Doctors Are Preparing to Implant the World’s First Human Bionic Eye – Futurism

A team of researchers at Monash University in Melbourne, Australia, has built a bionic device that they say can restore vision to the blind through a brain implant.

The team is now preparing for what they claim will be the worlds first human clinical trials of a bionic eye and are asking for additional funding to eventually manufacture it on a global scale.

Its essentially the guts of a smartphone combined with brain-implanted micro electrodes, as TechCrunch reports.The Gennaris bionic vision system, a project thats more than ten years in the making, bypasses damaged optic nerves to allow signals to be transmitted from the retina to the vision center of the brain.

The system is made up of a custom-designed headgear, which includes a camera and a wireless transmitter. A processor unit takes care of data crunching, while a set of tiles implanted inside the brain deliver the signals.

Our design creates a visual pattern from combinations of up to 172 spots of light (phosphenes) which provides information for the individual to navigate indoor and outdoor environments, and recognize the presence of people and objects around them, Arthur Lowery, professor at Monash Universitys Department of Electrical and Computer Systems Engineering, said in a statement.

The researchers are also hoping to adapt the system to help those with untreatable neurological conditions, such as limb paralysis, to regain movement.

If successful, the MVG [Monash Vision Group] team will look to create a new commercial enterprise focused on providing vision to people with untreatable blindness and movement to the arms of people paralyzed by quadriplegia, transforming their health care, Lewis said.

A trial in July showed that the Gennaris array was able to be transplanted safely into the brains of three sheep using a pneumatic insertor, with a cumulative 2,700 hours of stimulation not causing any adverse health effects.

Its still unclear when the first human trials will take place.

With extra investment, well be able to manufacture these cortical implants here in Australia at the scale needed to progress to human trials, Marcello Rosa, professor of physiology at Monash and MVG member, said in the statement.

The news comes after Elon Musks brain computer interface company Neuralink announced its testing its coin-sized interface prototype in live pigs. The end goals are similar: to treat brain issues including blindness and paralysis.

Whether the Monash device is technically the first bionic eye, though, may come down to semantics.

A separate brain implant, a visual prosthetic device, developed by scientists at Baylor College of Medicine in Houston,recently allowed both blind and sighted participants to see the shape of letters, as detailed in a paper published in May.

READ MORE: Researchers ready world-first vision restoration device for human clinical trials [TechCrunch]

More on Neuralink: Neuroscientist: There Was a Huge Problem With Neuralinks Demo

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Doctors Are Preparing to Implant the World's First Human Bionic Eye - Futurism

Reality TV Show Says It Will Send Contestant to International Space Station – Futurism

Who Wants to Be an Astronaut?

Space Hero, a US-based production outfit that claims to be the first space media company, says it has secured a spot on a 2023 SpaceX mission to the International Space Station, Deadline reports.

Its genius plan: turn it into a reality TV series and have contestants from all over the globe vie for a ticket into space.

Contestants will have to go through a gauntlet of challenges to test their physical, mental and emotional strength, qualities that are essential for an astronaut in space, according to Deadline.

An episode toward the end of the series will allow voters from around the globe to vote for the contestant they want to shoot into space, courtesy of a seat on board a SpaceX Dragon module. The show will then follow their journey to the ISS.

The winner will spend 10 days on board the station, alongside actual astronauts.

We see the world changing in front of our eyes, project creator Thomas Reemer told Deadline. In times like these we yearn to look up to people for the right reasons, so its time to look amongst ourselves to find the heroes that will inspire a bright future.

Its actually not the first attempt at space-based reality television. A previous shot, in the late 1990s, was originally called Destination: Mir yes, the Soviet Unions space station that operated from 1986 to 2001 but had to be changed to Destination: Space after Russia took its space station down. Needless to say, it never actually set anyone into orbit.

READ MORE: Space Travel Reality Show Set To Send Contestant To ISS In Works From Space Hero Company & Propagate [Deadline]

More on space reality TV: 20,000 Apply to Be Billionaires Girlfriend, Get Free Moon Trip

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Reality TV Show Says It Will Send Contestant to International Space Station - Futurism

The ISS Is About to Get Its First Commercial Airlock – Futurism

Commercial Airlock

A SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket is about to carry what will soon become the International Space Stations first privately-built airlock.

The airlock, called Bishop and built by aerospace company Nanoracks, is designed to get payloads from inside the space station into the openness of space.

The company has previously built standardized boxes for space-based experiments and tiny satellite deployers, The Verge reports.

The Bishop is shaped like a bell jar and attaches itself to the outside of the space station using a number of clamps and latches.

Once its there, its just extra real estate until we want to use it, Mike Lewis, Nanoracks chief innovation officer, told The Verge. We can use it in a number of ways, the first of which is to bring things outside.

First, payloads Nanoracks is planning for the airlock to primarily deploy satellites are attached to the inside of Bishop. Astronauts then close the hatches, remove the air inside the airlock. A robotic arm detaches the entire assembly from the space station afterward.

Its a lot like on a submarine when youre going out into the water, except the difference is youre going out into the vacuum of space, Lewis told The Verge.

Two out of the space stations existing three airlocks currently allow people to leave the station. One, the Japanese Experiment Module, allows for payloads to be released.

Japanese startup GITAI is already planning to test out its robotic arm inside Nanoracks airlock.

Bishop is headed to the space station as soon as mid-November.

READ MORE: The first commercial airlock is heading to the International Space Station later this year [The Verge]

More on the ISS: NASA Still Hasnt Found the Damn Leak on the Space Station

See the article here:

The ISS Is About to Get Its First Commercial Airlock - Futurism

NASA Has Figured Out a New Way to Safely Land on the Moon – Futurism

NASA has built a brand new system that could make landing on Moon and Mars a whole lot less risky and it already has plans to test it out on an upcoming mission.

The agencys Safe and Precise Landing Integrated Capabilities Evolution (SPLICE) project aims to improve landing safety by combining a suite of laser sensors, a camera, a high-speed computer, and some sophisticated algorithms all of which, it says, is capable of foregoing the needfor a human pilot.

What were building is a complete descent and landing system that will work for future Artemis missions to the Moon and can be adapted for Mars, project manager Ron Sostaric said in a NASA statement. Our job is to put the individual components together and make sure that it works as a functioning system.

The system could allow for landers to touch down on a much wider variety of sites, including near boulders or craters. It can also identify safe target areas that are only half the size of a football field.

To put that into perspective, the landing area for Apollo 11 in 1968 was about 11 by three miles.

SPLICE works by first comparing scans of the surface below with a database of known landmarks, to figure out where it is. Three to four miles above the surface, a three-beamed laser attempts to identify the safest landing site.

NASA hopes the system will enable the first woman to land on the Moon as early as 2024 as part of its Artemis program.

The agency plans to first test the system out during a flight on a Blue Origin New Shepard rocket during an upcoming mission. When that mission is taking place is unclear.

Rather than looking for a safe place to land on the Moon during these tests, SPLICE will look for suitable terrain to land the New Shepard rocket on Earth instead.

NASA still has plenty of work to do to realize its system.

Safely and precisely landing on another world still has many challenges, John Carson, the technical integration manager for precision landing, said in the statement.

Theres no commercial technology yet that you can go out and buy for this, he added. Every future surface mission could use this precision landing capability, so NASAs meeting that need now.

READ MORE: NASA to test precision automated landing system designed for the Moon and Mars on upcoming Blue Origin mission [TechCrunch]

More on Artemis: NASAs Moon-Bound Orion Spacecraft is Officially Fit for Flight


NASA Has Figured Out a New Way to Safely Land on the Moon - Futurism

Students Urged to Begin Shaping the World They Will Inherit – PRNewswire

NEW YORK, Sept. 18, 2020 /PRNewswire/ --THE COALESCENCE WEBSITE has issued a challenge to college students, urging them to become activists in helping shape the future they will inherit.

Just as students find themselves undergoing a transition from academia and into the real world, society-at-large is also experiencing a transformational moment, with the outcome in both instances largely unknown. Adding to the uncertainty is the historically unique confluence of several troubling worldwide developments: climate change, a collapsing financial system, a deadly pandemic, social unrest, and political upheaval.

To put things in perspective, The Coalescence website has released a 3,500-word document (available in 19 languages) entitled "Moneyism The Cancer Ravaging Earth and How to Defeat It." It offers a road map into the future in terms of a transition from moneyism to humanism. It also offers the opportunity to participate in shaping that future by way of the Whole Earth Design Project (WEDP).

Inspired by the great futurist R. Buckminster Fuller, the objective of the WEDP is to design, in cyberspace, an ecologically and environmentally sustainable economic system capable of providing every individual on the planet with all of life's essentials as a template for transforming the economic system in the real world. This will be a massive expert-guided and data-driven research and design project requiring a worldwide army of volunteers.

For students, especially those under quarantine during the pandemic, this offers a chance to provide their input. Accordingly, they are urged to study the Moneyism document and then join in a collaborative effort to transform the world in a way that works for the benefit of all humanity. That would be the most promising, fulfilling, and satisfying thing for a student to do. Those students who agree are invited to click on the link below and begin shaping their journey into the future.

Moneyism - The Cancer Ravaging Earth

The Coalescence Website

The Whole Earth Design Project

Meet R. Buckminster Fuller

The Book: The Coming Global Coalescence

Visit The Coalescence Instagram


For information, contact usWalter Szykitka917-716-5104 [emailprotected]


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Students Urged to Begin Shaping the World They Will Inherit - PRNewswire

This Moss-Filled Coffin Is Made Out of Fungus – Futurism

Designers from Delft University of Technology in the Netherlands teamed up with a local natural history museum to develop the Living Cocoon, a moss-filled, living coffin made out of a special fungus.

The coffin significantly speeds up the time it takes for a human body plus all the clothing and other materials that get buried along with it to decompose, from roughly a decade to as little as two years, according to its inventors.

Thats in large part thanks to its construction material of mycelium, a fast-growing, fungus-like bacterial colony that can grow into massive underground networks.

Mycelium is also able to neutralize toxic substances and provide nutrition to anything growing nearby, meaning that the soil will actually benefit from such a burial in the long term.

The Living Cocoon enables people to become one with nature again and to enrich the soil, instead of polluting it, Bob Hendrikx, founder of Loop, the startup that developed the coffin, said in a statement.

To Hendrikx, its about living alongside living materials. We are currently living in natures graveyard, he argued. Our behavior is not only parasitic, its also short-sighted.

We are degrading organisms into dead, polluting materials, but what if we kept them alive?, he added. Just imagine: a house that can breathe and a T-shirt that grows with you.

The researchers behind the Living Cocoon have already completed a funeral in which the deceased was buried in one, what they claim to be a worlds first, as Dutch News reports.

The Living Cocoon echoes similar inventions, such as the Infinity Burial Suit, dreamed up by green burial company Coeio. Its essentially a death suit, with mycelia spores infused into its crocheted netting.

Loop is now investigating the positive effects and increases in biodiversity as a result of burying such a coffin.

We want to know exactly what contribution it makes to the soil as this will help us to convince local municipalities in the future to transform polluted areas into healthy woodland, using our bodies as nutrients, Hendrikx added.

READ MORE: A growing business: Dutch develop living coffin made of mushroom mycelium [Dutch News]

More on mushrooms: These Researchers Want You to Live In a Fungus Megastructure

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This Moss-Filled Coffin Is Made Out of Fungus - Futurism

Here’s Why Airliners Might Soon Fly in Formation Like Birds – Futurism

Fly Like a Bird

Multinational aerospace corporation Airbus is investigating a new way for airliners to save fuel: by flying in formation, like a herd of migrating geese.

The manufacturers research incubator Airbus UpNext studied the aerodynamic efficiencies that arise out of flying in formation, CNN reports.

UpNext is planning to test the idea with two passenger jets as part of a demonstration project called fellofly. Early tests, involving two of the companys A350aircraft, already started in March 2020.

Its very, very different from what the military would call formation flight, Sandra Bour Schaeffer, CEO of Airbus UpNext, told CNN. Its really nothing to do with close formation.

By flying nearby each other, each bird or airplane benefits from the next objects wake. The tip of each birds wings creates a vortex, which can provide lift for the next bird behind it.

[The pilots] will be 1 1/2 to 2 nautical miles away from the leading aircraft, and slightly offset, which means they are on the side of the vortex, explained Bour Schaeffer, an experienced flight-test engineer, to CNN. Its no longer the vortex, its the smooth current of rotating air which is next to the vortex, and we use the updraft of this air.

According to Schaeffer, A350s could save anywhere between five and ten percent in fuel an enormous number.

Despite the fuel savings, having airliners fly closeby each other involves at least some level of risk. Before the technique could become mainstream, the team would have to convince service providers and government aviation agencies to change regulations to allow for airliners flying in formation.

READ MORE: Why passenger jets could soon be flying in formation [CNN]

More on Airbus: Airbus Planes Will Track How Often Passengers Go to the Bathroom

Continued here:

Here's Why Airliners Might Soon Fly in Formation Like Birds - Futurism

Scientists: There Are Likely Entire Planets Made Out of Diamond and Silica – Futurism

Planetary Rings

Given the right circumstances, some carbon-rich exoplanets could be entirely made out of diamonds and silica, according to a new study published recently in The Planetary Science Journal.

These exoplanets are unlike anything in our solar system, lead author and geophysicist Harrison Allen-Sutter from Arizona State University said in a statement.

Most stars form from the same cloud of gas, meaning that they end up being made out of mostly the same stuff.

Stars with less carbon a lower carbon-to-oxygen ratio than the Sun tend to resemble Earths composition and will end up being made up of mostly oxides and silicates. Diamonds are rare on Earth our planet is only about 0.0001 percent diamond.

But other stars that are made out of significantly higher levels of carbon than the Sun would end up converting a significant portion of their mass to diamond and silicate, according to the new research that is, if theres enough water around, a relatively abundant resource in the universe.

To bolster the hypothesis, the researchers dipped silicon carbide in water and compressed it to extremely high levels of pressure. A laser heated the mass while an X-ray machine took measurements.

The result: the silicon carbide reacted with water and was transformed into silica and diamonds.

In other words, the core of carbon-rich exoplanets could be composed of mostly silica and diamonds, given certain temperatures and levels of pressure.

Such diamond rich planets are extremely unlikely to harbor life. Theyd end up being extremely hard and far less likely to be geologically active. That means their atmospheres may end up being far too inert to be habitable.

There is a silver lining however: future exoplanet discoveries could be ruled out as habitable thanks to their unusually high density profiles.

Regardless of habitability, this is one additional step in helping us understand and characterize our ever-increasing and improving observations of exoplanets, Allen-Sutter argued.

READ MORE: Myriad Exoplanets in Our Galaxy Could Be Made of Diamond And Rock [Science Alert]

More on diamonds: Physicists Just Teleported Quantum Information Inside a Diamond

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Scientists: There Are Likely Entire Planets Made Out of Diamond and Silica - Futurism

Bill Gates: Sorry, But It’s Unlikely There’ll Be a Vaccine This Year – Futurism

Bill Gates the retired Microsoft co-founder turned philanthropist has emerged as a surprisingly high-profile figure during the coronavirus pandemic, criticizing the governments response to the disease and raising money to distribute a vaccine.

Now, in a new interview with CNBC, Gates says that hes still optimistic that a vaccine is on the way. Its possible that one will be available by the end of the year, he said, but he considers it unlikely.

The only vaccine that if everything went perfectly, might seek the emergency use license by the end of October, would be Pfizer, he said. None of the vaccines are likely to seek approval in the U.S. before the end of October.

But by the very end of 2020 or 2021, the multibillionaire said, he thinks that the chances will start to get better and better.

I do think once you get into, say, December or January, the chances are that at least two or three will (seek approval) if the effectiveness is there, he told the network.

In the same interview, Gates also expressed optimism about the results of the vaccines under development by Moderna and AstraZeneca.

We do see good antibody levels both in the phase one and the phase two, so were pretty hopeful, Gates said.

Both Russia and China have already approved emergency vaccines but without testing rigorous enough to convince doctors.

This is a reckless and foolish decision, Francois Balloux, Professor of Computational Systems Biology at University College London said, told Science Media Centre in August.

See the rest here:

Bill Gates: Sorry, But It's Unlikely There'll Be a Vaccine This Year - Futurism

Martin Wezowksi to Talk About Technology and the Future of Work at e’ffect 2020 – Inside SAP Magazine

SAPs Chief Designer and FuturistMartin Wezowski will talk about technology and the future of work ateffect 2020: The Ultimate Innovation Experience Event on 17th September.

This years effect promises to deliver a new online and immersive innovative experience for its audience bringing in industry experts and renowned business leaders including SAPs design rock star Martin Wezowski. As 2020 continues to unfold, challenging the survival of many organisations around the world, Wezowskis effect episode on The Future of Work could not have come at a better time.

As sort of a preview to Wezowskis effect session, he shared in BBC StoryWorks how humans in the workplace and technology evolve together in shaping the future of work.

Being the Chief Designer for SAPs Technology & Innovation Strategy Team, Wezowski is in charge of creating future outlooks, strategies, and products as well as define and run innovation frameworks. Outside SAP, he is also a well-renowned speaker, panelist, and guest lecturer in some of the notable global events and conferences. As a Global Futurist, he is passionate about sharing with his audience the future of technology and design including the role of machine learning and artificial intelligence.

Futures are designable its up to you to make them somewhere we want to live in. There is an infinite possibility of things you can do. You dont predict the future. You work for a desirable one, he stressed.

In the upcomingvirtual eventeffect 2020, Wezowski will also discuss why curiosity and creativity become the key skillsets of this decade and the importance of agility for smarter and efficient working.

As organisations speed up their automation journey that now goes beyond Robotic Process Automation (RPA), Wezowksi explained the critical role of the people in creating meaningful work that truly adds value and complements technological progress. He emphasised that innately human attributes like playing, experimenting, imagining, and capitalising on our emotional intelligence and contextual knowledge will lead to empathic symbiosis with machines.

Curiosity and creativity are one of the skillsets of this decade. It is not purely engineering you can read that in a book. Everything you can be instructed on is less important to have in your blood and your education. Its things you cant search for online, he explained.

Wezowski foresees that traditional manual jobs involving spatial or memory capabilities may soon be automated alongside installation and maintenance tasks. He also predicts that algorithms will soon assume critical roles within the supply chain including financial resources management, logistics, and contracting among others.

SAPs job is to bring forward high-value work. Artificial intelligence will automate the boring, the repetitive, the insignificant, and mundane. Machines will be ever more effective and efficient in the known tasks, the repetitive and predictable, the SAP Chief Designer added.

He imagines that machine learning will further improve AI to guarantee better business decisions and that we will soon adopt visual augmentation devices and several more wearables.

There is no next big thing; however, there is an infinite amount of things coming together. This is why, atSAP, we are building this one platform, integrating data from sources we could not even imagine into one piece.

To him, we are now at the me-we era where the focus on the individual evolves and collaboration thrives. In many ways, technology has made everything and every one accessible in these unprecedented times.

Wezowski underscored that it is essential to embrace technology without reservations because innovation will lead to a thriving workforce where competitiveness is replaced with the complementary that will lead to completion.

For free access to effect 2020: The Ultimate Innovation Experience Event,registerhere

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Martin Wezowksi to Talk About Technology and the Future of Work at e'ffect 2020 - Inside SAP Magazine

Step into Muses mind-bending sci-fi reality with new concert film Simulation Theory –

The further we get into 2020, the more we hope that Muses Simulation Theory is actually non-fiction. The idea that Earth is an extremely advanced computer simulation and were all simply avatars in a corrupted game called something like Maximum Drake and that this entire year could be reset from a save file from December 2019 becomes increasingly attractive by the month.

So director Lance DrakesMuse Simulation Theory couldnt come too soon. A mind-bursting spectacular merging enhanced footage from their Simulation Theory live show with a filmic narrative, it sets out to make the album, already their most consistent and coherent of recent years, into their most fully-rounded concept piece yet. What seemed to start life as a late-out-the-traps 80s revival jumble of retro-futurist nostalgia fantasies lots of fond homages to Tron, Critters, Gremlins, Teen Wolf and the arcade neons of early electropop, a project more concerned with aesthetic than message has become a self-contained world with depths and nuances worthy of one of rocks most cryptic and ideologically confrontational bands. As the framing story of the film strives to connect dots between the albums tracks and videos, the live-show set-pieces and the terrifying current events of 2020, theyve wrapped up arguably the most creatively successful narrative rock artefact since Pink Floyds The Wall, and might just have reinvented the live film while theyre at it.

Musers will be arguing about the philosophical, metaphysical and political implications of the film until the Matrix snaps, but the basic premise is Alien vs Computer. A team of scientists track the source of an enormous power surge to a deserted O2 Arena, where an arcade machine sits on Muses empty stage. One scientist tries to play the machine and inadvertently rips open a different reality in which a laser-slathered, pixel-goggled Muse are playing Pressure and Psycho to screaming banks of thousands. Is the gig in a simulated world? The scientists? Both? All we know is that the tear in the fabric of the code has unleashed a digital virus in the scientists reality which slowly turns him into a monstrous mutant called the Truth Slayer.

Fans that might previously have just gawped at all the neon ninjas and giant cyborgs at the live show might start to feel a little red-pilled at this point. Of course! This is the origin story of the gigantic mecha-zombie that burst from the stage at the end of the gig. Likewise, the film ties up several other lingering conundrums hanging over the album and tour and, while its hardly The Usual Suspects in terms of everything suddenly clicking perfectly into place, the whole concept starts to make a fleshed-out, hodge-podged sort of sense. The arcade machine is revealed to be the mainframe of a multiverse of simulations, where all of the albums videos took place. Matt Bellamy is The One capable of breaking through the coding to the data-world beyond. The faceless platoons of dancers are NPCs sent by the mainframe to fix the error by wiping clean and rebooting the Earth simulation and everyone in it. And the sexbots writhing along the ego ramp blasting steam-throwers at the audience during the power-rap Propaganda are fumigators sent to control the virus.

Credit: Pulse Films

At which point Simulation Theory stops being merely a sci-fi lark, trying to stitch together a load of random elements from the projects sprawling aesthetic with the most coherent narrative it can muster, and starts reaching out of the screen at you. As the Thought Contagion spreads, London goes into quarantine, over-run by the infected. Newsreaders and commentators, controlled by the mainframe, begin spreading disinformation about the virus being a hoax, robotically repeating there is no virus and there is nothing to fear. Muses retro-futurist vision is suddenly set very much in the present day.

It works as a sly awakening. We might not buy the simulation hypothesis that were just cut-and-pasted off some future programmers template for overweight rock nerd, but by the end of the film we cant ignore how our online realities are moulded, distorted and manipulated so that we only see what major corporations want us to see. That, as an actors impassioned screen rant over the closing credits insists, the world we perceive through our phones is being simulated for us.

Credit: Pulse Films

So Muse Simulation Theory allows the viewer, if they wish, to delve into the intrinsic nature of modern-day reality, shriek at the lies and power-struggles behind the current pandemic or consider the techno-spirituality of the God Algorithm. Or, if theyd rather, they can just sit back and enjoy the raging rock ride. Bellamy shredding and strutting through much of the album, singing Take A Bow to a silver skull or riffing the roof off during Mercy, New Born or Stockholm Syndrome. Dominic Howard and Chris Wolstenholme hammering gargantuan drums on the intro to The Dark Side. Acrobats in hazmat suits walking down the stage-wide screen with flashlights while Bellamys guitar emits gigantic CGI germs.

Its a film as conceptually ambitious as the show is visually, and it totally re-invents the narrative concert movie. Even concept album behemoths like The Wall or Tommy told their stories either within the performance, like a musical, or in traditional cinematic format with little or no live footage. Michael Winterbottoms musical forays such as On The Road used live gig footage as a backdrop to the main thrust of his story; or thrusts in the case of 9 Songs. Bands have previously dotted concert films with scripted scenes or visual motifs, but only to sketch out the briefest illuminative ideas or set a tone for specific songs. Muse, however, weave their Netflix-worthy sci-fi story around the gig until its so deeply embedded that they fuse.

Credit: Pulse Films

You could call it a new creative format, but its difficult to imagine many bands aspiring to such an elaborate plotline or grand scale vision. You could, though, picture Nick Cave encasing a live film in some southern gothic nightmare tale. Or Arctic Monkeys setting an anti-gravity love affair in the hallways of the Tranquility Base Hotel + Casino between live performances of its songs. Not you, Bono.

Muse have set the bar high, if a little skewiff, but that its there at all could make for a whole new sphere of concert film, as gripping as twist-tangled as a Christopher Nolan blockbuster. And this is all before Muse let the Simulation Theory show loose in VR later this year, dragging us even further into the albums inexorable mainframe. Increasingly, this is Muses fabricated reality and were all just glitches in it.

Pulse Films Simulation Theory available to watch online

Originally posted here:

Step into Muses mind-bending sci-fi reality with new concert film Simulation Theory -

THE FUTURIST: Taking stock with national and global forecasts – Sarasota Herald-Tribune

By David Houle| Sarasota Herald-Tribune

Last column I looked back at the forecasts I had made for the Sarasota-Bradenton area. This column I will take stock of the forecasts I have made for the U.S. and the world. In addition, I suggest some altered and new forecasts for 2020-2021 for the country.

(Readers, please understand that my responsibility is to be correct when looking into the future. I do not in any way like the fact that the economic forecasts below are truly some of the worst any of us have ever experienced.)

January 2020:"There will be a Democratic landslide in November."This was made before COVID-19, the murder of George Floyd and the lack of national leadershipin the U.S. about the virus. So, an even stronger forecast now.

March 2020: Due to COVID-19 the Dow will drop to under 20,000 and the global GDP will shrink 2-3% in 2020.Well, the Dow did drop below 20,000 before bouncing back up again. I think it may well go down again once the depth of the depression and the failure of America to stem the first wave of the virus is more apparent. (Note to active investors: when the major indices go down by 3-5%, liquidate short-term positions as a downturn from current levels might be well into double digits.UPDATE: The 2-3% prediction was before it was clear that the Federal government had no plan. New estimate is GDP down 10% in 2020.

April 2020: We have entered the first depression of the 21st century.No question about it. 2nd quarter GDP was down 33% from last year. I had forecast 30-40%. This collapse erased all the economic growth and employment gains from the last five years. The last time there was a decline like this was during the Great Depression. Same with the 20-30% total unemployment numbers, once all categories are factored in. The unemployment rate was never more than 10.6% in the Great Recession. It will continue to deepen in 2020, stay flat through 2021 and only see an end in 2022-2023 when collapsed structures and legacy thinking give way to the new.

April 2020: "Any inability to successfully contain the virus either first wave or second wave, or opening up state economies too soon, will only result in deeper economic damage."Clearly this is true based on all current data.

May 2020: "Global and U.S. GDP will decline by double digits, 2020 over 2019. Globally down close to $10 trillion." Updated forecast:U.S. GDP 2020 versus 2019 will be down 10% or some $2 trillion. Globally the same $10 trillion forecast, resulting in the global GDP being below $80 trillion.

June 2020:"The U.S. economy will have parts that will come back by 2021 and other that will take years to come back, if then."Given the COVID-19 spikes all across the U.S., I am not sure what will come back. An important distinction must be made between the politically oriented hype of how much has bounced back from April/May. The only comparablesare the month in 2020 compared with the same month in 2019. The annual GDP shrinkage is based upon that. Readers beware of politicians saying the economy is bouncing back."Ask anyone saying that how the 2020 quarters and 2020 months compare to same in 2019.

New Forecasts

COVID-19 deaths are now around 160,000. They will be around 250,000 on November 3 and more than 300,000 on January 20, 2021.The obvious tragedy here is that the number of deaths is accelerating. Back in March and April, the federal government could have taken drastic steps to mobilize and at the same time bring Americans together to fight a common enemy, something we have always done well. We all self-quarantined assuming our governmental leaders would do what they were supposed to do. They didnt.

There will be gubernatorial recall efforts in such states as Florida, Texas and Arizona.Highly likely given the above forecast.

The rest of August and all of September will have widespread coverage of the inability of colleges and schools to open.It is hard to think of a tougher job right now than that of being either a college president or a school superintendent. The rest of August and all of September will have widespread coverage of the inability of colleges and schools to open. That will closely be followed by rapid rises in COVID-19 cases at all levels and the resulting shutdowns and even lawsuits around openings. Politicians demanding that schools open are not really thinking of the potential for children to die and/or infect families and teachers. This is a social, economic and political crisis that is about to unfold across the country.

Office and commercial real estate markets will crash now through 2021 and possibly longer. Manufacturing real estate might well be strong.The office collapse is already starting. Numerous companies have already stated that all, the majority, or significant percentages of employees will be working from homepermanently. In the several conversations I have had with companies that have largely white-collar work forces, I have yet to find one that has more than 10% of employees wanting to come back to office work. This will lead to lease negotiations, cancellations, and non-renewals. The demand for office space has collapsed and this market therefore will have far more supply than demand. Look for dark office buildings in urban centers. There will be no leveling off until the majority of Americans have been vaccinated. However, the new habits, productivity and huge cost savings of enterprise working from home will have been made by then.

Commercial and retail real estate will be the same. Along with other forecasters I have stated that more than 25-30% of all restaurants, bars and coffee shops open in January of this year will close in the U.S. In addition, there will be almost the same percentages of non-restaurant retail stores closing. This means that it will be hard to walk down any shopping street or visit any mall in the US and not see lots of vacant retail spaces. A real tragedy to small business owners, but large chains will close and declare bankruptcy as well.

Industrial real estate will be strong. This is because of the embarrassing realization by the U.S. that so much of our critical manufacturing products such as PPE for medical workers and citizens is made overseas, largely in China. Now that we are in an escalating economic war with China, it is necessary to bring manufacturing back.

Residential real estate will be a mixed bag. By the end of summer, all the pent-up demand from lock-down will have run its course and nationally this market will be flat. Low interest rates aside, too much loss of wealth, unemployment and exhausted savings will be a big drag. The default on mortgages will increase and the evictions of renters will increase.Right now, there is a flight from urban areas due to perceptions of higher probability of infection due to density. I dont think this will last past 2021, but I dont really know.

I conclude by saying that our local, national and global economies are all depressed and unfortunately some parts of them may never fully come back to the way they were last year. Hug the ones you love and readjust what is important in your lives.

Sarasota resident David Houle is a globally recognized futurist. He has given speeches on six continents, written seven books and is futurist in residence at the Ringling College of Art + Design. His website is Email him at

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THE FUTURIST: Taking stock with national and global forecasts - Sarasota Herald-Tribune

Be More Da Vinci: Why Data Scientists Should Be Working with Designers, Futurists and Business Executives – insideBIGDATA

In this special guest feature, Michael Kanazawa, EY Global Innovation Realized Leader and EY Americas Advisory Growth Strategy Leader, discusses why data scientists and engineers should be working with designers, futurists, and business executives. With over 20 years of strategy and innovation experience, Michael is seasoned in developing corporate strategy and transformation as well as in building businesses both within global corporations and as an entrepreneur. He earned an MBA from the University of Southern California, and BA in Economics and Mathematics from the University of California at Santa Barbara.

Mathematician or artist? Right now, weve built a way of living, educating and working that says youre either one or the other. Yet, in fact, this way of viewing the world is both myopic and inaccurate. After all, look at Leonardo Da Vinci, not only among historys greatest artists but one of its foremost scientific thinkers and inventors too.

As a business, viewing your workforce in these black and white terms is also increasingly dangerous. Sure, not many of us are a Da Vinci but we all have skills that straddle both art and science individually and, perhaps more importantly, collectively. For organizations, maximizing these diverse capabilities by combining human-centered designers, data scientists, futurists, and business executives is the way to lead the future. Failing to do so risks being consigned to the past.

Deterministic thinking

Before we consider why, lets remind ourselves of two of big datas most common misconceptions. First, that its a vast sea, with information disparately spread out just below the surface. Its not, its a well. A deep pool, the further down which we go, the richer the patterns, connections and insights we uncover. Second, the more data we have, the more insightful well be. Not necessarily. Often, having a vast amount of information can be overwhelming, making it harder, not easier to find the answers were looking for.

Yet theres a third, more systemic issue at play here too. Currently, organizations tend to forecast using a deterministic mathematical model developed by ancient Greek philosophers. This essentially involves making precise predictions based on historical information and known relationships before searching the data for evidence that confirms them.

The problem is, this leaves no room for random variation or finding unanticipated futures. No opportunity to uncover deeper shifts in underlying patterns within the surface patterns we can see or identify connections that werent previously apparent. As a result, a whole heap of possible insights go to waste.

See what youre not seeing

The real state-of-the-art, therefore, comes in employing tools such as AI, neural networks and deep learning to go further, faster. To show us what were not seeing, rather than confirm what were expecting to see. To take information from inside and outside our organization. And do it all in real time.

By doing so, businesses can get to know consumers as individuals then use that knowledge to generate new value and better outcomes for customers. Imagine, for example, an online retailer combining what it already knows about a customers buying patterns perhaps theyve previously paid a premium for more sustainable products with external data that tells it that same customer is about to give birth to their first child. Armed with this previously unknown connection, the retailer can target them with relevant marketing around sustainable baby wipes and diapers. The offer and products are introduced just at the right time, in the right way, to the exact right customer.

Beyond technology

But wheres the employee and talent story for companies here? After all, the potential of these technologies in helping them make better, more data-driven decisions, has long been clear. Why does it mean business leaders should be teaming up data scientists, designers and futurists?

Answer: Da Vinci.

As the scientific part of your teams collective brain, data science engineers can find the quickest route into the data. Meanwhile, the designers are the artists; the creators of new products and services that deliver what customers want. Yet Da Vincis success was not just down to his brilliance as a polymath or skill with a paintbrush; it hinged on his ability to view problems differently. To follow paths that no-one had thought to follow before. Thats where futurists come in.

They have the ability to look at things in new ways and, as result, find new things. Rather than simply consider an historical datasets picture of the past, they will consider what human behavior, life and business is going to be like further down the line then take cues from the data to see patterns unfolding that dont exist yet and build a more accurate profiles of individuals habits in the future. This diversity of thought and problem solving that was within Da Vincis personal experience is what we need to build as individual leaders and across blended teams in this new world.

Personalized and profitable

The value of this is considerable. It enables firms to take their understanding of customers to the next level and create products and services that are personalized to their future needs, not just their current ones.

Already, were seeing a new breed of businesses who understand this, pairing up their data scientists, designers and business decision-makers with the free-thinking approach of futurists. This, in turn, is letting them get ahead of competitors in forecasting and meeting the evolving requirements of customers and, ultimately, boost profitability.

COVID-19 has simply served to accelerate our progress along this curve, showing us how quickly things can change and providing a real existential threat to firms who continue to rely on more traditional operating models. Having the right data and technology is no longer enough; you must also have a team diverse enough to interpret and act upon it. Its time to be more Da Vinci.

The views reflected in this article are the views of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the global EY organization or its member firms.

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Be More Da Vinci: Why Data Scientists Should Be Working with Designers, Futurists and Business Executives - insideBIGDATA

Volvo CE Engages Futurists to Explore Ideas and Possible New Directions – Rental Equipment Register

Volvo CE has unveiled a new project that furthers its efforts in Building Tomorrow. The company has partnered with professional futurists to gather their forecasts for the industries that Volvo CEs customers work in, including construction, agriculture, mining and infrastructure. The company has also partnered with students from the Columbia College of Hollywood to animate these visions of the future.

Futurists forecast the coming trends in science, technology and business. They help companies understand how the innovations of today will impact the industries of the future. Volvo CE recently engaged David Zach and Glen Hiemstra known for their work with dozens of innovative fortune 500 companies to provide expert forecasts on where various industries may be headed.

In order to build tomorrow, that means having a good sense of what tomorrow may look like, said Stephen Roy, senior vice president for the Americas, Volvo CE. While no one can be 100-percent certain about what the future has in store, these professional futurists can give us an educated guess based on the research, science and economic trends we see today. We asked students from the Columbia College of Hollywood to animate some of these forecasts so that we have a vision of the possible future from those young persons who will soon inhabit it.

Presented below are a sample of the forecasts for each industry:

Road Infrastructure

Nanotechnology will enable roadways to be built from more resilient glass-like materials.

Photogenic cells along roadways will capture solar energy for transporting to local power grids.

Self-healing epoxies will enable bridges and other metal structures to heal themselves from damage.

Roadways will have embedded censors that provide road, weather and traffic conditions.

Autonomous equipment that is fully electric and emissions free will handle duty-cycle work.

Sensors in construction equipment will provide data for predictive analytics and increase uptime.


Buildings of all sizes will be increasingly modular, utilizing more prefabricated elements.

Entire rooms and their furnishings will be built in a specialized location, then installed at the job.

Flying drones will monitor construction on job sites, reporting critical data and visualizations.

Rolling drones will travel up and down building shafts and behind walls to take readings.

New paint polymers will improve air quality while wall sensors monitor for chemicals, smoke and fire.

Entire neighborhoods will be 3D printed, then completed with prefabricated elements.

Waste management and recycling

Companies will have more responsibility over the entire lifecycles of their products and the materials used to make them, creating a more circular economy.

Vehicles that collect waste and recycling will be fully electric, reducing emissions and noise.

Waste and recycling bins will become autonomous, driving themselves to collection points.

Robots will use artificial intelligence to separate materials, eating some of them for energy.

The gamification of the industry will lead the work to become more scientific and videogame like.

Machines that accept recyclables will show what those materials will be used for in the future.


Vertical skyfarms near cities will boost the amount of food that can be grown on a single piece of land.

These indoor farms with multiple stories give the ability to control weather, irrigation and pests.

Plants on all farms will be tagged with RFID and sensors to control nutrient and water intake.

Autonomous electric construction equipment will help prepare lands and transport harvests.

Robots that use artificial intelligence will pick crops and sort them for either human use or composting.

Halophytes, crops grown in saltwater, will help tackle freshwater shortages around the globe.


Autonomous and remote-controlled equipment will remove humans from dangerous situations.

Humans will control mining equipment from remote locations via simulators that give tactile feedback.

Automated, fully electric machines will handle repetitive duty-cycle work with no emissions.

With programmed, autonomous machines, mining operations will work around the clock.

Robots will move in to pick materials from mine shafts and use artificial intelligence to sort them.

We will increasingly extract materials from the ocean, asteroids and other planets.

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Volvo CE Engages Futurists to Explore Ideas and Possible New Directions - Rental Equipment Register

Astronomers May Have Found a Star That’s Just 33 Years Old – Futurism

A team of astronomers have observed what they believe to be a neutron star being born following a supernova first detected in 1987, in a satellite galaxy of the Milky Way 170,000 light-years from Earth, dubbed SN 1987A.

Until now, astronomers werent sure if the neutron star survived the powerful event and didnt just collapse in on itself to form a black hole but a new paper published last week in The Astrophysical Journal suggests that it may have survived after all.

That means the neutron star would bea millennial, no older than 33.

If confirmed, it would be the youngest neutron star known to mankind, as Astronomy reports. To date, the youngest supernova remnant is the 330 years old Cassiopeia A, about 11,000 light-years away from Earth inside the Milky Way.

Analyzing high-resolution imagery from the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA) in Chile, a team of astronomers was able to get a closer look at what was left behind following SN 1987A.

They found a hot blob inside the core of the supernova, likely a gas cloud shrouding the neutron star. The star itselfwould be far too small to be detected directly, as its extremely small and dense the mass of 1.4 times the Sun inside a sphere thats only 15 miles across.

We were very surprised to see this warm blob made by a thick cloud of dust in the supernova remnant, Mikako Matsuura from Cardiff University who made the discovery with ALMA, said in a statement.

The discovery by the ALMA team supports the new theoretical study published last week.

There has to be something in the cloud that has heated up the dust and which makes it shine. Thats why we suggested that there is a neutron star hiding inside the dust cloud, Matsuura added.

In spite of the supreme complexity of a supernova explosion and the extreme conditions reigning in the interior of a neutron star, the detection of a warm blob of dust is a confirmation of several predictions, lead author Dany Page, astrophysicist at the National Autonomous University of Mexico, explained in the statement.

According to computer models, the neutron star would have been sent screaming through space at hundreds of kilometers per second. The location where the ALMA team found it is exactly where it would be today, according to the models.

The theoretical star was also found to be extremely bright, in large part thanks to its hypothesized temperature of around five million degrees Celsius.

It will take time until the existence of the star can be confirmed. The dust and gas around the supernova need to subside further for astronomers to say with any certainty that the extremely young star really exists.

READ MORE: Hot blob points to a neutron star lurking in Supernova 1987A [Astronomy]

More on neutron stars: Astronomers Watch Neutron Star Charge Up Before Huge X-Ray Blast

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Astronomers May Have Found a Star That's Just 33 Years Old - Futurism

Air Force One’s Successor Could Go 5x the Speed of Sound – Futurism


A coming iteration of Air Force One, the high tech plane reserved for shuttling the President of the United States around the world, may be able to reach nauseatingly-fast speeds up to Mach 5.

The U.S. Air Force just awarded a contract to the aerospace startup Hermeus, Business Insider reports, which calls for the first hypersonic version of Air Force One. The company already has a prototype engine built and tested, and now its just a matter of building the rest of the plane.

Hermeus has been working on its hypersonic engine for over a year and completed tests in March, Business Insider reports. But now that it has this Air Force contract, it will need to make sure that its Mach 5 plane also meets certain rigorous standards.

Hermeus thinks it can all be done with existing technology.

We want to do engineering, not science, COO Skyler Shuford told Ars Technica last year.

For better or worse, Hermeus hypersonic Air Force One is at least ten years down the road, Business Insider reports. Boeing is already set to deliver the next Air Force One in 2021, and Hermeus model would serve as that planes eventual replacement.

That means that unless American democracy utterly collapses, well never get to see what Mach 5 would do to President Trumps notoriously unusual hairstyle.

READ MORE: An aerospace startup just won a contract to develop an Air Force One jet that can travel at Mach 5. Heres an early look at the engine that could rocket from New York to Paris in 90 minutes. [Business Insider]

More on Hermeus: Blazing Supersonic Plane Could Zoom From NY to Paris in 90 Min

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Air Force One's Successor Could Go 5x the Speed of Sound - Futurism

CERN Says the Higgs Boson Did Something Unexpected – Futurism

Breaking Up

Scientists at CERN just saw the Higgs boson do something odd as it decayed, it appeared to break down into an unexpected combination of particles.

This is the first time that they saw the Higgs boson the particle believed to grant mass to other elementary particles break down into a pair of muons, according to research shared this week at a high energy physics conference. The discovery further reinforces the Standard Model of physics, which has long been challenged by new particle discoveries.

One of the best ways for physicists to study the Higgs boson is to observe how it dies. Typically, theyve seen it decay into comparatively-heavy particles, but muons are far lighter and interact less with the field given off by the Higgs boson.

[Our CERN team] is proud to have achieved this sensitivity to the decay of Higgs bosons to muons, and to show the first experimental evidence for this process, CERN spokesperson Roberto Carlin said in a press release.

Muons are second-generation particles. While atoms are made of first-generation particles like electrons, higher-generations only exist in high-energy environments like a particle physics lab and quickly decay. This is the first time scientists have seen the Higgs boson interact with any second-generation particles.

The Higgs boson seems to interact also with second-generation particles in agreement with the prediction of the Standard Model, a result that will be further refined with the data we expect to collect in the next run, Carlin said.

READ MORE: CERN experiments announce first indications of a rare Higgs boson process [CERN]

More on the Higgs boson: CERN Scientist on What Physicists Have Left to Discover After Higgs Boson

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CERN Says the Higgs Boson Did Something Unexpected - Futurism

Zapping the Brain Improved Language Learning Abilities by 13% – Futurism

In a new study published in the journal Science of Learning, researchers showed that small amounts of electrical stimulation through specially designed ear pieces improved the adult participants abilities to recognize foreign language tones an effect that lasted after the stimulation was halted.

Humans are excellent perceptual learners, the papers introduction reads. Yet, a notable and well-documented exception is the acquisition of non-native speech categories in adulthood.

By stimulating the vagus nerve using the ear pieces, the group was better able to better identify and distinguish between four different Mandarin tones, as Inverse reports.

Thats impressive, because differentiating between those four common tones is extremely hard for native English speakers who are not used to tonal languages.

Overall, they saw an improvement of 13 percent in distinguishing an easier-to-tell-apart pair of Mandarin tones when compared to those who didnt receive brain stimulation although the effect was almost imperceptible more difficult tones.

Showing that non-invasive peripheral nerve stimulation can make language learning easier potentially opens the door to improving cognitive performance across a wide range of domains, Fernando Llanos, a postdoc researcher at the University of Pittsburgs Sound Brain Lab and lead author on the study, said in a statement.

The same effect could be generalized to learning sound patterns of other languages according to the researchers.

In general, people tend to get discouraged by how hard language learning can be, but if you could give someone 13 percent to 15 percent better results after their first session, maybe theyd be more likely to want to continue, said Matthew Leonard, an assistant professor of neurological surgery at the University of California, San Francisco and co-author of the study.

The researchers are now investigating if extending the learning sessions with stimulation could enhance the effect forthe more-difficult-to-distinguish tones.

Similar brain stimulation of the same area, the vagus nerve, has been used to treat epilepsy in the past and is now the subject of other studies investigating whether it could help treat depression or even inflammatory diseases.

However, these treatments tend to be far more invasive when compared to the non-invasive ear pieces used during this particular study.

Were showing robust learning effects in a completely non-invasive and safe way, which potentially makes the technology scalable to a broader array of consumer and medical applications, such as rehabilitation after stroke, senior author Bharath Chandrasekaran, professor and vice chair of research at the University of Pittsburgh School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences, said in the statement.

READ MORE: Scientists Discover Brain Hack That Improves Language Abilities By 13 Percent [Inverse]

More on brain stimulation: Elon Musk: Neuralink Will Do Human Brain Implant in Less Than a Year

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Zapping the Brain Improved Language Learning Abilities by 13% - Futurism

A Poisonous Tsunami Is Screaming Across the Surface of Venus – Futurism

Astronomers have discovered that a gigantic wall of poisonous clouds is sweeping across the surface of Venus every few days and has been doing so for decades, ScienceAlertreports. Its so massive, in fact, it reaches far beyond the planets equator to both the north and south mid latitudes at altitudes of around 50 kilometers.

If this happened on Earth, this would be a frontal surface at the scale of the planet, said astrophysicist Pedro Machado at the Institute of Astrophysics and Space Sciences in Portugal, co-author of a paper about the research published in the journal Geophysical Research Letters in May, in a statement. And thats incredible.

The study, led by the Japanese space agency JAXA, suggests this wave has been traveling around Venus since at least 1983 at about 328 kilometers per hour.

Venus is kept at a blistering 465 degrees Celsius near the region where these cloud patterns were observed thanks to an extreme greenhouse effect. Most of Venuss atmosphere is made up of carbon dioxide with sulfuric acid raining down from the skies.

Yet many other aspects of Venuss atmosphere remain a mystery and the observation of this massive wave could could help build a fuller understanding in the future.

We would have finally found a wave transporting momentum and energy from the deep atmosphere and dissipating before arriving at the top of the clouds, explained Javier Peralta, an astrophysicist at JAXA and lead author of the study, in the statement.

It would therefore be depositing momentum precisely at the level where we observe the fastest winds of the so-called atmospheric super-rotation of Venus, whose mechanisms have been a long-time mystery, he added.

The exact mechanisms of this tidal wave are still not entirely understood. Its an entirely new meteorological phenomenon, according to the researchers, that has never been seen on anyother planet.

READ MORE: An Epic, Planet-Scale Wave Has Been Hiding in The Toxic Clouds of Venus For Decades [ScienceAlert]

More on Venus: NASA Venus Rover Designed For Exploring Hell

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A Poisonous Tsunami Is Screaming Across the Surface of Venus - Futurism

Scientists Are Using The Moon as a Giant Mirror to Search For Aliens – Futurism

Moon Mirror

Astronomers have a new trick in the hunt for habitable exoplanets, and it involves using the Moon as a gigantic mirror.

Basically, NASA and ESA scientists used the Hubble Space Telescope to capture light that reflected off the Moon after it had traveled through the Earths atmosphere, reports. By studying that reflection of our habitable atmosphere, the scientists suspect they could search for the same chemical signatures in distant exoplanets, indicating the possibility of alien life.

Typically, when scientists use the term Earth-like exoplanet, theyre referring to a world thats rocky, roughly the same size as our own, and about the right distance from its host star to have a livable temperature. But its much harder to tell if these exoplanets actually have atmospheres or are otherwise remotely hospitable.

One of NASAs major goals is to identify planets that could support life, Hubble scientist Allison Youngblood said in a press release. But how would we know a habitable or an uninhabited planet if we saw one?

Thats why Youngbloods study, published Thursday in The Astronomical Journal, is so important.

This particular study measured the amount of ozone in the Earths atmosphere. Spotting that same chemical signature emanating from an exoplanet would suggest that it may have an oxygen-rich and UV-blocking atmosphere just like ours.

READ MORE: Scientists use moon as a mirror to study Earth during lunar eclipse []

More on exoplanets: Scientists Find the Most Earth-Like Exoplanet Ever And Its Nearby

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Scientists Are Using The Moon as a Giant Mirror to Search For Aliens - Futurism