type of gambling whether racing, bingo, card games, dice games, lottery, slots, and sports betting can become problematic. However, some types of gambling have particular characteristics that may intensify the problem and the consequences.

Reports indicate that a significant risk factor may be a fast speed of play. Types of games where there is a short time between placing a bet and seeing the results present a higher risk for players. This happens with slot machines, for instance.

Gambling is widespread. Increased accessibility, for example, through online gambling, calls for greater awareness and appropriate legislation.

Anyone who provides gambling services has a responsibility to develop policies and programs to address underage and gambling addictions.

Research, treatment, and prevention of problem gambling should be encouraged.

If a person suspects they might have a gambling problem, there are a variety of self-tests available on the internet.

Those tests will not give a diagnosis and do not replace a face-to-face evaluation with a trained clinical professional, but they can help people decide whether to seek formal evaluation of their gambling behavior.

A clinical professional will provide a detailed assessment and develop an adequate treatment plan, based on the individuals needs.

Treatment and assistance may need to address various aspects of the persons life, family, education, financial issues, any legal problems, and professional situation.

Anyone who suspects that they have a gambling addiction should seek help. A health provider will be able to refer the person to an appropriate treatment provider.

Advice from the APA for those who care for a person with a gambling addiction includes the following:

Anyone who is concerned about problem gambling can obtain confidential support 24/7 through the National Problem Gambling Helpline on 1-800-522-4700.

Read the original post:

Gambling addiction: Symptoms, triggers, and treatment

These 5 Gambling Stocks Could Help You Hit the Jackpot –

Its hard to feel lucky when a pandemic spreads across the globe. The novel coronavirus sank a number of betting and gambling stocks. Its possible that some of them wont survive, but others should rebound sooner or later.

Taking a stake in gambling stocks is, like the games themselves, speculative. But there may be compelling value propositions in certain stocks that have been beaten down. Here are five to consider:

These gambling stocks are handpicked for having either strong momentum or turnaround potential. So, are you ready to spin the big wheel and see if you hit the right numbers?

Source: Andy Borysowski /

The world-famous Las Vegas Sands brand of resorts and casinos can be spotted throughout Asia and the United States. And LVS stock was a fairly low-risk investment during times of economic prosperity.

But as they say, markets come in cycles. The economy is in a down cycle and LVS stock has struggled to regain its footing since the steep decline in March. However, thats allowed the stocks trailing 12-month price-earnings ratio to get down to around 16, indicating an attractive valuation.

Plus, the company is adjusting to the downbeat economic climate by scrapping its plan to secure a gambling license in Japan. Thats probably a smart move, and it might also be a smart move to accumulate LVS stock shares today.

Source: Jason Patrick Ross/

To see what strength during adversity looks like, check out CZR stock. The price bottomed near the $3.50 level in March but has steadily worked its way back up towards the $10 price point.

Pre-pandemic price levels show that CZR stock is capable of going higher than that. Besides, the share-price comeback is pretty amazing considering the fact that Caesars shuttered all of its North American properties on March 17.

Sometimes stock prices can be a litmus test of a companys resiliency. In the case of CZR stock, if it can recover steadily despite massive casino shutdowns, consider what could happen to the share price when the gambling business picks up again.

Source: Shutterstock

Not all gambling stocks are affordable, but GMBL stock can be part of your portfolio for less than $5 per share.

That being said, its important to know that the 52-week range for GMBL stock is $2.40 to $15.75. In other words, this ones a fast mover sometimes.

Yet Esports Entertainment may have an edge over most traditional gambling companies today. This companys focus is on licensed next generation online gambling with a focus on esports betting.

Having online operations could be a major advantage during a pandemic. Plus, Esports Entertainment was the first online gambling company trading on an American stock exchange, so its an early entrant into what could be a very lucrative niche.

Source: Ken Wolter /

As an owner of 29 gaming and entertainment properties in the United States, Boyd Gaming might not be a household name. But the company has over 24,000 employees and has been around since 1973, so Boyd Gaming is truly a mainstay in the gambling business.

Like most other companies in the sector, Boyd Gaming has fallen on hard times. For 2020s first quarter, the company posted a net loss of $18.3 million along with disappointing quarterly revenues of $680.5 million.

All that being said, value investors might feel that BYD stocks decline is an overreaction. The shares quickly tumbled from nearly $35 to less than $8. At the time of this writing, the stock is still trading at less than half of its February peak.

Risk-tolerant investors might consider adding shares at this heavily discounted price.

Source: Casimiro PT /

If youre looking for a diversified company in the gambling stocks space, take a look at Penn National Gaming. From gaming and racing properties to video-gaming terminals and plenty of slot machines, this company runs the gamut in the gambling space.

Theres no point in trying to deny that Penn National Gaming had a challenging first quarter of 2020. But as CEO Jay Snowden put it, Penn Nationals exciting long-term growth story remains fully intact as the company continues to develop projects like the Barstool Sports betting app.

In fact, that app could send Penn National Gaming in a whole new, pandemic-proof direction. Snowden cites Barstools explosive growth on the TikTok platform, where it now has over 9 million followers. Thats an impressive reach, and it could be the key to higher long-term prices in PENN stock.

DavidMoadel has provided compelling content and crossed the occasional line on behalf of Crush the Street, Market Realist, TalkMarkets,FinomGroup,Benzinga, and (of course) He also serves as the chief analyst and market researcher for Portfolio Wealth Global and hosts the popular financial YouTube channel Looking at the Markets.As of this writing, David Moadel did not hold a position in any of the aforementioned securities

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These 5 Gambling Stocks Could Help You Hit the Jackpot -

Spelinspektionen: online gambling in decline amid Covid-19 – iGaming Business

Online gambling rates in Sweden have declined since the outbreak of the novel coronavirus (Covid-19), according to new data from the countrys Gambling Authority (Spelinspektionen).

The data, part of the of the first of a series of monthly reports Spelinspektionen was tasked with producing during the crisis, found that overall betting and gaming turnover in March and April was 5.9% and 5.4% year-on-year respectively. This contrasts with January, when online gaming turnover was up 21%, and February, for which a 9% increase was recorded.

The authority did note, however, that some of the comparability may be affected by the fact that Swedens market only opened at the start of 2019.

The regulator said that while casino play increased, the decline in sports betting was drastic enough to ensure that overall online betting and gaming was down 6% for the year to date.

Virtually all betting activities except horse racing ceased in the middle of March, when most major sporting events were canceled as a result of the coronavirus pandemic, Spelinspektionen said. An example of this is the turnover of two major gaming companies with a focus on betting decreased significantly by 40% and 51% in March 2020, compared to March 2019.

Several of the larger companies that are more focused on online casino games fared significantly better. As a whole, the category of online gaming and betting sales decreased by 6% in March 2020 compared to March 2019.

However, the authority added that 55% of online licensees reported growth in turnover for March, based on tax returns, while 58% did so in April.

This decline in play casts doubt on the reasoning behind online casino restrictions proposed by Swedens Minister for Health and Social Affairs Ardalan Shekarabi and set to come into effect on 1 June.

The rules include a SEK5,000 (401/459/$495) weekly deposit limit and a SEK100 cap on bonuses. These rules have already drawn criticism from stakeholders across the Swedish gambling industry, as well as the European Gaming and Betting Association (EGBA). Spelinspektionen, meanwhile, said the rules could benefit illegal operatorsrather than enhancing player protection.

The Spelpaus self-exclusion scheme, meanwhile, saw a continuous increase in self-exclusions, with the regulator not noting a growth or slowing in the rate of this increase. As of 14 May, 51,674 people had voluntarily blocked access to gambling sites.

Spelinspektionen added that many of these rules would be difficult to implement by 1 June, echoing the concerns aired by many operators earlier this month.

The Authority wishes to point out that the proposed rules may affect key parts of the licensees' technical systems, Spelinspektionen said. These changes can be both time-consuming and require re-certification of the systems. This entails a great risk that many licensees will not be able to meet the new requirements within the proposed time.

The Authority added that players could deposit far more than SEK5,000 in a single week through playing with various different operators. It said that it was not possible to institute a national register or deposits or losses in order to monitor player activity between operators.

In terms of new measures to strengthen player protection, Spelinspektionen said introducing a B2B supplier licence could help substantially in the fight against online gambling. This suggestion has already been put forward by Svenska Spel and Betsson in their submissions to the consultation held by the Swedish government on its proposed new controls.

Spelinspektionen sees several benefits of introducing such a scheme as soon as possible, it said. Such an arrangement would also reduce the administrative burden for the licensees by shifting the emphasis of the certification procedure to the gaming software providers.

In addition, the regulator said that a debt register, as proposed by the Swedish Financial Supervisory Authority (Finansinspektionen) could be more important for the protection of players than many other measures.

This register would, according to FI, allow for creditors to get a comprehensive picture of consumer debt, which Spelinspektionen said would make it more difficult for players to borrow money to gamble.

A major problem with gambling is the over-indebtedness that burdens many people, Spelinspektionen said. With a well-functioning credit check, this type of indebtedness could be avoided.

It also noted that enforcement of rules prohibiting marketing to self-excluded customers could be improved if the Authority and the Swedish Consumer Agency (Konsumentverket) were able to share more data.

The regulator added that it has been collaborating with law enforcement authorities in Sweden and elsewhere to fight illegal gambling sites, but said it was too early to mention progress in this area. It said it had identified 20 new operators who may be eligible for a possible injunction for illegally targeting Swedish players in the coming months, on top of 11 operators who have already received injunctions.

In addition, it said it had conducted a survey in order to understand links between affiliate marketing and unlicensed gambling sites.

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Spelinspektionen: online gambling in decline amid Covid-19 - iGaming Business

Gambling Today: Bettors Couldn’t Wait To Wager on the Ponies as Tracks Reopen – Sports Illustrated

Sporting events being conducted without spectators are something well be talking about for generations. The first industries to see this transpire are the UFC, NASCAR and horse racetracks around the country.

As we highlighted last week, many tracks around the country reopened this past weekend. The results were nothing short of amazing as tracks saw handles increase at record levels. Its another indication that bettors are back and willing to come out strong following the COVID-19 shutdown.

While the only noise you can hear are horses, hoofbeats and the track announcer, the handle numbers reveal sizable audiences around the country were interested in wagering on the races from the comforts of their homes.

According to Churchill Downs, $14,278,726 was bet on Saturday's 11-race card, up 183.7 percent from the $5,032,253 handled on a comparable date in 2019. Churchill was strengthened by a national television audience tuning in on FOX Sports 1 and 2.

Thoroughbred racing at Charles Town racetrack witnessed a record handle for a non-Charles Town Classic Day on May 14, as $4,330,203 was wagered on the nine-race program. The amount wagered represents the fifth-largest handle in the track's near 87-year history, trailing only the Charles Town Classic events held in 2013, 2015, 2016 and 2019.

Santa Anita came back strong on Friday, the first time racing had been held at the Southern California racetrack since March 22. The handle was $11,207,076 for nine races, a huge increase over the same days in 2019, when Santa Anita handled $6,974,738 for eight races.

The track saw a 184 percent increase compared to the last Friday the track operated prior to the coronavirus shutdown. On Saturday, the track did $14.3M in handle compared to $6.1M on the last Saturday (March 21) before the shutdown.

Churchill Downs announced back on March 16 that the 146th running of the Kentucky Derby was moved from May 2 to September 5. On Saturday horse racing fans got some more great news when it was announced that another leg of the Triple Crown, the 145th Preakness Stakes, has been rescheduled for October 3. Traditionally held at Pimlico Race Course on the third Saturday in May, the Preakness was postponed April 3 because of the coronavirus pandemic.

"Under normal circumstances, I would be standing at Pimlico ... presenting the Woodlawn Trophy to the winner of the 145th Preakness Stakes," said Maryland Governor Larry Hogan. "But as we all know these are not ordinary circumstances. However, I am proud to make this announcement on behalf of the state, the Maryland Jockey Club and Maryland's historic racing industry.

At a time when there were no live American sporting events outside of the UFC and NASCAR, horse racing was front-and-center and there is no doubt fans were ready for the sport to return to tracks nationwide.


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Gambling Today: Bettors Couldn't Wait To Wager on the Ponies as Tracks Reopen - Sports Illustrated