Minority Consultant Shares Thoughts on Dynamics in Entrepreneurism – The Real Chi

A big part of Pettigrews mission in championing female-minority entrepreneurs is through helping them create secondary sources of income to feel more optimistic in their financial independence, a stable living, and breaking free of the prevailing wage gap.

The system thats just been unfair has no power over you anymore and cant intimidate you the same way because you had something going on that was making money for you, she said. That mindset of thinking about how differently you want to walk, that energetic point of view requires people to feel safe and confident in taking care of themselves.

Even funding opportunities puts a developing business at a standstill. The average loan amount for women-owned businesses was 31 percent less than the amount generated among their male counterparts ($70,239) in 2018 according to Biz2Credit, an online business credit provider that studied 30,000 companies in more than 20 industries.

Pettigrew noted that the lending gap is more pronounced among Black and Brown women and recalls the experiences several women in the National Association of Women Business Owners shared about getting denied from their institutions.

Most people dont have money theyre sitting on to start businesses. They may be really passionate about an idea or about a concept, but quickly the business can get away from them, she said. Women just need, and brown women especially, a fair opportunity at access to the cash. They need assistance in applying for it. So there should be more vehicles for helping women get access."

Like the wage gap, access to finance for women- and minority-owned businesses still has a long way to go in order to level the playing field among entrepreneurs. Reasons such as no bankroll, lack of collateral, or a complex application process intervenes in the path towards business growth and development. The U.S. Senate kicked a breakthrough in 2019 by passing a bipartisan legislation aimed at improving the underfunding gap by increasing access.

Through all the challenges minority-female entrepreneurs endure in their careers, Pettigrews concept for Beyond Blind Spots allows women to recognize the value they have in society and support each other to achieve the freedom and flexibility they want.

I do believe that every person is born worthy, youre born worthy and deserving of your chance, your opportunity, your paths, she said. Which circles me right back to, we have to do this ourselves. Women have to support other women.

Originally posted here:

Minority Consultant Shares Thoughts on Dynamics in Entrepreneurism - The Real Chi

A Boss Idea: New Jersey-Based Team Launches ShoreHaven Wealth Partners with Dynasty Financial Partners – Business Wire

ST. PETERSBURG, Fla.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Leading wealth advisor Lawrence Durso, his son Michael Durso and advisor Michael Lombardi today announced the launch of their new firm, ShoreHaven Wealth Partners, an independent wealth management firm based in Red Bank, New Jersey. The team had previously worked together at Durso Wealth Management Group at Morgan Stanley where they managed $420 million in client assets.

ShoreHaven Wealth Partners is an independent wealth management firm working with a select group of affluent multigenerational families and high net worth individuals, to protect, grow and transition their assets. Many of their clients are family-owned businesses who face succession and transition challenges.

Joining ShoreHaven Wealth from Morgan Stanley are the following professionals:

ShoreHaven Wealth Partners has joined the Dynasty Financial Partners network. Through Dynasty, the firm has access, on their clients behalf, to a full array of capital markets and investment banking capabilities, as well as a vast range of investment research and consulting, advanced technology, proprietary analytical tools, and an online research center. They have also selected Fidelity Institutional as the custodian for their clients assets. ShoreHaven Wealth has chosen Black Diamond for performance reporting.

We are excited to launch ShoreHaven Wealth Partners as an independent firm. We believe there are great opportunities to create a customized planning process for our clients as well as create our own brand. And, in the future, we anticipate adding like-minded advisors to our firm, said Mr. Larry Durso.

The ShoreHaven team is a group of seasoned financial advisors and experts and they are well-positioned to flourish in the independent space. Because of the relationship between Larry and his son Mike, the team brings a particularly insightful perspective to their clients in understanding the impact of family dynamics on the management of wealth across generations, said Shirl Penney, CEO of Dynasty Financial Partners. The movement to independence is continuing - even during the lockdown - and we are pleased that an increasing number of RIAs are choosing Dynasty as their platform services partner to help them scale, grow, expand margins, operate more efficiently, and better care for their clients. We are thrilled to welcome ShoreHaven Wealth to the Dynasty Network!


Lawrence Durso, Founding Partner, CEO

Larry Durso founded ShoreHaven Wealth Partners in 2020 with his son Michael and Michael Lombardi. Most recently he had led the Durso Wealth Management Group at Morgan Stanley, where he was a Managing Director- Wealth Management.

Lawrence Durso has worked in the financial services industry since 1978. He has primarily focused on creating solutions for unique problems typically associated with high net worth clients and their families. Additionally, he holds multiple securities registrations and life and health insurance licenses.

He holds a Bachelors Degree (summa cum laude) from St. Johns University and a Masters Degree from Columbia University.

Mr. Durso is active in several charitable organizations, including St. Johns University (past President of the SJU Staten Island Alumni Association) and the Daughters of Saint Paul. He is currently Chairman of the Board of Directors for the Lt. Dennis W. Zilinski II Memorial Fund, also a member of the Algonquin Arts Theatre Board of Trustees and an active Supporter of the Society for the Prevention of Teen Suicide.

Michael Durso, CFA, Founding Partner, Chief Investment Officer

Michael Durso is a co-founder and Chief Investment Office (CIO) of ShoreHaven Wealth Partners. As CIO, he is responsible for oversight of ShoreHavens asset allocation, manager selection, and investment strategy.

He has over a decade of experience in the financial services industry and has worked with clientele ranging from pensions, foundations, endowments, home offices and financial advisors to successful professionals and their families.

He began his career at AllianceBernstein in 2006, where he worked with financial advisors as a Senior Regional Consultant. In 2009, he joined BlackRock, where he was a Vice President within the iShares ETF business. Prior to joining Morgan Stanley in 2016, he worked at SKY Harbor Capital Management, where he was responsible for relationship management in the Americas.

He earned his BBA degree in Finance with a minor in Marketing from James Madison University in 2006. While at James Madison, he was a varsity member of the Track and Cross Country program and 2003 IC4A Mens Cross Country Championship team. He was also a member of Phi Sigma Pi National Honors Fraternity.

Michael a CFA Charter Holder and member of the New York Society of Securities Analysts (NYSSA).

Michael Lombardi, CFP, Founding Partner, Chief Planning Officer

Prior to co-founding ShoreHaven Wealth Partners, he worked with Lawrence Durso in the Durso Wealth Management Group at Morgan Stanley since 2012. Mr. Lombardi began his career as a financial advisor at Wachovia Securities in 2006, shortly after earning his B.S. in finance from The College of New Jersey. He completed the Certified Financial Planning Program at Boston University and, in 2013, was awarded the CFP certification.

Sheryl Iannuzzelli, Director of Relationship Management, Chief Compliance Officer

Sheryl Iannuzzelli runs the day-to-day operations of the team. She joined the Durso Wealth Management Group at Morgan Stanley in 1995. Ms. Iannuzzelli holds a bachelor's degree from Seton Hall University.

About ShoreHaven Wealth Partners

ShoreHaven Wealth Partners is an independent wealth management firm based in Red Bank, New Jersey that works with a select group of affluent multigenerational families and high net worth individuals, to protect, grow and transition their assets. Many of their clients are family-owned businesses who face succession and transition challenges.

Their objective is to help clients enjoy whats important in their lives, through the benefit of financial prosperity. For more information, please visit: http://www.ShoreHavenWealth.com and on Twitter: @ShoreHavenWP

About Dynasty Financial Partners

Dynasty Financial Partners is known for assisting advisors of integrity to better service their clients, run their businesses more profitably, grow faster, and enhance the enterprise value of their firms. Dynasty does this by providing wealth management and technology platforms for select independent financial advisory firms. Dynasty creates access to valuable resources and industry-leading capabilities through an open architecture platform, enabling advisors to address their clients needs and to protect and grow their wealth. Dynasty supports independent advisors and their teams in being independent, but not alone, by creating exclusive community events and experiences. Dynasty also offers access to flexible capital solutions to help advisors expand, scale, and grow their business. Dynastys core principle is objectivity without compromise, and the firm is committed to developing solutions that allow investment advisors to act as true fiduciaries to their clients.

For more information, please visit http://www.dynastyfinancialpartners.com.

Also visit Dynasty on social media:LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/dynasty-financial-partners Twitter: @DynastyFP Youtube: http://bit.ly/1MKXhC8

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A Boss Idea: New Jersey-Based Team Launches ShoreHaven Wealth Partners with Dynasty Financial Partners - Business Wire

Josh Frydenberg wants a COVID childbirth boom. Time to give him ‘the talk’ on where babies come from – Women’s Agenda

Women of Australia, I know youre all super busy with, among other things, remote learning, sorting out the additional unpaid care and domestic work associated with COVID-19, and making home-made face masks.

But I need to interrupt your COVID day with an urgent request: we also need to school our nations Treasurer, Josh Frydenberg. It has recently come to my attention that he doesnt know where babies come from. Its time to have the talk.

Let me explain.

According to the ABC, in a speech to the National Press Club on Friday, Frydenberg warned that population growth was expected to slow to 0.6 percent in 2021, the lowest rate since 1916-17. And he acknowledged that this would be problematic, because population growth has been integral to the almost three decades of economic growth that preceded the arrival of COVID-19 on Australian shores, plunging the country into a recession.

Even before COVID-19, Australia was not onto a winner.

With a birth rate of 1.74 births per woman, it wasdown from 2.02 in 2008. If the birth rate were to continue to fall to or below 1.5, the replacement rate, the future tax base would be at risk. Basically, we wouldnt have enough people to work and pay taxes and fund the roads, hospitals and welfare initiatives that we need to function as a country.

As Liz Allen, a demographer at the ANU Centre for Social Research and Methods, recently wrote in the Conversation, that would be a demographic disaster.

Future generations will have to cover the bill for far more than we have had to, meaning the Australia they inherit will be worse off, wrote Allen.

Enter Josh Frydenberg with a solution. Women of Australia: start making babies!

I wont go as far as tosay, like Peter Costello, one forthe mother, one for the father andone for the country, Frydenberg told the audience at the NPC. But I can say that people should feelencouraged about the future, and themore children that we have acrossthe country, together with ourmigration, we will build ourpopulation growth and that will begood for the economy.

I think the best thing we can do to encourage more children being born across the country is, obviously, to create a strong economy for them to be born into, he added.

Sorry Frydenberg, this is not obvious.

You have to build a strong, caring economy that works for women who, you know tend to give birth to the babies if you want to inspire that kind of confidence. And, judging by recent events, thats not the current plan.

You cant take away free childcare, discourage women from working more hours through tax policy, ignore the scourge of pregnancy discrimination that affects 1 in 2 women, and generally pursue a bloke-covery that disadvantages women and assume that they will be all too happy to return to hearth and home and start breeding.

Its illogical and reveals a complete lack of understanding of the social and economic landscape in which women and their partners make their choices.

In short, Treasurer Frydenberg, thats not where babies come from. You might as well have suggested storks deliver the babies needed to save Australias post-COVID economy.

The reason women and their partners decide to have children are complex.

As Jamila Rizvi wrote in The Age last year, changing social norms have meant that women can now seek fulfillment outside of the more traditional role of wife and mother.

But more than anything, wrote Rizvi, would-be parents considerations are financial. Rizvi pointed to a US study of young couples, in which four of the top five reasons for not having children were financial. These included the cost of childcare and the difficulty Millennials find in securing their financial independence. If youre still living with mum and dad saving up for a house deposit, chances are you wont think its the right time to have a baby.

Whats more, as I have frequently written for Womens Agenda, the so-called motherhood penalty is deeply entrenched in Australia and getting worse.

An umbrella term coined to encapsulate the myriad of issues that contribute to mothers inequality in the workplace, the motherhood penalty includes: the chores gap, i.e. the fact that women shoulder the lions share of unpaid care and domestic work, the lack of flexible work or equitable parental leave policies for fathersandmothers to help level that domestic playing field, the lack of access to affordable childcare, and gender-based discrimination, including pregnancy discrimination.

And now theres evidence that the pandemic is exacerbating that trend, creating a pandemic motherhood penalty of sorts.

I suspect all these things will weigh heavily on womens minds as they judge whether or not the next few years are the right time to have a baby. And unless Frydenberg has some concrete proposals to address them like, say, universal affordable childcare or paid parental leave that is equality available to both women and men his one for country commentary is unlikely to have the desired effect of making Australian women feel particularly broody.

Its just not where babies come from.

Kristine Ziwica is a regular contributor. She tweets @KZiwica

Read more from the original source:

Josh Frydenberg wants a COVID childbirth boom. Time to give him 'the talk' on where babies come from - Women's Agenda

Thomas W. Young is recognized by Continental Who’s Who – The Wellsboro Gazette

BEAVER, Pa., July 23, 2020 /PRNewswire/ --Thomas W. Young, is being recognized by Continental Who's Who as a Top Consulting Expert for his exceptional work in the field of Financial Coaching & Planning and for his outstanding contributions as the President and Owner of 1st Consultants INC.

Located in Beaver, Pennsylvania, 1st Consultants Inc. is a comprehensive financial planning and wealth management firm where the highly trained staff specializes in implementing strategies for the good of preserving and accumulating personal wealth, individual retirement, estate, and business planning services. Clients striving for more money, financial security, debt elimination, and more financial freedom come to 1st Consultants Inc. to find the best solution by showing their clients how to become debt-free in nine years or less including mortgages without additional out of pocket expense. Demonstrating the highest level of professionalism and integrity, 1st Consultants Inc. continues to provide insight and solutions that assist clients in the pursuit of their financial independence.

As a well-seasoned and trusted financial professional, Mr. Thomas W. Young has accrued 43 years of professional excellence. In 1999, he emerged as the owner and founder of 1st Consultants, Inc. To prepare for his acclaimed career, Mr. Young graduated from the American College of Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania. He is a published author of works like "The Ups, Downs, and Sideways"; "Life Insurance, Will It Pay When I Die?", in addition to several magazine articles relating to Financial Services such as "Why Widow's Die Destitute, Because Loss of Husband's Life Insurance". His most recent publication is The Family Money Farm "The CFO Project". Mr. Young is a highly sought-after speaker and has been invited as keynote speaker events for several businesses in California, Texas, and Michigan.

A front runner in his field Mr. Young is affiliated with numerous organizations such as the National Association of Insurance and Financial Advisors, the Society of Financial Service Professionals, and The Million Dollar Round Table and National Association. In 2010 he earned the Beaver County Times Best of the Valley Readers' Choice Award by Pittsburgh Magazine as a Top-Scoring Wealth Manager for the last 6 years. In 2004 he was honored with the Ronald Reagan Gold Medal Award, in 2004 for Business Man of the Year, and Entrepreneur of The Year in 2017.

Mr. Young dedicates his success to Jodi Victor as a mentor and for teaching him throughout life to have a strong relationship with God and convinced him that he could make more of difference.

For more information please visit https://1stconsultantsinc.com/ or for more information on Mr. Young's most recent publication visit http://bookstore.dorrancepublishing.com/the-family-money-farm-the-cfo-project/

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Thomas W. Young is recognized by Continental Who's Who - The Wellsboro Gazette

SFA Partners Adds Four Wealth Management Firms And More Than $200 Million In Combined Client Assets To Platform – PRNewswire

ATLANTA, July 23, 2020 /PRNewswire/ --SFA Partners, a family of companies focused exclusively on empowering independent financial advisor businesses, today announced the recruitment of four wealth management firms: Kolinsky Wealth Management, Lehner Carroll Shope Capital Management, OakPoint Investment Partners and Life Income. Together, the offices have over $585 million in client assets more than $200 million of which has been added to platforms under the SFA Partners brand.

Clive Slovin, President and Chief Executive Officer of SFA Partners, said, "I am overjoyed to welcome these great teams to the SFA Partners family. They are prime examples of how we are ramping up long-term growth in 2020, even as the ongoing pandemic poses unprecedented challenges for the industry. As entrepreneurs and independent business owners, these teams have no shortage of choices in deciding where to affiliate, so their faith in us is a testament to our broad platform of investment solutions, unwavering commitment to providing excellent service and history of empowering independence."

SFA Partners encompasses The Strategic Financial Alliance (SFA), a leading independent broker-dealer and corporate RIA; Strategic Blueprint, an independent RIA geared to serving fee-based advisors; and SFA Insurance Services.

More background on the new teams:

Jamie Mackay, SFA Partners Vice President of Business Development, said, "The fact that these teams have transitioned to the SFA Partners family is proof not only of our ability to grow despite the challenges of the current environment but also of our adaptability. Whether it's a hybrid seeking to scale up their advisory business with better technology, a practice wanting to focus solely on their advisory business through our independent RIA, or someone with their own RIA who needs a capable broker-dealer partner, these additions prove that we are well positioned to serve a variety of business models."

David Pittman, Strategic Blueprint Executive Vice President, added, "In today's rapidly changing environment, advisors are increasingly looking for a firm that can quickly help them adjust to the new realities of doing business. Strategic Blueprint is honored to welcome these new teams to the SFA Partners family, and we look forward to doing everything possible to support their continued success, including giving them the added freedom and flexibility to manage portfolios, share information and run their businesses in the most client-friendly manner possible."

About SFA PartnersSFA Partners is a master brand encompassing independent advisor-focused entities wholly owned by SFA Holdings, Inc., including The Strategic Financial Alliance, Inc. (SFA), Strategic Blueprint LLC, and SFA Insurance Services, Inc. SFA is a privately owned independent broker-dealer and Registered Investment Adviser, which as of June 30, 2020 serves approximately 150 independent financial advisors across the country, collectively supporting approximately $5 billion in advisory and brokerage assets. Strategic Blueprint provides independent advisors the advantages of having their own RIA but none of the hassles through a range of services, including turnkey compliance, supervisory and back-office support; expert due diligence; an integrated technology stack; and a broad universe of asset management services. SFA Insurance Services empowers holistic financial planning by helping advisors match clients with insurance solutions that fit their needs.

Media Contacts:

Stephanie SchieleSFA Vice President of Marketing [emailprotected]678.954.4067


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SFA Partners Adds Four Wealth Management Firms And More Than $200 Million In Combined Client Assets To Platform - PRNewswire

Buying on the Dip is a Critical Piece of the FIRE Puzzle – Investorplace.com

This article is part of a series about the FIRE Movement and how investors can apply these principles to their lives, compiled by InvestorPlace.com.

Source: Shutterstock

Warren Buffett, arguably one of the best investors of all time, is a big believer in buying stocks when share prices fall. Back in February, on a day the markets were predicted to drop dramatically, he was telling CNBCs Becky Quick that Berkshire Hathaway (NYSE:BRK.A, NYSE:BRK.B) would be buying on balance.

Buffetts built a career buying stocks on the dip because thats one of the best ways to make money over the long haul.

The Financial Independence, Retire Early (FIRE) philosophy doesnt just require a commitment to cutting your day-to-day expenses; it also demands an accelerated investment philosophy.

Buffett took 60+ years to become the billionaire he is today, so if youre dreaming of retiring at 40 when youre only 25 today, its going to take more than saving 50-75% of your income to get to the promised land.

So for this article about buying on the dip, lets assume that Im 25 years old, earn $5,000 after-tax per month, save 50% of it, and have a $10,000 initial contribution. That gives me $30,000 to invest over a year ($450,000 over 15 years), plus the $10,000 of seed money.

With 15 years to my retirement age, if I earn 10% on my capital, Ill have approximately $1.09 million accumulated over those 15 years. Of course, that doesnt take into account tax-advantaged investment accounts, etc., but thats a discussion for another article.

For now, Im interested in providing FIRE enthusiasts with a game plan for buying on the dip that will help you achieve a 10% annual return over the next 15 years. If you can do that, youll be well on your way to financial independence.

Before delving into the specifics of the plan, its essential to get an idea of how realistic a 10% return over the next 15 years really is? According to Morningstar, the SPDR S&P 500 ETF Trust (NYSEARCA:SPY) has a 15-year annualized total return of 8.89%, 111 basis points less than our target.

And thats good news. The bad news is that many financial experts dont expect the markets to do nearly as well in the next decade as they did in the previous one.

MarketWatch contributor Mark Hulbert has spent many years studying the markets. In February, he wrote an article that highlighted the many ways in which it would be near impossible for the S&P 500 to deliver its historical annualized total return of 6.9% (real return after inflation) over the next decade.

That means the index wont even come close to matching its annualized real total return of 11.5% between 2010 and 2019. For many, the best days dont lie ahead.

Taking the path of least resistance and investing in SPY isnt likely to cut it as the rates of return for equities slow in the future.

This means if you want to get your 10% return, youll have to step up the risk considerably.

On the one hand, the fact that youve committed to saving a big chunk of your income means youll have the time to investigate specific growth stocks, since you wont be out at the club dancing the night away.

However, in addition to accelerating your investment plan, you do have to remember that you cant buy on the dip if you dont have the cash to invest. Youve got to remember to watch your downside by avoiding specific company risk.

Apple (NASDAQ:AAPL) is an excellent investment to own these days. But what happens if it ends up designing a phone that explodes in peoples ears? Its stock price implodes. If you only own AAPL, you have significant company risk. If you add a second stock, you reduce that risk, and so on.

Its for this reason that I believe FIRE enthusiasts ought to use exchange-traded funds to buy on the dip. Further, I would recommend equal-weighted ETFs because it alleviates the company-specific risk of cap-weighted ETFs.

For example, the Technology Select Sector SPDR Fund (NYSEARCA:XLK) has an Apple weighting of 21.63%. It, along with Microsoft (NASDAQ:MSFT), accounts for more than 43% of the ETFs $32.8 billion in total net assets. If you buy XLK, its essentially a bet on those two stocks and not much else.

Dont get me wrong; if youre looking to accelerate your investment returns, XLK is a great place to look. However, as I said above, if those two stocks dont perform over the next 15 years, the likelihood of reaching a million-dollar portfolio is slim to none.

So heres what I would do.

First, Id build a core portfolio that will deliver good, if not spectacular, returns. A little bit of defense mixed in with your offense never hurt anyone.

The Invesco S&P 500 Equal Weight ETF (NYSEARCA:RSP) is an excellent place to start. Its an equal-weighted version of the S&P 500. It has a current AAPL weighting of 0.22%. By comparison, the SPY has an Apple weighting of 5.87%.

Also add on an international equity ETF and a small-cap ETF that charges reasonable fees. Allocate perhaps 60-75% of your permanent capital to those ETFs.

Now, to play the sector game and buy on the dip, have cash at the ready (10-30% of your total portfolio) to pounce on downtrodden sectors and industries such as energy and airlines. Again, I wouldnt be buying specific stocks, but instead looking to benefit from the old axiom that a rising tide lifts all boats.

Throughout the novel coronavirus pandemic, Ive been recommending investors avoid specific airline stocks. Instead, Ive recommended they buy into the U.S. Global Jets ETF (NYSEARCA:JETS) because it allows them to make a diversified bet on the industry, rather than hand-picking one or two that could outperform the rest.

But dont just buy JETS. Figure out how much you want to bet on airlines, use 50% of the cash youre ready to commit to buying some shares, and another 25% when it drops by more than 3-5% in a given week. Repeat the process until you feel the bet no longer makes sense.

Oh, and whatever you do, make sure you consider one or more of the ETFs from Catherine Wood and the rest of the Ark Investment Management team. Theyre in the know when it comes to technology.

FIRE away!

Will Ashworth has written about investments full-time since 2008. Publications where hes appeared include InvestorPlace, The Motley Fool Canada, Investopedia, Kiplinger, and several others in both the U.S. and Canada. He particularly enjoys creating model portfolios that stand the test of time. He lives in Halifax, Nova Scotia. At the time of this writing Will Ashworth did not hold a position in any of the aforementioned securities.

Read more here:

Buying on the Dip is a Critical Piece of the FIRE Puzzle - Investorplace.com

Child Trafficking Myth vs. Fact – Save the Children

Child trafficking affects every country in the world, including the United States. Children make up 27% of all human trafficking victims worldwide, and two out of every three identified child victims are girls[i].

Trafficking, according to the United Nations, involves three main elements[ii]:

There is much misinformation about what trafficking is, who is affected and what it means for a child to be trafficked. Read on to learn more about the myths vs. facts of child trafficking.

MYTH: Traffickers target victims they dont know

FACT: A majority of the time, victims are trafficked by someone they know, such as a friend, family member or romantic partner.

MYTH: Only girls and women are victims of human trafficking

FACT: Boys and men are just as likely to be victims of human trafficking as girls and women. However, they are less likely to be identified and reported. Girls and boys are often subject to different types of trafficking, for instance, girls may be trafficked for forced marriage and sexual exploitation, while boys may be trafficked for forced labor or recruitment into armed groups.

MYTH: All human trafficking involves sex or prostitution

FACT: Human trafficking can include forced labor, domestic servitude, organ trafficking, debt bondage, recruitment of children as child soldiers, and/or sex trafficking and forced prostitution.

MYTH: Trafficking involves traveling, transporting or moving a person across borders

FACT: Human trafficking is not the same thing as smuggling, which are two terms that are commonly confused. Trafficking does not require movement across borders. In fact, in some cases, a child could be trafficked and exploited from their own home. In the U.S., trafficking most frequently occurs at hotels, motels, truck stops and online.

MYTH: People being trafficked are physically unable to leave or held against their will

FACT: Trafficking can involve force, but people can also be trafficked through threats, coercion, or deception. People in trafficking situations can be controlled through drug addiction, violent relationships, manipulation, lack of financial independence, or isolation from family or friends, in addition to physical restraint or harm.

MYTH: Trafficking primarily occurs in developing countries

FACT: Trafficking occurs all over the world, though the most common forms of trafficking can differ by country. The United States is one of the most active sex trafficking countries in the world, where exploitation of trafficking victims occurs in cities, suburban and rural areas. Labor trafficking occurs in the U.S., but at lower rates than most developing countries.

If you suspect someone is a victim of trafficking, contact the National Human Trafficking Resource Centerat 1-800-373-7888. The confidential hotline is open 24 hours a day, every day, and helps identify, protect and serve victims of trafficking.


[i] Give Her a Choice: Building A Better Future For Girls (Save the Children)

[ii]United Nations Office on Drug and Crime

Go here to see the original:

Child Trafficking Myth vs. Fact - Save the Children

Women and Money: Taking Charge of Your Financial Future – Patch.com

Summit Financial Group invites you to attend our LIVE Zoom webinar: Women and Money: Taking Charge of Your Financial Future

Women face a unique set of financial challenges that our male counterparts dont. Longer life expectancy, the pay gap, divorce, career breaks to care for children and loved ones all take a toll on our ability to save for retirement and achieve financial independence.

During this interactive session, well dive into steps women can take to secure their financial future and avoid the pitfalls that slow our progress.

Join us on Thursday, July 23rd at 4:00 p.m. PST. Our hope is for this to be a community event where people feel welcome to ask questions in an informal environment. Please forward this invitation to those who would benefit. There is no cost or obligation for this event and no software downloads required.

Host: Financial Advisor Jeneen Slack, CFP, CDFA

Meeting Details:Register here: https://bit.ly/32PlFDl

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting. We hope to see you!

Read the original here:

Women and Money: Taking Charge of Your Financial Future - Patch.com

COVID-19 Hit as Record Number of ALICE Families Priced Out of Survival – The Roanoke Star

ALICE Report: A crisis in the making with a 59% increase in Virginias ALICE households over 10 years, fueled by high-priced basics and stagnant wages

When COVID-19 hit, nearly 1.3 million Virginia households were already one emergency away from financial ruin a 10-year record high setting the stage for the unprecedented economic impact of the crisis, according to the states latest ALICE Report, released today by United Ways of Virginia, in partnership with United For ALICE.

Over the last decade, Virginias low-income families systematically lost buying power and financial stability as the high cost of essentials outpaced wages, driving the number of ALICE households to rise 59 percent by 2018, the report shows.

Weve known that our economy was increasingly reliant on these families we call ALICE, who are financially vulnerable to one emergency, said United Ways of Virginia representative Janel S. Donohue. COVID-19 became that one universal emergency. ALICE families are facing the greatest health and financial risks today, as they are the workers who dont have health insurance, have no paid sick days, and whose children receive daily meals at school.

Under the leadership of Rappahannock United Way, twenty-one local United Ways from throughout the state of Virginia have come together once again to produce this updated Virginia ALICE Report; along with the generous financial backing from state-wide sponsors Compare.com, Virginias Community Colleges, Atlantic Union Bank, and Virginia Association of Free and Charitable Clinics.

In 2018, of Virginias 3.2 million households, nearly 935,000 were ALICE (Asset Limited, Income Constrained, Employed) a record number that were unable to afford the basics for survival, despite working. Thats in addition to the more than 326,000 families that were in poverty. While wages for ALICE workers remained largely stagnant, the cost of six essentials grew on average 3.4 percent annually over the past decade. Thats in contrast to a rate of inflation of 1.8 percent.

As a result, ALICE households grew to account for 29 percent of Virginias households in 2018, up from 20 percent in 2007. In contrast, poverty levels remained largely flat at about 10 percent. The report shows ALICE households were locked out of the boom economy and unable to establish savings due to meager pay raises and inconsistent job hours, schedules, and benefits.

No matter how hard ALICE families worked, the gap between their wages and the cost of basics just kept widening, said Sarah Walsh, staff lead for the Virginia ALICE Report. These already fragile ALICE households are now facing an even deeper financial hole due to the state of emergency created by COVID-19.

ALICE in Virginia: A Financial Hardship Study shows that in 2018, the cost of survival ranged annually from $29,580 for a single adult, to $31,752 for a senior citizen and $78,528 for a family of four with an infant and a preschooler. Putting this in perspective, the median hourly wage for cashiers, the most common occupation in Virginia, was $9.98, or $19,960 per year less than all the budgets.

This mismatch between wages and costs is revealed by a new measurement debuting in this report, called the ALICE Essentials Index. This Index chronicles how the cost of housing, child care, food, transportation, health care and a smartphone plan rose at nearly twice the rate of inflation, as measured by the Consumer Price Index. The result is that in 2018, two parents working full time needed to earn $19.63 an hour in order to afford the Household Survival Budget for a family of four. Thats up from a wage of $13.68 an hour affording that budget in 2007. During the same period, the number of low-wage jobs grew by 34 percent, accounting for the largest number of jobs in Virginia by 2018.

The ALICE Essentials Index shows that, through no fault of their own, ALICE families have been priced out of economic stability, setting the stage for the scope of this crisis, said United For ALICE National Director Stephanie Hoopes, Ph.D. Using the Consumer Price Index alone to measure inflation provides an incomplete picture of the cost of living, severely underestimating the mounting financial pressures on ALICE families.

Walsh said the reports findings should be put in play immediately to identify state and local supports that address the unique challenges the COVID-19 pandemic has inflicted on ALICE families as businesses and schools remain closed indefinitely. As an example Rappahannock United Way is providing financial assistance to cover rent and mortgage payments to households impacted by the pandemic.

The report calls for stakeholders across all sectors to use its findings to remove obstacles to financial stability, identify gaps in community resources and build data-driven solutions to help ALICE families achieve economic stability, bolstering the states economy overall.

The ALICE Report for Virginia was funded in part by Compare.com, Virginias Community Colleges, Atlantic Union Bank, and Virginia Association of Free and Charitable Clinics and is a project of United For ALICE, a grassroots movement of some 650 United Ways in 21 states, corporations and foundations, all using the same methodology to document financial need. ALICE Reports provide county-by-county and town-level data, and analysis of how many households are struggling, including the obstacles ALICE households face on the road to financial independence.

For more information or to find data about ALICE in local communities, visit http://www.UnitedForALICE.org/Virginia.

See the original post here:

COVID-19 Hit as Record Number of ALICE Families Priced Out of Survival - The Roanoke Star

New England Investment & Retirement Group Expands Leadership Team With Addition of Chief Operating Officer – Yahoo Finance

Chris Wilde brings 15 years of financial services experience to NEIRG

NORTH ANDOVER, Mass., July 21, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- New England Investment & Retirement Group (NEIRG), an investment advisory and wealth management firm headquartered in North Andover, Massachusetts, today announces the addition of Chris Wilde, CFA, as Chief Operating Officer (COO).

With over 15 years of experience in the financial services industry, Wilde joins President and Founder Nick Giacoumakis, CEPA, and Principal Brian Pirri, CFP, on the firms leadership team. As COO, Wilde is responsible for oversight of the firms offices in North Andover and Naples, Florida, including operations and technology, client service, marketing and compliance. Additionally, Wilde will sit on NEIRGs Investment Committee and lead operational due diligence efforts during manager sourcing.

Chris has a long track record of successfully managing operations, overseeing client services and growing trading teams at leading financial services firms, said Giacoumakis. Were excited to leverage his experience to streamline our operations and ultimately better serve our clients as they look to create, grow and protect their wealth.

Before joining NEIRG, Wilde spent 10 years with SCS Financial Services, a leading multi-family office serving high-net-worth families and institutions. He joined SCS as an Operations Manager before rising to Director of Operations, Trading, and Client Administration. During his time at SCS, Wilde built the firms trading team, including the hiring and training of full-time traders and the development of an institutional process covering all asset classes and securities markets. More recently, he co-led the design and implementation of an administrative services team responsible for streamlining client service workflows, bringing scale to the firms private wealth client advisors. In addition to his experience with SCS, Wilde spent five years at JPMorgan Chase & Co. within their mutual and hedge fund operations and client service teams.

Wilde earned a Bachelor of Science in Finance from the University of Rhode Island. He is a CFA Charterholder and a member of the CFA Society Boston. Wilde also serves on the Investment Policy Committee for the Town of West Newbury, Massachusetts.

ABOUT NEW ENGLAND INVESTMENT & RETIREMENT GROUPNEIRG is an investment advisory and wealth management firm with locations in the North Shore of Massachusetts and Naples, Florida. For more than 20 years, NEIRG has helped individuals, families and businesses manage their financial assets and resources in order to achieve financial independence and security. With expertise in customized portfolio management, financial planning, retirement planning, risk management solutions as well as tax planning, NEIRG provides a comprehensive and integrated approach to managing and building wealth. NEIRG's team of Certified Financial Planners and Chartered Financial Analysts is committed to providing sound and unbiased advice to help clients optimize their complete financial picture with a coordinated estate, investment and tax strategy.

Media Contact:Ryann Bucher, Gregory FCA for NEIRG215-932-0954neirg@gregoryfca.com

Go here to read the rest:

New England Investment & Retirement Group Expands Leadership Team With Addition of Chief Operating Officer - Yahoo Finance

My Wife Used Our Savings to Bail Her Family Out of a Pyramid Scheme – Slate

Photo illustration by Slate. Photo by Getty Images Plus.

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To get advice from Prudie, send questions for publication toprudence@slate.com. (Questions may be edited.) Join the live chat every Monday at noon.Submit your questions and comments herebefore or during the live discussion. Or call the Dear Prudence podcast voicemail at 401-371-DEAR (3327) to hear your question answered on a future episode of the show.

Dear Prudence,

I work full time but took a second part-time job to save money so my wife and I can remodel our house. Its small and cramped, and our three kids share a single room, so we really need more space. My wife runs a side business out of our home. My wifes parents support her sister financially because she refuses to work, and they often pressure my wife for money. Wed previously agreed that my wife could give them as much of her own income as she likes, but that the rest of our income is for our own needs.

You can probably guess what happened next: My sister-in-law stole her parents credit card to buy into a pyramid scheme and bought thousands of dollars worth of useless junk. They asked my wife to bail them out because they didnt want to press charges against her sister for identity theft, so she emptied out the account where wed been saving money to remodel our house. Thats $30,000, gone. Her parents promise theyll pay us back, but I know well never see that money again. Furious doesnt begin to describe how I feel. My wife says shes sorry but that theyre her parents. I quit my second job and told my wife she would have to figure out how to pay for the remodel. I also said that if she gives her parents another penny, I would leave. She cries and tells me Im being unfair. For almost two years I worked around the clock to save money for another room for our kids. I missed holidays and weekends. Housing prices are outrageous in our neighborhood. I cant figure out how to move forward from here. I love my wife, but I dont know if I can ever trust her again.


This is a devastating betrayal, and I dont wonder that youre furious at your wife. Your wifes violation of your trust was not a small one, and it hurt not only you as her partner but all three of your children. Im glad you quit your second job and arent forcing yourself to fix the mess your wife and her relatives created. If you havent already set up an individual account that your wife cant touch, please do so. Its a necessary bit of financial independence that might make rebuilding trust easier. But given that youre already talking about leaving if she ever sends her parents money again (which seems likely), its probably a good idea to speak to a divorce lawyer. You dont have to commit to filing just to schedule a phone call, and it will be useful to learn what legal recourse you may have, if any, toward recovering some of your money. The answer may be simply Its gone forever, but it cant hurt to ask.

Im not so sure how you can rebuild trust if your wifes apology for stealing $30,000 included the justification but theyre my parents and shes already accusing you of treating her unfairly. But if youre interested in trying to rebuild trust before considering divorce, consider seeking out a couples counselor with experience treating couples dealing with financial mismanagement and betrayal. Regardless of what you do, remind yourself of the following: You cant trust someone who refuses to acknowledge what they did wrong and whos not committed to behaving differently in the future.

Danny M. Lavery is joined by Soleil Ho onthis weeks episodeof the Dear Prudence podcast.

Subscribe to the Dear Prudence Podcast on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Stitcher, or wherever you get your podcasts.

Dear Prudence,

I am an angry feminist who previously thought I was gay, and I have fallen (hard) in love with a straight, white, GOP-voting evangelical male. He is the most expressive person Ive even been with when it comes to telling me all the things about me that he loves and respects. He is fun and funny and sweet and tender, and the physical/sexual chemistry is like nothing Ive ever felt with a man. It is intoxicating and addictive, but am I doomed to fail because of our different social values?

Nervous From Jump

I think you knew when you wrote this that I cant possibly promise you that you and your boyfriend will never break up. It sounds like you want to think of your various social positions as grounding rather than disruptive: If an angry, previously gay feminist like me could fall for this guy, then it must be real love, the kind that lasts till the stars turn cold. You are free to date anyone you please, and its an unqualified good thing that your boyfriend respects you, loves you, and treats you well. The question facing you right now is not Do I have to give up this intoxicating sexual chemistry because an advice columnist disapproves of our relationship? but How do my boyfriend and I talk about our different values?

Its great that hes fun and funny and sweet and tender, and its great that youre having excellent sex. But those are all things you have in common (or at least things you agree on), so they dont have much bearing on your significant differences. How have you two talked about your different religious beliefs? How does he understand your sexuality? Are you feeling pressure, either internally or externally, to distance yourself from past relationships with women or your current ties to other queer people? Is he as expressive when he talks to you about his political commitments as he is when hes telling you how much he loves you? Does he think youre going to hell? Its not that his sweetness or sense of humor are worthless. Theyre real, and they matter! But theyre irrelevant to the question of Do we share compatible values? or even When we disagree over something meaningful, are we both able to listen respectfully and find a livable compromise? The most important thing to ask yourself is what failure might look like to you. Does it mean breaking up over oppositional, sincerely held beliefs? Or does it mean ignoring your differences, sanding down the edges of your personality, and looking the other way in order to keep the peace?

Dear Prudence,

Sarah is an acquaintance I met through a mutual friend, Abby. I try to keep my distance because Sarah always seems to be in one sort of crisis or another. A few weeks ago, Sarahs 20-year-old son, Chris, landed in the hospital after setting off illegal fireworks. His injuries werent life-threatening, but he does need follow-up care, and Abby recently texted me a link to a donation page Sarah had created to crowdfund his medical bills. Im lucky to still have a job right now, but I dont make a lot of money, and Im trying to save all I can to help support my parents, who have lost most of their income since the pandemic. Later she followed up with, Anything you can contribute would be great. Theyre really going through a lot right now. I said I couldnt send money because I needed to help my parents, but that Id be happy to send over meals or drive Chris to some of his medical appointments. Abbys response was, Wow. I dont think its asking that much to throw something Sarahs way.

I reiterated that I had no cash to spare but that I was willing to help in other ways. She said, You cant. That was five days ago, and she hasnt texted me since. We used to text every day, sometimes about substantive issues, and sometimes just goofing around. After a few days of silence I sent her a just saying hello text, but she didnt respond. What should I do? Try again? Wait for her to say something? Just assume Ive lost a 15-year friendship over this?

Closed-Wallet Policy

Dont let a 15-year friendship fizzle out without at least trying to have a substantive follow-up conversation. Give Abby a call and ask her whats bothering her. Is she really angry with you for volunteering to drive someone to a medical appointment? For having limited income and choosing to support your parents financially when theyre struggling? Either theres something else going on that shes not sharing, or shes overwhelmed with pandemic-related stress that she inappropriately took out on you, or she has wildly unrealistic expectations of her friends. Whatevers going on, you deserve to ask for a straight answer and to learn whether theres an opportunity to resolve this sudden chilliness.

Catch up on this weeks Prudie.

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Our 15-month-old son is generally a fun and easy kid. The only major problem is one for which his dad and I are basically to blame. Weve ended up being accidental cosleepers and dont know how to get ourselves out of it. We dont have any theoretical or developmental problems with cosleeping, but we have all sorts of personal problems with it: being pushed off the bed; waking up every time he moves; being kicked in the stomach (his dad) or literally becoming our sons pillow (me); and not being able to actually snuggle as adults.

Weve halfheartedly tried someextinctionmethods, but we cant seem to get them right, and his crying makes my head hurt so much. I know part of the problem is his crib, which still contains a rock-hard infant mattress. How can we remedy this situation before we wake up with a 12-year-old sleeping between us?

Slate Plus members get extra questions, Prudie Uncensored with Nicole Cliffe, and full-length podcast episodes every week.

See the original post:

My Wife Used Our Savings to Bail Her Family Out of a Pyramid Scheme - Slate

Meghan Markle to become most in demand public speaker in the world after royal split – Express

The Duke and Duchess of Sussex have been in Los Angeles, California for several months now after stepping down as senior royals in March.

Since then, Meghan and Prince Harry have occasionally been pictured out and about on various charitable causes.

But some royal analysts have recently said they have yet to start a profitable venture.

Now, PR expert Mark Borkowski has told The Sun Meghan Markle could be set to earn a substantial income as a public speaker, praising her remarkable delivery.

Mr Borkowski said the Duchess of Sussex, 38, could earn many hundreds of thousands of pounds per speech, helping the royal couple realise their goal of financial independence.

Meghan has spoken out on a range of powerful topics in recent weeks, most recently making an appearance at the virtual Girl Up leadership summit.

The Duchess said to young listeners at the summit: Your generation is often referred to as digital natives, and you understand that our online world has the power to affirm and support as much as it does to harm.

We are not meant to be breaking each other down; we are meant to be building each other up.

Her speech at the summit has so far been seen over 100,000 times, the Sun adds, making it the most popular one at the event.

Mr Borkowski told the paper that Meghan is on the message with important topics such as mental health and the Black Lives Matter movement.

READ: Why the monarch has more control over royal weddings than the coronation

He said: In the short, immediate term she could be the most sought-after speaker in the world.

Brands want to learn from high-profile people, so having someone like that in the room, it can boost publicity and draw delegates.

The expert claimed the Duke and Duchess should think about the number of speeches they make, however, as appearing at too many could lower demand.

Mr Borkowski added: You choose one to four key moments a year to make a speech, then everyone is hanging on your words.

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According to reports, the Duke and Duchess recently joined the Harry Walker Agency a public speakers agency claiming to work with some of the most high-profile speakers in the world.

These include Bill and Hillary Clinton, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Matthew McConaughey and others.

Mr Borkowski added: In the short term, this is a billion dollar brand.

It could go some way to helping the Duke and Duchess of Sussex achieve financial independence following their departure from royal roles this year.

On announcing they would step down as senior royals, the previously Sussexes said in a statement: The Duke and Duchess of Sussex will become privately funded members of The Royal Family with permission to earn their own income and the ability to pursue their own private charitable interests.

Here is the original post:

Meghan Markle to become most in demand public speaker in the world after royal split - Express

New England Investment & Retirement Group Expands Leadership Team With Addition of Chief Operating Officer – GlobeNewswire

NORTH ANDOVER, Mass., July 21, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- New England Investment & Retirement Group (NEIRG), an investment advisory and wealth management firm headquartered in North Andover, Massachusetts, today announces the addition of Chris Wilde, CFA, as Chief Operating Officer (COO).

With over 15 years of experience in the financial services industry, Wilde joins President and Founder Nick Giacoumakis, CEPA, and Principal Brian Pirri, CFP, on the firms leadership team. As COO, Wilde is responsible for oversight of the firms offices in North Andover and Naples, Florida, including operations and technology, client service, marketing and compliance. Additionally, Wilde will sit on NEIRGs Investment Committee and lead operational due diligence efforts during manager sourcing.

Chris has a long track record of successfully managing operations, overseeing client services and growing trading teams at leading financial services firms, said Giacoumakis. Were excited to leverage his experience to streamline our operations and ultimately better serve our clients as they look to create, grow and protect their wealth.

Before joining NEIRG, Wilde spent 10 years with SCS Financial Services, a leading multi-family office serving high-net-worth families and institutions. He joined SCS as an Operations Manager before rising to Director of Operations, Trading, and Client Administration. During his time at SCS, Wilde built the firms trading team, including the hiring and training of full-time traders and the development of an institutional process covering all asset classes and securities markets. More recently, he co-led the design and implementation of an administrative services team responsible for streamlining client service workflows, bringing scale to the firms private wealth client advisors. In addition to his experience with SCS, Wilde spent five years at JPMorgan Chase & Co. within their mutual and hedge fund operations and client service teams.

Wilde earned a Bachelor of Science in Finance from the University of Rhode Island. He is a CFA Charterholder and a member of the CFA Society Boston. Wilde also serves on the Investment Policy Committee for the Town of West Newbury, Massachusetts.

ABOUT NEW ENGLAND INVESTMENT & RETIREMENT GROUPNEIRG is an investment advisory and wealth management firm with locations in the North Shore of Massachusetts and Naples, Florida. For more than 20 years, NEIRG has helped individuals, families and businesses manage their financial assets and resources in order to achieve financial independence and security. With expertise in customized portfolio management, financial planning, retirement planning, risk management solutions as well as tax planning, NEIRG provides a comprehensive and integrated approach to managing and building wealth. NEIRG's team of Certified Financial Planners and Chartered Financial Analysts is committed to providing sound and unbiased advice to help clients optimize their complete financial picture with a coordinated estate, investment and tax strategy.

Media Contact:Ryann Bucher, Gregory FCA for NEIRG215-932-0954neirg@gregoryfca.com

Original post:

New England Investment & Retirement Group Expands Leadership Team With Addition of Chief Operating Officer - GlobeNewswire

The 5 best money management tips I wish I could have told myself when I was 25 – Business Insider – Business Insider

As wealth planners, my team and I provide guidance to our clients about how to create financial plans and strategies to help build and sustain wealth throughout their lifetimes. Over the last 30 years, I've been fortunate enough to listen to their challenges and help build solutions for them.

When I think over what I've learned throughout my career, there are choices along the way that I wish I had been more aware of when I was younger. Here are the top five things I would tell my 25-year-old self:

The earlier you start investing, the easier it is to build wealth.

When you invest early, you are able to benefit from growth over a longer period of time. Younger investors have the gift of having decades ahead of them, making now an opportune time to take risks. Young people have a greater capacity to weather market volatility, unlike older investors. Generally, they have the time to rebuild from any market losses they may experience.

An easy way to start investing is to contribute to your employer's 401(k) plan and take advantage of their matching offers when available. If you contribute the amount needed to obtain the full match, you are already earning a 100% return on your investment.

Your contributions come out of your paycheck pre-taxed, so you don't even know it's missing. Plus they grow tax-deferred until you take out the money for retirement.

If you don't have a 401(k) plan, consider contributing to a tax-deferred plan, such as a traditional or Roth IRA.

When you're young, you're not thinking about retirement. There are so many other major expenses coming your way, making it easy to focus on short-term goals, such as saving for a vacation or buying a new car. But you also need to focus on longer-term goals.

Breaking your longer-term goals into multiple shorter-term goals can help prevent you from becoming overwhelmed. Since long-term goals, like buying a house or achieving financial independence, may take many years to achieve, saving today will get you closer to making those goals a reality.

No one likes budgeting and it can be a struggle even among my wealthiest clients but it's the foundation for acquiring wealth.

Creating a budget forces you to look at your cash flow to determine how much money you need to "keep the lights on" versus how much you earn. A budget keeps spending in check and makes sure your saving is on track to meet your future goals. When you get into the habit of automatically allocating a portion of your budget to put into an emergency fund, you are protecting yourself from financial turmoil should unexpected events occur. The current coronavirus pandemic clearly highlights the importance of having an emergency savings account.

Buying life insurance when you're younger can save you thousands of dollars in the long run. As you get older, the cost of life insurance gets more expensive because the premiums are correlated to age and health. If you wait until you have a partner and children, premiums will be much more expensive.

There are two types of insurance term and permanent. Term lasts for a period of time and then ends; whereas, permanent is designed not expire if premiums are paid.

If you like the idea of permanent insurance but can't afford it right now, you may want to consider buying a level-term insurance product with a conversion option. With term insurance, you're essentially renting life insurance each year. The conversion option allows you to convert to a permanent policy later when you can afford it without being required to go through the medical underwriting process. I think everyone eventually regrets not having bought more insurance when they were younger - I know I do!

This article was contributed by Charles Cavanaugh, head of wealth planning for Citi Personal Wealth Management, and a member of BI's Money Council.

The rest is here:

The 5 best money management tips I wish I could have told myself when I was 25 - Business Insider - Business Insider

A Boss Idea: New Jersey-Based Team Launches ShoreHaven Wealth Partners with Dynasty Financial Partners – Yahoo Finance

Team Previously Managed $420 Million in Client Assets

Leading wealth advisor Lawrence Durso, his son Michael Durso and advisor Michael Lombardi today announced the launch of their new firm, ShoreHaven Wealth Partners, an independent wealth management firm based in Red Bank, New Jersey. The team had previously worked together at Durso Wealth Management Group at Morgan Stanley where they managed $420 million in client assets.

ShoreHaven Wealth Partners is an independent wealth management firm working with a select group of affluent multigenerational families and high net worth individuals, to protect, grow and transition their assets. Many of their clients are family-owned businesses who face succession and transition challenges.

Joining ShoreHaven Wealth from Morgan Stanley are the following professionals:

ShoreHaven Wealth Partners has joined the Dynasty Financial Partners network. Through Dynasty, the firm has access, on their clients behalf, to a full array of capital markets and investment banking capabilities, as well as a vast range of investment research and consulting, advanced technology, proprietary analytical tools, and an online research center. They have also selected Fidelity Institutional as the custodian for their clients assets. ShoreHaven Wealth has chosen Black Diamond for performance reporting.

"We are excited to launch ShoreHaven Wealth Partners as an independent firm. We believe there are great opportunities to create a customized planning process for our clients as well as create our own brand. And, in the future, we anticipate adding like-minded advisors to our firm," said Mr. Larry Durso.

"The ShoreHaven team is a group of seasoned financial advisors and experts and they are well-positioned to flourish in the independent space. Because of the relationship between Larry and his son Mike, the team brings a particularly insightful perspective to their clients in understanding the impact of family dynamics on the management of wealth across generations," said Shirl Penney, CEO of Dynasty Financial Partners. "The movement to independence is continuing - even during the lockdown - and we are pleased that an increasing number of RIAs are choosing Dynasty as their platform services partner to help them scale, grow, expand margins, operate more efficiently, and better care for their clients. We are thrilled to welcome ShoreHaven Wealth to the Dynasty Network!"


Lawrence Durso, Founding Partner, CEO

Larry Durso founded ShoreHaven Wealth Partners in 2020 with his son Michael and Michael Lombardi. Most recently he had led the Durso Wealth Management Group at Morgan Stanley, where he was a Managing Director- Wealth Management.

Lawrence Durso has worked in the financial services industry since 1978. He has primarily focused on creating solutions for unique problems typically associated with high net worth clients and their families. Additionally, he holds multiple securities registrations and life and health insurance licenses.

He holds a Bachelors Degree (summa cum laude) from St. Johns University and a Masters Degree from Columbia University.

Mr. Durso is active in several charitable organizations, including St. Johns University (past President of the SJU Staten Island Alumni Association) and the Daughters of Saint Paul. He is currently Chairman of the Board of Directors for the Lt. Dennis W. Zilinski II Memorial Fund, also a member of the Algonquin Arts Theatre Board of Trustees and an active Supporter of the Society for the Prevention of Teen Suicide.

Michael Durso, CFA, Founding Partner, Chief Investment Officer

Michael Durso is a co-founder and Chief Investment Office (CIO) of ShoreHaven Wealth Partners. As CIO, he is responsible for oversight of ShoreHavens asset allocation, manager selection, and investment strategy.

He has over a decade of experience in the financial services industry and has worked with clientele ranging from pensions, foundations, endowments, home offices and financial advisors to successful professionals and their families.

He began his career at AllianceBernstein in 2006, where he worked with financial advisors as a Senior Regional Consultant. In 2009, he joined BlackRock, where he was a Vice President within the iShares ETF business. Prior to joining Morgan Stanley in 2016, he worked at SKY Harbor Capital Management, where he was responsible for relationship management in the Americas.

Story continues

He earned his BBA degree in Finance with a minor in Marketing from James Madison University in 2006. While at James Madison, he was a varsity member of the Track and Cross Country program and 2003 IC4A Mens Cross Country Championship team. He was also a member of Phi Sigma Pi National Honors Fraternity.

Michael a CFA Charter Holder and member of the New York Society of Securities Analysts (NYSSA).

Michael Lombardi, CFP, Founding Partner, Chief Planning Officer

Prior to co-founding ShoreHaven Wealth Partners, he worked with Lawrence Durso in the Durso Wealth Management Group at Morgan Stanley since 2012. Mr. Lombardi began his career as a financial advisor at Wachovia Securities in 2006, shortly after earning his B.S. in finance from The College of New Jersey. He completed the Certified Financial Planning Program at Boston University and, in 2013, was awarded the CFP certification.

Sheryl Iannuzzelli, Director of Relationship Management, Chief Compliance Officer

Sheryl Iannuzzelli runs the day-to-day operations of the team. She joined the Durso Wealth Management Group at Morgan Stanley in 1995. Ms. Iannuzzelli holds a bachelor's degree from Seton Hall University.

About ShoreHaven Wealth Partners

ShoreHaven Wealth Partners is an independent wealth management firm based in Red Bank, New Jersey that works with a select group of affluent multigenerational families and high net worth individuals, to protect, grow and transition their assets. Many of their clients are family-owned businesses who face succession and transition challenges.

Their objective is to help clients enjoy whats important in their lives, through the benefit of financial prosperity. For more information, please visit: http://www.ShoreHavenWealth.com and on Twitter: @ShoreHavenWP

About Dynasty Financial Partners

Dynasty Financial Partners is known for assisting advisors of integrity to better service their clients, run their businesses more profitably, grow faster, and enhance the enterprise value of their firms. Dynasty does this by providing wealth management and technology platforms for select independent financial advisory firms. Dynasty creates access to valuable resources and industry-leading capabilities through an open architecture platform, enabling advisors to address their clients needs and to protect and grow their wealth. Dynasty supports independent advisors and their teams in being independent, but not alone, by creating exclusive community events and experiences. Dynasty also offers access to flexible capital solutions to help advisors expand, scale, and grow their business. Dynastys core principle is "objectivity without compromise," and the firm is committed to developing solutions that allow investment advisors to act as true fiduciaries to their clients.

For more information, please visit http://www.dynastyfinancialpartners.com.

Also visit Dynasty on social media:LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/dynasty-financial-partners Twitter: @DynastyFP Youtube: http://bit.ly/1MKXhC8

View source version on businesswire.com: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20200720005033/en/


Media Sally Catessallycates@dynastyfinancialpartners.com 212-373-1000

More here:

A Boss Idea: New Jersey-Based Team Launches ShoreHaven Wealth Partners with Dynasty Financial Partners - Yahoo Finance

"LC Packaging helps female Bengali employees gain control of their finances with digital salary payments" – FreshPlaza.com

To contribute to the further economic development of women in Bangladesh and to improve their financial independence, LC Packagings SA8000 certified production facility Dutch-Bangla Pack Ltd. (DBPLI) has implements a digital payroll system for all of its Bengali factory employees.

With this system, every DBPL employee has been assigned a bank account to which their salaries are directly deposited. Additionally, all employees have been supplied with a chequebook and bankcard. allowing them to cash out their wages at their own convenience or to directly transfer funds to pay their bills. The bankcards can also be used for payments at the on-site fair priced supermarket; the Happy Shop.

Financial independence Apart from transparency and control over their expenditure and savings, these digital payments give employees access to formal financial services, such as insurances and loans, which will give them more control over their own finances.

The expectation is that moving to digital wage payments will contribute to the further economic empowerment of female employees, by giving them greater control over how their money will be spent. As a final step of implementing the digital wage payments, an ATM booth has been installed right outside the gate of the OBPL production facility. Employees can use their bankcards for withdrawing and depositing money from this booth.

Female empowerment Bangladesh has witnessed steady economic growth over the last decade and is gradually moving towards middle income status. That does not take away from the fact that- like many other countries - it is a patriarchal society in which women remain subordinate to men.

However, women make up over half of the world's population and the majority of the world's poor. It is therefore important, and it makes sense, to address women and their economic empowerment and contribution when trying to reduce poverty and further the economic development of Bangladesh.

LC Packaging strongly believes in empowerment of its employees and will continue to implement initiatives to further empower each and every one of them. At Dutch-Bangla Pack Ltd., LC Packaging works daily on improving the well-being of people through the Employee Commitment Programme. The efforts have been acknowledged by the Sedex Responsible Business Awards.

For more information:Manon Rood, Communication RepresentativeE-mail: mrood@lcpackaging.comTel: +31 (0) 615 57 65 11 Web: http://www.lcpackaging.com

Read the original here:

"LC Packaging helps female Bengali employees gain control of their finances with digital salary payments" - FreshPlaza.com

Biden needs a battle plan to defend modern government – The Advocate

Cass R. Sunstein, Bloomberg

Some conservative legal thinkers speak of a "Lost Constitution" or "Constitution in Exile." By that they mean the Constitution as it was understood before President Franklin D. Roosevelt's New Deal helped form the modern regulatory state.

Their Constitution in Exile would invalidate key parts of contemporary government. Some conservatives want to revive the long-dead "nondelegation doctrine," which was once taken to forbid Congress from granting broad discretion to regulatory agencies.

The Supreme Court made a strong movement in the direction of the Constitution in Exile in its most recent term, when it ruled that the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau may not be made independent of the president.

The court stopped well short of upending the regulatory state. But it was just a preliminary skirmish. Bigger battles are brewing. Those who want to defend modern government - including Democrats if they regain power in November - will need to think hard about appropriate reforms if the Supreme Court begins to invalidate larger features of the U.S. government as it exists today.

A Supreme Court bent on resuscitating the nondelegation doctrine would put important parts of the Clean Air Act, the Occupational Safety and Health Act and the National Traffic and Motor Vehicle Safety Act in jeopardy.

Those who believe in the Constitution in Exile also have trouble with the idea of independent agencies, such as the National Labor Relations Board, the Federal Reserve Board, the Federal Communications Commission and the Federal Trade Commission. The president has limited control over the heads of such agencies; he cannot fire them simply because that's what he wants to do.

Critics of independent agencies argue that the Constitution gives the president unlimited power to remove and control officials who are in charge of implementing federal laws - a power that, in their view, the Constitution grants to the president alone and that Congress cannot compromise. If the Supreme Court agrees with them, American government is in need of radical reform - by constitutional mandate.

The Federal Reserve Board might become the president's pawn. That would be a problem because it could end up playing partisan politics with the economy and perhaps ensure a sitting president's re-election. And if the president had full control over the FCC, he could undermine freedom of expression by ordering the agency to punish his political enemies.

The court did not go so far as to say that independent agencies are unconstitutional in its ruling last month on the Consumer Finance Protection Bureau, an agency created by Congress in 2011 to guard against abuses by banks and credit-card companies; it left that question for another day. But it concluded that because the CFPB is headed by a single person, and not a multi-member commission, it cannot stand.

Let's put the technicalities to one side and note two pressing questions: What's the legal status of the CFPB, exactly? Should Congress try to change it?

The first question is easy. All of a sudden, the CFPB is an executive agency, just like the Departments of State, Treasury and Transportation. It is fully under the president's control, whether his last name is Trump or Biden.

A less obvious point is that the CFPB's rule-making activity can be made subject to the process of review overseen by the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs, which is part of the Office of Management and Budget. (Disclosure: During President Barack Obama's first term, I served as an Administrator of OIRA.)

In practice, that means that the CFPB won't be able to issue new rules unless they survive careful scrutiny, usually including sustained attention to both costs and benefits. It also means that any presidential effort to promote deregulation, typically overseen by the regulatory-affairs office, can be applied to the CFPB as well.

From the standpoint of President Donald Trump, this isn't a problem. Actually it's a gift. The White House can supervise and manage the CFPB however it wants.

But what about from the standpoint of the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee, former Vice President Joe Biden, or congressional Democrats who are enthusiastic about the bureau's mission? Before long, they might call for new legislation turning the CFPB back into an independent agency. As a matter of law, Congress can probably do that simply by replacing the single director with a five-member commission.

That's tempting, but it's a good temptation to resist.

If Biden is elected, he can immediately shift the CFPB in his preferred direction, not only by choosing its head, but also by supervising its policy decisions. He can give the agency new energy.

Those who like the idea of independence might respond that it makes sense to empower a less political body, free of the White House, to protect consumers from financial misconduct. But independence is a matter of degree.

Before the Supreme Court's decision, the CFPB was an independent agency, and because Trump appointed its director (first Mick Mulvaney and now Kathy Kraninger), its decisions and approaches were generally aligned with his policy preferences. That's generally true of independent agencies headed by multi-member commissions, simply because the sitting president gets to appoint the chair (and to fill vacancies).

All things considered, it's probably best for Democrats, and others who embrace consumer protection, to allow the CFPB to remain an executive agency - and not to stress all that much about presidential control over its decisions.

But make no mistake about it: This is just an early strategic choice that defenders of modern government have to make in response to the emergence of the Constitution in Exile. The next ones are likely to be tougher.

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Sunstein is a Bloomberg Opinion columnist. He is the author of "The Cost-Benefit Revolution" and a co-author of "Nudge: Improving Decisions About Health, Wealth and Happiness."

Read more here:

Biden needs a battle plan to defend modern government - The Advocate

What You Need To Know About A Roth IRA Now – Forbes

Celebrate more tax-free income with a ROTH IRA in 2020.

Roth IRAs have been around for more than 20 years, and many people may take them for granted. Even modest contributions over time can translate into a substantial amount of tax-free income throughout your retirement. The uber-rich may wish for the tax-free income potential, but they often make too much income to be able to contribute to this type of retirement account. For the rest of us, the responsibility to set up and fund a Roth IRA falls squarely on our shoulders.


A Roth IRA is a type of retirement account. Unlike a Traditional IRA or 401(k), you will not receive a tax deduction when you make contributions, but your money will grow tax-free and can be withdrawn tax-free during retirement. (That's assuming you follow a few Roth IRA rules).

The good news for procrastinators is you can contribute to a Roth IRA when you are filing your taxes for the previous year. The sooner the contribution is made, the further into the future, your potential investment earnings will be sheltered from taxation.

For 2020, if you are married and filing jointly, each spouse can make a full $6,000 Roth IRA contribution if they have an AGI (adjusted gross income) of less than $196,000. For singles, that number is a bit lower at $124,000. Contribution limits drop if you earn more than these amounts, and you can't contribute at all if you are lucky enough to make more than $206,000 as a married couple and $139,000 as a single individual. Notice, there is a marriage penalty in play here. I'm just saying.

If your income is close to the threshold limits above, consider saving the $6,000 throughout the year into a regular investment account. Then, take those funds and put the maximum you are allowed into the Roth IRA when filing taxes. I find it is often easier to come up with money over a year's time versus scrapping together a large lump sum at tax time.

Like a fine wine, Roth IRAs get better with age.

There are two ways a Roth IRA gets better as you age. First, there is an allowable catch-up contribution of $1,000, per year, for those who have reached 50 years oldbringing the total contribution to $7,000 per year. On the other hand, the longer you hold a Roth, the more valuable the tax-free growth may become.

A Spousal ROTH IRA can help you become a ROTH IRA Millionaire faster and easier.

Roth IRA for Spouses

Even if your spouse doesn't work, you may still be able to open a Spousal Roth IRA. Whether your life partner is a stay-at-home parent or just between jobs, a spousal contribution will allow your household to contribute to the non-earning spouse. This, of course, assumes you qualify for contributions based on the aforementioned income limits.

Ignore This Benefit: Easy Access to Money

For those of you who are just getting started, tying up money until you retire may scare the crap out of you. What happens if you have an emergency or need money? Roth IRA owners can withdraw their contributions after they have been in the account for five years, for any reason, without owing taxes or penalties. I mention this as a nice, friendly kick in the butt to make sure you get started saving. There is no excuse not to plan for the future. I say to ignore it because if you use this account as a piggy bank, you will likely never accumulate enough wealth to achieve financial independence, let alone maintain a basic standard of living in retirement. Bottom line you can touch the money, BUT DON'T.

To have full access to your "tax-free withdrawal," you need to fulfill the five-year rule. This rule means you can't withdraw your earnings, tax-free, without owing taxes for at least five years from the beginning of the tax year for which you made your first Roth IRA contribution. This applies even if you are older than 59 .

Of course, you can still pull out all of your contributions at any time. If you've been saving for years, and have a substantial Roth IRA, this rule shouldn't really cause much of an issue. On the other hand, if you are starting late, make sure to work with your CPA and fiduciary financial planner on a smart withdrawal strategy so you can potentially avoid unwanted taxation on your Roth IRA distributions.

Double Tax Benefit for Certain People

No, I'm not talking about some tax loophole for the super-rich. For once, there is a tax benefit exclusively for those in the lower tax brackets. As I mentioned above, you don't get a tax deduction when you contribute to a Roth IRA, but you also don't have to pay taxes when you make withdrawals in retirement. (If you follow the simple Roth IRA rules.) That being said, there is an extra tax bonus for low-income workers who are smart enough to make Roth IRA contributions. This bonus comes in the form of the saver's credit. If, in 2020, you make less than $32,500, single, or $65,000 as a married couple, you can potentially receive a tax credit for 10-50% of your contributions to a Roth IRA. This credit is a dollar for dollar reduction of your taxes owed. For those who don't owe taxes, you can receive the credit as a refund.

Can You Become A Roth IRA Millionaire?

Just for illustration, if you were to contribute $6,000 to a Roth IRA from the age of 22 until the age of 70, how much money do you think you would have? You would have contributed $288,000, which is not a small amount of money. Assuming a 10% annual return, your Roth IRA could potentially be worth $5,761,000. Keep in mind; this money can be withdrawn tax-free. If this isn't motivation to start a Roth IRA today, I don't know what is. The earlier you get starting investing for retirement, the more likely you are to become a ROTH IRA millionaire.

There is no better day than today to get started on the road to financial independence. Reach out to a fiduciary certified financial planner to help develop a plan to make sure you are on track for your various financial goals. Whether you are just starting in the workforce or eying retirement, there is always a way to improve your financial health.

Read more:

What You Need To Know About A Roth IRA Now - Forbes

How to invest on your own and achieve financial independence Pocketful of Dirhams – The National

For people new to the world of investing, buying stocks can be a scary concept, particularly during periods of extreme volatility.

But according to SimplyFI.org, a non-profit community of personal finance and investing enthusiasts in the UAE, investing does not need to be complex at all. It says the process can actually be quite simple and you can master the basics in a couple of hours.

To help residents achieve this, the group has launched its first guide to investing. Called Index Investing & Financial Independence for Expats, Getting Started Guide, it can be downloaded for free from SimplyFI.org or through their Facebook page.

The group, whose other goal is to help each another achieve financial independence, believes the best way to generate wealth for your future is to put your money in low-cost exchange traded funds (ETFs), and leave it there over the long term.

So what does this new guide teach us? How does a passive investment strategy help secure your financial future? And how can we all go about achieving financial independence?

Host Alice Haine, the personal finance editor of The National, is joined by Elie Irani, the guides main author and a board member of SimplyFI.org, and Sebastien Aguilar, who founded the group in the UAE.

Updated: July 14, 2020 08:52 AM


How to invest on your own and achieve financial independence Pocketful of Dirhams - The National

Child Trafficking Myths vs. Facts – Save the Children

Child trafficking affects every country in the world, including the United States. Children make up 27% of all human trafficking victims worldwide, and two out of every three identified child victims are girls[i].

Trafficking, according to the United Nations, involves three main elements[ii]:

There is much misinformation about what trafficking is, who is affected and what it means for a child to be trafficked. Read on to learn more about the myths vs. facts of child trafficking.

MYTH: Traffickers target victims they dont know

FACT: A majority of the time, victims are trafficked by someone they know, such as a friend, family member or romantic partner.

MYTH: Only girls and women are victims of human trafficking

FACT: Boys and men are just as likely to victims of human trafficking as girls and women. However, they are less likely to be identified and reported. Girls and boys are often subject to different types of trafficking, for instance, girls may be trafficked for forced marriage and sexual exploitation, while boys may be trafficked for forced labor or recruitment into armed groups.

MYTH: All human trafficking involves sex or prostitution

FACT: Human trafficking can include forced labor, domestic servitude, organ trafficking, debt bondage, recruitment of children as child soldiers, and/or sex trafficking and forced prostitution.

MYTH: Trafficking involves traveling, transporting or moving a person across borders

FACT: Human trafficking is not the same thing as smuggling, which are two terms that are commonly confused. Trafficking does not require movement across borders. In fact, in some cases, a child could be trafficked and exploited from their own home. In the U.S., trafficking most frequently occurs at hotels, motels, truck stops and online.

MYTH: People being trafficked are physically unable to leave or held against their will

FACT: Trafficking can involve force, but people can also be trafficked through threats, coercion, or deception. People in trafficking situations can be controlled through drug addiction, violent relationships, manipulation, lack of financial independence, or isolation from family or friends, in addition to physical restraint or harm.

MYTH: Trafficking primarily occurs in developing countries

FACT: Sex trafficking occurs all over the world, though the most common forms of trafficking can differ by country. The United States is one of the most active trafficking countries in the world, where exploitation of trafficking victims occurs in cities, suburban and rural areas. Labor trafficking occurs in the U.S., but at lower rates than most developing countries.

If you suspect someone is a victim of trafficking, contact the National Human Trafficking Resource Centerat 1-800-373-7888. The confidential hotline is open 24 hours a day, every day, and helps identify, protect and serve victims of trafficking.


[i] Give Her a Choice: Building A Better Future For Girls (Save the Children)

[ii]United Nations Office on Drug and Crime

Here is the original post:

Child Trafficking Myths vs. Facts - Save the Children