Phil Hanson: Honoring those who shape our communities – Neosho Daily News

Each year, your Community Foundation has the privilege of recognizing individuals and organizations who have made a significant philanthropic impact in Eastern Jackson County at our Toast to Our Towns Gala.

This year marks the 25th anniversary of the event and on Sept. 26 we will host a gala like no other in our organizations history. This years Toast to Our Towns Gala will be delivered live through a dynamic online celebration. The one-hour celebration of philanthropy will start at 7 p.m. and be broadcast to more than 40 different watch parties throughout the region. During the event, we will recognize Brent Schondelmeyer and Lee Williams as our Heartland Humanitarians of the Year and Speaks Chapels as our Heartland Corporate Citizen of the Year. The Junior Service League of Independence will receive our Heartland Service Award, and Adam Kliethermes will receive the Dr. Paul M. Thomson Professional Advisor of the Year Award.

Our 2020 Heartland Humanitarians of the Year, Brent Schondelmeyer and Lee Williams have worked across sectors to drive community initiatives in Independence and across the region for more than 30 years. Brent, a journalist and well-known local historian, is the deputy director of Local Investment Commission and oversees programs that help strengthen older and low-income neighborhoods throughout Eastern Jackson County. Lee retired as library director at Graceland University and is an advocate for public health initiatives.

Together, Brent and Lee advocate for historic preservation and civic improvements and contribute to the community by working behind the scenes with several nonprofits and on local initiatives. Lee is a past president of the Health Sciences Library Network of Kansas City and has led local efforts for the 2006 Clean Indoor Air Act. Brent is a leader at First Christian Church of Independence and a current trustee and past president of the board of Mid-Continent Public Library.

Speaks Chapels is our 2020 Heartland Corporate Citizen of the Year. A third-generation, family-owned funeral provider, Speaks Chapels has been serving the Eastern Jackson County community for more than 80 years. Under the leadership of President and CEO Brad Speaks, it supports the community during times of grief, and through their commitment to philanthropy. Speaks Chapels employees are active volunteers, many serving on the boards of area nonprofits. Additionally, the company lends financial support to nonprofits throughout the region and to community projects, such as the Independence Uptown Market and Harry S. Truman Library and Museum renovations.

Celebrating 75 years of continuous service to the community in 2020, the Junior Service League of Independence is receiving our Heartland Service Award. An organization of dedicated women who have a passion for community leadership, service to others and personal growth, JSL has been connecting and empowering women to positively impact the community through service since 1945. From advocating for arts education and womens healthcare to leading volunteer programs and historic preservation projects, the women of JSL have provided countless volunteer hours and significant financial contributions that have shaped the fabric of Independence and the greater Eastern Jackson County community.

Adam Kliethermes is our Dr. Paul M. Thomson Professional Advisor of the Year. A second-generation investment adviser for Edward Jones, Adam brings a unique perspective for financial planning. Adam earned a masters of accountancy and J.D. from the University of Missouri and joined Edward Jones in 2011. Having grown up in the business and community he serves, Adam has a distinct ability to develop strategies that serve his clients and the community. The past chair of Truman Heartlands Independence/Sugar Creek Advisory Board, Adam played an important role in expanding the Community Foundations Professional Advisor network.

These four honorees embody the spirit of giving in Eastern Jackson County and are a special example of what a community can achieve when people work together for a greater cause.

You can find more information about this years honorees, plans for the online event and how you can sponsor a watch party and join in the celebration on Saturday, Sept. 26 at

Phil Hanson is the president and CEO of Truman Heartland Community Foundation, a 501(c)(3) public charity committed to improving the communities in and around Eastern Jackson County. For more information on charitable giving, visit or call Truman Heartland at 816.836.8189.

See the rest here:

Phil Hanson: Honoring those who shape our communities - Neosho Daily News

Mike Ostrowski and John I. Snow III: Racism is all around us and New Hampshire is not immune – The Union Leader

WE FIND ourselves in a perfect storm with multiple flashpoints: a once-in-a-lifetime pandemic and a centuries-old struggle for justice. One is a public health emergency that has lasted for months and promises many future challenges: COVID-19. The other is the most insidious, long-standing public health emergency that has lasted for hundreds of years: racism.

Current events underscore the seriousness of the situation. The novel coronavirus has laid bare the health disparities and disproportionate impact on people of color across the nation. The data also show the same disparities and inequities at play here in the Granite State.

A recent report issued by the New Hampshire Fiscal Policy Institute emphasized this. While non-Hispanic white residents make up 90 percent of the New Hampshire population, they constituted only 74 percent of identified COVID-19 infections. More than one in five hospitalizations were of someone who identified as something other than white. That is a stark example of disproportionate impact right here at home.

There is a hunger in this country and in our state to finally address these injustices. This has never been clearer than in the recent widespread protests following the murder of yet more unarmed Black Americans at the hands of law enforcement.

Yes, New Hampshire is still predominantly white, but our demographics are changing. If we want our state to prosper and to build a talented and vibrant workforce, we need to embrace this growing diversity and continue our efforts to make New Hampshire a welcoming place. Our states most respected demographers and economists agree.

But first, theres an institution we must collectively tear down: structural racism. Its the entrenched and rigged system designed to confer advantages on some, but not others. And its often hard to spot if youre someone who has always benefited from that system. People of color have long experienced systemic barriers to economic opportunity and financial independence, employment, education, criminal justice, housing, and health care, while bearing the disproportionate share of surveillance, mistrust and fear often with lethal results.

These inconvenient truths have led to statewide efforts to address the pandemic of structural racism, including the Advisory Council on Diversity and Inclusion, established more than two years ago in an effort to combat discrimination. More recently, a Commission on Law Enforcement Accountability, Community, and Transparency was formed to examine our states policing practices and develop recommendations for improving the relationship between law enforcement and the communities they serve.

In our respective roles as board members at the Endowment for Health, New Hampshires largest health foundation, we are particularly proud of leadership investments in programs for New Hampshire residents that examine racism, bias and privilege. We are also proud of the Race and Equity in New Hampshire Series. That work has spanned more than four years and has grown to include hundreds of Granite Staters from all backgrounds and walks of life. Were working together to promote race and equity in the domains of civic engagement, criminal justice/law enforcement, economic development, education, government, and health.

Getting involved is important. But its not enough to be an ally who stands in solidarity with people of color as they do the work of fighting racism. We must all be anti-racist partners willing to take action and ask the uncomfortable questions right here in New Hampshire.

We must be willing to confront the shopkeeper who is unnecessarily following people of color in the store. We must insist our school districts teach our children a more complete history of our state and nation. We must call for community policing and de-escalation training. And, hard as it might be, we must call out the neighbor who makes racist comments. We have to speak the truth even when it ruffles feathers.

None of us can be healthy without a culture free from the lie of racial constructs. Every one of us suffers from the societal setbacks of racism, no matter our background. We all play a part in shaping a future for our state where differences among our people are welcomed and celebrated. A future where geography, circumstance or skin color do not define our well-being.

Mike Ostrowski of Antrim served as interim CEO at New Hampshire Center for Nonprofits and as president and CEO of Child and Family Services of New Hampshire. He currently chairs the Endowment for Health. John I. Snow III is president and managing director of Quabbin Capital and grew up in Amherst. He serves on the Board and Investment Committee of the Endowment for Health. He lives in WInchester, Mass.

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Mike Ostrowski and John I. Snow III: Racism is all around us and New Hampshire is not immune - The Union Leader

The hidden crisis: Beneath the surface of Covid lurks a human rights crisis for women – The Financial Express

By Shriya Roy

The pandemic has unleashed a volley of troubles on the world. But while its impact on people, businesses and industries has been dwelt upon in detail, one issue that seems to have slipped through the cracks is its impact on women. From domestic abuse and mental stress to financial instability and lack of access to healthcare, the virus has dealt a severe blow to women of all ages and across countries.

The 2020 World Population report by the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), in fact, warns that the pandemic could reverse all the gains achieved so far in the fight against harmful practices against women worldwide. Interestingly, data suggests that epidemics and pandemics have always affected women in far greater ways than men. The 2014-16 Ebola outbreak in West Africa, for instance, destroyed the livelihoods of many traders in Sierra Leone and Liberia, 85% of whom were women, as per reports.

What makes the scenario more worrisome is that only a minority of governments collect and share aggregated sex and gender data during an infectious disease. Analysis is often conducted much later and with incomplete information. The truth, however, remains that beneath the surface of the current pandemic lurks a global human rights crisis for women.

Violence & abuseDomestic violence cases increased by 20% worldwide during the lockdown, as per the UN, which termed this rise a shadow pandemic. While many countries reported a spike in calls to domestic abuse hotlines, in many others, especially developing ones, reporting of cases was lower due to limitations on access to phones and helplines, and disrupted public services like police, justice and social services.

In India, the National Commission for Women received more than 300 such complaints from the start of the lockdown in March till April. As per their data, compared to the pre-lockdown period, the number of complaints doubled starting the first week of lockdown itself in late March.

Delhi alone saw around 1,600 women calling emergency helpline numbers between March and April to report domestic violence, as per various reports. The Delhi Commission for Women, however, maintains that there was a decrease in the number of such calls during the lockdown. It was seen that reporting of cases decreased manifold in the initial days of the lockdown, says Swati Maliwal, chief, Delhi Commission for Women. This decrease, however, could be attributed to women not being able to access help due to close proximity with their abusers. It becomes harder for women to get away from the house and so long as they are in the same space as the abuser, the violence continues, says Bengaluru-based activist Tara Krishnaswamy, a member of the civic group Citizens for Bengaluru.

Agrees journalist Namita Bhandare, who writes on gender issues: Empirical data on a wide scale is lacking. However, there is most definitely a domestic violence pandemic that is raging. Calls to helplines, in fact, may be down because, during the lockdown, women might have experienced lack of privacy to place a call. Moreover, due to economic hardships, many women might not have been able to recharge phones or even access phones, she says.

Shakti Shalini, a New Delhi-based NGO which operates shelter homes for women, said in a recent report that their helpline responded to 77 calls in April. That number, however, rose to 115 in May. Interestingly, through the lockdown, victims contacted majorly between 9 pm and 10 am when most of their family members would be asleep, the NGO said.

Noting the seriousness of the situation and in response to a petition filed by the All India Council of Human Rights, Liberties and Social Justice, the Delhi High Court directed the Delhi government and the Centre on April 24 to ensure effective implementation of the Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act, 2005. Other countries, too, are stepping up efforts to check the menace. While Italy has increased the number of helplines, Australia has boosted funding for anti-violence organisations, including those that offer safe accommodation. Kenya, too, has bolstered telephone counselling services for those facing domestic violence.

Healthcare disruptedDuring the lockdown in the country, there were several reports of women giving birth on Shramik trains that were arranged to transport migrant workers back to their home states. The access to maternal healthcare was close to nil, increasing the risk of infection to both mother and baby. Other pregnant women in the country, too, had to face a hard time as it became tough to get to the hospital due to lack of transportation. The lockdown also made it harder for women, especially those in rural areas, to access sexual or reproductive health services. When it came to availability of essentials like sanitary napkins, it was twice as hard for poor women as shops were shut. Those that were open ran out of stock. Plus, they had no access to delivery services, says Krishnaswamy.

Not just that, around 1.85 million women were denied access to abortion services in India due to the restrictions, as per a recent study conducted by Ipas Development Foundation (IDF), a Delhi-based non-profit organisation. In Italy, abortions were cancelled during the lockdown and still remain restricted in some parts.

Its a fact that global health emergencies limit and create a disruption in normal healthcare services. But one of the worst affected are women who suffer from a severe lack of access to sexual and reproductive health services. Researchers at UNFPA predict that 47 million women in 114 low- and middle-income countries could lose access to contraception in 2020, leading to unplanned pregnancies. Past pandemics such as Ebola have shown that there is a definite rise in unplanned and teen pregnancies caused by lack of access to birth control, says Bhandare.

Besides limiting access to healthcare, the pandemic is also disrupting supply chains. Many types of contraceptives are expected to be in short supply in the coming months in more than a dozen developing nations, warns the UNFPA, which says healthcare professionals may be too busy tackling Covid-19 to be able to provide other services.

Government response in countries around the world differs widely. While England changed its legislation in March to permit medical abortion at home through the use of pills, US states like Texas, Ohio, Iowa, Oklahoma and Alabama further restricted access to abortion, deeming it a non-essential service. Some states in the US, in fact, claimed that abortions need to be stopped altogether during the pandemic to preserve hospital beds. Closer home, ministry of health and family welfare guidelines declaring maternal health services as essential came only on April 13, the third week of the lockdown.

Mind & wellnessHistorically, women have played the part of primary caregivers in families. During the current crisis, though, the social isolation measures have resulted in women reeling under an increased workload as family members remain home-bound for a continued period of time. For women with jobs, it has become even more difficult, as they have to juggle work, household chores, domestic responsibilities and parenting duties. If we just talk of India, data collected over time by the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development shows that Indian women do nearly six hours of unpaid care work each day. Men, on the other hand, spend less than an hour on an average doing the same. The task of taking care of kids and the elderly also falls upon the woman in the house. In most households in India, if a woman is working, there is this unsaid assumption that she wont drop household responsibilities unlike men, says Krishnaswamy.

This increased work load, however, is leading many women to experience stress, anxiety and other mental health issues. A lot of women have also experienced mom rage, anger as a result of social isolation, lack of support and high levels of frustration.

A London School of Economics student, who is from India and works as a healthcare volunteer in London, says gender gap in mental health existed before the lockdown, but the isolation has only widened it. Isolation is draining women disproportionately because our patriarchal society demands that they take on additional domestic chores, as well as child-care responsibilities. In many households, even though the male partners are contributing, the emotional burden still falls on women, says the student, who didnt wish to be named.

Agrees Japleen Pasricha, founder-director, Feminism in India, a feminist media organisation: Women are the primary caretakers in a family and since everyone is at home now, they have to manage household chores, online classes, the children, as well as the elderly. With increased household work, aggravated domestic violence and no leisure time for themselves, women remain one of the worst-hit sections of society, says Pasricha.

Home is also not a great support system for everyone. Many working women, for whom the workplace provided an escape, have been facing emotional abuse at home now. Work from home has made things worse because not only do I have to stay at home, but also undergo emotional abuse. I try to be as normal as possible for my daughter, but staying at home all the time is getting harder, says 38-year-old Amrita (name changed on request), a professional based in Delhi.

Financial falloutThe virus outbreak has also brought womens economic vulnerability to the forefront. According to a July 15 report by management consultant firm Mckinsey & Co, female job loss rates resulting from Covid-19 are about 1.8 times higher than male job loss rates in India and the US. As per various unemployment surveys in India, women account for 23% of the overall job lossesat least four out of 10 women in India lost their jobs due to the pandemic, reveals a survey by the Centre for Monitoring Indian Economy.

Globally, too, womens jobs are 19% more at risk than men, as per the report by Mckinsey & Co. Across the US, the impact on female jobs is already visible. The latest unemployment figures show that women held 55% of the 20.5 million jobs lost between April-May in the US.

Sectors which traditionally have a larger female workforce, such as retail, hotels, tourism, parlours, etc, also shut overnight. The latest International Labour Organization (ILO) report revealed that the proportion of women working in the hard-hit sectors was particularly high in Central America (58.9%), south-east Asia (48.5%), southern Europe (45.8%) and South America (45.5%). The bigger the loss in employment during the lockdown phase and the greater the scarcity of jobs in the aftermath of the crisis, the harder it will be for womens employment to recover, said the ILO in the report, adding that women were disproportionately affected post the lockdown around the world, with almost 40% of all employed women experiencing job loss compared to 36.6% of men.

This loss of financial independence may further threaten their safety and autonomy at home. Bhandare points out that frontline health workers like accredited social health activists (ASHA), who have been working without adequate protection gear or even compensation in the country, are all women. In many states, not only have their regular honorariums been delayed, but they havent also received the additional `1,000 a month promised to them by the Centre for their additional Covid-related work, she says. The ILO says women are also at greater risk of infection, as they make up the vast majority of health and social care workers globally.

Krishnaswamy warns that womens economic situation is going to get worse not only in formal, but informal labour too. People are paranoid about getting their house helps back, and the majority of them are women who come from abusive households. The two issues are, therefore, interconnected, she says.

Women working from home are also struggling to balance work and life, in some instances with less pay. Work from home is an attractive option for many, but it can work for women only if they get help with household work and it doesnt become an excuse for companies to pay them less for equal work, says Bhandare.

The depth and magnitude of the impact of the pandemic on women is yet to be fully discovered, but timely steps in the form of committed efforts by public and private institutions ranging across mental and physical healthcare, legal support, rehabilitation programmes, etc, may aid future response to such outbreaks.

20%: The increase in domestic violence cases worldwide during lockdown, as per UN

Around 1,600: Women in Delhi who called helplines between March and April to report domestic violence, as per reports

Around 1.85 million: Women who were denied abortions in India during lockdown, as per Ipas Development Foundation

Nearly 47 million: Women in 114 low- and middle-income countries who could lose access to contraception in 2020, as per researchers at United Nations Population Fund

Nearly 6 hours: Unpaid care work done by Indian women each day as opposed to men who spend less than an hour doing the same, as per data by Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development

* Female job loss rates were 1.8 times higher than male job loss rates in India and the US, as per a Mckinsey & Co report

* At least 4 out of 10 women in India lost their jobs due to the pandemic, as per a survey by Centre for Monitoring Indian Economy

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The hidden crisis: Beneath the surface of Covid lurks a human rights crisis for women - The Financial Express

No retirement savings at 50? Save, invest and establish new streams of income –

Catherine Brock, The Motley Fool Published 3:00 a.m. MT Aug. 7, 2020

Several studies in recent years confirm that most U.S. workers haven't saved enough for retirement. TD Ameritrade's 2020 Road to Retirement report indicates that only 8% of savers between the ages of 50 and 59 have $1 million saved. A much larger percentage in that same age group, 37% to be exact, have saved less than $50,000.

If you're in that under-50k club, you'll have to make tough choices at some point. You can make them now by buckling down and committing to an aggressive financial plan, or make them later by downgrading your lifestyle to near-poverty levels. Sadly, that's what it takes to survive on Social Security alone.

Take action now while you're still working, and you'll have some flexibility to choose a better life later. If you wait and do nothing, you're locked into a meager lifestyle for the rest of your days.

Options: Does a 401(k) plan still make sense for you? It might, or might not

Your 401(k): Three withdrawal rules to make your retirement last

Presumably, you're not considering the do-nothing approach. Instead, you're ready to borrow two tactics from the FIRE (Financial Independence, Retire Early) movement to get your retirement outlookback on track, and quickly. FIRE principles have helped workers gain enough financial independence to leave the workforce decades before the traditional retirement age.

It's possible to accumulate a large nest egg in a short period of time, but it won't happen with $100 monthly contributions. The table below estimates how much you can save in 12 years if you contribute 30% to 50% of your salary to your retirement accounts. The figures assume you're investing those contributions and earning an average annual growth rate of 7% which is in line with the stock market's long-term performance.


Savings Potential With 30% Contribution

Savings Potential With 40% Contribution

Savings Potential With 50% Contribution

































Table data source: Author calculations.

These values don't incorporate tax implications, which would come into play if you exceed allowable contributions in your 401k plan and IRA accounts. At 50 or older, you can contribute up to $26,000 in a 401k, not including your employer matching contributions. You can additionally contribute up to $7,000 in a traditional IRA, though this amount may not be tax-deductible.

After you max out your 401k and IRA contributions, put additional savings into a taxable brokerage account. You'll have to pay taxes each year on dividends, interest, and realized gains, but you'll have no withdrawal restrictions on those funds. To maximize your returns, invest your contributions in diversified funds that include large, established companies. An S&P 500 index fund is a reliable choice and a favorite of legendary investor Warren Buffett.

Successful FIRE retirees also seek out other streams of income to reduce reliance on their savings. Before COVID-19, rental properties were a popular choice. Savers with good credit could finance properties and rent them out for enough to cover expenses and turn a profit. Today, that model is temporarily problematic, since many tenants who've lost their jobs in the pandemic recession might be having trouble paying rent.

(Photo: Getty Images)

There are other options, though. You could start a blog, launch a drop-ship e-commerce business, or take photos and earn royalties on websites like Shutterstock. You could also go the passive route and build up your portfolio of dividend-paying positions. Choose reliable dividend payers and reinvest the income to increase your share count and produce more dividends. Let that cycle continue for long enough, and you can build a nice stream of cash flow.

You're not doomed to living out your senior years in your daughter's basement or a tiny apartment. As long you have 10 years on your side, you can make big strides in creating the retirement that you want.

Start by saving aggressively now and looking for supplemental sources of income. In a decade, you'll look back and be thrilled that you decided to fire up your retirement savings.

The Motley Fool has a disclosure policy.

The Motley Fool is a USA TODAY content partner offering financial news, analysis and commentary designed to help people take control of their financial lives. Its content is produced independently of USA TODAY.

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Celebrating ABLE to Save Month with our partners – Myhorrynews

Because our citizens living with disabilities deserve the same chance to achieve financial independence and stability as all South Carolinians do, Im proud to serve as administrator of the Palmetto ABLE Savings Program.

Palmetto ABLE provides eligible South Carolinians living with disabilities and their loved ones the opportunity to save, invest and build the financial future they desire, all without losing important benefits like Supplemental Security Income or Medicaid. The spotlight shines on this program throughout August as we observe ABLE to Save Month, celebrating and highlighting the benefits of ABLE accounts.

While promoting awareness of Palmetto ABLE is something we do year-round at the State Treasurers Office, its not something we do alone.

Since opening for enrollment in 2017, a variety of partners in the states disability community, legal community and financial services community have joined us to educate residents across the state about the benefits of owning a Palmetto ABLE account. Thanks in large part to their willingness to promote its value among those they serve, we now have more than 1,400 active account owners who have been empowered to take control of their own money and save for the future.

So, during this ABLE to Save Month, I would like to turn the spotlight on them our many partners across the state and give thanks for their support. From our statewide partners like the SC Department of Disabilities and Special Needs, Family Connection of South Carolina, and the SC Developmental Disabilities Council to numerous local organizations throughout the state, we appreciate all they have done individually and collectively to support Palmetto ABLE.

The State Treasurers Office is grateful to be a part of this network of organizations that serves South Carolinas disability community. Through events such as community gatherings, benefits fairs, speaking engagements, and the webinars that have become so important during this time of remote work, our collaboration with community partners and advocates has allowed us the opportunity to share how the Palmetto ABLE Savings Program can provide a pathway to financial independence and security. Our partners have truly become champions of the program and have helped grow it to better serve the disability community.

While, together, we have made significant strides, there is still much work to be done. My office remains committed to making financial independence an accessible opportunity for all and will continue to spread this message. With the help of dedicated individuals and organizations in communities across the state, we can continue to share this valuable resource with those who will benefit the most.

If you are interested in becoming a program partner or advocate, please contact

To find out if you or a loved one is eligible to open a Palmetto ABLE account,

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Celebrating ABLE to Save Month with our partners - Myhorrynews

All you need to know about Saakashvilis judicial reform – 112 International

When preparing to become the head of the executive committee of the National Council of Reforms under the President of Ukraine, Mikheil Saakashvili, among other technical obligations, was also tasked to reform the judicial system of Ukraine. The courts are permanently subjected to the reformation in our country and each government takes up the perturbations in this area. The Georgian innovator presented his concept of a reformed justice. Its main leitmotif is the reduction of instances of all possible levels: both, in fact, the courts themselves, and those structures that exercise control over them.

The incumbent Head of Executive Committee for Reforms of Ukraine

First innovation: 200 courts instead of 764

Saakashvili proposes to liquidate administrative, economic, and general courts, and create a district center of justice. In total, 200 should remain out of 764 courts, "it will be easier to access them, and the procedure will be much faster and more transparent." "In addition, there will be a Supreme Administrative Court, to which citizens will apply regarding decisions of state bodies, a Supreme Anti-Corruption Court, a Supreme Court on Intellectual Property," Saakashvili said.

This idea is not new. Ukraine began to liquidate the courts at the midterm of the presidency of Petro Poroshenko. According to the then reform, the Supreme Court of Ukraine was recognized as a single cassation instance. This meant that all existing high courts at that time were liquidated, and the cassation cases that were considered in them were redirected to the desks of the newly elected judges of the Supreme Court.

Poroshenko was warned: it was about 50-70,000 cassations. Even if 100% of the composition of the court is formed, more than 580 cassation complaints will be distributed to each judge. And if the court is only half full, the number of cases will exceed a thousand.

And that's not counting new cases that come on a regular basis. With such a load, the work of the highest court might be blocked for a long time - and a wide field for abuse will open up due to the arbitrary determination of the order of consideration of "frozen" cases.

But the layman always likes it when someone cuts off the bureaucratic apparatus. Since the latter, by the general belief, only parasitizes on "ordinary citizens". Therefore, in principle, many people may like Saakashvili's idea. Because few people are able to understand a simple thing: fewer courts do not mean fewer cases. Having fewer courts means more workload per judge. And long lines for justice.

Second innovation: less control

The next point that Saakashvili speaks about is the need to eliminate the "plurality" of the court control system: to liquidate the High Council of Justice, the High Qualification Commission of Judges and the State Judicial Administration, instead, to create a single judicial control body. This body will perform the following functions: 1) selection and recertification of judges, 2) consideration of disciplinary cases on complaints against judges, 3) monitoring the integrity of judges, 4) ensuring the financial independence of courts.

However, there is an interesting point: President Zelensky is now being harshly criticized by activists for having decided to remove one single element from this matrix. According to the bill No. 3711, which was introduced by the president to the Verkhovna Rada, the mention of the Commission on Integrity and Ethics, which was supposed to oversee the High Council of Justice, is removed from the concept of judicial reform.

It is not known whether such nuances are of interest to Saakashvili, but he himself goes much further and defends the idea of eliminating the entire controlling superstructure. Although, on the other hand, he mentioned a single body of judicial control, designed to replace the old institutions.

Innovation three: alternative justice

Another innovation from Saakashvili is "alternative justice" - the creation of institutions of the arbitration court and the use of mediation. It is not clear how jury trials will fit into this scheme, perhaps they will be left to consider charges of especially serious crimes. The Constitution of Ukraine, adopted in 1996, spelled out the institution of the jury, which, however, still has not really started working.

Because, since 1996, the provision on jury trials has been carefully recorded in each new edition of the Law "On the Judicial System." However, until recently it was not even clearly regulated which cases were to be tried by a jury and which by a court with the participation of people's assessors. For example, the version of the law, voted by the parliament in February 2002, referred to both the first and the second institution, without specifying the criteria for differentiating criminal cases.

And already in the new Criminal Procedure Code, adopted in 2012, there was a provision according to which the jury would consider only serious crimes, in particular those for which life imprisonment is provided. In addition to this, Saakashvili proposes implementing the idea of "mediators," that is, mediators, as another additional judicial link or instance.

Fourth innovation: case law

In one of the interviews that Mikheil Saakashvili gave to Ksenia Sobchak, he spoke with great reverence about British and American justice. And he even stated that it would be nice to send professionals from London or Washington to Ukraine. Not surprisingly, in introducing his reform, he borrowed something from the British - namely, their system of case law.

The essence of English common law is that it is created by the courts. That is, judges, apply legal precedents to the facts and circumstances of each specific trial. Simply put, if a certain case has already been considered before, the judge must conduct the consideration of the case in accordance with how the previous decision was taken. This system excludes the option that two courts make diametrically opposite decisions on the same issue.

Fifth innovation: judgment in a smartphone

Saakashvili pays tribute to the latest trends, namely, the course of digitalization proclaimed by the president. He wants to implement a "trial in a smartphone". It is expected that such a program will deal with the automatic distribution of cases, will allow you to file a claim online, as well as pay online court fees, transfer evidence or receive copies of court decisions. However, Saakashvili does not explain how exactly this should work in practice.

It is not surprising. Because it won't work in any way. The section dealing with the transition of justice to electronic format evokes especially heated criticism, even outright ridicule. Sources in power circles note that if the judicial reform as a whole was "blessed" by President Zelensky, some of its provisions are exclusively Saakashvili's personal initiative, an initiative with which it would be better not to rush.

The "Electronic Court" system was launched even under Poroshenko. It works, although, not perfectly, not fully coping with the tasks assigned to it. But it gives an opportunity to submit an application, however, the study of evidence, interrogation of witnesses, and the like need an offline presence only. There are a lot of things that cannot be replaced by a conference in Zoom, and, in fact, you don't need to do this. In addition, the Internet connection in Ukraine is not as perfect as Saakashvili thinks it is.

Not everyone is impressed by the idea of case law, and indeed the Anglo-Saxon legal system, to which Saakashvili refers. The fact is that Britain has no constitution in the form we are used to. There is a set of laws, recorded precedents, and customs that the state has accumulated, improved and adapted to new realities over the centuries. But in Ukraine, in its short history, they have not formed such a precedent base, we have a Constitution that replaces the British bill of rights. Saakashvili does not explain how to combine these two legal systems.

That is why many critics of Saakashvili note that he has a rather approximate idea or even does not have any about the system he is going to reform. But case law and e-justice do not generate the same amount of angry comments as Saakashvili's desire to reduce the number of courts. The fact that one of the possible consequences might be an unrealistic load on one judge has already been mentioned above. Experts also note that with the reduction of courts, the servants of Themis will have to retrain from narrow-profile specialists to wide-profile ones and immerse themselves in those areas of law that they have not previously dealt with. And this, of course, will also negatively affect the quality of their work.

But what do the authorities think about Saakashvili's activity? Perhaps it does not forbid the Georgian reformer to generate these unacceptable ideas. First, no one is going to embody them. Secondly, it is a kind of distraction from more significant problems. And, thirdly, it is likely that Saakashvilis main task is not in the legal plane, but strengthening the Ukrainian-American ties.

Having barely arrived in Ukraine, Mikheil Saakashvili held one of his first meetings at the American embassy. There he spoke with diplomats about an office, which had been vacant for a year now (the post of the United States Ambassador to Ukraine - after the resignation of Marie Yovanovitch, this office remained vacant).

After Yovanovitch stepped down, she was temporarily replaced by William Taylor, and later by Christina Kvien. Saakashvili also talked to her, and soon after that, American President Donald Trump decided on the candidature of the ambassador Keith Dayton, an experienced executive with experience in the military, intelligence, and diplomacy. Dayton's appointment surprisingly coincided with the beginning of Saakashvili's work. It is unlikely that this can be a coincidence, and this, as already noted, is one of the probable reasons for the condescending attitude towards "Saakashvili's reforms."

"The return of Saakashvili is an attempt to improve the image of Zelensky and the authorities in the West since problems arose in communication with Western partners after the resignation of PM Honcharuk and prosecutor general Ryaboshapka. Representatives of the European Solidarity, National Front, Batkivshchyna have become communicators with the West, and Zelensky has very weak positions here, and he is forced to rely on the "outside" negotiators. Saakashvili must fix this, especially since he himself can boast of good connections on the other side of the border," says Ruslan Bortnyk, director of the Ukrainian Institute for Policy Analysis and Management.

But Saakashvili plays other roles as well. For example, the role of the "red rag", which is waved in front of Petro Poroshenko. The appearance of Saakashvili in Ukraine "might be a slap in the face for Poroshenko. He is in opposition, and his opponent is coming to power... But the fact is that Poroshenko plays the role of an antipode under Zelensky. At the same time, Poroshenko's own rating is rather low, and his anti-rating is high. And this saves Zelensky from unwanted comparisons with Poroshenko. Now Saakashvili can become such an antipode," said Bohdan Petrenko, deputy director of the Ukrainian Institute for the Study of Extremism.

"Zelensky's aim is to create various counterbalances. For example, the parliament as a whole and the mono-majority in particular serves as one of such counterbalances. The same works with Saakashvili. Despite the fact that he is a downed pilot, he is a rather striking character who would also pull back negativity from the Office of the President," Petrenko is convinced.

Therefore, if something happens, the failure of the judicial reform can be attributed to the insufficient diligence or incompetence of Saakashvili. The system of Ukrainian justice will definitely not improve from such games, but the government will gain some time.

See the article here:

All you need to know about Saakashvilis judicial reform - 112 International

‘Do You Really Want to Spend the Money on Online Yale?’ For the Class of 2020, Gap Years Beckon – The 74

In the months leading up to the coronavirus pandemic, 2020 was looking pretty good to Lizbeth Luevano.

Before the year even began, she had received early acceptance to Stanford a dream for the 18-year-old daughter of Mexican immigrants in Californias Coachella Valley. After striving to master English in her early years, Lizbeth had developed into a stellar student and dedicated local volunteer, and the world was beginning to take notice. After receiving prestigious scholarships from the Palo Alto-based nonprofit Questbridge and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, she was on her way to college and a career in immigration law.

Then came the pandemic, indefinite school closures and the protracted ambiguity around university reopening plans. Just months before the start of her freshman year, Stanford was offering few assurances that its academic and residential programs would resemble anything like a typical college experience.

She soon discovered that she had a role to play in her family finances as well. The coronavirus crippled Southern Californias vital tourism industry, and with it her mothers earnings as a cleaner. Lizbeth was soon contemplating an idea that hadnt seemed like a real possibility before: taking a year off.

The way everything was manifesting, it definitely seemed like a gap year was more feasible because of COVID-19, she said. It was something I took because of coronavirus and the way Stanford was reacting to it, and the way it affected my household.

Recent high school graduate Lizbeth Luevano is putting off Stanford until 2021. (Lizbeth Luevano)

Lizbeth isnt alone. With millions of American students facing questions about what life will look like after high school, a huge number are taking a second look at their September plans. Now that multiple state universities have announced that they will mostly conduct fall coursework virtually and serious COVID-related setbacks could result in immediate mid-semester closures, it appears that the central bargain struck between families and colleges is changing dramatically.

According to an April survey conducted by Art & Science, a consulting firm specializing in nonprofits and higher education, as many as 12 percent of students whod made a deposit for the fall semester had already decided against attending. Student polling conducted the same month by the American Council on Education found that only 83 percent of respondents were sure theyd attend college as planned before the outbreak.

The situation is fueled by an information vacuum. Stef Mauler, a former college admissions officer who now works with families as an application strategy consultant, praised schools for reaching out to admitted students with the latest information. Still, she said, from the conversations Ive been in, I dont think they have an answer for when or how to handle reopening.

Typically, she said, only a small minority of her clients opt for a gap year. The phenomenon is more common in Europe, though it captured Americans attention by Malia Obamas 2016 decision to defer her acceptance to Harvard in favor of a group expedition to South America. That trip, which was followed by a then-coveted internship at Harvey Weinsteins production company, represented the kind of high-end experience available only to wealthy and connected post-grads.

Most families arent in a position to arrange that kind of gap year; many of those who can do so still worry that their children will get sidetracked academically if they take significant time away from their studies. But the coronavirus has changed the value proposition of higher education over the next 12 months at least: If the college experience shifts online, with students missing out on the chance to live independently and work one-on-one with professors, the people signing the tuition checks may wonder if its truly worth the cost.

Do you really want to spend the money and the time to do online Yale? asked Mauler. As a mother, I would say no. I have two Ivy League degrees, and Ill be the first to tell you, its not that the professors are that much better than at any other school. The real value of those types of environments is the people you meet, and the conversations you have in the cafeteria, collaborating on team projects.

That was the calculation that Lizbeth made before deciding against enrolling this fall. Dreading the idea of more Zoom classrooms, and conscious of the need to cultivate personal relationships with peers and instructors, she put in her gap year request with Stanford as soon as she learned that her scholarships would still be available in 2021.

Now Lizbeth is looking for opportunities to earn her keep over the next year. Armed with a $5,000 stipend she collected when a summer internship with Bank of America was canceled, she already has a measure of financial independence; shes also picked up a job as a census taker for the time being, with more interviews underway. More than anything else, though, shes planning to commit to her hobbies, such as drawing, and whittle down a list of more than 400 books that people have recommended to her.

For me, even though Ill be working, its still free time for me to learn whatever subject I want, she said.

Demystifying the gap year

In general, gap years tend to resemble Lizbeths more than the former First Daughters. Some students opt to travel abroad, but many devote themselves to community service or take a job to earn money for college tuition and living expenses. For Holly Bull, the key to the experience is for adolescents to be thinking more consciously about who you are and whats of value to you, discovering their priorities and developing autonomy along the way.

Before her own freshman year in 1980, when Bull was still considering a major in marine biology, she participated in an aquaculture research internship in Hawaii. Only after spending a few months scrubbing shrimp and fish tanks did she realize that her passions lay elsewhere.

Instead, after graduating from college she took another break midway through to trek across India and Nepal Bull joined the Center for Interim Programs, a gap year consultancy founded by her father. She is now CIPs president and an enthusiastic ambassador for the personal, professional and academic growth that she says comes with a year of independent learning.

Bull views part of her job as demystifying the idea of the gap year. Perceived cost is a major stumbling block; many families, she said, balk at the price tag for group travel packages and specialized learning courses.

Its still a relatively new field in the U.S., and I think its been more middle-to-upper-income families who have stepped into it, she said. You dont have to bleed financially to have a great gap year, but I think what people are saying is, Those group programs are pricey, how do we afford this?'

In reality, organizations like AmeriCorps offer modest pay or college reimbursement to participants in exchange for work in communities. Other service-oriented programs provide room and board to volunteers who pitch in with disaster relief or home construction. CIP vets cheaper options and connects students with scholarship programs.

Of course, the COVID threat has altered gap years just as much as school years, and the array of part-time jobs, internships and community service opportunities has been heavily disrupted by the social distancing regime over the past few months. In particular, after countries began instituting travel restrictions in February, Bull and her colleagues had to repatriate students whose gap years had taken them abroad.

They were scrambling coming home, and we were looking for all these different online options not just classes, but online internships, volunteer projects, certification courses, she said. One student was in the middle of an entrepreneurial workshop abroad and had to come back and finish online. Its not ideal, and the last thing you want to do is online classes.

Gapyearly founder Sasha Landauer spent her 2015-16 gap year traveling the world, including a trip to Mount Fitz Roy on the border between Argentina and Chile. (Courtesy of Sasha Landauer)

Sasha Landauer is also trying to solve the riddle of the post-COVID gap year. A Stanford senior, she is the founder of Gapyearly, an information and support center for gappers. The project, which she founded with a friend in 2016, is heavily informed by their personal experiences: Before starting college, Landauer spent a year backpacking and volunteering on farms in Europe, Australia and New Zealand.

The self-confidence she gained during that trip prompted Landauer to apply for a gap semester once her college transitioned to online learning this spring. As soon as classes went virtual, I decided I didnt want to pay tuition for Zoom. For a humanities seminar, the idea of doing it on Zoom is kind of laughable.

Even in the wake of a global pandemic, the Gapyearly site maintains a list of learning and service opportunities that are still accessible. In fact, Landauer said, the state of the world might prove the best motivation for some young people to put off college while working on a campaign or staffing a food bank.

In starting Gapyearly, she remembered, she brought the zeal of a convert. My vision was basically that gap years are the best thing ever, she said. You know, Theyre not even that expensive; you can actually make money on a gap year and come out cash-positive. In my mind, there was no reason that anyone shouldnt consider it seriously.

Only in talking to her colleges office of diversity and inclusion did she fully understand that considerations are very different for families of low-income or first-generation college-goers, who are often more reluctant to take extra time to begin higher education. Theres a lot more pressure about college if youre the first person in your family to have gotten in, she said.

Lizbeth, one of her high schools strongest students, said she was repeatedly counseled by teachers not to put off her college plans.

I would sometimes bring it up in discussions with my teachers, and every single one of them would say, Absolutely not, dont do that.' Only after seeing the limitations of remote learning absences skyrocketed after in-person classes transitioned online did they relent, she said.

The prospect of delaying college was always conceivable to Jaden Brooks, though he didnt necessarily relish it. After graduating last December from a high school outside of St. Louis, he had looked forward to 2020 as a time to save money before enrolling at the University of Missouri to study atmospheric science.

I was planning to go to community college and then transfer to Mizzou, but since this virus, everything has really changed, he said. Really, I was forced to take a gap year.

Jadens interest in the weather dates back to 2011, when the single deadliest tornado in U.S. history touched down in nearby Joplin, Missouri, killing 158. Since then, hes wanted to learn more about meteorology and perhaps work as a television weather reporter or an analyst for the National Weather Service.

Those plans will have to wait, though. At the moment, hes working at the newly reopened Saint Louis Zoo, attempting to corral visitors into keeping their masks on despite the summer heat. (Itll turn hot at 10:00, and then by evening it changes to 20 degrees and starts snowing, laments the future weatherman.)

His original plans to earn community college credits through virtual coursework havent materialized in part, he said, because his former classmates told him horror stories about a spring spent on Zoom. But at least so far, few others are talking about taking the year off from school.

Everybody wants to go to their dorms. Theyre waiting for college.

See the article here:

'Do You Really Want to Spend the Money on Online Yale?' For the Class of 2020, Gap Years Beckon - The 74

9 Pieces of Bad Money Advice Your Clients’ Neighbors Are Taking – ThinkAdvisor

(Photo: Shutterstock)

Financial planning can be a tough sell. Its been said a budget is something everyone wants until they actually get one.

You have advised your clients well. However, they see the lifestyles their neighbors are leading and wonder Why cant we do that too?

Its likely everyone they know is in a similar economic range. They wonder, Where did we go wrong?

Years ago, my wife and I would drive through our area in Bucks County. Lots of big houses everywhere. New luxury cars. Do these people have printing presses in their basement, just turning out money? we thought.

Then came the Great Recession, the foreclosures and For Sale signs. Apparently they didnt have printing presses in their basement.

Heres how your client can live like their neighbors. (Its an opportunity to communicate why its a really bad idea.)

You get a good bonus. Your boss loves you at work. The stock market will continue going up. Live from paycheck to paycheck. Assume your next bonus can pay down debt. What could possibly go wrong?

Your advice: Understand why a cash reserve is important. The economy and stock market run in cycles.

Its so far away. We will worry about that later. Our parents will die. We will inherit their homes and assets. Our parents are our retirement plan. They just dont know it.

Your advice: The goal is financial independence. Once you get there, you can stop working if you choose.

Its so east to pay with plastic! I pay my bills so they keep raising my credit line. Im earning so many air miles. My concern isnt paying down these cards, its just servicing the debt. Isnt that the way big companies and governments do it?

Your advice: The debt you dont pay off compounds at a high rate of interest. Divide that rate into 72 to learn how long it will take to double!

You keep getting offers for new cards in the mail or online. Its a sign of our success people are eager to lend money to us. They must think we are responsible.

Your advice: you only need a couple of credit cards. You should shop around to get the lowest interest rate possible.

We really should take that vacation of a lifetime. The folks across the street went on safari in Africa. We need to do something cool we can talk about. Whats the biggest suite on that ship?

Your advice: Youve heard theres good debt and bad debt. What are you using this money for? Adding value to your home? Buying something with no resale value?

You are into immediate gratification. Your parents and grandparents saved before buying things. Life is short. We should enjoy everything now. After all, things will only get more expensive in the future.

Your advice: Exercise restraint. Touching an item increases the likelihood you will buy it. If you really want it, leave the store and do something else for 30 minutes. Then ask yourself if you should go back to the store and buy it. Often the answer is I dont really need it.

This applies to both partners. The spouse in one house saying We need a new kitchen is downed out by the person in the next house yelling Why cant I have a restored 1967 Ford Mustang? the logic if you make life intolerable for the other person, they will eventually give in.

Your advice: Schedule time for these discussions. Think these things through. How are we going to pay for it? Where will the money come from? Perhaps its a reward. Maybe you accumulate the money first.

Groceries are a commodity. They go on sale, too. You have plenty of choice where you shop. Some people insist on going to the Carriage Trade supermarkets, where they appear to be sending the message: This is what food will cost in the year 2100. They have the ability to brag they only shop at this store

Your advice: Shop sales. Once you put the food on the plate, no one knows where you bought it.

You can enjoy filet mignon at home that ran $10 a pound at Costco or you can visit a restaurant where an 8-ounce filet costs $36. Its been said the cost of ingredients for a restaurant meal should be 25% or less than the entree price. Lets not forget drinks, tax and tip. Why worry? Its going on a credit card.

Your advice: Schedule date night. Eat out once a week. Make it an event. Learn about cooking at home. Take turns.

Who invented fashion furniture? The concept is you completely change your look often. This means the furniture doesnt need to last that long. It wears out quickly. Our furniture is looking tired. What will the neighbors think? We must replace it.

Your advice: Buy quality. Buy classics. Good design stands the test of time.

Sophisticated people like you dont want ordinary marble countertops. You want this special stone that only comes from one place in the world. Of course, its going to cost you. You deserve this luxury

Your advice: Do some research. How much should a new kitchen cost you? Shop around. How much might it add to your homes resale value? Whats wrong with your current kitchen?

When you and your client have this discussion, they will likely think What an idiot about their free-spending neighbors. This should get them back on the financial planning track.

Check out How to Put the Brakes on Out-of-Control Spenders on ThinkAdvisor.

Read the original here:

9 Pieces of Bad Money Advice Your Clients' Neighbors Are Taking - ThinkAdvisor

Vertical Finance Introduces Signature Grand Reserve Rewards Credit Card Designed for Wine Enthusiasts – PRNewswire

PASADENA, Calif., Aug. 4, 2020 /PRNewswire/ --Rewards and payments innovator Vertical Finance ( today reveals the Grand Reserve World Mastercard, a credit card for wine enthusiasts with distinctive rewards and benefits. The Grand Reserve World Mastercard is designed with a cardholder-first approach and focused on the passion cardholders have for discovering, enjoying and collecting fine wine.

Cardholders earn 5x points per dollar at more than 350 Grand Reserve Partners, including boutique wineries across the country, wine clubs and more; 3x points per dollar at more than 17,000 wineries, wine clubs and wine shops; and 2x points per dollar at all other merchants. Points can be redeemed for hundreds of sommelier-curated items from wine keys and decanters, to books, classes and tasting experiences. Redemptions start as low as 750 points and points earned are available for redemption as soon as transactions post.

Rewards are only one part of the exemplary suite of benefits of the Grand Reserve World Mastercard, which includes a complimentary Priority Wine Pass membership (providing discounted access to tastings at hundreds of West Coast wineries), a complimentary subscription to a wine magazine, and access to exclusive Grand Reserve member events.

"We are thrilled to launch an innovative new card designed for passionate and engaged wine enthusiasts. Through rewards and payments, we are connecting consumers to boutique wineries and wine clubs,"said Vertical Finance Founder and CEO Matthew Goldman, "our card makes it easy for consumers to earn meaningful rewards while indulging in their favorite hobby."

For a limited time, cardholders who are approved for the Grand Reserve World Mastercard can earn 50,000 bonus points when they spend $3,000 or more within 90 days of being approved. Cardholders will also be eligible for unique offers from Grand Reserve Partners.

The card is powered by Deserve, Inc., one of Silicon Valley's fastest growing fintech companies. The company has pioneered a cloud-based, mobile-centric and API-driven credit card platform that enables its partners to launch highly-configurable credit card programs on an accelerated time frame. "The Grand Reserve World Mastercard demonstrates the power of the Deserve Card Platform and was launched in less than one year using our advanced platform," said Kalpesh Kapadia, Co-Founder and CEO of Deserve. "We are proud to partner with Vertical Finance to bring this new and exciting product to consumers."

The Grand Reserve World Mastercard has a $149 annual fee, no foreign transaction fee, and a variable interest rate ranging from 14.99 22.99% (based on current prime rate of 3.25%), depending on the applicant's credit. As a World Mastercard, cardholders also enjoy zero-dollar fraud liability, benefits at Postmates, ShopRunner, and onefinestay, as well as cellular wireless telephone protection.

The Grand Reserve World Mastercard is issued by Celtic Bank & Trust, a Utah-Chartered Industrial Bank, Member FDIC. Consumers can apply for a Grand Reserve World Mastercard at

About Vertical Finance Vertical Finance builds next generation, personalized loyalty and payment solutions. The company's modern affinity credit card platform matches consumers with merchants and authentic rewards that enhance their lifestyle pursuits. The company's flagship program, Grand Reserve, rewards consumers when they shop at wineries, wine clubs, and wine shops. Grand Reserve points can be redeemed for wine-related merchandise and exclusive experiences and offers curated by a team of award-winning sommeliers and wine experts. Vertical Finance connects passionate consumers with independent and unique merchants. Visit and to learn more. Consumers can connect with Grand Reserve on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter.

About Deserve Through a digital-first, mobile-centric, highly configurable credit card solution that uses machine learning and alternative data, Deserve partners with financial institutions, fintech's and modern consumer brands to develop, rapidly deploy and power white label and co-branded credit card programs for any audience. The cloud-based platform also provides millennials and Gen Zs fair access to credit products and the tools to achieve financial independence. Deserve is a venture-backed fintech company whose investors include Goldman Sachs, Sallie Mae, Accel, Pelion Venture Partners, Aspect Ventures, Mission Holdings and Alumni Venture Group. Follow Deserve on Facebook,Instagramand Twitteror visit

Disclaimer Vertical Finance reserves the right to modify or discontinue its products or offerings at any time and without notice. Deserve Mastercard's and the Grand Reserve World Mastercard powered by Deserve are issued by Celtic Bank, a Utah-Chartered Industrial Bank, Member FDIC.

Media Contacts:

For Vertical Finance Sisi Cronin917-213-0254 [emailprotected]

For DeserveTim Hanlon203-241-2200 [emailprotected]

SOURCE Vertical Finance

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Vertical Finance Introduces Signature Grand Reserve Rewards Credit Card Designed for Wine Enthusiasts - PRNewswire

Usha Rajak’s Journey in the Nepali Film Industry – The Diplomat


Usha Rajak is a prominent Nepali actress who has garnered several awards over the years. With a theater acting background, Rajak has appeared in films like One Day (2008), Iku: The Jungle Man (2009), Kusume Rumal 2 (2009), Kathaa (2013), and Kathputali (2019).

Rajak was also the World Miss University 2006 winner and won the national award in theater for best actress at the age of 18. Shes involved in a number of women empowerment projects and animal rights activism, apart from her career in theater and movies.

The Diplomats Arun Budhathoki spoke with Usha Rajak about her journey in the Nepali movie industry and what it means to be an actress in the changing times.

Can you tell us about your journey in the Nepali movie industry?

I saw an advert in a newspaper for a beauty pageant in 2004. I saw it as a challenge to be seen as a feminine person wearing heels, since I was quite a tomboy and a very conservative student. I took part in the beauty pageant and got accepted. Alok Nembang, a prominent music video director noticed me and I acted in [videos for] songs like Anil Singhs I Love You, Himal Sagars Dherai Dherai Le, etc. I further got approached by theater directors. Unconfident as I was, I won the Best Actress award in the National Theater Competition the same year. It was the first time I had stepped in a theater.

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Dazzled with my own achievements, I further took acting trainings, as I believe in perfecting and polishing skills in everything I do. Having watched one of my theater shows, film director Nirak Poudel casted me in Kusume Rumal 2. Further on, I did the comedy-adventure film Iku: The Jungle Man. I also lead an HIV-AIDS and drug abuse awareness film called One Day for which I won the Best Digital-Film Actress [award] in 2009.

I took a short break after my daughters arrival and later in 2013 got casted in Prashant Rasailys Kathaa, which premiered in Mumbai Film Festival 2013. I recently returned back to Nepal to pursue my career in acting again. Ever since, I have acted in Veemsen Lamas horror feature film Kathputali, which is due to release after the pandemic finishes.

You moved to Kyrgyzstan and returned after seven years. What made you make those changes?

I moved to Kyrgyzstan in 2011. It was a decision I made for my family. While there, I worked as an innovative chef in a leading bakery, studied and practiced journalism, [and] worked in communication with the UNDP in the Kyrgyz Republic. Also, I enjoyed the nature, adventure, and beauty Kyrgyzstan had to offer.

After having lived there for eight years, things started to get stagnant, and everything was well-settled. Challenges excite me. At this point, the most challenging thing for me to do was to take a second chance at my acting adventures. Just as I was considering it, I was offered a movie back home. I couldnt be happier. I wanted to come home anyway, so I moved here permanently in 2019.

How do you see the current status of Nepals movie sector?

Weve come a long way since a Pariyar (so called Dalit) mans Satya Harischandra, [in 1951] the first Nepali language film, was produced in India, given the dictatorship in those days in Nepal. Today, Nepali films win prestigious awards in international stages and they address various issues. The manpower in this sector is much more skilled now [compared to what] I knew of it 10 years earlier when I left. As per the economy of it, it is fair to call it an industry now, for the massive income it generates, even if that is a reality for only a few movies among the hundreds produced in a year.

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Do you think the Nepali movie industry is lagging because of talent or financial resources?

The main problem here is communication. In a micro scale, I see a huge gap between art and business. The artistic people barely know business skills to sell their creativity. We need efficient talent and business managers here. In a macro sense, a lack of communication exists in selling movies to the audience. We need to research well on what it is that our audience demands, and what it is about international movies that sell in Nepal, and what we can learn from them. Few movies market their products well, and often vanity gets in the way when marketing the films. For example, the trailers are far more promising than the actual movies. That misleads the audience and defames their faith towards Nepali films. As for the finances, there couldnt be a problem to enhance a lucrative business from an art-loving population of 30 million (and more).

You are also involved in the theater scene. Does theater support the Nepali movie industry?

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Theater provides a base for movies. In the recent years, due to the effective delivery by theater actors, a demand for their talent is mushrooming in the film industry. Thanks to the humble ways to theater, the vanity of movies gets balanced. I get approached for intensive and substantial roles in movies, and my background in the theater is to be credited for them. There are many stances when people hire beautiful models and Instagram influencers as actors and the failure of those movies can be closely associated with the lack of training in those actors. Theater provides other technical assistance to the movies too.

Youve seen the ins and outs of the Nepali movie industry. Do you wish to see any changes in the sector?

Earlier, I used to object to the popularity and success of comedy content in Nepal. As I get acquainted with the almost tyrannical grasp of the political web at different levels ranging from education quality to freedom of expression Ive succumbed to the idea that comedy is the best way to express art in given circumstances. The change in the industry will come from a much needed change in the ways our country is run. It is laudable that the Nepali film industry is doing this well despite many hurdles.

What challenges do Nepali actress face compared to their male actors?

The pay gap. The intensity of cyberbullying. Reprimanding: the basic mentality of people thinking a woman cant do a good job on her own.

Is there a gender pay gap and discrimination in the Nepali movie industry?

There is. Also, the career span of a female actor is generally shorter than that of a males. There is the Godfather Syndrome: Female actors get their achievements claimed by the men who gave them a break. Older men in the industry, without any hesitation take credits for younger female actors successes at first chances. Ive never heard that happen to a man.

The man makes himself, whereas the woman needs to be made.

Also, there are other visible effects of social and economic discrimination, like you barely see a Madheshi person or a (so-called) lower caste person in a leading or substantial role. Im one of the few: a minority Rajak.

What are the areas would you like to change in Nepals entertainment business?

Every artistic and creative person needs to educate themselves about what theyre getting into. Acquiring necessary education and training in the related field, which is thankfully being valued now, is important. To have a deeper sense of providing conscious content with an attitude to bring about necessary change by using ones platform and resources

What are your upcoming projects?

Im doing the necessary research by visiting handicraft factories to prepare for my role in a music video with Subrat Acharya, which emphasizes on financial independence and leadership powered by women entrepreneurship. Asha, a film by Saruk Tamrakar which addresses mental health, is to release soon. My daughter Luna plays a beautiful role in the short film. My fifth film Kathputali, a horror movie by Veemsen Lama, where my role fights against tyranny and injustice is one the pipeline. My theater show where Ive written the script and am co-directing, a Sushila Arts Academy production Rhythm and Soul 2020 With Usha Rajak is currently on hold because of the COVID-19 crisis. I hope we find a solution to it soon and the entertainment industry all over the world would thrive brighter than ever!

Go here to read the rest:

Usha Rajak's Journey in the Nepali Film Industry - The Diplomat

What it Means to Be Financially Independent – Investment U

Are you finding it hard to become financially independent? If so, dont get down on yourself. You are not alone in the slightest bit. Many Americans struggle to balance their books properly, no matter how much money they make.

To be clear, financial independence should not be your end goal. Its actually a path to financial freedom and building wealth. You can master each phase by being vigilant with your finances.

Everyone wants to be able to make decisions based on happiness, and not how much money they have. But, this isnt possible until you build enough wealth and have passive income. These individuals have enough savings and income to pay off their living expenses for the rest of their life, and then some.

So, what does it mean to be financially independent? Its the status of not having to rely on others to meet your financial needs. You are completely self-sustainable at this point.

If becoming wealthy is the destination, financial independence is the bridge you have to cross. Moreover, you have to become independent before you can begin building wealth.

The journey is just beginning once you reach financial independence. In fact, most Americans will get there in their early 20s or 30s.

But, that doesnt mean you can begin to aimlessly spend your money. It means you no longer rely on your parents, or other figures in your life, to take care of you financially.

At this point, you have a reliable job, pay your own bills, and live on your own. Yet, many people will take on large amounts of debt at this stage in life.

Dont fall victim to this path once you become financially independent. Here is where you can begin to make real strides towards financial freedom and building wealth.

Begin by automating your savings efforts through your income. Set up an automatic transfer with your banking service that places a specific percentage of your monthly income into a savings account.

In general, its best practice to begin by placing 20% of your paycheck into savings each month. The more you make, the more you can save.

Saving money is a start, but you also have to create a budget for everything else. This ensures that you dont spend more money than you have. In addition, it eliminates the possibility of taking on debt through credit cards or personal loans.

Live within your means and, over time, you will begin to see your savings adding up. And, as you add more assets such as buying a home, your net worth will rise as well.

As you can see, becoming financially independent is only the beginning. Now you can focus on passive income. And, the best way to bring in passive income is through the stock market.

Investing in stocks is the quickest way to build wealth. Just look at some of the wealthiest people in the world. Warren Buffets investment portfolio has made him one of the wealthiest people on the planet.

This is how you create your own path to financial freedom. At this stage, building up your wealth is only a matter of time.

You make a plan that is sustainable and continue to adjust that plan as your income increases. Continue to make smart investments and watch the compound interest pile up each year.

Are you ready to take your financial independence to the next level? Learn how to invest in stocks with our help at Investment U.

Our team of experts have decades of experience with Wall Street as some of the top traders in the country. Sign up for the Investment U e-letter below for immediate access to daily stock market insights and trends.

Your future will depend heavily on your ability to save your money and invest it properly. Once you are financially independent, its in your hands to create your own path.

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What it Means to Be Financially Independent - Investment U

What is the F.I.R.E. Retirement Plan and Is It for You? – Investment U

What is the F.I.R.E. retirement plan? Many people are starting to look at the newest trend of retirement. As a new generation enters the work force who dont want to work away the best years of their life, early retirement is gaining popularity.

But what exactly is this new retirement trend? And is it for you? Lets take a look

The F.I.R.E. retirement plan stands for financial independence, early retirement. The idea came from the 1992 book Your Money or Your Life by Vicki Robin and Joe Dominguez. Its supposed to give you the ability to retire before the traditional age of 65. For some, this could be in their 30s. For others, its as early as their late 20s.

People no longer want to devote their entire lives to working and making a living. Instead, people who follow F.I.R.E. work to save up at least 50% of your income. Most aim for around 70%. Then, they usually start a new career path or hobby so they can spend time doing what they love instead of what makes the most money.

Its a new way of thinking. And its not for everyone. But whether or not you choose to follow the F.I.R.E. retirement plan, there are some key ideas everyone can benefit from.

Following the F.I.R.E movement involves going to the extreme. You need to save up an extreme amount of your income and often at the expense of current life quality. But you dont need to F.I.R.E. your way to retirement to apply the idea to your life.

This might seem obvious to some people, but not everyone thinks ahead. In 2019, Northwestern Mutual conducted a Planning & Progress Study. It gave some insightful data:

15% of Americans have no retirement saving at all

17% of respondents have between $1 and $74,999 for retirement, far less than the recommended $1 million.

10% of respondents think they have enough money for retirement

45% of respondents think theyll run out of money in retirement

41% of respondents admit they havent done anything to fix their retirement problems

There are many great ways to save for retirement. The first is to contribute to your 401k. A 401k is an employer-sponsored retirement plan. It offers a tax-advantaged savings account. And most employers offer contribution matching up to a certain amount. Thats free money!

Another option is an IRA. There are traditional IRAs and Roth IRAs. With a traditional IRA, your contributions are tax-deductible. But when you withdraw from the account in your retirement, you have to pay taxes on the amount you take.

With a Roth IRA, your contributions arent tax deductible. On the other hand, when you withdraw money from the account, its tax-free. Why? Because the money you put in was after taxes, which means you already paid what you owe to Uncle Sam.

However, there are contribution rules. To learn more about IRA accounts, check out our article, What Is an IRA?

The F.I.R.E. movement emphasizes saving for retirement. And this is great because the earlier you start saving, the longer those savings have to grow.

If you follow the F.I.R.E., you aim to save close to 70% of your income. To do that, you need to effectively minimize your expenses. To do this, you need to sit down and look at where your money is going. For many, housing, food and transportation are the three biggest areas people spend.

To make the most cost-effective decisions, create a budget. This will break down where your money is going and how much. If your rent is eating away at your income, considering finding a roommate or two to help bear the burden. If you can bike to work, sell your car to save on transportation costs.

One of the biggest expenses people tend to have is debt. The longer you have debt, the longer your money isnt really yours. The quicker you pay off debt, the quicker that money can go into your savings.

Cutting expenses is often where people struggle the most. The reason is because many dont want to give up a comfortable lifestyle. Thats why people who follow the F.I.R.E. retirement plan tend to sacrifice a quality lifestyle. But the idea is to work now and play later.

The more money you bring in, the easier it will be to save without hurting your current lifestyle. But that doesnt mean you need to find the highest paying career and sacrifice your happiness. In fact, experts say you shouldnt have the goal of retirement solely to leave a job you hate.

But you can find other ways to make money. You can turn your hobby into a side-hustle. Work part-time at a job, or two. Buy a rental property. Generating passive income is one of the best ways to create wealth, and anyone can do it.

Investing is the number one way to create passive income. Wealth creating investments should be your best friend. By investing your money, it does the work for you. There are a couple areas you can invest in, depending on your risk tolerance.

If youre interested in following the F.I.R.E. movement but new to the world of investing, here are the best stocks for beginners to buy.

If you want to live financially free, sign up for our free e-letter below! Its full of useful tips and research from our experts. Whether youre a beginner or an experienced investor, theres something for everyone.

When looking at your options for retirement, its important to remember everyone is different. You need to choose the plan that works for you. F.I.R.E. isnt for everyone. But if youre willing to put in the work, following the F.I.R.E. retirement plan can lead you to a life of financial freedom.

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What is the F.I.R.E. Retirement Plan and Is It for You? - Investment U

Advisor Group, Royal Alliance And Securities America Congratulate Patti Brennan And Trudy Haussman For Recognition In Barron’s 2020 Top 100 Women…

PHOENIX, July 30, 2020 /PRNewswire/ -- Advisor Group, the nation's largest network of independent wealth management firms, along with its network member firms Royal Alliance Associates and Securities America, today congratulatedfinancial professionals Patti Brennan, CFP, CFSand Trudy Haussman, CFPfor their recognition in Barron's annual survey of the Top 100 Women Wealth Advisors in the U.S. Ms. Brennan and Ms. Haussman are affiliated with Royal Alliance and Securities America, respectively.

The prestigious Barron's Top 100 Women Wealth Advisors list is based on the results of a 102-question survey completed by financial professionals about their practices. The results are assessed according to Barron's proprietary formula to generate a ranking based on assets, revenue and quality of practice.

Ms. Brennan is President and CEO of Key Financial, Inc. in West Chester, Pennsylvania. Her firm provides comprehensive financial planning and wealth management services and has approximately $1.25 billion in total client assets.

Ms. Haussmann is President and Owner of Haussmann Financial, which has been one of Securities America's top branches since 2004. Her firm, which has $1.12 billion in total client assets, has specialized in retirement transition planning for employees of major corporations for over 20 years. She joined Securities America in 1991.

The recognition represents the latest in a series of accolades for both Ms. Brennan and Ms. Haussman. Both have been named to Barron's Hall of Fame, which honors financial professionals who have appeared in 10 or more annual Barron's Top 100 Advisor rankings for their long-term commitment to excellence. Ms. Haussman has been included in the Top 100 Women Wealth Advisors list for 15 continuous years since its inception, while Ms. Brennan has been included for 14 consecutive years.

Patti Brennan, CFP, CFS, President and CEO of Key Financial, said, "My team and I are honored to be included in this year's Barron's Top 100 Women Wealth Advisors rankings. During these challenging times for our clients, we have been even more focused on providing a service experience that puts investors' minds at ease and helps them stay on track toward their goals. This recognition demonstrates that we are on the right path, and we will continue to maintain our dedication to serving our clients to the best of our abilities."

Trudy Haussman, CFP,President and Owner of Haussmann Financial, said, "We are seeing every day just how vital our roles as financial professionals are in providing sound, thoughtful guidance to our clients. My team and I are gratified that our efforts have been recognized again this year by Barron's, and we are firmly committed to continuing with the tradition of excellent service and attention that our clients have come to expect from us."

Jamie Price, President and CEO of Advisor Group, said, "Advisor Group, Royal Alliance and Securities America are fortunate to support exceptional financial professionals like Patti Brennan and Trudy Haussman, who set a powerful example for all of us to look up to. In challenging times, the best financial professionals redouble their efforts to help their clients succeed, and as their inclusion in the 2020 Barron's Top 100 Women Wealth Advisors rankings demonstrates that's exactly what Ms. Brennan and Ms. Haussman have done. We are proud to stand in their corner, and to support all of our financial professionals across the country."

To learn more about Key Financial, Inc. please call 610-429-9050 or visit To learn more about Haussman Financial, please call 800-773-8700 or visit

In addition to Royal Alliance and Securities America, Advisor Group also includes FSC Securities Corporation, Investacorp, KMS Financial Services, SagePoint Financial, Securities Service Network, Triad Advisors and Woodbury Financial.

About Advisor GroupAdvisor Group, Inc. is the nation's largest network of independent wealth management firms, serving approximately 11,300 financial professionals and overseeing over $450 billion in client assets. The firm is mission-driven to support the strategic role that advisors can play in the lives of their clients. Cultivating a spirit of entrepreneurship and independence, Advisor Group champions the enduring value of financial professionals and is committed to being in their corner every step of the way. For more information visit

Securities and investment advisory services are offered through Advisor Group, Inc. subsidiaries, FSC Securities Corporation, KMS Financial Services, Inc., Royal Alliance Associates, Inc., SagePoint Financial, Inc., Triad Advisors, LLC, and Woodbury Financial Services, Inc., broker-dealers, registered investment advisers, and members of FINRA and SIPC. Securities services are offered through Investacorp, Inc., Securities America, Inc., and Securities Service Network, broker-dealers and members of FINRA and SIPC. Advisory services are offered through Arbor Point Advisors, LLC, Investacorp Advisory Services, Inc., Ladenburg Thalmann Asset Management, Inc., Securities America Advisors, Inc., SSN Advisory, Inc., and Triad Hybrid Solutions, LLC, registered investment advisers. Advisor Group, Inc. is a holding company. Advisor Group, Inc. is separately owned and other entities and/or marketing names, products or services referenced here are independent of Advisor Group, Inc. 20 E. Thomas Rd., Ste. 2000, Phoenix, AZ, 85012. 866.481.0379

Third-party rankings and recognitions are no guarantee of future investment success and do not ensure that a client or prospective client will experience a higher level of performance or results. These ratings should not be construed as an endorsement of the advisor by any client nor are they representative of any one client's evaluation.

About Royal Alliance Associates, Inc.Royal Alliance Associates, Inc. is part of Advisor Group, the nation's largest network of independent wealth management firms, and a Registered Investment Advisor, member FINRA and SIPC. Royal Alliance has more than 3,600 affiliated independent financial advisors and is headquartered in Jersey City. It was founded in 1969 and employs a client driven approach focused on meeting the unique demands of businesses and individuals. For more information visit

About Securities AmericaSecurities Americais part of Advisor Group, the nation's largest networks of independent wealth management firms. Headquartered in Omaha and founded in 1984, Securities America supports approximately 2,600 independent financial professionals with innovative technology and wealth management platforms, practice management and business growth tools and a personalized service culture. The firm's flexible, multi-custodial approach supports a range of business models including Super OSJs, independent RIAs, RIA-only advisors, hybrid advisors and financial institutions. For more information visit

Securities offered through Securities America, Inc., member FINRA / SIPC. Advisory Services offered through Securities America Advisors, Inc. and Arbor Point Advisors, LLC.

About Key Financial Inc.Key Financial, Inc., is a federally registered investment adviser with the United States Securities and Exchange Commission and is headquartered in West Chester, PA. With over $900 million assets under management, Key Financial Inc. provides comprehensive financial planning and wealth management services. The firm is a subsidiary of the Royal Alliance Associates, Inc., and the insurance services offered through Patricia Brennan are independent of Royal Alliance Associates, Inc. For information about the firm's planning services or to speak with Patti Brennan, call (610)429-9050 or visit

About Haussman FinancialHaussman Financial's mission is to get to know clients in order to understand their needs, wants, and long-term goals on a holistic basis, then help them develop, implement, and monitor strategies that are designed to address their individual situations.From managing debt to saving for college to retirement, Haussman Financial is committed to utilizing all of its resources to helping clients pursue their goals.

Securities offered through Securities America, Inc., a Registered Broker-Dealer, Member FINRA/SIPC. Haussmann Financial and Securities America are unaffiliated firms.

Media Contacts:Joseph Kuo / Chris ClemensHaven Tower Group424 317 4851 or 424 317 4854[emailprotected]or [emailprotected]

SOURCE Advisor Group

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Advisor Group, Royal Alliance And Securities America Congratulate Patti Brennan And Trudy Haussman For Recognition In Barron's 2020 Top 100 Women...

Women-led Self Help Groups: Frontline workers in the fight against COVID-19 – OpIndia

Recently, Prime Minister Modi held a discussion with different banking and NBFC stakeholders. The focus of the discussion revolved around the crucial role financial and banking system play in supporting Indias growth. Among other issues, PM Modi emphasized that banks and NBFCs should encourage the small entrepreneurs, SHGs and farmers to take loans. The mention of SHGs by PM Modi holds significance here.

In the last few years, this women-led movement has become an institution for women empowerment and economic prosperity of rural India. Despite the sheer size of SHGs and the impact, they have on rural economies, their contributions have not been highlighted well. But, these SHGs have shown how they can be a substantial force of rural growth and an important movement to address bigger challenges facing the community through their phenomenal work during COVID pandemic.

The Self-Help Group movement has helped millions of women of rural India break free from subdued life and become financially independent ever since its inception in 1992. Their phenomenal growth from a small group of 225 to 6.3 million SHGs comprising 69 million women today is a testament to their success. These SHGs have played a crucial role in the social and economic empowerment among rural women and have fostered the spirit of entrepreneurship and financial independence. They have further played a crucial role in instilling among rural women a social and political consciousness thereby gaining a voice which is now heard across all groups of the society.

The impact of this community has been well demonstrated in recent months, ever since the pandemic began its spread. In the fight against this deadly disease, the SHGs have taken up the tasks of providing assistance in numerous ways and alleviated the sufferings of many in their communities.

SHGs have launched a number of initiatives at the local level since March this year. When the pandemic began, the Indian manufacturers were not able to meet the demand for masks and other protective materials. The SHGs stepped in to fill this demand. As per a report by the ministry of rural development, more than 132 lakh masks were produced by 14,522 SHGs involving 65,936 members in 399 districts (across 24 states) from March 15th to March 30th. In April, 20,000 SHGs managed to produce more than 19 million masks across 27 states (which is in about 90% of Indias districts). By May, this increased to over two lakh women SHGs producing more than 10 crore masks. The masks produced by SHGs were distributed among ASHA workers, ANM and hospital workers and other front line COVID warriors at free of cost.

Their efforts also included 1 lakh litres of sanitizer and 50,000 litres of handwash; with sanitiser production increasing to 3 lakh litres by May. Again, to meet the demand for PPE kits, the SHGs swung into action.Over 4000 women belonging to SHGs produced more than 2 lakh PPE kits across 12 states from March to May.

SHGs went on to play a key role in tackling the problems caused due to the restriction of mobility and the loss of livelihoods, especially of the migrant population.The largest of them, the Kudumbashree network of Kerala comprising4.4 million womenacross 300,000 SHGs,have been instrumental in running 1300 community kitchens in their states panchayats and municipalities.Their efforts continued to assist the stranded and the vulnerable; whilst also delivering food to the quarantined and the bedridden. Kudumbshree spear headed the governments Break the Chain campaign by educating people on social distancing and washing of hands at regular intervals through posters, phone messages and weekly meetings. These women SHGs also started a floating supermarket (in a boat) for delivering essential supplies to the Kainakary residents in Alappuzha.

The SHGs also stepped in to spread awareness on COVID-19 and busting the myths that came along with the disease. The Jeevikas of Bihar conducted door-to-door awareness drives on social distancing, good health, and hygiene. Jeevikas belonging to 1.4 lakh SHGs provided food supplies to the elderly and the quarantined. They used the Mobile-Vaani platform to make public voice messages on safety measures around COVID-19.

Through their vast network of WhatsApp groups, comprising of190,000 WhatsApp groups with 2.2 million members, the SHGs proactively worked towards countering misinformation about COVID-19.

Since the beginning of the pandemic, the SHGs have done phenomenal work in lending a hand by not just stitching masks and preparing sanitizers, but also in ensuring livelihood to the most marginalized groups. The work done by the SHGs during the pandemic is worthy of being a template for optimal community-led response in times of crisis.

(The article is written by Akriti Tyagi, who is a lawyer by education but a writer by disposition. Keen on all things historical, cultural and social. An avid traveller and a voracious reader)

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Women-led Self Help Groups: Frontline workers in the fight against COVID-19 - OpIndia

Focus on the Family: Parents miss relationship with son – Boyertown Berk Montgomery Newspapers

Q: How can we keep up a relationship with our son when his wife severed all contact with us several years ago? We've asked them many times to tell us how we've wronged them so we can make amends, but there has been no response.

Jim: My heart goes out to you. It does sound like this situation was triggered by some sort of offense, whether real or imagined. It could have been something you said or did. It might be a problem with your daughter-in-law. It may be nothing more than an unfortunate misunderstanding. The important thing is to keep your hearts open and communicate your love as best you're able.

Our counselors suggest three things you can do to preserve peace and sanity on your end and keep your conscience clear:

Honor the boundaries your son and his wife have set, no matter how harsh or unreasonable. If they've asked you not to call, don't call. If you violate these boundaries, you'll only end up validating their negative image of you.

Guard your own heart. It would be easy to fall into depression and anxiety or to beat yourself up and blame yourself for what has happened. Don't fall into that trap. Don't become bitter, and don't believe lies about your own worthiness as a person. Do whatever it takes to stay emotionally healthy and keep yourself psychologically safe in spite of the circumstances.

If the situation allows for it you know best if it does send your son and his wife a card with a brief message expressing your love and goodwill a couple of times a year, perhaps on birthdays and at Christmas. It's a small thing, but it will let them know that your hearts are still open toward them.

Our counseling staff would be happy to provide a one-time free consultation if you'd like; call 855-771-HELP (4357).

Q: I'm in my early 20s, living in my parents' home. I've had several relationships over the past few years, but my Mom and Dad haven't thought much of any of them. I want to honor my parents, but I also need to live my own life. How should I respond to my parents' negative feelings about the people I've been dating?

Greg Smalley, Vice President, Family Ministries: To some extent, your present conflicts have less to do with the nature of your romantic interests than with the complexities of your living situation.

You didn't mention whether you're working full-time or attending college. In either case, you may want to begin working on a plan to become more independent and self-sufficient. A measure of financial independence can be surprisingly empowering and liberating.

Once out from under your parents' roof, you'll find it easier to sort out the family dynamics that have been frustrating your relationships with members of the opposite sex. You're wise, of course, to take your Mom and Dad's desires into account, and you certainly don't want to abandon the values they've worked so hard to instill in you during your growing-up years. At the same time, someone your age must learn how to think, choose and act independently. Living on your own will help you achieve the distance and perspective you need in order to do that.

When and if you find yourself involved in another romantic relationship, I'd urge you to move forward with caution and discernment. Give your parents' perspective the careful consideration it deserves. But take time to listen to the counsel of wise friends and advisers as well.

Focus on the Family offers a great resource and community for those wishing to live a purposeful single life and prepare well for marriage; see

Jim Daly is a husband and father, an author, and president of Focus on the Family and host of the Focus on the Family radio program. Catch up with him at or at

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Focus on the Family: Parents miss relationship with son - Boyertown Berk Montgomery Newspapers

Done with Divorce FREE Webinar – Everything You Should Know –

Take advantage of this FREE webinar designed to share actionable next steps to transfer property, create independent financial and estate plans and generally, help moving forward in your post-divorce life.

August 5th speakers include:

4:00-4:25pm Wellness Presentation: Wellness Consultant, Mai Trinh of Mai Health Now LLC

4:25-4:55pm Financial Independence: CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER and Certified Divorce Financial Analyst , Dianne Nolin and Cecile Hult of Argent Bridge Advisors

4:55-5:15pm Tax Planning: Accredited Financial Counselor and Enrolled Agent, Erin Kidd of Thompson Greenspon

5:15-5:55pm Estate Planning: Estate Attorney, Josh Headley of Buchanan, Ingersoll and Rooney PC

5:55-6:15pm Agreement Modification: Family Law Attorney, Christian Lapham of Bean, Kinney and Korman PC

Hop on, hop off the webinar as needed. We know its hard when you are working from home and/or have kids - or even worse, both! Make the time and come get the information you need to help you move forward. This is very interactive so come with your questions.

Visit our Facebook page Done with Divorce Seminar in Tysons. Watch our video to learn more about what this webinars offers.

Register in advance for this FREE Zoom webinar:

This is a webinar, not a meeting so no Zoombombing here! Argent Bridge Advisors is the host of this webinar. Learn more at or email

#divorce #donewithdivorce #finance #financialadvisor #estateattorney #divorcefinances #propertysettlement #argentbridgeadvisors #estateplanning #CPA #divorcetaxes #divorcecoach

Securities offered through Triad Advisors, LLC Member FINRA/SIPC. Advisory Services offered through Triad Hybrid Solutions LLC, a registered investment advisor. Argent Bridge Advisors, LLC and Triad Advisors, LLC are not affiliated. Guest speakers are not registered through or affiliated with Triad Advisors or Triad Hybrid Solutions.

Originally posted here:

Done with Divorce FREE Webinar - Everything You Should Know -

Builders Exchange of Michigan’s 64th Annual Golf Outing to Benefit Guiding Light’s Back to Work Program – The Rapidian

Builders Exchange of Michigan will host its 64th Bart Austhof Memorial Golf Outing to benefit Guiding Lights Back to Work program on Monday, Aug. 31.

Community members are invited to join for a day of golfing and giving back at the Saskatoon Golf Club, located at 9038 92nd St. SE in Alto. The four-person scramble will begin at 10 a.m. on two 18-hole courses and be followed by awards and prizes. Enhanced sanitation protocols to prevent the spread of COVID-19 are in place so that all attendees can enjoy the event safely.

This is the fifth consecutive year proceeds from the annual event will support Guiding Lights Back to Work program, which provides a short-term stay for men who are experiencing homelessness and seeking full-time employment, allowing them to save money while they look for more permanent housing. The program is designed to support men who face significant barriers to finding and keeping full-time work, including debt, lack of housing, lack of transportation and other challenges.

Guiding Light works with each individual in our Back to Work program to overcome obstacles that keep him from succeeding in the workplace and maintaining employment, said Stuart P. Ray, Guiding Light executive director. We help build and hone life skills needed to do well in the workplace, such as management of time, finances and conflict with others.

The continued support of Builders Exchange through this event allows us to keep helping men who are struggling to regain financial independence re-engagement in society through meaningful work.

In addition to help with job research and coaching, budgeting support and other training, Guiding Light provides men in the program with the essentials: a bed and safe place for their belongings, three meals a day, transportation to and from work and daily encouragement. The nonprofit also helps cover the cost of any job prerequisites, like uniforms, work boots and tools.

When they enter Back to Work, men shoulder an average of $5,156 in debt. Men who successfully complete it leave the program having erased their debt and with an average savings of $1,714.

As an association serving the Michigan construction community, we love how Guiding Light truly gives men the tools they need to succeed, said Elizabeth Bovard Strong, executive vice president of Builders Exchange of Michigan and member of the Guiding Light Board of Directors. Leading up to the golf outing, weve been hard at work sharing with our members the good work that Guiding Light does, and especially what a blessing the organization has been during these challenging times.

There is such a spirit of generosity among our construction community and across the state of Michigan. We look forward to safely gathering at the end of August to celebrate that spirit and help a great organization.

In 2019, Builders Exchange raised $15,500 through its golf outing, a number that has increased each year since it began supporting the Back to Work program in 2016. The not-for-profit association is hoping to continue the positive trend by recruiting more teams to participate and securing more sponsors than previous years.

Those interested in participating in and/or sponsoring the golf outing may complete the registration and sponsorship form available at

To learn more ways to support Guiding Lights rescue, recovery and re-engagement services, visit or contact Development Director Starla McDermott at [emailprotected] to make a donation.

The Rapidian, a program of the 501(c)3 nonprofit Community Media Center, relies on the communitys support to help cover the cost of training reporters and publishing content.

We need your help.

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Builders Exchange of Michigan's 64th Annual Golf Outing to Benefit Guiding Light's Back to Work Program - The Rapidian

How likely it is that Prince George will see the throne – Insider – INSIDER

Britain's Prince George is just 7 years old, and yet he is third in line to become monarch after Prince Charles and Prince William respectively.

The line of succession is regulated through descent and Parliamentary statute, according to the royal family's official website.

George known by his formal title Prince George of Cambridge is the great-grandson of Queen Elizabeth II, and son of the Duke of Cambridge.

When the Queen dies, Charles will become king. That is unless he abdicates, in which case the throne would go to his eldest son, William.

Therefore George, being the eldest of the three Cambridge children, will be first in line when his father is king.

But the likelihood of that exact scenario playing out is dependent on a number of factors.

If either William or Charles were to pass away before Queen Elizabeth's reign was over, this wouldn't decrease George's likelihood of becoming king.

"There is nothing to prevent William becoming king, other than his own premature death," Robert Hazell, a professor of government and the constitution at the University College London, previously told Insider.

Prince Charles with his sons Prince William and Prince Harry. Getty Images

In the unlikely scenario that 71-year-old Charles outlives his son, Prince Harry wouldn't take William's place in the line of succession. The spot would automatically go to Prince George, and then subsequently to his children if he had them.

If he didn't have children, Princess Charlotte would be next in line, followed by Prince Louis. This is due to The Succession to the Crown Act (2013) which means royal males born after 2011 do not automatically overtake their sisters in the line of succession like they used to.

"If William were to die before Charles, then on the death of Charles, Prince George would become king," Hazell said.

Nonetheless, this is all dependent on whether George actually wants to become the next monarch or whether he wants to be a working royal at all.

The last monarch to abdicate was Edward VIII, who ruled Britain for almost a year from January until December 1936, when he proposed to American divorcee Wallis Simpson. Since Edward didn't have children, the throne was passed to his younger brother, George VI (father of our current Queen, Elizabeth II).

Of course, the monarchy has evolved since then, and George's position wouldn't be affected by his choice of life partner.

Nonetheless, he could still choose to abdicate for other reasons.

Just as Meghan Markle and Prince Harry stepped back from royal duties to pursue financial independence for themselves and their son Archie, George will have the option to do the same if he so desires.

Read more:

Prince George turns 7: The best photo from every year of the future king's life

8 royals who rejected their titles, and the surprising reasons why

How likely it is that Prince William will see the throne

Our Royal Insider Facebook group is the best place for up-to-date news and announcements about the British royal family, direct from Insider's royal reporters. Join here.

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How likely it is that Prince George will see the throne - Insider - INSIDER

Is Fastly Ready to Move Into the Slow Lane? – InvestorPlace

If you had never heard of the California company thats helping organizations deliver a better digital experience for its customers, youd swear Fastly (NASDAQ:FSLY) had invented the miracle cure for the novel coronavirus.

Source: Pavel Kapysh /

And after skyrocketing 49.9% in its first day of trading on May 16, 2019, FSLY stock has moved up an astounding 478.5% in its first 14 months as a public company.

However, when you consider that most of these gains have come since May 1, the fact that its lost some of its momentum in July, ought to have shareholders and non-shareholders alike wondering if Fastlys share price is ready to move into the slow lane.

Collectively, I have never written about Fastly before. That said, Ill lean on several of my InvestorPlace colleagues for a little understanding of the pros and cons of this particular company and its stock.

On the surface, it sounds like a business thats providing a useful service. Nonetheless, nearly 480% appreciation over 14 months is a bit rich even for a San Francisco tech high flyer.

Currently trading at more than 35 times sales with nothing to show for its efforts but plenty of losses, it would seem to be priced for perfection. And perhaps thats why its cooled off in recent weeks.

InvestorPlaces Chris Laus most recent article about the company focused exclusively on valuation. He pointed out that the seven analysts covering FSLY stock had a $67.33 price target on the stock. Furthermore, relative to its industry peers, its price-to-sales multiple is almost five times higher.

However, Lau points out that based on a five-year discounted cash flow exit model, its got a fair value of 85.26 about $10 lower from where its currently trading.

So, in his opinion, if you already own it, you probably dont want to sell. And if you dont, the possibility of a better entry point remains on the table.

The market correction in March was a wonderful learning moment for investors. And now, almost every quality stock that got hit by panic selling in mid-March has managed to reverse course and test new highs.

However, buying on the dip can be a very effective way to grow your investment portfolio. If you follow the FIRE (Financial Independence, Retire Early) movements philosophy on life, buying on the dip is a critical piece of the puzzle.

Interestingly, if you look at a chart of FSLY stock from its IPO, the March correction barely registers. Yet, over an 11-day period (March 5 to March 16), FSLY stock fell by nearly 50% from $22 to $11. That said, if you were courageous enough to buy at that point, youre up more than 760%.

So, buying on the dip works. However, the question is whether the latest dip is a pause before it falls further, or were at a bottom and its okay to jump in.

On that note, InvestorPlace contributor Patrick Sanders believes its the latter.

First-quarter earnings were a signal of things to come for Fastly. The company reported revenue of $62.92 million, which beat analysts estimates of $59.38 million. Earnings per share came in at a loss of $0.06, which was better than the -$0.12 EPS that analysts had projected, Sanders stated July 24.

With that in mind, I would have to agree with my colleague. Fastly provides technology and a group of services that will remain in demand well beyond the end of this pandemic. Additionally, I find Fastlys 38% quarterly revenue growth to be good, but not too good. Sustainability is a critical factor in growth stories becoming the next Facebook (NASDAQ:FB) or Shopify (NYSE:SHOP).

Therefore, if Fastly continues to deliver 30% year-over-year sales growth, you can be sure that its share price in two years will be a lot more than $85. And, if it can keep this pace of growth while fattening the margins, free cash flow generation will become a regular part of its everyday existence.

Its not quite there its used $55 million in free cash flow in the trailing 12 months but its getting closer every day.

Overall, looking at Fastlys three most recent fiscal years, youll see that the companys chipped away at its operating expense ratio [defined as operating expenses divided by revenue] 83.2% in 2017 to 79.2% in 2019 at a time when the companys in serious growth mode.

To me, this demonstrates management has a keen eye on spending, something many tech firms are unable, or unwilling, to do. And that, more than anything, suggests Fastlys future is a bright one.

So, if youre investing for the long term despite what analysts have to say I believe you shouldnt be worried about buying at current prices. However, you might want to hold back a little cash just in case the dip isnt quite finished.

Will Ashworth has written about investments full-time since 2008. Publications where hes appeared include InvestorPlace, The Motley Fool Canada, Investopedia, Kiplinger, and several others in both the U.S. and Canada. He particularly enjoys creating model portfolios that stand the test of time. He lives in Halifax, Nova Scotia. At the time of this writing Will Ashworth did not hold a position in any of the aforementioned securities.

See the rest here:

Is Fastly Ready to Move Into the Slow Lane? - InvestorPlace

Meghan Markle and Prince Harry Are Now In Total Control Of Their Lives, Source Explains – Showbiz Cheat Sheet

Fans were left stunned in January 2020 when Prince Harry and Meghan, Duchess of Sussex announced they would be leaving their roles as senior working members of the British royal family. Meghan, in particular, had been struggling amid constant bullying and scrutiny, but no one saw Megxit coming.

When the Sussexes announced their desire to step back, they decided they wanted to pursue financial independence and a life that would not leave every aspect of their beings up for examination and thought.

Later, Prince Harry also cited the fact that he did not want his son, Archie Harrison, growing up in the spotlight. Since moving to LA, the pair have been relatively low=key. However, one expert says the duke and duchess dont actually want a private life.

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After many months of reflection and internal discussions, we have chosen to make a transition this year in starting to carve out a progressive new role within this institution. We intend to step back as senior members of the Royal Family and work to become financially independent, while continuing to fully support Her Majesty The Queen. It is with your encouragement, particularly over the last few years, that we feel prepared to make this adjustment. We now plan to balance our time between the United Kingdom and North America, continuing to honour our duty to The Queen, the Commonwealth, and our patronages. This geographic balance will enable us to raise our son with an appreciation for the royal tradition into which he was born, while also providing our family with the space to focus on the next chapter, including the launch of our new charitable entity. We look forward to sharing the full details of this exciting next step in due course, as we continue to collaborate with Her Majesty The Queen, The Prince of Wales, The Duke of Cambridge and all relevant parties. Until then, please accept our deepest thanks for your continued support. The Duke and Duchess of Sussex For more information, please visit (link in bio) Image PA

A post shared by The Duke and Duchess of Sussex (@sussexroyal) on Jan 8, 2020 at 10:33am PST

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One of the reasons Meghan could not get into the swing of royal life is because shed lost total control of her image and personal narrative. She was essentially gagged under the royals stiff upper lip policy. It was all too constraining for her.

Even though [Meghan] was a famous actress, she could still do what she wanted in the way of getting around freely,an insider told theDaily Mailin 2018. But in her current role she cant go anywhere without her protection team, and thats a massive constraining force on an individual like her.

Now, with their own representatives, the Sussexes can clap-back against lies and rumors without feeling helplessly unprotected.

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Though theyve been only doing virtual appearances and volunteering in LA amid the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, the Sussexes have remained wildly popular. However, in order to maintain their global presence, they will need to be in the spotlight.

The couples future isnt certain,The Atlantics Caitlin Flanagan explained. They are hugely appealing and glamorous. Everyone in Hollywood is eager to host them. The first few years of this plan are going to be heady. [Harry] is in a rush to make his mark and seems to treat life as a race, too.

The Sussexes have a powerhouse Hollywood team and theyve recently signed to a prestigious speaking firm. However, they have not made any money yet. They do need to make money, royal expert Katie Nicholl toldEntertainment Tonight. Theyve been in LA since March, they left the Royal Family at the end of March, and as yet, they havent actually earned anything.

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Though they wanted control over their narratives and finances, Meghan and Prince Harry do not want a totally private life.

[Harry and Meghan] have stepped back not in search of a totally private life but for a different kind of public life, royal authorVictoria Murphy told Town & Country. A public life where they can have more control over who gets access to them and what they spend their time on.

As long as its the right path for them, thats all that matters.

Excerpt from:

Meghan Markle and Prince Harry Are Now In Total Control Of Their Lives, Source Explains - Showbiz Cheat Sheet