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America hasblown pastevery country in the coronavirus pandemic, with almost 4 million cases and more than 140,000 deaths.
If you want to know why the most medically advanced country in the world ended up here, look no further than the malfeasance and conspiracy-mongering of President Donald Trump. TheNew York Timesthis weekend ran a devastating tick-tock of the White Houses disastrous response, fed by Trumps sycophants, like making governors beg and compete against each other for vital medical equipment (like a sick Hunger Games, as Illinois Gov. J.B. Pritzker put it) and failing to issue national lockdown (and later) mask orders while encouragingarmed insurrections against governors who did, like Gov. Gretchen Whitmer and Gov. Tony Evers with his Safer at Home order.
Its now culminated in Trumps order to slow down testing (he told us hewasnt kidding) and the immoral strategy of justignoringmass death thats now rockingstates,even those he needs to win in November.
Weve also completely blown our obligation to make sure people survive the pain of COVID-19 in every form. Look around the world at other democracies with competent leadership. Countries from Germany to New Zealand to South Korea are reopening landmarks and schools, while people are enjoying restaurants and traveling.
Meanwhile, in America, were fighting with angry Kyles and Karens over donning masks in Walmart so they dont infect everyone as they fly into a spit-flinging rage while demanding to speak to the manager.
Weve barely prepared for in-person learning, with Trump and Education Secretary Betsy DeVos putting a fiscal gun to the head of states that dont follow their poorly drawnplans(which they really cant make good on). And a U.S.passportis basically worthless, as few nations will let Americans in thanks to our failure to get COVID-19 under control.
But our biggest failure is in our moral obligation to take care of the 328 million people who live in our country during perhaps the most harrowing time in modern history. Its true that legislation like the Paycheck Protection Plan helped keep some businesses afloat, even as funds lined the pockets of questionable entities, includingTrump allies, theCatholic Churchandyacht clubsin Michigan.
And theCARES Actwas one of the more generous safety net packages weve had in recent decades, helping millions stay afloat by beefing up unemployment benefits, a $1,200 lump sum payment for most people and aid to states and hospitals to respond to coronavirus. But jobless benefits run out this month and many states, including Michigan, are still reeling from the recession.
Congress also failed to require sick time for most employees, which especially hurt essential workers in warehouses and grocery stories, thanks to intense lobbying from theU.S. Chamber of Commerceand corporations. The Trump administration refused to do an open enrollment in Obamacare for the millions who lost their employer-provided insurance.
And after endlessmedia storiesabout how the $600 weekly unemployment benefit was just too darn generous because it actually allowed people to survive and, in some cases, gave them the freedom not to go back to unsafe working conditions, the GOP-led U.S. Senate is determined to ax or drastically shrink the amount. Forcing people back into the workplace has the added bonus of juicing the economy (and, they hope, Trumps reelection chances), even if it literally kills people as the pandemic is spinning out of control.
Thats the kind of collateral damage Trump and most Republicans are quite willing to live with.
The fact that this inhumane GOP response is barely questioned and that the supposedly liberal media is quite comfortable playing the role of fiscal scold to millions of low-income Americans, disproportionately people of color, who literally just want to stay alive and pay their bills, underscores why America has failed so spectacularly in this moment.
There is no reason why so many people had to get sick, financially suffer and die at this time. This did not happen in other democratic countries. The pandemic has been a perfect storm, revealing in stark relief the inequities in our health care system and how tattered our safety net is.
Now is the time to blow things up. Everyone deserves good health care, childcare, sick leave, housing, education and assistance when they are down and out. Theres nothing radical about this in an era when we have the skills and know-how to likely develop a COVID-19 vaccine by next year.
What good is human suffering when we have the ability to eliminate much of it? This is a promise we owe each other and yes, the government should pay for it.
It wont be easy. Universal health care which again, every rich nation has, although not necessarily single-payer will cause massive disruption in a system that has creaked along for decades. But health care has already been upended by a pandemic, so if there was ever a time, its now. Theres a reason why many European countries adopted their plans after World War II, after all.
And we are the richest country in the world. Nobody bats an eye at the crippling cost of the military or the taxpayer dollars Trump spends padding his own businesses, keeping migrant kids in cages anddeployingfederal agents to blue cities to crack down on Black Lives Matter protesters.
None of this will be politically easy. Realistically, even if we elected a Democratic president and Congress this fall, more moderate members will be wary. Trump has also stacked the courts with radical right-wing judges salivating over the chance to kill every progressive dream alive.
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Knowing the history of this country with social change, Democrats affinity for compromise, even when Republicans laugh in their faces, and the total opposition of the super-rich and corporations, I know the odds are against us.
But I also know that if we dont start demanding more now, we never will. Poor people, working-class people, women and people of color must seize this terrible moment and make the case for something better, for a renewed America truly rooted in fairness, justice and equality.
It is, quite simply, what we owe ourselves and each other.
Susan J. Demas is an 18-year journalism veteran and one of the states foremost experts on Michigan politics, appearing on MSNBC, CNN, NPR and WKAR-TVs Off the Record. In addition to serving as Editor-in-Chief, she is the Advances chief columnist, writing on women, LGBTQs, the state budget, the economy and more. Most recently, she served as Vice President of Farough & Associates, Michigans premier political communications firm. For almost five years, Susan was the Editor and Publisher of Inside Michigan Politics, the most-cited political newsletter in the state. Susans award-winning political analysis has run in more than 80 national, international and regional media outlets, including the Guardian U.K., NBC News, the New York Times, the Detroit News and MLive. She is the only Michigan journalist to be named to the Washington Posts list of Best Political Reporters, the Huffington Posts list of Best Political Tweeters and the Washington Posts list of Best Political Bloggers. Susan was the recipient of a prestigious Knight Foundation fellowship in nonprofits and politics. She served as Deputy Editor for MIRS News and helped launch the Michigan Truth Squad, the Center for Michigans fact-checking project. She started her journalism career reporting on the Iowa caucuses for The (Cedar Rapids) Gazette.
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The coronavirus crisis shows now is the time to demand more from our government - Wisconsin Examiner