Vietnam War Symposium: They Marched Into Sunlight: War and Peace, Vietnam and America, October 1967 – Video

Vietnam War Symposium: They Marched Into Sunlight: War and Peace, Vietnam and America, October 1967
A March 10 symposium on the Vietnam War was held at the First Amendment Center at Vanderbilt, based on "They Marched Into Sunlight," a book by David Maraniss. Maraniss, Distinguished Visiting...

By: Vanderbilt University

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Vietnam War Symposium: They Marched Into Sunlight: War and Peace, Vietnam and America, October 1967 - Video

The Limits of Free Speech

The Supreme Court's interpretation of the First Amendment would protect even the racist chant at the University of Oklahomabut it shouldn't.

Members of a fraternity at the University of Oklahoma were recently filmed chanting that theyd rather see a black student lynched than as a member of their clan. The now viral video of dapper, privileged white men shouting, There will never be a nigger at SAE, you can hang him from a tree reminds us of our greatest national shame. The chant has been roundly condemned as abhorrent. But after university president David Boren announced the expulsion of two students leading the chants, prominent legal scholars from the right and left have come to their defense. The university is a public institution, they say, and punishing the students for what they saidno matter how vileviolates the First Amendments commitment to uninhibited, robust, and wide-open discourse.

Oklahoma could make a decent argument that the students chant created a hostile educational environment and was thus unprotected speech, but these scholars are likely correct as a predictive matter. If this situation were litigated before the current Supreme Court, the students would almost certainly win. The frat boys howls are reminiscent of the Westboro Baptist Churchs God hates fags protests near military funerals, which the Supreme Court protected a few years ago. And while public university hate-speech codes have never been litigated at the Supreme Court, they have been trounced in lower courts.

A Brief and Recent History of Bigotry at Fraternities

We are told the First Amendment protects the odious because we cannot trust the government to make choices about content on our behalf. That protections of speech will inevitably be overinclusive. But that this is a cost we must bear. If we start punishing speech, advocates argue, then we will slide down the slippery slope to tyranny.

If that is what the First Amendment means, then we have a problem greater than bigoted frat boys. The problem would be the First Amendment.

No one with a frontal lobe would mistake this drunken anthem for part of an uninhibited and robust debate about race relations. The chant was a spew of hatred, a promise to discriminate, a celebration of privilege, and an assertion of the right to violenceall wrapped up in a catchy ditty. If the First Amendment has become so bloated, so ham-fisted, that it cannot distinguish between such filth and earnest public debate about race, then it is time we rethink what it means.

The way we interpret the First Amendment need not be simplistic and empty of nuance, and was not always so. The Supreme Court unanimously held over eighty years ago that those words which by their very utterance inflict injury are no essential part of any exposition of ideas. And in 1952 the Court upheld an Illinois statute punishing false or malicious defamation of racial and religious groups. These rulings, while never officially reversed, have shrunk to historical trinkets. But they mark a range of the possible, where one can be a staunch defender of full-throated discourse but still recognize the difference between dialogue and vomitus.

When frat boys delight in singing about lynching in Oklahoma, or loop a noose around the statue of James Meredith at Ole Miss, or publish a rape guide at Dartmouth, the First Amendment tells us our remedy to these expressions of hatred is to grimace and bear it. Or ignore it. Or speak out against it. But punish it we cannot. That would go too far; we would slide down the slippery slope to tyranny.

Those not targeted by the speech can sit back and recite how distasteful such racism or sexism is, and isnt it too bad so little can be done. Meanwhile, those targeted by the speech are forced to speak out, yet again, to reassert their right to be treated equally, to be free to learn or work or live in an environment that does not threaten them with violence. The First Amendments reliance on counterspeech as remedy forces the most marginalized among us to bear the costs of the bigots speech. Counterspeech is exhausting and distracting, but if you are the target of hatred you have little choice. Speak up! Remind us why you should not be lynched. Speak up! Remind us why you should not be raped. You can stay silent, but that internalizes the taunt. The First Amendment tells us the government cannot force us either to remain silent or to speak, but its reliance on counterspeech effectively forces that very choice onto victims of hate speech.

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The Limits of Free Speech

ACLU watches as KingCast delivers First Amendment smackdown on SJC 1:19 cameras in court. – Video

ACLU watches as KingCast delivers First Amendment smackdown on SJC 1:19 cameras in court. Hearing on Wednesday 28 March 2p.

By: mr rzd Putra

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ACLU watches as KingCast delivers First Amendment smackdown on SJC 1:19 cameras in court. - Video

Nexstar President and CEO Receives First Amendment Service Award

The Radio Television Digital News Foundation hosts its 25th Annual First Amendment Awards Dinner tonight in Washington D.C. And among the honorees was Perry Sook, President and CEO of WEHT's parent company, Nexstar Broadcasting.

The First Amendment Awards celebration honors working journalists and corporate executives for their hard work and dedication in the television broadcasting industry. Wednesday night, Nexstar's Chairman, President, and CEO, Perry Sook received the First Amendment Service Award.

"Our local television stations do two things," said Sook. "One we produce local content which is our service to the community and our identity, and we help local advertisers and local businesses grow."

"30 years I've been in the business, 15 with Perry," said Nexstar Co-Chief Operating Officer Tim Busch. "The man has lived up to the vision of everything he set out to do when he started this company."

Nexstar started with just one station 19 years ago. It now owns, operates, and provides sales and other services to 105 television stations reaching approximately 15.6% of all us television households. Sook says it's all about viewers having access to their news on a 24/7 basis.

"We have also endeavored to offer local news throughout the day," said Sook, "so that if you're working shift work 3 p.m. to 11 p.m., we have a newscast for you early afternoon or perhaps late night, or we have expanded our morning shows."

Sook has 33 years of experience in the television and radio broadcasting industry and credits the viewers for the success of his business

"For viewers and advertisers," said Sook, "coupling digital and broadcast is an unbeatable combination."

Also honored tonight was CBS News Correspondent Bob Simon, who was killed in a car crash last month, and journalists James Foley and Steven Sotloff, who were abducted and beheaded by ISIS last year.

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Nexstar President and CEO Receives First Amendment Service Award

Nexstar's Top Executive Receives 1st Amendment Award in DC

WASHINGTON D.C. -- The Radio Television Digital News Foundation hosted its First Amendment awards in the nation's capital on Wednesday night.

The first amendment awards celebration honors working journalists and corporate executives for their hard work and dedication in the television broadcasting industry.

Receiving the 25th First Amendment award Wednesday night was Nexstar Chairman, President and CEO, Perry Sook.

"Our local television stations do two things, one, we produce local content which is our service to the community and our identity and we help local advertisers and local businesses grow," Sook told reporters.

"30 years I've been in the business, 15 with Perry, the man has lived up to the vision of everything he set out to do when he started this company," said Timothy Busch, Nexstar's Executive Vice President.

Nexstar Broadcasting started as one station 19 years ago. Now the company owns, operates and provides sales and other services to 105 television stations reaching approximately 15.6% of all US television households.

Sook says it's all about viewers having access to their news on a 24/7 basis.

"We have endeavored to offer local news throughout the day so that if you're working shift work, 3 to 11, we have a newscast for you, early afternoon or perhaps late night or we have expanded our morning shows," said Sook.

Sook has 33 years of experience in the television and radio broadcasting industry and credits the viewers for the success of his business.

"For viewers and advertisers, coupling digital and broadcast is an unbeatable combination."

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Nexstar's Top Executive Receives 1st Amendment Award in DC

Nexstar's Top Executive Receives 1st Amendement Award in DC

WASHINGTON D.C. -- The Radio Television Digital News Foundation hosted its First Amendment awards in the nation's capital on Wednesday night.

The first amendment awards celebration honors working journalists and corporate executives for their hard work and dedication in the television broadcasting industry.

Receiving the 25th First Amendment award Wednesday night was Nexstar Chairman, President and CEO, Perry Sook.

"Our local television stations do two things, one, we produce local content which is our service to the community and our identity and we help local advertisers and local businesses grow," Sook told reporters.

"30 years I've been in the business, 15 with Perry, the man has lived up to the vision of everything he set out to do when he started this company," said Timothy Busch, Nexstar's Executive Vice President.

Nexstar Broadcasting started as one station 19 years ago. Now the company owns, operates and provides sales and other services to 105 television stations reaching approximately 15.6% of all US television households.

Sook says it's all about viewers having access to their news on a 24/7 basis.

"We have endeavored to offer local news throughout the day so that if you're working shift work, 3 to 11, we have a newscast for you, early afternoon or perhaps late night or we have expanded our morning shows," said Sook.

Sook has 33 years of experience in the television and radio broadcasting industry and credits the viewers for the success of his business.

"For viewers and advertisers, coupling digital and broadcast is an unbeatable combination."

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Nexstar's Top Executive Receives 1st Amendement Award in DC

Nexstar CEO honored at First Amendment Awards

WASHINGTON (ABC 4 Utah) The Radio Television Digital News Foundation hosted its 25th annual First Amendment Awards dinner Wednesday in Washington D.C.

The First Amendment Awards celebration honors working journalists and corporate executives for their hard work and dedication in the television broadcasting industry.Nexstar Chairman, President and CEO, Perry Sook received the First Amendment Service Award.

"Our local television stations do two things: one we produce local content which is our service to the community and our identity, and we help local advertisers and local businesses grow," said Sook.

"Thirty years I've been in the business, 15 with Perry, the man has lived up to the vision of everything he set out to do when he started this company," said Timothy Busch, Nexstar Executive VP and Co-Chief Operating Officer.

Nexstar started with just one station 19 years ago. It now owns, operates and provides sales and other services to 105 television stations reaching approximately 15.6 percent of all US television households. Sook says it's all about viewers having access to their news on a 24/7 basis.

"We have also endeavored to offer local news throughout the day so that if you're working shift work 3 to 11 we have a newscast for you early afternoon or perhaps late night..or we have expanded our morning shows," said Sook.

Sook has 33 years of experience in the television and radio broadcasting industry and credits the viewers for the success of his business.

"For viewers and advertisers, coupling digital and broadcast is an unbeatable combination," said Sook.

Also honored at the event was Bob Simon, former correspondent for CBS News and 60 Minutes and journalists Steven Stolid and James Foley who received the Citation of Courage Award.

Nexstar is the parent company of ABC 4 Utah and Utah's CW30.

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Nexstar CEO honored at First Amendment Awards