State Sen. Elliott on gambling’s collapse: ‘They got greedy’ – 1819 News

Any form of legalized gambling in Alabama will have to wait at least a year, if not longer, after the legislature declined to pass so-called comprehensive gaming legislation during this year's legislative session.

In the end, the state was one State Senate vote away from initiating the process of a vote on an amendment that would have removed language from the Alabama Constitution prohibiting lotteries and other games of chance.

One of the "no" votes on the legislation was State Sen. Chris Elliott (R-Josephine), who, during an appearance on Mobile radio's "The Jeff Poor Show" on Friday, blamed "greed" for the effort's failure.

"I would use the word 'greedy,'" he said. "'Ambitious' is kind. They got greedy, and I'm not talking about my colleagues. I'm talking about the gaming interests. They wanted more and more and more and more. There is a point where that is not acceptable. And good for the Alabama Senate for saying that is not acceptable, that is too much. Good for Senator Bell for saying that. I obviously voted right along with him. We want to give the people the right and the ability to vote on a lottery. We're not interested in widespread casino gaming. We certainly are not interested in the Democratic wish list of Medicaid expansion, huge increases for retirees so much for a defined benefit plan, right? We ought to call it a redefined benefit plan and public transit."

"The House version of the conferee report there in the enabling legislation was just terrible, and we're going to see very little benefit from it," Elliott added. "I was amazed, Jeff, at just the constant drumbeat of more money, more money, more money, more money. And the only thing I kept thinking about is: this is greed. This is exactly what this is, greed."

Jeff Poor is the editor in chief of 1819 News and host of "The Jeff Poor Show," heard Monday-Friday, 9 a.m.-noon on Mobile's FM Talk 106.5. To connect or comment, email or follow him on Twitter @jeff_poor.

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State Sen. Elliott on gambling's collapse: 'They got greedy' - 1819 News

MGM National Harbor gambling revenue down 10% – WTOP

After Maryland casinos posted their fifth-best month ever for gaming revenue in March, gamblers pulled back in April.

After Maryland casinos posted their fifth-best month ever for gaming revenue in March, gamblers pulled back in April.

Total gaming revenue from the states six casinos fell 6.6% from a year earlier to $163.2 million last month.

Gaming revenue from slot machines and table games at MGM National Harbor led casinos with $68.1 million, though that was down 9.8% from a year earlier.

Baltimores Horseshoe Casino had $14.7 million in April gaming revenue, down 10.8% from a year ago. Live! Casino & Hotel at Arundel Mills had the smallest year-over-year decline, with $60.1 million in April gaming revenue, down 1.9% from April of last year.

April results were mixed at the states three smaller casinos, up 6% at Hollywood Casino, down 7.6% at Ocean Downs and down 20.6% at Rocky Gap Casino.

Casinos contributed $69.8 million to Maryland, with the majority of it going to the states education trust fund.

April figures were down from March, when the states casinos had a combined $178.1 million in gaming revenue.

Maryland Lottery and Gaming posts monthly and year-to-date gaming revenue figures and contributions to state programs online.

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MGM National Harbor gambling revenue down 10% - WTOP

Luck and Cheating in Roman Gambling: The Die is Cast – The Collector

The ancient Romans had a complex relationship with gambling, involving both disapproval and widespread participation. Archaeological findings and written sources reveal that the preferred form of ancient Roman gambling was dice games. Roman dice possessed unique shapes due to the inherent asymmetry of the materials used and the Romans belief in divine intervention influencing random outcomes. Romans were also known for employing various cheating methods, including the use of loaded dice, which enabled players to manipulate the outcomes.

Six-sided playing dice, featuring numbers one to six marked on each side the same kind we still use today have been in use for over 4,000 years. They have been discovered at sites in Egypt, India, and Persia, but it appears that nowhere in the past were they as prevalent as in ancient Rome. Dice made of wood or bone have been unearthed at Roman sites across the former empire. Archaeological findings and written sources reveal that the Romans utilized them for both board games and gambling, which was a widespread indulgence among Roman citizens.

Gambling in Ancient Rome occupied a curious place in society. It was both disapproved of and enthusiastically embraced by the people. Undeniably, gambling held significant popularity among the ancient Romans. The act of gambling often took place in inns and taverns, which served as common venues for such activities. Archaeological findings from Pompeii have revealed depictions of dice, game pieces, symbols of wealth and good fortune, and terms commonly used in Roman dice games (Faris, 2012). These artifacts shed light on the prevalence of gambling in the Roman world.

Despite its widespread practice, some Romans strongly disapproved of gambling. Even in the face of their fellow Romans apparent addiction to it, figures like Cicero condemned gambling and those who partook in it. Educated and upper-class Roman writers of the late-republican and imperial periods largely viewed gambling as a wasteful pastime, and at its worst, a ruinous vice capable of tarnishing an individuals reputation and social standing.

Despite the prevailing view that aristocrats generally frowned upon gambling, there were notable exceptions within the ranks of the senators and Roman elite, who indulged in high-stakes gambling. However, for the majority of aristocratic elites, excessive gambling or public engagement in such activities was considered a potential source of legal and political corruption. The majority of aristocratic elites associated dice games with the lower classes, and they often connected them to hustlers and petty criminals.

It is worth noting that not all forms of gambling were illegal or disapproved of in Rome. Betting on sporting events, for instance, was an acceptable practice. However, the situation differed entirely when it came to dicing, which formed the core of a thriving industry within the Roman Empire. Backrooms of inns and taverns were frequently dedicated to gambling, which is evident from the numerous inscribed gaming boards and mosaics discovered in Rome, Pompeii, and various Italian and North African towns. Private homes or rented premises could also function as small-scale casino operations, providing spaces where money could be both won and lost.

Roman dice possess a curious feature that distinguishes them from other dice: their striking asymmetry. This distinctive characteristic has captured the interest of a pair of scholars from the University of California, Davis and Drew University. Close examination of these dice has unveiled a remarkable fact an astounding 90% of the dice discovered so far display (at least) are slightly flattened in shape. In fact, some of these dice deviate so significantly from the ideal cube that they more closely resemble parallelepipeds. This intriguing observation also holds practical implications, as the dice are more likely to land on their wider sides rather than the narrow ones when rolled.

How can we explain this intriguing phenomenon? The researchers find the simple explanation that the Romans lacked the advanced technology to produce a perfect cube unacceptable. After all, we are talking about a civilization that left us aqueducts and thousands of kilometers of paved roads, among other remarkable achievements. At the same time, they reject the hypothesis that Romans intentionally produced misshapen dice to manipulate the outcomes. Their explanation reveals the interplay between intentional and unintentional elements that influenced the curious shape of Roman dice.

The asymmetrical shape can be attributed to two factors. Firstly, the raw materials used, such as bone and antler, were inherently asymmetrical, resulting in objects that were longer across certain axes. While it was possible to grind or shave down the longer sides to create a true cube, this step was largely deemed unnecessary due to the second factor: the Roman view on probability.

In ancient Rome, the concept of probability, as we understand it today, was not prevalent among the average citizen. Instead, they believed that random outcomes were decisions made by gods like Fortuna, the personification of luck. From their perspective, if any of the numbers shown on the dice were equally influenced by the will of the gods, then each outcome would be considered equally likely. The shape of the dice, therefore, was not seen as the determining factor for the outcome; rather it was divine intervention.

As a result, the asymmetry of the dice did not hinder their overall function. Rolling dice served purposes beyond mere games; it was a means of communication or engagement with the gods. For instance, people would roll dice to seek guidance or gain insights into the outcome of future events. Moreover, players often believed that gods favoring them would influence the dice rolls to grant them victory or fortune.

This Roman worldview allowed for a wide variety of dice shapes, as the concept of fate rather than probability dictated the outcomes. While we can now estimate probabilities statistically when analyzing a large number of dice rolls, individual throws remain unpredictable. This partly explains the continued popularity of gambling casinos today, despite the long-term odds being stacked against the individual player. For the Romans, producing an even probability of rolls across the numbers one through six, which is typically the main purpose of dice in modern gaming, was not the primary concern. Fate rendered each roll unpredictable, and the shape of the dice was not believed to be linked to specific outcomes. Most dice users were unaware of any connection between the frequency of particular numbers and the asymmetry of the dice they used.

However, as old as games of chance are, attempts to manipulate luck to gain an unfair advantage have existed for just as long. Historical evidence shows that even the Romans attempted to deceive the gods in various ways. There have been two well-known methods of cheating that have persisted throughout the centuries.

The first method involves using dice with two identical numbers on opposite sides. This clever trick allows a deceitful player to tilt the odds in their favor. For example, an unsuspecting opponent may not notice that the cheater gets sixes slightly more frequently than any other number, while never rolling ones. However, experienced gamblers quickly catch on to this scheme, making it less effective over time.

The second method employed by more cunning swindlers involved using weighted dice. By filling the dice with lead or other heavy materials, the cheater can ensure that a specific side of the dice carries more weight, resulting in that particular number being displayed more often than any other. Nevertheless, even this method becomes less effective after several games, as cautious gamblers become more observant and wary of such cheating tactics.

While attempts to cheat at games of chance have existed for centuries, both of these cheating methods have their limitations. Skilled and attentive gamblers can eventually detect these dishonest practices, making it increasingly difficult for cheaters to fool their opponents. However, as of recently, we know that there existed a third, much more sophisticated method of cheating that required specially manufactured dice. The presence of such dice demonstrates the extraordinary craftsmanship of the Romans in producing dice and it once again disproves the notion that the majority of dice were crudely made due to a lack of technology.

This particular type of dice came to light by a stroke of luck (or by the will of Fortuna) in 2000 when a group of Belgian schoolchildren embarked on an educational trip to a nearby Roman site. During their visit, a ten-year-old schoolgirl accidentally broke a bone-made dice, causing a mysterious grayish liquid, none other than mercury, to seep out. Although an interesting incident, this anecdote would have been forgotten if not for the efforts of a pair of Belgian archaeologists over twenty years later. They managed to unravel the secrets of this unusual dice. Through their research, they found that mercury dice, although rare, were present in various regions of Gaul and Germania during ancient times.

According to the authors, these dice served a similar purpose to the lead dice mentioned earlier, yet with one important difference. The mercury dice offered greater flexibility, enabling gamblers to enhance their odds of achieving any desired number. The trick was remarkably subtle, as the player merely needed to discreetly tilt the die to a specific side just before rolling it. For instance, when aiming for the number six, they would skillfully tip the die so that the mercury gracefully flowed toward the side displaying one. The liquid nature of mercury enabled them to reuse the same die for subsequent throws, adjusting it to show different numbers depending on their needs. This method of cheating was nearly impossible to detect which is another significant advantage over lead-filled dice.

What is particularly remarkable about these dice is the incredible precision required in their craftsmanship. The dice had to be carefully drilled and filled with mercury, ensuring they did not become noticeably heavier. The hole would then be closed using the same material. This entire process demanded the skills of experienced goldsmiths, along with precise instruments and hard-to-obtain materials. As a result, scientists conclude that each dice must have been worth a small fortune. This conclusion is further supported by the fact that most of these dice were discovered in former locations of Roman villas, where the wealthiest citizens resided.

If these findings are accurate, they reveal something else about the Romans: some of them likely gambled very large sums of money. Those willing to invest significant amounts in such an item would have done so only if they expected it to yield an even greater return. It appears that some Romans long ago managed to fulfill the alchemists dreams and discovered a way to turn mercury into gold. Fortuna may have favored the bold, but it is even more likely that she favored the rich.


Eerkens, Jelmer W., de Voogt, Alex (2022). Why are Roman-period dice asymmetrical? An experimental and quantitative approach. Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences 14(134).

Faris, Suzanne B. (2012). Changing Public Policy and the Evolution of Roman Civil and Criminal Law on Gambling. UNLV Gaming Law Journal 3(2). 199219

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Luck and Cheating in Roman Gambling: The Die is Cast - The Collector

Opinion | Why can’t you just vote on gambling? – Alabama Political Reporter

Gambling is popular in Alabama.

Despite all of the phony hand-wringing over gambling legislation during every legislative session and all of the alleged moral pushback about legalizing casino wagering, Alabama loves to gamble.

Were one of the top states in the country each year for sports wagering. Alabama gamblers are one of the top groups of users on the offshore gambling website Bovada. Our residents spend millions each year buying lottery tickets and visiting casinos in other states. The total amount of legal and illegal gambling in this state accounts for billions of dollars each year.

Its no wonder, then, that when polled on the question of legalizing gambling, implementing a lottery and allowing sports wagering, Alabama voters overwhelmingly said they wanted the chance to vote on it.

And by overwhelmingly, I mean 89 percent.

You couldnt get 89 percent of the people in this state to agree with you that the sky is blue. Thats how popular the issue is at this point.

Its not just a bunch of librals either. Gambling legalization, including a lottery, casino-style games and sports wagering, is also popular among those who consider themselves conservative voters. More than 60 percent of them, in a 2015 poll, wanted a chance to vote on the issue.

But then, what do you dopey voters know?

It doesnt matter what you want, what you think is best for yourself or for the state. No, no. The politicians theyre the ones who know better than you whats best for you.

Just ask Chris Elliott.

The Baldwin County state senator said last week, during an appearance on a Mobile-area radio station, 106.5-FM, that it doesnt matter what yall want. No, the politics matter more. The politicians matter more.

Elliott said out loud the part that elected officials are never supposed to say out loud that their job security matters more than serving you.

Elliott said that rumored legislation that would legalize a lottery, casino gambling at certain locations and sports wagering while clamping down on the thousands of illegal gambling operations around the state would be a bad idea. Not because the legislation is unpopular, or because its bad legislation that wouldnt solve the problems and increase revenue, but because putting the issue on the ballot in 2024 might drive more Democrats to the polls and result in a loss in Alabamas newly-drawn 2nd congressional district.

Three things: 1. Republicans aint winning that seat, and it doesnt matter if Ronald Reagans ghost is on the ticket; 2. Democrats in that district will NOT need a secondary issue, like gambling, to drive them to the polls to vote in a fair race that they fought all the way to the Supreme Court to get; and 3. Republicans gamble too.

You have to be living in some alternate reality to seriously believe that Democrats hold a major voter advantage on the issue of gambling in this day and age. Or maybe thats just what living inside the Republican super-conservative news bubble does for you.

About the only Republicans who are vehemently opposed to gambling legislation at this point are the ones who dont fully understand the complexities of the issue in this state and the ones who are being paid by certain interested parties (like out-of-state casino owners) to oppose the legislation.

There is no major organized opposition.

Because were talking about a business thats everywhere now. You cant watch a ballgame without 87 ads for online sportsbooks. Everyone discusses the lines on games. Half the state drives to Georgia or Tennessee or Florida to buy tickets for the big Powerball drawings. And those buses leaving for Biloxi and other casino locations are filled with active church members.

No one cares anymore. Its like being opposed to alcohol sales.

Except in this case, were still living in the prohibition era of the 1920s, where 90 percent of those sales are conducted by shady characters running shady operations and propping up other illegal activities. Thats the Alabama gambling landscape in 2023.

Which makes it hilarious to read the ridiculous study on gambling from the Alabama Policy Institute.APIs study trots out the same old ignorant-of-reality talking points and pretends once again that were living inside a gambling-free bubble where neither roads nor the internet exists.

Every phone will become a casino, the report breathlessly warns of the legalization of sports wagering. Um, excuse me, but yall do know that offshore gambling websites are accessible on phones now, as are daily fantasy wagering websites, including over/under player totals, right?

If you dont, you shouldnt be writing about gambling. If you do, everyone should question why youre trying to mislead them on the realities of gambling.

Look, Ive written about this issue a bunch. There is no solution that includes just making certain games more illegal. There is no solution that includes just legalizing a lottery. There is no solution that includes more enforcement without a wholesale change of gambling laws on the books which will require a constitutional amendment and a vote of the people.

Anyone who tells you differently is lying to you. Ill leave it up to you to figure out why theyre lying to you.

But I can assure you of one thing: None of them are lying to you for your benefit.

Here is the original post:

Opinion | Why can't you just vote on gambling? - Alabama Political Reporter

Minnesota brothers charged in TikTok livestream gambling scheme – Star Tribune

More charges, including a felony count, were filed Monday against a Twin Cities man who is accused of roaming Twin Cities-area casinos and playing slots for gamblers who paid to have their bets placed, then watched live on TikTok in hopes of striking it rich.

Blake C. Fitzgerald, 40, of Farmington, is now facing a felony charge in Goodhue County of instructing others to violate gambling laws along with three related gross misdemeanor counts. A conviction on the felony count could send Fitzgerald to prison, rather than jail or some other lesser form of detention.

Also Monday, additional gross misdemeanor illegal gambling counts were filed in Goodhue County against Fitzgerald's brother, Christopher J. Mattison, 34, of Warren, Minn.

In August, Fitzgerald was charged with three gross misdemeanors in connection with allegations he ran a remote bookie business for at least four months until January 2023 while at Mystic Lake Casino in the Scott County city of Prior Lake or Treasure Island Resort & Casino just outside of Red Wing in Goodhue County. Mattison was charged as well back in August.

Both men were charged by summons and declined to comment Monday to the Star Tribune about the latest round of charges. Fitzgerald is due on court on Wednesday, followed by Mattison on Thursday.

The new complaints note that a state investigator with the state Alcohol and Gambling Enforcement Division contacted Fitzgerald and Mattison in June about the initial charges. Mattison denied the allegations, while Fitzgerald asked the investigator for further specifics and then stopped responding to the agent.

Monday's criminal complaints not only cover in greater detail the allegations spelled out in the earlier charges, they also reveal that the brothers arranged bets for 81 people in that three-week period that totaled more than $48,000.

Bettors received back about a third of their money, either in winnings or refunds if the brothers ran out of time to get the wagers down, the complaints read.

Among those who turned to Fitzgerald for remote betting on slots at Treasure Island was a 53-year-old woman from southeastern Minnesota who told the state investigator that she was a gambling addict, the charges read.

The woman, who often bet at night as she struggled with insomnia and other medical difficulties, told the investigator she was "hopeful that illegal forms of gambling like Fitzgerald's would be eliminated from the Internet, as it would help limit her exposure to gambling and ease the struggle that she faced every day," the complaints continued.

According to the criminal complaints and other court documents:

Fitzgerald collected through cash apps an initial $5.99 subscription fee and then $25 that he kept for every $100 deposited for wagering, which he streamed live on TikTok.

Archived videos on his main TikTok account revealed 165,000 followers from around the world. Video highlights showed wads of cash and slot machines rolling up occasional big jackpots, including one in December that topped $15,000.

Administrators at both casinos caught on to Fitzgerald's TikTok bookie business. On Jan. 12, he livestreamed about being booted from Mystic Lake during a previous visit. That same day, he was in his car outside Treasure Island and said he had just been given a permanent trespass notice.

The American Gaming Association, which represents sports books and casinos across the country, said after the brothers were initially charged that it has never heard of such a gambling scheme.


Minnesota brothers charged in TikTok livestream gambling scheme - Star Tribune


There's no denying I had a ROUGH week at the Stool last week.

After spoiling Surviving Barstool on Wednesday morning, Wake Up Mintzy was suspended until 2024 and dump button gets figured out. All hell obviously broke loose at Barstool and I rightfully took a good bit of heat. I even had to wear a dunce cap around the office all day.

I also am banned from live content currently. I had to sit behind the NFL Sunday stream in this crazy mask & could not speak.

Just when I could not make things any worse, I mentioned to Dave Portnoy that I loved Green Bay (-3.5) on Sunday to bounce back from Monday Night Football loss at the Giants.


So much for that. Baker Mayfield torched the Packers secondary in 34-20 road win in what was the first time a road quarterback had a perfect rating at Lambeau Field.

And once again, I got torched by Dave Portnoy who fired big on the game.

The gambling gods then came for me when I lost my 2 unit over 48.5 bet on a blocked extra point in Washington/LA Rams game.

Thank God it is a new week. And it cannot get any worse than last week.or so I hope?

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Argentina: Santa Fe Province approves online gambling and sports betting – Yogonet International

The Senate of the Province of Santa Fe sanctioned on Thursday 14 several bills sent by the Executive Power, headed by Governor Maximiliano Pullaro. Among these proposals was the one that regulates the activity of online gambling.

During the Extraordinary Session N 1 of the 141st Period, presided over by Vice Governor Gisela Scaglia, online gambling was enabled when the Senate accepted the preliminary approval from the Chamber of Deputies, without modifications.

The approved initiative "establishes a regulation for the development and exploitation of the activity of games of chance, sports betting, and sports forecasts, online or with virtual modality, which are carried out through digital, electronic, computerized, telematic, interactive, telecommunication means and platforms, and those to be developed in the future", the Senate stated.

Bill 52.665, promoted by Deputy Fabin Basta -currently Pullaro's Minister of Government- and introduced by his peer Marcelo Gonzlez (both from UCR Evolucin), was approved by the Chamber of Deputies on Thursday, November 30.

With a wide majority in the Lower House and unanimity in the Upper House, the new regulation comes to overcome Decree 1451 of November 20, 2020, which, with the signature of then Governor Omar Perotti, enabled online gambling under the idea that it was only a "modality" of an already existing legalization.

During the pandemic, the opposition did not understand it this way since, from their point of view, the powers of the provincial Legislature had been subjugated. Three years ago, Pullaro and Basta, at that time deputies, initiated a lawsuit against Perotti, which now the online gambling law will probably make the issue become "abstract".

Although the idea of Basta and Gonzlez's project was to correct Perotti's regulation, the initiative has some novelties, such as the authorization of sports betting, the increase of the tax from 10% to 15% of the gross results, and a special containment to the agencies, to whom a part of the benefits will be allocated.

In addition, 50% of the money raised will be allocated to campaigns for the prevention and awareness of compulsive gambling.

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Argentina: Santa Fe Province approves online gambling and sports betting - Yogonet International

Could Online Gambling Become a Reality in Maryland? – Eye On Annapolis

The latest poll has caught the eye, showing that 75% of Marylanders support the idea of legalizing online casinos and are ready to express their support in the 2024 election. According to the latest report from theMaryland Lottery and Gaming Control Agency, this state could generate more than $533 million in revenue in the very first year after legalizing online gambling.

In order for the issue to get on the ballot, Bill 267 must pass both houses of the Maryland legislature. If this happens, a simple majority of voters could authorize the launch of online gambling as early as June 2025. This could be a major moment for the state, which is expecting a significant economic infusion and new development opportunities in the gambling industry.

One of the bills sponsors is SenatorRon Watson, who is a Democrat from Prince Georges. He claims that legalizing online casinos will lead to more funds being allocated to the Maryland Future Project. This project is an education reform initiative that aims to close achievement gaps and create new developmental opportunities for students from preschool through high school.

Revenues from conventional casinos are directed to the Education Trust Fund and minority-owned small businesses in Maryland and in the areas where the casinos are located. Online casino revenues are also expected to support these same areas.

Currently, online casinos are legal in six states such as Connecticut, Delaware, Michigan, Michigan, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and West Virginia. Many Maryland players play in other states online or even in other countries. For example, many ventures to play casino games with Canadian dollars, which can be found at thelink, despite the conversion fee. Nevada offers online poker. Also, Rhode Island has passed a bill to introduce online casinos, but for now, it wont go into effect until next March. This suggests that Maryland has precedents and successful models for taking full advantage of online casinos, which can serve as inspiration for the state and encourage the industry to grow.

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Could Online Gambling Become a Reality in Maryland? - Eye On Annapolis

A surge in problem gambling calls and more Va. headlines – Virginia Mercury

Gov. Glenn Youngkin is proposing mental health care reforms that would let a person in crisis have a relative near them and allow them to be given previously prescribed medication.Associated Press

Virginias problem gambling helpline saw a 788% increase in calls between 2019 and 2022. Henrico Citizen

Youngkins child care plan would maintain expanded eligibility at 85% of the state median income but would require low-income families to pay somewhat more for child care.VPM News

Small business owner Eric Phillips was nominated as the Republican candidate to fill the seat left by Del. Les Adams, R-Pittsylvania, who is stepping down after five terms in the legislature.Cardinal News

Northern Virginia residents are asking how plans for a new arena in Arlington to host the Washington Capitals and Wizards could affect already bad commutes.Washington Post



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A surge in problem gambling calls and more Va. headlines - Virginia Mercury

Tiny Nicks Gambling Picks: 12/18 – Zone Coverage


NBA (0.5 Unit) LA Clippers/Indiana Pacers Over 244.5 (-110; Odds via Caesars): 6:00 PM CT on Bally Sports IN

I was very surprised to see the Indiana Pacers associated with an opening total of just 239 points, even with speculation about Tyrese Haliburtons status tonight. But the big upwards adjustment signals that the total was far too low in the first place, and well probably see Haliburton tonight after he missed Saturdays game.

You also have to factor in how the Clippers have been playing lately. The past 3 weeks have seen their collection of superstars finally start to click, especially offensively as theyre averaging 122.4 PPG the past 9 games. LA is still the leagues second-best under team, but thats in the process of reverting back to the mean. Games against the leagues most dynamic scoring team that plays no defense will certainly help, and I see another 240s total getting cleared as has usually been the case this year.

NBA (0.5 Unit) Brooklyn Nets/Utah Jazz Over 233.5 (-110; Odds via Caesars): 8:00 PM CT on YES

The Nets have had a pretty unsuccessful road trip out west except for a shocking win in Phoenix, so theyll want to close it out here by taking advantage of a vulnerable Jazz defense. Utah is just 25th in defensive efficiency this season, and have had real trouble stopping any decent offenses. Brooklyn certainly has that potential as the leagues second-best shooting team from behind the arc, so look for them to keep firing away from deep here.

But the biggest reason the Nets have had a rough road trip is the defense, allowing 122.8 PPG in their 4 games out west so far. The Jazz finally got Lauri Markkanen back from injury, and his presence makes this offense completely different so they should exploit Brooklyns defensive struggles. Utahs home games have been some of the better over bets on the year, and this fairly low total by current NBA standards feels a little too low.

No degenerates today.

Tiny Nick is 1827-1635 ATS (+80.9 Units) on his Locks since joining Zone Coverage.

Every day he will offer his Locks and Degenerate picks. Locks are the games hes confident in. Degenerates are entertaining but riskier picks.

Original post:

Tiny Nicks Gambling Picks: 12/18 - Zone Coverage

CNMI proposal to legalize online gambling is another desperate attempt to source new revenue – Asia Gaming Brief

The new proposal by the authorities in the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands (CNMI) to legalize online gambling appears to be yet another desperate attempt to source new revenue for their pension black hole, notes IGamiX Managing Partner Ben Lee.

According to recent reports, lawmakers in CNMI are pushing for a new revenue stream, looking to online gaming.

This comes as the multi-billion-dollar Imperial Pacific International (IPI) casino-resort operator faces calls for dissolution, with investors and creditors coming calling. The operator currently holds a monopoly for casino gaming on the island.

But the new bid for alternative income could bring more woes than benefits, as other jurisdictions, such as the Philippines, have already encountered.

The Philippines POGOs (Philippine Offshore Gaming Operators) as well as Cambodias Sihanoukvilles descent into unmitigated regulatory and policing disasters both appear to hold no lessons for the CNMI, notes Lee.

The Philippines endures an ongoing spat over the worth of offshore online gaming operation (POGOs), after multiple crackdowns, raids and charges linked to human trafficking and money laundering.

Meanwhile, Sihanoukville shut down its online gaming operations entirely after operators, mainly linked to China, set up shop and conducted operations that ran them abreast of authorities.

The CNMI, Saipan inclusive, still falls under United States jurisdiction, with increased scrutiny over activities such as gambling.

Lee notes that the CNMI [] remains subject to certain US Federal Laws, however it is unclear and untested if the CNMI falls outside the grasp of the Federal Wires Act.

The expert questions even if it does, will the CNMI government have sufficient resources to ensure that its online operators do not transgress the boundaries?

The overreach by some online operators has put the Philippines in the spotlight recently, calling for reapplication of POGO licenses and increased oversight of the sector.

And looking at their missteps, Lee outlines a possible way forward for CNMI.

To have a truly credible online gaming industry, the CNMI will have to put in place the proper IT and legal resources to monitor and regulate the operators. Only then can they incubate a transparent and sustainable industry.

One of the primary roadblocks for Saipan is their focus on Chinese clientele. Early within their operations, IPI published monthly rolling chip values that topped even those of Macau the biggest casino hub in the world.

Now, the operators must shift focus, notes Lee, pointing out that the Philippine justified their POGOs by denying that they targeted China and all the other countries that have outlawed online gaming by their nationals within their borders.

Looking to mitigate this problem: ring fencing would have been the solution but was never truly enforced nor was there any real auditing of the POGO servers and revenues.

This has led to particular oversight of the regulatory body in the Philippines, PAGCOR, and calls for the elimination of POGOs altogether, citing a lack of taxation payments and malfeasance.

While online gaming is prevalent in many countries, Asian operators have taken a relaxed or highly stringent approach, with little wiggle room in the more regulated vicinities.

Given its track record of oversight on casinos and video poker clubs, it will be interesting to see how CNMI aims to approach online gaming legislation and how strict (or lax) it may be.

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CNMI proposal to legalize online gambling is another desperate attempt to source new revenue - Asia Gaming Brief

Crypto Gambling: A Boon for Bettors or Gateway to Addiction? – Crypto Times

While blockchain technology has been around since 2009, its the recent explosion of Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies thats making waves across industries, including gambling.

Online crypto casinos are popping up left and right, attracting players with the promise of faster transactions, increased anonymity, and potentially generous bonuses. But before you jump into this exciting trend, its crucial to understand the ins and outs of crypto gambling and learn how to play responsibly.

This guide will equip you with the knowledge you need to navigate the world of crypto casinos safely and make informed decisions.

Crypto gambling refers to the act of wagering cryptocurrencies on games of chance or skill. This can be done on traditional online gambling platforms that have added support for crypto payments, or on dedicated crypto gambling platforms.

Unlike traditional online gambling platforms that rely on standard banking methods, crypto gambling operates within a decentralized financial ecosystem. This key distinction allows players to seamlessly convert their fiat currencies into Bitcoin or other cryptocurrencies, facilitating quick and straightforward transactions.

The rise of cryptocurrencies has not gone unnoticed in the gambling world. Many sites, including those not registered with GamStop, are increasingly adopting this digital currency, according to insights from NonGamStopBets UK. The appeal lies in the simplicity and efficiency of crypto transactions, which benefit both players and gambling operators.

One of the notable perks of using cryptocurrencies for gambling is the exclusive access it provides. Players who deposit using this system can enjoy all available games and bonuses.

In a bid to further encourage the use of digital currencies, many gambling platforms are offering additional incentives to crypto users. These incentives are designed to heighten the appeal of crypto gambling and motivate more players to explore this innovative payment method.

The integration of cryptocurrencies into the world of gambling has opened up a new frontier, offering players and platforms alike a range of exciting advantages.

Lets dive into some of the key benefits of using crypto for your next gambling adventure:

Say goodbye to the sluggishness of traditional banking methods! Crypto transactions are notoriously fast, often settling within minutes compared to the days or even weeks it can take for credit card or bank transfers. Additionally, crypto transactions typically incur lower fees, leaving you with more of your hard-earned funds to play with.

Gone are the days of sharing your personal and financial information with online gambling platforms. Crypto gambling allows you to remain anonymous, safeguarding your sensitive data from potential breaches. Transactions are recorded on a public blockchain ledger, but your identity remains obscured, adding an extra layer of security and peace of mind.

Unlike traditional payment methods that may be restricted by geographical boundaries, cryptocurrencies operate on a global network. This means you can access online gambling platforms no matter where you are in the world, opening up a wider range of options and potentially better odds.

Many crypto gambling platforms offer enticing bonuses and rewards specifically for players who use digital currencies. This could include welcome bonuses, deposit match bonuses, and even free spins or cashback offers. Taking advantage of these exclusive perks can boost your bankroll and give you a head start on your gambling journey.

Cryptocurrencies are known for their volatility, which can be a double-edged sword. While the value of your winnings could fluctuate, potentially leading to significant losses, it also presents the opportunity for higher returns. If the market swings in your favor, your winnings could be substantially boosted compared to traditional fiat currencies.

Some crypto gambling platforms leverage blockchain technology to offer provably fair games. This means that the fairness of the games can be mathematically verified by anyone, ensuring transparency and trust in the gambling process. No more black box algorithms or shady dealings with provably fair games, you can rest assured that the odds are truly in your favor.

The decentralized nature of blockchain technology opens up exciting possibilities for the future of gambling. With crypto, we can expect to see more innovative platforms emerge, offering unique features and gameplay experiences that were previously unthinkable.

Also Read: Top 5 Myths Surrounding Crypto Online Casinos

While crypto gambling offers an array of enticing advantages, its crucial to be aware of the significant challenges and risks that come with it.

Before diving headfirst into this new frontier, consider the following:

The volatile nature of cryptocurrencies is perhaps the biggest risk. Your winnings (and losses) can fluctuate dramatically based on market movements, potentially leading to significant financial setbacks. Remember, what could be a big win today could evaporate tomorrow due to a sudden market dip.

The decentralized nature of the crypto world attracts both genuine platforms and unscrupulous actors. Be wary of phishing scams, fake exchanges, and unreliable platforms. Always research thoroughly before depositing any funds and prioritize platforms with strong security measures and positive user reviews.

Unlike traditional gambling, crypto gambling exists in a largely unregulated space. This means theres no overarching framework to protect consumers from unfair practices, fraudulent operators, or disputes. Proceed with caution, as you may have limited recourse if things go wrong.

Using cryptocurrencies and navigating unfamiliar blockchain technology can be challenging for newcomers. Understanding wallets, private keys, transactions, and technical jargon can be a steep learning curve. Ensure you have a solid grasp of the technology before venturing into crypto gambling.

The anonymity and convenience associated with crypto gambling can exacerbate the risk of problem gambling. The ease of depositing and playing without traditional verification processes can lead to uncontrolled spending and potentially dangerous habits. Be mindful of your playing patterns and seek help if necessary.

The anonymity of cryptocurrencies can potentially attract those seeking to engage in illegal activities such as money laundering or illegal gambling operations. Ensure you fully understand the legal implications of crypto gambling in your jurisdiction and avoid platforms with shady dealings.

By acknowledging the challenges and risks involved, you can make informed decisions and navigate the world of crypto gambling safely and responsibly.

Also Read: How Safe Are Crypto Casinos?

Uncontrolled gambling activities leading to addiction are another challenge the industry faces. Cryptocurrencies provide higher transaction limits to casino players, which is why its more complicated for them to deny the pleasure of investing a bit more.

Users should develop self-control and implement proper bankroll management strategies when playing slots and games. Setting and never exceeding the budget limits is the primary rule every gambler must adhere to.

Limiting the time in crypto casinos is also a great way to avoid potential problems. Players should remember that gambling is just entertainment. Some casinos regularly notify their members about the importance of making a break and switching to other activities.

The allure of crypto gambling is undeniable faster transactions, anonymity, and potentially lucrative rewards. However, navigating this new frontier requires caution and careful selection of the platform you entrust your digital fortune to.

To ensure a safe and enjoyable experience, consider these key factors when choosing your crypto gambling playground:

By carefully considering these factors, you can navigate the crypto gambling landscape with confidence and choose a platform that aligns with your needs and priorities.

So, step into the exciting world of crypto gambling with open eyes and a cautious heart. By making informed choices and prioritizing responsible play, you can ensure a thrilling and ultimately rewarding experience in this digital domain.

The future of crypto gambling shimmers with a kaleidoscope of possibilities. As blockchain technology matures and regulations adapt, expect even faster transactions, seamless cross-border play, and an explosion of innovative game experiences.

Imagine virtual casinos bustling with life across time zones, fueled by decentralized platforms offering provably fair games and transparent governance.

Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) could revolutionize ownership, allowing players to hold a stake in the games they love or trade unique in-game assets.

Yet, with this exhilarating potential comes the responsibility to tread cautiously. Robust regulatory frameworks and player-empowering tools are crucial.

The future of crypto gambling hinges on striking a balance between innovation and responsible play, ensuring a thrilling, rewarding journey for all involved.

Also Read: Navigating Cryptos Landscape with 5 Key Trends in 2024

As we venture further into the digital age, the intersection of cryptocurrency and gambling presents a landscape rich with opportunities and challenges. The allure of enhanced security, speed, and global access positions crypto gambling as a significant player in the future of online gaming.

Yet, its imperative to navigate this terrain with an informed and cautious approach, acknowledging the volatility, regulatory uncertainties, and ethical considerations. Embracing responsible gambling practices becomes crucial in this context.

Ultimately, the trajectory of crypto gambling will be shaped by technological innovation, regulatory frameworks, and the evolving preferences of the digital consumer, making it a fascinating sector to watch in the coming years.

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Crypto Gambling: A Boon for Bettors or Gateway to Addiction? - Crypto Times

Liechtenstein extends online gambling ban until 2028, partners with Switzerland to exchange player information – Yogonet International

The government of Liechtenstein has extended the ban on online gambling until the end of 2028. The decision to delay online operators from obtaining licenses means the continuing inaccessibility of iGaming in the country, despite the legalization of gambling in 2010.

Furthermore, Liechtenstein has entered into an agreement with Switzerland for sharing information on banned players, aiming to ensure" effective cross-border player protection." This agreement is expected to be implemented next year.

Despite the online ban, physical casinos in Liechtenstein have been successful. However, a new measure was introduced in 2022, restricting the licensing of new casinos, in an attempt to moderate the growth of gambling in the country.

Earlier in the year, a referendum posed a question to the population of Liechtenstein regarding a total ban on casinos until 2028. The majority of voters, 73.3% of the 70% who participated, voted against the ban, choosing to keep the casinos open. This decision came despite concerns over potential damage to Liechtenstein's reputation and the risk of increased gambling addiction.

Casinos have been a significant source of revenue for Liechtenstein's economy. In 2018, the country's two casinos generated CHF 53.5 million ($53.6 million) in revenue and paid CHF 19.9 million ($23 million) in taxes and gambling fees, as a result of an effective tax rate of 34.5%.

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Liechtenstein extends online gambling ban until 2028, partners with Switzerland to exchange player information - Yogonet International

Aimed at safety, Atlantic City road narrowing accelerates fears of worse traffic in gambling resort – NBC 10 Philadelphia

L.L. Bean has just added a third shift at its factory in Brunswick, Maine, in an attempt to keep up with demand for its iconic boot.

Orders have quadrupled in the past few years as the boots have become more popular among a younger, more urban crowd.

The company says it saw the trend coming and tried to prepare, but orders outpaced projections. They expect to sell 450,000 pairs of boots in 2014.

People hoping to have the boots in time for Christmas are likely going to be disappointed. The bootsare back ordered through February and even March.

"I've been told it's a good problem to have but I"m disappointed that customers not getting what they want as quickly as they want," said Senior Manufacturing Manager Royce Haines.

Customers like, Mary Clifford, tried to order boots on line, but they were back ordered until January.

"I was very surprised this is what they are known for and at Christmas time you can't get them when you need them," said Clifford.

People who do have boots are trying to capitalize on the shortage and are selling them on Ebay at a much higher cost.

L.L. Bean says it has hired dozens of new boot makers, but it takes up to six months to train someone to make a boot.

The company has also spent a million dollars on new equipment to try and keep pace with demand.

Some customers are having luck at the retail stores. They have a separate inventory, and while sizes are limited, those stores have boots on the shelves.

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Aimed at safety, Atlantic City road narrowing accelerates fears of worse traffic in gambling resort - NBC 10 Philadelphia

Iran is gambling on ceasefire to keep Hamas from defeat – analysis – The Jerusalem Post

The UN General Assembly voted overwhelmingly on Tuesday for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza. Only a handful of countries opposed the vote, and about 20 abstained. While many countries legitimately want a ceasefire, Irans strategy is more complex.

Iran backs Hamas and other groups in the Middle East that have sought to leverage the Hamas attack on October 7 to its benefit. For instance, there have been almost 80 attacks on US forces in Syria and Iraq by the Islamic Republics proxies.

The Houthis in Yemen have attacked numerous ships. Iran is seeking to create instability and use it to threaten the US and Israel.

Therefore, Irans own views on the ceasefire and how the war might end in Gaza are important. Amid various reports about Hamas officials traveling this week, leaving Doha for some other destination, there are a lot of questions about what comes next in Gaza.

Hamas units in northern Gaza are under siege and are being slowly defeated. The terrorist group in Khan Yunis and other areas is fighting to remain intact enough to control Gaza after the war. Clearly, Israels policy is not to let Hamas retake control, but Hamass top leaders continue to hold sway in Gaza and abroad.

Even if the group lost 7,000 fighters, it has another 15,000 in some 20 battalions that continue to fight on in one form or another.

Irans Tasnim News Agency on Tuesday evening published several articles that indicated how the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps views the conflict. The first said the IRGC spotlights differences between Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and the Biden administration. Another highlighted Israeli concerns that the Jewish states goals wont be met in Gaza. A third cited new warnings to the US by Irans foreign minister. The fourth said Israel was losing support globally due to indiscriminate bombing.

Irans Fars News Agency, which has close ties to the IRGC, highlighted the UN vote in reports it put out in the early hours of Wednesday morning. Fars also reported on the Iranian foreign ministers trip to Switzerland and his comments slamming Israel.

The Iranian coverage of the war is interesting. It is not bragging about Hamass success. In fact, the terrorist group has also not been bragging about any successes recently.

This means that Iran now knows it must gamble on a ceasefire and hope to influence world opinion against Israel in the next stage. It appears to think that Jerusalem is triumphing tactically in Gaza.

Although the war has already lasted 68 days, Hamas cannot hold out forever. Iran appears to know this, and it likely did not think the war would last this long. It operationalized the Houthis, Hezbollah, and other threats to distract from the war in Gaza. It wants a wider regional war.

Iran is concerned that it has not been able to draw the US or Israel into a wider conflict. Tehran now appears to think it needs to focus more on the strategic global agenda and less on Hamas in Gaza. It wants to use the besieged coastal enclave and the suffering there for leverage. But even the suffering is not highlighted in the Iranian regime media. This is a new shift as well.

Iran may have overplayed previous coverage accusing Israel of various crimes, and it is now setting its hopes on larger movements at the UN and in other spaces, such as Iran-Russia ties. This is an important shift in the Islamic Republics narrative and is worth paying attention to in the coming weeks.

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Iran is gambling on ceasefire to keep Hamas from defeat - analysis - The Jerusalem Post

New hacker group uses old attack methods to breach Asian gambling companies – The Record from Recorded Future News

Researchers have uncovered a previously unknown hacker group that uses simple and dated attack methods to target governments and businesses in the Asia-Pacific region.

Called GambleForce, the group has been active since September and has mainly targeted the gambling industry, according to the report by Singapore-based cybersecurity firm Group-IB.

GambleForce broadened its focus in recent months to include government, retail, and travel websites. As of now, it has 20 known victims in its portfolio, primarily located in Australia, China, Indonesia, the Philippines, India, South Korea, Thailand, and Brazil.

The attackers use a set of publicly available open-source tools designed for penetration-testing. They havent employed any unique modifications and keep almost all default settings on the tools.

They primarily infect their victims using SQL injections a type of cyberattack where an attacker manipulates a web application's database queries by injecting malicious SQL code. Researchers say this is one of the oldest attack methods, yet many companies are still susceptible to it.

SQL attacks persist because they are simple by nature, the researchers said. Companies remain susceptible to such attacks because they fail to address fundamental flaws.

The goal of GambleForces attacks is unclear. In some instances, the attackers stopped after performing reconnaissance, while in other cases, they successfully extracted user databases containing logins and hashed passwords, along with lists of tables from accessible databases, according to the researchers.

The threat actor attempts to exfiltrate any available piece of information within targeted databases, the report said. What the group does with the stolen data remains unknown so far.

After discovering GambleForce's malicious activity, the researchers took down its command and control server. However, they believe that the hackers will most likely regroup and rebuild their infrastructure to launch new attacks.

Group-IB didnt attribute this group to a specific country but said that they found commands written in Chinese. This fact alone is not, however, enough to determine the groups origin, researchers said.

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Daryna Antoniuk is a freelance reporter for Recorded Future News based in Ukraine. She writes about cybersecurity startups, cyberattacks in Eastern Europe and the state of the cyberwar between Ukraine and Russia. She previously was a tech reporter for Forbes Ukraine. Her work has also been published at Sifted, The Kyiv Independent and The Kyiv Post.

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New hacker group uses old attack methods to breach Asian gambling companies - The Record from Recorded Future News

Why Argentinians are gambling everything on ‘anarcho-capitalist’ Javier Milei podcast – The Guardian

Hes known as the madman, his hairdresser likens him to Wolverine, while the man himself prefers the term anarcho-capitalist. But this week Javier Milei has a new title: president of Argentina.

By now the world should not be surprised by a far-right TV personality with attention-grabbing hair winning at the polls, but Mileis meteoric rise up the ranks of Argentinian politics still shocked observers. On the election trail, he promised to close the central bank, dollarise the economy and insulted Argentinas biggest trading partners, China and Brazil. But what will he do now that he has power?

The Guardians Latin America correspondent, Tom Phillips, has been in Buenos Aires for Mileis inaugaration. He tells Nosheen Iqbal how he has spoken to everyone from former ministers to astrologers to try to understand Mileis appeal and speculates how Argentina will fare under the former Rolling Stones tribute band member. He explains the toll sky-high inflation is taking on the people of Argentina and why voters would rather risk everything on Milei than prop up the status quo.

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Why Argentinians are gambling everything on 'anarcho-capitalist' Javier Milei podcast - The Guardian

AICDAC aims to curb youth gambling this holiday season – The Courier-Express

SHELOCTA Armstrong-Indiana-Clarion Drug and Alcohol Commission is participating in the 2023 Gift Responsibly Campaign, joining more than 80 other lotteries and community organizations from across the United States and Canada, and around the world.

The campaign is organized by the National Council on Problem Gambling and the International Center for Youth Gambling Problems and High-Risk Behaviors at McGill University. The Gift Responsibly Campaign is also endorsed by the World Lottery Association and the North American Association of State and Provincial Lotteries. The campaign aims to raise awareness regarding the risks of underage lottery use. Lottery products are appropriate for gifting only to adults, from adults.

Gambling is defined as risking something of value on an unknown outcome that depends on chance or skill. Research shows that the earlier a persons participation or exposure to gambling in childhood, the more likely they are to develop gambling problems later in life. Even though gambling activities are legally restricted to adults, there is clear evidence that underage youth actively participate in gambling.

Despite gambling being promoted as a harmless form of entertainment, it operates on the same reward pathways and neurotransmitters as substance addiction. Youth gambling is associated with alcohol and drug use, truancy, risk-taking behaviors and low grades in school.

More and more youth are exposed to the availability and accessibility of many forms of gambling at even younger ages and are tempted by the pressures to participate. According to the National Council on Problem Gambling approximately 60 percent of high school aged adolescents in the United States report having gambled for money during the past year.

According to the 2021 Pennsylvania Youth Survey (PAYS) data, overall, 34.9 percent of Armstrong County students in eighth, 10th and 12th grades have engaged in gambling for money or anything of value in their lifetime, which is higher than the state average of 30.4 percent. From these grade levels in Armstrong County, students reported the different forms of gambling used were 23.2 percent lottery (including scratch cards, numbers, etc.), 15.9 percent personal skill games (such as pool, darts, coin tossing and video games), 12.7 percent poker or other card games, dice, backgammon, or dominoes, and 10.7 percent sporting events or sports pools. In addition, 10.24 percent bet/gambled in some other way, and 4.4 percent reported gambling online.

For most people gambling is simply entertainment, but it is entertainment that comes with a degree of risk. When a lottery ticket is given as a gift by a trusted parent or other family member, a child is likely to interpret the gift as saying, this is a safe thing for you to do. Lottery tickets arent childs play.

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AICDAC aims to curb youth gambling this holiday season - The Courier-Express

MLB partners with EPIC, Entain Foundation to educate Minor League players on gambling harm – Yogonet International

Major League Baseball (MLB)has partnered with EPIC Global SolutionsandEntain Foundation enhance its educational efforts aimed at Minor League playersregarding the prevention of gambling-related harm.

EPIC will provide lived experience educational sessions focusing on responsible gaming and mental health for Minor League players and other selected MLB staff members. Meanwhile, Entain Foundation U.S., Entain's non-profit subsidiary, will offer financial support and additional resources for conducting these sessions.

"We believe that EPIC's impressive program facilitators, including an ex-minor leaguer, will communicate critical insights on gambling harm prevention in relatable and compelling ways," said Quest Meeks, Vice President, Sports Betting & Compliance at MLB.

"Our younger minor league players in particular are coming into the league at a time when mobile sports betting is an increasingly prominent part of the sports ecosystem. We want to help those players avoid gambling-related pitfalls that can derail not only their careers, but also their day-to-day lives more generally."

"We are pleased to be able to support baseball to take a proactive stance on player protection against gambling-related harm through our innovative lived experience approach, sharing the stories of those who have experienced gambling disorder firsthand," said Ben McGregor, director of sports partnerships at EPIC Global Solutions.

"Working with such an iconic American institution provides a unique opportunity to not only help the players connected to every franchise, but also the wider supporter base across the country, who can learn more about the potential effects of gambling harm through the increased profile this program will generate. We thank Major League Baseball and Entain Foundation U.S. for providing this platform for wider awareness."

This new three-way collaboration expands the ongoing relationship between EPIC Global Solutions and Entain Foundation U.S., to educate the public on preventing gambling-related harm. Entain Foundation U.S. already funds educational and awareness programs about gambling issues for professional and college athletes, coaches, and teams across the United States, as well as various sports organizations.

"Entain Foundation U.S. is proud to support EPIC Risk Management's effort to educate the Major League Baseball community about problem gambling," saidMartin Lycka, Entain's Senior Vice President for American Regulatory Affairs and Responsible Gambling and Trustee of Entain Foundation U.S.

"We must take a preventative approach to gambling harm, particularly those involved in sports, so educating the baseball community on responsible gambling practices is a critical measure," he added.

The delivery model is expected to commence in 2024, when EPIC will visit Minor League teams during Spring Training.

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MLB partners with EPIC, Entain Foundation to educate Minor League players on gambling harm - Yogonet International

The Degenerate’s Gambit: 2023 Week 15 NFL Gambling Lines with Tony – Football Absurdity

Welcome back to The Degenerates Gambit! Once again, please remember that these articles are for fun, and while I love writing them and gambling on football, if you or someone you know is addicted and needs help, please get help or get help for them. The national helpline number is 1-800-522-4700.

Were here early this week, as Im trying to get all my writing, podcasting, and picks in before MY WEDDING on Saturday. The powers behind Big Wedding have conspired to have my nuptials in the first week of the fantasy playoffs, so while Ill be tying the knot with the love of my life, its also a great excuse to not have to sit through the Bengals and Vikings fumble their way around lost seasons. Truly a galaxy-brain decision on my fiancees part.

Selflessly, Ive decided that Im giving you a wedding gift for being a loyal degenerate: 4 banger picks for this weekends upcoming games.

The Colts rank incredibly high on Walker Kellys patented Chaosmeter. Im not sure of the statistical implications, but I do know that its incredibly easy to beat any team with Mitchell Trubisky under center. George Pickens is having a Stevie Johnson-level existential crisis every time he runs a route, the team is still determined to run Najee into dust, and they cant stop opposing offenses. A big Michael Pittman week awaits us, and the Colts walk away with a win.

Carolina is a bad football team, who couldve seen that one coming? At the same time, Arthur Smith is learning that maybe leading with a scheme that gets his best players the ball is worth running. Atlanta runs zone the most in the league, and Carolina gives up the second most yards to zone runs. Atlanta is a top 3 offense in red zone rush rate, and Carolina gives up the most rushes inside the 5 this season. Smash the Falcons -3, and take as many Bijan overs as you possibly can.

Baltimore should be the number-one seed in a fraudulent AFC this year when all is said and done. With that in mind, they tend to play down to the quality of their opponents. I think this can bite them in the ass and cost them that top seed, but I dont think that letdown happens in this game. Jacksonville is far from a complete team, and Trevor Lawrence at full health covers up a lot of shitty Press Taylor schematic issues. That said, TLaw isnt at full health and the Ravens defense is going to turn up the pressure. Baltimore should win this game handily.

Its my wedding weekend and I can bet on the Bears if I want to, so I will. The Joe Flacco story is truly one to behold, but at the same time this Browns defense is getting absolutely rocked with injuries and I believe in the Justin Fields/DJ Moore connection against the man coverage scheme that Cleveland utilizes extensively (the numbers agree with me). Injuries on the Bears defensive line are also not ideal, but the addition of Montez Sweat has completely turned this defense around. Joe Flacco should be under pressure all game, and the secondary has the ability to smother Amari Cooper. Im taking the Bears on the road, and hoping the win streak extends to 3.

Last Week: 1-2-1 Year to Date: 30-25-1 (3-11 Long Shot Plays)

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The Degenerate's Gambit: 2023 Week 15 NFL Gambling Lines with Tony - Football Absurdity