Becoming The Best Version of Yourself with Eric Jemielita – Yahoo Finance

NEW YORK, NY / ACCESSWIRE / April 6, 2020 / Most people get started in the business industry usually in their mid-20s, others even later than that, but one such Eric Jemielita started at the very young age of 18. 16 years later, Eric is now the President and CEO of Jemielita Group. Not only that, but the man also owns Genesis Financial, a financial company that specializes in helping families understand basic financial concepts that were never taught at school or in any other typical institution. Eric assists his clients in making, saving, and investing their money to help their money grow and ensure a better future.

Eric Jemielita is also a highly sought-after public speaker with topics that mostly focus on personal development, entrepreneurship, leadership, and life-coaching. Eric and his team have helped thousands of families achieve financial independence through their state-of-the-art financial products, or by providing them with an opportunity to jumpstart an amazing part-time or even full-time business.

The American-based entrepreneur is broadening his horizons and expanding his reach across the United States, having opened not just one but several offices as of late, namely in San Francisco, Irvine, and Walnut, California, as well as an office in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. Eric is fully committed to endeavors that help thousands of people achieve financial independence through their first-class business platform. He wants to inspire people to become the best versions of themselves and surpass their own limits.

The biggest thing that separates Eric's company from the rest is the unique offering of starting on a part-time basis for clients, which is traditionally unheard of in the insurance and investment industry. This gives them the edge among his competitors and greatly helps his clients. This enables cases such as, a single mom who works full time 9-5 job who's looking for an opportunity to earn more money, to start availing of the services provided by Genesis Financial, becoming proficient at business within two to three months with their easy-to-learn system, and forge her own path into replacing her full-time income with a minimal upfront start-up cost.

Another great thing about their company that puts them on a league of their own is that they show people how to maximize their tax-advantages on investments, as well as offering to protect them with cutting-edge insurance products that most people need but don't have.

People who want to get started on a business and are thinking about their future are greatly encouraged to partake in the services of Eric Jemielita's companies. Usually, people at the age of 25 who feel a certain level of responsibility that they must uphold, meshes with the financial concepts that Eric provides. There is also the case of people over the age of 50 who typically have assets that they need to secure and protect through Genesis Financials insurance and annuity programs. Maybe it actually doesn't come with age, Eric started at 18, maybe it's all about ambition and wanting to become better, and Eric definitely welcomes these clients and give them the opportunities they need.

With the right amount of hard work, ambition, and dedication, the best version of yourself is at a moment's reach. And there is no one else that recognizes that other than Eric Jemielita. Helping individuals from all across America achieve their goals with results that speak for themselves, Eric is making his mark on the world and helping others make theirs. If you want to know more about how to become financially independent and be in sole control of your life, you may reach him through this email address:

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Original post:

Becoming The Best Version of Yourself with Eric Jemielita - Yahoo Finance

Amazon Sued by Author Claiming to Have Spawned ‘Marvelous Mrs. Maisel’ – TMZ


Amazon's hit series, "The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel," is ripped straight from the pages of a 6-year-old book with an eerily similar and struggling character ... at least according to the author.

Jodi Parmley just sued Amazon Studios for allegedly jacking several different creative elements from her 2014 book, "F.I.F.I. Financial Infidelity F**k It: The Mistress of the New Millennium" ... and applying them, nearly beat for beat, to their show.

In the docs, obtained by TMZ, Jodi says she wrote this book, and then adapted a screenplay from it. She says she shopped it around to lots of different studios and execs who were supposedly interested.

Jodi doesn't specifically say she met with Amazon's bigwigs, but it seems like she's implying word eventually got around to them. Once she saw 'Marvelous' debut, Jodie claims she was a carbon copy of her own work.

She claims Amazon ripped off the plight, stand-up routine, general plot points and character traits the Amazon's Miriam Maisel lives out -- like seeking financial independence, leaving her crappy hubby, etc.

As a result, she's suing ... and, naturally, wants the profits Amazon made off the show -- which has garnered critical praise and gone on to win several awards.

We've reached out to Amazon ... so far, no word back.

Read the original post:

Amazon Sued by Author Claiming to Have Spawned 'Marvelous Mrs. Maisel' - TMZ

Finance firm shuns Government handouts and sets up fund to support charities – The Business Desk

Salford Quays-based investment platform AJ Bell has vowed to shun any government handouts to tackle the coronavirus crisis, and has set up a fund to help charities helping those affected by the pandemic.

Led by founder Andy Bell, the finance firm says many businesses will be judged by how they reacted, once the pandemic has subsided.

And Mr Bell and fellow executives have committed to donating their salaries for April, May and June into the AJ Bell Wage War on COVID Fund, with many of their staff pledging to also make donations.

Mr Bell said: We are seeing individual acts of bravery, selflessness and kindness on a daily basis that should give us hope that the coronavirus will leave behind some positive legacies.

Business leaders and our businesses have their parts to play in taking a socially-responsible approach.

We will all be held accountable as to how we react during the COVID-19 crisis.

Customers, staff, suppliers, investors and wider stakeholders will all make their own judgements and already the court of public opinion is opining on the actions of certain businesses to a positive effect.

He added: The COVID-19 pandemic has affected us all and will impact our society in ways that we can only imagine at this stage. Many people will lose their jobs, their financial independence or, sadly, their loved ones.

Businesses need to have a social conscience if we are to get through this crisis.

In reacting to the crisis, AJ Bell said its priority is to ensure the health, safety and well-being of its staff and their families.

The firm revealed that all its staff have also been assured that their jobs are safe and every member of staff will continue to be paid as normal throughout the crisis.

And Mr Bell said he will not call on any of the Governments financial support packages.

No staff will be furloughed. Whilst we have identified a number of staff who could have been furloughed, we believe that the Governments Job Retention Scheme should be preserved for those companies that need it most.

He added: We will not be claiming benefits from any of the other financial support schemes available to employers eg we will be not be deferring our VAT bill.

In addition, the AJ Bell Wage War on COVID Fund, under the umbrella of the AJ Bell Trust, a UK registered charity, is now open to donations, and all proceeds will be distributed to charities supporting the COVID-19 efforts, or directly to those in need as a result of the virus.

The aim is to distribute all of the funds raised quickly, over the coming months, with a back stop date of the end of this calendar year.

The AJ Bell Trust has kick-started the fund raising by allocating 50,000 of its charitable reserves to the fund.

Mr Bell said: I, along with other board directors and senior management, have donated our April, May and June wages into the fund.

I am immensely proud that a number of our staff have already signalled their intent to donate part of their wages over the same three month period and Im sure many more will donate now the fund has launched.

He explained the reasoning behind the firms stance: Businesses with a social conscience will assess the various support schemes through the lens of need and not entitlement.

Every pound claimed under one of the Governments financial support schemes is a pound that our children and grandchildren will have to pay back.

He acknowledged that many businesses hit hard by the crisis need these support schemes to survive, but he said: Society will not react well to businesses that take Government aid whilst they make large profits, pay out large bonuses to executives or pay dividends to shareholders.

CEOs and business leaders are in a unique position to determine their business approach to the crisis and we should all lead by example.

Click here to donate to theAJ Bell Wage War on COVID Fund.

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Finance firm shuns Government handouts and sets up fund to support charities - The Business Desk

FIRE and the implausible millennial movement to save, invest, and quit the American workplace –

Part of Issue #12 of The Highlight, our home for ambitious stories that explain our world.

Rebecca, 33, grew up in a single-parent household and graduated from college with a music degree in 2008, at the pit of the recession. She lived paycheck-to-paycheck until she took a job at a Fortune 500 company while putting herself through business school, at which point she paid off about $15,000 of student loan debt she accumulated during undergrad.

Rebecca felt the pressure to earn. Since she was 23, she has financially supported her mom, who was laid off in 2008; its one of the reasons she left music. It was really all about money in the beginning, she says.

But she quickly discovered, as she wrote on her blog, I dont like to go to work.

It wasnt the work that Rebecca hated; it was the work environment, the Sisyphean cycle requiring deft navigation of office politics and frustrating management, early mornings, and the surrender of nights and weekends in order to climb. On her blog, she would describe the relief that washed over her at the end of a workday, writing: I get home, plop in front of the TV to block out the miserable thought that this [is] my life until birthday #65.

So, for seven years, Rebecca who blogs under a pseudonym and asked that her real name be withheld to keep her financial information confidential and her husband, a freelance musician, saved and saved, and invested and saved. They made a combined low-six-figure income, though his was sporadic and hers steady. They also received two inheritances from her grandfather and father, money they put directly into their investment portfolio.

The less they spent on lattes, clothes, new iPhones, and the like, the sooner she could leave fluorescent-lit 9-to-5 life behind. Rebeccas goal: to amass a net worth of $1 million by the end of 2019.

Rebeccas extreme retirement plan wasnt necessarily of her own design. She was inspired by FIRE a movement that takes its name from the acronym Financial Independence Retire Early. FIRE is buzzy and blog-friendly, attracting followers in their 20s, 30s, and 40s who reject the notions that income earning must steer the bulk of adult life, and that the reward of retirement must wait for their golden years. What if, they propose, a better plan is to live frugally, save intensely, and retire in the prime of life?

Guesses at how big FIRE has become are vague at best, but there are some clues: There are currently more than 700,000 members in an active Financial Independence subreddit founded in 2011, and popular blog and podcast network Choose FI has registered more than 1.6 million downloads to date. Another FIRE-related blog, Mr. Money Mustache, reported last year that it had been accessed by more than 30 million unique viewers since 2011.

In November 2019, Rebecca hit her target and retired. But as her FIRE date drew near, anxiety crept in; she feared walking away from a high-paying job. Rebeccas mom totally freaked out when Rebecca shared her plans. So did her in-laws. Who could blame them? Theres a not-insignificant amount of risk involved in FIRE, as the stock market roller coaster and economic ripple effect in the wake of the coronavirus pandemic have recently made worryingly clear. Not knowing whats next is really scary, and I didnt think it would be as scary, Rebecca told Vox before leaving her job. I think about it all the time.

Her fears are well-founded, particularly for her generation. Many millennials were laid off in the Great Recession (8.7 million total lost their jobs across all generations), or struggled to find paid work after graduating, and many are still playing a losing game of financial catch-up as a result. Today, millennials remain strapped with an unprecedented student loan debt crisis and ballooning housing, health care, and child care expenses. As a result, they overwhelmingly put off homeownership, medical and dental visits, and having kids because they cant afford it. All the while, but especially now, evidence has grown that another economic crisis may be imminent.

The rise of FIRE runs strikingly counter to that financial picture. How can anyone dream of quitting their job when they can barely stay afloat?

Yet the existential dread Rebecca felt about work is far from uncommon. Gallup has reported that more than half of millennials describe themselves as not engaged at work, or not emotionally and behaviorally connected to their job and company. That dread, and a growing sense of burnout, may in fact be feeding millennial interest in FIRE. The Harris Poll found in 2018 that Google searches for Financial Independence Retire Early rose 96 percent in five years.

If you have a conversation long enough about FIRE, you end up getting into this existential crisis of, like, What are we doing here? says Scott Rieckens, 36, a filmmaker who chronicled his familys entry into FIRE in the documentary Playing With Fire, released on iTunes late last year. Because it is about your time, this nonrenewable resource. ... So what are you going to do with the life that you have left, right?

Financial freedom, as FIRE proponents call the salvation bequeathed by quitting their day jobs, comes with a cost, however. Saving intensely some FIRE leaders recommend saving 50 to 70 percent of your paycheck is an expense in and of itself. To get there, FIRE requires life optimization to the extreme, optimization that can edge out folks without a 401(k) or more than $400 in the bank at any given time, those who dont make six figures by 30, those who dont have partners with whom to split the mortgage, and those who have $40,000 in student debt. And in the end, no one, not even a millennial with a million in the bank can say for sure that the hustle to save will result in the thing that eludes them: happiness.

FIRE is more complicated than telling your boss to get bent, hightailing it to the beach, and never answering another high priority email again.

The first and most crucial part is the FI: Financial Independence. Achieving FI is what the movement, and all of its corresponding blogs, podcasts, forums, and subreddits, hinge on.

Adherents to the FIRE model reach FI by obeying an austere financial diet: Cut spending, eliminate bad habits, pay down debt, and come up with target numbers for how much net worth to accumulate and when to accumulate it by. To come up with their FI number, FIREs followers multiply the total amount of their yearly living expenses by 25. This formula uses whats known as the 4 percent rule, derived from a 1998 academic paper referred to colloquially as the Trinity study that recommended withdrawing no more than 4 percent of your portfolio (savings, retirement funds, stock market investments, etc.) every year post-retirement. According to the US Bureau of Economic Analysis, the average American saves a little more than 8 percent of their annual income after taxes. FIREs followers aim to save half, if not more.

Financial independence and its pursuit predates the term FIRE by a few decades, going back at least as far as the landmark personal finance book Your Money or Your Life, which became a bestseller in 1992 after its co-author, Vicki Robin, appeared on Oprah and shared with the audience some simple math: If it takes X time to make Y money, and you need Y money to buy Z stuff, then stuff equals time. When Oprah waved her hand over a rack of jewel-toned clothes and asked Robin to impart her algebraic wisdom, Robin who retired at 24, in part thanks to an inheritance from her grandmother responded, This is six weeks of your life.

But Robin and her co-author Joe Dominguez proffered a solution: Become financially independent, i.e., accumulate enough net worth to quit your job, and you will be freed from the binds of stuff because of the plain fact that you will no longer have a seemingly endless supply of money with which to buy it. The book didnt lead legions to embrace extreme frugality en masse (though Your Money or Your Life sold 600,000 copies in the first five years, and more than 1 million to date). It did, however, attach a personal price tag to capital-W Work, and would become a foundational text for other folks desperate to find a way off the hamster wheel of capitalist life.

Your Money Or Your Life didnt lead directly to FIRE either, exactly. Tracing FIREs history is tricky, in part because its tenets were developed on disconnected personal blogs, largely helmed by people who either believed that theyd discovered some secret sauce, or who discovered one another (and Your Money or Your Life, whose co-author was eventually considered FIREs godmother).

Its even unclear when the FIRE-specific brand took off. The movements reluctant and beloved de facto leader, Pete Adeney, doesnt even know. Your guess is as good as mine in this department, he says via email.

Adeney, 45, doesnt love the name FIRE. He prefers retired to fired or FIREd, which is how some prefer to describe their voluntary unemployment status. More specifically, he prefers Mustachianism.

Youd be forgiven if youre not familiar with Mustachianism, a philosophy of financial freedom through badassity that Adeney spun out of his popular blog, Mr. Money Mustache. But within the FIRE community, Mr. Money Mustache is required reading, a colorful compendium for anyone serious about achieving FI, and Adeneys word is near-gospel. A former software engineer, he retired at 30 and started the blog in 2011 to proselytize his idiosyncratic version of personal finance. (It was his blog that inspired Rebecca.) More a Gen X-er than a millennial, and having long settled into retirement, Adeney serves as a model within the FIRE community of what is possible.

Once you are off the [tread]mill, youll feel like Neo did when he unplugged the suction cups from his pale naked body in The Matrix and looked around at the other imprisoned humans, Adeney blogged in his very first post. Holy Shit!, you will say. Ive been living in this ridiculous slave world and never noticed...and everyone else still is! WAKE UP DRONE PEOPLE!!!

Its supposed to be a bit of a cult, Adeney told the New Yorker back in 2016. The rest of society oppresses us. We have our own symbols. The bicycle, the hatchback. Adeneys language is evocative, to say the least. Americas Car Clown culture and Exploding Volcano of Wastefulness aside, Adeney is after a revolution. [A]s we lift up the poorest among us, we also need to cut back the environmental destruction that we rich people are causing, Adeney who says his annual expenses in Longmont, Colorado, are under $25,000 tells Vox via email. Culture, he says, must change from the top down.

In many ways, it already is. Were in a moment in which giving up stuff, not acquiring it, is an aspiration. Look to the declutter craze inspired by Marie Kondo; the zero-waste movement that celebrates reducing ones garbage output to one mason jar a year; and the trend away from consumerism with the Buy Nothing Project. Millennials prefer experiences to stuff, we hear again and again.

If the popularity of these concepts is any indicator, the idea of freedom from capitalistic tendencies isnt so abhorrent for plenty of people. Striving is a millennial way of life, and in that way, were a generation primed for FIRE. As Robin told the Wall Street Journal last year, millennials understand that the system their parents built is coming apart.

Adeneys ascetic lifestyle is clearly inspirational to those who have followed his blog over the years. The message is also transfixing, channeling our worst fears about capitalism and our powerlessness over stuff. Most of our spending is a sign of weakness, Adeney told The Tim Ferriss Show in 2017, and its a bunch of stuff that we do to compensate for our weaknesses, because we couldnt solve the problem in a smarter way. For Adeney, its not really about luring the American workforce into early retirement, but instead about breaking moneys grip on the masses, about the end of Work to Buy and Buy to Maintain. Abstaining from consumerism is evidence of piety, restraint, and dedication to the cause.

But the flip side of this message is that those who still participate in that cycle are weak and dont have Adeneys problem-solving skills. FIREs bootstraps outlook, however, isnt necessarily accessible to the vast majority of Americans who work not to buy, but to survive. Nearly 17 million households live in poverty, including 5.3 million households headed by a millennial; and credit card debt is a major hurdle for millions of US households, too, with more than half of credit card holders owing debt. A quarter of US adults have no retirement savings, and 28 percent dont have a rainy day fund for emergencies. Any single one of these factors could make it impossible to retire early, let alone a combination.

Adeney acknowledges that hes not talking about the working poor or to them when he makes these sweeping statements. As he puts it to Vox, Getting rich people excited about consuming less is by far the most effective way to [protect the environment], which is why I mainly write articles targeted at my fellow wealthy Americans.

Elizabeth Willard Thames, who blogs about her young familys frugal lifestyle, has been candid about how privilege allowed them to retire early to the woods of Vermont. On her blog, Frugalwoods, she catalogs a number of factors that made her and her husband, in her phrasing, advantaged from birth: They were raised by parents with college degrees, they didnt grow up in poverty, their families are loving, intact, and they are white. She also cites a number of smart decisions weve made thanks to our privilege, namely that they went to college, have never been in debt (apart from their mortgage), worked in high-paying jobs, are healthy, and delayed having children.

I wish I could say that if everyone would just save a little more, and live a bit farther below their means, and avoid buying an SUV, theyd be able to quit their jobs and live the life they crave, writes Thames. But thats not the reality. Theres structural privilege inherent in our ability to pursue financial independence at a young age.

Personal finance expert Erin Lowry, author of Broke Millennial, is a self-described cynic when it comes to FIRE, though she understands its appeal. Its aspirational in a lot of senses, she says, to have that level of autonomy over your life at such a young age, to feel like you can opt out of the traditional workforce and have a lot of control. However, there are certainly some pieces of the puzzle that do not fit together quite as neatly as it sometimes gets presented.

Sometimes (not always), an inheritance eases the road to FIRE, as it did for Rebecca and Robin. Sometimes (not always), a successful career in a lucrative industry helps, as it did for Adeney. Sometimes (not always), one-half of the household continues to earn income. And often, early retirement means leaving the grind, only to change careers.

Much digital ink has been spilled on FIRE blogs and forums about the definitions of work and retirement, definitions that dont necessarily align with how critics, average Americans, and the dictionary define both. Many FIRE-ers continue to work. Operating real estate rentals and picking up side gigs are two common FIRE recommendations, not to mention pursuing passion projects.

This is where FIRE draws some flak from its critics. While FIREs seductive premise is that followers can retire early and quit work wholesale, some of the most public-facing FIRE-ers arent living solely off their savings and investments. Their work, often FIRE-related, translates into money podcasts monetized through ads, blogs that earn money through ads and affiliates, speaking engagements, book deals, etc.

Our Next Life blogger Tanja Hester, who declared herself retired at 38, does not monetize her blog, and calls for income transparency among other FIRE bloggers. She has noted she did receive a small advance for her book published last February, appropriately titled Work Optional.

Thames monetizes her blog through affiliate links, earning a commission each time a reader buys something through that link; she also made money off her book deal, and her husband continues to work remotely. [W]e work because we enjoy what we do not because we need the money, Thames writes on her blog. This is the extraordinary privilege of financial independence.

True dictionary-definition retirement, FIREs followers argue, isnt the goal, anyway. Its being able to do what they want. And sometimes they want to make money albeit in a different way.

I quit my job, which was very comfy, and made a lot of money in terms of what I was doing, but I wasnt happy, says Jamila Souffrant, 37, of her former life as a commercial real estate executive. Souffrant and her husband, who live in Brooklyn with their three young kids, paid off debt, saved and invested $169,000 in two years, and left corporate America behind. (Her husband continues to work as a teacher.) She started her blog, Journey to Launch, to chronicle her path to financial independence by 40; now the blog, along with a corresponding podcast and her personal finance business, are Souffrants full-time work. This is a freedom that everyone looks for and wants, she adds.

Theres freedom, too, many in the community argue, to decide how intensely to FIRE. For that reason, the FIRE community uses certain tags Fat FIRE for less stringent savings and a longer road to upper-middle-class retirement; Lean FIRE for minimalist lifestyles and retirement ASAP at whatever cost. Barista FIRE for those picking up part-time work in retirement (such as becoming a barista).

Fat and Lean and all the rest are largely irrelevant labels for Kiersten and Julien Saunders, though they dont abide by frugality dogma on the one hand, and are well on their way to financial independence on the other. FIRE, for them, is a little bit of art and science, says Kiersten, 35.

Kiersten adds that despite the current lack of diversity, the community is one of the more welcoming ones shes participated in, and the space is changing for the better. But the disparity, they say, comes down to cultural differences. There are expenses they prioritize that are specific to their lives as people of color that might otherwise be considered expendable by FIRE die-hards.

Kiersten cites self-care as critical in helping people of color heal from microaggressions and trauma endured in daily life, and high-quality day care as essential in giving black children, and black boys in particular, the best chance at lifelong success. Their budget, as a result, doesnt resemble some of the more spartan budgets elsewhere in the FIRE world. We give ourselves the freedom to let life happen, and then stay on the path to the best of our abilities, adds Julien.

Souffrant is after work flexibility. I think thats more realistic for a lot of people, versus, theyll never work again and retire in five years, she says. I dont think that necessarily can be possible depending on peoples lifestyle and goals. Souffrant adds that shes not particularly frugal herself. Im not like, Oh, I want to only spend $20,000 a year. Living in Brooklyn is expensive. Kids are expensive. Souffrant made FIRE fit her lifestyle, not the other way around.

Lisa Harrison thought that her future was FIRE. In 2015, the now 44-year-old corporate scientist Googled phrases like extreme savings, budgeting, and how to become rich, and stumbled on the Frugalwoods and Budgets are Sexy. Even in 2015, I didnt know what a blog was, she laughs. She read personal story after personal story, and just like that, she had a new life plan.

Im working in corporate America, and Im sitting under those fluorescent lights in a cubicle, so it really spoke to me, says Harrison, who lives with her husband and 10-year-old daughter in suburban Pennsylvania. They paid off their debt, and took a hatchet to their budget, line item by line item; anything inessential, from their Pizza Fridays to Coffee Date Sundays, was out. Soon, Harrison and her husband had achieved a savings rate of 70 percent. Shed even started a blog to document her journey to FIRE, too. And they were miserable.

Harrison grew up in a trailer, the youngest of four. Money was always tight, and shed put herself through night school while working in a factory, soldering electrical components together. She never expected the frugality she adopted for FIRE to dig up memories of the deprivation she used to feel. But it did. I feel like sometimes thats what happens with the FIRE movement. Youre so entrenched in, Do it cheaper, do it better, dont do this, dont do that. And you dont allow yourself to enjoy the journey. We want to enjoy our lives both now and later.

Mental health is a big concern for FIRE critic Lowry. The movement almost gets presented as this cure-all for angst and anxiety that youre feeling in your day-to-day life, says Lowry. A lot of money and quitting your job is really not going to be the solution to anxiety and depression that some people think it might be.

Suze Orman has heard of FIRE, and has her own critiques. I hate it, Orman, the Matriarch of Money told Paula Pant on her Afford Anything podcast last year. Ormans issue isnt with FI, but with the RE, as it is for many FIRE critics. To Orman, FIREs followers are unprepared for the cost of unforeseen illness and health emergencies such as accidents, living expenses rising after 60, paying for kids educations, paying for aging parents care, inflation, stock market crashes, missing out on the compounding years of a retirement plan by drawing down early (even if you dont plan to), and on and on. You want to retire early? You can do it if you want to, Orman concluded; it would just be the biggest mistake, financially speaking, you will ever, ever make in your lifetime.

The FIRE communitys response was swift. Robin called Orman a wet blanket on FIRE on her blog. Adeney dubbed Ormans appearance a crazy interview on his blog. [M]oney will not cure your fear, as mega millionaire Suze proves so clearly, wrote Adeney. If you are afraid of what might happen in the future, you have a mental problem rather than a financial problem.

Some FIRE recommendations make sense. Achieving any savings rate, much less a high one, is a step in the right direction, especially considering that a quarter of Americans have no savings at all. And the advice to invest in low-fee index funds, says Yale University professor of finance James Choi, is a good idea, in part because it allows for diversification of your portfolio at a relatively low cost. FIRE-ers, by and large, do not advocate drawing down on traditional retirement accounts early, and Choi agrees.

But is FIRE based on good advice? Or even tenable advice? Its not crazy advice, says Choi, but it is complicated. Dividends paid from investments may not provide a sustainable stream of income, as Choi puts it, to your net worth, particularly as worries about an imminent recession have returned. And this months dramatic spiraling of the stock market amid Covid-19 fears revealed how quickly the value of an investment portfolio a key element of FIREs financial model could simply disappear. On the Frugalwoods blog, Thames responded to the corona virus-related instability by acknowledging those fears, but doubled down on her faith in the market: I can tell you what my husband and I are doing with our money: were not touching it. Were not tinkering with our retirement investments, were not selling our taxable investments, were not buying tons of stock, were doing nothing.

The 4 percent rule raises concerns for Choi, too. That rate only makes sense if the stock market and personal investments are humming along well and if your individual spending needs dont go up. And for retirees who will eventually tap into Social Security, the fewer years they work and the less they earn, the fewer Social Security benefits they collect. Theres a lot more risk if youre trying to finance 50 years of retirement and not run out of money, says Choi.

But most important is the hard truth: For most people, all of this will sound like meaningless steps toward a fantasy. As life expectancy goes up, the US faces a retirement crisis, because much of the aging baby boomer population will not have enough money saved to retire.

Teresa Ghilarducci, a labor economist and retirement security expert at the New School, says that about half of middle-class people will be poor or near-poor retirees.

Rebecca is quick to point out that the family inheritances she received were critical to her achieving FIRE; she didnt need to start out on her path to a million-dollar net worth from zero. Robin, too, started her journey to Financial Independence in 1969 with an inheritance of $20,000.

But thats one of the little secret sources of wealth that most people dont have, says Ghilarducci, adding that FIREs irrelevance to the great majority of Americans lives renders it somewhat elitist. Thats an argument that FIRE-ers rebut, arguing that you dont need to start out with a lot of money to spend less and save more, and that FI simply emphasizes personal responsibility.

This criticism arises from the mistaken all-or-nothing assumption that you need to reach full financial independence before you get the benefits, Adeney tells Vox. In reality, the principles I am teaching are the opposite of elitist they make a bigger improvement in your life the lower you are on the income scale.

Still, says Ghilarducci, Its very, very, very expensive not to work.

When Rebecca quit her job in mid-November, it was ahead of the deadline shed set for herself. Since then, shes been traveling. Her physical health has improved, she tells Vox via email from Australia. She wakes up earlier, watches less TV, exercises regularly, and eats less junk food. Still, she worries about money. She has to remind herself to stay positive, that she did the math right, that she has the cash reserves to do this. Ive always struggled with being too self-critical, to the point where it has been detrimental to my mental and emotional health, she writes. Hitting my FIRE number hasnt helped me with that. What it has done, however, is to give me the time and space that I need to look more inward and let me begin healing.

She opted to not tell her bosses about FI, or that what shed done was not actually quit this particular job but leave the grind altogether. Instead, she said that shed be taking time off to travel. She worried that there were misconceptions that being financially independent meant being a megamillionaire.

She was surprised at how calm she remained during the short exchange. Her bosses were taken aback, but asked no follow-up questions.

I wish I could say that it was like on TV, where I poured my heart out and then danced a jig as I left the building, Rebecca blogged later in a celebratory post. But she didnt. I didnt want to burn any bridges.

She might need them later as a reference.

Stephie Grob Plante is an Austin-based features writer and essayist. Her work has appeared at The Goods by Vox, the Atlantic, Smithsonian Magazine, The Verge, Curbed, Southwest: The Magazine, Playboy, and elsewhere.

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FIRE and the implausible millennial movement to save, invest, and quit the American workplace -

Six messages to reassure kids when COVID-19 hits your family financially – CNBC

The pandemic affects everyone even cats and dogs that are clearly surprised at the change in routine.

Younger children might not understand everything that's going on, and older ones might realize life has changed but not know how to get clarity from their parents.

The current situation is different from anything anyone's experienced in our lifetime, says Wendy Mays, 49, who has a podcast on financial independence for families.

And kids know it.

More from Invest in You:Nail your financial goals the way an Olympic medalist doesPanic shopping and fleeing to cash seem to go hand in handHow to prepare for a family member with COVID-19

The clues are everywhere. Most parents are home. They might realize that grocery stores are barer than usual.

Informing kids in a positive way can be difficult and challenging, says Lionel Hush, principal of Roosevelt Middle School in West Orange, New Jersey. Everyone's home situation is different, and while some people are financially sound, hourly workers may not have the money rolling in. "For some parents, children knowing about their finances is the last thing some parents want," Hush said.

"I think the big thing is to have age-appropriate conversations and be reassuring," said Mays, who lives in San Diego.

Mays needed to chat with her kids, who range in age from 5 to 23, about the need to think more carefully about food. "You can't just go into the pantry and have whatever you want," Mays said. "We can't just go to the store whenever we want."

Wendy Mays, 48, says kids may find the advantages of a quarantine may eclipse some of the financial hardship.

Source: Wendy Mays

When every facet of life has changed, have open conversations.

"At the same time, I address the concerns," Mays said. "I don't want them to feel afraid."

Going to the store used to be a family event. Now Mays goes alone because of the need to keep as isolated as possible.

"The fact we're having the conversation and we're here to talk to is the key," Mays said.

If money needs to be limited, Mays says it's best to explain that you have the family's long-term security in mind. You could say something like, 'If we spend too much now, we won't be in the best possible situation later on.'

Some families may want to help others, and current spending could cut into that ability. "We just want to make sure we're not spending on things that aren't necessary right now," Mays said.

Helping kids feel confident is a challenge, Hush said. Remind them the country can handle this, based on our ability to recover from tough times in the past.

"Just having faith in the economy being able to bounce back is a conversation that has to happen," Hush said.

Tell your kids about programs offered through local and state governments, as well as the federal stimulus package that was passed on Friday. "As a community and as a family we're here to take care of each other," Hush said. "If things get very bad, there is a safety net."

Parents should tell kids about the available options, whether family or friends, or a possible job opportunity. "We, the adults, are taking care," he said.

When it comes to money conflicts, hold a family meeting.

Thomas Henske, a certified financial planner with Lenox Advisors in New York, recommends doing this at a table though not over dinner or in the living room, where family members can face one another. He suggests making comments like, "We are going to have to temporarily change. The good news is, it gives us a chance to think creatively as a family and work as a team."

It's time to bring out your best rah-rah game face. That teamwork message is your general theme, Henske says. "If you don't set the stage that way, you wind up being on the defensive with every [money] question that comes in," he said.

Kids may not always have the right language to explain their fears.

"For example, if they were afraid of dogs, you'd say, 'What makes dogs scary?' " said Henske.

Another good tactic: Ask how their friends are reacting as a wayto ease into the conversation. "Hey, do you think any of this might be scaring some of your friends?" What should they be talking about with their parents?"

You'll have a better idea of how to help kids work through their fears when you have a better grasp of what's upsetting them.

See the original post here:

Six messages to reassure kids when COVID-19 hits your family financially - CNBC

A Brand You Can Believe In (sponsored) – ThisisReno

How Three Generations of Bernards Have Survived The Markets Worst Crashes

No client is too big or too small. Choose The Bernard Wealth Management Group, because we think youll like it here.

Donald A. Bernard Jr.

Age: 56Hometown: Reno, NVEducation: University of Nevada, RenoTitle: Senior Vice President/InvestmentsDesignation: Accredited Investment Fiduciary (AIF)Career: 1988-1990: Bateman Eichler, Hill Richards1990-2010: Wells Fargo Advisors 2010-present: StifelFamily: Wife Sallie; Daughter Brooke; Sons Donald III and CollinPast President: Saint Marys Hospital, Truckee Meadows Boys and Girls Club, YMCA of Reno, Prospectors Club of Reno Community Involvement: University of Nevada, Reno and Our Lady of the Snows Church

Donald A. Bernard III

Age: 26Hometown: Reno, NVEducation: California State University, Fullerton (Mens Cross Country/Track and Field)Title: Financial AdvisorDesignation: Accredited Investment Fiduciary (AIF)Career: 2015-2017: Newcastle Financial Advisors 2017-2019: Franklin Templeton Investments 2019-present: StifelBoard member: Truckee Meadows Boys and Girls Club (Young Leaders Committee)Community Involvement: Our Lady of the Snows Church

50 W. Liberty, Suite 100Reno, NV

Over 50 years ago, a family investment brand began. An investment brand built on one word: reputation.

The Bernard Wealth Management Group at Stifel story began in 1964, when Donald A. Bernard Sr. (retired) established a brand and a reputation, which answered that question.

Since the beginning, Don Sr. consistently communicated the importance of being prepared financially, if something happened to you, which was out of your control.

Whether it be a worldwide crisis, market crash, lost job, freak accident or no source of income to rely on, Don Sr. preached the importance of saving money and accumulating assets, as doing so would provide you a source of income should the well run dry.

You must take care of your own needs first, Don Sr. said. In fact, doing so is a moral necessity. Taking care of yourself makes you stronger for everyone else in your life. During times like now, the world needs you at your best.

The Bernard Wealth Management Group at Stifel manages hundreds of millions of dollars, across the country and within all regions of Northern Nevada. For over 50 years, three generations of Bernards have been recognized as leaders by guiding their clients through various crises and market crashes.

The most notable market crash for Don Sr. came during the year of 1987.

During the Black Monday stock market crash, we saw U.S. markets fall more than 20% in a single day, Don Sr. stated. It is thought that the cause of the crash was triggered by computer trading models using risky derivatives and options for portfolio insurance.

I will never forget the panic calls from clients and I recognized the significance of having saved money and accumulated assets. My clients and I had spent years working towards this. We made it a priority. Yes, the crash hurt us in the short-term, but we never had to rely on someone else to maintain our financial independence and financial security in the long-term.

During that time, Don Sr. realized his purpose for getting into the investment business.

The bottom line was, I wanted to help others financially, but if I was going to advise them on financial matters I had to be credible myself. I had to prove that I had everything and more that I was telling my clients to do. This credibility didnt come over night. It took years to build.

Donald A. Bernard Jr. pins his personal and clients success on being in a position to seize opportunities, even at unlikely moments.

Like his father, when these moments come, Don Jr. stresses the importance of financial independence and financial security because being prepared for any crisis or crash, allows you to manage your situation and increase your odds of success and survival.

If you can take care of yourself first, then your focus can turn outward Don Jr. insists. You can allow yourself to be in a good place at a bad time. My focus in life is to help others experience that feeling financially.

Don Jr.s unlikely moment came in 2008. The Financial Crisis.

The decline in stock prices reflected real economic problems Don Jr. said. It was a perfect storm made of a mortgage crisis, a credit crisis, a bank collapse and a government bailout. Once major financial markets lost more than 30% of their value, a steep recession began.

In the midst of any crisis or market crash, The Bernard Wealth Management Group at Stifel has had a rule: to continue to build their family investment brand on their reputation. Don Jr.s reputation as an established, trustworthy and clear-headed financial advisor, has allowed him to help others, who are serious about building and preserving their wealth.

The most basic advice I can give to people, looking to prepare themselves for the next crisis or market crash is: First, pay off your credit cards in full. Second, put six months worth of expenses in a money market account. Third, have the drive to take what is left over and invest it in the financial markets, real estate or both. Finally, have the discipline to never touch those investments and continue to add to them until you retire.

Many people have asked me, Don what is the secret to financial success? Its as simple as that. Its a constant battle to achieve these things. It requires endless sacrifice, time, focus and energy but the reward is so much greater than the sacrifice. I promise you that.

Like every other crisis and crash that preceded him, the means in which Don Jr. prepared has never changed.

Youve got to be a bit selfish to be a successful person Don Jr. stated. When you are, you dont cause worry and stress for those who care about you. You can be a role model and people will see the fire in your eyes. I am proud to be able to look my clients in their eyes and know that I am one of the most credible advisors out there.

Often times, issues are beyond our control but if you have saved money and accumulated assets, you give yourself freedom and options to succeed, no matter what circumstances are thrown your way.

I live for moments like these Don Jr. declared. Because this is when our family investment brand and our story is everything. This is an opportunity for me to be a leader for the people of our community.

My father built our family investment brand and it was my job to take it to another level. Now my son must ride for the brand and do whatever he can to help others better their lives financially. He couldnt be doing a better job.

Along the way, Don Jr. has groomed his son to ultimately take control of the family investment business.

As a child, Donald A. Bernard III would crawl on the ground of his fathers office while he was working. 26 years later, he is building his own book of business and helping his clients work towards financial independence and financial security, during a time of war with an invisible enemy.

Just like his grandfather and father, Don III is experiencing a crisis and crash of his own. This one is much different than the two that came before him.

COVID-19 has rattled everyone inside and out of the financial markets Don III stated. Even the best and the brightest didnt see this virus coming. Not only have we have seen markets plummet, we are seeing many in our community out of work with no income to rely on.

The decline in stock prices has reflected concern and uncertainty over the global spread of Coronavirus. Stock prices have fallen over 35% due to awareness towards disruption of supply chains, free movement of goods, social distancing and a shock to demand, as consumers and businesses cut back on consumption and investment.

The market is broken but it will fix itself in time Don III insists. No one knows how long it will take to make a recovery, but believe me this isnt the end of the market. This pandemic will eventually end. Stimulus will kick in. The market will rebound and there will be many opportunities out there. My optimism believes we are in a good place that looks like a bad place.

Mandatory and temporary closures to essential and non-essential businesses, have wreaked havoc on the local economy and governments ability to maintain services in the coming months. Moreover, we are seeing thousands and thousands of individuals and families with no source of income to rely on.

When you have no source of income or savings outside of your employer, you lose all of your freedom Don III said. This crisis and market crash should serve as a wakeup call to build financial independence and financial security. If you dont get your personal financial engine running right, you place a burden on everyone from your family to the country.

If you can do that, you are able to invite uncertainty into your life. Then you can survive it, appreciate it and take advantage of it.

Once the fog of war clears, opportunities to own high quality investments will present themselves. These will be opportunities, which we havent seen since the Financial Crisis over a decade ago.

At the end of the day, The Bernard Wealth Management Group at Stifel will be there to help you. Why? Because their reputation says so.

And as his grandfather and father consistently asked those around them, Don III asks you:

When the next crisis or market crash comeswill you be prepared?

This post is paid content and does not represent the views of ThisisReno. Want to promote your business, event, or issue? Consider a sponsored post.

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A Brand You Can Believe In (sponsored) - ThisisReno

The Duke and Duchess sign off from royal life with final message on their Instagram account – Tatler

On the eve of their final day as senior royals the Duke and Duchess of Sussex have shared a message of thanks on their Sussex Royal Instagram account.

Alongside an image that thanked their followers for their support, inspiration and commitment to good in the world, they wrote a lengthy caption that both addressed the current coronavirus pandemic and also their work in the future.

'As we can all feel, the world at this moment seems extraordinarily fragile,' it begins. 'Yet we are confident that every human being has the potential and opportunity to make a differenceas seen now across the globe, in our families, our communities and those on the front linetogether we can lift each other up to realise the fullness of that promise.

'Whats most important right now is the health and wellbeing of everyone across the globe and finding solutions for the many issues that have presented themselves as a result of this pandemic.

'As we all find the part we are to play in this global shift and changing of habits, we are focusing this new chapter to understand how we can best contribute.

'While you may not see us here, the work continues.

'Thank you to this community - for the support, the inspiration and the shared commitment to the good in the world. We look forward to reconnecting with you soon. Youve been great!

'Until then, please take good care of yourselves, and of one another.

Harry and Meghan'

The message promises that they will continue working on their charitable endeavours behind the scenes, spotlighting worthy causes, and that they will be back soon to 'reconnect'.

The couple announced their decision to stand down as senior working royals in January, and have recently moved from Canada to California with their 10-month-old son, Archie Mountbatten-Windsor. They are now pursuing financial independence away from the Royal Family, which has so far seen Meghan doing the voice over for a Disney documentary and Harry speaking at a JP Morgan summit.

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The Duke and Duchess sign off from royal life with final message on their Instagram account - Tatler

3 money moves one self-made millionaire is taking in response to the coronavirus pandemic – CNBC

In 2010, Grant Sabatier joined the FIRE (financial independence, retire early) movement, which embraces the concept of saving the majority of your income in your 20s or 30s so you can retire in your 30s or 40s.

In just five years, he saved over $1 million, enough to consider himself "financially independent," which gave him the freedom to start living a more entrepreneurial life. He founded the site Millennial Money, which helps others fast-track financial independence and reach early retirement, and he wrote the book,"Financial Freedom: A Proven Path to All the Money You Will Ever Need."

While Sabatier, who now lives in New York City with his wife, has a big cash cushion to fall back on, even the self-made millionaire is feeling the effects of the coronavirus pandemic, which has put major stress on the U.S. economy.

Here are three changes he's made with his money in response to the pandemic and its crushing economic impact.

Most financial advisors say to leave your investments alone in times of uncertainty and when the market is volatile.

Sabatier is following that advice for the most part: "I did sell some of my Amazon stock and diversified my portfolio a little bit." He wasn't planning on doing any rebalancing, "but I was a little overexposed in individual equities," he notes.

In general, though, he's keeping his hands off of his investments, staying the course and sticking to his long-term plan. Ignoring the urge to panic and pull out of the market is easier said than done, even for Sabatier: "I have to keep reminding myself that you only lose money when you sell, and so the losses themselves haven't been realized."

As a precaution, "I took out 10 grand in actual cash because I think there are certain times where ATMs could get frozen or a bank could stall," says Sabatier. "Having actual cash, and money across a couple of different banks, I think is a wise decision."

Other experts arequick to reassure consumers that if your money is parked in a bank insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation(FDIC), it's safe and there's no need to cash it out.

It doesn't hurt to have money across different accounts, though. Financial planner Scott Cole recommends having three to six months' worth of living expenses saved across two different accounts. Keep about $1,500 in the savings account tied to your primary bank and put the rest in a high-yield savings account, where it will likely earn you more in interest, he says.

If you need to dip into the $1,500 for an emergency, it will be readily accessible. Then, you can replenish the amount you used with savings from your high-yield account.

Sabatier used to check his net worth every day. It was a way to monitor his financial progress and stay motivated to reach his goals.

While he has a substantial cash cushion and isn't worried about his financial situation right now, "I'm human, so when your net worth drops 30% in a matter of 10 days, it sucks and that hurts and you feel it."

That's why he's putting the habit of looking at his account balances on hold: "I know things are going down." He's accepted that, for the time being, he's in "a preservation phase, and not a growth phase," but trusts that the markets will bounce back. When they do, he'll start checking his net worth again, but in the meantime, he doesn't need the stress and anxiety that comes with seeing your numbers drop.

Another way to stay focused on the long run may be to tune out some of the daily headlines. That's what investing legend Warren Buffett does. It helps him focus on where businesses will be five, 10 and 20 years from now, which is really what matters.

"I don't think I can make money by predicting what's going to go on next week or next month," Buffett told CNBC's Becky Quick. "I do think I can make money by predicting what will go on in the next 10 years."

Don't miss:Here's what you should do with your savings during the coronavirus outbreak

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3 money moves one self-made millionaire is taking in response to the coronavirus pandemic - CNBC

Self-made millionaire says the concept of retiring early ‘will disappear’ due to the coronavirus pandemic – CNBC

Americans are starting to feel the effects of the coronavirus pandemic, which has left few industries untouched. Some employees are already out of work and millions could end up losing their jobs in a potential recession.

The pandemic could even wipe out what's become known as the FIRE (financial independence, retire early) movement, which embraces the concept of saving the majority of your income in your 20s or 30s so you can retire in your 30s or 40s.

That's according toGrant Sabatier,Millennial Money founder and author of "Financial Freedom.""I think the whole idea of retiring early ... will disappear because of this," he tells CNBC Make It. "It's just not going to be as easy, even for people who have been saving up, and it's not going to be as attractive of an idea."

Sabatier started his own financial independence journey in 2010, before the movement really took off. He saved over $1 million in five years by launching a bunch of side hustles and setting aside upwards of 80% of his income.

Despite the movement's growth over the past decade, Sabatier says the concept of retiring early has already started to lose steam among younger generations. And the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the global economy and markets could be enough to eliminate the movement altogether, he says.

But that wouldn't necessarily be a bad thing, he says. "I think that idea of retiring early is, thankfully, disintegrating in the sense that, work is an important part of life. Work is healthy," he explains. "Doing something that you're passionate about is healthy. And money is often a byproduct of the things that we do to create value in the world."

Work is healthy. Doing something that you're passionate about is healthy. And money is often a by-product of the things that we do to create value in the world.

Grant Sabatier

Founder of Millennial Money

Sabatier, who became a millionaire before 30, didn't work a handful of side gigs and saveanextremepercentage of his income to stop working and settle down. For him, it's been less about retiring and more about "having freedom and options and choices," he says.

If you're intent on retiring early, use the extra time you may have right now to reflect on why, he suggests. "I often see people who want to retire early because it's something else to chase it's another trophy to get. When, in reality, so much of what they want they already have. Or, they're much closer to what they want than they realize.

"In this time when we're all quarantined and have a lot of time to think, think about why you really want to retire early. Do you still want that amidst the increasing uncertainty of our times?"

Sabatier encourages people still interested in the movement to focus less on the "retire early" part of FIRE and more on the "financial independence" aspect: "At its core, it's always been about using money to build a life you love and being intentional about your spending so that you have more time and options in your life."

Don't miss:Financial planner: Here's when you should temporarily stop saving for retirement during the pandemic

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Self-made millionaire says the concept of retiring early 'will disappear' due to the coronavirus pandemic - CNBC

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle Could Have a ‘Very Tricky Path’ to Financial Independence After Coronavirus Outbreak, Source Claims – Showbiz Cheat…

When Prince Harry and Meghan, Duchess of Sussex decided to stepback as senior members of the royal family, their main goal was achieving financialindependence from the crown while still supporting Her Majesty, QueenElizabeth.

But their split from the The Firm occurred long before thecoronavirusCOVID-19 absolutely demolished the worlds financial health in a matter ofweeks. While Meghan and Harry were probably feeling confident about makingmoney before, there is a significant lack of speaking engagements currently.

Suddenly, the prospect of making money isnt so simple forthis former royal couple.

The Duke and Duchess of Sussex essentially wantedto pick and choose which parts of the royal life they participated in. Theywanted to retain the good parts, like money, power, and prestige, while rejectingtheir least favorite aspects, like participating in the Royal Rota and remainingpolitically neutral.

It became quickly apparent that this approach was nevergoing to work Harry and Meghan were free to leave if they wanted, but theycouldnt just create royal roles as they wished. Queen Elizabeth sent thecouple words of encouragement but remained firm on her stance. They couldntuse the word royal in their branding, for instance. And yes, theyd have topay their own way.

That seemed easy enough when they first quit Harry evenlined up a high-profile speaking engagement at a JP Morgan Summit in February.But now events such as this have been canceled indefinitely, leaving Harry and Meghanstuck withoutan income stream.

Though it seems that way now, the coronavirus pandemic wontlast forever and life will eventually return to some kind of normal. However,financial ramification from business shutdowns that go on for weeks or monthscould wreak havoc on the economy. No one knows what will happen next.

A palace insider told U.K. based broadcaster Neil Sean thatPrince Harry is keenly aware how much the pandemic hasaffected his plans. The worldwide health crisis has plunged the worldinto a financial climate unheard of before and the opportunities for companiesto waste cash by booking celebrities to speak at conferences [arent thereanymore], said Sean. Now it could be a very tricky path to becomefinancially independent.

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These are uncertain times. And now, more than ever, we need each other. We need each other for truth, for support, and to feel less alone during a time that can honestly feel quite scary. There are so many around the world who need support right now, who are working tirelessly to respond to this crisis behind the scenes, on the frontline, or at home. Our willingness, as a people, to step up in the face of what we are all experiencing with COVID-19 is awe-inspiring. This moment is as true a testament there is to the human spirit. We often speak of compassion. All of our lives are in some way affected by this, uniting each of us globally. How we approach each other and our communities with empathy and kindness is indisputably important right now. Over the coming weeks, this will be our guiding principle. We will be sharing information and resources to help all of us navigate the uncertainty: from posting accurate information and facts from trusted experts, to learning about measures we can take to keep ourselves and our families healthy, to working with organisations that can support our mental and emotional well-being. In addition, we will focus on the inspiring stories of how so many of you around the world are connecting in ways big and small to lift all of us up. We are all in this together, and as a global community we can support each other through this process and build a digital neighbourhood that feels safe for every one of us. We look forward to sharing more over the days and weeks to come

A post shared by The Duke and Duchess of Sussex (@sussexroyal) on Mar 18, 2020 at 8:17am PDT

Unlike so many other people, Harry and Meghan are not in anydanger of losing their homes or not being able to put dinner on the table, eventhough theyre losing income in the coming weeks. Both have a healthy cushionof funds to fall back on if this pandemic drags on for several months. At the veryleast, they should be putting their multi-million dollar house hunt on hold.

The Duke and Duchess of Sussex have been using Instagram to spread messages of positivity and hope during the crisis. They encouraged fans to take care of their mental health in the days ahead. With everything going on, its a lot to take in. Many of us may feel confused. Or alone, or anxious or scaredand in isolation, some of us may just feel bored, or that you dont know what to do with yourself without your normal routine. Its perfectly normal to be feeling any of these things, they wrote.

But heres the good thing (because right now we need to hear good things, right?), they continued. Yes, there is isolation and physical distancing, but there doesnt have to be loneliness. They went on to share some resources to help fans survive social distancing.

These royals have no idea how coronavirus will affect their future. But theyre hoping to come out stronger than before.

See the article here:

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle Could Have a 'Very Tricky Path' to Financial Independence After Coronavirus Outbreak, Source Claims - Showbiz Cheat...

How To Use The COVID-19 Shelter In Place Orders As An Early Retirement Test-Run – Forbes

After Tanja Hester retired in 2017, she spent the next couple of years traveling, enjoying the outdoors near her Lake Tahoe home and writing a well-received book on the tactics to retire in your late 30s or 40s. Despite all this activity, as the world shelters in place in an effort to fend off COVID-19, or the novel coronavirus, Hester has a piece of advice for those that hope to retire one day at an extremely young age: Use this time to practice.

If youre struggling with the isolation or, for some, an increased amount of free time, its not any better when you leave the job and theres no structure at all, says Hester, author of Work Optional: Retire Early The Non-Penny-Pinching Way, who also blogs about her retirement life at Our Next Life.

For many employees, theyre dealing with working from home for the first time. The inability to leave the house has left millions feeling the impact of the isolation that can typically accompany a work-from-home lifestyle. But its that isolation that those who retire early have to prepare for.

With sheltering in place orders spreading across the country, the isolation can stress test your ... [+] notion of early retirement.

Only about 8% of retirees step away before their 50th birthday, but the past decade, along with a bull run that finally met its end in March, had given rise to the Financial Independence Retire Early (FIRE) movement. The notions within the group, super-saving their way to retiring as fast as possible, also meant you would have a lot of time to deal with your post-work life. While some may dream of flying off to far flung places, many others often use the tactics simply to escape the nine-to-five without a plan for what their days will look like once they leave the structure of a job behind.

While it might be difficult to find the silver lining while sheltering in place as dread fills the air over health and economic concerns, for those that have long sought early retirement, you can use the time as a wakeup call, says Hester. Isolation is part of the equation when you step away from the job at an extremely young age; this is an unusual chance to plan for it now.

Check in on your relationship

If you and your spouse spent the past week barely able to stand the sight of each other, then its time to work on the relationship, says Hester.

If both of you plan to step away from the job, then once that occurs, youll have more and more time with each other. For some relationships, thats a good thing. For others, it can draw out problems that already existed. Early retirement isnt a cure-all for divorce.

For Hester and her husband, Mark Bunge, it took them time to get in a routine that worked for both of them. They found that when they take trips, for instance, its best to keep them to four weeks at a time. Since they have their own hobbies, the length allows them to experience a new world, but then gets them back home to enjoy their individual pursuits.

He doesnt always want to do all the things I want to do, says Hester. But since theyre no longer a scarce resource to each other, Hester added, it required creating a new rhythm in their relationship to ensure they spend enough time together without stepping on their personal hobbies.

Tanja Hester retired at 38 to travel and write a book. It's the inability to handle isolation that ... [+] she finds ruins many early retirements.

The key to all of it, however, was that they discussed early retirement and savings strategies prior to stepping away from the day job. It wasnt one person leading the march, but a duel effort.

If youre pursuing early retirement and find all the time with the spouse confounding now, talk to each other about what you each imagine life like, once you no longer work. What do you want to do alone? What do you want to do together?

Allow the life vision to drive the money piece, added Hester.

Ensure isolation isnt everything

Most people dont dream of lounging around their house all day and eating beans and rice for dinner every night, so in many ways, the sheltering in place isnt the ideal test run. But it can provide you with clarity, if you realize that you dont know what you would do on a day-to-day basis.

Its important to remember that most of your friends arent likely pursuing the same goal, so you cant hang out with them each week just because youre now free to do what you want.

Most people come to early retirement, reacting to something, said Hester. For some its burn out from the job. For Hester, it was due to a genetic disability that could limit her chance to ski or hike in the future. People know they want freedom from the day job. Theres less thought to what do I want to be doing, she added.

Instead, youll need to build your own community, one that you can go to during the week. Will you volunteer? Will you take a part-time job working as an adventure guide? Will you start a passion project?

Whatever the case, you can take steps while in isolation today. You can take a class in an area you might want to pursue, sign up for volunteering for once the COVID-19 scare is gone, or launch that passion project. Do you enjoy the thought? It will give you a sense if you need to delve further into developing your post-work goals.

Find your new normal

No matter whether youre seeking an under-50 retirement or simply trying to adjust to a new work style, its about finding a normal that works for you.

For Hester, her schedule took shape as she had more time to let her body drive what and when she wanted to do certain things. Now, her mornings typically start slow, as she takes her time adjusting to the day.

In the afternoon, she will work on something, whether its her podcast, the blog, volunteering or even planning a trip. Then in the evening, its when she and her husband goof off.

A similar back-and-forth takes place during times when the market isnt humming, like the correction weve now entered. It requires eating out less or canceling trips. Its similar to right now, she added.

With the markets down, it requires adaption for those that hope to live on a portfolio for forty or more years. That might mean cutting your own trips or reducing your entertainment budget one year, leading to more time around the house.

In those cases, you have to adjust, just like youre hopefully doing by sheltering in place. If you cant, then it might mean saving more, ensuring your retirement life doesnt demand as many conditions.

Related: Your Money And Coronavirus: A Financial Protection Guide

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How To Use The COVID-19 Shelter In Place Orders As An Early Retirement Test-Run - Forbes

Welcome to the March issue of Voxs The Highlight –

FIRE which stands for Financial Independence Retire Early is a niche financial planning movement thats resonated with Americans in their 20s, 30s, and 40s, who see FIREs dogma of extreme frugality as a path to leave the workplace behind.

Now, as the battle against the coronavirus leads to unemployment and economic uncertainty, our cover story looks closely at FIRE, whose followers were often directly affected by the financial crisis of 2008 and who by and large believe theyre girding themselves for the economic realities of the future.

But FIRE remains strikingly improbable for most Americans. How can anyone dream of quitting their job when many of us can barely stay afloat? asks Stephie Grob Plante.

Also in this issue, we go deep into the forests of Ecuador to meet Gordon Hempton, an acoustic ecologist trying to convince the world to preserve quiet. Today, noise is linked to myriad health problems and is changing animals behaviors. If were being suffocated by our own din, the first quiet park on the Zabalo River promises to show visitors a different way to live.

Later, we explore the myth of the Midwest, and finally, cartoonist Terry Blas returns with a personal comic about finding pride in multilingualism in a time of xenophobia.

Financial Independence Retire Early, with its emphasis on extreme frugality, grew in popularity after the last financial crisis. But can the movement prepare its followers for the next one?

by Stephie Grob Plante

Deep in the forests of Ecuador, preservationists have created the first quiet park, with hardly a peep from humankind. Now theyre hoping the tourists will come and spread the message of quiet.

by Sam Goldman

How the Midwest became a symbol of whats ordinary, wholesome, and practical and why this idea endures.

by Phil Christman

Answering a call from Mom in public suddenly takes on new and nerve-racking meaning.

by Terry Blas

Original post:

Welcome to the March issue of Voxs The Highlight -

The Best Strategies To Reach Financial Freedom – ETF Trends

By Jon Dulin

There are multiple roads to financial freedom but are you driving in the right direction?

The most important step to financial freedom is understanding what that freedom looks like to you.

It might seem like an unnecessary question but too many people follow the drumbeat for financial independence only to give up in frustration.

If you set out on a road trip with no destination in mind, youre going to run out of gas and get stranded!

Besides just defining that goal so you know in which direction to drive, a lot of people have a conception of financial freedom that may not be as good as they think.

For many people, the idea of Financial Independence, Retire Early (FIRE) is having enough money to quit their job and never work again.

OK, so you ditch the rat race and never work a day againthen what?

At best you become a sun-burnt alcoholic on some far-away beach.

Thats going to get old quick.

You need a purpose, something that gives your days and your life meaning.

For me, financial freedom was enough money that I could devote my time to developing my own business.

It was not worrying about money even when my online assets werent quite generating enough cash flow to pay all our bills.

Now that the business generates tens of thousands a month, financial freedom is doing what I love and never having to worry about money again.

Whether its being able to devote yourself to a charitable cause, running your own business, a hobby or whatever you choose, think about what financial freedom really means to you and about what youll do when you dont HAVE to work for the money.

Knowing where that destination is, you can find it on the map and start planning your course.

Ive found three roads to get you there.

Once youve figured out where you want to go, its time to get in the car and drive. And theres no way to FIRE thats more popular than investing.

Investing is also the easiest road to your financial independence. The boom ininvestment appshas made it easy to open an account and put your money to work.

Note that I said the easiest road, not the shortest.

Investing $6,000 a year and earning the long-term market return of 8% annually, it will take you 35 years to reach that seven-figure payday.

Even if financial freedom means a slightly smaller bank account, investing is like driving to your financial independence in a 92 Camry.

That doesnt mean you should give up on stocks and dump all your money in the other two ideas well talk about next.

Part of the beauty of the other ways to financial freedom is they dont cost a lot (or anything) to get started. That means you can still put your savings in stocks to watch that slow-ride to financial success.

If you decide to invest that hard-earned cash, remember these ideas:

I truly believe that real financial freedom is getting paid to do something you enjoy.

I love growing my online business, talking about financial success and goals, and making that personal connection through the YouTube channel.

Now that doesnt mean its all rainbows and unicorns.

I dont always jump out of bed in the morning and there are some parts of the business that still feel like a job.

But its a whole lot better than the feeling of being stuck in a job I didnt like, feeling like I had no control over my financial future and that my work didnt matter.

In fact, I enjoy running my online business so much, I dont really even think about retirement anymore. I cant imagine not doing this at least for a few hours every day.

And it all started as a side hustle.

Trying to find your side hustle idea? Try these steps:

From consulting or freelancing to writing books, you can make money on any idea.

Dont believe me?

There are 479 video courses on Udemy about solving a Rubiks Cube.

Thats 479 people that are making money from talking about that infuriating puzzle-box of the 80s.

If investing is like driving to your financial destination in an old beater, creating a side hustle is like a Corvette.

Youll still have to work on it and keep it running but it will get you there fast!

Our third strategy to financial freedom, and the favorite for most, is creating streams of passive income.

If you need to get to your financial destination as fast as possible, passive income is like putting the pedal down on a Maserati!

Passive income is money you make without having to do anything after setting it up.

That doesnt mean you never work again. It just means you have an income source producing cash flow while you devote your time to your side hustle or other tasks.

Be careful going after just any idea proposed as passive income though.

As much as I love blogging and creating videos for YouTube, these are pretty far from a passive income source.

The best passive sources are ones that take minimal upkeep or effort after launched.

A few of my favorite passive income ideas include:

Financial freedom isnt a destination you get to overnight.

If it were as easy as a leisurely Sunday drive, we all would have gone there years ago.

Figure out what that freedom really means to you, draw out your map and youll get there sooner than you think.

For many, simply knowing theyre on the right road to financial independence is all the motivation they need to keep driving.

Author Bio:Born and raised in Iowa, Joseph Hogue worked in corporate finance and real estate before starting a career in investment analysis. He has appeared on Bloomberg and CNBC and led a team of equity analysts for a venture capital research firm. He holds a masters degree in business and the Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) designation. Joseph left the corporate world in 2014 to build his online businesses, first through creating websites and later through YouTube. Booking just $792.41 in 2015 income, hes grown his online assets to an income of $122,400 for the twelve-months to July 2019. Hes published 10 books and has grown the YouTube channel,Lets Talk Money, to over 161,000 subscribers in less than two years.

This article was republished with permission from MoneySmartGuides. View the original articlehere.

Excerpt from:

The Best Strategies To Reach Financial Freedom - ETF Trends

Cocooning and lessons from COVID-19 | Community – Dunwoody Crier

In 1981, marketing strategist and trend spotter Faith Popcorn coined the term cocooning. Cocooning was the idea of staying home instead of going out, feeling safe and insulated from perceived danger. In a 1986 piece in The New Yorker magazine, she opined that the concept involves building a shell of safety around oneself. The word is enshrined in multiple dictionaries.

Cocooning, known as the Cocoon Strategy, also refers to a vaccination protocol designed to protect infants and other vulnerable individuals like grandparents from infectious diseases by vaccinating those in close contact with them. A large number of infants are infected by close friends and family, especially the mom.

Cocooning in various forms is de rigueur for the time being, whether required by etiquette, common sense, medical necessity or governmental fiat. With so much shutting down, events and gatherings cancelled, travel deferred, what are we hopefully to learn?

The late Steve Jobs observed, You cant connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backwards. So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future.

We might thank William Shakespeare for that elucidation. In Act II, Scene I ofThe Tempest, the evil Sebastian uttered, Whats past is prologue. Jobs and the Bard of Avon understood that whats happened only sets the stage for the future. We have to see the patterns, understand lessons learned, and build the future as we connect the dots.

As investors and planners for our own future and financial independence, we have seen, again, that a bull market can end with blinding speed. We also know that bear markets run their course, as this one will. Many bear slumps are based on negative economic developments. But COVID-19, a classic black swan, landed midst a very strong economy, a plus. A black swan is an unpredictableevent beyond what is normally expected of a situation and has potentially severe consequences.Black swan eventsare characterized by their extreme rarity, severe impact, and the widespread insistence they were obvious in hindsight. (Investopedia).

This black swan was medical, not economic, but the market tanked because of totally unquantifiable economic fallout, and Mr. Market abhors unpredictability. The consequences have become an economic event, with an overlay of panic given bare supermarket shelves and hours long waits to get into Costco as an indicator.

Because black swans are largely unpredictable, a long term investment strategy should incorporate reserves and the ability to ride out storms that impact equity values. Bull markets in their latter stages are replete with overvalued stocks, and we have seen many market segments move from excess valuations to relative bargains with blinding speed. Market tops and market bottoms are only clearly visible with hindsight, but at some point, relative economic clarity will return as the epidemic wanes and a recovery cycle ensues. How will you frame your investment policy as we recover?

Ebola, SARS, swine flu, Asian flu, avian flu. Pandemics and disease spread are growing threats in our increasingly interconnected, and in many locales, densely packed urban world. In 30 hours or less, an infected traveler can go from one side of the globe to the other. We shall see how effective travel bans and cocooning will be with the current situation. Most flu strains do not disproportionately impact younger people. Older folks, especially, and those with impaired immune systems, can be subject to acute respiratory distress, viral or secondary bacterial pneumonia. A need for more hospital facilities that can handle an influx of seriously ill seniors or other high-risk patients is now recognized. As our population ages and parents and grandparents live longer, the demand for respirators and ventilators could grow given periodic surges of communicable diseases. Government run facilities in other countries have proven less than efficient, something to ponder as we debate national health policy.

Theres danger in being dependent on China for so many important drugs and drug components. Just as we once were held hostage by OPEC, we need more home-grown production independence and diversification of supply chains, not just in drugs, but in numerous areas, including rare earth minerals and key components to electronics and other necessities.

While walking in a park near my home, I struck up a conversation with a young man, late 30s, married with two young children. He and his wife have no wills, no powers of attorney, no basic financial plan. You may worry about global pandemics and your 401(k) while basic planning is incomplete. We often fret over the big picture and things we cant control, as personal and family foundational planning needs are left undone. Think about that

Lewis Walker, CFP, is a financial life planning strategist at Capital Insight Group; 770-441-3553; Securities & advisory services offered through The Strategic Financial Alliance, Inc. (SFA). Lewis is a registered representative and investment adviser representative of SFA, otherwise unaffiliated with Capital Insight Group. Hes a Gallup Certified Clifton Strengths Coach and Certified Exit Planning Advisor.

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Cocooning and lessons from COVID-19 | Community - Dunwoody Crier

Requests for Help Surge from Palm Beach County Residents. United Way and Partners Stand Ready to Meet Basic Needs – The Boca Raton Tribune

$9.5 Million in Requests to Support Nonprofits and Residents in the Wake of COVID-19

Boca Raton, FL Just ten days after launching its COVID-19 Response Fund, United Way of Palm Beach County has seen a tremendous surge in requests from residents looking for help with needs including food, shelter, and access to care.

In the state of Florida, daily claims for unemployment submissions have increased from an average of 700-800 claims per day to 18,000-21,000 claims per day since precautions over the spread of the coronavirus were implemented.

In Palm Beach County, the side effect of trying to flatten the curve of the coronavirus has greatly impacted our local workforce. Many individuals who were gainfully employed, but still living paycheck to paycheck, have been laid off and now find themselves facing sudden economic strain. The 211 Helpline for Palm Beach/Treasure Coast has seen a 200% increase in daily calls for assistance.

As more individuals and families need support for basic needs, United Way of Palm Beach County has also received requests from local nonprofits indicating that they need assistance supporting this influx of clients. United Way has received upwards of $9.5 million in requests from more than 200 local nonprofits.

For the past 90 years, United Way of Palm Beach County has been the trusted source connecting our communitys resources to ensure that residents have enough to eat, a roof over their heads, access to medical care, and other basic needs. In times of crisis, United Ways mission is amplified.

United Way of Palm Beach County is collaborating with other local funders to coordinate efforts and meet emerging needs as quickly as possible. These funders are prioritizing building capacity within our local nonprofits, so nonprofit partners can respond to increasing needs for food, housing, and access to medical care. The nonprofit sector is the safety net for our community in times of crisis. Focusing energy and funds on best supporting nonprofits allows more residents to be served and fortifies our communitys resiliency.

Collectively, United Way and the other six funders have raised more than $3 million dollars. With $9.5 million dollars in funding requests, additional contributions are needed to care for our neighbors in need.

Businesses like Bank of America, Wells Fargo, and Florida Blue have chosen to partner with United Way of Palm Beach County and made generous donations to support ongoing needs of our local community.

To join these corporate leaders and be a champion for our community, donate to the COVID-19 Response Fund for Palm Beach County. Text GivePBC to 41444 or visit to make a financial contribution. A gift, no matter how small it might seem, will make a difference and give hope to our community right now.

Residents in need of assistance can reach out to United Ways partner, 211 Palm Beach/Treasure Coast, to be connected with resources and referrals to services. Dial 211 or text your zip code to 898211 for help.

About United Way of Palm Beach County:

For 90 years, United Way of Palm Beach County has been the local leader dedicated to identifying and addressing critical community issues to improve the lives of our residents. We champion community change by strategically uniting key stakeholders and community leaders and investing in successful, sustainable nonprofits. United Way funds 100 local programs and initiatives that provide lasting solutions and measurable results from increasing graduation rates and supporting literacy to ensuring financial independence, promoting healthy lifestyles and ending hunger. When you support United Way of Palm Beach County, you are strengthening your community. To learn more call 561.375.6600 or

Read the original post:

Requests for Help Surge from Palm Beach County Residents. United Way and Partners Stand Ready to Meet Basic Needs - The Boca Raton Tribune


This content is being provided for free as a public service to our readers during the coronavirus outbreak. Please support local journalism by subscribing to the The County Press

Even though Gov. Gretchen Whitmers Stay Home, Stay Safe executive order issued on Monday directing the temporary closure of non-critical businesses in Michigan was anticipated by most business owners and managers, it still landed like a gut punch. Especially for those small and medium-sized businesses that had been holding on to employees, creatively marketing their businesses and assuring customers over the last few weeks, as the coronavirus pandemic ramped up, that they were still in business and ready to serve.

Those small and medium-sized businesses are the lifeblood of our communities economies, employing hundreds in each of our small cities, towns and villages and thousands across our county. They pump nearly 70% of each dollar they take in right back into the local economy. Those businesses also provide the opportunity for financial independence, generate job opportunities and create innovation. They are essential to place making in our resurgent downtowns as younger generations discover the pleasures of unique, walkable and friendly retail and entertainment spaces.

Those same business are also the lifeblood of community newspapers like ours. Our papers have a special, symbiotic relationship with our local businesses. We depend on each other they need us to distribute their marketing messages and we need the revenue created by that advertising to fulfill our mission of delivering important news and essential information to our readers.

To say that particular economic exchange, along with commerce in general, has been disrupted is an understatement. In spite of that disruption, View Newspaper Group will carry on with our mission of informing our readers and delivering the marketing messages of our advertisers who are able to continue to serve their customers.

To what degree we are able to continue delivery of the print editions of our free newspapers, like the Lapeer Area VIEW, depends on the duration and severity of our advertising revenue loss. Any interruption in the print editions of our free papers will be temporary. Like all businesses and like all of you, we are taking this crisis one day at a time.

In response to both the health threat of the coronavirus and the resulting economic realities, we have many of our team members working from home, many on reduced hours and have regrettably had to issue some layoffs.

We do plan to continue print production and home delivery of The County Press and our other subscriber papers. If you are a regular reader but not a subscriber of one of those papers now would be a great time to sign up for home delivery. Were offering a special rate that will allow you to receive the paper in your mailbox or on your doorstep or online without having to leave your home.

Our hearts go out to everyone who is enduring any hardship, job loss and anxiety brought on by the COVID-19 crisis. We pray for any who may be infected and their family members. We support and thank our medical personnel and first responders. We salute those who continue to volunteer and serve their fellow humans through nonprofits, civic organizations and individual acts of kindness. We empathize with our friends and colleagues in business and continue to look for ways to support them.

To echo the encouraging words weve heard from many We are in this together and we will get through this together.

Thank you for reading The County Press.

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Kirti Kulhari, Bani J, Maanvi Gagroo and Sayani Gupta Share Experience of Working on Amazon Original’s ‘Four More Shots Please!’ – India West

MUMBAIThe all-girls web dramaFour More Shots Pleaseis set for a second season and the four girls have this to say:

Kirti Kulhari: The concept of the Amazon OriginalFour More Shots Please! intrigued me from day one, and my excitement doubles when we started the shoot of Season 2.

Personally, 2019 has been a milestone for me, starting with the phenomenal success ofFour More Shots Please!and then being part of some of the biggest films of the year, like Mission Mangal. I believe that each viewer will see a little bit of themselves in each character and I really hope they love the second season as much as they did the first.

Bani J.: Ive said this a couple times before, and would like to repeat it because it felt serendipitous to me that I was approached to play Umang. Not because she has an affinity to lift weights, but because of her journey, her story and this unshakable conviction with which she does things in her life: uprooting herself from home, being in love, being herself.

The more time I get to play and be Umang, the more completely I am able to understand and create of her. Its an unusual and quite cool experience for me, being able to play the same character for seasons in a go. Its hard to explain but I think when people watch theyll get it.

Maanvi Gagroo: Life comes to a full circle as we are all set to launch the second season. This show, particularly Siddhi, is very close to my heart, and after shooting for two seasons, I can now understand Siddhi Patel better and why she does what she does. She is a relatable inspiration each time she turns her weaknesses into her biggest strengths.Thisis our labor of love and we are certain that it will receive a lot of love from our audiences.

Sayani Gupta: The second seasonfeels nothing less than coming back in a familiar environment and striving to do something even bigger, better, deeper than the first season. There is a special charm in reuniting and collaborating with the same gang of co-actors, makers and creators.

The first season was infinitely successful and received unprecedented love. It truly is beyond dreams that a forward, rule-bending show likethis receives so much love and craze from fans from all across the board, from all parts of the country and different parts of the world and from all age groups and gender. It also surpassed all preconceived notions that a show made by women on women would be about male-bashing.

Each character had something people could relate to and connect withthe beauty of Four More Shots Please!is that it celebrates four women who are so different, not only in the way they look physically, but also in their personalities. The women in the show are flawed but they completely own it. The show also celebrates women with agency, which is the need of the hour.

Every girl out there should have the right to choose her life-course backed by education and strive for financial independence.The second season will be twice as special. You will see the girls having more fun, the friendship growing deeper and fierceness growing stronger. It is also about accepting their vulnerabilities.I cant wait for the fans who have been writing in everyday for the second season, to watch the show!

The first season gained massive support from the audiences when it was released. The second season will launch Apr. 17on Prime Video in more than 200 countries and territories. The trailer launch will be held Mar. 31.


Four best friends will cuddle up again and tell the world to sit up and pay a little more attention to what women truly want. Womenwill always be womenthe problems remain simple yet complicated and funny to each other. They will make new mistakes, but love each other little more fiercely and choose themselves over societys expectations.

See the rest here:

Kirti Kulhari, Bani J, Maanvi Gagroo and Sayani Gupta Share Experience of Working on Amazon Original's 'Four More Shots Please!' - India West

Use the lockdown to teach your kids the value of money here’s how – Your Money

If you have school-age children at home, youre probably feeling overwhelmed by the prospect of suddenly becoming a pseudo-teacher.

My Facebook feed has gone into overdrive since the announcement last week that schools were closing, with links to lesson plans, online teaching tools and virtual classroom websites.

Other posts Ive seen, many from teachers and school heads, say parents shouldnt stress themselves out trying to plan an entire school day and that any learning is better than nothing.

I guess the message is to try and get a balance between learning, play and screen time!

However, there is one real life skill you could teach your child during this period of lockdown one theyre probably not taught at school and one that could make a real difference to their life: the value of money.

Research suggests money habits are established as early as seven years old, so the sooner kids are taught about budgeting, saving and managing their money, the better.

Here are some practical ways to teach children about finances while they are learning at home, from Dan Scholey of budgeting app, Moneyhub.

Setting savings goals a new toy, game or even more pocket money earned from extra jobs around the house encourages children to budget and work toward an individual goal.

It can be fun, too which children dont like being set a good challenge? Set a realistic, age-appropriate amount, which they can use to buy something online that that really want.

And once they reach it, not only do they see the impact of saving, but its teaching them to be in control of their money which sets them on the path to financial independence for the longer term.

For children at primary-school age, there are practical ways of teaching basic arithmetic. Take a receipt and ask them to work out how many different combinations of coins make up the amount so 2.50 could be two 1 coins and a 50p coin.

Or put up a snack list with prices (high sugar items cost more, low sugar less) with each child being allowed to spend up to 1 per day. Not only does this teach children the value of money, but its a useful tool to give them a better understanding of budgeting, and given the current circumstances, rationing too!

Engaging children in money is increasingly important as we move into a digital, cashless world. The days where children would be sent a cheque for their birthday are disappearing.

Instead, pocket money is set up as a standing order, children have their own debit cards, or credit cards are given as an eighteenth birthday gift.

Children are used to using apps from a very early age, so it makes sense to utilise these tools to bring money to life and make finance fun.

It might seem strange to talk to a child about pensions, but children can learn a lot about saving from older generations. Speak to a retiree and you might find that there are lessons in money they wish they knew earlier in life.

Could they have saved more had they started earlier? Would they have a bigger pension pot if they had known about pensions from childhood? Its never too early to start saving for retirement, and the earlier in life people know about it, the sooner they can start to prepare.

It would be a mistake to underestimate childrens ability to understand and engage with finances. Stereotypes about young people wasting their money on pointless meals and beauty products get in the way of teaching them positive messages. Why cant they buy that expensive coffee or avocado toast, as long as theyve budgeted it effectively?

While they cant yet start investing, they can change behaviour toward budgeting and saving.If you have a Junior ISA for your child, its worth letting them see it so that they can see a longer-term view of how money works in real life, as well as getting them more familiar with the ups and downs of investing.

Lots of banks and money apps now give users the option of sweeping money into aseparate savings pot. This feature can work well for children with debit cards too.

Sweep 30p on a packet of biscuits and while it might not seem like much, it wont take long to accumulate in the long run.

Whats more, children can see what it looks like for money to grow over time, instilling good habits early on and paving the way for bolder decisions like investing.

See the rest here:

Use the lockdown to teach your kids the value of money here's how - Your Money

Ric Edelman Calls on Congress to Waive Distribution Requirement for Retirement Accounts – Yahoo Finance

Edelman Financial Engines Founder asks for policy shift to help retirees struggling with market volatility related to COVID-19

Congress must pass legislation immediately to waive the requirement that Americans 72 and older make Required Minimum Distributions from their retirement accounts, due to sharp declines in account values caused by COVID-19, demands acclaimed financial advisor Ric Edelman, founder of Edelman Financial Engines, the largest independent financial planning and investment advisor1.

"Millions of retirees are being forced to sell shares of their mutual funds and other investments while stock prices are down 30 percent or more," Edelman notes. "In a great many cases, these retirees dont need the money or can get the income they need from other sources. Forcing them to sell during this market downturn merely to satisfy an IRS requirement is punitive and unnecessary during these difficult times."

Edelman, whose firm is ranked the #1 independent financial advisory in the nation by Barrons, and who was personally ranked by Barrons three times as the nations #1 independent financial advisor, says the situation is made worse by the fact that the calculation for making this years RMD must be based on account values as of December 31, 2019. Current account values, he notes, are far lower now than they were just a few months ago.

"Consider a 72-year-old whose IRA was worth $500,000 at the end of the year. If that account is now worth only $350,000, a retiree is required to withdraw 5.6 percent of the accounts value far more than the 3.9 percent shown in IRS tables," Edelman says. "The markets sharp decline is forcing retirees across the country to withdraw excessively large amounts from their accounts, triggering massive tax liabilities needlessly."

Edelman, recognized as one of the most influential thought leaders in the financial planning field by InvestmentNews, RIABiz and Wealth Management magazines, adds that the problem will get even worse if the financial markets continue to decline.

"Congress must fix the distribution rules for retirement accounts immediately, for the benefit and well-being of millions of American retirees during this economic crisis," Edelman says.

About Ric Edelman

Ric is a financial advisor and has been recognized as one of the most influential people in the financial planning and investment management profession by three leading trade publications: Investment Advisor[1], RIABiz[2] and InvestmentNews[3]. Three times he has been ranked as the nations #1 Independent Financial Advisor by Barrons[4] In 2004, he was inducted into Research magazines Financial Advisor Hall of Fame[5] and in 2019, the Barrons Hall of Fame[6]. In 2017, he received the IARFCs Lifetime Achievement Award[7]. Ric is also a Distinguished Lecturer at Rowan University, an award-winning host of one of the longest-running radio show on personal finance in the country, a producer of award-winning specials for Public Television, and a #1 New York Times bestselling author who has written 10 books on personal finance.

About Edelman Financial Engines

Since 1986, Edelman Financial Engines has been committed to always acting in the best interest of our clients. We were founded on the belief that all American investors not just the wealthy deserve access to personalized, comprehensive financial planning and investment advice. Today, we are Americas top independent financial planning and investment advisor, recognized by both InvestmentNews and Barrons with 170 planner offices across the country and entrusted by more than 1.2 million clients to manage more than $213 billion in assets. Our unique approach to serving clients combines our advanced methodology and proprietary technology with the attention of a dedicated personal financial planner. Every clients situation and goals are unique, and the powerful fusion of high-tech and high-touch allows Edelman Financial Engines to deliver the personal plan and financial confidence that everyone deserves.

For more information, visit and

1 Ranking and status for 2018. For independence methodology and ranking, see InvestmentNews Center (


Story continues

[1] The Investment Advisor magazine listing of the Investment Advisor 25 is based on readers opinions and highlights those who are ahead of the pack with their insights, innovation and disruption. Advisors and other industry participants cast about 12,000 total votes for leaders in the following six categories: RIA/Advisory; Independent Broker-Dealers; Custody & Clearing; Portfolio, Investing & the Markets; Politics/Regulation/Compliance; and Fintech/IA/AI. Investor experience/returns were not considered as part of this ranking.

[2] The RIABiz listing of the 10 most influential figures in the Registered Investment Advisor industry is in recognition of notable, driven and influential executives who are advancing their firms and are considered influential in the RIA business. Investor experience/returns were not considered as part of this ranking.

[3] Based on the opinions of the editors of InvestmentNews using the following definition as a guidepost: Those who have conceived new ideas and tools that have propelled the industry forward. Investor experience/returns were not considered.

[4] According to Barrons, "The formula [used] to rank advisors has three major components: assets managed, revenue produced and quality of the advisors practice. Investment returns are not a component of the rankings because an advisors returns are dictated largely by each clients risk tolerance. The quality-of-practice component includes an evaluation of each advisors regulatory record." The rankings are based on the universe of applications submitted to Barrons. The selection process begins with a nomination and application provided to Barrons. Principals of Edelman Financial Services, LLC self-nominated the firm and submitted quantitative and qualitative information to Barrons as requested. Barrons reviewed and considered this information, which resulted in the rankings on Aug. 27, 2012/Aug. 28, 2010/Aug. 31, 2009.

[5] Research magazine cover story "Advisor Hall of Fame," December 2004 (based on serving a minimum of 15 years in the industry, having acquired substantial assets under management, demonstrating superior client service and having earned recognition from peers and the broader community for how they reflect on their profession). Investor experience/returns were not considered as part of this ranking.

[6] Barrons Hall of Fame advisers have been ranked for 10 or more years on the Barrons Top 100 Financial Advisors list. Barrons listings are based on data compiled by many of the nations most productive advisers, which has been submitted to and judged by Barrons. Key factors and criteria for each award include assets under management, revenue produce for the firm, regulatory and compliance record, and years of professional experience. This award is not indicative of this advisors future performance.

[7] Presented by the International Association of Registered Financial Consultants (IARFC). Candidates must hold a professional designation and must have disseminated their comments on financial topics by having them widely published in articles, journals, books, etc. They must have provided outstanding personal service or leadership in the financial services industry. Nominees must have participated in some aspect of financial education to the public or to other members of the profession. Investor experience/returns were not considered.

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Ric Edelman Calls on Congress to Waive Distribution Requirement for Retirement Accounts - Yahoo Finance

$10 a Barrel Oil Is Possible: Can American Energy Independence Survive the 2020 Oil War? – The National Interest

Trust me, this will be a regrettable day.

The declaration by the Saudi energy minister, Prince Abbdelaziz Bin Salman, at the March 6 Black Friday OPEC plus meeting has proven accurate as the worlds energy giants engage in a war over the black gold, causing prices to crash and sparking bankruptcy fears for the entire U.S. shale industry.

With Americas energy independence under threat, can the nations oil and gas industry survive the fallout?

No Plan B

After restraining supply since 2017 to support prices, the fateful meeting in Vienna had seen the OPEC oil cartel seek additional production cuts of 1.5 million barrels per day (bpd) from April.

OPECs core members were expected to slash 1 million bpd and non-OPEC members, principally Russia, some 500,000 bpd.

Ahead of the talks, oil demand was already flagging due to the global coronavirus pandemic and an unseasonably warm January. Iranian oil minister Bijan Zanganeh had indicated OPEC had no plan B if Russia or other non-OPEC members did not accept the deal.

Yet Russia refused to play along, reportedly on the basis that more cuts would simply hand greater market share to U.S. producers.

Saudi Arabias response was to flood the crude oil market by increasing production. It plans to hike output by up to 25 percent to 12.3 million bpd in April, setting off a price war in a bid to regain lost market share.

The oil-dependent Middle Eastern kingdom slashed its April selling prices, putting pressure on Russia and other non-OPEC producers, including the United States. Saudi Arabias neighbors have also flagged output hikes, including an extra 1 million bpd from the United Arab Emirates.

Russia reacted by claiming it could hike production by up to 500,000 bpd to a record 11.8 million barrels once the OPEC plus agreement expires on April 1.

The market reaction has been swift. Already low oil prices fell by more than half, tumbling to an 18-year low of just over $20 a barrel on March 18 after having traded above $50 for nearly five years, and spending nearly a decade around $100.

Morgan Stanley expects Brent crude to trade at around $30 a barrel through the second quarter of 2020, with others warning it could drop below $10 should the stand-off between Saudi Arabia and Russia continue.

Oil is now facing a triple whammy of a price war, COVID-19 and a supply glut, occurring just when the world economy is at its weakest point since the global financial crisis. The pandemic is expected to cut fuel demand by at least 10 percent worldwide, however this could worsen depending on the extent of the global shutdown.

Meanwhile, excess supply could reach between 800 million and 1.3 billion barrels in the first six months of this year, in what consultancy IHS Markit describes as the most extreme global oil supply surplus ever recorded.

The last time that there was a global surplus of this magnitude was never, said Jim Burkhard, vice president and head of oil markets at the London-based consultancy.

Prior to this the largest six-month global surplus this century was 360 million barrels. What is coming will be twice that or more.

On March 24, U.S. West Texas Intermediate crude was trading at around $24 a barrel, with Brent futures at $27 amid expectations of a $2 trillion fiscal stimulus by Washington to prop up a faltering U.S. economy.

Analysts are not confident however that the bleeding will be stemmed.

No one has a handle of how much the world will come to a halt, Edward Moya, senior market analyst at OANDA in New York, told Reuters.

It will probably be impossible for oil prices to continue to stabilize.

U.S. Shale Suffers

The shale boom saw America emerge as the worlds largest crude oil producer in 2018, exceeding output from Saudi Arabia and Russia. The previous U.S. petroleum deficit, which totaled $436 billion in 2008, became a surplus in September 2019, prompting President Donald Trump to declare earlier this year that we do not need Middle East oil.

Even a price crash in 2014-16 caused dozens of U.S. oil and gas companies to file for bankruptcy and hundreds of thousands of layoffs failed to dent the American industrys upward momentum.

Will this time be different?

Energy consultancy Wood Mackenzie estimates that many companies need an average Brent price of $53 per barrel simply to break even. Some $380 billion of cash flow would be erased if Brent prices average $35 for the remainder of 2020.

There is much less obvious excess spend to cut this time around after five years of disciplined investment and austerity. Raising capital is also much harder now, especially for U.S. independents, and upstream M&A [merger and acquisition] market activity is at record lows, said Wood Mackenzies Tom Ellacott.

In addition, many companies have already made the most of the obvious asset sales.

Analysts at S&P Global Platts have projected the U.S. industry will lose some 500,000 bpd in production this year, rising to 1.3 million bpd in 2021 as companies slash output, jobs and investment to stay afloat.

High debt levels will make it more difficult for the American industry to bounce back, should prices start rising again.

One of the reasons we dont see U.S. shale bouncing back as quickly as it did in the 2015-16 low oil price cycle is the state of financial institutions and their willingness to refinance the U.S. shale industry, said Chris Midgley, global director of analytics at S&P Global Platts.

The debt maturing over 2021 and 2022 - $20 billion and $30 billion respectively - will have to be refinanced, and at these prices it will be very hard.

A lack of investor support could be critical, according to Dave Ernsberger, head of pricing and market insight at S&P Global Platts.

The whole shale patch over the past couple of years has been under intense investor pressure to generate positive cash flow, to have dividends and return earnings to shareholders. Any company that said it would outspend and grow production wildly was punished in its equity price, he said.

Now after whats happened in the last week or two, its almost impossible to imagine any high-yield company to be able to refinance anything in the unsecured or secured market.Bond prices have tanked, yields are through the roof, trading at around 20 to 21 percent, so were headed for a lot of defaults and bankruptcies.

Last year saw record bankruptcies and write-downs, with 50 energy companies filing for bankruptcy including 33 oil and gas producers, according to energy law firm Haynes & Boone, with more expected in 2020 given the approaching wave of debt.

The industry is also under pressure from declining well productivity as shale regions mature. IHS Markit estimates an annual decline in output from Permian Basin wells of around 40 percent, requiring an unlikely drilling pickup to reverse, yet expectations are for rig counts to decline by up to 30 percent.

Although U.S. producers have succeeded in slashing drilling costs by around $20 a barrel over the past five years, only 16 operate in fields with new well costs below $35. The Dallas Federal Reserve estimates $50 per barrel as the break-even price for the industry and most have budgeted for prices of around $55 to $65 a barrel this year.

Never bet against technology to find ways to get more efficiency they will need thatbut theyve got some big headwinds in the next 18 months, S&P Global Platts Midgley said.

End Game

Will Russia or Saudi Arabia back down? S&P Global Platts estimates Russians fiscal break-even price at $54 per barrel, compared with Saudi Arabias $82, meaning that both have much to lose from an extended price war.

Yet Russia has accumulated foreign reserves estimated at $520 billion, while Saudi Arabia possesses the lowest cost oil supply together with foreign reserves of around $500 billion and low public debt. Producer Saudi Aramco has boasted an extraction cost as low as $2.80 per barrel, while Russian companies including Rosneft and Gazprom have reported production costs below $4.

Both Russia and Saudi Arabia can wait this out for quite a while before they take real economic pain, Midgley concluded. The analyst expects the price war to continue for the foreseeable future barring a tightening of market conditions, likely at the expense of the U.S. industry.

Nevertheless, low prices threaten Saudi Arabias plans to diversify its economy, with declining state spending risking popular discontent in repressive regimes across the Gulf and in Russia and Venezuela.

Even if oil prices return to around $50 to $55 a barrel, Saudi Arabias international reserves would drop to as low as five months import coverage by as early as 2024, rising a potential balance of payments crisis and the abandonment of its dollar peg, according to the International Monetary Fund.

America is fighting back, with the Trump administration announcing plans to buy up to 77 million barrels of crude and appointing Victoria Coates as special energy representative to Saudi Arabia, amid speculation of a U.S.-Saudi deal to calm oil markets. Some U.S. lawmakers have called for an embargo on foreign oil, while the Texas Railroad Commission has even suggested curbing Texas production to support prices.

See the rest here:

$10 a Barrel Oil Is Possible: Can American Energy Independence Survive the 2020 Oil War? - The National Interest