7 Foods That Are High in Magnesium – Health Essentials from Cleveland Clinic

From the first cereal commercial you see as a kid, you learn that you need vitamins and minerals in abundance. Like magnesium, for one. Your body needs it to function correctly, says registered dietitian Anna Taylor, RD.

Cleveland Clinic is a non-profit academic medical center. Advertising on our site helps support our mission. We do not endorse non-Cleveland Clinic products or services.Policy

Heres how to know if youre getting enough and what to eat to keep your levels up.

Magnesium is a real heavy hitter, Taylor says. Its necessary for more than 300 enzymatic processes in the body, including:

The problem is, many people dont get enough, forcing the body to compensate.

When your magnesium levels are down, your body filters out less magnesium than normal to keep adequate levels in your body, Taylor says. But thats not a great long-term strategy.

Its usually not a problem if you have days here and there where you dont get enough magnesium. But an ongoing lack of it in your diet can lead to magnesium deficiency.

Certain conditions (and some medications) can also make it harder for your body to have adequate magnesium levels. These conditions include:

Early signs of magnesium deficiency include:

As magnesium deficiency gets worse, other symptoms may occur, including:

To get enough magnesium in your diet, experts recommend:

But before you pull out the calculator, Taylor has some advice: I rarely recommend people tally up magnesium or other vital nutrients, she says. Its tedious, difficult and ungainly. Instead, make sure to include a variety of fiber-rich plant foods in your diet every day.

Here are Taylors top picks.

Tap, mineral and bottled waters can be magnesium sources but its difficult to know how much magnesium they contain because it depends on the water source, Taylor says. Its anywhere from 1 milligram per liter to 120 milligrams per liter.

So, if you drink the recommended two liters of water per day, that could be up to 240 milligrams of magnesium.

To reach the recommended amounts, Taylor recommends eating:

Magnesium supplements can be helpful if a doctor determines that you have a magnesium deficiency. But if you have no major health problems, Taylor says you should get magnesium from your diet.

Food first is my mantra, she says. If you take a dietary supplement for magnesium and take too much, youre going to get some uncomfortable side effects, such as cramping, diarrhea and nausea.

Eating magnesium-rich foods also gives you more nutritional bang for your buck. Youre not just getting magnesium from these foods youre also getting so many fantastic nutrients, such as vitamins, other minerals and phytonutrients, she says. Phytonutrients are plant compounds that are antioxidants, immunity boosters, anti-cancer agents and anti-inflammatories.

Read the original:

7 Foods That Are High in Magnesium - Health Essentials from Cleveland Clinic

The Laws And Regulations On Hemp CBD In All 50 States – The Fresh Toast

The 2018 Farm Bill removed hemp from the Controlled Substances Act did not affect or modify the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (FDCA) or the Food and Drug Administrations (FDA) ability to promulgate regulations and guidelines that relate to hemp under. The FDA regulates a wide variety of medical and consumer products sold in the United States including food, drugs, dietary supplements, medical devices, cosmetics, and tobacco products.

The FDA has approved of the use of CBD in the prescription drugEpidiolex. As a result, the FDA has indicated in press releases, enforcement letters, and its website that Hemp CBD cannot be used in foods, beverages, or dietary supplements. This is because under the FDCA, any article that is investigated as a new drug cannot be used in food, beverages, or dietary supplements, unless the article was widely marketed in those products prior to the drug investigation.

In addition, the FDA has taken a hard line against Hemp CBD in unapproved drugs. The FDA determines whether something is a drug based on its intended use, and determines a products intended use, in turn, based on how it is marketed. If a manufacturer or distributor makes any type ofhealth claim(CBD cures cancer or CBD may treat inflammation) or human structure claim (CBD may increase levels of calcium in bones) about a product that the FDA has not investigated and approved as a drug, the FDA will consider it a drug. Foods, ingredients in foods, drugs, and dietary supplements are all subject to premarket FDA approval.

RELATED: Federal Policy On Hemp CBD Is Taking Shape: What Needs To Be Addressed?

The FDA also regulates tobacco and nicotine tightly but does not have clear regulatory authority ofsmokable hemp products, such as dried flower, e-liquid and vape pens. Thats because generally, these products dont contain any tobacco or nicotine. To clarify, the FDA likely could have regulatory authority over these products, but it hasnt established a clear jurisdictional hook.

Though the FDA is a federal agency, its policies have a significant impact on the states. Some states have aligned themselves with the FDAs position. Others have taken a more permissive approach. Many states have provided little to no guidance on the subject of Hemp CBD.

Almost 90 years ago, in 1932, Supreme Court JusticeLouis Brandeiswrote a dissenting opinion inNew State Ice Co. v Liebmann, which contained this timeless passage:

To stay experimentation in things social and economic is a grave responsibility. Denial of the right to experiment may be fraught with serious consequences to the nation. It is one of the happy incidents of the federal system that a single courageous State may, if its citizens choose, serve as a laboratory; and try novel social and economic experiments without risk to the rest of the country.

This concept of states as laboratories of democracy remains a happy incident of our federal system to this day. States can experiment with their own laws without subjecting the citizens of other states to the related risks (or, including them in the upside).

Photo by TinaKru via Pixabay

Experiments are complicated and require close observation. That can be tough when you have 50 laboratories of democracy all operating at once. Over the past few years, states have been experimenting with how to regulate products containing Hemp CBD. This has resulted in a complex system of inconsistent policies on Hemp CBD. For businesses that are distributing Hemp CBD products across the country, it seems that these laboratories of democracy have created a logistical monster.

RELATED: The Latest Report From The FDA Shows How Poorly It Has Handled CBD

Our attorneys have watched this play out in real-time and in doing so, developed a method to track how each of the fifty states treat Hemp CBD. Our approach is to answer the following questions for each state:

Guided by these seven questions, we developed a Hemp CBD risk matrix that covers all fifty states and is updated each month by a team of Harris Bricken attorneys. We look at each of the seven questions for every state and update the risk matrix accordingly.ClickHEREto download a sample of the risk matrix.

The matrix provides a snapshot of each states laws, regulations, and policies regarding Hemp CBD products. By simply updating a website or issuing a memorandum, a state regulator can totally change the legal landscape for Hemp CBD products overnight. In addition, both the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) are actively working on regulations and policies that could impact the states.

The risk matrix can help your business with the following:

If you are interested in purchasing the Hemp CBD Risk Matrix, you can do so entirely online through thispage. You can also email me directly at daniel@harrisbricken.com to learn more about the risk matrix.

In addition, below are links to each post from our Hemp CBD Across State Lines series which covered each of the 50 states, as well as certain U.S. territories and Tribes. Unlike the risk matrix, which is updated monthly, these posts may be out of date due to the fast-changing nature of this industry.

States, Territories and Tribes

Daniel Shortt is an attorney atHarris Bricken. This article was originally publishedon theCanna Law Blog and has been reposted with permission.

See the rest here:

The Laws And Regulations On Hemp CBD In All 50 States - The Fresh Toast

The role of functional food and beverage in the era of COVID-19 – SmartBrief

Prior to the novel coronavirus pandemic, Americans were already feeling anxious and stressed. The Hartman Groups Health + Wellness 2019: From Mindfulness to Moderation report highlighted rising anxiety as a primary health issue facing consumers. Now, with more than half of 2020 behind us and with the ongoing pandemic fear of contagion adding fuel to the ever-increasing stress of daily life, it is not surprising that the issue of anxiety continues to be prominent. Routine activities such as work, shopping, dining out, and childcare have all been disrupted contributing to a national mood that feels generally fearful and uncertain.

Realizing that the resulting anxiety along with stay-at-home orders would have impacts on household routines and the pandemics role as a catalyst for engagement with health and wellness, The Hartman Group fielded a new study that coincided with the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Our Functional Food & Beverage and Supplements 2020 report finds that 89% of those aware of the pandemic cited disruption to their household. These disruptions and concerns are prompting reconfiguration and re-examination of daily routines.

Most households are seeing significant change to their shopping, cooking, and eating routines. To boost immunity and overall health and wellness within the COVID-19 pandemic, consumers are increasingly seeking out functional food and beverage products that they believe might aid in the bodys defenses.

Engaging in comfort food consumption for emotional well-being, consumers are also proactively stocking pantries for physical health.

Our Functional Food & Beverage and Supplements 2020 report finds that almost a third of consumers say theyre consuming more supplements (31%), functional foods or functional beverages (29%). This can take the form of adopting entirely new solutions or rededicating oneself to regular use of familiar ones.

According to the report, at least half of adult consumers claim to use functional food (58%) or beverage (56%) solutions to treat or prevent a specific condition, including general prevention efforts. They tend to look to food for help with energy, weight management, digestion, and cardiovascular conditions. Beverages are used, not surprisingly, for hydrationbut also for energy, bone and joint health, and immunity.

It is estimated that almost 90% of adult consumers today look for functional benefits in their food, beverages, and, of course, supplements. Supplements are more traditionally and transparently functional, with claims around benefits and potency explicitly linking their ingredients to desired outcomes. The food and beverage space is a bit cloudier, as it encompasses both inherent and enhanced or fortified versions of products. But even the lines between supplements and functional foods/beverages are blurring, as some supplement formats (such as powders and syrups) are added to food and beverages.

These efforts to address mental and physical health reflect holistic notions of health and wellness, and consumer desire for empowerment and resilience. As one Millennial consumer told us:

This coronavirus has made me a lot more diligent about my health routinemaking sure I take my supplementson top of probiotics, getting those fermented foods in my diet, making sure I'm taking that multivitamin every day...

We have witnessed consumers during this era of coronavirus stocking up for health. A Boomer put it to us this way:

Due to COVID, I stock up on oatmeal, sardines, tuna, nuts, dried seaweed and Emergen-C drink.

The cultural spotlight has swung far away from a desire for products produced artificially and we find consumers increasingly embracing proactive wellness lifestyles, with health paradigms shifting toward "knowing thyself" through feeling well, resting, exercising, acting preventatively and above all, eating fresh, less processed, and what they view as, "good food." The consumption of "good foods" (and beverages) is an especially important part of understanding what's functional today, since consumers increasingly see foods and beverages as the foundation of wellness and consequently are seeking whole forms that are inherently nutritious.

In the days ahead, consumers will continue to expand their interest in positive nutrition with consequent focus on the inherent nutritional characteristics of unadulterated foods and beverages that cue fresh and less processed. At the same time, consumers are open to dietary and nutritional techniques to prevent or manage a wide range of health conditions but need help and expertise.

Consumers will be trying to understand more about how specific foods or beverages used to manage a health condition might be combined with pharmaceutical interventions (if needed). Successful products will call out functional, real, food ingredients that consumers associate with inherent health rather than scientific creation.

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As CEO of The Hartman Group, Demeritt drives the vision, strategy, operations and results-oriented culture for the company's associates as The Hartman Group furthers its offerings of tactical thinking, consumer and market intelligence, cultural competency and innovative intellectual capital to a global marketplace.


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Read the original:

The role of functional food and beverage in the era of COVID-19 - SmartBrief

The Connection Between Omega 3 Fatty Acids and Inflammation – One Green Planet

While all of the omegas offer health benefits, as well as drawbacks, omega-3 fatty acids have received most of the attention lately.

Why are omega-3 fatty acids important?

Studies have illuminated an incredibly important connection between omega-3 fatty acids and overall health, specifically their effects on reducing chronic inflammation. A variety of clinical trials have also shown beneficial anti-inflammatory effects in patients taking omega-3 supplements.

With that said, there are a few different forms of omega-3 fatty acids and only one of them can be sourced fully from plant-based foods called alpha-linolenic acid (ALA). The ALA form of omega-3 fatty acids doesnt have that same powerful inflammation-alleviating effect as the other two forms.

Of course, plant-based eaters are not at a loss!

Lets take a closer look at omega-3 fatty acids, their relationship to inflammation, and how to go about getting adequate amounts in a plant-based diet.


Omega-3 fatty acids are part of an entire family of essential fatty acids that play important roles in your body. They are labeledessentialdue to the fact that your body cant necessarily produce them, therefore you have to get Omega-3s from your diet.

I say necessarily because theres a bit of a caveat to that based on thetypeof omega-3 fatty acid youre talking about.

Yep, as I mention in most of my posts its never simple, theres another layer to the omega-3 puzzle!

If you break down omega-3 fatty acids further, youll discover three different types: alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA). While ALA is a straight forward essential fatty acid, meaning that your body cant make it, certain forms of this omega-3 fatty acid can actually be convertedby your bodyinto EPA and then to DHA, but only in very small amounts.

This is where a lot of misinformation gets thrown around.

Even though your body is able to convert ALA into the other two forms of omega-3 fatty acids, its not quite enough to get adequate levels. Therefore, in order to get EPA and DHA in appropriate amounts, its recommended to turn to either food sources of dietary supplement form depending on your diet.

When you hear about obtaining omega-3 fatty acids from food, theyre referring to alpha-linolenic acid (ALA). This is the most common omega-3 fatty acid in your diet and is used by your body for energy. As mentioned, ALA is also converted into the biologically active forms of EPA and DHA.

Alpha-linolenic acid is found in plant-based foods such as flax seeds, flaxseed oil, canola oil, chia seeds, walnuts, hemp seeds, and soybeans.

Eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) may be the most difficult form of omega-3 fatty acid for plant-based eaters to find as its found in animal products, such as fatty fish and fish oil. With that said, there are vegan-based supplements that source EPA from microalgae, which is the only plant-based source of this form of omega-3 fatty acids.

While EPA has a variety of roles in the body, part of it is converted into Docosahexaenoic Acid (DHA), which happens to be the most important of the omega-3 fatty acids.

Why is docosahexaenoic Acid (DHA) the most important of the omega-3 fatty acids? Turns out that this form is a key structural component of your brain, the retina of your eyes, and numerous other body parts. Similarly to EPA, DHA is found in animal products such as fatty fish and fish oil as well as meat, eggs, and dairy from grass-fed animals.

Yet, much like EPA, DHA can be sourced from microalgae supplements.


Lots of attention has been shown on omega-3 fatty acids lately due to the fact that recent research has illuminated a wide variety of impressive health benefits that come along with getting the appropriate amounts of this nutrient.

Omega-3 fatty acids have been linked to reduced depression, anxiety, and childhood specific-ADHD symptoms, better eye health, increased brain health during pregnancy and better brain function in early life, improved risk factors for heart disease, reduced metabolic syndrome symptoms, aids with autoimmune diseases, fights cancer, reduces the risk of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, improves bone and joint health, may improve sleep, and has been shown to help fight age-related mental decline and cognitive issues.

On top of that, omega-3 fatty acids have been linked to reduced chronic inflammation, which is a bodily state that has been linked to a slew of serious health conditions and diseases. Its this link to inflammation that has many researchers curious as to the lengths that omega-3 fatty acids can be used as an agent for better overall health!


Fighting chronic bodily inflammation is becoming a trend in the health world.

And for good reason!

While inflammation is a natural process where your body fights against things that harm it, such as infections, injuries, and toxins, in an attempt to heal itself, chronic inflammation takes place when this response lingers, leaving your body in a constant state of alert. Recent research has found that chronic inflammation may have a negative impact on your tissues and organs and may even play a role in a range of conditions, from cancer to asthma.

While a plant-based diet, in general, helps to fight chronic inflammation via antioxidants, anti-inflammatory compounds, and a variety of vitamins and minerals, studies have found that omega-3 fatty acids may be a key nutrient in the battle!

Omega-3 fatty acids may reducethe production of molecules and substances linked to inflammation, such as inflammatory eicosanoids and cytokines. Multiple studies have looked at the reaction between omega-3 fatty acid consumption and chronic inflammation, finding a consistent connection between higher omega-3 intake and reduced inflammation.

This has been found true in a variety of observational studies such as this Omega-3 Fatty Acids in Inflammation and Autoimmune Diseasesstudy performed at The Center for Genetics, Nutrition and Health in Washington, DC, this analysis Effect of Marine-Derived n-3 Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids on C-reactive Protein, Interleukin 6 and Tumor Necrosis Factorco-performed at the Department of Food Science and Nutrition and the APCNS Centre of Nutrition and Food Safety in Hangzhou, China, and this randomized controlled trial Omega-3 Supplementation Lowers Inflammation and Anxiety in Medical Students performed at the Institute for Behavioral Medicine Research, Ohio State University College of Medicine in Ohio.

Nested Naturals Vegan Omega-3/Amazon.com

One of the benefits of switching to a plant-based diet is that it naturally helps reduce inflammation. Plant-based foods are loaded with antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, and anti-inflammatory compounds, which are all key dietary ingredients that fight chronic inflammation. While other factors play a huge role such as consuming processed foods and alcohol, drug use, and your level of physical activity and exercise a simple switch to a primarily plant-based diet can do a world of good for reducing bodily inflammation.

Of course, there are always two sides to every coin.

For instance, when switching to a plant-based diet its important to make sure youre getting all the necessary nutrients from those lovely plants. There are a few nutrients that are a bit more difficult to source from plants, including theEPA and DHA forms of omega-3 fatty acids.

Heres where a supplement can help you out!

With that said, before you dive in and start taking a new supplement, make sure to talk it over with your doctor, nutritionist, or dietitian! Every human body is different, therefore take a personalized approach by investing in professionals to help you look at your current levels.

One of the most common reasons to take an omega-3 fatty acid supplement is to make sure youre getting the appropriate omega-3 to omega-6 ratio.

Omega-6 includes polyunsaturated fatty acids, also called PUFAs. This form of omega-6 fatty acid has been linked to a wide variety of health issues including cardiovascular disease, inflammation-stimulated diseases (cancer, arthritis, and nonalcoholic fatty liver disease, to mention a few), increase risk of strokes and obesity, and even some psychiatric disorders.While omega-6 is important for a healthy diet, too much omega-6 in conjunction with too little omega-3 is obviously very damaging.

Currently, its been estimated that the Westernised diet is said to be around a 15 to 1 or 16 to 1 ratio, which means you might be getting only 7 [percent] of the omega 3 you should be.

Implementing a low processed product, high plant-based food diet is one way of reducing omega-6, yet incorporating an omega-3 fatty acid supplement is yet another way to make sure youre getting more of that wonderful omega-3!

There is a slew of health benefits that have been linked to the specific DHA and EPA forms of omega-3 fatty acids including increased cognitive function, healthier eyes, and even better visual acuity!On top of that, EPA has been found to actually inhibit the enzyme delta-5-desaturase (D5D) which is responsible for the production of the omega 6 fatty acid known as arachidonic acid (AA).This means that the more EPA you consume, the less inflammation you may have from excess omega 6.

This also means you dont have to rely on the super complicated and slow process of the natural bodily conversation of ALA to DHA and EPA. While the body will do the work for you, it never hurts to give your body a helping hand every once in a while!

While there are a few studies that show consuming enough ALA from plant-based sources will do the trick of boosting DHA and EPA in the blood, the current government standards are actually hard to meet! Right now the US Department of Health and Human Services says we should be getting around 250 mg of EPA and DHA per day.

For those that are unable to meet that high quantity, having an omega-3 fatty acid supplement handy is a great way to easily make sure youre body is taken care of!


Ive mentioned that getting adequate, balanced doses of all three omega-3 fatty acids ALA, EPA, and DHA is difficult on a plant-based diet, and therefore integrating a trustworthy supplement may be the best bet for strict plant-based eaters.With that said, there are a few plant-based sources of omega-3 fatty acids that also have a slew of other health benefits!

Flaxseeds are one of the most popular sources of both omega-3 fatty acids and dietary fiber for plant-based eaters! These teeny seeds pack a whopping punch of nutrition with one ounce (28 grams) offering 5 grams of protein, 7 grams of dietary fiber, and 6388 mg of omega-3 fatty acids. This is not to mention the levels of vitamins and minerals such as folate, choline, calcium, magnesium, phosphorous, and potassium.

Along with flaxseeds, flaxseed oil is another great source of omega-3 fatty acids!

In fact, flaxseed oil is a more potent and rich extraction which means there are even more omega-3 fatty acids per serving. For instance, in the same serving size, one ounce (28 grams), youll get a 14,925 mg dose of omega-3 fatty acids. With that said, due to the fact that the product has been processed, flaxseed oil offers less of the other nutrients.

Try a few of these flaxseed recipes: Summer Stone Fruit Waffles, Wholegrain Flaxseed and Sesame Crackers, Superfood Biscotti, or this Lentil Loaf with Tomato Glaze.

Chia seeds are not only a staple in a plant-based kitchen, but theyre also a great source of omega-3 fatty acids!

When introduced to a liquid, these minuscule seeds puff up with a gelatinous coating making them perfect for plant-based pudding or as an egg-binder-substitute in a variety of baking recipes. A one-ounce serving (28 grams) offers 4915 mg of omega-3 fatty acids along with a whopping 10 grams of dietary fiber, 4 grams of protein, and moderate doses of calcium, phosphorous, and potassium.

Try a few of these chia seed recipes: Mixed Berry and Tahini Chia Pudding, Peach Poppyseed Overnight Oatmeal, Blueberry Grape Chia Seed Refrigerator Jam, or these Glow Buns Energy Balls.

Nuts, in general, are one of the best sources of healthy fat, dietary fiber, protein, vitamins, and minerals, yet when it comes to getting your daily dose of those omega-3 fatty acids, youll want to focus on walnuts. One cup of chopped walnuts offers 10,623mg of omega-3 fatty acids.

Of course, its not just about the omega 3s!

Alongside those fatty acids, youre also getting a hardy dose of protein (17.8 g), dietary fiber (7.8 g), monounsaturated fat (10.5g), polyunsaturated fat (55.2g), and saturated fat (7.2g), plus a slew of vitamins and minerals primarily vitamin A, choline, calcium, magnesium, phosphorous, and potassium.

Try a few of these walnut based recipes: Chinese Walnut Cookies (also has chia seeds!), Mushroom & Nut Burgers, Creamy Walnut White Sauce Pasta, Fudge Walnut Brownies, or this Potato Salad With Caramelized Onions and Walnuts.

Another great seed to include in your omega-3 fatty acid focused plant-based diet is hemp seed!These teeny seeds are rich in flavor and can be easily added to smoothies, salads, or sprinkled on top of a central dish for an extra oompf of nutrients!An ounce (28 grams) of hemp seeds offers a whopping 6,000 mg of omega-3 fatty acids. Yet, hemp seeds are also a great source of protein, healthy fat, vitamin E, and minerals, manganese, magnesium, phosphorous, zinc, and iron.

Try a few of these hemp seed-based recipes: Crunchy Hemp Coconut Fruit Salad, Vegan Lemon Blueberry Superfood Granola, Kale Walnut Pesto Pasta (also has walnuts!), or this Cherry Hemp Oat Bars.

While soybeans are the most plentiful source of omega-3 fatty acids, they do contain a modest amount. For one cup of cooked soybeans, you get around 637 mg of omega-3 fatty acids.What soybeans may lack in omega-3 fatty acids they provide elsewhere. That same cup of cooked soybeans offers over 22 grams of protein, over 7 grams of dietary fiber, and vitamins, A, C, and folate and minerals calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorous, and potassium.

Try a few of these soybean-based recipes: Homemade Soy Milk, Spicy Coconut Plantain Soy Bean Curry, or this Soybean Noodles in Peanut Butter Spinach Sauce.

Knowing how important Omega-3 fatty acids are, its probably a good idea to learn a bit more about getting these nutrients in your diet! Plus, what about theotheromega fatty acids? Furthermore, what about healthy fat all-around in a well-balanced plant-based diet? Here are a few more resources to get you started!

Wholegrain Flaxseed and Sesame Crackers/One Green Planet

Reducing your meat intake and eating more plant-based foods is known to help withchronic inflammation,heart health,mental wellbeing,fitness goals,nutritional needs,allergies,gut healthandmore!Dairy consumption also has been linked many health problems, includingacne,hormonal imbalance,cancer,prostate cancerand has manyside effects.

For those of you interested in eating more plant-based, we highly recommend downloading theFood Monster App with over 15,000 delicious recipes it is the largest plant-based recipe resource to help reduce your environmental footprint, save animals and get healthy! And, while you are at it, we encourage you to also learn about theenvironmentalandhealth benefitsof aplant-based diet.

Here are some great resources to get you started:

For more Animal, Earth, Life, Vegan Food, Health, and Recipe content published daily, subscribe to theOne Green Planet Newsletter!Lastly, being publicly-funded gives us a greater chance to continue providing you with high quality content. Please considersupporting usby donating!

Follow this link:

The Connection Between Omega 3 Fatty Acids and Inflammation - One Green Planet

How to boost your metabolism naturally: seven workout and diet tips from HIIT and better sleep to spicy food – T3 (US)

If youre aiming to boost your metabolism in order to lose weight and keep it off, exercise is definitely one of the best ways to do it, as well explain here. But there are other ways to speed up metabolism and lose weight in the process. Weve collected seven tips to help boost your metabolism and to kick-start your weightloss journey today. Although please note that while these ways to speed up your metabolism are easy to understand, they do require some effort to carry out.

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A slow metabolism can cause a lot of trouble over time but luckily, you don't have to put yourself through the horrors of intermittent fasting or the keto diet in order to boost metabolism although both those diets have been researched thoroughly and shown to aid weight loss, with the right application.

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An improved rate of metabolism can help you keep weight off, and generally turn you into a healthier and leaner individual. As usual, there's no instant fix to be had here, but being fit and having a faster metabolism quickly become a virtuous circle.

If you want to lose weight, you should consider applying some of the tips below to your daily routine. Who knows, they might help you lose belly fat sooner rather than later.

Fitbit Aria Air Smart Bathroom Scale - White | Sale price 39.99 | Was 49.99 | You save 10 (20%) at AmazonTrack changes in your weight and BMI using the Fitbit Aria Air. All data is fed back to the Fitbit App where you can further analyse all your body metrics using easy-to-understand charts. The Fitbit Aria Air runs on three triple-A batteries and measures weight up to a 180 kilos (that's around 28 and a half stones).View Deal

(Image credit: Getty Images)

Why should you try HIIT workouts? For one, it improves metabolism and burns calories long after you finished with your daily HIIT session, making you a fat-torching machine that's on 24/7. The best thing about HIIT workouts is that they can be done anywhere using any sort of equipment: you can do a full body HIIT workout in the park or even follow the ultimate HIIT workout that uses your bodyweight only (and a skipping rope).

You can also have a HIIT sessions on a treadmill, elliptical trainer or rowing machine but even if you haven't got the best home gym setup, you can do HIIT with cheap fitness equipment still available to buy online. Try to do HIIT workouts in the morning: research reveals what is the best time for exercising for weight loss.

Theragun Elite Percussion Massager | Buy it for 375 at TheragunTheragun deep tissue massagers have an ergonomic handle that lets you apply pressure to all areas of your body with ease. The Elite is also Bluetooth enabled, has an OLED screen and customisable speed range, with a 2 hour battery life. Trust me, if you're just taking up HIIT, you will be glad you bought one.View Deal

(Image credit: Getty Images)

Eating moderately spicy food has lots of benefits and including spicier dishes in your diet can help boost metabolism too. Capsaicin, the chemical that gives chilli peppers their 'hot' taste, is said to help burn more calories and reduce the risk of obesity too. As a 2017 research cites, "epidemiological data revealed that the consumption of foods containing capsaicin was associated with a lower prevalence of obesity" and "dietary red pepper can suppress energy intake and modify macronutrient intake through appetite and satiety regulation".

In another study about capsaicinoids, "it was observed that consumption of capsaicinoids increases energy expenditure by approximately 50 kcal/day, and that this would produce clinically significant levels of weight loss in 1-2 years."

What does this all mean? Spicy food will help regulate your food intake by making you less hungry ("satiety regulation") and it will also help you burn more calories without any exercise. Granted, not many calories, but applying this small change alongside all the other lifestyle tweaks, you can effectively supercharge your metabolism in a sustainable way.

However, don't try to overdo the heat by eating spicy food all the time. As they say, "the dose makes the poison", and eating too much hot food can have an adverse effect on your digestive system.

(Image credit: Puriton)

According to research cited by Healthline, "proteincauses the largest rise in TEF (thermic effect of food). It increases your metabolic rate by 1530%, compared to 510% for carbs and 03% for fats." As Healthline explains, the "thermic effect of food caused by the extra calories required to digest, absorb and process the nutrients in your meal."

Since digesting protein takes more effort from your body, by eating more of it you will basically work out using your metabolic system (we might be exaggerating here). Protein is also essential for muscle repair and recovery, so if you are actively working out, it is recommended to take between 1.6-2 grams of protein per body kilogram per day.

You should source protein from a variety of food stuff like lean meat, nuts, green veg and eggs. Supplementing protein is also popular among athletes: protein powder shakes are probably the most convenient way to get your protein fix on the go but you can also have protein bars or jerky as well as post workout snack.

Fitbit Ionic Fitness Smartwatch | On sale for 181 | Was 249.99 | You save 68.99 at AmazonThe Ionic is Fitbit's most competent fitness smartwatch, or at least the one that's aimed at people who have an active lifestyle. The Ionic has built-in GPS and storage for music, continuous heart rate tracking feature and is compatible with the Fitbit App (of course).View Deal

(Image credit: Getty Images)

As well as increasing your protein intake and reducing bad fats and carbs in your diet, you should also keep an eye out for a good balance of micronutrients, minerals and vitamins. as in the case protein, these micronutrients should be sourced from vegetables, fish, lean meat etc as the natural sources contain other beneficial substances as well, not just synthesised vitamins found in food supplements.

Probiotics can also help improve metabolism and maintain a healthy gut microbiome, essential for well-functioning digestion. In a research paper published in 2013, the researchers concluded that "Probiotics may restore the composition of the gut microbiome and introduce beneficial functions to gut microbial communities, resulting in amelioration or prevention of gut inflammation and other intestinal or systemic disease phenotypes."

B vitamins have also been said to improve metabolism as they play an essential role in metabolising macronutrients efficiently. Good sources of B vitamins include legumes, eggs, lean meat and bananas

Promixx MiiXR X7 Performance Blender | Buy it for 99.99 at AmazonFor the premium price tag, you get a sturdy base with a powerful motor (700w) that blends and shakes everything you add to the mix in seconds. This is a performance blender, after all, and the blades are rotating at an astonishing 20,000 times per minute. You also get two blade attachments, one for blending and the X-Blade for shake mixing as well as two dishwasher-safe Tritan bottles and two leak-proof lids.View Deal

(Image credit: Getty Images)

Everyone likes to sleep in every now and then and we are not suggesting you should wake up super early every day for no reason. Waking up and going to bed roughly at the same time can help your body build a routine which in turn will have a positive effect on your metabolism too. This is especially beneficial for people who otherwise like to hit the snooze button 20 times each morning until they can roll out of bed.

Instead on going cold turkey and wake up much earlier on day one, try moving the wake up time a little bit earlier each day/week until you reached the preferred wake up time. Once you used to the new wake up time, your body will wake up automatically, even without setting an alarm.

It's also beneficial to have food roughly at the same time throughout the day so your metabolic system is at the ready when the food is on its way. Food will be digested more efficiently and quicker too if you stick to an eating schedule. Again, no need to have breakfast 8AM on the dot every morning, but having it around that time will definitely improve metabolism.

Needless to say, eating healthier food stuff can also boost metabolism significantly: fibrous food and plenty of water is key to maintain a healthy gut microbiome.

Withings Sleep Analyzer | Buy it for 119.95 at AmazonIf the idea of wearing a wrist strap all night is unappealing, the Withings Sleep Analyzer is the best sleep tracker solution for you. You slip it under your mattress and plug it in, leaving it to do all the hard work while you sleep unencumbered. Thanks to that, it offers far more advanced sleep tracking than its competitors with an in-depth analysis of your sleep cycles, durations, and any interruptions.View Deal

(Image credit: Getty Images)

This technique may have a very complicated-sounding name Non-Exercise Activity Thermogenesis and a vaguely annoying acronym NEAT but it's actually very simple. NEAT means adjusting how you live your day-to-day life, in order to be more active. You know when exercise experts say, 'Take the stairs, not the lift' and you think, 'Oh yes, good idea,' but then you don't do it? Well NEAT is actually doing things like that.

Like a lot of great ways to get fit, NEAT is perfectly straightforward in principle, but it does require some effort on your part. However the great thing about NEAT for many people is that it specifically does not involve going to the gym or setting aside time for exercise. Although of course, it can also be used as one component of a healthy lifestyle, alongside gym, running, cycling, watching Joe Wicks, etc.

Learn about using NEAT to speed up your metabolism

(Image credit: Getty Images)

Caffeine found in coffee and teas can boost metabolism significantly. Not everyone reacts to caffeine the same way and it is also recommended not to drink too many cups of coffee/caffeinated beverages in a day. Green tea has a lower caffeine content so combining coffee and green tea consumption can have better results.

Drinking more water can also improve metabolism: combine increased water consumption with more fibrous food for the best results.

Excerpt from:

How to boost your metabolism naturally: seven workout and diet tips from HIIT and better sleep to spicy food - T3 (US)

Best supplements: An ingredient loved by the Japanese for its weight loss abilities – Express

Weight loss is not always easy and requires dedication and hard work. There are countless supplements on the market claiming to be the answer to a difficult problem. However, many of these claims are just that just claims. When wanting to find a supplement to help, relying on medical studies often provides better clues to its reliability. According to studies, glaucoma supplements could help you with your weight loss.

What is glucomannan?

Glucomannan is a sugar made from the root of the konjac plant which has been used for centuries in traditional Japanese cooking as a thickener or gelling agent.

It is renowned in Japan and works by creating a sense of fullness in the stomach by absorbing water and expanding it to form a bulky fibre.

Glucomannan comprises 40 percent of the dry weight of the elephant yam, which is originally from Southeast Asia.

It has a long history of use in herbal mixtures and traditional foods including tofu, noodles and konjac jelly.

READ MORE:Best supplements for the brain: The six ingredients proven to protect brain health

How the supplement aids in weight loss?

Glucomannan is a water-soluble dietary fibre and like other soluble fibres, its has an ability to promote weight loss in several ways:

Its low in calories

It takes up space in the stomach to promote a feeling of fullness thereby reducing food intake

It delays stomach emptying, contributing to increased satiety

It reduces the absorption of protein and fat


Glucomannan also feeds the friendly bacteria in the intestines, which turn it into short-chain fatty acids, helping to protect against fat gain in some animal studies.

By feeding the gut bacteria, many positive effects ensue.

Some studies show a correlation between altered gut bacteria and body weight.

Glucomannan differs from most other soluble fibres as its viscous making it an effective supplement for weight loss.

In a study with the US National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health, prebiotic fibre and how it could decrease obesity and improve metabolic syndrome was investigated.

The study noted: Prebiotic fibres are non-digestible carbohydrates that promote the growth of beneficial bacteria in the gut.

We evaluated the dose response to a prebiotic diet on the gut microbiota, body composition and obesity associated risk factors in lean and genetically obese rats.

We propose that prebiotic fibres have promise as a safe and cost-effective means of modulating the gut microbiota to promote improved host: bacterial interactions in obesity and insulin resistance.

Human clinical trials should be undertaken to confirm these effects.

In another study published in the US National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health, weight reduction using fibre supplements such as glucomannan were analysed.

The study noted: One hundred and seventy-six men and women were included to receive either active fibre substance or placebo in randomized placebo-controlled studies.

The fibre supplements consisted of the viscous fibres glucomannan, glucomannan and guar gum and glucomannan, guar gum and alginate.

The study results found that all fibre supplements induced significant weight reduction more than placebo and diet alone, during a five-week observation period.

Its important to consult your GP before embarking on new supplements to help you lose weight.


Best supplements: An ingredient loved by the Japanese for its weight loss abilities - Express

FDA Will Take Its Time on CBD – But Industry Does Not Have to Wait to Get Ready – Lexology

Tell me if youve heard this one before the regulatory issues surrounding CBD will be completely resolved after a certain legislative fix is passed. Remember all of the articles in December 2018 declaring CBD legal after the passage of the 2018 Farm Bill? Dont expect Congress or FDA to wave a magic wand and make all of the current CBD industry practices permissible or adequate. Even if Congress were to sweep away the exclusionary clause as applied to CBD, or FDA engaged in rulemaking to the same effect CBD would still need to go through all of the regulatory hurdles applicable to foods or dietary supplements in order to be lawfully used as an ingredient in either product. Companies intending to market foods or dietary supplements containing CBD should be working right now to address the issues FDA has identified, and working to build the type of robust documentation FDA expects before marketing these products.

Refresher on the Exclusionary Clauses

One of the most pressing FDA regulatory obstacles facing the CBD industry are the so-called exclusionary clauses of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act. In essence, the exclusionary clauses prohibit the use of a substance in a food or dietary supplement if that substance has been the subject of substantial clinical investigations that have been made public, or approved by FDA as a new drug. There are exceptions to the exclusionary clause; however, FDA takes the view it has not to date been provided with information sufficient to change their current position that CBD is prohibited from use in food and dietary supplements under the exclusionary clauses.

FDAs interpretation of the exclusionary clauses as applied to CBD is a legal bar preventing FDA from recognizing or regulating CBD as a food or dietary supplement ingredient; however, these provisions have not prevented the CBD marketplace from flourishing. As a result, the CBD market forged ahead without FDA oversight as part of a premarket authorization review such as the method of manufacture, appropriate specifications, establishment of an acceptable daily intake (ADI), contaminants, labeling, and many other issues. Many states have begun regulating CBD in foods and dietary supplements, but the state by state approach has led to a patchwork of requirements that is challenging for any company trying to market a product nationally.

Even if Congress passes legislation that removes CBD from the exclusionary clause or FDA establishes a regulatory framework for the lawful marketing of CBD as foods or dietary ingredients, it is expected that any such actions would be conditioned on satisfying FDAs premarket requirements to use CBD in foods or dietary supplements. The CBD industry does not have to wait for FDA to say more; there are lessons to learn from FDAs regulation of foods, dietary supplements, cosmetics, new drugs and yes, even tobacco products, that can help shape what CBD companies do now.

Food and Dietary Supplement Regulatory Hurdles Still Remain

For foods and dietary supplement uses of CBD, we know the type of data and information that FDA would expect to support the safety of new food and dietary ingredients. The industry has great success in achieving favorable reviews of GRAS notifications and food additive petitions because the agency expectations on the type of safety data need to support the marketing of the food ingredient are well understood. Companies interested in the CBD market should be working with food and dietary supplement regulatory counsel and consultants now to assess the underlying data and identify potential data gaps. FDA has identified several potential safety concerns with CBD, including liver injury, drug interactions, and male reproductive toxicity. A thoughtfully prepared dossier would address each of these issues and would identify whether additional studies would be warrantedand the type of studies that should be conductedto addressthe agencys concerns. FDA also stated that it needs additional information about cumulative exposure, special populations (children, elderly, pregnant and lactating women, adolescents), as well as the effects of CBD on animals before allowing food or dietary supplement uses of CBD.

FDAs statements suggest that CBD is unlikely to receive special treatment by the agency when being evaluated as a food or dietary supplement ingredient the same type of data and information required for any other food or dietary ingredient is expected. And FDA is not alone in raising potential concerns about CBD safety. A coalition of consumer advocacy groups including Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI) recently sent a letter to Congress highlighting FDAs concerns with CBD, and urging Congress to provide more authority for FDA oversight of CBD products, and that Congress should not shortcut FDAs review of CBD safety. Thus we can anticipate that consumer groups, in addition to FDA, will continue to press for the same premarket rules to be applied to CBD as any other food or dietary supplement ingredient.

Beyond satisfying the premarket requirements for foods and supplements, CBD companies should also work with counsel to identify the aspects of their production and marketing of current CBD products that do not fit within FDAs regulatory framework for that product category. Special attention should be paid to the claims that are being made about the product. Foods and dietary ingredients can bear properly substantiated claims regarding the effect of the substance on the structure of function of the body. Disease claims, however, must be avoided. Addressing manufacturing and labeling practices that are at odds with FDA precedent now not only puts a company in the best possible position if FDA does greenlight a new regulatory pathway for CBD it also gives the company credibility.

Next Steps

Accepting FDA regulation and oversight of a budding industry that has been subject to relatively little enforcement is difficult to navigate; just see how bumpy the first four years of FDAs regulation of e-cigarettes has been for the industry. It has been over a year since FDAs public meeting on scientific data and information on cannabis-derived compounds, and yet a number of questions posed by the agency then remain on the table, and time to shape the agencys view before a regulatory framework is developed could be running out. Companies that want to be successful long-term in this space should take seriously the concerns raised by the agency and develop regulatory and safety dossiers addressing those concerns and supporting the lawful marketing of their products.

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FDA Will Take Its Time on CBD - But Industry Does Not Have to Wait to Get Ready - Lexology

Beyond Covid-19 will consumer interest in immunity endure? – just-food.com

Re-Nourish's Immunity Soup

In the same way some pre-Covid-19 food manufacturers were rushing to add the work protein to their products to meet interest in the ingredient from health-conscious consumers, immunity appears set to be a key trend in new product development as we, hopefully, emerge from the worse ravages of the pandemic.

So the theory goes, as we come out from under the grip of the virus, people will have an increased awareness of their health and will be looking for prevention as much as cure.

Products said to contain properties that help the immune system to operate effectively are set to capitalise.

But questions remain. How broadly in terms of in product category will these immunity claims be spread? Are such products likely to be with us for the long term? And, frankly, do all claims pass muster?

There is evidence of growing interest in products linked to immunity.

Recent research by Unilever revealed a rise in consumers' interest in and consumption of foods that support the immune system, as well as vitamins and supplements, particularly vitamins C and D.

Such demand has translated into product launches. Traditionally, NPD has focused on gut health and the release into the system of probiotics, or good bacteria, usually in the form of dairy products or functional food supplements and meal replacements.

Now, manufacturers are bigging up the immunity properties of ingredients such as turmeric, ginger and fibre.

Last month in the UK, bakery business Hovis, under its namesake brand (one of the largest bread brands in the country) launched a loaf containing a range of vitamins and minerals.

Hovis said the launch of Hovis Glorious Grains, which has vitamin B1, copper, magnesium and phosphorus and is baked with seven different types of sprouted wholegrains, came "with health very much at the front of the nation's mind". Nina Shanahan, head of marketing for the brand, suggested the loaf "helps to support the immune system".

Similarly, in the US, Nestl has launched Outshine Creamy Coconut Bars, which the company says contain antioxidants and are said to be a source of vitamins C and E.

Dairy companies continue to be active. A notable recent bit of product development came from Chobani, the US business that started out producing Greek-style yogurts, which has launched a fruit-based probiotic beverage fermented with a blend of "billions" of probiotic cultures and herbal extracts.

And even in what might appear a relatively staid category like soup, there are brands purporting to be targeting consumers' heightened interest in health. In the UK, Re-Nourish has a range of better-for-you products launched before the virus hit the country, it's important to note which includes the kale, spinach and turmeric-based Immunity Soup.

However, the well-established makers of good gut health products such as kefir and kombucha, which unleash billions of probiotics into the digestive system, can be a bit sniffy about the relatively new immunity claims of products based on 'super food' ingredients or the addition of vitamin powders.

Julie Smolyansky, CEO of Lifeway Foods, the US supplier of cultured dairy items like kefir, argues its products are the real deal when it comes to immunity and is suspicious of the claims of manufacturers in other food product areas.

"I believe probiotics are in a class of their own and shouldn't be put in with carrots and apples," she says. "Bread, bars, cereal: there is no live bacteria in them and pills are a waste of money. Kefir's time has finally come. It contributes to a stronger immunity response and better mental health."

Broadly, Smolyansky says she sees immunity-supporting products continuing to resonate with health-concerned consumers.

"People who have suffered the most from Covid were suffering from preventable diseases linked to lifestyle. The rate of deaths should not be as they are. It is often people with no access to foods with functional ingredients," she says. "This is a portal for making a change"

Lars Bredmose, senior director for dairy health at Denmark-based ingredients firm Chr. Hansen, is well-placed to judge whether there has been a marked shift in demand for probiotics, which his company supplies to major dairy and supplements businesses.

"Our customers in the dairy and supplements industry say consumers are concerned about health and are looking at products promoting the immune system. There is a shift in consumer demand," he says. "It was coming before [Covid]. There has been an interest in probiotics for the last two years but the Covid crisis has just kicked in the doors."

But Bredmose is keen to stress Chr. Hansen does not promote probiotics as being effective against Covid-19. "There is no miracle cure. We tell our customers not link it [probiotics] with Covid-19."

However, not everyone would suggest probiotics is the only game in town when it comes to immunity-boosting products.

Nikki Clark, the founder of UK soup maker Re-Nourish, points out its soups are nutrient-dense.

A former critical care nurse, Clark insists "health is at the core of my DNA" and points to a "disconnect" between us having "these incredible bodies and what we feed them with".

She adds: "The immune system is our central hub and if it's not working properly everything snowballs.

"Everyone is jumping on the bandwagon but my Immunity Soup happened over five years ago. The message has to be a genuine one. Our Immunity Soup has always been our biggest seller in [UK grocer] Waitrose. Post-Covid it has taken on a life of its own. Sales have jumped 30% in the Covid period."

But, like businesses promoting probiotics, Clark is keen the bona fides of products promoting immunity claims are laid bare.

"Some of the juice companies talk about an immunity boost but all they have done is added powdered vitamins and they contain sugar, which doesn't help the immune systems at all," she argues.

Clark fears we may see a gold rush of immunity product launches. "Post-Covid, we will get an acceleration of branding around immunity. We will probably get immunity coffee," she says. "It needs some policing. Companies need to be held to account including about whether something is from a natural or unnatural source."

Angelika de Bree, nutrition R&D director at Unilever, who was involved in the company's recent research, agrees. "We are super-careful not to over-promise," she says. "Others may not take as stringent an approach.

"People have talked about boosting the immune system. That's not really possible but you can support the immune system's response"

"People have talked about boosting the immune system and that's not really possible but you can support the immune system's response. "While I understand that boosting the immune system appeals to consumers, from a purely scientific point of view it is hard to defend. In general we should be very conscious of that.

"This [exaggerated claims] is one of my biggest worries. At Unilever, we are well equipped to make sure we don't enter those territories. Every claim we make is backed up."

De Bree suggests Unilever is "uniquely placed" to take advantage of the consumer trend towards healthier food because of its broad portfolio of products across a number of categories.

"At the moment, 60% of our portfolio is in line with our higher nutritional standards," she says.

But she admits that the health benefits are not always highlighted on the products. "Many of our Knorr soups are full of vitamins and made with things like pumpkin and carrot. We need to start communicating that more to consumers," she says.

Industry watchers have not been slow to recognise the trend for more product owners to be more interested in immunity claims and, while they can understand why it has happened, they too have some concerns about the claims made.

John Stapleton, a food business entrepreneur who built up and sold UK brands New Covent Garden Soup Co. and Little Dish, says: "Immunity has gone up the rankings but consumers can see when their leg is being pulled, whether it is about vitamins or natural ingredients such as turmeric and ginger.

"There is an opportunity here if you get the marketing right and there are justifiable claims that don't go too far. But if brands jump on the bandwagon consumers are smart enough to see through that. Consumers have had enough of false claims."

Hamish Renton, managing director at UK food and drink consultancy HRA Global, takes a similar line.

"The science has advanced so we understand now about the immune system and what builds it up and what knocks it down," he says. "That's opened up claims but it is a slippery one, the immune system. It is variable across people."

He adds: "Everyone is paranoid about getting it [Covid-19] so manufacturers just evidenced and dialled up anything that is good for the immune system.

"The products remain fundamentally unchanged. It has been limited to re-positioning what exists. I would encourage manufacturers too be a bit more transparent. People can spot what brands are doing. Shoppers aren't stupid."

Susie Fogelson, a New York-based food marketing strategist who runs her own consultancy, F&Co., believes some of the more scientific terms could leave consumers baffled and argues product manufacturers need to build education into their marketing and branding.

"People being focused on getting functional benefits through food is at an all-time high. People want a defence against Covid and see food as a path to health," she says.

"I still think gut health is a relatively sophisticated term prebiotic or probiotic. I think this is an area that needs to be demystified for consumers. I'm not sure what probiotics means to the average Joe.

"People need an education about why gut health is so important. It's a bit technical, a bit clinical. It's much more straightforward to say I'm upping my vitamin intake."

Easy to understand or not, the word immunity has wide consumer appeal in the current climate. But does it have legs? Is it a fad or is it here to stay?

At Chr. Hansen, Bredmose sees no obvious reason why products with immunity-supporting claims will fade away.

"I think this is going to stick. The world has had a scare and Covid isn't going away anytime soon. And we never know when the next pandemic will hit," he says.

But de Bree at Unilever is not so sure. I would personally think that immunity will be important for two or three years and then people may get bored. You shouldn't put all your eggs into one basket," she suggests.

"General health is super-important. That will stay with us for longer than immunity. The whole Covid situation, although it is horrible, has opened up the susceptibility of consumers towards health messages. This will stay for a long time. People will realise how important it is to be in optimal shape."

Read more:

Beyond Covid-19 will consumer interest in immunity endure? - just-food.com

Jennifer Aniston Depend On Skin Care Vitamins Like These From HUM – Play Crazy Game

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Read more:

Jennifer Aniston Depend On Skin Care Vitamins Like These From HUM - Play Crazy Game

How to boost metabolism naturally: seven workout and diet tips from HIIT and better sleep to spicy food – T3 (US)

If youre aiming to boost your metabolism in order to lose weight and keep it off, exercise is definitely one of the best ways to do it, as well explain here. But there are other ways to speed up metabolism and lose weight in the process. Weve collected seven tips to help boost your metabolism and to kick-start your weightloss journey today. Although please note that while these ways to speed up your metabolism are easy to understand, they do require some effort to carry out.

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A slow metabolism can cause a lot of trouble over time but luckily, you don't have to put yourself through the horrors of intermittent fasting or the keto diet in order to boost metabolism although both those diets have been researched thoroughly and shown to aid weight loss, with the right application.

Under Armour SPORTSMASK review (first run): face mask for exercise and running outpaces normal coverings

An improved rate of metabolism can help you keep weight off, and generally turn you into a healthier and leaner individual. As usual, there's no instant fix to be had here, but being fit and having a faster metabolism quickly become a virtuous circle.

If you want to lose weight, you should consider applying some of the tips below to your daily routine. Who knows, they might help you lose belly fat sooner rather than later.

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(Image credit: Getty Images)

Why should you try HIIT workouts? For one, it improves metabolism and burns calories long after you finished with your daily HIIT session, making you a fat-torching machine that's on 24/7. The best thing about HIIT workouts is that they can be done anywhere using any sort of equipment: you can do a full body HIIT workout in the park or even follow the ultimate HIIT workout that uses your bodyweight only (and a skipping rope).

You can also have a HIIT sessions on a treadmill, elliptical trainer or rowing machine but even if you haven't got the best home gym setup, you can do HIIT with cheap fitness equipment still available to buy online. Try to do HIIT workouts in the morning: research reveals what is the best time for exercising for weight loss.

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(Image credit: Getty Images)

Eating moderately spicy food has lots of benefits and including spicier dishes in your diet can help boost metabolism too. Capsaicin, the chemical that gives chilli peppers their 'hot' taste, is said to help burn more calories and reduce the risk of obesity too. As a 2017 research cites, "epidemiological data revealed that the consumption of foods containing capsaicin was associated with a lower prevalence of obesity" and "dietary red pepper can suppress energy intake and modify macronutrient intake through appetite and satiety regulation".

In another study about capsaicinoids, "it was observed that consumption of capsaicinoids increases energy expenditure by approximately 50 kcal/day, and that this would produce clinically significant levels of weight loss in 1-2 years."

What does this all mean? Spicy food will help regulate your food intake by making you less hungry ("satiety regulation") and it will also help you burn more calories without any exercise. Granted, not many calories, but applying this small change alongside all the other lifestyle tweaks, you can effectively supercharge your metabolism in a sustainable way.

However, don't try to overdo the heat by eating spicy food all the time. As they say, "the dose makes the poison", and eating too much hot food can have an adverse effect on your digestive system.

(Image credit: Puriton)

According to research cited by Healthline, "proteincauses the largest rise in TEF (thermic effect of food). It increases your metabolic rate by 1530%, compared to 510% for carbs and 03% for fats." As Healthline explains, the "thermic effect of food caused by the extra calories required to digest, absorb and process the nutrients in your meal."

Since digesting protein takes more effort from your body, by eating more of it you will basically work out using your metabolic system (we might be exaggerating here). Protein is also essential for muscle repair and recovery, so if you are actively working out, it is recommended to take between 1.6-2 grams of protein per body kilogram per day.

You should source protein from a variety of food stuff like lean meat, nuts, green veg and eggs. Supplementing protein is also popular among athletes: protein powder shakes are probably the most convenient way to get your protein fix on the go but you can also have protein bars or jerky as well as post workout snack.

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As well as increasing your protein intake and reducing bad fats and carbs in your diet, you should also keep an eye out for a good balance of micronutrients, minerals and vitamins. as in the case protein, these micronutrients should be sourced from vegetables, fish, lean meat etc as the natural sources contain other beneficial substances as well, not just synthesised vitamins found in food supplements.

Probiotics can also help improve metabolism and maintain a healthy gut microbiome, essential for well-functioning digestion. In a research paper published in 2013, the researchers concluded that "Probiotics may restore the composition of the gut microbiome and introduce beneficial functions to gut microbial communities, resulting in amelioration or prevention of gut inflammation and other intestinal or systemic disease phenotypes."

B vitamins have also been said to improve metabolism as they play an essential role in metabolising macronutrients efficiently. Good sources of B vitamins include legumes, eggs, lean meat and bananas

Promixx MiiXR X7 Performance Blender | Buy it for 99.99 at AmazonFor the premium price tag, you get a sturdy base with a powerful motor (700w) that blends and shakes everything you add to the mix in seconds. This is a performance blender, after all, and the blades are rotating at an astonishing 20,000 times per minute. You also get two blade attachments, one for blending and the X-Blade for shake mixing as well as two dishwasher-safe Tritan bottles and two leak-proof lids.View Deal

(Image credit: Getty Images)

Everyone likes to sleep in every now and then and we are not suggesting you should wake up super early every day for no reason. Waking up and going to bed roughly at the same time can help your body build a routine which in turn will have a positive effect on your metabolism too. This is especially beneficial for people who otherwise like to hit the snooze button 20 times each morning until they can roll out of bed.

Instead on going cold turkey and wake up much earlier on day one, try moving the wake up time a little bit earlier each day/week until you reached the preferred wake up time. Once you used to the new wake up time, your body will wake up automatically, even without setting an alarm.

It's also beneficial to have food roughly at the same time throughout the day so your metabolic system is at the ready when the food is on its way. Food will be digested more efficiently and quicker too if you stick to an eating schedule. Again, no need to have breakfast 8AM on the dot every morning, but having it around that time will definitely improve metabolism.

Needless to say, eating healthier food stuff can also boost metabolism significantly: fibrous food and plenty of water is key to maintain a healthy gut microbiome.

Withings Sleep Analyzer | Buy it for 119.95 at AmazonIf the idea of wearing a wrist strap all night is unappealing, the Withings Sleep Analyzer is the best sleep tracker solution for you. You slip it under your mattress and plug it in, leaving it to do all the hard work while you sleep unencumbered. Thanks to that, it offers far more advanced sleep tracking than its competitors with an in-depth analysis of your sleep cycles, durations, and any interruptions.View Deal

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This technique may have a very complicated-sounding name Non-Exercise Activity Thermogenesis and a vaguely annoying acronym NEAT but it's actually very simple. NEAT means adjusting how you live your day-to-day life, in order to be more active. You know when exercise experts say, 'Take the stairs, not the lift' and you think, 'Oh yes, good idea,' but then you don't do it? Well NEAT is actually doing things like that.

Like a lot of great ways to get fit, NEAT is perfectly straightforward in principle, but it does require some effort on your part. However the great thing about NEAT for many people is that it specifically does not involve going to the gym or setting aside time for exercise. Although of course, it can also be used as one component of a healthy lifestyle, alongside gym, running, cycling, watching Joe Wicks, etc.

Learn about using NEAT to speed up your metabolism

(Image credit: Getty Images)

Caffeine found in coffee and teas can boost metabolism significantly. Not everyone reacts to caffeine the same way and it is also recommended not to drink too many cups of coffee/caffeinated beverages in a day. Green tea has a lower caffeine content so combining coffee and green tea consumption can have better results.

Drinking more water can also improve metabolism: combine increased water consumption with more fibrous food for the best results.

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How to boost metabolism naturally: seven workout and diet tips from HIIT and better sleep to spicy food - T3 (US)

6 Health Benefits of Spirulina – Science Times

Microalgaehave become essential to both marine ecosystems and human health. For years, medical experts have extracted components from microalgaeto create supplements since they are rich in vitamins, minerals, and numerous other benefits.

According to AmikamBar-Gil, the cofounderof Yemoja, 'Microalgaeare sunlight-driven, single-celledfactories, and by nature highly resilient. They also are a powerful source of natural, vegan, bioactiveingredients.' Yemojahas created a next-genplatform for creating 'pure, sustainable microalgae-derived products of the highest quality, and that can be naturally adapted into any desired matrix.'

One type of microalgaesuperfoodthat's become increasingly popular is spirulina, a blue-greenalgae that normally comes in the form of a dietary supplement as a dried powder. Here are six benefits of spirulina:

(Photo : Screenshot From pxhere official website )

The 'marine super crop' is rich with nutrition, containing vitamins A, B-6, C, and K. Dried spirulina, which can be easily added to food and beverages, is also rich in potassium, protein, sodium, magnesium, iron, and calcium.

A small amount of spirulinapowder contains a lot of nutrition with low calories. Regularly adding some powder to the diet can help people consume fewer calories without losing needed nutrition. A studyfrom 2016 showed that regular consumption of spirulinacan help improve body mass index (BMI)

Maintaining a healthy gut affects several areas of the body, such as the immune system fighting infections, the flow of hormones to and from the brain, and overall well-being. Although many studies are in favor of probiotics, it is not recommended for people with gastric conditions.

Spirulinais a great alternative to help maintain or improve gut health. The microalgaecan be easily digested and help preserve healthy bacteria in the body, making it a prebiotic.

Like all other superfoods, spirulinais rich in antioxidants, particularly the protein phycocyaninwhich helps protect the liver while getting rid of free radicals from damaged nerve cells.

During one study, spirulinaproved to help people recover from oral submucousfibrosis (OSMF), or precancerous lesions in the mouth. Another study showed that people regularly consuming the algae improved OSMFsymptoms more effectively than pentoxifylline, a drug used to treat the condition.

Read Also: Which Vitamin D Supplement is Best? Check Out This List!

People with allergic rhinitis suffer from numerous triggers such as dust, pollution, animal hair, second-handsmoke, and pollen. With severe allergies, people commonly take an antihistamine.

Spirulinais a great organic alternative that helps reduce inflammation on the nasal passageway. A studyfrom 2008 revealed that daily consumption of two grams of powder significantly reduced allergies.

The high-nutritionprofile of spirulinahas a positive effect on blood pressure, cholesterol levels, and blood sugar. Consuming the microalgaehelps lower low-densitylipoproteincholesterol(bad cholesterol) while increasing high-densitylipoproteins(good cholesterol).

With regulated glucose and blood pressure levels, spirulinacan help reduce the risk of diseases such as diabetes, heart disease, and hypertension.

Read Also: Scientists Find That Gut Bacteria Can Improve Memory in Yet Another Breakthrough Study About Probiotics

See original here:

6 Health Benefits of Spirulina - Science Times

Human Dietary Supplements Market 2020 Size by Product Analysis, Application, End-Users, Regional Outlook, Competitive Strategies and Forecast to 2027…

New Jersey, United States,- Market Research Intellect aggregates the latest research on Human Dietary Supplements Market to provide a concise overview of market valuation, industry size, SWOT analysis, revenue approximation, and regional outlook for this business vertical. The report accurately addresses the major opportunities and challenges faced by competitors in this industry and presents the existing competitive landscape and corporate strategies implemented by the Human Dietary Supplements market players.

The Human Dietary Supplements market report gathers together the key trends influencing the growth of the industry with respect to competitive scenarios and regions in which the business has been successful. In addition, the study analyzes the various limitations of the industry and uncovers opportunities to establish a growth process. In addition, the report also includes a comprehensive research on industry changes caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, helping investors and other stakeholders make informed decisions.

Key highlights from COVID-19 impact analysis:

Unveiling a brief about the Human Dietary Supplements market competitive scope:

The report includes pivotal details about the manufactured products, and in-depth company profile, remuneration, and other production patterns.

The research study encompasses information pertaining to the market share that every company holds, in tandem with the price pattern graph and the gross margins.

Human Dietary Supplements Market, By Type

Human Dietary Supplements Market, By Application

Other important inclusions in the Human Dietary Supplements market report:

A brief overview of the regional landscape:

Reasons To Buy:

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See the article here:

Human Dietary Supplements Market 2020 Size by Product Analysis, Application, End-Users, Regional Outlook, Competitive Strategies and Forecast to 2027...

5 science-backed benefits of vitamin B12 and how to get enough of it in your diet – INSIDER

There are a myriad of vitamins you need to maintain a healthy mind and body. An important one to keep track of is B12. It's involved in everything from red blood cell production to nail growth.

Here's what you need to know about vitamin B12, from the science-backed health benefits to recommended daily intake.

B12 plays a crucial role in the body's formation of red blood cells and neurological functioning. Therefore, it can boost overall health in a variety of ways and here are five of them:

Red blood cells carry oxygen from our lungs to tissues throughout our body. They also carry carbon dioxide a toxic by-product of cell functioning from those tissues back to the lungs where it's then expelled.

"Vitamin B12 participates in the production of red blood cells," says Vikram Tarugu, MD, a gastroenterologist and CEO of Detox of South Florida. "If the rates of vitamin B12 are too poor, red blood cell output is impaired, inducing megaloblastic anemia."

Megaloblastic anemia refers to anemia a lack of red blood cells specifically caused by lack of B12. It "causes symptoms like fatigue, difficulty concentrating, clumsiness, and dry skin," says Megan Wong, a registered dietitian at AlgaeCal, a company providing information on bone health.

While there are other reasons a person may develop anemia, such as excessive bleeding or low iron, maintaining healthy levels of vitamin B12 is one way to prevent it.

Another benefit of vitamin B12 is that it can slow brain atrophy in the elderly. Brain atrophy means an overall shrinkage in brain volume and also a loss of neurons, which can cause diseases like Parkinson's and Alzheimer's making it difficult to function independently in society.

A 2008 study published by the American Academy of Neurology with 107 participants over 61-years-old, found that the brain volume lost over five years was greater for people with lower B12 levels in the blood.

"Vitamin B12 is crucial for a well-functioning brain and nervous system. Its role in the brain is so important that research suggests vitamin B12 might play a role in preventing dementia," says Wong.

However, there's no evidence that B12 supplements improve memory loss in those who are already suffering from Alzheimer's disease.

There is still debate over the extent of its impact, but research has shown a connection between vitamin B12 deficiency and neuropsychiatric manifestations. These include depression, obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD), and mood swings.

"Vitamin B12 is required for serotonin development, which is a chemical that controls mood," says Tarugu. This link has led researchers to encourage vitamin B12 supplements as part of treatment plans for those with depression.

For example, in a study of 199 depressed individuals, 100% of those treated with antidepressants as well as injected vitamin B12 improved by at least 20%. Only 69% of people treated with antidepressants and not B12 reported similar improvements.

People who are pregnant have a higher recommended dose of vitamin B12. That's because the compound may help prevent severe birth defects like partial paralysis and an undeveloped skull. "Adequate amounts of vitamin B12 are important for a successful pregnancy," says Tarugu.

If someone with low levels of B12 becomes pregnant, they have a greater chance of giving birth to a child with neural tube defect. This class of birth defects includes anencephaly, a fatal condition where the baby's brain and skull are severely underdeveloped. Along with maintaining proper vitamin B12 levels, taking folic acid before and after conception can decrease the chances of a baby having neural tube defects.

Tarugu says maintaining healthy levels of vitamin B12 can also assist in hair, skin, and nail growth by providing oxygen to these tissues.

"However, if your [B12] levels are already adequate, consuming a supplement probably won't boost your health in those regions," he says.

If you do have a vitamin B12 deficiency, it may manifest as vitiligo a condition in which the skin has discolored patches, slower hair growth, or skin hyperpigmentation. In this case, adding vitamin B12 to your diet or taking a supplement may improve the condition.

The amount of vitamin B12 a person needs steadily increases as they age:

Older individuals may want to up their vitamin B12 intake. "Around the age of 50, it becomes harder to absorb vitamin B12, so older adults should aim to eat more B12-rich foods or take a supplement if needed," says Wong.

"The best food sources [of B12] are meat, poultry, eggs, dairy, fish, and fortified cereals," says Wong.

B12 can be supplemented in four ways, says Taylor Graber, MD, physician and owner of ASAP IVs, a mobile IV hydration and wellness company:

As vitamin B12 is found naturally in animal-based food products, vegetarians and vegans may not get enough of it in their diet and require supplements. Medical conditions may also require a person to seek out additional amounts of the vitamin.

Between 1.5% and 15% of the general population is vitamin B12 deficient. Symptoms of vitamin B12 deficiency include megaloblastic anemia in which abnormally sized or immature red blood cells are produced weight loss, weakness, neurological changes like memory loss and depression, as well as fatigue.

Your small intestine helps absorb B12 with help from a substance secreted by the stomach known as intrinsic factor. This makes people with certain health conditions more susceptible to B12 deficiency.

"Without intrinsic factor, the free vitamin B12 in the digestive tract is unable to be absorbed," says Graber. "Deficiencies of this glycoprotein, or a shortening of the small intestine where the B12 is absorbed, can lead to an inadequate amount of dietary vitamin B12."

People with Crohn's Disease, or complications due to intestine shortening from surgeries are often at risk of vitamin B12 deficiency, says Graber.

Vitamin B12 is a water-soluble vitamin meaning that your body only absorbs necessary amounts of B12, with the rest flushing out through your urine. That said, there can still be side effects of excess intake. These symptoms include headaches, anxiety, and nausea.

Vitamin supplements, such as B12, have previously been reported to interact with medicines and supplements, like colchicine and vitamin C supplements. Therefore, always consult your doctor before starting a new supplement or diet

Read more:

5 science-backed benefits of vitamin B12 and how to get enough of it in your diet - INSIDER

Vitamin D supplements are ineffective in reducing risk of depression, large study finds – Southernminn.com

Taking vitamin D supplements does not reduce the risk of depression during middle age or later in life, according to a large study published Tuesday in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA).

Some previous studies have linked low blood levels of vitamin D sometimes called the sunshine vitamin because the body absorbs the nutrient through exposure to sunlight with a higher risk of late-life depression. For that reason, it was thought that taking vitamin D supplements might serve as a preventive treatment.

No evidence of such an effect was found in the new study, which is one of the largest and longest randomized controlled trials (RCTs) to investigate the topic.

There was no significant benefit from the supplement for this purpose. It did not prevent depression or improve mood, says Dr. Oliva Okereke, the studys lead author and a psychiatrist at Massachusetts General Hospital, in a released statement.

Why the study was done

Preventing late-life depression is a public health priority. The condition is often undertreated in older people. Although vitamin D supplementation has been touted as a possible treatment, prior studies that have suggested its usefulness for that purpose have been primarily observational. Such studies cannot offer definitive answers about a treatments effectiveness, for they show only correlations, not causations. Other factors besides vitamin D ones not addressed in the studies may explain the results.

RCTs, which are considered the gold standard of medical research, offer a much more rigorous (although not perfect) measure of a treatments effectiveness. As background information in the current study points out, 13 RCTs have previously looked at the impact of vitamin D supplements on depression or mood during middle age or later in life. All but one found the supplements had no effect.

Only four of those RCTs, however, had participants take a dose of vitamin D that was 800 IU/day or greater for 12 months or longer. The new study attempts to address those methodological limitations, as well as another one: size.

One scientific issue is that you actually need a very large number of study participants to tell whether or not a treatment is helping to prevent development of depression, explains Okereke. With nearly 20,000 people, our study was statistically powered to address this issue.

Study details

The current study used data collected from 18,353 American men and women who were participating in a larger clinical trial investigating preventive strategies for cardiovascular disease and cancer. All were 50 years or older, and none had clinical signs of the condition when they entered the study.

Half the participants were randomly assigned to receive either 2000 IU of cholecalciferol (vitamin D3) daily, while the other half received a placebo.

The participants were followed for an average of five years, and 90 percent completed the trial. During that time, 609 of those who received the vitamin D and 625 of those who received the placebo developed symptoms of clinical depression a difference that was statistically insignificant. Nor was there any significant difference between the groups in the participants self-reported mood scores during the course of the study.

Interestingly, the study also found no association between low blood levels of vitamin D and a risk of depression or depressive symptoms.

These findings do not support the use of vitamin D3 in adults to prevent depression, Okereke and her colleagues conclude.

Limitations and implications

The study has its own limitations. Most notably, it relied on the participants self-reports about depressive symptoms and mood. Such reports can be unreliable.

Still, the studys findings support those from almost all of the smaller RCTs on this topic. They are also in line with a growing body of other research that has found that taking vitamin D supplements in the hopes of preventing various illnesses (including COVID-19) is unnecessary and, in some cases, dangerous.

The National Academy of Medicine has determined that healthy adults (those without a specific disease related to a vitamin D deficiency) need, on average, 600 international units (IUs) of vitamin D daily until the age of 71, when they need, on average, 800 IUs.

As Ive noted in Second Opinion before, Vitamin D is unique among micronutrients, as its produced in the skin during exposure to sunlight. So although the vitamin can be obtained through food (such as salmon, egg yolks and fortified milk), just five to 30 minutes of sunlight exposure twice a week is usually sufficient to meet most peoples vitamin D needs.

And, yes, that includes people living in Minnesota and other northern latitudes.

Susan Perry writes Second Opinion for MinnPost, covering consumer health.

Read this article:

Vitamin D supplements are ineffective in reducing risk of depression, large study finds - Southernminn.com

New Dietary Ingredients: Will FDA protect consumers from pirates and piggybackers? – NutraIngredients-usa.com

A new dietary ingredient, defined in the Dietary Supplement Health & Education Act (DSHEA), means a dietary ingredient that was not marketed in the United States before October 15, 1994, when DHSEA was enacted. Weve been waiting so long for FDA to fully implement this provision that perhaps, for the sake of accuracy, we should just be calling them post-DSHEA dietary ingredients rather than new. Twenty-six years is a long time.

The NDI requirements established by DSHEA were intended to give consequence to the dividing line between grandfathered ingredients and ones introduced after the passage of the law. Dietary ingredients already on the market received a presumption of safety, but ingredients introduced after the laws enactment would have to demonstrate they are reasonably expected to be safe.

DSHEA commands that a supplement containing a new dietary ingredient is adulterated unless it was already in the food supply in a form that has not been chemically altered or there is a history of use or other evidence that the ingredient, if used as recommended or suggested in the labeling, will reasonably be expected to be safe. The law further provides that the manufacturer or distributor provide FDA with the basis for concluding that the dietary ingredient will reasonably be expected to be safe in the form of an NDI notification. (21 USC 350b)

Moreover, DSHEA declared that a supplement is adulterated if it contains a new dietary ingredient for which there is inadequate information to provide reasonable assurance that such ingredient does not present a significant or unreasonable risk of illness or injury. (21 USC 342(f)(1)(B)) It commands that introducing a dietary supplement into interstate commerce that is unsafe under the NDI provisions of the law is an expressly prohibited act. Public safety seems intrinsically intertwined with the new dietary ingredient requirements.

Over time, FDA has repeatedly touted the notification requirement associated with the NDI provision as FDA's only opportunity to evaluate the safety of a new dietary ingredient before it becomes available to consumers. The agency has lamented the paucity of NDI notifications it has received over the past 26 years as evidence that consumers may be at risk from un-notified and therefore, potentially unsafe, ingredients.

But FDA seems reluctant to enforce the law against products that ignore the NDI notification requirementenforcement that would create deterrence and provide incentives for companies to file these notifications.

Enforcement of the NDI requirements is likewise the lynchpin of the master file system that FDA proposed in its 2016 draft guidance on NDIs. Master files would allow the filer of an NDI notification to protect its safety dossier and license it to its customers while assuring that competitors marketing their own versions of that ingredient would have to develop their own assurance of safety for the ingredient.

Since then, industry has embraced the concept of master files, not only for the protection of public health, but also for the additional benefit that it rewards the research investment of innovative ingredient developers. Master files would deter pirates who steal that intellectual property, fail to file their own notifications, and undersell the innovator because they dont have to recover the costs of innovation.

Earlier this spring, CRN, along with three other trade associations, presented FDA with a detailed framework for how master files could be implemented. It requires the agency to police NDI notifications, and as DSHEA envisioned, ingredients marketed by piggybackers who fail to file their own notification would be deemed adulterated.

Since 2016, FDA has been silent on this issue. While lamenting the relatively few notifications filed by industry, the agency has not initiated a single enforcement action, not imposed a single import alert, nor recalled a single supplement for lack of an NDI notification. And the industry should worry that lack of action by the FDA signals that the master file concept, along with enforcement of NDIs, is not a priority at the agency.

The problem is that FDA may well view the development of master files, the pirating of ingredients, problem of piggybacking, and the calls for enforcement of NDI requirements as amounting to enlisting FDA to help protect a supplement manufacturers intellectual property. Industrys enthusiasm that master files could provide incentives for research investment in supplements may be dissuading FDA from the public safety aspects. Adjudicating competitive disputes is not something FDA has ever considered high among its priorities, and certainly not for dietary supplements. FDAs mission after all is to protect and promote public health, not to assist companies in their competitive battles.

But this ignores that NDI master files are a matter of public health as much as are FDAs concerns about cannabidiol. Failure to file NDI notifications for new dietary ingredients creates public health gambles for consumers. When a competitor claims to be selling the same ingredient captured in an NDI notification, how does FDA know it is the same ingredient? How does FDA know it is concentrating the same constituents or properly identifying the requisite plant parts? That it is using the same solvents and extraction agents and properly removing them during production? That harmful contaminants have been eliminated? It doesnt. As FDA has repeatedly noted, the NDI notification is FDAs only opportunity to review the safety of new dietary ingredients.

The law leaves no doubt that Congress considered NDIs a matter of public health, not economic protectionism. NDI notifications and master files represent a method to give consumers an assurance of safety in these ingredients. Its time FDA take the safety issues involved with NDIs as seriously as it does the safety issues it raises for CBD.

So while consumers wait for the arrival of CBD supplements, bogged down by FDAs high requirements for safety, the industry also waits for enforcement of NDIs and a similar dedication to protecting consumers of products already on the market. NDIs wont work without enforcement.

View original post here:

New Dietary Ingredients: Will FDA protect consumers from pirates and piggybackers? - NutraIngredients-usa.com

Food Botanicals Market to Witness a Pronounce Growth During 2017 2026 – Levee Report

Food products made using plants are being adopted on a large scale globally. Some botanicals used in foods are in form of spices and herbs that are being used in various foods, drugs and beverages. Increasing prevalence of chronic diseases is driving the demand for botanical drugs and food products which are considered to be safer and economic. Moreover, technological advancements in the food industry is also driving the use of various botanical ingredients along with the discovery of new ingredients.

Producers are also focusing on providing food botanicals as fresh ingredients in a way that can be easy for consumers to consume it with their meals. Consumers moving towards vegetarian lifestyle is also resulting in the increasing use of plant-based proteins and botanicals in the food and beverages.

Botanical flavorings is also gaining traction in the beverages. In botanical flavorings, botanicals with varied flavors, health properties, and aromas are being added to the beverages. Botanicals as flavor agents in ready-to-drink beverages, cocktails, and craft beer are also gaining popularity.

Researchers worldwide are also conducting research on the new type of plants that can offer a unique flavour, enhance the taste of the food product and at the same time offer health benefits.

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The report provided by XploreMR (XMR) anticipates the global market for food botanicals to experience a slow growth, increasing at a CAGR of 3.0% between 2017 and 2026. The global food botanicals market is also estimated to reach US$ 1,538,534.2 million revenue towards 2026 end.

Plants are likely to emerge as the highly preferred source in the global market for food botanicals between 2017 and 2026. Towards 2026 end, plants as a source are estimated to exceed US$ 992,600 million in terms of revenue.

Plant parts, fresh or dried plants or the whole plant are being used on a large scale in various foods and medicines. Moreover, aromatic plants are being used in dietary supplements and food additives on a large scale.

Food botanicals in Form of Dried Plants and Leaves to Gain Maximum Traction in the Market

Food botanicals in the form of dried plants and leaves are likely to gain traction through 2026. Food botanicals in form of dried plants and leaves are estimated to generate revenue exceeding US$ 624,800 million.

Preserving plants and leaves for a long time is possible through drying. Rapid drying of plants and leaves is done in order to prevent fungus. Dried plants and leaves are also used in various food to enhance taste and dietary supplements.

Food botanicals to be largely used in Supplements

Food botanicals are likely to find the largest application in supplements. By 2026 end, supplements are estimated to create an incremental opportunity of over US$ 13,000 million between 2017 and 2026.

Botanicals are used largely in food and dietary supplements as it has various properties that helps in improving and maintaining health. As for supplements, botanicals are sold in dried or fresh products, tablets, liquid, capsules, and powder form.

Commercial Segment to Emerge as the Largest End User of Food Botanicals

Compared to residential segment, commercial segment is likely to emerge as the largest end user of food botanicals. By 2026 end, commercial segment is estimated to exceed US$ 931,200 million revenue.

Food processing companies and pharmaceutical companies are using botanicals on a large scale to produce a better product with increased health benefits. Botanicals are used in producing dietary supplements, functional foods and beverages.

APEJ to Dominate the Global Market for Food Botanicals

Asia Pacific Excluding Japan (APEJ) is likely to remain dominant in the global market for food botanicals. Countries such as India, China, and Australia are witnessing increasing demand for natural food and dietary supplements.

Moreover, a traditional practice in various countries in APEJ is driving the usage of botanicals including basil, ginger, turmeric, etc. This is likely to fuel the market for food botanicals in the region. Meanwhile, North America and Europe are also likely to see a significant growth between 2017 and 2026.

Availability of well-known botanicals as dietary supplements in the U.S., and Germany are driving the market growth in both the regions. Also, the rise in research and development activities is resulting in the growth of the food botanicals in Europe and North America.

Click Here to Get Full Access of this Report @ https://www.xploremr.com/report/386/food-botanicals-market/select-license

Key Companies

Leading companies in the global market for food botanicals are Tyson Foods, Inc., Marfrig Group., Arcadian Organic & Natural Meat Co, Kerry Group Plc., Verde Farms, LLC, Pilgrims Pride Corporation, Associated British Foods Plc., and BRF S.A.

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Food Botanicals Market to Witness a Pronounce Growth During 2017 2026 - Levee Report

Protein Bar Market Size to Touch USD 7.03 Billion by 2027; Rising Inclination towards Healthy Snacking to Propel Growth, Says Fortune Business…

Pune, Aug. 07, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The global protein bar market size is anticipated to rise at a CAGR of 5.6% between 2020 to 2027 on account of the rising shift towards healthy living and preference for healthy snacking. These bars have recently gained immense popularity as they provide all the necessary supplements to the body. As per a recent report published by Fortune Business Insights titled, Protein Bar Market Size, Share & COVID-19 Impact Analysis, By Source (Plant-Based, and Animal-Based), By Type (Sports Nutritional Bars, Meal-Replacement Bars, and Others), By Distribution Channel, and Regional Forecast, 2020-2027,.

The value of this market was USD 4.66 billion in the year 2019 and is expected to reach USD 7.03 billion by the end of 2027.

Browse Summary of this Research with Table of Content:https://www.fortunebusinessinsights.com/industry-reports/protein-bar-market-100805

The year 2020 is witnessing the devastating effects of the novel coronavirus pandemic. Most of the businesses are temporarily not working due to the imposition of stringent lockdown regulations to stop the spread of the virus. The others who are operating from homes are barely able to generate revenue. The whole world is waiting for an antidote to fight the COVID-19 pandemic and various research organizations are investing massively for the same. People across the world are becoming health-conscious and trying to avoid unhealthy food items. This has shifted their attention towards some of the delicious and nutritious food products such as protein bars.

The impact of the coronavirus pandemic on various markets have been analyzed and formed into reports. These special reports will help investors study the current scenario and accordingly prepare for the future.

Get Sample PDF Brochure with the Short-Term and Long-Term Impact of COVID-19 on Protein Bar Industry,Please Visit: https://www.fortunebusinessinsights.com/enquiry/request-sample-pdf/protein-bar-market-100805

The Report Answers the Following Questions:

Drivers & Restraints-Increasing Prevalence of Various Diseases to Bolster Growth

The increasing prevalence of various acute and chronic diseases worldwide has propelled the demand for healthy food products. This further boosted the need for healthy snacking, thereby propelling the global protein bar market growth. Additionally, the rising awareness about chemical-free, naturally benefitting, and gluten-free nutritious food is also aiding to the expansion of the market. Besides this, the increasing preference for adopting cereal food products and muscle building food products will also add impetus to the market in the coming years.

On the contrary, the occurrence of the current COVID-19 pandemic that disrupted the supply chain of food products may pose a major challenge to the market. In addition to this, the presence of multiple local snack food sellers may cause hindrance to the market in the coming years. Nevertheless, the increasing number of health and fitness facilities and convenience stores for supplement products are likely to create lucrative growth opportunities for the market in the coming years.Segmentation:

Snack & Energy Bars to Hold Dominance Owing to Rising Trend of Nutritional Morning Breakfast

On the basis of segmentation by type, the others segment dominated the market on account of the increasing consumption of energy boosting food items. However, the sports nutritional bar segment earned 40.56% share in 2019 and is expected to witness considerable growth in the coming years on account of increasing participation rate by sports enthusiasts.

Regional AnalysisPresence of Major Manufacturers will Help North America Maintain Dominance

In 2019, North America earned USD 2.69 billion and gained dominance on account of the presence of major companies such as Post Holdings, Inc., Optimum Nutrition Inc., Mondelez International Inc., and others. In addition to this, there is a high import value of snack food items in nations such as the United States, Mexico, and Canada that further propels the demand for protein bar in the respective nations. The factor mentioned above is likely to help North America continue dominating this market in the coming years.

The market in Asia Pacific is expected to generate significant revenue in the forecast period on account of the rise in infrastructural facilities and offline stores. This, coupled with the increasing expansion of businesses by companies such as Post Holdings, Inc., Hershey Company, and others will also aid in expansion of the regional market in the forecast period.

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Competitive LandscapeExpansion of Product Portfolio Key Strategy Adopted by Players

Companies such as Glanbia Plc., The Kelloggs Company, General Mills Inc., Mondelez International Inc., are holding the major protein bar market share on account of their brand presence and diverse portfolio. These companies offer products under innovative categories such as diet bars, sports bars, vegan, energy-boosting, and meal-replacing protein bars, thereby attracting major shares. Other players are engaging in collaborative efforts such as tie-up with e-commerce platforms, mergers and acquisitions, partnerships, and contracts to stay put in the competition.

Prominent Industry Developments of this Market include:

September 2019 Celsius Holding Inc., acquired the wellness company called Func Food for expansion of the drink and bar business of the company in Sweden.

October 2019 A premier nutritional fruit & nut bar manufacturing company, called Kind LLC adopted a creative snack making company based in North Carolina for widening the category of healthy and tasty snack protein bars.

List of the Leading Companies Profiled in the Protein Bar Market Research Report are

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Protein Bar Market Size to Touch USD 7.03 Billion by 2027; Rising Inclination towards Healthy Snacking to Propel Growth, Says Fortune Business...

Can Taking a Vitamin D Supplement Help You Lose Weight? – Everyday Health

When looking into the connection between vitamin D and weight loss, researchers often use supplements in their studies, rather than tracking a subjects sun exposure or food.

Thats because pills are standardized and can be given in high doses to quickly up a study participants vitamin D level. For example, a study published in July 2018 in the International Journal of Preventive Medicine gave subjects who were overweight or had obesity 50,000 IU of vitamin D (an amount well above the recommended limit of 4,000 IU per day, or 28,000 IU per week, per the NIH) each week for six weeks. Researchers found in this small study that the subjects weight, BMI, waist circumference, and hip circumference all decreased significantly, and their vitamin D levels increased significantly, after taking this high vitamin D supplement regime. However, thats not a safe amount of vitamin D to take for weight loss (or any other reason) in the real world.

Although scientists havent done much research on eating vitamin D-rich foods and weight loss, theyre definitely still worth consuming. What we know is that foods high in D tend to be healthy anyways salmon, mackerel, mushrooms, vitamin D-fortified milk, which are part of a healthier diet, versus processed foods so consuming these would likely help with weight loss, says Agarwal.

And while researchers dont typically track sun exposure, getting a little sun the old-fashioned way isnt a bad idea, but its important to not overdose on sun, which can up your risk of skin cancer, according to Harvard Health Publishing.

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Can Taking a Vitamin D Supplement Help You Lose Weight? - Everyday Health

Trademark Board Harshes the Mellow of CBD Oil Manufacturer – JD Supra

The relationship between the cannabis industry and intellectual property laws in the United States is unique and complicated, in many ways mirroring the nations collective views on the cannabis plant. This is unfortunate, in part because the law abhors uncertainty and, in part, because cannabis companies are currently undergoing a renaissance, which has fostered an explosion of novel and creative concepts that the intellectual property laws of this county were designed to protect.

A recent decision shows, however, that despite changes in cannabis laws in many states and the growing cannabis industry throughout the country, obtaining a federal trademark for hemp derived products remains an uphill battle. On June 16, 2020, in In re Stanley Brothers Social Enterprises, LLC, the federal Trademark Trial and Appeal Board (TTAB) affirmed the refusal to register a trademark in connection with hemp oil extracts sold as an integral component of dietary and nutritional supplements on the grounds that hemp oil extracts be marketed and sold as dietary supplements were per se illegal under the Food, Drug & Cosmetics Act (FDCA).

In order for a trademark to qualify for federal registration, the mark must lawfully be used in commerce. When a trademark application is reviewed by the USPTO, however, the marks use will be presumed lawful unless the application record indicates a violation of federal law. The USPTO will evaluate whether the goods or services associated with a mark are per se illegal.

Stanley Brothers Social Enterprises, LLC is a Colorado marijuana grower that produces various cannabis derivative products. One of those products is an oil extracted from the cannabis plant that is high in cannabidiol (CBD) content and low in tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). Stanley Brothers sought registration of the CW mark for its CBD oil, which was marketed as a dietary supplement that can be used to promote mind and body wellness. The examining attorney refused registration on the grounds that the marks use in commerce was illegal because the goods are illegal under the FDCA and the Controlled Substance Act (CSA).

On appeal, the TTAB did not address the legality of the CBD oil products under the CSA. Rather, the board held that the CBD oil products were per se illegal under the FDCA and thus ineligible for trademark registration. In refusing registration, the TTAB focused on a provision of the FDCA that bans any foods to which has been added . . . a drug or biological product which substantial clinical investigations have been instituted and for which the existence of such investigations has been made public.

The TTAB was unpersuaded by Stanley Brothers argument that their dietary supplements are not food under the FDCA and ruled that FDCA definition of foods includes certain products marketed as dietary supplements and affirmed the examining attorneys contention that hemp oil extracts, such as CBD oil, are food to which CBD has been added. Specifically, because Stanley Brothers identified their CW CBD oil products as an integral component of dietary and nutritional supplements, the products are deemed to be food under the FDCA. The TTAB also rejected Stanley Brothers argument that the 2014 Farm Bills Industrial Hemp Provision exempted it from the FDCA provision regarding food. The TTAB reasoned that the Industrial Hemp Provision permits authorized entities to grow or cultivate industrial hemp, but did not permit the distribution or sale of CBD in food when CBD is the subject of clinical investigation, even if the CBD is derived from industrial hemp which falls outside the CSA. Stanley Brothers also argued that their product was in the market prior to the institution of any substantial clinical investigation; however, the TTAB found that this argument was unsupported by the evidence.

The ruling in In re Stanley is not an absolute bar on trademarks for CBD products, in fact, numerous trademark registrations for various CBD products, such as essential oils, have been issued. Nevertheless, companies in the hemp and cannabis industry will need to consider their trademark strategy and product marketing carefully. While, for now, at least, the USPTO has made it clear that trademarks for CBD products used in food and dietary supplements are illegal under the FDCA and not eligible for registration, companies may still be able to acquire trademark protections for related or ancillary non-food CBD products.

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Trademark Board Harshes the Mellow of CBD Oil Manufacturer - JD Supra

Five of Kirin’s Proprietary Lactococcus lactis strain Plasma Products Registered as Foods with Function Claims – BioSpace

Aug. 7, 2020 07:30 UTC

TOKYO--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Kirin Holdings Company, Limited (TOKYO:2503) announced today that five of its products*1 that utilize Lactococcus lactis strain Plasma were registered as Foods with Function Claims with Japans Consumer Affairs Agency (CAA). This is the first time that an immune system-related product has been registered in Japan. When registration is accepted by the CAA, labeling of function claims (usually health benefits) on products becomes possible. This registration provides the value of reliability and reassurance for consumers when choosing products.*1: Three soft drinks and two supplements, to be announced at a later date.

This press release features multimedia. View the full release here: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20200807005123/en/

Lactococcus lactis strain Plasma (Photo: Business Wire)

The Kirin Group Vision 2027 sets out the broad goal of creating value across the world of food & beverages to pharmaceuticals and becoming a global leader in CSV*2. To augment the Groups existing Food & Beverages domain and Pharmaceuticals domain, the Group has launched a new Health Science domain to help people stay fit and healthy by leveraging advanced fermentation and biotechnology the Group has amassed over the years. One example of this is leveraging the Groups 35 years of research that led to the development of Lactococcus lactis strain Plasma, jointly developed across Group companies. Moving forward, Kirin Group will accelerate domestic sales as well as expand overseas sales of products that utilize Lactococcus lactis strain Plasma, leading to further contribution to the health and well-being of the global community.*2: Creating Shared Value. Combined added value for consumers as well as for society at large.

Kirins proprietary Lactococcus lactis strain Plasma

The Lactococcus lactis strain Plasma is a type strain of Lactococcus lactis, which is a natural lactic acid bacterium mainly used for the fermentation of cheese and yogurt. The Lactococcus lactis strain Plasma is a product of joint research by Kirin Holdings, Koiwai Dairy Products, and Kyowa Hakko Bio, and a number of relevant papers have been published and many presentations have been given at medical societies in cooperation with medical schools and research institutions.

Summary of the Functional Food Labeling Registration to the CAA

This product contains Lactococcus lactis strain Plasma. It has been shown to support maintenance of the immune system in healthy individuals by stimulating pDC (plasmacytoid dendritic cells).

[Functional Ingredient]Lactococcus lactis strain Plasma (100billion/day)

Container and Packaging Label Information

View source version on businesswire.com: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20200807005123/en/

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Five of Kirin's Proprietary Lactococcus lactis strain Plasma Products Registered as Foods with Function Claims - BioSpace